Extracts from the Parish Registers of Edenbridge

( 283 ) EXTRACTS PROM THE PARISH REGISTERS OP EDENBRIDGE. EDITED BY GRANVILLE EEVESON-GOWER, E.S.A. THE first Register Book has a vellum cover with black and red letter, being part of a book of prayers of late fifteenth or early sixteenth century. Earliest Register: Pirst page torn. On second page five entries running baptismal name " Thomasyn." ? 1§46, Baptizatus fuit Antonius Marchant Alius Thome Marchant xxvi die Novembris. Pages 5 and 6 gone. Page 7, date 1547. Page 9, date 1549. ? 154G-7, Baptizata fuit Thomasina Stanford filia Jo. Stanford quarto dio februarii. ? 1546-7, Baptizata fuit Agnes Stanford filia . . . . x die februarii. 1547, Sepulta fuit Anna Stanford filia Wi. Stanford xxiiii die Deoe'bris. ? 1548, Baptizatus fuit Johes Homden Alius ? Jn° Homden die . . . . 1548, Baptizatus fuit Thomas Stanford filius Willi Stanford xxii die Augusti. 1548-9, Baptizata fuit Margarita Marchant filia Thorn. Marchajat vii die februarii. Eight Marriages 1549. 1549, Sepulta Johana Stanford ux. Johis Stanford xxv die Maii. 1549, Bap. Margareta Homden filia Joh. Homden ii die Junii. 1549, Bap. Johna Homdeu filia Joh. Homden ii Junii. 1549, Baptizatus fuit ? richardus Salyard Alius Thorn. Salyard ii die Junii. 1549, Sepulta Tbomisian p'son familia Johis Edsoll viii die August. 1549, Sepultus Robertus Edsoll filius Jo. Edsoll xx die Sept. 1549, Sepultus Ryohardus Tychborne iii die Octobris. 1550, Bap. Johes Homdeu fil. Job. Homden xii Ap. 1550, Bap. Johes Salyerd filius Johis Salierd xxix die Aprilis. 1550, Bap. Thomas Edsoll fl). Johis Edsoll xiii die Sept. —1551, Antbonius Homden fil. Willi Homden xiii Jan. [Two pages gone.] Nupfcisc inter Johem ? pers et Joha' Stanford xx . . . . 1553, Sepult Margeria Homden xx Julii. 1553, Bap. Margaret Homden filia Thome 21 Sep. 1554, Nup iuter Will. Chorton et Agnes Nudyat xx die Maii. 1554, Baptizatus Anfchonius Stanford filius Jo. Stanford xxix die Junii. 1554, Sep. Margarit Homden filia Thorn, xiii die Oot. [Page cut in half.] 1554, Bap. Whillemus Marchant filius Jo. Marchant xiii die Oct. 1555, Bap. Johes Edsall fil. [Georgii] Edsoll vi die Junii. 1555-6, Johes Sands filius Egidii Sands iiii die Januarii. 1555-6, Pranciscus Saliard filius Johis Saliard xv die Martii. 1556, Bap. Maurioius Homden filius Johis Homden x die Junii. 1556'-7, Bap. Nicolaus fostr filius Johis fosf viii die faberuarii. 1556-7, Bap- Joha Homden fil. Johis Homden xii Octob. 1557, Sep. fuit Georgius Goodrike iii die Augusti. 284 EXTRACTS EROM THE 1557, Sep. fuit Johes tychebourne xiii die Augustii. 1557, Nuptia facta fuit iuter Richard mirth et Joha Selyard xvi die Junii. 1557, Nuptia facta fuit inter Richard Woolf et Thomsyn Holmeden xxiii die November. 1557, Sepultus fuit Thomas Salyard xxii die Septe'bris. 1557, Sepult fuit Elizabet Standford filia Wyllmi Stanford de grynsted x die Novembris. 1557, Sepult fuit barnard marchant xviii die Novembris. 1557, Sepult fuit Robart marchaunt xxi die Novembris. QUEENE ELIZABETHE. Hereafter folowet the names of all those that was baptized w'in pa'och of Etonberg in the yeere of or Lorde Gode MCCCCCLVIII unto the full ende & therme of the same yere. 1558, Morys Sands the sonne of gyllys Sands the xii daye of Apryll was baptyzed. 1558, John Wetherbye & John Wetberbye ye sonnes of Thomas Wetherbye ye xviii daye of December was baptyzed. 1558, Roger Bertlett & Jane Holmeden was maryed the ii daye of Maye. 1558, Henrye Edsall & Margett Stanforde xix of January. 1558, Bur. John Stanford the xvi daye of Julye. 1558, Bur. John Edsall the viii"1 daye of October. 1558, Bur. Jobn Marchant the ix daye of December. 1558-9, Bur. Clement Stanforde tbe xxvii of Januarye. 1558-9, Bur. Mr John Selyarde the iii day Marche. 1558-9, Nicolas Stanforde the ix daye of Marche. 1559, Mar. John Poster & Margrett Seliarde the v"1 of Ootober. 1559, John Edsall bap. xxvi of Agust. 1559, Bur. Henrye Edsall tbe viii"1 daye of Maye. 1559, Mar. Wyllm Stanforde & Jelyan Smithe tbe xxviii"1 of Maye. Mar. Wyllm Payne & Margett tycheborne the xi of January (1560). [? Thorn] ison tycheborne the xxi of Januarye (1560) bur. 1560, Bur. Marye Marchant the xxx of Marche. 1560, Item Thomas Marchant the xi of Aprill. 1560, Item Johan Stanford the xvi day of April. 1560, Item Moryse Sandes the seconde of Maye. 1560, Bap. Thomas Sands the vii day of Maye. 1560, Bap. alis Edsall the v of November. 1560, Mar. Edward Prancis & margrett Edsall iii December. 1560, John Marohaunt & Joanne Pyggyne the x of December. 1560-61, William lennard & Anna Parkynes xiii January. 1560-61, Nycolas Marchant & margret godbelpe xi february. 1561, Bap. Clemence Marohaunt the x day of December. 1561-2, Edward Basset & Mawdelyne Selyard the xiii of January. 1561-2, I t" Alysawnder Cotty & Katheryne tycheboorne ye xx day (Jan., Peb., or Mar.) 1562. 1562, Joane Holmden ye wyf of John Holmden ye thyrd of June. 1562, Anne Marchant tbe dawghter of John Marchant baptized ye iii . . . . 1562, Itm Wyllam holmden ye sonne of John holmden was baptysyd ye xi day of December. 1562, Thomas Woodgate & gylyan Stanford were maryed ye xx daye of September. 1562, Mary Potter ye dawghter of Mr Thomas Pottee was buryed the xiiii day of October. 1562, John Stanford ye sonne of John Stanford was buryed ye v"1 day of . . . . [Marriages and Burials torn out 1563.] 1563, Alysaunder Stanford ye sonne of John Stanford bap. ye vii day of October. 1564, Mary Stanford ye dawghter of Wyll"1'1 Stanford bap. vii"1 Maye. 1564, Bryane Styddole the soone of pbylype Styddole bap. xxviii of Maye. 1564, Alys Marchaunt ye dawghter of John Marchaunt bap. ye xxtn of Augustii. PARISH REGISTERS OP EDENBRIDGE. 28 5 1564-5, Robart Cottye ye s. of Alysawnder Cottye bap. 1 Peb. 1564-5, Thomas Holmeden thelder bur. x of Marche. 1565, John Homlden bur. xviii of Maye. 1565, Bartram Bassett ye sonne of Edward basset was christened ye xx daye of ffebruar. 1565, George Edsall ye sonne of Gawin ? Edsall christ. xiii Oct. in anno 1566. [Pages gone.] 1568, Mr Thomas Dyllwoorthe & Thomsyn fullare was marryed the ix d. of Nov. 1568, John Netlyngham son of John bap. 21 Sep. 1568-9, Thomas Cottye s. of John Cottye bap. 30 Jan. 1568-9, Anna Edsall d. of Gawin Edsall 12 Mar. 1568-9, Henry Hodden s. of John Holmden bap. 19 Mar. 1569, James Stanford ye sonne of Harry Stanford bap. xix Marche. 1569, Rychard Edsall s. of John Edsall bur. 7 August. 1569, John Holmeden the elder bur. 20 Jan. (1569). 1569, Dorryty Edsall d. of John Edsall 17 Ap. bap. 1569, Ann Stanford d. of Wyllm Stanford xvi October. 1569, Alys Holmden wife of Thos. bur. 1 Aug. 1569, Katheryne Marchaunt d. of John Marchaunt bur. xv August. 1569, Wyllm Stanford s. of Wyllm Stanford bur. xxvii"1 October. 1569, Jane Marchaunt d. of John Marchaunt bap. 30 October. 1569-70, Edward Basset was bur. the vii daye of Januarii. 1569-70, Thos. Cottye s. of Alisauuder bap. 8 Jan. 1570. 1569, Master Rafe Sheares & Jeane Holmeden weare marryed 15 Nov. Elyzabeth Basset the daughter of Edwarde Basset bap. xv Maye 1570. 1570, George Plonmey s. of Edmond Plomney bap. iiii June. 1570, Thomas Edsall & Thomsyne Cheverton maryed 17 June. Mathew Holmden & Mawdlyne basset, wyddowe, was maryed the 28 Nov. 1570. 1570-71, Robert Marchaunt & Joane Wood xxviii of Januarye. George Sheeres s. of Mr Rafe Sheers bap. 14 Jan. 1570-1. 1570, Margret Holmden the wyf of Thomas Holmden bur. 27 Ap. 1570, John Stanford the elder 25 October. Sence ? bowyare ye d. of Mr Bowyar bur. 22 Jan. 1570-1. Jane Edsall d. of Gawyne Edsall bur. 4 Peb. (1571). George Edsall s. of Gawin Edsall bur. 3 Mar. (1571). 1571, George Stanford s. of Harrye Stanford bap. vi Maye. 1571, Mary Caultrope the daughter of Mr Bartram Caultrope, Esquier, bap, 1 July. 1571, Thomas Holmeden s. of Thos. Holmden 29 Sep. bap. Margarite Cottye d. of Alisawnder Cottye bap. 9 Mar. 1571-2. 1572, ffraunces Holmden ye sonne of John Holmden bap. 19 Ap. 1572, Joane Holmden d. of Matthew Holmden bap. 4 May. 1572, Agnes Easyngeherst d. of Wm Kasingherste bap. 15 June. 1571, George Holmeden & Joane Wrighte mar. 22 Oot. Raynold Medherst & Ane Holmden 16 Jan. 1571-2. John fullare & Thomsyne Holmeden 16 June 1571-2. John Marchant s. of John Marchant bap. v September. Jesper Plomeney s. of Edward Plomeney bap. x Oot. 1572, Mary Holmeden d. of George Holmeden, Juner, bap. 21 Dec. Margaret ye d. of Mr Barthram Caulthorpe bap. 25 Jan. 1572-3. Margaret & thomsyne & rachell ye ds of James Delton bap. 3 Mar. 1572-3; Margaret bur. xi Mar. 1572-3 ; Rachell bur. 19 July 1573 ; Thomsyn bur. 24 July 1573. Richard Cheverton bur. 29 Mar. 1573. 1573-4, John s. of Harry Stanford bap. 1 Jan. 1573, ffraunces ye sonne of John Holmeden bur. 12 Sep. 1573-4, Joane the wife of Harrye Stanford bur. 1 Peb. 1574, Martha d. of Mathewe Holmden bap. 9 Ap. 286 EXTRACTS PROM THE 1574, Elizabethe d. of W1" Kasyngherst bap. 21 Ap. 1574, Dorytie the daughter of Mr Callthrope was borne 21 May & bap. 24 Maye. 1574, Wyilm S. of Alyxaunder Cottye bap. 5 Sep. 1574, John s. of John Holmeden bap. 10 Sep. 1574, Joane d. of Thomas Edsall bap. 10 Jan. 1574-5. 1574, Harry Stanford & Johan Whisleye, widdowe, mar. 22 Nov. 1574, Martyne Edsall & Annes ashepoole was mar. 7 Dec. 1574. 1574, Margret Stanford bur. 13 May. 1575, Henry s. of George Holmeden bap. 20 May. 1575, Robart the sonne of Mr Robart Heathe bap. 21 May. 1575, James s. of Andrew Cole bap. 26 June ; Mr . . . . Askekue my lord broughe's man godfather, Timothye Challyner of London the other godfather, &• Katherin ye wif of Alexaund' Cotty godmother. 1575, Jaine d. of John Marchaunt bap. 7 Auguste; Thomas Segrove, gent., godfather, Mrs Joane danby & Isare combe godmothers. 1575, John s. of Martyne Edsall bap. 13 August; John Holmden, Junior, & John Marchaunt godfathers, & margret the wyf of George Holmden godmother. 1576, Katheryne d. of Rob. Basset bap. 12 Jan.; John Paulmer godfather, Katherine Ownsted, Joane Taylor godmothers. 1576, Alexaunder s. of Alex. Cottie bap. 17 Marche; Morris tychebourue, gent., & John bullman, gent., godfathers, Jane ye wif of M'ty ? Cotty godmother. 1577, . . . . s. of Robarte Sharpe bap. 12 May; Mr Robarte Heathe, Robarte Lighe godfathers, M™ Jane poyser godmother. 1577, Jane d. of W1" Kasinghurst bap. 28 May. Catherine d. of John Marchaunt bap. 11 July 1577 ; Andrew Medhurst Godfather, Katherine wife of Thos. Hutchins & Agnes wife of Martyn Edsall godmothers. John Brooke & Margret heathe mar. 3 Jan. 1577. 1577, Rafe medhurst & Joane Holmeden mar. 15 Sep. 1577, Anthony Stanford & Joane Spacherst 9 Dec. 1577, Edmond s. of Edmond plomuey bap. 18 Aug. 1577, Clemens ye d. of Thomas Edsall bap. 13 Sep.; Richard Edsall godfather, Joane wife of Thomas Head & Clemens Cheverton godmothers. 1577, Martha d. of John Holmden bap. 21 Sep.; Wm Kasiughurste godfather, Alis tychebourne & Anne yc wif of John Pallmer godmothers. 1576-7, George Holmden bur. 17 Jan. 1576-7, Jobn Cottye 10 Peb. Mr. Robart Selyard was buried xx Jan. 1577. 1577-8, Will"1 ye son of John Cronkbap. 24 Jan.; Bur. 29 April 1578 ; Mr William Seliarde, Mr John Seliarde godfathers, Katherine ye wif of Alexaunder Cotty godmother. 1577-8, Harry ye Ron of Martyne Edsall bap. 24 Jan.; Thomas Quittentone, Richard Edsall godfathers, Alis Edsall godmother. 1578, Anne ye d. of Mr Robarte Heath bap. xiiii Sep.; Nycolas Suliard godfather, Alis potter, gentwooman, Joan Sulyard, gentwooman, godmothers. 1578, Eliz. ye d. of George Holmeden bap. 14 Deo.; Mathewe Holmden godfather. 1578, Anna Dilworthe Nata 27 Dec.; baptizata 4 Jan. 1578-9; Anna ye daughter of Mr dylwoorthe was bap. ye 4 Jan.; Jespar Holmeden godfather, Anna wif of Robart fullar, Margreat w. of M' Durtnall godmothers. 1578, John napkynge & agnes cottye, wyddowe, mar. 20 July. 1578, Wm s. of Alex. Cottye bap Mr Robart Heath, John Byrstowe god., Clemens wife of M'tyn Spacherst [torn]. 1578, Andrewe Cotty bur. 9 Oct. Alexander Cottye bur. x Jan. 1578-9. George Pearse & Margaret Stanford mar. 10 July 1579. 1579, Wm Smythe & Alis Holmden, wyddow, mar. 18 Oct. 1579, Anthony Harris & Jane Holmeden, widdowe, mar. 8 Peb. (1580). 1579-80, Mr Gawin heard & Katheryne Cottie, wyddowe, mar. 11 Peb. PARISH REGISTERS OP EDENBRIDGE. 28 7 1579, (Mr Thomas Dillwoorth, Alyce tychebourne, Mrs Alice potter, sponsors ) 1579, John Holmden bur. 6 Nov. Jeaue ye wife of Alexaunder Williams was buryed the first daie of July a01590, & too children with byr that daie, & another of Anthony Stanford's ye same tyme. 1580, Nycolas s. of Martyne Edsall bap. 7 Aug.; John Edsall godfather. 1581, Rafe mawe & Mary Styddoll mar. 4 June. Samuell the sonne of Mr Gawin hearde was borne 5 & bap. 6 Jan. 1580-1; Robart fullar, M'tyne Cottie godfathers, Alice ye wif of Robert Lighe godmother. Will"1 ye s. of Anthony Stanford bom xii Maye, bap. xiiii Maye 1581. Thomsyn Edsall, wyddowe, bur. 2 Peb. 3580-1. 1580-1, Joane Holmden, widdowe, bur. 4 Marche. 1580-1, Joane Sands, widdow, buried 4 March. Mrs Alice potter godmother 1581, July. 1 Dec. 1581, Alis potter, widdow, gent., godmother. Dennys d. of W11 Kasyngehurste born 17 Jan. & bap. 18, 1581-2; Michell Kasynghurste godfather. Anthony Holmeden, Matthew Holmden godfathers 1582. Morrys ye s. of Thomas Basset borne 7 June, bap. xi, 1582 ; Mr William Suliard, Mr Morrys Tichebourne godfathers, Isabell ye viife of Nicholas Lighe godmother. Marye ye daughter of Mr George tichebourne was borne xxvi of June & baptized the firste of Julie A0 dom. 1582 ; Mr Robarte Heathe godfather, MrS Mary Potter ye wief of M' Thomas potter, M™ Dorytie Suliard ye wif of Mr W'" Suliard godmothers. Elizabeth the Daughter of Mr Will'm Suliard was borne ye xxviii"1 Daie of Julii & was baptized the x of Augusti A01582; Mr Thomas Willuigbye [.sir], Esquier, godfather, Lady Dorytie Walsynghame* & Mr3 Alice Potter, wyddowe, godmothers. Susan yo d. of George Holmeden born 5 Aug., bap. 12, 1582; Robert Holmden godfather, Alice ye wif of Thomas Suliard, Clemens ye wif of Martyne Spatcherst godmothers. [Elizabeth wife of Nich. Holmeden godmother 1582.] Edward ye sonne of Mr Robart Moyse was borne ye friday ye 2 Nov. half an hower befor ix of clok at uyght & bap. ye 12"1 of the same monethe 1582 ; Mr William Suliard, Mr Morrys Tichebourne godfathers, Mr" Mary Potter godmother. Martyne sonne of Martyne Edsall born 27 Nov., bap. 2 Dec. 1582; Margreat w. of John Edsall "godmother 1582. [Katheryne wife of Mr Gawin herds godmother, Mr Nich. Suliard & Henry Stanford godfathers, Mistres Sara potter, 1582. Mathew Holmden godfather Mar. 1583.] Elisabeth ye Daughter of Robarte Stanford was borne ye 13 of January & baptized ye xiii"1 of same moneth 1582 ; John Stanford godfather, Joane Stanford & Elizabeth Holmeden godmothers. Elisabethe the daughter of Mr Gawin herde, Minister, was borne 13 daie of Maye & was baptized 20 of same 1582; Henry Stanford godfather, Syllvester yc wif of M1' George tychebourne & Elisabeth the wif of John Crouke godmothers. Mary d. of Mr Thomas Doove born vi, bap. 12 Peb. 1583-4; Jobn Lighe, gent., godfather, the wif of Mr John Studlye, Emme wif of Reynold Medhurste godmothers. 1584, Elisabeth ye daughter of M* Thomas Doove bur. 30 May 1584. John ye sonne of Anthony Stanford bur. 22 Dec. 1584. * She was wife of Sir Thomas Walsingham of Scadbury, Knt., and daughter of Sir John Guldeford, Kut. She died 1584. 288 EXTRACTS PROM THE Joane the wife of Henry Stanford bur. 7 Jan. 1584-5. Mr Fraunces Tiche Bourne & M™ Joane poyser was maried 16 daie of November A"0 Dom. 1585. 1585, Henry Stanford & Joane Hayward, widdow, was maried the 13 of September. [Julian wife of William Stanford, Alexaunder Stanford Sponsors in 1584.] Olyver the sonne of Mr George Tichebourne was borne xviii"1 of Maie And Baptized the laste of the same monethe A" 1584; Morris Tichebourne, Gent., & Robart Olyver Godfathers, Alishe Tichebourne, gentyllwooman, Godmother. [Mr" Dorytie Sulyard wife of Mr William Suliard & M'» Anna Heath wife of Mr Robart Heath godmothers 12 July 1584. Sylvester Mr George Tichebourne's wife Godmother 20 Sep. 1584. Raynolde Holmeden, Junior, Godfather Oct. 1584. Robert Stanford and Joane Stanford, widow, & Matthew Holmden, Dec. 1584.] John the sonne of Anthoni Stanford was borne ye 19 of Dece'ber And Baptized the 20 daie of the same moneth 1584; John Soane & Alexaunder Stanford Godfathers, Anna Bridges ye wife of Henry Bridges Godmother. Thomas ye sonne of Olyver Boothebee was Borne ye 10"1 of february And Baptized the 14 Daie of the same moonethe A0 Dom. 1585; The Laydie Broughe* Godmother, Mr Thomas Gainsford & M' Counstable Godfathers. [Mr William Suliard, Mr Robert Heath, & Mawdelyne the wife of Matthew Holmdens Sponsors 17 Nov. 1585.] William the sonne of Martyne Edsall was borne ye 25th of Marohe And Baptized 27th of the same moonethe A" Dom. 1585(-6); William Ware, Andrew Stanford Godfathers, Mary Casyngehurst & Anna Cole Godmothers. [John Holmeden of Croydon, Julyan wife of William Stanford Sponsors 1586-7.t] Phillipe Stiddoll buried 19 October 1586. George Holmeden buried 15 March 1586-7. Maurys Holmeden & Alice Beecher was maryed 6 Peb. 1587-8. Robarte the sonne of Master Nicholas Suliard was borne ye 22"1 of Septe'ber And was Baptized the 25 of September A" D'ni 1586. Sara the dawghter of George Holmeden bap. 18 Nov. 1586. George & Alice ve sonne & dawghter of Thomas Stanford bap. 2 Peb. 1586-7. William the sonne of Robert Stanford bap. 24 Peb. 1586-7. George ye sonne of Mr William Sulyard bap. 19 March 1586-7. William the sonne of M' George Tichebourne bap. 15 April 1587. Joanna the daughter of Anthony Stanford bap, 26 Nov. 1587. Wm the sonne of Thomas Stanford, Junior, bap. 15 Oct. 1588. John the sonne of Mr William Suliard bap. 28 Oct. 1588. Dorytie the daughter of Mr Nicholas Suliard was borne the 22 Peb. and was baptized 2 March 1588-9. ffraunces ye dawghter of Jesper Holmeden bap. 9 March 1588-9. Easter d. of Martyne Edsall bap. 13 July 1589. Anthony Netlynggam & Elizabeth Moreley mar. 1 April 1589. Ann the dawghter of Thomas Stanford bap. 30 Nov. 1589. James ye sonne of Mr William Sulyard bap. 1 January 1589-90. Margaret the daughter of Mr Nicholas Suliard bap. 21 April 1590. Wra Holmeden ye youngar bur. 9 Aprill 1588. Raynold Holmeden ye elder bur. 16 Dec. 1588. Alexaunder Stanford bur. 18 Aprill 1589. Joane the wife of Henry Stanford bur. 25 Aprill 1589. * Katherine daughter of Edward Clinton, Earl of Lincoln, wife of William, fifth Lord Borough, of Sterborough Castle, Lingfield, bur. at Lingfield 11 Oot. 1584. She was buried at Lingfield August 14, 1621. t Tbe 12th August 1586 is the last date at which the sponsors are given. PARISH REGISTERS OP EDENBRIDGE. 28 9 Riohard the soone of Mr Richard Boss bur. 24 June 1589. Alis Cottie, widdowe, bur. 25 Aug. 1589. Henry Stanford bur. 5 Peb. 1589-90. Margret wife of W111 Holmden bur. 21 Oct. 1590. Anna the daughter of Mr W"1 Seliard bap. 12 Oct. 1591. Thomas Prye & Doritie Edsall married 16 Nov. 1591. Joane the daughter of Thomas Stanford bap. 12 Mar. 1591-2. Gawein Edsall buried 18 Nov. 1590. Marye the dawghter of humfrey Jemet buried 14 Aprill 1591. Alice the wife of humfrey Jemet buried last daie of August 1591. Joane Jemet was buryed the 23 January 1591-2. Susan the daughter of Master Coooke was buried ye last daie of July 1592. Alice Stiddoll, widdowe, bur. 23 daie of Sep. 1592. William Holmden the elder was buried ix Jan. 1592-3. Robart fullar bur. xi of marche A0 dom. 1592. Thomas & Elizabeth sonne & daughter of Martyne Edsall bap. 6 Aweguste 1592. . . . . the daughter . . . . Nicholas Seliard bap. 2 Oct. 1592. ? Elizabethe ye daughter of Andrewe Stanford bap. 4 Oot. 1592. Humfrey ye sonne of humfrey Jemyt was bap. xiii May 1593. Eiohard Tonge mar. 29 Maie 1592. Henry Puller & Alice Stanford mar. 22 Nov. 1592. Thomas Bower & Elizabeth Stretfeeld was maried ye 28 of Jan. 1593-4. William the sonne of Mr George Tichebourne bur. 12 Sep. 1593. Robert Stanford bur. 9 Oct. 1593. M' Riohard Selliard bur. 16 July 1594. Thomas Savige and Alica Stanford, widdowe, mar. 14 Maie 1594. Reynold Holmden & Anna Cole was married 3 Dec. 1594. Richard Dudley & Annes potter maried 16 June 1595. Mary the daughter of Andrew Stanford bap. 11 Sep. 1594. Will'm the sonne of Master W"1 Seliard bap. 24 Nov. 1594. Thabiaye daughter of Henry Smithe bap. 23 Pebruary 1594-5. Mary the daughter of Mr Nicholas Selliard bap. 18 June 1595. Arter the sonne of Mr Arter Gaynsford bap. 25 July 1595; hee was baptized at Eatonbridg, borne at Crowhurst in Surrye. Riohard ye sone of humfrey Jeemet bap. 3 Aug. 1595. Margaret daughter of William Stanford bur. 14 Sep. 1595. John son of Thomas Stanford the elder bap. 3 Marche 1595-6. Will'm Silyard, Esquyre, was buryed the 26 Marche 1595-6. Eliz. d. of Renold Holmden bap. 25 May 1596. Marye the daughter of Mr Nioholis Sylyerd bur. 8 July 1596. John the sonne of Mr John Sylyard bap. 29 of Julii 1596. Joane the daughter of martyn Edsall bap. 8 Aug. 1596. Joan daughter of Andrew Stanford bap. 10 Oct. 1596. Mother Baley was buried 21 Oot. 1596. George the sonne of Renold Holmden of the p'yshe of Crowhurst in the County of Surry was baptized 29 Nov. 1597. Elizabeth the daughter of Mr John Seyliard bap. 23 Maroh 1597-8. Will'm Morsee and Anne Edsall mar. 3 Dec. 1601. ffrancis . . sonne of John Selyard, ge'tleman, bap. 19 Oct. 1601. Silvester d. of Morthyn Parker bap. June 1602. Myhill the sonn of Joseph Staly bap. 6 Peb. 1602-3. My hill Hayward & Mary Cassingherst . . . . Jan. 1602-3. Thomas the sonn of Martine Edsoll bur. 6 Peb. 1602-3.* * This is the last entry in the oldest Register. There are several pages at the end which have in the margin the name of a place, foUovved by that oisome person, e.g., " Tunbridge, Richarde Gilbarde the 29° of October A° Regni Elizabethe (29"') Endeth the 19'" of Julii A0 Dom. 1587.' TO!,, XXX. V 290 EXTRACTS PROM THE The second book is headed Eatonbridge Parish | in the Countye | of Kent 1638. Baptisms. Elisebeth the Daughter of Edward Potter was bap. ye 22 March 1639-40. Adhara the son of Thomas Toller of Brasted was bap. ye 3 June 1640. Tristram the sone of Thomas Berisford was bap. the 4 day of Agust 1642. Henry the sone of Henry Edsole 8 day of Agust 1642. Nickcolas son of Henry Edsole 14 May 1643. Elisabeth the dafter of Henry Edsole the younger 30 July 1643. Mary the dafter of Mr John Sillyarde was baptized the 28 day of Desimber 1643. Ann the dafter of James Stanford b. 18 day of Agust 1644. John the sonn of Andrew Stanford b. 3 dai of Aprill 1645. Henry s. of Henry Edsole b. 27 Aprill 1645. Mary d. of Henry Edsole b. 21 Sep. 1645. Thomas the sonn of Mr Thomas Berisford b. 28 Sep. 1645. Sara d. of Rob. Holmden b. 17 Sep. 1646. Robert s. of Andrew Stanford b. 26 Nov. 1646. John the son of John Stretfild b. 15 June 1647. Jone the d. of Andrew Stanford b. 4 Aprill 1648. Jane the daughter of Mr John Sellyard b. 28 May 1648. Elizabeth d. of James Stanford b. 8 Aprill 1649. Ann the daughter of Mr Thomas Berisford 4 Nov. 1649. Recherd the sonn of Mr John Head the minister of this parris was bap. 1 day of October 1650. Elisabethe the d. of Mr Whetley b. 27 July 1651. Margret d. of Mr John Head the minster of the parris 1' Jan. 1651-2. Jane d. of Henery Edsole 11 Jan. 1651-2. Thomas the sonn of James Stanford b. 18 March 1651-2. Mickell the sonn of Mr Thomas Berisford bap. 28 Mar. 1652. Elizabeth d. of Andrew Stanford b. 8 May 1652. Margrite the daughter of Mr Robert Jemet b. 8 May 1653. Thomas the sonn of Andrew Stanford b. 17 Nov. 1653. Elisabethe the dafter of Mr Robert Jemet Borne 19 June 1654. Jouse d. of Henery Edsole bap. 17 Aug. 1654. George s. of Aundrew Stanford b. 22 Aprill 1655. Mickill the sonn of Mickell Petty was borne 23 Nov. 1655. Robert s. of Andrew Stanford b. 18 Nov. 1656. James s. of James Stanford b. 7 Sep. 1657. Willyam sou of Mr John Hedsolle born 24 Oct. 1657. John son of Mr John Hedsolle born 26 Desimber 1658. Elizabeth d. of Henry Stanford borne 11 Mar. 1660-1. Andrew & Mary childurne of Henry Stanford bap. 21 July 1662. Thomas Holmeden son of Thos. Holmeden bap. 5 Mar. 1662-3. Robarte the sonn of M' Robarte Sillyard was baptized the 22 day of Desimber 1663. Thos. the son of Thomas Holmeden bap. 21 Ap. 1664. Samuell the sonn of Mr John Wood was baptized the 20 day of October 1664. John the sonn of M* Robarte Sillyard bap. 20 Desimber 1664. Jone the dafter of Henery Stanford bap. 28 May 1665. Willyam the sonn of Thomas Holmeden bap. 9 Jau. 1665-6. Elizabeth the daughter of Mr Robarte Sillyard bap. 4 Mar. 1665-6. Baptized Elizabeth daughter of Mr Robert Seyliard April 4,1666. Alice the dafter of Henry Stanford Bap. 9 Jan. 1666-7. Prances ye daughter of Mr Robert Seyliard Bap. May 30, 1667. Elizabeth the daughter of John Head 10 Oct. 1667. John son of Thomas Holmden b. 26 Deo. 1667. Jane the d. of John Leigh of Browns 29 May 1668. Henry and John sons of Henry Stanford Were baptized 15 July 1668, PARISH REGISTERS OE EDENBRIDGE. 29 1 Mary ye daughter of Edward Stanford was bap. 21 April 1670. Riohard s. of M' Robert Alchorne 30 July 1670. Eliz. d. of Henry Edsole 3 Nov. 1670. Eliz. d. of John Head 28 Peb. 1670. Hannah the d. of Bartholemew Smith, minister, Nov. 21,1671. Mary d. of Joseph Moyse 24 Nov. 1671. Eliz. d. of Thos. Holmeden Ap. 8, 1672. Anne d. of Bar. Smith, Minister, Jan. 12, 1672. Thos. s. of Thomas Moyse 1 Peb. 1673. Mary d. of Thos. Holmeden 19 Mar. 1673-4. Robert the sonne of John Streatfield June 4, 1675. Hannah d. of Barth. Smith, minister, Aug. 24, 1675. Gabriel s. of Gabriel Forster 14 Oot. 1675. Matthew s. of Joseph Moyse Oct. 18,1675. Michael s. of Thos. Holmeden Oct. 28,1675. Eliz. d. of Thos. Moyse Aug. 13, 1676. Philippa d. of Thos. Holmeden Dec. 28, 1676. Richard s. of Barth. Smith, Minister, Sep. 28,1677. Eliz. d. of Thos. Moyse Sep. 29, 1677. Riohard sone of William Streatfield of Delaware in the p'ish of Brasted was bap. Dec. 17, 1677. ' Richard the son'e of John Streatfield bap. July 18, 1678. Rachell d. of Barth. Smith bap. Nov. 22, 1678. Rob' the sone of John Standfourd Maroh the 20"' day 1678-9. George s. of Thomas Holmden May 7, 1680. Elizabeth ye Daughter of John Standfourd June ye 14"1, 1681. Michael s. of Thomas Holmeden bap. Mar. 31, 1682. Jane ye Daughter of Zaehary Honour, Junr , 23 Oct. 1683. Jespers. of Tho. Holmeden Nov. 9,1683. Joseph & Eichard son'es of Edmund Browne of Haxted in ye p'ish of Liugvill Mar. 22, 1683-4. Jone the Daughter of John Standford December ye 25,1684. Anne ye Daughter of Robert Stanford Bap. June 8, 1685. Rachel the Daughter of Bartholemew Smith, Minister, was Baptized Oct. ye 21, 1686. Alice the Daughter of Rob' Standford was Baptized May 10,1687. Adam the sone of Adam Parmer bap. 21 June 1687. Sarah the Daughter of Michael Holmden was Baptized Sep. 16, 1687. [Baptisms end March 22, 1687-8.]* Mareges 1639. Edward Dapson and Ann the wife of Richard Lane was married the 28 day of November 1639 (1st entry). James Elwood and Catarine Edsole 17 Oct. 1642. Thomas Marshall and Ann Sylyard 22 September 1642. Mr Thomas Rogers & M" Barbarie Antrobus 20 Nov. 1644. Henery Edsole & Ann Ploe 27 Desimber 1653. [Sketch of a face on this page.] Thomas Holmeden & Adry Homes 22 May 1654. Mr Rechard Jemet & Mr" Bridget Shurly 2 Jan. 1654-5. Nicolas fntlin & Mary Edsoll 17 Ap. 1655. * Prom 1660—1671 occur the baptisms of several children of Michael Spacherst. He gave the cup to Edenbridge Church, on which is the name " Michaell Spharst," and date 1671. [See Archceologia Cantiana, vol. xvi., p. 395.] He signs the Churchwardens' Accounts in. 1691 and 1694 as Michaell Spatchrst, in 1697 Michaell Sptchrst, and in 1707 and 1711 either he or a son of the same name as Micha' Spatohurst. V 2 292 EXTRACTS PROM THE The Marriage Intended between Richard Euridge sonne of Richard Euridge of the parish of Sevenoks, yeoman, and Joane Streatfeild Daughter of John Streatfeild of the Parish of Etonbridge, yeoman (being published three severall Lord's Dayes in the parish Church of Eatonbridge), was solemnized before me in the presence of the said Richard Euridge, Senior, Joh. Streatfeild, & Robert Keeble the second day of October 1655. JOHN SETLIAED* William Moyle and Margrit Spachurst 12 July 1656. John Hadsoll, gentelman, and Mary Bucher, gentelwoman, 9 Sep. 1656. Mr Thomas Silyard and Mrs Bridgatt Jemet 6 Aprill 1657. Mr Riohard Gwinne and M" Ann Sillyard 22 June 1657. John Stroud and Gartrick Rives 21 July 1659. Mr John Gassum and Widdow Bartleete 6 Se'tember 1660. Henery Stanford And Maywill Woodgate 1 Oct. 1661. Mr Rechard Jemet and Mrs Marget Becknum were maried the 3 day of May 1664. Mr William Stanup and ffrances Becknum were maried the 22 May 1664. Gabriel foster & Jane . . . . [«'c] 8 July 1666. Samuell Sleoh and Jane Stanford 11 Sep. 1666. Henry Edsole and Mary Neeve, widd.. 28 Sep. 1669. John Standfourd & Elizabeth Childrens were Married at Tunbridge November ye 30"', 1671. James Standfourd and Dorothy Butcher May the 21th, 1674. Gabriel fforster & Ann Deane 26 May 1674. Richard Euredge & Dorothy Tanton June 2'1,1675. Zaehary Honour & Winifrit Stanbridge November ye 21sl, 1682. Michael Holmeden & Sarah Walter Ap. 15, 1684. John Children and Elizabeth Stanford May the 13"', 1684. [Marriages end Oct. 1687.] Surialls 1639. Adam s. of Adam ffarmer a traveler bur. 31 Jan. 1639-40. Eliz. d. of M.' Broker 5 Mar. 1639-40. Jane Stanford 2 Sep. 1640. Andrew Stanford bur. 25 Jan. 1640-1. Mr Bostock bur. 29 Jan. 1640-1. Mrs Brockett 20 June 1641. William Edsole 17 Agust 1642. Rebecker the dafter of Mr John Seylyard the 6 March 1642-3. William Holmeden buried 4 Desimber 1643. John the sonn of Mr George Cokes the 8 of June 1644. George Holmeden the older 5 Jan. 1644-5. Mr John Sillyarde the sonne of Nicldas Silyard 22 Auguste 1645. Mary wife of Henery Edsol 13 September 1645. Rachaell the wif o£ Mr Thomas Seilyard the last day of Aprill 1646. Jasper s. of George Holmeden 8 Nov. 1646. Ann the dafter of Mr Robarte Jemet 13 Desimber 1649. Mr Thomas Sillyard, Esquier, 1" Febaruary 1649-50. Jane the daughter of Mr Edward Blount 8 June 1650. Richard the sonn of Mr John Head the minister of the parris was buried the 14 day of Maroh 1650-1. Jane the daughter of Mr John Silyard was Buried the first day of May 1652. Rocheir Cripes the Churchwarden of the parris was Buried the 5 day of July 1652. Dorathy the wife of Mr John Daylinge was Buried the 17 day of August 1652. Mr James Silyard A bacheler was Buried the 28 day of August 1652. * There are three of these civil marriages attested by him in this Register, PARISH REGISTERS OP EDENBRIDGE. 293 Ann the wife of Robart Bassett, Clarke of the parris, buried 24 Jan. 1652-3. Ann the wife of Jesper Netlingame 29 Jan. 1652-3. Elizabeth the daughter of James Elood 3 September 1653. Signatures, E. PAEET, DAVID POLLHILL, Justices of the Peace. The 14"' of Novemb1-1653. A REGISTEE BOOKE belonging to the | PAEISH OF EDENBEIDGE w,l,in the | Lower Division of the Lath of | Sutton at Hone in the County | of Kent. Thomas Bassett being elected the Parish=Register | of Edenbridge by the Cheife Inhabitants of the | said parish According to a late Act of Parliam' is Sworne & Approved this 14th day of Novemb : 1653. by me— JOHN SEYLIABD. Above, in red ink, in a later hand, is a copy of the above, signed JOHN SEYLIAED ; and below, in the same hand, JOHN SEYLIABD, Delaware in the Parish of Brasted in the County of Kent, 1758, January. Andrew son of Andrew Stanford buried 28 Nov. 1653. Jane the wife of Mr Thomas Blonte was buried 24 August 1654. Mr Richard Jemet the younger was Buried the 10 day of July 1655. In Margin of this page: General Ligonier, Lieutenant General Lambert. " BEAUTIFUL! for Situation."* Mickell petly, gentelman, was Buried the 9 day of June 1656. Jone the daughter of Henery Edsol 7 August 1656. Widdow Holmeden the wife of Georg Holmeden was Buried 19 Nov. 1656. John son of Henery Edsole 20 Oct. 1656. John Stretfild was Buried 25 Mar. 1658. Ann wife of Henry Edsole 1 July 1658. Ann wife of John Stretfild 8 July 1658. Mr Thomas Sillyard the sonn of Mr William Sillyard was Buried 16 day of September 1658. Mayvill the wife of Nicolas Edsoll 29 Desember 1658. Andrew sonn of Andrew Stanford 23 Aprill 1659. Stephen the sonn of Mr Thomas Berisford 25 Dec. 1659. Mrs Eliz. Bucher 6 Mar. 1659-60. Elizabeth the wife of Henery Stanford 19 March 1660-1. Rechard the sonn of Mr Henry Duke of London was Buried 20 Oct. 1661. Nicolas Edsoll 2 ffeburery 166.1-2. Mr Robarte Jemet, gentelman, 12 Agust 1662. Ann the darter of Mr Thomas Berysford 7 Jan. 1662-3. Andrew Stanford 7 Pebruary Ano Domeni 1662-3. Robarte tho sonn of Mr Robarte Jemet 19 May 1663. Antony Netlingame 5 September 1663. Samuell the sonn of Mr John Wood 8 Nov. 1664. Jane the daughter of Mr Robar. Jemet 2 May 1665. Mr Robart Sillyard was Buried first day of October Ano Do. 1666.f Thomas Basset, Clarke of ye parish, buried April 11, 1667. Rob' sou of John Leigh of Brownes July 5,1667. (John Leigh Ap. 10, 1667.) John Sale of Medh'rst Row. Mr Bernerd Duke sonne of Mr Henry Duke, Minister, was Buried ye 14 day of Novem. 1667. Sir John Seyliard, Barronett, of Childingstoue, was Buried ye 19"1 day of December 1667. Richard Jemett, geneross, was Buried the Thirtieth day of December 1667. * These insertions are apparently in the handwriting of John Seyliard of Delaware, who seems to have scribbled pretty freely in the Register. t Eour conseoutive entries for Robert Woofe, two daughters, and one son in December 1666. 294 EXTRACTS EROM THE Thomas White who lived at Stone neare the sea sid. who came to the p'ish died & was Buried Aprill ye 9"1,1668. James Stanford Miller was Buried the Second Day of September 1668. [Pine writing in red ink from 1667—1669; in the Baptisms and Marriages it occurs in 1667 and 1668, and is between red lines. On margin of the page of Burials 1668 are tracings of two heads in hats and wigs of the period, and by the same hand.] Mc Henry Duke, minister, 8 July 1669. Ann ye wife of Tho. Berisford, gent., 18 August 1669. M' John Ablett 20 Jan. 1669-70. M.' Antony Clarke 16 Mar. 1669-70. John Stanford buried 13 Peb. 1670-1. Drew sonn of Drew Piggott 23 May 1670. Elizabeth daughter of Drew Piggott 21 Mar. 1670-1. Mary ye daughter of Henry Stanford 7 May 1671. Hannah ye daughter of Bartholomew Smith, Minister, 19 Dec. 1671. John Streatfield Bur. 11 Sep. 1672. Joane wife of Gabriel Porster May 12,1673. Arthur Keyes (a Traveller & Sea-man) dyed att Dealawaire & was Buried July ye first 1673. An'e tbe wife of Tho" Standfourd of tbe dary in the Parish of Westerham Nov. ye 25'", 1673. Henry Willaby was Buried June 24,1674. Jone the wife of Henry Willaby, gent., June ye 29, 1674. James Standfourd was'Buried March the 12,1674-5. Mrl" Elizabeth Jemit Daughter of Mri9 Jemit, wid: was Buried Sop. 26,1676. Mris Barkham, wid •. Buried Mar. 18, 1676-7. Richard the son'e of Bartholemew Smith Nov. 7,1677. Richard Jemit, Gent., was Buried January ye 1st day 1677-8.* Edward the sone of John Redisb, Gent., was Buried 14th Mar. 1677-8.f Tho. Berisfourd, Gent., was Buried Aprill 20, 1678. Mr" Barbary Seyliard, wid., was Buried June ye 2na, 1678. Eliz. ye daughter of John Jenkins of ye p'ish of Lympsfteld, Co. Surrey, Bur. 12 Peb. 1678-9. At top of page : Recd of Sir Henry Parmer, Knt., £100 in Por Building of and Hosp'tall. Alice Standfourd, wid., was Buried June ye 5, 1679. Mary Standfourd, widd., August ye 16,1679. Thomas Standfourd (who dyed in the p'ish of Heaver) was Buried Octob' ye 4 day 1679. Henry Standfourd was Buried Octobr ye 10 day 1679. Rec11 Peb. 21,1680, 30 Pounds Toarde Building and Hospital for the Relief of Sick and Wounded Men. Mra Timothea Jemit the Daughter of Mr" Timothea Jemit, wid : Mar. 29, 1681.J An'e the Daughter of Bartho. Smith, Ministr, Aug. 17,1681. Eliz. ye Daughter of Mrs Eliz. Crips, wid : March ye 13, 1681-2. Tho. Standfourd of the Dayries was Buried March ye 27,1683. An'e the Daughter of M" Timothea Gemet, wid., July ye 24,1683.§ Samuel Sleech Oct. 3,1683. John Streatfield was Buried Nov. 10,1683. Elizabeth Standford dyed at Delawaire in ye parish of Brasted & was Buried heere Jan. 7,1683-4. Anne Duke, widd., was Buried June 5,1684. Raohael the Daughter of Bartho. Smith, Minist', June 26, 1684. Anne the Daughter of Mrs Eliz. Crips, wid., July ye 21,1684. Sarah the daughter of Wid. Streatfield Aug. 3,1684. * Monumental Inscription iu Churoh. f Id. J Id. § Id. PARISH REGISTERS OP EDENBRIDGE. 29 5 Mr" Barbara Dupper, wid., Jan. 7,1684-5. Zechary ye son'e of Zechary Honor, jup, Aprill ye 8,1685 The Lady Mary Seyliard was Buried Octobr ye 28th, 1685. Zaehary Honor, Senr, April ye 29,1686. Erances the wife of ye Right worshipfull Sr Thomas Seyliard, Knight, was Buried June the 12th, 1686. Rob' the son'e of Rob' Seyliard, Esq., was Buried July ye 20,u, 1686. Joane the Daughter of Henery Standfourd Pebruaryye 11, 1686-7. Rachael the Daughter of Bartho. Smith March ye 28,1687. Baptisms 1688* Hoare, Clementia ye D. of George Hoare bap. Jan. 27, 1688. Holmeden, Thomas ye son of Robert Holmeden bap. Ap. 22, 1689. Saxby, George the son of Thomas Saxby, Senr, bap. June 27, 1689. Parmer, Ann ye d. of Adam Parmer bap. Aug. 5,1689. Stretfield, W" ye son of Rob' Stretfield of the Parish of Brasted bap. Sep. 8, 1690. Holmeden, Eliz. ye d. of Thomas Holmeden, Junr, bap. Nov. 6, 1690. Parmer, Robert ye son of Adam P. bap. May 23, 1691. Holmeden, Rob' ye s. of Robert Holmeden bap. Aug. 17,1691. Reddish, Chas. s. of Chas. Reddish bap. Oot. 8, 1691. Holmeden, Thomas ye son of Thomas Holmden, Junr, bap. Ap. 14, 1692. Parmer, Eliz. d. of Adam, bap. Peb. 23, 1692. Streatfield, Barbarah ye d. of Robert S. June 13, 1693. Parmer, Henry ye son of Adam, bap. Ap. 10, 1694. Parmer, Alex. s. of Adam, bap. May 6, 1696. Streatfield, Robert s. of Rob., bap. June 30,1696. Parmer, Eliz. d. of A., Ap. 19, 1697. Streattfield, Eliz. d. of Rob., Aug. 31, 1699. Farmer, Sarah ye d. of Adam, Nov. 21, 1699. Parmer, Nicholas s. of Adam, Peb. 4, 1703. Ann daughter of John Standford bap. Mar. 27, 1708. Henry son of John Standford Aug. 25,1710. Edward son of Edward Holmden Peb. 23, 1710-11. John son of Henry Standford May 16,1712. Andrew son of John Stanford May 2, 1714. Henry son of Henry Stanford June 17, 1714. Michael son of Edward Holmden Aug. 1,1714. Grace d. of W" Stanford of Parish of Lingfield Nov. 27,1715. James s. of John Stanford Ap. 8, 1716. Ann d. of Henry Stanford May 25, 1716. Thomas s. of Edward Holmden July 5,1717. Elizabeth d. of Henry Stanford May 15, 1718. Mary d. of John Stanford Dec. 15, 1719. Mary ye daughter of Henry & Ana Stanford Jan. 1, 1720-1. Sarah the Daughter of John Stanford, Merser, May 31,1722. Andrew s. of Henry Stanford Sep. 13,1722. Mary ye daughter of Edward Holmden Peb. 25, 1722-3. Henry s. of Edward Holmden Sep. 5, 1725. John s. of John Holmden Jan. 7, 1725-6. Sarah d. of Henry Stanford Mar. 17,1725-6. Sarah Daughter of John Holmden baptiz'd (by Mr Lewis) Dec. 28, 1726. Mary Daughter of Mr Quarterman (of London) was baptiz'd Mar. 24,1726-7. John s. of Henry Stanford Nov. 7,1727- James s. of Henry Stanford 9bcr 7,1728. * Although the entries begin in 1688, this third book has on the flyleaf, " Eden | Bridge | Register | March ye 25"', 1712." They are carried down to 1736. 296 EXTRACTS PROM THE Thomas s. of John Holmden 10ber 11,1729. Stidolph, Hamlen s. of Oliver Stidolph Bap. Aug. 16,1730. Alice d. of Henry Stanford Dec. 17,1730. Anne d. of Robert Holmden, Crouchouse, May 20,1731. Jane d. of Henry Stanford 7"" 13, 1732. Philadelphia d. of John Holmden 7bl!' 21,1732. Stidolph, Ann d. of Oliver Stidolph Nov. 9,1732. Mary d. of Robert Holmden, Linhurst, July 5,1733. Sarah d. of Edward Holmden Peb. 20,1733-4. Lewis, John son of George Lewis bap. Mar. 29,1734. Stidolph, Wm son of Oliver, bap. Ap. 2,1734. Thomas s. of John Holmden of Broxham Nov. 22,1734. Susan d. of John Lidgater, Exiseman, Dec. 12, 1734. John s. of Henry Stanford Peb. 10,1734-5. Ann d. of Robert Holmden, Linhurst, Mar. 9, 1734-5. Ann d. of Michael & Eliz. Holmden Nov. 3,1735. William s. of John & Margaret Holmden Jan. 9, 1735-6. Lewis, May 2, 1736, Eliz. d. of George & Eliz. Baptisms, 1688—97, 217; 1698—1707, 200; 1708—16, 196; 1717—1727,206; 1728—1735,194. Baptized in the above forty-eight years, 1013. [Baptisms end here.] Marriages 1688. John Midleton, Gent., & M" Prances Seyliard were married Aug' 7,1690. Rumsey, George, & Mavile Walter Feb. 18,1706-7. Edward Holmden & Elizabeth Bristy June 24, 1710. Rumsey, Anthony, & Barbary Young Jan. 15, 1715-16. Nicholas Willington & Mabell Rumsey, wid., July 25,1717. Holmden, John, & Eliz. Day Ap. 15, 1725. Paratt, Rev. John, & Eliz. Sleech Oct. 5, 1725. Wm Saxby & Eliz. Holland mar. by Bans Ap. 15, 1729. James Winter & Hester Stidolph by Bans Ap. 9, 1730. Robert Holmden & Mary Swaysland June 4, 1730. Robert Holmden & Hannah King Peb. 23, 1730-1. Adam Farmer & Eliz. Taylor, wid., by license June 21,1731. Lewis, George Lewis & Eliz. Todman mar. Nov. 13, 1733. Michael Holmden & Elizabeth Harris married by Banns Jan. 19,1734-5. Gainsford, Rob1, & Eliz. Walter Nov. 25,1735. [Ends Marriages.] Burials 1688. John Standford buried 23 June 1688. Elizabeth Standford, Wid., July 5, 1688. James ye son of John Standford 19 July 1688. Seyliard, William ye son of Robert Seyliard, Esq., was buryed Jan. 4, 1688-9. Mrs Timothea Jemit, Wid., was bury'd March ye 19'", 1688-9. Sarah ye daughter of Thomas Holmden April ye 20, 1689. Gabriel Porster, Sen', Sep. 6,1689. Philippa ye Wife of Thomas Holmden Oct. 27, 1690. Elizabeth Honour, Widow, May 23, 1691. Mrs Katherine Cosham, Wid., was buryed Decern' ye 29,1691. Seyliard, Sir Thomas Seyliard, Knight & Baronett, was buryed May 4, 1692. Reddish, Ann ye wife of Edward Reddish, Sen', gent., was buryed May 19,1692. Susannah ye daughter of Zecheriah Honnour July 13, 1692. Holmden, Thos., Sen', Nov. 23,1692. Parmer, Eliz. d. of Adam, Mar. 9,1692. Susannah d. of Zechariah Honnour July 28,1693. M." Ann Powell Oot. 15,1693. PARISH REGISTERS OP EDENBRIDGE. 297 Holmden, Thomas, of Ledings bur. Nov. 10, 1693. Robert Turner of Chiddinglee in the County of Sussex Nov. 16, 1695. Mary ye Wife of William Holmden May 2,1696. Parmer, Alex, son of Adam, bur. July 22,1696. Henry Edsall Oct. 7,1696. Leigh, Obedientia, bur. in Linnen contrary to Act of Pari. Sep. 27,1697. John s. of Zechariah Honnor Oct. 26, 1697. Anne ye Wife of Rob' Holmden Peb. 19, 1697-8. Seyliard, Jane ye wife of Robert Seyliard, Esq., was bury'd Dec. ye 17, 1700. Seyliard, Sir Thomas Seyliard, Knight & Baronett, was buryed Jan. ye 11,1700. Ann ye Wife of Robert Standford Ap. 9, 1703. Reddish, Margaret ye d. of Captain John Reddish bur. Jan. 25, 1703-4. Andrew Standford, Yeoman, Ap. 13, 1705. Thomas Standford Oct. 24, 1706. Elizabeth ye Daughter of Robt. Standford May 3,1707. Bartholemew Smith, Cur. of Eden Bridge, was buryed Sept. ye 9, 1707. Marie Standford, Wid., Mar. 26, 1708. Anne ye Daughter of John Standford May 6,1708. Robert Stanford Aug. 28, 1708. Winefred ye Wife of Zechary Honnor Sep. 4 (affid. made), 1711. Seyliard, Robert Seyliard, Esq., was buryed Peb. 28 aflid. made 1711-12. George Stanford of Oxted bur. May 30; affid. made for him June yo 1 by George Cole, Cler., 1712. Andrew Standford Nov. 15; affid. for him was made before Rob' Paynter, Esq., 1713. Seyliard, Jane ye Daughter of Rob' Seyliard, Esq., was buried Januarii ye 6 ; ye affid. for her was made before Horon Tompson 1713-14. Signatures of R. PAYNTER. P. PEICE. Grafham, Elizabeth Grafham bur. Ap. 22, 1714; affld. made before Tom Stilemau, Curat de Hever, 1716. Rob' Holmden June 28 ; affid. for his burying in woollen was made eodem die before Geo. Richards, Cur., Hever, 1714. Thomas s. of Zaehary Honnor Mar. 10, 1716-17. Margaret d. of Michael Spatchurst Peb. 9, 1718-19. Michael Spatchurst,* Sen., was buried Nov. 16, 1719 ; affld. for his being buried in Woolen was made before Mr Tho. Standen, Cur. of Hever. The Widd. Spatchurst was buried Sep. 10, 1720. John s. of Henry Stanford Aug. 13, 1721. Sarah d. of Edward Holmden Dec. 30, 1721. Signatures, C. PAENABY, JEFF. AMHEBST. Farmer, Jane ye wife of Adam, bur. Ap. 9,1722. D. POLHILL. Redish, Mr" Redish was bur. Mar. 6, 1723-4. John Stanford Mar. 7,1723-4. Zee. Honour Mar. 29, 1724. Anne ye wife of William Holmden June 28, 1725. M' John Paratt, Curate of Edenbrige, was buried May 25,1727. Mary Daughter of Geo. Standford June 6, 1727. John Standford 10 Nov. 1727. Ann Holmden of Southwark Nov. 16, 1727. Greenough, John Smedley s. of Mr Adrian Greenough bap. Aug. 27, 1727; J. S. Greenough bur. Mar. 7, 1727-8. Greenough, Grace d. of M' Adrian Greenough bap. Nov. 7, 1725 ; Bur. May 7, 1729 Robert s.'of George Stanford of Haxteed was Ba. 8bcr 29,1729. George Stanford, Senior, was Bu. 10b» 29,1729. Mary Stanford of Batchelor's, Widow, April 4,1730. Mary Spatchurst June 22, 1732. * He gave the Communion Cup, date 1671. 298 EXTRACTS PROM THE Stidolph, Ann d. of Oliver, bur. Nov. 12,1732. Philadelphia Daughter of John Holmden Nov. 16,1732. Thomas Holmden of Hadloe Sep. 4, 1733. Henry Stanford Mar. 29, 1734. John Stanford Ap. 8, 1735. Edward Holmden Dec. 31,1735. Ami d. of Michael Holmden Jan. 11, 1735-6. [Burials end 1736.] [Burials on a separate page.] Thomas Bryan of Whoreley who dyed neere Skinners in this parish was buried the xxi"' day of January 1638- Joane Streightfield the wife of John Streightfield buried the same day. George Holmden the yonger buried the 22"1 day of Januarie 1638. . . . . Edsall, Widdow, buried the 14"1 day of ffebruarie 1638. John Read the sonne of John Read buried tho xix"1 day of ffebruary 1638. [Baptisms on a separate page.] Margret the daughter of M' Robart Jemet was Borne the 8 day of May 1653. Elizabeth the daughter of M' Robart Jemet was Borne the 19 day of June 1654. Ann the daughter of M' Robart Jemet was Borne the 13 day of October 1650. Richard the sonn of M' Robart Jemet was Borne the 23 day of January 1657. Timathy the daughter of Mr Robart Jemet was Borne 22 day of September 1659. Edmund the sone of Samuell Sleeoh was Baptized ye 2 day of October 1668. Seen an Approved by us Two of his Majesty's Justices of the Peace (one of us being of the Quorum)— THO" POLHILL. J . PABEY. WILLIAM HOGGAET, Curate. FOUETH BOOK. EDENBBIDGE REGISTEE OF BAPTISMS 1736—1799; MAEEIAGES 1736—1754; BUEIALS 1736—1800. GEO. LEWIS, A.M., Vicar. THO. DAVIES, Curate. Gainsford, Alice d. of Robert & Elizabeth, Oct. 22, 1736. Gainsford, Edward s. of Robert & Elizabeth, Aug. 24, 1738. Gaynsford, Riohard s. of Robert & EUzabeth, Aug. 5, 1740. Gaynsford, Elizabeth d. of Robert & Elizabeth, Dec. 8, 1742. Gaynsford, Nioholas s. of Robert & Elizabeth, Dec. 15, 1743. Gaynsford, Jane d. of Robert & Elizabeth, Ap. 15, 1746. Gaynsford, Katherine d. of Robert & Elizabeth, Jan. 15, 1747-8. EDWAED POWELL, Curate, signs 1748—1751. [Here the N.S. commences 1752.] Stanford, J110 the son of J'10 & Elizabeth Stanford of Hecksted in the Parish of Lingfield was born March 17 & baptized April 14, 1757. Stanford, William Peltzen s. of John & Elizabeth Stanford Baptized Oot. 22, 1758. Stanford, George Ste'hn s. of John & Elizabeth Stanford (born 2) Aug. 20, 1760. WILLTAM HOGGAET, Curate, signs 1752—1766. Shaw, John son of tbe Revd John & Eliz"1 Shaw born 16th Oct. was Bap" Oot. 25"', admitted Nov. 20th, 1767. Shaw, Anne d. of the Rev11 John & Eliz"1 Shaw born June 6, bap" July 3, 1770. Gainsford, Sophia d. of Edward & Anne, bap. Feb. 20,1772. PARISH REGISTERS OP EDENBRIDGE. 29 9 Shaw, James Prancis s. of Revd John & Eliz"1 Shaw was born May 9th, baptizd June 3", 1773. Gainsford, Nicholas s. of Edw" & Ann, July 23, 1773. William Saxby chosen Clerk this year 1798 (? 1778). Streatfield, Elizabeth daug' of William &,.... Streatfield May 29,1785. Shaw, Henry Grassineau son of John & Mary, born Nov' 21', was baptizd 6", admitted Dec' 8"1, 1791. A REGISTER OF MABEIAGES FEOM. MAY 1736. Richard Taylor and Mary Knight by Licence Apr1 18, 1738. Thomas Killiok, aged 78, & Mercy Corbett, ag'1 71, by Banns Ootob. 3'1, 1738. Goo. Richardson, Clerk, & Elizb"1 Price by Licence Aug. 18"', 1740, John IMvall & Mary Elvvood by Licence June ll"1, 1741. John Taylor of the parish of Elsford and Elizabeth Overry by Licence June 30"' 1741. John Stanford and Mary Whiteacar by Licence May 28"1, 1743. John Bradbourn and Elizabeth Scott by Licence Jany 28, 1743-4. William Chapman of Lingfield in Surrey & Sarah Cruttenden of Edenbridge were married by Licence Jan. 3, 1749-50. John Taylor & Mary Stanford by Licence June the 3d, 1750. Thomas Holmden and Mary Humphrey By Bans October 1", 1753. Burials from Mag 1736. Elizabeth wife of John Holmden of Stanfords End Oct' 4, 1736. Mary widow of ye late Rev" Bartholemew Smith April ye 11, 1737. Mr Adam Farmer Octob' 30"1,1739 ; Affld. brought. John Jenkeson, Souilger, Buried March 20, 1741-2. Ann Stanford, Widow, August 22'', 1742. George Stanford the Elder parish of Lingfield April 20"', 1743. Sarah Wife of Henry Stanford Nov' 3'1, 1743. Sarah d. of Henry Stanford Nov 19, 1743. William Holmden, Sener, from Westerham Feb 2d, 1743-4. Sarah wife of Thomas Holmden May ye 2'1; Affid. brought 1744. M'" Mary Wickenden Wife of M' Thomas Holmden of Hadlow in Kent and Late Wife of M' Henry Wiokend of the City of London July 29, 1744; Aflid. brought. Holmden, Mary wife of Rob', Crouchhouse, Sep. 29, 1744. Jobn Stanford of Gabriell's Dec. 24, 1744. Jane daughter of Robert &. Elizabeth Gaynsford May 26, 1747. Elizabeth Wife of Michael Holmden July 22, 1747. Hannah Wife of Robert Holmden of Lynhurst Feb. 11, 1749-50. She was buried iu Linnen & the Penalty of £5 paid. Elizabeth the Wife of Robert Gaynsford Mar. 21, 1749-50. Pour entries in succession of King between Feb. 3 and March 24, 1750. In margin : " N.B. The above a very remarkable Anecdote, 4 Kings iu succession buried." John Hohnden Dec. 7, 1752. [Baptized as John the sou of John and Ann Holmden Deo. 6, 1752.] William Holmden Mar. 8"', 1753. He was buried in Linnen & the penalty of £5 paid. JOHN SHAW signs 1766 to 1785. Bartholemew Bryant, Exciseman, Nov. 5'", 1753. Anu the Wife of John Holmden Jan. 6, 1754. George the son of Andrew Stanford Sep. 23, 1754. Thomas tho sou of John & Elizabeth Holmden Nov. 21,1754. The Widow Parmer Doc. 19, 1758. Widow of the late Rev" Mr Parret June 4, 1760. Elizabeth the Wife of Henry Stanford October 5, 1761. Elizabeth ye wife of John Holmdon Novbc' 22,1761. William son of John Holmden Nov"" 29, 1761. 3 0 0 THE PARISH REGISTERS OP EDENBRIDGE. ye Widow of Stanfoard in ye parish of Lingfield Nov1"1' 25, 1762. Robert Holmden Peb. 5,1763. Elizabeth the Wife of Edward Holmden July 18,1764. Robert son of Robert Holmden of Westerham Ap. 1, 1765. John Holmden May 28, 1766. Mary the Wife of Tho. Holmden June 15, 1766. Widow Holmden Sep. 13,1766. Elizabeth Daughter of John Holmden Feb. 5, 1767. Andrew Stanford Peb. 11,1767. James Stanford of Linsfield Mar. 12,1767. Robert Gainsford May 4, 1767. Thomas Holmden of New-house Mar. 24, 1768. Thomas Gainsford from ye workhouse Aug. 16, 1768. John Stanford of Haxted in Surry Jan. 10, 1769. Thomas Holmden of Crouchouse Dec. 14,1769. Mary Gainsford from ye workhouse Aug. 26, 1770. Henry Stanford, Tallow Chandler, Mar. 29, 1771. Sarah Holmden July 7,1772. Mary wife of John Holmden of Westerham Nov. 15, 1772. Catharine Gainsford (died of ye small Pox) Nov. 24, 1774. Ann wife of Edwd Gainsford Peb. 19, 1775. Maria Daughter of Thos. Holmden Mar. 27, 1777. Ann Daug' of Edward Holmden Jan. 24, 1778. Mary Stanford wife of John & Anne Daug' of John & Mary Stanford were buried Oct. 4, 1779. George Holmden of Hever May 21, 1780. Jasper (infant son of M' Th™ Holmden) April 4,1781. Widow of . . . . Stanford April 30, 1783. John [Psalm Singer] son of Will. Ellis Aug. 21,1783. Sarah Infant daughter of D' Morton Peb. 14, 1786. Wife of Tho" Holmden of Broxholm Dec. 12, 1788. Elizabeth Holmden, a maiden, Aug. 10, 1789. Widow of Thomas Holmden Sep. 10, 1790. Susanna daughter of Th°" Holmden Nov. 11, 1790. James son of Widow Morton, a pauper, Jau. 17,1791. Widow of D' Morton, a pauper, Mar. 15, 1791. Henry Stanford, sen', formerly of Waterlake Jan. 2, 1792. Betty Holmden widow of Th°" of Crouch-house Ap. 25,1793. Sarah Holmden Daug' of John (bro* from Hever) Mar. 13,1798. James son of John Stanford (bro' from Lingfield) was buried in the Churoh June 10,1798. Rev" John Shaw, Curate of this Place 32 y", was buried in a Vaulted Grave at the Right Hand within the Communion Gate (died much lamented by the Inhabitants), buried July 5, 1798. Henry Holmden, flaxman, Jan. 25, 1799. Mary wife of John Shaw Peb. 11, 1799. William son of John Holmden Peb. 11, 1800. On flyleaf : The Revd M' John Bodicoate was inducted at Westerham, Wednesday, June ye 26"', 1771; Edward Powel, Curate of Westerham; John Shaw, Curate of Edenbridge; Rich" Taylor, Clerk; John Denman, John Heath, Church Wardens. Rev" M' Richard Board succeed" Rev. Mr Bodicoate November 25,1792.


The Service of Shipping of the Barons of Faversham


The Saxon Church at Whitfield, near Dover, Kent