Abstract of Proceedings 1894-5

-*• ABSTEACT OF PKOCEEDINGS, 1894-5. THE Council met on the 29th of March 1894 in the Society's Eooms at the Maidstone Museum. Canon Scott Eobertson presided, and there were seven other members present. The Annual Meeting was fixed to take place at Faversham on July 31st and August 1st. Votes of thanks were passed to the following, for gifts to the Library:— Eev. E. M. Muriel, for two manuscript volumes of Notes with Illustrations on Churches in the Deaneries of North and South Lymne. A. D. Wild Prench, Esq., for Notes on the Frenches of Scotland. Mons. J. Lair, for Etude sur la vie et la mort de Guillaume Longue-Epee, Due de Normandie. John Watney, Esq., for The Hospital of St. Thomas of Aeon in the Cheap, London, and The History of the Plate of the Mercers' Company. I t was resolved that in future one of the Quarterly Council Meetings be held at Eochester. W. H. Burch Eosher, Esq., of "Walmer, was elected a member of Council, vice Wilfrid J. Cripps, Esq., C.B., resigned. The Eev. J. Cave-Browne, M.A., was also elected upon the Council, vice H. B. Mackeson, Esq., deceased. A letter was read from T. Nottidge, Esq., of Ashford, suggesting that the members of the Society who were photographers should be invited to present to the Society's Collections duplicate copies of photographs of ancient houses and other objects of archasological interest. It was resolved that this valuable suggestion be adopted. Twenty new members were elected. xl PROCEEDINGS, 1894. The Council met in London on the 19th of June 1894 at the house of the noble President in Grosvenor Place. The Earl Stanhope presided, there being fourteen members present. The printed Programme of the Annual Meeting at Eaversham was submitted and approved. Votes of thanks were passed to T. Nottidge, Esq., for the gift of photographs, and to E. C. J. Spurrell, Esq., for a copy of Memorials of the Blaxland Family. After some discussion it was resolved to increase the price of Visitors' tickets for the Annual Meetings to five shillings. The Honorary Secretary again brought forward the subject of prosecuting extensive researches at Eichborough. The noble President, as a member of the Eichborough Trust, requested that the matter be postponed until the Trustees had completed their arrangements connected with the purchase and enclosing of the site. The Annual Meeting of the Society commenced at Eaversham on Tuesday the 31st of July 1894. By permission of the Mayor, the Business Meeting was held in the Town Hall, the noble President, Earl Stanhope, in the Chair, supported by the Mayor of Eaversham (Jabez Smith, Esq.), the Town Clerk (E. E. Giraud, Esq.), and several members of the Council of the Society. The Mayor having said a few kindly words of welcome, the following Eeport was read by George Payne, Esq. (Hon. Sec.) :— BEPORT. The Council have muoh gratification in presenting to-day the Thirty-seventh Annual Report, as the usually prosperous state of the Society is still maintained. Since the last Annual Meeting the Twentieth Volume of Archceologia Cantiana has been issued and its cost defrayed, leaving us at ihe present moment with a balance at our Bankers of £774 18s. 2d. Twenty-two years ago the Society paid its first visit to this ancient borough, when a pleasant and profitable time was spent, and it is anticipated that this second visit to Faversham will prove equally interesting. During the year death has removed from our ranks many valued members, notably the Rev. Canon Puckle of Dover, Captain Tylden-Pattenson of Biddenden, Mr. H. B. Mackeson of Hythe, and Mr. Thomas Dorman of Sandwich. To these four gentlemen the Sooiety has been largely indebted for valuable help in various ways. Canon Puckle was an original member of the Sooiety, and co-operated with us to the fullest extent at the Annual Meetings held at Dover in 1860,1875, and 1892. On the last occasion ho wrote Papers for us on the history of his own ohurch (St. Mary the Virgin) and upon Roman Dover, both of which are printed in our last volume. Captain Tylden-Pattenson was for the last thirty years of his life a member of the Society, and served on the Council from 1877 to 1891. His help was of great value to us during the Annual Meeting at Cranbrook in 1873. Mr. H. B. Mackeson, F.G.S., was one of our original members ; he had been Local Secretary for Hythe for thirty-four years, and a member of the Council from the foundation of the Society until his death a few months ago. Mr. Mackeson was indefatigable in assisting to carry out the arrangements at the Annual Meetings held at Hythe in 1862 and 1888. PROCEEDINGS, 1894. Xii Mr. Thomas Dorman, J .P., was for thirty years a member of the Sooiety, and rendered valuable assistance at our Annual Meeting held at Sandwioh in 1885. He also acted as a member of the committee during the Society's researches at Riehborough in 1887. Mr. Dorman was also a contributor to our Archceologia. The quiet and unostentatious way in which Mr. Dorman lived led no one outside Sandwich to imagine that it was he who was contributing thousands of pounds towards the restoration of the Churches in Sandwich. He also gave two thousand pounds towards the resuscitation and rebuilding of the Sandwich Grammar School, founded by Queen Elizabeth, and has bequeathed to it two thousand pounds more, also fifteen hundred pounds for the further restoration of St. Clement's Church, and two hundred and fifty pounds to St. Bartholomew's for a like purpose. The curious panel pictures whioh Mrs, Jolliffe presented to the Corporation, and which now adorn the Court-house at Sandwich, Mr. Dorman caused to be restored. These are but a few of the good deeds done by one whose name will always remain a household word in every family in Sandwich. In spite of the losses sustained by death and withdrawals, our number is gradually increasing, no less than forty-six new members having been elected since the last Annual Meeting, while eight await election at your hands to-day. Our new Honorary Editor, the Rev. Canon C. P. Routledge, M.A., F.S.A., is now at work upon the Twenty-first Volume of Archceologia Cantiana. It is encouraging to him, and will be gratifying to you to know, that he has already received several important Papers, whioh, together with others promised, will supply material sufficient for the volume. Although our valued friend, the Rev. Canon W. A. Scott Robertson, has retired from the Editorship, the Counoil earnestly hope that his health and strength will admit of his continuing to contribute to our Transactions many more of those learned Papers whioh have so enriched the Sooiety's Publications up to the present time. The Counoil have muoh gratification in being able to state that the purchase of Riohborough Castle has been effected, the management of the property having been conveyed to the following Trustees, the legal estate being vested in the Official Trustee of Public Charities :— Ex-Officio Trustees: The Archbishop of Canterbury. The Lord Lieutenant of the County of Kent. The Lord Warden of the Cinque Ports. The Dean of Canterbury. The Archdeacon of Canterbury. The Captain of Deal Castle. Nominated Trustees: Lord Ashoombe. The Archdeacon of Maidstone, Sir Mark Wilks Collet, Bart. P. S. W. Cornwallis, Esq., M.P. Rev. Canon Browne. Rev. Canon Routledge. Rev. Walker Flower. Rev. E. S. Woods. About two hundred pounds are still required to complete the purchase-money and to provide for the cost of conveyance, fencing, etc. Samuel Mercer, Esq., moved the adoption of the Eeport; this was seconded by the Eev. J. Cave-Browne, and carried unanimously. I t was moved and carried:—"That the retiring members of Council and the Auditors be re-elected." Eight candidates were elected members of the Society. This concluded the business of the Meeting. Before leaving the Town Hall Mr. Giraud kindly pointed out the various interesting features of the Municipal Eegalia, which the Mayor had caused to be displayed for inspection. The party next proceeded to the Parish Church under the guidance of the Vicar, the Eev. 0. E. Donne, M.A.; thence to the VOL. xsi. ^ xlii PROCEEDINGS, 1894. Old Grammar School, now used as Ereemasons' Hall, which was described by Mr. Giraud. At l-30 P.M. tbe company returned to the Town Hall, where they were hospitably entertained by the Mayor with a bountiful supply of light refreshments. In the afternoon Davington Church and Priory were visited under the able guidance of the Chaplain, the Eev. Cams Vale Collier, MA. The Priory, which is now used as a dwelling-house, was most kindly opened to the Society by the owner, Mrs. Bramah. In the library Mr. Collier had arranged some of the late Mr. Willement's heraldic collections, manuscripts, and valuable books for inspection. The party remained an hour and a half at Davington, examining everything of archaic and artistic interest which Mrs. Bramah had so kindly permitted them to enjoy. At 4 P.M. progress was made to Preston Church, where the members were received by the Vicar, the Eev. J. Eussell Cooke, M.A. Canon W. A. Scott Eobertson, MA. , kindly read a Paper on the History of the Church, with notes on the families interred there. The Annual Dinner took place in the Drill Hall of the Eaversham Division of the Kent Volunteer Artillery, kindly lent for the occasion by Captain Allan Tassell and the Officers of the Corps. The Earl Stanhope presided, being supported by the Mayor, Canon Scott Eobertson, Lieut.-Colonel and Mrs. Hartley, the Eev. J. A. Boodle, the Eev. Cams V. Collier, Captain Allan Tassell, J. F. Wadmore, Esq., W. H. Burch Eosher, Esq., and Mrs. Burch Eosher, the Honorary Secretary and Mrs. George Payne, and about seventy other ladies and gentlemen. The various loyal and other toasts were proposed and responded to by the noble President, the Mayor, Canon Scott Eobertson, Mr. Burch Eosher, Mr. Wadmore, and the Eev. Cams V. Collier. The Evening Meeting was held in the Minor Hall of the Eaversham Institute, by kindly permission of the Committee. The Earl Stanhope presided. Papers were read by E. E. Giraud, Esq., on the " Service of Shipping of the Barons of Eaversham;" and by the Eev. Carus V. Collier on the "Heraldry of the Churches visited during the Meeting." George Payne, Esq., F.S.A. (Hon. Sec), concluded the proceedings with an address on the " Antiquities of Eaversham," which was curtailed for want of time. Before the company separated a close inspection was made of a small but very valuable collection of antiquities kindly lent for the occasion by Mrs. Oldroyd, Messrs. W. E. and J. Eigden, and Mr. Morris. The Meeting closed with votes of thanks to those who had kindly contributed Papers. On Wednesday the 1st of August, before the arrival of the trains, the Honorary Secretary conducted those members who were staying in Eaversham over the house owned by Mrs. Oldroyd in PROCEEDINGS, 1894. xliii Court Street, where they were kindly allowed to view the finely carved sixteenth-century chimney-pieces and panelled rooms it contains. The party subsequently walked along the rear of the western side of Court Street to Eaversham Creek, where Mr. Payne pointed out its relation to the town, and to the early road running near the head of the Creek. On returning to the town a general move was made for the carriages, which were in readiness at the rail way-station. After considerable delay, owing to the lateness of the trains, a start was made for Boughton-under-Blean, where the party was joined by a contingent which arrived from Chilham. The company, which numbered upwards of two hundred persons, then proceeded to the Church, where a Paper was read by the Vicar, the Eev. J. A. Boodle, M.A. The next point reached was Selling. Here luncheon was served in the School-room, which had been kindly placed at the disposal of the Society by the School Managers. After luncheon a visit was paid to the Church under the guidance of Canon Scott Eobertson. Sheldwich Church was next visited, the carriages being kindly allowed by Earl Sondes to pass through Lees Court Park, en route. The Church was described by the Vicar, the Eev. B. S. Maiden, M.A. No time could be spared to visit Leaveland Church, as was intended, so the party passed on to Throwley, where the Vicar, Canon Knight, and Mrs. Knight hospitably entertained the company at the Vicarage with tea and other refreshments. The Church was subsequently described by Canon Scott Eobertson, which brought to a successful termination the Annual Meeting of 1894. The Council met on the 26th of September 1894 in the Chambers of the Bridge Wardens at Eochester, by kindly permission of the Wardens. Canon Scott Eobertson presided, and there were nine other members present. After due discussion it was resolved that the next Annual Meeting be held at Cranbrook. Votes of thanks were passed in connection with the Faversham Meeting to the Mayor (Jabez Smith, Esq.) for kindly hospitality and much valuable assistance; to Captain Tassell for the use of the Drill Hall for the Dinner; to the Committee of the Institute for the use of the Minor Hall for the Evening Meeting; to Mrs. Bramah for permission to view Davington Priory and the treasures it contains; to the Town Clerk (E. E. Giraud, Esq.) for much valuable assistance and co-operation; to the Eev. Carus Vale Collier for kindly issuing the tickets and undertaking much responsible work, A2 xliv PROCEEDINGS, 1894. To Mrs. Oldroyd, Messrs. W. E. and J. Eigden, and Mr. Morris for the loan of antiquities; to Canon and Mrs. Knight for kindly hospitality. To Canon Scott Eobertson, the Eev. C. E. Donne, the Eev. J. A. Boodle, and the Eev. B. S. Maiden for kindly describing the churches visited. To the Eev. J. Eussell and the Eev. J. Ellston for friendly co-operation. To the Freemasons of Faversham for permission to inspect the Old Grammar School. To the Managers of Selling School for the use of the Schoolroom. To the Eev. W. Gardner Waterman, MA., for kindly superintending the carriages. The Honorary Secretary was instructed to invest four Life Compositions to the value of £26. Eour new members were elected. Votes of thanks were passed to John Wood, Esq., for the gift of nine sashes of stained glass of various dates. To the Bridge Wardens for the use of their Chambers. To Kenyon W. Wilkie, Esq., for the gift to the Society's Museum of "a bronze celt. To Lady Jennings for the Becords of the Hall House, Hawkhurst. The Council met on the 31st of December 1894 in the Cathedral Library at Canterbury, by the kindness of the Dean. The Very Eeverend Dean Payne Smith presided, nine other members being present. Various routes for the next Annual Meeting were discussed, and it was decided to visit Cranbrook, Glassenbury, Goudhurst, Benenden, Hawkhurst, Bodiham Castle, and Horsemonden, and Etchingham if practicable. The Honorary Secretary gave an account of the important discoveries made at the Eoman Villa at Darenth during the explorations which he was prosecuting for E. Arnott Clowes, Esq., of Sutton Place. Mr. Payne also laid upon the table a fine series of photographs of various parts of the Villa, taken by Mr. E. C. Touens of Dartford, a member of the Society. In consideration of the magnitude of the work, a sum of £20 was granted in aid, of; the Eesearch Fund, and Mr. Payne was empowered to apply, jftir a- second grant of the same amount if necessary. I t was resolved that a: Special Meeting of the Society should be held at Darenth at an early date. Four new members were elected. PROCEEDINGS, 1895. xlv The Council met on the 25th of March 1895 ia the Society's Eooms at Maidstone. The Earl Stanhope presided, and there were nine members present. I t was resolved that the Annual Meeting take place at Cranbrook on the 30th and 31st of July; also that the Special Visit to the Eoman Villa at Darenth be on 21st of May. Votes of thanks were passed for the following gifts to the Society's Collections:— To Lady Cornewall for a collection of rubbings of monumental brasses; To the Executors of the late Mr. Lambert Weston for a book bequeathed to the Society by Mr. Weston, entitled Copies of Drawings illustrative of a Course of Lectures on the Architectural and other Remains of Britain, by T. Stackhouse. There were tour new members elected. The sum of £19 10s., being three Life Compositions, was ordered to be invested in Consols. A Special Meeting of the Society took place at Darenth on Tuesday the 21st of May 1895, for the purpose of inspecting the remains of the Eoman Villa recently exposed there by E. Arnott Clowes, Esq., of Sutton Place, Sutton-at-Hone. George Payne, Esq., F.S.A., who conducted the excavations throughout, delivered an address, and subsequently conducted the company, numbering two hundred and fifty ladies and gentlemen, over the ruins, describing in detail the various rooms, baths, courts, and corridors. The Church at Darenth, which is largely built of materials obtained from the Villa, was visited during the afternoon under the kindly guidance of E. P. Loftus Brock, Esq., F.S.A.; the Vicar, the Eev. Bingham Stevens, kindly receiving the Society with a few words of welcome. The noble President was present at the Meeting, and remained until the end of the day. The Honorary Secretary will contribute a full account of the discoveries at Darenth, accompanied by all necessary illustrations, to the Twenty-second Volume of our Archcsologia. The Council met on the 25th of June 1895 at the house of the noble President in Grosvenor Place. The Earl Stanhope presided, and there were fourteen members present. Before proceeding with the business of the Meeting, the noble President proposed, Canon Scott Eobertson seconded, and it was unanimously carried, that the following letter of condolence be forwarded to the Hon. Mrs. Leveson-Gower:— "The Council of the Kent Archseological Society desire to express their deep regret at the loss that the Society has sustained by the death of Granville Leveson-Gower, Esq., F.S.A., a member of the Council, and one who had always rendered very valuable xlvi PROCEEDINGS, 1895. assistance to the Society. The Council further desire to convey to the Hon. Mrs. Leveson-Gower and her family their sincere sympathy in their affliction." A similarly expressed letter it was resolved should be sent to the family of the late Dean of Canterbury, the Very Eev. Dr. Payne Smith. A letter was read from Canon C. F. Eoutledge, Hon. Sec. to the Eichborough Castle Trust, requesting information as to what further explorations the Society desired to carry out within the Eoman Castrum at Eichborough. It was resolved that Mr. George Payne should draw up a draft scheme for consideration at the next Council Meeting. A letter was read from the Chairman of the Fordwich Parish Meeting requesting the Society to complete the Fordwich Town Trust by appointing its Trustee. It was agreed to invite the Eev. C. E. Woodruff, M.A., Vicar of Bredhurst, Chatham, to undertake the office. Votes of thanks were passed to A. B. Bamford, Esq., for the gift of twelve lithographs of his original sketches in Canterbury, and to John Copland, Esq., for his brochure, " The Taking of Sheerness by the Dutch." A letter was read from E. E. Wastall, Esq., Vice-President of the Eamsgate Camera Club, asking if the Society would accept an album of views in permanent platinotype of all places of historical interest in the Isle of Thanet, now in course of preparation by the members of the Club. It was resolved that this generous offer be accejited. The Programme in proof of the Annual Meeting to be held at Cranbrook in July was read and approved. E. C. J. Spurrell, Esq., brought forward a scheme to enable the members of the Society to assist the officers of the Ordnance Survey in marking upon the Map of Kent the various earthworks existing in the county. It was resolved that the matter be left to a Sub-Committee, consisting of himself, G. M. Arnold, Esq., F.S.A., and the Honorary Secretary. Sixteen new members were elected, viz.: — Cobb, Rev. T., M.A., Stockbury Vicarage, Maidstone. Crook, F. W., Esq., Beckley, Overcliff, Gravesend. Evans, Miss A., Shenstone, Crayford. Faulding, Jos., Esq., Bexley House, Tenterden. Fitzgerald, C. Gerald, Esq., M.D., Chartham County Asylum, Canterbury. Handcock, W. G., Esq., Ashford. Hill, R. H. E., Esq., St. Keverne, Bromley. Marchant, Robert, Esq., Cedar Lawn, Sutton-at-Hone. *Noble, C. Wilson, Esq., H.P., Sissinghurst Grange, Cranbrook. Poole, M. J., Esq., 12 Chapel Place, Ramsgate. Prescott, P., Esq., Dover. Rigden, H., Esq., Tousea, Hothfield, Ashford. Speth, G. W., Esq., 7 Lancaster Place, Margate. Streatfield, Rev. W. Champion, M.A., Frant Reotory, Sussex. Wiokham, Mr. G., Limpsfield, Surrey. Woolf, M. Teatman, Esq., 1 Marlborough Place, St. John's Wood, N.w.


Honorary Local Secretaries

