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Transcribed by Peter Titley on Thu, 04 Jul 2019 - 21:18

My Lord cobhams/ Letter per byndyng/ of the owners and occupyers/ of Iron Works/ 4 october 1590/

To my Lovinge freend Sir/ Jhon Leveson knight my/ Deputie lieutenant/

[end first page]

[second page]

After my hartie Com[m]endac[i]ons unto yow. Wheras my Lords of her/ ma[jes]ies most honorable previe Councell have ben crediblie informed/ that not w[i]thstandinge their Lor[dshi]ps orders formerlie taken, for the/ inhibitinge of any Iron ordnance, to be transported beyond/ thes Seas, greate quantitie therof ar still conveied over, to/ the greate preiudice of the State, and the manifest cont=/ empt, and breache of their sayd orders: and have therfore re/ quired me, by their Lord[shi]ps Le[tter]s, dated at Wyndsor the xxvij/ of September 1590, im[m]ediatelie uppon the receipt therof, to/ take stricte order, for the due execuc[i]on of their Lor[dshi]ps sayd/ L[ette]rs, formerlie wryten in that behaulfe: and that I should/ cawse bands, with good Suerties to be taken, in one thou sand/ pounds, of all such as do make any ordnance, w[i]thin my Lieu/ tenancie, w[i]th condic[i]on that noe Iron peece above a Mynion/ shalbe made, or cast, by any of them, Untyll further direc[i]on/ to the contrarie: w[hi]ch bands so to be taken, their Lor[dshi]ps thinke/ fytt, should be returned unto her ma[jes]ties Excheq[ue]r at Westminster,/ that in case they should be forfeited, they may be put in Sute/ as shalbe thought meete: I have therfore thought good to/ praye yow, to take order accordinglie, And to returne unto me/ the sayd bands, so taken w[i]th as much expedic[i]on as yow can,/ to be ordered as aforesayd. Wherin yow shall do well to use/ Mr Bings helpe, who ys acquaynted with their Lor[dshi]ps former/ comandments in that behaulfe, And what ther uppon hath/ ben dun, from tyme, to tyme, accordinglie. And for yo[u]r better/ instruc[i]ons I send yow here inclosed the names of such/ personns as were last certefied by him to be Casters of/ Iron ordinance w[i]thin that part of the Shire./

Since the wrytinge hereof, I receaved a second Le[tte]r/ from their Lor[dshi]ps touching also the casting of Iron/ 

Sir Jhon Leveson Knight/

[end second page]

[third page]

Ordnance, the copie wherof I send yow inclosed, that you/ may the better understand ther Lor[dsh]ips <further> pleasure: praying you/ to retorne such certificate of your doings, as that their Lor[dsh]ips/ may be thoroulie satysfyd, accordinge to the contents of/ both thier Le[tte]rs. And so reco[m]ending the whole Care/ hereof unto you. I com[m]yt yow to God. From the court at Wyndsor this 4th of October 1590/  

                                                          Your lovinge freend/


I praye Sir send to mr Henry fane/ to send yow the names of the demi/ Lawnces that served under him at/ Tylberie unto yow/

[end third page, end of document]

Record Office
Kent County Library and Archive Centre
(with permission of South Staffordshire County Council)
Document Reference
The Sutherland Collection - Sir John Leveson of Halling
Document type
Letter from Lord Cobham to Sir John Leveson referring to the letters from the Privy Council concerning the manufacture of cast iron ordnance.

Document Date
The control of the manufacture and export of cast iron ordnance.
Names referred to within the document
Lord Cobham
Sir John Leveson
Henry Fane

Key words
Transcribers Notes
The letter from Cobham is a reminder to Leveson that the Privy Council want the casting of iron ordnance and the export thereof to be controlled and that the bonds that the iron and gun founders have had levied against them are to be implemented.
An addendum requesting the number of demi-lancers that served at Tilbury under Mr Fane.

The document is written in secretary hand as a copy of the original letter sent by Cobham. The writing deteriorates as the document proceeds and becomes illegible in part by the end.