General index

GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations: AS, Anglo-Saxon; R., RB, Romano-British Roman; Abergavenny, Earl of, 388, 396 Abingdon, Barton Court Farm villa, 114 Acheulian handaxe culture, 18, 27 Adam, N., 222 Adelphus, Bishop of ? Colchester, 58 Aethelwulf of Wessex, 157-8 Agricola, 68, 72 Alfred, King, 63 Allen, fam., 371-2 Allington, 153 Alphege, Archbishop, 305 Akerman, J.Y., 144 ff. Alderson, R., 312 Aldington, Church, 156 Alexander, Dr. S., 442-3 Alexandria, 141 Amherst. Brooch, The. By Sonia Chadwick Hawkes, 129-51 Earl, 129, 132 ff. I., 353 Andrus, F.S., M.V.O., M.A., Extracts from the miscellany and farm accounts of Francis Andrus of Scadbury in the parish of Southfleet, 371-83 fam., 371-3 Anglo-Saxon, Brooch, 129-51 Chronicle, 189 Church, 339 Kingdoms, 62 Sunken huts, 45 Watermill, 127 Appledore, 158 ff. Arcadius, 60 Ardeer (Ayrshire), 460 Arden (Warks.) 245 Ardleigh (Essex), 111 Ariminium, Council of, 59 Aries (France), 43, 58 Arrhenius, B., 137 Arthur, Prince, 176 Arundel, Archbishop, 273 Ash, 299, 372 Ashenden, T., 323 Ashford, 240, 282, 349, 359-60, 385 Ashton, Sir R., 227 Astle, T., 296, 302-3 Astor, Lord, 313-4 Asty, H., 227 atte Crouch, N., 226, 229 Lees, fam., 220 Augst (Switzerland), 84 Aumale, Duke of, 227 Austen, F., 347 ff. J., 347, 361 Ayloffe, Sir J., 302 Babington, M., 312 Bagham's Cross, 366 Bailey, H., 330, 335 Baker, fam., 240 E., 289 S., 389 Sir H., 253 Sir J., 163 Bamme, A., 221 Banks, Sir J., 298 Banner, ML, 443 Barclay, Hundred, 234 Baret, V., 218 Barham, 359 Downs, 98 fam., 153 Barnfield, Hundred, 234 Pit, 17, 20 Barnham, fam., 153 Barton, E., 9 Bassett, E., 391 S., 392 Bath, 397 Roman town, 65, 68, 107 Bealknap, H., 221 R., 221, 266-7 Beardsworth, M., 292 Beaumont, J. de, 227 Beccles (Suffolk), 425 Becket, fam., 284-6 Bede, Venerable, 45, 305, 339 Bedgebury Park, 327 Beech, U., 442 Beecher, M., 286 T., 286 Beer, Mr, 331, 334 '465 GENERAL INDEX Beggar's Bush, 349 Belgic, Canterbury, 42-3 Bell, Dr G., 311 Benedictine houses in Kent. Three great: their buildings and topography. By Tim Tatton- Brown, 171-88 Benenden, 235, 237, 295, 346 Bennett, P., 77ie topography of Roman Canterbury: a brief re-assessment, 47-56 R., 102 Bennett-Goldney, F., 332, 338 Benson, J., 319 ff. Bensted, W., 371, 373 Berry, E., 286 Best, F., 284, 289 Betenham, fam., 219-26 Bethell, W., 439 ff. Bethersden, 237 Bexley, 260 Bickersteth, Dr B., 312 Biddenden, 235 ff., 299, 360 Bignor (Sussex), Roman villa, 77 Billingford, J., 226 Bilting, 364 Bilzingsleben (Germany), 18 Bimson, M., 143 Birmingham, 355 Black Death, The, 176 Blackheath, 357, 365 Black Prince, The, 220, 225, 307 Blagg, T.F.C, M.A., Ph.D., F.S.A., Roman architectural ornament in Kent, 65-80 Blakebourne, J., 163 Blockley, P., 48 Blome, C, 290 J., 290 W., 290 Bobbing, 224 Bodiam (Sussex), 271 Boggis, R.J.E., 332 Bone, G., 392 S., 392 Boorman's Mill, Northfleet. By R.H. Hiscock, LL.B., F.S.A., 319-24 T., 322 T.A., 322 W., 322 Bosse, R., 291 Bosville, W., 292 Boswell, Dame M., 285, 292 Boteler, Sir P., 347, 352, 364 W., 298-9, 302 Boughton Aluph, 364 Boundgate, 360, 362 Bourne, R. of, Abbot, 182 Boxley, Church, 156 Boyle, J., LL.B., F.S.A., Hasted in perspective, 295-304 35, 48 Boys, W., 189, 298, 303 Bramah, J., 394 Bradshaw, J., 119 Brandbridges, 346 Brasted, 235 Brembre, N., 221 Brenchley, 233 ff., 347 ff. W., 228 Brenley Corner, 298 Brent, J., 147 Brett, fam., 297 C , 361 R., 312, 327-8 Breuil, Abbe\ 17 Brewster, H., 303 Bridger, W., 391 Brightlingsea (Essex), 192 Brighton (Sussex), 388 Bristol, Earl of, 391 Broad Street, 153, 156 Brockhull, fam., 220 J., 223 T., 222-3 Bromley, 349 Common, 365 Bronze Age, 57 Broughton, W.G., 328 Brown, D., 142 Brydges, Sir S., 302 Buckingham, Duke of, 220 Buckminster, T., 288 Burchell, J.P.T., 16 Burgess, M., 292 Burley, Sir S., 221 ff. Burrows, T., 391 Burton, D., 393-4 Butterfield, W., 328-9, 335 Buxton (Derbys.), 398 Byng, J., 365 Byzantium, 136 Caen (France), St. Etienne, 305 Caerleon (Gwent), Roman town, 76-7, 85 Caerwent (Gwent), Roman town, 71, 77 Caesar, 57, 80 Caister St. Edmund (Norfolk), 85 Cambridge, Earl of, 226-7 Camden, Marquess, 396 Canterbury, an inscribed Roman spoon from. By David Sherlock, 81-6 Canterbury: the post-war excavations. By S.S. Frere, 29-46 Canterbury, the topography of Roman: a brief re-assessment. By P. Bennett, 47-56 6, 11, 61, 66-71, 80, 98, 119, 158,171, 192, 196, 198, 232 ff„ 259, 261, 297,305-17, 325 ff., 346 ff., 385, 400 ff., 446 Archbishop's Palace, 187 Christ Church Priory, 153-4, 157, 161, 171, 173-8, 183 ff., 198, 205, 219 King's School, 342 466 GENERAL INDEX 5(. Augustine's Abbey site, the recovery and excavation of, 1844-1947. By Margaret Sparks, 325-44 - College, 30 St. Pancras Church, 183-4 Cantiaci, The, 80 Carrara, Marble, 69 ff. Caroe, W.E., 311 Catherine of Aragon, Queen, 277 Chalklin, C.W., Estate development and the beginnings of modern Tunbridge Wells, 1800-40, 385-98 3 Challands, B., 321 Challock, 364 Lees, 363 Chamberlain, A., 312 Champney, A., 209 Chandler, R.H., 17, 28 Charing, 133, 155 Church, 156 Hill, 354, 363 Charles II, 308 Chatham, 348, 400 ff. Chauncey, Sir H., 297 Chedworth (Glos.), Roman villa, 65, 77 Cheltenham (Glos.), 397 Chester, Cathedral, 309 Roman town, 66 Chesters (Northumbria), Roman fort, 103 Chevening, 235, 291 Cheyne, 219 Chich, T„ 226 Chichele, Archbishop, 273, 309 Chiddingstone, 235 Chilham, 298, 354 ff. Chillenden, Prior T„ 176, 307 Chollerford (Northumbria), Roman bridge, 103, 107 Choukoutien (China), 18 Cinque Ports, 189-216, 221, 227, 235 Cirencester (Glos.), Roman town, 65, 71 Civil War, The, 290 Clacton (Essex), 17, 26, 28 Clapham, Sir A.W., 172, 340-1 Clarembald, Abbot, 180 Clark, D., 5 P., 3, 7 Claypits, 154 Clayton, J., 103 Clifford, E., 293 Cloke, I., 165 Cobham, 219-20 Lord J., 222, 224 Sir J., 218 ff. T., 222, 226 Cock, Dr W., 158 Coggan, Dr D., 313 Coggar, E., 284 J., 284 Cohn-Sherbrook, D., 12 Coke, Capt. J., R.N., 434 Colchester (Essex), 58, 81 ff. RB temple, 70 Cole, F., 314 Coleman, D.C, 8 Coleridge, E., 328-9 Collingwood, R.G., 30 Collins, D., 28 Collis, J., 360 T., 360 Colliton Park (Dorset), RB building, 77 Cologne (Germany), 84 Colyer, W., 210 Colyton (Devon), 245 Condy (Cundy), fam., 197 Conrad, Prior, 306 Constantine, The Great, 58 Constantinople, 141 Cooling, 224 Cooper-Key, Maj. A., 434, 455-7 Cooting Downs, 98 Copland, J., 288 Coradas, J.A., 12 Corby, R., 222 Corneford, W., 261 Corsham (Wilts.), 303 Cosington, 219-20 Courtenay, Archbishop, 273-5 Covehithe (Suffolk), 165 Covert, R., 160 Cowden, 235 Cranbrook, 233 ff., 346 ff., 385. 401 Hundred, 234 Cranmer, Archbishop, 161, 263 Cripps, C, 395 Crowmer, fam., 219 Croydon (Surrey), Palace, 263 Culpepper, fam., 219-20 J., 222 ff. T„ 222 W., 223 Damper, J., 395 Darell, J., 218 Darent Valley, early Christianity in the. By G.W. Meates, 57-64 Darenth, 62 Dark Ages, 63 Canterbury, 45 Dartford, 15, 62, 288, 351, 359, 371, 385 Davidson, Dr R., 448 Davis, R., 308, 310 Day, R., 425 Deal, 11, 214, 346 Castle, 199 de Coverley, Sir R., 364 Dee, River, 113 Denaby (Yorks.), 460 Dene, P. of, 182-3 467 GENERAL INDEX Deptford, 319 Bridge, 354 Dering, fam., 363 Sir E., 349 Detling, Church, 156 Detsicas, A.P., Foreword, xv de Vere, fam. 219 R., 226 Devereux, Sir T., 227-8 Dewey, H., 16 Dibden, 284 Dickets Mead (Herts.), RB building, 114 Digges, fam., 219, 224 J., 224 Dobunni, The, 80 Doddington, 447 Dodds, J.P., 12 Dolaucothi (Dyfed), 122 ff. Donop, Maj.-Gen. Sir S. von, 448 Dorset, Duke of, 349 Earl of, 290 Dover, 11, 30, 139, 199, 221, 226-7, 325, 346, 363, 400 ff. AS brooch, 135, 142 Castle, 74, 199, 221 Fort, 79 Priory, 158 RB town, 66 Roman road, 98 Dowker, G., 87 ff. Drury, J., 213 Du Boulay, R., 6 Ducarel, Dr, 296 Dugdale, Sir W., 297 Dunkel, Prof. W., 8 Dunster, J., Abbot, 341 Dygon, J., Abbot, 184 East Peckham, 220, 235, 238, 248 Eastry, 299 H. of, Prior, 175-6, 182 Eastwell, 365 Ebbsfleet, 150 Ebony, the medieval church of St. Mary, and its successors. By Sir John Winnifrith, 157-69 Eborius, Bishop of York, 58 Eccles, Roman villa, 66, 78 Edenbridge, 235, 238, 366 Edward I, 159, 219 III, 221, 224, 298, 307 IV, 307 VI, 158-9, 161, 163 Eke, W.J., 322-3 Ekwall, E., 153 Elizabeth I, 158, 161, 205, 213 Elkington, M., 312 V„ 312 Elton, J., 102 Ely (Cambs.), 183 Elys, T., 210 Enderby, H.M., 35 Englishman, W., 306 Elnothington, the lost manor and church of. By Allen Grove, 153-6 Epps, S., 435 ff. Ernulf, Bishop, 173, 186-7, 306 Erpingham, Sir T., 227-8 Eskdale (Cumbria), 113 Evans, J.H., xv S., 338 Sir J., 21 Evers, C, 441 ff. Everest, fam., 285-8, 292 Everidge, D., 292 E., 292 R., 284, 286 S., 284 Everitt, Prof. A., 3, 7, 283 Evetts, G., 435 ff. Exeter, 30 University of, 12 Eyhorne Green, 153-4 Hundred, 153 Fairholt, F.W., 132 ff. Farnborough, 219 Farningham, fam., 220 J., 222 ff. Roman villa, 66, 77-8 Faussett, T.G., xv Faversham, the great explosion at, 2 April, 1916. By Arthur Percival, M.B.E., B.A., F.S.A., 425-63 297-8, 349 Fiennes, fam., 219 Fishbourne, Roman palace, 70, 72 Fisher, Archbishop, 37 Fitzalan, fam., 219 Fleury, H. of, I, Abbot, 179 Flimwell (Sussex), 352 Flint implements, 15-28 Fogge, fam., 219, 223 J., 223 T., 222 ff. Foley, H., 443 Folkestone, 223, 350 Footscray, 349 Fordwich, 192 Freeman, R., 145 ff. Fremlin, A., 292 J., 292 M., 292 French, J., 288 Frere, S.S., Canterbury: the post-war excavations, 29-46 48 ff. Frittenden, 235 Frogenhall, fam., 220 Fry, J.H., 396 468 GENERAL INDEX Fullerton (Wherwell, Hants.), Roman villa, 116, 128 Furley, 1 Fyndon, T., Abbot, 180-2 Gainsborough (Lines.), Old Hall, 268 Galley Hill, 16 Gardiner, D., 5 Gardner, Maj., 388 Garwinton, fam., 220 T., 226, 229 Gaunt, J. of, 219 Germain, Lord G., 348 Gibbons, O., 314 Gibbs, J., 396 Gibson, J.P., 107 Gilbert, Mrs., 330 ff. Gilham, G., 440, 442 Gill, A., 292 Gilton, AS brooch, 139, 142 Gladfelter, B.G., 17 Glanville, de, Bishop, 187 Glastonbury (Som.), 338 Abbey, 178 Godmersham, 364 Godstone (Surrey), 350 Goldfinch, G., 437 Golding, R., 163 Goldstone II, Prior, 176 Goode, J., 440, 442 Goscelin, 339 Goudhurst, 234 ff., 349 Grafton (Northants.), 220 Granville, A.B., 397 Gratian, 60 Gravesend, 322, 359, 364, 400, 403 Gravett, K., 7 Great Chart, 371 Green Street Green, 371 Greenway Court Manor, 154 Gregory, Pope, 61 Grey of Codnor, 219 Grimes, W.F., 30 Grove, Allen, The lost manor and church of Elnothington, 153-6 119 Gundulph, Bishop, 179, 186 Hackington College, 173 Hadlow, 238 Hadrian, 68 Hadrian's Wall, 105, 109-110 Halden, 235, 237 Hales, A., 325 E., 325 Sir E., 326 Haltwhistle Burn (Northumbria), 105 ff., 124, 127 Ham Street, 349, 359 Hampton Court, 261, 263, 268, 275, 282 Handcock, Dr, 312 Hankford, W., 227-8 Harrietsham, 155 Church, 156 Harpsfield, Archdeacon, 156, 159, 161 Harris, Cpl. C.T., 441, 443 Harrison, B., 21 J., 442 Harrogate (Yorks.), 398 Hartley, 373 Harty Ferry, 438 Harvey, J.S., 303 Haslemere (Surrey), 372 Hassall, M.W.C, 81 Hasted in perspective. By J. Boyle, LL.B., F.S.A., 295-304 E., 1-2, 153-4, 162, 221 ff., 364 Hastings, Battle of, 305 Marble, 69-70 Haute, fam., 219-20 Sir N., 222-4 Haverfield, F.J., 30 Hawarden, Viscount, 87, 312 Hawkes, Sonia Chadwick, The Amherst brooch, 129-51 C, 129 Hawkhurst, 158, 235 ff. Hayles, Holwood Park, 393 Hayns, J., 286 Headcorn, 237, 248 Heathfield (Sussex), 346 Helpeston, H., 199 Hendley, fam., 240 Sir T„ 253 Sir W., 160 ff. Hengrave Hall (Suffolk), 268 Henry IV, 224-5, 227, 229, 311 VI, 159 VII, 184 VIII, 160, 176, 199-200, 213, 259, 263, 275-7, 282, 325 Heraclius, 141 Constantine, 141 Heme Bay, 359, 429, 446 Heronbridge (Ches.), 113 Herrys, T., 161, 163 Herstmonceux (Sussex), 268 Hever, 313-4 Hextall, R., 220 W., 220 Hill, D. Ingram, M.A., D.D., F.S.A., The restoration of a great cathedral, 305-17 R., 228 Hills, H., 288 T., 288 Hiscock, R.H., LL.B., F.S.A., Boorman's Mill, Northfleet, 319-24 Holden, J., 253 Holeywell Hill (Herts.), 113 Holland, Canon, 310 469 GENERAL INDEX Hollingbourne, 153 ff. Church, 156 Manor, 153 ff. Hill Manor, 154 ff. Holmesdale, Viscount, 145 Honfleur (France), 211 Hooker, F., 312 S., 347 Hooper, G., 291 J., 291 Hope, A.J.B., 325, 327 ff. W.H. St. J., 331, 337 Hopkins, H., 395 P., 146-7 Horn, W., 226 Horne, C, 330 ff. R., 162 T., 330 ff. Horsmonden, 235, 238 ff., 347, 352, 361 Hossmer, H., 353 Hothfield, 295 Hubbard, G., 338 Hucking, 156 Church, 154 Hull, F., B.A., Ph.D., D.Litt., F.R.Hist.S., Kentish historical writing, 1956-83: an assessment, 1-14 295 Hundred Years War, 211 Hunt, P., 285, 292 Huntingdon, Countess of, 405 Huntington, W., 401 Hurstfield, Prof., 8 Hythe, 199, 350 Ickham, 119-20, 124, 127-8 T. of, 184 Igglesden, C, 191 Ightham, 359, 364 Ipswich (Suffolk), 192 Irthing, River (Northumbria), 109 Jacobs, Dr, 297 Jeffery, D., 287 J., 287 Jenkins, F., M.A., Ph.D., F.S.A., The reexcavation of the Roman 'villa' at Wingham, 87-99 Jermine, F., 293 Jessup, A., 292 F.W., 2-3, 8, 282, 300 M., 292 R.F., xv, 136 Jordan, W.K., 3, 8 Julian, 61 Kaiseraugst (Switzerland), 83 Keeley, Dr L.H., 21 Keith-Lucas, B., Kentish turnpikes, 345-69 Kempton (Hants.), 113 Kenardington, 162 Kenchester (Herefords.), 113 Kendrick, T.D., 129 ff. Kent, University of, 13 Kentish historical writing, 1956-83: an assessment. By F. Hull, B.A., Ph.D., D.Litt., F.R.Hist.S., 1-14 Kentish turnpikes. By B. Keith-Lucas, 345-69 Kentish, The major, in the religious census of 1851. By Nigel Yates, M.A., F.R.Hist.S., 395-423 Kenyon, K.M., 30 Kerynia (Cyprus), 83 Kilburne, R., 158 Kiln, RB, 55 King's Langley (Herts.), Convent of the Friars Preachers, 221 Kingston Down, AS brooch, 129 ff. Kingsweston (Glos.), Roman villa, 76 Kipping's Cross, 347 ff. Kirby, Rev. W.W., 165, 167 Knockholt, 292 Knole, 268, 277, 290 Knut, King, 192 Kyriel, fam., 220 W., 218-9 Lambarde, W., 1, 8, 261 Lambeth, College, 173 Palace, 196 Lampard, E., 285 Lanfranc, Archbishop, 173, 179, 305—6 Langridge, G.T., 392-3 Langslow, D., 316 Langton, S., Archbishop, 173 Larking, Rev. L.B., xv Lansberry, H.C.F., Free bench see-saw: Sevenoaks widows in the late seventeenth century, 281-93 Laud, Archbishop, 307 Lawless, R., 160 la Zouche, fam., 219 Leakey, Mrs. M.D., 17 Leamington (Warks.), 398 Ledbury (Herefords.), 356 le Despencer, Lord, 355 Leeds, 119, 128 E.T., 129 ff. Lefevre, C, 312 Leigh, 235 Leland, 109 Len, River, 119 Lenham, Church, 156 Forstal, 156 River, 155 Lepine (France), 312 Levallois, Flint industry, 17, 20 Levy, L., 362-3 Lewis, N.B., 221 Lewisham, 356 Lidbetter, W.H., 392-3 470 GENERAL INDEX Littlecote Park (Ramsbury, Wilts.), Roman villa, 114 Littleton, Dr, 296 Livett, Rev. Canon G.M., xv London, 29, 51, 192, 239, 261, 288, 292, 325, 327, 346 ff., 385, 393 Abbey of the St. Mary Graces by the Tower, 221 British Museum, 129 Fishmongers' Company, 154 King's College, 342 St. Paul's Cathedral, 308 Long, L, 392 Longfield, 371 Hill, 371 Lote, S., 307 Love, Maj., 333-4 LuUingstone, Roman villa, 43, 59-61, 66, 77 Lushington, Alderman, 355 Lyall, W.R., Archdeacon, 327, 330 Lyon (France), 43 J., 298 MacDonald, A., xv G., 30 Maceroni, Count, 366 McAdam, J.L., 360 Sir J.N., 360, 364, 366 McGowan, Sir H., 459 Mcintosh, K.H., 5 Maidstone, 222,239, 312, 327, 330, 346 ff., 385, 395, 400 ff., 429, 446 Chillington Manor, 153 Maitland, F.W., 281 Makenade, W., 226, 228 Malet, Mr Justice, 8 Mailing, 359 Malton (Yorks.), 81 ff. Manchester, Knott Mill, 102 Manclark, E., 361 Marden, 235, 237, 248, 359, 364 Maresfield (Sussex), 350 Margary, I.D., xv, 97, 156 Margate, 214, 359, 400 ff., 429, 446 Marston, A.T., 15, 17 Mary, Princess, 277 Queen, 159 Masters, D., 353 Mayfield (Sussex), 395 Maynard, H., 391 Meaden, J.G.P., 340 Meaney, A., 145, 150 Meates, G.W., Early Christianity in the Darent valley, 57-64 43 Medway, River, 346 Mee, A., 205 Melling, E., 7, 10 Mereworth, 349, 352 ff. Castle, 355 Merriam, G., 292 Mieune-Marbonfi (France), 84 Milan, Edict of, 58 Mildenhall (Suffolk). 85 Miles, A., 158 Minster, 149-50 AS brooch, 145 Mithram, River, 114 Mond, Sir A., 460 Monins, Capt. T., 308 Monkton, 150 AS brooch, 135, 142 Moritz, L.A., 105 Mortimer, fam., 219 Morton, J., Archbishop, 176 Mount, M., 312 Mountfield (Sussex), 346 Moylan, P.A., 7 Muggeridge, T., 371 Murchin, G., 292 Murston Manor, 154 Neale, Sir J., 8 Neame, A., 9 Neavy Downs, 98 Nelot, J., 210 Nettleton (Wilts.) 118-9 Shrub, RB temple, 77 Newcomer, M.H., 28 Newark (Notts.), 298 Newbury, V.J., 119 New Cross, 352 ff., 361 Newman, A., 8 New Romney, 199, 349-50 Nicea, Council of, 59 Nicoll, J., 285 Nightingale, M., 462 Nisham, J., 213 Norbury, fam., 219 Northbourne, Lord, 332-3 North Downs, 155-6 Northfleet, Boorman's Mill. By R.H. Hiscock, LL.B., F.S.A., 319-24, 21,260,351,363 Norton, Sir F., 347 Norwich, 192, 197, 425 Notebeme, W., 218 Nuthall, 372 Oakley, Dr K.P., 17 Oare, 437, 441, 443, 460 Odo, Bishop, 153 Offham, 371 Ogilby, J., 289 Ohel, Dr M.Y., 27 Oldcastle, Sir J., 218 O'Neil, B., 30 Ospringe, 444 Otford Palace, the lost buildings of. By Anthony D. Stoyel, 259-80 5 471 GENERAL INDEX Manor, 290 RB Christian church, 61 Ovedale, J., 223 Oxford, 11 Ashmolean Museum, 129 ff. Cardinal (Christ Church) College, 263, 275 Oxney, 167 Ozey, R., 213 Page, Sir G., 361 Palladius, 107 Palmer, E., 388 Panuwell, T., 391, 393 Parker, Archbishop, 161 Parkin, E.W., The ancient Cinque Port of Sandwich, 189-216 Paveley, fam., 220 Payne, G., xv S., 288 Pearson, Lady F., 203 Peasants Revolt, The, 176, 275 Pecham, Archbishop, 260 Peche, fam., 220 J., 229 W., 222 Peckham, J., 222-3, 226-7 R., 223 Peers, C.R., 340 Pegwell Bay, 199, 215 Pembury, 237, 285, 347, 391 Pen Court Manor, 154 Penenden Heath, 357 Penshurst, 237 Percival, Arthur, M.B.E., B.A., F.S.A., The great explosion at Faversham, 2 April, 1916, 425-63 Perkins, D.R.J., 146, 150 Peterborough, 183 Orton Hall Farm, 116, 127 Pcttit, C, 298 Philip II of Spain, 214 Philipot, J., 1, 10 T., 297-8, 302, 371 Phillips, W., 188 Philp, B., 259 Pickenot, J., 198 Pierrepoint, M., 293 Pilbrow, J., 41, 47, 52-3 Pilgrims' Way, 154-6 Pliny, the Elder, 40 Pluckley, -235 Plummer, W., 253 Pollock, F„ 281 Pompeii, 83 Port, H, de, 153 Potts, Canon R.U., 171, 332-3, 339-40 Potyn, fam., 220 N., 222 Powys, Dean, 309 Poynings, fam., 219 Prae Wood (Herts.), 30 Price, Lady M., 373 Sir R., 373 Purbeck, Marble, 69-70, 306 Pympe, fam., 220 R., 218-9, 224 Quested, M., 154-5 Radnor, Lord, 303 Rady, J., 50, 52 Ramsbury (Wilts.), 114 Ramsden, S., 165 Ramsgate, 214, 327, 346, 359, 400 ff., 446 Read, Prof. C, 8 Reading Street, 157, 159-60 Chapel, 162-3 Reculver, Roman fort, 45, 122 Restitutus, Bishop of London, 58 Reynold, J., 159, 163 Reynolds, K.M. Baillie, 30 Rheims (France), 309 Richard II, The community of Kent in the reign of. By Bruce Webster, M.A., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S., 217-29 202, 217 ff. Richards, P., 140 Richborough, Roman fort, 66, 71-7, 79, 98, 122 Richmond, I.A., 105 Rickhill, W., 228 Rigby, T., 284 Ripple Manor, 154-5 Roberts, fam., 240 SirT., 155, 253 T., 161 Robertson, Rev. Canon Scott, xv Rochester, 180, 241, 298, 349, 357, 400 ff. Cathedral, 361 Deanery, 132 ff. Eastgate House Museum, 87 St. Andrew's Priory, 171, 178, 185-8 Roe, Dr D., 28 Roger I, Abbot, 180 II, Abbot, 180, 340 Rolfe, W., 144 ff. Rolvenden, 235, 237, 346, 349, 366 Roman archaeological ornament in Kent. By T.F.C. Blagg, B.A., Ph.D., F.S.A., 65-80 Coin, 60,-141 ff. Road, 98, 113, 156 Romano-British, Baths, 34, 37, 51 ff. 87-99, 114 Bridge, 109 Building, 34 ff. Christian church, 59-61 City, 42 Fort, 45, 66, 71 ff., 103, 105, 122 Forum, 48, 53 Industry, 55 472 GENERAL INDEX Kiln, 55 Road, 98, 113, 156 Spoon, 81-6 Street, 40, 48 Temple, 50 ff. Theatre, 37, 43, 48 ff. Tilery, 55 Town, 30, 47 ff., 65-71, 76-7, 107 Villa, 43, 59-61,65 ff., 76-7,87-99,114,116, 128 Wall, 44, 47 ff. Watermill, 101-28 Roos, fam., 219 Rother, River, 167, 199 Routledge, Rev. Canon C.F., xv, 331-2, 337-8 Rowett, J., 288 Rundle, Sir L., 448 Russell, W., 347 Rusthall Manor, 388 Rutland, Earl of, 227 Rye (Sussex), 289 Sackville, Lord G., 348 St. Alban, 58 Anselm, 173, 306 Augustine, 45, 61 Gall (France), 173 John Hope, Sir W., 171, 183, 185-7 Stephen's 295 Thomas a Becket, 173 Salles-d'Aude (France), 84 Saltwood, 223 Sanderson, W., 372 Sandhurst, 235, 346 Sandown, Castle, 199 Sandwich, the ancient Cinque Port of. By E.W. Parkin, 189-216 5, 11, 299, 346, 358-9 Sarre, 135, 140 ff., 192 Savage, fam., 219 A., 222 ff. E., 225 R., 225 Sir A., 222 ff. Saxon, Raids, 45 Shore Fort, 45, 51 Sayers, D., 306 Sayewell, S., 443 Scantlebury, W., 394 Schofield, R.S., 236, 242 Schonbcin, C, 429 Scott, Sir G., 210 Seal, 350 Sears, J., 442 Selby, E., 441 ff. P.G., 441 ff. Scgar, R., 210 Selling, Prior, 176 Semark, C, 440, 442 Sens, W. of, 306 Septvans, fam., 204, 219-20 • W., 226 Sevenoaks widows in the late seventeenth century: free bench see-saw. By H.C.F. Lansberry, 281-93 233, 272, 283 ff., 347, 350, 360, 385 Shalmsford, 364 Shaw, R.C., 109 Sheerness, 400 ff., 445 Shelford, 313 Shelve Manor, 156 Sherlock, David, An inscribed Roman spoon from Canterbury, 81-6 Shoebury (Suffolk), 426 Shorey, E., 388-9 Shove, E.A., 322 G., 319 ff. Sidley/Sedley, fam., 371 Sir C , 371-2 Sidney, A., 11 Silchester (Hants.), Roman town, 29, 71 Siller, J., 160 Simpson, F.G., 104-5 Singer, R., 17 Sissinghurst, 163 Sittingbourne, 446 Skyros (Greece), 70 Slatter, A., 391 J., 391 Slaugham (Sussex), 160 Sloane, C , 361 Smarden, 237 Smeeth, 295 Smith, A.M., 35 C. Roach, 145, 148 ff. J., 291 R., 129 Snagbrook, 154 Snarkhurst Wood, 154-5 Sollys, fam., 204 Somerhill, Tonbridge, 347 Somner, W., 184 Southampton, University of, 12 Southborough, 386 Southend (Essex), 425 Southfleet, Extracts from the miscellany and farm accounts of Francis Andrus of Scadbury in the parish of. By F.S. Andrus, M.V.O., M.A., 371-83 South Shields (Co. Durham), 81 ff. Southwark (Surrey), 30 Southwell (Notts.), 322 Spain, R.J., Romano-British watermills, 101-28 Sparks, Margaret, The recovery and excavation of the St. Augustine's Abbey site, 1844- 1947, 325-44 Spilstead, W., 287 Springhead, 66, 79 Stafford, fam., 219 Earl of, 220 473 GENERAL INDEX Stanegate Forts, 105 Stanhope, fam., 8 Stanley, Rev. Prof. A.P., 325 Staplehurst, 233, 235 ff. Stebbings, Lt. J.M., 441, 443 Stevens, C , 289 Stileman, T., 289 Stoker's Head, 347, 359-60, 366 Stour, River, 47-8, 98, 119, 364 Stowers, W., 425 Stoyel, Anthony D., The lost buildings of Otford Palace, 259-80 Streatfeild, J. Fremlyn, 7 Strong, Prof. D., 73 Strood, 351, 359, 396 Sturry, 5, 313 Style, Sir T., 353 Sudbury, S. of, Archbishop, 176 Suffolk, Duchess of, 277 Sundridge, 235, 291 Surrenden Dering, 349, 365 Sussex, University of, 12 Sutton Hoo, 85 Swaine, A., 292 Swingfield Preceptory, 10 Swanscombe, Clactonian flints from Rickson's pit. By P.J. Tester, F.S.A., 15-28 Swayne, T , 359 Talbot, J.G., xv Tamworth (Staffs.), 127 Tassell, G. 440 ff., 450 Tatton-Brown, Tim, Three great Benedictine houses in Kent: their buildings and topography, 171-88 Taunus Mountains, 124 Taylor, S., 303 Telfer, M., 457 Tenterden, 157, 235 ff., 349, 385 Museum, 158 Terrugem (Portugal), 85 Tester, P.J., F.S.A., Clactonian flints from Rickson's pit, Swanscombe, 15-28 Teston, 347, 352, 363 Tewkesbury (Glos.), 192 Thames, River, 18 Valley, 19 Thanet, 149, 194, 226 Thanington, 364 Theodosius, 60 Thetford (Norfolk), 83, 85 Thirsk, J., 232 Thomas, H.B., 299 Thompson, Prof. A. Hamilton, 171, 183 Thome, N., Abbot, 180 Thorpe, Dr., 298 Thurnham, 155 Church, 156 Thurston, H.C., 359 T., 359-60, 364 Ticehurst (Sussex), 161 Tilery, RB, 55 Tolhurst, A., 322-3 Tomlin, Canon, 334 Tomlinson, F., 30, 35, 37 Tonbridge, 4, 11, 220 ff., 235 ff., 275, 291, 346 ff., 385-6 Castle, 347 Lowy, 234 Manor, 301 Somerhill, 347 Took, R.K., 425 Topclif, W., 228 Torrington, Lord, 365 Tournai (Belgium), Slate, 69 Towcester (Northants.), Roman town, 77 Town, M.J., 303 Trottescliffe, H. of, Abbot, 180 Tuck, S., 425 Tunbridge Wells, estate development and the beginnings of modern, 1800-40. By C.W. Chalklin, 385-98 350, 363,385-98,400, 405 Turner, E.A., 322 Sir G., 361 Twisden, Sir R., 352 Twist, S., 457 Twysden, Sir W., 352 Tydecombe, W., 226 Tyne, North, River, 103 Uckfield (Sussex), 392 Urry, Dr W., 6, 54 Valence, S., 226 Vallance, W.H. Aylmer, xv Ver, River, 113 Verona (Italy), Isola Rizza, 84-5 Verulamium, Roman town, 30, 43, 53 Victoria, Queen, 309 Virgoe, R., 227 Waddams, Canon H., 313 Wadham, J., 228 Wadhurst (Sussex), 350, 392 Waechter, Dr, 28 Walcott, Rev. M., 337 Wallace, W., 440, 442 Wallenberg, J.K., 153 Walmer, Castle, 199 Walter, H., Archbishop, 173 Wantsum Channel, 122 Ward, J., 393 Warham, W., Archbishop, 156, 161, 259, 261 ff. Warnicke, R., 8 Warren, S.H., 17-18, 21 Wastell, J., 176, 307 Wateringbury, 353 474 GENERAL INDEX Watermills, Romano-British. By R.J. Spain, 101-28 Watkins, A., 155 Watling Street, 113 Watts, M., 107 Weald, population and family structure in the sixteenth-century. By Michael Zell, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., 231-59 Webster, Bruce, M.A., F.S.A., F.R.Hist.S., The community of Kent in the reign of Richard II, 217-29 Wedlake, W.J., 119 Weller, S., 253 Westbere, 333 Westerham, 233, 235 Westcotes (Leics.), Roman villa, 77 Westminster, Abbey, 117-8, 184 College of St. Stephen's Chapel, 221 Hall, 175 Westmoreland, Earl of, 218 Weymouth (Dorset), 388 Wheathampstead (Herts.), 30 Wheeler, R.E.M., 30 Whcrwell (Hants.), 116 Whitaker, C.G., 371 Rev. J., 346 Whitstable, 348-50, 359, 446 Whyman, J., 12 Wibert, Prior, 173, 311 Wido (Guido), Abbot, 179 Wilfred, Bishop of Northumberland, 189 Willes, E., 398 William, The Conqueror, 173, 186 Williams, A., 30, 48 J., 359 Willis, Rev. Prof. R., 171, 178, 335 Willmott, A.R., 113 Willowford Bridge (Cumbria), Roman bridge, 109 Wilsley Green, 350, 352 ff. Wilson, Lord, 104 S., 437 ff. Sir H., 35 Wiltshire, W., 440, 442 Winchester, Cathedral, 309 Winfield, D., 316 Wingham, the re-excavation of the Roman 'villa' at. By Frank Jenkins, M.A., Ph.D., F.S.A., 87-99 140 Winnifrith, Sir John, The medieval church of St. Mary, Ebony, and its successors, 157- 69 Winstanley, M., 4 Witten (Germany), 437 Wittersham, 163 Wolff, R.G., 17 Wolsey, Cardinal, 261, 263 Wood, E., 290 J., 290 T., 289-90 Woodcock, B.L., 6 Woodchurch, 235 ff. Woodgate, W., 347 Woodruff, Rev. C.E., xv, 339 C.H., xv Woods, T.P.S., 8 Woodville, J. de, 220 Worsley, A., 292 E., 292 Wotton, E., 325 Wright, R.P., 83 Wrigley, E.A., 236, 242 Wrotham, 260, 349, 359 ff., 365 Heath, 349-50, 360 Wroxeter (Salop), Roman town, 29-30, 66 Wulfred, Archbishop, 260 Wulfric, Archbishop, 339, 341 Wyatt, J., 355 Wye, 297 Wymer, J.J., 17, 28 Yarmouth, 214, 425 Yates, Nigel, M.A., F.R.Hist.S., The major Kentish towns in the religious census of 1851, 399-423 10 Yevele, H., 307 York, 58 Roman town, 66 Young, Dr C.J., 121 R., 319 ff. Zell, Michael, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Population and family structure in the sixteenth-century Weald, 231-59 Zugmantel (Germany), 124 475


The great Explosion at Faversham, 2 April 1916


Frontispiece 1983