
KENT A&CH^OLOGICAL •Dr. Gash Account from the 1st of 1892. £ s. d. Jan. 1. Balance at the Bankers :— Wigan, Mercer, and Co £376 6 1 Hammond and Co 449 7 10 825 13 11 Dividends upon the Society's 2 | per Cent. Stock 28 13 4 Algernon Brent, Esq., Donation to the Illustration Fund 5 0 0 Sale of the Society's Publications 9 18 6 Subscriptions, Entrance Fees, and Life Compositions, remitted through the following Local Secretaries and Bankers:— J. D. Norwood, Esq. (Ashford) £10 0 0 J. Copland, Esq. (Sheppey) 3 17 6 W. J. Nichols, Esq. (Bromley) 16 7 10 W. T. Neve, Esq. (Cranbrook) 15 0 0 R. Holt-White, Esq. (Dartford) 1110 0 F. F. Giraud, Esq. (Faversham) 4 19 0 Or. M. Arnold, Esq. (Gravesend) 12 10 0 Geo. Wilks, Esq. (Hythe) 8 9 0 Mr. W. E. Hughes (London) 113 6 6 Mr. F. Bunyard {Maidstone) 21 19 0 Miss Dudlow (Malling) 8 10 6 G. Payne, Esq. (Rochester, etc.) 35 10 6 G. F. Carnell, Esq. (Sevenoaks) 9 13 6 G. E. Elliott, Esq. (Sittingbourne) 8 10 0 J. E. Mace, Esq. (Tenterden) 2 0 0 K. W. Wilkie, Esq. (Ramsgate) 13 n 0 J. F. Wadmore, Esq. (Tunbridge) 10 10 0 C. W. Powell, Esq. (Speldhurst) 19 10 0 W. J. Mercer, Esq. (Margate) 25 10 6 W. Wightwick (Folkestone) 12 0 0 The Bankers :—Wigan, Mercer, and Co 48 1 6 Hammond and Co 43 2 6 453 17 10 £1323 3 7 SOCIETY. January to the 81st of December, 1892. <£t. 1892. £ s. d. Additional Payment on account of Archaologia Cantiana, Vol. XIX. : Mitchell and Hughes 266 7 1 Mitchell and Hughes, on account of Vol. XX £50 0 0 C. F. Kell, Lithographer, ditto 12 12 6 62 12 6 Annual Meeting Tickets, Printing and Stationery, 1891-2 11 6 0 Chief Curator, from September 30, 1891, to December 31, 1892 62 10 0 J. Lower, attending rooms 6 12 0 W. Keeley, Bookbinder 2 17 11 Kent Fire Office, Insurance 2 5 0 Subscription to Congress of Archaeological Societies, 1.891-2 2 2 0 W. T. Wildish, Printing 5 7 0 E. W. Fry, balance due on Dover Meeting 2 8 10 Cheque Stamps 0 2 0 Petty Cash for 1892 (in addition to £3 7s. in hand from 1891) 10 0 0 849 Stamps for Annual Meeting Circulars £3 10 9 Expenses at Dover and St. Radegund's : Messrs. Payne and Livett 2 9 0 Counoil Meeting Expenses 0 11 11 Postage Stamps for the year, as per account 2 19 1 Sundries 0 17 9 Balance in hand 2 18 6 £13 7 0 Dec. 31. Balance at Bankers, viz.:— Wigan, Mercer, and Co £588 1 1 HammondandCo 300 12 2 888 13 3 t £1323 3 7 Examined, compared with Vouchers and Pass Books, and found to be correct. February 10, 1893. HERBERT HORDERN, » Auditors_ CHAS. F. HOOPER, )


Honorary Local Secretaries


Abstracts of proceedings 1892-3