
Churches Committee M.D. Nightingale (Chairman), D.G.A. Church, Dr W.E. Church, D.A.H. Cleggett, }.D. Copus, A.C. Harrison, R.H. Hiscock, P.E. Oldham, J. Owen, Mrs J.M. Saynor, Mrs J. Wade, S.J. Stringer, the Hon. General Secretary. Education Committee Dr A.P. Detsicas (Chairman), Miss M. Green (Secretary) P. Bennett, E.P. Connell, I.A. Coulson, B.T. Cousins, Dr. P.H.G. Draper, Dr F. P anton, the Hon. General Secretary. Fieldwork Committee Dr A.P. Detsicas (Chairman), D. Bacchus (Secretary), P. Bennett, Mrs S. Broomfield, ;,P. Connell, A.J. Daniels, A.C. Harrison, D.B. Kelly, R.F. Le Gear, A. Miles, K. P arfitt, D.R.J. P erkins, A. Reeves, C.P. Ward, Dr J.H. Williams, the Hon. General Secretary. Finance and Investment Committee The Hon. Treasurer (Chairman), M.J. Burden (Secretary), D.A.H. Cleggett, G.C.B. Gidley Kitchin, A.C. Harrison, M.A. Ocock, P.E. Oldham, Dr F.H. P anton, the Hon. General Secretary and the Hon. Editor. CPRKJKAS Kent Historic Buildings Committee K.W.E. Gravett (Chairman), R. Higgs, R.H. Hiscock, Mrs M. Lovering, M.H. P eters, A.D. Stoyel, the Hon. General Secretary. Library and Muniments Committee fhe Hon. Librarian (Chairman), J.H. Sephton (Secretary), the Hon. Curator, D. Bacchus, D.A.H. Cleggett, E.P. Connell, E.B. Gipps, A.C. Harrison, R.H. Hiscock, L.E. Ilott, A. Miles, Dr J. Thirsk, Miss M. Waite, C.P. Ward, A.G. Webster, Mrs P. Winzar, the Hon. General Secretary. Publications Committee The Hon. Editor (Chairman), A.C. Harrison (Secretary), Dr P.H.G. Draper, K.W.E. Gravett, R.H. Hiscock, Dr F. Hull, Dr H.C.F. Lansberry, Miss E. Melling, Miss A.M. Oakley, Dr J. Thirsk, A.B. Webster, Dr J. Whyman, the Hon. Treasurer, the Hon. General Secretary. Records Publications Sub-Committee Dr A.P. Detsicas (Chairman), Miss E. Melling (Secretary), Miss C. Dunn, B. Gipps, K.W.E. Gravett, Dr S. Hipkin, Dr H.C.F. Lansberry, Dr J. Thirsk, A.B. Webster, K.P. Witney, Dr M. Zell. Membership and Publicity Committee The Hon. Membership Secretary (Chairman), D. Bacchus (Secretary), the Hon. Excursions Secretary, the Hon. Newsletter Editor, H.G.B. Coast, E.P. Connell, A.C. Harrison, A. Miles, Mrs J. Saynor, Mrs E. Ward, the Hon. General Secretary xv


Contents and Illustrations, Volume 114


List of Local Secretaries