General Index

( 447 ) GENERAL INDEX. * N.B.—A SPECIAL INDEX of the DONORS of OLD CHURCH PLATE, and of the PARISHES to which the Plate belongs, will be found on pages 433-439. Abbot, Rev. Ralph, 89. Achenden, St. Mary of, 66. Ackroyd, Mrs., tablet of, 221. Adams, Mr., 80. jElfric, Arohbp., 14. Aileraer's brass, 214. Aileward, Rev. Robert, 112. Alborne, Rev. Thomas, 123. Alexander alias Zinzan, Henry, 56; Jas., 57. Amesbury Camp, 12. Amherst's, Earl, farewell letter, xlix. Angell, Mrs., 192. Anglo-Saxon graves, 11. Annandale, William, Marquis of, 56; George, 56. Anne, Queen, at Lullingstone Castle, 100,109; Church Plate of her reign, 358, 408-413. Anstey, Rev. Michael, 113. Arnoyn, Rev. John, 88. Arundel, Sir William, 40. Ash by Sandwich,Church Plate,363,433. Ashford, 67 ; early history of, 161-78; St. Mary's, 98,172; South, 98. Asshetesford, William de, 163. Assheton, Sir Ralph, 166. Astall, Rev. Richard, 123. Astyn, Rev. Nicholas, 87. Atkenson, Rev. John, 87. Aucher, Sir Anthony, 165, 177. Audley, Hugh de, 33-35, 37. Aunoell, Rev. William, 86. Austen, Edward, 71; George, 97; Rev. John, 126; Judith, 97; Robert, 97. • Avery, James, 82. Avisford, Roman coffin, 6. Badlesmere, Lord, 32. Baker, Gregory, 344,436; Mary, 72; Matthew, 232-3. Baldwin, Archbishop, 151. Baldwin, of Stede Hill, W., 70. Baldwyn, Mrs. Alice, 105. Barden, 51. Baret, Rev. Roger, 112. Barfreston Church, 142-151. Barham Heath, 42 ; Rev. Jas., 92. Barrow, Richard, 84. Bartlett, Rev. Thomas, 126. Baschurche, Rev. Thomas, 123. Basset, of Drayton, Ralph, Lord, 36, 40-41. Bateman, Rev. Edward, 126. Bayford (Sittingbourne), Roman interments at, 1-8. Beadle, P., 222. Beatrichesdenne, 66. Beavor, John de, 167. Bedall, Rev. John, 112. Bedingfield, Thomas, 75. Belgrave, Rev. Riohard, 123. Belvedere, All Saints, 223. Bempde, John Vander, 56. Bensbury Camp, 12. Benson, Rev. P. G., vicar of Hoo, sells Bishop Gunning's communion plate, 347. Bergavenny, George Nevill, Lord, 48. Berkeley, Sir Thomas, 52. Berrye, Abraham, 182. Bethersden and its church, 66-96 ; church plate, 85, 433. Betteshanger Church, lxv; house, lxvi. • Beverley, Rev. William, 87. Bexhill, Milton, 7. Bicknor Church Plate, 349, 385. Biddenden, 163, 169; Church Plate, 333, 369, 378. Bigbury Camp, 13. Billing's Mound, 13. Bishoptree, Rev. John, 112. Blechyndon, John, 177. Bluet, John, 110. Boteler, Sir William, 70. Boleyn, Sir Thomas, 60. 448 GENERAL INDEX. Boughton Aluph, manor, 66. Boughton Malherbe Church Plate, 352, 396. Bourchier, Archbishop, 43; Hugh Stafford, Lord, 40, 42. Bourne, Dick, 243, 250,252,258; John de, 35. Boye, Rev. Thomas, 86. Boys, Rev. Alan, 86. Bradshaw, John, 56. Brampton, John, 132-3. Brandon, Thomas, 233. Branketre, Rev. Adam de, 112. Bray, John, Lord, 105; Erideswide, 105. Bredgar Church Plate, 348-9, 433. Brent, Amy, 262; John, 263; William, 262. Bret, Thomas, 75. Brethiam, Rev. Thomas, 67. Bretyndene, John, 35. Brionne Castle, 15. Brisk, Rev. Peter, 122. Bristol Castle, 32. Bristow, Miss Prances, 134-5. Brok, Rev. John Atte, 86. Brook, 161; Place, 168; George, of Cobham, 104. Brown tablet, 221. Browne, Rev. Robert, 113. Bruce, Lord, 242. Buckener, Rev. Dr. Thomas, 124. Buckingham, Anne, Duchess of, 43; Edward, Duke of, 46-8; Eleanor, Duchess of, 48; Henry, Duke of, 44-6; Humphrey, Duke of, 41-3; John, Earl of, 57; Katherine, Duchess of, 46 ; Thomas, of Woodstock, Earl of, 39 ; Walter Gifford, Earl of, 18. Buckinghamshire, Elizabeth, Lady,l 38. Bucknall, Sir William, 134. Burgh, John de, 33 ; Elizabeth de, 34. Burghersh, Bartholomew, Lord, 227. Burleigh, Lord, 52; Chantry, farm, etc., 260-1. Burley, Sir Richard, 39; Sir Simon de, 164. Burnet, Rev. Richard, 95. Burton Leonard, Peter of, 86. Burwell, Mr., of Wickham, 50. Bury St. Edmunds, 20. Button, Thomas, 85. Butterfield, W., on Mongeham Church, lxiv. Bycterle, Rev. William de, 122. Byngham, Rev. Jno., 87. Csesar, Sir Charles, 52; Sir Julius, 52. Cameron, J. D., 82. Candy, Mr. Charles, 115. Canterbury, St. Dunstan's Church, Accounts, 1484-1580,289-320; Chaplains of Roper's Chantry, 289; Vicars of St. Dunstan's, 290; Inventory of Church Goods, 314-18 ; Enthronement of Archbishops, 27-8, 31; St. Edmund, Archbishop of, 226. Canterbury, 433 ; Cathedral Plate, 338, 353, 370, 378, 387, 394, 431; Parish Church Plate, 433. Capel, 51. Carey, Henry, 52 ; Sir William, 52; George, Lord Hunsdon, 52. Cator tablets, 282. Cave, Mr., 57. Chamberlayne, Rev. William, 112. Charing, 90, 172, 341-2, 353 ; Arohiepiscopal Manor House, 266-8 ; Church, 260-5; Church Plate, 341-2, 353, 379, 433. Charlton, Sir Richard, 234. Chart, 161; Great, 169-70 ; Little, Calehill, 230 ; Church Plate, 382. Chatham, the Earl of, at Chevening, 132-3. Chattesworth, Rev. William, 112. Chelsfield, Margaret, 227. Chester, Ralph, Earl of, 18,19. Chesterfield, Philip, Earl of, 85 ; Countess of, 121, 352, 396. Chestre, Rev. Richard de, 112. Chevening Church, 114-26 ; House, 127-133. Chicheley, Archbishop, 229 ; Florence, 229; William, 229. Chilham, 162. Choute, Sir George, 70-1, 85. Chowne, Sir George, 64. Chute, Edward, 86 ; Sir George, 70; Philip, 86. Cicke, Charles, 195. Clanricard, Richard, Earl of, 56; Ulick, Marquis of, 56. Clare Castle, 18, 33 ; College, 33-4; Priory, 18,19. Clare, Gilbert (ob. 1314), 31, 33; Gilbert Rufus (ob. 1295), 28-31; Gilbert de (Strong-bow), 18,19; Gilbert de (ob. 1152), 19 ; Gilbert de (ob. 1230), 20, 21; Elizabeth, Lady de, 33-4; Matilda, Countess of, 20; Richard de (ob. 1136), 16-19 ; Richard, Earl of (ob. 1207), 20; Riohard, Earl of (ob. 1262), 21-2, 26-8; Robert, 18; Roger, Earl of (ob. 1173), 19,20; Richard de (ob. 1091), 16, 18; Walter de, 18. Claremont, Adeliza, daughter of Count of, 18. Clarence, Humphry, Duke of, 44; Lionel, Duke of, 34. Clarke, Rev. Edward, 124. GEN AJ INDEX. 449 Clavel, Rev. Thomas, 112. Cleke Pond, Sittingbourne, 2. Clementson, Rev. William, 96. Clerk, Rev. William, 87. Clerke, Cecilia, 70, 97; Mary, 69; Sir William, of Eord, 69-70. Clinch, George, on West Wickham. Church, 277-84. Clyffe-at-Hoo, Church Plate, 328, 368, 394,425. Cobham, Anne, 44; Elizabeth Brooke (nie Peche), 104,105; George Brook, 104; George, Lord, 106 ; Henry de, 35 ; Sir Reginald, 37 ; Sir Thomas, 44; Thomas Brooke, Lord, 104; William, Lord, 172. Cok, Eelice atte, brass in Erith Church, 155, 214. Cole, Rev. Robert, 89; Rev. George, 96. Colepeper, Thomas, 35, 165. Collimore, Lady Mabella, 68. Colt, Thomas, 176. Constable, Robert, 196. Controne, Rev. Pan-Bon-de, 122. Copley, Rev. Jno., 87. Cornwallis, P. Wickham, 86; Marquess, 138; Lord, xliv. Cotton, Sir Thomas, 64 ; Sir John, 253. Cotyngham, Rev. Richard, 174. Courtlodge Farm, 243, 251, 254-6, 258. Courtney Sutton, 71. Cowper, J. M., on Churchwardens' Accounts of St. Dunstan's, Canterbury, 289-321. Cranmer, Robert, 116 ; Thomas, 116. Crayford Church Plate, 332, 388, 426, 427, 432. Craythorne, William, 233. Criel, Radulphus, 214. Criell, Rev. Jno., 123. Criol, Simon de, 163-4. Crisp, Sir John, 134; Sir Nicholas, 134. Cromwell, Thomas, Lord, 287. Crouch Arms, 67. Curson, Sir Robert, 232-3. Curteis, F. W., 78, 8 1 ; Rev. Whitfeld, 79, 81. Cuthbert, Rev. Robert, 87. Dacre, Lady (nee Fienes), 118-19; Richard L., Lord, 128; Thomas, Lord, 120,128 ; Tombs and Inscriptions, 119-20. Dalby, Rev. Thomas, 96. Dalison, Maximilian, 65. Dalmeny, Lady, 130. Damory, Roger, 83. Darell, John, 230; Mr., 261. Dartford, 257; Church Plate, 332,434. Dauling, John, 428; Mary, 428 ; Rev. Riohard, 97; R. and E., 428. VOL. XVI. Davies, Rev. Daniel W.; 94; Richard, 220. Dawlyn, Rev. John (1560), 113. Deakins, Mr., 57. Deane, Rev. John, 112. Dell, Rev. Henry, 93. Denys, Rev. Thomas, 87. Derby, Earl of, 29; Henry, Earl of, 37, 39 ; Rev. Robert de, 173. Dering, Catherine, 264 ; Rev. Edward, 264. Desmond, Earl of, 39. Despencer, Hugh le, 33-4. Devon, Harriet, Countess of, 282; Baldwin de Redvers, Earl of, 21. Dios, William, 263. Dixon, Edward, 109; Sarah, 100,109. Dokett (Duckett), Rev. Robert, 123. Dorman, Mr. Thomas, on visits of two Queens to Sandwich, 58-63; on The Sandwich Book of Orphans, 179-200. Dover Castle, 29, 43; Church Plate, 353, 346, 362, 434. Dowle, Rev. Andrew, 87. Drake's, Dr., new edition of Hasted's History of the Hundred of Blachheath, 440. Draper, Brass, 215 ; Rev. William, 123. Dubois, Captain, 129. Dukinfield, Lady, 139; Sir Nathaniel, 137. Dumvile Arms, 70 ; John, 71. Dygges, James, 2'34. Dyke, Colonel John D., I l l ; Lady (Anne Hart), 109; Sir John D. (ob. 1810), 110; Sir Percyvall (ob. 1846), 111; Sir Thomas (ob. 1756), 100, 109-10; Thomas (ob. 1831), 110. See also Hart-Dyke. Dyne Monuments, 71-2; Pedigree, 72-3. Eanswith's, St., Reliquary in Folkestone Church, 322-326. Eardley Monuments, 209, 212, 221, 223. Eastry Church, Ixvi-lxx; Church Plate, 363, 382, 407, 415. Eaton Bridge (Edenbridge), 257. Effingham, Anne Lady, 134,138. Elizabeth, Queen, at Sandwich, 58-61. Eltham Palace, 50; Communion Cup, 336. Erith Church, Ancient Architecture in, 152-160; Inscriptions on Monuments, 209-224 ; Church Plate, 426. Essex, Frances, Countess of, 50 ; Robert, Earl of, 56. Etchden in Bethersden, 66. Everdon, Rev. Riohard do, 122. Evesham, 30. u (I 450 GENERAL Ewell, Isaac and William, 54. Exeter, Ann, Duchess of, 44; Humphrey, Earl of, 44. Eynsford Church, xliv-xlviii. Fane, Sir Ralph, 51. Farnaby Tablets in West Wickham Church, 282. Faversham, 7; Church Plate, 340, 346, 434; Wages at, in 1621; 270 ; Innkeeper's Bills A.D. 1608,271-274. Ferrers of Chartley, John, Lord, 40. Petherston, Rev. John, 92. Filston Farm, xlix. Fogge. Sir John, 166-7; Lady Alice,l76. Folkestone Camp, 12; Reliquary of St. Eanswith in Folkestone Church, 322-326. • Forsham, Rev. Hugh de, 122, Forstall, Mr. Henry, 201. Frid, 83. Frindsbury Church Wall Paintings, 225-0 ; Quarry House at, 285-8. Furley, Robert, F.S.A., on Ashford, 161-178. Furner, Mr., 243, 259. Galfridus, Rector, Lullingstone, 112. Gaskarth, Rev. John, 125. Gatte (Goffe or Gosse), Rev., 113. Gaveston, Piers de, 32-4. Gaynesburghe, Rev. Robert, 112. Geary, Sir Franois, 64. Gee, Rev. Dr. Edward, 125. Geekie, Rev. Dr. William. 125. Geldeford, Rev. Peter N. de, 112. Geldesford, Rev. Peter de, 122. Gersdorff, Maria, Countess de, 221-3. Gibbon, Thomas, 83-4 ; Pedigree, 84. Gibbs, H. H., 116-17. Gibson, Rev. William, 113. Gilbart, John, 58. Gildart, Rev. F., 281. Gillam, of Ashford, 67. Gillott, Rev. James, 123. Gipps, Geo., 85. Giraud, F. F., on Faversham Accounts, 270-4. Glemham, Sir Thomas, 52. Gloucester, 19; Alicia, Countess of, 29; Amicia, daughter of William, Earl of, 20; Gilbert, Earl of (ob. 1230), 20-21; Gilbert, Red Earl of (ob. 1295), 28-31; Gilbert, Earl of (ob. 1314), 32-33; Hugh Audley, Earl of, 33-7; Hugh Despencer, Earl of,33-4; Princess Joan,Countess of, 31; Margaret, Countess of, 36-7 ; Matilda, 21; Maud, 33 ; Richard de Clare, Earl of (ob. 1207), 20; INDEX. Richard de Clare, Earl of (ob. 1262), 21, 27-8; Richard, Duke of, 44; Thomas, Duke of, 40-1. Glover, Stephen, 86. Glyune, Sir Stephen, 114. Godfrey, Lambard, 55 ; Richard, 55. Godwin, Earl, 161, 163. Goldsmid, Sir Julian, 57. Goldstone, Rev. John, 176. Goldwell, Bishop, 85 ; Rev. James, 96; William, 177. Goodall, Geo., 121. Goodryke, Rev. Dr., 178. Gootli, William, 331. Gouge, Rev. William, 123. Green, Thomas, 177. Greenall, Rev. Thomas, 94. Greenstreet, Mr. Michael, 273. Greenwich, 255. Gresbrooke, Rev. Richard, 87, 97. Grey, Lord Reginald de, 32. Griffinge, Mr. Robert, 193. Griffith, Sir John, 220. Grundy Inscription, 214. Guilford, Sir Richard, 46, 234, 276; Sir Edward, 49, 51; Sir Henry, 51. Guldeford, see Guilford. Gunning's (Peter), Bishop of Ely, Communion Plate bequeathed to his native Parish, Hoo, St. Werburgh, 365-7. Hackington, 151. Hadley, Joan, 229 ; John, 229. Hadlow, 50, 51. Hadsole, John, 237; William, 237. Haffenden, Stephen, 80. Haines, the late Rev. Herbert, on brasses in Sundridge Church, 275-6. Hall, Ann, 105; Edward, 105; Richard, 168; Robert, 168. Halys, John, 168. Hamptons, in West Peckham, 65, Hardegray, Rev. Robert, 112. Hardres, Upper, Church Plate, 346, 347, 407. Hardy, Rev. T. W., 222. Harker, Mr., 192. Harman, Elizabeth, 118. Harrendene, Rev. Edward, 86. Harriot, Rev. Richard, 113. Harris, John, on Erith Church, 209-24. Harrison, Rev. J . B., on Great Mongeham Church, Ixii-lxv. Hart, Ann, 100; Elizabeth (ne'e Peche), 104; Dame Elizabeth, 108; Frances, 108; Sir George (ob. 1587), 108; Henry, 106; Sir Henry, 109 ; John, 104; Percyvall (ob. 1738), 100,101, . 109; Sir Percyvall (ob. 1580), 104-6, 112; Sir Percyvall (ob. 1641-2), 100, GENERAL INDEX. 451 107, 108; Sir Percyvall (ob. 1700), 108, 109; Sarah (nee Dixon>, 100, 109 ; William (ob. 1071), 108, 109. Hart-Dyke, Octavius, 111; Sir Percyvall, 111; Rev. Thomas, 113; William, 111; Sir William, 100, 111. Haslewood, Rev. Dr., Iii. Hasted's History of Kent, New Edition by Dr. Drake, 440. Hatch, Bridget, 74. Hattun, Rev. John, 112. Hawtes, 67; Monument, 214. Hayward, Edward, 69, 82. Hecchisdene, 66; William de, 66. Hedges, William, Armorial Coat of, 214. Henwood (Hewitt), 167. Hepborne, Rev. John, 87. Hereford, Earl of (1292), 31; Humphrey de B., Earl of, 41. Herries, Ann, Lady, 116; Sir Arthur, 116. Hertford (De Clares), Earls of, Gilbert (ob. 1230), 20,21; Gilbert (ob. 1295), 28-31; Gilbert (ob. 1314), 32-33; Richard (ob. 1207), 20; Riohard (ob. 1262), 21-28. Herring, Rev. Thomas, 126. Hestynges, Rev. John, 86. Hever Castle, 50. Heydon, Henry, 277. Hillary, James de St., 20. Hinkley, John, 40. Hinton, Rev. Dr. G., 274. Hobbes, Mrs., Tomb of, 281. Hobs, William, 220. Hokymere, William de, 35. Holding, Thomas, 221. Holland, Lord, 120. Honywood, 85 ; Robert, 263. Hoo, St. Werburgh, Church Plate, 347, 360, 364-7. Hooker, John, 56 ; Thomas, 56. Hopeton, James, Earl of, 56. Home, Master of Tonbridge School, 53. Hothfield, 166, 178; Church Plate, 341, 434. Hougham Church, Altar Slab, 269. Hovenden, Mr. Robert, 224. Howard, Lady Katherine, 137. Hughes, Rev. Henry, 91; Rev. Simon, 91. Hulet, D., 224. Hulse, Cicely, 69, 97; Clara, 70; Sir Hugh, 70-1; Mary, 69, 97; Richard, 68-70, 97 ; William, 71. Hulse Arms, 70 ; Pedigree, 71. Hunsdon, Elizabeth, Lady, 52; George, Lord, 52 ; Henry, Baron, 52. Huntingdon, Earl of, 164,173; John, Earl of, 42. Hurdis, Rev. Thomas, 92. Hussey, R. C, on Barfreston Church, 142; Rev. Christopher, 284. Hythe, 19. Ikelynton, Rev. Thomas de, 80. Digrams, Bemiet, 195. Innkeeper's Bills (1068), 270-4. Isley, Lady Elizabeth, 276; Roger, 275 ; Sir Thomas, 276. Jackson, Thomas, 74. James, William, 55. Jersey, Earl of, 134. Jessett, F. B., 222. Jolliffe, Mr, Charles, Iii. Jones, Rev. William, 93. Joy Wood, 11. Judde, Alice, 165; Sir Andrew, 165 ; John, 165; Riohard, 165. Julyn, Rev. John, 87. Katherine of Aragon, 49, 99, 103, 105. Katherine of Braganza (Queen), at Sandwich, 61-63. Keith, Rev. John, 89; Rev. Patrick, 95. Kemble, Rev. John, 113. Kempsall, Major, 53. Kenedie, Sir John, 52. Kennett, John, 271. Kent, Earls of, 35 ; Hubert, 21; Joan, widow of, 42; Thomas Holland, 40. Kent, Rev. Dr. Henry, 93. Kerrison, Sir Edward, 121; Emily, 121. King, Richard, 271-2. Knatchbull, John, 177. Knevett, Charles, 47, 50; Lady Joan, 44; Sir William, 44. Knottinge, John, 183. Knowle, 51. Knowler, Henry, 271-3. Knowlton Church, lxx, 352, 394 ; House, lxx. Ladd, William, 199, 200, 202. Lamb, Rev. David, 113. Lancaster, Earl of, 35 ; John, Duke of, 39,164. Lang, Rev. John, 280. Langton, Archbishop, 260. Lawghe, Rev. John, 112. Leche, Rev. Thomas, 87. Le Despencer, see Despeucer. Lee Church Plate, 340, 434. Leeds Abbey, 174. Leicester, Simon Montfort, Earl of, 28-30, 34; Robert, Earl of, 56. Leigh Hall Place, 50. Lenham, 162 ; Cup, 339, 364, 372. Lennard Family, 118-19; John, 115; Margaret, 281; Sampson, Tomb of, 119 ; Sir Samuel, 278, 281, 284. 452 Leon, Humphrey, 55. Lesnes Abbey, 160, 209. Lovet, William, 264. Lewes, 19, 29. Lewis, Rev. M., 113. Lewisham Church Plate, 349, 434. Leybourne, Lady Juliana, 173; Roger de, 164 ; William de, 173. Licktopp Manor, 167. Lincoln, Earl of, 21; Matilda, Countess of, 21. Linton Church Plate, 351-2, 434. Lisle, Muriel, Viscountess, 46. Littlebourne, 90; Church Plate, 405. Lloyd, Rev. G., 123; Rev. G. and Family, 116-17. Lockham Wood, 7-11. Londonderry, Thomas Pitt, Earl of, 129. Lovejoy, Mrs. Elizabeth, 357,403, 404. Lovelace Chantry in Bethersden, 96; Monuments and Place in Bethersden, 68-70. Lovell, Francis, Lord, 234. Low Wood, 82. Lucas, Rev. Peter, 123 ; S. L. L., 352, 398. Luci, Richard de, 209. Ludlow, Sir Richard, 40. Ludwell, Elizabeth, 265, 341-2, 353, 438. Lullingstone Castle, xlix, 100, 106, 109; Church of St. Botolph, 99-113 ; Family of Peohe, of, 227-240. Lyminge Church Cup, 333, 334, 339, 370, 377. Lymoges, Rev. Peter, 122. Mahon, Charles, Viscount, 130; Lady Emily, 130; Lord, 121. Maidstone, 55, 335 ; Churoh Plate, 346, 435. Mailing West, Church Flagon, 343, 377. Manning, Mr., 241-8, 250-5, 257; Mrs., 245, 250, 252, 256. Mansfield, Earl of, 121. Manwood, Mrs. John or Thomas, 58, 59; Anne, 108; Sir Peter, 60, 108, 381; Sir Roger, 59, 61,183; Roger, 183, 188. March, Earls of, Edmund, 42, 43; Roger, 36. Margant, Thomas, 86. Marsh, James, 220. Marshall, Rev. William, 177. Martin, Lawrence de St., 226; Rev. David, 93. Martine, Myles, Thomas, and John, 194,195. Master, James, 188, Expense Book INDEX. of, 241-59 ; Richard, 243, 246, 248- .252, 256. Maydwell, Rev. John, 87. Maurice, Rev. Dr. Henry, 124. Mereworth Church Plate, 339,372,383, 400, 406. Mersham, 169, 177. Middleton, Rev. Thomas, 86. Mildmay, Sir Walter, 52. Miller, Nicholas, 64. Millet, Rev. John, 87. Millians (Mullens), 193,194. Milnete, Rev. Walter, 122. Molony, Rev. C. A., on St. Laurence Church, 207, 208. Mongeham Church, Ixii-lxv. Monks-Horton, 173, 434. Montfort, Hugh de, 161, 163; John de, 39. Monthermer, Ralph, Baron de, 31, 32. Moore, John, 204. Mortimer, Roger, 30. Morton, Robert, Earl of, 18; Bishop of Ely, 45. Mounds, Ancient, 13 ; Tunbridge, 13, 22. Muriel, Rev. Thomas, 92. Murray, Lady Frederica L., 121. Murston, 1-7. Muskerry, Charles, Viscount, 57. Nackholt, 187. Napleton, Thomas, 271. Needham,- Rev. William, 124. Nevill, Lord, 39; Sir Edward, 47, 49. Newnham, 68. Norfolk, Elizabeth, Duchess of, 48; Thomas, Duke of, 47, 48. Norrington, Rev. William, 96. North, Rev. Christopher, 87. Northfrith Park, Tonbridge, 49, 51, 55, 56. Northumberland, Duke of, 47, 48; Henry, Earl of, 41; Joan, Duchess of, 51; John, Duke of, 51; Robert Mowbray, Earl of, 18. - Nutt's Arms, 101. Oldbury Camp, 13. Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, 15,17. Onslow, Rev. Arthur, 126. Orpington, 106. Owen, Sir Henry, 49. Oxenden, James, 55. Oxenhoth Manor, 64, 65. Oxley, Solomon, 98. Page, John, 220. Pakenham, John de, 35. Palmer, Rev. Robert, 96. Parish, John, 210. GENERAL INDEX. 453 Parker, Samuel, Bishop of Oxford, 90. Parkhurst, Rev. Richard, 175. Parry, Rev. Dr. Henry, 124. Payne, Geo., on Roman Interments, Bayford, 1-8; on Roman Leaden Coffin, 9-11; Dame Philadelphia, 110. Pearman, Rev. A. J., 95 ; on Bethersden and its Church, 66-98. Peche, Ann (nee Elmbrygge), 230, 231; Arms of, 103 ; Elizabeth, 229; Elizabeth, 104; Elizabeth (nee Scroope), 103, 112, 236, 237; Florence (ntto Chicheley), 229; Gilbert de, 227; Jane, 230; John (ob. 3380), 101, 111, 227; Sir John (ob. 1439-40), 112, 230; Sir John (ob. 1521-22), 99-105, 107, 112, 232-8; Sir John, Will of, 235 note ; of Lullingstone, 227-40; Pedigree, 238; Tombs of, 102, 102 ; Sir William, 112, 228-30 ; Sir William (ob. 1488), 101,102, 230, 231; Sir William, Will of, 231 note. Peckham,- West, 64. Pelham, Sir John, 246. Pembroke, Gilbert Strongbow, Earl of, 18 ; William le Marshall, Earl of, 20. Pembury, 51. Penenden Heath, 16. Penley, Rev. John, 123. Penshurst, 51; Place, 50. Perkins, F., 116. Pett Place, Charing, 261. Phillips, George, 284. Pierrepoint, William, 248, 252. Plesheymound, 13. Pluckley, 68. Pole, Cardinal, 51; Michael de la, 40. Polhill, D., 55. Poole, Sir Richard, 46 ; Ursula, 46,48. Porredg, Riohard, 182, 183. Postern Park, 49, 51. Potter, Rev. John, 123, Poussett, Mrs., 222. Powys, John, Lord, 39. Poynet, Bishop, 175. Preston, Rev. Samuel, 126. Purbeck, John, Viscount, 57. Queenborough Castle, 43. Rands, Rev. Richard, 89, 97. Randulf, Rev. Stephen, 122. Raworth, Mr., 242, 247, 249-50. Raylton, Mrs., 241-6, 247-53, 255, 257, 259. Redehall, 227. Richards, Rev. Maurice Ap, 96. Richardson, William, 182. Richborough Castle, lx-lxii. Richmond, Henry, Earl of, 45; Margaret, Countess of, 43, 234. Ringeley, Sir Edward, lviii, 59. Ringwould, 97, 428. Ripton, 161,163,165-7,177-8. Ripple in Westwell, 72, 344. Rivers, John, 55; Richard, Earl of, 46. Robertson, Scott, Canon, 58, 64, 261; on Chevening Church and House, 114-133 ; on Church Plate in Kent, 327 ; on Eynsford Churoh, xliv ; on Frindsbury Church Wall Paintings, 225-6 ; on Lullingstone Church of St Botolph, 99-113; on Peche, of Lullingstone, 227-40 ; on Quarry House, Frindsbury, 285-8 ; on Sandwich St. Mary Church, lv; on Squerryes Court, etc., 134-41 ; on St. Eanswith's Reliquary, 322-326. Robinson, Thomas, 185, 188. Robson, Rev. John, 87. Rochester, 14, 17, 19, 22, 26; Cathedral Plate, 328, 368, 309, 391-2. Rochford, Thomas Boleyn, Lord, 50. Rockingham Castle, 22. Rokesle, Isabel de, 112; John de, 99, 101, 112, 228 ; Rev. Peter, 112; Walter de, 101. Roman Interments, 1-8; Leaden Coffin, 9-11. Ros, William de, 20; of Hamlake, Thomas, Lord, 39. Ruck, Arthur, 194-5 ; Thomas, 80. Rudlow, 163,167. Russell, Rev. Solomon, 174. Rutland, Edmund, Earl of, 176. Rye, W. B., 287. Rynet (Kynet), Rev. Richard, 86. Ryvas, Jonh, 51. St. Dunstan, Rev. Godfrey, 122. St. Eanswith's Reliquarv at Folkestone, 322-6. St. Lawrence, Fresco of, 220. St. Leger, Sir Anthony, 177. St. Leonard, Fresco of, 220. St. Mary Cray, 247, 253; Church Plate, 350, 433. St. Mary in the Marsh, Church Cup, 340, 377. St. William, Fresco of, 220. Salisbury, Earl of, 43 ; Margaret, Countess of, 46. Saltwood Castle, 19 ; Church Plate, 337, 376, 409, 430. Sandwich, 1, liii, 43,58-63 ; Book of Orphans, 179-206 ; Church Plate, 329, 368,376,380,435; St. Mary's Church, lv-lx ; The King's Lodging at, 59- 61; Visit of Two Queens, 58-63. Saye and Sele, Lord and Lady, 222-3. Sayer, John, on Charing Church, 200- 5 ; Archiepiscopal Manor House, Charing, 266-8. 4 5 4 GENERAL INDEX. Scadbury (Chislehurst), 250,258. Scales, Lord, 43. Schypman, Edmund, 158. Scott, Reginald, 177. Scott, Sir William, 234. Scroope, Elizabeth, 103; Ralph, 237. Seaman, William, 214. Septvans, Elizabeth (nee Peche), 229; Sir William, 229. Sevenoaks, Church, xliv ; Church Plate, 342, 346, 435 ; Meeting at, xl. Sevington, 169. Seyliard, Thomas, 55. Shaw, Rev. W. Frank, on Eastry Church, lxvi. Sharperey, Thomas, 85, 384. Shelley Arms, 103. Shrewsbury, Catherine, Countess of, 44; John, Earl of, 44. Shrewsbury, Monument in Erith Church, 219. Sidney, Rev. Francis, 124. Sikes, Rev. Thomas, 114-7,126. Sittingbourne, 1, 8, 9 ; East Hall, in Murston, 7. Skinner, Rev. Thomas, 125. Small, George, 80. Smarden, 75 ; Church Plate, 335, 412. Smith, Archdeacon, 156, 222; Rev. Augustus F., 96 • C. Roach, F.S.A., 5, 7, 10,11; on Richborough Castle, lx, Ixii. Snave Church Cup, 330, 309. Snode Hill, 72. Sodington, Rev. Henry de, 173. Somerhill, 56 ; Baron, 56. Somerset, Duke of, 43; Edmund, Duke of, 44 ; Margaret, Duchess of, 44. Sondes, Sir Michael, 167; Viscount, 357, 439. Southborow, 50. Southouse, Thomas, 270, 271. Spackett, Rev. William, 112. Spurrell, F. C. J., on Erith Church, 152-60. Squerryes Court, Camp and Pictures, 134-41. Squery, Rev. John, 112. Stafford, Edmund, Lord, 36 ; Edmund, Earl of (ob. 1403), 41, 42; Emma, 56; Henry, Lord, 46; SirHenry,43; Hugh, Earl of (ob. 1387), 39, 40; Hugh, Sir, 42; Humphrey, Earl of, 43, and see Buckingham; John, Earl of Wiltshire, 43; Sir John, 39; Margaret, Countess of, 36, 39 ; Margaret, Lady, 36 ; Phillipa, Countess of, 40; Ralph, Earl of (ob. 1373), 36-9; Thomas, Earl of (ob. 1393), 40, 66 : William, Lord of, 40, 41. Stanhope, the Earls, 120,121, 127-32; [ Sir Edward, 108; Emily, Countess, 121; Lady Frederica's Monument, 121; Grisel, Countess, 130; Lady Hester, 129 ; Sir Michael, 132; Sir William, 132. Stanley (of West Peckham), Frances, 65; John, 64, 384. Stede, Sir Edwin, 70, 97; Cecilia, 97; Dr. William, 384. Stockton, Sir John, 280. Stone, Rev. John, 214. Stone Priory, Stafford, 50. Stour, East Manor of, 163, 165. Strange, Fouke lo, 39. Strangford, Viscount, 165. Stratford, Archbishop, 264, 267. Stretch, Rev. Lisc. M., 94. Strode's Burial Chapel in Bethersden, 114. Strood Church, Ancient Account Book, 335; Plate, 335. Styleman, Rev. John, 87. Sudbyry, Rev. Allen de, 122. Sundridge Church, xlii; Brasses aud Slabs, 275, 276. Surrenden, Arms, 67; Choute, 71; Hautes of, 67, 68. Surrey, Thomas, Earl of, 47- Sussex, Thomas, Earl of, 120. Sutherneye, Rev. Richard, 112. Sutton, Rev. John de, 112. Syday, Rev. Alexander, 87. Symson, Rev. Andrew, 89. Taylor, Dr., 121; Lady Lucy, 121; Rev. Riohard, 88. Tenterden, 70. Terry, Robert, 273. Tewdeley, 51. Tewkesbury, 21, 31, 33. Thanet, Earl of, 167; John, Earl of, 178. Thanet, St. Laurence Church, 207,208. Thomas, Rev. William, 87. Thompson, Rev. John, 113. Thorpe, Rev. John, 123; Rev. Thomas, 87 ; William de, 280. Thrifte, Rev. John, 88. J Tilsons, Rev. Edward, 113. Tintern Abbey, 18. Toke, Clara, 70, 71. Tollemache, Sir Lionel, 90. Tonbridge Castle and its Lords, 12-57; Its Erection and Plan, 22-27, 49; Baldwin de, 15, 17; Bordyke, 26; Edward II. at, 32; Ferox Hall, 17 note; Gilbert Fitz Richard de, 17,18; Parks at, 49, 51,52 ; Priory, 18,36 ; Richard [Fitz Gilbert] de (ob. 1091), 15-18 ; Richard de, 18 ; Robert de, 18; Roger de, 15-18 ; Viscount, 56 ; Walter Fitz Richard de, 18. GENERAL INDEX. 455 Trell, John, 158. Torregiano (Sculptor), 99. Trouts, John, 270, 273. Tryvet, Thomas and Elizabeth, 66. Tufnell, Bishop, 204. Tulton, Sir John, 167. Turner, Rev. William, 89. Tuttesham, Anthony, 64 ; Dorothy, 64. Twesynden, William, 108. Tylden, Elizabeth, 97 ; Hannah, 420. Ulster, Earl of, 33 ; Lionel, Earl of, 38. Underwood, Rev. Robert, 113. Upchurch Pottery, 3-5. Valence, Aymer de, 32. Valoignes, John de, 35, 106. Vander Bempde, 52, 50. Vanlore, Ann, 52; Sir Peter, 52, 55, 56. Veilleville, Rold. de, 223. Verdon, Theobald de, 32, 33. Vere, Aubrey de, 44. Verrall, John, 185. Wadhurst, 80. Wadmore, J. F., on Tonbridge Castle, 12-57. Wages (1621), 270. Walden Brasses, 214, Wales, Arthur, Prince of, 103. Walmer Church Plate, 328, 368, 430. Walsingham, Sir Francis, 50; Sir Thomas, 56. Walweyn, William, 48. Warbulton, Alice de, 227. Warde, Colonel, xliii; Family and Pedigree, 134-7. Wardrobe, Rev. Robert, 87. Warren, Earl, 28. Warrewyk, Rev. Adam de, 174. Warwick, Duke of, 42, 43; Earl of, 33, 39 ; John, Earl of, 51; Thomas, Earl of, 40. Wateringbury Church Plate, 339, 374, 398, 426. Waterman, Edward, 84; Francis, 273; John, 98; Thomas, 80, 84. Watson, Rev. William, 87. Webb, Rev. Albert, 113. Webber, George P., 222. Weever, Rev. —, 160. Welden, Anthony, 55. Weldon, Sir Anthony, 108 ; Elizabeth, 108. Weller, Thomas, 52, 55. West, Tablet, 282. Westborne, Rev. Thomas, 112, 230. Westerham, xliii, 134, 135; Churoh Plate, 341, 375, 380, 436. Westmoreland, Catherine, Countess of, 48; Ralph N., Earl of, 40. Westwell, 161; Church Plate, 344, 436; Ripple in, 72, 344. Wheatley, Arms, 214; Chapel in Erith Church, 215 ; John, 426. Whiston, Rev. Jonathan, 67, 89, 97. White, Rev. Richard, 112, 229. Whitfeld Arms, 80; Monuments, 80-1; Pedigree, 81. Wickens Chapel, 261, 262. Wickham, Humphrey,preserved Strood Church Account Book, 335. Wickham, West, 50; Church, 99, 277- 84. Wickhambreaux, 90, 399. Wilcox, Rev. Daniel, 94. Williams, Daniel, 202-4; Rev. Richard, 123. Wilmott Monuments, 82; Pedigree, 83 ; Thomas, 85, 420. Wilson, George, 196. Wiltshire, Henry, Lord, 46; John, Earl of, 43. Winchelsea, Thomas Finch, Earl of, 168. Winchester, Alyanora, Countessof, 164; William, Alarquis of, 141. Windsor Castle, 16, 17, 22. Wissenden, Bethersden, 72, 75, 78. Witherden Arms, 76; Monuments, 74-77; Pedigree, 78, 79; Will of Robert, 70 ; Thomas, 85, 80, 420. Withers, Captain George, 53. Wolf, Katherine, 230; Sir William, 230. Wolfe, General, xliii, 135. Wolsey, Cardinal, 44-6. Wolters, Thomasine, 183-92. Wood, Edward, 80; Gabriel, 284; George, 196, 200, 202 ; Rev. Hugh, 133 ; Rev. John, 89 ; Juliana, 224; Samuel, 27l ; William, 58, 181, 188, 192-4. Woodgate, John, 57 ; William, 56. Woodward's Mansion, 168; Alice, 168; Edward, 168; Richard, 108. Worcester, Percy, Earl of, 41. Worrall, Thomas, 84. Wotton, Thomas, Lord, 121, 396. Wrotham, 65, 70. Wycliff's Wood, 51. Wydyhall, John, 229 ; Reginald, 229 ; Simon, 229 ; Thomas, 229. Wye, 161. Wylds, Robert, 196-204. Wyndham's Chapel, 114. Yalding, 51; Church Plate, 339, 374, 407. Yonge, Rev. Richard, 86. Yotes in Mereworth, 244-51, 251. Zinzan, Henry, 56 ; Jacoba, 56.


Dr Henry H. Drake's Hundred of Blackheath, being Part I. of his new edition of Hasted's History of Kent


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