General Index
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Accounts for the Year Ended 31st December 1991
General Index
GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations: AS, Anglo-Saxon; BA, Bronze Age; IA, Iron Age; Med., Medieval; Meso., Mesolithic; Neo., Neolithic; R, Roman; RB, Romano-British. Abingdon (Oxon.), 13 Addington, 12 Aethelberht, 258 Aethelred, 258 Aldridge, N.R., Fieldwork at Moatenden Priory, Headcorn, 415-16 Kenardington, 417 Roman road - Chart Sutton, 416-17 Allington, 177 Alphege, Archbp., 255-6 Amherst, Lord, 100 Anglo-Saxon, Bead, Amethyst, 88, 92-6 Glass, 88 Belt fitting, 76 Bowl, 75, 77 Bracelet, 77 Brooch, 75, 77,100,410 Buckle, 88, 96 Burial, 76 Cemetery, 72 ff., 83-120 Ferrule, 76-7 Francisca, 76-7 Gaming counter, 77 Grave, 76 Grubenhaus, 395 Ivory, 91 Knife, 76, 87-8, 92 Loom-weight, 79 Pin, 410 Pottery, 75 ff. Seax, 76 Settlement, 71 ff. Shield boss, 75 ff. Spearhead, 75 ff., 87, 91-2 Tag, 395 Annesley, B., 166, 171 c., 166 N., 171 Anselm, Archbp., 21, 39, 47 Archibald, M.A., The coins, 64-6 Arundel (W. Sussex), 62 Ashbee, Dr P., 404 Ashford, 178, 375 Aston Hall, Birmingham, 315 Austin, J., 12 Axe, BA, 406 Aycliff, 370 Aylesford, 2, 404, 411 Bacchus, D., Excavations at the southeast bastion, Rochester city wall, 129-38 Baldwin, Robert, M.A., Seasalter: A problem borough in Domesday Kent re-examined, 237-67 Ball, E., 166 L., 166, 171 s., 166, 171 Ballard, A., 238 Barfreston, Church, 370 Bargrave, I., 313 ff. J., 313 ff. R., 313 ff. Barking (Essex), All Hallows, 5 Barming, 177 Barnacle, R., Gibbs, J., and Hammond, L., Osteological report, 101-6 Basing House (Rants.), 9 Bates, P., 142 Bathurst, R., 122 Bayeux (France), 42, 167 Tapestry, 43 Bayham Abbey, 327 Bayly, Cllr., 337 ff. Bead, AS, 88, 92-6 RB, 214 431 GENERAL INDEX Beaker, Burial, 269, 277, 397-8 Pottery, 274, 278, 283--6, 397--400 Settlement, 278--80 Beale Poste, Rev., 188 Beckenham, 167 Becket, T., 257 Beckingham, Rev. C., 320 Belgic, Coin, 273, 277, 305-6 Pottery, 277, 297-300, 393 Settlement, 269 Belt-chape, Med., 415 -fitting, AS, 76 Bennett, Angela C., B.A., Late Victorian embellishments to Margate, 331-55 W.H., 404 Bensted, G., 139 H., 139 J., 139 Bifrons mansion house, A history of, by B.M. Thomas, 313--29 Bilsington, 376 Bishopstone (E. Sussex), Cemetery, AS, 81 Blackheath, 161 Hundred of, 165, 171 Village, 161, 170, 173 Blackwall, Peninsula, 162 Blaise Hamlet, Bristol, 324 Blake, P.H., 315 Blickling Hill (Norf.), 315 Blount, E., 166 Col. T., 7 ff., 167 T., 166, 175-6 Borowart, Lathe of, 238 Boteler, Sir W., 13 Boulogne (France), 125 Boughton Monchelsea, 177, 408--9 Bourne Park, 320, 323 Bowyer, Sir J., 341 Boxley, 406, 408--9, 413--14 Boyle, J., 121 Boys, W., 158 Bracelet, AS, 77 RB, 209 Brandon, D., 327 Bredgar, 139 Brent, J., 83 ff. Brenzett, St. Eanswith, 55 Bridge, 313, 323 Church, 313 Brighton (E. Sussex), 344 Broad Oak, 380--1 Broadstairs, 396 Bronze Age, Early, Cist, 404 Ring ditch, 365-6 Late, Axe, 406 Hoard, 269-70, 278, 303--4 Occupation, 376 Pottery, 276, 287-9, 393 Brooch, AS, 75, 77, 100 IA, 401-3, 406 Med., 413 RB, 408--9 Buckle, AS, 88, 96 Burchell, J.P.T., 80 Burgoyne Black, Shirley, Ph.D., Edward Hasted, A Kentish JP, 121-7 Burial, AS, 76 Beaker, 269, 277 Bush, Mrs J., 166 Byng, J., 125 Byron, Lord, 322 Camber (E. Sussex), 63 Cambridge, Clare College, 5 Candle-holder, RB, 210 Canterbury, 15, 26, 122, 124, 238, 247, 253 ff., 320 Building recording, 378--81 Cathedral, 17 ff., 238 Library, 49 Priory, 61, 362, 375 Chapel of the Holy Innocents, 22 Christ Church, 17 ff., 49-50, 240 ff. Parish, 124 Friars Car Park, 376-7 Gabriel Chapel, 22 Observations and watching briefs, 377-8 St. Augustine's Abbey, 17, 35 ff., 258--9, 270 St. George-the-Martyr, 359 St. John's Hospital, 363 St. Martin's Parish, 248 St. Mildred's Tannery, 374-5 Canterbury Archaeological Trust, Interim report on work carried out in 1992 by the, 357-81 Canterbury Cathedral, The Romanesque crypt capitals of, by Richard Gameson, 17-48 Capability Brown, 316 Cecil, Fam., 317 T., 317 Celtic, Coin 406-8 Cemetery, AS, 72 ff. 432 GENERAL INDEX Ceolnoth, Archbp., 252 Cerisy-la-Foret (France), 42 Chalton (Hants.), Cemetery, AS, 81 Chambers, Aid., 338 Champneys, A., 158 Charlemagne, 252 · Charles I, 12, 176 T., 184, 188 Charlton, 10, 161 ff. Chartham Church 1991, Excavations at, by Howard Jones, 389-92 Chart Sutton - Roman road, by N.R. Aldridge, 416-17 Chatham, 178 Cheeseman, J., 165 Chelsfield, 2 Chiddingstone, 12 Children, J., 125-6 Chilham, Castle, 315, 318, 322, 327 Chislehurst, 167 Cist, Early Bronze Age, 404 Civil wars, The, 1 ff. Clarence, Duke of, 323 Craddock, E., 333 Clark, Lady J., 4 Sir W., 4 Clay pipe, Post-Medieval, 230-2 Clerke, C., 12 F., 12 M., 12 Cluny (France), 42 Cnut, 261 Cocks, Dr W., 49 Coin, Belgic, 273, 277, 305-6 Celtic, 406-8 IA, 406-8 Med., 64-6, 157 Post-Medieval, 395 Post-Roman, 310 R., 186, 193,202,208-9,276-7,306-10 Conyngham, Marquis of, 100,322 ff., 336 Cooling, Castle, 136 Corbeil, Archbp., 50 Coulter, J., 175 Crayford, 123 Cray Valley, 71 ff. Crompton, Sir W., 167 Cromwell, B., 14 0., 14, 319 Cropredy Bridge (Oxon.), Battle of, 4 Crouch, 10 G., 315 Croydon (Surrey), 7 Culpepper, Sir J., 8, 10 Cundy, T., 324 ff. Danehurst (E. Sussex), 323 Darent Valley, 2, 7, 71 ff. Darent Valley and environs, Anglo-Saxon settlement in the, by Susan Tyler, B.A., 71-81 Darenth, 419 Cemetery, AS, 72 ff. Villa, RB, 79 Dartford, 123 ff., 167, 255, 365, 418-19 Cemetery, AS, 76 ff. Manor House, 418 Occupation, RB, 365, 418 Dartford, A Late La Tene brooch from Spital Street, by D.F. Mackreth, 401-3 Davies, Lt.-Col. F., 323 Davis, Cllr., 338 Deedes, W., 124 Dene, J. a, 169 Denny Abbey (Cambs.), 56 Denton, 378 Denton, AS, 77 Detsicas, A.P., Obituary, 430 Review, 425, 425-6, 427 Deyne, J., 170 Deptford, 172 Dorman, A., 121 J., 122 Mrs. D., 122 T., 122, 158-9 Dover, 125, 320, 357-9, 369-70 Castle, 4 St. Martin-le-Grand, 366-9 St. Martin's Priory, 50, 54 Western Heights, 370 Dowell (Dowle), T., 12 Dowker, G., 282 Draper, P.H.G., Obituary, 429-30 Dublin (Eire), 32 Du Boulay, F.R.H., 254 Dumpton Gap, 396-7 Durham, 32 Castle, 45 Eadred, 258 Eastry, 378 Ebbsfleet, 269 ff. Ebbsfleet in the Isle of Thane/, Archaeological evaluations at, by D.R.J. Perkins, 269-311 433 GENERAL INDEX Ebbsjleet Valley, north-west Kent, Interim report on current Pleistocene research in the, by Francis Wenban-Smith, 384-8 Ebony, 49 ff. Eccles, 177 Edgehill (Warks.), 12 Edgar, 260-1 Edmund, 260 Edward I, 165, 167 III, 136, 251 Egan, Michael, Wricklemarsh revisited, 161-76 Ekwall, E., 161 Elizabeth I, 62 Eltham, 162 ff. Ely, Marquess of, 322 Erith, 255-6 Burial, AS, 76 Evans, Sir A., 404 Eveling, Cllr., 338 Everitt, A., 121 Eynsford, 2 Cemetery, AS, 76 Fagg, Aid., 338 ff. Fairfax, Sir T., 2, 7, 13 ff. Fairlight (E. Sussex), 57 Farleigh, 13 Farningham, 8, 121 ff., 162 Cemetery, AS, 76 Faversham, 245, 377 Faunce, T., 122 Ferrule, AS, 76 Fittal, J., 328 Folkestone, 344, 370 Castle Hill, 365-6 Fordwich, 238, 252 Franks, Villa, RB, 79 Freeman, R., 100 Fulthorp, E., 170 M., 170 J., 170 Gameson, R., The Romanesque crypt capitals of Canterbury Cathedral, 17-48 Gaming counter, AS, 77 Gaye, H., 55, 60 George III, 320 IV, 324 Ghent (Belgium), Abbey of St. Peter, 168-9 Gibbons, Capt. R., 12 Gibbs, J., Hammond, L., and Barnacle, R., Osteological report, 101-6 Gibson, A.M., The Beaker from Cottington Hill, Ebbsfieet, Ramsgate, 283-6 and N. Macpherson-Grant, Note on a Beaker sherd from Wye, 399-400 Gillet, J., 11 Glass, Bead, AS, 76 Bowl, AS, 75 ff. Med., 66-8 RB, 226 Godwell, Manor, 12 Gooding, R., 142 Goodwin Sands, 153 Goring, Lord, 4 Grave, AS, 76 Graveney, 253 Gravesend, Burial, AS, 76 Gray, A., 171 w., 166, 171 Greenwich, 255 ff. Charlton House, 315 East, 165 Parish, 162 ff. Greystone, 251, 253 ff. Griffith, Capt., 9 Dr, 9 Guildford, Earl of, 343 Gunzo, Abbot of Baume (France), 44 Hague, The (Netherlands), 15 Haillot (Belgium), 75 Hall, I.M., 139 Halle (Aula), E. de, 168 Hammer, RB, 210 Hammond, L., Barnacle, R., and Gibbs, J., Osteological report, 101-6 Hamwih (Southampton, Hants.), 260 Hardman, F.W., 282 Harris, J., 316, 319 Harrison, G. , 142 Hart, Fam., 3 ff. Sir P., 3 w., 3 Harwich, Borough, 246 ff. Harwood, J., 123 Haryden, T., 57 Hasted, E., 142,161,242,245 ff., 313 Hasted, Edward, A Kentish JP, by S. Burgoyne Black, Ph.D., 121-7 Hasted, Fam., 121-7 434 GENERAL INDEX Hastings (E. Sussex), 177 Hatfield House (Herts.), 315, 318 Hawkinge, 378 Headcorn, Moatenden Priory, 62 Headcorn, Fieldwork at Moatenden Priory, by N.R. Aldridge, 415-16 Hedeby (Schleswig, Germany), 260 Hengist, 282 Henry II, 62, 168 III, 257 VIII, 418--19 Hereford, C., Countess of, 168 Heresige, 258 Herne Bay, 245 Hervey, E., 167 Fam., 176 Lord, 167 Hezelon, Canon of Liege (Belgium), 44 Hill, F., 60 Hoard, Late Bronze Age, 269-70, 278, 303--4 Hodges, R., 13, 252, 260 Hogarth, C., 84 Hollingbourne, 9, 126 Holmesdale, Vale of, 71 Homewood, E., 125-6 Hook, Post-Medieval, 231 RB, 209 Hope, 414 Hornsby, R., 123 Horse statuette, RB, 361 Horton Kirby, 2, 125 Cemetery, AS, 72-3 Hunt, T., 322-3 Hunter, J., 122 Hussey, A., 49 Hutchinson, C., jun., 5 Rev. C., 5-6 Hythe, 238 lghtham (St. Cl ere), 9 Investigations and excavations during the year, 418--19 Ireton, Col., H., 14 Iron, Knife, AS, 76, 87 Iron Age, Brooch, 401-3, 406 Coin, 406--8 Pottery, 277, 289-97, 370, 393, 395, 397-8 Settlement, 269, 279-80, 376, 395, 397-8 Isle of Dogs, 162 Oxney, 50 Thanet, 269 Ivory, AS, 91 Jaenberht, Archbp., 252 James I, 6, 161, 315 Jay, L.A., The Trust/or Thanet archaeology, Excavations and evaluations 1990--91, 392-8 Jerdan, W., 322 Johns, F.D., M.A., The royalist rising and parliamentary mutinies of 1645 in west Kent, 1-15 Jones, H., Excavations at Chartham Church 1991, 389--92 T., 123 Kebell (Keeble), H., 11 Keen, G., 170 Kelly, D.B., Archaeological notes from Maidstone Museum, 404-15 The Mount Roman villa, Maidstone, 177-235 Kenardington, by N.R. Aldridge, 417 Kendall, Cllr., 337-8 Kidbrooke, 162 ff. Manor, 168, 176 Kilburne, R., 60, 242 ff. Kirby, Rev. W.W., 61 Knelle Dam, 50 Knife, Iron, AS, 76, 87-8, 92 Knight, Aid., 333 Lambarde, W., 241-2 Lanfranc, Archbp., 21, 31, 255 Latch-lifter, RB, 210 Lawlam, P., 57 Layfield, Rev. E., 5-6 Lebon, C., and Miles, A., The excavations on the site of St. Mary's Church, Chapel Bank, Tenterden, with indications of the deserted village of Ebony, 49--70 Leche,J., 169 Lee, 164 Manor of, 166 Lee Green, 173, 175 Legh, M., 165 R., 165, 170 Leland, J. , 245 Lenthall, Speaker, 15 Lewisham, Parish, 162 ff. Leybourne, 12 Little Chart, 374 435 GENERAL INDEX Livesey, Sir M., 5, 11 ff. London, 2,254,315, 318 Aldwych, 252 British Museum, 42, 153 City of, 5 Derby House, 2, 7 Kensington Palace, 322 St. Alphege, 257 St. James's Palace, 322-3 St. Martin-le-Grand, 257 St. Paul's, 166, 255, 257 Victoria and Albert Museum, 42 Loom-weight, AS, 79 Luddesdown, Dode Church, 54 Ludlow, Col., 7 Lullingstone, 2 ff. Castle, 3 Cemetery, AS, 76 St. Botolph's, 3 Lydd-on-Sea, 414 Mackreth, D.F., A Late La Tene brooch from Spital Street, Dartford, 401-3 Macpherson-Grant, N., The Pottery, 286-301 and Gibson, A., Note on a Beaker sherd from Wye, 399-400 Maidstone, 2, 4, 12-13, 123, 125, 139, 167, 177 ff., 253 Centre for Kentish Studies, 139, 246 Museum, 77, 184, 404 ff. Maidstone Museum, Archaeological notes from, by D.B. Kelly, 404-15 Maidstone, The Mount Roman villa, by D.B. Kelly, 177-235 Maitland, F.W., 239 ff. Margate, 331 ff. Margate, Late Victorian embellishments to, by A.C. Bennett, B.A., 331-55 Martin, A.R., 161 Meates, Lt.-Col. G.W., 75 Medieval, Brooch, 413 Coin, 64-6, 157 Pendant, 413-14 Pottery, 62, 68-70, 134-5, 272, 274, 276, 359, 363 Roundel, 414 Seal-die, 413 Stone mortar, 411-13 Meduana (Mayenne), W. de, 168 Medway, River, 10, 177 Melling, E., 143 Mereworth, 8 Middleton, A.M., Report on the examination of some Iron Age pottery in Kent, 293-7 Miles, A., 178 ff. Miles, A., and Lebon, C., The excavations on the site of St. Mary's Church, Chapel Bank, Tenterden, with indications of the deserted village of Ebony, 49-70 Miller, J., 9 J.A., 327 Sir N., 9 Minster (Thanet), Abbey, 270 Marshes, 270 Mirror, RB, 361 Montecanisio, W. de, 168-9 Montefiore, Sir M., 341 Morden, College, 164, 167 s., 173 Sir J., 164 ff. Mottingham, 168 Mucking (Essex), Cemetery, AS, 81 Mumford, J., 122 Munns, Cllr., 335 ff. Naseby (Northants.), Battle of, 14 Nash, J., 324 Needle, RB, 210 Newstead Abbey, 322 Nichols, J., 127 Norman, J., 169 Northall, R., 122 Northfleet, Cemetery, AS, 77, 80 Nortop (alias Clerke), R., 12 Note on a Beaker sherd from Wye, by A. Gibson and N. Macpherson-Grant, 399-400 Nowell, A., 166 E., 166 Obituaries, 429-30 Odo, Bp., 167 Offham, 8, 11-12 Ormonde, Marquis of, 343 Orpington, Cemetery, AS, 72 ff. Osbern, 255 Otford, Burial, AS, 76 Oxenford, Earl of, 171 Oxford, 8 Ozengell, Cemetery, AS, 99 Paddlesworth, Church, 54 Page, Sir G., 164 ff. 436 GENERAL INDEX Paine, (Payne), 8 Panton, F.H., Ulcombe poor in the late eighteenth-early nineteenth century, 139-51 Parham (Sussex), 6 Patrixbourne, 313, 323 Parker, Rev. W., 6 Pendant, Med., 413 Penn, F., 327-8 Perkins, D .R.J., Archaeological evaluations at Ebbsfleet in the Isle of Thanet, 269-311 The Jutish cemetery at Sarre revisited: Part II, 83-120 Perry, Cllr., 338 ff. Pett Level (E. Sussex), 57 Pilgrims' Way, 71 Pin, RB, 210 Plaxtol, 3, 11, 13 Plumstead, 255 Pointon, Cllr., 338 Polhill, Cemetery, AS, 72 ff. Pollard, R., Appendix A, 232-5 Poole, Cllr., 338 Post-medieval, Clay pipe, 230-2 Coin, 395 Hook, 231 Pottery, 228-30, 395 Poteman, J., 165, 169 Pottery, AS, 75 ff. Beaker, 274,278, 283-6, 397-400 Belgic, 277, 297-300 BA, 276, 287-9, 393 IA, 277, 289-97, 370,393,395 Med., 62, 68-70, 134-5, 272, 274, 276, 359,363 Post-Medieval, 228-30, 395 RB, 80, 187, 200-2, 206, 208, 214-26, 232-5, 270, 272-4, 276, 278, 280, 300-1, 370, 393 Samian ware, 225-6, 272, 276, 302-3, 375 Pratt Boorman, H.R., obit., 429-30 Purslowe, J. , 165 Queenborough, 15 Castle, 370-2 Quern, RB, 273, 276 Radnor, Lord, 344 Rayno Id, J., 57 Reading Street, 50 ff. Reculver, 250 Reeve, Cllr., 333, 338 Researches and discoveries in Kent, 383-417 Reviews, 421-7 Ricardes, J. , 169 Richardson, W., 166 Rhind, N., 161, 170 Ritson, J., 75 Roach Smith, C., 77 Rochester, 10, 12, 177, 238, 376 Rochester city wall, Excavations at the south-east bastion, by D. Bacchus, 129-38 Roman, Coin, 186, 193, 202, 208-9, 273, 276--7, 306--10 Romano-British, Bead, 214 Bracelet, 209 Brooch, 408-9 Building, 275, 278, 359, 361-2, 372, 374-5, 377 Candle-holder, 210 City wall, 362 Ditch, 362 Glass, 226 Hammer, 210 Hook, 209 Horse statuette, 361 Latch-lifter, 210 Mirror, 361 Needle, 210 Pin, 210 Pottery, 80, 187, 200-2, 206, 208, 214-26, 232-5, 270, 272-4, 276,278, 280, 300-1, 370, 393 Quarry, 177 Quern, 273, 276 Road, 177,383, 416--17 Settlement, 272, 280 Spike, 210 Spindle whorl, 210 Stud, 209 Tweezers, 209 Villa, 79-80, 177-235, 372 Villa estate, 71, 79 Watling Street, 71 Romney, 238 Rother, R iver, 50 Roundel, Med., 414 Royalist rising and parliamentary mutinies of 1645 in west Kent, The, by F.D. Johns, M.A., 1-15 Rupert, Prince, 14 Russell, J., 140 437 GENERAL INDEX Ryarsh, 12 Rye (E. Sussex). 63 St. Augustine, 269, 282 Nicholas-at-Wade, 393 Paul, R .. 122 Sandling, 414 Sandwich, 238, 252, 283 Guildhall, 153, 158 Hospital of St. Bartholomew, 153 ff. Sandwich, Discovery of a thirteenthcentury hoard of silver coins in the chapel of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, by C.A. Wanostrocht, 153-9 Sarre, 395 Sarre, The lutish cemetery at, revisited, by D.R.J. Perkins, 83-120 Savill, Sir E., 328 Scott, Sir G., 158 Seal-die, Med., 413 Searles, Cllr., 338 ff. Seasalter, 238 ff. Borough, 240 St. Alphege, 245 Seasalter: A problem borough in Domesday Kent re-examined, by R. Baldwin, M.A., 237-67 Seax, AS, 76 Sedley, Lady, 9 Sir J., 9 Sevenoaks, 2-3, 11 St. Nicholas Church, 369 Sevenscore, 270 Sevington, 375 Sexten, T., 11 Shaw, J., 320 Mrs. M., 404 Shaw, R.C., Review, 423-4 Sheppey, 370-2 Sherwood Forest (Notts.), 12 Shield-boss, AS, 75 ff. Shuart, All Saints, 393 Sillars, A., 139 Silver-gilt Brooch, AS, 75 Slingsby, Sir A., 315 Smith, G.H., 324 J., 12, 161 Smith, V.T.C., Springhead: A second interim note, 383 Smythe, C.T., 177, 181 Snodland, 54, 177, 408, 410 Soane, Sir J., 322 Solihull (Warks.), 257 Southwark, 256 Priory of St. Mary Overy. 168 Spark(e), W., 165, 170 Spearhead, AS, 75 ff., 87, 91-2 Spike, RB, 210 Spindle whorl, 210 Springate, Col., 15 Springhead: A second interim note, by V.T.C. Smith, 383 Stanley, T., 9 ff. Stebbings, W.P.D., 282 Stephen, King, 168 Stepney, 162 Stonar, 282-3 Stone, E., 125 H., 125 Stone (Horns Cross), Burial, AS, 77 Stone-in-Oxney, St. Mary, 55 Stour, River, 270 Streatfeild, H., 12 Stud, RB, 209 Sutton-at-Hone, 121 ff. Swalecliff, 258, 377 Swan, Lady C., 4 Swanscombe, I. 375 Swein Forkbeard, King of Denmark, 255 Symme, J., 169 Talbot, Col. The Hon., M., 327 G., 168 Tangrinton (Tangrenton), W. de, 249 Tankerton, 258 Manor, 246 ff. Tauncre, J., 249 Taunton (Som.), l3 Taylor, A.H., 49 E., 320 ff. J., 315 ff. M., The decorated samian, 302-3 N., 319 Rev. E., 317, 319 Sir B., 320 Tempest, B., 319 H., 319 0., 319 Sir N., 319 Tenterden, The excavations on the site of St. Mary's Church, Chapel Bank, with indications of the deserted village of Ebony, by Cecily Lebon and Alce Miles, 49-70 Teston, 13, 177,372 Thames, River, 71, 162, 255 438 GENERAL INDEX Thanet, Earl of. 12 Isle of. 269 Thane/ Trust, The, for archaeology: Excavations and evaluations 1990-91, by L.A. Jay. 392-8 Thomas, B.M., A history of Bifrons mansion house, 313-29 Thompson, S .. 328 Thorne, 270 Tonbridge, 13, 125 Tufton, J., 12 Tweezers, RB, 209 Tyler, S., B.A., Anglo-Saxon seulement in the Daren/ Valley and environs, 71-81 Ulcombe, 139 ff. All Saints, 139 Parish, 139 Ulcombe poor in the late eighteenth-early nineteenth century, by F.H. Panton, 139-51 Upper Hardres, 327 Vane, Sir H .. 3 Vere, de, Fam., 171 Victoria, Queen, 324 Wainscott, 378 Walker, S .. 142 Wallenberg, J.K .. 161. 239,249 Waller, Sir W., 13 Wanostrocht, Charles A .. Discovery of a thirteenth-century hoard of silver coins in the chapel of St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Sandwich, 153-9 Wantsum. 282 Ward, G., 239 Watling Street, 71. 254,375,419 Weinholt, E., 327 Weldon,Col. R.,5, 11, 13 Sir A., I, 3, 10, 13 Wenban-Smith, F., Interim report on current Pleistocene research in the Ebbsfleet Valley, north-west Kent, 384-8 Westgate, 246 Hundred, 247 Manor, 247 West Malling, 415 West Peckham, 9 Whistable, 245 ff. All Saints, 245, 247 Hundred, 250 Manor, 246 Marsh, 239, 251 White, Cllr., 338 Whitfield, 378 Whyman, J., Review, 421-3 Wibert, Prior, 362 Wickens, Mrs., 140 Wido, Abbot, 36 Wildman, Col., 322 William, The Conqueror, 167 III, 324 Williams, J., Review, 426 T., 125 Willoughby, Lord, 6 Wilmington, Villa, RB, 80 Wimbledon House, 317-18 Windsor (Berks.), 2. 5, II, 13 Winnifrith. Sir J., 49 obit., 430 Winstanley, H .. 317 Withers, Capt. G., 12 Wittersham, Levels. 50 Woodhams, K., 404 Woolwich, 167 Dockyard, 6 Wren, C.R., Coins found at Ebbsfieet during 1990 and 1991, 304-11 Wricklemarsh (Charlton), 7, 161 ff. Wricklemarsh revisited, by Michael Egan, 161-76 Wrotham, 2 ff. Heath, 2 ff. Parish, 4 Wulfred, Archbp., 252 Wye, 399 Wyke, P. de, 248 S. de, 248-9 York, F., Duke of, 320 J ., 15 Youens, E.C., 75 439