Roses Farm in Broomfield

( 251 ) ROSES EARM IN BROOMEIELD. COMMUNICATED BY J. D. NOBWOOD, ESQ. EXTBACTS from Deeds and Documents relating to EOSES PABM, situate in the parishes of Broomfield and Hlcomb, in the County of Kent. 10 Hen. VI., 4th Oct1 [1432]. EIOHAED MONDE of the parish of Broomfield conveys to his Son Wilham Monde of Broomfield, Land with all Houses &c called Wattyshagh formerly called Tame. 25 Hen. VI . [1447]. ALICIA TOMLYN (Widow of JOHN TOMEYN of Broomfield) releases to WILLIAM MONDE three acres of Land called East Graft. 37 Hen. VI. [1459]. WILLIAM MONDE of Broomfield enfeoffs WILLIAM Eoos of three acres of Land lying together in the field called East Croft. 39 Hen. VI . [1461]. WILLIAM MONDE of Broomfield conveys to WILLIAM EOSE of Broomfield a Messuage with garden adjacent and five pieces of Land namely, 1, Qolverhagh; 2, The Hemp Hagh; 3, Ci'ostonnysmede ; 4, Crostonshawes; 5, Battyscroft. N.B. It is stated iu the indorsement on this Deed that BETER G-BYME inhabited the above House. 1461. WILLIAM MONDE conveys to WILLIAM EOSE personalty. 5 Edw. IV., 20tb Dec1' [1466]. WILLIAM MOSEWELL of Broomfield conveys to WILUAM MONDE and WILLIAM EOSE Land called Stone Bridge in Ulcomb. I Eichard III. , 20 Peb1? [1483]. WILLIAM EOSE the Elder, of Broomfield, conveys to WILLIAM EOSE the Younger, son of JOHN EOSE of Wye. 13 Hen. VIL, Septr 4 [1497]. JOHN MASON of Broomfield conveys to WILLIAM EOSE of Eaversham three pieces of Land:—No. 1 infields called Banberyfeldes; Wo. 2 contains 1 | acre adjacent to •No. 1; No. 3 contains l-^ acre. Query, to whom did Wr a Eose sell these premises ? Or did he dispose of them by Will ? I I Eliz. [1569], EICHABD WAEHAM, of Wingham, Gent., conveys to EDWARD WABHAM of Patrixbourne, three Messuages or tenements, and 60 acres of Land, in Broomfield and Ulcomb, in the occupation of JOHN PETHEESTONE. 28 Eliz. 20th July [1586], WILLIAM WAEHAM of Hothfield in Kent Gent1 1 conveys to NICOLAS MILLER, of Wrotham, Yeoman, one messuage or tenement, outhouses & 63 (?) acres of Land situate iu the parishes of Broomfield and LTlcomb in the occupation of JOHN WELEEE (Cooper), 252 BOSES EABM IN BBOOMPIELD. 4 James I., 1s t April [1606], WALTEB TAYLOR, of HoUingbourne, Gent", conveys to NICOLAS MILLEB the Elder, of Wrotham, Gent", in consideration of £132, 23 acres of Land in Broomfield, abutting to land of the said NICOLAS MILLBB against the east—Also 5 acres abutting to land of the said NICOLAS MILLEB east west north and south-—All which premises were then in the occupation of JOSEPH HATCH.* 12 Charles I. [26 July 1636]. JAMES MILLEB (youngest son of NICHOLAS MILLER, of Wrotham, in Kent, Esq113) conveys to SOLOMON WOOD, of Wormeshill, Gentn , Boses Earm, in consideration of £532 16s.; namely, All that Manor Lordship Messuage or tenement in Broomfield known by the name of the Manor of Boses, situate in the parishes of Broomfield, Ulcomb, and Leeds, or some or one of them, then or late in the tenure or occupation of PETER HUNT and JOSEPH HATCH. 8th Pebr 1717. EIOHAED WOOD (Grandson to the above named SOLOMON WOOD) subsequently became owner of Boses Earm, and by his Will, of this date, devised the same (subject to his Wife having a life interest in a half part) equally between his five children, JOHN WOOD, SOLOMON WOOD, GEORGE WOOD, ANN WOOD, and BESJAMIN WOOD. His Will was proved in the Archdeacon's Court of Canterbury 21s t of May 1718. 25 and 26 March 1724. JOHN WOOD, SOLOMON WOOD, and GEORGE WOOD convey by Lease and Belease their three-fifth parts of the above premises to WILLIAM COX in fee. 9 and 10 Nov1' 1726. ANN WOOD, Spinster, conveys by Lease and Eelease her one-fifth part of the above premises to WILLIAM Cox, of Eoses Parm. 28 and 29 Septr 1735. BENJAMIN WOOD conveys by Lease and Eelease his one-fifth part of the above premises to the said WILLIAM COX in fee simple. 26 April 1740. WILLIAM COX, by his Will of this date devised his messuage, farm, lands and premises " wherein he then lived," in Broomfield, to his son BOBERT COX in fee simple. This WILLIAM Cox died in 1743, and his Will was proved in the Archdeacon's Court of Canterbury, 13 Sept. 1743. # On a tombstone in Broomfield Churchyard is this epitaph:—" Here lyeth the body of Joseph Hatoh of Ulcombe, Bellfounder, who departed this life the 14th day of September in the year 1639; beside of his Mother and of his Brethren, aged 78 years."


The Vicars of Thornham-cum-Aldington


Report (1888) on the Discoveries in the Crypt of Canterbury Cathedral