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Accounts for the Year Ended 31st December 1996
General Index
GENERAL INDEX Abbreviations: AS Anglo-Saxon; BA Bronze Age; IA Iron Age; LBA Late Bronze Age; RB Romano-British Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations. Abbey Farm Training excavation, Phase 2, 1997 260, 261-4 Abel, John 13 Allington, market 101 Andrews, Dr Frank W.G., The Sandwich to Dover Turnpike 1833-1874 1-11 Anglo-Saxon (Saxon, Late Saxon) book clasp, copper alloy 244, 247 coins 251 combs with perforated handles 189-98 cremations I 08, 110 glass claw-beaker 246, 247, 249 inhumation cemeteries I 10, 247 stirrup mount 256, 257-8 stirrup terminal 255, 256, 257 see also Dark Age Saxon animal bone 216 Appledore, market 92, I 02 arrowhead, Neolithic, from Barming 237 Ash assault on royal justices 13-14, 29, 32 market 91, 92, 101 Ashbee, Paul, Aylesford's Bronze Age cists and burials 14 7-59 Ashford, market 92, 102 Ashurst, market 99 Aston, Margaret and Colin Richmond (eds.), Lo/lardy and the Gentry in the Later Middle Ages, reviewed 265-6 axes flint 110,230,231, 232, 238 BA, bronze, from Aylesford 147, 152,153, 154, 156 LBA, copper alloy (socketed), from Birchington hoard 233, 234-5 Aylesford Aylesford's Bronze Age cists and burials, by Paul Ashbee 147-59 gold ring, medieval 252, 254 harness plaque, medieval 252 market 92, 100 medieval accounts 70 & n. rowel spur, medieval 252 Badlesmere, Bartholomew de 96-7, 98, 101, 102 Barclay, Alistair, 'Late Bronze Age pottery' from Eyhorne Street 124-32 Bargeroosterveld, Drenthe (Netherlands), dagger 154, 155 Barming, Neolithic arrowhead and scraper 237 barrows 228 Bronze Age 108, 150, 151, 156 ring ditches at Birchington 232 Barton Court Farm, comb 192-3 Battle, Abbot of 23 Bayeux, Bishop of see Odo Bearsted (Sussex) SO Belgic at Ayles ford 14 7 269 GENERAL INDEX finds at Manwood Grange 230 occupation at Abbey Farm 261, 263 pottery 133, 263 settlement at Fort Hill, Margate 228 Berwick, John de 25 Betts, Ian, Ernest W. Black and John Gower, A Corpus of Reliefpatterned Tiles in Roman Britain, reviewed 266-7 Bexley, market 91, 92, 101 Birchington III Hoard, LBA metalwork 232-7; see also Netherhale Farm Birling IA coin 238 Roman brooch 240 Black Death 223 Black, Ernest W. see Betts, Ian blanch reckoning 69, 81-2 Blue Bell Hill, barrows and Roman temple 156 Bocking (Essex) 49 book clasp (mount), copper alloy, Late Saxon, from Cranbrook 244, 247 Booth, Paul, 'Iron Age and RomanoBritish pottery' from Eyhorne Street 132-3 Sorley (Essex) 49 Boughton Monchelsea flint hand-axe 238 IA coins 239 Roman/RB brooch 240,241,242 Boxley BA harness fitting 238, 24/ farm of the land of the Bishop of Bayeux 71, 76, 77 Boyle, Angela, 'The human bone' from Eyhorne Street 137-8 bracelet, Roman, from Hollingbourne 243 Bradley, Philippa, 'Worked flint' from Eyhorne Street I 34-7, 134 brass object see seal dies Brasted market 92, 100 Tractarians 162 Brenchley, market 92, 100 Broad Oak Reservoir, Saxon comb 190, 192 270 Broadstairs, Thanet Reach Business Park site, St. Peter's, prehistoric occupation 229 Brockway, Claire see Mason, Claire Bromley, market 92, 99, 174, 175, 177, 178, 185, 186; see also St. Paul's Cray Bronze Age barrows 108, 156 bronzes (LBA) in Birchington III Hoard 232-7 cists and burials 14 7-59 flint 105, 136-7 harness fitting from Boxley 238, 241 metalwork 14 I occupation at Broadstairs 229 occupation at Eyhome Street 105, 111, 113, 116-20, 136-7, 138, 141-2 settlement and enclosures 141 settlement site at Ramsgate 229 see also pottery bronze objects see axes; seal dies brooches, copper alloy Roman/RB 240,241, 242-4 AS 248,249 Brooklands, Weybridge (Surrey), medieval building 221 Buckland-in-Dover, church 162 n.3 buckle plate, copper alloy, medieval, from Harrietsham 258 bun-ingot, from Birchington hoard 236 Bunce, C.R. 41, 44 Burgo, Hubert de, Earl 78 burials Bronze Age, cremations at Eyhome Street 113, 120, 137-8, 139-40 BA/LBA, at Aylesford 147-59 LBA 141 Iron Age 110, 156 Late IA/RB cremation 228 Roman at Crismill Farm I I 0 at Springhead 62, 65 at Upper Deal 230 early Saxon cremations and inhumation cemeteries 108, 110, 247 GENERAL INDEX Caen stone 230 Canterbury Cathedral Audit House: Recovering the past: the qftermath of Canterbury Cathedral's Audit House fire of 1670, by M.M.N. Stansfield 37-50 Boxes in the Basement series 41, 48 Chapter Act Books 38, 42, 44 farmers' accounts 42-3, 44, 45-6, 48, 49-50 parchment manorial court books 44-5, 48 registers of leases and Registers V-V7 44, 45, 47, 48 Cathedral Treasury 39, 41 combs, Saxon 189, 193, 194, 195 diocese 171 market 86, 88, 90, 92, 99 medieval accounts (farm of) 70, 71, 72-3 pottery 133 St. Augustine's Abbey 73 n.18, 74, 99, 100 St. Augustine's Abbey, comb 194 St. George's Clocktower, Saxon comb 190-1, 190 St. Margaret's 162 n.3 Shop Tax 175 censer, medieval, from Charing 253, 254-5 Champneys, Adam, town clerk of Sandwich 13, 14, 16, 18-21, 25, 26-30, 3 I, 32 Charing censer, medieval 253, 254-5 harness pendant, Roman 242 Charlton, market 91, 92, 100 Charlton-in-Dover, church 162 n.3 Charter rolls, markets and fairs 84, 85, 87 Cheam (Surrey) 50 Chelsfield, market 91, 92, 96, 101 Cbilham, market 92, 97, 101 Chislehurst manor of 220 Tractarians 162 Chislet, Highstead 141 Christchurch Priory 25, 27, 99, 100, 101 Cinque Ports 15, 17, 21-5 Clecumbe, market 99 Cleve Court, metalwork hoard 237 Cliffe AS sceat 251 seal-ring, copper alloy, medieval 255 Cobham, harness pendant, medieval 25: Cobham family 255 coins Iron Age 238-40 Roman 59, 61, 62, 63, 110, 245, 247 Anglo-Saxon 25 l Eadwig of Mercia (955-959), silver 231,232 combs, Saxon, with perforated handles 189-98 Combwell, market 100 Coombe, Frankish glass 249 copper alloy objects unidentified 211, 217 see also axes; book clasp; brooches; buckle plate; dress hook; escutch, eon; harness fittings; Mercury; pins; seal matrices; seal-ring; spur; stirrup fittings; strap-ends; sword pommel cap Cornhill, Henrie de 78 A Corpus of Relief-patterned Tiles in Roman Britain (Betts, Black and Gower), reviewed 266-7 Cranbrook Late Saxon book mount, copper alloy 244,247 medieval market 92, 101 Cray, market 101 Crismill Farm, RB burial 110 Croft, Justin, An assault on the royal justices at Ash and the making of the Sandwich custumal 13-36 Curteis, Thomas Samuel 161-71 Curteis family 161 Customs of Kent 24-5 custumals borough and town 20, 21, 30-1 of Sandwich 13-36 Cuxton, stirrup terminal, Late Saxon 255, 256, 257 daggers, BA 147,152,153, 154, 156 271 GENERAL INDEX Dark Age Saxon, settlement site at Ramsgate 229 Dartford markets 91, 92, 94, 101, 173-4, 175, 176, 178-9, I 84, 185, I 86 medieval accounts 70 daub see St. Paul's Cray De Beaumanoir, Philippe 19-20 Deal Castle, turnpike gate 2, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11 Mill Hill 141 railway level crossing 7 St. Andrew's Church 162 n.3 Deal, Upper rectory, post-medieval 230 turnpike gate 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11 Warden House School site, archaeological evaluation 230 Deopham (Norfolk) 49 Deptford 17 5 Detsicas, A.P. review of A Corpus of Reliefpatterned Tiles in Roman Britain (Betts, BI ack and Gower) 266-7 review of Handbook of Mediterranean Roman Pottery (Hayes) 266-7 Devon, market charters 89 Doccombe (Devon) 49 Domesday Book 73, 74-5, 76 markets and fairs 84-5, 87 Dorestad (Netherlands), handled combs 191-2, 195 Dover boat 14 I Castle Hill turnpike gate 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9,10,11 market 86, 92, 99 medieval accounts (farm of) 70, 71, 72-3, 74, 77 dress hook, copper alloy, AS, from Gravesend 248, 250 Dunton Green coins, AS 25 I horse harness martingale, medieval 257 stirrup mount, Late Saxon 256, 257-8 Durden, Theresa, 'Struck flint' from St. Paul's Cray 217 272 Eadsige, Archbishop 74 Eadward, King 73 n.18, 74 Eadwig ofMercia, coin 231,232 Earldom of Kent from c. 1050 till 1 I 89, The, by Colin Flight 69-82 East Farleigh, Tractarians 162 East Horsley (Surrey) 50 Eastbridge, market 86, 92, 99 Eastchurch Roman coin 245, 247 AS sceat 251 Eastling, market 92, IOI Ebbsfleet stream 53, 61, 66 coin found 231, 232 Edenbridge, market 92, 99 Edward I 85, 87 Egerton 171 Elham, market 92, 99 Eltham, market 91, 92, 96, 101 Erith, market 91, 92, 97, 101 escutcheon from hanging bowl, copper alloy, AS, from Gravesend 248, 249 Essex churches 162 & n. market charters 89 Eyhorne Street: Archaeological investigations on the motorway service area, Junction 8, M20 at Eyhorne Street, Hollingbourne, by Ian R. Scott I 05-45 charcoal (environmental data) ll2-13, 116, 121 colluvial deposits I I 4-16 cremations/human remains I 13, 120, 137-8, 139-40 Late Bronze Age I 05, 111, 113, 116-20, 138, 141-2 Iron Age/Romano-British 120-2, 141, 142 linear features and medieval occupation 120, 122-4, 141 hall houses,1 5th century 111 Eynsford., market 91, 92, 96, 101 eyres (eyre courts) I 5, 22, 23, 24 Farnborough, market 91, 92, 96, 101 Farningham, market 91, 92, I 00 Faversham 23, 25 GENERAL INDEX abbey of 70, 71, 99 glass claw-beaker, AS 246,247,249 market and fairs 86, 92, 93, 99, 184 medieval accounts 70 Fleta, law book 19, 20 Flight, Colin, The Earldom of Kent from c. 1050till1189 69-82 flint, prehistoric 108, 110, 217 at Abbey Farm 261, 263 at Broadstairs 229 at Eyhorne Street 105, 113, 120, 134-7 at St. Paul's Cray 217 unspecified date, at Upper Deal 230 see also axes Folkestone market 92, 99 ritualism and churches 162 n.3, 163-4, 171 St. Saviour's 171 Fordwich 23 market 86, 92, 99 revenue from 73 n.18, 74 n.19 fort IA, promontory 228 Napoleonic 228 Frisia, combs 189, 191, 192, 194 gavelkind tenure 89-90 Gillingham IA coin 239-40 Roman/RB brooch 241,242 medieval market 92, 102 glass, AS claw beaker, from Faversham 246, 247, 249 Godwine, Earl 74, 75, 76 gold object see ring Gower, John see Betts, Ian Grain, Isle of, AS copper alloy pin 250 Grandson, Otto 96, 101 Gravesend brooch, AS 248, 249 brooches and pin, Roman 241, 242-3 Coldharbour Road 131, 137, 141 dress hook, AS 248, 250 escutcheon from hanging bronze bowl, AS 248, 249 market 92, 102 seal matrix, medieval 258 strap-ends, AS 248, 249-50 Greenwich market 173, 174, 175, 179, 182-4, 185, 186 Shop Tax 175 Groombridge, market IOI Hadleigh (Suffolk) SO Haithabu (Germany), handled comb 192, 195 Halton (Oxon.) 49 Hamwic, comb 189, 193 Handbook of Mediterranean Roman Pottery (Hayes), reviewed 266-7 hanging bowl see escutcheon from hanging bowl harness fittings BA, copper alloy 238, 241 Roman, pendant, from Charing 242 medieval martingale, from Dunton Green 257 pendant, from Cobham 255 plaque, from Aylesford 252 see also spur; stirrup fittings Harold, Earl of Kent (later King) 74-5 Harrietsham, buckle plate, copper alloy 258 Hastings 23 Hawkhurst, market 92, 101 Hayes Common, LBA site 141 Hayes,J ohn W .,H andbook ofM editerranean Roman Pottery, reviewed 266-7 Headcom, market 92, 100 Hegham, Roger de 13 Hollingbourne All Saints' Church 111 Manor I I I Roman bracelet 243 see also Eyhorne Street Hoo farm of the land of the Bishop of Bayeux and manor of71-2, 74, 75, 76, 77 n.24 LBA metalwork hoard 141 market 92, 100 273 GENERAL INDEX horse equipment see harness fittings; spur; stirrup fittings human remains at Eyhorne Street 113, 120, 137-8, 139-40 at Nonington, Roman or Saxon 228 see also burials Hunton, market 92, 100 hut sites, at Nonington 228 Hythe, market 86, 92, 99 Ifield, market 92, 102 Igtham, market 92, 101 lpra, Willelm de 70, 71, 72 n.12, 76 n.21 Ipswich (Suffolk}, Saxon comb 189, 192, 193, 194, 195 Iron Age 66 at Eyhorne Street 120-2, 142 burials llO, 156 coins 238-40 kiln 110 settlement 110 settlement site at Fort Hill, Margate 228 see also pottery iron objects see under St. Paul's Cray Isleham (Carobs.), LBA hoard 238 Jenner, H. L. 163, 164-7 John of Hoo, mayor of Sandwich 13, I 6 Kemsing, market 92, 99 Kent, farmers' accounts 49 Kent Pilot Scheme 227 keys, iron, medieval 210, 21 I, 217,218, 220 Lalling (Essex) 49 lead object see seal dies Lenham IA coin 240 market 86, 88, 92, 99 Leofwine, Earl 75 Lesnes, market 91, 92, 95, 100 Letts, John B., 'Charred plant remains' from St. Paul's Cray 217 Lewisham market 86, 91, 92, 99 St. Stephen's Church 162 n.3 Lo/lardy and the Gentry in the Later Middle Ages (eds. Aston and Richmond), reviewed 265-6 London Caen stone mortar 219 and Kent markets 174 Loyson, Hyacinthe 167 Lydd, market 86, 88, 92, 99 Lympne, figurative stirrup mount, copper alloy, medieval 2S8-9 McCarthy, Jenny see Mason, Claire McLain, Bradley A., Factors in market establishment In medieval England: the evtdencefrom Kent 1086-1350 83-103 Maidstone 79 LBA metalwork 141 market 92,100,174, 175 Museum 149-50, I 52 Archaeological notes from Maidstone Museum 237-59 prehistoric 237-8 Iron Age coins 238-40 Roman 240-5 Roman coins 245-7 Anglo-Saxon 247-51 Anglo-Saxon coins 251 medieval 252-9 Maidstone bypass 110 Malling, market and fair 86, 81, 88, 92, 99 Margate Britannia Ion, INRB cremation found at rear 228 Police Station, Fort Hill, Napoleonic fort and IA-Belgic-RB settlement site 228 markets Factors in market establishment in medieval England: the evidence from Kent 1086-1350, by Bradley A. Mclain 83-103 The Public markets of some northwest Kent towns 1700-1850, by Ian Mitchell 173-87 274 GENERAL INDEX Mason, Claire, Claire Brockway and Jenny McCarthy, Archaeological notes from Maidstone Museum 237-59 medieval period at Sandwich, Manwood Grange 230 farmstead at St. Paul's Cray 199-225 Maidstone Museum, finds 252-9 markets in Kent 83-103 moated site at Ripple Manor 111 see also pottery Menllyng, market 99 Mercury, copper alloy head, RB, from Tunstall 244, 245 Merstham (Surrey) 50 Mesolithic flint 105, 108, 113, 135,136,217 occupation at Broadstairs 229 Middleton (Essex) 49 Mill Hill see Deal Milton, medieval accounts 70 Minnis Bay 141 Minster, market 92, 99 Mitchell, Ian, The public markets of some north-west Kent towns l 700-1850 173-87 Mongeham, market 92, 100 Monks Eleigh (Suffolk) 50 Monks Risborough (Bucks.) 49 Monkton Court Farm, pottery 131 mortar, stone 219 mosaic fragments, Roman 264 Mote, market I 00 Mundham (Sussex) 50 Murray, Francis Henry 162 nails see St. Paul's Cray Neolithic arrowhead and scraper 23 7 flint 105, 113, 135, 136, 137, 217 occupation at Abbey Farm 261 occupation at Broadstairs 229 Netherhale Farm, Birchington flint axe 230, 231, 232 LBA activity 141 Newenden, market 86, 88, 92, 99 Newington (Oxon.) 50 Newnham, market 92, 101 Nonington: the Bruderhof Community, Beech Grove, hut sites and commemorative pyramid 228 Norris, Samuel, Canterbury Cathedral auditor 41, 44 Northdown, East 141 Northfleet,c hurch 162 n.3 Northumbria, combs 189-90 Odo, Bishop of Bayeux 69, 71-2, 73-4, 75-7, 78, 80, 81 Orlestone, market 92, 100 Orpington, market 91, 92, 99 Otford 103n Abp of Canterbury's Palace, pottery 213 Paddock, market 92, 100 Page, William, merchant 96, 101 Pagham (Sussex) SO Panfield (Essex) 49 Parc-y-Meirch (Denbighs.), LBA hoard of harness fittings 238 Perkins, D.R.J. The Abbey Farm Training excavation, Phase 2, 1997 260, 261-4 Researches and Discoveries in Kent 227-37 pins, copper alloy Roman 243 AS 250 plant remains, in perforated handles of combs 193, 195; see also Eyhome Street; St. Paul's Cray Plumstead, market 91, 92, 100 pottery at Eyhorne Street 105, 110-33, 141, 142 275 at Nonington 228 at St. Paul's Cray 204, 207, 208, 209, 212-16, 220, 222-3 at Sandwich, Manwood Grange 230 at Springhead Nurseries 61, 62, 63, 65 at Upper Deal 230 prehistoric 110 Neolithic-Early BA 229, 261 Bronze Age 147-8 GENERAL INDEX Middle BA 130 Deverel Rimbury or Early Late BA 229 LBA I 05, 110, 112, 113, 114, 116, 120, 124-32, 141, 142, 228 LBA/Early IA 130, 228 Iron Age 110, 132-3 Belgic 133, 263 RB/Roman 61, 62, 63, 65, 105, 110, 120, 121, 132-3, 212, 230 medieval 105, 111, 124, 204, 207, 208, 209, 212-16, 220, 222-3, 230 Tyler Hill fabrics 230 15th-16th century, Surrey-Hampshire Border wares 212, 215-16, 223 17th century 230 19th century 212 Preston 164, 166 market 92, 101 Public Worship Regulation Act (1874) 162, 163, 164, 166 Puckle, John, dean of Dover 167 & n. pyramid, commemorating discovery of skeletal remains 228 Queenborough, market 92, 102 querns 62, 219 quo warranto proceedings 21-2, 23-6, 28 markets and fairs 84, 85, 87, 93 radiocarbon dating, for Thanet loess deposition 229 railways, effects of I, 6-11 Ramsgate St. Lawrence, Manston Road, BA settlement 228-9 Upper Court medieval manor house 229 Reading, monks and abbot of 77 & n., 100 Reculver, market 92, IOI Researches and discoveries In Kent 227-37 Richards, David, 'Metalwork' from St. Paul's Cray 217 Richmond, Colin see Aston, Margaret Riddler, Ian, Combs with perforated handles 189-98 Ridsdale, C.J. 163, 164 ring, gold, medieval, from Aylesford 252,254 Ringswould 92, 97, 102 roads, Roman 88 at Springhead Nurseries 51-67 and see Watling Street; see also turnpike Robert of Sturry 16, 18 Rochester castle 75 customs and farm of 79-81 diocese 171 farm of72 market 86, 88, 92, 99 monks of 76 n.22 Romano-British/Roman period at Eyhorne Street (RB) 105, 120-2 at Springhead Nurseries, roads and temples 51-67 brooches 240, 241, 242-4 burials 62, 65, 110, 230 coins 59, 61, 62, 63, 110,245, 247 column fragments 63, 64 finds (RB) at Manwood Grange, Sandwich 230 settlement site (RB) at Fort Hill, Margate 228 temples 52, 65, 156 villa at Abbey Farm 261-4 see also pottery Romney 23 market 86, 92, 99 Saint-Jean-d'Angely (France), abbey 70, 71 St. Mary Cray 174 market 91, 92, 101 St. Neot's (Cambs.), handled comb 191, 194 St. Nicholas-at-Wade, Thanet market 92, 102 seal dies 231, 232 St. Paul's Cray: The excavation of a medieval site at Walsingham School, St. Paul's Cray, Bromley, 1995, by M. John Saunders 199- 225 276 GENERAL INDEX charcoal (plant remains) 201, 208, 209,217,222 daub 208, 216 hearth 209, 221, 222 metal objects 207,208,210, 2/1, 217, 218, 220 nails, iron 204,207,208,210,217 pottery 204,207,208,209, 212-16, 220, 222-3 shellfish 2 I 9 stone 219 tile 204, 207, 210, 216, 220 Sandwich An assault on the royal justices at Ash and the making of the Sandwich custumal, by Justin Croft 13-36 The Sandwich to Dover turnpike 1833-1874, by Dr Frank W.G. Andrews 1-11 King's Castle 230 liberty of 17, 21, 25, 31, 33-6 lordship of 25 Manwood Grange 230 market 86, 92, 99 mayor's election ceremony 17-18 St. Clement's church 17, 31 St. Peter's church 20, 31 Sandwich, Ralph 13, 15 Saunders, M. John, The excavation of a medieval site at Walsingham School, St. Paul's Cray, Bromley, 1995 199-225 Saxon see Anglo-Saxon Scadbury 'kiln field' 222 Manor 200, 213, 220, 222-3 de Scathebury family 220, 223 Scott, Ian R., Archaeological investigations on the motorway service area, junction 8, M20 al Eyhorne Street, Hollingbourne 105-45 scraper, Neolithic, from Barming 237 Seal, market 92, l 00 seal dies, brass/bronze and lead alloy, unspecified date 231, 232 seal matrices, copper alloy, medieval from Gravesend 258 from Stockbury 259 seal-ring, copper alloy, medieval, from Cliffe 255 Seasalter 86, 92, 99 Sevenoaks market 92, 102, 103n. 174, 175, 176-7, 178, 185, I 86 St. John's Church 170 and T.S. Curteis 161-2, 168-71 shellfish see St. Paul's Cray Sheppey, Isle of, LBA metalwork hoard 141 Shepway eyre 22 Warden's Court 1 5 Shipboume, market 92, 101 Sholden market and fair 103n. toll-bar at church 2, 4 Shop Tax 175 Shorne 71-2, 76, 77 n.24, 78 market 101 Smarden, market 92, 102 Smeeth, market I 02 Smith, Victor T.C., The Roman Road at Sprlnghead Nurseries 51-67 South Eastern Railway I, 6, 9 Soutbchurch (Essex) 49 spindle-whorl, LBA pottery 127, 131 Springbead Nurseries: The Roman road at Springhead Nurseries, by Victor T.C. Smith 51-67 One Tree Field 52, 65, 66 spur, copper alloy, medieval, from Aylesford 252 Stanores, market 92, 100 Stansfield, M.M.N., Recovering the past: the aftermath of Canterbury Cathedral's Audit House fire of 1670 37-50 Statute of Gloucester 23-4 Stephenson, George 7 stirrup fittings mounts, copper alloy AS, from Dunton Green 256, 257-8 medieval, from Lympne 258-9 terminal, Late Saxon, from Cuxton 255, 256, 257 Stisted (Essex) 49 277 GENERAL INDEX Stockbury, seal matrix, copper alloy, medieval 259 Stonar, market 99 stone Caen 230 worked (querns, mortars) 219 see also quems Stone Cross, turnpike gate 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 Stonilden, market 100 Stowting, market 92, 99 strap-ends, copper alloy, AS, from Gravesend 248, 249-50 Street, market 100 Strood, St. Mary's 171 Surrey churches 162 & n. market charters 89 Sussex, market charters 89 Sutton Valence, Roman coin 247 sword blade fragments, LBA, from Birchington hoard 233, 235-6, 236 sword pommel cap, copper alloy 250-1 Sydenham, St. Philip's Church 162 n.3 temples, Roman 52, 65, 156 Tenterden, market 92, l 02 Teynham, market 92, 100 Thanet, Isle of, LBA metalwork hoard 141 Thanet Reach Business Park see Broadstairs Thanet Trust: Research and Discoveries: A report on the work by the Trust for Thanet Archaeology 227-37 Thurnham, RB/Roman brooch 241, 243, 245 tile, medieval see St. Paul's Cray Timby, Jane, 'The pottery' from St. Paul's Cray 212-16 Tonbridge, market 92, 100 Tractarians 161-3 transport see railways; roads; turnpike; Watling Street Trust for Thanet Archaeology see Thanet Trust Tunstall, head of Mercury, copper alloy, RB 244,245 turnpike, from Sandwich to Dover 1-11 Upper Deal see Deal, Upper 'Vagniacae' 64 Valeines, Alan de, Sheriff of Kent 78-80 Vesey, John de 96, 101 villa, Roman, at Abbey Farm (Building 1) 261-4 Walfreth, moneyer 232 wall-plaster, Roman 264 Walmer railway level crossing 7 toll-bar 2, 3, 4, 5 Walsingham family 223-4 Wantsum 232 Warehorne, market 92, IOI Wateringbury, market 92, 101 Watling Street 52, 64 West Wickham, market 91, 92, 102 Westerham market 92, 100, 174, 175-6, 177,178, 187 Shop Tax 175 Westwell, market 92, 101 Whitfield, market 92, 100 Willelm (William), King 75 Williams, David, 'The stone' from St. Paul's Cray 219 Wilton, William de 95-6, 100 window glass, Roman 264 Woodeaton, bracelet 243 Woodward, Matthew 163-4 Woolwich, market 173, 175, 179-81, 185, 186 Wouldham, AS sword pommel cap 250-1 Wrotham, market 92, 101 Wye, market 92, 100 Yalding, market 92, 102 Yates, Nigel: A Kentish clerical dynasty: Curteis of Sevenoaks 161-71 review of Lo/lardy and the Gentry in the Later Middle Ages (eds. Aston and Richmond) 265-6 York (Yorks.) AS combs 189, 191 Mint 232 Yvingham, market 100 278