General Index

general iNDEX

Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations

Act Books 264, 272

Addington 230, 256

adultery cases 276, 277

agriculture see farmsteads and landscapes

Allhallows, Slough Fort 306, 307, 308

Amage Farm 112

Amminus, ruler of the Cantiaci 51-3

Andreu, John 87

Andrews, Nathaniel 11, 13

Anglo-Saxon period, Bourne Park

burials 190

sunken-featured building and artefacts 200

Anne of Cleves 10

Appledore 124

Archaeology South-East (ASE) 141

Archbishops’ Registers 271

archers, serving as mariners 80

arrowhead, Neolithic, in ritual deposit? 41, 43, 44

Ashford, axe 293

Asten, William 277

atte Wode, John 284

Attewyde, Peter 284

Atwater, Edward 331


estate 191

ships and mariners 74, 76, 90, 92

Ayton, Andrew, and Craig Lambert, ‘A maritime community in war and peace: Kentish ports, ships and mariners, 1320-1400’ 67-103

Babbe, Richard 285, 286

Babington, Margaret, death mask 331

Baker, Herbert, drawing 30, 30

Baker, Thomas, shipmaster 87

Bannister, Nicola see Lake, Jeremy

Barde, Peter, merchant 82

Barfrestone, Hussey’s restoration of St Nicholas Church 153-86

Barham, archives 329

Barming see Maidstone Hospital

Barming Woods, cremation 145

barns see under farmsteads and land-scapes

bathhouse, Roman 39, 40, 61, 63

Bathurst family 132

Beaufort, Thomas 93

Beck, Edward, bishop’s bailiff 12

Bekesbourne, archives 329

Bell, Matthew 190, 191

Benenden, Grebill family 283-92

Benson, Archbishop 166, 169

Berrycourt Farm 125

Bertha, queen 296

Besbeeche, Mary and Thomas 270

Bibles 208-9, 210, 213, 214

bibliography of Kentish archaeology and history (2012) 321-32

Bigbury, oppidum 40

Bilsington Priory 284, 286

Birchington, archives 329

Bishopsbourne, church and estate 191; see also Bourne Park

Black Death 79, 84, 86, 87, 88, 90, 91

Blean 113

bloomery see Furfield Quarry, Structure 2

Blore, Edward 153, 166, 169, 183

Bollard, Hamon, shipmaster 89

Bolle, Thomas, shipmaster 73, 87

book collecting 270

book ownership and booksellers, 17th century 205-19

Boucher family 27

Boughton Monchelsea, coin 51; see also Furfield Quarry

Bourne Park, Bishopsbourne, archaeolog-ical investigations 187-203

Anglo-Saxon 200

artificial lake 188, 188, 189, 193, 196, 200

Bronze Age 190, 191

burials, Bronze Age to late medieval 190-1

Enclosure 1: 192, 193, 197, 200

Enclosure 2: ?Roman building 187, 188, 189, 190, 193, 197, 200, 201

Enclosure 3: 197-8, 197, 200

Enclosure 4: 197-8, 197, 200

Enclosure 5: 197, 198-9, 200

Bourne Park, Bishopsbourne, archaeolog-ical investigations (cont.)

Enclosure 6: 199, 200, 201

hearth/furnace 193, 200

horse burial 188

Iron Age 190, 200

lake hut/lake-house, 19th-century 192, 196, 197

Park 187-90

rectilinear enclosure 187, 191, 199

ring-ditch [30] (barrow/burial mound) 197, 197, 200

Roman 190-1

artefacts 187, 200

building see above Enclosure 2

coins, Roman 187

road 190, 191, 198, 200, 201

trackway 187, 191, 199, 201

Bowe, Richard, shipmaster 75

Bowles, Charles 11, 13

Bowser, Thomas 275

Brockman family papers 331

Bronze Age

Barming, Maidstone Hospital site 141, 143, 145, 146

Bourne Park 190, 191

palstave axe 293-4, 293

see also pottery

brooch, Romano-British, copper-alloy 143, 145, 147-8, 147

Brook 124

Buckland 80

Buckland Farm 125

Buckland next Dover, archives 329

Budden, Austin 27

Bulleigne Farm, near Small Hythe 301-4

Burgess, W. 155

Burgoyn, Thomas 288


Bourne Park 190-1

‘Late Celtic’ 145

see also cremation burials; Maidstone Hospital

Burrows, Vince, note on ‘a Middle Bronze Age palstave axe from St Margaret’s-at-Cliffe’ 293-4


archives 329

booksellers 215

Cathedral Priory estates 113

Christ Church Priory 124

diocese 264-6

Canterbury (cont.)

ecclesiastical courts, 16th-century cause papers 263-81

Roman town and hinterland 190

ships and mariners 74, 76, 90

Canterbury Cathedral Archives 264

Carden Farm 125

Carder, William 284

Castelyn, Stephen 288

cause papers (MS.F.4.12) see ecclesiast-ical courts

Cavill, P.R., ‘The Grebills of Benenden, the Prior of Leeds, and the heresy trials of 1511’ 283-92

cemeteries, Roman 39, 40-1, 61, 63, 145-6

Chalk, ships and mariners 74, 76, 90, 82

chalkwell subsidence 304-5

Challock, archives 329

Champeneys, Richard and Robert 87

Champeneys, Robert, shipmaster 81

Chapel Farm 127, 128

Chapman, Catherine 15

Chapman family 12

Charles I 298

Chartham, archives 329

Chatham 106

archives 332

Dockyard 306

Chattenden, ammunition store 306

Cheriton, archives 329

Chestnuts megalithic tomb, Addington 230

Chetham, Richard, prior of Leeds 285, 286, 287-9

Chilham, archives 329

Chillenden, archives 329

Chingley Manor Farm 130, 132

Chislet, archives 329

Chittenden, Peter 269

churches, farmsteads built close to 124; see also Barfrestone

Cinque Ports 70-1, 75, 79, 82, 86, 93

Clarke, Patricia A., ‘The history and architectural development of the Old Bishop’s Palace, Rochester’ 1-35


archive 332

farmsteads 124-6

ships and mariners 69, 74, 76, 90

Coates, Richard, note on ‘The place-name Trottiscliffe’ 294-7

Cobham, Trotts Ash 296

Cobham, Lord 10

Cobham Farm 127, 127

coin moulds, Iron Age 40


Iron Age 40

of Amminus 51-3, 52

Roman 59, 63, 187

Combwell Farm 130, 132

Combwell Priory 288

Condy, John, mariner 84-5, 87

Condy, Lawrence 85

Condy, Peter 85

Condy, William 85

Consistory Court 263, 265-6, 271, 272

Coulson, Charles, ‘The Barfrestone con- undrum: “much restored” but “virtually unaltered”’ 153-86

Coulson family estates 332

Court of the Archdeacons 263, 265-6, 269, 271; see also ecclesiastical courts

Court of Arches 265, 267, 271

court of chancery 284-5, 287-8, 289, 290

court of the exchequer 289

Court Farm 128

Court (Lodge) farms 124

Courthoppe, Alexander 270

Cranbrook, religious dissent 283, 284, 286

cremation burials 145-6; see also Furfield Quarry; Maidstone Hospital

Crowbourne Farm (Lower Crowborne) 130, 131

Cunobelin, king of the Trinovantes 51, 53

Curteis, John, elder and younger 301

Curteis, Richard 303

Darenth, Mesolithic occupation site 230

Dartford, estate 191

Davington 80


archives 329, 331

prehistoric 254

defamation cases 264, 274-6

Denne, Samuel 12

Denne, Vincent 271

Dering, Sir Edward, MP 206, 210

Derlynd, William, shipmaster 87

Digges, Sir Dudley 300

Ditton, ships and mariners 74, 76, 90

divorce 277

Domesday Book

‘Burnes’ (Bishopsbourne) 191

estates 127

Dooner, Col William 15


archives 331

ships and mariners 74, 76, 78, 79, 81, 83, 90, 92, 93

Dover Archaeological Group 221

Down Court 128

Downe, John, inventory 214

Draper, Gillian, book review by 309-11

Duffield, William, mariner 87

Dunster, Sandra, The Medway Towns: River, Docks and Urban Life, reviewed 314-16

Dyer, John, book collection 211

East Lenham 127, 127, 128

Eastling, archives 329

Eastry 191

East Shelve 127

East Sutton 288

ecclesiastical courts, Canterbury diocese, based on 16th-century cause papers 263-81

articles 267, 268, 269, 273, 275

articles of exception and additional 269, 276

causes (instance; office) 266-7, 276

citation 267-8

creator of mss (MS.F.4.12) 270-2

interrogatories and depositions 268-

libel 264, 267, 268, 269, 270, 273, 275

responsions 268

sentence 269-70, 276

Edward I 68

Edward II 68, 71, 85, 93

Edward III 68, 71, 81, 85, 93

Edward VI 10

Edwardes, John 271

Edwards, Bob see Lake, Jeremy

Edwards, Elizabeth, book reviews by 311-14, 316-17

Elliot, John 209

Elmsted, archives 330

Elmstone Hole Farm 126, 127

Erasmus of Rotterdam 9, 10

escheator(s) 283, 287, 288

farmsteads and landscapes 105-39

barns/field barns 105, 107, 109, 112, 119, 124, 126, 128, 131, 134, 135

coastal marshes 106, 107, 109, 110, 113-14, 117

gavelkind system 105-6

farmsteads and landscapes (cont.)

Greensand (Wealden) 107, 108, 110, 112, 113, 117, 118, 126, 127, 128

North Kent Plain 107, 108,109, 110, 117, 118

out-farms 105, 107, 126

see also Furfield Quarry and Buildings 2-4 (Roman); North Downs; Rom-ney Marsh; Weald


abbey 298

booksellers 215-16

Court Hall and mayors 298-301

Free Grammar School 205-6, 208, 211, 216

libraries 206, 208, 211, 216

literacy and book ownership in the 17th century 205-19

royal estate 191

schools 206

ships and mariners 73, 74, 76, 78, 79, 80, 89, 90, 92

Faversham Society, The History of Faversham in 50 Objects, reviewed 318-19

Finchcocks Farm 130, 132, 132


Lower Palaeolithic handaxe 226

Mesolithic 221-62 (see separate entry Mesolithic activity)

Neolithic 231, 241, 254, 257

polished flint axe 226, 233, 254

medieval, pottery 225, 229, 231


gun flint 226

pottery 229

Fisher, John, bishop 3, 9, 10

flints, prehistoric 143; see also arrowhead; Furfield Quarry; Mesolithic activity, at Finglesham

Flynn, Robert K., note on ‘The Morphett family’s experience of gavelkind in the eighteenth century’ 301-4


archives 330, 331

ships and mariners 74, 76, 90, 92

Ford, John 285

Forge Farm 129, 130, 131

Foule, Richard 287

Frank, John 284

Franke, John and Robert 284

Freake, Edmund, archdeacon 265

Frend, Robert, shipmaster 81

Frensh, John 67, 85-6

Frensh family 86

Furfield Quarry excavations, Boughton Monchelsea, Late Iron Age to Roman 37-66

Building 1 aisled 42, 56, 57, 58

Building 2 ragstone-foundation (Roman farmstead) 42, 56, 58-9, 59, 63

Building 3 aisled (Roman farmstead) 42, 50, 59-60, 60

Building 4 flint-foundation (Roman farmstead) 42, 60-1, 61

cremations (OA2) 42, 50, 53, 63

flints, Mesolithic-Neolithic 41

possible ritual deposition of arrow-head and end-scrapers (?Neo-lithic) 41, 43, 44

human bone 50

Iron Age 37

coins 40, 51-3, 52

iron production 48, 53, 62-3

furnace slag 48

hammerscale 47

kiln activity (OA1) 42, 48-50

oppidum 38, 40, 53

pottery 40, 41, 45, 45, 47-8, 51, 53-4, 54, 56, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63

Roman/Romano-British 37, 40-1

bathhouse 39, 40, 61, 63

coins 59, 63

finds 54

road 39, 40, 58, 62, 63

walled cemetery (cremation) 39, 40-1, 61, 63

Structure 1 earlier enclosure 41, 42, 44-6, 50, 53, 56, 58, 63

Structure 2 bloomery/smelting furnace 42, 46-8, 46, 47, 53, 63

Structure 3 later enclosure, early Roman 41, 42, 53-4, 56, 58, 60, 61, 63

Structure 4 stock-handling 42, 51, 54, 55, 56

Structure 5 post and sill-beam 42, 57, 58

whetstones 48

furnace slag 48

Gadbury, John 216

gavelkind system 105-6

18th century 301-4


archives 332

ships and mariners 74, 76, 78, 90, 92

Gillman, James, rector 166

Glanville, Gilbert de, bishop 3

glass (vessels), Roman 54, 145

Glover, Richard 287

Godmersham 124

Goodnestone next Wingham, archives 330

Gorley, Margaret, haberdasher 215

Goudhurst, farmsteads 125, 129-34, 130


Milton Barracks 306

ships and mariners 74, 76, 78, 90, 92

Grebill, Agnes 283, 284, 286

Grebill, Christopher 283, 284, 286

Grebill, John junior 284-6, 287-8, 289

Grebill, John senior 283, 284, 285-6, 287-8, 289, 290

Grebill, Thomas (d.1451) 283-4

Grebill family, of Benenden 283-92

Greenaway, Robert 214

Greenham, John, yeoman 213

Greenhill 126

Greenwich, ships and mariners 74, 76, 78, 90, 92

Grindal, Edmund, archbishop 264

gun flint, post-medieval 226

Gundulf, Bishop 2

Hales, Sir Edward 298, 300

Halle, John, inventory 211

Halliwell, Geoff see Parfitt, Keith

hammerscale 47

handaxe (Acheulian type), Lower Palaeolithic 226

Harbledown, archives 330

Hardheved, John, shipmaster 81

Hardres, archives 330

Harrington, Duncan, and Patricia Hyde, note on ‘Faversham mayors and their right to the Court Hall. A little mystery solved’ 298-301

Harris, John, view of Old Bishop’s Palace, Rochester 5, 8, 28-30, 29

Harvest, archives 330

Hayes, Robert 213

Hearth Tax 112

Hengistbury Head (Dorset), Early Meso-lithic site 236, 237, 238, 239, 255

Henry V 93

Henry VII 93, 288

Henry VIII 10, 289, 298

heresy trials (1511) 283, 284, 287, 288

Hernhill 217

Hessing, Rector 154, 160

Higham, farmsteads 125-6

High Farm 127, 128

High Halstow 306

Hollingbourne Vale 126, 127, 128

Home Farm, Bedgebury Park 130, 132

hone, stone 46

Honeywood Farm 127, 128

Hoo, ships and mariners 74, 76, 81, 90

Hoo Peninsula

farmsteads 125-6

World War One defences 305, 306

hop industry and hop gardens 106, 107, 119, 121

Hore, Richard, shipmaster 81, 87

Horton, John, churchwarden 166

Howell, Isca, ‘Continuity and change in the Late Iron Age-Roman transition within the environs of Quarry Wood oppidum: excavations at Furfield Quarry, Boughton Monchelsea’ 37-66

human bone

Barming, cremated 148-9

Furfield Quarry 50

Hundred Years War 71, 80, 93

Hussey, Richard Charles 153-84

Hussey family 132

Hyde, Patricia see Harrington, Duncan

Hylward, Stephen 209

Hythe, ships and mariners 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 81, 90, 92

Ifield, archive 332

inventories, and book ownership 206-15, 216

Iron Age see Bourne Park; Furfield Quarry; Maidstone Hospital; see also coins; pottery

iron industry 121

iron production see Furfield Quarry and Structure 2 bloomery

Jacob, Edward, mayor 298

James I 11

Jeremy, Lake, Bob Edwards and Nicola Bannister, ‘Farmsteads and land-scapes in Kent’ 105-39

Jesus Hospital, archive 331

Kent Farmsteads and Landscapes Project 105

Kent Underground Research Group 304

Killingray, David, book review by 314-16

kiln see Furfield Quarry

King, Bishop 13

Kingsdown, archives 330

knife, iron 46, 54

Knight, William, grocer 211, 216

Knowler family 214

Lakes, Stephen 271

Lamb, Robert 285

Lambert, Craig see Ayton, Andrew

Land Tax returns (1910) 129

Lawrence, Margaret, The Life They Left Behind. Those Who Lost Their Lives 1914-18, 1939-1945. Remembrance: the Holy Trinity War Memorial East Peckham, Kent, reviewed 319

Leede, William 287

Leeds Priory 288-9

Prior of 285

Legear, Rod, note on ‘Chalkwell subsid-ence at Oad Street, near Sittingbourne’ 304-5

Lenham, farmsteads 125, 126-9

Lenham Court (Court Farm) 127, 127, 128

Lenham Heath, farmsteads 119, 128-9

libraries, private 270; see also Faversham

literacy 205-6, 214-15, 216-17

Liudhard, chaplain 296

Lodge Hill, ammunition store 306

log-boats, prehistoric 259-60

possible construction of 258-9

Lollards (Lollardy) 283, 284, 290


booksellers 215, 216

literacy rate 206

London Bridge 215, 216

Loose Stream 38, 39, 40

Loveryk, John and Richard, shipmasters 84

Lowe, John, bishop 3, 7

Lower Crowborne see Crowbourne

Lower Higham 126

Lower Medway Archaeological Research Group 59

Lower Palaeolithic, handaxe (Acheulian type) 226

Lowy of Tonbridge 114

Lydd, ships and mariners 74, 76, 90

Lyle, Lawrence and Marjorie, Canterbury and the Gothic Revival, reviewed 316-17

Lynsted, archives 330

Lythere family 84


Maidstone Hospital see next entry

Roman settlement and villas 63

ships and mariners 74, 76, 89, 90

Maidstone Hospital, Barming, archaeo-logical investigations 141-51

prehistoric flint 143

Neolithic 141, 143, 146

Bronze Age/Late Bronze Age 141, 143, 145, 146

Iron Age 141, 143, 145, 146

Late Iron Age/Romano-British (Nursery Site) 141, 143, 144, 146

Roman/Romano-British 141, 145-6

brooch, Romano-British 143, 145, 147-8, 147

burials and cemetery, Romano-British 145-6

cremation, Romano-British (Renal Unit Site) 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 147

human bone, cremated 148-9

plant remains 143

pottery 143, 145, 146-7


archives 330, 331

ships and mariners 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 84, 90, 92

mariners see ports

Marshall, John, escheator 287, 289

matrimonial suits 266, 276-7

Mayheu, John, mariner 82

Mayheu family 84

Medway Valley, Roman 63

Mendfield, Thomas, school governor 208

Mesolithic activity, at Finglesham 221-62

brickearth 221, 222, 222, 223, 224-5, 254, 258

burins 233, 253-4, 253, 256, 257, 259

calcined flints 221, 223, 224, 225, 226, 230, 231-2, 259-60

flanc de nucleus 228, 233, 243

hammerstones 233, 241, 243, 254

hut-pit? 229, 257

knapping debris and process 226, 242-3

knives 233, 251, 252, 256

log-boat construction? 258-60

North Stream and ancient channel 221, 222, 225, 259

Mesolithic activity, at Finglesham (cont.)

picks 254, 255, 256, 257

piercers 233, 252-3, 253, 256, 259

raw material 232-4

scrapers 233, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 256, 257, 259

thermoluminescence dates 225, 230-1, 232, 257

tranchet adzes (and adze flakes, -sharp-ening flakes) 226, 228, 230, 232, 233, 234, 235, 241, 243-6, 245, 247, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258-9

wedge 246, 247, 259

wood-working tools 246, 257, 258-9

Mesolithic flints, Furfield Quarry 41

Meyny, John, escheator 289

Milton, archive 332

Milton Regis 191

More, Thomas 285, 286, 288, 289

More, Sir Thomas 10

Morphett family 301-4

Morris, Roger 285

Mortimer, Roger 71

Mortimer Farm 125

mortmain 286-7, 288, 289, 290

Nackington, archives 330

Nailbourne Stream 188, 188

Nayler, Robert, escheator 288


Barming 141, 143, 146

Finglesham, flint 231, 241, 254, 257

polished flint axe 226, 233, 254

Furfield Quarry, possible ritual deposit-ion of tools 41, 43, 44

Neville, Sir Edward 289, 290

New Hythe, ships and mariners 74, 76, 90, 92

Newington, archives 330

New Romney 71, 81

New Shelve (formerly West Shelve) 127, 127, 128

Newynden, Robert, mariner 82

Nonington, archives 331

Northbourne 221, 222

North Downs 222

farmsteads and landscape 107, 108, 110, 112, 113, 117, 118, 126, 127, 128


archive 332

ships and mariners 74, 76, 78, 81, 87, 90, 92

North Frith Forest 114

Noy, John, inventory 216

Oad Street, near Sittingbourne, chalkwell 304-5

oast houses (oasts) 109, 119

Offa 295

Oldbury, oppidum 40

Old Shelve 127, 128

oppidum see Furfield Quarry

Osbourne, John 274

Owlie Farm 130

Owre, Boys 209

Oxinden, James, cleric 213

palstave axe, Middle Bronze Age 293-4, 293

Palstre Court 130

Parfitt, Keith, and Geoff Halliwell, ‘Exploiting the wildwood: evidence from a Mesolithic activity site at Finglesham, near Deal’ 221-62

Parker, Matthew, archbishop 264, 265

Parys, John, shipmaster 75

Passinger, Thomas, bookseller 216

Patenden, Thomas 288

Patynden, Stephen 287, 288

Payne, George 15, 32

Pearce, Zachary, bishop 12, 14

Pearson, Sarah, History Revealed: The Faversham Society Houses, reviewed 318-19

Perisvall (Percival), William 270, 271, 272

Perry Wood, flints 239, 256

Petham, archives 331

Philbrick, Mrs 23

Phillips, John, vicar 214

Philpot, Stephen 287

place-names 105

Trottiscliffe 294-7

plague see Black Death

plant remains 143

poll tax records 78-80, 85-7, 98n.41

Ponet, John, bishop 10

Poor Law apprenticeships 215

ports, ships and mariners 67-103

Anglo-French wars and campaigns 67-75, 91

Anglo-Scottish campaigns 67-75, 81

recruitment of mariners 75-80

ship lists 68

shipowners and shipmasters 67, 68, 73, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 81-9, 93-4


Bronze Age, urns 145

Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age 143

Late Iron Age/Belgic/Early Roman 45, 45, 47-8, 51, 56, 60, 143, 146-7

Belgic 38

‘Belgic’ grog-tempered 146

fabric B1 48

fabric B1.1 Belgic fine/coarse grog-tempered 49, 50, 53, 56

fabric B2.1 Belgic coarse grog-tempered (pale grog) ware 45, 45

fabric B2.3 Belgic grog- and shell-tempered ware 45, 45

fabric B3 48

fabric B5 48

fabric B5.1 Belgic fine grog-tempered 49

fabric B8 49

fabric B9.1 Iron Age/Belgic coarse sandy ware with glauconite 47, 48, 49, 50, 62, 146

fabric B24 Belgic grog-tempered with sparse flint and coarse sand 49

fabric CB1 45, 48

fabric CB2.3 45

fabric CB24 45

Roman 40, 41, 45, 47, 53-4, 54, 56, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 145, 147

amphora 62

black-burnished ware 2: 53, 54, 54, 60

central Gaulish samian (SAMCG) 53, 54, 60, 62, 147

fabric B2.3 (possibly Patchgrove) 56

fabric R8.2 unsourced fine red sandy 60-1

fabric R16 Upchurch 53

fabric R73 local Romanised misc-ellaneous coarse sandy ware 58

Hoo island ware 56

Hoo white-slipped ware 50

North Kent fine reduced ware 147

Samian 62, 145

south Gaul 62

Upchurch fabrics 56

Upchurch/Thameside 147

Verulamium Region white ware 56

medieval 143, 225, 229, 231

post-medieval 143, 229

Preston next Faversham 80

Prison, John 87

proctors 264, 268, 270, 271, 272

Pyecombe, tranchet adzes 258

Pyllesworthe, Richard 273

Quarry Wood camp earthwork (oppidum) 38, 39, 40, 62, 63

quarrying, ragstone 41, 61

Ramsgate, archives 331

Rawleigh, William 206

Rawson, Lord Francis 269

Rayner, Christine, 50 Years of the Faver-sham Society, 1962-2012, reviewed 318-19

Reading Street, ships and mariners 74, 76, 78, 90, 92, 93

reaping-hook, iron 46

Redman, William, archdeacon 265

Reynolds, William 285

Richard II 93

Richardson, T.L., Elizabeth Carter of Deal, 1717-1806, a Social History, reviewed 317

Rickman, Thomas 153

Ringslow Hundred 84, 85, 86, 87

Ringwould, archives 331

ritual deposition, of ?Neolithic flint tools 41, 43, 44

roads, Roman 39, 40, 58, 62, 63, 146, 190, 191, 198, 200, 201

Robinson, William, shipwright 87

Robyns, Thomas 274


Bishop’s Palace see next entry

bridge 295

coin moulds, Iron Age 40

Eastgate House 11

Eastgate House Museum 15

grammar school 11, 12, 13, 19, 32

King’s School 19, 29

Roman South gate 2, 4, 8

Roman wall 4, 8, 23

St Andrew’s Priory 10, 295

ships and mariners 74, 76, 78, 90, 92

Watts Charity, High Street 21

Rochester Old Bishop’s Palace 1-35

Bishop’s Registry Office 8, 12, 13, 14, 24, 30-1

chapel 1, 2, 8, 9

College Green (stone block/main range) 1, 3, 5-8, 11, 13, 15, 19, 20, 21, 23, 29, 30, 30, 31-2, 31, 32

Deanery/Old Deanery 19, 24, 27, 31

Rochester Old Bishop’s Palace (cont.)

documentary evidence 28-30

east wing 1, 4-5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 15

great hall 1, 2, 4, 7, 9

great chamber 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 11

Harris’ view 8, 28-30, 29

inventory (1534) 9-10, 11

library 9-10, 27

Norman remains 2, 4, 7

Prior’s Gate House 1, 2, 3, 8, 11, 13, 14, 14, 15-19, 25, 26

carved initials 14, 14, 18

prison 2, 8, 11, 12, 14, 30

Provost of Oriel’s house 12

St Margaret’s Parsonage 2, 13, 19

Southgate (stone block/main range) 1, 3, 5-8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 19, 22, 23-8, 29, 30, 30, 31-2, 31

Tudor carved lintel 6, 23, 27, 28, 31-2, 33

wash house 21, 26, 27

stables 19

Roger, Marion 277

Rogers family 332


building see Bourne Park, Enclosure 2

cremation see Maidstone Hospital

farmstead see Furfield Quarry and Buildings 2-4

see also; coins; glass; pottery; roads

Romney, ships and mariners 74, 76, 78, 90, 92

Romney Marsh, farmsteads 108, 110, 114, 118, 120, 125, 134

Royton, manor 128

Runham, manor 127

Rushton, Karen, ‘A history of the ecclesiastical courts of the diocese of Canterbury, 1566-1586, based on the cause papers bound within the volume MS.F.4.12’ 263-81

Sack, John (LeSecq?), flaxman 209

St Laurence in Thanet, archives 331

St Margaret’s-at-Cliffe, palstave axe, Middle Bronze Age 293-4, 293

St Peter in Thanet, archives 331


Black Death 91

port, ships and mariners 67, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 82, 84, 85, 89, 90-1, 92, 93, 94

St Mary’s church 85

Sarre, port 69

Scott, Henry 287

Seman, Peter, shipmaster 84

Seman family 84

Sheerness 106

shipbuilding 93

shipowners and masters see ports, ships and mariners

ships see ports, ships and mariners; see also log-boats

Sholden, microlith 254

Sinden, Sally 27, 28

slag see furnace slag

Slough Fort, Allhallows 306, 307, 308

Small Hythe, ships and mariners 74, 76, 78, 90, 92, 93; see also Bulleigne Farm

smelting see Furfield Quarry

Smith, Victor, note on ‘Anti-invasion defences of the First World War and Slough Fort, Allhallows’ 305-8

Smugley Farm 130, 131

Soan family 12

Sondes, Sir George 300

Sondes, Lewis Lord see Watson, Lewis Monson

Southouse, Filmer, book collection 211

Southouse, Thomas, library 211, 212, 216

spindle-whorl, ceramic 46

Sprynget, Thomas, mariner 84

Stevens, Simon, ‘Archaeological invest-igations at Maidstone Hospital, Hermitage Lane, Barming’ 141-51

stock-handling structure see Furfield Quarry, Structure 4

Stoke, archive 332

Stonar, ships and mariners 69, 74, 76, 90

Stone, archive 332

Stone next Faversham 80

Stonecrouch Farm 129, 130

Stonewall 256

Stourmouth, archives 331

Streat Lane (Sussex), Mesolithic site 236, 237, 238, 239, 255


archives 332

ships and mariners 74, 76, 78, 81, 90, 92

Stubbs, William 12

stylus, iron 54

Sutton by Dover, archives 331

Swan, William, escheator 283-4

Sweetinburgh, Sheila (ed.), Negotiating the Political in Northern European Urban Society, c.1400-c.1600, re-viewed 311-14

Tann, Peter, The Royal Charters of Faversham including Magna Carta, reviewed 309-11

Tansley, Frederick George 331

Tanyard Farm 127, 128

Taylor, Linda, ‘Literacy and book own-ership in seventeenth-century Faver-sham’ 205-19

Taylor, Walter 285

Tenterden, lay piety 283-4, 290

tesserae(?), Roman 59

Thanington, archives 331

Throwley, archives 331

Thurnham, aisled buildings 58, 60

tithe disputes 269, 272-3, 274, 275

Tonbridge, farms 112

Trottiscliffe, place-name 294-7

Trotts Ash, Cobham 296

Trowts, John 211

Tucker, John, yeoman, and Mary 214-15

Tunbridge Wells 106

Twopenny, W., chancel arch drawn by 159

Twopeny family 1, 12-13, 14-15, 14, 28

Tyus, Charles, chapbook publisher 210, 216

Tyus, Sarah, widow 216

Underhill Farm 129-30

Upper Hardres 273

Upton, John, library 211

Vale of Holmesdale 112

villas 63, 145

Vincent, John 285

Wallace, Lacey M. et al., ‘Archaeological investigations of a major building, probably Roman, and related landscape features at Bourne Park, Bishopsbourne, 2011-12’ 187-203

Walmer, prehistoric 254

Walter, John, steward 11

Wantsum Channel 259

Warham, Archbishop 283, 284, 286, 288, 290

Watling Street 106

Watson, Lewis Monson (Lewis Lord Sondes) 300 & n.5


barns 119

farmsteads and agriculture 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112-13, 114, 117, 118, 120-1, 120, 124, 127, 129, 134

Webbys, John, attorney 289

Welsby, Paul, canon 27, 32

Westcliffe, Mesolithic flints 255

West Shelve (now New Shelve) 127, 127, 128

whetstones 48

Whitehouse Farm (Brick House Farm) 126

Whitgift, John, archbishop 264

Wibley, Elizabeth 274

Willoughby, Robert Lord 93

wills, testamentary court cases 273-4

Wilmott, Ann 215

Wittersham, farmsteads 125, 129-31, 134

Wode see atte Wode, John

Wood, John, and wife and dau. Zutphania 209

Wood, Matthew 273

Wood, William and Elizabeth 277


and farmsteads 105, 113, 117, 119, 121, 129, 134

Mesolithic wildwood 259

wood pasture 105, 106, 113, 119, 129

wood-working tools, Mesolithic 246, 257, 258-9

Woodnesborough, archives 331

World War One, anti-invasion defences 305-8

Wouldham, ships and mariners 74, 76, 78, 87, 90, 92

Wreight, Henry, book ownership 209

Wright, Nicholas, inventory 211

Yol, John, shipmaster 81

Zacarie, John, shipmaster 75


Notes on Contributors

