( 241 )
1655. £ s. d.
May 1655. 4. Eor a cloath saddle wth gold & silke
fringe, bridle, stirrops, girts, cover, horse
cloth, sad [die'] cloth 02 11 00
5. Spent at London when I lay there 4 nights 01 09 00
7. Eor a qu[arter] of oats 00 09 00
7. Paid my man Homan's bill 01 07 00
9. Paid to my Brother Manning, for a fortnight's
board, ending on Satturday next 02 00 00
12. Eor an elle of fine holland to make bands... 00 14 00
12. Eor an elle & qu[arter) of noS^anS] to
make 6 handkerchers ] 00 09 00
12. Eor 3 garnish of handkercheife buttons ... 00 03 00
12. Spent when I lay at London 2 nights 01 01 06
17. Eor a pa[ir] of sbooe strings 00 02 06
18. Eor 17 yards of gold drugget to make me a
sute & coat & line ys dublet at 12s y 6ya[^] 10 04 00
18. Paid to M1' Snead for makeing my gold
drugget sute, & coat, & for an hatband... 03 18 00
19. Paid for taxes out of my rent in Lincolnshire
05 03 06
19. Eor a pa [ir] of Spanish leather shooes 00 04 06
19. Spent when I lay at London 2 nights 01 07 06
24. Paid to my Aunt Eaylton for a fortnight's
board for me, & my man, end[ing] on
Satt[Vdffly] next 02 00 00
26. Eor hal[/] a no[und] of haire pouder, &
an ounce of 3{essamin] but[ter] 00 0i 00
26. Spent at London when I lay there 2 nights 01 07 06
June 4. Spent at y« Ordnary 00 OS 06
7. Spent at London..... 00 01 06
8. PaidtomymanHomanfor2mon[^s']wages 00 17 00
8. Paid my man Homan's bill 01 10 06
12. Given to Gtoodi[man] Eomney for measuring
20 tunne of timber for me 00 05 00
12. Eor setting up a pa[«>] of boots, &e 00 Oi 00
13. Paid to my Brother Manning, for a fortnight's
board, ended on Satturday last... 02 00 00
13. Eor 3 garnish of handkerchief buttons 00 03 00
13. Spent at London 00 01 00
17. Given away at ye Contribution for ye poore
pretestants [i.e. Protestants] in Savoy... 03 00 00
18. Spent at Putney 00 01 00
21. Spent at London 00 03 06
22. Eor Hartlib's2a book of Husbandry 00 02 06
* Continued from Vol. XT., p. 216.
1655. £ s. d.
June 22. Spent at London : 00 02 06
23. Eor a Livery Coat for my man 01 12 06
The sum is 60 13 04
26. Spent at London 00 06 06
26. For M1'Cradock's sermons 00 02 06
26. Eor a white Stallion called Lister* bought
of my Lord Bruce 26 00 00
For ye change of £25 into gold 00 12 06
26. Given to my Lo[rd~] Bruce his Groome ... 00 10 00
29. Spent at Greenwich 00 04 00
30. Spent at London 00 01 06
July 2. Eor a pa[if] of greene silke stirrop hose ... 00 16 06
2. Spent at London 00 11 06
3. Spent at a dinner in Apollo 05 12 06
4. Spent at "Wansworth 00 04 00
4. Paid to my Aunt Eaylton for 3 weeds']
board for me, & my man 03 00 00
4. Eor 3 weeks' grasse for 2 horses 01 01 00
5. Spent at London 00 04 06
6. Given to Mr Eaworth [a lawyer] 02 00 00
6. Eor "Walsingham's manual!, & Baxter's
sermons 00 01 06
7. Spent at London when I lay ther 2 nights 00 08 00
9. Spent for cherryes 00 01 06
11. Eor shooing my horses till this time 00 10 00
13. Paid my man Erancis his bill 00 18 10
14. Eor 2 paj>] of sawne little boothose 00 06 06
14. Spent at London [when Mr. Master received
£57 in the Ohamber of London,
for 6 months' interest on £1900] 00 11 06
14. Eor a cm[arter\ of a no\und] of Spanish
Tobacco ;. 00 02 06
27. Eor 2 da[«s] worke for 2 men to mend ye
stable 00 08 06
27. For a lock, nayles, & hinges 00 04 06
Augu. 2. Eor bringing 2 qa[arters] of oats £ro[m]
Totes hither 00 04 00
4. Eor 16 bottles of white wine, y° 2 of Sack 01 03 00
4. For a neat's tounge, & a vo[tmd] of sugar 00 04 06
4. Eor a pa[*V] of fring'd linnin riding boothose 00 08 00
4. Eor a papr] of kid's gloves & i of haire
pouder 00 04 06
4. Spent at London 00 02 06
4. Paid to my Brother Manning for a month's
board for me, & my man 04 00 00
7. Spent when I lay at Hadlow 1 night 00 05 06
10. Spent when I lay at Maidestone 3 nights... 01 '03 06
* Mr. Master sold this horse in July 1657 for £14.
A.D. 1655. 243
l 6 5 ^ £ s. d.
Aug.ll. Eor a pa[>>] of waxt shooes , 00 04 06
16. For a pa[ir] of waxt shooes 00 04 06
17. Spent at London 00 05 06
20. Given to a poore Parson 00 02 00
20. Paid to my Brother Eichard Master for 6
months' Interrest of £200 ended ye 17 of
Aprill 1655 at £6 p. cent 06 00 00
24. Given to Mr Eurner for keeping for me, 3
Court Barons & 3 Hundred Courts 03 "00 00
24. Given to Goodman Gammon [of Hadlow]
for gathering my Quitrent 4 yeere • 02 00 00
25. Spent when I lay at Hadlow 2 nights 00 12 00
25. Paid for taxes out of Goodm[aw] Miller's
rent [for 6 months for the Oourtlodge Farm
in West Peclcham at £75 per annum] ... 02 08 04
29. For halfe a quarter of oats 00 05 06
29. For a little bitt wth gold bosses 00 03 06
29. Paid my man Francis his bill 00 12 04
29. Paid to my man Francis for 1 quarter's]
wages ending ye 8 Sept. 1655 01 05 00
Sept. 1. Spent at Dartford 00 05 06
2. Given to y° propagateing of ye Gospell in
New England 01 00 00
4. Paid to my Brother Manning for one
month's diet, for me & my man, ending
on Sattur[<%] last 04 00 00
7. For 12ya[>&] of 2a ribon & a black cap... 00 03 09
7. Spent at London 00 03 00
8. Spent at Putney 00 02 00
8. Giyen to ye one that came to be my BaylifFe 00 02 00
•11. Spent at London 00 03 00
11. Given to my cousin Dick Bourne 00 02 06
14. For a pa[*V] of Spanish leather shooes 00 05 00
15. Spent at London 00 03 00
15. For mending my watch 00 01 00
18. Paid to my Aunt Eaylton for a fortnight's
boar.d for myselfe 01 10 00
18. Given away to her servants 00 07 06
18. Eor 2 lawne bands 00 03 06
18. For severall Acts of ye long Parliament, &
all y° Protector's Ordinances bound
together 00 09 00
18. Eor Dalton's Justice of Peace 00 09 00
18. Eor Baxter's Saints Everlasting Eest 00 07 00
18. For D1' Preston on faith, & love, & y° New
Covenant 00 07 00
18. For a feather bed, & bolster, & 48 vo[unds] .
of feathers 04 10 00
18. For a Eed Eug, & 2 blankets of y° best ... 02 06 00
18. For a french bedsted wth screwes 01 00, 00
B 2
1655. £ s. d.
Sept. 18. Eor curtaines, & vallence, tester, hedcloth,
mat, and cord 01 06 06
18. Eor 4 Eussia Leather Ohaires 01 10 00
18. For a little table, & a carpet of strip't stuffe
t o i t 00 12 00
18. For a vellure cusshion, a mat, cord, & to y°
porter 00 06 06
18. For a n[air] of Andirons, fire-shovell, tongs,
&bellowes 00 12 00
18. Eor y sadler's bill 00 12 00
18. Spent when I lay at London 1 night 00 05 00
19. Spent at Mich. Blisset's 00 03 00
28. Spent when I lay at Totes 2 nights 00 03 06
28. For an hundred of Quinces 00 08 00
The sum of this quarter is 93 17 03
October 9. Paid to my Brother Manning for 3 weeks'
board, for me, & my man and a fortnight
for my man before 03 10 00
9. Given to Nurse Steven's Maid's wedding... 00 10 00
9. Paid for [6 months] taxes out of Grood[man]
Honye's rent [of £1115s.per anmeni] ... 00 09 02
9. Paid to 0coo(L[man] Hony for bringing
down my bed, & other things 00 14 00
10. Spent when I lay at Totes 2 nights, &c. ... 00 06 00 .
18. Spent when I lay at London 1 night 00 06 06
24. For a white stone basin, chamberpot, candlestick,
& 2 Venice glasses 00 05 00
24. For 4 y&[rds] of Diaper tabling, 2 y&[rds]
wide 00 18 00
24. For 14 y&[rds] of Diaper napkining at 22a
y°ya[nfj 01 05 00
24. For halfe a no[und] of haire pouder 00 02 00
24 to 31. Spent at London [on 6 days] 01 04 06
29. ForaBible 00 04 00
30. For a Boo[7c] call[e^] Advice to one's
sonne, &c 00 01 00
November 2. Spent at London 00 06 06
3. For 2 Cambrick bands, 2 pa[«>] of cuffs, 2
v[air] of boothose tops, & leggs, & 1
p [air] of french bandstrings 01 10 06
3. Spent at London, & for my lodging 00 15 00
6. Paid to my Aunt Eaylton for 3 weeks' diet
formyselfe 02 00 00
7. Spent at London 00 05 00
9. For a freuch Demie Castor [hat] & band... 02 06 06
9. Eor dying & lining another, & for a leather
hatcase , 00 09 00
9. For y° Catalogue of all ye Compounders ... 00 01 06
A.D. 1655. 245
1655. £ ,. d.
Nov. 9. Spent at London 00 02 06
13. Paid to my Aunt Eaylton for 1 week's diet
for myselfe 00 15 00
13 to 16. Spent at London [on 4 days] 01 00 00
16. Paid for [6 months] taxes out of my rent
[£13715s. 3d. per oreweww] in Lincolnshire 04 06 03
16. Eor 11 ya.[rds] of bl[ac]k camelet de
Holland to make me a sute, & cloake (at
10syeyard) 05 10 00
16. Eor 2 ya,[rds] & h a l [ / ] of white Tabye to
line ye doublet 01 02 06
16. For 7 ya[rds] & £ of bl[ae]k velvet to line
y° cloake at £ 1 5s ye ya,[rd] 09 11 06
20. Given to Good[»»#»J Hubbard for carying
severall things to Totes 00 03 06
20. Paid for taxes out of Qcood[man] Miller's
rent 02 13 02
21. Spent when I lay at Totes 2 nights 00 03 00
22. Eor 6 quarters of oats at 12s 6* ye quarter 03 15 00
24. Paid to my brother Manning for 1 week's
diet for myselfe, & 6 weeks for my man . 02 05 00
24. Eor a papr] of gray worsted stockings wth
tops 00 08 00
24. For a v&[ir] of white woollen stirrop hose 00 02 06
24. Eor a pa[«V] of blush colour silk stirrop
hose woven 00 15 06
24. Eor 36 ys[rds] of blew, & silver sattin
ribbon a t '14ay°ya[^] 02 02 00
24. Eor 36 y&[rds] of blush colour sattin ribbon
at 10a y° ya[>vf| 01 10 00
24. For a pa[*>] of Jessamin gloves, & making
my shooe strings 00 05 06
24 to 29. Spent at London [on 5 days] 01 09 00
29. For mending my watch 00 02 06
Dec. 1 to 4. Spent at London [on 3 days] 01 03 06
4. For my lodging at London 10 dayes 00 10 00
7. Paid to my man Francis for his quarter's
wages 01 05 00
7. Paid his bill 00 12 00
7. Spent at Sennock fayre 00 04 00
8. Paid to my sister Manning for 6 months'
Interrest of an £100 ended November y°
4,1655 03 00 00
8. Paid to my sister Manning for 6 mon[ths']
Interrest of £200 ended November y° 6,
1655 06 00 00
13. Spent when I lay at Totes 2 nights 00 04 06
15. Paid to my Brother Manning for 1 week's
diet for myself e and 3 weeks' diet for my
man 02 00 00
1655. £ s. d.
Dee. 15 to 19. Spent at London [on 4 days] 01 05 06
19. For 4 y&[rds] & i of Camelett de Holland
to make me a coat 01 09 00
19. For 4 ya[nfe] of serge to line it 00 14 00
20. For a pa[*V] of Jessamin gloves, & a pa[«V]
of white gloves 00 04 06
20. Eor a no[und] of Jessamin pouder, & a
v[air] of wh[«£e] gloves 00 06 06
20. Spent at London 00 11 06
21. Eor 4 ya[>j of cuffs 00 07 00
21. For 4 ya [rds] of silver ribbon 00 04 00
21. Spent at London 00 06 00
22. Paid to Jollye ye shooemaker for severall
paire of boots and shooes 03 10 00
22. Spent at London 00 07 06
24. Paid to Mr "Wilstoncrof t for makeing my
black camolet sute, & cloake, my gray
sute, & coat, &c 14 00 00
24. Eor a black fringed belt 02 15 00
24. For a pa[aV] of white serge riding
stockings 00 06 06
24. Spent at London 00 08 00
24. Eor my Lodging at London 10 dayes 00 10 00
The sum of this quarter is 102 19 07
T° sum of this yeere is ' 304 17 08
January 1655 [6]. 8. Spent & given away at Sr John
Pelham's [Ltalland near Lewes] 02 08 00
10. Given away at my Brother Manning's 01 00 00
12. Spent when I lay at Totes one night 00 03 06
15. Paid to my brother Eichard for. 6 months'
Interrest of £200 ended ye 27 of October
1655 06 00 00
16. Paid my man Francis his bill 00 06 00
18. For 10 quarters of oats , 04 10 00
22. Paid to my Brother Manning for a fortnight's
board for me & my man, and a
fortnight for my man before 02 10 00
22 to 25. Spent at London [on 4 days] 01 03 00
25. For a pa. of sizers [scissors] 00 03 00
26. Eor a little trunke 00 09 06
26. Eor a pa[«V] of gray worsted stockings ... 00 07 00
26 to Feb. 6. Spent at London [on 12 days] ... 04 07 06
Feb. 7. For my lodging at London a fortnight 00 15 00
1 & 11. Spent at London [on 2 days] 00 12 00
A.D. 1655-6.
1655-6. £ s. d.
Feb. 14. Paid to my Aunt Eayltou for 10 dayes'
diet 01 00 00
14. Given to Mr Eaworth ye Lawyer 00 10 00
14 to 16. Spent at Loudon [on 3 days] 01 02 06
18. For a new scabbard to my sword 00 02 06
18. Spent at London 00 04 00
23. S pent when I lay at Totes 2 nights 00 04 00
26. For making of me 5 pi [aire] bands, & 5
pa[*Y] 'of cuffs 00 05 00
29. Given to Mr Eaworth [a lawyer] 00 10 00
29. Spent at'London 00 03 00
March 7. Paid my man Francis his bill 00 12 06
8. Paid to my man Francis for his quarter's
wages 01 05 00
13. Eor a new sword, my old silver one and
[fifteen shillings] 00 15 00
13. Spent at Loudon 00 02 00
15. Spent at Bexly 00 05 06
17 to 19. Spent at Maidstone [3 days] 00 12 06
20. For my lodging at Maidstone 00 10 00
20. Eor my horsmeat there 00 09 06
21. Spent when I lay at Totes one night 00 04 00
The sum of this quarter is 33 11 06
March 1656. 25. Paid to my Brother Manning for
5 weeks' diet for me and my man, & a
month for my man's diet before 06 00 00
25. Paid my man Erancis his bill 00 04 06
26. Spent at London ,00 03 00
.30. Given at ye Sacrament 00 01 00
Aprill 1. Paid to my Aunt Eaylton for 1 week's diet
for my selfe 00 15 00
2. Spent, & given away at Fulham 00 06 00
2. Eor a large horsecloath, a male pillion,
curry comb, and mane comb 00 10 06
4. Paid for [6 months] taxes out of Good-
[man] Honye's rent [now £13 5s. per
annmn] 00 08 04
5. Paid for [6 months] taxes out of Good-
[man] Stone's rent [at £6 10s. per ann.] 00 02 02
6. Spent when I lay at Totes 1 night 00 02 06
7. Spent at y° black boy 00 02 00
8. Given towards y° new casting of y° bells at
[St. Mary] Cray [where the Mannings
resided] 01 00 00
8. Paid to my Brother Manning for 4 load of
Marsh hay brought in 05 00 00
12. Eor 19 ells & f- of fine Holland at 4s y° ell 03 18 00
1656. £ «• <*•
Aprill 12. Eor a ya,[rd] & | of Scotch cloath to make
my footboy 6 handkerchiefs at 16d ye
ya,[rd] 00 01 08
12. Eor 10 ells of Lockeram to make him 4
shirts at 14a ye elle 00 11 04
12. Eor a looking glasse 13 inches long 01 00 00
12. Eor a white stone basin, candlestick,
chamberpot, and 3 Venice glasses, 2 boxes,
& carriage 00 08 00
12. For 2 books, 1 call[erf] Animadversions, & 1
qu[een] of Swed[ew] 00 01 06
12. Spent at London • 00 05 00
18. Spent when I lay at Totes 1 night 00 02 00
18. Paid my man Francis his bill 00 05 00
19. Paid to my bro. Manning for 3 weeks' diet
for myselfe and my man 03 00 00
28. Paid to my Aunt Eaylton for 1 week's diet
for myselfe & my footboy 01 00 00
28. Spent at London 00 09 06
28. For halfe a pound of powder 00 02 00
29 to May 3. Spent at London [on 5 days] ... 02 09 00
May 8. Spent at Fulham '. 00 06 00
8. For 12 bottles of Ehenish wine, &ye bottles 01 03 00
8. Spent at London ;. 00 06 06
9. Paid for [6 months] taxes out of my rent in
Lincolnshire [paid by Mr. William
Pierrepoint, for Orowle, Luddington, and
JEastoft Manors, at £147 14s. 3d. per
annum] 04 06 03
9&10. Spent at London [2 days] 00 19 00
12. Eor a boo[&] cal[Zei^] ye Triumphs of
Eome, &c 00 01 06
12 to 16. Spent at London [5 days] 01 16 06
17. For washing my linnen 00 05 00
17. For Baxter against Tombs 00 04 00
17. Spent at London 00 05 00
20. Eor my Chamber [in Wilstoncrofi's house]
at London 3 weeks 01 04 00
20. Spent at London 00 03 00
23. Spent when I lay at Totes one night 00 02 00
24. Spent at Dartford 00 02 06
25. Given at a Briefe 00 01 00
27. For 8 quarters of oats 04 00 00
31. For a rule, & a pa [ir] of compasses 00 06 00
June 3. Paid to my bvo[ther] Hich[ard] for 6
months' Interrest of £200 ended ye 27
of Aprill 1656 06 00 00
7. Paid to my Brother Manning for 3 weeks'
diet for myselfe & 2 men, & a month's
diet for my man when I lay at London.. 04 15 00
A.D. 1656. 249
1656. £ s. d.
June 7 to 12. Spent at London [on 4 days] 00 16 06
13. Eor 2 pa[*V] of threed stirrop-hose, & a
pa[j>] of a[w]ckle socks 00 08 06
13. Eor a pa[*V] of Cordovan Gloves, & a
pa[ir] of shooe strings 00 04 00
13. For a no[und] of amber powder, & an
ounce of Jes [samin] butter 00 06 06
13. Spent at London '. 00 10 06
16. Paid to my Aunt Eaylton for a week's diet
for myselfe & my boy 01 00 00
16. Spent at Fulham, & at London 00 11 06
16. For 10 yards of a light colour silke stuffe
to make me a sute & coat, at 9s ye ya[rd] 04 10 00
16. For 3 dozen & halfe of gold & silver lace
waighing 9 ounces 3 qu[arters] at
4s 10d y° oun[ce] 02 07 00
17. Spent at London ;. . 00 09 00
18. Eor a pa[*>] of wh[ire] gloves, & a pa[ir]
of sbooe strings 00 04 00
18. Eoranhatband 00 01 06
18. For Vfingate's abridgement of ye Statutes. 00 04 00
18. Eor my lodging at London 00 08 00
18. Spent at London 00 05 00
18. Given to Mr Eaworth ye Lawyer 00 10 00
21. Given away when I lay at M1'Austin's ... 00 05 06
23. Paid for a new pa[w*] of shooes for my
footboy, & for soleing another paire 00 03 06
23. Paid to my man Francis for his quarter's
wages ended y° 8 of June 1656 01 05 00
The sum of this quarter is 69 04 03
June. Spent when I lay at Totes one night 00 03 00
28. Given to ye Marshman, & for cherryes ... 00 02 06
30. Paid for [6 months] taxes out of Good-
[man] Miller's rent [of £75 per annum] 02 08 04
30. For a bundle of laths to repaire his house... 00 01 04
July 2. For mending my chariot* 2 yeers since ... 01 08 00
4. Given to Mr Powell, & his 2 men [when I
received £57 out of the Ohamber of London
for 6 months' interest on £1900] ... 00 07 06
4. Spent at London 00 10 00
6. Given at a Brief e 00 01 00
8. Paid my man Francis his bill 00 19 06
9. Spent at Casholton 00 04 06
12. Paid for shooing my horses till this time... 01 02 00
12. Eor a marking hammer 00 04 00
14. Spent in Cherryes 00 05 00
* This ohariot was sold to Mr. Woodcock in November 1656 for £12.
1656. £ s. d.
July 15. Spent at ye Blackboy 00 04 06
17. Spent in Cherryes 00 03 06
19. Given to Mr Eaworth ye Lawyer 00 10 00
19. Spent at London 00 04 00
21. Spent at Mich. Blisset's 00 08 00
22. Paid to my sister Manning for 6 months'
Interrest of £300 at £6 per cent, ended
y° 4 & 6 of May 1656 09 00 00
23. Paid to my Brother Manning for 5 weeks'
board for myselfe and 2 men, & one week
for my man before 06 10 00
26. Eor a pa[*V] of black neat's Leather boots. 00 18 00
26. Spent when I lay at Eulham 3 nights 00 09 00
31. Spent when I lay at Maidstone 3 nights ... 01 06 00
August 2. Spent when I lay at Tunbridge Wells one
night 00 06 06
5. Paid to my TSvo[ther] Manning for 2
carriages of hay wdl I spent from ye 5 of
March last till now 04 00 00
5. Paid to my Bro [ther] Manning for 3
carriages of new Hay 06 00 00
8. Spent when I lay at Totes one night 00 02 06
13. Eorafootrule 00 01 06
13. Spent at London 00 02 06
18. Paid my man Erancis his bill 00 08 08
22. Eor 15 pounds of flax at 15a ob. ye pound . 00 19 04
22. Spent when I lay at Mr "Wiseman's 2
nights 00 05 00
28. Given to Mr Vezy when I carried him to
survey Totes 01 00 00
28. Given to a carpenter that came with him... 00 05 00
28. Spent when I lay at Totes one night 00 05 00
Sept. 4. Paid to my Brother Manning for 5 weeks'
board for myselfe and 2 men, & 1 weeke
for my man's diet before 06 10 00
6. Eor 2 lit[tffe] books about measuring
timber&land 00 02 00
6. Spent at London 00 03 06
11. Given to my cousin Dick Bourne 00 02 06
11. Spent when I went to Putney 00 03 00
12. Paid to my Aunt Eaylton for one week's
diet for myselfe, & my footboy 01 00 00
12. Given to ye servants at my Aunt Baylton's 00 07 06
12. Given to Mr Eaworth ye Lawyer 00 10 00
12. Abated to Mr Bolt in my hoops* 00 12 00
12. Spent at London 00 04 06
* Mr. Master says: " I received of Mr Bolt, y° 12,u of September 1656 y°
sum of £110 for 37 loads, 17 bundells of hoops delivered at New-hide; y° midling
hoops at £416s. 6d. y° load; y° long hoops at £3 6s. 6d. y° load; & y° short •
at £2 Is. 6d. y° load."
A.D. 1656. 251
1656. £ s. d.
Sept. 13. Paid to Atwood Stevens for 6 cop of Eye
straw, a bushell of malt, and a dead cow
for my hounds....*.; 00 07 06
16. For 2 bottles of sack, & 4 of claret 00 09 06
18. For a whip, & spent at London 00 06 06
19. Paid to Go[o]ddy Boreman for makeing
6 shirts for me, & 4 shirts for my footboy 00 08 00
19. Eor 2 pare of shooes for my footboy 00 05 00
27. Spent when I lay at Totes 3 nights 00 04 00
The sum of this quarter is 53 01 02
30. For a quarter of oats 00 16 00
30. Paid to my Brother Manning for a fortnight's
board for me, & my 2 men 02 10 00
30. Eor mending my watch 00 02 00
30. Spent at London 00 03 06
October 6. Spent when I went to Battersey 00 02 00
9. Paid to my Aunt Eaylton for above a week's
diet for my selfe, & footboy 01 05 00
9. Spent at London.... 00 04 00
10. Spent at London 00 05 06
11. Eor an old pa[*>] of Pistolls, & Holsters... 00 14 00
11. Eor a sword at second hand 00 07' 00
11. Eor an old bitt, headstall, raines, brestplate,
& crupper 00 03 06
11. For a new bridle, & snaffle 00 02 00
11. Eor 6 va,[if\ of socks 00 03 06
11. Eor a pajw*] of Cordovan gloves, a pa[w*]
of white one's, & half a no[und] of haire
powder 00 06 00
11. Spent at London 00 03 06
13. Paid to my man Francis for 4 months'
wages 01 15 00
13. Paid more to him for his bill 00 13 00
15. For a quarter of oats _. 00 16 00
17. Paid for [6 months] taxes out of Qrooi[man]
Honye's rent [of £13 5s. per annum] ... 00 08 00
25. Spent when I lay at Totes 2 nights 00 05 00
25. Paid for taxes out of OrooA.[man] Miller's
rent [for West Pechham Court Farm]... 02 05 07
25. Paid for [6 months] taxes out of Good-
[man] Stone's rent [of £6 10s. perann.] 00 02 00
29. Paid to my Brother Manning for a fortnight's
board for my selfe, & my 2 men,
& a fortnight for my man's diet before 03 00 00
29. Eor Sheppard's Eegulation of ye Law 00 01 03
29. Spent at London 00 03 06
"81. Given away at my Aunt Eaylton's, & for
eomming by water 00 05 00
1656. . £ s. d.
Nov. 1. For Vines on ye Sacrament, & Shepherd of
Courts, &c 00 03 06
1. Spent at London 00 03 00
2. Given at ye Sacrament 00 01 00
2 t o 6 . Spent at London [on 5 days] 01 06 00
7. Eor a black Spanish Leather Cap lined ... 00 02 00
7 to 12. Spent at London [on 6 days] 01 16 06
13. Paid for [6 months] taxes out of my rent
[from Mr. Pierrepoint] in Lincolnshire 04 06 03
13 to 15. Spent at London [on 3 days] 00 14 06
19. Given to my cousin Dick Bourne 00 02 06
19. Paid to my Aunt Eaylton for 1 week's
board for me and my boy 01 00 00
19 to 21. Spent at London [on 3 days] 00 14 06
21. For 5 yards of Kentish Cloath to make my
footboy a sute, & coat. & my groome a
coat .' 03 00 00
25. For a pa[«>] of shooes for Jack & Soleing
a pa[*V] of shooes for myselfe 00 05 06
27. Given to &ood[man] Hubble for searching
for brick earth 00 02 00
29. Spent at Dartford 00 03 06
Dec. 2. Paid to Fisher for breakeing my young bay
Gelding .. . . : . . ...... 01 00 00
2. Paid for hay, & oats for him, for a month . 01 00 00
4. Eor a pa[*>] of Jessamin Gloves, 3 y a ^ s ]
of bla[c7c] ribbon, & haire powder 00 05 00
4. For a pa[«V] of woollen stirrop hose, &
spent at London , 00 05 00
5. Eor a foot rule, a pa[*>] of compasses, & a
knife „... . 00 06 06
5. Spent at London 00 08 00
5. Paid to my Brother Manning for a fortnight's
diet for my selfe, & 2 men, & 3
weeks' for my man's diet before 03 05 00
5. Paid to my sister Manning for 6 months'
Interrest of £300 ended ye 4 & 6 of Nov.
1656 09 00 00
16. Spent when I lay at Hawland [Sir John
Pelham's house near Lewes], & Patcham
10 dayes 01 17 00
19. Paid to my Brother Eichard Master for 6
months' Interrest of £200 at £6 per cent,
ended ye 27 of October 1656 06 00 00
The sum of this quarter is 54 09 01
The whole sum of this yeere is 210 06 00
A.D. 1656-7. 253
1656-7. _ £ s. d.
January 1656[7]. 1. Given to ye servants at my
bro[ther] Manning's 01 00 00
10. Given away to ye servants at Sr Jo. Cotton's 01 00 00
12. For a va,[ir] of waxt shooes 00 04 00
13. Given to ye musick at my bro[ther] Manning's
00 02 00
14. Given to M1' Gifford y6 Councellour 00 10 00
17. Eor spinning 2 vo[unds] of wooll for
Jack's stockings 00 01 04
17. For kniting 2 pa[»>] of stockings for Jack 00 02 06
17. Given to ye poore of S* Mary Cray [the
parish in which his brother-in-law Manning
lived] 01 00 00
17. For a p apr ] of shooes for Jack, & mending
hisboots 00 03 00
22. Paid to my Brother ] Manning for 5 weeks'
diet for my selfe, & 2 men, & 1 week for
man's diet before 06 10 00
22. Spent at London 00 06 00
23. Given to M1' Powell, & his 2 men [when
6 months' interest was received out of the
Ohamber of London] 00 07 00
23 to 27. Spent at London [on 3 days] 00 15 06
28. For a po [und] of haire powder 00 04 00
28,29. Spent at London [on 2 days] 00 11 06
29. For 3 collars, 1 pa[w'] of stirrop leathers,
bridle, snaffle, and 12 y&[rds] of girt webb 00 10 00
Paid M1' Wilstoucroft [a tailor in London]
his bill, ending Janu. 29, 1656 19 04 00
30. 31. Spent at London [on 2 days] 00 10 00
Feb. 1 to 7. Spent at London [on 7 days] 01 14 06
2. For a black shag riding hat bought y° last
summer 00 13 00
2. Eor a black shag hat for my footboy 00 04 00
2. For a french demie-castor [hat] for my selfe 02 00 00
2. For Heylin's History of ye Sabbath 00 02 00
5. Eor a pa[*V] of scarlet worsted tops 00 04 06
5. For 3 Cambrick bands 00 08 00
7. For washing my linnen 00 07 00
7. Eorapo[«w5]of sugar, & a vo[imd]of raisins 00 01 06
7. For Cawdry & Palmer upon y° Sabbath ... 00 07 06
12. Paid to my Aunt Eaylton for 1 week's diet 01 00 00
12, Given to y° servants there 00 05 06
12. Spent at London 00 06 06
12. Changed into new Two-pences 02 00 00
13. Eor a pa[*V] of Gessamin gloves, <& 1 pa[zV]
ofwhite 00 04 06
13. Eor a searcloath scabbard, & a walking
scabbard 00 05 00
13. Spent at London 00 04 00
1656[7]. _ £ s. d.
Feb. 20. Paid to Gooi.[man] Martin for rowelling
my young bay Gelding 00 05 00
21. Spent at Dartford 00 02 06
23. Paid to Gooi[man] Waller for 5 quarters
of oats 03 17 06
26. Paid to my man Darce for his quarter's
wages ended ye — of January 1656[7]... 01 00 00
March 2. Paid to Good.[man] Bagfield for 4 quarters
ofoats 03 04 00
4. For 9 pa[w*] of white women's gloves, & 3
va,[ir] of Jessamin 01 04 00
4. Eor 3 ya[rds] of black ribbon 00 02 00
4. For a quarter of a vo[und] of Spanish
Tobacco 00 02 06
4. Spent when I lay at London one night 00 07 06
9. Paid for 2 drinks for my youug Gelding ... 00 03 00
14. Paid to Good[maw.] Bagfield for a quarter
ofoats 00 16 00
14. Spent at London 00 03 06
20. Spent when I lay at Maidstone 2 nights ... 00 16 06
24. Given to Mr Vezy for drawing a plot for an
house [probably Yotes Souse at Mereworth]
02 00 00
24. Spent at London 00 05 00
The sum of this quarter is 58 00 04
March 1657. 28. Spent when I lay at Good[man]
Miller's 3 nights 00 06 06
30. Paid for shooing my horses till this time ... 01 00 00
Aprill 2. Paid for makeing 4 caps, & soleing Jack a
va,[ir] of shooes 00 02 00
5. Given at ye Sacrament 00 01 00
7. Spent at London 00 03 00
8. Given to Sr Jo. Cotton's groome 00 02 06
10. Paid for taxes [at lOd. in the £~on £10]
out of Good[man] Honye's renb [of
£12 5s. per annum] 00 08 04
11. Paid for taxes out of Good[man] Stone's
rent [of £6 10s. per annum] 00 02 00
11. Spent when I lay at Good[man] Miller's 3
nights [at West Peclcham] 00 08 00
13. Paid for a frock for Jack 00 02 06
14. For a drink for my young Gelding 00 01 06
18. For my diet when I lay at Good [man]
Miller's 3 nights 00 05 00
21. Paid to my Brother Manning for my diet
ho[m] ye 14 of Feb. '56 to this day, I
being a great part of ye time at Totes
[in Mereworth] .• 10 00 00
A.D. 1657. 255
1657. £ s. d.
Aprill 21. Paid to my man Darce for his quarter's
wages ended ye 01 00 00
22. Paid Jack's bill 00 02 06
22 to 25. Spent at London [on 4 days] 01 05 06
25. For a booke called Glossographia 00 04 00
29. Paid to my Aunt Eaylton for •§ a week's
diet 00 10 00
29,30. Spent at London [on 2 days] 00 12 00
May 1,2. Spent at London [on 2 days] 03 07 00
2. For washing my linnen 00 04 00
4. Given away at my Aunt Eaylton's 00 03 00
4 to 9. Spent at London [on 6 days] 03 06 06
4. For a pound of haire powder 00 04 00
7. Paid for taxes [at Tl\d. in the £ ] out of
my rent in Lincolnshire [for 6 months]... 06 09 04
7. Eor a pa[«V] of black Spanish leather
shooes 00 05 00
16. Spent when I lay at &ood[man] Miller's 4
nights 00 04 00
16. Spent at Dartford 00 05 06
22. Eor a book made by Judge Jenkins 00 01 00
22. Given away to Mr Bolt's* men 00 02 06
22. Eor a gray cloath saddle wt]l a silke fringe,
bridle, stirrops, girts, & saddle cloath ... 01 08 00
22. Spent at London 00 04 00
25. Eor soleing Jack a papr ] of shooes 00 01 02
26. Paid to Good[mm] Stone for all his workmanship
in making a new Pound at
Good[man] Miller's 02 12 06
29. Paid for taxes out of Good[man] Miller's
rent [for West Peckham Court-lodgefarm]
02 08 04
30. Spent when I lay at Good[man] Miller's 4
nights 00 04 06
June 1. Spent at London 00 01 00
2. Given to M™ Haddon's Nurse 00 02 00
4. Paid my man Darcye's bill 00 12 03
4. Paid to my Brother Manning for my diet,
& my 2 men's fro' y° 9 of May to this
day, I being a great part of y° time at
Totes 02 10 00
4. Spent at Greenwich 00 17 06
5 to 12. .Spent at London [on 8 days] 02 02 06
6. Eor a pa [ir] oi shooes 00 05 00
6. Eor 8 y&[rds] of serge de Eoan to make
me a sute, & coat at 3s 6d y6 ya[rd] 01 08 00
* Mr. Bolt then bought Mr. Master's hoops; paying £167 8s. 5d. for fiftythree
loads and twelve bundles delivered in London, by water carriage, which,
cost £13 5s.
£ s. d.
6. For 6 ya[rds] & I of french Taby to line
ye sute & coat at 7s 6a ye ya,[rd] 02 08 00
6. For 42 ya,[rds] of black & silver lace
weighing 6 ounces & \ aud 3 drams at
4s 4d v[er] ounce to lace sute & coat ... 01 09 00
8. Eor a pa[?V] of pearle colour silk stockings 01 02 00
8. For a pa[»V] of black garters & shooe
strings 00 10 00
11. For J an ounce of Jessamin butter 00 01 06
13. Spent when I went to Scadbury [Sir Thomas
Walsingham's house in Ohislehurst] 00 05 06
14 to 19. Spent at London [on 6 days] 02 14 06
15. Eor Plutarch's Lives in English, an old one
& [sixteen shillings] 00 16 00
15. For Sr Erancis Bacon's last book 00 07 00
19. For a new stuffe sute for Jack 01 04 00
20. Spent at Fulham 00 02 06
20. For a pa[w-] of shooes for Jack 00 02 08
22. Eor a va,[ir] of bl[«e/c] Spanish leather
shooes 00 05 00
22. Spent at London 00 03 06
Thesumis 57 16 01
27. Spent when I lay at Good [maw] Miller's 4
nights [at West Peclcham Court] 00
28. Given at a Briefe 00
29. Paid for shooing my horses till this time ... 00
2. Paid for 10 bottles of Ehenish & 2 of Sack 00
Paid for 12 glasse bottles 00
2. Eor a pa[*V] of scales, a 4 no[und], 1
vo[und, and] \ a po[tM?^] of lead. 00
2. For a great Beame, hooks & ropes 00
2. Eor 4 bands, & 4 pa[«V] of cuffs for Jack . 00
2. Spent at Loudon 00
2. For a peece of sturgeon 00
4. Paid to my man Darce for his quarter's
wages ended ye 30 of June 1657 01
4. Paidhisbill 00
4. For cherryes 00
8. Spent at Maidstone 00
11. Spent when I lay at Good[man] Miller's 4
nights 00 03 00
15. Paid to my Sister Manning for 6 mo[nths']
Interrest of £300 ended y° 4 & 6 of May
1657 09 00 00
15. Paid to my 3vo[ther] Dick for Interrest
of £200 ho[m] y° 27 of October 1656 to
y° 9 of May 1657; £50 being paid in in
January last 05 10 00
A.D. 1657. 257
1657. £ s. d.
July 16. For 2 iron weights, 56 & 28 no[und]
weight 00 11 00
16. Eor several Acts of Parliament 00 03 00
16. Spent at London 00 01 06
18. Given to Good[man] Browne for teaching
me to measure timber 00 02 06
25. Spent when I lay at Goodman Miller's 4
nights 00 04 00
25. Spent at Dartford 00 05 00
Aug. 1. Spent when I lay Hod^ejsdon one night 00 08 06
6. Spent at Tunbridge 00 04 00
8. Spent when I lay at Good[man] Miller's 4
nights 00 04 00
8. For ye charges of [my horse] Lister when
he was sold [for £14, in July] 02 15 00
15. Paid to my Brother Manning for my diet
& my 2 men from yc 22 of June 1657 to
this time, I being a great p[ar/T] of y°
time at Totes 05 00 00
20. For 10 bottles of white wine & 2 of sack .. 00 08 10
20. For 12 glasse quart bottles & corks 00 05 08
20. For y° change of £10 into gold at 22d
n[er] p[ound] 00 18 04
20. For i a vo[und] of haire powder, & an
ounce of butter 00 03 00
20. For 2 pound of sugar 00 02 00
20. Spent at London [when Messrs. Ellis
Crispe and Ben. Martin paid back to
Mr. Master £150, which they had borrowed
at 6 per cent.] 00 06 06
24. Paid to my Aunt Eaylton for 10 dayes' diet
for myselfe & footboy 01 05 00
24. For hay & oats for my horse 00 06 00
24. Spent & given away there 00 05 00
29. Spent when I lay at Good[man] Miller's 2
nights 00 04 00
Sep, 3. Spent at Eaton bridge [Edenbridge] 00 01 06
5. Given to M1' 'Powell, & his 2 men [when
6 months' interest was received from the
Chamber of London] 00 07 00
5. Paid for a silver Porringer, & 2 spoones
weighing 10 ounces & i at 5s 7d v[er]
ounce 03 00 00
5. Spent at London 00 03 06
8. Given toy0 Ned Collins, & Toby Eumney. 00 01 00
8. Given to' Mr Gifford's & Mr Bodenham's
men 00 01 00
12. Spent when I lay at Good[man] Miller's 2
nights 00 04 06
14. Eor soleing a na[ir] of shooes for Jack ... 00 01 02
VOL. xvi. " s
1657. £ s. d.
Sep. 14. For a quarter of oats 00 11 00
17. Spent at London 00 05 00
18. For a quarter of oats 00 11 00
21. For knitting Jack a pa[iV] of stockings
last yeer, & for some yarne 00 02 00
26. Spent when I lay at Good [man] Miller's 4
nights [at West Peckham Court] 00 06 00
Thesumis 40 00 08
29. Given to one of my ~Bvo[ther] Manning's
men's wedding 00 10 00
October 1. Spent when I lay at M1' Goldwell's 1 night 00 05 00
1. Given to my cousin Dick Bourne 00 02 06
2. Given to y° nurse, & midwife, at my sister
Manning's daughter's christning 01 00 00
2. Given to Gooddy Slanue 00 02 06
7. Spent when I lay at Maidstone one night . 00 10 00
9. Spent in a dinner when I kept a court at
Merworth 01 00' 00
10. Paid for taxes out of Good[man] Honye's
rent 00 09 06
10. Spent when I lay at Good [maw] Miller's 4
nights 00 04 00
12. Paid to my Bro. Manning for 2 load of old
hay woh I had of him ye last yeere 03 00 00
12. Paid to my Bro[ther] Manning for 12
weeks y° last summer for my 2 horses at
clover grasse at 3s v[er] week 01 16 00
12. Paid to him more for 3 carriages of marshe
hay ye last summer brought in 06 00 00
13. Spent when I lay at Scadbury one night... 00 02 06
13. Eor a pa[«V] of waxt shooes for myselfe ... 00 04 00
13. Paid Good [ware] Burton's bill 00 13 00
15. For 200 of 6d uayles, & 6 gate locks 00 05 03
15. Spent at London 00 02 06
19. Eor shooing my horses till this time 00 08 04
24. Spent when I lay at Good[man] Miller's
3nights 00 04 00
28. Paid to my man Darcy for his quarter's
wages ended y° 30 of Sept. 1657 01 00 00
28. Paidhisbill 00 05 10
28. Paid to Good[man] Bagfield for a qn[arter]
ofoats 00 10 00
28. For a pa[*V] of shooes for Jack 00 02 06
30. Paid to my Brother Manning for my diet
& my 2 men's fro' ye 24 of August to
this time I being a great part of ye time
of Tokes [i.e. at Yotes Court, in Mereworth]
11 05 00
A.D. 1657. 259
1657. £ s. d.
Oct. 30. Eor 5 ounces of gray worsted 00 02 00
30&31. Spent at London [on 2 days] 00 11 06
Nov. 4. For 2 ya,[rds] & \ of wrought lace for a
pa[«*] of boothose tops 00 10 00
4 to 27. Spent at London [on 22 days] 06 17 06
7. Eor halfe a no[und] of haire powder 00 01 06
12. Paid for taxes out of my rent iu Lincolnshire
04 06 00
13. Eor a pa[zV] of Spanish leather shooes, &
goloshooes 00 08 06
13. For a pa[w*] of waxt shooes 00 04 06
13. For 4 yards of Spanish cloath to make me
a sute and coat 05 00 00
13. Eor 9 y&[rds] of Taby to line ye sute & •
coat at 7s 6d p[er] y&[rd] 03 07 00
13. Eor Verstegan, iu English 00 02 06
17. Paid to my Aunt Eaylton for one week's
diet for my selfe and my footboy 01 00 00
17. Eor 5 pa[*V] of socks 00 03 00
17. Eor a pa[«"] of knots for my shooes j a
pa[w-J of gloves, &c 00 08 00
18. Eor a demie castor, and a band 02 04 00
27. Eor 2 canvas horse cloaths & 2 suscingles... 00 09 00
30. For 400 of Stocks, 100 cherries, 100 pears,
100 apples, & 100 plums stocks, 1 yee[r]
old 00 10 00
Dec. 2. Spent when I lay at London 2 nights 00 09 00
4. Paid for taxes out of Good[man] Stone's
rent 00 02 03
5. Spent when I lay at Good[man] Miller's 2
nights 00 02 06
5. For setting up a pa[«V] of boots 00 03 00
19. Spent wheu I lay at Good[man] Miller's 5
nights 00 07 00
23. Spent at Mich. Blisset's 00 03 00
28. Eor y° charges of passing a flue fro' M1'
Downing, & his wife, for tweutye acres
of woodland wch cost me £111 y° last
Terme 02 04 00
28. Given to Mr Furner for drawing y° Conveyance
00 10 00
28. Given to his man 00 02 06
28. Given away to y° shooemaker's & smith's
boyes'boxes, &c 00 02 06
28. Paid to my man Darcy Wentworth for his
quarter's wages ended ye 25 of this month 01 00 00
Thesumis 61 17 02
The whole sum of this yeer's expences is 217 14 03