Lost Hamlets: Discovering and recording two quite different lost hamlets in Thanet North-East Kent
ePapers KAS ePapers KAS

Lost Hamlets: Discovering and recording two quite different lost hamlets in Thanet North-East Kent

How can two hamlets, only one mile apart, vary so much? This became an intriguing question to the author who originally was researching just Upton and the family that owned and farmed the land around the hamlet of Upton in the parish of St Peter and between St Peter and Broadstairs in Thanet. Later, a second hamlet was discovered, Hollicondane in the parish of St Lawrence in Ramsgate, and the following is a report on both and their similarities and differences, mainly the latter.

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The Wotton Survey

The Wotton Survey

A project initiated in March 2009 to transcribe the Wotton Survey and publish it online in order to make it available to researchers and also to enable those participating in the project to acquire, or improve, palaeography skills.

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