( 213 )
1. Eeoognisanee dated 25 May 1586. John Stubbes Citizen & Fishmonger of
London to John Carter Citizen & Fishmonger in the sum of £300. The
Condition being that said Stubbes his heirs too. shall observe perform &o. the
Covenants Grants Artioles &c. comprised in a pair of Indentures between him
said John Stubbes & the said John Carter dated 20 Feb. last past.
2. Eeoognisanee dated 14 March 1586. Jolm Stubbs Citizen & Fishmonger
London to Eobert Withers Citizen & Yintner of London in the sum of £1000.
"Whereas the above bounden John Stubbs by Indenture of Bargain & Sale dated
2 Deo. last past and made between him of the one part and the above named
Bobert "Withers of the other part, granted sold &c. to the latter " All that newe
bricke messuage or tenement with the appurten'nees late in the tenure or
oecupac'on of the sayd John Stubbs set and being in the parrishe of JMtham in
the Oountye Kente " and other property (Lands &c.) there, purchased by him
said John. He said John Stubbs % Mary his Wife if they claim any right title
&o. to the said' property shall do all suoh reasonable acts deeds &c. as shall be
necessary or required.
3. 1595. Indenture dated 2 Oot. 37* Elizth between William Ellyot of Eltham
oo. Kent Gent. John Stubes son of Philip Stales of JSltham aforesaid Yeoman &
Margaret Stubes of Eltham Widow late the wife of Robert Stubes of Eltham
aforesaid dec1 of the one part and John Eestone jof Eltham Gent, of the other
part for the sale in pursuance of the Will of the said Bobert Stubes dated 31 Bee.
1594 3?'u Eliztu for the sum of £46 to the said John Eestone of a Messuage or
House in Eltham and 1 parcel of Land there in Easfield containing half an
4. 1611. Indenture dated 5 May 9 James I. between Tobye Stubhes of Mtham
co. Kent Yeoman son & heir of John Stubbes late of the City of London Fishmonger
deod, Henry Stubbes of Eltham aforesaid Baker and Hugh Stubbes of
Eltham Tailor sons of BhiUp Stubbes late of London Brewer decd brother of the
said John Stubbes of the one part, and Eichard Slynne of Eltham aforesaid
Yeoman of the other part, for the sale in consideration of £70 to said Eichard
of "All that messuage or ten'te" &o. "and garden plott or small orchard" in
Eltham aforesaid now or late in the occupation of John Smyth Labourer also of
" all that messuage or ten'te" now or late in the occupation of Eoger Allen
Labourer with three roods of Land more or les3 "lying at Easte feilde in the
p'ishe of Eltham aforesaid."
5. Indenture dated 18 May 1612 between Henry Stubbs of Bltham co. Kent
Yeoman & Alice his Wife of the one part and Walter Parry of Eltham aforesaid
Yeoman of the other part for Mortgage of £40 on " All that messuage or ten'te
oalled the George" &o. in Eltham now in the tenure or occupation of the said
Henry Stubbs.
* 38 in Calendar.
6. 12 May 1635. Eeoognisanee. Richard Stubbs of Chiselhurst in the
County of Kent Gent, to Adrian Evans Citizen & Cloth-worker of London in
the sum of £140.
a. Indenture dated 20 Nov. 33 Cha" I. (1647) between James Bens of
Chatham co. Kent Shipwright & Mary his wife, Jane Stubbes of Chesles (Chislehursf]'
Kent Widow & Elizabeth Fowler of East Wickham in Kent Singlewoman
being the daughters & co-heirs of Philip Fowler late of East Wickham
aforesaid decd of the l8t part, and Dame Christian Leigh of East Wickham
aforesaid Widow of the other part. The said James Bens & Mary his Wife in consideration
of the sum of £75, the said Jane Stubbes in consideration of the sum
of £5, and the said Elizabeth Fowler in consideration of the sum of £80 to
them paid by the said Dame Christian Leigh according to the last Will & Testament
of the said Philip Fowler bearing date on or about 23 June 1636, discharge
the said Dame Christian from the said sums and grant sell &c. to her that
Messuage &c in Bexly and those Three Parcels of Land to the same belonging.
b. Indenture dated 12 Aug. 1663 between James Bends of Chatham co.
Kent Shipwright, Philip Stubbs Citizen & Vintner of London, Eobert Cooper of
Bexley in said oo. Kent Yeoman son & heir of Bobert Cooper late of Bexley
aforesaid deoa & Elizabeth -wife of the said Eobert Cooper party to these presents
of the 1*' part, and John Briscoe Citizen & Fishmonger of London of the other
part, for the sale of property in Bexley to the said John Briscoe.
c. Indenture dated 16 Nov. 19th Charles I I . between Robert Stubbs of Stamford
co. Lincoln Gent, son & heir of "Elizabeth Stubbs dec4 late wife of John
Stubbs of Bernards Inn co. Middx Gent., the said Ehzabeth being surviving
daughter & heiress of George Barnewell late of the City of Boohester co. Kent
Gent. deca , of the one part, and John Brooke of the said City of Bochester
Tallow Chandler of the other part, relating to property in S' Nicholas parish in
Eochester &o.
d. Indenture dated 10 Feb. 1667 between Robert Stubbs of Barnard Inn
London Gent, of the one part, and John Marloe Gent. Alderman of the City of
Bochester,co. Kent of the other part, relating to property in Stroud in the said
co. Kent.
Fine levied at Westminster in Trinity Term 2"d Edw. VI. between WilUam
Stabbys Plaintiff and Thomas Mathewe & Alioe his wife Defendants of 1 Messuage
' 1 Garden & 6 acres in Northflete purchased of Thomas & Alice for £40.
1553. Fine levied in Hilary Term 7"' Edw. VI. between John Stubbys
Plaintiff and John Hodder & Margaret his wife Defendants of 1 Messuage with
appurtenances in Chesylhurst purchased of said John & Margaret for £40.
1555. Fine levied at Westminster in Trinity Term 2nd & 3rd Philip & Mary
between Henry Stubes Plaintiff and William Skelton Defendant of 2 Messuages
1 Barn 2 Gardens 6 acres of Land & 6 aores of Pasture with the appurtenanoes
in Mtham purchased of said William for £40.
. 1584 July 4 John Burne son of Bichard.
1586 Thomas stubes the sonn of John baptiz. y° 5 of may.
„ Hughe stubes the sonn of phillip baptized the 9 of October.
1588 Willia. stubbes the sonn of Jo. bapt. the same day (1 Dec).
„ margaret stubes the daughter of phillip bap'z. eo&V (15 Dec).
„ Elizabeth stubbes daughter of phillip bap. the 26 of January.
1592 Jane starky the daughter of Biohard baptiz. the 27 of dece'ber.
1594 Edward stubbes the sonn of John baptiz. the 27 of October.
1596 Phillip riolardson daughter [>V] of riohard bapti, the 14 of may,
1597 John Stubbes the sonn of John baptiz. the ii of September 1597
1601 margaret Stubs filia Johannis Stubs bap. 22 noue'b.
1605 Elizabeth Stubs the dafter of Hendry stubs baptized the 5 of may 1605.
„ Clement Stubs the sonne of Tobi Stubs baptized y" 30 of nouember 1605.
1606 Eichard Stubs the sonne of John Stubs baptized the 25 of December being
Christmas Day 1606.
1607 Marget Stubs the Dafter of Hendry baptiz. the i of nouember 1607.
1609 Elizabeth Stubbes the dafter of tobi baptized the 8 day of October 1609.
1610 Ann Stubbes the dafter of Hendry baptized the first of nouemb. 1610.
1611 George Stubs the sonn of John Stubs baptized the 25 of Auguste 1611.
1613 Phillip Stubes the soone of Hendry Stubes baptiz. the 15 of may 1613.
1616 Ann clarke bapt. 9 Jan.
„ the weeke before a dafter of Binds baptized.
„ more a sonne of hendry Stubs baptized.
1637 Nathaniell fflius Philipp Stubes Ootote 4th 1637.
•1638 Maria filia Philippi Stubbes Decembr 30tu 1638.'
1640 Anna filia Philippi Stubbes Nouemb' 25th.
1644 Philippus fil. Philippi Stubbes Jann. 23.
1646 Henricus ffl. Henrici Stubbs Jul. 26.
1647 Esther filia Henrici Stubbes Jan. 16.
1651 Anna filia Henrici Stubbs Junij 1°.
1656 Infans inbaptiz. Henerici Stubbs 6 Aprilis.
1591 John Slauter Alse stubes maried ye 28 of noue'b. 1591.
„ Bichard starky Elizabeth stubes maried y° 3 of April 1591.
1592 Eobart stubes marget Fowler maried y° 9 of Aprill 1592.
1594 John stubbes & doryt. Snopill (or Snossill) maried y° 12 of may.
1595 Eiohard Eichardson & margaret stubes were maried the 11 of nouember
1604 Toby Stubs & margaret slinn were maried the 17 of June 1604.
1605 John Stubbs maried mr masters Dafter of Chisselhourst at the tower the
2° of ootob. 1605 and payed the Dutyes here Also to me.
1619 Bichard webbe & Elizabeth Stubbes maried the 11 of Aprill 1619.
1635 Philip Stubbs et An Nicholson nupti fuere No'bri» 30th oum licentia
1645 Henrious Stubbes et Esther Owen SepV 2a.
1655 Eobertus Eose et Anna Stubbs de Eltham 7 Deoemb.
• Burials.
1584 Ales stubbes the wyfe of phillip buried y° x of August.
1588 Marget stubbes y° daughter of phillip buried y* 24 January.
1590 Willia. Stubes y° sonn of John buried y» 14 of August.
1591 Phillip stubbes was buried y°. 25 marohe 1591.
1594 Bobart stubbes buried y» 27 of January 1594.
1596 Edward Snopill buried the 6 of marche 1696.
1604 Mra Stubs the wyfe of John stubs buried the 7th of September 1604,
1605 A ohild of toby stubs buried the 6 of September 1605.
1606 Ould mr Phillip stubs buried tbe 6 of April 1606.
1608 margret Stubs the dafter of Hendri Stubs buried the 22 of January
1608.- •
1618 Stops sonn buried the 26 of marohe 1618.
1625 July 12 " buried of the sioknes"
first a man from mr Bidwels
secondly clement Stubbes.
1627 goodwyfe stop buried the 20 of ootob. 1627.
1629 Elizabetha filia Eiohardi Slyn generosi sepulta fuit 7 die Deoembris.
1631 Henrious Stubbes sepultus fuit 15 die (July),
1637 Nathaniell filius Philippi Stubbes No'1"714.
1646 Philippus Stubbes Ooto. 14.
1646 Anna Slyn vidua Deo. 28.
1656 Ihfans Henrici Stubbs 27 April.
1668 uxor Henrici Stubbs sepulta 8° Novemb.
(John Stubbes was Churchwarden of Eltham 1599 and John Stubes in 1614.)
1632 Martha Stubbes daugher of Bichard Stubbes and Jane his wife Christened
one the 18th day of Aprill.
1656 Eobert Bose & Widdoe Stubbs maried by Justice Palmer the 4tu of
december 1656.
1656 M8 Alee Stubbs buried the 30 day of ootober.
1682 nouember the 23 Jane tbe widow Stubs burd.
John Stubbes maried to Alice.'Maisters the xxi"' of Ootobr 1605.
" Thomas Stubbs the sonn of Phillup Stubbs and Elizabeth his wife was
baptized the 6th day of Nouember 1664 by mr Saker."
"Phillip Stubs sonn of Mc Phillip Stubs and Elizabeth his wife was baptized
y° 2d day Ootober 1665."
"Elizabeth Stubs dafter of Phillip Stubs and Elizabeth his wife was baptized
the 25«h day of September 1666."
" Lucas Stubs the Son of Phillip Stubs and of Elizabeth his Wife was Baptized
on the 27lh of Ootober " 1667.
" John Stubs Son of Phillip Stubs & of Elizabeth his Wife was Baptized the
13th of Ootober "1668.
" Riohard Stubbs Son of Phillip Stubbs & of Elizabeth his Wife was Baptized
on the 26"1 of September" 1669.
" Eiohard Stubbs Son of Phillip Stubbs & of Elizabeth his Wife was Baptized
on the 25* day of deoember" 1670.
" John Stubbs Son of Phillip Stubbs & of Elizabeth his Wife was Baptized
on the 2a of January " 1673.
" Charles Stubbs Son of Phillip Stubbs & of Elizabeth his wife was Baptized
on the 27th day of Ootober" 1678,
"Riohard Stubbs Son of Phillip Stubbs & of Elizabeth his Wife was Buried
on the 6th of Ootober " 1669.
" John Stubbs Son of Phillip Stubbs & of Elizabeth his Wife was Buried on
the 7th day of July "1672.
"A Female Still Borne Child of Phillip Stubbs & of Elizabeth his Wife was
Buried on the 8th of February" 1675.
,cMra Elizabeth Stubbs Wife of Mr Phillip Stubbs was Buried on the 28th
day of July "1680. •
"Bebeoca Hillier Widdow died in the house of Mc Phillip Stubbs & was
Buried the 14,u of September " 1680.
Marriage in 1680.
"Nouember 2a Mr Phillop Stubs And Mrs Maroi Seargant."
1681 Aug. 21 Samuell son of Philip & Meroy Stubbs.
1682 Aug. 1 Mary dau. of Philip & Mercy Stubbs.
1683 Aug. 1 Jacob son of Philip & Maroy Stubbs.
1689 Sept. 8 Samuell son of Philip & Meroy Stubbs.
Burials, •
1682 Mar. 30 Bichard son of Philip Stubs in the South Isle.
1683 Sept. 1 Jaoob son of Philip and Ma Stubbs in the middle Isle.
1685 Apr, 1 Charles Stubbs in y° South Isle.
1719 May 28 Wm Stubbs of S' Mary Magdalene Bermondsey co. Surry &
Hannah Story of y° same. Licence.
Charles son of Rebecca & Charles Stubbs was baptized in Greenwiob. Church
in Feb. 1735 New Style (1734 Old Style).
5 Feb. 1759. Mary Stubbs, widow of the College, aged 95.
14 July 1771. Thomas Stubbs of St. Andrew's Holborn co. Midd* Bach' &
Mary Eoberts of the same Sp' marr4 by licence. Witnesses Tho8 Jones, Eliz"1
1 Deo. 1646. Philipp Stubbs fil. Eich. S. de Chesles in Com. Kant po: Joh'i
Kent p' 9 annos a MicE'm's ult.
Philip Stubbs was Master of the Company from 1660 to 1665.
14 Oct. 1679. Thomas Stubbs son of Philip Stubbs Citizen and Vintner of
London apprenticed to Philip Stubbs Citizen and Vintner of London for 7 years.
6 Feb. 1688. John Stubbs son of Philip Stubbs Citizen and Vintner London
apprenticed to Philip Stubbs for 7 years.
14 June 1631. Riohard Stubbs of Chislehurst co. Kent Gent. Batch' aged
about 24 & Jane Fowler Sp' aged about 18 dau' of Philip Fowler of East
Wiokham co. Kent Gent, who consents—To be marr* at S' Faith's or at S'
Sepulchre's London.
28 Oot. 1663. Philip Stubbs of the Parish of S* Andrew Undershaf t London
Vintner Bachelor aged about 28 years & Elizabeth Hiller Maiden aged 20 years
daughter of Thomas & Rebecca Hiller of the Parish of S'Dionis Backohurch
London Citizen & Upholsterer who are consenting—To marry at S' Olave's Old
28 Oct. 1680. "Phillipp Stubbs of S' Andrew Undershaft Lond. Vintner
aged about 44 years and a Widdower " and "Mra Meroy Sa$eant of S' Catherine
Creeohuroh Lond. aged about 34 years and a Widdowe "-^to be married in y°
parish Churoh of Battersey in Surry. •
29 Jan. 1717-8. Samuel Stubbs of S' Mary's Rotherhithe.co. Surry, Batch',
aged upwards of 28, and Anne Norton of Hurstpierpoint co. Sussex, aged upwards
of 21—To marry at the latter. .;'.
12 May 1733, Charles Stubbs of East Greenwich m the'County of Kent,
aged 27 years & upwards, Batchelor, & Eebecca Wallrond of S' James Westminster,
Middlesex, aged 20 years, Spinster, with the consent of her m.Qtb.er Elizabeth
Wallrond Widow—To be married at S* Alphage's East Greenwich or S' Alphage's
within Cripplegate London. ;' ; ' . ' , •• - .
31 January 1761. On whioh day a Licence issued for the Marriage of
Francis Grojan of the Parish of S' James, in the liberty of Westminster, in the
Co. of Midd* a Bachelor, of the age of 25 years, with Elizabeth Stubbs of the
same parish, aged 21 years & upwards,' a Spinster—To be married in the Parish
Church of S' James aforesaid.
14 March 1761. Charles Stubbs of S' James' Westminster, co. Midd*
Baton' aged 25 & upwards and Elizabeth Troubridge of S* Marylebone in
same co. Spinster aged 21 & upwards—To marry at the former.
13 July 1771. Thomas Stubbs of S' Andrew's Holborn co. Middx Batohelor
aged 21 & upwards and Mary Eoberts of the same parish Spinster aged 21 &
upwards—To marry there.
23 May 1781. Joseph Thompson of the Parish of S' James Westminster
in the County of Midd* Widower & Elizabeth Stubbs of the Parish of S'
Bridget's otherwise Bride in the City of London Widow—To marry in the Parish
Churoh of S' Bridget's otherwise Bride.
No. 1. Winn OE JOHN STOBBES, of Eltham.
In the name of god Amen. I John Stobbes of Eltham yeoman
hole of mynde &c.—my body to be buried in the Ohurchyarde of
Eltham—-to the highe Aulter of Eltham iijs iiija—to the mother
Church of Eochester xija
. Item two dussen of brede and a
Mlderkyn of Ale to the pore people of Eltham—to my godchildren
both boyes and gerles my blessinge and grotes apece—to Margaret
my wif the newe howse &c. as longe as she is wedowe—unto my
Sonnes Henry Philip Eichard Eobert and John Stobbes my ij howses
on Chestlest heth in the p'ryshe of ChestleAwrat—to Alice my
youngest Boughter ij of my best Bease It'm I bequeyth to Elizabeth
Borne my dowghter one of my best bease—to Alice my wife's
Dowghter a yonge Bulloch—to John Litlegrome one of my best
Bullocks—to John and Philip Stobbes the Sonnes of Harry Stobbes
betwene them one bulloeke—unto my wif vj bease and all Best of
quieke Cattell aboute the house and all the Best of my goods to be
deuided to my wif and my Children in eguall porc'ons—Margaret
my wif and Eichard my Sonn Exors. John Eolte and John Alee
Overseers. "Witnesses John Eolte John Alee and Edward Eliott,
No date. Proved 22 Sept. 1556.
No. 2. WIED OE HENEY STOBES, of Eltham.
14 Dec. 1571. I Henry Stoles of the p'ishe of Mtam yeman—
my body to be buried in the p'ishe churche yarde of Eltam so nye
unto my frends as mayebe—unto Catheren my wyfe all my howses
and Lands and all the reste of my goods bothe moveable and unmoveable
so longe as she kepethe her my wydowe also if Katheren
, my wyfe do marry that then she shall have my howses that I dwell
in wth the lands belonginge thereto also then my two howses at
Ohesselhurst shall Eemayne unto my iij sonnes and also my howses
at Eltam wth th'app'ten'nc's thereto belonginge after the decease of
my wife to remayne nnto my thre sonnes that is to seye John
Stubes Phillipe Stobes and John Stobes the yonger unto them and
their haiers of their body lawfully begotten rem* to Agnes and
WILLS. 219
Margaret my doughters to them also at the Daye of the mariage of.
my wife the one halfe of my moveables as.yt shalbe praised by my
overseers—unto every of my godchildren iiij8—unto the power at .
the daye of my buryall iij dozen of bread and a stande of eale to be
given at the Churche—sa wife sole Ex'tx. Phillope Stobs Eichard
Stobes and John Stobes my brothers Overseers. Witnesses John
Eolte Eichard Felton John borne wth others. Proved the last of
March 1571.
No. 3. WILL OE KATHEBINE HAIGHTE, of Eltham, widowe.
January 1590. To Henrie Stubbs & Hugh Stubbs the children
of my sonne Phillipp Stubbs, and unto Eliztl1 Shawe the daur of
Henry Shawe the elder, & unto Wilham the son of Henry Shawe
the younger, all my goods are to be equallie devided amongst them.
To Tobie Stubbs and Thomas Stubbs, sons of my late son John
Stubbs, & to EUzth Stubbs his daughter what the mother hathe in
her hands allreadie; and to my son Phillipp Stubbs, & to Henry
Shawe the younger. I give to my sonne John Stubbs that which he
did owe unto me, that I paid for him unto Rob* Sonne fishmonger,
and to Thomas Harince grocer, both citizens of London, My best
hatte to Alice the wife of my son Phillipp Stubbs. To Katherine,
the daughter of John Borne deceased, a sawcer and porringer. To
J one HodgeMns daur of Eliz*11 Barker, the wife ot John Barker
citizen, a joyned chaire. To Eichard Browne, blacksmith, of
Eltham, a mattriss wth flocke bolster, & a plaine bedstead. To the
poor of Eltham, bread and Kilderkin of beare. I make the five
children above-named my executors; and my overseers of this my
last will Phillip Stubbs, Thomas Swiffce, Henry Willet, James
Swifte, and my goods being praised, after the legacies above specified
are performed, I will that my goods be divided into five parts,
to vemanie in the hands of the said overseers of my will to the
behoofe of the five children aforesaid to be paid, unto them when
they all come to lawful age. I give to ffrancys Shawe, the daur of
Henry Shawe the younger, one of my best Kyne, to be dehvered
unto her father presently after my death, or so much money as the
cowe be valued at the day of her marriage, or a t . . years of age.
I will that my sonne Phillipp Stubbs have th'use of my my houshold
Stuffe, condicionallie that he do enter into sufficient bonds
unto my overseers to sell howses landes that was bequeathed to him,
his children also to restore the said goods or the valewe thereof, as
they shall be praised, unto my said overseers, at what tyme me they
shall demande them, to the behoof of the said children. Witnesses:
Tho9 Swifte; Phillipp Stubbs, the older; James Swifte; Phillip
Stubbs, the younger. The marke of Katherine Haighte.
The iiij* day March 1590. I give to my son Phillipp Stubbs
the com wheat & oats with a parcell of ground & Eve paire of
Ceese. To John, & his wife Eliz«', Stubbs a pair of Geese. To
James Swifte vicar of Eltham a paire of Sheets. I give to Margaret
Shawe two gownes a petticoate & Kirfcle.
No. 4. WILI. OE EIOHABD STUBBS, of Eaishp.
12 Dec. 1585. I Bichard Stubbes—my bodey to be buryed in
the p'ishe Church of EysKpp—to my wyve's daughter Margaret
Nelham x11 at the day of her marriage but if she dies before she be
married then same to be equally devided between James Nelham
her brother and Elizabeth Burne my syster's daughter—unto my
wyve's eldest sonne John Nelham my best cloake—my seeonde beste
Cloake unto James my wyve's sonne and also a Taffata dowblet and
a new velvet Capp—to Eichard my wyve's youngest sonne xxs in
golde—unto Will'm Nelham my "wyve's sonne xx8—unto Isabell
Barmoy my servaunte xa—to Bichard Turnor our comon servannte
in the Confectionary xs also unto his fellow servaunte Thomas
Vause vs—unto Amies my wiefe all my goodes and Cattails whatsoeu'
uubequeathed and she sole Ex't*: Witnesses Leonard Davies
Anthony Barkell Eaphe Eedinge and Will'm Kyrton. Proved
19 Feb. 1585-6 in the Commissary's Court, London.
No. 5. WIHQ OE PBX&XE SITJBBS, of Eltham.
Prom the original will, which is much damaged, there being no
registered copy:
I Bhilip Stubbes of Eltham in ye County of Kent yeoman—to
be buried in the p . . . . church or churchyard of Eltham aforesaid
—to . . . . my welbeloved wiefe . . . . my lands and tenements goods
Chattells Oattell ymplements . . . . wthin the p'ish of Eltham in the
said county—And the E e n t . . . . haue and take to her owne p'per
use during her naturall life So as she the said . . . . put in security
and be bound for keeping of my howses &c. in good and sufficient
reparac'ons—if not s" lands &c, unto my lovinge sonnes Q-eorge
' Stubbes and John Stubbes equally betweene them during the life
of sa Ellenor my wife paying to her £10 a year, sa lands &c. after
her decease unto my three sonnes G-eorge John and Edward
Stubbes equally amongst them to be devided—sa sons G-eorge &
John Ex'ors—my lovinge freinds Wilham Elliot and John Phillips
Overseers, to whom 3s 4d apiece. Dated 16 May 1596. Signed by
a mark. Witnesses Eobert Groo . . . . Bartholomew Graue and
Eichard Peacocke. Proved 27 April 1606.
No. 6. Winn 02? EOBEET STUBBS, of Eltham.
I I Nov. 1569. I Bobert Stubbes of the parishe of Eltham _ in
. the Oountie of Kent yeoman—my bodie to be buryed in the parish
Churcheyarde so nighe unto my freinds as can be—Item Pawle
Bushebre oweth me xx8 iiija Item Eicharde Bore ow'th me Is Item
Eobert Ale oweth me fyve nobles and fortie pence Item Harry
Stubbes my brother oweth me vjs of the last payment of my parte
of the howses at Chesilhurst Item M1' Cockes oweth me 99 Item
olde Moyger oweth me xxvj8 viijd and xxa Item William Hamsher
oweth me Vs Item Walter Burchett oweth me ija Item Wharton of
Depford oweth me iiiju Item Person of grennwyche oweth me for
v lodes of wood after iijB vja the lode Item Tyse oweth me xl8 that
WILLS. 221
he borowed of me. Debtes that I owe—unto W Eowe nyi1 M*
Eeding xiij8 and John Bourne xv8 xd—unto my foure sonnes that ys
to say Edwarde Stubbes Eoger Stubbes George Stubbes and Eobert
my sonnes the house that olde Moyger dwelleth in to be equally
devided betwext them. Witnesses Harry Stubbes Philippe Stubbes
John Bourne John G-rassewith & others. Ou 9 Jan. 1569 Adm'on
with same g'ta to Mary Stubbes the Eelict.
No. 7. W i n OE JOHN STUBBS, of Chislehurst.
March the 29 day 1632. John Stubs of Chilslyehearst perfect
in heart & mynde doe geue all my moueables wthin doores and
w*hout wholye to Alse Stubs my wyfe to her descretion to dispose
of as shee pleaseth. Item I geue unto Margret Eeedorne (? Freborne)
my daughter aud her two children five pounds to be paid at
three moneths after my discease.
Eobert Goslrige.
The marke of -f Edward Marten.
Christopher Carter.
The mark of Alse Eose.
Admon with same granted to Alice Stubbes widow the relict.
No date given.
I Eieharde Maisters o f . . . . in y° Oountye of Kente one of his
Maties yeomen of . . . .—my bodye . . . . of Ewell in the countye of
Surrey to be buried—to my wiffe Alece all my Lande Liinge in the
countye of Kent for life rem1' to my daughter Alece Stubs and hir
. . . . lawfully© begotten—Other two daughters Joan and . . . .—to
my daughter Elizabeth Barker all that my Lande colled . . . . in y°
parrishe of ffootexay© and to her heirs rem1 to her other two sisters
—to my brother Henrye Maisters—Wife Alece sole Ex'tx & residuary
Legatee. Dated 28 June 1608. Signed by mark. Witnesses
Edward Webb Thomas Tyllye & John Lee. Proved 22 July 1608.
(Prom the original will, which is very much injured by damp, there
being no registered copy.)
1587. 31 Jan. 30ttl Elizth. I Eichard Starkey of Eltham in the
conntie of Kente Cooke—to my daughter Marye Starkey a flock
bedd w'h a payre of sheets &c.—to my daughter Emerye a flocke
bedd a payre of sheetes &c. &c—to my daughter Jane Starkey a cow
a standing bed in the chamber w'h the fetherbedd &c. &c—to my
daughter ffrauncis Starkey a cow a standing bedd &c. &c. these
my youngest daughters under 16—to my godsonne and graundchild
John miles 53—to my godsonne Eichard the sonne of Thomas Batt
12a—-to my godsonne Eichard wilcoxsonne 12a
—to Elizabeth
Stubbes my wiue B daughter a bulloeke that is now almost two yeares
olde—to tobie Stubbes and to Thomas Stubbes my wiue's sonnes
103 a piece and to Tobie I giue a rapier—Wife Elizabeth sole Ex't*
& reside Legatee—mr Jeames Twist our vicar ouer seer to whom 5s
for his pains—The debtes I doe owe are these It'm to Tobie Stubbes
xxs It'm to Thomas Stubbes xx8—Memorand' that whereas my
daughter ffrauncis is deceased her legacies to said wife. Signed by
mark. Witnesses Jeames Tanyst Henry Colhnson William Higges
Thomas Phill Eoger Ashell & Eobert Weekes the two last being
marksmen. Proved in the Consistory Court 18 May 1598.
No. 10. W i n OE PHIME STUBBS, junior, of Eltham.
20 March 1590. I Bhillip Stubbes the younger of Eltham in
the Countie of Kent—to be buried in the parish churchyard of
Eltham so nigh unto my friendes as may be—unto Alice Stubbes
my wiffe all my go odes moveable and unmoveable and for my
houses and land that was bequethed unto me by my father which
lieth and is within the parish of Eltham aforesayd for life if she
keep sa houses in repair, if not, and after her death to my two
sonnes Henry Stubbes and Hughe Stubbes equally, if they both die
S.P. then to my daughters Katherin and Elizabeth Stubbes equally,
also to sa daura £5 a piece when 21—sd wife sole Ex'tx. Overseers
James Twist and my uncle Phillip Stubbes unto whom I bequeth xs
a peece for their paines. Witnesses James Twiste and Philip.
Stubbes. Proved 12 May 1591.
No. 11. W i n OE PVOBEBT STUBBS, of Eltham.
I Bobert Stubbes of Eltham in the Countie of Kent Victualer—
my bodie to be buried in the Churchyard of Eltham—to my mother
Marie Elliott the Wiffe of Walter Elliott tenne poundes—to Henrie
Stubbs the sonne of Phillipp Stubbes deceased 20s —to Hugh
Stubbes the sonne of the foresaid Phillip 20s—to John Burne the
Bonne of Bichard Burne of Eltham Blacksmith 20B—my house wth
the orchard yardes and other edificies about the same wth ap'cell of
land lyinge in Eastefeild by estimac'on halfe an aker to be sold to
pay debts legacies and burial expenses wth fower shillinges to be
given to the poore and f oure dozen of bread and the rem1 of the
money arising therefrom to my cosen John Stubbes the sonne of
Phillipp Stubbes the elder—to Alise Parrie now dwellinge wth my
mother Elliott 5s to be paid also out of money recd for sa house—to
John Kettle my sword and dagger and to Eichard Bourne all my
apparell except my best cloke—all my goodes moveable and ymoueable
unbequeathed to my wiffe Margaret Stubbes—she sole Ex't*.
Overseers William Elliott and my cosen John Stubbes the sonne of
Philip Stubbes. Dated 30 Dec. 1594. Witnesses James Twist
Thomas Lawghton Phillip Stubbes and Eichard Bourne. Proved
14 Feb. 1594.
28 June 1636. I Phillip ffowler of Eastwickham in the County
of Kent yeoman—to be decently buried in the Parrish Church of
WILLS. 223
Eastwickham aforesaid—vnto my eldest daughter Mary Bean the
wife of James Bean of Chatham Shipwright £70 and the Lease of
the Windmill standing in the Parrish of Addington in the County
of Surrey she paying to the heirs of Sir Francis Leigh after his
decease the yearly rent of £4—also to said Mary the greene bedd
and bedsteed with the curtaines and valians &c. &c—vnto my
youngest daughter Elizabeth Fowler £80—Lands Goods & Chattels
except as aforesaid to be sold by Overseers after death of Wife Jane
for the payment of said legacies and the overplus arising therefrom
to bee equally devided betweene the children of Mary Bean and
Jane Stubbs my daughters which are now att this prnte tyme lyving
—vnto my second daughter Jane Stubbs the yellow bedd and bedsteed
with the curtaines and vallians the rug boulster and blancketts
belonging therevnto—more vnto my said youngest daughter Elizabeth
ffowler my silver boule silver salt and all my silver spoones—
vnto my Cosen William Eobinson my Seale ring which 1 ysually
weare upon my finger—vnto the poore of the parrish Eastwickham
abouesesaid 20s—Loving Wife Jane sole Ex'tx & residuary Legatee
•—Loving friends Thomas Williams and George Hampe of East
Wickham Overseers to whom 108 a piece. Witnesses ffra. Cotton
cler. George Hampe. Proved by said Ex't* 9 Sept. 1636. (97 Pile.)
No. 13. W n i OE JANE FOWLEE, mother of JANE STUBBS.
Nuncupative Will of Jane Fowler of Wickham in the County of
Kent Widow dated 26 Aug. 1647. Imprimis I give and bequeath
vnto Mary Bennes my daughter the wife of James Bennes of
Chatham in the County of Kent two shillings and six pence—vnto
Jane Stubbs my daughter the like Biim'e of two shillings and six
pence—Eesidue of Personal Estate after payment of debts and
funeral expenses to my loveing daughter Elizabeth ffowler. Witnesses
Su. Leigh Dorothie Andrewes Joane Buckely. On 14 Oct.
1647 Admon with said Will annexed granted to Elizabeth Powler
the daughter, no Ex01 having been appointed. (197 Fines.) This
will is registered over again at p. 210 Fines, but for what reason
does not appear.
No. 14. Wi n OE JOHN KENT (father of second wife of Philip
" I John Kent the elder of the parish of S* Olave Hartstreete in
London Cittizen and Vintner of London." To be buried "in the
Parish Church of Alhallows Lumbard streete in London at the
upper end of the ffirst Isle in the Eight hand under the Window
where the seate stood." " "Unto my Eldest son John Kent and. to my
Daughter Mercy Stubbs and Elizabeth TJpsher" £5 apiece—
"unto my worthy good ffriends Doctor Josiah Clarke and Mr John
Newton" £5 apiece—"unto my youngest daughter Elizabeth Kent"
£500 when 21 or married. Eesidue of Personal Estate after payment
of Debts &c. to said Wife Ehzabeth and to youngest Son
Dixey equally. Eeversion of Capital Messuage " called the Mannor
house of the Marke " and all other my Messuages Lands &c. " in
the parish of Walthamstowe and Lowe Leyton in the County of
Essex or either of them Except Eight acres of Meadow ground
belonging to the said Capitall Messuage lyeing and being in
Leighton Marsh neere the ffierry house there" &c. settled upon
said Wife for life as her jointure "unto my said youngest sonn
Dixey Kent and to his Heires and Assignes for ever" he paying
Testator's Debts Legacies &c. if said Personal Estate be not sufficient
for that purpose. Said Wife and youngest Son Extx and
Ex01'. SaidDr Josiah Clarke and Mr John Newton Overseers. Dated
14 Dec. 1689. Witnesses " Hen. Lewes Geo. Barry Legh Beale.
Proved by both 23 Dec. 1689.
4 Oct. 1699. Admon to Thomas Stubbs late of Fort S* George in
the East Indies a Bach1 deca was granted to Philip Stubbs the father.
In the Name of God, Amen, I Bhilip Stubbs, Arch Deacon of
S* Albans, being through the mercy of God in good bodily health
as well as perfect and sound in mind and memory, yet considering
the certainty of death, and the uncertainty of the time thereof,
And that I maybe the better prepared to leave this wretched world,
when it shall please God to call me hence, Do therefore make and
declare this my last will and testament, in manner and form following
; that is to say, FIEST and principally I commend my Soul into
the hands of Almighty God my most mercifull Creator, hoping for
pardon and remission of all my sins whether of omission or commission,
And that I may be partaker of eternal happiness in his
heavenly kingdom, through the meritts and mediation of my Blessed
Lord and Saviour, the only Mediator between God and Man, Christ
Jesus. My mortal body in the next place I leave to be interred, in
hopes of a joyfull resurrection, but with as moderate expence as
shall be consistent, with the most private funeral, with this choice
only as to the place, that if I dye at S* Albans I would be buryed
under the Consistorial Court: If at Launton Oxfordshire, in the
Church Yard near to the wall under the middle window of the
Chauncel; If at the Eoyal Hospital Greenwich, in the common
buryal ground the eastern part of it. None to be invited but the
charity children respectively of each place, to whose education I
have many ways contributed, and whom I pray God to succeed so
that they may be continued a blessing to many generations, as well
as the Schools at S* Alfage and Sb James Garlick Hythe, now incorporated
into Cripplegate and Yintry Wards, both first set on foot
by me when Eector of those parishes, and encouraged since by me
till brought to this happy Establishment. Each child for his
attendance and singing the fourth psalm to the place of buryal, to
receive a pair of Lamb Gloves, meaning those of_ S* Albans, The
Eoyal Hospital!, and Bishc* on supposition I dye in or near those
* Probably an error, for Gii^leyate.
WILLS. 225
places; otherwise, wherever the Tree falls there let it lye. And
for such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me
iu this life, be it either reall or personal, goods, chattells, debts,
ready money, plate, books, printed or MSS., (except my sermons
which I desire may be all burnt by my executors before my buryal,)
houshold stuff, or other kind whatsoever or wheresoever (after such
debts as shall happen to be owing by me at the time of my decease,
and funeral charges, are paid and satisfyed) I doe hereby fully and
wholly give, devise, dispose, and bequeath the same unto my dear
and loving wife M1B Mary Stubbs (with whom I have lived these
37 years in faithfull conjugal affection) and to my dear dutifull
daughter Philippa Maria Stubbs conjointly, so that the right and
property continue in my daughter, but the interest and produce of
the whole surplusage to be for the support of her mother, during
her life; and after their decease, to their heirs, executors, administrators,
and assigns for ever. And I do hereby make and. appoint
my said dear and loving wife Mrs Mary Stubbs, and my said dutifull
daughter Philippa Maria Stubbs, to be joynt Executrixes of
this my last will and testament, requesting them to give each of my
sons, William and Charles, a ring of twenty shillings value, in
memory of a loving Father who would have done more for them in
my life time bad it pleased God to enable me further, aud whom I
recommend to their never failing affections in their lives, and at
their deaths, trusting moreover that these my sons will ever remember,
the Bock from whence they were hewn, their Father, a
Christian Priest after the ordering of the Church of Christ Established
Nationally in England, and their mother of the same a true
member. In confidence of whose following their faith and practice
(human frailty "excepted) and their gratefull behaviour towards
their only sister, to whom they have ever been dear, in manifold
instances, I shall lay myself down in peace and take my rest in
God's due time, whom I humbly beseech, as who alone can do so,
to make them all dwell in safety. And in witness that this is my
last will and testament, All others being cancelled, I doe hereunto
set my hand and seal, this tenth day of December 1733.
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Ph. Stubbs
the testator for and as his last will and testament in presence of us
who have subscribed our names in his presence after interlining the
word (declared) as above Tho. G-ataker The mark of Edward Harris
Ann Newling.
This Will was proved at London the thirty-first dav of October
I/TOO " **
No. 17. W i n OE PHIIIPPA MAEIA STUBBS (daughter of Archdeacon
Will of Philippa Maria Stubbs of Bromley co. Kent Spinster.
My body I desire may He near the remains of my much honored
voi. XVIII, n
Mother. To my nephew and nieces Thomas Mary Elizabeth and
Sarah the son and three daughters of my dear brother and to my
brother's two grandchildren the sons of my niece Dufour 5 guineas
each. Whereas by a former will I left the three children of
my nephew Charles Stubbs the same now I leave the £100 my
dear nephew left me to his three children Ann Elizabeth and
WiUiam Trowbridge. To the four children of my niece Grojan 10
guineas each and to Charles Steen the son of my niece Steen 10
guineas. To my cousin Sibill Willis of Brentwood Essex and her
daughter Philippa Maria Willis 5 guineas each. To my friends the
three sisters of Sir George Pocock Miss Eebeeca Kerby and my
cousin Eleanor Coward each a ring of a guinea value. To the
twenty gentlewomen of Bromley College a pair of gloves each as a
small token of the sence I have of the benefit my dear mother
enjoyed in that Society, To Mrs Elizabeth Lambe all my household
goods and to Mxs Dorothy Lambe my wearing apparel. To Mra
Catherine Stell one guinea. To Mre Blany now in the Workhouse
of Bromley and Elizabeth Grainge the wife of Jonathan Grainge
5s each. To the Eev. M1 Bagshaw and my_ dear brother William
Stubbs whom I make my exors twenty guineas each. Eesidue to
my brother with all my books and papers excepting two Common
Prayer Books one for the Eev, M1' Pratt and the other for Mrs Mary
Hildesley. March 3,1772. Witnesses John Derby Mary Janaway.
Proved 2 May 1786 by Wm. Stubbs the brother one of the ex'ors
power reserved to the Eev. Thomas Bagshaw the other ex'or.
No. 18. W i n OE LUCAS STUBBS.
I Lucas Stubbs belonging to their Matiea Shipp " Bristoll"—to M1'
Alexander Gaboon chaplain on board the aforesaid shipp three
Guynnies in considerac'on of preaching a Sermon next Sabbath day
after my decease if soe please God—to Mf John Baxter Chirurgion
of the said ship one guynny he having one pound Seaventeen Shillings
and Six pence of mine to be paid to my Executor—to William
Ellic belonging to the said Shipp all my wareing apparrell and linnen
and Chest and Instruments and other utensill with Tenn Shillings
for a ffunerall ring Item I give if any Legacies hath been left to me
dureing my absence from London to this time to my wellbeloved
Sister Elizabeth Stubbs. The rest and residue of my wages due to
me for my service performed in their Maties Shipp " Bristoll" I give
and bequeath to my loving father Phillip Stubbs Vintner in London
makeing him my sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament if
my said Executor be deceased to be equally divided to my loving
Brothers and Sisters. Dated 5 May 1691. Witnesses John Baxter
Alex1' Colhoun, Proved by Philip Stubbs the father and Exor 11
Feb. 1691-2. (56 Pane.) On 11 Feb. 1691-2 the will of Lueas
Stubbs late belonging to the Eoyal Ship " Bristoll" upon the high
seas deca was proved <&c, (Probate Act Book.)
WILLS. 227
" I Ambrose Bonwicke." " To my Dear Wife all that my Messuage
&c. called " Burford and Boxland" in MicMeham and all other my
Freehold Messuages Lands &c. in that parish for life if she continues
a widow rem1 "to my Son James and his Heirs "he paying £200 "to
his Brother my Son John To which Son John I bequeath moreover "
£200—" to my five Daughters Elizabeth, Dorothea, Winefrid, Henrietta,
and Margaret (my Daughter Mary being already provided for)
to every one of them" £400 when married with their mother's cousent
&e—" to S( John Baptist Colledge in Oxford " £5—" to the Library
of Merchant Taylors' School in London " 20s—" To my Dear ffriend
the Beverend Mr William Musson and to my Brother M1' Samuel
Stubbs" 20s each for a Eing—" to the poor of Eeygate half a certain
sum'e of money which my dear Wife knows of aud the other
half to be equally divided betweene the poor of Headley and of that
parish where I shall be buried"—" I leave my Medals with the
cabinet wherein they are and all my Books to my Son James and
to my Dear Wife "—said Wife sole Extx & residy Legatee—" my
Dear Brother James Bonwick Esqr " to determine any doubt that
may arise about the Will—"I desire my said Dear Brother to
accept a poor Legacy of five pounds." Dated 26 July 1722,
Witnesses William Cawthorpe Nicholas Williams Eobert Arthur.
On 18 Jan. 1722-3 Commission issued to John Bonwicke, Elizabeth
Bonwicke, & Dorothy Bonwicke, the Children & Administrators
of the Goods &c. of Elizabeth Bonwicke decd whilst she lived the
Eelict, Extx, & reside Legatee named in the Will of Ambrose
Bonwicke late of Headly co. Surry deed, to administer the Goods
&c. of the said deca according to the form and effect of the Will,
for that the said Elizabeth Bonwicke Widow the Extx before-nameddied
also before administering. (S Eichmond.)
No. 20. WILI OE WIIIIAM STUBBS, Eegistrar of Eochester
I William Stubbs of the Precincts of the Cathedral Church of
Eochester Gent.—to be buried in the South Aisle of the said
Cathedral Ohurch near the graves of my wife and my infant
children—to my daughter Sarah Dufaur wife of Mr John D. £200
—to my grand son and godson William Joseph Dufaur £10 for
Mourning and also an Annuity of £20 until he attains 21 and
during his Clerkship but no longer—to my niece Mrs Elizabeth
Grojan and to Mrs Thompson wife of M1' Thompson of Vine Street
Piccadilly London, and my kinsman William Stubbes my godson, a
mourning ring each of two Guineas value—Eesidue of Estate whatsoever
after payment of debts and the aforesaid legacies to Mary
* A son of this gentleman by bis wife, nSe Elizabeth Stubbs, is thus alluded
to, m Abbey's "The English Ohurch 1700—1800," vol. i., p. 66: "Ambrose
JBonwioke was not the only example, in tbe generation just before Weslev of
deep and fervent piety in a student" at the universities. Mr. Abbey refers also
to Nichols's Literary Anecdotes, v., 118—136,
(J 2
Stubbs Spinster my daughter—Mr Francis Grojan of Vine Street
aforesaid Attorney, Mr James Farquhar, Proctor Drs Commons
London, and my said daughter Mary Stubbs Exovs and Ex'tx, to each
of whom 10 Guineas for their care and trouble. Dated 17 April
1789. On 16 March 1790 appeared personally Joseph Stevens of
Doctors Commons London Gent, and Thomas Skeffington of the
same Gent, and deposed that they believed the sa Will to have been
written by Testator. Proved 17 March 1790. (154 Bishop.)
I Edward Gascoigne Captain of his Majesty's Ship the Dublin (in
calendar "of Kent")—unto my Sister Elizabeth Macro the Interest
of Two thousand fire hundred pounds which is in three per Cent.
Consohd't4 Bank Stock for the Term of her Natural life—unto my
beloved ffriend and Brother William Stubbs of the Precincts of the
Cathedral Church of Eochester All that House and Houses Messuages
Tenements Yards Gardens thereunto belonging which I purchased
of the Widow Elliott of Eochester for him to have aud to
hold during the Term of his Natural life my Sister the said Elizabeth
Macro having an Appartment therein which I leave ready
ffurnished—all the residue and Eemainder of my Monies which are
in the Bank and South Sea Stock to be Equally Devided between
Thomas Stubbs Mary Stubbs Elizabeth Stubbs and Sarah Stubbs
Son and daughters of the above William Stubbs and my late Sister
Mary Stubbs—The said £2500 after the death of said Sister Elizabeth
to said children equally—to my said Sister Elizabeth Macro
my Eing and Mourning and also Mourning unto the said Thomas
Stubbs Mary Stubbs Ehzabeth Stubbs and Sarah Stubbs. Said
William S. sole Ex01' & reside Legatee. Dated 15 Dec. 1764. Witnesses
John Balling George Hubberd and Susan Balling. Proved
10 Jan. 1765. (16 Eushworth.)
Will of Joseph Thompson of Vine Street in the Parish of S'
James Westminster in the County of Middlesex Esquire—unto my
grand daughter Mary Thompson Wright £3000 3 % Cons. Bank
Ann8—unto my daughter in law Elizabeth Jackson the same—unto
my daughter in law Ann Mawdsley £3000 3 % Eeduced Bank
Ann8—unto my son in law William Troubridge Stubbs the same—
unto Catherine my god daughter now the wife of M1' Nathaniel Carr
of Warmington co. Northampton Farmer £500—unto John Low
Parkinson of Widdington near Stamford co. Lincoln Parmer and to
Ann P. Elizabeth P. and Margaret P. of Northborough near Market
Deeping co. Lincoln and Sarah Carr wife of John O. of Elton co.
Hunt8 Farmer £200 a piece—unto James Crompton of Paddington
co. Middx Esquire and John Groom of Brompton Eow in said co.
Esquire my ExV9 £100 each—to each of the servants living with
me at my decease Mourning to be given—Little Horse, Bridles and
Saddles to be sold and the old Horse shot—Houses, Ground Eents,
WILLS. 229
Household Goods, Furniture, Plate, Linen &c. and Eesidue of
Estate whatsoever to sa Mary Thompson Wright Elizabeth Jackson
Aun Mawdsley and William Troubridge Stubbs equally. Dated
7 Oct. 1812. Witnesses Francis Boring and W. Skillington.
I8' Codicil dated 9 Nov. 1814: Joseph Millington of Foley Place
in the parish of Sb Marylebone in the county of Middlesex Surgeon
to be ExV instead of James Crompton and to have same legacy of
£100. 2nd Codicil dated : Testator's goddaughter Catherine
Carr being then dead he gives her legacy of £500 to her husband
Mr Nathaniel 0. of Warmington co. Northampton in trust for
the benefit of his four children by her viz. Edward, Catherine,
Joseph & Eliza. Witness Elizabeth Jackson. On 13 May 1822
appeared personally William Troubridge Stubbs of Allsops Buildings
in the parish of S* Marylebone in the county of Middx Gentleman
and deposed that he well knew Testator formerly of Warwick
Street Golden Square afterwards of Vine Street Piccadilly but late
of Great Marlborough Street in the parish of S' James'Westminster
in the county of Middx Esquire who died 1 May Inst, and bhat he
believed the said Will and Codicils to be in his own proper handwriting.
Proved 15 May 1822 by John Groome Esq1 and Joseph
Millington Esq1' the ExV8 . (284 Herschell.)
No. 23. Will of William Stubbs,* of mrt7ifleet.
15 July 1553. I William Stubbes of the parishe of Nort7iflete
in the Countie of Kent yoman—to the churche boxe of Northflete
towardes the repa'c'ons of the same churche twentie shilhnges—to
euery of the poore householders of the said p'ish of Northflete that
haue no ploughe going a busshell of malte to be delyuered to euery
of them ageynst Christmas next—to eu'y of my godchildren xijd a
pece—to every of my wiefe's children twentie shillinges a pece—to
my suster Alice xxs—to my said suster Alice's doughter and her
sonne xx8 a pece—to Elizabeth Eussell my suster Jone's doughter
xl3 And to Eobert Eussell her brother xx8 And to Joane Eussell
their suster xx8—to Henry my brother's sonne xxs and to his suster
Joane twentie shillinges— to my brother John my best Cote and my
best Cloke—to euery of my se'unts nowe being of my household
iij8 iiija
a pece—And as for all my landes tenementes and other
hereditamentes with their appurten'nces set lying and being in
Northflete and Gravesende in the Countie of Kent I will and by
thies p'nts give & bequeathe to Joane my wief for terme of her lief
naturall And the remaynder therof after her decease to Thomas my
brother's sonne and to th'eyres of the bodye of the same Thomas
laufuTly begotten foreuer. And for want of suche yssue the
remaynder therof to Henry his brother and to th'eyres of his bodye
laufully begotten foreuer. And for want of suche yssue the
remaynder therof to Willyam Stubbes th'eldest sonne of my brother
John Stubbes and to the heyres of the same Willyam for euer.
* The connection, of the makers- of the following wills with the Eltham
family, cannot be traced.
Item as for my bargayne and purchase of all suche landes whiche I
late bought of our late soueraigne Lorde the Kinge of one John
Swaynslande I will and bequeathe them to my said Cozen Thomas
and to his heyres for euer more any thing before reherced to the
contrary notwithstanding And yf he caynofc recover and enjoie the
said late purchased Landes Then I will that he shall recover take
and haue to his owne use all suche somes of money as I haue paide
for the same purchase Whereof I will that my said wief shall haue
Thyrtie poundes she bearing the costes and charges of the sute for .
recovering thereof And if my said Cosyn Thomas recover the said
purchased Landes or any parcell of them then I will that my said
wief shall haue and enjoie the same during her said lief she paying
the costes and charges for the Eecou'y of the same And also paying
to hym yerely during her said lief three pounds at two tymes
usuall And as for Lease Landes I will that my said wief shall haue
during her said lief paying th'accustomyd Eentes and doing as I by
the said Leases therof am bounde to doo And after her decease I
will that my said cosyn Thomas his Exeoutours and assignes shall
haue all the saide lease Landes and the saide Leases for and during
the yeres which then shalbe in the said Lease to com'—Wife Joan
sole Ex'tx
and reside Legatee—my welbeloved freinds Willyam
Vaughan of Dartfurth in the said Countie of Kent and Eobert Hall
of Myltou in the said Countie Supervisors, to each of whom for
their pains 20s . Witnesses Ed. Harde Thomas Boys Mathew
Smyth Anthony Talven Eichard Swan Thomas Marten & Eobert
Pole s'unte to the said Thomas Marten. Proved 14 Oct. 1553.
No, 24. Will of Joan Stubbs, widow, of Swanscombe and JVbrthjlete.
3 May 23 Bhzth. I Johan Stubbes of the p'ishe of Swanscombe—
my bodie to be buried w'hin the p'ishe Churche yarde of Northflete—
unto the poore people of the p'ishe of Northflete xxtie Dozen of
breade to be distributed at my buriall and a virkin of beere—unto
the poore people of the p'ishe of Swanscombe xx3—unto Audrey my
daughter foure powndes of good and lawfull money of England
one of my fine shetes &c.—unto Johan Dunmowe th'elder one
of the daughters of Audrie my Daughter one greate kettell
aud one greate Cheste—unto Johan Dunmowe the younger one
small brasse pott one small kettell and one small cheste—unto
Johan Dunmowe the elder & unto Johan Dunmowe the yonger my
olde featherbed w*h ij bolsters a Coverlette and my best blanckett—
unto Katherine Kaed xx3—unto Bridgett Knolden xxa when 16 (said •
Johan Dunmowe the elder and Johan D. the younger under 18) —
unto Agnes Harden daughter of my Cozen John Harden a ioyned
bedstedde a mattris withe ij curteins &c.
On a Roman Ring found at Milton-by-Sittingbourne