Societies in Union

SOCIETIES IN UNION. 􀁍ebenoaft11 il!J{11ttfot. GEORGE F. CARNELL, ESQ, • , • • • • • Sevenoaks. JOHN COPL.A.ND, ESQ, G. E. ELLIOTT, ESQ. J. ELLIS M.A.OE, ESQ. 􀁍fjepl)lll! il!li!ltt:ict, S!UJ01·ness. 􀁍ittingilout:ne il!li11tt:ict. . . • • • • • • Sittingboiwne. 􀆫enterl'ren il!lilltt:ict. T01itm•den. :Ylllll of «fjanet il!lfoti:ict. xiii G-. E. H.A.NN.A.M, ESQ, {B1·omstono House, St. • • • • • • · · Pete1·'s, Tlta1iet. «unlli:Urge llh1ti:itt. J. F. WADMORE, ESQ. • • , , • • • • Tmib1'idge. «ttniltflrge mmen11 lli!lti:ict, { SpeZdliu1'8t, CH.A.RLES WATSON POWELL, ESQ. • • • • • • Wells. i!lmle11tei:fjam lli11h:ict. J. BOARD, ESQ. Wcstei•ltam. . SOCIETIES IN UN ION. For Intei·c1Lange of Publications, etc. Tunb1•idge The Society of Antiquaries, Bu1°lington 0a1•dens, w. The Royal Archreological Institute of Great Britain, 17 Oxjo1'd 1rian8ions, Omfo1•d St?•ect, W. The British Archreological Association, 82 Saolwillc SM·ect, Piooadilly, w. The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Edi-no1t1•gk. The Architectural Museum, 18 Tufton St·reet, West11iinste1•, s.w. The Numismatic Society, 22 AZomna1·lr. St1·eet, w. The London and Middlesex Archreological Society, 8 IJanes Inn, St1°and, w.o. The Historic Society of Cheshire and Lancashire. The Royal Historic and A.rchreological Association of Ireland (Rev. James 01•avcs, Hon. Seo., Stony.fora, Irelanil,), The Lincoln Diocesan Architectural Society, The Norfolk and Norwich A.rchreological Society, No1'1viok. The Suffolk Institute of Archreology (Rev. MaolicZZ Smitk, Hon. Seo.), The Sul'l'ey Archreological Society, 8 IJanos Inn, St1'and, w.o. The Sussex. Archreological Society, Lewes Castle. The Wiltshire .A.rchreological and Natural History Society 1 2!luseu,1n, IJevize.􀆬. The Somersetshire Archreological and Natural History Society, Tamiton Oastle. The Bristol and Gloucestershire .A.rchreological Society (Rev. W. Ba.zeley, Matson, Reot01°y, 0Zoucoster). The Cambridge Antiquarian Society (Rev, S. S. Le,vis, Oo17Jus OIM-isti OoZZege), The Derbyshire Archreological Society·(Artliiw Com, E.􀆭q., Mill Hill, IJe1'b?J), The Powysland Club (JJfor1'is 0. Jones, Esq., 0-ttnui•ou, no1w Welslipool). The Cumberland and Westmoreland Arclireological Society (R. S. l!'e1'gus01i, Eag., F.S.A,, Carlisle). The Leicestershire Arcbreological Society (R􀆮v. w: (}. IJimoek J!'tetolun•, Tlbo Oresoent, Leicester). Societe A.rcheologique de Dunkerque, R. Societa Romana di Storia Patria, Biblioteoa VaZZioelliana, Roma.


Honorary Local Secretaries


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