General index
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Frontispiece 1987
General index
Abbreviations: AS, Anglo-Saxon; BA, Bronze Age; IA, Iron Age: Med., Medieval;
Meso., Mesolithic; Neo., Neolithic: R., Roman; RB., Romano-British; S., Saxon.
Abree, J., 216
Acheulian, Hand-axe, 297
Adisham, 38
Adley, J., 11
Agincourt (France), 194
Amherst, Earl, 8
Anderson, l., and Archibald, M., The coins.
Andrews, H., 12
Angle, G. d', 183
Anglo-Saxon, Brooch. 312
Coin. 312
Antler, Objects. 135-45
Archibald, M., and Anderson, I., The coins,
Arrowhead, 128
Arundel, Earl of, 186, 190-1, 193
Ashford, 232
Ashton, R. de. JS0-1, 191
Auger, 129
Aylesford, 309
Baker, J., 238
Ban6eld, Mrs. A., 3
Bangle, 146
Barne, Memorial, 205
Barham, 197, 199
Court, 197
Barham Church: The Brasses, Memorials and
Glass, by Philip H. Blake, 197-213
Bates, W., 238
Bayley, J., 166
Bead, 146, 150, 293
Bean, Memorial, 205-6
Beaufort, J., 194
Beaumont, Lord, 193
Beckenham, 201
Bell, R.J., 35-6
Bell-founding, 166-7
Berham, H. de, 201, 203
Memorial, 205
Bimson, M., 299-300
Birchington, Minrus Bay, 243
Bishopsbourne, 200-1
·Blake, Philip H., Barham Church: The Brasses,
Memorials and Glass, 197-213
Memorial, 205
Blockley, P., B.Sc., Excavations at No. 41 St.
George's Street, Camerbury, /985, 59-178
Bolland, H., 240
Bolt-head, 128
Bolton, H., 6
Bone, Objects, 135-45
Bonnington, 6
Boughton Monchelsea, 303, 305, 310
Boulden, T., 8
Boxley, 303. 307-8, 312
Box mount, 142
Bronze Age, Axe, 302
Hoard, 245-9
Brooch, AS, 312
IA, 298
RB., 110-11, 289, 307-9
s., 112-13
Browne, C.H., 3
Brun, Sir M. le, 201
Bruyn, J., 202
Sir M., 201
Buckle, 114, 127
Med., 117
Budd, P., B.Sc., The evidence for bell-founding
and metalworking activities, 164-70
Burley, Sir S., 179, 182 ff.
Calais (France). 192
Cambridge, Earl of. 180, 184
Canterbury, Cathedral, 202
Christ Church, 201
Dane John, 233
Guildhall, 223
Kent and Canterbury Hospital. 237
Poor Priests' Hospital, 235, 241
St. Augustine's, 183. 188, 202
St. Dunstan·s, 239, 242
St. George's, 223
St. Mildred's, 239, 242
Ca11terbury, Excavations at No. 41 St. George's
Street, 1985, by P. Blockley, B.Sc., 59-178
Carlisle (Cumbria), Castle, 193
Carmarthen (Canns.), Castle, 185
Carter, Dr H.W., 3
Michael, Yates, Nigel and Shaw, Maureen,
Kem Archives Office; Major Accessions,
1984-87, 251-85
Chandler, J., 38
w .. 38
Charles VI, 193
Chatham, 313
Cherry, J., 115
Chipstede (Chipstcad), 199
Cinque Ports, 180, 190, 194
Cliffe, 310, 312-4
Cliffe, Some pre-Roman sites at, by Robert
Hutchings, 287-90
Cobham, 297,308,310, 314--6
Coin, AS, 312
Greek, 289
IA, 303--5
Med., 109
R., 107-8, 289, 309-11
s .. 108
Collard, Memorial, 204
Comb, 13$--.42
Cooke, Memorial, 204
Copper alloy, Brooch, 110-11
Ear-ring, 112
Objects, 110-20
Counter, 135
Courtenay, Archbishop, I 92
Criol, Fam., 297
Crundalc. 298
Crux, Mrs. M., 204
Curling, Memorial, 205
Cuxton, 287
Darenth, I 99
River, 39
Davey, S., 6
Denne, H., 3
Derby, Earl of, 191
Dering, Fam., 197 ff.
Memorial, 205
Glass, 211
Despenser, T., 195
Detsicas, A.P., Review, 324
Devereux, Sir J ., 191-2
Dickens, Rev. W.W., 38
Die, 145
Digges, Memorial, 208
Diggs, Fam .. 199 ff.
Dixwell, Memorial, 208
Dorset, Marquis of, 194
Dover, Castle, 179 ff.
St. Mary-in-the-Castle, 181
Dover Castle: Key to Richard JJ's kingdom?, by
James L. Gillespie, F.R.Hist.S., 179-95
Down, M., 240
Ear-ring, Copper alloy, RB, 112
-scoop, RB, 112
East Malling, 303, 312, 317
East Peckham, 317
Edward Ill, 181, 183
Egan, G., 131 ff.
Elcocke, Memorial, 206
Elder, J.M., Objects of bone, antler and ivory,
Objects of iron, 120-31
The spindle-whorls, 145-6
and Garrard, P., The small finds, 107 ff.
Elham, 298
Erpingham, T., 194--5
Eynsford, 39
W. de, 39, 53
Eynsford Castle: A reinterpretation of its early
history in the light of recent excavations, by
Valerie Horsman, 39-57
Fairman, F., 240
Fawkham, 199
Field, E., 11
File, 129
Fitch, W., 3
Aackton and Smith, Printers, 216-7
Aini, Acheulian hand-axe, 297
Meso. hand-axe, 297-8
Neo, axe, 302
Fotherby, Memorial, 204, 209
Glass, 212
Fremoule, Memorial, 205
Frend, W., 238
Froissan, J., 189
Gardiner, Miss, 35
Garrard, P., Objects of copper alloy, 110-20
Objects of shale, jet and stone, I 46-9
Objects of whire metal, 131-5
and Elder, J.M., The small finds, 107 ff.
and Shepherd, J., Objects of glass, 150
Gaunt, J. of, 183-4, 194
Gillespie, James L., F.R.Hist.S., Dover Castle:
Key to Richard JJ's kingdom?, 179-95
Gillingham, 199
Gipps, G., 220, 222, 227
H., 228-9, 240
Glass, 150-63, 293
Memorial, 209-12
Gloucester, Duke of, 186, 191
Earl of, 195
Goltho (Lines.), 53
Goodall, J.H., 121
Gouge, 129
Green, M.J., The Roman pottery, 101-3
Greenhill, T., 218
Griffin, R., 197
Hales, Sir E., 179, 195
Hallowes, P.B., 3, 35
Handle, 145-6
Harrison, Memorial, 204
Hasted, E., 219
Hastingleigh, 309
Hatton, R. de, 187
Haute, Fam., 201 ff.
Memorial, 205
Henry IV, t 94
Higgins, H., 7
Higham, 290
Hodges, J .• 225
Hollingboume, 317-8
Holt, J. de, 192
Holttum, C., 35
Horseshoe, 129
Horsman, Valerie, Eynsford Castle: A reinterpretation
of its early history in the light of
recent excavacions, 39-57
Huntington, Earl of, 183
Hustwit, M., 11
Hutchings, H.E., 35
Robert, Some pre-Roman sites at Cliffe,
lghtham, 310
Inge, Judge W., 39
Iron, Key, 120-4
Lock, 12o-4
Objects, 120-31
Iron Age, Brooch, 298
Coin, 303-5
Pottery, 293
Ivory, Objects, 135-45
James ll, 179
Jet, Objects, 146-9
Jeton, Med., 109-10
Jeuird, T., 8
Kelly, D.B., 287-8
Archaeological notes from Maidstone
Museum, 297-320
Kent a,ut Cancerbury Hospital, 1836--1876,
Medical care at the, by John Whyman,
Kent Archives Office: Major accessions,
1984--87, by Nigel Yates, Maureen Shaw
and Michael Carter, 251-85
Key, RB, 120
King's Langley (Herts.), 183
Kirkby, G., 216-7
Knife, 124-5
Knighton, H., 183
Knowles, G., 221,223
Lade, J., 215, 239
Laker, C., 8
J., 8
Lamp, 146
Lancaster, H. of, 194
Latimer, W., 180, 184
Leeds (Yorks.), Castle, 192
Le Grand, Memorial, 209
Leicester, 193
Leinster (Eire), 193
Lenham, 303, 310
Lewis, N.B., 185
Lloyd, Memorial glass, 211-12
Lochee, Dr A., 3 ff.
Long, Memorial, 207
Lonsford, W. de, 201
Mace-head, Med., 115-6
Neo., 298, 302
Mackreth, D.F .• 110-11
Macpherson-Grant, N., The post-Roman potcery,
Maidstone, 227, 305, 310
Maidscone Museum, Archaeological notes
from, by D.B. Kelly, 297-320
Malmains, Sir R., 181
Major, D.B .• 3, 38
Mann, Sir H., 227
Mantell, C., 220
w .. 240
Marden, 310
Marstiille, T., 233
Martingale, Med., 317
Matton, A .• 240
McDivitt, Dr. J., 3 ff.
McHenry, A., 12
Medieval, Buckle, I 17
Coin, 109
Glass. 155-63
Harness, pendant, 312, 314, 317-8
Jeton, 109-10
Mace-head, 115-6
Martingale, 317
Mount, 317
Pendant, 316-7
Pin, 117
Plaque, 316
Pottery, 105-6, 291
Purse-bar, 313, 319
Ring, 313
Roof-finial, 319-20
Scabbard-cha pc. 320