With contributions by
N.D. Balaam, J.D. Henderson, B.M. Johansson, B. Meddens,
D.R.J. Perkins and K.D. Thomas
Aerial photography has revealed a number of archaeological features
in the Northdown area including a group of ring ditches. Excavation
of one of these in August and September 1984 revealed a single
continuous ring ditch of a possible disc barrow. No clearly primary
deposit was found, but pottery in secondary positions suggests an
early Beaker origin. Molluscan evidence suggests that the monument
was constructed in an open, probably short-turfed grassland environment.
Evidence from three possible cremation pits inside the ring
ditch enclosure and an inhumation inserted in one of the lower fills of
the ring ditch show that the monument was still in use in the Late
Bronze Age. After the ring ditch had partially silted, a large quarry
had been dug into one of its sides. Later, a layer of domestic refuse
including pottery, flintwork and three bronzes was deposited in the
ditch suggesting the presence nearby of a settlement of Late Bronze
Age date. The monument was finally included in a boundary of a
Romano-British or later field system and two inhumations were
inserted into the top of the largely silted-up ditch, the molluscan
evidence confirming the presence of an open, arable environment.
* Published with the aid of a grant from English Heritage (Historic Buildings and
Monuments Commission for England).
The Isle of Thanet is a plateau of Upper Chalk lying mostly around
30-50 m. 0.D., dissected by shallow dry valleys. To the south-west it
slopes gently to the Minster and Chislet marshes, the silted-up
Wantsum Channel-(Fig.1) which in Roman times and before separated
the Isle from mainland Kent. Areas of prehistoric coastal
occupation, potentially important for future research, may lie here to
be discovered (Champion 1982). To its north and east, however,
coastal erosion has created chalk cliffs and significant areas of land
have been lost (Fig. 1, lower, shows the Wantsum Channel as it
probably appeared in Roman times but does not try to extrapolate
the extent of eroded coastline as this would have to rely upon cliff
attrition rates; see Elworthy et al. 1986). East Northdown is part of
the chalk plateau, here sloping gently towards the sea, and the site
(N.G.R. TR385704) lies at35 m. 0.D., about 750 m. from the present
coastline. Until the beginning of this century the area was open farmland,
which has since been gradually encroached upon by the expansion
of Margate and Broadstairs. The land is fertile with a soil derived
mainly from brickearth, which still survives in hollows and dry valleys.
Aerial photographs of the Northdown area have revealed a
number of archaeological features including at least sixteen ring
ditches together with linear ditches and sub-rectangular enclosures.
These have been plotted by D.R.J. Perkins of the Thanet Archaeological
Unit (Fig. 2). Attention was first drawn to the archaeological
importance of the area through the work of the Kent Archaeological
Rescue Unit, which carried out watching briefs during house building
nearby as well as the rescue excavation of one· ring ditch (Cambridge
University Collection, A.RR. 45, Fig. 2, 1A,). Apart from ring
ditches, other crop-marks, which have been identified, include one
horse-shoe shaped ditch and henge-like ring ditches with causeways
and internal features.
The crop-marks revealed on aerial photographs of the site under
consideration, 274 (Cambridge University Collection B.I.W. 8 and
B.I.W. 11, Plate IA) were originally interpreted as a possible henge
monument with multiple concentric ditches and opposed entrances.
The site was scheduled (S.A.M. Kent 384) and Scheduled Monument
Consent was granted with excavation as a condition when application
was made by the landowners for planning permission to build houses
over the site. Excavation was regarded as vital because the majority
of this interesting group of monuments ( considering the absence of
henges and the paucity of excavated barrow sites in Kent) had
disappeared under housing development without any clear understanding
of them.
5 10
15 20kms
5 10 15miles
2 3 4 5miles 0
5 10kms
Fig. 1. Site Location and ancient Coastline.
• -
weight fragments and animal bones suggesting domestic refuse from a
nearby settlement. This merged with the top fill (522), which
incorporated pottery from Beaker to medieval. Soil columns for
molluscan analysis were taken through the section of quarry 990 and
through three of the ditch sections. Mollusca from one of the latter
(section 26, Fig. 5) were extracted and identified (Thomas and
Johansson, below). A bulk sample from layer 133 5 was processed by
flotation for possible retrieval of carbonized botanical material but
without result (Balaam). Charcoal from layer 1337 was identified
(Balaam) and produced a radiocarbon date of 3020 ± 80 B.P.
The original excavation design was planned with the intention of
excavating 50 per cent of the ring ditch in alternating segments
(Plate IB). However, a further 25 per cent was excavated in the
course of investigating features discovered and to retrieve a larger
assemblage of artefacts from layer 1335.
The aerial photograph of the site prior to excavation (Plate IA)
showed a lighter band around the ditch, which might have been the
remnant of an external bank. Nothing was found during excavation
which could have produced this crop-mark, not even a change in level
of bedrock. It may be that the lighter band of the crop-mark was
produced by improved drainage of the chalk adjacent to the ditch.
However, all eighteen sections of the ring ditch (e.g. Plate IIA) show
a slight bias in their silting. In all cases more of the primary silting had
spilled into the ditch from outside it. This seems to have protected the
outer edge of the ditch to some extent contrasting with the greater
weathering of the inner edge (Fig. 5). Correspondingly, the upper
layers (522 and 1335) of each ditch segment lay slightly off-centre
from the ditch profile, towards the inner edge. There is some
evidence, therefore, for the former existence of an external bank
rather than an internal mound.
Apart from the quarry there was a number of other features
associated with the· ring ditch. On the west side a pit (996) had been
dug into the ditch side, stratigraphically contemporary with the
quarry. The pit was only partially excavated, contained no finds and
appears to have silted in naturally, so it may, too, have been a small
In segment 517 at the junction of layers 1335 and 1336 there lay a
group of human bones consisting of four long bones and a lower jaw.
These may have been part of one skeleton of a young adult, 25-35
years (Henderson 1987), but which by their position, uneven representation
and lack of grave pit suggest that they were disarticulated at
the time of deposition.
In segments 516 and 896 a large pit, 3.40 m. long (968, Fig. 4) had
been cut through the top of layer 1336 almost to the base of the ditch.
It had vertical ends through the re-cut ditch fills, but its sides
respected the original ditch. It must have been backfilled immediately
after excavation because the ends, cut through ditch silt, were vertical
and unweathered and because the fill was not silt but contained large
pieces of chalk cut from the surrounding ditch edge, which was,
therefore, somewhat wider here. There were no finds from the pit to
suggest a function although its general size and elongated shape could
suggest an inhumation burial of which no trace remained. Stratigraphically,
the pit pre-dates layer 1335 but post-dates 1336.
In segments 514 and 898 an elongated oval pit 1319, 2.12 m. long,
Mollusc column
..,0·5 Section 29·
Fig. 5. Northdown. Examples of Sections of Ring Ditch.
0. 70 m. wide and 1.20 m. deep, below the present chalk surface had
been dug into the inner ditch side at the level of the junction of layers
1335 and 1336. By its size and shape this also appeared very like an
extended inhumation grave, but there were no finds from the pit,
which seemed to have been backfilled to a point where the fill was
level with the lip of the ditch side.
Above pit 1319 in segments 514 and 898 were two extended
inhumations (860 and 993, Fig. 4) inserted when the ditch was almost
=-=--:=-c:::::11-=:i1 metre
llll) Dark brown loam
- Orange silty loam
gi{;u/ Solid chalk rubble
rnrnrn Mollusc rich
disturbed area Section 79
0 0-5 1 1·5 2 metres
NM , IN- -ef I
Fig. 6. Northdown. Section of Quarry 990 and Ring Ditch.
entirely silted. Both were poorly preserved but seem to have been
female, 860 a young adult, 20-30 years, and 993 adult {Henderson
1987), laid approximately east-west with the head at the west end.
860 seemed to have been laid directly in a pit while 993 was laid in a
coffin, which was outlined in the rubble backfill although without
coffin-nails. The finds in the top fill of the ditch into which they are
inserted indicate that the burials are likely to be Romano-British or
Features within the Ring Ditch Enclosure
The aerial photograph of the site (Plate IA) had suggested a large
internal feature. This proved to be a natural brickearth-filled hollow
or solution hole (822, Fig. 4) occupying a large part of the enclosure.
The chalk bordering this feature was extensively altered by solution.
In the south-western quarter was an approximately rectangular pit
(657, Fig. 4) 3.20 m. long, 0.84 m. wide and 0.45 m. deep (Fig. 7).
This was the only internal feature located by the geophysical survey.
Although apparently man-made, the pit was disturbed by animal
burrows and produced no finds. In size and proportions it could be an
inhumation grave, and it may be relevant that it lies at a similar
orientation to the two burials 860 and 993 already described. Analysis
of the pit fill (Balaam), however, suggested that it was insufficiently
acid to have totally destroyed a skeleton. The three smaller pits
adjacent to 657 appeared to be animal burrows although one, 655,
produced a medieval potsherd.
There were eight small pits within the enclosure, varying from
0.22-0.78 m. in diameter and 0.05-0.12 m. deep (Fig. 7). Five of
these, 510, 512, 833, 835 and 1308 may be related in that they fall into
an arc on the north side of the enclosure. Two (510 and 512) were cut
into the top fill of the ring ditch, 510 being above inhumation 993.
These two pits, and perhaps all five, are no earlier than RomanoBritish
although their layout is in some way
rated to the ring ditch.
The only finds, a fragment of burnt bone/ and a fragment of a
decorative bronze object (M7, below) of an alloy not occurring
before the first century A.D., came from pit 33.
Three other small pits, 698, 700 and 802, all cut into the brick
earth-filled solution hole 822, produced no artefacts. Since they might
be cremations, sieving and flotation of the fills were carried out.
These produced no bone although there. was some charcoal from 698
which was identified (Balaam) and produced a radiocarbon date of
2910 ± 70 B.P. (HAR-7011).
. .
. ... •:
0 0·5 1m
- ...
... . ·::·•.• ' . ...
+,<.:833;, +
+- +
+ +
698 Charcoal
+ +
;;: ·/
+ +
Section 11
+_ +
Section 12
-l-1308 +
Fig. 7. Northdown. Sections of Pits and linear Features.
Features outside the Ring Ditch Enclosure
These consisted of six linear features, 602, 618, 638, 641, 807 and 817,
which are all very slight ploughed-out remnants of small ditches,
nowhere deeper than 0.16 m. (Fig. 7), 618 being a re-cut of 602. Only
three small fragments of pottery, possibly local Romano-British
coarse ware, came from these features. The fact that ditch 602
became shallower and faded out as it approached the ring ditch
suggests that it may have been cutting through a remnant of an
external bank here ( a continuation of 602 was traced further north
during trial trenching; see Archive). Likewise, 807 and 817 terminate
before reaching the ring ditch and the shallow scoop 808 could be a
remnant of a negative lynchet downslope from an external bank.
Other features shown are natural brickearth-filled hollows.
W ______
-yj .• ,1
Section 66 along main
E-W trench edge
984 sherds (9.1 kg.) were recovered of which the majority, 919, came
from the fill of the ring ditch. Ten pieces of pottery ( all medieval and
post-medieval) came from the surface collection and 55 pieces from
other features. Twenty-five fabrics were distinguished, the greatest
variety, seventeen, being represented in the top fill (522) of the ring
ditch. These have been simplified for presentation into eight groups
described below and Fig. 8 shows the stratigraphic occurrence of
these fabric groups (by sherd count) within the ring ditch. Descriptions
of the complete fabric range can be found in the archive.
Fabric Groups (with corresponding Archive fabric numbers)
A. Tyler Hill type ware (Roman and medieval). Well-fired,
medium sandy (3, 4, 5).
B. Other medieval and post medieval (9, 16, 17, 22, 27).
C. Romano-British coarse ware and samian (7, 14, 20, 23).
D. Fine sandy with fine to coarse crushed calcined flint and quartz
(1, 2).
E. Medium sandy with sparse crushe.d flint grits and some ironstained
inclusions (18, 19).
F. Fine silty with a few quartz or chalk fragments (6, 8).
G. Beaker: 1. Soft, fine sandy with a few small pieces of calcined
flint and a few small pieces of grog (?) (10, 24, 26).
522 *
1336 * *
1336 *
50 50
* *
200 400 60
* Present ( less than 10 sherds)
* * *
* * *
* *
Fig. 8. Northdown. Pottery Fabric Groups by Sherd Count in Ring Ditch 501.
2. Soft, very fine sandy, slightly vesicular with scattered very
small finely crushed flint and quartz (11).
3. Soft, fine silty, almost inclusion free. A very few angular
crushed quartz grains, occasional rounded flint and a scatter of
small dark inclusions (12).
H. Fine matrix with coarse angular dark grey flint inclusions (15,
Figs. 9-11 show examples of all the pottery forms and types of
decoration found but not every diagnostic sherd.
The earliest recognisable pottery is the Beaker (Fig. 9) of which six
certain and three possible sherds were found. Stylistically, Pl (Fabric
G2, from layer 1335, ditch 501) is the earliest, probably coming from
an all-over-corded vessel which is characteristic of the early Beaker
phase, c. 2100-1950 B.C. (Harrison 1980). One plain sherd of the
same fabric was found in the primary silts (layer 1338) of ditch 501 -
the only piece of Beaker fabric which could be in a primary position.
P2 (Fabric G3, layer 1336, ditch 501) is decorated with a squaretoothed
comb and P3 (Fabric Gl, layer in quarry 990, equivalent to
layer 1336 in ditch 501) with a pointed-tooth comb. These should fall
into Harrison's Middle Beaker phase c. 1950-1700 B.C. Both are
very fresh suggesting they may have eroded from a nearby primary
context, e.g. a bank rather than being long-term residue.
Of the few other sherds in the primary silts (layers 1336-9) of ditch
501, the single sherd in 1339 is of the fabric (Group D) characteristic
of layer 1335 and so is likely to be a recent accidental inclusion during
excavation. Only two other pieces, although both plain body sherds,
stand out as being of different fabric (Group H) to those characteristic
of higher layers. One of the sherds is from a large, thick-walled
urn-like pot.
I- 1- I-
P1 P2
O 2ins.
O 5c.m.
Fig. 9. Northdown. Beaker Pottery (Scale: ½).
The main group of pot is from layer 1335, ditch 501, and by identity
of fabric and form and by association with metalwork and other
domestic objects would seem to be a contemporary group covering a
fairly short time-span. The majority is of fabric Group D which varies
from fine to coarse depending on the size and quantity of inclusions.
Fabric Group E is closely related to D. The forms represented among
this group are:
1. Jars, varying from globular with everted rims, 17 examples,
e.g. P4-7 to more open mouthed with upright rims, 5 examples,
PS-12. Rims are mainly rounded but some are flat-topped, e.g. P9,
Pl2, or fingered to produce a 'pie-crust', e.g. P6. Only one rim,
P13, is markedly different, being thickened and well rounded as
opposed to the rather rough hand-finish on the rest.
2. Bowls. All are small fragments so rim angles are uncertain.
There are 8 examples, e.g. P14-20, rim diameters all 20 cm. or
less, including an open bowl, Pl4, a carinated bowl, P15, and four
with inturned rims, P16-19. P20 is distorted and may be a waster, if
so showing local production.
3. The only other form represented is P21, which seems to be a
fragment of a conical open bowl, the inside carefully rilled and
Light burnishing is fairly universal leaving slight surface marking as
on P4 and P6. Decoration is confined to jars with pie-crusting on the
rim and various forms of finger-work on the shoulder, as finger-nail
impression, e.g .. P9; finger-pinching, e.g. P23; finger-tip scooping,
e.g. P6; and finger-tip impression, e.g. P22. There is also an applied
(?) pinched cordon, e.g. P24; applied twisted cordon, e.g. P25;
burnished rilling, e.g. P26; and vertical scratching, e.g. P27.
Very few base fragments occur compared to rims and are plain,
e.g. P28, or slightly emphasised, e.g. P29, P30. One sherd, P31, has a
flint (?) pierced hour-glass perforation.
This group of pottery is significant because it seems to have been
deposited within a short period and to be associated with a range of
other finds including bronzes. Stylistically, it is very similar to another
group from Kent from the settlement at Kingston Downs (Fig. 1)
where all the forms and most of the decorative styles of Nortbdown
can be paralleled (MacPherson-Grant 1980, 146-51). The pottery
from Kingston Downs was discussed at length by Cunliffe (ibid.,
174-9) who noted close parallels in Late Urnfield contexts ·on the
Continent, including particularly a conical vessel (bowl or lid) similar
to P21, and suggested a date within c. 1000-800 B.C. Affinities were
noted with pottery from other sites in south-east England particularly
Mill Hill, Deal, Runnymede Bridge, Surrey and Bridge, near Canter-
;. ;· : -.· . ---
. ·. .. :.- .•_:-: - .. . ·- ---
,. -.. . .
---...- -- .,.--, .,
.. ·--.--
---"-:,--.-....... ·
. -:. . ..·. -
f:Jii&.Iii, t
,:; .. ===->::,
_· 2: ;_'
(SS t. •. - .
- . ---·
r--- :· \
Q 2ins. :=;:::;:::;::=;::::
0 5c.m.
Fig. 10. Northdown. Pottery from Late Bronze Age Horizon in Ring Ditch (Scale: l).
• ,
j• . -
'-_ * 7'
- -.- ': -. '-: ··==
---· . ·-- .· . ... .
. . . .
bury. The settlement at Minnis Bay, Margate (Worsfold 1943) was
suggested as dating to c. 800 -600 B.C. on pottery styles. Rilling on
the shoulder of jars found there can be paralleled at Northdown
(P26), although this is also common in Urnfield contexts on the
Continent. Close parallels can also be found between the Northdown
pottery and that of Mucking North Ring which has produced
radiocarbon dates of ninth-seventh century B.C. (Barrett and Bond
in Bond forthcoming). Only one piece at Northdown seems out of
place in the group and that is P13, the thickened everted rim. Vessels
of this type were characteristic of an assemblage found at Barham
Downs, Kent (Macpherson-Grant 1980, 134-46) and placed by
Cunliffe within the period 500-300 B. C. Barrett, in discussing the
development of the post-Devere! Rimbury pottery tradition from c.
1000 B.C. in the Thames Valley and south-east England suggests that
a plain pottery tradition changed with use of decoration gradually
increasing (Barrett 1980). The later material at Mucking North Ring,
with radiocarbon dates of 2700 ± 80 B.P. (HAR-2911) and
2630 ± 110 B.P. (HAR-2893), has decoration on 19 per cent of
coarse ware rims (Barrett and Bond in Bond forthcoming). Northdown
has only a small sample but c. 24 per cent of individually
recognisable jars have decoration on rim, shoulder or both, so clearly
they should belong with the more decorated end of the post-Deverel
Rimbury sequence. This assessment of the pottery from layer 1335
fits in well with the ditch silting sequence with the date of 3020 ± 80
B.P. (HAR-7010) from layer 1337.
It can be said in general of the prehistoric pottery fabrics in the ring
ditch that most are likely to be of very local manufacture as evidenced
by the use of flint-tempering. Only fabrics F and G3 do not have
The upper fill (522) of the ring ditch was a layer accumulating
slowly over a long period and includes both pottery characteristic of
the assemblage described above as well as small amounts of later
material including samian, a Romano-British cooking-pot in a Tyler
Hill type fabric (P32) and two fragments of medieval cooking-pot
(P33, P34) in a similar fabric (both medieval and Roman kilns have
been found in the Tyler Hill area, near Canterbury).
Apart from the finds from the ring ditch the only other pottery
finds were a few fragments of probable Romano-British coarse ware
from the small (field ?) ditches outside the ring ditch and one piece of
medieval cooking-pot similar to P34, in pit 655 (Fig. 4) all in Tyler
Hill type fabric.
... P10
}-0P 12 ,- P13
\- \:;/P14 P15 ,-;#-':i. · -:
0 21ns.
o 5c.m.
F6 FG <-c, P18 P19 P20
'" P30--
□ ,- P33 ·: __ :_ _.: I \-::.; P34
Fig. 11. Northdown. Pottery from Late Bronze Age Horizon. PI0-31, and from
upper Fill of Ring Ditch, P32-34 (Scale: ¼).
' . -;:: . ;
·:- .. . -
,,-p ,-Q
,-· -
;'\'\ 1·
,_ .
All the worked flint was of a dark blue-grey colour when fresh. As
found this was mostly corticated to a light blue to white surface. The
flint used had two origins, quarried nodular and surface collected.
The latter had irregular frost-fractured facets with marked white
cortication and light (wind?) gloss. There is also some flint, not
worked, which has a dark green colour and found only in smallish
nodules. These derive from the 'Bullhead Bed' thought to be
remnants of subaerial solution of the chalk redeposited on the
sea-floor prior to the deposition of the Eocene marine sediments, the
'Thanet Beds' (Smart 1966). The occurrence of these green flints was
useful as where they occurred in features without nodular flints it was
likely that features were natural solution holes.
As flint was plentiful, it was used casually so there are many large
waste pieces. The presence of many frost-fractured flakes sometimes
made distinction of man-made flakes difficult. Apart from nonconchoidal
frost-fractured flakes, there seem to be conchoidal natural
fractures, which have a similar light gloss and white cortication with
an emphasised bulb. These are presumably the result of direct
contact between flint nodules in frost expanded ground. Naturally
fractured nodules were used as blanks for cores and suitably shaped
thermoelastic flakes as blanks for tools, e.g. Fl and FS.
Table 1 summarizes the flint by main category and location. As with
the pottery the great majority of worked flint came from the fill of
ditch 501. In addition, there was a surface collection over the field
containing site 274 (Fig. 3). All the material was sorted into
secondarily worked pieces (including cores), waste flakes and fragments,
and heavily burnt pieces. Items in the first category were
individually recorded, those in the last two categories were treated as
common objects and simply counted and weighed. However, a
sample of waste flakes and fragments was also analysed in detail. All
the data were entered on computer file, and this facilitated totalling,
sorting and sub-totalling according to feature and stratigraphy, to
types and attributes and the production of plots of flake sizes.
Weights were recorded to the nearest 5 gm. unless the pieces weighed
less than this. Length/breadth measurements were carried out by the
method described by Saville (1980) and recorded to the nearest
Flint Summary (weight in gm.)
Retouched Cores Hammer Stones Waste Flakes Heavily
Pieces and Fragments Burnt pieces
Location No. Wt. No. Wt. No. Wt. No. Wt. No. Wt.
Surface Collection 10 190 - - - - 325 3816 14 195
Soil Sampling - - - - - - 72 300 3 23
164 (Cleaning layer over Ditch 501) 1 90 1 80 - - 9 165 - -
Ditch 501, 522 18 735 7 1150 2 840 1938 15278 79 1864
Ditch 501, 1335 14 480 17 3110 10 2360 709 9513 29 1195
Ditch 501, 1336 3 380 1 205 1 450 295 3015 34 10
Ditch 501, 1337 7 245 2 975 - - 196 2728 1 5
Ditch 501, 1338 3 85 - - - - 45 980 - -
Ditch 501, 1339 - - - - - - 9 387 - -
Any other 2 75 - - - - 13 65 - -
Total 58 2280 28 5520 13 3650 3611 36247 160 3292
Convex end scraper
Convex side scraper
Angular scraper
Convex knife
Heavy cutting tool
Serrated piece
Double Awl
Notched piece
retouched piece
Flint artefact categories by context
Surface Ditch 501
Collection 164 522 1335 1336 1337 1338
5 9 6 1 5 1
3 1
1 1 2
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 1
1 4 3 2 1
10 1 18 14 3 7 3
Retouched Pieces (Figs. 12-15)
Other Total
1 28
1 1
2 58
Table 2 summarises the categories of retouched pieces found and
their location.
Cutting Tools: These are varied and do not fall into a normal
typology. Some have very strong edges and could equally be chopping
tools, e.g. Fl, a large natural thermoelastic flake with one edge
produced by invasive unifacial flaking and retaining a cortex butt. F2
has an apparently deliberate rectangular shape similar to a gun-flint
but much larger and corticated similar to the rest of the assemblage.
There is also one thinner sharp-edged piece, F3, with a convex edge
produced by careful retouch.
Scrapers: These are the predominant form (34 out of 58 pieces).
Most are end-scrapers on flakes, longer than broad, e.g. F4, while
one, F5, is made on a natural flake. Of 28 end-scrapers, 7 have
retouch extending to the sides, e.g. F6-9. F6 (from layer 1337 in ditch
501) has retouch down the full length of each side and is significant in
that the retouch, while certainly not recent, has much less cortication
than the main flake surfaces and so must be a reworked piece. F7 has
some inverse chipping on the working edge suggesting heavy use,
perhaps as a push plane rather than a scraper. Five end-scrapers have
easily recognisable abraded and rounded working edges. Three
+ Bulb, present
• Bulb, missing
Fig. 12. Northdown. Flint Cutting Tools, Fl-3; Scraper, F4 (Scale: i). N.B. On all
flint illustrations + shows the position of a surviving bulb of percussion, • shows the
proximal end of a flake where the bulb has been lost or removed.
end-scrapers (F8-10) have notches at the butt end which could be for
hafting and lashing.
Notched-edge pieces: Two flakes with delicately notched edges, e.g.
Piercing tools: Two, not illustrated, are small thin flakes each with
two fine points produced by abrupt retouch. This form, double awl,
has sometimes been called a 'spurred' piece.
Miscellaneous retouched pieces: Some are just flakes with a small
amount of casual retouch. Others have a more definite if unclassified
shape, e.g. Fl2, a flake with a thin sharp convex edge produced by
invasive inverse retouch; F13 possibly a broken, unfinished backed
blade; F14 a thick flake with a strong point produced by heavy
denticulations on each side; and F15 a thick blunt point. Another
piece, Fl6, has steep heavy retouch, partly inverse, to produce an
acute point on one side and a concave, 'hooked' point on the other. It
is unclear what the function of F16 might have been. Its general shape
is like a 'petit tranchet derivative' arrowhead, but it is much larger and
thicker than any examples of this type.
The 28 cores are generally irregular in form, presumably a result of
the abundance of raw material and the lack of need for long regular
supports. Platforms were not prepared and often a natural facet was
used to commence work. Table 3 shows the types of cores found
divided into general classes: A - single platform; B - two platforms;
C - three or more platforms. Within ditch 501 the overall core to
waste flake/fragment ratio is 1:114.
Context A
164 -
522 2
1335 7
1336 -
1337 1
Total 10
Flint cores by class and context
Core Class
1 -
- 5
2 8
- 1
- 1
3 15
0 1 ln.
0 3cm. +
Fig. 13. Northdown. Flint, Scrapers, FS-9 (Scale: ).
Hammers tones (Table 1)
These are all of flint heavily reduced by percussion, some examples
being close to spherical in shape. Of the thirteen, ten are complete
and the average weight of these is 312 gm.
Heavily Burnt Pieces (Table 1).
These are pieces of flint so reduced by burning that they are not
recognisable as to origin as worked or unworked (waste flakes or
fragments affected by burning are not included). There were only 160
of these pieces overall and their distribution is similar to the
distribution of waste flakes and fragments.
Unretouched Flakes and Fragments
Table 1 shows the overall totals and distribution of these by count and
weight. A part of these was analysed in further detail. This was not a
random sample or fixed proportion. All the contexts from the surface
collection, most of the contexts from the top fill (522) of ditch 501 and
alJ the contexts from the lower fills in two segments (515 and 520,
Fig. 4) of the ditch were included. This gave six groups for comparison:
surface and five overall layers within the ditch (the sixth, lowest
had only one complete flake). These pieces were recorded individually
by cortex removal class (primary, secondary, tertiary) by length
and breadth (if complete), position of cortication (one side, both
sides, nil) and presence/absence of recent damage. These attributes
were chosen, from the many which could be recorded, not just to
analyse the technology of the assemblage but rather to help understand
how the material arrived in ditch 501, to ask if there is any
chronological validity to its provenance and thus to look for any
significant differences between the groups. This is a worthwhile task
because much of the flint-work appears to be related to the pottery
and other domestic artefacts in ditch 501 and if so is from a period
(ninth-seventh century B.C.) when there is no certainty that a flint
working industry survived (Saville, 1981a).
Fig. 16 shows the proportions of complete flakes to fragments and
by cortex class amongst the analysed sample. The overall proportion
of primary, secondary and tertiary flakes (i.e. Classes 1, 2 and 3) is
very similar between the groups. There is a very close correspondence
in both cortex class proportions and fragmentation rates
between the surface collection and the upper layer (522) of ditch 501,
the latter being residual and probably subject to the same effects, i.e.
agriculture, as the surface collection. The proportion of complete
0 1 in.
0 3c.m.
Fig. 14. Northdown. Flint, notched Scraper, FIO; notched Edge Piece, Fll; miscellaneous
retouched Pieces, F12-14 (Scale: !).
0 1 in.
0 3c.m
Fig. 15. Northdown. Flint, miscellaneous retouched Pieces (Scale: !).
flakes in layer 1335 is higher than in both 522 and the layers below,
providing fair evidence that the flint in 1335 is not just residual
silted-in material.
Fig. 17 shows the distribution of sizes of complete waste flakes in
the analysed samples. The samples from the primary silts of ditch 501
(layers 1336-8) have been combined. The samples are not large but
the results seem to be consistent in that all show similar, regular
scatter patterns, centring around a very broad flake with approximately
equal length and breadth. This type of pattern might be
expected from the surface and layer 522 samples as they derive from
ploughsoil and so have high damage and breakage rates. Scatter
patterns from this sort of context can be expected to progressively
approach a 1:1 ratio because pieces longer (or broader) than 1:1 have
a disproportionate chance of being broken. Despite this it can be seen
that the scatter patterns for 1335 and 1336-8 centre around a
somewhat broader flake than those of the surface and layer 522
--------DITCH 501---------
CLASS 1 WWlJ iw}jjj
% %
Sample size 319 1514
complete 53 51·6
Average wt.
of all pieces
(Gm.) 11-74 7·88
l=:J Incomplete
Fig. 16. Northdown. Flint Flakes and Fragments. Comparison of Proportions of
complete/incomplete in Cortex Class (i.e. 1, primary; 2, secondary; 3, tertiary) by
samples. There is a gradient in the increase in breadth through the
samples clearly shown in Table 4 which splits the distributions into
length/breadth index groups as recommended by Saville (1980).
Considering the effects of breakage patterns described above these
results seem significant. The scatter pattern for layer 1335 which has a
high completeness rate (see Fig. 16) should correspond more closely
to an original flake size distribution and shows a tendency towards
very broad flakes. Saville, (1981b, 40-4), has demonstrated that an
increasing breadth of flint flakes through the Neolithic period seems
to continue into the Bronze Age. In this respect the sample from
layer 1335 at Northdown with 77 .6 per cent over 4:5 breadth/length
ratio shows greater flake broadness than Grimes Graves trench 8B
(Middle Bronze Age) which has 64 per cent over 4:5. If the observed
tendency to increasing breadth is correct, the natural conclusion is
that the sample of flint from layer 1335 is Late Bronze Age. The
surface collection and the residual material in layer 522 can be
LAYER 1335
AUIOI U.ltf • ,> ""
IIUIIIHI ,1.111 • •1 ""
IOT& R(Olltff • llt
,. ..
,, I •,
,' ',' '11:
I H i
I' I l
,, ''
' ,,1., '
', ''
' ','
', "
MUU,111 lOi,111 • h M
Wfl!U,IIIJiDlll • OM
111111. U«M1 • U
1t ea tD
LAYERS 1336-8
.. ..
Fig. 17. Northdown. Samples of Flint complete waste Flakes, Length/Breadth
expected to include a variety of periods of flint working and so the
tendency to narrower flakes in these samples is understandable. The
greater broadness in the sample from layers 1336-8, however, is
Position of cortication did not prove to be a useful attribute as the
great majority of flakes were equally corticated all over. Similarly,
the presence of subsequent damage to flakes was closely relatd to
,:,,, "
I II ••!,1.'1
'·:,,, ,I I
JI 1
1 I
II 11' 11' f 11
I: I I.::. .: ·
•11,, 1 1 1
11j,I, ,I
IIAJll!IINL();$1N •
Mnll!Vllt/CTII •
10111t,tch:11 •
breakage patterns being present to any extent only in the surface
collection and in the top layer of ditch 501.
The assemblage is impossible to date typologically as the types are all
common. The majority of retouched pieces occurred in the upper fill
of the ring ditch where they are plainly residual, a lesser number
occurred in layer 1335 where the majority of Late Bronze Age
pottery was found. The flint and pottery, therefore, may not be
directly related. Flint and pottery recovery rates in relation to
excavated soil volumes are considered in 'Discussion' below. Endscrapers
were the main type in both layers. Thirteen retouched pieces
came from lower in the ditch fill and of these, ten can be confidently
regarded as separate from the main assemblage. Six of these are
end-scrapers, which are closely comparable in size to those from the
upper layers. The slight peak in numbers of retouched pieces in layer
1337 could indicate a separate phase of activity and there was also a
slight peak in numbers of animal bones in this layer; however, there is
no corresponding peak in presence of waste flakes (Table 1). Only
one piece, Fl6, from the primary ditch silts, could be diagnostically
useful, but it is unfortunately an odd type (however, Alan Saville
believes that it must be a Late Neolithic piece). The end-scrapers at
Northdown are quite large, averaging 54 mm, long, and this, together
with the broad flakes, casual working and absence of finer pieces, is
what would be expected of a Middle to Late Bronze Age assemblage.
Length/Breadth index values for all complete unretouched flakes from analysed
sample (0--0.5 very broad; 0.6-1.0 broad; 1.1-1.5 medium/broad; 1.6-2.0 medium/
narrow; 2.1-2.5 narrow; 2.6+ very narrow).
Length/ Surface Ditch 501
breadth Collection 522 1335 1336--8
Index No. % No. % No. % No. %
0--0.5 1 0.6 4 0.5 2 1.5 5 2.6
0.6-1.0 61 36.1 361 46.2 64 47.8 106 56.1
1.1-1.5 81 48.0 320 41.0 53 39.6 57 30.2
1.6-2.0 25 14.8 78 10.0 12 9.0 15 7.9
2.1-2.5 1 0.6 14 1.8 3 2.2 5 2.6
2.6+ 0 0 4 0.5 0 0 1 0.5
Total 169 781 134 189
Copper Alloy (Fig. 18)
Ml, from the surface collection, is an item of horse gear, possibly a
chariot fitting, abraded inside the ring. Analysis of the metal shows it
to be an alloy, which has not been identified in items produced before
the first century A.D. (J. Bayley, A.M.L., see Archive). Terrets with
similar astragaloid decoration occur in Late Iron Age as well as in
Roman contexts, e.g. at Colchester (Crummy 1983, 106). M2 and M3
came from the upper fill (522) of the ring ditch. M2 a fragmentary
small ring or binding, M3 a fibula of a common La Tene 111,
'Nauheim derivative' type, which appears in Britain towards the end
of the first century B.C. and is still found in contexts from the second
half of the first century A.D., e.g. at Colchester.
M4 is from the junction of the upper fill 522 and layer 1335 in the
ring ditch. It is thin and tapering in section with a convex roundededge
back with two punched holes and a straight fine edge which,
where surviving intact, shows evidence of grinding. One end is more
rounded than the other, but this could be a result of wear and
corrosion. By its fineness, it is almost certainly a razor, but because it
has a fairly straight edge could be a small knife. It does not fit into
either of the two main groups of British razors described by Piggott
(1946) and does not appear to have any parallels in Britain. The same
shape does occur on the Continent with concentrations of finds in
central and southern France dated to Early Hallstatt (Jockenhovel
1980, Figs. 38, 39, 58) but there are none precisely like the Northdown
example. Some do have perforations on the back, although set
in protruding lugs, but have convex rather than straight edges.
The tweezers, MS, came from layer 1335 in the ring ditch and are a
type with a long time-span although common in Late Bronze Age
contexts. Similar items occur for instance at the Late Bronze Age site
at Runnymede (Needham in Longley 1980, 20). M6, a hollow, thin
cone with apex perforation also came from layer 1335. It is probably
related to the various shapes of button found in Urnfield contexts on
the Continent and the perforation would have held a (riveted ?)
suspension loop. An identical pierced cone was found in a hoard with
a coiled torsion bracelet at Monkswood, Somerset, suggested by
Continental parallels as of Bronze D/Early Urnfield date (Smith
1959, Fig. 2, no. 13 and p. 150). The general comparative dating of
M4 and M6 fits in well with the suggested dating of the associated
M7, a fragment of a small disc with raised concentric ridge came
from Pit 833 within the ring ditch enclosure.The pit contained a
.....,,uzzzzz,, rn nzz?11
0 1 in.
O 3c.m.
Fig. 18. Northdown. Copper Alloy Objects: Ml, from surface colJection; M2-3 from
upper fill of ring ditch; M4-6 from Late Bronze Age horizon in ring ditch; M7, from
pit 833 (Scale: 1/1).
fragment of burnt bone and so could have been a cremation. The disc
could have been part of the head of a pin or body of a small brooch,
but the metal analysis shows it to be of brass and, therefore, unlikely
to be pre-Roman (J. Bayley, A.M.L., see Archive).
Five iron objects were found (not illustrated) al1 in the upper fill
(layer 522) of the ring ditch. Two were nail fragments, two were sheet
fragments and one was a tapering sheet fragment possibly the tip of a
. I
Fired Clay (Fig. 19)
Spindle-whorls: Two were found, both in the upper fill (522) of the
ring ditch. One, now lost, was stolen from a site display, the other Sl,
is biconical, flattened around the midriff, fairly neatly made of
flint-tempered fabric. Biconical spindle-whorls occur in Late Bronze
Age and Iron Age contexts so this example could belong with the
pottery in layer 1335.
Weights (not illustrated): Eight fragments were found, three in the
upper fill of the ring ditch, five in layer 1335. Some had flat facets so
were not from cylindrical weights. The fabric of all was the same, a
fine, silty, slightly vesicular matrix with scattered rounded quartz
grains, unlike any of the pottery fabrics.
Stone (Fig. 19)
Chalk: Three pierced chalk objects were found. Two, from layer 1335
in the ring ditch, have hour-glass perforations and together are part
of a single larger pierced object (S2). This had a cylindrical perforation,
which seems to have been slightly off-centre of a slightly
asymmetric, flat, rounded object presumably a spindle-whorl. The
broad hour-glass perforations of the two fragments seem likely to
have been done with a flint piercer after the original object was
broken. Another chalk object found (not illustrated) was a small
angular fragment,of chalk rubble with an hour-glass perforation from
layer 1338 in the ring ditch.
0 2 ins.
::, =;.-=--=..---"'T--..,
O 5c.m.
Fig. 19. Northdown. S1, Spindlewhorl, from upper Fill of Ring Ditch; S2 pierced
Chalk Object, from Late Bronze Age Horizon in Ring Ditch (Scale: ½).
Quern/rubbing stone fragments: Four were found all in layer 1335
of the ring ditch. Three had flat facets and one concave. All were of
different stone but all varieties of fine to medium grained sandstone.
Pit 968 contained an unshaped fragment of possible Niedermendig
basalt (Wilthew 1986).
Animal Bones
The small number of animal bones recovered were all fragmentary
and in poor condition. Where possible they were identified to species
and skeletal element (Meddens). Table 5 summarizes all the separate
occurrences by overall layer in the ring ditch. Only a very few
fragments came from elsewhere. The number of occurrences is small,
but the concentration in layer 1335 is clear. Most of the identifications
are of teeth or phalanges demonstrating that this is the residue of
heavy weathering. The larger mammals will be over-represented,
therefore, and the absence of sheep/goat in layer 1335 may be
fortuitous, but the absence of pig bones is noteworthy.
Ditch 501. Animal Bone. No. of occurrences
522 1335 1336 1337
Bos sp. 1 13 1 7
?Bos sp. - 1 1 -
Equus sp. - 8 1 1
?Equus sp. - 1 - 1
Cervus elaphus - 1 - -
Large Mammal 2 2 - -
Ovicaprid - - 1 1
Small Ungulate - 1 - 1
Canis sp. - 1 - 1
Total 3 28 4 12
The molluscan evidence from the primary silts of the ring ditch
suggests that it was constructed in an open, probably short-turfed
grassland environment (Thomas and Johansson, below). The ring
ditch seems to have deliberately enclosed the large natural solution
hole, 822 (Fig. 4), and there may have been a slight depression in the
ground here when the barrow was built. Certainly, no similar natural
features showed up nearby on aerial photographs or in trial trenching.
If there were a depression, it must have been quite shallow, no
more than the depth which ploughing has removed from the subsoil
surface as the fill was entirely natural brickearth. There is no way of
estimating the extent of surface erosion here but, considering the
appearance of the ditch edges, it seems unlikely to be more than
c. 0.30 m. A ploughed-out barrow on the chalk at Lord of the
Manor, Ramsgate, could be shown to have had 0.20-0.40 m. eroded
from the surface outside the barrow ditch in comparison to that
inside, which had been protected by a mound or bank (MacphersonGrant
and Perkins 1980, Site II, 7).
The absence of a primary burial or of other features which can be
definitely related to the construction of the ring ditch at Northdown is
problematical. The date of 3020 ± 80 B.P. (HAR-7010) from the top
layer of the primary chalk silts in the ring ditch provides only a guide
but seems rather late at this level, if the monument is Beaker in
origin. The radiocarbon date of 2910 ± 70 B.P. (HAR-7011) from pit
698 is, therefore, important. It shows that pits 698, 700 and 802 were
part of the sepulchral/ceremonial use of the monument and that the
monument was still in use at this late date. The possible graves 657
·and 1319 provide no clues with neither grave goods nor skeletal
remains. The soil analysis of the fill of 657 (Balaam) suggested that it
may never have had a skeleton, but attention has been drawn to the
poor survival of large animal bones in the ring ditch fill. Also, one of
the presumed Romano-British skeletons inserted in the top of the
ring ditch survived only marginally, so it is conceivable that much
earlier skeletal remains might have totally disintegrated.
The quarry 990 was cut after considerable silting of the ring ditch
but some time before the deposition of the Late Bronze Age material
in layer 1335, which formed over the quarry when it was in turn partly
silted in. At least two other ring ditches in the Northdown group
(Fig. 2) appear to have similar, single, regular features cut into their
outside edges and, although each has a different orientation, their
function remains open to interpretation.
The presence of the Romano-British (?) graves in the top of the
ring ditch in the north-east quadrant is not unusual considering that
this was a small piece of unploughed land within an organized arable
landscape, as suggested by the molluscan analysis (Thomas and
Johansson, below). It may be coincidental, but at the excavation of
another barrow at Ramsgate (Macpherson-Grant and Perkins 1980,
Lord of the Manor III) four Jutish graves had been inserted, again in
the north-east quadrant.
The ring ditch is likely to have had an external bank. If there were
also an internal mound, it was small and, even when weathered, did
not extend sufficiently to protect the ditch's inner edge. It seems
likely then that the monument was originally of a classic disc barrow
shape, falling at the lower end of the range of diameters. It has been
shown by Grinsell (1959) that some disc barrows are associated with
beakers but most have 'Wessex' associations. At Northdown the
presence of parts of three separate beakers, even if in secondary
contexts, must be taken as the best evidence of date.
The general sparsity of known or excavated barrows in Kent has
been noted in previous general works (Ashbee and Dunning 1960;
Grinsell 1975). A recent summary (Champion 1982) puts this down to
destruction through intensity of arable farming from an early date.
The discovery of two new major barrow groups on Thanet at
Northdown and at Lord of the Manor, Ramsgate, is, therefore,
important. The Northdown group, along with a variety of enclosures,
has now largely vanished under housing development, and it is
fortunate that the Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit has been able to
carry out some work. The barrow group at Lord of the Manor (Fig. 1)
consisted of at least twenty-three monuments with a variety of forms,
as at Northdown, including causewayed and multiple ring ditches. Six
have been excavated by the Isle of Thanet Archaeological Unit
(Macpherson-Grant and Perkins 1977 and 1980) revealing three with
probable Beaker or earlier origins, one with a secondary series
collared urn, another with a 'Wessex' period incense cup. One
monument began as a ditch with internal bank, possibly associated
with Neolithic flintwork and was subsequently remodelled three
times, ending up as a bowl or bell barrow, and with a number of
burials, both cremations and inhumations, spanning a considerable
period. The primary value of the Northdown and Lord of the Manor
barrow groups is in showing the likelihood of centres of continuous
settlement nearby during the first half of the second millennium B.C.,
a period for which major interpretative evidence has so far been
lacking in Kent.
The discovery of Late Bronze Age domestic material in layer 1335
in the ring ditch at Northdown shows the presence close by of a
settlement and probably means that the Down had changed from
being a mainly open pastoral to a mixed pastoral/arable landscape by
this time. The molluscan evidence from layer 1335 suggests that the
ditch was cleared of scrubby vegetation early on in this phase and was
surrounded by open grassland which was interrupted occasionally by
brief arable episodes (Thomas and Johansson, below).
The horizontal distribution of later Bronze Age pottery in the ring
ditch (Fig. 20) shows a clear bias to the north-east, and the settlement
from which the pottery derives probably lies in this direction beneath
Plain sherds • 11-20
•21 +
FLINT • 1-10
Waste • 11-20
pieces e21 +
Fig. 20. Northdown. Comparison of Pottery and Flint Distribution in Late Bronze
Age Horizon, Layer 1335, in Ring Ditch.
existing housing. The horizontal and vertical distribution of flint is
different to that of pottery, so the pottery may have been dumped as
refuse while the flint could have simply eroded in from a scatter
perhaps deriving from working of flint nodules in the barrow bank.
However, some of the scrapers are abraded by use so are not just
knapping rejects. Estimates were made of the excavated volumes of
the ring ditch to allow a better understanding of the flint data, and to
allow comparison with the recovery rate from the controlled sample
of ploughsoil from above the ring ditch. Unfortunately, an absolute
comparison cannot be made as flints from the ring ditch were simply
collected while the topsoil sample was sieved. However, the figures
(Fig. 21) do show that there was actually more weight of flint per
volume in layer 1335 than elsewhere in the ditch, a corollary of the
low breakage rate and high average weight of waste pieces (Fig. 16).
There is, therefore, reasonable evidence that there was some flintworking
contemporary with the deposition of layer 1335. However,
the figures from the topsoil sample show that there was a scatter of
waste flint in the ploughsoil which, taken in conjunction with the
surface collection (Fig. 3), suggests that there was also some flintworking
on or around the barrow, now spread by ploughing. It is
unfortunate that it has proved impossible to be certain of the
attribution of the Northdown flint working as the continuation ( or
not) of flint working into the Late Bronze Age in Britain is still a
matter of debate. Settlements of that period with flint assemblages
include Carshalton, Surrey (Adkins and Needham 1984) and
Mucking North Ring (Bond forthcoming). At the latter site a small
---------DITCH 501---------
522 1335 1336 1337
Number of waste flakes
per cubic metre
1338 1339
0 ...... _ . _ . _ ._..... _ ._.. _ . _ , _ ._-'==
Weight of waste flakes
Gm per cubic metre
0 ., _ . _ , _ ._..._.._L-. _ ,_--1-_ ._..L----l
Fig. 21. Northdown. Comparison of Flint Recovery Rates by Number and Weight
per cubic metre.
assemblage, mainly of scrapers, was regarded as fairly certainly of
Late Bronze Age date because of its horizontal relation to features of
that date and the absence of earlier features (Bond, pers. corn.).
Other contemporary settlements have negligible quantities of flintwork,
e.g. Runnymede, Surrey (Longley 1980), Aldermaston and
Knights Farm, Berkshire (Bradley et al. 1980) or as at Hayes
Common, Kent, an assemblage regarded as simply residual (Healey
1973). Certainly, flints were still in use at Deverel-Rimbury settlements
at the very end of the second millennium, e.g. at Itford Hill,
Sussex (Burstow and Holleyman 1957) and Black Patch, Sussex
(Drewett 1982) and some further continuation of use seems likely.
The sequence in Kent should become clearer with the publication of
the extensive work on the settlement complexes at Highstead, near
Reculver (Erskine Riall 1977), which span the Late Bronze Age.
K.D. Thomas and B.M. Johansson
We discuss here the evidence from both sediments and land snails for
the environmental setting of the ditched enclosure at Northdown,
near Margate, at various times in the past.
The Samples
No buried soil profiles were preserved at the site, so all palaeoenvironmental
samples were obtained from the successive phases of
infill of the ditch. Columns of soil samples for sediment and land snail
analyses were taken from four different sections in the ditch. The
results from only one of these columns of samples, from Section 26
(Figs. 5 and 22), are discussed here.
The samples of sediments from Section 26 were collected as a
column of samples (numbers 1 to 16) taken at intervals of 10 cm.
through the fill of the ditch; two 'spot samples' were taken from the
same section but outside the limits of the sample column. No sample
was taken from the column between 60-70 cm. below the top of the
column because disturbance was suspected in the stratigraphy. The
two spot samples at 60-80 cm. and 50-60 cm. (samples 17 and 18,
respectively) covered this missing interval. In all, 17 samples were
recovered and subsequently analysed in the laboratories of the
Institute of Archaeology, London.
The stratigraphy of Section 26
1-30 cm. Ploughsoil with very fine stones of chalk and flint, 2-4
cm. in diameter. Clay silt matrix with fine pores, 1 mm.
in diameter. Earthworm activity obvious.
30-60 cm. Highly chalky loam with 0.1 per cent micropores.
Chalk and flint stones with some large flints up to
..... _
15 522
Section 26
--- 14
ns-not sampled
--;:.-._ fi-
........ -
', ',
Fig. 22. Northdown. Soil Column through Section 26 of Ring Ditch 501, showing the
position of mollusc samples (samples taken at ten centimetre intervals).
Numbers of shells of various species extracted from the samples from section 26 of the ditch at Northdown, Margate, Kent. Numbers refer to intact shells or
apices; species represented by non-apical fragments are recorded as +.
MARGATE Sample no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 17 11 18 12 13 14 15 16
SECTION26 Sample 158 149 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 80 60 60 50 40 30 20 10
interval 149 140 130 120 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 50 40 30 20 10 0
Pomatias elegans (Muller) - - - 1 8 13 96 389 475 3 86 18 22 20 9 13 4
Carychium tridentatum (Risso) - 1 - 1 - - 37 239 345 - 47 14 15 9 2 4 5
Carychium sp. - - - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - -
Cochlicopa lubrica (Muller) - - - - - - - - - - 2 - - 2 1 1 1
Cochlicopa sp. - - - - - - 2 1 - - 1 - 3 1 1 - 1
Truncatellina cylindrica (Ferussac) - - 3 - 1 - 2 18 17 3 15 15 9 11 4 2 -
Vertigo pygmaea (Draparnaud) 1 - - 2 - - 5 2 3 - 18 - 4 2 - 5 4
Pupil/a muscorum (Linnaeus) 2 2 4 4 1 5 4 22 18 7 97 21 49 66 59 60 40
Vallonia costata (Muller) - - 19 37 11 5 35 123 121 13 50 20 13 22 14 10 9
Vallonia excentrica Sterki - 1 4 4 10 15 2 6 5 9 37 13 9 14 16 26 14
Vallonia spp. 2 - 17 41 34 46 89 293 214 61 143 100 106 81 63 51 47
Acanthinu/a aculeata (Muller) - - - - - - 1 14 10 - - - - - - - -
Ena obscura (Muller) - - - - - - - 1 1 - - - - - - - -
Punctum pygmaeum (Draparnaud) - - 19 29 9 9 11 13 13 2 10 5 5 2 2 - 1
Vitrina pel/ucida (Muller) - - - 1 2 7 1 - - - - 7 - - - - -
Vitrea crystallina (Muller) - - - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Vitrea contracta (Westerlund) 1 - - - - - 7 5 26 1 5 2 2 1 - - -
Nesovitrea hammonis (Strom) - - 2 1 - 1 4 21 11 - 1 - 1 2 - 1 -
Aegopinella pura (Alder) - - - - - - 1 - 1 - - - - - - - -
Aegopinella sp. - - - - - - 4 42 31 - 1 - - - - - -
Oxychilus cellarius (Muller) - - - 2 - 2 1 - - - - - - - - - -
Oxychilus sp. - - 4 21 1 7 9 3 - 1 1 1 - l 1 - -
Cecilioides acicu/a (Muller) - - - - - - 32 54 45 1 130 12 135 207 268 108 216
Candidu/a intersecta (Poiret) - - - - - - - - 5 - - - - - - - 6
Helicella itala (Linnaeus) - - - - - - 1 - 2 - 21 - 4 4 13 6 -
Helicel/a sp. - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - 11 8
Trichia hispida (Linnaeus) - 5 - 2 2 - 1 - - - 1 - - - - - -
Trichia sfriolata (Pfeiffer) - - 5 - - - - - - 2 - 2 - - 1 - 1
Cepaea nemoralis (Linnaeus) - - 1 3 - - 7 4 7 - + - - 1 - - -
Cepaea hortensis (MUiier) - - - - - - - - 2 -· - - - - - - -
Cepaea sp. - - 6 3 5 2 9 7 13 2 2 + + 2 1 1 +
Total individuals, excluding C. acicu/a 6 9 84 152 85 112 330 1203 1320 104 538 219 242 241 187 191 141
15 cm. in diameter. A darker band running through the
section between 40-45 cm.; possibly some disturbed
material in the lowest part.
60-70 cm. Brown-dark brown (10YR4/3) layer with roots.
Apparently disturbed and not sampled.
70-100 cm. Clayey-silt (10YR6/6) with some flints wedged
together, especially in the 70-80 cm. zone, making
sampling difficult. Small roots common. Snails abundant,
especially the large shells of Pomatias elegans.
Larger flints at the bottom.
100-140 cm. A bard, more compact layer with many small and
rounded chalk stones. Silty-clay matrix (10YR7/4).
Below the 110-120 cm. interval the sediment is of
clayey-silt (10YR7/3) with some sandy material.
140-158 cm. Primary fill of the ditch with abundant stones. Clayeysilt
matrix (10YR8/3). Numerous rounded chalk stones
at the bottom.
Laboratory analysis
1.0 kg. sub-samples of soil were used in the analysis of sediments and
land snails. The method followed is outlined by Evans (1972).
Disaggregated soil material was washed through a series of sieves
down to 500 microns mesh-size. All material retained on the sieves
was dried and sorted. All potentially identifiable fragments of
molluscs were removed, along with any fragments of bones, teeth or
charcoal. The mineral components coarser than 500 microns were
divided into two size categories, those coarser than 2.0 mm. and
those between 2.0 mm. and 500 microns, and the weights of each
category obtained. This enabled the calculation of the particle-size
characteristics of each sediment sample.
The data for the recovered land snails are presented in Table 6. The
numbers in this table refer to the minimum numbers of each taxon
recovered from each sample, based on the numbers of apices. Taxa
represented only by non-apical fragments are recorded as +. It was
not possible to make all identifications to species level within the time
available. The species of Vallonia, Aegopinella, Oxychillus and
Helicella will be fully separated at a later date and published with the
results of the analysis of the other columns. We do not think that the
ecological conclusions which we have reached have been affected by
this factor.
Cecilioides acicula occurs abundantly through much of the profile
(Table 6), but we do not include it in the present analysis because it is
a subterranean species which is often found alive at depths of 1.5 m.
or more in soils. It is almost certainly intrusive in most of the
assemblages in which it is found; the species was probably brought
into Britain in the medieval period.
The preservation of the snail shells was very good in almost all of
the samples. Many of the shells of Pomatias elegans recovered from
samples 8, 9 and 10 (Table 6) were intact and a few had their opercula
in place. Very few specimens were worn or abraded and most are
probably from animals which, either lived in the ditch at various
times during its infill, or nearby. Very few of the shells recovered
appear to be old 'residuals'.
In order to facilitate the ecological analysis of the data from the
land snails, the species were organised into ecological groups. Table 7
shows the relative abundance of the various ecological groups
recognised in each sample and the numbers of taxa in the different
ecological groups. Five ecological groups were identified:
1. Pomatias elegans, on its own, as a species favouring rather
shaded conditions but also thriving in loose calcareous soils or
2. Shade-loving species which, here, contained few 'woodland'
species, with the possible exceptions of Ena obscura and
Acanthinula aculeata;
3. The Punctum group (consisting here of Punctum pygmaeum,
Nesovitrea hammonis and Vitrina pellucida) which Evans
(1972, 195) notes to be abundant on bare chalk slopes and in
the secondary calcareous fill of ditches. All members of this
group could also be classed in the 'shade-loving' category;
4. Catholic species which can exist in a wide range of habitats;
5. Open-country species which are intolerant of shaded and moist
conditions (included in this group is the obligate xerophile
Truncatellina cylindrica).
The samples can be conveniently divided into four stratigraphic
groups for the purpose of discussion:
1. Samples 1 to 6 (from 158 to 100 cm.). These samples come from
the lowest part of the fill of the ditch and include material from the
primary fill. The sediments in this part of the sequence are coarse,
particularly near the bottom, but they fine-out towards the top. This
suggests an early phase of rapid infill with loose coarse chalk rubble
weathering in from the sides of the ditch. As the sides of the ditch
stabilised, infill processes slowed down and finer materials were
Relative frequences (%) and numbers of taxa of different ecological groups in the assemblage of land snails from Section 26.
Pomatias elegans
Punctum group
Total taxa
N == Number of taxa
N %
- -
1 17
- -
- -
3 83
N %
- -
l 11
- -
1 56
2 33
N %
- -
l s
2 25
2 14
4 56
4 5 6 8
N% N % N % N%
1 .5 1 9 1 12 1 29
2 16 2 2 1 8 5 18
3 20 2 13 2 15 3 5
2 5 2 8 1 2 3 5
4 58 4 67 3 63 6 42
12 11 8 18
9 10 17 11 18 12 13 14 15
N % N% N% N % N % N %N% N% N %
1 32 1 36 1 3 1 16 1 8 1 9 1 8 1 5 1 7
6 25 6 31 2 2 4 10 3 8 2 7 3 5 2 2 I 2
2 3 2 2 1 2 2 20 2 5 2 2 2 2 l l l .5
2 1 2 2 2 4 3 11 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 1
5 39 7 29 4 89 6 71 5 78 6 80 6 83 5 90 6 90
16 18 10 16 13 13 14 12 11
1 3
l 3
1 1
3 2
5 91
incorporated. Small assemblages of land snails were recovered from
these deposits, probably reflecting the unstable nature of the ditch
habitat at this time, and possibly the relatively rapid rates of infill.
The assemblages of land snails from these samples are mainly
dominated by members of two ecological groups: the Punctum group
and the open-country group (Table 7). It is likely that members of the
Punctum group were thriving in the disturbed and unstable conditions
in and around the ditch (perhaps on a bank, or on heaps of
upcast material derived from the construction of the ditched enclosure).
The open-country species probably represent the general
environment in the vicinity around the ditched enclosure. This
environment was probably of stable grassland: Truncatellina cylindrica
and Vertigo pygmaea would be found co-existing in such an
environment, along with Pupilla muscorum and the species of
Vallonia. These early assemblages of land snails from the ditch
contain no relict woodland elements; the enclosure appears to have
been constructed in an open environment of short-turfed grassland.
2. Samples 8 to 10 (from 100 to 70 cm.). The sediments in these
samples show a progressive change from coarse to fine, the upper
sample being the finest. They indicate a phase of accelerated erosion
of both coarse and fine material into the ditch, possibly as a
consequence of man's activities (discussed below).
Large assemblages of land snails were recovered from these
samples, being largest in the uppermost sample and decreasing with
depth. All the shells recovered were in excellent condition. Many
were intact and some of the shells of Pomatias elegans even had their
opercula in situ, implying that they had died in the deposits of the
ditch (and probably that they had been living in the ditch). The large
numbers of shells of P. elegans from these deposits must mean that
the ditch supported a thriving colony of this species during this phase.
Shade-loving species are also abundant (Table 7) and we suspect that
the ditch became overgrown with dense vegetation, creating suitable
habitats for 'woodland' species such as Acanthinula aculeata and Ena
obscura, which are only recorded from the site during this phase
(Table 6). Possibly a scrubby vegetation had invaded the ditch. Such
a habitat would also have favoured Carychium tridentatum and
Aegopinella (Table 6).
The environment surrounding the ditch appears to have remained
open and supported obligate xerophiles like T. cylindrica and
Helicella itala, along with Vertigo pygmaea and Pupilla muscorum.
The five specimens of Candidula intersecta found in sample 10
(Table 6) are interesting, if enigmatic. This xerophile species is
thought to have been introduced into Britain in the Roman period, or
even later ( there is some dispute over this because the species has
been recorded from possible Bronze Age contexts in south-west
England). However, although the horizon from which this sample
was taken ( context 1336) is dated to the Late Bronze Age or earlier,
its proximity to the disturbance noted between 60-70 cm. depth must
cast considerable doubt on the validity of this particular record.
C. intersecta was present in the area of the site later in the sequence
and was recovered from the uppermost sample of this column
(Table 6, sample 16).
The proportions of shade-loving species in these assemblages
increase during this phase (Table 7), while the open-country species
decline. This probably indicates the increasingly shaded rnicrohabitat
of the ditch rather than any increase in shaded habitats in the general
vicinity of the site. The ditch, during this phase, contained a thriving
and diverse fauna of shade-loving land snails.
Other inclusions in these sediments include fragments of the bones
of large and small mammals, charcoal fragments and pieces of marine
shells. Some of these inclusions appear to be directly attributable to
human activity on and around the site. The fragments of marine
shells could represent food debris, although it is not clear why, in that
case, the shells of oysters ( Ostrea) and mussels (Mytilus) should have
become so fragmented. Possibly the fragments represent the use of
shell as temper in pottery manufacture. An alternative explanation is
that the shell fragments were accidentally brought to the site in
sea-weed which might have been collected on the sea-shore for use as
manure on fields. We have noted above that the sediments of this
phase indicate accelerated erosion of material into the ditch. Perhaps
tillage activities on adjacent fields (manured with sea-weed?) led to
the erosion of materials into the ditch in this phase. Subsequent
stability in the ditch led to the in situ sorting of the sediments by
worm action, producing finer soils in the upper part of the sequence.
The inference that a stable, worm-sorted soil developed in the ditch
after a disturbance event is supported by the pattern of abundance of
the land snails in these deposits, being very abundant near the
supposed 'surface' and declining with depth. Stability in the ditch is
also supported by the presence of a diverse fauna of shade-loving
land snails.
3. Samples 11 to 13, including sample 18 (from 60 to 30 cm.). The
sediments in these samples are fine in texture and vary little with
depth. Quite large assemblages of land snails were recovered from
the samples, but not as large as those from the samples of the
preceding phase (Table 6). The ditch appears to have been cleared of
its vegetation quite early in this phase and the deposits could have
been rather·unstable or disturbed for some time (as evidenced by the
early abundance of Pomatias elegans and the Punctum group). The
shade-loving species, so abundant in the preceding phase, show a
dramatic decline and open-country species come to dominate the
assemblages (Table 7). T. cylindrica, V. pygmaea and H. itala are
especially abundant and probably represent phases of stable, shortturfed
grassland habitats in the vicinity of the ditch. However, some
disturbance must have happened around the ditch to account for both
the continued sedimentation and the incorporation of anthropogenic
4. Samples 14 to 16 (from 30 to 0 cm.). The sediments remain fairly
fine in the modern ploughsoil. There is a marked change in the
composition of the assemblages of land snails; there are very few
specimens of shade-loving species and the assemblages are dominated
by open-country species (Table 7). T. cylindrica is rare, and is
absent from the uppermost sample, V. pygmaea has declined in
abundance, while Vallonia excentrica appears to be more abundant
than V. costata (Table 6)- although the Vallonia species have not yet
been fully separated. Such changes are consistent with increased soil
disturbance in a fully open habitat and are probably the consequence
of ploughing.
The sediments, and their contained biological remains, reveal a
complex series of environmental events from the time the ditched
enclosure was constructed to the present day ploughsoil. Some of the
reconstructed palaeoenvironments relate to microhabitats within the
ditch itself, but others reflect on the habitats around the ditch and on
man's activities in the general vicinity. A possible sequence of events
is as follows:
1. The ditched enclosure was constructed in an open environment
which was probably dominated by short-turfed grassland. Such
environments persisted around the ditch for much of the period of the
early fill (158 to 100 cm.);
2. Later, localised tillage of the soils around the ditch (possibly
involving manuring with seaweed) gave rise to a zone of coarse
deposits in the ditch (associated with samples 8, 9 and 10). Fragments
of marine shells were incorporated into the ditch in this period and
Pomatias elegans thrived in the loose and coarse calcareous deposits;
3. This was followed by a phase of stability around and in the ditch,
during which the ditch became progressively shaded. A diverse and
abundant fauna of shade-loving land snails developed in the ditch.
Earthworm action in the ditch-fill contributed to soil formation, with
the production of a relatively stone-free horizon in the upper deposits
of the fill at this time. The environment around the ditch remained
open, probably of short-turfed grassland (maintained by grazing
animals such as sheep or cattle?), although short phases of arable
activity could have occurred intermittently;
4. The ditch was later cleared of vegetation and sedimentation
resumed. A brief phase of marked instability in the ditch is shown by
the assemblage of land snails in sample· 11 (Table 6). Continued
arable land-use in the area around the ditch led to incorporation of
sediments, but the assemblages of land snails are dominated by
species preferring grassland habitats, suggesting that arable episodes
were short-lived relative to pastoral ones;
5: This rather mixed pattern of land-use around the site was
disrupted by the latest episode recorded in the sequence, which was
one of intensive ploughing (Romano-British ?) and which produced
marked changes in the assemblages of land snails.
These conclusions are based on an analysis of only one of the
columns of samples from the ditch. It will be interesting to see how
the results of analyses of the other columns of samples will relate to
the conclusions presented here.
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University Collection).
Northdown, Aerial
V, ..,
(Photo.: P. Harrington).
Northdown. General View of Excavation looking North. Scale with 50 cm. divisions.
Northdown. Ring Ditch, Section 68. Scale with 10 cm. divisions.
(Photo.: P. Harrington).
N 0
00 0
'Cl ::E
(Photo.: P. Harrington).
Northdown. Ring Ditch and Quarry 990, Section 79. Scale with 10 cm. divisions.