Abstracts of the Feet of Fines for Kent, temp. Edward III. Part I

( 337 ) ABSTRACTS OE THE EEET OE EINES EOR KENT, TEMP. EDWARD III. BY JAMES GREENSTREET. 1. At Westminster, Quinzaine of Easter A0 1 (Post Eine made at St. Michael in one month A0 20 Edward II.)—Betw. Thomas, son of Michael de Ponyngges, and Agnes his' wife pits., and Michael de' Ponyugges deft., of the Manor of Westwode, with appurts., and 106 acr. land, 11 acr. meadow, 10 acr. marsh, 32 acr. wood, 101. rent, and rent of 10 cocks, 30 hens, 200 eggs, and 5 quarters and 7 bushels of salt, with appurts., in ffaueresham, Preston' next ffaueresham, Sheldwych', Sellyng', Bocton', Hamill', Blean, Osprengg', Oherryng', Herfceye, and Ore. Thomas and Agnes had admitted it to be the Eight of Michael, who, for the admission had granted it to Thomas and Agnes for their lives, with remainder after deaths to Michael their son and to the heirs of his body ; but if none, then after the death of Michael son of Thomas and Agnes to remain to Thomas brother of said Michael, and to the heirs of his body; but if none, then after his death to remain to John his brother and to the heirs of his body; but if none, then after the death of John to remain to Luke his brother and to the heirs of his body; but if none,'then after the death of Luke to remain to the right heirs of aforesaid Agnes. 2. At Westminster, Quinzaine of Easter A0 1—Betw. Eoesia de Bureford', who was the wife of John de Bureford' (by Sampson de Kereseye in her stead),pit., and Eobert de Wydenhale, of Erde, and Johanna his wife, defts., of 16 acr. land, with appurts., in Erde and Erhythe. Eobert and Johanna admit it to be the Eight of Eoesia; and, ,for themselves and the heirs of Johanna^ grant to her and to her heirs, and receive 100 marhs for the concession. " 3. At Westminster, Quinzaine of Easter A01—Betw. Walter de Hungerford' and Elizabeth his wife (by John de Combe in place of Elizabeth), pits., and Adam le fitz Johan and Elizabeth his wife, defts., of the Manor of Nethewod', with appurts. Eight of Elizabeth wife of Adam; for which admission Adam and Elizabeth grant to Walter and Elizabeth his wife and to his heirs by her; they paying to Adam and Elizabeth his wife 101. per annum during their lives, and to her heirs a rose at the Nativity of St. John Baptist. And if it happen that Walter and Elizabeth his wife die without heirs of their bodies issuing, then after their deaths to revert to voi. XVIII. z 338 KENT FINES, TEMP. EDWARD III. Adam and Ehzabeth and to the heirs of Ehzabeth, quit of other heirs of Walter and Ehzabeth his wife. 4. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A0 1—Betw. John, son of John de Ensynge, pit., and Thomas de Ensynge and Alice his wife, defts., of 2 mess., 2 lofts, 66 acr. land, 36 acr. pasture, 40 acr. wood, 2s. 8d. rent, and rent of 2 hens, with appurts., in Chileham, and Le Blen next Chileham. Eight of Thomas; for which admission Thomas and Alice grant to John and his heirs, to hold of them by payment of an annuity of 6 marhs during their fives, and after their deaths of the heirs of Thomas by service of a rose at the Nativity of St. John Baptist. And if it happen that John die without heirs of his body, then after his death to revert to the aforesaid Thomas and Alice and to the heirs of Thomas, quit of other heirs of John. 5. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A0 1—Betw. John de Merworth', Cheualer, and Margeria his wife (by William de Norwiz in place of Margeria) pits., and Thomas, son of William de Merworth', deft., of 46 acr. land, and 5,1 acr. meadow, with appurts., in Newenton' next Hethe. Thomas admits it to be tbe Eight of John; and the aforesaid meadow renders to John and Margeria, to hold to them and to the heirs of John. Moreover Thomas grants that the aforesaid land which John atte Knoll' and Agnes his wife hold, as dower of the said Agnes, of the inheritance of Thomas, and which after her death to him and to his heirs reverts, shall after the death of Agnes remain to aforesaid John and Margeria and to the heirs of John. Thomas receives 100 marhs for the concession. ' And this agreement was made in the presence of aforesaid John atte Knoll' and Agnes, who consented and thereupon acknowledged their fealty to John de Merworth' and Margeria. 6. At Westminster, Quinzaine of St. John Baptist A0 1—Betw. John, son of John de Pette, and Agnes his wife, pits., and Simon de Croydon', Parson of the Church of Moriston', deft., of 100 acr. land, and a moiety of 2 mess., with appurts., in Bakechilde, Old Eomenal, New Eomenal, Lyde, and Middele. And afterwards at Tork, in the Octave of St. Hilary same year, between the aforesaid John and Agnes and the aforesaid Simon. Simon admits it to be the Eight of John; and renders it to John and Agnes and to the heirs of John; for which admission, etc., he receives 20 marhs. 7. At Westminster, Quinzaine of the Holy Trinity A° 1—Betw. Eobert Pynewyggel, of Middelton', and Alice his wife,_pWs., and Adam atte Gore deft., of 2 mess., 19 shops, 13 acr. land, 1 acr. meadow, 100 acr. pasture, 53s. rent, and the fourth part of 1 mill, with appurts., in Middelton', Sidingburn', and Iwede. Eight of Adam, who, for the admission, grants to Eobert and Alice and to his heirs by her; but if none, then after tbeir deaths to remain to the right heirs of Eobert. 8. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A01—Betw. John de Manglesdenn',^,, and William de Boxle and Johanna his wife, defts., of 1 acr. and 3 roods of land, with appurts., in Maydenstan'. William and Johanna admit it to be the Eight of John ;• and, for KENT FINES, TEMP, EDWARD III. 33 9 themselves and the heirs of Johanna, grant to him and to his heirs; and receive 100s. for the concession. 9. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A0 1—Betw. Walter Saule, of Maydenestan', pit., and William de Houkyngge and Idonia his wife defts., of 1 mess., with appurts., in Maydenestan'. William and Johanna admit i t to be the Eight of Walter, and William, for himself and his heirs, grants to Walter and to his heirs; for which concession William and Johanna receive 100s. 10. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A0 1—Betw. John Part, of Sandwich, pit., and Poncius Wybert, of Sandwich, and Constance his wife, defts., of 2 acr. land, with appurts., in Essh' next Sandwich. Poncius and Constance admit it to be the Eight of John; and, for themselves and the heirs of Constance, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 100s. for the concession. 11. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A0 1—Betw. Eobert Coruayser and Johanna his wife, and William their son, fits., and William de Stamyndenne deft., of 12$ acr. land, and 12\d. rent, with appurts., in Lamberherst'. Eight of William de S., who, for the admission, grants to Eobert and Johanna, and William their son, and to the heirs of William. 12. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A01—Betw. Eobert Coruayser and William his son pits., and. William de Stamyndenne deft., of 2 mess., and L§ acr. land, with appurts., in Lamberherst'. Eight of William de S., who, for the admission, grants to Eobert and William his son and to the heirs of William. 13. At Westminster, Quinzaine of the Holy Trinity A0 1— Betw. Eobert de Dodemeyton' pit., and John Leueye and Cecilia his wife defts., of 1 mess., and 6$ acr. land, with appurts., in Menstre in the Isle of Thanet. John and Cecilia admit it to be the Eight of Eobert; and, for themselves and the heirs of Cecilia, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 10 marhs for the concession. 14. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A0 1—Betw. John de Makenhafd' senior pit., and Stephen de Trenge and Matilda his wife defts., of 1 mess., 8 acr. land, and Hid. rent, with appurts., in ffauersham. Stephen and Matilda admit it to be the Eight of John; and, for themselves and the heirs of Matilda, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 20 mar7cs for the concession. 15. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A0 1—Betw. Thomas Doucedame pit., and John Eobert, of Menstre, and Margeria his wife, defts., of 1 mess., and 3 acr. land, with appurts., in Menstre in the Isle of Shepe ye. John and Margeria admit it to be the Eight of Thomas; and, for themselves and the heirs of Margeria, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 20 mar7cs for the concession. 16. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A0 1—Betw. John Crowe, of Menstre, and Alice his wife pits., and John Makenhauede, of ffaueresham, deft., of 1 mess., and 6 acr. land, with appurts., in Menstre. Eight of John M., who, for the admission, grants to John C. and Alice and to the heirs of John O. 17. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A01—Betw. Z2 340 KENT FINES, TEMP. EDWARD III. Thomas Bakere, of Elham, pit., and Eobert Venysoun and Johanna his wife defts., of 10 acr. land, 3 acr. pasture, and a moiety of 1 mess., and of 1 rood of wood, with appurts., in Elham. Eobert and Johanna admit it to be the Eight of Thomas; and, for themselves and the heirs of Johanna, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 100 marhs for the concession. 18. At York, Octave of the Purification of B. Virgin A0 2— Betw. John de Molyns and Egidia his wife pits., and Bartholomew Galian and Johanna his wife, and Wilham de Langeleye and Alice his wife, defts., of the Manor of Magna Dels next Eochester, with appurts., and of 1 carucate of land, with appurts., in Parva Chatham. The deforciants, for themselves and the heirs of Johanna and Alice, remit and quit-claim to John and Egidia, and to the heirs of Egidia, and receive for the remission, etc., 20Z. Endorsed:—" Eichard de Waledene and Alice his wife assert their claim, etc." 19. At Westminster, Easter in one month A0 1—Betw. fferandus de [Mauioun] and Margaret his wife, pits., and William, son of Eeginald de Eokesle, deft., of 1 mess., 140 acr. land, and [acres of] meadow, with appurts., in Northflete, Swannescompe, Grauesende, and Shingledewell', which Eeginald de Eokesle and Johanna his wife hold for their lives. And afterwards at Tork.in three weeks from Easter A0 2—Betw. the aforesaid fferandus and Margaret and the aforesaid William concerning the said tenements, with appurts. William, for himself and his heirs, grants that the said tenements, with appurts., which Eeginald and Johanna hold for their lives of the inheritance of William, and which after their deaths to him and to his heirs revert, shall after the deaths of Eeginald and Johanna remain to fferandus and Margaret, and to the heirs of their bodies; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to the right heirs of fferandus. This agreement was made in the presence of Eeginald and Johanna, who thereupon acknowledged their fealty to fferandus and Margaret. Endorsed:—" Eeginald de Eokesle and Johanna his wife assert their claim ; Walter Neel, citizen of London, and Michael de If eld' assert their claim." [See post, No. 40.] 20. At Tork, Quinzaine of the Holy Trinity A0 2—Betw. John le Clerk, of Westgate, pit., and John de Honywode, of Hakynton', and Lucia his wife, defts., of 1 mess., with appurts., in Westgate next Canterbury. John de II. and Lucia admit it to be the Eight of John le O, and John de H., for himself and his heirs, grants to John le C. and to his heirs ; for which concession John de H. and Lucia receive 10 marhs. 21. At York, Quinzaine of St. Michael A0 2—Betw. Agnes, who was the wife of Eichard atte Chapele, and Thomas and James, sons of said Eichard, pits., and Henry de Valoynes, Chiualer, and Cristina his wife, defts., of 14 marks rent, with appurts., in Snaues, Eokyngg', and Werehorne. Henry and Cristina admit it to be the Eight of Thomas; and, for themselves and the heirs of Cristina, •grant to Agnes, Thomas and James and to. the heirs of Thomas, and receive 20 mar7cs for the concession. KENT FINES, TEMP. EDWARD III. 341 22. At Tork, Quinzaine of St. Michael A0 2—Betw. John Edwy, of Hethe, and Margeria his wife, pits., and Thomas Sende, of Hethe, deft., of 1 mess., 1 mill, and 48 acr. land, with appurts., in Saltwode. Eight of Thomas, who, for the admission, grants to John and Margeria and to his heirs by her; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to the right heirs of John. 23. At Tork, Morrow of the Purification of B. Virgin A0 3— Betw. Benedict de ffulsham pit., and John de Molyns and Egidia his wife defts., of the Manor of Magna Delse next Eochester, with appurts., and 1 carucate of land, with appurts., in Parua Chatham. John and Egidia admit it to be the Eight of Benedict; and, for themselves and the heirs of Egidia, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 100 marhs for the concession. Endorsed:—"Eichard de Walden' and Alice his wife assert their claim, etc." 24. At Westminster, Octave of St. Hilary A0 3—Betw. William de Grauesende, of Mallyng',jpZ£., and John de Wyghernton', of Bokton' Mouuchensy, and Johanna his wife, defts., of 1 mess., 7 acr. land, 2| acr. wood, and 3s. 0\d. rent, with appurts., in Eeyersshe. John and Johanna admit it to be the Eight of William; and, for themselves and. the heirs of Johanna, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 201. for the concession. 25. At Westminster, Octave of St. Hilary A0 3—Betw. Eobert de Warewyk' and Eosa his -mfeplts., and Peter de'Warewyk' deft., of 80 acr. land, 2 acr. meadow, and a moiety of 1 mess., with appurts., in Westerham. Eight of Peter, who, for the admission, grants to Eobert and Eosa, and to the heirs of Eobert. 26. At Westminster, Octave of St. Hilary A0 3—Betw. John de fflete, clerk, pit., and John le Mouns, of Coulyng', junior, and Sabina his wife, defts., of 4£ acr. land, with appurts., in Coulyng'. John le M. and Sabina admit it to be the Eight of John de E.; and, for themselves and the heirs of Sabina, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 100s. for the concession. 27. At Westminster, Octave of St. Hilary A0 3—Betw. Cristina, who was the wife of John de Litlington', pit., and Eichard le Botiller, of Eenham, and Johanna his wife defts., of 1 mess., with appurts., in Eenham. Eight of Johanna; for which admission Eichard and Johanna grant to Cristina for her life, with remainder after her death to John son of John de Litlington, and to Johanna sister of said John son of John, and to the heirs of the body of John. But if John son of John die without heirs of his body, then after his death to remain to the right heirs of Cristina. 28. At Westminster, Octave of St. Hilary A0 3—Betw. Eeginald de Qroue pit., and Thomas Oolkyn and Alina his wife defts., of 9$ acr. land, with appurts., in Wykhambreouse. Thomas and Alina admit it to be the Eight of Eeginald; and, for themselves and the heirs of Alina, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 100s. for the concession. 29. At Westminster, Easter in three weeks A0 3—Betw. John, son of Geoffrey de Goldwell', pit., and Geoffrey de Goldwell' deft., 342 KENT FINES, TEMP. EDWARD III. of 1 mess., 130 acr. land, 9 acr. meadow, 58 acr. pasture, 3 acr. wood, 4s. 7d. rent, and rent of 2 hens, with appurts., in Betrisdenne aud Magna Chert'. Eight of Geoffrey, who, for the admission, grants (by service of a rose at the Nativity of St. John Baptist) to John and to the heirs of his body; but if none, then after his death to revert to Geoffrey and to his heirs, quit of other heirs of John. - 30. At Westminster, Morrow of the Ascension of the Lord A0 3 —Betw. John de Melford' and Katherine his wife pits., and Wilham le Vssher, of Snodelond', deft., of 2 mess., 41$ acr. land, 1 acr. meadow, 1 acr. wood, and 20s. rent, with appurts., in Hallyng' and Snodelond'. Eight of William, who, for the admission, grants to John and Katherine, and to his heirs by her; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to the right heirs of Katherine. 31. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A0 3—Betw. John de Merworth' and Margeria his wife pits., and Ealph Gerueys, Parson of the Church of Mapeliscompe, deft., of the Manor of Walramesherst' next Heth', with appurts. Eight of Ealph, who, for the admission, grants to John and Margeria, and to the heirs of Margeria. 32. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A0 3—Betw. John de Merworth' and Margeria his wife pits., and Ealph Gerueys, Parson of the Church of Mapeliscompe, deft., of La Heldehey . . ., with appurts., and 80 acr. wood, and 101. 5sAd. rent, with appurts., in ffremyngham, Eoluyndenne, and Mapeliscompe; and the advowson of the Church of the Vill of Mapeliscompe. Eight of Ealph, who, for the admission, grants to John and Margeria and to his heirs by her; but if none, then after their deaths to remain to the right heirs of John. 33. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A0 3—Betw. John, son of Peter Sokelyng', of Eodmersham, pit., and John Sokelyng', of Milstede, junior, and Margaret his wife, defts., of 1 mess.', 24 acr. land, 2 acr. wood, 2s. 7%d. rent, and rent of 5 hens and a moiety of 1 cock, . with appurts., in Milstede and Sydyngbourne. John S. and Margaret admit it to be the Eight of John son of Peter ; and, for themselves and the heirs of Margaret, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 10 marTos for the concession. 34. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A0 3—Betw. Eobert Broun, of Sandwich, pit., and William Scrodere, of Thanet, and Margeria his wife, defts., of 6 acr. land, and a moiety of lacr. marsh, with appurts., in Esshe. William and Margeria admit it to be the Eight of Eobert; and, for themselves and the heirs of Margeria, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 10 marhs for the concession. 35. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A0 3—Betw. Master Henry de Shorne pit:, and Thomas de Bysshopeston' and William de Brokeforde defts., of 4 mess., 582 acr. land, 1\ acr. meadow, 240 acr. marsh, 23Z. 13s. M. rent, and rent of 7 quarters and 6 bushels of barley, 10 quarters of salt, 40 cocks and 60 hens, with appurts., in Menstre in the Isle of Thanet, Vill of St. KENT FINES, TEMP, EDWARD III. 343 Laurence, Monketon', Wode, Berehelton', Vill of St. Nicholas, and Chistelet. Eight of Thomas; for which admission Thomas and William grant two parts of the aforesaid tenements to Master Henry and to the heirs of his body. Moreover, for themselves and the heirs of Thomas, that the third part of the said tenements, which Ehzabeth, who was the wife of Walter de Shorne, holds in dower of the inheritance of Thomas, and which after her death to Thomas and William and to the heirs of Thomas reverts, shall after her death remain to Master Henry and to his heirs. And if it happen that Master Henry die without heirs of his body, then after his death all the aforesaid tenements to remain to John, son of Eobert Giffard', and to the heirs of his body; but if none, then after the death of John to remain to Thomas, son of John de Sancto Nicholao, and to his heirs. This agreement was made in the resence of the aforesaid Elizabeth, who thereupon acknowledged er fealty to Master Henry. 36. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A0 3—Betw. William, son of Thomas de Welde, and Matilda his wife, pits., and John Cerne and Margaret his wife defts., of the Manor of La Case, with appurts. John and Margaret admit it to be the Eight of Wilham; and John, for himself and his heirs, grants to William and Matilda and to the heirs of William; for which concession John and Margaret receive 100 marhs. 37. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A0 3—Betw. John Maynard' pit., and John, son of John de Houton', deft., of 1 mess., and 30 acr. land, with appurts., in the suburbs of Canterbury. John son of John admits it to" be the Eight of John M.; and, for himself and his heirs, grants to John M. and to his heirs, and receives 20 marhs for the concession. 38. At Westminster, Quinzaine of the Holy Trinity A0 3— Betw. John Maynard' pit., and Elias Lambe and Mabilla his wife defts., of 1 mess., and 1 acre and 3 roods of land, with appurts., in the suburbs of Canterbury. Elias and Mabilla admit it to be the Eight of John; and, for themselves and the heirs of Mabilla, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 10 marhs for the concession. 39. At Westminster, Quinzaine of the Holy Trinity A°' 3— Betw. Eeginald de Cobeham (by William de Culuerdon' in his stead) pit., and Eoger, son of Eoger de London', of Eeygate, and Alice his wife, defts., of 1 mess., 16 acr. land, 3 acr. meadow, 3s. 4,d. rent, and a moiety of 1 acre of wood, with appurts., in Eynesf ord' and Lullyngeston'. Eoger and Alice admit it to be the Eight of Eeginald; and Eoger, for himself and his heirs, grants to Eeginald and to his heirs; for which concession Eoger and Alice receive 20 mar7es. 40. At Westminster, Octave of the Holy Trinity A0 3—Betw. Walter Neel, of London, and Michael de Held', pits., and fferandus Manioun and Margaret his wife defts., of 1 mess., 140 acr. land, 13 acr. meadow, 20s. rent, and rent of 3 hens, with appurts., in Northflete, Swanescomp', and Greuesende. fferandus and Margaret E 344 - KENT FINES, TEMP. EDWARD HI, admit it to be the Eight of Walter; and, for themselves and the heirs of fferandus, remit and quit-claim to Walter and Michael and to the heirs of Walter, and receive for the remission, etc., 100 marhs. 41. At Westminster, Quinzaine of St. John Baptist A0 3— Betw. Eobert Heleslethtre pit., and John de Esthall' senior and Matilda his wife defts., of 1 mess., and 15 acr. land, with appurts., in Codham. John and Matilda admit it to be the Eight of Eobert; and John, for himself and his heirs, grants to Eobert and to his heirs ; for which concession John and. Matilda receive 20 mar7cs. 42. At Westminster, Octave of St. Michael A0 3—Betw. Margaret, who was the wife of Edmund de Passele, and Thomas son of the said Edmund and Margaret (by William de Hurst in place of Margaret, and by the said Wilham as guardian of Thomas), pits., and John de Palestre and Sara his wife defts., of the Manor of Palestre, with appurts. John and Sara admit it to be the Eight of Thomas ; and, for themselves and the heirs of John, remit and quit-claim to Margaret and Thomas and to the heirs of Thomas, and receive for the remission, etc., 100 marhs. 43. At Westminster, Quinzaine of St. Michael A0 3 (Post Eine made in the Quinzaine of Easter A0 19 Edward II.)—Betw. Thomas, son of William le Proude, pit., and Eichard Neel and Isabella his wife defts., of 1 mess., 20 acr. land, 1 acr. meadow, 7 acr. wood, and 6d. rent, with appurts., in Speldherst'. Eichard and Isabella have admitted it to be the Eight of Thomas, of which he has a moiety, of their gift, to hold to him and his heirs. Moreover they have granted, for themselves and the heirs of Isabella, that the other moiety of the aforesaid tenements, with appurts., which Emma, who. was the wife of Wilham Lundenysh', held in dower, of the inheritance of Isabella, in the aforesaid Vill the day this agreement was made, and which after her death.to Eichard and Isabella and to the heirs of Isabella ought to revert, shall after the death of Emma remain to Thomas and to his heirs, to hold together with the other moiety. Eichard and Isabella receive 20 marhs for the concession. This agreement was made in the presence of Emma, who thereupon acknowledged her fealty to Thomas. 44. At Westminster, Octave of St. Michael A0 3—Betw. Eobert de Pesyndenn' pit., and William de Goldwell' and Agnes his wife defts., of 30 acr. land, 6 acr. wood, 12d. rent, and a moiety of 1 mess., with appurts., in Wytricheshame. Wilham and Agnes admit it to be the Eight of Eobert; and, for themselves and the heirs of Agnes, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 101. for the concession. 45. At Westminster, Octave of St. Michael A0 3—Betw. Simon ffraunceys, of London, pit., and Henry Swan deft., of 3 mess., 350 acr. laud, 13 acr. meadow, 40 acr. wood, and 30s. rent, with appurts., in Wilmynton next Derteford', and Sutton atte Hone. Henry admits it to be the Eight of Simon; and, for himself and his heirs, grants to Simon and to his heirs, and receives 300?. for the concession. KENT FINES, TEMP. EDWARD III. 345 46. At Westminster, Octave of St. Michael A0 3—Betw. Thomas,' son of Eichard le Lytle, of Grene, pit., and "Walter atte Nynne and Alice his wife defts., of 1 mess., and 5 acr. land, with appurts., in Grene. Walter and Alice admit it to be the Eight of Thomas; and, for themselves and the heirs of Alice, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 10 mar7cs for the concession. 47. At Westminster, Octave of St. Michael A0 3—Betw. John Horn pit., and John le Leykere, of Estgrenewyche, and Leticia his wife, defts., of 1 mess., with appurts., in Estgrenewyche. John le L. and Leticia admit it to be the Eight of John H.; and, for themselves and the heirs of Leticia, grant to him and to his heirs, and receive 40s. for the concession. 48. At Westminster, Quinzaine of St. Michael A0 3—Betw. Stephen Eogger, of Sutton Valence, pit., and Hugh de fforshamme deft., of 1 mess., 5 gardens, 220 acr. land, 40 acr. wood, 24s. rent, and rent of 1 hen, with appurts., in Boluyndenn', Benyndenn', and Sandhurst'. Eight of Hugh, who, for the admission, grants (by service of a rose at the Nativity of St. John Baptist) to Stephen and to the heirs of his body ; but if none, then after the death of Stephen to remain to Thomas de Gosebourn and to the heirs of his body; but if none, then after the death of Thomas to revert to Hugh and to his heirs, quit of other heirs of Stephen and Thomas. 49. At Westminster, Octave of St. Michael A0 3—Betw. Ealph le Sauuage and Lora his -wifepits., and Wilham Peuerel deft., oi 2 mess., 1 mill, 1 salt-cote (" salina"), 220 acr. land, 10 acr. meadow, 50 acr. marsh, pasturage for 300 sheep, 4il. 6s. 4


On Human remains in the Crypt of Hythe Church


Cheriton Church