Newbury Farm, Tonge: Kent's Earliest Known Aisled Hall House

NEWBURY FARM, TONGE: KENT'S EARLIEST KNOWN AISLED HALL HOUSE RUPERT AUSTIN Newbury Farm is located in a rural setting 3 miles to the south-east of Sittingbourne. The farmhouse lies to the rear of a group of modern estate cottages and agricultural buildings fronting Dully Road and is a Grade II* listed building (Fig. 1). It is the only historic building that survives within the farmstead. The property contains the remains of one of the earliest timber-framed aisled hall houses in the country and the only known dated example of this period in Kent. A substantial two-storey stone cross-wing was added to one end of the hall in the late thirteenth or early fourteenth century. Both cross-wing and hall were extensively modernised during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and again in the nineteenth century (Plate I). The building was examined by RCHME in 1982 and again in I 991. 1 A date range of AD 1280-1310 was suggested on stylistic and structural grounds at this time. Subsequent dendrochronological analysis of one of its timbers provided a date of AD I 099 for the last surviving ring but no sapwood was present and the suggested felling date of c. 1150 was only approximate.2 This was thought to be too early and it was suggested that the timber was reused. A brief documentary search was also made but nothing relating to the building's early history was found. By the time the Canterbury Archaeological Trust undertook its survey the property had fallen into a state of disrepair and was uninhabitable. The condition of its stone cross-wing in particular had deteriorated to such a degree that a large part of its frontage had collapsed. An extensive campaign of repair and restoration was proposed with the intention of turning the property into two dwellings. Archaeological conditions, comprising both historic building recording and a watching brief during groundworks, were included in the planning consent for the proposed works. CAT began its recording in August 1999 after the building had been made safe with temporary shoring. Additional dendrochronological analysis was undertaken at this time following the discovery of several new timbers inside the property. 95 927 928 600 599 927 928 Fig. 1 Location and site plan. Location based on Ordnance Survey Data Licence No. 52855A. 600 599 KENT"S EARLIEST KNOWN AISLED HALL HOUSE: NEWBURY FARM. TONGE PLATE I General view of the exterior of Newbury Farm, looking north-west THE AISLED HALL HOUSE The aisled hall house at Newbury is one of only nine timber-framed buildings in England dated to before 1230. Of these nine examples, seven are aisled halls,3 viz: Timber felling date Fyfie/d Hall, Essex Bishops' Palace, Hereford Knight's Templar Hall, Temple Balsall, W Mids Westwick Cottage, Herts Newbury Farm, Tonge, Kent Sycamore Farm, Long Crendon, Bucks Harlowb11ry, Essex 1167-1185 n.a. 1176-1221 1184- 1219 1187 - 1207 1205 - 1220 - 1225 Archaeologists now believe that fully timber-framed buildings appeared in England towards the end of the twelfth century.• All of the nine known early such examples are well built and display sophisticated carpentry techniques, many of which remained in use until the end of the timber-framed tradition 500 years later. 97 E) r L E ..du. RUPERT AUSTIN L A CIO!>i ,.....DOOR 􀀎 MEDIEVAL MASONRY tOM 32FT Fig. 2 Ground plan (showing lines of illustrated sections). 98 .J, A RA .J, E KENT'S EARLIEST KNOWN AISLED HALL HOUSE: NEWBURY FARM, TONGE All that survives today of the late twelfth- or early thirteenthcentury aisled hall house within Newbury Farm are fragments of its two-bay timber-framed open hall. This measures approximately 9.32m in length by 5.13m in width. Both bays are of near identical length, the north bay measuring 4.47m between the arcade-posts, the south bay 4.49m (Fig. 2). The arcade-plates of the hall lie approximately 5.60m above existing ground level. Repeated dendrochronological analysis of the timbers of the hall proved more successful and several dateable samples were obtained, one of which had sapwood. The new samples provided a felling date between 1187 and 1207.5 Despite its small size it seems likely the building was of manorial status. Hasted accounted Newbury, which was held by the Newburgh family until sometime in the fourteenth century, as a manor. 6 The early date and quality of work to be found in the property also suggest this to be the case. Central truss Eight timbers from the central truss of the open hall survive within the building (Fig. 3). These include the east arcade-post, the west arch-brace and its spandrel strut, a tie-beam and an intact roof truss. The arcade-post is certainly the most substantial of the surviving timbers (Plate II). At ground level below a carved capital this post is of octagonal section. Typically for an early building the arcade-post is not jowled but has a rear upstand that passes behind the arcade-plate, a feature that is common to nearly all the members of the group.7 Evidence for the east aisle of the hall, in the form of two empty mortices, can be seen on the outside face of the post. The firs.t mortice lies below the capital and is for an aisle-tie. The second, for an aisle-brace, is approximately 100cm above the capital. Archaeology suggests that earthfast posts set directly into the ground or placed on padstones were abandoned at this time in favour of posts supported on cill beams. 8 The cill beam that lies beneath the extant arcade-post today however is a sixteenth-century insertion. Undisturbed subsoil was exposed during the watching brief approximately 34cm below the extant base of the post but no post-hole was revealed. It is suggested therefore that the arcade-post sat on a padstone. A flat uncambered tie-beam spans the central truss of the hall. Barefaced dovetails with square housed shoulders secure the ends of this tie-beam to the arcade-plates. Empty mortices for the hall's cornicebeams can be seen on the ends of this timber (Plate Ill). Two arch- 99 RUPERT AUSTIN PLATE II Central truss arcade post, looking north-east braces lay beneath the tie-beam forming a semi-circular arch across the 'nave' of the hall. Only the westernmost brace, which is decorated with a double roll moulding, survives. Rebates on the tie-beam and surviving brace and grooves in the adjacent arcade-post revealed that wooden planks were once fitted to the spandrels of the arch. 100 KENT'S EARLIEST KNOWN AISLED HALL HOUSE: NEWBURY FARM, TONGE PLATE Ill East end of central tie-beam, looking north showing cornice-plate mortice and ashlar piece A horizontal spandrel strut affixed to the arch-brace was revealed during works; an empty mortice for a similar strut was subsequently found in the east arcade-post. Evidence for struts had been previously observed at the north end of the hall but not here within the central truss. Interestingly this strut is small, measuring only I 0.2 x 3.2cm in 101 ---,---, t»-t.lNE ! l : ! NORTHSAY I i !--+-􀀈--+ I I ' I ! ! I l LJ. ! _lWOaAY_li \) ii HALL \3 0 I o I r--j I : ,:;;,, ml ,. I 􀀃􀀄--!- 􀀅􀀆 SUGGESTED Cl 4TH GROUND PLAN Fig. 3 Restored view of Central Truss, facing north (Section A-A). 􀀒 EXISTING [8) MISS°'G D CONJEC'IURAL SM 15FT KENT'S EARLIEST KNOWN AISLED HALL HOUSE: NEWBURY FARM, TONGE section. Such timbers are often seen in later structures but their purpose has never been clear. The strut is clearly too small to have been of structural benefit and is certainly not a decorative element as it would have originally been obscured by the planking.9 It is suggested the struts were used during the assembly of the building, temporarily holding the heavy arch-braces in position while the arcadeplates and tie-beams were dropped in place.10 An important feature of the carpentry at Newbury is the exclusive use of mortice and tenon joints. No lap joints are present on any of the primary timbers (other than those employed in the roof truss). This is unusual; most of Newbury's contemporaries employ lap joints to some degree. Interestingly the mortices have been gouged out rather than drilled and chiselled in the manner of a later medieval building. Roof structure Remarkably, an original roof truss has survived above the central tie-beam of the hall (Plate IV). This comprises rafters, passing braces, ashlar pieces and collar. Interestingly, the rafters pass behind the outside edges of the arcade-plates and are uniquely tenoned onto the ends of the tie-beam. Both rafters have now been truncated at tie-beam level but must have continued over the aisles in one length. Bare faced dovetails atop the hall's arcade-plates reveal where the common rafters of the roof were located (Fig. 4D). It is suggested that spur ties were located in these dovetails, connecting the common rafters to the cornice-beams (the common rafters must have passed behind the arcade-plates in a similar manner to the principals, Fig. 4A). This archaic arrangement differs from that employed in later buildings where the rafters sit in housings atop the plates. The passing-braces within the roof truss are halved across the south face of the tie-beam and collar. These braces now stop at the tie-beam but originally continued down to meet the arcade-posts. Several details suggest that the passing-braces within the roof are later additions. The brace mortice in the east arcade-post for example lies alongside the spandrel strut mortice. Close inspection of the two mortices here reveals that the brace mortice was cut later, severing the peg that secured the spandrel strut into two pieces. The braces also interfere with the spandrel planks.11 This discovery is something of a surprise since passing-braces are a feature of nearly all the surviving buildings in the group. It is perhaps significant that, unlike Newbury, none of the other examples have spandrel struts in their cross-frames. It is suggested that the braces were inserted at an early 103 A) CENTRAL AISLE-POST SHOWING SUGGESTED CORNICE-PLATE, SPUR-TIE ANO RAFTER ARRANGEMENT B) FACE SPLAYED ANO TABLED SCARF, SOUTH ARCADE ..... r= HOSOOT wd# =====W"􀀅 SOOT C) SUGGESTED PLANK PARTITION CONSTRUCTION J \ D) TYPICAL SPUR-TIE DOVETAIL Fig. 4 Aisled Hall House Carpentry Details. KENT'S EARLCEST KNOWN AISLED HALL HOUSE: NEWBURY FARM. TONGE PLATElV Central roof truss. looking north showing passing braces date; one would not expect to see such features employed or introduced into a building much after c. l 300. Passing braces were, however, only inserted into the central truss of the roof; none were added to the north end truss, but this is not unusual. 12 105 I\ ,I\ 11 II 11 II II II 11 II __, I 'L...i _....... L FACING NORTH (SECTION B • B) 5M 15FT // // // // // // // // /.f /11 / FACING SOUTH (SECTION C • C) Fig. 5 Partially restored views of north end truss. il) EXISTING 0 MISSING D CONJECl1.JAAL RA KENT'S EARLIEST KNOWN AISLED HALL HOUSE: NEWBURY FARM, TONGE North End Truss Only the east arcade-post, tie-beam and a length of partition-plate survive at the north end of the hall (Fig. 5). Fortunately these timbers reveal much about the arrangement of the building here. The surviving arcade-post is similar to that of the central truss but there are several differences that reflect its position at the end of the hall (Plate V). Its capital, for example, has only been carved on the hall side of the post, the rear face left plain. Empty mortices for arch-braces can be seen above the capital. Two sets of grooves can be seen beneath the tie-beam (at its east end) and on the inside face of the arcade-post. The southern grooves are for the planking in the spandrels of the arch. The northern grooves however are for the partitioning that divided the hall from the northern bay of the house. A similar groove lies beneath the partitionplate, confirming that the partition continued down to ground level. This lower groove is wider than that on the soffit of the tie-beam, suggesting perhaps that the partition was more substantial at ground level. Grooves on the outside face of the arcade-post confirm that the partition continued across the aisle. No evidence for doors leading through the partition into the northern bay of the property survived. Surprisingly, two possible timbers from the aforementioned partitioning were discovered reused elsewhere within the property during works. These measured 23.5 x 7.7cm in section and are heavily soot blackened on one face only. Grooves for the intermediate members of the partition, perhaps thin planks, can be seen on the sides of these timbers (Fig. 4C). Interestingly, a reused timber within a later outshot to the north-east of the hall was seen to have three empty window mullion mortices on its soffit. The mullion mortices are typically set on the diagonal but are surprisingly large, measuring 8.25cm square. This timber is conceivably a reused fragment of the original building, perhaps a section of eaves-plate, and might be evidence for the original fenestration. Missing Northern in-Line Bay Evidence found on the north end truss confirmed beyond doubt that an in-line bay once lay to the north of the hall and that this was an integral part of the structure. A two storey timber-framed wing of probable late seventeenth-century date is located here today (Fig. 6). It seems likely given the evidence and from our understanding of the other examples within the group that the missing bay was unfloored. An empty mortice was discovered below the east arcade-post's 107 RUPERT AUSTIN PLATE V North end truss arcade-post, looking south-easl capital. This is perhaps for a n-s aligned end aisle-tie that secured the north wall of the building to the post, something that implies the building terminated in an end aisle. A second mortice for a brace was also found above the capital. This 108 ,---C17TH NORTH 111NG---, ,-----------SURVIVING BAYS Of' AlSl£0 HAU. ---------, 5M 15FT 􀀃􀀄 􀀅,, \􀀣\ ,􀀂 \􀀂 -=-􀀃 ---7 I I I I I I I I I I '---INSERTED C16TH ELEVATION---' '---INSERTED C16TH ELEVATION---' ,------ MEOIEVAL CROSS-WING----􀀳 RA Fig. 6 Section D-D to east showing later additions to Hall. RUPERT AUSTIN brace lay in a higher position than the arcade-braces in the adjoining hall and must have been smaller. The missing northern bay may therefore have been shorter than the extant hall bays. A cantilevered half bay, where the ends of the arcade-plates support a flying tie-beam is possible; such arrangements are common in later structures. Unfortunately the arcade-plate only continues for approximately 90cm beyond the end of the hall, removing any evidence for such an arrangement. Despite the inconclusive evidence it is suggested that the north end of Newbury Farm was of similar form to the slightly later Purton Green, Stansfield, which has a cantilevered half end bay terminating in a return aisle. 13 Here the end bay appears to have been covered by a half-hip, the gablet beneath the ridge perhaps left open to allow smoke from the open-hearth to leave the building. South End Truss A similar in-line bay probably lay to the south of the hall but was removed by the stone cross-wing (see below). Although the south end truss of the hall no longer exists we know that it survived the construction of the wing. The new wing was built directly against the truss, its masonry partly encasing the earlier timbers. Although the timbers have been removed a number of slots and impressions remain in the masonry and render (Fig. 7). These impressions reveal that the south end truss was of similar form to the north end truss. They 0 0 Fig. 7 Section G-G to south. 110 RA KENT'S EARLIEST KNOWN AISLED HALL HOUSE: NEWBURY FARM, TONGE confirm that the hall was not only aisled to the east but also the west (until now only an east aisle was proven) and that both aisles survived the construction of the cross-wing. The outline of the west aisle roof also survives in the render of the cross-wing, its pitch matching that of the main hall roof at approximately 53-54°. Interestingly the east aisle-tie appears to have been higher within the south truss than the central and northern trusses, a difference that might be explained by a change from reverse to normal assembly. This could indicate that the method of assembly employed atop the aisle-walls varied around the building. Alternatively the difference might by the result of an early alteration undertaken prior to, or during, the building of the cross-wing. Similar alterations can be seen within other, albeit later, timber-framed buildings. 14 East and West Arcades Three arcade-braces (one is incomplete) survive beneath the arcade-plate along the east side of the hall (Fig. 8). They form similar arches to that spanning the centre of the hall but are slightly pointed rather than semi-circular (Plate VI). The braces are similarly PLATE VI East arcade (south bay, looking west) showing arcade-braces and inserted window 111 ...... ...... N 5M 15fT I II II II 1• 11 II I 1• II II 1111 􀀜.,111 \ SURVIVING ROOF TRUss 1) SECTIOt-1 THROUGH ARCADE-BRACE 􀀅􀀇􀀆􀀈 \\􀀌 \\􀀍 ,􀀂 )j- 􀀉!f:l l I I Ii M-􀀍i 11111 01.,......,. 11 I _____ 111_1..,1 1 ... --""°"'""=.;;..;;;;-=:..::""""=-----'-----'...;1 ..;1.;.., _________ .J I I 􀀉 􀀊 􀀋 !ii (") ;o 􀀌 "' I 3a z C) Fig. 8 Partially restored view of East Arcade, facing east (Section D-D). 􀀜 EXlSlVW (8J l,!ISSING D COI-IJECMW. 7" RA KENT'S EARLIEST KNOWN AISLED HALL HOUSE: NEWBURY FARM, TONGE PLATE VII East arcade-brace (south bay, looking north) showing planking rebate embellished with double rolls although the roll facing the hall is more pronounced than that facing the aisle. Rebates for planking can again be seen within the spandrels (Plate VII). The outer faces of all the timbers of the east arcade are heavily weathered, indicating that they I I 3 RUPERT AUSTIN PLATE VIII Face-splayed and tabled scarf (east arcade, south bay) were exposed to the elements for some considerable period of time following the removal of the building's aisles in the sixteenth century (see below). A stop-splayed and tabled scarf with undersquinted abutments was revealed during works joining the two lengths of the east arcade-plate (Plate VIII and Fig. 4B). Unlike later examples of its type this is face splayed (laid on edge rather than flat), an orientation that would seem structurally poor. A change to stronger edge splayed scarfs may well have been underway at this time. Two lengths of arcade-plate joined by a second splayed scarf were revealed along the west side of the hall during works but these were the only original timbers to have survived here; the arch-braces have been removed by later brickwork. Open Hearth The modern sprung floors within the former hall were rernov􀁆d during restoration. The subsoil beneath was carefully cleaned at this time and a patch of pink scorching revealed. 15 This scorching, which 114 KENT'S EARLIEST KNOWN AISLED HALL HOUSE: NEWBURY FARM, TONGE was certainly caused by heat penetration from an open-hearth, covered a sizeable area that measured approximately 2 x 2m. Such hearths were periodically renewed as they burnt away but were not always replaced in exactly the same spot. A succession of relatively small hearths would perhaps account for the large area of scorching. The heaviest scorching lay roughly within the centre of the former open hall. Thus this evidence did not provide any clues as to which end of the aisled-hall house was which. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE HALL The way in which the aisled hall at Newbury evolved is of some interest as it illustrates the way in which such buildings could be modified to conform to later house design. One reason often cited for the poor survival of early houses is that they were ill suited to such change and therefore demolished in favour of new buildings. Another is that they may not have been built in the same numbers as later medieval structures or have perhaps suffered greater losses due their age. Demolition of the East Aisle The first change at Newbury Farm that occurred appears to have been the demolition of the east aisle and the construction of a new elevation beneath the former arcade (Fig. 6). 16 Fortunately the arcade survived the construction of the new elevation; its arcade-braces were simply incorporated into the new work. The new elevation survives largely intact within the south bay of the hall but has been completely dismantled within the north bay. Dendrochronological samples taken from two of the timbers revealed that they were felled between 1517-20. 17 The open-hall era was certainly in decline during this period but it is clear from the soot blackened internal face of the new elevation that the building's open-hall continued to be used at this time. A large three-light window, comprising diamond set mullions, survives in the south bay of the new elevation. Except for its single upper light, which is centred above the two lower lights, the fenestration is like that seen in many unaisled hall houses of the period. A cross-passage would presumably have been present within the hall at this time (assuming one was not part of the original arrangement) but no door was included in the south bay of the new elevation. Any passage must therefore have been located within the north bay of the 115 RUPERT AUSTIN hall, something that would imply the north end of the building was now the low end. A door was, however, inserted into the south bay following the construction of a later outshot. This outshot internalises the sixteenthcentury elevation and occupies almost exactly the footprint of the former aisle. It was originally timber-framed and dates perhaps to the seventeenth century but little now survives; its east elevation has been underpinned in brick and its roof rebuilt in softwood. Demolition of the West Aisle The west aisle of the hall was also demolished and a timber-framed elevation inserted beneath the arcade-plate as before but only fragments of this later work survive. A substantial arcade-post with broach stops formed part of the new work (Figs 2 & 7). This abuts the rear of the cross-wing and looks superficially similar to the original arcade-posts but on close inspection many of its details differ. There are no rebates or grooves for spandrel planks above its braces or indeed for a plank partition to divide the hall from the missing southern bay. No aisle-brace or aisle-tie mortices are present and it is also incorrectly positioned with its upstand against the inside face of the arcade-plate. Dendrochronology provided a date of 1045 for the last ring on this timber but no heartwood/sapwood boundary was present and its felling date is therefore likely to be several decades later. 18 It is suggested the post was salvaged from another building of broadly similar date to Newbury and inserted here during the alterations. We know the original arcade-post and its braces survived the construction of the cross-wing as they have left impressions in the masonry (see above). Flooring The third major change appears to have been the insertion of a floor, and therefore an upper chamber, into the south bay of the hall. Nearly every hall house in the country has been floored, but this change was not always undertaken throughout the length of a building in one go. In many cases one half of the hall was converted first. This allowed the open-hearth to continue functioning in the remainder of the open-hall whilst adding an extra chamber to the house. Several pieces of evidence show that the south bay at Newbury was floored first, perhaps around the middle of the sixteenth century. An inserted lath and daub partition survives in part beneath the central tie-beam of the hall. This partition once divided the inserted chamber from the adjoining ha11. It is heavily soot-blackened on its north face, 116 KENT'S EARLIEST KNOWN AISLED HALL HOUSE: NEWBURY FARM, TONGE something that proves the hall continued in use in the northern bay following the insertion of the chamber in the south bay. Access to the chamber appears to have been afforded by steps in the south-east corner of the room. The upper chamber was open to the roof at first, the extant attic/garret floor inserted at a later date along with the chimney (see below). It seems likely the north bay of the hall was floored towards the end of the sixteenth century. The inserted joists here are similar to those in the southern bay but comprise timbers of more varied crosssection. Once the hall was fully floored a chimney was necessarily inserted into the building. A Sixteenth-Century Chimney The inserted chimney is a substantial affair that incorporates back-to-back hearths at both ground and first floor level. Its features suggest a late sixteenth-century date. The chimney was built within the rear wall of the cross-wing, a large section of medieval masonry necessarily demolished to accommodate it (Fig. 9). The principal hearth was over 2.0m wide and lay at ground level within the cross-wing. This hearth has now been largely destroyed but the surviving evidence suggests it comprised a low four-centred brick arch with ovolo/cavetto moulded jambs. Evidence for splayed reveals could be seen within the opening during works. 19 Within the former hall a less elaborate hearth can be seen. Here a plain oak bressummer supports the opening, suggesting that the hearth may once have been used for cooking. Internal Reorganisation Some rearrangement of the interior of the building necessarily followed the flooring of the property and the construction of the chimney. At ground level the former hall was subdivided by a timber-framed partition. This was inserted into the north bay, reducing its length by approximately 2m, thereby creating a ground floor room of more acceptable proportions. A blocked door was revealed here during works leading through to the north end of the property. The door has a square head and ovolo moulded jambs. Similar doors were formed against the west flank of the chimney at this time. A crude opening made good with 2in. red brick was punched through the masonry of the wing to accommodate the south doorway. 117 ..... C111TM f'Nm'nON Fig. 9 Section E-E to north. """"" i □ 􀀁 􀀂 1:1) 􀀃 OITI[TfOR 5M 15FT KENT'S EARLIEST KNOWN AISLED HALL HOUSE: NEWBURY FARM, TONGE A MEDIEVAL CROSS-WING An unheated two storey stone cross-wing now lies to the south of the hall (Fig. 2). This likely replaced a single storey end bay o f similar form to the aforementioned north end bay. None of the features of the cross-wing allow it to be dated precisely but similar examples (e.g. Old Soar, Plaxtol) were being built during the later part of the thirteenth century. The new wing is necessarily aligned E-W and measures 12.29m in length by 5.61m in width. Its walls are approximately 100cm in width and stand to a height of around 5.7m. They comprise a mixture of roughly-coursed knapped and unknapped field flints, water-rounded flints, numerous fragments of reused Roman tile and the occasional piece of stone rubble. 20 No evidence for internal masonry cross walls was seen during the survey but the range is certainly of sufficient size to have accommodated more than one room on each floor. Any divisions must therefore have been timber-framed. An upper chamber or solar to which the family could retire was perhaps located on the first floor. The ground floor may have been used for storage, functioning therefore much like an undercroft. Externally, the only medieval features to remain are the long and short Ragstone quoins running up the north-west corner of the wing (the south-west corner must have been similarly treated). It is within the interior that most of the surviving primary features of the wing are located. Windows The splayed reveals of six windows survive internally within the south and west elevations of the cross-wing (Fig. 10). Several of these had not previously been observed. They are all built from Reigate stone, and the first floor windows were taller than the ground floor windows (security was perhaps of more concern at ground level than good illumination). None of the external surrounds of the windows survive but stone fragments recovered from the collapsed section of the south wall during works revealed that the openings were originally small and narrow with plainly chamfered jambs (Fig. 10, inset). North Elevation Doors The remains of several medieval doorways can also be seen from within the interior of the cross-wing, two of which had not previously been observed. Five of the doors lead through the rear north wall of the cross-wing into the former hall and associated structures but of 119 RUPERT AUSTIN WINOOW CIU. FRACMENTS REC


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