Horsham Manor in Upchurch

( 399 ) HORSHAM MANOR, IN UPCHURCH. BY CANON SCOTT ROBERTSON. MR. EOACH SMITH has communicated to me some original documents, now the property of Miss Millard of Teddington, bookseller, who has permitted me to make therefrom the following notes. I n A.D. 1598, Mr. John Milway, farmer, " occupied " the lands belonging to the manor of Horsham, which extended, beyond tTpchurch, into the parishes of Halstow, Newington, Hartlip, Eaynham, and Deptling. The MS. furnishes all the abuttals of each piece of land (there are 121 distinct pieces named), and at the end, there is the following summary of lands which Mr. Milway sublet:— A Particular of what land is lett to Tho. Jarvis. Tentishaw 1 Mychelshaw 1 Coockers 4 Longoroft (2 p'cels) 1 Lynohe 10 "Walbredgfield 14 Lynohe Banke 5 Parsonage Farm j , Standerd 3 Attrumfeild 11 Blackebromes 6 Crockham Parkwood .... 7 Little Hooke ] Foot balance j Coney earthwood 2 Foot baland 2 Crabtree Croft 5 Horsham Croft 19 Cowlees 12 BelePond 28 Hoades 14 Culverlees,Broomclose, and ) 1 4 Orchards about y° house j Croooker Marsh and Gus-") 1Q9 ney Hooke ) GreatHook 25 Muoklandfeild 4 Seaven aores 0 Leaden Cross 0 Lumbers Land 1 Rainham Churoh 3 E. P. 0 0 0 5 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 31 1 30 16 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 30 0 0 3 37 0 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 Aores 220 2 12 Salts 109 0 6 Lands lett to Arthur Porrage. A. E. P. Broom close 2 1 20 Potters 0 3 0 In Churohfield 3 2 0 Dynden or Little Church field Stockacer 3 1 0 Crooked oake 2 3 20 Wallcrouoh 1 1 0 Lands lett to RiC Whiffin. Hollewell 4 Heele 5 Hollowellbromes 7 Lands lett to Tho. Hunt. Westfeild 10 Lubickwell 5 Little Boxted in Upchurch 1 , and Newington J Lands lett to Bob' Morris. Harpe (in TJpchuroh) 10 Great Boxted (2 parcels) ^ inTJpohurch, Newington, > 22 and Halstow j Lands lett to Geo. Danit. Badcokes "I Q , „„ Medow Horsham Croft .. / a L i6 Stanfeild 11 2 10 Meadfeild 9 1 36 Keyleese 2 0 16 Newleese 8 1 3 Dornefeild 1 0 ^0 Thurlockes saltmarsh . . . . 145 0 0 Farnesse Salts 36 0 0 Little Harbors 0 2 0 5 0 0 3 37 0 0 2 7 2 18 0 2 3 20 1 20 0 6 400 HORSHAM MANOR, IN UPCHURCH. Mr. Milway seems to have kept in hand these pieces of land :- 2 3 13 A. E. P. Wheatham Saltmarsh 85 3 16 Domus Young 1 0 0 Billet alias Higham 131 3 16 Hook, at Padbrooke Stone 4 0 10 Uptonfeild and Twyneyl ar. n n Salts JbU ° ° Loveletes 2 0 0 Crondall Croft 5 0 8 Putwatters 5 0 22 Horsham Croft alias Cat lums Hooke alias Dungcroft .. 3 2 8 Gorram Mead 0 3 0 Bromedown and Brooks in "1 „0 0 0 Newington and Halstow J Southfeild 2 3 8 Crokersham 3 3 0 Juliansfeild 2 0 16 Old mill in Horsham Croft 2 1 6 Chantry Croft 2 0 37 Funton (Halstow) 1 1 16 Clyftonbush 0 3 8 Millcroft (next Halstow! 4 3 oo Vickridge) J Hide's Croft 5 0 10 Callis Croft with y°Salthook 3 0 31 Scalmers 7 0 27 Chrisr Boat's croft 0 2 0 Wellfeild 5 0 10 Dangerous Leese at Heidi Goore J Dane next Woodoaks .... Horsham next Newington "1 Vickeridg'e J Howling 4 3 16 Parsonage feild 2 2 10 Blaok'sDane 5 1 0 3 3 2 1 0 16 1 1 22 ington and Upchurch , •} Hemingsdane alias New- ( 2 ington feild (. 2 Westfeild next y° Playstoll 10 Berstedswood 11 Goonest 10 Stonehall garden having S\] Mary's Lane east and S 0 Queen's highway south . J Burbrooke Croft in New- "I g ington and Halstow .. J Great Burbrooke 9 Standerhill havingFrognalll Q north J a Great Hoalle 7 Little Hoalle 3 Kee Coll Croft 5 Yallants 2 In Parsonage feild al'sl Brygmerishma al's s- Milfeild J Holmfeild . 8 Parsonage feild adjacent.. 1 Clinkwell Wood 6 Chesten Wood, y° Heath) „ near Denaway Street .. j Christmells 1 Long Goore 1 At Queendown 3 Chappelfeild Millfeild Daanshill Cha3'ham and Stumblers. Sterrocke E. P. 3 17 3 2 . 1 7 2 35 2 24 2 28 3 0 0 36 3 34 0 8 0 8 2 5 1 4 2 37 1 2 3 0 3 Fillpitts 3 6 3 18 8 3 13 2 0 2 5 0 6 0 0 0 23 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 8 3 35 2 0 The landowners whose possessions abutted on this manor were John Cobham, Eob. Green, Wm. Green, Heirs of Thos. Olyver, John Norden, Wm. Norden, — Pearson, — Preston, Clem. Milway, Heirs of Mr. Blower, Eic. Nicholas, Thos. Butt, Heirs of — Baldock, Heirs of Wm. Seed, Wm. Wingfeild, Heirs of Mr. Bamme, Hen. Saake, Mr. Mayheye, Christopher Boatt, Eic. Sewell or Seywell, Wm. Wing, Thos. Cooper, Heirs of Wm. Bishop, Heirs of Wm. Codd, Heirs of Eic. Norton, Heirs of Jno. King, Heirs of Eobert Marchant, Fras. Wood, Heirs of Mr. May, Heirs of Wm. Eickard, Mr. Craford, Mr. Digge,. Thos. Wotton, Eobt. Lyford, Wm. Willmor, Jno. Pettit, John Clement, Mr. Garrod, Heirs of Henry Lawrence, St. Katherine's Hospital, Thos. King, John Borden, Mr. Banning, Wm. Blackboy, Wm. Barry, Eob. Gfemuell, Affabel Doate, Heirs of John Swyfte, Heirs of Wm. Cantwell, Eob. Bowden, Thos. HardouU, Thos. Knight, Nic. Harris, Jno. Crokham, Geo. Clytford, Sir John Norton,'Eoger Williamson, HORSHAM MANOR, IN UPCHURCH. 401 Thos. Kennet, Fras. Hollbroke, Thos. Harrye, Eowland Searle, John Osborne, Jno. Balden, Peter Balden, Wm. Swayman, Ealph Thayer, Jeffery Elmstone, Heirs of Bobt. Oodd, Heirs of Wm. Barker. COLLEDG LEACE POR HORSHAM in ye County of Kent (A.D. 1660). DE. To Bought of Sr Cheyney Culpeper a Lesse hild of the College of all Soules in Oxon for the Manor of Horsham in y° Parish of Upchurch in y° County of Kent at a I I J years purches y° clear rent and did all amount unto as per y° several Leases appears as followeth, viz':— PEE ANNUM. Coll. and quitte Rents: £ s. d. 40 markes in money is . . 26 13 4 20 qrs. Wheat at 40s pr qr 40 00 0 26 qrs. 6 bush. 1 peck a Malt at 23s pr q* 30 16 0 Quitt rents per ann. in all is 9 13 0 £107 02 4 The Cleare Rent I purchase is as followeth .. £240 9 8 At the price 11J years' purchase and he to renew with Charg Cost . . . . £2705 6 0 To so much laid out in Repayers, etc 94 14 0 £2800 00 0 CONTEA. £ s. d. By so muoh for Colles (coals) sould my Father Hurlestone 6 0 0 By so muoh overcharged for house keeping in y° month 9bor 1 3 0 By so muoh Eecd for Hay sould 20 3 0 0 £10 3 0 1660, 25 March. By w" Lr a Ball Carid a profett and 22 177 1 2 £187 4 2 (Signed) ANNA ROOPE, NICHOLAS ROOPE. EAST BRIDGE WATERING IN BONNINGTON. Miss Millard also permitted me to copy the following, from " Bart of the Mapp or Description of Bast Bridge Watering in Bomeney Marsli, In the parish of Bonnington." [Extracted by Thomas Turner on the 8th of June 1693, from a map (made in 1652 by Thomas Boycott), which then was kept at Dymchurcli Bathhouse.] Shearlock Bridge is marked at t h e south-east (top corner ) , and the most south-westerly piece of land marked is that of Ksqr VOL. XVIII. D D PEE ANNUM. Nic Dove & Rob' Bunce a £ s. d. Lease at 94 10 0 John Bldye 90 00 0 Bica Illis payes 52 00 0 John Adooke per lease .. 31 00 0 Henry Bayley „ .. 33 10 0 Jn'Bix „ .. 21 12 0 Wm Anstine „ .. 06 00 0 Geo. Thomline „ .. 09 09 0 Hen. Santford payes 04 00 0 Woods, 10 Acres, worth.. 04 10 0 Fames Saltes, worth 01 00 0 £347 11 0 CE. 10 7b"r. 30 9bor. 25 Maroh. 402 HORSHAM MANOR, IN UPCHURCH. Honiwood 7 A. 1 R. 22 p . ; touching it northward are three pieces of land; i. (east) Mr. Barrett's land 11 A. 1R. 21 p . ; ii. (north and east) Sir Wm. Man's* (now Mr. Turner's) 7 A. 3 R. 29 p . ; iii. (north and west) Sir Wm. Man's (now Mr. Barrett's) 12 A. 3 B. 20 P. (within which, on its south-west side were two bits of Mr. Eigden's land, 3R. 16P. ; and IA. In. 10p. respectively). Below the three pieces, further north, stand. 5 pieces of land of, i. (east) Mris. Fox 17 A. 2 R. 17 P . ; ii. Sir William Man (now Mr. Turner) 11 A. 1R. 26 P. (in the north-east corner of this was a patch 2 A. 1 R. of Mrs. Fox's) ; iii. Sir Wm. Man (now Mr. Turner) 17 A. 0 R. 20 P.; iv. Sir Wm. Man 16 A. (now divided into 2 pieces, of 4A. and 12A., and belonging to Mr. Turner); v. Mr. Thomas Eooke 18 A. 3 R. 8 p. Further north still are marked four pieces of land: i. Sir Wm. Man's (now Mr. Man's) 42 A. 2 R. 20P.; ii. Mr. John Covenay 20 A. 0 R. 34 P. ; iii. Mr. Flatcher ; iv. Mr: Boyce. At the foot of the Map Mr. Thos. Turner notes that his five pieces of land, herein marked, contain 52 A. 1R. 35 p., all in the occupation of Mr. Eobert Lushington. * Sir Wm. Mann was the son of Sir Christopher Mann (ob. 1638), by his second wife Frances, daughter of Sir Edward Master. Sir William died August 5,1673, leaving a son William, who, like his father, possessed the advowson of Bonnington Rectory, and exercised his right of patronage in 1688. In or before the year 1693 Mr. Wm. Mann had sold the lands above mentioned to Mr. Thos. Turner, of Lincoln's Inn, London, and the advowson likewise. In 1701 his son, Mr. John Turner, presented the Bev. John Turner to the Rectory of Bonnington. Within eight years the Rev, John Turner resigned, and then John Turner, gent., presented the Rev. Thomas Turner to the Rectory, which he held for 33 years.


Holy Trinity Church, Dartford


St Leonard's Church, Hythe