( 289 )
A L *
Md. That John Luton payeth be yere for his gardeyne in the
backesyde of his howse the gardeyne of "Wylliam Hawke in tbe
west ye gardeyn of John Crothelffe in ye north and Oroker lanef
in the est beryth be yere to the Churche of Seynt Donstonys xviij d.
At ij termys in the yere .that is to say Myghelmasse and at Owr
Lady-day in Lente ix d. at euery terme.
Item the tenement of Jeffery Peke in Croker lane payethe to
the Churche of Seynt Donstonys by yere j li. wexej for to burne
before the Image of Seynt Dunston.f
Item Master John Roper§ a tenement callyd the Stone Hawle||
in the west ende of the Chauntry of the forseyde Mr. Eoper be
yere ij busshells of whete.
* These Aocounts are contained in four different MSS., which I have lettered
A, B, C, D ; these letters, with the number of each folio given with the text, will
enable readers to refer at once to any entry if needful.
t Crocker Lane. Now called Kirby's Lane, in the parish of Holy Cross.
% A pen-has been drawn through these words.
§ This John-Roper was one of the Surveyors of the Customs of the Cinque
Ports. His son John, Sheriff of Kent in 12 Henry VIIL, and Attorney-General,
died in 1524, leaving two sons, William, his heir, who married Margaret, daughter
of Sir Thomas More; and Christopher, father of the first Lord Teynham.
|| In 1613 the churchwardens " received of the Right Worshipful Sir Peter
Mannod, Knight of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath," for one house
" caled the Ston house iiij s." In 1706, on a loose leaf, " The Cherry garden,
sometime called Stone Hall," is spoken of; and on another leaf, without date,
but earlier, I find mention made of the " Cherry Garden next to the Bridewell,
sometime called the Stone Hall." In 1684 it seems to have been known as the
" White House," and was then in the occupation of Mrs. Somes, The chantry
mentioned here was founded by John Roper in the year 1402 or 1403. It was
not a separate building, but was the aisle or chapel on the south side of the
ohanoel, in which the chaplains were to sing mass at the altar of St. Nicholas.
The stipend of these chaplains was £8 a year each, and a house to live in. This
house adjoined the mansion of the Ropers on the west.
Wm. Rollyng 1403
John Elys 1403
John Chaundeler 1403
Thomas Barbour 1404
Henry Adesham 1421
Alan Newell-. 1424
Wm. Baron 1429
James Burback. 1431
John Bokynham 1436
Thomas Careys 1441
Prancis Goldsmyth 1446
Clement Smythe 1452
Stephen Brown 1475
John German 1486
John Woodhouse 1498
Hugh Crempton : . . . . 1521
John Ireland 1535
Wm. Wylson 1536
Wm. Brabourne 1541
[A.D. 1485.]
This is the acompte of Wyllyam BaUe and John Thomas Churche
Wardeyns of Seynt Donstonys Anno Domini [M]CCCC1XXXV.
Eeseytis. •
Item receyuyd of ye beqwest of ye wyfe of Eychard Beker xxxs.
Q-atheryng of ye sesse of ye seyde Churche of ye new sesse.* _
Item receyuyd of Master John Eoper esqwyre vj s. viij d.
Item of the Vicarf of the same Churche iij s. iiij d.
Item of Master Harry Leveryke iiij s. ix d.
Item of Belsers lone viij d.
Item of Margaret Potter vij d. ob.
Item of Thomas Phylpott xvd.
Item of Eychard Marteyn xiiij d.
Item of JohnEobard vij d. ob.
Item of Wyllyam Mathew vij d. ob.
Item of John Thomas xij d.
Item of Eychard Denyse xij d.
Item of Avelyn Bollyng xij d.
Item of the Prior of Harbaldowne __ v d.
Item of Nycolas Dewye ij s. vj d.
Item of John Luton xij d.
A 4.—Item of Eobard Myllar at Tomson iiij d.
Item John Coper x}j.^-
Item of Syr John Q-ermayne iij s.
Item of Clementis wedowe xij d.
Item of Thomas Harte xij d.
Item of Bouudis wedowe xvd.
Item of John Casse viij d.
Wm. de Westgate 1284
Galfridus de Soggenho 1322
Nicolas Skalonn 1323
Wm. de Rokesdone 1350
Robt. de Natindon 1350
John Scaldewell 1376
Wm. Wygg 1376
John Symond 1409
John Bedell 1416
Thomas Hassok 1420
Clement Perbroke 1431
Thomas Barton 1456
John Okborne 1456
Nich. Bubbewith 1457
Richd. Long 1460
Clement Hardyng 1495
JohnBolno 1505
Wm. Newes 1529
Thomas Jakeman 1541
John Panton 1545
Henry Wayman 1553
Richd. Wykes 1570
* Written in the margin,
Edward Warde
Henry Pyshe
Richd. Hayes
David Piatt
John Cole
John Kington
James Astin
Wm. Woodward
James Pennye
Robert Boyse .;
Paul Knell
Simon Louth, probably inl664 or
James Williamson
Stephen Hobsday
Isaac Johnson
John Loftie
John Bowes Bunce
Robert George Lewis
Pranois James Holland
Edward Gilder
Charles Lumsden Karney ....
John Gurney Hoare
Item of Wyllyam Sprotte xij d.
Item John Gyllz viij d.
Item Thomas Lunsby '. vj d.
Item Eychard Larkyn v d. ob.
Item John Besukyr iij s. j d. ob.
Item John Elly xd.
Item Alissone Taylor v d. ob.
Item John Plomtone vij d. ob.
Awsteyn Stockefyshe x d.
Item Stevyn Athagh ij s. vj d.
Item Thomas Bolde xvd.
Item Stevyn Lyuryge vij d. ob.
Item Elyzabeth Vnderdownys wedowe vi j d. ob.
Item Thomas Cossyn vij d. ob.
Item John Screuener iiij d.
Item John Surfiett iiij d.
Item John Barthylmewys wedowys (sic) iiij d.
Item Eychard Crane iiij d.
Item John Inglonde vd. ob.
Item Wyllyam Hore vj d.
Item Eychard Plomett vij d. ob.
This be the yeftis of Devocyon to the same sesse.
Item Wyllyam Smetam iiij d.
Item John Long iiijd.
Item Thomas Perssy iiij d..
Item John Harsley iiij d.
Item Thomas Awdley ij d.
A 5.—Item Eychard Eossell j d.
Item Eobart Cant j d.
I t em Ey ch ard Q-r ene ij d.
Item Thomas Eobart j d.
Item Thomas Lechame ob.
Item Wyllyam Phylpott j d.
Item Wyllyam Smothyng ob.
Item Eychard Chamberleyn ij d.
Item Eychard Gambell ijd.
Item Christopher Q-renbancke , ij d.
Item John Ealowfelde jd .
Item of a man of Chyslett iiij d.
Summa totahs ihj li. v s. j d. ob.*
Eeseytis of the olde sesse by the seyde Wardeynes.
In primis of Eychard Lorkyn ix d.
Item of John Swayne xvd.
Item of Thomas Bolde ij s.
Item of Syr John G-armeyn xij d..
Item of Eychard Wellz xij d.
Item of Thomas Degre xij d.
* The totals are not always oorreot.
xr 2
Item of Awsteyn Stockefysshe xij d.
Item of John Baker vij s.
Sum xv s.
Pascall money at Ester.
Inprimis of dyverse personys xx d.
Eeseytis of the Churche rentis be tbe seyde Wardeynes.
Item Avelyn Bollyng xij d.
Item of tbe Bretberne of Harbaldowne xij d.
Item of Thomas Lonsby j d. ob.
Item ress. by vs the seyde "Wardeynes of Hockemoneye
at Ester ixs. xd.
Item ther rest in owr handis of the old acompts in money vj s. j d. ob.
Summa totalis xix s. ix d.
Summa totalis vii. xixs. xd. ob.
A 6.—Costis and paymentis and expensis done be the foreseyde
Item fyrst payde to tbe Prest of Amery* for owr Antyfener
Iiij s. iiij d.
Item payde to Syr Eychard Long for owr Massebooke ... xl s.
Item spent at the fecchyng home of owr booke j d.
Item spent at owr acompts makyng in the Churche ij d.
Item spent goyng to Eeuesham for owr booke v d.
Item spent goyng to Chartham to fette Eobart Schene ... ij d.
Item payde to the seyde Eobart for his day let and spences vj d.
Item spent at the Dayng betwene Baker and the paryshe ij d. ob.
Item spent the next Corte day after and suyng of the Corte iij d.
Item in reseyuyng of vij s. of Baker be the handis of
Eychard Denys iij d.
Item for a rope for the gret bell viijd.
Item for a rope for the wakerrell. iij d.
Item payde to Eobart Estall for reparaeyon of the stepyll iiij s.
Item payde to John Long for bawderykis xj d.
Item payde to Thomas Cossyn for pavyug in the Churche viij d.
Item payde for a spade and schovyll for the Churche xij d.
Item payde for a seme lyme for ye Churche viij d.
Item payde to John Horsley for sytyng of dyuerse personys
for the dutis of the Churche viij d.
Item payde for a potell of wyne sent to Master Eamsey... iiij d.
Item payde for iiij and di ellis of canuas euery elle vd.
Summe xxij d. ob.
Item payde for xij yardes of bockeram euery yarde iiij d.
ob. Summe iiijs. vjd.
Item payde for lere and ryngis to the same vd.
* Amery. The eleemosynary or almnery of Canterbury Cathedral, vulgarly
called the ambry, was under the care of a monk called the dean of the almonry.
In 1319 Henry de Eastry erected within this almnery a chapel, and founded in
it a chantry of six priests or chaplains. See Hasted, Hist. Cant. " The Prest of
Amery " may have been one of these six.
Item payde for a quart of wyne to Master Eoper and Mr.
Brent ij d.
Item payde for paveyng of the aleys and mendyng of the
Crosse in the Church yarde viij d.
Item for makyng of a Lent cloth for the qweer xij d.
Item payde for a horse and a boye to fecche a qweer of the
booke ageynst Ester iiij d.
Item payde to John Ingram and for colis ijd.
Item tor ryngyng ij pryncypall dayes iiij d.
A 7.—Item for strykyng of the pascall and the font taper ij s. iij d.
Item payde to John Vngyll for mendyng of the gutter ... x d.
Item payde to the same Churche (sic) for mendyng of
ye Churche ledis vs . vj d.
Item payde to the payntyng of the staffe of the ijde
Crosse iiijd.
Item payd for strykyng of x li. of olde torehe waxe x d.
Item ther was put to the same of new torehe wexe vj li.
and di price euery v d. (sic). Summe iij s. vj d. ob.
Item payd for the reparacyons of the bellis iij s. x d.
Item payde at the Vysitacion iiij d. ob.
Item payde for paper and wrytyng vjd.
Item spent at wyllyam Sprottis when the clappers were
mendyd jd.
Item spent with the plomer...'. j d.
Item spent at the wrytyng and at ye counte of yis makyng j d.
Summe in expensys vj li. xij s. iij d.
So rest in debz (?) to John Thomas all thyngis clerely acomptyd
and alowyd the day and yere aboue sayde xij s. iiij d. ob. therefore
he kepyng a chalys in plegge &c. wherefore we must haue
abatyd xx d. be accompte of arerage confessyd be his fellow
Wyllyam BaUe.
[A.D. I486.]
A 7.—John Cowper Wyllyam BaUe Churche Wardeyns thus gaue
ther acompte of the Wardeynshypp the yere of Owr Lord a
Ml cccc lxxxvj'1 . 1488.]
A 10.—The acompte of the Schaft made be Wyllyam Sprott and
Eychard Denyse than beyng Wardeynes Anno D'ni Ml cccc
Item all thyngis acomptyd and alowyd so ther rest clerely
in the hondis of Stace Colnian and John Thomas then
choseyn Wardeyns newe they lyuered in money...xxxj s. iiij d.
Item they delyueryd tho the (sic) same Wardeyns aboue seyde iij
semys and di of malt.
John Cowper and Eychard Denys thes gaue ther acompte of the
Wardenshyppe of the Churche of Seynt Donstonys Anno D'ni
Ml cccc Ixxxviij.
All thyngis acomptyd and clerely alowyd vnto them so
ther rest clerely in money in the handis of the forseyde
John and Eychard ij s. iiij d.
John Thomas and John Casse they gaue ther acompte of the Crosse
lygthe the yere and day aboue seyde.
All thyngis comptyd and rekenyd so ther rest clerely in
the handis of ye foreseyde John and John iij s. xj d.
Ingram Carpenter and John Harylsey this gaue there acompte
of Seynt Johns lygthe the yere and day aboue sayde.
AU thyngis acomptyd and rekenyd and clerely alowyd so ther rest
clerely in ther hondis [no amount].
* Probably the phrase "book making" or "making up the book " means
making up the general account of the churoh. The Wardens of the different
Lights as well as the Wardens of the Sohaft contributed, but not in the same
Eychard Marteyn and Wyllyam BaUe this gaue ther acompte
in the yere of Oure Lord Ml cccc Ixxxviij.
. All thyngis acomptyd and rekenyd so ther rest clerely in
ther hondis ij s.
[A.D. 1489.]
A 11.—The acompte made be Stace Colman and John Thomas
of the Schafte Anno D'ni a Ml cccc lxxxix of Seynt
Item all thyngis acomptyd and clerely rekenyd so ther
rest in the handis of John Thomas and John Casse
then chosyn to hym xiijs. iiij d.
And in the handis of Stace Colman xxxiij s. iiij d.
Also in the handis of Wyllyam Sprotte ij semys and di of
malt price the seme iiij s. Summe the hole _ _ x s.
So ressevyd of the seyd Stace in parte solucionis xiij s. iiij d.
John Cowper and Eychard Denyse made ther acompte in the yere
aboue seyed of the Churche of Seynt Donstonys.
All thyngis acomptyd and clerely rekenyd so ther rest in
the hondis of Eychard Denys and John Long ...viij s. vj d. ob.
John Thomas and John Casse made ther acompte of the Crosse
lygthe in the yere aboue seyde.
AU thyngis acomptyd and clerely rekenyd so we rest in
dette to the seyde Crosse ixd.
The Wardeyns John Casse John Thomas chosyn to hym.
Wyllyam Ball and Eychard Marteyn made ther acompte of Seynt
Annys lygthe in the yere aboue seyde.
All thyngis countyd and rekenyd so ther rest in the
handis of WyUyam Ball John Stowpp chosyn to
them vjs. viijd.
[A.D. 1490.]
A 11.—This is the acompte of the Schaft made be John Thomas and
John Casse Anno D'ni Ml cccc lxxxx vnto the parysshynys of
Seynt Donstonys then chosyn vnto John Casse Ingram Carpenter.
All thyngis acomptyd and clerely alowyd so ther rest in
the hondis of John Casse vj s. viij d.
In the handis of Ingram Carpenter vj s. viij d.
Item delyueryd in money vnto John Luton be the seyd
paryssbenys and Wardeynes the summe of
xxxs. ij d. good money.
Also rest in the hondis of WyUyam Sprotte ij semys and
di of malt price the seme iiijs. Summe xs .
Item ther of resd a barell ale price ., ijs. xd.
So rest clerely in the handis of the seyde Wyllyam vij s. ij d.
Also in the handis of Ingram Carpenter di busshell whet..
A 12.—The acompte of Seynt Johns lygthe made be Ingram
Carpenter and John Harylsey Anno D'ni Mlcccclxxxx
Anno H. vij v°.
All thyngis acomptyd and clerely alowyd so ther rest in
the handis of Ingram Carpenter and John Harylsey
ageyn chosyn Wardeynes vjs, xd. ob.
That is to say in the handis of Ingram ijs. j d.
And in the hands of John Harylsey iiij s. ixd. ob.
This is the acompte and John Long and Eychard Denys Wardeyns
of Seynt Donstonys Anno D'ni Ml cccc lxxxx.
In primis reseyuyd of tbe parysbe in money viijs. vjd. ob.
Item rec. of the bequest of Thomas Bolle x s.
Item rec. of the beqweth of Mother Clement iij s. iiij d.
Item receyuid of the beqweth of Mother Bollyng to the
whyte lymyng of the Churche vj s. viij d.
Item receyuid of My Lady Eoper to the makyng of the
new sanctoris legend xiijs. iiij d.
Item rec. the full of the beqweth of Mother Belser of
v marke to the new booke aboue seyde xxxiij s. iiij d.
Item the beqweth of John Sarjant xx s.
Item rec. of the pascall money in the Churche iijs. j d.
Item receyuyd of Hocke money in the parysbe ix s. vj d.
Item borowyd and resseyuyd of the stocke of the Schaft
for tbe sute of owr Beue ageynst Belsers lone xx s.
Item gatheryd and rec. in the Churche for tbe reparacion
of the Churche roffe xvj d.
A 13.—Eentis of the Churche.
In primis resseyuid of the Vycary for the Croste ij s.
Item the tenement of Master John Einyewys caUyd the
Thorne* for iiij yeres be hynde vj d. be yere ij s.
Item Master John Eoper for the Lome pyttef j d.
Item the tenement of Avelyn Bollyng xijd.
Item the same Avelyn for the lampe in the qwere xij d.
Item the Brethern of Harbaldowne for ther tenement xij d.
Item the eyres of John Belser for the iij acre lands iij yere
bebynde jd. ob. be yerej iiijd.ob.
Item John Eobert for the tenement caUyd the Tabarde ... j d.
Item John Luton for his gardyn be yere§ xviij d.
Eentis of Waxe.
Item Master Harry Leverykis lone for the tenement caUyd
the MyUe. j quarter li. waxe ij d.
* The Thorne, known as the " Greyhound " in 1684, and as the " Hound " in
1706. The Master John Pinyewys here mentioned seems to have been Sir John
Pyneux, Lord Chief Justice of England. John Roper, the Attorney-General,
married Jane, daughter of Sir John Pyneux.
f Loam-pit, "in the north side of the way leading to St. Thomas's Hill"
t Wolvestye, "3 acres of land lying within a cross" (no date): in 1706 this
pieoe of ground was in the occupation of Madam Roberts.
§ " A garden in the backside of Luton's place, sometime the sign of the
Buck" (1706).
Item the Executores of Thomas Lunsby j quarter li. waxe ij d.
Item Christopher Kenet for his tenement j quarter li. wax ij d.
Item Eychard Lorkyn for his tenement j quarter li. wax
iiij yere behynde viij d.
Item Thomas EedaU for his tenement in Crokerlane
di li. wax iiij d.
Item Eychard Beker for his tenement in Crokerlane dili.
waxe vj yers behynd ijs.
Item reseyuyd of Mr. Eenex for the wast of ij torchis xij d.
Item rec. of Master Halke for iiij torchis viij d.
Item rec. of John Casse to the booke iiij d.-
Item rec. of the paryshe for the trendyU vij s. ij d.
Summe vj li. viij s. vj d. ob.*
A 14.—This be the costis yt is don the same yere.
In primis payde to Wyllyam Sprotte for schettyng of the
mydyldyll bell claper viijd.
Item payde for mendyng of ij vestementis and bokeram... xiiij d.
Item payde for a Ml tyle to the keueryng of the north
syde of the Churche iiij s.
Item payde for v semys of lyme euery seme viijd.
Summe iijs. iiijd.
Item payde for prygge and lathe iiijd.
Item payde to a laborer for beryng of tyle ijd.
Item payde to Wyllyam Ingram for x dayes tylyng he and
his man euery day xj d. Summe ixs. ijd.
Item for sande iiij d.
Item payde for my feUow aud me x dayes waytyng on
them in expenses xijd.
Item payde to Smetams wyfe for wasshyng behynde vj d. ob.
Item payde to Eychard Denyse that he had leyde owt for
the new legent more than he had receyuyd iiij e-
Item payde to Ingram for a newe rope to the gret bell ... ix d.
Item payde for colis at Ester ijd.
Item payde to Long for iij bawdrykes makyng and
mendyng _ xd.
Item payde for a spade tre j d. ob.
Item payde for strekyng of the pascall and the fonte taper ij s. vj d.
Item payde for xxxj li. of newe torehe waxe x s. iiij d.
Item payde for x li. of owr owne torehe waxe x d.
Item payde to the ryngers Holy Thursday and Corpus
Christidayt . iiij d-
Item payde for flaggis and threde jd. ob.
Item payde for fettyng home the clampis for the baners j d.
Item payde to Wyllyam Ingram a bargayn peny for the
whyte lymyng of owr Churche j d.
* The correct sum is £7 10s. lOd.
t This is the first mention of Corpus Christi. The Corpus Christi plays, or
" quires of the Story of Corpus Christi" mentioned in the Inventory of the year
1500, are lost.
A 15.—Item payde to the same WyUyam for whyt lymyng
of the Churche vjs. viijd.
Item payde for makyng clene of the Sayntis and the
Churche roofe and the pwys and in expensis ij s. j d.
Item payde to John Casse for wrytyng of the rentall iiij d.
Item payde to Besaker for mendyng of an hoke j d.
Item payde for ij bargeyn pens to ij wryters ij d.
Item payde at the visitacion iiij d.
Item payde to Ingram for makyng clene of t i e stepyll iij d.
Item payde for wasshyng of the Churche clothis ij s.
Item payde a bargeyn j d. to the new Clarke and his
expensis iiij d.
Item payde for a mattocke mendyng ij d.
Item payde for a new schovyll vj d.
Item payde for ix li. di quarter of waxe to tbe trendell ... vij s. x d.
Item payde to John Thomas for the trendell makyng xij d.
Item Ingram Carpenter gaue the rope to the same.
Item payde for owr torneys labor ij s.
Item payde for wrytyng of this countis iiij d.
Item payde to Beysuker for a spade makyng iiij d.
Item payde for iiij dosen and di of velom price the doseyn
vijs. S'm the hole xxxj s. vj d.
Item payde to the wryter for xv qweris wrytyng price the
qwere ij s. S'm the hole xxxs.
Sum the costis vj li. vs. ixd. ob.
So rest in the handis of the seyde Wardeyns ij s. ix d.
A 16.—This is the pie of Jeffery Peke for his rent of a howse in
Croker lane di li. wax be yere.
In primis for the somonyng of hym iiijd.
Item payde for the playnt entryng iij d.
Item payde for the recorde of the torney ij d.
Item to owr proctor of tbe Corte for ij dayes xij d.
Item payde the nonsute of the Corte iijd.
So the seyde Jeffere yeld hym to tbe Curte to pay the duty of
vj yeris behynde.
This is the pie of Wyllyam Belsers lone for iij kene that he had
of the stocke of the Churche.
In primis for entryng of the playnt iijd.
Item payde for the copy of the pie and the makyng of the
byll to Master Eenex vjd.
Item for the sytyng of her to the somner xd.
Also we gaue Master Eamsey a potell of wyne vj d.
Item in expensis among the proctoris of the Cort for
counseyle of the lybellis makyng serteyn tymes viij d.
Item payde for the lybellis makyng ijs. j d.
Item payde in the Cort to Colman j d.
Item payde to Master Veker a parte of the costis that he
made to the Comessary the proctoris of Cort and
the recordis for their dener ijs. iiij d.
Item payde the Cort day after All Hallown to Mr. Colman ix s. ihj d.
Item payde for sytyng of her ageyne xvjd.
Item payde to owr proctowre of Cort for bis labore vs .
Item payde for owr expensis vj Cort dayes viij d.
Item payde for the proxe that went to London ij s. j d.
Item payde to owr proctowre at London iij s. iiij d.
Item payde for the coppy of the pie vjd.
Item payde for myne expensis and my labor to London... iij s. iiij d.
Item spent on Master Commyssary and the onycyall iiij d.
S'm both pleys XXXVB. ij d.*
[A.D. 1491.]
A 17.—Md, This gaue John Casse [and] Ingram Carpenter Wardeyns
of the Schaft yr acompte Anno D'ni [Ml] cccclxxxxj and
• Anno Eegis H. vij" sexto.
AU thyngis acomptyd and allowyd and clerely rekenyd the
xxiiij day of May in the yere aboue wrytyn Ingram
Carpenter and Thomas Awdley then chosyn Wardeyns
so ther rest in the handis of the seyde Ingram vj s. viij d.
And in the handis of the seyde Thomas Awdley vj s. viij d.
Also in the handis of Wyllyam Sprotte of the olde acompte
as it aperythe before iiijs. ijd.
So ther rest in the handis of Wyllyam BaUe in money iiij s.
And ther fore he must pay the next yere iiij s. iiij d.
Item ther rest in the handis of the Wardeyns lent to them
be the Wardeyns of the Schaft John Thomas and John
Casse then Wardeyns the summe of xxxixs. vd.
Md. That John Long and Eychard Denyse Wardeyns of tbe
Churche of Seynt Donstonys made there acompte in the yere
aboue seyde all thyngis acompte and alowyd and clerely rekenyd
the xxviij day of May in the yere aboue and all ther reseytis
as f oloythe.
In primis reseyuyd more of the Schaft in money xix s.
Item we borowyd of Master Vyker viijs.
Item reseyud of John Luton for di yeres rent ix d.
Item rec. of the pascall money ijs.
Item res. of Mynton for ij torchis iiijd.
Item reseyuyd of the Hocke money good and bad ix s. viij d.
Item the remayne of the last acompte ij s. ix d. ob.
Item of the beqwest of Jone Belser xxd.
S'm xliiij s. vij d. ob.
This is that we haue leyd owte be John Long and Eychard Denyse
as f oloythe.
In primis payde to John Bovyar for ij new plates to the
Churche dore and the stepyU dore and for a locke
mendyng viijd.
Item payde to the same John for the best Crosse mendyng vj d. ob.
Item payde to Symon Checkeley for mendyng of a chest . ij d.
Item payde for colis at Ester ijd.
* Por further information about this suit see Riohard Long's declaration at
the end of the Accounts for 1491.
A 18.—Item payde for nayles for the chest and to the
sepulcre ijd.
Item payde to Harry Chaundeler for strykyng of the
pascaU ijd.
Item payde to the same Harry for iij li. of new waxe for
the pascall and the fonte taper ij s.
Item payde for threde and taynt hookes j d.
Item payde to the ryngers on Holy Thursday ij d.
Item payde to Harry for a new torehe xv li. and di v s. ij d.
Item spent on the Clarkes on Seynt Donstonys day* ij d.
Item payde to a glasyer for mendyng of the wyndowys ... xvj d.
S'm xlvs. xjd. ob.f
And so we rest in dett to the seyde acomptance xvj d.
And so new choseyn Wardeyns the day and yere aboue seyde John
Thomas and John Eobard.
Md. The xxviij day of May Anno D'ni Ml cccc lxxxxj this gaue
Wyllyam Ball [and] John Stolpe Wardeyns of Seynt Annys
lygthe ther acompte in the yere aboue seyde.
AU thyngis acomptyd and alowyd so yer rest in the handis
of the seyde Wardeyns xj s. xjd.ob.
Md. The iiij day of July in the yere aboue seyde this gaue Ingram
Carpenter and John Harrylsey Wardeynse of Seynt Johns
AU thyngis acomptyd and alowyd so ther rest in the hondis
of the same Wardeyns xviij d.
A 19.—Md. That John Thomas and John Eobard oure Churche
Wardeyns of Seynt Donstonys besyde Canterbury chosyn the xiij day
of June Anno D'ni Ml cccc Ixxxxj and Anno Eegis H. vij sexto there
was delyueryd vnto the seyde Wardeyns be the handis of Eychard
Denyse and be the consent of Master Vykerre with the parysshenys
assente the summe of xxxs. of the whyche xxxs. the forseyde Wardeyns
hath take to ther charge the summe of xv s. that is to sey eelie
of them vijs. vj d. and for that xvs. the forseyde Wardeyns must
fynde the strykyng of the pascall and the fonte taper at t ier owne
proper costis and yelde ageyne the stocke at the yeres ende or the
day of ther acompte that is to sey the seyde xv s. clerely ageyn to
t ie beiofe of tie parysie with owt ony parceh ther of to be layde
nor spent apon tie Cburciis behofe on reparacyons. Also it is to
remembre that the seyde xxxs. is of the money that was recoueryd
of t i e executores of Wyllyam Belser t iat is to sey t i e stocke of iij
kene the whyche remaynyd in the handis of tbe seyde Wyllyam at
the tyme of his departyng owt of this worlde where that the pie
therof stondis wrytyn in tbis booke and the costis what t i e pie cost
and who was tieii Wardeyns &c. Also it is apoyntydbe the consent
* St. Dunstan : ordination of, October 21; deposition of, May 19; translation
of, September 7.
t There is something omitted from these disbursements; the total of the items
given amounts only to x s. ix d. ob.
. J Query 1491,
of the seyd parysshens the seyde xv s. scball so remayn from Wardeyn
to Wardeyn vnder the forme and condycion before wryte and
Md. That the forseyde John Thomas John Eobard Churche
Wardeyns hath delyueryd of the seyde xv s. in ther handis remaynyng
besyde tie fyrst xvs. afore rehersid vnto John Cowper talor tie
summe of vij s. vj d. for to pay for t i e farme tier of to the Ciurcie
is behoffe xviij d. that is to sey at owr Lady day in Lent ix d. at
Mydsomer next foloyng the forseyde summe of vij s. vj d. with other
ixd. ther fore is suerte that this scbalbe content and fulfyllyd.
ETCHAED DENTS Anno vt supra.
Item the forseyde John Eobart hathe take to farme vij s. vj d. of
t i e forseyde xv s. the wiyehe t iat remayneth in ther iandis for to
be let to farme for the Churchis behoffe payng therfor after the
condicion afore rehersid be yere t ier for suerte. Anno vt supra.
A 20.—Md. That I John Thomas Churche Warden of Seynt
Donstone iathe delyueryd and let to farme vij s. vj d. to John Towne
sayer the wyche vij s. vj d. is of the xv s. t iat the seyde Join Thomas
had for his parte of the forseyd stocke of xxx s. afore rehersid and
therefore he schall pay be yere xviij d. there of ix d. to be payde at
owr Lady day in Lent and tbe remnant with the stocke to be payde
viij dayes before the day of ther acompte of the seyde Churche
Wardeyns and tierfore suerte. JOHN EALOWFELD-E Anno vt supra.
A 39.—Be it knowyn to all present t i e paryshonys of Seynt Donstonys
be syde Canterbury where that as one Nycholas Eeugge
somtyme of the seyd parysbe gaue and beqwest gracyosly for the
ese of the paryshenys and other pepyll and so far to be maynteynyed
yerely the summe of xls. in'moneyther with to be bowgtheiiij kene
and so yerly to be late to farme and that the seyde stocke and the
farme ther of comyng yerly schuld maynteyne and ther with to be
payde the strykyng of the pascall and font tapers for the entent and
cawse that no manner pepyll power nor ryche sehuld nothyng pay to
the pascall at Ester as it is acostomyd in euery churche to be don and
so the wyll and the entente of the forseyde Nycholas was fulfyllyd
long and many a day and the forseyde iiij kene was late to farme in
manner and forme afore rehersid be dyuerse Wardeyns dayes in to the
tyme that one John Sargeante and Wyllyam Sprotte was chosyn
Wardeyns and in ther dayes so contynuyng Wardeyns the forseyde
iiij kene were let to farme where that one Wyllyam Belser some
tyme of the same paryshe had of the same iij kene to farme long in
his hondis and so the seyde Wyllyam dessesyd with the same iij
kene in his handis remaynyng the stocke with the farme to the
somme be estymacion of iij li. and aboue in to the tyme that John
Thomas aud Cristof or Kenet were chosyn Wardeyns and so they tooke
an axion ageynst the executores of Wyllyam Belser the wiyehe was
in the vacacion of My Lorde Cardynall Archebysshoppe of Canterbury*
the whyche was in the yere of Ower Lord Ml cccc lxxxvj and
so be the consent of tbe paryshenys and the seyde executores the
* Cardinal Bourchier died March 30,1486, and was sucoeeded by John Morton.
pie was stentyd and put to arbytrement the whyche arbytratores
were Master John Eoper Esqwyre and Mr. Eoger Brent of Canterbury
and Master Parmantory then beyng Commyssary was chosyn
vmpyre be twene them and thus they dyssesyd and did notbyng
in the mater and so we lost ower pie and ower costis and so
lay styll in to the tyme that Eychard Denyse and Jobn Long
were chosyn Wardeyns and then with the consent of the Vycar Mr.
Eenyeux Mr. Eoper and t i e paryssienys the seyde Wardeyns toke a
newe axyon ageyne the seyde executores of the seyd Wyllyam than
beyng Commyssary Mr. Cowper and in schort conclusion ther we
reeoueryd xxx s. for ower iij kene and the sute ther of costvs
xxxvs. ij d. and all ower costis we lost saue xv s. viij d. and this was
endyd the yere of Ower Lord G-od Ml cccc lxxxxj and Anno Eegis
H. vij sexto. Syr ByciiARD LONG Vycar.
[A.D. 1492.]
A 20.—The acompte of Thomas Awdley and Wyllyam Carpenter.
Md. That thus gaue Thomas Awdley and Wyllyam Ingram
Wardeyns of the Schaft of Seynt Donstonys gaue ther acompte
Anno D'ni Ml cccc lxxxxij and Anno Eegis H. vij septimo.
All thyngis acompte and alowyd and clerely rekenyd
Wyllyam Carpenter and John Ealowfylde than chosyn
to hym so rest in the handis of Wyllyam Ingram .. .vj s. viij d.
And in the hondis of John Ealowfeld vj s. viijd.
Also in the hondis of Wyllyam Sprotte of the olde acompte
as it aperythe before xiiij d.
Also in the hondis of Wyllyam BaUe in money vj s. viij d.
And therefore he must pay the next yere vijs.
Also in the hondis of Thomas Awdley a busshell whet.
Also in the hondis of John Thomas and John Casse a cuppe
of syluer and gylte to plegge for xxxixs. vd.
G-atherers of Scochyons.
Thomas Mynton and George Whyler vs . ij d.
Christopher Grenebancke and Eychard Savage vij s. j d.
Harry Symson Eychard Eosell iij s. ij d.
S'm the hole xv s. iiij d.
A 21.—Md. That thus gaue John Thomas and John Eobart Wardeyns
of the Churche of Seynt Donstonys besyde Canterbury gaue ther
compte Anno D'ni Ml cccclxxxij and Anno Eegis H. vij septimo.
In primis the beqwethe of Mother Mathew iij s. iiij d.
Item rec. of Belsers lone the full of owr kene xvj s. viij d.
Item rec. of Sarjantis lone xiij s. iiij d.
Item receyuyd for a qwere of legent of the visitaeion xx d.
Eentis receyuyd of the Churche.
In primis receyuyd of Mr. Vyker ijs.
Item rec. of Eedall iiijd.
Item receyuyd of the Bretheren of Harbaldowne xij d.
Item receyuyd of Master Leueryke for the Mylle ij d.
Item rec. of John Phylpot for ij yeres ij s.
Item receyud of John Luton xviij d.
Item receyud for the halfe yere of the lampe yj d.
Item the tenement of Mr. Eenex caUyd the Thorne for v
yeres behynde vj d. the yere. S'm the hole ij s. vj d.
Item Jobn Belser for iij acres of lond j d. ob. be yere iiij
yeres behynde. S'm the hole vjd.
Item my Lady Eoper for the Lome pet iij yere behynde... iij [d.]
Item Eychard Lorkyn for his tenement iiij yeres behynde
a li. of waxe [nosum]
Item John Eobert behynde j d. a yere [id.]
John Stope for his tenement a yere behynd ij d.
Item Christofer Kenet for his tenement a yere behynde... ij d.
Item the tenement of Eychard Beker di li. wax be yere vij
yere behynde ij s. iiij d.
Item rec. of the Hockemoney vj s. ixd. ob.
Item rec. for iiij li. of torehe waxe xvj d.
Item rec. of the Churche howse for a quarters rent xx d.
S'm the hole Iij s. iij d. ob.
A 22.—This is that we haue leyd owt the same yere afore seyde.
Item payde for flaggis and threde ij Corpus Christi dayes . iij d.
Item payde to the ryngers iij dayes vjd.
Item payde to John Bovyar for a locke mendyng and a
new key makyng ixd.
Item payde for skowryng of the candelstyckis iiij d.
Item lor drynkyng at the day of counte j d.
Item payde for wrytyng of the pie in owr booke iiij d..
Item payde to Ingram for a new rope xj d.
Item payde to John Bovyar for a new locke and ij new
keyes ' x™Jd-
Item payde to the same John for plates to the Churche dores iiij d.
Item payde to the p'or [? Prior] of the Blacke Ereers
for serteyn qweres of the legend viij s.
Item payde to the vysitacion vjd.
Item payde to WyUyam Sprotte for mendyng of a claper xiiij d.
Item payde to Mr. Vyker that he had leyde owt for vs to
the pie viij s. iiijd.
Item payde to Ingram for a rope xd.
Item payde to Long for ij bawdrykes xij d.
Item to John Zelyndis for a lantern vj d.
Item payde to John Eobart for stalyng of the ladders of
the Churche xx d.
Item payde for burdes for to make tbe coffyn for the bere
in the Churche xijd.
Item payde for oyle to the lampe in the qweer vj d.
Item payde to Wyllyam Hylle for makyng of the evydense
betwyxe the Churche and the how[se] callyd the Peele xx d.
Item payde to Join Vuggyll for mendyng of tie holywater
stoppe and t i e cruettis xd.
A 23.—Item payde for the buryng of Ellerygges loue and
her monythis mynde iiij s.
Item payde for paryng of the aleys in t i e Churche yarde iiij d. ob.
Item payde for colis at Ester and nayles for the sepulcre iiij d.
Item payde to John Eobart for makyng of ij couerynges
for the Churche beris and nayhs xjd.
Item payde to Eychard Denyse for mendyng of ij vestementis
new horwest hem and lynyd vj s. viij d.
Item payde to the same Eycharde for that the Churche
owyth hym at the makyng compte the yere before ... xx d.
Item payde for vij li. and di of new torehe waxe ij s. vj d.
Item payde for xj li. of owr owne torehe waxe strekyng ... xj d.
Item payde for wasshyng of a yere ijs.
Item payde for wrytyng of owr acounte ij d.
S'm Is. xd. ob.
Item rec. of John Eobart for the farme of iij quarters of
a kowe : xviij d.
Then the stocke delyueryd to George bis sonne and the
seyde John Eobart suerte for the vij s. vj d.
Item receyud of John Cooper for the farme of iij quarters
of a kowe xviij d.
Then the stocke delyuerud to the seyde John Cooper and
suerte Eychard Denyse for the vij s. vj d.
All thyngis rekenyd and so ther restyth in the handis of
John Thomas and John Eobart Churche Wardeyns in
money iijs. vd.
[AJ>. 1493.]
A 23.—Md. That Ingram Carpenter and Join Harlsey made ther
acompte xxvj day of October the yere of the Eayne of Kyng
Harry the vijtb the viij.
Item aU thyngis countyd and rekenyd so rest in the
handis of Ingram Carpenter and John Harlsey viij s. vd.
A 24.—This is the acompte of the Schafte made be John Falowfelde
and Wyllyam Ingram then beyng Wardeyns Anno D'ni
Ml cccc lxxxxiij and Anno Eegis H. vij viij.
In primis this gaue John Falowfelde and WyUyam Ingram
ther acompte in the yere aboue sayde all thyngis
acomptyd and alowyd of scochyn money and other
money then gatheryd at dyner and other wyse
gatheryd iiij s. iijd. ob.
Item more receyuyd of Wyllyam Sprotte of an nolde
rerage of ij semys and di of malt than at tie same
acompte the fuU payment and so qwyte.
Item of Thomas Awdley a bu'ssheU of whet receyuyd of
his,last acompte so qwyte.
Item so rest in the handis of Wyllyam Ingram and George
Eylande then to hym chosyn Wardeyn that is to sey
in eche of tier handis vjs. viijd.
Item more iij busshellis of whet.
Eentis of the Churche behynde t i e yere aboue seyde.
In primis John Belseyr v yeres vij d. ob.
VOL. xvr. x
Item My Lady Eoper iiij yeres beiynde iiijd.
Item John Stope iij yere behynde vjd.
Item Christof or Kenet iij yeres behynde vj d.
Item John Eobard for his howse all his tyme j d.be yere [no sum]
Item Bekers place in Croker lane viij yeres behynde di li.
waxe be yere ijs. viijd.'
A 25.*—This made John Thomas John Eobart Churche Wardeyns
of Seynt Donstonys made ther acompte the yere of Kyng
Harry the vij the viij.
AU thyngis acountyd and rekenyd so that we the seyde
parysshynys owe vnto the seyde John Thomas the
summe of xiiij d.
And haue new chosyn to John Eobart John Percyvall the
seyde John hathe receyuyd for pascall money vij s. vjd.
And also in the handis of the same John Eobart vij s. vj d.
Item in the same yere this gaue Eychard Denyse and John'Thomas
Wardeyns of the Crosse lygthe yafe ther acounte the yere
aboue seyde.
All thyngis acountyd and recomptyd so ther rest in ther
hondis of the seyde Wardeyns Eychard Denyse and
John Long than new chosyn vnto hym iij s. vj d.
Item the same yere .John Stolpe and Wyllyam Ball gaue ther
acompte of Seynt Anne for ij yeres Bretherhode.
All thyngis acountyd and alowyd so the seyde Wyllyam
BaU and John Coper Wardeyns than new chosyn vnto
hym so ther rest we in the Wardeyns dette iij s. viij d.
Item the same yere John Harlsey WyUyam Ingram Wardeyns
haue made ther acompte of the Bretherhode of Seynt John is
All thyngis acomptyd and alowyd so ther rest in the handis
of the seyde Wardeyns the summe of xij s. ij d.
Item receyud of John Eobart for the farme of iij quarters
of a kowe xviij d.
And the stocke in George Whelars hande and John
Eobart sewarte for tbe vij s. vj d.
Item receyud of John Cowper for the farme of iij quarters
of a kowe xviij d.
And the stocke in John Copers honde and Eychard Denys
suerte for the vij s. vjd.
[A.D. 1494.]
A 26.—This is the acompte of the Schaft made be Wyllyam Carpenter
and George Byiande Wardeyns of the same Schaft Anno
D'ni Ml cccc lxxxxiiij Anno Eegis H. vij nono.
AU thyngis acomptyd payde and alowyd the xxj day of May in the
yere aboue seyde excepte vj spares lyti to pay for vnacompfcyd
so we haue delyuerydvnto owr Wardeyns in money xxs. the
"King Henry " written in the margin.
whyche Wardeyns remaynythe styll afore namyd &c. Also remaynyth
still in the handis of the same Wardeyns [blank].
[A.D. 1495.]
A 26.—This is the acompte of the Schafte made be WyUyam Carpenter
and George Eylande Wardeyns of the same Schaft Anno
D'ni Mlcccclxxxxv Anno Eegis H. vij x.
All thyngis acomptyd payde and alowyd the x day of June in the
yere aboue seyde and so we haue delyueryd vnto owr Wardeyns
in money xxiiij s. the whyche Wardeyns remayneth styll afore
namyd Ac. And also remaynyth styll in the handis of the same
Wardeyns iiij busshellis of whet and ij busshellis of malt.
[A.D. 1496.]
A 26.—This is the acompte of the Schafte made be Wyllyam Carpenter
and George Eylande Wardeyns of the Schaft Anno D'ni
Ml cccc lxxxxvj Anno Eegis He. vij xjth yere.
All thyngis acomptyd and payde and alowyd the xxviij day of May
in the yere aboue seyde and so we haue to them delyueryd vnto
this same Wardeyns in money xxiiij s. iiij d. to the whyche
Wardeyns remaynythe styll afore namyd and also remaynyth
styll in the handis of the same Wardeyns iij busshellis of whet.
A 27.—Anno D'ni Ml cccc lxxxxvj viz. pro festo Sancti Johannis
Baptiste eodem anno pro iij annis proxime ureteritis.
The acompte of Wyllyam Carpenter and John Harlsey
Wardeyns of Seynt John in the Churche of Seynt
Donston eodem tempore de arreragiis vltimi anni xij s. ij d.
Et similiter de receptis viz. de ix s. viij d. Summa totalis recepta
xxj s. viij d. quibus petunt allocari de vj s. viij d. ob. pro legendo
et de iiij s. pro le strekyng of wex et de iiij s. viij d. pro consimili
pro anno secundo et de iiij s. pro consimili pro tercio
anno et summa remanet in arreragiis ij s. iiij d. vna cum iij li.
cere et remanet vsque festum proxime &c.
The acompte of Wyllyam Ball and Capper Wardeyns of the lygthe of
Seynt Anne for iij yeres endyng in t i e Fest of Seynt Anne *
last passid Anno D'ni Ml cccc lxxxxvj.
Idem computaverunt de receptis per idem tempus de xxiij s. xj d.
de quibus petunt allocari de iij s. viij d. de supplemento vltimi
computi et de xxvij s. ix d. ob. et sic habent [?] in supplemento
vij s. vj d. ob. et idem Wyll'm's Ball elegit sibi Georgium
Eyland vsque festum Sancte Anne proximum &c.
[A.D. 1497.]
A 27.—This is the acompte of the Schafte made be Wyllyam Carpenter
and George Eylande Wardeyns of t i e same Schaft Anno D'ni
Ml cccc lxxxxvij Anno Eegis H. vij xij yere.
All thyngis acomptyd and payde and alowyd the xiiij day of May in
t i e yere aboue wrytyn and so we haue delyueryd vnto tie
forseyde ij Wardeyns in money xxvj s. viij d. to tie whyche
Wardeyns remaynythe still afore namyd.
* July 26.
x 2
[A.D. 1498.]
A 27.—This is t i e acompte of the Schafte made be Wyllyam Carpenter
and George Eylande Wardeyns of the same Schaft Anno
D'ni Ml cccc Ixxxxviij Anno Eegis H. vij the viij [sic] yere.
All thyngis acomptyd and payde and alowyd the vj day of
June in the yere aboue wrytyn the xiij yere and so we
haue delyuyred vnto them Wardeyns now beyng Wyllyam
Ingram and Jefferey Baker in money xiij s. iiij d.
A 28.—Here after folowythe in wrytyng the acompte of WyUyam
BaUe and Thomas Aley Churche Wardeyns of Seynt Donstonys
with owt Westgate in the yere and the Eayne of Kyng Henry
the vijth the xiij.
In primis receyuyd of the executores of the Vykar* of
Seynt Donstonys in money iij li. vj s. viij d.
Item rec. for wast of torchis for the seyde Vykar xij d.
Item rec. for the wedow Lute of Eychard WeUes for waste
of torchis S'm xvjd.
Item rec. of Lambarde for wast of torchis S'm ij d.
Item rec. of the wedow of Luton for Churche rentis S'm ij s. iij d.
Item receyud of Mother Eedalle for rent S'm xij d.
Item receyuyd of John Stolpe for rent S'm vij d.
Item ress. of Orvmp in waxe S'm vij d.
Item of Christofer Kenet j li. of waxe S'm vij d.
Item rec. of John Coper for rent S'm ij s.
Item for the howse at the Townys ende res. for a yere ... vs.
Item rec. that was gatheryd at Hoctyde S'm iij s. viij d.
Item rec. of the pascall of strangers for ij yeres S'm ... ij s. iij d.
Item receyuyd or George Aylonde to the pascall S'm ... xviij d.
A 29.—Item rec. of the Bretherne of Harbaldowne for
rent for ij yere ij s.
Item receyuyed of Master Eoper for ij yeres rent ij d.
Item receyuyed of John Belser for ij yeres rent iij d.
Item receyuyd of Eobert Estall for the rent of the Mylle
for ij yere di li. waxe iij d. ob.
Item rec. of tenement caUyd the Thorne for ij yere xij d.
Summe iiij li. xvij s. viij d. ob.
Here after folowyng byn wrytyn the parcellis leyde owte be me
WyUyam BaUe and Thomas Aley Churche Wardeyns of the
Churche of Seynt Donstonys with owt Westgate Anno Eegis
H. vij xiij.
In primis for makyng of ij new belclapers and mendyng of
one xiijs. iiij d.
Item payde for iiij new belropes S'm iiij s. iij d.
Item payde for iij new bawdrykis and mendyng ' xvj d.
Item payde for v boxis to the belfrey x d.
Item payde for makyng of the legend S'm x s.
* Clement Hardyng.
ST. DUNSTAN'S, CANTERBURY, A.D. 1499-1500. 309
Item payde for iiij Ml tyle for the Churche xiij s. iiij d.
Item payde for v C lathe for the Churche iij s. iiij d.
Item payde for di Ml prygge iijs. vj d.
Item payde for lyme for the Churche ijs. xd.
Item payde for a lode of sande vjd.
Item payde for xviij dayes to a tyler and his man that
serued hym euery day xd. Summe xvs.
Item payde to a plummer for sawder and mendyng of a
gutter xij d.
Item payde for a C of iiij peny nayle iiij d.
Item for vj roofe tyle vjd.
Item payde for Sandwyche corde for the clothe afore ye
Eoode j d.
Item payde for colis for ij yeres at Ester viijd.
Item payde to them that whacched the sepulcre for ij yeres iiij d.
Item for bredd and ale [ij d.]
Item payde on Corpus Christi day and Holy Thursday to
the ryngers for ij yeres xij d.
Item for flaggis for ij yeres S'm ijd.
A 30.—Item for foldyng vpp of the Churche gere ij d.
Item for makyng clene of the Churche ijd.
Item for wasshyng of the Churche gere ijs.
Item for a torehe the fyrst yere vj s. ij d.
Item payde the next yere folowyng vjs. viij d.
Item payde for mendyng of a surplys vd.
Item payde for makyng of the pascaU ij yeres v s. ij d. •
Item when we rode for owr grayle at ij tymes owr expenses ix d.
Item payde ij yere rent of the howse at the Tounys ende . xij d.
Item payde for a lode of lome to the same howse iiij d..
Item payde for lathis jd.
Item for trawe to thaccheit iiij d.
Item for thacchyng of the same iiij d.
Summe iiij li. xvj s. j d.
[A.D. 1499.]
A 28.—This is the acompte of the Schafte made be Wyllyam Carpenter
and Jeffery Baker Wardeyns of the same Schaft Anno
Eegis H. vij xiiijth yere of.
AU thyngis alowyd and payde the xxij day of May the
yere aforeseyde And so we haue delyueryd at this
acounte to the forseyde Wardeyns of the Schaft to
euery of them viijs. Summe xvjs.
Item aboue the acompte iiij presstis and Master Eoper.
[A.D. 1500.]
A 28.—This is the acompte of the Schafte made be WyUyam Carpenter
and Jefferey Baker Wardeyns of the same Schaft Anno
Eegis H. vij xv yere of.
AU thyngis alowyd and payde the ix day of June the yere
aforeseyde and so we haue delyuyerd at this acompte
to the forseyde Wardeyns of the Schafte to euery of
themxs. S'm xxs.
A 31.—This is the acompte of John Falowfelde and John Cowper
late Wardeyns of the paryshe Churche of Seynt Donstonys
with owte the walls of Canterbury makyng ther acompte for
the terme of yeres* endyng the x day of May the xv yere of
Kyng Henry the vijth.
Fyrst the seyde aceomtauntz answere for all ther reseytis
by the seyde tyme as here after foloythe in the partyculer
som'es fyrst for a kowe vijs. vjd.
Item of the pascal money of strangers for ij yeres iij s. iij d.
Item of Hockmoney of paryshyns and strangers xiiij s. iij d.
Item of Wyllyam Carpenter and George Eylande of tbe...
Schaft money. xvs. xd.
Item of Wyllyam Hylles xxd.
Item of George Eylande for the hyre of a cowe xviij d.
Item of John Glowceter to the new booke iij s. iiij d.
Item of Joane Sprotte executryce of the testament of
WyUyam Sprotte for the reparacions of the glas wyndowes
of the seyde Ciurcie xviij d.
Item of one Father Erie iiijd.
Item for another kowe rec. vij s. vj d. in the Whyttsonweke
in the fyrst yere vij s. vjd.
Item of Hockmoney in the xiiij yere of the seyde Kyng of
parysshens and strangers vs . iijd.
Item of John Eluys wedow for wast of torchis xvj d.
Item of the parysshyns to the makyng of the wakeryngbell
Item of Wyllyam Halke for rent payde for the Brethern
of Harbaldowne for iij yeres iij s.
Item of Mother Fedoll for ij yer rent vij d.
Item of Mother Luton for ij yere rent iij s.
Item for the howse of the seyde John Cowper and his discharge
for ij yeres rent ijs.
Item of a yeman of Crowne for wast of torchis xij d.
A 33.f—Item of Hockemoneylast passid of parysshens and
strangers . viijs. ijd.
Item of Master Vycar of the seyde parysshe for ij yeres
rent endyng in the xv yere of the seyde Kyng iiij s.
Here lackythe the receytis of tbe Eode lygth and of the
pascall [xvs. xd.]
The Summe of the hole charge is vii. ij s. viij d.
Where of tie seyde acomptantis ax alowance as hereafter
Fyrst for foldyng vppe the Churche goodis ij d.
Item payde for ij yeres for settyng vppe of the sepulcre
wacchyng and colis ## vjd.
Item for gyrdylles for vestmentis ij d. ob.
Item payde to the ryngers for Holy Thursday and Corpus^
Christi day for ij yeres ij s. viij d.
* Par two-years. ' f Pol. 32 is blank.
Item payde for nagge for ij yeres ijd.
Item payde for ij torchis to John Glowceter xiiij s. iiij d.
Item payde for a torehe in the ij yere vij s. iiij d.
Item to the parson of Harbaldowne for a booke caUyd
Legenda Sanctoris '. xxs.
Item payde for iij crewettis iiij d.
Item payed to John Long for mendyng of iij bawdrykis ... vj d.
Item payde to Bounde for makyng clene of the Churche ij d.
Item payde to the Clarke for wacciyng of the sepulcre and
colis in ij yeres vj d.
Item payde to Eoger Hart for mendyng of the gret bell
whele and makyng of ij branchis of iron to the corteyns
of the Hyghe Awter xvj d.
Item payde to George glasyer for makyng of ij glasse
wyndowes and for ij busshellis of lyme xviij s. iiij d.
Item payde for corde to the Lent clothe ij d.
Item payde for a rope to the lytyll bell xij d.
Item payde for a corde to amende the olde rope of the
wakerrell ijd.
Item payde for a new rope to the same iiijd.
Item payde to Eychard Kerner for the makyng of the same
belle iijs. viijd.
Item payde for pavyng tyle and ij bussheUis of lyme for
the Churche iij d.
Item payde to the plommer for mendyng of the font iiij d.
Item payde on Holy Thursday to the ryngers and brekefast viij d.
Item for makyng and wrytyng the endentures of the
Churche goodis * xijd.
Item payde to John Glowceter for an other torehe of xxij
li. this last yere vijs. viijd.
Item payde for a rope to the gret bell xiiij d.
A 34.—Item payde on Corpus Christi day viij d.
Item payde for a bawdryke to the ij bell viijd.
Item payde for the wasshyng of the lynnen of the Churche
be the seyde tyme iiij s.
Item payde for qwyt rent in dyscbarge of the Churche
howse for ij yeres xij d.
Item for xvs. of the stocke of the kene xvs.
Item for strykyng of the pascall in the fyrst yere f... [no amount]
for asmuche as this acomptant lackyd one of the seyde kene
tyll Whytsontyde at the instance of Mr. Eoper Mr. Vycar
Wyllyam Halke and others. And ouer this the seyde acomptantis
sey and also opynly schew for ther dyscharge and
wele of the Chyrche certeyn arreres of rentis belongyng to the
Churche whyche as yet came neuer to their hondis as here after
* Possibly the Inventory whioh will be found at the end of this aooount.
f Between this word "yere " and " for asmuohe," etc., there is no break whatever
in the MS.
Fyrst the howse or tenement of Mastres Leveryke caUyd
the Wynde Myll in waxe di U. behynde be viij yeres ... xvj d.
Also the tenement of the Thorne behynde for xij yeres ... vj s.
Item the iij acres of londe of John Belser behynde be ij
yeres iijd.
Item the londis of Master John Eoper caUyd the Lome
pettis behynde be iiij yeres iiijd.
Item the tenement of Eychard Larkyn behynde be x yere
euery yer a quarter of wax. Sm xxd.
Item the tenement of John Stalpe behynde be viij yere
euery yere a quarter of wexe xvj d.
Item the tenement of Salmon Symon behynde be viij yere
euery yere a quarter of wex xvj d.
Item the tenement of John Eobart behynde be x yere x. d.
Item the tenement of Eychard Byker behynde be xij yere iiij s.
Item the tenement of the Brothers of Harbaldowne behynde
be iij yeres '. iij s-
Sm of this arreres of the rentis . •... xx s. j d.
Sm of aU the hole arreres as well of the seyde acountantis a.s
of the seyde rentis is in the hole xxiiij s. vij d. ob.
A worke of coper and gyltt with iiij angells off ivorye, and yn the
mydds a berall with divers releks of sayntts.'
Another worke of coper and a image off coper and gyllt with a beraU
yn the fott theryn beyng dyvers releks off sayntts.
A purs of red sylke with dyvers releks off sayntts.
A pax off sylver and gyltt with a pece of the holy crosse there yn
weyng iiij unc's di.
The best chalys sylver and gyltt weyyng xxj unc's off the gyfte off
Harry Boll,
ij cruetts off sylver weyyng x unc's di of the gyfte of Sir John
ij other chalys off sylver and gyltt weyyng xxxiij unc's.
A box off ivorye bownd with sylver.
A angell of bornde golde with a ston of beraU bownd yn sylver.
The best cross of laten and gylte with the fott and a staffe gyltte
off the gyfte off John Phylpott.
A baner clothe off our Ladye to the same crosse off the gefte off Als
the wyff off Eic. WeUs.
* The Inventory which follows is copied from The Gentleman's Mayamme
(Dec. 1837, pp. 569-71). The writer says, " I send you the following, if you feel
disposed to rescue from oblivion the fading contents of an old (and I may say)
curious manuscript, employed for its last office as a oovering of an ancient book
of accounts, containing a Schedule of the Goods of the Parish Churoh of St. Dunstan,
near Canterbury; as set forth in an instrument dated 1st May A.D. 1500,
and made between Master Clement Hardyng, Vycar, Master John Roper, with
others of the Parishioners, and the Wardens of that Churoh, then having the
custody of those goods. V. S. D." (Vicar of St. Dunstan's). [J. B. Bunce.] I am
sorry to say the curious manuscript mentioned above has disappeared;_ but
whether the ancient book of accounts which it covered is one of those whioh I
have copied I cannot say, as MSS. A, B, and D are without covers of any kind.
The seconde crosse with a image off coper and gylte with a crosse
off tre perteynyng ther to and a clothe ther to caUyd a baner.
A old crosse off coper.
A pax borde off latyn with Marye and John off the gyfte of John
A crucyfyx for a pax borde off coper and gyltt.
A pix off latyn with a lytyll pece off sylver theryn for to howsyll
with and a sudary to the same.
A basyn off latyn for the offeryng.
A basen off latyn for crystynyng.
iiij candellstyks off latyn for the hye auter.
ij*grete candellstyks off latyn off the geft off John Phylpott for
A grete candellstyk off latyn for mortuarys.
iiij candellstyks off yren for mortuarys.
A stope off latyn with a styke of latyn to ye same,
ij sencers off latyn.
A culver off latyn to ber frank-and-cense yn.
A stope off lede for tbe holy water atte the Churche dore.
A braunche off yron for vij" tapers and a lytyll candyUstyk of latyn
with iij feet.
A panne oft yron to ber cols theryn.
A princypall mass boke.
A antyffener off the geft off Thomas Att-Well and the paryshe
ij other masboks j new bownde.
A masboke prynt as good.
An old antyffener.
A manewell goode.
A manewell febyU.
A ordinall goode off the gefte of Sir WyUyam Wyggs sum tyme
Vicare of thys Churche.
A marteralage and a sawter off the gefte off John Eollyng.*
A prymier notyd off the gyft off Sir Clement Smythe.f
Another prymier notyd.
Another prymier with chappters and colects withyn the same off
the gyfte off John Hendome.
A boke of expownacionsand a sequens boke notyd.
ij legens a grett and small febyU.
ij old sawcers one off the geft off Margarett Booker and an other off
the gyft of John Belshere the elder with waffys yn the pand.
ij old awntyffeners febyU.
iij processinars ij goode and one febyU the best of the geft off Sir
John Elys.
A lytyll auntyffener notyd.
iij newe queers off the story off Seynt Donston and ij olde queers
off thys same.
A queer off the story off Seynt Thomas and the dedycacion and
Saint Mathy the Apostell and Saynt Katteryn.
* Chaplain to the Roper Chantry in 1408. f lb, in 1452.
A queer off Corpus Xi and Saint Anne.
ij queers off the story off Saint Anne.
A old queer off the story off Corpus Xi with the legent febyU.
A queer off the respons off ye Trinite and awntems off our Lady
A. queer off ye zelekks [? relics] of Seint Anne and the legent of
Benit Hewe.
ij quayers one off the story off Corpus Xi and halhoywyn.
A quayer off the legent off Seynt Thomas the Apostyll and the
legent off Christmas.
A grayll off the gefte off Master Harry Loveryke.
Another grayll off the gefte off Sir Wyllyam Fordmell.
ij new legents one off the sainctor another off the temporale off the
gefte of the paryshe and off the mony off the shafte.
The best vestment off blewe clothe off tyssowe that ys a say a coppe
a chosebyll ij tonecls iij awbs with the paramits iij amys ij
tonecls iij phannons ij corporis off blew clothe of tyssew off the
geft off John Phylpott.
The ijd vestment of grey sylke yt ys to say a coppe a chosebyll
ij tonecls iij awbs with the paramitts iij amys ij tonecls iij
phanonnas a vestment with cokks off the gefte .of my Lord
Byshop Kempe with awbe and paramits.
A vestment of red velvett with awbe and paramits.
A vestment callyd Seynt Edmonds vestment with awbe and
A vestment off gren for Sonndays with awbe and paramits.
A vestment off red sylke with awbe and paramits.
A vestment off blew worstede.
A whyte vestment off fustyan with awbe and paramits for Lent,
ij awbs for chyldryn with ij amys iiij surplyces ij goode ij febell.
iij rocketts for men.
A frontlett off whyte off clothe off golde for the hy Awter.
A rode frontell off saten with rosys.
A frontell off blew with harts off golde.
A frontell off dragons off golde.
A frontell off egylls off golde.
A howslyng tewell off dyaper with blew melyngs atte the end goode.
A howslyng tewell hempyll.
A littel tewell off dyaper and one playne.
ij awter clothys off the gyfte of Amys Grey to Saynt Anns Awter
and to Saynt Johns Awter.
A frontell off whytt to Saynt Anns Awter.
A frontell off red velvett for Saynt Johns Awter.
ij small tewell s for the lavatoreys.
A clothe for weddyng.
v auter clothys febyll.
xj corporas casis and x corporasses.
A clothe staynyd off the resurreccion for the sepulcre.
A clothe staynyd for the puryficacion off women.
A staynyd clothe to kepe the ymage off our Lady.
ij staynyd clothys off yelewe with a ymage of Saint Anne for Saynt
Annys awter off the geft off the brothers and sisters.
iiij curteyns for the sayd auter staynyd with angels.
A staynyd clothe for the rode lofte off tbe gefte of Jonne Belser
and Avelyn Boiling.
A clothe staynyd for to haung under the rode of pyte.
viij baner stavys staynyd rede off the gefte off Eobert Tonge.
A baner staff payntyd yalowe.
viij banor clothys longgythe to the stavys.
A pynyon off Saint Donston.
A garment for the roode off pyte off Cypres off the geft off Margery
A garment off velvett off the geft off Eic. Denyes and Kateryn
A kercher for our Lady.
A chapplett a powdryd cap for hyr sonne off the gefu of Margery
A clothe for the quer for tyme of Lent.
A sudary off whytt sylke for mortuarys with a case coveryd with
blew sylk with a crucifix off Mary and John for yt same
A nothyr sudary off whytt sylk contyneyng ij yards and a quarter
ij superaltarys.
ix cusshyns of sylke.
iij chests for to kepe yt sayd stuff.
A carpett off the geft of Jobn Bollyng.
A dobyll crosse off coper with dyvers stonys.
A canope for to bere on Corpus Xi day off the geft off the
brotheryn off Johns.
A pekkyd candylstyck nosled.
A red pell f ebyll.
A pece of green carceryk for the erysmatory.
A erysmatory off tyn.
A vestment for Saint Nicholas tyme with crosyar and myter.
A coverlett for chyld-wyffe.
ij bells for mortuarys.
A lytyl beU to ber to for the Sacrament.
A lantern.
A banor clothe off blak with dragons off sylver off the geft off Eic.
A basyn off latin off the geft off Jonne Drewry.
Another basyn with ewyer off the geft off Denys Chesman.
ij porteres off the gefte off Syr Eye. Long one notyd and another
j olde masse booke feble.
j breviatt ordynall with masses and dyryges therin feble.
j booke of the sequens notyd feeble. . .
j qweyre de no'i'e Jh'u the visitacion and transfiguracion noted without
j stremer of rede bokeram with a dragon of Saynt George therin
and a rode baner staff longyng thereto,
iiij liteU laton bellis for Corpus Xpi cloth,
j crosse clothe of white with swhannes off goulde.
j ymage of our Lady therin of the gyfte of Alice Wellys.
Of the same Alyces gyfte ij pryncypall aulter clothes steyned and
ij curteyns apperteynyng therto the grownde ther of rede
damaske worke.
xxxiij newer lenteyn clothes j with curteyns for the aulters and
imagies of dyvers pyctories of the passion of Cryste of the
gyfte of the saide Alyce.
A new cope of blewe welffett adornyd with beUis and angells bought
with money of the bequeste of Sir John Jarman * iiij L and with
the money that came of the pyx that was solde for the sume of
x L vj s. viij d. Item xx s. of the bequest of Julian Moton.
A lytel clothe and a greater to the heyge auter.
Another little clothe of the same to Seynthe Annes awter of the
gefte of [name illegible].
A vestment of welwet of the gefte of Master Stephyn Chauntry
An olde towelle of dyaper.
A pillow of velvet of the gefte of Isabelle Coboyte.
vij awter clothes of dyaper and iij playne clothes good.
A littil awter clothe wroughte with nedill werke.
ij cushyns for rectores cori [?].
[A.D. 1503.]
A 40.—This is the countis of the Crosse lygthe made the
xviij yere of the reyne of Kyng Henry the vij beyng
Wardeyns Harry Symson and Eychard Wohyll geuyng
a clere acountis restyng in the honde of Harry Symson ij s. x d.
[The following account is imperfect at the beginning. It seems to
extend over the years 1504-1508. The next account, also
without date, belongs to the same period.]
B 3.—Item of George Sosceley xiijd.
Item of John Eamsey vjd.
Item of Thomas Johnson ijd.
Item of George Busshe xxd.
Item of Thomas Gilbert ijd.
Item of John de Lynys ij d.
Item of John Lambard iijs. iiijd.
Item of Garard Wymere ij d.
Item of John Gyrdeler ijd.
Item of Eichard Eedgate ij d.
Item of Eoger White j d.
Item of Eichard Brafy iiijd.
Item of John a Blane ijd.
Item of Eoger Barnes jd.
* Chaplain to the Roper Chantry in 1486.
t Stephen Brown was Chantry Priest in 1475.
Item of William Symond jd. ob.
Item of Eichard Wadell xijd.
Item of Thomas Hochon iiij d.
Item of Moder Halyday ijd.
Item of Eichard Wynston ij s.
Item of John Dalamare iiij d.
Item of John Dymmet ij d.
Item of William Eede ij d.
Item of John Goodman j d.
Item of Henry Sloo viijd.
Item of Eichard Skelton xiiij d.
Item of a capper ijd.
Item of William Philpot bruer xxd.
Item of Symon Polle iiij d.
Item of Eichard Hawlot viijd.
Item of Jamys Grey xvj d.
Item of Thomas Wyndar viij d.
B 4.—Item of John May ijd.
Item of John Almynar iiijd.
Item of Johane Coupares iiij d.
Item of Johane Harlesey ij d.
Item of Sherwod ij d.
Item of Johane EUeregge ij d.
Item of Jamys Barber iiij d.
Item of serteyn strangeouris iij s.
S'm vii. xixs. iij d. ob.
Her lakkith the resceitis of the rodelought mony xixs.*
Item primis of John Man for the bequeth of Maister John
Nethersole xx s.
Item receyved of the Shafte money in the xxj yere of the
reign of Kyng Henry the vijth xiij s. iiij d.
Item receyved of tbe Shafte mony in the xxij yere of the
reign of Kyng Henry the vijthf ix s.
Item of Geffrey Baker for a house he solde at the
Townesende vjs. viij d.
Item of Eobert Lambard the whiche he gadered of the
parisshons vs. iij d. ob.
Item receyved of strangeouris for money to the pascall
for iij yere vs. vjd.
Item receyvid of Hoktyde money for iij yere xxiijs. viijd.
Item receyvid for the wast of torches v li. at the burying
of Maister Marten . xxij d.
Item receyvid for waste of torches ij li. and di at the
burying of George Busshe xd.
* In another handwriting.
f In the margin with a reference mark is this note: "Being the last [wo]
yeare of his raigne and from that yeare to this present yeare 1627 is iust 118
yeares teste Jacobo Peny. Vioario."—22 H. VII.=Aug. 1506 to Aug. 1507.
Item receyvid of the Brothren of Harbaldoun for rent for
iiij yere iiij s.
B 5.—Item of Jobn Luton for rent for iiij yere vj s.
Item of Maister Eooper for rent for iiij yere iiij d.
Item of John Stulpe for rent of waxe iiij d.
Item receyvid toward the trendyll xx d.
Item receyvid of thexecutoures of John Sergeaunt by the
handis of Syr John Bolne Vicary of Seynt Dunstans xls.
Item receyvid of Thomas Eryth for iiij yere iiij s.
Item the Patryk* for rent of waxe xd.
Item of John Belser for iiij yere vj d.
Item of Moder [?] Vedall for rent of waxe xd.
S'm xiij li. iij s. vij d.
Paymentis folowyng don by the seid Wardens &s.
In primis paied for viij Ml of tyle price le Ml iij s. viij d.
S'm xxixs. iiijd.
Item for xij C of lath price le C vj d. S'm vj s.
Item for xlv fote of evys borde xvd.
Item for xv quarteres of lyme price le quarter vj d. S'm xx d. [sic]
Item for viij Ml of prig price le Ml vj d. S'm iiij s.
Item paied to William Ingram and Edward Olyf for
tylyng of the Cherche xvs.
Item for the beame fyllyng of the Cherche v d.
Item for makyng clene of the Cherche iij tymes vj d.
Item for iij peny naile and iiij peny naile x d.
Item paied to a Clerke for iij wekis xijd.
B 6.—Item paid to Thomas Eowe and bis man for stokyng
and hangyng of the bellys vjs.
Item for iij newe bawderyk price le pece viij d. S'm ij s.
Item for mendyng of a bawderyk jd.
Item for a bokyll for a bawderyk j d.
Item paied to John Clere smyth for makyng of iij newe
clapperes ix s. x d.
Item paied to Laurence Eolfe smyth for certeyn irnes for
the stoke of the bellys iij s. iiij d.
Item paied to Thomas Brooke and Henry Symson for
their labour aboute the bellys _ vjs.
Item for iij newe bell ropys iij s. jjd.
Item for lyne for the wakerell belle vjd.
Item for a newe wakerell belle vjs.viijd.
Item for hangyng of the same belle and for irnes and
nailez thereto x d.
Item paied to the belfounder for castyng of ij new bellys
and for newe metyll to the same bellysf vij li. ij s.
*'Between "Patryk" and "for" is was originally written, but a pen has
been drawn through the word.
f Two pages further on, and standing quite alone, but in the same handwriting,
is the following:
B 8.—Item receyvid in metill gadered of the parysshe and
of other parysshes xsdiij s.
Item for v newe torches in iiij yere xxxvs.
Item for mendyng of the olde torches ixd.
Item for strekyng of the pascall iij tymes vj s.
Item for the belle ryngares and the standard berar on
Ascencon day and Corpus Christi day in expends for
iij yere ijs. vjd.
Item for colys for halowyng of the fonte for iij yere xij d.
Item for wecchyng of the sepulcre for iij yere ix d.
Item for flagges and for pakthred for the torches on Corpus
Christi day for iij yere iiij d. ob.
Item paid for a newe whele for the fore bell iiij 3. iiij d.
B 1.—Idem for Sandewich corde for to pulle vppe the cloth
before the Eode on Palme Sonday iiij d.
Item for grese and sope for the beUys ijd.
Item for makyng of a newe beere and for borde and nailes
therto ij s. iiij d.
Item for nayles to set vppe the sepulcre for iij yere ij d.
Item for makyng of a newe gate to the Cherchyerde nex
the Vycaregge and for irne work and tymber therto . ij s. x d.
Item for makyng of a newe pulley viij d.
Item for foldyng vppe of the Cherche goodis and beryng
vppe into the belfrey at our commyng in iiij d.
Item paied for xj li. of waxe for a trendyll and for strekyng
of the same waxe vij s. iiij d.
Item for a newe lyne for the same trendyll ..- iij d.
S'm of all the paymentis xvli. xiij s. j d.
And so the Cherche is in dette to the seid wardens as it
apperith by this ther accompte xlixs. vj d.
[The following Account probably belongs to the one preceding it.]
B 9.—The acomptis of me Thomas Hochin one of the Churchwardens
of Sent Dunstans in ye second and third yeres.
In primis receavyd for rent of the Cburchowse for iij yere
and a halfe xvijs. vj d.
Item receuyd of the Brothern of Harbaldone ij s.
Item receuyd of Thomas Wynston for Master Eynex howse xij d.
Item receuyd of Maystres Barnet for waste of iij torches. ix d.
Item receuyd of Belys wydow for the pawle vj d.
S'm xxj s. ix d.
Item payed att the vysytacyon att sondry tymes xxj d.
Item payed for a commysyon to sett vpon the Churche
dore ihjd.
Item payed to the Byshoppe of Canterbury for quyt rent
for iij yeres of the Churche howse xviijd.
Item for a wagerell rope xiijd.
Item for a rope for the fyrst bell xvd.
Item for a rope for the second bell xviijd.
Item for a rope for the thyrde bell ij s.
Item payed to Panton for curten roddis and hookys xiij d.
Item payed to Wynston for a new bawldryke and mendyng
of an olde xiij d.
Item payed for a lode of lome for the Churchowse vd.
Item payed to Hayward for mendyng of the bere iiij d.
Item payed for pryggis ijd.
Item for a dore made for the Churche howse ii B. iii d.
b m xmj s. ix d.
And so he owyth of this accownt vijs.
Item he owyth for cloth bowgth in the Cherch ij s.
[June 14, 1507.]
A 35.—This is the acompte made be Wyllyam Carpenter
and John Kenet Wardeyns of the Schaft in the yere
of Kyng Henry tbe vijth xxij and all thyngis rekenyd
and alowyd the xiiij day of June and then all thyngis
alowyd and payde delyuryd to the seyde Wyllyam and
John to eche of them vs. S'm of the hole x s.
[May 25, 1508.]
A 35.—This is the acompte made be Wyllyam Carpenter and
John Kenet Wardens of the Schaft in the yere of Kyng Henry
the vijth xxij [sic but xxiij is meant] and all thyngis rekenyd
and alowyd the xxv day of May and then althyngis alowyd
and payde. Also we haue chosyn new Wardeyns that is for to
sey WyUyam Carpenter and Jeffere Baker delyuyerd to eche of
them vs. S'm xs.
Also the same day delyueryd vnto the Cherche of the Schaft
money ix s.
[June 14, 1509.*]
A 35.—This is the acompte made the xiiij day of June the yere of
Kyng Henry the vijth xxiiij yere of his Eeyne be Wyllyam
Carpenter and Jeffery Baker Wardeyns of the Schafte all
thyngis countyd and alowyd and new Wardeyns chosyn now
beyng George Eylonde and Eychard Savage eyther of them
rec. x s. S'm the hole is xxs.
[May 29, 1510.]
A 35. —This is the acompte made the xxix day of May in the fyrst
yere of Kyng Henry the viijth be George Eylande and Eychard
Savage beyng Wardeyns of the Schaft and all thyngis rekenyd
and acomptyd and now at this day ether of them haue in ther
handis xs. S'm xxs.
Delyueryd in to the Churche of the Schaft money ixs. viij d.
* At this point the dates begin to be incorrect. June 14, 24 H. 7 is an
impossible date. The regnal years of Henry VII. run from August 22 to
August 21; but 24 Henry VII. only ran from August 22, 1508, to April 21,
.1509, on which day the King died. The careful reader will have no difficulty in
seeing which of the suoceedipg dates are incorreot.
ST. DUNSTAN'S, CANTERBURY, A.D. 1511-14. 321
[May 22, 1511.]
A 36.—This is the acompte made the xxij day of May the ij yere of
Kyng Henry the viijth be George Eylande and Eychard
Savage beyng Wardeyns of the Schaft and all thyngis reconyd
and acountyd at this day eyther of them hathe receyuid in
money xiiij s. ix d.
The summe of the hole xxix s. vj d.
And more ouer at the same day euery of them haue hij busshellis of
whet in stocke.
Also at the same day we haue receyud of Wyllyam Carpenter of his
gyfte a gyrdyll for to bere the Schaft contynuyng for euer from
Warden to Wardeyn.
[July 11,1512.]
A 36.—This is the acompte made the xj day of Jule the iij yere of
Kyng Henry the viijth be George Eylande and Eychard Savage
beyng Wardeyns of the Schaft and all thyngs rekenyd and
acomptyd at this day ether of them hathe the forseyde day
George Eylande and Thomas Erythe beyng new Wardeyn
receyuyd in stocke ether of them xij s. [and] foure busshellis
of whet and viij busshellis of whet.
The summe xxiiij s.
Item delyueryd to the Vycar the same day for the behoffe
of the Churche of Seynt Donstonys xxj s.
[June 2, 1513.]
A 36.—This is the counte the second day of June the iiij yere of
Kyng Henry the viijth be George Eylande and Thomas Frythe
beyng Wardeyns; of the Schaft and all thyngis rekenyd and
acountyd at the forseyde day the seyde Thomas Frythe and
George Eylande hathe made a clere count ether of them and
the seyde day is chosyn Thomas Frythe and Thomast Harst
beyng new wardeyns and the forseyde Thomas Frythe and
Thomas Harst hathe receyuyd ether of them xij s. and iiij
bussheUis of whet.
The hole sum xxiiij s. [and iiij busshellis of whet].
Also Master Vycar hathe receyuyd in money owt of the
stocke xiij s. iiij d.
[May 17, 1514.]
A 37.—Md. That the xvij day of May in the vth yere of Kyng
Henry the viijth acounte made be Thomas Frythe and Thomas
Harst Wardeyns of the Schaft.
Item rec. of the dener money xiij s.
Item rec. of scochyn money xviij s. ob.
Item the forseyde Thomas Frythe and Thomas Harst delyueryd
money that remaynyth of the last yere xxiiij s. and iiij busshellis
The seyde Thomas Frythe and Thomas Harst axeth to be
alowyd in expensis don xxs. viijd.
So remaynythe xxxvs.
[To be continued.]