with a contribution from Julie Lovett, B.A.
Alan Ward
At the invitation of the Dean and Chapter of Rochester Cathedral
the Canterbury Archaeological Trust undertook an excavation within
the Lay Cemetery of the Cathedral during April and May 1990
(Fig. 1, Pl. I). This was undertaken prior to the underpinning of the
foundations of a modern semi-basemented structure known as the
'Chair Store' which lies in the angle between the west side of the
north transept and the north side of the nave. The excavation
consisted of three small trenches each 3 m. x 1 m. and up to 4.50 m.
deep (Fig. 1). When the Chair Store was constructed in the early
1970s large numbers of burials were removed and three medieval
stone burial cists uncovered. Roman deposits were not reached at
that time.1
The earliest features located (96 and 98, Fig. 1) were cut into
natural brickearth, the latter, probably a gully or truncated ditch
contained a dark grey silt/ash mix with patches of brickearth, but no
finds. Feature 96 (a shallow pit) had a fill indistinguishable from the
overlying topsoil of brown crumbly loam (92) and both produced
Belgic pottery of the early first century A.D.
Within Trenches A and B redeposited brickearth (91, Fig. 2,
section A-A) covered the early topsoil. This redeposited brickearth
contained pottery possibly of the late second or third century A.D.
A further layer of brown crumbly loam (89) lay above the redeposited
brickearth and contained sherds dating up to c. A.D. 150.
Although this layer may have been upcast from pit-digging, its
1 Pers. comm. A.C. Harrison.
identification in Trench A and Trench B is perhaps suggestive of
more widely dispersed topsoil; it contained only residual pottery. Pit
90 producing later fourth-century pottery cut Layer 91, but could not
be seen to cut the brown loam (89) due to the pit-fill being
indistinguishable in colour and texture.
A large pit (94) within Trench B cut Layer 89 and had been
backfilled with loosely compacted daub and ash, and at a lower
unexcavated level a grey/green silt, probably cess.2 The occurrence of
so much burnt daub might suggest the presence of a nearby wattleand-
daub structure. The few associated pottery sherds were of a late
third- or fourth-century date. A further pit (100) (Fig. 1) found by the
contractors beneath the chair store also seems to have cut from this
level, but produced pottery only of the second century.
Within Trench C only one possible topsoil layer (76) (Fig. 3,
sections C-C and C-c) of Roman date was identified probably being
the same as Layer 92 encountered in Trench A. It overlay silt (77)
infilling a natural hollow and the early gully (98) and was in turn
overlaid by a very dark brown crumbly loam (71) containing the
earliest burials (SK 54, SK 55). No grave cuts were visible either
above or below the skeletons. This was true for almost all the burials
encountered and stratigraphic relationships could only be determined
when bone material had been cut through by later interments.
Despite this it was possible to identify an approximate phased
sequence of burials. The skeletal material is described separately
below, with possible dates of deposition appended.
The north-south orientation of Trench C meant that no complete
skeleton was excavated. Burials SK 54 and SK 55 are probably the
earliest present, but a complete lack of medieval pottery makes close
dating impossible. Burials SK 50, SK 51, SK 52 within the dark brown
loams (71 and 60) and SK 48 and SK 49 above Layer 60 also belong to
this earliest identifiable 'phase' of interments (Fig. 3), section C-C).
In both Trenches A and B the earliest burials lay within stone cists
(Fig. 2). In Trench A Burial SK 60 within its stone cist (85) is in some
ways the most interesting, not so much for its skeletal material, but
for its method of interment. Around the feet of the skeleton the
remains of the stone cist were well preserved, made out of irregular
chalk and tufa blocks bonded by a buff-coloured mortar. The trunk
and pelvis rested on two joining slabs of Jurassic limestone (perhaps
Marquise stone from the Pas-de-Calais) roughly faced on both sides
2 The pit underlay the north-west corner of the Chair Store and together with the
shallow concrete foundation is probably the reason for the cracking of the Chair Store
Om 10
Cemetery " 0 B
C A Church
0 5m
0 so 150 ft
Fig. I. Location plan (inset) with composite plan of trenches showing Belgic and Roman features.
rn X
;:., ►
and bearing signs of burning. The remnants of a 'ledge' survived on
one side of both slabs. The slabs may have been of Roman origin.
The adjacent skeletons of two children (SK 56, SK 57) lay above
the grave fill of SK 60. These may have been interred together. Iron
nails associated with SK 57 suggested the presence of a coffin.
A similar sequence of burials was encountered in Trench B. The
earliest skeleton (SK 62) lay within a well-preserved cist of mortared
chalk and tufa block build (86), surviving to a height of 0.20 m. The
eastern end of 86 was overlain by a smaller cist (93) containing the
badly disturbed skeleton of a child (SK 63). The remains lay on a thin
deposit of crushed chalk overlying mortar. The edges of the chalk bed
were clearly visible and were presumably surrounded at one time by
stonework. Two burials (SK 59 and 58) lay above burial SK 63 cutting
burial SK 62. Another burial (SK 61) lay directly over the southern
wall of the stone cist for burial SK 62.
Within all trenches a second phase of cist burials then occurred
(Fig. 3). In Trench A the earliest of three cist burials (SK 45, SK 46
and SK53, Pl. II) was probably SK 45. The skull of burial SK 45 was
missing, presumably cut away by burial SK 46. However, part of the
cist wall (61) of burial SK 45 appeared to overlay the betterconstructed
wall (63) belonging to burial SK 46. This apparent
contradiction of the stratigraphy might be explained by movement of
the inferior construction of cist wall 61, which was bonded with a light
brown clay and chalk mix (cob). The cist (70) surrounding the almost
complete skeleton (SK 53) seemed to cut the stonework belonging to
burial SK 46. More ragstone was used in the construction of cist 70
than any other; a large tile at the west end formed part of the
head-recess. Above the few centimetres of soil covering SK 53 and
entirely within the cist (perhaps suggesting a family relationship) a
child's body (SK 44) had been deposited. A further burial (SK 42),
that of an adult, lay 0.10 m. above that of the child, but above the
level of the cist. The feet of another adult skeleton (SK 47) protruded
from the western section.
In Trench B a further three burials (SK 30, SK 31, SK 33) of the
second cist phase were located. The earliest of these cists ( 43)
comprised only its chalk block head-recess containing a disarticulated
skull (SK 31). The chalk blocks of this feature had been cut into or
utilised by further cists to east and west ( 42 and 45 containing SK 30
and SK 33 respectively). The well-preserved curved foot surround of
45 contrasted with the rest of the cist of which only patches of mortar
survived. The burial SK 33 extended beyond the excavation area so
was only partially recovered, but as the section was straightened a
pewter cup or chalice was revealed; this had probably been placed in
the deceased's hands at burial (finger bones were found attached to
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the vessel, Pl. IX, Fig. 6).3 A non-cist burial (SK 34) cut into SK 33 to
the north.
The eastern cist ( 42) had a well-preserved head-recess, which had
helped preserve the skull of SK 30, but the ribs had almost
completely disappeared, presumably destroyed by burial SK 29 lying
directly above. Burial SK 29 did not have a cist, but two large stone
blocks appeared to have been deliberately placed on the south side of
the grave.
Trench Conly produced one cist (55) containing SK 43 associated
with the second phase of interments, although later watching brief
work did indicate a further two cists, one truncated by the other.
Skeleton 43 was overlain by grave infill and a well-preserved skeleton
(SK 40) some 0.10 m. above. The latter was probably more or less
contemporary with a further burial (SK 41) located nearby to the
In all three trenches the remaining burials were of post-medieval
date. In Trench A, SK 35, SK 36 and SK 37 were aligned on a slightly
different angle to those above or below suggesting a separate phase of
burial not present in the other trenches. Burials SK 24-28 were of
seventeenth- or eighteenth-century date, the last laying on a bed of
bitumen from the base of a coffin. The latest horizon of burials
(SK 3-9) had for the most part intercut one another. These included
the remains of a baby of between 2 and 4 months old (SK 4). lying on
the left knee of an adult (SK 5). Burial SK 7 had a corroded
name-plate lying across the pelvis.
In Trench B burials SK 22, SK 23 and SK 32 were probably of
seventeenth-century date. Burials SK 20 and SK 21 found immediately
overlying these may form a family grave. Burials SK 19, SK 18,
SK 17, SK 2 and SK 1 were all of eighteenth- or nineteenth-century
date. Burial SK 18 lay on a bitumen bed with coffin handles around
the periphery and a badly corroded name-plate was found lying
across the pelvis. The uppermost burial (SK 1) was associated with
headstone No. 2, but unfortunately the text of this is illegible.4
The latest interments in Trench C were Burials SK 10-16, SK 38
and SK 39.
It has been known since the 1960s that Rochester was the site of a
Belgic settlement. The present excavation produced two features
3 See Appendix E for a short description of the chalice.
4 A plan of the graveyard along with a report on the grave markers will appear as a
separate report; see note 5 below.
(96, 98) and a possible deposit of topsoil (92) associated with
pre-Conquest to mid first-century pottery.
The interpretation of the Roman deposits in such a small excavation
area is difficult, but the occurrence of pits would tend to
confirm that the area was open ground and perhaps peripheral to
settlement. The large amounts of daub within Feature 94 might
suggest the presence of a nearby timber building of the late Roman
period. Overall the recovered pottery assemblage implies occupation
to the end of the Roman period. A coin of the House of Theodosius
(A.O. 388-395) was found redeposited in one of the medieval graves.
Very little archaeological evidence for the Anglo-Saxon period was
recovered, this consisting of one residual sherd of seventh-century
organic-tempered pottery found in a medieval grave.
The earliest reference to the Lay Cemetery seems to occur in 1418
although it was probably in use long before this and may even be of
pre-1066 date. Its history is related to that of the parish of
St. Nicholas, which appears to have been in existence before the
Conquest. As the parish had no church of its own, it is possible that
this area was used as the parish (or lay) cemetery. Although the
parishioners had no church, from 1147, and possibly from 1077, they
had a parochial altar within the nave of the cathedral (Hasted 1797,
155). In 1312, an agreement was reached whereby the parishioners
would cease to use the altar, if the monks built them a church.
However, there is no further documentary mention of the church
until 1418 when a licence to 'continue and compel' the building of a
church in the 'cemetery to the north' is issued by the bishop. The
church of St. Nicholas was consecrated in 1423.
Two early nineteenth-century prints of 1806 and 1833 in Rochester
Library show that the cemetery was walled at some time between
those dates. Within the walled area the ground level seems to have
been raised by c. 1 m., presumably so that more burials could take
place. There is also a documentary reference for a churchyard wall
and gate being contracted for in 1627 (Smith 1928, 316). The
nineteenth-century wall had iron railings which survived into this
century, when they were probably removed as part of the war effort.
Numerous late nineteenth-century photographs show many more
gravestones than are present now. 5 Many of the markers that survive
'The recording of surviving grave markers formed an important part of the project
and was carried out entirely by local volunteers who hope to compile and eventually
publish a comprehensive record of all the memorials in the cathedral and cemetery.
This record will include a comprehensive archive of all accessible nineteenth-century
photographs of the cemetery area.
in front of the cathedral are now laid horizontally. Although one
modern stone dating to 1970 is present, it seems that burials ceased in
the mid nineteenth century, when a new cemetery was opened on the
outskirts of the city.
Of the sixty-three burials uncovered, twenty-four were in Trench
A, twenty in Trench B and nineteen in Trench C. If this volume of
burials is considered likely for the walled cemetery area, then a
conservative estimate for interment would be 3,500 individuals. The
remaining parts of the cemetery to the west of the cathedral were
filled to capacity in the nineteenth century and at least 500 victims of
the plague of 1665 (Smith 1928, 165) may be buried beneath the
Deanery Gate alleyway.6 After the raising of the walled area by
about a metre in the early half of the nineteenth century,
accumulated evidence suggests that the cemetery went out of general
use by about 1875.
Trevor Anderson
Archaeological investigation, in advance of consolidation to the
Chair Store foundations at Rochester Cathedral, led to the discovery
of sixty-three burials (see Appendix A) covering a wide date-range.
The stratigraphic evidence and the dateable finds suggest that
twenty-five graves are medieval (six of them possibly Anglo-Saxon);
thirty-five are post-medieval and three could be either late medieval
or early post-medieval.
The available bones are quite solid and are reasonably wellpreserved.
However, the nature of the excavation, three narrow
trenches abutting the Chair Store, means that few burials could be
recovered in their entirety. Only three skeletons, a juvenile (SK 44)
and two children (SK 56, 57) are almost complete. Thirteen burials
are well-represented, approximately three quarters present, a further
nine are half complete. The remainder, just over 60 per cent, are
represented by incomplete limbs, or by small miscellaneous bones.
The small size of the sample, the incomplete nature of the remains,
as well as the wide time-span of the burials mean that they cannot be
6 Pers. comm., K. Ashby.
used to draw conclusions concerning demographic patterns, morbidity,
or the general health of the parent population. The following
short report outlines the area of study undertaken.
The skeletons are grouped by sex and age in Appendix B. A total of
sixty-one burials were available for examination, of which fifty-two
(85.2 per cent) 'reached adulthood. In both medieval and postmedieval
periods there is a greater number of male burials; however,
the sex ratio is not markedly different. In such a small sample, all that
can be concluded is that this part of the burial ground was a lay
cemetery, with men, women and children being buried from early
medieval times up to its most recent usage in the mid nineteenth
century. The incomplete nature of the remains, skeletons missing
both skull and pelvis, has meant that many could not be aged, except
to say that they were fully grown (see Appendix B). Consequently,
no examination of overall age at death or study of sexual morbidity
differences was attempted.
Only nine sub-adult skeletons were discovered (see Appendix C)
ranging from a few months old (SK 4) to juvenile (SK 27, 47), the
greatest number of deaths occurring between six and twelve years.
This represents a child mortality of 14.8 per cent; which is lower than
the normal 30-50 per cent from most medieval cemeteries. These
findings may reflect a well-nourished community with a low infant
mortality, but the poor standard of child oral health in the five
available dentitions (see below) does not support this view.
However, there is no guarantee that this very limited excavation,
which includes relatively recent burials, is representative of the
community as a whole. It would not be meaningful to infer any
demographic patterns for such a small sample of poorly-preserved
burials ranging from early medieval (or even Anglo-Saxon) to the
mid nineteenth century.
Stature Reconstruction
Stature was assessed from long-bone lengths, based on the formulae
of Trotter and Gieser (1952; 1958). In two cases (SK 11, 14) no
complete long-bones were available and stature was calculated from
metacarpal (hand bone) length (Musgrave and Harneja 1978). The
(TI ><
TABLE I: Stature Reconstruction. ()
A vg. s1ature Range No. Avg. sta1ure Range No. A vg. stature Range No. ►
Male 1.73m. 1.64-1.80 m. (7) 1.69 m 1.60-1.79 m. (13) 1.70 m. 1.60-1.80 m. (21)
'° 0
'° 5' 8" 5' 4½"-5' 11" 5' 6½" 5' 3"-5' 10½" S' 7" 5' 3"-S' 11" ()
Female l.63 m. 1.54-1.70 m. (S) 1.57 m. 1.51-1.61 m. (9) 1.59 m. 1.51-1.70 m. (IS)
5' 4" 5' 0½ S' 7" S' 2" 4' IH"-5' 3½" S' 2½" 4' 1 H"-5' 7"
All 1.69 m. 1.54-1.80 m. ( 12) 1.64 m. 1.51-1.79 m. (21) 1.66 m. 1.51-1.80 m. (36)
S' 6½" 5' OH' 11" S' 4½" 4' 11½"-5' 10½" 5' 5½'' 4' 1 l½-5' 11" :i::
overall results, as well as the average male and female stature for
medieval and post-medieval periods are presented (Table 1). The
height of the individuals at Rochester is similar to larger samples of
excavated material. At medieval York the average male stature was
1.693 m. (n240) and 1.574 m. (n268) for females (Dawes and
Magilton 1980).
It is interesting that the medieval skeletons from Rochester, both
male and female, are taller than those from post-medieval levels.
This might suggest that the standard of nutrition and health was
better in the medieval period and that diet subsequently deteriorated.
Unfortunately, no valid conclusions can be drawn from a small
sample. However, it would be extremely interesting to see if a similar
pattern emerged, if a larger part of the cemetery was available for
Cranial Metrics
Forty-six different measurements were taken on each complete skull,
when right and left sides are included fifty-six metrics were recorded
in total. These included those traditionally employed in osteology
(Bass 1987; Brothwell 1981) as well as others thought to display
sexual dimorphism (Giles 1964; Giles and Elliot 1963; Hollander
1986). There is no agreement as to which cranial measurements are
most suitable for separating population groups (Howells 1969).
A major difficulty is identifying those which are largely genetic and
thus hereditary, and those which are subject to greater external
environmental influence, the so-called 'noisy' measurements (Crognier
1981; Heathcote 1986; Thomson and Buxton, 1923; Van Limborgh
1972). The problem is compounded since certain
measurements apparently show significant increase with advancing
age in males (Baer 1956; Thompson and Kendrick 1984) and possibly
in females (Israel 1973).
Only thirteen skulls, eight male and five female were sufficiently
intact for measurement. From these twelve indices were calculated,
all of which fell within the normal range for British excavated
material. From such a small sample, brief mention will be made only
of the Cranial Index (the breadth/length ratio) of the skull. A lower
figure, under 75, is classed as long-headed (dolichocranic); a higher
index, over 80, is round- or broad-headed (brachycranic); a result
between these ranges is mesatocranic.
Based on only eleven available crania the average index was 80.4,
with a range of 74.6-86.4. The male index was 80.3 (n7) and female
80.6 (n4). These figures fall between the medium/long-headed
seventeenth-century London skulls from Farringdon Street: male
75.5 (n73); female 74.8 (n167) (Hooke 1926); the mesatocranic
Spitalfields material: male 79.4 (n274); female 79.8 (n89) (Morant
and Hoadley, 1931) and the round-headed individuals from medieval
Hythe: male 82.6 (nl12); female 81.9 (n87) (Stoessiger and Morant
It is uncertain how valuable a single index can be in separating
genetic sub-groups (Brothwell 1981, 87). Various environmental
factors, including climatic (Beals 1972) and even differential mortality
(Olivier and de Castro e Almeida 1975) may influence the
cranial index for a given population. In conclusion, the small sample
of crania from Rochester appears to be typically British and does not
show any evidence of racial variations (Bass 1987, 83-9).
Post-Cranial Metrics
Forty-nine different measurements were taken on the post-cranial
skeleton, when right and left sides are included eighty-seven metrics
were recorded in total and thirteen indices were calculated. Many
measurements and indices are of value in sexing the skeleton: these
are listed as Appendix A. Other indices are presented as Appendix D
and, on these, brief comment is made below.
Index la: Clavicle: Robusticity
This is a ratio of mid-shaft circumference to maximum length. This
index need not be sexually dimorphic since a gracile, short female
clavicle will be of equal robusticity to a thicker, but longer male bone.
This index is not widely used, but the average robusticity at
Rochester appears to be similar to a large sample from medieval
Canterbury (author, unpublished).
Index 2a: Humerus: Platybrachia
This is a ratio of minimum (HuD2) to maximum (HuD1 ) mid-shaft
diameters. The lower the index, the greater the mid-shaft flattening.
Unlike platymeria and platycnemia (see below) the shape of the
upper arm bone has received very little attention. In the Rochester
sample the female index is slightly lower than the male (Appendix
D). A similar result, greater flattening of female bones, was obtained
from medieval Trondheim, Norway (author, unpublished). It is
possible that the index is related to variation in the insertion of the
deltoid muscle.
Index 2b: Humerus: Robusticity
Calculated by the sum of the two mid-shaft measurements divided by
the maximum length (HuL1). There is a tendency for male humeri to
be more robust than female (Appendix D), but the difference is not
marked. The available arms for Rochester are slightly more robust
than a medieval Norwegian sample, in which the average robusticity
was 12.0 (right) and 12.6 (left) (source, author). Interpretation is
handicapped by the fact that that humeral shape may be influenced
by age (Pfeiffer 1980), as well as by musculature.
Index 3a: Femur: Meric Index
This records the degree of antero-posterior (front-to-back) flattening
of the upper femoral shaft. An index under 85 is platymeric (marked
flattening). The aetiology is still poorly understood; it could be due to
mineral or vitamin deficiencies (Buxton 1938) or it may be related to
mechanical adaptation and to increased muscular stresses (Brothwell
1981, 89). There is no evidence to suggest that it is related to
platycnemia, transverse flattening of the upper tibia. A good summary
of current knowledge, including CT scans of both conditions, is
presented by Cross and Bruce (1989).
Platymeria occurs more frequently in earlier, pre-industrial societies
(Brothwell 1981, 89). There is a tendency for the flattening to be
more marked in females and on the left side in both archaeological
(source, author) and in more recent material (Holtby 1918). Only
thirty-eight femora from Rochester were available for measurement;
of these 44.7 per cent (n17) were platymeric. This is a lower
frequency than that from medieval Aberdeen 64 per cent (n46)
(Cross and Bruce 1989). No firm conclusions can be drawn from this
Index 3b: Femur: Pilasteric Index
This records the degree of transverse flattening of the femoral
mid-shaft. Compared to the meric index, the pilasteric has received
scant attention. There is some evidence that the flattening is more
marked on the right side (Holtby 1918; Hrdlicka 1934). The small
sample from Rochester displays the same finding (Appendix D).If a
large group of burials were available, it would be interesting to see if
an inverse relationship exists between platymeria (antero-posterior
flattening) and pilastery ( transverse femoral flattening). The fact that
platymeria is more frequent in left femora and pilastery in the right
side tends to support such a view.
Index 3c: Femur: Robusticity
Calculated by the sum of mid shaft femoral diameters (FeD3 , FeD4),
divided by the oblique length (FeLi). At Rochester the male bones
are more robust than the female (Appendix D). In a much larger
sample of medieval femora from Trondheim bones were less robust
and did not display sexual dimorphism (male: 12.2; female 12.3). No
firm conclusions can be reached since lower limbs may be influenced
by standard of nutrition and age-related bone remodelling (Ruff and
Hayes 1988).
Index 4a: Tibia: Cnemic Index
This records the degree of transverse flattening of the upper tibial
shaft. An index under 63 is platycnemic (marked flattening). Its
aetiology is not fully understood, but it is probably the result of
antero-posterior bending strain (Lovejoy et al. 1976). It is a more
frequent occurrence in pre-industrial and primitive societies
(Schofield 1959) and may bear a direct relationship to habitual
squatting (Brothwell 1981, 89). As seen above tibia! flattening is not
necessarily associated with platymeria. At Rochester 13.5 per cent of
the available tibiae (n37) were platycnemic; 27 per cent mesocnemic
and 59.5 per cent eurycnemic. A similar pattern of 10 per cent, 30 per
cent and 60 per cent was recorded from medieval Aberdeen (Cross
and Bruce 1989).
All post-cranial metrics and indices from Rochester fall within the
expected range for British material. There is no evidence of any
metric abnormalities in the sample. No further conclusions are
possible on such a small number of bones.
Non-metric variants, also known as discontinuous traits, refer to
anatomical, non-pathological anomalies. They include additional
bone ossicles, supernumerary or absent foramina. Many workers,
assuming a genetic causation, have used an incidence of the traits in
an attempt to separate different population groups (Anderson 1968;
Berry 1974; Carpenter 1976; Corrucini 1974; Wood-Jones 1931).
Unfortunately, their aetiology is still poorly understood (Rosing
1984). It is probable that many are inherited on a multifactorial basis
i.e. environmental, external, influence modifying the genetic
component (Bennett 1965; Dahinten and Pucciarelli 1983; Rosenberg
et al. 1983; Trinkaus 1978). Consequently, the true value of nonmetrics
in assessing 'biological distance' remains uncertain.
Cranial Non-Metrics
Based largely on the definitions in Berry and Berry (1967), thirtyseven
different cranial non-metrics were recorded as present,
absent, or unscoreable (bone area unavailable for study). The small
size of the Rochester sample, coupled with the uncertain mode of
their inheritance, means that no definite conclusions can be reached.
Only four cranial non-metrics were considered worthy of further
a. Metopism
The two halves of the frontal bone begin to unite during the second
year (Williams and Warwick 1980, 334), but occasionally they may
remain separate throughout life. This condition is known as
metopism and it has an incidence of c. 9-11 per cent in British
material (Hooke 1926; Parsons 1908). At Rochester only three male
skulls displayed a persistent metopic suture; the overall incidence of
the trait was 21.4 per cent (3/ 14 ).
Metopism is thought to be largely genetic (Torgersen 1951) and a
higher than normal frequency may suggest a familial group. However,
environmental factors, including malnutrition ( quoted in Cross
and Bruce 1989) and bone resorption (Manzanares 1988) may also
influence the persistence of the suture. The frequency and sex bias
from Rochester need not be of significance, based on such a small
b. Hypoglossal Canal Bipartite
The hypoglossal canal, located on either side of the foramen
magnum, transmits blood vessels and the twelfth cranial nerve
(Williams and Warwick 1980, 308). Normally, it presents as a single
canal, but not infrequently it is divided into two by a bony ridge.
This may be related to the composite origin of the hypoglossal
nerve (ibid., 1083). The morphology of the canal is thought to be
largely genetic (Hauser and de Stefano, 1985); thus it may be a
useful genetic marker. In European material the incidence of bipartition
was 11.4 per cent (Lille 1917). At Rochester the trait was
slightly more frequent, 16.7 per cent (2/12) and was not found in
females. However, no definite conclusions can be drawn from such
a small sample.
c. Palatine Torus
A bony overgrowth on the mid-line of the palate, first described in
man by Fox in 1806 (Lasker 1952). During the last century it was
thought to be a stigma of syphilis and even in the early part of this
century a pathological interpretation, including tuberculosis or rickets,
was considered (quoted in Woo 1950). The torus is now known
to be a non-metric variant. It does not appear to be related to the
torus mandibularis (Axelsson and Hedegaard 1985).
Some workers have found evidence that the trait is familial ( Gould
1964; Sawyer et al. 1979; Suzuki and Saki 1960). However, a study of
modern Icelandic schoolchildren suggests a multifactorial inheritance
with a large environmental component (Axelsson and Hedegaard
1985). Microscopic examination of tori suggests that they are not
related to mastication (van den Broek 1943).
At Rochester only two examples were found, both in females (n6).
The available skeletons need not be representative of the cemetery,
but it is noteworthy that a female bias has been noted previously
(Axelsson and Hedegaard 1985; van den Broek 1943). The overall
frequency, 15.4 per cent, from our sample, is much higher than the
6 per cent reported from seventeenth-century Britain (Axelsson and
Hedegaard, 1985). However, compared to medieval Oslo with 38 per
cent and medieval Greenland with 85 per cent (ibid.), the Rochester
finding appears unexceptional.
d. Mylohyoid Bridge
The mylohyoid groove is located on the medial aspect of the
mandibular ascending ramus (Williams and Warwick 1980, Fig. 3.
81B). Occasionally, a bony bridge, of varying thickness, may span
this groove (Kaul and Pathak 1984), it may represent an ossified
remnant of Meckel's cartilage and is inherited on a genetic basis
(Ossenberg 1974). The bridge has not been found on children under
six years of age (Sawyer et al. 1978), but it does not appear to be
age-dependent in adults (Ossenberg 1974). Lundy (1980) found no
sexual dimorphism for the bridging, but other workers suggest a
female bias (Sawyer et al. 1978).
At Rochester the overall incidence was 11.8 per cent (2/17) and was
found in both sexes. This finding is very similar to the frequency of
11.15 per cent in a large sample (n278) of American Whites (Kaul
and Pathak 1984). It is interesting that the bridging is so rare, 0.47 per
cent (4/s44) in French material (Ossenberg 1974). The reason for this
variation is unknown.
Post-Cranial Non-Metrics
Based on the definitions in Finnegan (1978) and in Anderson
(1987), twenty-nine different post-cranial non-metrics were
recorded as present, absent, or unscoreable (area unavailable for
study). The aetiology of many of these traits is still poorly understood.
Recent work suggests that most are inherited on a multifactorial
basis, some, such as septa! aperture (Anderson 1987) and
those of the femoral neck region (Angel 1964) contain a very high
environmental component, The post-cranial non-metrics available
from Rochester appear to fall within the expected limits of both
archaeological and modern samples (Anderson 1987). The sample is
too small and chronologically divergent to be representative of the
parent population. Thus, no meaningful conclusions can be
obtained and no further examination of the post-cranial non-metrics
was attempted.
The term was coined by Sir Marc Armand Ruffer at the turn of the
century. It is generally defined as the study of disease in earlier
human populations, based on skeletal or mummified remains. Various
diseases lead to visible alteration in dry bone: degenerative
joint disease ('arthritis') and trauma, including fractures and
wounds, are the most frequently encountered. Congenital anomalies,
chronic infection, metabolic bone disease and neoplastic
growths have also been documented from excavated bone material
(Manchester 1983a; Ortner and Putschar 1985; Steinbock 1976).
Many diseases involve only soft tissue or may resolve without bone
involvement; such conditions will not normally be available to the
In view of the size of the sample and its poor state of preservation,
it is not possible to infer the health status of the general population
from Rochester. However, a discussion of the various pathological
conditions is presented below.
In two skeletons (SK9, 36) the twelfth thoracic ribs were congenitally
absent. Unlike presence of cervical ribs, costal aplasia is sub-clinical.
Its inheritance is probably genetic, but influenced by environmental
factors. There was no evidence of any other congenital anomalies in
the sixty-one skeletons from Rochester.
'Arthritic' conditions
a. Primary degenerative joint disease (DJD)
Formerly known as osteo-arthritis, primary DJD is an extremely
common finding in both modern and archaeological populations
(Meisel and Bullough 1984; Ortner and Putschar 1985, 419-33). The
causation is not fully understood but its incidence does increase with
advancing age (Sharp 1964). Excessive usage and repeated stress, so
called 'wear and tear' will predispose a joint to DJD (Gunn 1974;
Jurmain 1977). Consequently, the pattern of joint involvement may
give clues to life-styles and occupations (Anderson 1971; y'Edynak
At Rochester, the clavicle is the site of predilection. there are three
cases of acromio-clavicular joint involvement (SK 43, 53, 58), an
incidence of 13.6 per cent. The sterno-clavicular joint also exhibits
degenerative alteration (SK 53, 54, 60) which represents 12.5 per cent
of available sternal articulations. There is a distinct male bias, out of
the five skeletons with clavicular degeneration only one (SK 54) is
female. Other sites include shoulder (SK 30: male 35-40); elbow (SK
9: female 40-50); hand (SK 1: female 35-40; SK 53: male 40-55);
knee and foot (both SK 1).
It is interesting that the hip is not involved; in both modern practice
(Meisel and Bullough 1984, chapter 4) and in archaeological remains
(Ortner and Putschar 1985, 419; Steinbock 1976, 279), it is a favourite
site. Today the shoulder and the sterno-clavicular region is not a
normal location for DJD, except in the elderly (Sharp 1964). In
earlier populations upper limb joint disease appears to be more
frequent and earlier m onset (Jurmain 1980).
The advanced bone changes in both feet of SK 1, with bilateral
metatarso-cuneiform II-III involvement, is interesting. The
appearance of the dry bones (Pl. III), as well as X-ray evidence are
typical of DJD, but the tarsal location is somewhat unusual; the site
of preference being the first metatarso-phalangeal joint (Meisel and
Bullough 1984, Chapter 6). It is possible that repeated occupation
stress (such as operating a treadle?) may have lead to an early onset
of DJD. In modern patients, advanced joint disease at this site would
only be found in the very elderly (Dr Carter, pers. comm.).
b. Vertebral degeneration
Each vertebral joint was examined (there are 142 articular surfaces in
a complete spine) for signs of DJD. Other evidence of spinal
degeneration, including osteophytic development and Schmorl's
node formation were also investigated. Only 22 spines (13 male: 9
female), most incomplete, were available for examination.
Degeneration of the articular surfaces was recorded in 46 per cent
of male and 67 per cent of female spines, with the earliest onset being
22-27 years (SK 20). Osteophytic outgrowths, a sign of disc space
narrowing, were found in 31 per cent of male and 44 per cent of
female spines. Schmorl's nodes, circular crescent-shaped depressions
on the superior or inferior vertebral body, were found in 46 per cent
of males and in only 11 per cent of females.
Osteophytic outgrowths tend to be more frequent in areas of
greatest curvature: lower cervical, lower-mid thoracic and mid
lumbar (Meisel and Bullough 1984, Fig. 7.1). A statistically significant
male predilection has been reported (Nathan 1962). The outgrowths
are thought to be a response to excessive pressure on the
spine and thus are indicators of mechanical stress. Florid osteophytic
development can also occur as a component of a specific disease
entity, such as D.I.S.H. (Forestier and Lagier 1971) or Reiter's
syndrome (Rogers et al. 1987).
Schmorl's modes occur due to the herniation of the soft tissue
intervertebral disc into the vertebral body (Saluja et al. 1986). The
defects develop more frequently on the inferior aspect of the lower
thoracic and the superior surface of the upper lumbar vertebrae
(Knowles 1983); they are related to mechanical, compressional forces
(ibid.). Most workers have found them to be more frequent in males
(ibid.; Saluja et al. 1986), but in a large sample (n1126) of modern
Poles there was no sexual preference (Swedborg 1975).
In the Rochester sample over half the spines, including the quite
elderly, do not display any degenerative changes. Other workers
have found vertebral DJD to be almost universal in their sample
(Cross and Bruce 1989). It is interesting that DJD is more frequent
than osteophytes since it is generally agreed that osteophytic development
occurs earlier than articular facet degeneration (Roche
1957). The incidence of Schmorl's nodes is much lower than that
found in a small sample from medieval Aberdeen: males 72 per cent,
females 67 per cent (Saluja et al. 1986).
It is uncertain how representative the Rochester sample is of the
general population. The available material suggests that spinal
pathology was relatively infrequent, with degeneration favouring the
shoulder and clavicular joints, but sparing the hip. This might suggest
occupations and activities involving repeated stress of the upper
arms, but with little weight lifting or back bending.
c. Secondary DJ D
Secondary DJD refers to joint degeneration which occurs as the
result of an existing disease ( often infection such as tuberculosis) or it
may be secondary to a developmental defect (Perthes disease) or else
the sequelae of trauma. It is never as frequent as primary DJD and
unlike the former it can occur at any age and will display a different
pattern of joint involvement (Ortner and Putschar 1985, Fig. 218;
Meisel and Bullough 1984).
There were no definite examples of secondary DJD in the
Rochester sample. The left hand of SK 53 (male, 40-55) displays
eburnation and porosity of the metacarpal II-trapezium articulation.
The base of the thumb is the normal location for wrist degeneration
(Meisel and Bullough 1984). Involvement of metacarpal II may
signify previous injury. However, there is no evidence of trauma, and
it is more likely to be an occupationally linked primary DJD.
The morphology and distribution of the degenerative lesions
suggest that the population suffered from primary DJD. There was
no evidence for rheumatoid arthritis or any of the other skeletal
arthropathies such as ankylosing spondylitis or gout.
After degenerative joint disease, evidence of trauma is the most
commonly encountered pathology in archaeological material. The
term trauma includes broken bones, caused by accident, as well as
direct violence and inflicted weapon injuries. Surgical operations,
including trephination (Bennike 1985; Parker et al. 1986) and amputation
(Ladegaard-Jakobsen 1975; Stloukal and Vyhanek 1989) have
also been discovered in excavated material.
In the Rochester sample there were three cases of trauma, two of
which clearly display weapon injuries.
SK 54, an older female 45-60 years, was suffering from an
un-united upper mid-shaft fracture of the left ulna (lower arm bone).
The radius was not broken. This is highly suggestive of a Monteggia
fracture-dislocation: fracture of the upper shaft of the ulna and
dislocation of the radial head (Watson-Jones 1982, 675). The head of
the radius appears normal; however, in dry bone material a reduced
dislocation need not display bony alteration. If the ulna had been
fractured, without affecting the radio-ulnar joint the break would
normally be at the lower-mid or mid shaft (Watson-Jones 1982, 672).
The mechanism of the Monteggia fracture is not perfectly clear. In
most cases, it is due to indirect violence, a fall with forced pronation
of the lower arm (Watson-Jones 1982, 676). However a blow to the
back of the arm could cause a similar injury (ibid.); thus, direct
violence cannot be completely ruled out.
Monteggia fractures are prone to complications in modern clinical
practice. Watson-Jones (1982, 675) reports that prior to 1940 over
94 per cent (32134) of patients treated had permanent disabilities.
Consequently non-union due to inadequate treatment is not surprising
in the medieval period. Examination of the dry bone shows
that healing has taken place. Thus, the injury probably occurred
several years before death. The formation of a pseudarthrosis (a false
joint) implies that the bone would never re-unite.
SK 31, adult male, c. 30-40 years old, exhibits healed trauma to the
skull. The lesion is situated on the middle of the right frontal bone
(PI. IV). It consists of a well-defined elliptical cut c. 23 mm. long. The
right side of the lesion exhibits a smooth overgrowth of dense bone;
the left edge is bounded by a narrow collar of porous bone. The
appearance is typical of an old well-healed weapon injury (Pl. V).
The wound did not penetrate the inner table of the skull. There is no
sign of secondary infection.
The blow appears to have been inflicted across the forehead, from
left to right. The appearance does not suggest a fracture due to the
proverbial blunt instrument, yet it is not typical of a cutting injury,
since the edge is not so sharply defined. A full-bodied sword cut
would probably penetrate the skull. The reparative process has
obliterated the original sharp edge of the lesion. On balance the most
likely interpretation is a cutting injury, either from a heavy sword or
perhaps an axe. The blow failed to penetrate perhaps due to the
protection of a helmet.
SK 53, an adult male, c. 40-55 years old, displays evidence of
healed trauma to the skull, situated in the centre of the left parietal
bone. A circular lesion (c. 30 mm. in diameter), with exposure of the
diploe, is clearly visible (Pl. VI). This wound is typical of a glancing
blow from a sharp-edged weapon, quite possibly a sword. The lesion
has not penetrated the skull and there is no evidence of infection. A
similar example was found in the Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Eccles
(Manchester 1983a, PI. 30).
It is interesting that two cases of weapon injury should be found in
such a small sample. Only thirteen skulls were available for examination;
this means a 13.3 per cent of adult cranial injury. This appears
to be a high figure since no weapon injuries have as yet been found on
a large series of skulls from medievalCanterbury. Also, work on a
large sample of material from SpitaJfields suggests that head wounds
were rare: eighteen examples from 986 crania, 1.8 per cent (Morant
and Hoadley 1931).
Various infectious diseases including tuberculosis, leprosy and
syphilis can exhbit bone alteration in their more advanced stages
(Ortner and Putschar 1985, 141-218), but there was no evidence for
these diseases in the Rochester material. The only sign of infection
was three cases of lower leg bone reaction (SK 1: female 35-40;
SK 33: male age unknown; SK 53: male 40-55). This so-called tibia)
osteitis is a common finding in archaeological contexts (Birkett 1983;
Ortner and Putschar 1985, 129-38; Steinbock 1976, 60-85). It is
evidence of an infection, but the underlying causation is uncertain,
therefore it is classed as non-specific. Thirty-seven tibiae were
available for examination; therefore, the incidence of non-specific
infection is 7 .5 per cent. This is a similar incidence to the 10 per cent
from later medieval Winchester (Price 1975), but much less than at
York where 26.2 per cent of the sample displayed osteitic reaction
(Grauer 1989).
Chronic malnutrition as well as scurvy (vitamin C deficiency) and
rickets (vitamin D deficiency) can be recognised from skeletal
remains (Ortner and Putschar 1985, 270-80). Cranial porosis, caused
by expansion of the diploe, is possible evidence for anaemia (StuartMacadam
1989). A similar finding in the eye sockets, cribra orbitalia,
could have the same causation or else it may be evidence of scurvy
(Holck 1987).
In the Rochester material there is little definite evidence of
malnutrition. The tibiae of SK 1 display a slight medio-lateral
bowing, which is suggestive of healed rickets, childhood deficiency of
vitamin D (Ortner and Putschar 1985, Fig. 440). There are two cases
of slight cranial porosity (SK 11: female 20-25; SK 30: male 35-40).
This represents 10.5 per cent of available crania. The cranial porosis
is very mild and is not diagnostic of anaemia. There was no evidence
of cribra orbitalia in the seven skeletons with eye sockets complete
enough for examination.
In SK 62 (female 30-40) the bones are extremely gracile and very
light; the sacrum exhibits marked curvature. The latter is a common
finding in adult vitamin D deficiency, osteomalacia ( Ortner and
Putschar 1985, fig. 441). Although a firm diagnosis is not possible, it
does appear that this adult female was suffering from some form of
chronic malnutrition, leading to bone deformity. The only other
evidence of possible metabolic bone disease is a compression fracture
of the fourth thoracic vertebra in SK 53 (male, 40-55). This could be
11 l
the result of osteoporosis, rarefaction of the bone, but the available
evidence is not diagnostic.
Neoplasms, also known as tumours, are not a common finding in
archaeological remains. Those involving the skeleton can be divided
into two types: (a) primary and (b) secondary bone tumours.
Primary bone tumours develop initially in bone. They may either
be benign, such as ivory osteoma of the skull or else malignant and
life threatening, such as osteosarcoma. Secondary bone tumours
develop in soft tissue and then spread (metastasise) to bone. Depending
on the sex of the skeleton and the distribution and type of the
lesion it may be possible to infer the original site of the tumour
(Grupe 1988; Manchester 1983b; Tkocz and Bierring 1984).
Primary bone neoplasms predominantly affect a younger age group
and are rare after the age of thirty (Steinbock 1976). They are much
less common in modern clinical practice than are secondary bone
tumours, which develop in later life. In archaeological material both
types of neoplasm are uncommon. It is possible that metastatic
lesions are rarely encountered since life expectancy was shorter in
earlier societies.
There was one example of a tumour-like condition. This involved the
skull of SK 46 (female, 35-50). The bony overgrowth is truly spectacular
(Pls. VII and VIII). The greater wing of the right sphenoid; the lateral
aspect of the right frontal bone; most of the eye socket and the infra
orbital process of the zygoma are all involved. The striking appearance
is caused by a massive ovoid overgrowth (hyperostosis) of spongy bone,
70 mm. in circumference. It extends from the spheno-temporal articulation
to the supero-lateral aspect of the right orbit. The hyperostotic
bone is regular and well-demarcated. Thickened spongy bone with a
clearly defined margin has extended supero-medially and has involved
the supra orbital aspect of the frontal bone. The spongy hyperostosis
has spread into the zygoma causing marked swelling and porosity.
Comparison of the normal left orbit with the diseased right, shows quite
clearly bony overgrowth in all but the medial aspect of the eye socket.
In the sphenoid, just inferior to the spongy hyperostosis, there is a
ragged-edged circular (c. 10 mm. diameter) defect, penetrating to the
inner table.
The massive hyperostosis would have been extremely disfiguring.
The overgrowth would be visible as a massive hard tissue swelling on
the side of the skull. The right cheek would be enlarged and irregular.
The right eye would be bulging out of its socket. Probably vision was
destroyed due to compression of the optic nerve.
The most plausible diagnosis is a meningiomatous hyperostosis or
possibly a haemangioma. The former originates on the outer surface
of the brain (the meninges). The bony overgrowth is a pathological
response to the initial soft tissue tumour (Steinbock 1976, 353). The
chronicity of the hyperostosis, with its smooth, well-defined edges,
rules out a primary malignancy such as osteosarcoma. Also the
location of the lesion and the age of the skeleton would negate such a
diagnosis. Osteosarcoma rarely occurs over the age of twenty-five
and is not normally present on the cranium (Steinbock 1976, 363).
A differential diagnosis of haemangioma must be considered. The
latter is an overgrowth of vascular channels. In dry bone its
appearance may be indistinguishable from a meningiomatous hyperostosis.
The X-ray evidence is suggestive of meningioma, since the
peripheral lytic margin, common in haemangiomas is absent (Ortner
and Putschar 1985, Fig. 606). Recently obtained CT scans show
obvious destruction of the inner table, which is characteristic of a
In conclusion the preferred diagnosis is one of meningiomatous
hyperostosis. This is an extremely rare finding; Steinbock (1976, 354)
reports only twelve palaeopathological examples in the world literature.
Only one example, originally reported as an osteosarcoma, is
known from Britain. This is from a Romano-British site at Radley
(Brothwell 1967, Fig. 6c).
The adult oral health standard is based on sixteen upper and eighteen
lower jaws in which 508 teeth were available for examination.
Tooth loss
In dry bone material it is possible to distinguish between tooth loss
during life (ante mortem) and that which occurred after death (post
mortem). In the latter, the socket for the tooth root is present and will
be sharply defined. In cases of ante mortem loss the socket is
remodelled and eventually the bone will show a smooth contour and
all trace of the socket will have disappeared. It was possible to
ascertain an overall ante mortem tooth loss of 22.2 per cent. This is a
high figure compared with other sites. In a large sample of skeletons
from medieval Denmark, the overall loss was only 3.2 per cent
(Bennike 1985, table 35).
There is evidence that the females suffered a more serious loss:
25.3 per cent compared with 18.6 per cent. A similar bias is well
known in modern societies and has also been reported from other
archaeological sites (Bennike 1985, fig. 90). The sample is very small,
thus the tendency for the lower jaw to show greater loss (36.6 per
cent) than the upper (11.6 per cent) may not be representative of the
community in general.
Examination of the teeth for carious cavities revealed an overall
incidence of 5.5 per cent; 7 .6 r,er cent (1 4/284) of male teeth were
involved, but only 2.4 per cent ( /125 ) of female. This is unusual, since
females usually display a higher carious experience than men in both
archaeological (Burns 1979) and modern populations (Jenkins 1978).
In our small sample the high percentage of female tooth loss has
probably biased the result. If we assumed that ante mortem tooth loss
was due to caries, the figures would be: male 22.4 per cent; female
40.2 per cent.
The overall incidence of caries is virtually identical to the 5.6 per
cent from medieval Cuddington (James and Miller 1970). However,
it is much lower than reported from eighteenth-century England:
male 19.7 per cent; female 31.7 per cent (Krogman 1938) or from
eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Norwich, 33.8 per cent (534/157s)
(Wells 1968). As mentioned above, the high percentage of ante
mortem tooth loss, especially in the female mandible ( 46.2 per cent)
has artificially lowered the caries prevalence at Rochester.
Abscess cavities affected 1.8 per cent of erupted tooth positions. The
term erupted positions is preferred since teeth loss during life can still
be scored as having an abscess, if the cavity is visible in the jaw bone.
There appeared to be a direct relationship between crown destruction
by caries and abscess development. This is due to exposure of the
pulp cavity and subsequent danger of infection.
It is noteworthy that abscesses were confined to males (3.3
per cent). Out of 207 erupted positions no abscesses were found in
females. Compared to other sites, the overall incidence is low.
Abscess cavities were found in 9.2 per cent of sockets at medieval
Clopton (Tattersall 1968). Even the inhabitants of Iona, with healthy
teeth, had a higher abscess prevalence (2.3 per cent, Wells 1981).
There was some evidence of calculus, calcified plaque, on all the
available dentitions. Many of the deposits were minimal
(62 per cent). There is a tendency for calculus to have a greater
frequency in the mandible: 71.2 per cent of teeth affected as to 60.8
per cent in the maxilla. Buckley (1980) in a sample (n300) of present
day juveniles found a similar lower jaw predilection. The slight
female bias (72.4 per cent, as opposed to 62.7 per cent of males with
calculus), is not a significant difference. The overall incidence of
teeth with some calculus deposition is 66.6 per cent. This equates
very well with the 67 per cent from medieval Jewbury (Dobney and
Brothwell 1986). Chemical and microscopical examination of calculus
may provide clues to ancient diets (Dobney and Brothwell 1986;
Piattelli et al. 1987).
Hypoplastic lines represent defects in the enamel formation during
the growth of the tooth. They occur in response to some form of
childhood stress. If widespread, they probably signify a period of
malnutrition or systemic illness during the growth period, rather than
trauma (Hillson 1979). Once formed they remain visible throughout
life. By measuring their position it is possible to calculate how old the
child was when the defect occurred.
Only fifteen adult dentitions were sufficiently complete for examination.
The overall incidence of hypoplasia was 20 per cent. The
sample is too small to be meaningful, but it is worth noting that the
three cases of hypoplasia all occurred in males. Possibly there is a
relationship between childhood hypoplasia, small stature and shorter
life expectancy. However, a larger sample would be required to test
this hypothesis.
Sub-adult oral pathology
There are only five sub-adult dentitions available for study, ranging in
age from 5-7 years (SK 44) to 12-14 years (SK 27). Only one child,
SK 56, 6-7 years old, suffered from caries. The maxillary milk molars
(e, d) displayed a large, contact point cavity. Based on 77 available
teeth, the sub-adult caries rate was 3.9 per cent. This is much lower
than the medieval sites of Cuddington, 12.2 per cent (27/222; James
and Miller 1970) and the Hirsel, 9.2 per cent (Williams and Curzon
1985). Childhood caries experience is even more prevalent in modern
societies; approximately one third of children display cavities (James
and Miller 1970).
There was no evidence of marked periodontal disease or of
abscesses in the sub-adult dentitions. Calculus was present in
20.8 per cent (16/77) of the available teeth. The deposits were all
minimal, but in SK 56 they were widespread, involving 9 out of the 18
available teeth. Clearly the standard of oral health was extremely low
since the child suffered from advanced caries and widespread calculus
at such a young age.
Study of sixteen measurable hypoplastic lines show that the defect
occurred between 21/r-51 /2 years, with an average of 3 1/2 years. Its
presence in three dentitions, 60 per cent of the total, is interesting.
This is three times the adult incidence, which suggests that children
who suffered from episodes of illness in early infancy were less likely
to survive into adulthood.
The examination of a small number of skeletons (n61) from medieval
and post-medieval levels from Rochester Cathedral has revealed the
following information. The burial ground contained men and women
as well as children (14.8 per cent) and was clearly a lay cemetery.
Only three small trenches were excavated; thus the bones although
solid, are very fragmentary and incomplete. The poor preservation
has meant that only a small number of skeletons could be aged with
any accuracy.
Metric analysis has shown the average stature to be 1.70 m. for
males and 1.59 m. for females. It is very interesting that the medieval
skeletons were taller than the post-medieval (see Table 1). This
suggests a deterioration in diet during the post-medieval period.
Detailed examination of cranial and non-cranial metrics suggest that
most measurements fall within the bounds of normality. Unfortunately,
the small sample means that no firm conclusions can be
drawn from either stature variation or from metric analysis.
Study of non-metric variation was unable to show any clear familial
relationship. Four cranial variants: metopism; bipartite hypoglossal
canal; palatine torus and mylohyoid bridge were discussed in greater
detail. The sample was not large enough for a clear pattern to
Examination of the pathology suggests that DJD conditions were
more common in the upper limbs and of earlier onset than in modern
populations. It is probable that certain 'arthritic' conditions, such as
the deformed feet (SK 1) are occupationally linked. In comparison
with other archaeological populations, spinal degeneration was not
too severe. There was little evidence for malnutrition or for vitamin
deficiency. Infection was only visible in two skeletons (SK 1, 53); an
incidence of 7.5 per cent which is not high by medieval standards.
The only evidence of accidental injuries, such as broken arms or
legs due to a fall, was an un-united fracture of the left ulna (SK 54:
female 45-60 years). There were two examples of weapon injury,
involving the skull (SK 31: male, 30--40; SK 53: male, 40-55). In both
cases healing had taken place without any signs of infection.
The most spectacular lesion (Pls. VII and VIII) is the meningiomatous
hyperostosis (SK 46: female, 35-50). This is a very rare
finding in archaeological material, only one other case is known from
British material (Brothwell 1967).
The small sample of skulls with intact dentition suggests calculus
was frequent, affecting about two thirds of the available teeth, but in
most cases (62 per cent) deposits were minimal. The caries experience
is fairly low, certainly in comparison to post-medieval samples.
This may be related to a high percentage of ante mortem tooth loss
many of which may have been the result of carious destruction.
Abscess cavities are much less frequent at Rochester than at most
other sites. This, as well as the apparent sex link (no females
affected) may be an anomaly due to the sample size. The few
sub-adults available display rather unhealthy dentition especially SK
56 (6-7 years old) with carious lesions of the upper milk molars and
widespread calculus deposits.
The small sample of excavated skeletons suggests a community
suffering from 'arthritis'; trauma; infection; possible vitamin deficiency
as well as neoplasm and various oral problems. Examination
of SK 53 would suggest an extremely unhappy existence; 'arthritis' of
both shoulders and collar bones; spinal degeneration with vertebral
collapse and subsequent scoliosis; chronic infection of the lower leg
and also a sword cut to the skull. However, viewing the sample as a
whole the standard of health appears no worse than that of other
excavated samples. Indeed, spinal degeneration, chronic infection
and dental problems are, in general, more serious in other British
In conclusion, these dry bones give us a fascinating glimpse into the
way in which a small section of an earlier community lived and died.
If possible, it would be worthwhile examining a larger number of
burials from the same site in order to ascertain how representative
this small sample is of the community in general. The knowledge we
have already gained from this group of skeletons bears out the motto
of the Palaopathological Society: Mortui viventes docent.
For notes on the criteria used for sexing and ageing see Notes I and 2 at the end of this
Skeleton No. I
4b; Sa.
2a, b, c?, d-f; 9b, c; I l a?; 12a, b?
2g; 3c; 4a; 6a; 7a.
c. 75 per cent complete; missing skull and right arm.
Post-medieval (1800-1825).
Skeleton No. 2
Skeleton No. 3
Unavailable for study.
Post-medieval (1800-1825).
No ageing criteria. Radial epiphyses fused.
Comments: Less than 5 per cent. Left lower arm only.
Date: Post-medieval (1800-1825/50).
Skeleton No. 4
2-4 months
2-4 months
Less than 5 per cent. Right lower arm and collar bone.
Post-medieval (1800-1825/50).
Skeleton No. 5
? 4a?, b?; Sa; 6a; 7a.
: Gro=
No ageing criteria. Epiphyses fused.
Comments: c. 30 per cent. Legs and feet.
Date: Post-medieval (late eighteenth/early nineteenth
Skeleton No. 6
Sex: Male
M 4b.
V 19-27
c. JO per cent. Left: rib fragments, lower arm. hand and upper leg.
Post-medieval (late eighteenth/early nineteenth
Skeleton No. 7
M Sa.
? 6a.
No ageing criteria. Epiphyses fused.
Comments: c. 5 per cent. Right lower leg and foot.
Date: Post- medieval (late eighteenth century).
Skeleton No. 8
M 7a?.
? 6a.
Age: Grown
No ageing criteria. Epiphyses fused.
Comments: Less than 5 per cent. Right lower leg (fibula) and foot.
Date; Post-medieval (late eighteenth century).
Skeleton No. 9
F l d;2a, b; 3a,c.
III 40-50
IV ?
Comments: c. 40 per cent complete. Skull and vertebrae fragments. Left arm,
hand, pelvis and upper leg.
Date: Post-medieval (late eighteenth/early nineteenth).
Skeleton No. 10
M 2a, g; 4a.
Age: Grown
No ageing criteria. Epiphyses fused.
Comments: c. 10 per cent. Left lower arm fragments. Left pelvis, upper leg.
Date: Post-medieval (1825-S0nS).
Skeleton No. 11
le, e?
? la, b. d. g.
I 20-25
Skeleton No. 12
M Sa.
? 6a; 7a.
Less than 5 per cent. Skull and cervical spine fragments.
Post-medieval (late eighteenth to mid nineteenth
= a
No ageing criteria. Epiphyses fused.
Comments: c. 15 per cent. Lower legs and feet.
Date: Post-medieval (late eighteenth to mid nineteenth
Skeleton No. 13
M 2a?
iii 17-24
Skeleton No. 14
M 4a.
Less than 5 per cent. Vertebral fragments. Left pelvic fragment. Left
lower leg (tibia) fragment.
Post-medieval (late eighteenth to mid nineteenth
Age: Grown
No ageing criteria. Epiphyses fused.
Comments: Less than 5 per cent. Left lower arm fragments and hand. Right
upper leg fragment.
Date: Post-medieval (late eighteenth to mid nineteenth
Skeleton No. 15
M 3c'?
V 17-28
iii over 20
Less than 5 per cent. Rib and vertebral fragments. Right elbow.
Post-medieval (late eighteenth to mid nineteenth
Skeleton No. 16
F la-f.
I ?elderly
IV c. 30
5 per cent. Skull only.
Date: Post-medieval (late eighteenth to mid nineteenth
Skeleton No. 17
Skeleton No. 18
Skeleton in section.
Post-medieval (1800-1825).
2a: 3a; 5a; 12b.
4a, b; 6a; 7a.
Ill ?40-45
V ?
iii ?20-25
c. 75 per cent. Missing: skull, neck, right arm.
Post-medieval (late eighteenth/early nineteenth
Skeleton No. 19
M 4b; 6a; 7a.
Age: Grown
No ageing criteria. Epiphyses fused.
Comments: c. 10 per cent. Right leg and foot.
Date: Post-medieval (late eighteenth/early nineteenth
Skeleton No. 20
la-d, e?. f-g; 2a, e?, f?, g?; 3a, c; 4a, b; Ila; 12a, b.
2b, c; 9a.
I 23-28
III 25-29
IV under 30?
V under 20
75 per cent. Missing lower legs and feet.
Post-medieval (seventeenth to eighteenth century).
Skeleton No. 21
8-9 years
HuL 1 , 10-12 years
RaL., 8-10 years
FeL i . 10-12 years
Comments: c. 80 per cent complete. Missing most of lower legs, feet.
Date: Post-medieval (mid to late eighteenth century).
Skeleton No. 22
la, b, c?, d?, g?; 2a?; 4a; 5a.
6a; 7a; 12a.
3a; 12b.
c. 75 per cent. Skull fragmentary. Missing left arm.
Post-medieval (seventeenth century?).
Skeleton No. 23
F 4b; Sa; 6a; 7a.
No ageing criteria available. Epiphyses fused.
Comments: c. IS per cent. Right leg and foot.
Date: Post-medieval (seventeenth century?).
Skeleton No. 24
2a; 3a; I la?
I 25-30
III 40-44
IV ?
Comments: c. 10 per cent. Skull fragments, vertebrae and rib fragments, left collar
bone and arm, left pelvis.
Date: Post-medieval (seventeenth century?).
Skeleton No. 25
M 4b; 5a; 6a.
No ageing criteria. Epiphyses fused.
c. 15 per cent. Lower legs (including distal femora) and feet.
Post-medieval (seventeenth/eighteenth century).
Skeleton No. 26
M 2a; 4b; Sa.
No available criteria. Epiphyses fused.
Comments: c. 10 per cent. Left hip and upper leg.
Date: Post-medieval (seventeenth/eighteenth century).
Skeleton No. 27
c. 12 years
HuLi , 14-16
Ral 1 , 13--15
Comments: c. 15 per cent. Lower jaw fragment. Cervical vertebrae and left arm.
Date: Post-medieval (seventeenth/eighteenth century).
Skeleton No. 28
F Very gracile bones.
: Gro
No ageing criteria. Epiphyses fused.
Comments: c. 5 per cent. Right: rib fragments; collar bone; lower arm.
Date: Post-medieval (eighteenth century).
Skeleton No. 29
la?, d, e; 3c.
le, g; 3a.
Age: 27-32
I 25-30
IV c. 30
Comments: c. 40 per cent. Upper torso present. Missing lower arms. hands, pelvis, legs
and feet.
Date: Medieval (late thirteenth to fifteenth century).
Skeleton No. 30
M la-e, g; 2a, d-g; 3a, c; 4a; 12a, b.
I 35-40
II 23--29
III 35-39
IV 30-40
Comments: c. 50 per cent. Incomplete skull and spine. Rather fragmentary lower
legs. feet missing.
Skeleton No. 31
Medieval (late thirteenth to fifteenth century).
M la. b, c?, d?, e.
IV 30-40
Skeleton No. 32
Less than 5 per cent. Skull vault only.
Medieval (late thirteenth to fifteenth century).
Sex: Female
F 5a; 6a; 7a.
AF Gro
No ageing criteria available. Epiphyses fused.
Comments: c. 15 per cent. Left leg and feet.
Date: Post-medieval (sixteenth to seventeenth century).
Skeleton No. 33
Sex: Male
M 4b.
? 6a; 7a.
: Gro-
No available ageing criteria. Epiphyses fused.
Comments: c. 20 per cent. Lower legs and distal right femur.
Date: Medieval (late thirteenth to fifteenth century).
Skeleton No. 34
Sex: Male
M 4a; 5a; 6a?
? 7a.
: -
No ageing criteria. Epiphyses fused.
Comments: c. 20 per cent. Left hand and leg. Right lower leg and feet.
Date: Medieval (late thirteenth to fifteenth century).
Skeleton No. 35
M 4b; 5a.
? 7a.
No ageing criteria. Epiphyses fused.
Comments: c. 10 per cent. Incomplete left leg and foot.
Date: Post-medieval.
Skeleton No. 36
Ja?, b, c?, d, e, g; 2a, g?; 4a; 5a; !Oa?; 12b.
6a; !Ob?; 12a.
3a, c; 7a; I l a.
Age: 30-40
I 30-35
III 40-44
IV 30-40
V 23--28
Comments: c. 80 per cent. Missing upper left arm, hand, sacrum and left upper leg.
Date: Post-medieval.
Skeleton No. 37
2d??; 3a??; 4a, b; 5a; 9a; 11a; 12b.
2a; 9c; 12a.
III 25-29
V 19-27
Ill C. 23--27
Comments: c. 60 per cent. Missing skull, upper spine, left upper torso, feet and
Skeleton No. 38
M 4b.
? 2a.
lower legs.
Age: Grown
No ageing criteria available. Epiphyses fused.
Comments: c. 5 per cent. Lower arm and hand, fragment of sacrum and incomplete
left upper leg.
Date: Post-medieval (eighteenth century).
Skeleton No. 39
2b?; 3a, c; 4a; !Ob; 12a, b.
!0a; I la.
III 30-34
V under 16
Comments: c. 50 per cent. Missing skull and upper spine, lower left arm, legs and
Post-medieval (eighteenth century).
Skeleton No. 40
M la-e, g; 3a?, c; 8a; lla; 12b.
? 12a.
Age: 30-40
I 35-40
IV 30-35?
Comments: c. 30 per cent. Skull, upper spine and upper arms.
Date: Late medieval/Post-medieval.
Skeleton No. 41
le?, d, e; 3a, c; 8a; Ila; 12a-b.
la?, b.
I 40
IV 40-50
Comments: c. 15 per cent. Skull, upper spine, right upper arm present.
Date: Post-medieval.
Skeleton No. 42
Jc?, e?; 4a?, b?
la?, b, d, g; 3a, c?; Sa; Ila; 12a.
2a?, f?, g?; 6a?; 7a?
Age: 30-40
I 30-40
III 30-40?
IV about 30
Comments: c. 75 per cent. Missing ribs, upper left arm and right foot.
Date: Late medieval/Post-medieval.
Skeleton No. 43
Id, g?; 3c; I l a?; 12b.
le; 3a.
Age: 30-40
I c. 35
IV 30-40
Comments: c. 30 per cent. Fragmentary skull, incomplete spine, ribs and upper arms.
Date: Medieval (late thirteenth century to fifteenth century).
Skeleton No. 44
c. 5-6 years
ii RaL 1• 5-7 years
FeL1 , 5-7 years
T1L 1 , 6--8 years
Comments: c. 95 per cent. Skull fragmentary, spine incomplete, missing left foot.
Date: Late medieval/Post medieval.
Skeleton No. 45
M 2a, d-g; 3a, c; 4a; !Oa; 12a, b.
? I Ja.
Age: 30-40
JI 22-40
III 40-44
V 23-31
Comments: c. 60 per cent. Missing skull, cervical spine and most of legs.
Date: Medieval (late thirteenth to fifteenth century).
Skeleton No. 46
l e?, f?
la, b, d, g; 2a; 6a; 7a.
Age: 35-50
I c. 40
IIJ 50-60?
IV under 35?
Comments: c. 50 per cent. Missing most of spine and ribs. Long bones present but
Date: Medieval (late fourteenth to fifteenth century).
Skeleton No. 47
Sex: ?
Age: 13-17
iii under 19 (by size of calcaneus and talus, 13-17 years).
Comments: Less than 5 per cent. Feet only.
Date: Medieval (late fourteenth to fifteenth century).
Skeleton No. 48
Sex: ?
Age: Grown
No ageing criteria. Epiphyses fused.
Comments: Less than 5 per cent. Left ulna and incomplete hand only.
Skeleton No. 49
F Sa.
? 4a.
No available ageing criteria. Epiphyses fused.
Comments: c. 10 per cent. Right leg and left upper leg.
Date: Early medieval (possibly Anglo-Saxon).
Skeleton No. 50
M 4b; Sa.
No ageing criteria. Epiphyses fused.
Comments: c. lO per cent. Right leg and lower left leg.
Date: Early medieval (possibly Anglo-Saxon).
Skeleton No. 51
F 2a?; 3c??
No ageing criteria available. Epiphyses fused.
Comments: c. 10 per cent. Right arm and pelvis present.
Date: Early medieval (possibly Anglo-Saxon).
Skeleton No. 52
M Sa.
No ageing criteria. Epiphyses fused.
Comments: c. 10 per cent. Incomplete lower legs present.
Date: Early medieval (possibly Anglo-Saxon).
Skeleton No. 53
M la, c-e, g; 2a, e?. f, g; 3a, c; 4a, b; 8a.
Comments: c. 90 per cent. Missing lower legs and feet.
Date: Early medieval (possibly Anglo-Saxon).
Skeleton No. 54
2a, c, e, f. g?; 4a.
Age: 45-60
II 52-55
III 45-49
Comments: c. 50 per cent. Missing skull, cervical vertebrae, legs and feet.
Date: Medieval (late thirteenth to fifteenth century).
Skeleton No. 55
F 3a.
: Grown
No available ageing criteria. Epiphyses fused.
Comments: c. 5 per cent. Right upper arm and rib fragments present.
Date: Early medieval (possibly Anglo-Saxon).
Skeleton No. 56
i 6-7
ii HuL1 , 7-9 years
RaL1 , 6-8 years
FeL1 , 8-10 years
TiL 1 , 7-9 years
Comments: c. 100 per cent. Spine not complete.
Date: Medieval.
Skeleton No. 57
1 10-11 years
ii 11-14 years
Comments: c. 90 per cent. Missing right arm. Right upper leg fragmentary.
Date: Medieval.
Skeleton No. 58
M la-g; I la; 12b.
Age: 40-50
I C. 50
iv under 30
Comments: c. 15 per cent. Skull. most of spine, right upper arm present.
Date: Medieval.
Skeleton No. 59
lg; 12b.
I la.
Age: 30-40
I 30-40
Comments: c. 15 per cent. Mandible, upper spine, upper arms present.
Date: Medieval.
Skeleton No. 60
Sex: Male
M 2a, e-g; 3a; 4a, b; 5a; 6a; 7a; 9b; 12b.
? 2d; 3c; 9a, c; 12a.
Age: 20-30
II 22-40
Ill 20-24
Comments: c. 80 per cent. Missing skull and upper spine.
Date; Medieval (c. 1250).
Skeleton No. 61
Age: 4-5
ii FeL1, 4-5 years
TiL1, 4-5 years
Comments: c. 30 per cent. Left: shoulder blade, ribs, pelvis, leg. Right: lower leg.
Date: Medieval.
Skeleton No. 62
2a, c-f, g; 4b; Sa; 6a; 9a.
? 2b; 4a;7a; 9b, c.
II 30-47
III 35-39
V under 20
[c. 60 per cent. Missing skull, most of spine, shoulders and upper arms.]
Date: Medieval (c. 1250).
Skeleton No. 63
18-24 months
FeL i , 18-24 months
TiL 1, 18-24 months
18-24 months
Comments: c. 60 per cent. Missing skull, spine, hands, feet. Long bones all
represented but incomplete.
Date: Medieval (late thirteenth to fifteenth century).
Note I: Sexing
1. Cranium
a. Arcus superciliaris
b. Glabella
c. Inclinatio frontale
d. Processus mastiodeus
e. Relief of the planum nuchale
f. Ossae orbitae
g. 0s mandibula
h. Discriminant function
2. Os coxae
a. lncisura ischiadicum major
b. Sulcus preauricularis
c. Ventral arc
d. lschio pubic index
e. Foramen obturatum
f. Sub pubic angle
g. Acetabulum diameter
3. Humerus
a. Vertical diameter of cuput (HuHD 1)
b. Transverse diameter of cuput (Hul-ID2)
c. Epicondylar width (HuE 1 )
4. Femur
a. Vertical diameter of caput (FeHD1)
b. Bicondylar width (FeE1)
5. Tibia
a. Proximal bicondylar width
6. Calcaneus
a. Maximum length (CaL1)
7. Talus
a. Maximum length (TaL 1)
8. Atlas
a. Maximum length
9. Sacrum
a. Length/Breadth index
b. Corpus/Alae index
10. Sternum
a. Corpus length
b. Manubrium/Corpus index
11. Clavicle
a. Maximum length (CIL 1 )
12. Scapula
a. Glenoid fossa height (ScLg)
b. Glenoid fossa width (ScBg)
The sources
I. a-g.
2. a, e.
b-c. f.
3. a, b.
4. a, b.
Ferembach et al. 1980.
Giles 1964; Giles and Elliot 1963.
Ferembach er al. 1980.
Phenice 1969.
Bass 1987, 193; M under 90, F over 95.
Dutra 1944; M 52 mm. (av.), F 46 mm. (av.).
Dwight 1905;
a. M 48.76 mm. (av.), F 42.67 mm. (av.).
b. M 44.66 mm. (av.), F 36.98 mm. (av.).
Thieme and Schull 1957; M 63.89 mm. (av.), F 56.76 mm. (av.).
Pearson and Bell I 9 I 9;
a. M 45.5 mm. (av.), F 41.5 mm. (av.).
b. M 78 mm. (av.), F 72 mm. (av.).
5. a.
6. a.
7. a.
8. a.
9. a.
10. a.
11. a.
Dutra 1944; M over 71 mm .• F under 71 mm.
Steele 1976; M over 81.1 mm., Funder 75.5 mm.
Steele 1976; M over 55.3 mm .. Funder 49.7 mm.
Martin 1928. 1083; M 74-90 mm., F 65-76 mm.
Bass 1987. 107; M under 102.9, F over 112.4.
Flander 1978; M 40.78-50.06, F 36.49-42.79.
Fawcett 1938; M 37.606-54.910. F 33.770-49.506.
lit et al. 1980; M over 95 mm .• F under 74 mm.
Martin 1928. 1090; M 46.2, F 54.3.
Parsons 1916; M 152 mm. dex av. (range 130--180 mm.), F 137 mm. dex
av. (range 125-165 mm.).
12. a, b. Bainbridge and Tarazaga 1956;
a. M 43.7 mm. (av.). F 42.6 mm. (av.).
b. M 27.5 mm. (av.), F 26.0 mm. (av.).
Note 2: Ageing
I. Teeth: Dental attrition (Brothwell 1981, Fig. 3.9).
JI. Pelvis: Pubic symphysis (Ubeleker 1978, 55-59).
III. Pelvis: Sacro-iliac auricular surface (Lovejoy et al. 1985).
IV. Skull: Suture closure (Cornwall 1974, Fig. 55).
V. Ribs: Sternal end morphology (Isan et al. 1984; 1985).
i. Dental development (Ubeleker 1978, Fig. 62).
ii. Long bone length (Ferembach et al. 1980).
iii. Epiphyseal fusion (Ferembach et al. 1980).
Skeleton Age
Adult skeletons by sex and age
Stature Palaeopathology
Male: Young Adult
22-27 1.69
22-27 l.71
60 20--30 1.78
Schmorl's nodes.
R ulna marked sulcus for insertion of pronator quadratus.
Male: Adult
25-35 1.62
35-40 1.75
30--40 1.60
30--40 1.73
30--40 1.68
30--40 1.76
Male: Mature
40-50 1.79
40-55 1.80
Male: Grown
7 ? 1.68
8 ? 1.68
10 ?
14 ? 1.64+
19 ? 1.75
25 ? 1.65
26 ? 1.72
33 ? 1.64
34 ? 1.71
35 ? 1.70
38 ? 1.72
50 ?
52 ?
Female: Young adult
11 20-25 1.61+
20 22-27 I.62
Female: Adult
35-40 1.55
16 30-40
18 30-40 1.61
29* 27-32 1.67
39 30-35 1.56
42 30--40 1.61
62 30--40
Spinal DJD and osteophytes.
Spinal DJD, osteophytes and Schmorl's nodes.
Osteophytic outgrowths: both shoulders. Slight cranial
Healed weapon injury to R frontal bone.
Schmorl's nodes.
Spinal osteophytes, Schmorl's nodes.
DJD R acromio-clavicular joint. Schmorl's nodes.
Spinal DJD (minor).
Spinal DJD.
DJD. Both clavicles and L hand. Advanced spinal DJD.
Infection of R tibia and fibula. Collapsed TV4 (fracture).
Trauma-healed sword cut to L parietal.
DJD R acromio-clavicular joint. Spinal DJD and osteophytes.
L calcaneo-cuboid, osteophyte on lateral aspect.
Infection R and L tibiae.
Marked roughening of L linea aspera.
Very slight cranial porosis.
Spinal DJD.
Spine: DJD and osteophytes. DJD: L clavicle (proximal
and distal); L shoulder; both knees; feet (cuneiform
II/III). Infection of R tibia and fibula.
Spinal osteophytes.
Spinal DJD and osteophytes.
Very gracile, lightweight bones. Marked curvature of
Female: Mature
40-50 1.53
35-50 1.54
45-60 1.65
Spinal DJD, advanced osteophytes. DJD of L elbow.
Spinal DJD. Neoplasm: Meningiomatous hyperostosis.
Marked spinal DJD. DJD of L sterno-clavicular joint.
Trauma: L ulna un-united fracture.
Female: Grown
5 ?
23 ?
28 ?
32 ?
49 ?
51 ?
55 ?
Sex unknown
3 ?
12 ?
48 ?
• : cist burial
+ = stature calculated from metacarpal length.
Sub-adult skeletons by sex and age
Skeleton Age
Infans I
4 2,-4 months
Infans II
61 4-5 years
63 18 months-2 years
Infans III
21 8-JO years
44 5-7 years
56 6-7 years
57 10-12 years
27 12-14 years
47 13-17 years
Post-cranial indices
la R L
Avg. Range No. Avg. Range No.
Male 27.7 23.9-31.6 (8) 26.6 24.2-28.9 ( 4)
Female 24.8 24.8-28.1 (3) 25.3 24.6-26.4 (3)
All 27.3 ( 11) 26.1 (7)
l Clavicle
a Robusticity: mid-shaft circumference x 100
max. length
2a R L
Avg. Range No. Avg. Range No.
Male 31.7 68.2-87.7 (12) 79.l 71.4-89.9 (8)
Female 75.6 66.7-80.3 (6) 77.5 66.2-83.3 (8)
All 78.6 (18) 78.3 ( 16)
Male 13.4 I 1.8-15.4 (10) 13.0 12.9-13.8 (5)
Female 12.2 11.8-13.0 ( 4) 12.6 11.3-14.0 (6)
All 13.1 ( 14) 12.8 ( 11)
2 Humerus
a Platybrachia: minimum mid-shaft (HuD2 ) x 100
maximum mid-shaft diameters (HuD 1 )
b Robusticity: (HuD1 + HuD2) x 100
maximum length (HuL,)
3a R L
Avg. Range No. Avg. Range No.
Male 87.1 69.3-95.7 (9) 84.7 74.1-90.8 ( 10)
Female 86.9 78.4-107.0 (9) 87.4 77.4-107.0 ( 10)
All 87.0 (18)
Male 106.2 89.9-120.0 (10) 102.0 89.1-113.1 ( 10)
Female 109.4 95.3-120.0 (8) 106.9 83.0-133.2 ( 10)
All 107.6 ( 18) 104.5 (20)
Male 13.6 12.7-14.8 (4) 13.5 12.6-15.3 (5)
Female 13.1 11.6-15. l (6) 12.7 11.8-13.7 (3)
All 13.3 (10) 13.1 (8)
3 Femur
a Meric: sub-trochanteric antero-posterior diameter (FeD 1 ) x 100
sub-trochanteric transverse diameter (FeD2)
Platymeric : under 85
Eurymeric : over 85 under 100
Stenomeric : over 100
b Pilasteric: mid shaft antero-posterior diameter (FeD3) x 100
mid shaft transverse diameter (FeD4)
c Robusticity: (FeD3 + FeD4) x 100
oblique length (FeL1)
4a R L
Avg. Range No. Avg. Range
Male 73.2 66.6-84.4 ( 12) 68.4 52.1-82.6
Female 73.6 60.8-81.3 (8) 72.0 57.4-79.2
All 73.4 (20) 70.1
4 Tibia
a Cnemic: nutrient foramen transverse diameter (TiD2) x 100
nutrient fora men antero-posterior diameter (TiD 1)
Platycnemic : under 63
Mesocnemic : over 63 under 70
Eurycnemic : over 70
The Rochester Cathedral Chalice
Julie Lovett
The Rochester chalice (Fig. 4, Pl. IX) was found placed in the left h;iod of SK 33, a
burial only partially excavated since it extended beyond the excavation area into the
section. The chalice was unfortunately in very poor condition; being distorted and
fragmented it has proved difficult to visualize in its complete form and, therefore,
comparison with other known examples is limited. At the time of writing parallels are
still being sought, and I am grateful to John Cherry (British Museum) and Marion
Campbell (Victoria and Albert Museum) for their comments and for drawing my
attention to several helpful articles. Research is continuing. and for this reason it is
considered wise to publish only a summary description at this time and leave full
discussion for future publication.
The base of the chalice is circular and hollow, rising to a hollow stem. Around the
shoulder there is a shallow moulding surmounted by a slight groove. The base and
bowl were discovered detached from the stem, and there is a shallow moulding below
and above the slightly rounded knop which is directly under the base of the bowl.
There is some doubt as to the actual shape of the bowl, due to distortion, but it is
thought likely (Marion Campbell, pers. comm.) to be of the wide shallow type (with
everted rim) such as those examples from graves 3 and 4 of the vestibule graves at
Lincoln (Bruce-Mitford 1976, 132-3).
The thickness of the metal indicates that the chalice was originally cast, but due to its
poor condition it is impossible to say in how many pieces.
Fig. 4. Reconstruction drawing of the pewter chalice found in Burial 33. Drawn by
Sue Barnett. Scale 1:2, detail 1:1.
Radial crossed lines within a possible square have been roughly scratched onto the
foot of the chalice. This is not a maker's mark, which tends to be stamped, nor does it
appear to be a cross which would have indicated the side the priest should use (Webb
1986, 352-62). Perhaps it is most feasible to explain this 'engraving' as the owner's
The context of the find is not closely dated. At present it is only possible to suggest a
lower date of the thirteenth century (based on the similarity of knop and possibly the
bowl form to the previously cited examples) and an upper date of the mid sixteenth
century. It is known that (in England) the placement of chalices in graves took place up
to and no later than this date.
Anderson 1971
Anderson 1968
Anderson 1987
Angel 1964
Axelsson and
Hedegaard 1985
Baer 1956
Bainbridge and
Genoves l 956
Bass 1987
Beals 1972
Bennett 1965
Bennike 1985
Berry 1974
Berry and Berry 1967
Birkett 1983
Brothwell 1967
Brothwell 1981
Bruce-Mitford 1976
Buckley 1980
Burns 1979
J.A.D. Anderson, 'Rheumatism in industry: A
review', British J. lndust. Med .. 28 (1971). 103-21.
J.E. Anderson, 'Skeletal "anomalies" as genetic
indicators' in (Ed.) D.R. Brothwell, The Skeletal
Biology of Earlier Populations (1968). 135-47.
T. Anderson, Post-Cranial Non-Metric Variation:
The Examination of a Neglected Subject, M.A.
Thesis, Sheffield University, ( 1987).
G.L. Angel, 'The reaction area of the femoral
neck', Clin. Orthop., 32 (1964). 130-42.
G. Axelsson and B. Hedegaard, ·Torus palatinus in
Icelandic schoolchildren', Am J. Phys. Anthropol.,
67 (1985), 105-12.
M.J. Baer, 'Dimensional changes in the human
head and face during the third decade of life', Am.
J. Phys. Anthropol., 14 (1956), 557-75.
D. Bainbridge and S.T. Genoves, 'A study of the
sex differences in the scapula', J. Roy. Anlhropol.
Inst., 86 (1956), 109-34.
M.W. Bass, Human Osteology: A LaboraJory and
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The Cathedral authorities, who readily agreed the need for archaeological
investigation, are thanked for funding the excavation and for
their many kindnesses during its course. Special thanks are extended
to Michael Skinner, the Comptroller. As well as full-time excavators
from Canterbury Archaeological Trust, many local volunteers helped
with excavation, recording and post-excavation work and their efforts
are gratefully acknowledged. Ginny Routledge and Pat Norris who
gave up many days of their time to record the graveyard and collect
illustrative material, and Barbara Bilyea who spent many hours
helping with the recording of the skeletal material, deserve special
mention. The contractors, Tradpin Underpinning Ltd. and the
architects, Caroe and Martin, are also thanked for their assistance.
Thanks are also due to the Department of Radiography, Christ
Church College, who kindly provided X-rays of the pathological
bones; Jon Billings, Superintendent CT Radiographer, Kent and
Canterbury Hospital; and, finally. Dr A.R. Carter, Consultant
Radiologist, Kent and Canterbury Hospital for his interpretation of
the X-rays and CT scans, and for useful comment and discussion on
the text.
°' :-l
General view of the cemetery. looking south.
Cist burials 46. 53. Scale I m.
SK I left foot: proximal articulation of the metatarsals (note the degenerative
changes of metatarsal Ill). Scale in centimetres.
SK 31 skull: healed weapon injury to right frontal bone. Scale in centimetres.
SK 31 skull: detail of Plate IV. Scale in centimetres.
SK 53 skull: healed sword(?) injury to left parietal bone.
SK 46 skull: meningiomatous hyperostosis (frontal
view). Scale in centimetres.
SK 46 skull: detail of PI. VII.
Fragmented pewter chalice with attached finger bones.