The Family of Hyde, of Bore Place and Sundridge

( 112 ) THE FAMILY OF HYDE, OF BORE PLACE AND SUNDRIDGE. lW THE REV. W. G. D. FLETCHER, M.A., F.S.A., VICAR OF ST. MICHAEL'S, SHREWSBURY. THE following Pedigree was entered at the Visitation 0£ London in 1633 by " .A.nne Hide," widow 0£ Bernard Hyde, a merchant of London:- Hugh Hide of Thurgarton in com. Nottingham, Gent. T John Hyde of Thurgarton=j= .... da. of .... Leigh of Addington, corn. Surry. ,-------' Ber􀃨ard Hyde of London, T Anne, da. of Humfry Walcot of Walcot in corn. marchant, deceased. Salop, Esq'; living a0 1638. I I I . 1. I 1. Bernard Hyde of Bor 1 Rester, da. of Humfry Hyde, 2. William. Anne. place in co. Kent, Esq•, John Trott of - Both died living a0 1638. London. John Hyde, 3. issueless. Bertard Hyde, eldest son, aged about halfe Adne, died an infant. a yeare a0 1633. This Coat and Crest are exemplified nuder the hand and seal of sr William Segar, Kt, Garter Principall King of Armes, dated 16 Septemb. A0 1609, 7° J aoobi Regis et Scotiro 43. [ARMS tricked: Gules, a saltire between four bezants, a chief ermine. CREST: An unicorn's head oouped argent, armed and maned or, collared vaire or and gules.J Le Neve calls this last-named Bernard Hyde, the son of Bernard Hyde and Hester Trott, " S1• Bernard Hyde of Bore Place Kent," and names as his wife " Margaret dr 0£ Sr Will. Morley of Halnaked Sussex Kt," and he adds this note to the Pedigree : " Kent. sr Bernard Hide of Bore place Kent Kted at .... 30'. 1661. See s,· Edwd Byshe Visit. of Sussex in Morley's pedigree fol' Sr Bernard's wife. Vide C. 24, fol. 18. G. a saltyre bet. 4 besants a cheif ermine. See the crest thel'e & ped. higher." (Harleian MS. 5801, fo. 49.) THE FAMILY OF HYDE. 113 I am not able to connect this family of Hyde with any of the families of the name who were settled in Cheshire, Dorsetshire, Lancashire, or Wiltshire. Nor have I attempted to trace the family fo Nottinghamshire. The Registers of Thurgarton do not extend back to the sixteenth century ; and no search has been made for the wills of these Nottinghamshire ancestors. Branches of this family were, however1 located in Lincolnshire and Leicestershire, and still remain in the latter county, though the family estates there have passed into other hands. The Hydes possessed considerable estates in Kent. In Dr. Harris's HistO'l''!J, vol. i., pp. 804-5, 1719, is a view of Bore Place, Sundrish, and Sharp's Place, the seats of John Hyde, Esq., who was also lord of the manors of Sundrish, Wield, and Millbrooks. The earliest entry of any Hyde in the Chiddingstone Register is in 1636, and in the Sundridge Register in 1665; in the Chevening Registers are no entries of Hyde. The following account of this family very considerably enlarges the Visitation Pedigree set out above. r. Hugh Hide of Thurgarton, Notts, Gent., the first-named in the Visitation Pedigree, living in the sixteenth century, was father of: rr. John Hyde of Thurgarton, who married a daughter of Leigh 0£ Addington, M. Surrey, and by her had issue: III. Bernard Hyde of Mincing Lane, London, merchant, a member of the Salters' Company; one of the Commissioners 0£ Excise to King Charles I. ; he purchased Bore Place and Milbroke 0£ Sir Percival Willoughby, Knt., at the beginning of the reign of James I. ; devisee of lands in Fulham and Richmond, and executor 0£ the will of his "brother" Michaell Meryall, citizen and salter 0£ London, 1624 (P.C.C., 29 Byrde). He died in July 1631. By his will, dated 7 and proved P.0.0., 29 July 1631 (83 St. John), he desires to be buried in St. Dunstan's in the East, London, and left £100 towards repairing that Church, and £5 to the 1Joor of the parish. His wife is to occupy his capital house in M iucing Lane for her life, or she may have her dwelling in his house at Little 11:ford i£ she prefer it. He gives his son Barnard Hyde £3000, which Mr. John Trott is to give as part 0£ his daughter's marriage portion, and all his cattle at Bore Place. He devises to his son Hum£rey Hyde in fee his lands in Langtoft and Baston, co. Lincoln. He married Ann daughter 0£ Humfry Walcot of London (second son of John Walcot of Walcot in the county of Salop, Esq.), and VOL, XXII. I 114 THE FAMILY OF HYDE, sister 0£ Hum£ry Walcot 0£ W alcot, Esq., Sheriff 0£ Shropshire in 1631 (see Pedigree 0£ Walcot in the Visitation of Shropshire 1623, IIarleian Society, vol. xxix., p. 476; Arms: Argent, a chevron between three chessrooks ermines), and by her had issue: (1) Bernard Hyde, 0£ whom next. (2) Hum£rey Hyde 0£ Langto£t, co. Lincoln ; devisee 0£ lands in Langtoft and Baston, co. Lincoln, under his £ather's will in 1631. The date 0£ his death is not known ; but he was dead before 1670. The Pedigree 0£ this family is given in Blore's Rutland, pp. 50-51. (3) John Hyde 0£ Sundridge Place, Esq.; born 1611; died unmarried 27 May, and buried at Sundridge 7 June 1677, aged 66. M.I. in Sundridge Church: "MS. JoH.A.NIS HYDE Armigeri, Cujus J us et Fas Vitre Duces, Hie Ille Vir bonus, Pietatis in Deum, Benignitatis in Amicos, Charitatis in Omnes, Eleemosynarum et Annorum Satur, Ccelebs requiescit. Ob. Maij 27°, An° 1Etat. Sure 66, Salutis restitutre lo77. Amoris et Observantire Ergo Posuit Hoe Nepos H. H." By his will, dated 26 September 16'70, and proved in the Shoreham and Croydon Peculiar 28 June 167'7 by his nephew Humphrey Hyde, his residuary legatee and executor (Register Book, at Somerset House, fol. 469), he directs his body to be buried in the parish church 0£ St. Dunstan's in the East, near his brother Bernard Hyde, Esq., deceased; but this direction was evidently not carried out. He purchased the manors of Sundridge, Upland, and South Weald of Mr. Brooker, in the reign 0£ Charles I. In 1663 he gave a silver cup and paten to Sundridge Church; the cover is inscribed, "The guift 0£ John Hyde, Esq., 0£ this parish, Anno Dom. 1663" (c£. Oliurch Plate in Kent, part i., '70). In 1665 he subscribed £10 towards the new bells at Sundridge. During the civil wars he and Mr. Bernard Hyde seem to have received the money raised in Chiddingstone, and paid the same ''to-the Committee at Know le" for horses, arms, soldiers, etc.,-evidently £or the Parliament. (Chiddingstone Churchwardens' and Overseers' Books.) (4) William Hyde, died without issue. ( 5) Anne, died without issue. rv. Bernard Hyde, merchant 0£ London, and 0£ Bore Place; presumably a parliamentarian in the civil wars, for which cause he raised and received money in Chiddingstone conjointly with his brother ,John. In 1633-4 he (and not his son Sir Bernard Hyde, as stated in the Oliurcli Plate in Kent, p. 62) gave a silver cup with paten cover, with his arms and crest and initials engraved thereon, to Ohiddingstone Church. He died in January 1655, and was buried OF BORE PLACE AND SUNDRIDGE. 115 at St. Dunstan's in the East, London. He married Hester daughter of John Trott of London, merchant (see Pedigree of Trott in Visitation of London, 1634, Harleian Society, vol. :x:vii., p. 297; Arms: Paly o:£ six or and gules, on a canton argent a cross flory pierced of the first), and by her had issue: (1) Sir Bernard Hyde, Knight, of Bore Place, born 1633; knighted 30 April 1661 by King Charles II. In 1669 he gave a silver :flagon, and in 1675 a silver alms-dish, to Ohiddingstone Church; each has the arms of Hyde impaling Morley engraved on it, and the inscription, " Eccl'ii:e parochiali de Chiddingstone in agro Cantiano D.D.D. Bernardus Hyde Mil. de Boreplace," and the year. He was buried at Ohiddingstone 14 July 1685 ; but I have not yet found his will. Re married about 1661 Margaret daughter and coheir (with her half-sister Mary, CountesR of Derby) of Sir Wmiam Morley, K.B., of Halfnaked, co. Sussex, by his second wife Mary daughter of Sir Robert Heath, Knight, by whom he had issue an only son, who died an infant, and was buried at St. Dunstan's in the East, London, 12 May 1662. His widow survived him. Lady Margaret Hyde's will is dated 13 October 1690, and was proved with several codicils in P.O.O., 10 April 1701, by Sir William Morley, Knight, and Mrs. Cecily Osbaston, the executors (50 Dyer). She directs her body to be buried either at Boxgrove in Sussex, where she was christened and her parents are buried, or at Chiddingstone, where her husband was buried, or at St. Dunstan's, near Thames Street, where her husband's parents and her only child are buriedwhich place she is nearest to at her death. She makes bequests to a very large number 0£ relatives, who are named in the will. (See Pedigree of Morley in Visitation of Sussex, Berry's Sussex Genealogies, Dallaway's Sussex, and Sussex .Archceolo,qical Gollections, vol. x:x:.; Arms: Sable, a leopard's head argent, jessant-de-1is or.) (2) Hum:frey Hyde, of whom next. (3) William Hyde, buried at Sundridge 28 July 1645. (4) Charles Hyde, buried at Sundridge 25 May 1649. (5) Anne, died 24 February 1695, buried at Norton, co. Leicester; M.I. there; married 5 February 1651 to William Whalley of Norton, co. Leicester, Esq., by whom she had seven sons and five daughters. Mr. Whalley was born 14 May 1620, died 29 March 1719, and waa buried at Norton 1 April; M.I. there. (See Pedigi·ee of Whalley in Visitation of Leicestershire, 1619, Nichols's Leicestershfre, ii.,p. '736, and Rill's Marlcet Ha1·borou,9h, p.175; Arms: Argent, three whales' heads erased, lying fessways, sable, two and I 2 116 THE FAMILY OF HYDE, one.) William Whalley was thirteenth in descent from Wyamarus Whalley, lord of Whalley, co. Lancaster; was lord of the manors of Norton and Oossington, co. Leicester; and one of the intended Knights of the Royal Oak in 1660, his estate being then at least £2000 a year. (6) Katherine, baptized in June and buried 18 .A.ugust 1637 at Ohiddingr:itone. (7) Elizabeth, baptized at Bore Place 29 September 1643 ; married in 1664 Stanhope Whalley of Norton, Gent. (:first-cousin of the above William Whalley). Marriage Licence, Faculty Office, 13 June 1664. They had issue two sons and two daughters. v. Humfrey Hyde of St. Ann's, Westminster, and of the Middle Temple, Gent.; baptized at Ohiddingstone 1 October 1636; was one of the intended Knights of the Royal Oak 1660, his estate being worth £600 per annum ; he died 16 and was buried 22 May 1 '719 at Sundridge ; M.I. there. He left a charity of £6 yearly for the education of ten poor children of Sund.ridge, payable out of his estate or farm called Gatton's, in the parish of Cliff, co. Kent (Benefaction Board in Sundridge Church). His will is dated 9 August 1718, and was proved with a codicil in P.O.C., 8 June 1719, by John Hyde, William Hyde, Edward Hyde, Elizabeth wife of James King, and Margaret Stephens alias Reynolds, wife of John Stephens, the executors, sons and daughters of the deceased (107 Browning). Admon. de bonis non was granted by P.O.C., 6 .A.pril 1741, 22 October 1743, 29 April 1769, and 19 May 1772. By his will he directs that he be buried in Sundridge Churchyard, near the back of the wall of his uncle Hyde's monument, 10 feet deep ; he devises Milbrook' s Farm in Kent to his son John Hyde £or life, with remainder to his grandsons John Hyde and Strode Hyde successively in tail male ; his estate at Hammersmith to his son Edward Hyde; Gatton's Farm in Kent to his g randson Strode Hyde £or life, remainder to his grandson Savill Hyde; and Darland Farm in Gillingham, Kent, to his grandsons Savill, Strode, and John £or life, remainder to his son William Hyde in fee ; and he directs that the communion plate belonging to his chapel at Boar Place be continued there £or the use of the said chapel. He married at Little Il£ord about 1662 (Marriage Licence, Faculty Office, 31 January 1661-2) Elizabeth daughter of Francis ( so on her M.I., but Henry in Marriage Licence, and see also Visitation of Essex) Osbaston of Aldersbrook Hall, Little lliord, OF l30RE PLACE AND SUNDRIDGE. 117 co. Essex (she was born 1645, and died 18 and was buried 20 July 1713 at Sundridge; M.I. there): "To the Memory of Mrs. ELIZ.A.RETH: HYDE (wife of HuMFREY HYDE, Esq.), who was married 51 years, and died the 13th of July 1713 in the 69th year o:f her age. She was Daughter of Francis Osbaston, Esqr, of Aldersbrook Hall in Essex." He had issue five sons and five daughters : (1) John Hyde, of whom next. (2) Bernard Hyde, baptized at Sundridge 17 November 1665 ; probably died young. (8) William Hyde of the parish of St. George, Hanover Square; married 1703 (Settlement dated 20 December 1703, and confirmed by his father's will, which settled Wigon's Key Wharf in Thames Street upon his issue) Margaret daughter of ... . ; and died in 1740. Administration granted by P.0.0., 26 January 1741, to his daughter Elizabeth; and Admon. de bonis non granted in April 1746. (4) Henry Hyde, M.A. and Fellow of Clare Hall, Cambridge; born 1681; died 4 and buried 6 February 1706 at Sundridge. (5) Edward Hyde of New Inn, London; born 1687; died unmarried 29 March 1726; buried 4 April 1726 at Sundridge; M.I. there: "Humphry Hyde, Esg., died 16 May 1719, aged 88. Edward Hyde, his son, died 29 March 1786, aged 39." His will is dated 1 March 1725, and was proved P.0.0., 29 March 1726, by William Hyde, the executor and brother of deceased (51 Plymouth). Admon. c;le bonis non granted 17 December 1774 to Thomas Sibthorpe. He devises his copyholds in Hammersmith to his nephew Strode Hyde £or life, with remainder to his two sons Bernard Hyde and Edward Hyde in fee. He had two daughters, Margaret, who died young, and Elizabeth, who was married, first, to . . . . Harrison, and, secondly, to William Payne King, and died before October 1743. (6) Esther, buried at Sundridge 19 October 1677. (7) Margaret, buried at Sundridge 29 October 1678. (8) Anne, born 1669 ; buried 2 February 1696-7 at Sunclridge ; married 1690 (Man·iage Licence, Faculty Office, 8 July 1690, to marry at St. Mary .A.bchurch) to John Chaplin of the parish of St. John the Evangelist, London; and had issue three children, .Anne, Anne, and Thomas Christi Chaplin, all buried at Sundridge 1691-3. 118 THE FAMILY OF HYDE, (9) Elizabeth, born 1670 ; married, first, 1688, to George Copley of. St. John the Evangelist, London (Marriage Licence, Faculty Office, 7 June 1688); and, secondly, to the Rev. Dr. James King; and died before 1741. (10) Margaret, married, first, to . . . . Reynolds, by whom she had issue a son John Reynolds, and, secondly, to John Stephens ; and died before 17 41. vr. John Hyde of Sund.ridge, Esq., lord of the manors of Sundridge, Wield, and Milbrooks, co. Kent, and of one-third of the manor of Otford ; devisee of Whitley Woods and of the manor of Oateford under the will 0£ Lady Katherine Strode in 1710 ; born 1663; died 21 and was buried 28 August 1729 at Sundridge ; M.I. there: Arms : Byde impaling Strode. " Under this Pew lies the Body of J oHN HYDE, Esq", Lord of the Manors of SuNn:arsu, WIELD, and MILLBROOKS. He was a true Lover of his Country; a Tender Husband ; an affectionate Father; a sincere Friend ; and his hand of Charity ever Stretched to the Poor. He died August 21, 1729, Aged 66." His will is dated 8 July 1723, and was proved P.O.C., 1 September 1729, by Mary Hyde, his widow and executrix (247 Abbott). Admon. de bonis non granted by P.C.C., 19 May 1772, to Thomas Fallowfield; and again in August 1781. He gives £5 each to the poor of Chiddingstone and Sund.ridge ; devises to his youngest son Savile Hyde his third part of the manor of Otford and Whitley Woods in Sevenoaks containing 120 acres ; to his eldest son John Hyde his pictures at Bore Place and Sundrish, and library of books ; and directs that his body be buried in his chancel, under his seat or pew in the church of Sundrish, where he desires a monument may be placed to cost £10. He married Mary daughter and coheir of Sil' Nicholas Strode of Chevening, co. Kent, Knight and Barrister-at-Law (son of Sir George Strode of Westerham, Knight, and grandson of William Strode of Shepton Mallett), by Catharine his wife, third daughter of John Savile, Esq., of Methley, co. York, and widow of Sir William. Cholmondeley, Bart.; and by her (who was born 1669, and was buried at Sundridge 2 September 1754; see Pedigrees of Strode in -Visitation qf Somerset, and Harleian MSS. 1445 and 1559; Arms: Ermine, on a canton sable a crescent argent) he had issue seven sons and five daughters: (1) John Hyde of Bore Place, Esq.; died unmarried, and was buried in the chancel of Sund.ridge Church 26 May 1740. His will OF BORE PLACE AND SUNDRIDGE. 119 is dated 27 May 1738, and was proved P.C.C., 20 May 1740, by SavilHyde, his brother and executor (144 Browne). He bequeathed £3000 to his three natural children, all born of the body of Elizabeth Payne ; devises to his brother Savil Hyde, Edlows, Sleighters otherwise Theobalds, and Sharp's Place, in co. Kent; and to his brother Strode Hyde for his life, Bore Place in the parish of Chiddingstone, the manor of Milbrooke and messuages there, with remainder to his nephew Bernard Hyde in tail male; and gives the residue to his brother Savil Ryde, whom he appoints executor. By Elizabeth Payne he left three natural children: [1 J John Hyde alias Payne of Cornhill and of Upper Clapton, merchant; born 1724; died 80 July, and buried 8 August 1776 at Sundridge ; M. I. there : "John Hyde of Cornhill, London, merchant, died 30 July 1776, rot. 52. Humphry Hyde his brother died in April 1743, ret. 10. Both were sons of John Hyde of Bore Place, who died in May 17 40, and is interred in this Chancel. Katherine, wife of above John Hyde, died Feb. 14, 1807, aged 79." He married Katherine .... (who was born 1728, and died 14 and was buried 22 February 1807 at Sundridge; her Arms : Three escallops, are carved on an escutcheon of pretence on her husband's tomb), and had issue a son John Hyde. His will is dated 29 June 1776, and was proved P.0.0., 21 August 1776, by Catherine Hyde and John Baker, Esq., the executors (360 Bellas). He directs his body to be buried at Sundridge, in the churchyard, near the chancel door ; and bequeaths £200 to the minister and churchwardens of Sundridge, the interest to be given to twelve poor families ; to his wife his chariot and coach-horses, £20,000, and an annuity of £400, payable out of certain estates in the island of St. Christopher, and of £200 out of estates in the island of Granada ; and the residue to his son John Hyde. [2] Humphrey Hyde alias Payne, baptized at Chiddingstone 10 December 1734; buried at Sundridge 15 April 17 43 ; M.I. there. [8] Savilla. (2) Humphry Hyde, baptized at Sundridge 22 June 1691; buried there 18 January 1716. (3) Strode Hyde, of whom next. (4) Francis Hyde, born 6 and baptized 16 August 1698 at Sundridge. (5) Bernard Hyde, buried at Sundridge 9 May 1701. (6) Nicholas Hyde, buried at Sund.ridge 8 December 1701. 120 THE FAMILY OF RYDB, · (11) Savill Hyde of Sund.ridge, Gent.; devisee of Edlows, Sleighters otherwise Theobalds, and Sharp's Place, all in co. Kent, under his brother John Hyde's will 1740; he seems to have inherited Sundridge, probably under marriage settlement ; privately baptized at Sund.ridge 9 July 1704; buried there 18 April 1741. His will is dated 5 December 1740, and was proved in P.C.O., 14 April 1741, by Sarah Hyde, his widow and executrix (93 Spurway). He devised his real estate, and his leaseholds in Albemarle Street, Clerk en well, to his wife for life, remainder to his son J ohu in fee ; bequeaths 40s. to the poor 0£ Sundridge ; and directs that he be buried at Sundridge in a grave 10 feet deep. He married 1730 (the Marriage Settlement is dated 19 February 17'30) Sarah Adamson of Goodmau's Fields, Whitechapel, by whom (who was born 1706, and died 22 February 1751-2, and was buried at Quorndon, co. Leicester), he had issue a son : John Hyde of Sundridge and of Quorndon, co Leicester, Esq. He pulled down Sundridge Place, and erected a new house there in 1772. Bom 1'738; died 8 January 1789, and was buried at Quorndon; M.I. He married Mary Wild, by.whom (who was born 1735, and died 3 and was buried 8 September 1787 at Quorndon; M.I. there) he had a large family, of whom was Savile John Hyde, who will be noticed hereafter. Soon after his decease Sund.ridge Place was sold. (8) Elizabeth, died unmarried. (9) Savilla, baptized at Sundridge 23 June 1695 ; married to Thomas Fallowfield, and died s. p. (10) Mary, bom 23 and baptized 30 January 1696-7 at Sundridge. (11) Frances, born 1700; died 7 and buried 19 January 1767-8 at Sund.ridge; M.I. there; married, first, to Richard Tidmarsh, by whom she had a son Richard Tidmarsh, baptized at Sundridge 31 December 1721; and, secondly, to Peter Shaw, M.D., by whom she had a _daughter Jane, born 1735; died 7 and buried 17 May 1750 at Sundridge ; M.I. there. (Arms of Shaw, engraved on tomb : A chevron between three fusils.) (12) Margaret, married, first, to . . .. Edgson; secondly, to , ... Woodhouse ; and thirdly, to John Cupp. YIL Strode Hyde 0£ Bore Place, Esq.; devisee for life of Bore Place under the will of his eldest brother John Hyde 1740; lord of the manor of Milbrooks, co. Kent ; · owned lands in Ohiddmgstone,. Penshurst, Surrendo11, Gillinghami Chatham, and Hamm.erOF :BORE PLAOE AND SUNDRIDGE. 121 smith; baptized at Sundridge 22 January 1692-3 ; died 5 aud buried 12 February 1741 at Chiddingstone; M.I. there: " Near this Place lies the Body of Strode Hyde, Esq., of Boor Place, who Departed this life February ye 5th 1741-2, Aged 50." His will is dated 7 January 1741, and proved in P.C.C., 6 Feb. 1741, by Elizabeth Hyde, his widow and executrix (53 Trenley). He directs his body to be buried at Chiddingstone ; devises Boarplace, his manor of Millbrook, Surrendon, and his lands in Chiddingstone and Penshurst, to his wife Elizabeth Hyde for life, and then to his heirs; and to his son Bernard Hyde his lands in Hammersmith, Darland in Gillingham, and Chatham, and £25 per annum issuing out of Boar Place, Milbrook, etc.; and directs that the communion plate belonging to Boar-place be continued there for the use of the said chapel. He married Elizabeth, daughter of ...., and had issue by her (who was buried at Sundridge 16 ,February 1.746) two sons and one daughter: (1) Bemard Hyde, of whom next. (2) Edward Hyde, died an infant. (3) Elizabeth. VIII. Bernard Hyde of Southwark, Gent.; devisee in tail male of Boar Place, Millbrook, etc., under the will of his uncle John Hyde 1740. He seems to have barred the entail, and sold Boar Place and Millbrook to Helll'y Streatfield, Esq. He died in 1767-8, and was buried in Christ Church, N ewgate Street. His will is dated 20 July 1766, and was proved in P.O.C., 25 February 1768, by Thomas Sibthorpe of the Middle Temple, Gent., one of the executors (66 Secker). He directs his body to be buried in the vault 0£ Christ Church, N ewgate Street, near his late wife Susanna Hyde, "in the large wooden coffin now in my possession ; " he confirms a settlement dated 27 and 28 June 1764, whereby he settled Wiggins Key and New River Shares upon certain trusts ; he bequeaths his personalty to his wife Ann Hyde for life, and then to his daughters Susana Hyde and Mary Elizabeth Hyde; and leaves £100 to his natural son Bernard Hyde otherwise Schooling, begotten on the body of Jane Schooling. He married, first, Susanna Harrow, who died before 1766, and was buried at Christ Church, Newgate Street; and, secondly, Ann daughter of ...., who survived him. By his first wife he left issue two daughters : (1) Susanna. (2) Mary Elizabeth, who married James Butler, and had issue three children: James Butler, Elizabeth, and Susannah Abigail, 122 'l'B'.E FAMILY OF HYDE, who married her second-cousin Savile John Hyde 0£ Q,uorndon, Esq. (son of John Hyde, and grandson o:f Savill Hyde 0£ Sundridge, who died April 1741). Bernard Hyde was the last 0£ the family who owned Bore Place and Millbrooks, in co. Kent; and only a :few years later his cousin .John Hyde parted with Sundridge ; and then all the old Hyde estates in Kent left the family. Members of the :family are still living in the counties of Leicester and Nottingham and elsewhere ; but so far as Kent is concerned, it is unnecessary to trace the descent 0£ the Hydes any :further. It only remains to say that PEDIGREES 0£ the Hydes 0£ Bore Place and Suudridge are given in the Visitation of London, 1633-5 ; Le N eve's Kn􀀤qhts; Nichols's Leiceste1·shire, iii., p. 109; and Blore's Rutland, pp. 50-1. Their Pedigree must pl'obably have been entered up at the last Visitation of Kent, which is preserved only in the College of Arms. Their ARMS were : Gules, a saltire or between four bezants, a chief ermine. CREST: An unicorn's head, couped argent, armed and man.eel or, collared vaire or and gules. These were exemplified by Sir William Segar, Knight, Garter, 16 September 1609. For the purposes of this memoir 0£ the Hydes I have searched carefully the Parish Registers of Sund.ridge, Chiddingstone, and Ohevening, in co. Kent, and the Wills and Administrations at Somerset House.


Pevington and Its Rectors


On the Landing Place of St Augustine