Excavations at St. Martin's Hill, Canterbury, 1984-85
CANTERBURY, 1984-85*
With contributions by
Pan Garrard, Nigel Macpherson-Grant, Margaret Sparks
and Tim Tatton-Brown
1. Introduction
Between October 1984 and February 1985 an excavation by the
Canterbury Archaeological Trust took place in advance of proposed
residential development, in an area of open ground owned by the
Diocese of Canterbury known as the 'Conduit Meadow' or mistakenly
as 'The Glebe'. The excavation and subsequent post-excavation
work was entirely funded by the H.B.M.C., and much of the
workforce supplied by the M.S.C. scheme.
The 'Conduit Meadow', which has remained undeveloped ground
for nearly 200 years,1 lies immediately south of St. Martin's Church
and churchyard, about 2/3 km. (½ mile) east of Canterbury. To the
south it is enclosed by the main Canterbury to Sandwich Road (now
St. Martin's Hill) and properties and back gardens along its frontage
and by the southern part of North Holmes Road ( originally called
Church Lane) to the west (see Figs. 1 and 15).
The proposed development, which included two houses along the
St. Martin's Hill frontage, as well as garages and landscaped ground
• Published with the aid of a grant from English Heritage (Historic Buildings and
Monuments Commission for England).
1 Apart from 'Glebe House' which was built in the north-east corner in 1976.
to the rear, determined to some extent the areas which were
investigated. Two trenches (A and B) were cut against the road
frontage in the area destined for re-development. Three trenches
(D, C and C') were dug in a line north from Trench B to a point
about 17 m. south of St. Martin's Church. The size and exact position
of these trenches were determined by the presence of numerous
trees, including two very large weeping willows, and a running
stream, as well as time and manpower constraints. A final trench (E)
was excavated adjacent to North Holmes Road.
Excavation was virtually continuous throughout the severe winter
and the bad conditions were exacerbated by the presence of running
ground water (the site is on a spring line)2 and a thick overburden of
re-deposited impervious clayey subsoil.
2. General Summary
The excavation produced no evidence for Roman occupation. More
specifically, the lack of evidence for Roman burials suggests that
St. Martin's Church may have originated as a Roman domestic
building (a villa?) rather than a eel/a memoria in a cemetery as had
previously been suggested.
The first occupation evidence dated from c. A.D. 750. Although
only truncated rubbish pits and a probably contemporary metalled
track survived, important associated artefacts and quantities of
residual Saxon pottery supplement other recent Saxon finds in the
vicinity, all of which probably relate to a wic type settlement, to the
north-east of Canterbury. The metalled track on the west side of the
site was almost certainly an important route which connected Canterbury
with Fordwich. The track may have originated at a much earlier
Although a hiatus in activity between the middle Saxon and the
late eleventh century is evident in the excavated deposits, this may be
due to repeated landscaping and other disturbances of the site which
occurred from the late medieval period, since the documentary
record hints at the possibility of a continuity of settlement through
the late Saxon period around St. Martin's Church.
Although most of the 'Conduit Meadow' area has always been
open ground, traces of timber structures, dating to the thirteenth
century, were discerned. From this time, at least part of the road
frontages were always occupied by buildings. A succession of timber
buildings and associated levels along St. Martin's Hill were revealed.
2 Ground water hampered the excavation of Trenches C', C, D and parts of Trench
B, and often precluded total investigation of deeper features.
• Cremation
o Inhumation /
==== Roman streets
/ i
I/ i i i i
i i
I i
//JI .;i j '"'i
i i
i i
i i
I \
St Martin's
I r.---=,--\
Fig. 1. St. Martin's Hill 1984: Roman Topography on the east Side of Canterbury.
A substantial increase in population from c. 1400 is suggested by the
excavated levels and perhaps from documentary records, and by the
early to mid-sixteenth century, most of the main road frontage
between Church Lane (which evolved from the earlier Saxon track)
and a large house (later called 'St. Martin's Priory') to the east was
developed. Most of these buildings were dwellings, although
documentary material indicates the presence of a ropery and a
brewery in the sixteenth century.
From their initial construction some of the buildings appear to have
suffered from structural instability, which resulted in phases of
re-furbishment and eventual re-building in the mid-seventeenth
century. These structural problems were partly due to differential
compaction of pits and clay quarries dug prior to c. 1500. However,
the presence of drainage gullies to the north and drains under the
buildings suggest that surface water from the hiUside and also ground
water emerging from a spring at the north-east corner of the meadow
may have been a factor.
Two phases of landscaping and terracing approximately contemporary
with the building developments of the early sixteenth and
mid-seventeenth centuries were suggested by the stratigraphy. The
terracing, which probably affected the entire area between the
churchyard and the main road, removed much of the earlier stratigraphy
and therefore imposes qualifications on the interpretation of the
pre-sixteenth century periods.
From the mid-seventeenth century, the general topography of the
site has hardly altered. The field to the north probably became
gardens after the second phase of terracing ( as shown on the Doidge
map of 1752) and most of the partially-brick, post-medieval houses
along St. Martin's Hill are still in existence (Plate VII).
Due to the inadequate nature of the city water supply at this time,
the City Burghmote began to take an interest in the site. After
negotiations with the owner of the land, the spring-water emerging at
the north-east corner of the meadow was utilised by the installation of
a conduit. The water-pipes probably ran east-west down the hill,
south of an avenue adjacent to the churchyard, that led to St. Martin's
Priory. None of the pipes were located during the excavation,
probably because the northern boundary of the 'Conduit Meadow'
has since moved to the south (indicated by various maps of the area).
Due to certain disputes with the owners of the meadow, the City
decided in 1673 to buy the entire estate, which included the houses on
the now vacant plot between nos. 7 and 9 St. Martin's Hill. By 1792
these particular properties had been demolished and the councilowned
land was bounded on the south, east and west by brick garden
From this time until 1976 the whole of the 'Conduit Meadow' has
remained as open ground.
3. The Geology
The site occurs on an outcrop of the Thanet Beds, comprising a
sequence of Palaeocene clays, clayey sands and sands. In the area of
the 'Conduit Meadow' the Thanet Beds have weathered, to produce
a relatively impermeable layer of clayey 'brickearth', coating the side
of the hill. Springs (one of which is situated in the north-east corner
of the 'Conduit Meadow') emerge from the underlying water-bearing
sand beds, where the surface 'brickearth' is perforated. The natural
profile of the hillside was impossible to establish, as a result of
extensive medieval and post-medieval terracing (see Fig. 16).
4. The Area in the Roman Period
Although the site is well outside the Roman city wall, it lies
immediately to the north of the Canterbury to Richborough Roman
road, in an area previously believed to be within a major Roman
cemetery (Fig. 1). Both cremation and inhumation burials have been
found within the grounds of St. Augustine's Abbey3 and, in 1926, a
dozen or more cremation burials were uncovered during building
work on a new estate south of the main road (adjacent to the Mill
House Inn) about 400 m. east of St. Martin's Church.4
St. Martin's Church, situated just north of the present excavations
(Fig. 2), is first mentioned by Bede5 and its possible Roman origin
has been the subject of much speculation by past historians.
Architecturally, the earliest parts of the surviving fabric ( the west end
of the chancel and the nave) almost certainly date from between the
late-Roman period, up to the seventh century at the latest.6 The
possibility that St. Martin's Church was situated within a Roman
cemetery has led to theories that it may have evolved from a eel/a
memoria or Roman funerary building.
3 Excavated by D. Sherlock in 1974 and by the Canterbury Archaeological Trust
(R.J. Pollard, 'Two Cremations of the Roman Period from St. Augustine's College,
Can4 terbury', Arch. Cant., xcvii (1981), 318-24). W. Whiting and H.T. Mead, 'A Roman Cemetery at St. Martin's Hill, Canter•
bur_t Arch. Cant., xl (1928), 67-78).
Bede, A History of the English Church and People, trans. L. Sherley-Price,
(Pe6n guin Classics 1955), 70-1. For a fuller discussion of this aspect of the Church, see T. Tatton-Brown.
'St. Martin's Church in the sixth and seventh Centuries', in (Ed.) Margaret Sparks,
The Parish of St. Martin and St. Paul, Canterbury: Historical Essays in Memory of
James Hobbs, (1980), 12-18.
Period I: c. 750 - c. 850/900
'1 .
. I
372,bf' ,
Trend, 0 LJ,
- lote Rornon-1C61h
- '? 1th CMtury
lt0 100
Fig. 2. St. Martin's Hill 1984: Overall Plan of Period I (Saxon) Features and general Saxon Topography (inset).
r-7• I . Trench A/
m, .m!
A pF,;o , •11.fAre:
-- R SE: 0 F -----------: __ 30
. .
/--J/ Trench B .
Medieval and later terracing, which may have entailed substantial
reduction of the original ground surface in the area (see p. 148) and,
therefore, the removal of much of the pre-fourteenth-century stratigraphy,
is very likely to have destroyed much of the evidence for
Roman occupation. However, the paucity of Roman pottery and
small finds, residual in the backfill of truncated Saxon and early
medieval pits7 and the complete absence of the basal remains of
Roman features (which would probably have survived the terracing)8
strongly suggest that little or no Roman occupation of any sort
occurred in the immediate vicinity. A comparison between the almost
total absence of Roman material and the relatively large-scale
survival of Saxon evidence (see p. 132) reinforces the above conclusion.
This important negative evidence and the fact that St. Martin's lies
some distance from the present-known limits of Roman cemeteries
(the cremations found to the east may, in fact, be associated with a
Roman settlement on the top of the hill, separate from Canterbury)
suggest that no late Roman cemetery existed immediately in the area
of the church. Whilst the origins of the church as a cella memoria now
seem unlikely, if the west end of the chancel of St. Martin's is of
Roman build, then the structure may have been a domestic building,
perhaps part of a villa. 9
Although most Roman artefacts were absent from all the levels on
site, a significant quantity of residual Roman brick and tile was
found, mainly from Saxon or early medieval features. This material
may have derived from nearby Roman buildings, or may have been
imported from further afield for re-use during the construction of the
nave and chancel of St. Martin's Church.
5. Period I - mid to late Saxon (Figs. 2 and 3)
All features of this period were truncated and sealed by medieval
The first major occupation of the site took place during the
7 Only ten Roman pot-sherds were recovered from the entire excavation.
8 Especially at the southern end of the site, where the ground level was possibly
only reduced to the level of natural subsoil. This is near the Roman street, where any
Roman activity might be expected to concentrate. Only three features may have been
pre-Saxon (E437, B386 and B387) but their backfills were sterile.
9 See also T. Tatton-Brown and N. Macpherson Grant, 'Anglo-Saxon Canterbury,
Topography and Pottery', Current Archaeology, no. 98, 89-93.
mid-to-late Saxon period (c. 750-850, possibly up to 900 at the
latest). Virtually no early Saxon activity was identified and no Saxon
structures were found, although evidence for any present may have
been destroyed by later terracing. However, the relatively large
number of rubbish- or cess-pits, some of which contained significant
quantities of mid-late Saxon pottery, specifically imported Ipswichtype
wares (see pottery report, p. 180), and the quantity of residual
Saxon pottery recovered throughout the site, does suggest extensive
Saxon occupation. This occupation may have been associated with a
wic type settlement on the north-east side of the city .10
The most important topographical element located during the
excavation was a north-east/south-west aligned metalled track, which
later developed into the southern part of the present-day North
Holmes Road. Although no direct dating evidence for this feature
was recovered, it was almost certainly extant by the middle Saxon
period and may have been much earlier. The track may have
developed from a sunken way, or was possibly terraced into the
hillside. The quality of the original metalling and subsequent continuous
repair to the road surface suggest that it was a route of some
importance, primarily connecting St. Martin's Church to the old
Roman road to the south, and possibly extending further to connect
the 'Little Burgh of Fordwich with Canterbury (see p. 203).
A small segment of the eastern verge of a metalled track, aligned
approximately south-west/north-east, was excavated in Trench E. To
the west, the feature was completely destroyed by a later clay quarry
(E440) .11 The roadway was composed of a 20 cm. thick deposit of
gravel and rounded flints in a matrix of dark olive-grey silty clay
(E445) laid within a shallow depression that cut into natural brickearth
(Fig. 19, W-X). This depression may have been a sunken way
eroded by cartwheels but no evidence for ruts was observed. Apart
from some animal bone, only one sherd of pottery, dating to the first
half of the ninth century, was recovered. This primary metalling was
10 Discussed in more detail on p. 202. Similar pottery to that found at St. Martin's
has recently been discovered during salvage work during the construction of two new
buildings at Christ Church College, ('Interim Report on Excavations in 1984 by the
Canterbury Archaeological Trust', Arch. Cant., ci (1984), 294-6).
11 During the excavation all contexts were numbered in sequence regardless of
trench. For publication purposes all the context numbers in the text have been prefixed
with the appropriate letter.
Period I
Periods I I & III
f Edge of road 44 3
----- X
0 0/
mo 5 Jz.
ft 0 15
Fig. 3. St. Martin's Hill 1984: Detail Plans of Trench E: Periods I and II/III.
0 0/
sealed by a re-surfacing (E443A) which overlapped the primary
track. The later metallings are discussed in Period II (s·ee p. 138).
A U-shaped gully (E442) that ran parallel to the track was also
found. No relationship of gully to track could be postulated, however,
since the fill of E442 was totally sterile and completely
truncated by the later quarry (E440) (Fig. 19, W-X).
The date of the track
Although there was no stratigraphical and little artefactual evidence
to prove that the track was of Saxon origin, the general
concentration of Saxon pits (see below) along its frontage and their
respect for its position strongly suggest its. use at this time.
( c) THE SAXON PITS (Figs. 2 and 3)
The pits and other features of this phase divide into two groups:
(a) Pits which contained Anglo-Saxon material, and
(b) Features that have been placed in this period because of their
stratigraphical position and the nature of their fills. Some of
these might be earlier in date than the pits in Group (a).
Group (a)
Nine definitely Saxon pits (A274, A320, B379, B423, C368, D372,
E296, E396, E432) were excavated. Most of these were truncated and
sealed by medieval or post-medieval levels (so that the depths given
in Table 1 refer to the depth below the level of natural subsoil). The
fills of the pits were generally similar, usually uniform buff-brown
clays, containing animal bone, pebbles and Roman bricks and tiles.
Pottery, either dating to the late eighth-ninth or ninth-tenth century,
including Ipswich-type wares from pits C368, E396, E432, was
Pit B423 was excavated to a depth of about 2.10 m. and contained a
generally homogeneous fill of slightly pebbly brownish-grey clay,
flecked with charcoal, burnt clay and brickearth (Fig. 18, G-J). The
fill produced six sherds dating to c. 775-850, animal bone, some
Roman brick, slag, stone, daub lumps and a few nails. The depth and
profile of this feature suggest that it may have been a well.
Pit C368 contained an important group of c. 800-825/50 pottery, as
well as a Saxon bone comb (S.F. nos. 378, 379) and loom-weight
fragment (S.F. no. 334). The fill, which was a very organic and
glutinous dark brown loamy clay, also yielded animal bone, Roman
brick and tile, fired clay and a quantity of other, mainly decayed,
bronze objects.
Pit D372 also contained considerable quantities of organic material.
The grave-shaped pit E396 produced a key group of Saxon pottery,
dating to c. 800-850/75. The grey-brown loamy clay fill which
contained pebbles, charcoal flecks and lumps of light buff clay also
yielded animal bone, slag and a residual early fourth-century coin
(S.F. no. 343).
Pit E432, in the south side of the trench, was immediately sealed by
a primary metalling of a medieval track (E431, Fig. 19, Y-Z). This
deep, vertical-sided, rectangular pit was not bottomed for safety
reasons, but excavated to about 1.40 m. The fill was varied, but
generally consisted of yellow and buff-brown clay and loamy clay,
interspersed with lenses of gravel and re-deposited brick-earth, and
lightly flecked with carbon. This pit produced a fine ninth-century
bronze strap-end (S.F. no. 354) as well as pottery dating to c. 825-
875/900. Animal bone, Roman tile, and nails were also found.
Pit Depth (m.)
A274 0.50
A320 0.75
B379 c. 0.80
B423 not bottomed
C368 1.05
D372 0.50
E396 1.55
E397 not bottomed
E432 not bottomed
Group (b)
Pits A321, A331 and A332 all contained virtually sterile fills, which
produced no datable material. AU were truncated anq sealed by
medieval deposits relating to Period III, Building M2A. Only the
lowest 10 cm. of pit A321 survived as a sub-rectangular patch of
olive-grey clay in the brickearth.
Pit A332 was virtually identical in shape, size, alignment and
backfill to the Saxon pit A320, to safely include it in this period. This
feature was cut by Pit A331 (Fig. 17) which was circular and 60 cm.
deep. This contained various lenses of light buff-brown to dark
grey-brown clays, which only yielded animal bone and a few Roman
Pits B386 and B387 were stratigraphically earlier than the ninth or
tenth-century pit B379. The backfill of both was completely sterile.
B386, which was 0.50 m. deep, contained a uniform dirty-grey silty
gravel, possibly re-deposited Roman street metallings. Pit 387 was
not bottomed due to the presence of flowing ground water. A 50 cm.
depth of the fill, a sticky orange gravelly clay, was excavated.
Pit D371 adjoined and was in an identical stratigraphical position
to D372, but was not fully investigated because of water problems.
The fill, a light, greenish-grey clay, flecked with carbon and shell,
yielded animal bone and Roman tile.
Four other features were excavated in Trench E (Fig. 3). All were
truncated and sealed by later medieval deposits. Pit E419 was 70 cm.
deep; the complex fill included deposits of variously coloured clays,
re-deposited brickearth and gravel. The feature appeared to cut the
Saxon pit E397 (Fig. 19, W-X) but only contained two sherds of
worn and probably residual Ipswich-type ware. Only a small part of
feature E433 extended into the trench. This contained a sterile fill of
buff-brown clay. Pit E437 contained a similar sterile fill, of which only
a 20 cm. depth survived. It was, however, cut by the ninth- or
tenth-century pit E396. Feature E424, a post-hole, contained mixed
orange and grey clay and loam. The feature was 12 cm. deep.
6. Period IA - c. 850/900-c. 1075/80
Documentary evidence (see p. 205) indicates that in the ninth century
a small settlement (villula) existed near the church of St. Martin.
However, virtually no material evidence for a later Saxon phase was
discovered, and although it is possible that features of this period
were totally destroyed by later landscaping, various factors (similar to
those affecting the determination of the extent of Roman activity (see
p. 129) suggest that no occupation of this period occurred, at least,
not in the areas investigated.
7. Period II - c. 1075/80-c. 1400/1425 (Figs. 3, 4, 5)
Excavated features of this period were truncated and disturbed by
later medieval and post-medieval terracing of the hillside, which had
also removed any horizontal deposits.
Documentary evidence (see p. 208) suggests that by the early
Period ll :c.1075/80-c.1400/25
St. Augustine's Abbey
Cellarer's Garden
(from mid 13th century)
St. Martin's Church
i;r e-,......".... -'"
-l?'tb-Olh ,fflturiu
v't :n . I lfi
. I
II .,.... iI tte-d
I. i .
I .I I
. I L ___ Jv
j -
•• 100
Fig. 4. St. Martin's Hill 1984: Overall Plan of Period II and Detail of Trenches C and D (inset).
til >:
► <:
I\ I I I
r-- ____ /__ fl I / i
i/ l rrench E (see Fig 3 l
, j /[ := L li '-----j- ,::... TrenchC /§" I !!!f:!!.,;;-,;;;:-,.... I I ...... C'.. .............. ,,, ............. -- - ,:o
I. 1·m(i · 1
/,4 t1 i I
/1 Trench D LJ.
/_ ------------------- 1
/ J Trnche-s A&B ! r--, :
(see f',g 5 l : q -,/ fJ!o;! :
I jl;/ ' ·--- 1· I/ . 't 1---i; ... ,,,,........,+--- ----
'···········--------- ----------- -- 110 --...:•
ftO 15
--i- i Truneattd horaon 294 /
Fig. 5. St. Martin's Hill 1984: Detail of Trenches A and B: Period Il.
• ... ,v .... ..
Truncoted horizon 176
J '
fourteenth century a small community of houses existed at St. Martin's
and, although there may have been continuous occupation from
the late Saxon period, evidence for it on site was sparse and only
really occurs from the late eleventh or twelfth century, with evidence
for structures (Building Ml) from the thirteenth century. During
most of this period it is likely that the area was open sward or
meadow, bounded on the south by the old Roman road and to the
west by a metalled track (and also the boundary wall of the Cellarer's
Garden of St. Augustine's Abbey from the thirteenth century).
The track (Trench E) continued in use until the middle of the
fourteenth century and was re-metalled a number of times. Eventually,
its position shifted to the west and assumed the line that is
-preserved in the present-day North Holmes Road (Church Lane).
Another cobbled track, probably medieval or early medieval in
origin, was also excavated in Trench E. This extended east-west
across the 'Glebe' from the earlier trackway and, although it became
redundant before the middle of the fifteenth century, its line was
probably maintained in the later property boundary which still exists
to the rear of the gardens of nos. 1-13 St. Martin's Hill (Fig. 15).
Clay extraction occurred in the area from c. 1375-1400. A large
quarry cut through the track metallings along the North Holmes
Road frontage. A similar clay quarry, probably of a later date
(Period III) was found in Trench B.
(b) TRENCH A (Fig. 15)
Building Ml
Little remained of this structure, which was severely disturbed by
later buildings. A row of five inter-cutting post-holes (A299, A300,
A302-A304), which varied in depth from 10 cm. to 45 cm., probably
represented the rear wall of the building (Fig. 17, B-C).
To the south of the post-holes was a random spread of shallow
stake-holes, most of which contained a pale grey clay.
All of the above features cut into the natural brickearth and were
truncated (Horizon Al 76) and sealed by deposits relating to
Building M2A (Period III). No other contexts belonging to Building
Ml were excavated and the street frontage wall was not located.
Two rubbish pits, both sealed and disturbed by later medieval
activity, were also found. Pit A319, which was not fully emptied,
contained lenses of variously coloured pebbly clays, flecked and
mottled with green-stained brickearth and grey clay. This feature was
cut by post-hole A304. Pit A287 to the north contained a fill of dark
olive-grey clay and pebbles and yielded eleventh- or twelfth-century
pottery and one sherd dated to 1250-75.
Building Ml: Dating summary
Lack of evidence makes an exact determination of the date of
Building Ml impossible. One of the associated post-holes cut the late
eleventh- or twelfth-century pit A319 and the stratigraphically latest
post-holes contained a few sherds of pottery belonging to the second
half of the thirteenth century. These factors suggest that Building Ml
originated some time during or after the thirteenth century. The
structure was demolished by c. 1400, when it was replaced by
Building M2A (Period III).
( C) TRENCH E (Fig. 3)
The original Saxon 'sunken way' and its primary metal1ing were
superseded by at least three later road surfacings. These remained
parallel to the earlier alignment, but encroached to the east by about
2 m. and some were flanked by road drains.
The first re-metalling of the street (E443A), consisted of 15-20 cm.
of sterile rammed sandy gravel, flanked by a shallow gully (E444)
which cut into the natural brickearth. This drainage ditch contained
fine lenses of sterile washed brickearth and sandy gravel, and was
increasingly truncated to the north (Fig. 19, W-X, Z-Y). These
levels were sealed by a thin layer of sterile, pale creamy-grey silty
sand and gravel (E444A). The third-metalling (E443) overlaid this
deposit and consisted of 15 cm. of pale oliye-yellow rammed S!indy
gravel. This metal1ing was sealed by washed clays and re-deposited
brickearth dumps (E412B and E412C), which were 20 cm. thick at
maximum. The final metalling E412A was composed of a thin layer of
sterile light brown gravel and silt, which sealed all the earlier
deposits. This was laid in the base of a depression, the edge of which
delineated the farthest eastwards extent of the track.
Another track, excavated along the south edge of the trench,
extended east-wards from the north-south track and may also have
originated as a sunken way. This track consisted of two discrete
metallings (E431 and E429), laid within a shallow depression, which
cut into the natural levels. The base of the depression appeared to be
continuous with the surface of metalling (E412A) of the earlier track
(Fig. 19, Z-Y). The primary metalling of the east-west track overlay
the north-south metalling E412A and consisted of brownish sandy
gravel. This was sealed by a 5 cm. thick level of gravelly silty clay and
brickearth.(E430), which contained one sherd of thirteenth-century
pottery. Metalling E429, a dark brown loamy gravel deposit, sealed
this layer and contained one sherd of c. 1275-1350 pot.
The latest north-south metallings were covered by homogeneous
deposits (E413) of orange-brown clay and re-deposited brickearth
containing some gravel. These layers, which contained no useful
datable material, were probably a deliberate dump to level up the
redundant track, rather than naturally washed material.
The west edge of the north-south track and the dump levels over
the latest surface were cut away by a large and deep feature {E440).
This was almost certainly a clay quarry, which occupied the entire
road frontage area of Trench E and cut well into the natural
brickearth, although it was not bottomed. The backfill consisted of an
homogeneous buff-brown clayey loam, interspersed with numerous
tip-lines of small flints, pebbles and oyster shells. Most of the
recovered pottery was worn, and probably residual thirteenth- or
early fourteenth-century in date, but significant quantities of late
fourteenth-century sherds were found. A late Saxon iron knife
(S.F. no. 365) was also recovered. The upper levels of the clay quarry
merged with a layer of possible garden soil {E410) that eventually
built up over the sunken area of the tracks (see Period III).
The tracks: Dating summary
The age and duration of the individual road surfacings detailed above
remains unclear because of the paucity of artefactual evidence. The
north-;-south track and its sequence of metalling were, however,
continually in use from the Saxon period up to the excavation of the
clay quarry (E410), which probably occurred in the second half of the
fourteenth century.
The chronology of the east-west track is similarly difficult to
establish but, because of its superimposition on the final north-south
track metallings, it must have originated late in the sequence. A
terminus ante quern is provided by a Period III pit (E417) which cut
the east-west track and which dated to c. 1400-50.
{d) TRENCHES B, C, c' and D. (Fig. 4)
During this period most of the 'Conduit Meadow' area was probably
open fields or sward although its exact nature cannot be deduced
because of the removal of most of the Period II deposits by later
landscaping of the site. The only other excavated features of this
period consisted of a sparse scatter of six rubbish pits of various dates
(B375, C61, C67, C69, C411, C'416) and a possible drainage gully.
Pits C67 and C69 were not fully excavated due to severe water
problems. The fills were usually dark grey clays and most yielded
residual Roman brick and tile as well as pottery ranging in date from
the late eleventh or early twelfth century up to c. 1275. Pit B375, the
only feature of this period located in Trench B, cut into the natural
levels and contained pebbly green-stained brickearth, which yielded
pottery dating to 1350-1375/1400. This pit was completely truncated
by later terracing (Period IV) and cut by a Period III pit (B330). All
of the others were also truncated by terracing to the level of natural
subsoil (Horizon 38) and sealed by post-medieval layers. The depths
are shown below:
Pit Depth (m.)
B375 0.40
C61 1.35
C67 not bottomed
C69 not bottomed
C411 0.15
C'416 0.30
Three short sections of a shallow gully (C415/D380A), almost
certainly a drainage ditch, were excavated in Trenches C and D. The
gully varied in depth from 10 cm. to 30 cm., and was irregular in
cross-section. The fill, a buff-brown to mid grey-olive clay, contained
a few sherds of pot dating up to c. 1325. The gully was severely
disturbed by later features and truncated by Horizon 38 (Fig. 19).
8. Period III - c. 1400/25-c. 1500/25 (Figs. 3, 6, 7)
Most of the deposits and features of this period were truncated by
later terracing and building activity.
In Trench E, the east-west track became redundant by c. 1400-25
and was buried under a thick accumulation of garden soil.
In c. 1400/25 the earlier Building Ml was replaced by a timber
structure supported on masonry dwarf walls (Building M2A). Intensive
pit digging occurred to the rear of this structure up to about 1525.
Period m:c.1400/25-c.1500/25
Sl Augustine's Abbey
Cellarer's Garden
St. Martin's Church
Fig. 6. St. Martin's Hill 1984: Overall PI, • of Period III and Detail of Trenches C and D (inset).
i /
I"=· I
. I
L --J
- V
up to
c.1525 r
Pits dating
up \O C.\500
rI __ --
!, Nol excovo:ed
Fig. 7. St. Martin's Hill 1984: Detail Plan of Trenches A and B: Period ID.
Period III
"-- .•-••• w
I horizon 294
I-' A
I ' ' '
This increase of occupation, evident from the early fifteenth century,
is possibly reflected by the surviving rentals and other documentary
material (see p. 209), which indicate that a settled and prosperous
community was now in existence. Most of the occupation took place
along St. Martin's Hill, although the road frontage was still not fully
developed. Many of the property boundaries, some of which still
survive, must have been established at this time. A large proportion
of the area, however, remained as open ground or meadow.
(b) TRENCH A (Fig. 7)
Building M2A (Plate 1)
Only two rooms, later made into one, of Building M2A were
examined. Levels relating to this structure were increasingly sheared
off to the north-east by redevelopment (Building M2B). Consequently,
the rear wall of the building was not found, but it probably
corresponded with the rear wall alignment of Building Ml ( and
similarly with the rear wall of the later Structure M2B).12 Any
relationship between the internal deposits to surviving stratigraphy at
the back was also removed by subsequent building activity.
The earliest deposits within the building directly overlay natural
brickearth, sealed the Saxon pits and post-hole A300 belonging to
Building Ml. This implies a truncation of the ground surface to the
level of natural subsoil (Horizon 176) before construction took place.
The road frontage dwarf wall (A 77 A) of the building was founded on
a raft of large flints and brown clay (A333), set in a construction
trench (A323) that cut to a depth of about 20-25 cm. below the
construction horizon (A176). The trench was backfilled with a sterile
dark olive-grey silty clay. Wall A77A survived to a height of c. 10 cm.
and was composed of fijnts in a yellowish-brown mortar
(Fig. 17, B-C). The wall and construction trench were truncated and
capped by a Period IV wall and its associated construction levels, and
therefore neither could be related to the internal levels of the
The primary occupation consisted of a thin spread of buff-brown
clay (A309), which mainly survived where it had slumped into Saxon
pit A320. This may mean that the original floor of the building was on
the natural brickearth.
12 The east end of the building and the westward limit of the excavated rooms
(shown on Fig. 7), have been based on the possible position of later property
boundaries. These make the length of the building c. 26 ft. (c. 7.93 rn.).
Overlying this deposit and the natural brickearth were two clay
floors (A223A and A223B), cut by a shallow beam slot (A230), which
divided the building along its east-west axis. In the north room, clay
floor A223A was heavily disturbed and partially removed by later
activity. The south side of beamslot A230 was straight and parallel to
Wall A 77A . The disturbed and irregular north side of the feature
suggested that the original sleeper beam, which must have supported
an internal wall, was eventually dug out and removed. The beam-slot
was filled with sterile orange brickearth, which was contiguous with
the fill of an irregular-shaped feature (A222) that abutted A230 to the
north. A222 was of similar depth to A230. Two post-holes (A222A
and A222B), 35 cm. and 10 cm. deep, respectively, were both sealed
by the backfill of A222, and obviously associated with it. This feature
must represent an internal structure, possibly a staircase, adjacent to
the dividing wall.
The internal dividing walJ and associated structure were eventually
demolished probably together, and the two rooms made into one.
This involved the extraction of the timber footings (probably levered
up from the north side) and the instatement of a new floor surface
within the disturbed area.
Layer A223A and the backfill of A222 and A230 were mainly
sealed by deposits relating to Building M2B (Period IV). In the
extreme south-western corner of Trench A, however, heavily
disturbed levels probably belonging to Building M2A survived.
This sequence of very thin laminated occupation (A322 [Fig. 17],
A252 and A249) overlay A223B and consisted of dark brown or
black silts and carbon, interlaced with traces of sandy clay and patchy
white mortar. A small area of patchy, 2 cm. thick, orange clay
(A251), sandwiched in these levels, may have been an intervening
clay floor.
The sequence was capped by a bi-partite clay floor (A229 and
A229A) (Fig. 17, B-C), which may have been cut by the robbing of
beam-slot A230. This would indicate that the levels described above
belong to the occupation of the south room, prior to the demolition
of the internal wall.
Numerous stake-holes were found within the building. Most were
first observed at the surface of floors A223A and B and contained fills
similar to the occupation deposits, or were voids, sometimes plugged
with clay or occupation-like material. The exact stratigraphical
position of many of these features was difficult and sometimes
impossible to establish; to the north, the removal of medieval
stratigraphy left the stake-holes truncated and therefore 'floating' in
the sequence. The attenuated nature of the internal occupation
deposits also made analysis problematical. This may partly explain
the random spread of most of the stake-holes, although some straight
alignments can be discerned.
A possible hearth or oven (A228) overlay clay floor A229. This
consisted of a bowl of burnt clay, the internal area of which was
sealed by a thin layer of carbon and a dump of yellow clay ( A227) laid
after the hearth became redundant. Although these levels were
directly sealeq and completely destroyed to the north-east by the
later Period IV building, the hearths furthest extent may be indicated
by the spread of surrounding stake-holes (Fig. 7).
Other features, including four parallel beam-slots (A265,
A201-204) were also found. These were of indeterminate function.
Feature A306 may have been a post-hole, possibly associated with a
rear door.
Building M2A; Dating summary
Although no exact terminus post quern for building construction was
recovered, it almost certainly dates from around the turn of the
fourteenth and fifteenth centuries up to about 1425. This corresponds
to the commencement of large-scale rubbish disposal in pits to the
immediate rear of the structure; the earliest pit in the sequence dated
to c. 1400/25-1450 (see below). The primary occupation deposit (A309)
also contained pottery from the first half of the fifteenth century.
Due to the paucity of datable finds an exact chronology of the
subsequent internal modifications cannot be defined. However, the
pottery found within the backfill of A222 implies that the internal
walls and fittings were dismantled after c. 1450. By c. 1500/25 the
building had been demolished and was replaced by a new structure
M2B (see Period IV).
Rubbish pits and other features
A complex sequence of sixteen intercutting pits and other features
was excavated to the rear of Building Ml (Fig. 7). The digging of
these (A275, A279, A288, A289, A290, A308, A311) spanned the
fifteenth century and some (A260, A273, A376, A280, A291) may
have been backfilled as late as c. 1525. Most were probably contemporary
with the use of Building M2A and must represent rubbish
disposal by the inhabitants.
A.II of these features were truncated by reduced horizons relating
to later terracing and building activity (Horizon A140 and A140A,
Fig. 17).
Most of the pits contained very similar backfills, usually lenses of
pebbly dark grey or olive-grey and brown clay, sometimes flecked
with carbon. Pits A266, A288 and A289 also contained gravel.
Pit A275 yielded a jeton dated 1307-27 (S.F. no. 238) and Pit A291 a
mid fourteenth-century rowel (S.F. no. 253). The depth of these pits
is shown in Table 3.
Pit Depth (m.)
A266 c. 0.70
A273 1.35
A275 1.55
A276 0.35
A279 0.50
A280 1.25
A286 1.45
A288 1.00
A289 not bottomed
A290 0.30
A291 0.70
A308 1.35
A311 1.90
Three other features (A281, A292, A318), all heavily disturbed by
pit cutting, were also examined. These were either post-holes (A292
contained a depression in its base, possibly the socket for a post) or
maybe garden features of some sort. Apart from a few sherds of late
fifteenth-century pottery, nothing else was recovered from their
(c) TRENCHES B, C, D and E
About ten rubbish- or cess-pits and various other features dating to
the fifteenth century were found in most of the other trenches. The
largest of these (B310, Figs. 7, 18) was almost certainly a clay quarry
and occupied nearly 75 per cent of the area of Trench B, although
only two sides of it were located. The feature, which was only
partially excavated, was over 2.50 m. deep with a very irregular base
and contained a complex sequence of layers (including B295, B324,
B374, B420). These were generally pebbly clays, varying in colour
from pale olive-grey to black, often interspersed with lumps and
flecks of brickearth. The upper fill (B295), which lipped over the
vertical sides of the feature, was gravel in a matrix of dark brownishgrey
loamy clay, and may have been dumped to level the ground over
the quarry. The exact date of this feature is difficult to establish.
Large quantities of thirteenth- and fourteenth-century pottery, some
obviously residual, were recovered from its backfill. The upper layers
(B420 and especially B295), however, contained pottery dating to
c. 1425-1450/75. This could suggest that the feature was first dug at
some time in the fourteenth century (i.e. contemporary with the clay
quarry E440), backfilled over a considerable length of time and finally
levelled in the early fifteenth century. However, the heavy subsidence
of a Period IV building (M3) probably erected over the quarry shortly
after its final backfilling indicated that the fill of the feature was still
mainly unconsolidated by the beginning of the fifteenth century. This
and the lack of deposits derived from erosion or silting suggest that
the quarry was dug and backfilled within a fairly short time-span.
The upper levels of the clay quarry were cut by two shallow gullies
(B325 and B314). Only a short length of these features was excavated
and their function remains unclear. The earliest gully (B325) contained
quantities of pottery dating to 1425-50/75, and a thirteenthcentury
key (S.F. no. 271). B314 contained a few sherds of c. 1475/
1500-1525 pottery.
The clay quarry was also cut by four pits (B316, B328, B329 and
B421, Figs., 7, 18). B328 also removed the western part of both
gullies B314 and B325. To the north seven other pits (B330, B385,
D226, D376, D377, D395 and E417, Figs. 3, 6, 7, 19) were located.
The pits were filled with deposits of clay or loamy clay of differing
colour. Features B316, D376, D377, D395, E417 contained quantities
of gravel and B385 also contained organic material. Most of the pits
yielded fifteenth-century pottery, although some (B316, B328, D377)
may have been backfilled as late as c. 1525. B385 only supplied a few
residual Saxon and early medieval sherds, but was placed in this
phase by its stratigraphic position. The depths of the pits are shown in
Table 4 below:
Pil Depth (m.)
B316 not bottomed
B328 0.10
B329 0.10
B330 0.35
B385 1.00
B421 0.70
B226 0.90
D376 0.80
D377 not bottomed
D395 0.55
E417 not bottomed
A few other features were also exposed. Shallow post-holes (C407,
C408) and an irregular scatter of stake-holes (C85A-C103B), were
found in Trench C. Another drainage gully (D380/C415) was also
located. This was cut by fifteenth-century pits and contained
fifteenth-century pottery.
Most of the above features were truncated by the later terracing
and usually no contemporary horizontal deposits remained. In
Trench E, however, a thick layer of olive-brown loamy clay (E410,
E427) survived in the depressions over the earlier metalled tracks.
These levels contained residual artefacts, including a thirteenthcentury
iron arrowhead (S.F. no. 363) as well as pottery dating to
c. 1425-50/75. This residuality may indicate that the deposit was
dumped deliberately rather than a gradual accumulation but, whatever
its derivation, it was probably garden soil.
9. Period IV - c. 1500/25-c. 1625/50 (Figs. 8, 9, 10, 11)
Major changes took place during the first half of the sixteenth
century. Extensive landscaping of the hillside probably involved
terracing in both north-south and east-west directions ( the latter is
still evident in the stepwise ascent of the present properties along
St. Martin's Hill) as well as the demolition of Building M2A. 13 This
was followed by the erection of a range of timber buildings probably
along the entire length of the street frontage now occupied by
nos. 1-13 St. Martin's Hill.14
A degree of continuity from the earlier period is evident, however,
and it is probable that these changes were instigated by the local
community rather than by the Dean and Chapter of the New
Foundation, who owned the properties from 1541. Existing property
boundaries were consolidated by the erection of masonry walls
(which also acted as revetment walls against the terracing), the same
rents occur (although they were now increased) and the same families
continued to occupy the houses (see p. 209).
13 The truncation of the levels under the Period Ill Building M2A (see p. 143)
suggests that terracing also occurred earlier, but this was probably confined to the
immediate building sites, prior to construction.
14 Mirrored by a similar ribbon development on the south side of the street opposite.
Both sets of development are shown on maps dating to c. 1550 and c. 1640 (Maps 49
and 123, Cathedral Archive and Library Canterbury, see Fig. 8).
Two properties on the St. Martin's Hill frontage (Buildings M2B
and M3) were exposed (Fig. 9).15 M2B was a total re-build of the
earlier structure M2A and occupied virtually the same position.
Building M3 was an entirely new structure. Three structural phases
(A, B and C) spanning the life of this building could be isolated.
Many of these refurbishments were obviously required due to
problems caused by the instability of the ground.
From this period to the present day the general topography of the
area has hardly altered. The site was divided into northern and
southern segments, (possibly along the line of the Period II east/west
track) the latter containing the houses and associated back gardens.
The northern area remained as open ground, either fields or gardens
(certainly gardens from the mid seventeenth century). By this time
also the site was bounded on the east by the grounds of a large house
(Christchurch House, later St. Martin's Priory).
(b) TRENCH A (Fig. 9)
Building M2B
The position of the north and south masonry dwarf walls ( A 70, A 77)
of a single room of Building M2B was located. 16 This timber-framed
structure was virtually a re-build of Building M2A. The frontage wall
(A77) was erected directly on top of the front wall (A77A) of the
earlier building. The rear wall alignments were probably also identical.
The building was certainly erected after the terracing of the site,
although associated levels could not be directly related to this
reduced horizon (A140A) to the rear because of an intervening
Period V wall (see Fig. 17). The internal deposits, however, sealed
and appeared to truncate the earlier Period III building levels. The
deposits were in turn greatly disturbed and eventually completely
removed to the north by subsequent post-medieval building activity.
Wall (A77), which was composed of chalk lumps and flints in a
15 Although the presence of two properties was not completely proved by excavation,
it is very likely considering the diverging alignments of the buildings and, more
specifically, the different levels (c. 20.50 m. 0.D. for Building M2B and c. 21.50 m.
O.D. for Building M3) from which they were constructed. For various reasons it was
not feasible to excavate the junction of the two properties, situated between Trenches
A and B.
16 The position of the west wall (shown on Fig. 9) is based on a possible later
property boundary.
Sl Augusti.n e• s Abbey
Cellarer's Garden
St.Martin,s Church
Grounds of
{\uSt.Uartifl'• Ptu:ityl
! j
TrenchC Ll
I I ,,
// ,,
I I -J '-
---= -
/J D
, , ______ IS9A- 91/ I :- -----== :
.ff/ I
e"f:,I I ,
01 /
,:I I :!!I I
]---.::.::.:~-- !t ---::::: I ::::-_!f / 17 . --;;,------- t' • Horizon truncoted :1 r-----=== ---- .. gt I ---- •
c:f f Wal 159
-81 I
§'1 ... f'f, J,
4.,/, I
,, I I I1 I, I I I
Period IV
= :::::: :.::.: . .-:.-..::~-:-.,:---
Fig. 9. St. Martin's Hill 1984: Detail Plan of Trenches A and B: Period IV.
r.n ::x:
s ):2.
chalky-white mortar, was rendered on its inside face and survived to a
height of 10 cm. Prior to its construction the area adjacent to the
earlier wall (A 77 A) was cut down (Al 75), presumably to expose and
extract the original timber plate of Building M2A, which would have
been buried in occupation deposits by this time.
The construction disturbance A175 was filled with gravel and
mortar (A174A, A174B) obviously related to the fabrication of the
dwarf wall, and was sealed by a primary clay floor which abutted wall
The rear wall of the building (A 70) was identical to the front wall.
This, too, was set in a shallow depression and had therefore partly
survived later building activity, but it could not be related to any of
the internal levels (Fig. 17).
Clay floor A174 probably originally butted a tile-on-edge hearth
(A110). The incomplete remains of this fireplace overlay the uppermost
Building M2A levels, suggesting that it was an original feature
of Building M2B. The floor was sealed by a thick deposit of very dark
brown to black compact striated occupation silt (A108). This level
abutted and ·also partially overlay hearth 110 where it became very
ashy with thin carbon lenses. Layer A108 contained very few finds,
apart from a coin of 1625-34 (S.F. no. 154), which may have been
Towards the north of the area this deposit was progressively
truncated by later building activity. In the southern area of the
trench, however, a wedge of levels post-dating Al08, but contemporary
with the occupation of the building, survived. These deposits
consisted of thin clay floors (A82, A78) separated by a lens of
occupation silt (A79). The sequence was capped by floor levels
relating to the Period V Building Pl.
The nature of the floor levels mentioned above, especially the thick
occupation silt A108, suggests that upon the erosion of the primary
clay floor A174 a sequence of trodden earth surfaces, composed of
occupation debris, gradually accumulated within the structure. This
material was eventually overlaid by new clay floors.
Numerous features relating to the occupation of Building M2B
were also excavated. These included stake-holes and post-holes, most
of which cut from the top of, or from within, the occupation Al08.
Two other disturbances (A74, A83, Fig. 9) may have served some
other function. Feature A83, which was truncated and sealed by
Period V floor levels, cut clay floor A82 and must have been inserted
late in the life of Building M2B.
II 0
Period IV
Fig. 10. St. Martin's Hill 1984: Detail Plan of Trench B: Period IV.
Building M2B: Dating summary
Although very little artefactual evidence for the date of erection of
Building M2B was recovered, its probable contemporaneity with
Building M3 to the east (see below) suggests that it was built within,
or shortly after, the period c.1500-c.1525. This date is not contradicted
by the late fifteenth-century pottery found within the backfill
of construction trench Al 75 and also corresponds with a sudden
decrease in pit digging to the rear.
Both Buildings M2B and M3 were superseded by post-medieval
------------ - -------------
- ------------
-------- ----
s ___ _
ft 0
--------- Period IV
0 D--- Q ---------- X
71:'J r,o O./"')
/ Hod,on f/£:.}/if!) '?/t},91 z(;:;· ;·, I
'-----l_ 426 o n I
----------- • '-V 0 I -✓
----- Period V
4090 ---,-®- :ING, .,(. -
;' ,::,;•/
Z 394 tt,f , / //;'f./
I I -.:
1r,G:>J I
• 1'?1-; 398 t/ ,:(. / 1
• I•••/ I '---/4:•·, I I
383J'< 4250<,/
/ /y
5 // // -,;;J<- ,
Fig. 11. St. Martin's Hill 1984: Detail Plans of Trench E: Periods IV and V.
(Period V) structures. However, the date of this re-building is
difficult to establish due to the lack of evidence in the relevant
construction levels. Pottery recovered from occupation layer A79
and Feature A83 must have been deposited late in the life of
Building M2B and suggests that its demolition and the subsequent
re-building occurred soon after 1625/50. The coin (S.F. no. 154) was
probably intrusive in the disturbed occupation Al08, but was certainly
Jost prior to the deposition of the floors of the Period V Building
Pl. Whether it originated from later Building M2B occupation
deposits or from Building Pl construction activity, it supplies a
terminus post quern of 1625-34.
Back Garden Area
The earlier Period III rubbish-pits were truncated by a horizon
(A140) probably related to the overall terracing of the area in
c. 1500-25. A 20 cm. thick deposit of garden loam (A32) overlay this
horizon. Apart from late fifteenth/early sixteenth-century pottery it
yielded one sherd dating to c. 1575/1600.
Three pits, probably also contemporary with the occupation of
Building M2B, were found cutting the garden soil. Pit A40, which
was completely excavated to a depth of 60 cm. contained a uniform
fill of dark brown clayey loam. The fill yielded residual material and
pot-sherds dating to 1575/1600-25. A complete, articulated skeleton
of a horse or donkey was found lying in the base of this feature (Plate
Two other pits (A31, A33) were also partially excavated.
Building M3: Phase A (Fig. 9, Plate III)
Building M3 was probably contemporary with Building M2B described
above. Two rooms along the road frontage and one to the
rear (north room) were partially exposed. All the levels within the
south-west room were destroyed by a later cellar. The east wall of this
cellar probably underpinned the original internal wall between the
south-west room and the frontage room to the east (south room). No
trace of this partition survived.
The timber-frame of Building M3 was supported by masonry dwarf
walls (B159 and B217). These walls were erected on a reduced
horizon B294 that probably related to the overall early sixteenthcentury
terracing of the area. In the area of Building M3 this horizon
truncated the earlier Period III clay quarry B310 and late fifteenth/
early sixteenth-century rubbish pits (Fig. 18).
Wall B 159 was composed of flints in a creamy-brown, gritty, chalky
mortar and was 10 in. ( c. 25 cm.) wide. The upper surface of the wall
was levelled off with horizontal peg-tiles. Scars, showing the position
and 7 in. ( c. 18 cm.) width of the original plate, as well as impressions
of the grain of the timber, remained in the surviving upper surface.
The depth of the wall uniformly varied from c. 24 cm. at the north to
c. 0.50 m. at the south. Since the top of the wall would have been
built level, this variation in depth presumably indicates the remaining
slope of the hillside following the early sixteenth-century terracing.
Towards the north of the trench Wall B159 was planed off and
eventually completely removed by later buildings. Consequently, the
northern limits of the building could not be precisely defined. A short
length of longitudinal feature (B159A), preserved in a small segment
of undisturbed stratigraphy in· the north-west corner of the trench
may, however, have been a robber trench for the east-west return of
Wall B159 (Fig. 18).
Wall B217, which delineated the north side of the south room, was
of similar build and bonded with Wall B159. The presence of a door
leading from the south room to the outside of the building was
suggested by the sudden termination of this wall 15 in. (c. 48 cm.) to
the east of Wall B159. The width of the door could not be
ascertained. No trace of the wall partitioning the rooms along the
road frontage survived, but it was almost certainly all timber, with no
masonry dwarf wall. The eastern end of the building may correlate
with the east end of Building P2 (Period V) which still survives at the
west end of no. 9 St. Martin's Hill (see Fig. 13).
North Room
The excavated levels suggest that the original floors of this room were
eventually removed and replaced (Phase B). This was probably due
in part to severe subsidence of the floors and walls into underlying
features. The thorough nature of this renovation, and the fact that a
contemporary drain (B262, see below) was laid under the new floors,
may mean that flooding, possibly caused by emerging ground water
or surface water from the hillside, was a factor.
South Room
This room contained a complex sequence of clay floors and other
deposits, most of which survived later building activity because they
had slumped into the Period III clay quarry B310 and pit B421. To
the west all the layers were cut away by the construction of a
post-medieval cellar. The earliest deposit, clay floor B418, overlay
the truncated clay quarry (B310). A few stake-holes, found cutting
the floor, may have represented some sort of internal fitting against
the partition wall. This feature may have been inserted at a much
later date, probably upon the blocking of the adjacent door to the
north, since any structure in this position would have obstructed the
entrance. The clay floor must have originally abutted a rectangular
brick hearth (B242, Plate IV). The heavily burnt fireplace was
constructed of one course of bricks bedded on a thin layer of yellow
sand (B285) bordered by bricks laid on edge. The front of the hearth
had subsided into pit B421 and had subsequently been renovated.
Layers of gravel and re-deposited brickearth (B327, B326), which
just over-lapped B418, abutted the hearth on the west and may have
been the footings of an associated lath- and plaster-firestack, built
again the partition wall. A 6 cm. deep post-hole (B268) adjacent to
the corner of the hearth, probably held a post supporting the
superstructure of the chimney stack.
The primary deposits were overlain by a succession of thin and very
worn clay floors (B293, B243) and an intervening occupation deposit
(B297). Apart from a few residual sherds of medieval pottery no
other datable material was recovered from any of the deposits
mentioned above. Immediately in front of the fireplace the floors and
occupation deposits had slumped into the underlying pit B421.
Dumps of clay and re-patchings (B422) of the worn floors had been
laid in this depression (Fig. 18).
Immediately to the rear of the south room a small area of outer
back courtyard (B261) survived. The courtyard overlaid the reduced
horizon (B294) and abutted dwarf wall B159 (Fig. 18).
Building M3: Phase B (Fig. 9)
Probably soon after its erection Building M3 suffered structural
problems due to the instability of the underlying ground. The
southern end of wall B 159 and part of wall B217 ( and associated floor
levels) slumped by nearly 30 cm. into the earlier clay quarry (B310).
A line of unmortared bricks (B155) directly overlying part of wall
B159 must have been inserted under the wall plate and was probably
an attempt to underpin the timber-frame.
North Room
Severe subsidence into the earlier features and possible flooding
required the removal and replacement of all the original floor levels
in the north room. During this refurbishment the opportunity was
taken to lay a drain across the room, prior to the deposition of a new
The primary deposit which abutted wall B159 was a very mixed
layer of levelling dump (B270), composed of yellow, orange and grey
clays and parts of re-deposited clay floors and occupation material.
A tile drain (B262, Plate V) ran approximately east-west across the
trench. The construction trench for the drain cut through the outer
courtyard (B261) and also the dump layer (B270) in the north room;
a hole had been cut through dwarf wall B159 so that the drain could
be laid. The drain consisted of crudely-made interlocking semicircular
ceramic segments, bedded in creamy mortar and capped with
whole peg-tiles. Each segment was c. 40 cm. long, with an average
diameter of 14 cm. and glazed on the inside. They were almost
certainly made at Tyler Hill.
Within the north room the drain and the dump deposits (B270)
were sealed by a thick layer of re-deposited brickearth (B170), which
acted as a clay floor. A thin spread of occupation silt (B246) overlay
parts of the floor surface. Towards the north-east the deposits were
progressively disturbed by post-medieval floor levels.
Only two features, a stake-hole (B256) and a small pit or post-hole
(B253), were contemporary with the occupation of floor (B170).
South Room
At some time during the life of Building M3 the doorway leading
from the south room to the back courtyard area was blocked. This
was represented by a 20 cm. thick mass of pale olive creamy mortar
and flints (B217A), which abutted wall B217 on the east and which
overlay the earlier clay floor (B293).
Hearth B242 was refurbished (Plate IV); the front of the feature
had slumped into the underlying pit (B421, Fig. 18, H-L). Attempts
to consolidate the soft spot were made by laying a longitudinal raft of
peg-tiles bonded with orange-brown clay (B313) in the depression. A
line of bricks (B312; not shown in section) bedded and bonded with
pale brown clay, was transversely laid along the tile raft to level the
area prior to the deposition of a new hearth front (B242A). This was
composed of two rows of bricks, bedded in a thin layer of buff
brownish-yellow clay (B284f
A new clay floor (B243) was then laid over the earlier levels. This
surface abutted the original hearth and its refurbishment as weII as
the blocking of the door (B217A). Problems with subsidence to the
front of the hearth remained, however, since later patchings of yellow
clay (B243B) were deposited in this position. This deposit, floor B243
and the hearth itself were finally sealed by a very thin spread of black
ash and carbon (B243A), presumably derived from the raking out of
the fireplace.
Building M3: Phase C (Fig. 10)
Substantial alterations to Building M3 took place probably fairly late
in its life.
North Room
A sprung timber floor was inserted into the north room. Beam slots
(B257, B241, B173) representing timber joists for this floor ran
east-west across the room and cut into the underlying clay floor
(B170). They abutted wall B159 at right angles.
A fireplace and chimney stack, facing south into the south-west
room was inserted, probably contemporary with the laying of the
sprung floor to the north. The brick foundations of the stack (B240)
extended into the north room. The construction trench for these
foundations cut through clay floor B170 and also entirely removed
dwarf wall B159 along the front of the fireplace. The sub-foundation
(B240A) consisted of a 30 cm. depth of large flints, cobbles and chalk
lumps in a matrix of grey glutinous clay. Seven brick courses of the
firestack, bonded with grey clay, survived above the sub-foundation.
A portion of brick hearth (B168) within the fireplace also survived.
The tile drain (B262) was certainly still in use at this time. The
insertion of the firestack had disturbed the course of the drain, which
was relaid in brick within the fireplace fabric.
South Room
The fireplace within the south room was eventually demolished and
the hearth and latest clay floors buried beneath dumped clay deposits
(B224). Two separate phases of new fireplace foundations (B157A,
B157) were located against the north wall, in the position of the
earlier blocked doorway. These consisted of super-imposed longitudinal
pads of creamy mortar (Fig. 18, G-J). The earlier phase
(B157A)' was abutted by dump B224, and three beam-slots for a
sprung timber floor (B163A, B165, B167), which cut into the dump
level. These were sealed by a secondary clay dump (B158), which
abutted the later fireplace foundation. Another phase of beam-slots
(B161, B162, B163, B164 and B167A), contemporary with the
second fireplace, (B157), cut the dump level. Scars, evident in the
upper surface of the second pad of mortar, indicated the original
presence of large slabs of stone. The levels were immediately sealed
by levels relating to a subsequent Period V fireplace of Building P2.
Back Courtyard Area
The courtyard to the rear of the property was eventually submerged
under a 10 cm. thick deposit of dark grey-brown silty loam (B250).
A feature (B263A), which cut through layer B250 down to the
drain (B262), was almost certainly dug to expose the drain at this
point. The disturbance of the peg-tile capping of the drain suggests
that it was to give access to the drain possibly for the purpose of
cleaning it out or removing a blockage.
The Well (Plate VI)
A well (2), situated a few metres east of Trench D, was partially
excavated (Fig. 8). This feature bad remained open and only partly
backfilled up to the beginning of the excavation in October 1984. The
well was lined with an 8 in. (20 cm.) thickness of masonry, composed
of flint and chalk in creamy mortar, rendered on the inside face, with
an internal diameter of 3 ft. (0.91 m.). About 1.50 m. of the
remaining backfill was excavated, but due to the incursion of large
quantities of water upon the removal of parts of the lining, any
further investigation was precluded. However, the well was almost
certainly contemporary with Building M3 and situated within its back
garden. It may have remained in use until the final demolition of the
post-medieval buildings in c. 1790.
Building M3: Dating summary
The numerous features truncated by the overall terracing of the
hillside and subsequently sealed by the construction of Building M3
provide a clear terminus post quem of 1475-1525 for these events.
The considerable subsidence of the building and its internal levels
strongly suggest that it was erected very soon after the final backfilling
of the earlier features, possibly around 1500-25 or slightly
Because of the paucity of recovered artefacts, the date of the
ensuing structural and internal alterations is difficult or impossible to
establish. Phase B, which mainly consisted of repairs to the building,
probably commenced soon after its initial construction. Contemporary
occupation of clay floor B170, however, probably occurred
within the period c. 1575-c. 1625. Phase C may have commenced
during or after the first quarter of the seventeenth century. A jeton
(S.F. no. 215) from beam-slot Bl 73, supplies a terminus post quern of
1601-10, but this may relate to the removal of the sprung floor in the
north room and not to the initial laying of the joists. The disposition
of these joists to the back of the fireplace (B240) suggests that the
floor and fireplace were contemporary. The chronology of the
sequence of sprung floors and fireplace fronts within the south room
is impossible to establish and they may even relate to the Period V
Building P2 (see below p. 170).
Building M3 was eventually re-built (Building P2), but the levels
investigated in Trench B supplied little dating evidence. However,
the almost certain contemporaneity of this re-building with the
demolition and re-building of the adjacent structure M2B (see above
p. 149) indicates that this probably occurred soon after 1625-50.
( d) TRENCHES C, D and E
Few deposits or features of this period survived in the other trenches
because of ensuing post-medieval terracing.
A short length of a wall (D142A), aligned approximately eastwest,
was exposed at the north end of Trench D. The wall, which
survived to a height of c. 30 cm., was composed of flints, chalk lumps
and peg-tile in a creamy-white mortar and was rendered on its
southern face (Fig. 19, U-V, U 1-V1). The wall, which overlay the
backfill of pit D377 (dated c. 1475-1500/25), was sealed by a later
brick re-build (D142). No associated construction levels for the wall
were evident, but on the south side the base of the wall appeared to
coincide with a reduced horizon (D294). This horizon, which was
almost certainly equivalent to Horizon B294 associated with the late
fifteenth/early sixteenth-century overall terracing, overlay the natural
subsoil and also truncated earlier Saxon pits and one (D395) dating to
c. 1450-1475/1500. The contemporary ground surface to the north of
wall D142A was destroyed by later post-medieval terracing but must
have been at a higher level. This difference in levels across the wall
and the rendering on the south face only suggest that it served both as
a boundary wall and as a revetment or terrace wall.
The badly disturbed foundations of a frontage wall (E438), parallel
and adjacent to North Holmes Road, were excavated in Trench E
(Fig. 11). The footings were similar in build to wall D142A and
probably of the same date. The wall, which acted as a boundary
separating the northern area of the 'Conduit Meadow' from North
Holmes Road, was probably demolished when the northern part of the
site was re-terraced and a tenement Building P4 (see Period V, p. 174)
erected on this part of the road frontage in the mid seventeenth century.
A few shallow pits and other garden features (E391, E392, E403,
E404, E426) were also excavated. These features contained similar
dark brown loamy fills, and cut layer E410, but were of indeterminate
10. Period V c. 1625150-c. 1790 (Figs. 12, 13, 14)
Around the middle of the seventeenth century further extensive
landscaping of the 'Conduit Meadow' occurred particularly north of
the east-west boundary wall. At the same time the late medieval
structures (Buildings M2B and M3) on the road frontage were
re-built, possibly because of general dilapidation, caused by structural
and other problems dating back to the origin of the buildings in
the early sixteenth century. It is possible that the whole range along
the north side of the road was wholly or partially re-built at this
time.18 This redevelopment may have occurred as late as the early
1660s, after the Commonwealth 'interregnum' when some of the
properties were re-acquired by the Dean and Chapter.
Two distinct structural phases of Building Pl were discerned;
during the second of these at least the house was probably mostly of
brick. Building P2 appears to have remained partially timber-framed
and was mainly a re-construction of the earlier Building M3. The new
buildings respected the earlier property divisions and to some extent
the internal arrangement of the previous houses. Outhouses and
tenements (Buildings P3 and P4) to the north were also possibly
erected at this time. The northern area probably became gardens,
which were extended into the areas occupied by Buildings P3 and P4
upon their demolition in the eighteenth century. From 1673 much of
the 'Conduit Meadow' was owned by the City; the land was acquired
to protect the city water supply, fed from a spring in the north-east
corner of the meadow. The conduit from this spring was not located,
probably because since c. 1790 the northern boundary of the meadow
has moved to the south. This is indicated by maps of the area,
particularly a Terrier map of 1792, which gives dimensions of the
17 They have been placed in this period because they were sealed by a Period V wall.
on1 i one pit (E403) was of any great depth (c. 1.55 m.). Most of this range survives (see Plate VII and Fig. 16) but the extant buildings
have not been studied in detail. In the cellar of no. 1 St. Martin's Hill, however, traces
of a possible late medieval cellar are visible, and many of the other properties contain
timber elements some of which may be late medieval in date.
Period ·v· .· c.1625/50-c.1790
St. Martin's
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field.19 By c. 1790 the Burghmote-owned buildings on the site (Pl
and P2) had been demolished.
Building PI: Phase A (Fig. 13)
The Period IV Building M2B was replaced by a totally new building,
PI, which approximately respected the position and alignment of the
earlier structure. Prior to its erection the ground under and immediately
to the rear of the building was levelled, truncating the
earlier Period N deposits. Only the rear wall (A22) of Building PI
was located, just to the north of the rear dwarf wall of Building M2B.
However, subsequent structural modifications during Phase B suggest
that the entire fabric of this wall may have belonged to this later
phase (see p. 166). During Phase A the rear of the structure may have
been a timber outshot.
Virtually only the foundation of wall A22 (Fig. 17, B-C) remained.
This foundation was trench-built and survived to a maximum
height of 65 cm. It was composed of bricks, flints and re-used Caen
and sandstone blocks, some worked, in a matrix of light yellow
Only a portion of one room of Building PI was examined. The
earliest deposits consisted of irregular spreads of dumped material
(A64, A66, A73, A76, A80/81), which partially sealed the Period IV
dwarf wall A 70 and associated deposits and were laid on an irregular
disturbed horizon. The exact derivation of these levels is unclear, but
they may represent levelling, infilling disturbances caused by the
demolition of Building M2B, or are possibly connected with the construction
of Building Pl. A large, 25 cm. deep, post-hole (A55), which
cut the dump deposits, may have been related to the construction.
These contexts were sealed by floor levels of Building PI and the
base of a free-standing firestack (A53). The fireplace was aligned
parallel to the rear wall and about 1.60 m. south of it. Only the very
base of the foundation of the firestack (A53) survived, to a maximum
height of 5 cm. since it was later demolished and · floored over
(Phase B). These footings were composed of horizontal peg-tiles,
some complete, bonded with yellow mortar and laid on a thin
levelling raft of orange-brown clay.
•Y In the Cathedral Archive and Library Canterbury and reproduced in Fig. 15
Phase A
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Fig. 13. St. Martin's Hill 1984: Detail Plan of Trenches A and B: Period V.
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