General index

GENERAL INDEX Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations and plates. (See also the list of illustrations ix-xi). All locations are in Kent unless specified otherwise. Addington, long barrow 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, 18,20,22,35,36 Adscombe stones see Coldrum Aelfric, Colloquy 209, 211,212 agriculture at Goudhurst 64, 65, 66, 68-9 medieval 223 'Roundsman system' 68-9 Alcester (Warks.), samian stamps 138 Alice of Angouleme 49, 51, 54, 55, 56, 57,60 Ambrose, works by 180 Andrews, Dr Frank W.G., Nineteenthcentury Sandwich 257-90 Anglo-Saxon burial at Mill Hill 379 ditch and pit at Oaklands Nursery site 357 relics of archbishops 78, 82, 83, 84 sites in east Kent 205 whale remains and whaling 206, 208, 209-12,214,215 see also beads; combs; discs; pottery Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 374 animal bone cow 377 dog skeleton 108, 161 horse 378, 379 mammoth tusks and woolly rhinoceros teeth 376 mole and shrew 114, 122,125, 128 pig 113, 114,128, 129 sheep/goat 377 animal bone (cont) sites Each End, Ash 105, 106, 108, 113, 128, 161 in east Kent, radio-carbon dates 377, 378, 379 Manston (Site 4/5) 234 Scotney Court 342, 350, 351, 352 see also antler; whale vertebrae Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury 173, 183, 185, 186 antler, red deer 377, 379 antler (deer) objects 214-15 arrowheads, barbed and tanged 356, 357 Early Bronze Age from Each End 91, 94 Ash (-next-Sandwich) amphora burial 136 earthen agger 102 population 277 see also Each End Ashbee, Paul, Coldrum revisited and reviewed 1-43 Ashford cattle market 268 railway 282 attorneys 320 Augustine, works by 175, 177-9, 181-3, 188-9 Augustinians, canons 79, 80, 84, 90 awl, bronze, Hoaden Bronze Hoard 369, 370 axe sharpening traces 17-18 383 GENERAL INDEX axes prehistoric, flint from Julliberrie's Grave 36 Mesolithic tranchet from Each End 91,94 Bronze Age/Late Bronze Age, bronze 360, 361 socketed, Cleve Court Hoard 363,364 Hoaden Hoard 366, 368, 369 winged and flanged, Hoaden Hoard 366, 367, 368, 369, 371 bronze, unspecified date 225 Roman, iron 157, 158 Bagford, John 173 Bagshaw, Peter, The 1832 Poor Law Commission's Answers to Rural Queries: Goudhurst. A case study of a Wealden parish 63-76 Bainbridge (N. Yorks.), samian stamps 137 Baker, Sarah, theatre owner 313-14 Barber, L., An early Romano-British saltworking site at Scotney Court 327-53 barrows Coldrum megalithic long barrow 1-43 Eythorne round barrow and tripled ditch 378, 379 Manston (Sites 13, 20, 21, 22) 222, 225 Manston (Site 24), crop-mark (of long barrow) 222-3 Manston (Site 25) 220 Manston (Site 29), cemetery 222 Medway 11, 18,20,33-4,35-6 see also Addington; Chestnuts; Fussell's Lodge; Haddenham; Nutbane; Warren Farm; Wayland's Smithy; West Kennet Basques, whaling 209, 211 Bates, Isaac, overseer at Goudhurst 66, 69, 72, 74 Battle Abbey, stranded whale 210 beads Jutish(?), glass 'cane bead' 360, 361 Saxon 243 Bee monastery 175, 185, 187, 189 Bekesbourne, church 89 Belgic enclosure 225 pottery 222, 224 Bennell, Maureen 'Swalecliffe Wastewater Treatment Works' 375-6 'West Hythe Wastewater Treatment Works' 375 Bennett, F.J. 1, 9-10, 15, 20-5, 21, 26, 31, 32, 34, 35, 42 Benwell (Northumb.), samian stamps 137, 138 Bertin, St., manuscript 188 n.41 Bethersden, church 89 bill (or axe head), iron socketed, Roman 157,158 Bilsington, Black (Augustinian) canons 90 bird bone 113, 114, 128, 129 Blakewase, stranded whale 210 Blickweiler (Germany), samian stamps 138 Boast, E. see Perkins, D.R.J, bomb, World War II 223 bone see animal bone; bird bone; fish bone; human remains bone objects see combs; whale vertebrae bowl, glass 159, 160-1,160 Brabourne, William 89 bracelets, Hoaden Bronze Hoard 369, 370 Bradbury, William, founder of watercress beds 192-3, 196, 197, 198,202 Breeze, Andrew, 'The name of the river Cray' 372-4 Brenchley, open parish 70 brick, Roman 150, 151 briquetage, Roman, Scotney Court 327, 331, 333, 334, 339-42, 349-50, 351,352 Broadstairs population 260, 261 Roman remains at North Foreland Avenue 355 Thanet Reach Business Park excavations 355 Bronze Age Cleve Court Hoard of bronzes, Wilburton phase 361-5 ditches at Oaklands Nursery Site 357 Hoaden Bronze Hoard, Late Bronze Age 365-71 Late Neolithic-Early Bronze Age flint artefact scatter 355 384 GENERAL INDEX Bronze Age (cont) Manston (Site 4/5) 228 ring ditches, radio-carbon dates 377, 379 see also arrowheads; awl; axes; bun ingots; knife; palstaves; spearheads; swords bronze hoards see Cleve Court Hoard; Hoaden II Bronze Hoard bronze objects see axes; chisels; palstaves; spearheads; swords; see also copper alloy brooches bronze, Celtic equal-ended 360, 361 copper alloy, Roman, from Each End, Ash 153-6 Broom Down, watercress beds 202 bun ingots, bronze, Hoaden Bronze Hoard 366, 369, 371 burials amphora burial, Roman 92, 112, 113, 136, 144, 147 box burial (box/casket cremation) 92, 113-14, 116, 120, 126, 128-30, 134 casket burials, Roman 129 cremations, Roman 91, 92, 102, 108, 109,110, 111-16,117, 119-28, 152, 157-8, 165-6, 225, 355 inhumation, and coffin 92, 116, 117, 118, 130, 152 radio-carbon dates 377-8, 379 button, cross-bar, Hoaden Bronze Hoard, Late Bronze Age 369, 370 Caerleon (Gwent) mosaic glass bowls 160 Roman cremation 115 Caerphilly Castle (Mid Glam.) 56, 60 Cambridge (Cambs.) Augustine's commentary on the Psalms (Trinity B.5.26 and B.5.28) 175, 181-3,182 Eadmer's manuscripts (Corpus Christi) 174, 175 Trinity manuscript (B.3.33) 178, 189 Trinity manuscript (B.3.5) 179-80 Trinity manuscript (B. 16.44), Collectio Lanfranci 175, 181, 187 University Library manuscript (Kk.1.23) 179-80 Canterbury Archbishop's Palace 86 belt fittings 152 Cathedral Priory 77, 86 aqueduct 81 Archdeacon's house 81 Cattle Market 313 Christ Church Cathedral 205 manuscripts and scriptorium 173-89 whale bone waste from Precincts 213,214 church of Holy Cross by Westgate 88 coins from bath house 163 courts see Canterbury Courts Cranmer House, Roman pottery 134, 135, 136 Eastbridge Hospital 86 grammar school 82-3 Marlowe car park, coins 163 Northgate church 90 population 298, 317 railways 276, 282, 284 road transport, 19th-century 281, 282 Roman pottery 150 Roman town 94, 101, 103, 103 St. Alphege's Church 83 St. Augustine's Abbey 77, 82, 84, 85, 90, 205 Outer Court 205 St. Dunstan's Church 90 St. Gregory's Priory (Northgate) 77-90 archbishop's legal office and treasury 85-7 canons 78-80, 83 daily life and visitation 87-8 foundation 78-80 foundation charter (13th-century forgery) 77, 78, 81-3 new church 81 rebuilding and extension 81 relics 78, 82, 83-5 of Anglo-Saxon archbishops 78, 82, 83, 84 from Lyminge 78, 83-4 St. Gregory's Cartulary 81 seals 85 Treasury 86-7 St. John's Hospital (almshouse), Northgate 78, 82, 87, 88, 90 385 GENERAL INDEX Canterbury (cont) St. Mary Northgate 88 St. Stephen's Hill tile kiln 151 Westgate church 90 Whitehall Gardens tile kiln 151 Canterbury chronicle 80 Canterbury Courts 291-325 Aldermen 291, 293 bastardy cases 293-4 Clerk of the Court 319-20 Clerk of the Peace 292 Commission of the Peace 291 Commitments Book 299, 300, 317, 323 Consistory Court 86 Constables and Borsholders 292, 293, 299,313,314,316,318 Coroner 292 County Gaol 309-12, 317-18, 319, 322 County Rate 307-9, 311, 319, 325 Court of Guardians 292, 304, 319 Court of Record 291, 319-22 Court for the Recovery of Small Debts 291, 321-2 crime and punishment 294-301 gaol building 300, 309-11 Gaol Diary 299, 300-1 Guardians of the Poor 293, 294, 298 highways 306-7, 316 lamps and lighting 293, 304-6 Pavement Commissioners (Rates) 293,305-6,307,314,316,318 Petty Sessions 291, 294, 314-19 book 299 Pleas of Trespass 291 Poor Law cases 293-4, 298-9 prosecutors 299, 308 punishments 301-4, 310 Quarter Sessions 291, 292-314 finances 307-9 Recorder 291, 292, 293, 306, 314 rioting 297-8 settlement cases 293, 294 transportation 295, 301, 302-3, 304, 310, 323, 324 Captain Swing riots 72, 74-5, 76 Carnuntum (Germany), cremation structure 121 n.6 Cartulary, St. Gregory's 81 caskets, whale bone 209, 211, 214 Castleford (W. Yorks.), samian stamps 137 cauldron legs, medieval 369, 370 Ceylon, kastanes as parallel for H.M.S. Stirling Castle hilts 358, 360 charcoal, Scotney Court 327, 331, 333, 343-5,351,352-3 la Chaussee Tirancourt, Somme (France) 28 cheek piece, copper alloy, Roman 101, 157,158 Cheesmans Farm, ring ditch cropmarks 220 'Chessman's Camp', Manston (Site 26) 220, 222 chessmen and boards, whale and antler 212,213,214,215 Chestnuts, barrow 11, 17, 18, 34, 36 Chichele, Archbishop 85, 87 Chilham see Julliberrie's Grave chisel, bronze socketed 355, 356 Chronicle of John Stone 87 Cinque Ports, stranded whale 210 de Clare family 45, 47, 49-60 Clare, Gilbert de, sixth earl of Gloucester 49,50 Clare, Gilbert, eighth earl of Gloucester (Red Earl) 48, 49, 53-7, 58, 59, 60 Clare, Richard, seventh earl of Gloucester 48, 49, 50-1, 52-3, 57, 58, 60 Cleve Court Hoard, bronzes (Wilburton phase) 361-5 Cluny, manuscript by Eadmer 185 coal trade, and Sandwich 274, 275, 276, 279, 283 Cobbett, William in Goudhurst 69-70 in Manston 223 in Sandwich 257 Coffin Stone 35 coins Iron Age 132, 161 Roman 92, 101, 109-10, 119, 152, 161-3 medieval and post-medieval 161 Colchester (Essex) mosaic glass bowls 160 whale vertebra 208 386 GENERAL INDEX Coldrum, megalithic long barrow 1-43 as Adscombe 3 chamber 12, 13-15, 18-19, 20, 22-5, 30-5 field system 1 flint 9, 22, 24 human remains 1, 2-3, 8, 9, 10, 17, 18,20,22,23-4,25-8,30,32, 33,34-5, 36 lynchets 1,2, 11, 18, 36 medieval slighting 12, 18-19, 20 mound and kerb 12, 15-18, 19, 20, 28, 30, 33, 35 pottery 5, 9, 22, 24-5, 34 sarsen stone surround 12, 33, 35 Coldrum Lodge 1 Collectio Lanfranci 175, 181, 187 Colyer, Edward 194 Colyer, Thomas, owner of Springhead Gardens 193 combs, bone and ivory, Anglo-Saxon 356, 357 Combwell, Black (Augustinian) canons 90 Consistory Court, of Canterbury 86 Cooper, Henry, Commissary General 86 copper alloy objects see cheek piece; horse harness toggle; pin; strapends; stud mount corn prices 296-7, 298, 312-13 counters, whale bone 213 courts see Canterbury Courts Crai, river (Powys) 372, 374 Cranbrook, workhouse 71 Crawford, O.G.S. 10, 43 Cray, river, meanings of name 372-4 Crayford, battle at (5th century) 374 Cray Gill (Yorkshire) 372, 374 cremations see under burials crime and punishments, and the Canterbury Courts 294-304, 310 'Crotal Bell', medieval 369, 370 Deal coal trade 275 erosion of cliffs 93 naval yards 280, 284 population 259, 260, 261, 263 railway 282, 283 road transport 281, 282 see also Mill Hill Denson, John, labouring gardener 64-5 Dering family, in Pluckley 70 discs, Anglo-Saxon Kimmeridge shale 356, 357 whale vertebrae 357 Domesday Book 78, 83 Dover church of St. Martin 80 pottery from fort 134 rail 283 road transport 281, 282 Roman period 93, 103 Roman pottery 135, 150 whale bone counters 213 Dover Archaeological Group, radiocarbon dates for prehistoric east Kent 376-80 Dungeness, stranded whale 210 Dunkin, Edwin 4-5, 7, 8, 9, 42 Dunstan, St. 182 Durham Cathedral (Co. Durham) manuscript by Eadmer 183, 184 Symeon, monk-scribe and historian 186 Dutch East India Company sailors 358, 360 Each End, Ash: excavations 91-172 topography 93-4 prehistoric activity 91, 94 Iron Age occupation 94-6 pre-road activity 96-7 earlier trackway 92, 97-8, 119 Roman amphora burial 92, 112, 113, 136, 144, 147 box burial 92, 113-14, 116, 120, 126, 128-30, 134 cremation burials 91, 92, 102, 108, 109, 110, 111-16,7/7, 119-28 finds 152, 157-8, 165-6 ditches and gullies 92, 107-8, 112, 115, 133 environmental archaeology 163-4 hearth 92, 105, 106, 118 inhumation burial and coffin 92, 116, 117, 118, 130, 152 pits (industrial) 92, 106-7 road ditches 92, 93, 99-100, 101, 102, 103 387 GENERAL INDEX ) Each End, Ash (cont) Roman (cont) road metalling 92, 93, 98-103 settlement 92, 103-11 wells 92, 105-6 wooden structure 92, 99-100, 102, 103-4 late/post-Roman activity 118-19 finds animal bone 105, 106, 108, 113, 114, 122,725, 128 bird bone 113, 114, 128, 129 coins Iron Age 132, 161 Roman 92, 101, 109-10, 119, 152, 161-3 copper alloy objects 92 footwear 92, 112, 113, 115, 128 hobnails 112, 113, 115, 152, 161 lamp (ceramic) 92, 113, 115, 133, 135-6, 147 pottery 92, 99, 100, 101, 105-12 passim, 118, 119, 132-50 tile 105, 106 Eadburg, relics of 83-4, 85 Eadmer, scribe 82, 173-89 Anselm's charter 185 Anselm's documents (British Library) 183, 185 Augustine's commentary on the Psalms 175, 181-3 bishop of London's profession 186 Cambridge manuscripts 174-5, 178, 179-80 consecration of bishop of London 186 copy of Anselm's Cur Deus Homo 185 Lanfranc's Constitutiones copy (Durham Cathedral) 183 letters from Pope Clement to Lanfranc 181 manuscript for Cluny 185 one-leaf fragment (British Library, Harley) 174-8, 176,177, 180, 188, 189 Easter Table Chronicle 82, 83 Eastry, Prior Henry, catalogue of Christ Church library 178 Eastry, population 277 Ebbsfleet, River, watercress beds 192, 194, 196-7, 198, 199-201, 202, 203 Eccles, tile fabric 151 Edward I 48, 49, 51, 52-3, 54, 55-7, 60 Eleanor of Castile (m. Edward I) 48, 49, 51,56 Eleanor of Provence (m. Henry III) 48, 49, 50, 60 Elliot, Walter and Thomas 194, 195 Elmstead, church 89 enclosures Belgic, Manston (Sites 15/16) 222, 225 medieval 222 Manston (Site 4/5), farming compound 225, 226, 227-30, 234, 235, 244-7, 253-4 Manston (Site 18) 224, 225, 230-3, 234-5, 240, 253, 254 unspecified date, circular, Manston (Site 23) 222 environmental archaeology Coldrum 35-6 Each End, Ash 163-4 Swalecliffe Wastewater Treatment Works, palaeoenvironmental samples 376 West Hythe Wastewater Treatment Works, palaeoenvironmental samples 375 Erfurt (Germany), watercress beds 192 Ethelburg, relics of 83, 84-5 Eton College (Berks.), manuscript 189 Eve, David, Springhead Gardens and the archaeology of Kent watercress beds 191-203 Eythorne, round barrow and round ditch north-west of Haynes Farm 378, 379 farming compound see Kent International Business Park, Site 4/5 Faversham 'Rural' and 'Town Queries' 64 watercress beds 195 Felmongers (Essex), glass goblet 160 ferrule, iron spiral, Iron Age 157,158 ferry crossing, Roman (at Little East Street Farm) 93, 94, 97, 102 field systems, prehistoric 1, 222 Filkins, E.W. 1, 9, 10, 15, 16-17, 22, 23, 28-33, 31, 34, 35, 42 388 GENERAL INDEX finial, Hoaden Bronze Hoard, Late Bronze Age 369, 370 fish bone Each End 128 Ramsgate, cod skeleton 357 Scotney Court 329, 342-3 fish-salting station, Scotney Court 343, 351 FitzGilbert, Richard 45, 49 Fleet Farm, Roman road 101, 102, 103 flint (worked) Neolithic Each End, leaf-shaped 91, 94 Manston 228, 243 Late Neolithic-Early Bronze Age artefact scatter 355 Bronze Age, Manston 240-3 sites Coldrum 9, 22, 24 Each End, Ash 91, 94, 96, 161 Swalecliffe Wastewater Treatment Works 376 see also axes; scrapers fly, caddis larval cases 347 footwear (leather), in Roman cremation burials 92, 112, 113, 115, 128; see also hobnails France watercress beds 192, 193 whale bone and whaling 211, 212, 213 Franks casket 209, 211 Friendly Societies, licences 314 Funton Creek, salt pans 350 Fussell's Lodge long barrow 25, 28, 32, 34 games, boards and accessories, whale bone 212-15 Gandersheim casket 211 geology 93, 218, 220 Germany, watercress beds 192 Gervase, chronicler 83 Gilbert, Thomas, M.P. 71 glass see beads; bowl; goblet Gloucester, Earls of 45, 48, 49; and see Clare, Gilbert; Clare, Richard goblet, glass, Roman 113, 152, 157-60, 159 Goscelin, monk 84 Goudhurst, Poor Law Commission's answers to Rural Queries in parish 63-76 acreage of parish 67 agricultural employment 68-9 Captain Swing riots 72, 74-5, 76 land and property 70-1 Poor Law Administration 72-4, 76 population 66-7 'Roundsman system' 68-9 subsistence and diet 69-70 topography 67-8 woodland 67-8 workhouse and poor relief 71-2 Gravesend 191, 192, 194 Great Stour, river 93 Great Tottington, watercress beds 202,203 Green, Major A.O., plan of Coldrum 8, 8 Gregory the Great, pope 82 seal 85 Gullick, Michael, The scribal work of Eadmer of Canterbury to 1109 173-89 Haddenham (Cambs.), long barrow chamber 36 Hamwic, whale vertebra 206, 207, 208, 211 Harbledown, St. Nicholas 78 Harris, Captain, manager of Springhead Gardens 193-4 Harrison, A.C, obituary 381 Harrison, Benjamin 1, 4, 9, 15, 30, 42 hearths prehistoric 228 Roman 92, 105, 106, 118 medieval 229 carbon from rake-out in Lydden Valley 378, 379 Henry I 80 Henry HI 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51-6, 57 Hereford Cathedral (Herefs.), manuscript 189 Hicks, Alison J., Excavations at Each End, Ash, 1992 91-172 Highway Surveyors, appointed by Canterbury Courts 314, 316, 318 Hoaden II Bronze Hoard, Late Bronze Age 365-71 axes, winged and flanged 366, 367, 368, 369, 371 389 GENERAL INDEX Hoaden II Bronze Hoard (cont) bun ingots 366, 369, 371 spearheads 366, 367 swords, 'Ewart Park' type 366, 367 tools (awl, knife) 369, 370 hobnails, in Roman cremation burials 112, 113, 115, 152, 161 Hop Assistants, appointed by Canterbury Courts 314, 316 horse harness toggle, copper alloy, Roman 101, 157, 755 Howfield, manor of 89 human remains Coldrum megalithic long barrow 1, 2-3,8,9, 10, 17, 18,20,22, 23-4, 25-8, 30, 32, 33, 34-5, 36 Each End 119-28 (and see burials) Iron Age and Roman, radio-carbon dates 377-8, 379 Hyrst 67 Ickham (Kent), coins 162, 163 Ipswich (Suffolk), whale bone waste 215 Iron Age animal bone 378, 379 briquetage vessels in Essex 341 coins 132, 161 human remains 377-8, 379 occupation at Each End 91, 94-6, 97, 131-2 spiral ferrule or ox goad 157, 755 see also pottery iron-foundry, Sandwich 265 iron working site, Romano-British, at Manston (Site 28) 222 ivory elephant 214 walrus 213, 214 see also combs Joan of Acre (m. Gibert Clare, eighth earl) 48, 49, 56-7, 59, 60 Johnson, Samuel, churchwarden at Goudhurst 66, 69, 72, 74 Julliberrie's Grave, Chilham 18, 36 flint axe 36 Keith, Sir Arthur 10, 20, 24, 25-8, 32, 34-5 Kemble, J.M. 3, 5, 34 Kent education and schools 288 population 66-7, 259, 260,261, 263, 277 Kent International Business Park, Manston excavations and evaluations 217-55 metal detector and chance finds 360, 361 Site 4/5 ?Neolithic- Early Bronze Age 228 medieval ditched enclosure (farming compound) 226, 227-30, 234, 235, 253-4 animal bone 234 flint, prehistoric 228, 240, 241 hearth, prehistoric 228 medieval huts and hearths 228-30, 234 oyster shell, medieval 234 pottery 234, 243, 244-7, 253-4 shells, prehistoric 228 Site 13, barrow(?) 222, 225 Site 14, medieval enclosure 225 Site 15/16 flint 240, 241,242 Iron Age (Belgic enclosure) 225, 233, 234 Site 17, ditched enclosure 225 Site 18, medieval ditched enclosure 224, 225, 230-3, 234-5, 240, 253, 254 flint 240, 241 pits 232, 252 pottery 234, 243, 244, 247-50 structural remains 232-3, 252, 253, 254 sunken-featured building (medieval) 232, 235-9, 253 hearth 236, 237, 238-9 pottery 238 Site 19 flint 240, 241 pits and urn in situ 225 Sites 20, 21 and 22, ring ditches (round barrows) 222, 225 Site 23, circular enclosure 222 Site 24, crop-mark (long barrow) 222-3 Site 25 medieval manor or farmhouse 220, 235 ring ditches (round barrows) 220 390 GENERAL INDEX Kent International Business Park, Manston (cont) Site 27, crop/soil mark associated with bronze hoard 222 Site 28, Romano-British iron working site 222 Site 29 barrow cemetery 222 prehistoric ditch field systems 222 Kentish megalithic long barrows 36 kiln base(?) 224 Kingseate (Glos.), coins 163 Kit's Coty House 3, 5, 7, 9, 15, 18, 33, 34,36 Lower 19 Knatchbull, Sir Edward, M.P. 71 knife, bronze, Hoaden Bronze Hoard 369, 370 Lacy, Maude de 48, 59, 51, 60 lamps, ceramic, Roman 92, 113, 115, 133, 135-6, 147 lamps and lighting in streets, in Canterbury 293, 304-6 Lanfranc, Archbishop of Canterbury Constitutiones 183 letters from Pope Clement 181 manuscripts 175, 180, 187 Langdon Bay, Dover, Late Bronze Age winged axes 371 Langton, Archbishop Stephen 81 Langton, Archdeacon Simon 81 Lanhill (Wilts.) 34 Lankhills cemetery (Hants.), belt fittings 152 Larking, Rev. Lambert 3, 5, 8, 34 Lading plaque 211 leather see footwear Leigh see Moat Farm Lewis, A.L. 6, 7, 21, 42 Lewis, Isle of, chessmen 213 licences 313-14, 315-16 for Friendly Societies 314 for performance of plays 313-14 for places of worship 314, 315 to sell ale and strong liquor 314, 315, 318 Linear Pottery people (Neolithic) and long houses 11, 36-7 Little East Street Farm, former Wantsum Channel and ferry crossing 93, 94, 97, 102 locks see tumbler lock bolt London British Library, manuscripts by Eadmer 173-4, 175-8, 176, 177, 185, 186, 189 demand for watercress 193, 194 Roman 101 Victoria and Albert Museum, comb 357 Warwick Square, oil lamps in cremation burial 115 whale bone counters 213 Lullingstone, Roman villa 102 Lydden Valley, Hacklinge carbon from hearth rake-out 378, 379 prehistoric land-surface 378 Lydd Quarry, pottery 335, 352 Lyminge, relics to St. Gregory's Priory, Canterbury 78, 83-4 lynchets, Coldrum 1, 2, 11, 18, 36 Macpherson-Grant, N. see Perkins, D.R.J. Maiden Castle (Dorset), Roman brooches 156 Maidstone, wheat sold in 296 manor or farmhouse, medieval, Manston (Site 25) 220, 235 Manston see Kent International Business Park Manston Aerodrome 223 manuscripts, by Eadmer 173-89 Margate population 260, 261 port 280 railway 283 road transport 281 Marshfield (Glos.), Roman brooch 156 mattrosses swords from H.M.S. Stirling Castle 357-60, 359 'Mayor's Court' (Court of Pleas) 319-21,322 medieval manor or farmhouse at Manston (Site 25) 220, 235 moated sites 239 sea-defence ('Boarded Groin') 357 see also enclosures; pottery; seals; sunken featured buildings 391 GENERAL INDEX Medway long barrows 11, 18, 20, 33-4, 35-6 Merston, church 237 Merton Abbey 80 Mesolithic flint tranchet axe at Each End 91, 94 occupation 355 metal objects, Kent International Business Park 224; see also bronze objects; copper alloy objects; hobnails Middle Saxon period, whales 205-15 Mid Kent Search and Recovery Club 109 'Mildrith Legend' 78 Mildrith (Mildred), relics of 83, 84, 85 Miller, Giles 66, 67, 69, 70-1, 73, 74 Mill Hill, Deal, radio-carbon dates 376-9 Minster-in-Thanet 84 Moat Farm, Leigh 235 moated sites, medieval, in Kent 235 Monkton farm complex 238 Roman sunken floored storage huts 239 Montfort, Simon de 50, 52-5 Mucking (Essex), sunken featured building 238 Nackington, church 89 Neolithic animal bone 377 ditches at Oaklands Nursery Site 357 flint artefact scatter 355 flint scrapers 243 Grooved Ware pit 377, 378-9 leaf-shaped flint from Each End 91, 94 Manston (Site 4/5) 228 see also Linear Pottery People Newstead (Borders), samian stamps 138 Noble, Rev. Mark 2 Norman Conquest, whale bone board games 212-13 Nutbane, earthen long barrow 15 Oaklands Nursery Site, Cottington Road, Cliffsend, Ramsgate 356-7 Osbern 182-3 Ospringe, Roman pottery 134, 135, 136, 149 Overseers of the Poor appointed by Canterbury Courts 314, 316 assistant overseers appointed in Goudhurst 72 Overton Down (Wilts.), axe-sharpening traces 18 Oxford (Oxon.), Canterbury College manuscript 178 ox goad, iron, Iron Age 157, 755 palaeoenvironmental samples see environmental archaeology palstaves, bronze, Cleve Court Hoard 363, 364 Panton, F.H., Finances and government of Canterbury: eighteenth- to mid nineteenth-century Canterbury Courts of Justice 291-325 Parfitt, Keith, 'Some radio-carbon dates for prehistoric East Kent' 376-9 Pecham, Archbishop 85, 86 Perkins, D.R.J. 'Discoveries: metal detector and chance finds' 360-71 Oaklands Nursery Site, Ramsgate 356-7 Thanet Reach Business Park excavations 355 Perkins, D.R.J., E. Boast, T. Wilson and N. Macpherson-Grant, Kent International Business Park, Manston: excavations and evaluations 1994-1997, Report 1 217-55 Petrie, Flinders 7, 8, 9, 21, 42 pin, copper alloy, Roman 152 Pivington, moated site 235 plant remains, Scotney Court 345-9, 350, 352; see also pollen; rush seeds Pleistocene, assemblage from Swalecliffe Wastewater Treatment Works 375-6 Pluckley, close parish 70 police force, Canterbury 299 pollen data in east Kent 36 Each End, Ash 164 Poor Law administration in Goudhurst 72-4, 76 cases heard in Canterbury Courts 293-4, 298-9 392 GENERAL INDEX Poor Law (cont) poor relief in Goudhurst 71-2 see also Overseers of the Poor Poor Law Commission (1832), Answers to Rural Queries 63-76 Poor Rates 314, 316-17 population, of Canterbury 298, 317; see also Kent; Sandwich Portus Lemanis (Roman naval anchorage) 375 Poste, Beale 2-3, 19, 34-5, 42 pottery early prehistoric 376 prehistoric 91, 131-2,224 Neolithic Class A ware 24-5 Peterborough type 357 Early to Middle Bronze Age Beaker or Urn 243 Late Bronze Age Deverel Rimbury 225, 243 flint tempered 224 Iron Age 91, 94, 96, 243 flint tempered 338 flint-and-grog tempered wares 131, 132 flint-gritted 131-2 rusticated 131, 132 Belgic 222, 224 Late Belgic to early Romano-British, sand-tempered wares 338 Roman/Romano-British 220, 222 abundant shell tempered 338 Alice Holt sandy ware 148, 150 amphora burial (South Spanish amphora) 92, 112, 113, 136, 144, 147 BBl and Dorset BBl 148, 149 BB2 134-5, 148, 222 Canterbury coarse pink-buff sandy ware 140, 147 Canterbury grey sandy ware 134, 148, 149 Canterbury pink-buff flagon wares 134 Canterbury sandy wares 135 Central Gaulish colour-coats 148, 150 coarse grog-tempered ware (local) 133, 134 coarse sand-tempered ware 149 Colchester colour-coated ware 339 Colchester/north Gaulish colourcoated ware 134, 140 east-Midland/East Anglian shelltempered ware 148, 150 fine buff powdery ware with sparse red grog-temper 339 fine buff sandy ware 134 fine buff ware (? Upchurch-type) 143, 147, 149 fine grey Upchurch-type 133, 134, 138, 139, 140, 143, 147, 148, 149, 150 fine grey ware with grog and some flint 339 fine sand-tempered ware (north French) 143 German Mayen ware (Eifelkeramik) 150 grog-tempered wares 135, 148, 149,335,351 hard-fired grog-tempered Native Coarse Ware 148, 149 late Roman grog-tempered ware 148, 150 late Roman shell-tempered ware 150 Lower Rhineland fabric [1] 140 moderate sandy fine ware 339 Nene valley colour-coats 148, 150 Oxford colour-coats 148, 150 oxidised Upchurch-type ware 140, 144, 150 oxidised wheel-thrown sandtempered wares 149 reduced sand-tempered ware 148, 149 Rhenish colour-coats 148, 150 samian 133, 135, 136-8, 149 Central Gaulish 135, 138, 139, 140, 143, 144, 147, 148, 150 East Gaulish 143, 148, 150 sand tempered ware 148 sand and shell tempered 338 shell and flint tempered 338 Thameside BB2 149 Transitional Native Coarse Ware 114, 133, 134, 138, 139, 140, 143,144, 147, 148 393 GENERAL INDEX Pottery (cont) Anglo-Saxon 119 medieval 224, 243-54, 375 Canterbury sandy wares 234, 244-6,247-50,251-2 London Ware 250, 251, 252 north Kent shell-filled wares 244, 247, 250 Tyler Hill (sandy; shell-dusted sandy) wares 234, 244-6, 247-50, 251-2 post-medieval 243 sites see Coldrum; Each End, Ash; Kent International Business Park; Scotney Court prehistoric field systems 1,222 occupation at Each End 94 pit, Swalecliffe Wastewater Treatment Works 376 radio-carbon dates in east Kent 376-9 submerged land-surface in Lydden Valley 378 see also Bronze Age; flint; Mesolithic; Neolithic; pottery Pudding Pan Rock (Kent), samian stamps 137 quern, lava 152 radio-carbon dating for Coldrum and Chestnuts barrows 36 for prehistoric sites in east Kent 376-80 Radlett (Herts.), tile fabric 151 railways 258, 267, 268, 274, 275, 276, 279, 280, 282-4 station master 270 Ramsgate Oaklands Nursery Site 356-7 population 260, 261 port 274, 275, 280 road transport 282 razor, Hoaden Bronze Hoard, Late Bronze Age 369, 370 Reculver erosion of cliffs 93 Roman fort 94 Reigate (Surrey), tile fabric from Doon's Farm 152 Rheinzabern (Germany), samian stamps 138 Rich, Archbishop Edmund 86 Richard of Dover, Archbishop 85 Richborough 92-3, 109 coins 163 port 92-3, 94, 101, 109 pottery, Roman 135, 136, 143, 150 Roman road 102 stone fort 93, 94, 102, 103, 111, 162-3, 164 trackway to 97 wooden fort 93, 101 Richborough Syncline 93 Riddler, Ian, Worked whale vertebrae 205-15 ring ditches Bronze Age 377, 379 Cheestnans Farm, Manston 220 Manston, round barrows 220, 222 Riverhead, near Sevenoaks 202 Roach Smith, Charles 3-4 road services (coaches), Sandwich 281-2,283 Rochester Anglo-Saxon fisherman swallowed by whale 211 manuscript 189 New Cemetery, semi-sunken malting kiln 239 rod, bronze, Cleve Court Hoard 363, 365 Roger I, Abbot 85 Roman animal bone 378, 379 column base at Springhead Gardens 198 human remains 377-8, 379 settlement see Each End, Ash sunken floored storage huts 239 watercress as medicine 191 see also pottery Romano-British iron working site 222 salt-working at Scotney Court 327-53 Romney, stranded whale 210 rope-making, Sandwich 264 rush seeds 345, 346, 347 394 GENERAL INDEX St. Albans, St. Stephen's, cremated bone 122 n.8 Saint Leonard (France), watercress beds 192 St. Osyth (Essex), Augustinian priory 80,90 Salisbury Cathedral (Wilts.), manuscript 189 salt-working, Romano-British, at Scotney Court 327-53 Sandtun (near West Hythe) 206 whale vertebrae 206-7, 207 Sandwich 257-90 Delf Stream 289 Haven (port) 271, 274-5, 278-81, 284, 290 markets 267-8, 276, 284, 290 population 257, 258-64, 268, 277, 280, 286, 290 public health 289-90 religion, churches and chapels 285-7 road services (coaches) 281-2, 283 St. Clement's parish 285 St. Mary's Church 258 n.8 St. Mary's parish 285 St. Peter's Church 258 n.8 St. Peter's parish 285 St. Thomas' Hospital (Cattle Market) 355 schools and education 287-9 servants 285 service trades 268-73 society 284-90 trade 264-84 water supply 290-1 scabbard chape, Cleve Court Hoard 362, 363 scabbard mount, Hoaden Bronze Hoard, Late Bronze Age 369, 370 Scotney Court, Romano-British saltworking 327-53 finds animal bone 342, 350, 351, 352 briquetage 327, 331, 333, 334, 339-42,349-50,351,352 fish bone 329, 342-3 plant remains (charred and waterlogged seeds) 345-9, 350, 352 pottery 327, 329, 331, 334-9, 350, 351,352 Trench A 329-31 domestic pit/settling tank (pit 49) 329,331,350 charcoal 344-5 plant remains 345, 346, 347-9, 350 pottery 329, 336, 337 salt evaporation pan (context 73) 329, 349-50 Trench B 330, 331,552 Trench C 330, 331, 332, 333, 345, 347 Trench D 332, 333-4, 350 ditch [110] 334,352 charcoal 345, 353 plant remains 345, 347-9 pottery 337, 352 ditch [117] 334,352 Trench IV pottery and briquetage 336, 340 charcoal (wood) 327, 331, 333, 343-5,351,352-3 scrapers, flint 224, 228, 242, 243, 357, 363, 365, 365 'horseshoe' scraper 363, 365, 365 sculpture, Tonbridge Castle grotesques 45-61 sea-defence, medieval, Ramsgate ('Boarded Groin') 357 seals medieval 360, 5


Obituary - A.C. Harrison, Esq.


Accounts for the Year Ended 31st December 1997