
ILL UST RAT IONS. :PA.GIi 1. Rochester Cathedral Plan ...... ......... ...... between xlii ana xliii 2. Stained Glass in W estbere Church ..................... to face 1 3. Saxon Tumbler of Blue Glass ........................ . . to face 6 4. Saxon Bowl of Bronze ................................... . to face 7 5. Gold Stud and Bronze Buckle from a Saxon Cemetery at Wickhambreux ....................................... to face 8 6. Roman Coffin of Lead, found at Plumstead ......... . . . to face 10 7. Roman Statuette, found at Canterbury ......................... 34 8. Sculptured Head 0£ a Knight circa A,D. 1327 ......... toface 37 9. Remains 0£ Scotney Castle from the North-West . .. to face 38 10. Plan 0£ Ruined Castle at Scotney ........................ to face 39 11. Old Scotney Castle from the South-East ............ . .. toface 40 12. Plan 0£ Secret Chambers in Scotney Castle ... . ..... to face 43 13. Rainham Church, To:wer, etc. .. ......................... to face 49 14. ,, ,, South Wall 0£ Chancel (Interi01·). to face 50 15. ,, ,, .Ancient Chest, and Painted Panel to face 55 16. ,, ,, North .Arcade 0£ Chancel ......... to face 56 17. ,, ,, Brass 0£ William Bloor ..... . ...... to face 59 18. ,, ,, Brasses 0£ .Anthony .Aucher and John Norden ............ between, 60 and 61 19. Remains 0£ the old Bishop's Palace at Rochester ... to face. 67 20. Plan of the Quarry Estate, Frindsbury ....... ........ toface 173 21. Horse's Bit, Celt, and Perforated Roman Tile ...... to face 191 22. Roman Vases from Quarry House Orchard ......... to face 192 23. S.E. Vie..; 0£ W estenhanger, 1886 ..................... to face 194 24. N.E. View of Westenhange1•, 1886 . ..... ...... . ........ tofaae 199 25. Plans of Westenbanger in 1648 and 1886 ...... ...... to face 200 26. Monument 0£ Thomas Smythe in Ashford Church ... to face 208 27. Views of three successive Bridges at Rochester ... . . . to face 218 28. Facsimile 0£ Letter from Dean N. Wotton ... ......... toface 218 29. ,, ,, from Edmund Ghest, Bishop of Rochester ........................ to face 220 viii ILLUSTRATIONS. PA.GE 30. Facsimile of Letter from Sir William Cecil, afterwards Lord Burghley ................................................ to face 223 81. Ashford Communion Cup, .A..D. 1682-3 ............... to face 252 32. Barfreston Elizabethan Cup... .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . . . .. . .. .. ... . .. . .. . .. 259 83. Bettes hanger Communion Cup.................................... 2'73 34. Bicknor Church Plate ....................................... toface 2'79 35. Biddenden Elizabethan Cup and Cover . .. .... .. . .. . . .... ... . .. 281 36. ,, ,, Flagon (1592-8) .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . 282 3'7. Blackheath Ascension Church Cup (1655-6) .................. 28'7 38. ,, ,, ,, Flagon (1'791-2) ............ 288 39. ,, ,, ,, Spoon . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . 289 40. Bobbing Church Plate .................................... ... to face 290 41. Bonnington Communion Cup (two-handled) .................. 292 42. Boughton Blean Church Plate ........................ . . . to face 294 43. Boughton Malberb Cup and Paten ..................... to face 296 44. Arms of Rider impaling Barnham on Communion Vessels at Boughton Monchelsea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29'7 45. Boxley Church Cup, circa 1650-1'750 .................. to face 298 46. Brabourne Church Cup (Elizabethan) ........................ 300 4'7. Bredgar Church Paten (repousse) .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 808 48. Canterbury Cathedral Communion Flagon and Lord Arundel's Cup ....................................... , , , to face 316 49. Canterbury Cathedral Alms-dish ............ . . .......... toface 318 50. ,, ,, Candlestick ........................ to face 319 51. Earl's Place, Maidstone .................................. . . to face 854 52. Cobham Hall-Doorway in North Side 0£ the South Wing 53. 54. 55. " " " " " " toface 373 West End 0£ North Wing, with Window of Queen Elizabeth's Room ...... to face 37 4 West End of the South Wing ... . .. to face 377 Communion Plate of the Dukes of Lenox now at Rochester Cathedral ...... to face 378


Contents, Volume 17


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