The Vicars of Thornham-cum-Aldington

( 243 ) THE YICAPvS OE THOUNHAM-CUMALDINGTON. BY BEV. JOHN CAVE-BKOWNE, M.A. THE parish of Thornham, called in Domesday Book Turnham, and in the Lambeth Eegisters uniformly Thorneham, appears to have originally comprised two principal manors—'that of Thornham proper and that of Aldington—each having its own church; both manor houses and churches lying within half a mile of each other. Aldington was subsequently divided into two parts, which were distinguished by the names of Aldington Septvans and Aldington Cobham; these were eventually reunited in the person of Henry Brokehill, in the time of Queen Ehzabeth. The history of the two neighbour churches, with which we are specially concerned, for many years ran side by side, though not quite in parallel hues, until after frequent convergence and collision the one was merged into the other, and that of Aldington eventually disappeared in the united parish of Thornham. In the days of the Confessor the manor and advowson of the church of Thornham were held by Sybern Biga, but at the time of the Domesday Survey they were held under Odo, Bishop of Baieux, hy Eadulphus de Curvaspina (Ealph de Crookthorne or Orowthorn), from whom they passed into the hands of Grilbert Magminot; and from his descendants they were held by a family which took its name from the place, of whom Eobert de Thorneham was the representative in the reign of Henry I I . This Eobert de Thorneham by charter conveyed the church, with its advowson and certain lands in the parish, for the endowment of an abbey of the Augustinian Order at Combewell, better known in after years as Cumbwell, near Goudhurst, in this county. Stephen de Thurnehana, the survivor of his two sons, confirmed this grant, which was ratified in a charter of " Inspeximus" by Henry III. Prom the smallness of the endowment the character of the house was a few years after changed from an Abbey into a Priory.* Thus the Vicarage of Thorneham became from that * The income being small and inadequate to support the dignity of an abbot Arohbishop Stephen Langton, about the year 1215, on the representation of the Convent, consented to reduce the Abbey to a Priory. The original Charter for this reduction is preserved among the " Cumbwell Priory Leeds," in the College of Arms; and also the Charter of Inspeximus and Confirmation by the Prior and Convent in tho year 1254 They are printed in extenso in Archeeoloaia Oantiana, thei former in Vol!. V„ p. 214 (Charter XVIII.) j the latter in fol. VI., p. 211 (Charter XLIV-), B. 2 2 4 4 THE VICARS OE THOBNHAM-CUM-ALBINGTON. time an appanage of Combewell Priory. Philipott is clearly incorrect in stating (Yillare Cantianum, p. 341) that it was to the college at Lingfield that Eobert de Thorneham granted this church ; with which, he goes on to say, " it remained cloistered up till the general suppression " ; for as will appear, every presentation to the Vicarage from 1300 to 1582 is expressly recorded in the Lambeth Eegisters, Moreover it would seem to have been one of the best and most important pieces of Church preferment in the gift of the Priory j for, with two exceptions, each of the successive Vicars is styled " Capellanus," as having belonged to the Priory body. Unfortunately from the loss of all the earlier registers, through Abp. Pulwardby's carrying them off to Borne, it is impossible to trace the series back beyond the time of Abp. Peckham or rather his successor Abp. Eeynolds, in whose Primacy occurs the first name we can place on the list of VIOAES OE THOBNHAM. CULIELMUS DE MOLESSCHE, on whose resignation was appointed JOSEPHUS DE OODWTUESTONE, Capellanus, 1316. (Beynold's Bey., f. 16b.) After whom came HUGO DE HOMOS', Presbiter, 1322, on resignation. (Ibid., f. 31b.) EICABDUS DE EEBESTOS, 1323, on resignation. (Ibid., f. 250b.) JOHAOTJES DE LEDES, Capellanus, 1326, on resignation. (Ibid., f. 256a.) HENEICUS DE THYNDEME, 1326, on death. (Ibid., f. 264b.) CULIEDMUS DE SrADEwoRTH. No date given. G-ADEREDUS SMYTH, 1364, on death. (Islep's Beg., f. 306b.) CraiEi/Mtrs PYGHTESLE, 1368. (Wittlesey's Beg., f. 69b.) JOHAOTES DE MAIDXM-G, 1385. (Gourtenay's Beg., f. 257b.) EOGEBUS HOETOH-. Wo date given. JoHATsnsrES PBESIOM", 1425, on death. (Qhichele's Beg., f. 158b.) THOMAS BESLE, 1427, on resignation. (Ibid., f. I7lb.) JOHAS-KES MASHAM,* 1433. (Ibid., f. 199\) But before following on the list of its subsequent Vicars, some account must be given of the sister church belonging to the adjacent manor of Aldington. This manor had according to Domesday Book been held by one Ansgotus de Boucestre, but within the next century it had passed into the hands of Willelmus filius Heltonis (William Bitz-Helto), who appears to have also granted the advowson of the Church of St. Peter attached to it to Combewell Priory. The following is the list, as far as the Lambeth Eegisters help us, of the VIOAES OE ADDINCWOK : NAME. WiLEDMtrs MAESCAD, Diaconus. BOBEBTUS KYLESBY, Presb. DATE. 1279 1352 PATRON. Prior and Convent. Abp. by lapse. AUTHORITY. Beckham's Beg., f. 40", Islep's Beg., f. 261a. * The two vicarages seem to have been united in the person of John Masham, who had been appointed to Aldington in 1431, and the record, of his appointment to Thornham two years after is expressly to the joint cure of " Thorneham cum Aldington." THE VICABS OE THOBNHAM-CUM-ALDINGKEON. 245 NAME. EOBEBTUS DE DEBBY, Presb. JOHANNES WYNTEOH, Presb. HEFBIOUS BORDYNSTON, Presb. WlLLELMUS TAILLOUB, Presb. JOHANNES TAILLOB, Presb. •WILLELMUS WYLLYM, Capell. JOHANNES MASSAM, Capell. DATE. 1353 1354 1370 1372 1382 1418 1431 PATRON. Abp. by lapse. Prior and Convent. Ditto. Abp. by lapse. Prior and Convent, Ditto. Ditto. AUTHORITY. Islefs Beg., f. 266b. Ibid., f. 267tt. Sudbury's Beg.,i.l27b. Witflesey's Beg., f. 93b. Oourtenay's Beg., f. 248a. Qhichele's Beg., f. 96*. Ibid., f. 191a. Prom this it will be seen that the church at Aldington fared far worse in the appointment of its Vicars than its neighbour of Thornham had done, for no less than three times within twenty years (1352—1372) did the nomination lapse to the Archbishop through the neglect or indifference of the Prior and Convent. Moreover, on several occasions the Archbishop felt called upon to interfere, as it lay in his diocese, for the better regulation of ecclesiastical affairs in the parish. Por instance,.in 1369, within a few weeks of his coming to the Primacy, Archbishop Wittlesey found the church of Aldington in so neglected a condition, " without Vicar or even Curate," that he called on "William Pyghtesle, then Vicar of Thornham, to undertake all the necessary spiritual duties there.* The foUowing year the Combewell Priory exercised their right of nomination, and appointed Henry Pordington, and two years after William Taillour was instituted by the Archbishop by lapse. Between him, however, and the Prior and Convent, a very serious dispute arose as to the Vicarial income, which was settled by the Archbishop assigning the * Willelmus, etc., etc., dilecto filio domino Willelmo de Pyghtesle, Vicario Ecolesie Parochialis_ de Thorneham nostre Diocesis, salutem in Christo. Cum nos Vicariam Ecolesie Paroohialis de Aldyngton juxta Thorneham Decanatus de Sutton nostre Diocesis Vicario et alio Curato quocunque penitus destitutam et carentem propter illius exilitatem et alias causas veras (per ?) literas in hac parte moventes, Vicarie Ecolesie de Thorneham predicte eidem unione conjungere intendimus et unire ad gerendum igitur interim Curam Vicarie dicte Ecclesie de Aldyngton et animarum Parochianorum ejusdem et administrandum eisdem sua sacramenta efc saoramentalia Eoolesiastica in Ecclesia de Thorneham predicte seu in ipsa Ecclesia de Aldyngton quotient opus •£uerit piout melius videris expedire neonon ad percipiendum recipiendum et habendum omnes et omnimodas oblationes decimas et obventiones ad Vicariam dicte Ecolesie de Aldyngton et ejus Vicarium pertinentes de consuetudine ordinatione, ut de jure tibi nostra auotoritate ordinaria plena concedimus potestate. Curamque oinnem supradictam Vicario ejusdem qui pro tempore fuerit inoumbens non obstante quod dicte Ecclesie de Thorneham Vioarius perpetuus existens per te Vel alium interim exercendam admittimus et committimus per presentes quendani nobis placuerit darature. Datum Londini sub sigillo nostro quo uthnur in ^presenti Vto Id. Peb. Anno Domini Mccoixvni. {Wittlesey's Register, fol. 2b.) 246 THE VICABS OE THOBNHAM-CUM-ALDINGTON. entire income to the Vicar, subject to the payment of ten shillings twice a year to the Priory. To the letter which conveyed this decision of the Archbishop a special interest attaches. It was dated 4 June 1374, and a note is appended to the entry in the Lambeth Eegister that on the following day Archbishop Wittlesey died.* So it would seem that one of Archbishop Wittlesey's last official acts was to endeavour to promote order and peace at Aldington, as one of his first had been. The Prior and Convent continued to exercise the right of appointing to- Aldington as distinct from Thornham, and for two turns Archbishops Courtenay aud Chichele accepted and instituted their nominees ; only the latter Archbishop, in the case of William Wyllym in 1418, imposed a condition of regular residence (continue et personaliter residendum). However, in 1433 Archbishop Chichelef again endeavoured to bring about the union, but apparently with little success, for in 1453 Archbishop Kempef found it necessary to make another attempt to enforce it. But it was left to Archbishop Warham to carry out the final annexation of Aldington to Thornham. $ * Compositio inter Priorem et Conventum de Combewell et Vicarium de Aldington. (Wittlesey's Register, f. 68*.) Omnibus in Christo fidelibus qui presentes literas inspectitis Willelmus Dei providentia Cantuariensis Archiepiseopus, etc., etc, salutem in Domino sempiternam. Cum nuper inter Beligiosos viros Priorem et Conventum de Combewell ordinis S. Augustini nostre Diocesis Ecolesiam Parochialem de Aldynton juxta Berghstede dicte nostre Diocesis in proprios usus obtinentes ex parte una, et dominum Willelmum Taillour ejusdem Ecclesie Paroohialis nunc Vicarium ex altera, occasione exilitatis Vicarie predicte oria coram nobis fuisset materia questionis sive litis, nos tandem pro bono pacis et utilitate dicte Ecclesie et animarum Parochianorum ejusdem, de consensu dicti Prioris et Conventus ac domini Willelmi Vicarii superdicti expresso, etiam auotoritate nostra ordinaria, ordinavimus et statuimus quod dictus dominus Willelmus Vicarius pro toto tempore suo, et sui successores qui pro tempore fuerint, pro suis temporibus successivis percipient et habebunt nomine Vicarie sue predicte et norcionis ejusdem omnes et omnimodas oblationes ao decimas tarn majores quam minores et obventiones alias quascunque ad diotam Ecolesiam pertinentes et missa Parochiani provenientes qualiacunque, et dictus dominus Willelmus Vicarius et successores sui predicti solvent annuatim dictis Priori et Conventui in Prioratu eorundem de Combewell decem solidos sterlingos ad duos anni temiinos viz. ad Pestam Omnium Sanctorum et Pascham per equates porciones ferio obvencionum et decimarum quas dicti Beligiosi viri nomine dicte Ecclesie percipere consueverant et habere; dictus insuper dominus Willelmus Vicarius et successores sui qui pro tempore fuerint omnia onera eidem Ecclesie inoumhentia qualitercunque tarn ordinaria quam extraordinaria, etiam que dictus Prior et Conventus ibidem subire solebant subeant et agnoscant. Que omnia et singula per presentes nostras literas xatificamus appiobamus et etiam confirmamus. In cujus rei testimonium sigilhun nostrum feoimus hiis apponi. Datum apud Lamheth iij non. Junii MCCCLXXIIIT (1374). Memo, written by contemporary hand at foot of this entry: "Die lune viz. quinto die mensis Junii Anno Domini Mccciixxntj bone memorie dominus Willelmus de Wittlesey Cantuariensis Archiepiseopus in Manerio suo de Lamheth obiit." t Arehceologia Cantiana, Vol, II,, p. 29. % So deplorable did he,find the state of things, " disputes, complaints, contentions, controversies " being the order of the day between the two parishes, or THE VICABS OE THOBNHAM-CUM-ALDING-TON. 247 JOHANNES MANNING-, 1455. (Bourchier's Beg,, f. 62b . ) JACOBUS CHIBOHE. NO date given. (See Newton's Maidstone, p. 39, among the Wa rdens of Corpus Christi Braternity.) JOHANNES PBATT. ISTO date given. BOBEBTUS HABBYS, 1487, on resignation. (Morton's Beg., f. 132a.) • rather between Edward Brokehill, the then Lord of the Manor, with the inhabitants of Aldington on the one hand, and the Prior of Combewell with the Vicar of Thornham on the other, that with the concurrence of the Prior and Convent, who were the patr'ons of both churches, Archbishop Warham, as apparently the only means of restoring peace and harmony, adopted the strong measure of enforcing union between the two parishes by ordering that all services, except on special days, should be discontinued at Aldington, which should henceforth cease to be a parish; that if Mr. Brookehill desired to have any masses performed there, all must be at his own expense; there being only reserved for him and his wife the right of burial in the Aldington burial-ground; that the celebration of the Sacrament should be utterly discontinued there, and all Sacramental vessels removed; that the font should be utterly demolished; that in future all tithes, oblations, .etc., belonging to Aldington should be paid to the Vioar of Thornham, and that the Churoh of Thornham should henceforth be for all uses and purposes the Parish Church for both manors. The original letter runs thus (Abp. Parker's Register, vol. ii., f. 91b): Universis, etc., etc. Willelmus (Warham), etc., etc. Cum nuper coram nobis certe lites querele discordie et controversie occasione celebrationis Divin-- orum et administrationis Sacramentorum et Sacramentalium in Ecclesia sive Capella de Aldington Ecolesie Parochiali de Thorneham nostre Diocesis Cantuariensis unita et annexa ac super unione hujusmodi inter Edwardum Brokehil et alios inhabitantes Ville sive Hamelette de Aldington predicte ex una, ac Priorem et Conventum Monasterii sive Prioratus de Ombwell Bectores sive Proprietaries Ecclesie sive Capelle de Aldington predicte, necnon Magistrum Bioardum Hewes (Hughes ?) Vicarium perpetuum prefate Ecclesie ParoohiaUs de Thorneham una oum dicta Capella de Aldington eidem Ecclesie, ut prefertur, unita et annexa ex altera orte fuerint et pendebant. Tandem partes predicte pro bono pacis in futuro inter eos habende super Utibus querelis discordiis et controversiis hujusmodi inierunt inter se concordia in hune (qui sequitur) modum. Imprimis conventum concordatum et conolusum est inter partes prediotas quod indie S. Petri ad vinoula dictus Vicarius de Thorneham pro tempore existens celebrabit seu celebrari faoiet per Capellanum Seoularem Missam utrasque Vesperas et Matutinas congruo et debito tempore juxta modum consuetum aliarum Ecelesiarum. in hujusmodi festo usitatum in dicta Ecclesia sive Capella de Aldington ab antiquo diote Ecolesie de Thorneham unita et annexa eo quod supradiota Capella unita ut prefertur fuit in honore ejusdem S. Petri ereota, necnon in die . . . . (on four appointed festivals). Item conventum concordatum et conolusum est inter partes memoratas quod confirmatur unio give annexio alias facta de Ecclesia de Thorneham et Aldington predictis per bone memorie Johannem (Kempe, 1453) quondam Cantuariensem Arohiepisoopum predeoessorem meum. Item conventum concordatum et conolusum est inter partes prediotas quod prefatus Edwardus Brockehil ao ejus heredes et successores necnon inhabitantes quicumque in manerio vocato Aldington Manerio invenient et preparabunt omnia ornamenta et aha necessaria ad oultum Divinum ibidem celebrandum et ministrandum dictis festo et diebus juxta formam superius l-eoitatam. Item, etc., etc. (ut supra) quod licebit eidem Edwardo Brookehil habere unum Capellanum Seoularem ad celebrandum ibidem (Missas?) pro animabus amicorum suorum diebus non feriatis suis propriis sumptibus et expensis absque prejudioio Ecclesie Paroohialis et Vicarie do Thorneham prediotis. Item (ut supra) quod prediotus Edwardus de Brokehill et ejus uxor eligent sibi sepulturam'in dicta Capella sive Cimiterio de Aldington 2 4 8 THE VICABS OE THOBNHAM-CUM-ALDINOTON. EICHOEAUS HAEBYSON, 1504, on resignation. (Warliam's Beg., f. 32la . ) G-ULIELMUS MASSE, 1506, on resignation. (Ibid., f., 328b.) EICARDUS HEWES (HUGHES ?). In 1526-7 he was Vicar. predicto et quod Vicarius de Thorneham pro tempore existens vel ejus deputatus seneli et eosdem et non plures salvo jure semper dicte Ecolesie et Vicarie de Thorneham. Item, etc., etc. (ut supra) quod Capellanus ibidem sic celebrans prestabit j uramentum a presbiteriis stipendariis juxta constitutum pro unione in ea parte edita proinde late ac debite publicata prestari solitur prefato Vicario de Thorneham cuiounque pro tempore existenti. Item, etc, etc (ut supra) quod imposterim diota Capella de Aldington non vocetur Ecolesia Paroohialis, sed penitus extinguatur, neque licebit in f uturo alioui ministrare ibidem aliqua Sacramenta vel Sacramentaria exceptis diebus antedictis et quod inhabitantes ibidem imposterim vocentur Parochiani de Thorneham. Item, etc, etc. (ut supra) quod Sacramentum Eucharisticum non remaneat in dicta Capella in pixide et si ibidem remaneat tunc licebit Vicario de Thorneham pro tempore existenti hujusmodi Sacramentum una cum pixide ad dictam Ecolesiam de Thorneham sua propria auotoritate deferre. Item, etc., etc. (ut supra) quod non licebit alioui Presbitero Seculari vel Begulari baptizare aliquem in fonte Baptizmali ibidem nunc erecto vel in f uturo erigendo et quod hujusmodi fons nunc erectus vel erigendus demoliatur extinguatur et penitus tollatur per dictum Vicarium et ejus successores suis propriis auctoritatibus. Item, etc, etc. (ut supra) inter Priorem et Conventum de Combewell, dicte Bcclesie de Thorneham et Capelle de Aldington eidem Ecolesie unite et annexe proprietaries, et prefatum Magistrum Bioardum Hewes (sic) Vicarium antediotum quod ipse Magister Bicardus Hewes toto et omni tempore suo et sui successores omnes et singuli ibidem Vioarii perpetuis futuris temporibus habebunt et eorum quilibet habebit omnia et singula decimas majores et minores nuptas et minutas ao alia emolumenta queounque provenientia et existentia infra fines et limites Capelle et Hamelette de Aldington etiam glebam eidem Capelle ab antiquo spectantem et pertinentem in redemptionem et commutationem cujusdam annue pensionis quam Vicarius de Thorneham pro tempore existens habere recipere et vendicare solebat ab eadem Ecolesia et Bectoria de Thorneham predicta. Unde nos Willelmus Arohiepiscopus Cantuariensis Primas et Legatus antediotus oupiens et volens summopere ut hujusmodi lites discordie querele controversie pretextu premissorum exorte et aliquando contumate omnino paoifiuentur extinguentur et in perpetuum tollantur ac ut pax firma unitas concordia tranquilitas et amicitia uti inter bonos Christanos fieri decet inter partes superius nominatas eorum suocessores pro perpetuis futuris temporibus habeantur et foveantur. Instantiam petitionem et supplicationes partium predictarum et de earum expresso consensu et assensu dicta conoordia et cetera promissa quatenus ad nos attinet et de jure possumus auotoritate nostra ordinaria approbamus acceptamus pariter et ratificamus eaque omnia et singula superius recitata rate et grate habemus pariter et accepta eisque assensum et consensum nostros prebemus expressos necnon unionem annexionem et incorporationem alias de Ecolesia sive Capella de Aldington predicta prefate Ecclesie Parochiali de Thorneham per bone memorie Johannem quondam Cantuariensem predecessorem nostrum faotam confirmamus et roboramus et ad majorem cautelam nostram Ecolesiam sive Capellam de Aldington diotam Ecclesie Parochiali de Thornebam ad instantiam petitionem et supplicationem partium predictarum et de earum expresso consensu de novo unionimus anneximus et incorporamus auotoritate nostra ordinaria per presentes. _ Datum in Manerio de Otteford seoundo die mensis Januarii Anno Domini Millesimo Quinquagesimo viginti-sexto, et nostre translationis viginti-tertio. Et nos Prior et Conventus antedioti omnia et singula premissa superius specifioata approbamus acceptamus et ratificamus. In cujus rei testimonium sigillum nostrum apposuumis datum in domo nostra Capitulari xxx die mensis predicte anno supradioto. THE VICABS OE THOBNHAM-CUM-ALDINGTON. 249 THOMAS HUGHES, 1531, on resignation. (Warham's Beg., f. 405b.) EICARDUS HUGHES, 1532, on resignation. (Ibid., f. 416a.) This Eichard Hughes, in whose incumbency the union was determined, was the last nominee of Combewell Priory to the Thornham Vicarage. Within five years of his appointment it had shared the fate of all the smaller Priories, and the advowson had been granted to Sir John Gage, Comptroller of the Eoyal Household. Prom him it soon passed to Sir Edward Wotton, who already owned Thornham manor, which he inherited through a daughter and heiress of the Corbies, a family whose name still lingers in the parish, attached to some fields lying near the church farm. Prom the Wottons it passed to the Derings, then by sale to a succession of lay patrons. Eichard Hughes died in the year 1550, and Sir Edward Wotton then exercised the right of presentation in favour of EALPH BAESHALL (Granmer's Begister, f. 411b), in whose case and that of each successor the appointment is expressly made to the Vicarage of Thornham cum Aldington. After him came EOBERT GI-RENEHODE, 1553. (Granmer's Beg., f. 423\) WILLIAM MEBIOK, 1572, on death. (Bar7cer's Beg., f. 91b.) ANTHONY BEOWNSTONE, 1587. (Whitgift's Beg., 1. 476a.) THOMAS BEINOLD,1597. (Hasted's History.) BENJAMIN CHARRIER, S.T.P., 1599.* (WJdtgift's-Bey., f. 256b.) JOHN CROMPE, M.A., on deposition, 1614. (Abbot's Beg., f. 408.) This John Crompe is the only one of the Vicars of Thornham of whom any history has been traced out. He belonged to Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, and was the author of a volume of sermons entitled " Collections out of St. Augustine and some other Latine writers, upon the first part of the Apostles' Creed, etc., first preached in his parish church of Thornham and now enlarged for more public use," dated 1638. He dedicates his little volume to " Katherine Lady Stanhope, Dowager," whom he styles " the present patroness of my Living," and goes on to say " from your family I received not only the first but all the points of my present maintenance," an allusion which is explained by her having been the eldest daughter of Thomas, Lord Wotton, and having married Henry, Lord Stanhope. Each of the five preceding vicars had also been appointed, on the presentation of members of the Wotton family. Then followed the period of the Commonwealth, during which John Crompe seems to have been left in undisturbed performance of his duties, and tbe little parish to have been spared the excitement of some Puritan intruder. On his death, the year after the Eestoration, and after a peaceful incumbency of nearly half a century, one John Q-odden, belonging apparently to a Thornham family, and of the City of London, who had purchased the advowson presented William Sutton. ' * Benjamin Charrier tendered his resignation in 1613, but it was refused and he was formally deprived in the following year, when John Cronwe was appointed. e 250 THE VICABS OS THOBNHAM-CUM-ALDING-TON. WILLIAM SUTTON, 1661. (Juccon's Beg., f. 129s .) Prom Mr. Q-odden the advowson seems to have passed to James Herbert, Esq., and Judith his wife, who presented, on the death of William Sutton, HENBY DERING in 1673. (Sheldon's Beg., f. 359&.) JONATHAN SOAN, 1720. (Wake's Beg., f. 314V) Jonathan Soan was presented to the benefice by Colonel William Cage, whose son John (Hasted says) sold the manor and advowson to Sir Edward Dering. Hasted also states that Sir Edward, in 1740, sold the advowson of the vicarage to Joseph Smallwell, who again sold it, in 1753, to Mr, Henry Hodson. This gentleman presented his son and heir to the benefice in 1768. Prom the Hodsons it passed to the Phillips, the Wilder, and the Burney families. Mr. Soan was of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, and was elected Pellow of Pembroke College in 1712. Thornham Parish Ohurch retains substantial evidence of his liberality and piety in the silver paten which bears the following touching inscription:—" Tua ex Puis, Deus Jesu, | in usumque Tui, apud Thornhamenses, | in Agro Cantiano, Altaris, ] E manibus J. Soan, Viearii, indigni, j recipere digneris. Amen. | A.D. 1747." HENRY HODSON, 1768, on death. (Acts and Institutions.) Henry Hodson was also Eector of Sandhurst, and Chaplain to the last Duke of Bolton. JOHN HODSON, 1782, on death. (Ibid.) WILLIAM SAMUEL PABB WTLDEB, 1829, on death. (Ibid.) ELLIS BURROUGHS, 1833, on resignation. (Ibid.) JOHN MACMAHON WILDER, 1838, on resignation, (Ibid.) EDWARD KAYE BURNEY, 1849, on resignation. (Ibid.) EDWARD Q-EOBOE JAMES, 1880, on death. (Ibid.) G-ILBERT COVENTRY MASTER, 1880, on resignation. (Ibid.) JOHN DURST, 1888, on resignation. (Ibidj Present Vicar,


On a Monumental Slab in Boughton-under-Blean Church


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