Annual Report of the Council for 2005

431 KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COUNCIL FOR 2005 The Council of the Society presents its one hundred and forty-seventh report and statement of accounts for the year ending 31 December 2005. The Society is established to promote the study and publication of archaeology and history in all their branches, especially within the ancient county of Kent. The Society’s activities are carried out throughout the ancient county of Kent. It has no staff and its officers are only paid out-of-pocket expenses. It co-operates with its affiliated societies and the organizations to which it is affiliated or of which it is a member. In particular it co-operates with the Canterbury Archaeological Trust in promotion of education. Its activities are carried out by the Council, committees and officers. REVIEW OF THE YEAR Annual General Meeting: the Society’s annual general meeting was held at Canterbury on Saturday 21 May 2005 when the Council’s annual report and the accounts for 2004 were accepted and Messrs Reeves and Neylan were re-appointed auditors. Mr Paul Oldham retired as President after seven years in office and Mr Chris Pout was elected as the new President. The other officers and members of the Council were also elected; details are set out below under Legal and Administrative Information. Following the business meeting presentations were made on the work of the Churches Committee by Mr Philip Lawrence, the Newsletter by Mrs Lyn Palmer and archaeology in education by Dr Ian Coulson. Fieldwork: the excavation of the Roman villa site at Abbey Farm, Minster-in-Thanet, having been completed in 2004, work continued on post-excavation reports (which are being published in Archaeologia Cantiana) and a grant was obtained from the Robert Kiln Trust to study the significant collection of painted wall plaster. Mr Chris Pout spoke about it to the Conference of Independent Archaeologists. The resistivity ANNUAL REPORT 432 meter was used on several sites and a grant was made to assist the excavations on the important site at Ringlemere. Publications: Professor David Killingray succeeded Dr John Whyman (who had moved abroad) as chairman of the committee. Volume CXXV (2005) of Archaeologia Cantiana was published and maintained its usual high standard and good range of papers and book reviews; the practice was started of publishing some papers in the form of an introduction or summary in the volume and lengthy supporting data being published on the Society’s web site. Investigation into the possibility of scanning all volumes of Archaeologia Cantiana from 1857 concluded that it would be practical. Six grants totalling £1,750 were awarded from the Kent History Fund for local history publications. Churches: a day teach-in conducted by Professor Nigel Saul on ‘Reading a Church’ was held at Cliffe-at-Hoo church; it was fully booked and a great success. The half-day visits to churches continued to be popular with three well attended visits to pairs of churches. The winning entry in the essay competition (held for the first time in 2005) on an unusual feature in a church was published in the Newsletter. Library and collections: following completion of work on the Hussey and Gordon Ward archives, volunteers began indexing the contents of the Torr notebooks on monumental inscriptions in Kent churches in the eighteenth century. Articles on Kent history continued to be placed on the Society’s web sites together with material on churchyards, medieval wills and tithe award schedules. The Hon. Curator arranged the loan of some of the Society’s collection of Anglo-Saxon artefacts to an exhibition in Canterbury Cathedral and conservation work on some of the Anglo- Saxon swords and an Anglo-Saxon carpenter’s plane. Education: the Society continued to support Young Archaeologists Clubs and the work of the Canterbury Archaeological Trust’s Education Service by contributing a little over 30 per cent of its running costs; the Service continued to promote interest in archaeology in schools. Place-names: the committee continued to monitor work on research and publications on place-names and, in particular, support Dr Paul Cullen’s work on Volume 1 of Place-Names of Kent. It was heartened to learn that the English Place-Names Society is to receive five years’ secretarial support for producing this and other volumes. Membership: while the number of people joining the Society has increased substantially in recent years so has the number leaving (mostly due to moving out of the South-East, straitened circumstances or death) resulting ANNUAL REPORT 433 in little change in the total number of members. However, in 2005 there was an encouraging net increase in membership of 56. Activities for members: another successful History and Archaeology Show was held in Maidstone Museum and Bentif Art Gallery with exhibits by the Society’s committees and local groups and organisations from around the County. There was a conference on ‘New Perspectives on Four Kent Villages’, a successful five-day excursion to Lincolnshire, a visit to Chilham Castle and the traditional pre-Christmas lunch at Wye College. A new venture was an adult ‘leisure learning’ course on Researching Local History. The Newsletter continues to be produced four times a year with a new cover design chosen by members at the AGM. Relations with other bodies: the Society appoints members or representatives to a number of other organisations. Regular reports have also been received from the CBA South East and the Standing Conference on London Archaeology. The Society has regularly been represented at meetings of the Kent History Federation. REVIEW OF FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES AND AFFAIRS The accompanying financial statements for the year ended the 31 December 2005 show the current state of the Society’s finances which its Council considers to be sound. They comply with the Council’s understanding of the current statutory requirements and the requirements of the Society’s rules. Investments: the trustees seek, in the management of their investments, a balance between income and capital growth. The Finance Committee oversees the management of the Society’s investments. The portfolio, managed by UBS Wealth Management (UK) Ltd, increased by 11.81 % and now stands at £1,159,106. They currently yield 3.46 %. The COIF investments, which currently yield 3.08 %, increased in value from £68,624 to £79,497. Reserves: the Council budgets each year to spend a sum considerably in excess of current income and tries to maintain reserves appropriate to allow this to continue. The Society relies on its officers and other members giving their time freely to organise its activities. Without those contributions it would have to spend a substantial sum on salaries. Allen Grove Local History Fund: the Society administers the Allen Grove Local History Fund which was given in the will of the late Allen Grove. Its objects are to promote research, preservation and enjoyment ANNUAL REPORT 434 of local history. These objects are consistent with those of the Society. It is a restricted fund and is invested separately from the Society’s other investments. In accordance with the terms of the legacy, decisions on how the fund is to be spent are taken by the Society’s officers. During the year six grants totalling £1,450 were awarded towards the costs of producing publications on local history, and buying microfiches of manorial records. LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION The Society is a charity registered with the Charity Commission under number 223382. It is an unincorporated association governed by its rules which are published in Archaeologia Cantiana from time to time and copies of which can be obtained from the Hon. General Secretary. It is also registered as a charity with the Inland Revenue which has made a direction under section 201 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 which permits certain members (generally those whose employment is related to the Society’s activities) to obtain income tax relief on their subscriptions to the Society; further details can be obtained from the Hon. General Secretary. The principal address of the Society is The Museum, St Faith’s Street, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1LH. However, correspondence should be addressed to the relevant officer. The governing body of the Society is the Council whose members are its charity trustees and are elected by the members of the Society at its annual general meeting in May each year. During the period covered by this report they were: P. E. Oldham *** President (to 21 May 2005) C. R. Pout President (from 21 May 2005) A. I. Moffat Hon. General Secretary R. G. Thomas Hon. Treasurer S. Broomfield Hon. Membership Secretary F. H. Panton Hon. Librarian T. G. Lawson Hon. Editor J. Saynor Hon. Excursions Secretary M. C. W. Still Hon. Curator C. W. Chalklin Vice President L. D. Lyle *** Vice President E. Melling Vice President J. Whyman Vice President D. G. Anstey D. Bacchus E. Boast **** D. A. H. Cleggett E. P. Connell * J. M. Gibson ** P. A. Harlow R. Higgs * M. T. Lawrence R. F. Le Gear K. Parfitt *** A. Richardson ** R. J. Spain A. F. Ward ***** C. P. Ward * Denotes re-elected at the annual general meeting on the 21 May 2005; ** Newly elected at the AGM on 21 May 2005; *** Retired at the AGM. on 21 May 2005; **** Resigned 7 January 2005; ***** Re-elected 21 May 2005 and resigned 8 November2005. ANNUAL REPORT 435 The officers (other than the Vice Presidents) hold office for one year, the Vice Presidents hold office for seven years and the other members for four years. The Society’s main agents and advisers are: Bankers: National Westminster Bank plc, 3 High Street, Maidstone, Kent, ME14 1XU Auditors: Reeves & Neylan, 37 St Margaret’s Street, Canterbury, Kent, CT1 2TU Stockbrokers: UBS Wealth Management (UK) Ltd, 1 Curzon Street, London, W1J 5UB Stockbrokers’ nominee company holding the Society’s investments: Productive Nominees Ltd, 1 Curzon Street, London, W1J 5UB The Society’s activities are restricted by the terms of its objects set out elsewhere in this report. In particular its area of benefit is mainly (but not exclusively) the ancient county of Kent which is considered to be the administrative County of Kent, Medway Council and the London Boroughs of Bexley, Bromley, Greenwich and part of Lewisham. The Society’s investment powers are those given by the general law; its rules do not give it any special investment powers. The Council has delegated some of its investment powers to UBS Wealth Management (UK) Ltd in accordance with a scheme made by the Charity Commissioners on the 18th April 1994. A. I. Moffat, Hon. General Secretary on behalf of the Council 25 February 2006 ANNUAL REPORT 436 Kent Archaeological Society Statement of Financial Activities for the year ended 31 December 2005 Unrestricted Designated Restricted fund funds funds Total 2004 £ £ £ £ £ Income and Expenditure Incoming resources Donations, legacies and similar incoming resources: Archaeologia Cantiana grants - - - - - Other Grants 1,386 - - 1,386 - Incoming resources from operating activities in furtherance of the charity’s objectives: Subscriptions 32,295 - - 32,295 30,666 Life subscriptions 810 (810) - - - Investment income: Investment income 7,047 34,571 1,580 43,198 42,434 Application of designated fund investment income 34,027 (34,027) - - - Other incoming resources 13,542 - - 13,542 12,888 Total incoming resources 89,107 (266) 1,580 90,421 85,988 Resources expended Direct charitable expenditure: Archaeologia Cantiana expenses 19,086 - - 19,086 18,970 Excursions, Events and Lectures 11,217 - - 11,217 9,369 Committees’ Expenditure 24,408 - - 24,408 32,907 Newsletters and Information Officer 14,021 - - 14,021 13,986 Minster training excavation 2,709 - - 2,709 4,967 Grants 2,000 - - 2,000 1,400 Subscriptions to other bodies 105 - - 105 244 Allen Grove awards - - 850 850 832 Resources expended on managing and administering the charity: Management and administration 6,715 - 20 6,735 6,557 Investment Management fees 5,566 - - 5,566 3,463 Depreciation 2,305 - - 2,305 3,216 Total expenditure 88,132 - 870 89,002 95,911 Net incoming/(outgoing) resources for the year 975 (266) 710 1,419 ( 9,923) Gains/(Losses) on investments 10,645 116,582 6,673 133,900 86,877 Net movement in funds 11,620 116,316 7,383 135,319 76,954 Funds brought forward at 1 January 2005 161,668 984,490 43,791 1,189,949 1,112,995 Funds carried forward at 31 December 2005 173,288 1,100,806 51,174 1,325,268 1,189,949 There were no recognised gains or losses other than those included in the Statement of Financial Activities. ANNUAL REPORT 437 Balance Sheet at 31 December 2005 2005 2004 £ £ Fixed assets Tangible fixed assets 3,340 4,127 Investments 1,336,747 1,204,153 1,340,087 1,208,280 Current assets Debtors 8,241 8,741 Cash at Bank and in Hand 15,477 10,272 23,718 19,013 Creditors, amounts falling Within one year 38,537 37,344 Net Current Liabilities (14,819) (18,331) Net Assets 1,325,268 1,189,949 Funds General 173,288 161,668 Designated Funds 1,111,533 984,490 Restricted Funds 40,447 43,791 1,325,268 1,189,949 The above figures are extracted from the full Trustees’ report and financial statements which have been audited by Reeves and Neylan who gave an unqualified audit report on 20 April 2006. The auditors have confirmed to the Trustees that the summarised financial statements are consistent with the full financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2005. The Trustees’ report and financial statements were approved by the Trustees and signed on their behalf on 8 April 2006. These summarised financial statements may not contain sufficient information to gain a complete understanding of the financial affairs of The Kent Archaeological Society. The full Trustees’ report, audit report and financial statements may be obtained from The Kent Archaeological Society, Three Elms, Woodlands Lane, Shorne, Gravesend, Kent DA12 3HH. Signed on behalf of the Trustees: C R Pout (President) R G Thomas (Honorary Treasurer)


Notes on the Contributors


Notes for the Guidance of Contributors to Archaeologia Cantiana