The Sandwich Book of Orphans

( 179 ) THE SANDWICH BOOK OE ORPHANS. BY THOMAS DORMAN. AMONG the different species of guardianship, enumerated by Blackstone, as known to our law, is the guardianship founded on the custom of particular cities and boroughs. As an introduction to the following copy of the Book of Orphants of Sandwich, it may be well to say a few words about the custom which was used in that ancient cinque port:— Letters Patent of King Edward III. (confirming former Letters Patent of Edward I.) provide that the mayor and jurats, in the name of the King, shall appoint as guardians of the orphans within the port freemen who cannot have any interest in the inheritance or possessions of the orphans. These guardians were required to give security that they (being allowed all reasonable charges) will preserve the property, and will restore the balance of their account to the orphans when they eome of age. If, however, no disinterested guardian can be found, then the mayor and jurats are to deliver the care and custody of the orphans to such of themselves as are in good circumstances and worthy of confidence, subject to the control of the mayor and jurats. In obedience to the King's command the mayor and jurats established the following, among other regulations:— As soon as it comes to their knowledge that any rents, lands, tenements, or moveables have fallen to a minor by descent, grant, or devise, they are to take possession of them, and enquire what is the annual produce of the real estate, the value of the personal estate, the number of children, and their ages. They are to put the children and their property in ward agreeably to the King's order, under their next of kin, to whom the inheritance cannot descend ; provided the ancestor has made no specific appointment of trustees by will. The mayor and jurats are to take such security of the guardians that the children may be safe from injury and the town from blame. The guardians were not allowed to give their wards in N 2 180 THE SANDWICH BOOK OF ORPHANS. marriage while under age without the consent of the mayor and jurats and the relatives. Indentures are to be drawn upon the occasion, one of which is to be sealed by the guardian and the sureties and deposited in the Common chest. In pursuance of these ordinances, at the Common Assembly, held annually on the Thursday next after the choice of mayor, for tbe appointment of officers, three jurats (usually the three keepers of the Common chest) were appointed " Wardens of Orphans," and they were sworn to the King and commonalty that they would well and truly conserve and keep the state of orphans falling or happening within the town of Sandwich during the ensuing year; and to the wardens so appointed the custody of the orphans was committed. This custom of electing wardens of orphans, and the ordinances, are set out more fully in Boys' History of Sandwich, from which the foregoing is extracted ; and the custom was annually continued until the old Corporation itself merged into the new Corporation under the Municipal Corporations Act of William IV., but it is probable that the wardens had not performed any duties since .1655, as that is the latest date in the Boole of Orphants, which commences in 1586. It consists of several quires of foolscap paper under a parchment cover, and is not nearly full. I am not aware whether there is any earlier book in the Corporation records, but this book was probably taken out by Boys for the purpose of making extracts from it, and never returned, as it came into my hands with other papers, which Boys had made use of and retained in a similar manner, and has now been returned to the Corporation chest. There is nothing very remarkable in the first account, but I must observe that the payment of £10 for the apprenticeship of the orphan appears a very heavy sum, considering the value of money at that date; and in later accounts £7, and even as low a sum as £2, appear to have been paid. The most interesting account in the book is probably the next, that of Thomasine Wolters, Woulters, Oulters, or Ulters, extending as it does from the year 1588 to past 1594, and through several wardens. She was apparently an heiress in a small way, with house property producing a rental of over £10 a year, and the items of payment give a considerable insight into the manner and the costs of the repairs of her houses, and the materials employed, and also with regard to the various articles of her dress. THE SANDWIOH BOOK OF ORPHANS. 181 Her board appears to have cost originally £2* a year, but in April 1592 she was sent to finish her education at a boarding-school at Canterbury, where the cost of board and teaching was £8 a year, and in 1594 she came to reside with the Warden, Mr. Will. Wood, for which he was to have £5 a year. To prepare for the important event of going to live at Canterbury it was necessary she should have a new gown, for which two yards of violet broad cloth, two yards of baize, one yard of cotton, and divers other things were purchased, at a cost of £2 19s. 8d.; while the expense of making, including the stiffening for it, came to 6s. 4d. more. Linen for neckerchers and other necessaries was purchased and made up, at a cost of £ 1 Is. 3d. Her journey to Canterbury from Sandwich by the wagon, twelve miles, appears to have cost 6d. She seems to have had a little pocket money now and then; sometimes a shilling, sometimes sixpence; once will be found, " geven her to geve to a bryde 4d.," at another time 6d.; and at Easter she had one shilling to put in the Communion plate, rather a large offering, but it was probably her first Communion. The service book and singing psalms cost 2s. 6d. She did not apparently require much physic, as there is only twice letting of blood 6d. and Is., and a medicine to expel the ague twice Is.; but she seems to have suffered once from a very unpleasant complaint,—" Item for oyntment for the yche 3d." Her shoes cost apparently from Is. to 18d. the pair, and mending shoes is a frequent, but not expensive item, but a Taffyta hat at 10s. seems rather costly; her hose she apparently knitted herself, as there is yarn bought for that purpose two or three times, and on one occasion the dyeing of them is mentioned. Once or twice hose were bought at 2s. 2d. a pair, one pair especially against Christmas. One item is 4d. to go to the play; and the whole winds up with the balance being handed to a man named Harker who had married the orphan. Funerals do not appear to have been very expensive items in Sandwich at this period, as the cost of the burial of Angele's widow was only 4s., in addition to 2s. 8d. for laying her forth, and washing the clothes and other things after her death. The burying of a " yonge gerle" only cost 5s. From another account it appears that Benet Ingrain's coffin cost 3s., and Is. was paid for bread and beer at her burial; but Mrs. Cornish seems to have been waked right * Unless the entry of 25th June 1589 is a mistake. 182 THE SANDWICH BOOK OF OBPHANS. royally, as her coffin cost 6s., cakes and beer at her burial 13s., knell and burying 6s. 8d., for rosemary and sweetwater 6d., laying the corpse forth 2s., victuals for the helpers 4s., and, in addition, more for beer and cakes 4s., rosewater and herbs Is., or a total of £ 1 17s. 2d. Perhaps in this case a certain Goodwife Eavenall may have taken an unfair advantage of the orphan's position, before the wardens were called upon to exercise their powers. The account of the goods of Millians, or Mullens, gives some insight into the household furniture of a freeman of Sandwich, who appears to have possessed no other property, and states the value of the various articles at an auction in 1592. Martin's account shews that two boys had a suit of clothes each which cost for both but £1 9s. 4d., a moderate sum compared with the gown of Thomasine Wolters, who, by the bye, had another gown in 1594, with whaleboned sleeves, at a total cost of £ 1 15s. 8d.; Martin's boys, however, had but a small estate. Eobert Wilds, who died at sea, apparently had the largest personal estate which came under the control of the wardens during the period covered by these accounts, and the receipts and payments afford many interesting details as to the mode of management and prices of different articles. I call attention to the cost, £3, of a journey to Tarmouth to collect a bill, and the very small sums paid for the schooling of these orphans. The case of Cornish's orphans shews the mode of proceeding from beginning to end. Among the loose papers in the book is the petition for bringing the orphans under the control of the wardens, with notes made by the preparer of the petition as to the facts, and upon the accounts with Goodwife Eavenall. The whole winds up with a discharge given by the orphan and her husband for the balance. The manuscript is for the most part very clearly written, and affords an interesting insight into the habits and customs of our forefathers in this old town. THE BOOKE or ACCOMFTE OI? THE WARDENS OF THE OEPHANTS OF THIS TOWNE & PORTE OI? SANDWICH begonne in the Third yeare of the Maioraltie of Edward Wood Maior heinge in the yeare of our Lord 1589 and in the xxxi" yeare of the reigne of or Sovergne Lady Queene Elizabeth. RICHAED POBEEDO, WILL'M RIOHAEDSON, Wardens in the yeare of our Lord 1586; and ABRAHAM BERKYE, sonne of John Aberry Late of Sandwich Deceased, then Orphant under their chardge. Receipts.—First receaved by the said Wardens of Mysteris Cobbe, Wydow, Late wyfe of Alex. Cobbe Jurate deceased, in money Left in th'ands of the said Alexr Cobbe belonging to the said Orphant , xxi li. THE SANDWICH BOOK OF ORPHANS. 183 Item more for the rent for the p'te of his house at Thannciacon of or Lady A0 1586 iiij li. It'm for the lyke at Michaellmas the same yeare iiij li- Suma tot'lis of the Receytes xxix li. Payments.—It'm payd to John Eppes for the said Orphant to buy him clothes then dwellinge with him xx s. It'm paid also for the kepinge of the said Abraham Berry there xxs. It'm paid to his Mr* Thomas Winter wheare he is nowe apprentice x li. It'm p'd to his Brother Jacobe Berry for monys that he Layed oute uppon Reparacons of his p'te of his house when the said Orphant dwelt at Eastry wth Epps v li. It'm paid to the same Jacobe Berry for clothes wuh he bought for the same Abraham his brother & wUl his consent the same tyme that he was with Epps at Eastry xlvii s. It'm paid for Repar'oons at Mich'as last 1586 for his p'te of his house iii s. vi d, It'm payd to Jacobe Berrye the xvi of October 1587 for the use of Abraham Berry his brother by consent of the same Abraham v l i xiiij s. Sum xxv li. iiij s. vi d. Due iii Ii. xv s. vi d. Wch iii li. xv s. vi d. is payd unfc' Jacobe Berry. Received by me RICHARD PORREDGE the same yeare of Thomas Robinson Gent, of & to th'use of JOHN KNOTTINGE sonne of Henry Knottinge deceased. Woh xxli. is payd over unto Edward Peke Jurat & is nowe remayninge in his hands .... xxli. Ma that the xxixth day of March A0 1596 in the presence of Mathew Menes & Ric. Porredge, Will'm Crispe & Abra. Bournman, the said xxli. remaining in th' hands of Edward Peke Jurat, was by the consent of John Knottinge paid over unto his Brother in law John Lynwood. THE ACCOMPTE OE ROGER MANWOODT Jurate one of the Wardens of the Orphants of the goods & Rents belonging unto the Orphant THOMASYN WOLTEES. Reoeyts. March 1588.—First receaved of Collyver in p'te of a yeares rent viz. of xxiiij s. due Thannunciacion of or Lady Last past xx s. It'm of Anthony Sills Dutchman for halfe yeares rent of p'te of the greate house due at S' Michell xxv s. It'm more of him for one half yeares rent of all the greate house due at Thannu'ciacon of or Lady last past iij li. It'm of Jane Rebles for 3 quarters rent due at Thann'ciacon Last past after the rent of 1 s. p. ann xxxvii s. vi d. It'm of Edward Andersone for 3 quarters rent of the garden .. iiij s. vi d. S' Michell 1588.—It'm of Mr Barthewe for one yeares rent of a garden x s. It'm of Edward Andersone for half a yeare's rent of a garden .. iij s. It'm of Anthony Sills for half a yeares rent of the Chiefe house . iij li. It'm of Jane Rebles for one yeares rent of the house next the p'sonage house (12 li. 5 s.) xxvs. It'm of John Martyn Dutcheman for a quarters farm of the Store house xs. * Master. f This was a nephew of Sir Roger Manwood, the founder of the Grammar School. See Boys' Pedigree of the Family. 1 8 4 THE SANDWICH. BOOK OF ORPHANS. And there was Lost a quarters rent before & iiij s. arrerage by the Death of Collyver who was hanged. Anun'acon 1589.—It'm of Mr Barthewe for one halfe yeares farme for a garden vs. It'm of Edtvard Anderson for one halfe yeares rent of another garden iij s. Of Anthony Sills for an half yeare of the Chief house iij li. Of Jane Rabies for half a yeare for the house next the p'sonage. xxv s. Of John Martin Dutch taylor for the Store house xxs. S' Michell 1589.—Mr Barthewe for the garden vs. Edward Anderson for a garden _ iij s. Anthony Sille for the Chief house iij li. Jane Rabies for the house next the P'sonage xxv s. John Martin Dutch Taylor for the Store house xx s. Anunc'acon 1590.—R° the 29 of March 1590 for the house nere Mr Stibbing for half a yeares rent due at or Lady day last past xxv s. It'm more the same daye of John Marten for half a yeares rent of his house due at or Lady day last past xx s. It'm more the same daye of Anthony Sylls for halfe a yeares rent of the Chief house due as aforesaid (17 li. 1 s.) iiili. PAYMENTS for the said Orphant THOMAZYN WOLTERS. Payments.—Aprill 16,1588.—First to John Momer Drap. for his bill for cloth I hadde xxx s. April 22.—It'm to one Clark her kinsma. p. William Wolters Worde to be repayd if Mr Maior did not approve yt vi s. May 17, 1588.—It'm to Will'm Even by John Harbord for Roger Rowes bill xxx s. vi d. June 7,1588.—It'm allowed Anthony Sille for repa'cons don to the house Is. v d. It'm pd to Mr Joye Minister of S' Clements for a yeares rent of 2 howses viz. the mansion & one next unto S' Peters p'sonage Due at Than'uncion Last past ix s. July 13,1588.—It'm pa to Mr Porredge for a Cesse mony for the Shipp* vs. July 20.—It'm for a loade of Clay for the house next Mr Stibbings xvi d. August 11,1588.—It'm a Loade of Sand yi d. It'm a Lode of Lathes xii d. It'm for 900 spriggs xii d. It'm to Jackeson for 2 days woorke iij s. iiij d. It'm for 400 of Tyles xvid. It'm for di. c of Lathes vii d. It'm for Nayles iij d. It'm for 2 barrs (barrels) of Lyme ij s. iij d. It'm to a Workman & his Laborer for 2 days & di. (71i. 7s. 6d.) v s. October 7,1588.—It'm allowed Repar'cons don on the house & pals next unto S' Peters p'sonage xix s. October 9.—It'm to the Glasier for solderinge the gutter there . xv d. It'm to Mr Joye for 2 howses in S' Clements p'ishe iiij s. vi d. March 28,1589.—-It'm to James Brode Clarke for half a yeares wage xii d. March 30.—It'm allowed for repar'cons at John Martyns xvii s. It'm allowed Repar'cons at Jane Rabies ij s. iij d. * The Spanish Armada sailed in July 1588. The cesse must have been to provide the ships for Sandwich. THE SANDWICH BOOK OF ORPHANS. 185 June 25, 1589.—It'm payd Will"1 Even for the borde of Thomasyn Wolters for 2 yeares endinge at Se John Baptist.. iiij li. June 27.—It'm to Brode the Clark for wage xii d. October 1,1589.—It'm to him more for di. yeares wage xii d. It'm allowed Anthony Sille for repar'cons of the Well vid. It'm allowed Jane Rabies for repar'cons vi d. October 17.—It'm p'1 to John Harberd for Thomasin Wolters bills viz. for Roger Rawes Bill vi s. ix d., for John Momers bill xiiis. and for Will'm Evens bill xxvi s xlv s. ix d. It'm paid for a hatt for the said Thomasin (91i. 9d.) vii s. It'm pd to ffather Braude the Clarke for his wage for a Teare & a half iij s. It'm allowed Marten the Taylor for repar'cons of his house . . . . xviii d. It'm allowed more to Rablasse for his Repa'con xii d. It'm pd to Mr Joye for one years Dutie of the house (14s. 6d.).. ix s. Md that the xxlh day of October A0 Dni 1593 James Master of East Langdon gent. Didd accomp10 wth Thomas Robinson & Will™ Wood of Sandwioh Jurats Wardens of the Orphants within the same Towne And there uppon did paye unto th'ande of the said Will"1 Wood in full satisfaction of all such some & somes of money as was then due unto the Orphant Thomasyn Wolters the some of Eight* pounds three shillings and Threepence of lawful money of England due uppon the Accompte of Roger Manwood late of Sandw'ch aforesaid Jurat (Sgd) Tho8 Robinson. Will™ Wood. The Accompt of JOHN VEERALL and THOMAS ROBINSON of Sandwioh Jurats Wardens of the Orphant THOMAZIN WOULTEES beginninge at Thannuno'on of or Lady in A0 1590 forward oontinuinge till Miohellmas 1592. RECEIVED ffor the Orphant Thomsin Woulters ffor a yeares & a halfe as followeth:— March 1591.—Imprimis receaved by Thomas Robinson the 29 Marohe 1591 of Janekin Reberasse for one whole yeares rent of the howse near Mr Stippinge due at or Lady day last.. 1 s. It'm receaved of Anthony Spilla of Mr Aldey & Thomlyn the same tyme for one whole yeares rent of the Cheif howse in the Highe streat dewe as a foresaid vj li. It'm receaved of John Martyns the same tyme for one whole yeares rent of his howse due as aforesaid xl s. It'm receaved of Mr Bartholmewe the same tyme for one Yeare & a half rent of a garden due as aforesaid xv s. It'm receaved more of Edward Anderson the same tyme for one Teare & a halE rent of a garden due as aforesaid ixs. Marohe 1592.—It'm received the 30th of Marohe 1592 of Goodman ffrencham for one whole yeares rent of the howse neere Mr Stibbinges dewe at or Lady day last past Is. It'm receaved at the same tyme of Richard Thomlyn for one whole yeare's rent of half the Cheif howse in the Highe streate due at or Lady as aforesaid iij li, It'm receaved of Janekin Sowters the same tyme for one yeares rent of the other half of the same house dewe as aforesaid lv s. It'm receaved the same tyme of John Martens for one whole yearesrent of his howse due as aforesaid xl s. * The true balance appears to have been £12 3s. 3d., and it will be seen post that Mr. Wm. Wood accounts for £9 3s. 3d. as received from Mr. Masters. 186 THE SANDWICH BOOK OF ORPHANS. It'm receaved of Mr Bartholmewe the same tyme for one Yeares rent of his garden due as aforesaid x s. It'm receaved more of Edward Anderson the same tyme for one yeares rent of his garden due as aforesaid vj s. Sl Michaell 1592.T—It'm receaved the 22 of November 1592 of ffrencham for halfe a yeares rent of his howse due at Michallmas Last xxv s. It'm receaved the same tyme of Richard Thomlyn for halfe a Yeares rent of half the foresaid Cheife Howse dewe at Miohellmas Last past xxx s. It'm receaved of Janekin Sowters the same tyme for halfe a Yeares rent of the other halfe of the said howse due as aforesaid xxv s. It'm receaved of John Martens the same tyme for halfe a Yeares rent of his howse due as aforesaid xx s. It'm receaved of M* Bartholmewe the same tyme for halfe a yeares rent of his garden due as aforesaid vs. It'm receaved of Edward Anderson the same tyme for halfe a yeares rent of his garden due as aforesaid iij s. CHARDGES FOR REPAIRING HEE HOUSES & GARDENS. It'm pd for a newe buckett to the Well in the Chief howse . . . . xij d. It'm pd to the Churchwardens of S4 Clemente for the ceasse to the Churche owte of y° ten't of Thomazin Woulters vij s. It'm pd to Mr Joy the 19 May 1592 for his Dewtie owte of the ten'te for one yeare & a halfe due at or Lady day last xiij s. vj d. It'm pd Mr Verrall for 72 foote of boorde to pale Anderson's garden iiij s. iiij d. It'm for Masons Work & stuff uppon the howse next Mr Stibbinge the 12 of Marche 1590 vs. viij d. It'm vj c & a quarter of tyles for the howse in the Highe Streate the 10 of October 1590 x s. iiij d. 'It'm for Lyme to the same Woork with Roofe tyles and Goods.. vj s. iij d. It'm for eveboord & nayles for the same howse xix d. It'm for 9 daies Woork to a Mason & his man at 2s. the day aboute the same howse xviij s. It'm the 9 of Aprill 1591 for 139 foote of Inche boorde to mend the loft wheare Martyn dwelleth ix s. vj d. It'm for iiij c of nayles xx d. It'm for the Carpenters Woork iij s. vj d. It'm p<* to Mr Joy the 10 of January 1591 for halfe a yeare dewtie owte of the said ten'te dewe at Michellmas last iiij s. vi d. It'm pd for makinge a newe doore in John Martens howse the rydes nayles & Woork ij s. viij d. It'm pd more for mendinge the gutter in the streate to the same howse ix yardes xxij d. It'm allowed to ffrencham for mendinge of a gutter & pavement in his backside xix d, It'm allowed to Edward Anderson for 3 postes ij s., iiij paier of Rayles iij s. iiij d., 3 c of nailes xviij d., for the Carpenters iiij s. ii d., all wch. is xi s, It'm p" to Mr Joy the 12 of May 1692 for his dewtie owte of the howses for half a Yeare dewe at or Lady day last iiij s. vj d. It'm pd for a load of Lome Laied into the Cheif howse xvj d. It'm pd for 800 of Hearne hill tyle laied in at ffrenchams viij s. It'm pd to Thomas Bensted carpenter for tymber stantions & others as appeareth by his byll w'ch was bestowed uppon a newe Cove in ffrenchams howse xxij s. THE SANDWICH BOOK OF ORPHANS. 187 Chardges for repairinge her house. It'm paied for xii c of Neckall* tyle bestowed about the howse.. xvj s. It'm pd for 20 Sparrs to make the Cove in ffrenchams howse vs. It'm pd for ij c & half of bricke ij s. ij d. It'm for 600 of Sapp lathes & 1500 of prigge to Mr Verrall ix s. ij d. It'm for 4 bundelle of harte lathes one bundell of Sapp to Goodman Griffen the same tyme vs. viij d. It'm for 7 barrells and a bushell of Lyme iiij s. xj d. It'm paied the 19 of August 1592 to have the Smyth for thinges fitt as appeareth by his byll vij s. vj d. It'm pd the 3 of September & allowed to ffrencham their p'celle as by his note appeareth 2 load of clay ij s. iiij d., a load of Sand xij d., a load of Chalk, ix d., for Carriage of tyles & brick vj d., for carrienge away of earth xvd., all which is v s. x d. It'm pd the same day to Thomas Benstid for makinge of a newe dormer to a Chimney in the cheif howse & y° stuff to y' .... iij s. iiij d. It'm pd the tyler for one daies Woork to cover the same ijs. It'm for a barrell of lyme & Lathes xij d. It'm for one hundreth plaine tyle & 25 gutter tyle ij s. iiij d. It'm pd to Mr Joy the 28 of Ootober 1592 for his dutie of the ten'te for half a yeare due at Michellmas last iiij s. vj d. CHARDGES OF HEE APPAREELL, DIETT, & OTHEE NEOESSESARIES. It'm pd to Will™ the Brewers Wife the 16 of Aprill 1590 for 3 quarters of a yeares boord of the said Thomazin due at o* Lady day last past iij li. It'm pd to her more the same day for necessaries Laied owte aboute her & teaohing her as by a bill of p'ticulars appeareth . xxx s. It'm pd for 5 elle &• a quarter of Wight Clothe to make her 4 smocks at ij s. thell & the makinge xj s. vj d. It'm pd Momer the 9 of Marche 1591 for2yardesof violett broad cloath to make her a gowne xxiiij s. It'm p'd him more the same day for 2 yardes of baies & 1 y'de cotten vj s. viij d. It'm p'd at Roger Rawes for div" things to furnishe her gowne w'thall as by a bill of p'ticulers may appeare xxix s. It'm p'd the 3 of Aprill 1591 to John Damon for linnen to make her nickerohers & other necessaries at her goinge to Canterbury xvj s. It'm for makinge her 4 nickerohers & Lace v s. iij d. It'm bought for her fine Wight thrid to woork wlllall xij d. It'm p'd the xxiiij of Aprill 1592 to William the brewer for one whole yeares boord for her and other things as appeareth by p'ticuler iiij li. x s. vj d. It'm p'd to Jervas Basfork for makinge her gowne & stiffinge to y' vj s. iiij d. It'm for her wagon to Canterbury at tymes xviij d. It'm p'd for thrid sent to her to Canter^ xv d. It'm p'd to her Misteris Smythe the 12 of July 1592 for one quarters boord & teachinge her dewe at Midsom' last xl s. It'm p'd the 28 of July 1592 to MrB Smith for divs p'ticuler necessaries for Thomzen as appeareth by her bill vij s. iiij d. It'm sent to her to Canterbury the 28 of August half an ownce of thrid w'oh cost xij d. It'm p'd to Misteris Smyth the 9 of October 1592 for a quarters boord & teachinge of her dewe at Michellmas last xl s. * Nackholt in Wye Parish. The tile kilns at Nackholt still bear a good reputation. 1 8 8 THE SANDWICH BOOK OF ORPHANS. It'm sent to Canterbury by Ongley the post a paire of hose ij s. iiij d- It'm p'd for half an ell of Cambrick to make her Coyfes & stringes to them & a quarter of Cambrick for her to woorke .. vs. It'm p'd for makinge the Coyfes _ xv d. THE EECEITS of this Accomp'te is as appeareth xxviij li. iij s. THE PAIEMENTS is xxix li. viij s. viij d. So as it appeareth that THOMSIN WOULTEES is debtor unto this accomptant THOMAS ROBINSON xxv s. viij d. The accoumpt of ME. WILLIAM WOOD Juratt & one of the Wardens of the Orphanes w'hin the towne and porte of Sandwch concerninge the Orphant THOMAZIN WOULTEES ffrom the ffeast of S' Michell Tharchangel A0 D'ni 1592 for three yeares then next followinge w'oh was quarterly paid as by the p'ticuler note of the foresaid Wm Wood doth appeare. RECEITS of her rents of the first yeare of the said three yeares. First of Richard Tomlyne for one whole yeares rent iij li. Of John ffrencham for the like Is. Of a fflemishe widowe for the like Is. Of John Marten for the like xl s. Of Mr Bartholmew for the like x s. Of Edward Anderson for the like vj s. RECEITS of the second yeares rent. Of Richard Tomlyne iij li. Of John Frencham Is. Of a fflemishe Widowe Is. Of John Marten xl s. Of Mr Bartholmewe xs. Of Edward Anderson vj s. RECEITS of the thirde and last yeares rent. Of Richard Tomlyne xxx s. Of John ffrencham Is. Of a fflemish widowe Is. Of John Marten xls. Of Mr Bartholmewe x s. Of Edward Anderson iij s. SOM TOTAL of y° recets xxxli. xvs. It'm receaved of Mr James Master the 20 day of October in full satisfacion of the Arrearages of Mr Roger Manwood his accoumpt the some of ix li. iij s. iij d. Sum' ix li. iij s. iij d. SOM OE AL THE EECEPTS xxxix li. xviij s. iij d. PAIEMENTES.—Here followeth a note of all suohe paiementes as have been paid by the foresaid WILL™ WOOD for the Orphant THOMSIN OULTERS Sithence S' Michell A" 1592, viz. Hirst paied to Mrs Smith for her borde and) learninge for one quarter dewe at Xy'mas xl s. P'd more to her misteris for such necessaries as shee wanted & p'vided by her vij s. x d. P'd more for a Cotten Wastcote for her xvj d. P'd more for f and a half of Devonsheire Kersey to make her a Wastcote iij s. x d. It'm for lace to bynd y' & for the makinge xviij d. It'm given to her self the 20 day of ffebruary xij d. It'm for half a pound of yarne to make her hose of It'm to M" Smith the 29 day of March for her q'ters boord and learning dewe at Easter xl s. THE SANDWICH BOOK OF ORPHANS. 189 It'm for a booke for her conteininge all the S'vice & the singinge psalmes ij s. vj d. It'm for a Seame of ffrenche worke for a koyf vs. It'm given to her more the 23 of Aprill to buy her some silke to Worke her a koyf & other such like (Sum & p'tis vii. v s.) ij s. It'm more the viijth of June for a paire of gloves xij d. It'm more for 3 Lynnen Aprons for her ij s. It'm p'd Mra Smith the 27 of June for 13 Weekes boord and learninge dewe at this daye xl s. It'm p'd more to her that she had layed owte for her necessarie wants vs. vj d. It'm more given to her self the same daye xij d. It'm paied to Cooke the glasier the fowerth of July for amendinge the windowes of the Cheif howse iij s. vj d. It'm p'd the 11 of Julye for a hatt for her vj s. It'm p'd for a pound of Yarne to make her hose xvj d. It'm p'd to viccer Harrison for the quit rent Dewe to the manner of Woodnesborowe for her house called the store house vj d. It'm p'd to Mrs Smyth the 29 of Septemr for a quarters boord & learninge dewe at this daye xl s. It'm more the same tyme for shooes & amendin' of shooes & for other necessaries ij s. vj d. It'm p'd to Mr Robinson the 30 of October that Thomazin Oulters was indebted to him as by his accoumpt may appeare xxv s. viij d. Sum. f t vj li. ix s. It'm paied to George Hutchenson for a yard and a half of Stanmell* Cloth to make her a petticote at x s. vj d. the Yard. xv s. ix d. It'm for a paire of Shooes for her the 11 day of december xviij d. It'm p'd to MrB Smith the 13 day of december for a quarters boord and learninge dewe at this day xl s. It'm more the same day for necessaries laied owte by Mrs Smith for her It'm given to Bumford for her Ridinge from & to Canterbury.. xij d. It'm given her in her pursse when shee went to Cant, the 2 of January xij d. It'm paied to Mrs Smyth the 29 of Marche for a quarters boord & learninge dewe at lady day xl s. It'm more for necessarie Wants laied owte for her by her Mrs in this 2 q'ters last past x s. iiij d. It'm p'd more for the bringinge of her Chist iiij d. It'm given to her self the 2 of Aprill xij d. It'm for a barrell of lyme ix d. It'm for a hondred of plaine tyles & for 3 roof tyles ij s. ij d. It'm to a mason & his laborer for a dayes Woorke aboute ffrencham & the Woollumers howse ij s. Sum ' v li. xv s, x d. It'm p'd for boorde nailes & mendinge of the glass windowes at ffrencham howse xvij s. j d. It'm for repairinge of the ffence of Andersones garden as p. bill viij s. It'm p' Mr Joye for his dewtie oute of half the principall howse & for the same dewtie owte of ffrenchams howse for a yeare & a half dewe at or Lady day last 1594 viij s. iij d. SUM. T'T xxxiij s. iiij d. M. that the 4 of Aprell A0 159t TOMSINE OULTERS comytted her selfe into my kepyinge and is to paye me for her borde for so longe time as she is wth me after the rate of ffyve pounds by the yere whose reck,nynge here under followethe. * Stammell: A species of red colour, B. Jonson. A kind of woollen cloth, Comment, on Chaucer. Johnson's Dictionary. 190 THE SANDWICH BOOK OF ORPHANS. It'm fyrst for a sampler bought by her of Mrs Smythe xij d. It'm for sylke the 9 of Aprelle vjd. It'm for 36 stickes to make lace. xij d. It'm geven to her the 17 of Aprell that she gave to her kynsman Clarke ,. . ij s. vj d, It'm for sylke the 17 of Aprell vj d. Item for sylke the 26 of Aprell vj d. Item for stringes for an aporne and pynes and thryde vj d. Item for 10 yardes of lyle grograyne at xxd the yearde for her gowne xvj s. viij d, Item for a yearde of greene saye xvj d. Item for lettyng her bludd xij d. Item for v elles of bokeram at 14Jd. the ell to make her two smockes vj s. Item for mendy nge of her shooes the xi daye of Maye v d. Item the 19 daye of Maye for a payer of shooes xv d. Item geven her in her purse the same tyme _ xij d. Item for a cushen to make lace uppon ij s. Item to a mason and his man for a daye and a halfe worke in repayringe the principall howse iij s. Item for iiij bareles of lyme and a bushell of here iij s. iiij d. Item geven her to geve to a bryde the 13 of June iiij d. Item geven her more the 29 of June to bye her strynges for an apurne iiij d. Sum. f t xliij s. ij d. Item for an ell of cambrycke to make her gorgetes and barides . vij s. Item for halfe an ell of hollandes to make her quaynes ij s. Item geven her the 3 of August to bye her a gerdle and pynnes to paye where shee had borrowed xvj d. Item for a payer of whale boone sleues for her gowne iij s. iiij d. Item for buckrame and bentes for the same gowne xij cl. Item for drawinge the tape and sleues of the same gowne xij d. Item for bayes for the same gowne vj s. iiij d. Item for makinge of the same VJ s ' .... Item for makinge of a payre of bodyes to Thomsynes petycote . iii] d. Item geven to her the 19 of September vj d. Item for a payer of shooes for her the 22 of September xij d. Item payde to John Elner for bringinge of her and her chest from Canterburye at our Ladye daye xij d. Item geven her 6 of October to give to a bryde vjid. Item for a boone thimble ij d. Item for halfe a pounde of yearne to make her boose xiij d. Item geven her the 4 of November to geve to Lull his wyfe .. vj d. Item payde to Mr Joye the 8 of November for his halfe yeares wages out of Tomsynes howses dewe at the feast of St. Mychell last ij s. ix d. Sum. f t xxxv s. x d. Item payde to the glasyer the 21 of November for newe leadinge and mendinge of the wyndowe of the prinsypall howse wher the frowe dwelleth vij s. vj d. Item for pryges to nayle it upp iij d. Item for a payer of shoose for her the same tyme xvj d. Item geven her to buye threed and needles and pynnes at the fayer xij d. Item more geven to her the 8 of december to buye lace for gorgetes vj d. Item geven her the 21 of December to buye her hat stringes .. vj d. Item for mending her shooes and for dyenge of her hoose iiij d. Item geven her the 27 daye when she went to her cosyne Kingesforde vj d. Item for a taffyta hatt for her x s. THE SANDWICH BOOK OF ORPHANS. 191 Item geven her more the 8 of December to buye her lace for her gorgetes xij d. Item for makinge of her gorgetes xij d. Item the 10 daye for mendinge her shooes iiij d.. Item for makinge her a band and lyninge for it xii d. Item payd for Tanye bo byne* lace for her gowne and sylke to sett it on v s. ix d. Item for 2 yeardes & f of russet fustyan ij s. ix d. Item for a yearde and J of peache oolured brod clothe to make her a petycote xv s. Item for halfe an ell of blewe busfyne xv d. Item for 4 an ell of £ clothe iiij d. Item for 6 yeardes and \ of blacke and red bylyment lace .... ij s. j d. Item for 3 yeardes of lase to bynde it iij d. Item for 6 oz. and \ statute fringe for the same ij s. ij d. Sum. f t ij li. xiiij s. xj d. Item for makinge of the same and for sylke xviij d. Item for a yearde and % of Devonshire oarsye to make her a wastcoote iiij s. vj d. Item for makinge of the same and for byndynge lace xiij d. Item for J an ell and $ i of canvas to make her a payer of bodyes before forgotten xij d. Item for a payer of shooes the 22 daye of ffebruarye xiij d. Item for oy ntment for the yohe iij d. Item geven to her the 24 daye to geve to Exted his wyfe vj d. Item geven to her the 9 daye of Maroh to goe to the playe . . . . iiij d. Item for mendynge of her shooes the 22 day of Marche iiij d. Item Rd of her the 25 of Marche for her yere's borde Som v li. Item geven to her the 30 daye to buye salve for her hande .... ij d. Item payde for repraoyons donne about frenohames howse the 31 of Maroh x s. iij d. Item more payde the same 31 daye of Marche for bryckes lyme and woorkemanship for the amendment of John Martyns howse and for mendynge of the glase wyndowe of the same vij s. vj d. It'm geven to her the 18 of Aprell to buye threede and other necessaries vj d. Item payde for solynge of her shooes the 20 of Aprell viij d. Item geven her at Ester when she went to the com'unyon .... xij d. Item payde for mendinge of the locke and makynge of a keye for the same iiij d. Sum. f t vj li. xj s. Item geven her to paye for her lettynge of blud the 13 of Maye. vi d. Item for a medesyne to expell the ague twyse is. Item payde to Mr Joye the 31 of Maye for his halfe yeares wages for her howses dewe at thanunoyacon of our Ladye last ij s. ix d. Item for 6 elles of bockeram at xvj d. the ell to make her smockes one ell of hollindesfor ooyves at ij s. iiij d. and one ell of hollands for crosse clothes at iij s. iiij d, the ell and one yeard of greene wodmolef for an aprune at xij d. and for thred the 17 of June xv s. ij d. Item geven her the 24 daye of June x d. Item payde for mendinge of her shooes the 6 of Julye ij d. Item for a payer of hose for her the viij of Julye ij s. ij d. Item for a oombe and threede the 25 of Julye viij d. * Bobbin. t Woadmel, a hairy coarse stuff made of Island wool. Norfolk and Suffolk. •—Bailey's Dictionary. 192 THE SANDWICH BOOK OF ORPHANS. Item for tryminge of her hatt i s. Item for tryminge and newe makinge of her old petycote iiij s. Item geven to her the 18 of August for to buye her a payer of shooes a knyfe sterche geare lace and fylletes and suche other necessaryes at her going to Canterburye w** was the same daye iiij s. vj d. Item payde to Cheryngtones wydowe for worke donne for her. . x d. Item payde to Vycare Harryson for the quytrent dewe to manner of Woodnesborough for her howse called the store howse for two yeres xij d. Sum. f t xxxiiij s. vij d. Item for newe leadinge of the wyndow and for quarreles put in in Tomlyns hale wyndowe beinge 20 foote of glasse and 28 panes vij s. viij d. Item payde to Mrs Smythe for her dyet from the 18 of August untyll the ffeast of 8' Michell xij s. Item for a payer of hoose for her against Christmas ij s. Item payde to M* Joye the ij of January for his halfe yeres dutye for her howse dewe at the ffeast of Saint Mychell last.. ij s. ix d. Item the same to Smalwood for a payer of shooes for her xx d. Item for her boorde from our Ladye daye untyll the 18 of August beinge 21 weekes at ij s. p. weeke xlii s. Sum. f t iij li. viij s. j d. SUMM. TOTAL OE THE PAYMENTS XXXvij li. X S. ix d. So the RECEITS exceed the PAYMENTS .. ij li. vij s. vj d. WoU sum was paide to HARHIEE who married Thomising inters by the said Accomp' before Mr Richardson Maior. The Accompte of Mr WYLL'M WOOD Jurat one of y' gardyanes of the Orphantes for the goodes of ANGELL'S WYDOWE wch have oom to my handes, viz. Item R. that was made of the goods of Angeles wydowe soulde by lefecope* the 27 of September as p. inuentorye x li. 2 s. 9 d. Item more receyved of Thomas Wylson that was founde in her howse vs. Item more that is in John Elner his handes as p. Inuentorye .. iij li. xj s. ix d. THE SOME BECEIVED by Mr Wood is x li. vij s. ixd. A NOTE OP SUCHE MONEYS AS I HAVE LAYED OUT for the children of ANGELES Wydowe or other wayes for her, viz. It'm to the Clarke and Cryer of the outroopes for their dutye after the rate of 8d. for the pounde vj s. viij d. Item to Prona for her helpe xij d. Item to John Dale for his paynes in writinge there xij d. Item to the Cryer iiij d. Item to a frowe that kepte her in her sicknes iij s. Item to John Hunte for beere and breade that was feched there xv d. Item to Bollardes wyfe that she had lent the mayden x d. Item geven to Bollardes wyfe and to Bratteles wydowe for layinge her forthe and for washinge the clothes and other things after her deathe ij s. viij d. * This word lefecope, which in the subsequent part of these accounts is called outroope, lyfecope, leefecoope, finally terminating in lovecope, signified an auction of household goods. Boys calls it lieuoope, and says the word was pronounced lifcoop, and was still used in his time. I do not see any mention of it in the Customal, but in the Corporation records, at each annual assembly for the appointment of officers, there is the following entry :—" The lovecope was let to farm to A.B. for the year ensuing he paying to the land Treasurer 2s. 6d. for every lovecope." This annual entry ceased in 1782. At the period of these accounts the Clerk and Crier appear to have been entitled to a commission of 8d. in the pound. THE SANDWICH BOOK OF ORPHANS. 193 Item layde out the 13 of Ootober for clothe to make the younger wenohe a petyecoote and a wastcoote three smocks and two apernes besydes that her mother had geven beforehande for suche purpose viij s. Payde to Thomas Hyndmas for the buryall of there mother.... iiij s. Payde more the 18 of October to Stockbrydges wyfe with the youngest daughter by the Will of Mr Maior and- his brytheren xl s. Item more for a payer of hose, a payer of shooes and frynge for her petycoote ij s. vj d. Item geven to the eldest dauther the 23 of October to buye her a payer of shooes xv d. Sum. f t iij li. xij s. vj d. Item payde to Bollarders wydowe that she had layed out for the makinge of certen clothes for the youngest gerle xv d. Item payde good wyfe Bollard for the buryenge of the yo'nge gerle vs. Sum. f t vj s. iij d. SUM' TOTALIS of the payments is iij li. xviij s. ix d. So the reoets exceeds the payments vj li. ix s. Wdl said sum was paid to the hands of Mr ROBEET GRIEPINGE Jurat one of the ke'pers of the Orphants. THE ACCOMPTE OE WILLIAM WOOD Jurate (one of the Wardens of the Orphantes) of the goodes of MILLIANS [Mullens] his children the xxith of Aprell 1592. In primis the said acoomptant chargeth himself wth the receipte of theis p'celles hereunder followinge sould at an owtroope viz. Receipts. A drawinge table with sixe shelves xviiij s. Item a Tapestrie coverlet xls. vj d. Item ix fringed napkins , vjs. ix d. Item six drap napkings vj s. j d. Item for sixe pillow coates viij s. xj d. ffor ix plaine napkins > iiij s. viij d. ob. ffor two table clothes vs. ffor viij paire of sheetes ij li. j s. v d. Item for three greate pewter candlestioks iij s. vij d. Item two small pewter candlesticks j s. j d. Item a quarte and a pinte pewter pott ij s. j d. Item a chamber pot and 6 salt seller of pewter i s. viij d. Item for vi fruyte dishes ij s. j d. Item for vi sawsers j s. ij d. ffor three small dishes j s. iiij d. ffor nyne platters ix s. ix d. It'm for an iron pot iij s. v d. Item for a brasse pot , vj s. vj d. Item for a brasse ketle vij s. iij d. Item for a worke ohere j s. xj d. Item for iij pillowes vs. ix d.ob. Item for three ohests viij s. ij d. Item for three fetherbedds & twoo bolsters ij li. xix s. ij d. Reoeived before for 5 silver spoones at 5s. Id. p' ounoe j li. xvij s. vj d. Item for another being his sonnes spoone vs. Som'a p'tis* xiiij li. xiiij s. x d. * It would appear that vi s. erased in the second item was struok out after this casting was made and without correcting it, as the true casting appears to be £14 8s. lOd. VOL XVI. O 194 THE SANDWICH BOOK OF ORPHANS. Payments. Here followeth the p'ticuler PAIEMENTS of the said WILLIAM WOODE for the said Orphants in answearing of the said Receipts viz. The said acoomptant doth demand allowance for paying for earring of the stuffe into the market x d. Item pd. to the Crier for cryinge the same ij d. To Prona for delivring out of the stuffe xij d. Item to the Sailer for sellinge of y' in his shoppe xij d. Item to the cleark & crier for their p'mission att viij d. the pound viij s. vj d. Paid to Georg Hutohenson the xxth daie of August for oloth to apparell one of the maides and the hoye and for makinge of the same as by the Bill doth appeare xiiij s. vj d. Item more paid to Chirringtons wife w'h Thomasen Millians on Monday the 26 of August xl s. Item more to Will'm Beare for redeeminge of Sixe silver spoones belonging to the children pawned by the father-in-law xxx s. Item more paid (for Thomasine Millians) to George Hutohenson for iiij yeardes of cloth to make her a petticote & a waste cote at ij s. vj d. the yarde x s. It'm for makinge of the same xvj d. Item for a paire of showes for her xij d. Paid to Edward Hulls w01' was promised him with John Millians xl s. Paid to George Hutohenson for a suyte of clothes for the same boye xiiij s. vj d. Item more for a parre of shoose for him xiiij d. Sum. f t viij li. iiij s. Item paide to Mr Bartholmew the xv of Novemb, that he had laid out for Sara & Thomasine Mullins as appeareth by his Bill .. xxvij s. Sum. f t xxvij s. SUM. OF ALL THE PAYMENTS IS ix li. xjs. __ *So the Receipts exceed the payments vii. iiijs. vij d. W* said sum was paid by the acoomptant Will'm Wood then Maior unto the hands of Christofer Clark and Daniell Wyborne. (1607). THE ACCOMPTE OE AETHURE RUCKE Maior of y° Towne and Porte of Sandwioh one of the Wardens of the Orphantes of y° goods of MYLES MARTINB decesed in September (1607) who left twoe Sonnes viz. THOMAS MARTINB and JOHN MARTYNE viz. RECEVED of Charles Cricket and John Thome for the howsehould stufe of Myles Martyne sould at a Lyfooope viij li. xv s. yd. Item Receved more for 14 younge hoges sould at severall pryses iiij li. xii d. Somm total xij li. xvj s. v d. Payments. Here followeth y° p'ticuler PAIMENTS of y° foresaid ARTHURE RUCKE for y° foresaid Orphants viz. THOMAS and JOHN MARTINB in answare of y° said Receipts viz, Inpr'm" paid to Charles Crickett and John Thome for there due for selling y° goods at y° lyfcpope v s. x d. I f m paid to one Spratlyng for monye yat was due to him from Myles Martine ij s. ij d. It'm pd to Widow Barker for washing y° lennan and clening the howse iij s. x d. It'm pd to a woman that kepte him in his sicknes vj s. It'm pd to Goodwyfe Lawnce y' helpe at the Lyfcoope . vi d. I f m pd to the Cryer for crying of the Lyfcoope iiij d. * The correct balance appears to have been £5 Ss. lOd. according to the accountant's own figures. THE SANDWICH BOOK OF ORPHANS. 195 I f m for a weekes boorde for y° orphantes ij s. vj' d. It'm for there fathers berryall iij s. yj d. I f m for Tho9 Martines Indentures xij d. It'm to John Mamas for Tho. Martine to be his Apprenf c e . . . . xxx s. It'm to Mr Nowell for a qr. Rent of a howse ij s. I f m to Robert Homes for keeping y° hoges (hogs) ij s. vj d. I f m to Henry Axtell for Russet which Myles Martine did owe him as appereth by his Byll vj s. It'm to Will'm Mychell for wares that Myles Martine had of him iiij s. ij d. It'm for a Coffine for him iij s. It'm to a woman for vittells for y° orphans xxij d. It'm for a pare of Shoose for y° biger boye xvj d. It'm for twoe pare of Shoose for the lesser boye ij s. vj d. It'm to Morondaye the Curryer with John Martine to be his printisse xl s. It'm for a hate and a pare of Stockins for John Martine iiij s. I f m for John Martines Indentures writing xij d. It'm to Riohard Lucke for wares that was had of him for Tho. and Jo. Martine as appereth by his Byll xxviij s. vj d. I f m for a yarde and a halfe of Kersey at iij s. iiij d. the yarde for Jo. Martine vs. It'm for twoe yards of Graye ffryes at xviij d. the yarde iij s. It'm for a yarde and a halfe of Greene cotten ij s. It'm for a halfe a yarde of Blue cotten vj d. I f m for Tho. Martine a yarde and a three qr of Kerseye at iij s. vj d. the yarde vj s. ij d. It'm twoe yards and a halfe of Blaoke cotten at viij d. the yarde xx d. I f m to Will1" Skerlet for making of ther Cloothes xj s. I f m to my selfe for Red fryse woh his wyfe had that was owing to me vij s. It'm paid Mr Nowell for keepeing his hoges vs. It'm that Mr Nowell laide owte to Barbera and goodwyfe Clarke for helping at his buriall xviij d. It'm for a hate for the biger boye ij s. vj d. It'm paid for Stockings xx d. It'm Richd Lucke for fowre ells of Canvas to make the biger boye Sherts vs. iiijd. It'm a qr and a nale of holland for bands xij d. *SUM' TOTALIS of all the payments xii. vj s. iij d. THE TOTALL SOMME OF THE RECETES commeth to > xij li. xvj s. v d. THE TOTALL SOMME OE THE PAYMENTS commeth to xii. vj s. iij d. So remaynes ther 1 s. ij d. The woh monie was delivred by the said Arthure Rucke Jurat unto Mr Will™ Beeref Maior of Sandwioh to be bestowed by him for the good of the Children of the foresaid Myles Martine. [In another hand.] This flftie shillings and ij d. John Martin aKas Miles reoeived of Mr Thomas Mines in his yeare of treasureship as by his owne confession to Mr Maior and his brethren y' apeareth this sixt daie of March 1631. 1606. Receits, THE ACCOMPTE OE ARTHUEE RUCKE Maior one of the Wardens of the Orphants of CHAELES CICKE for goods sowld by him the vth of ffebruarie (1606) at a Leefecoope being the goods of BENNET INGEAMS, widow deoesed and is for the use of THOMAS INGRAM her sonne viz xvli. viij s x d. * Correot addition £10 5s. lOd. f William Bere was Mayor 1609 (Boys). o 2 1 9 6 THE SANDWICH BOOK OF ORPHANS. Payments. Inpr'm8 pd. for her Coffine iij s. It'm to one that did looke to her in the tyme of her Sicknes xvj d. I f m paid for brede and beare at her buryall xij d. It'm paid for making of fowre bands and one Sherte for her sonne yij d. It'm for a payre of Showes for him ix d. I f m to Robart Stace's wyfe for xyjtono weekes for his boorde xxxj s. vj d. I f m to Mr White the Mynister for a qr Rent for his howse vs. It'm to Robert Mylles to the use of Robert Stace as monie dewe unto him vj s. I f m to Robert Mylles as monie dewe to him ij s. I f m for a Supper and Drinke at the Leefecoope v s. ij d. It'm goodwyfe Launceto helpe at the Leefecoope xij d. It'm paid to the Cryer ., iiij d. It'm paid for wasshing her lenone and other things iiij s. I f m paid Tho. Horsman for makinge a Dublet a paire of hoose and a wastecote he fynding lenone for the Dublet for Tho. Ingram iiij s. ij d. I f m paid Henry Dryland for Cloothes he made he fynding Stufe and for bying of Shertes Stockines Shoowes and other things as by his Byll appereth for the said Tho. Ingram xxj s. vij d. It'm paid for writing of his Indenture ix d. It'm paid Henry Dryland as money geven him wlh Tho. Ingram to be bis prentis vij li. Sum' totalis *xj li. viij s. x d. SUM' TOTALIS OF Ye RECEITS IS xvli. viij s. x d. SUM' TOTALIS OF Y° PAYMENTS IS xj li. viij s. x d. So remaynes due to ye Orphant y° somme of .. iiij li. Which said somme of iiij li. was lefte wth Mr Beere then being Maior to be pute oute to y" use of y" said Orphant Tho. Ingram. THE ACCOMPTE OF GEOEGE WOOD Esqr Maior of the Towne and Port of Sandwich in the Countie of Kent and ROBT. CONSTABLE Jurate of Sandwich aforesayd Wardens of the Orphants for this p'nte yeare of the goods of ROBT. WYLDS Deceased att Sea in 1625 whoe left one Sonne & two Daughters behinde him viz' and likewise THE ACCOMPT OE GEORGE WILSON Maior for the yeare 1627 the former Accomptants joyneing wth him in the said accoumpt. M. that Mr Will"1 Ellwood (beinge Maior and one of yc Wardens of yc Orphants att the tyme of the death of Robt. Wylds) cowld not give upp his accompts because he was not able by reason of his sickness & lameness but did only passe some of the accompts in loose papers when it shoold have beene entered in this book. RECEITS in money in the yeares 1625 & 1626. Recepts Inp'mus Received in gould 15 0 0 Item reod in peeoes of eight beinge 37 wch amounleth to 8 0 4 Ite' reod in ffrenoh money iij s. iiij d. in Scotoshe money x s. & in Spainshe money xiij d. w'oh is in all f0 14 4 23 14 8 BILLS AND BONDS. Inpr'm8 one Bill of John Seaman & Charles Sowth Marchants of Yarmoth fower score pounds which is payd by them 80 0 0 Ite' one Bill of Isaac Gogar of sixteene pounds 16 0 0 * £11 8s. 2d, t 14s. Sd, THE SANDWICH BOOK OF ORPHANS. 197 Item one Bond of Andrewe Gosfrith & John Seymer of one hundred pounds for y° paym' of fiftye pounds 50 0 0 Item one bill of Mr ffrancis Verall of tenne pounds 10 0 0 I f a Debt of 4" expressed in a peece of paper dewe from Isaac Gogar 4 0 0 I f that of these bills & band wee have onely recd that of 80" & for that geve our aoompt the Rest yet remayne to be recd in bande as may apear in a boxe whear they are put Togeather.. Money recd of John Layneall for goods sould att the Lowecope viz. The some of twentie Sixe pounds fowr shillings & eleaven pence 26 4 11 Red of Valentine Treford for the p'fitt of two Newcastle voyages the one the 17th of July & the other the 5th of October 1626.. 4 17 0 Soe the whole reod in money of this page cometh unto the some of 134 16 7 Red more one beare boule of 8 ounces & a quarter Rd more two wyne Oupps of nyne ounces Ra more two spoones of 3 ounces beinge in all twentie ouncs & a quarter I f rece' of Mr Constable w<* hee rece' for Butter as apeareth by the bill 12 18 6 I f rece' of Mr John Halsnod for the Rent of Rob' Wilde his house for 2 yeares dewe at S' Michall 1627 the some of 12 0 0 I f rece' of Mr Constable for 2 barrels of pitch 1 0 0 November 29.—Rece' for 9 ells & a halfe of Course Cambrick of John Furmer woh was aprised before Mr Maior and his brethren at fower shillings & Sixepence the ell wcU cometh unto the some of 2 2 9 I f more woh is dewe to the orphants the some of 8s. 8d. to ballance the acompt in his booke of Aoompt as may thear apear . 0 8 8 028 9 11 134 16 7 SOM TOTAL OF THE WHOLE RECEAITES — 163 6 6 Som total of all the Receaits in money cometh unto as may apeare by this Acompt The some of one hundreth Sixtie three pounds six shillings and six pence. Payments. Here followeth the p'ticular PAYM'TS of the sd Accomptants for the sayd Orphants answeringe the sayd receipts. 1626.—Inp'm's pd to Will"1 Elwood for wares fetched att his Shopp for the sayd Orphants att sundry tymes as appeareth by bill 2 13 9 Item payd to John Wheelers wyfe for keepinge of Susana Wyld one of the Orphants 14 monthes or therabouts 2 4 8ob. Item disbursed for Counsell Dyet & horsehire att Canterbury .. 0 16 0 Item payd to Davyd Keteherell for a jorney to Yarmouth to fetch money for the bill of 80" from John Seaman & Charles Sowth 3 0 0 Item to Mr Brooke for Minister duties for a yeare 0 4 0 Ite' pd to the wife of Edward Brooke for her Mother's use for keepinge of Rob' Wylds two & twentie weekes w*h other charges the some of 2 4 0 Item pd to Mr Burnley in p'te of payment for salt belonginge to Jaques Burrell 5 19 0 Ite' pd to Mr Burnley in full paym' for the sayd salt (wch was carryed to Yarmoth in the Hoy called the Hope belonginge to the sayd Jaques Burrell) by Mr Constable 39 1 0 198 THE SANDWICH BOOK OF ORPHANS. Item pd to Valentine Austen for rent for the sayd Rob* Wilds house 6 0 0 • Item to the wife of Edward Brooke for her mothers use for keepinge of Rob* Wilds sonne 2 6 8 Ite' payd to Mr Edward Pordage Isaac Gogar and Isaac Rucasies in full payment of all Accompts for the hoy called the hope.. 25 19 8 90 8 9ob. I f to the Crier for Cryinge the Leefcoppe 0 0 4 I f for sellinge the goods at the Leefcope and gatheringe in the moneye • 0 17 4 91 6 Sob. 1626.—Item payd Will'm May of Ashe for keepinge the youngest daughter of Robt. Wylds from the tyme of his death untill S' Michaell Tharchangell last past 5 0 0 Item pd to the wife of the sayd Will'm May for apparrell for the saydchild 0 6 6 Item pd to Mr Stephen Huffam for keepinge a child of Robt. Wylds 1 16 9 Ite' pd to the wife of Edward Brooke for the use of her mother for dyet for Robt. Wylds his sonne & other charges 1 18 0 Item payd for a Certificat out of the Oustome house 0 2 2 Item pd more to Mr Verall for a Certificate about the same busines xviijd & for the towne seale xijd 0 2 6 Item pd Isaao Morton for cloath for Susanna Wylds 1 17 3 Item pa Dixon the Taylor for makingo of the sayd Infants clothes 0 5 0 I f to the wife of Wm May 0 2 0 I f to the wife of Wm Cooke for the use of her husband 0 6 4 I f to E.S. Morton for wares fetched of hym as apeareth by his bill 5 6 3 March 31« 1627.—Payd the wife Edward Brooke for the use of her Mother for diet for Robt. Wilds Sonne for 22 weekes 2 0 0 I f more for his Soholinge for the same tyme 0 6 8 I f more then for a payr of Stockinges & a payr of Shoes 3s. & for mendinge shoes 4d 0 3 4 Aprill 14,1627.—Payd Wm May of Ashe for keepinge the yongest Daughter of Robt. Wilds from S' Michaell last past untill the 25th of Maroh last past 2 10 0 May 19.—Payd the wife of Wm Maye of Ash for Soholinge & mendinge of Shoes & Apell* for the Child shee kepeth 0 6 0 22 8 9 June 27'u 1627.—Payd John Sampson for a debt dewe fro' Robt. Wilds as may apeare by his acquitance & by the p'ticulers ... 7 12 8 July 16.—Payd Elias Bromfeeld for a debt for Shoes as may apear by bis bill of p'ticulers the some of 2 12 11 July 19".'.—Payd John Furmur for a Remaynder of a debt dewe fro' Eobt. Wild as may apeare by his bill the some of 0 16 1 July 19.—Payd George Molland in full paym' of an Acompt for Robt. Wild as may apeare by his bill the some of 0 15 4 July 24th.—Payd Wm Maye of Ashe for keepinge the yongest daughter of Robt. Wild for one q'rter dewe the 25th of Maroh last past 1 5 0 October 15.—Payd Wm Maye of Ash for keepinge the yongest Daughter of Robt. Wild for one q'rter dewe at S'Michaell last 1 5 0 October 18th.—Payd the Grandmother of Robt. Wilds Sonne for ij weekes diet for Soholinge & mendinge his shoes 1 6 2 October the 19.—Payd the wife of William May for Soholinge Shoes and a flanell wastcote for the yongest daughter of Robt. Wilds 0 10 0 * Apparel. THE SANDWICH BOOK OF ORPHANS. 199 Ootober 20th.—Payd An. Gosfrith for wares fetched for the Eldest daughter of Robt. Wildes 0 9 0 I f payd to Mr Constabb for Robt. Wilds his Sonne & other Chardges as may apeer by his bill 5 1 2 I f payd Mr Kitchill Clarke of Dovor Casell for money expended for the oleringe of an Exchequer band for Robt. Wilds as may apear by his bill of Aoompt 4 11 4 26 5 2 November 27.—Payd Mr John Halsnod for beere Chardges of Court and duties for the Minister & Clarke as may apeer by his byll the some of 11 14 8 November 27.—Payd Mrs Elwood widowe for wares fetched in her shoppe as may apeare by her bill the some of. 00 16 6 November 29.—Payd Hopestill Tilden for biskitts hadd of hym by Robt. Wilds as may apeere by Ms bill the some of 2 00 0 November 29.—Payd Daniell De Spy for a b&tte and a band to it and allso for other bande & triminge of hatte as may apear by his byll tbe some of 0 12 6 November 30.—Payd Elias Bromfeld for 2 payr of Shoes for the children of Robert Wild as may apear by his bill the some of 0 8 6 15 7 2 26 5 2 22 8 9 91 6 5ob. SOM' TOTAL OF ALL THE PAYMENTS IS 155 7 6ob. Som' Total of all the payments for the Orphants of Robt. Wild Cometh unto as may apear by this acompt the some of One hundred Fiftie five pounds Seaven shillings & Six pence half peny Soo Then the Receaits being 1631i. 6s. 6d. There resteth dewe to the Orphants in money the some of Seaven pounds and nineteene shillings woh the sayd Accomptants have payd in this Assembly being the six day of December 1627 into the hands of Mr William Ladd Maior Beinge soe apoynted to doe by the consent of the whole house att the Assembly for eleo'con of Officers the sixt day of December Anno D'ni 1627. I f deliv'r'd more at the same tyme by the sayd accomptants one beere boale Two wine Cupps & two Silver Spoones altogeather waighinge Twentie ounces & a quarter. December six.—Deliv'r'd more a bond of Fiftie two pounds wth enorease of use for 2 yeares at the 8Ul of Maroh ensuinge dewe fro' Andrewe Gosfrith & John Seamer. I f Deliv'r'd more an other bonde of Fiftie three pounds & nine pence wth encrease of use for 6 monthes at the 21s' daye of this instant December. Mr Rd Pordage, Hopestill Tilden, John Halsnod, Franois Boughto' bound in this bonde w01' bond was geven for their part of the hoye called the Hope & their part of the stock thearin. I f deliv'r'd more a third bonde of Thirtie and six poundes to be dewe the last daye of November 1628 fro' Isaac Gogar and Mr Franois Verrall. I f deliv'r'd more the same six of December aforesayd the writings of his house wHl the p'ticulers of suoh somes of money as was made of bis houshold stufe togeather with his book of acompte Releases aquitances and bills payd in this aoompt and all other things w'soever hath come unto our hands woh are putt togeather in boxes for the more safetie All woh things and also the three bonds above expressed ar all deliv'ed into the hands of Mr William Ladd now Maior by the Cosent of this Assemblie, 2 0 0 THE SANDWICH BOOK OF ORPHANS. THE A COUNTES OE Mr WILL. LADD Maior of Sandwich one of the Wardines of the Orfantes this yere beginng in Desember 1627 and ending in Desember 1628. First IT'M RECEVED of Mr Georg Wood one of the Wardines of the Orfantes for the yere past the some of seven poundes nine tene shillinges 7 19 ® Reseved more of Mr Andrew Gosfrif for to yere use of 50 li. that he hath of the Orfants the some of 8 0 0 So the hole Resaites in mony for his yere is fiftene poundes ninetene shillings, besides three silver copes to silver spones waying 20 ounses and a quarter 15 19 ^ THE PAYMENTS of Mr Willi' Ladd Maior for his yere wcU I have disbursed for Robert Wilds childen being Orfantes. I f Payd unto goodman Maye of Slermud* for keeping of one of Robert Wilds bis children for a hole yere 5 0 0 I f for scoling hose and close 0 7 4 I f for Canvis and other thinges at Paines 0 8 7 I f to May in mony 0 3 4 I f to her in mony more 0 2 0 I f to her in mony more 0 8 0 I f payd unto one in tennettf for keping of Robert Wilds his Child being a boy a yere and other things 5 0 0 It' for Clothes and Scoling and shoses 0 9 4 I f for Clothes to Isack Murton 0 17 3 I f for Clothes to Isack Murton 0 14 0 I f for Shose and Scolling 0 3 6 I f for macking y° Clothes for Maies Child and shose cost 0 7 6 14 0 10 SOME TOTALL OF ALL RESAITES his yere is 15 19 0 SOME OF PAYMENTS of all his yere is 14 0 10 Remaing good to the Orfantes wcl1 is payd into the handes of M1 Maior the some of 1 18 2 Deliver'd also unto Mr Henry Forstall now Mayer three bondes one of fifty » wher'in Mr Andru Gosfref and Mr John Semer standes bound for the payment. Deliver'd one other Bond of Fifty poundes wher'in Mr Edward Pordage Hopstill Tilden John Halfsnod and Franses Bouthten Standes bound but part of that bond is payd as it doth a pere a pone tbe back side of it. Deliv'r'd more a third bond of thirty and six pound wher'in Isack Goger and Mr ffranses Verall standes bound for the paymentes of it. _ Deliv'rd also one bere cup of silver and to wine Cupes of silver and to silver spones all together waying twenty ounces and a quarter. Deliver' also the writtings of his house wth the pertickelers of such somes of money as was mad of his housould stouf w'h his book of a Count recytes quitances and bills payd in this a count and all other thinges that hath come unto my handes ffrome Mr Wood latte Maior and soe put to gether in boxes for the more safty all whioh thinges are deliver'd into the handes of Mr Henry Fostall now Mayer by the Comptant at this asembly being houlden the 9th of fewary 1628. * ? Stourmouth. t ? Thanet. THE SANDWICH BOOK OF ORPHANS^ 20 1 RECEIPTS OF ROB' WILDS HIS CHILDRENS GOODS. THE ACOUNT OF Mr HENRY FORSTALL in the ffirst yeare of his mairaltie 6 March 1628 being warden for the Orphants. Sould to Mr Dannell Williams by me Henry fforstall Esquire Maior twentie ownces and a quarter of silv. plate at 5s. 3d. the ownce v li. vj s. iiij d. Received of Mr Ladd the somme of 1-18-2 I say Received .... 1 18 2 Received of Mr John Halsnod for rent of the howse belonging to Robert Wilds his children 02 00 00 Received of Mr Andrew Gosfright for the use of fiftye pounds for tenne monthes 04 13 04 Received more of Mr Andrew Gosfright for the youse of fifty pounds for seven monthes & a halfe 02 10 00 Receved of Hopestill Tilden in p' of a band wch hee & Edward Pordage & John Halsnod & Fransis Boughton did stande bownd in a band of fiftie three pounds & nine pense the some of 16 10 07 Receved of Mr Ladd securitie for the rest of the mony of the sayd band wch he receved when he was maior woU band being dated the nyneteenth day of Aprill 1629 Receved of him for youse of the sayd mony woU he had kept in his hands in the time of his mairolltie before the securitie the some of 04 16 00 Receved of John Plansoone for a yeares rent of a howse due at Micaellmus last the fowreteenth of October 1629 03 10 00 Receved more of John Plansoone for Cristide quarter the second of feberary 1629 00 17 06 42 1 11 Receved tbe last of Maroh 1630 of Mr Isack Goger & Mr ffranois Verall for the use of a band of six & thirtie pounds due to Robert Wildes his children for two yeares three monthes & f owreteene dayes the some of 7 2 0 The some of the Receites for Robert Wildes his Children by me Henry fforstall Maior amounteth to the some of 49 03 11 1628. THE PAYMENTS OF Mr HENEY FFORSTALL Mayor for ROBERT WILDES his children being orphants. Payd William May for keeping one of Rob' Wildes his Daughters for one yeare 05 00 00 Payd for a payre of shooes for her 00 01 04 Payd Mayes wyfe more for another payer of shooes for her . . . . 00 01 06 Payd for her scooling to Mayes wife & some other thinges .... 00 05 00 Payd for a booke for her 00 04 00 Payd Richard Nowell for making her a Wastecote & things he bought for to trim it 00 02 06 Payd gudman Sweeting for keeping of Rob' Wildes his sonne the twentie eight of March 1629 02 12 00 Payd him more for his scooling & other thinges 00 11 02 Payd more to gudman Sweeting for keeping of the same boy for seventeene weekes 01 14 00 Payd for a payre of shooes for him 00 02 00 Payd for a hatt for him 00 02 00 Payd for a payre of hose for him 00 01 08 Payd unto Mr Andrew Gosfright for weare for Wildes his children as apeares by his bill 02 06 00 Payd Isaok Morton for weare as apeares by his bill 02 07 10 Payd Riohard Nowell for making the eldest maydes clothes 00 08 00 2 0 2 THE SANDWIOH BOOK OF ORPHANS. Payd Isack Morton for a wastecote cloth for the girle May keeps 00 04 00 Payd him more for cloth for the boy as apeares by his bill 00 17 05 Payd John Plansoone for charges layd out about the howse as apereth by his bills & Ministers duties 02 14 03 19 14 08 The second of febe. 1629. Payd more to John Plansoone for the Minister & clarkes Duties at cristide quarter 00 01 02 Payd unto Mr Isack Goger & Mr ffransis Verrallto make up the some of six & thirtie pounds fifty poundes the some of .. 14 00 0,0 Payd more unto my selfe to equallise the eldest Daughters potion I being her garden the some of 02 06 08 THE TOTALL SOME OF ALL THE PAYMENTS for Robt. Wildes his children amounteth to the some of 36 02 06 THE RECEITES of the monies receved for these children amounteth to the Just some of 49 03 11 So there remaineth due to the other two children in mony the some of 13 01 05 Wch is payd to Mr Daniell Williams. Memorand' that the first daie of September 1630 Mr George Wood* 1629. Delivered unto Mr Daniell Williams one of the wardens for the orphanes one bond of fortie one pounds twelve shillings due the one & twentieth day of October last past from Mr William Ladd & Hopestill Tillden. Delivered also to him due from Mr Isack Goger & Mr Fransis Verall one other bond of fifty & two powndes, due the first of Ootober 1630. Kept to my selfe another band of fifty pounds due from Mr Andrew Gosfright & Mr John Seamer being the full third part with the two pownds six shillings eight pence of all the goods & chattels of Robert Wilds deceased woh is her portion I being her gardion & in all amounteth to the full some of .. 62 6 8 The last of March 1630. It'm Delivered more the second of Aprill 1630 the writings of his howse with the p'ticulers of such somes of mony as was made of his howshould stufe together with his booke of Acounts releases Aquitanses and bills payd in this Account and all other things whatsoever hath come unto my hands which ar put together in boxses for the more saftye all wo!l thinges and allso the two bands above expressed that is to say one bond from Mr Ladd & Hopestill Tilden of forty one pownde & twelve shillings due as above mentioned & one other bond due from Mr Verall & Mr Goger as before expressed it being fifty two pownds & thirteen pownd one shilling & five pence in mony all wch is deliv'r'd over into the hands of Mr Daniel Williams by the consent of this Assembly w01' is in full discharge of my acount I being Warden for the Orphants. THE ACCOMPTS OF DANIELL WILLIAMS Esqr Maior of the Towne & Port of Sandwich for the Children of ROBERT WILDS made and given upp in the open Assemblie the eight daie of December 1631 as followeth. INPRIMIS the said Maior and one of the Wardens for the Orphants chargeth him selfe to have RECEIVED these somes followinge. Received of Isaac Gogar and ffra. Verall for y° monie due fro' them 4 0 0 Received of Mr Henrie fforstall my p'decessor the second daie of Aprill 1630 the some of 13 1 5 I f Received of John Plansoone for halfe a yeares rent of the howse he dwelleth in • 1 15 0 * The rest wanting. THE SANDWICH BOOK OF ORPHANS. 20 3 I f of Edward Wild gardion to Thomas Wild for rent of that howse for one month 0 2 11 I f received the writings of the howse wh I have delivered to Edward Wilds the Gardion to Thomas Wild. It'm Received his Booke of Accompts and all such other writings woh Mr fforstall chargeth mee to have received by his Accomptes the woh I deliver upp here in this Assemblie I received one Bond of fiftie and two pounds due from Mr Isaac Goger and Mr ffranois Verall woh monie is paid in by them out of woh monie fortie pounds thereof was lent upon bond unto William Maie John Gibbs and Andrew Omer and for the remainder thereof there was tenn pounds and twelve shilling and eleven pence more given to the aforesaid William Maie whoe hath taken the yongest Daughter to keape untill shee is xviii yeares old and then hee is to give her fortie pounds w* is the bond before specefied. I f Received also of Mr fforstall my p'decessor one other bond of fortie one pounds & twelve shillings due fro' Mr William Lad and Mr Hopestill Tylden the woh bond of fortie one pounds & twelve shillings together with seven pounds and xid more beeinge the use of the said bond and maketh the full p'portion due unto the said Thomas Wild I have delivered unto Edward Wild gardian of Thomas soe that the said Edward hath for his use the full some of 48 li. 12s. lid. (Iu another hand.) 13 Mar. 1633.—Mem. Whereas it is expressed here in this page that M* Daniel Williams Maior had deliver'd unto Mr George Wood Maior the booke of acoompts & all suoh other writings woh Mr fforstall charged him to have reo'd. It is to be noted that the same is a mistake, and that those booke of acoompts and writings were delivered up into the comon chest & are there remaymng. THE SEVERALL PAYMENTS of the sd Daniell Williams one of the Wardens for the Orphants as followeth. Inp' Paid to William Maie for the keapinge of Elizabethe Wild for one whole yeare the some of five pounds 5 0 0 I f for ij payer of new shooes for her 0 2 8 I f paid for mending of her Bhooes & soholinge 0 1 2 I f for iij aprons for her 0 3 2 I f for a quoife cruell and lace for her 0 1 2 I f for a yard of calicoe for her 0 1 6 I f for a quarter of holland for her 0 0 9 I f paid to the aunt of Thomas Wild for his keapeinge 2 6 0 I f paid for the sending of ij letters to Dovor about a Certificate in the Custom howse 0 0 4 I f paid for kersie to Mr Murton for a suite for Elizabeth Wild 0 14 0 I f paid for laoe silke and thred for her clothes 0 1 10 8 12 7 I f paid to Daniell Van Spid for a hat for Elizabeth Wild 0 3 0 I f paid to Mr Murton for oloth for Thomas Wilds 0 17 8 I f paid to Mr Andrew Gosfrith for weares had of him for Thomas Wilds » 0 17 ob. I f to Riohard Whiniats for the ouringe of Thomas Wilds arme 2 0 0 I f paid for makinge of Elizabeth Wilds her clothes 0 2 6 I f paid for her soholinge and other things 0 3 0 I f paid for a payer of bodies for her 0 1 8 I f paid to John Wheler for the hording of Thomas Wild six weekes 0 12 0 I f paid to John Plansoone as by his bill apeareth 0 10 8 5 7 6J 2 0 4 THE SANDWICH BOOK OF ORPHANS. The whole receipts of Mr Daniell Williams is one hundred & twelve pounds nineteene shillinges fowre pence his payments one hundred & thirteene pounds five shillings & elevenpence halfpeny so there remaynes due to this acoomptant six shillings seven pence halpeny. I say 0016 / 7£. Memorand' that in open Court holden upon the eighteenth day of July 1633 Susan Wilds Orphant & eldest Daughter to Robert Wilds late of Sandwich Mariner deceased came there before Mr Maior & the Jurats his brethren and Mr Henry fforstall Jurat being there also present whoe was her Guardian, he the said Mr Henry fforstall did there deliver up all such bonds bills, mony & other things to the value of threeskore and six pounds eighteen shillings unto the said Susan as did belong unto her ffor whose paines shee there gave the said Mr fforstall thanks, and then and there in open Court released him and this towne of that charge. As apeareth in the yerebooke dated in the Maioralty of Mr Mathew Peke 1633, fo. 223. Md that upon Wednesday the xxviij'" day of December Anno d'ni 1641 Anno q. regni Regs Caro!i si xvij0. Thomas Moyne of Ashe next Sandwich in the County of Kent husbandman who had married Elizabeth the daughter of Robt. Wilds late of Sandwich aforesaid Marrinor decea'd an orphant and under the Wardenshipp of the Wardens of Orphants, together with the said Elizabeth appeared in the Counsel! chamber in Sandwich aforesaid before George Wood Maior and Henry fforstall one of the Jurats of the said Towne Wardens of Orphants in the said Towne and there they recd a bond of fowerscore pounds from Will'm May John Gibbs and Andrew Omer of Ashe condioioned for the paym' of fourty pounds upon demaind to the said Wardens of Orphants for the use of the said Elizabeth, and have and herby doe discharge the said Wardens of Orphants of and from all moneys and accompts whatsoever due uuto her the said Elizabeth, In witnes whereof they have hereunto sett their hands the day and yeare first above written. Witnesses hereunto, Thomas Moyne. William Morrast. Eliza. X Moyne. Riohard her mark. Edward Swift. J. Rob. Jager, Recorder. JOHN MOORE ESQ. Maior 1649. Memd. that after the death of Joshua Cornish late of this Towne ffisherman and Alice his wife Sarah the Mother of Joshua tooke and kept the Children of Joshua viz' Judeth and Joshua and all the goods y' Joshua and Alice left it haveing beene y° goods of y° said Sarah w°" she had lent them as she and others affirmed. That she y° said Sarah being visited w'" sickness in such Manner that for six months togeather she was not able to turne or move her selfe w'hout the helpe of two people whereby a great p'te and very neere all y° aforesaid goods was spent and consumed before her death. And after her death John Moore Esq* Maior by and w'" the consent of his Bretheren for p'servacion of y° little goods left as before as Guardian of Orphants did call unto him those who had put out the Children who haveing given a Satesfactory Account of what they had intermedled with the residue y4 was left was taken into y° said John Moore's hands who hath Receved and paid as heereafter is expressed. THE SANDWICH BOOK OF ORPHANS. 205 Impr's Receved for a paire of ffire Irons 00 02 10 I f rec'd for a ffire pan 00 00 04 I f rec'd for an Iron Kettle 00 02 05 I f rec'd for a Brass Stugpenet (?) 00 02 00 I f rec'd for a Table Cloathe 00 05 06 I f rec'd for a Cupboord Cloath 00 01 10 I f rec'd for one Sheete 00 08 01 I f reo'd for two pillow Coates 00 01 10 I f rec'd for Childbed Linnet 00 01 06 I f rec'd for 1 old Sheete & other Linnen 00 01 08 I f rec'd for 20 Sacks 01 01 00 I f rec'd for 2 blankets 00 02 01 I f rec'd for one Rugge 00 06 09 I f rec'd for a warminge panne 00 02 00 I f rec'd for 2 pewter potts 00 02 06 I f rec'd for ffower porrengers 00 02 04 I f reo'd for one Cheyney Dish 00 01 00 I f reo'd for 3 wodden platters 00 00 06 I f reo'd for one Iron Candlesticke 00 00 06 03 06 08 I f rec'd for two spitts 00 00 07 I f rec'd for a Goulde Ringe 00 02 01 It' rec'd for a platter 00 00 05 I f rec'd for a ffirepan 00 00 06 I f rec'd for 2 pillowes 00 00 09 I f rec'd for a Boulster 00 03 06 I f rec'd for another Boulster 00 07 06 I f rec'd for another Boulster 00 03 11 I f rec'd for a Bedd 00 09 04 I f reo'd for a paile 00 00 07 01 09 02 TOTAL OF RECEIPTS is 04 15 10 PAYMENTS 02 11 09 REMANES 2 04 01 Whereof paid and disbursed as followeth viz' Impr'is paid Goodw. Ravenel in Goods she bought at tho Lovecope over and besides the iij" oweing by Mrs Barham (by her word) towards the mony due to her for keepinge the old wooman 01 11 04 I f paid the Lovecope men for theire fees 5s. 9d. & for expenses 8d. in al 00 06 05 I f paid for a Wastcoate for the Girle 00 05 04 I f paid Mr Verrier for writinge 00 03 04 I f paid Jo. hamon Serieant 00 02 04 I f paid Mr Turner for J a barrel of Beere owing for 00 03 00 Total of the paym*8 02 11 09 Memd. that I Jasper Grant of the Towne & port of Sandw0'1 in the County of Kent Mariner and Judeth my_ wife one of the daughters of Joshua Cornish late of Sandwioh aforesaid ffisherman deo'd have the day of the date hereof had and reo'd of Israel Moore one of the sonnes of John Moore deo'd late Maior of Sandwch aforesaid and one of the Guardians of Orphants there the sume of Twenty shill. woh w'u ffowre and 2 0 6 THE SANDWICH BOOK OF ORPHANS. Twenty shill, & one penny rece'd by the said Judeth before her marriage is in full of al the mony w°h wasremaneing in the hands of the said John Moore upon his disposing of the goods of the said Joshua And therefore we the said Jasper Grante & Judeth my wife doe for us & either of us or executo8 and admst8 acquitt & dischare the said. Israel Moore & al other the children of the said John More theire executo8 and admfto8 and al other the Guardians of Orphants of Sandwich aforesaid of and from the same Two pounds ffower shil. & one penny & every p'te thereof In witness whereof we have hereunto set or hands & seales the 27"' day of Octob. 1655. her Witnesses heereunto JUDETH X GRANTS. marke. Copy of loose Bill referred to in last Account. 19 Junii 1649. The Accompt of Alice Ravenell for keepeing tending and lookeing to Sarah Cornish Widd. now deceased in her lifetyme, as followeth: U. s. d. Inprimis for helping her up and downe by the space of nine weekes at her owne house at ij8 a weeke 00 18 00 It. for watching with her for six nights at her own house at iiijd a night 00 02 00 It. for keepeing her 16 weekes at my owne house and for one to looke to her at xij8 p. weeke 09 12 00 It. for keepeing her grandchild 14 dayes at ij" vid p. weeke . . . . 00 05 00 It. for another woman to helpe to look to her for a fourtnight, and for her meate & drink at iiij" p. weeke 00 08 00 It. for a coffin for her 00 06 00 It. for cakes and beere for her burying 00 13 00 It. for her knell and burying 00 06 08 It. for Rosemary and sweetewater 00 00 06 It. for laying her forth 00 02 00 It. for victuals for the helpers for this day of her buriall 00 04 00 Somm. totall is 12 17 02 Whereof received 06 18 00 Soerestsdue 05 19 02 It. more for beere and cakes 00 04 00 It. more for rosewater and herbes 00 01 00 It. for her dyet and keepeing for one weeke not above sett downe 00 12 00 It. for two smocks 00 04 00 Some is 1 1 00 Some totall due is 07 00 02 Isay 07 00 02


The Early History of Ashford, Kent


A Sculptured Legend at St Laurence Church in Thanet