The Renunciation of the Papal Authority by the Clergy of West Kent, 1534

( 203 ) THE RENUNCIATION OF 'rHE PAPAL AUTHORITY BY THE CLERGY OF WEST KEN'l', 1534. BY LELAND L. DUNCAN, F.S.A. AMONGST the documents in the Public Record Office relating to the reign of Henry VIII. are two volumes (Chapter House Books, 63 a,nd 64) which contain the signatures of the secular clergy to the declaration that " the Bishop of Rome hath no greater jnrisdiction committed to him by God in this realm of England than any other foreign bishop." This declaration, engrossed in Latin at the head of sheets of parchment, was signed by the clergy in each deanery. In vol. vii., State Papers, Henry VIII., No. 1025, will be found a list of the deaneries for which the signatures are extant. Most of the clergy appended to their signatures the name of their benefice, and this was the case in the deaneries of tbe diocese of Rochester. In the diocese of Canterbury, on the other ·hand, the only guide to the incumbency of the signer is the name of his deanery at the head of the page. The following is a transcript of so much as relates to the clergy of what then formed the diocese of Rochester, together with the deanery of Shoreham (a peculiar of the Archbishop of Canterbury) ; that is, roughly, Kent west of the Medway, with a few parishes on its eastern bank. Notes of the dates of institution to the various benefices have been added. The references (D., fol. 26, etc.) are to a volume at Rochester known as the "Register of the Spiritualities of Rochester, D." The entries therein of institutions were extracted by Thorpe, and are amongst his MSS. in the Library of the Society of Antiquaries, from whence they have been 294 RENUNCIATION OF THE PAP AL A UTRORITY obtained. The references to wills (ix., fol. 170, etc.) are to the Will Registers of the Consistory Court of Rochester, now at Somerset House. The signatures are undated, but they must have been obtained in the first half of 1534, since Thomas Snydall, vicar of Hallyng, was succeeded on 24 July, William Whyteacre, rector of Offham, on 20 August, and Christopher Browne, vicar of Frindsbury, on 28 August of that yearall three vacancies being caused by death. It will be observed that three of these West Kent parishes had the advantage of retaining their parish priests throughout the whole of the trying period of change which took place in the Church of England in the sixteenth century:- OHRISTOPHER THOMSON was vicar of Cudham from 1525 to 1561. ROBERT HALE was rector of Lee from 1526 to 1567. JoHN BuTTYLL was rector of Cuxton from 1522 to 1576. [Page 76.J [P.R.O. Chapter House Books, 64.J RoMANUS EPISCOPUS NON HABET MAJOREM ALIQUAM JURISDICTIONEM A DEo SJ13I COLLATAM IN HOC REGN0 ANGLI.lE QUAM QUIVIS ALIUS EXTERNUS EPISCOPUS. [DEA.NERY OF DARTFORD. J XPoFER Tnom:soN, vrcER OF CownAM. Instituted 29 Nov. 1525 on the death of Arnold Baxster. Patrons, P. and C. of Kilborne (n., fol. 132"). He died 1561. (Will Rochester Consistory Court, book xiii., fol. 1.) RoBERT" BAKER, RECTOR DB FoTYSCRAY. Ds Robertus Baker, rector 11 Oct. 1533 (Lib. Tax., fol. 103°). Item 10 Oct. 1534 (fol. 106b). JoH'Es lIALETT, VICER DE WYLMYNGTON, Instituted 12 October 1526 on the death of William Wiggen. Patrons, P. and C. Rochester (n., fol. 134h). H e died 1540. XPOFERUS NELSON, VICARIUS DE WI!ESTGRYNWYCHE ALIAS DEPFORD. Instituted 21 April 1532 on resignation of George Brynley. Patron, the King (n., fol. 164n). His will dated 6 1547, proved 7 Jan. 1547-8 (book xi., fol. 6n). BY '1.'HE CLERGY OF WEST KEN'l', 1534. 295 JOHN RONDELL •••• DETFFORD. RAD"IJLPHUS TOMSON, CUitAT8 DE SUTTON. Sir Rau:ff Tomson, preste, witness to will 0£ John Pulter 0£ Sutton 26 Feb. 1530 (viii., fol. 288b). The will of Sir Ray£ Tompson, preste, 0£ Sutton, dated 19 June, was proved 16 October 1543 (x., fol. 36n). XPOFER S111YTH, CURATOR DE NoRTCRAY. A witness to will 0£ Richard W elsche, yoman, of Northcraye, 30 November 1531 (ix., fol. 13h), and of Petyr Strodle 9 Marche 1540 (ix., fol. 293"). CIIRYSTOPHER MERTENDALE, RECTOR DJ<􀁿 NoRTHCRAY. Instituted 10 February 1521 on the death of Thomas Creswell, on the presentation of Henry Percy, Earl 0£ Northumberland (n., fol. 108°). He died in 1541, being succeeded by Christopher Smith, who was instituted 29 July 0£ that year, on the presentation of the King (n., fol. 207"). THOMAS GLAYUE, CUR.AT OF CHELLSFELD. S1• Thos. Glayue witness to will 0£ Robert Fleccher of Chellisfelde 20 Dec. 1533 (ix., fol. 109h). Sr Thos. Gleue witness to will 0£ Agnes Burges of Chellisfelde 8 March 1538 (ix., fol. 276h). EDWARD Pow-.mLL, cuR.A.T DE FARNBROUGH. Edwarde Appowell, curate, a witness to will 0£ John Lambe of Farneborowe 20 July 1535 (ix., fol. 210h). ROBERT HALE, P'SON OF LEE. Robert Hale alias Hales, lately Canon of Lesnes, instituted 14 Sept. 1526 on the death 0£ Simon Templeman (n., fol. 134h). He resigned in 1567, when William Brooke was instituted to the rectory 6 Oct. 1567. Patron, the Queen (Reg. Epi. Roff., fol. 104b). WILLI.A.JI{ CART.AR, VICAR DE HORTON [KIRBY]. Instituted 10 Sept. 1516 on the resignation of John Bathe. Patrons, M. and F. 0£ Cobham College (n., fol. 74h). Nicholas Calver was instituted 18 Oct. 1545 on the death 0£ William Carter; the King patron (Reg. Holbeche, fol. 24n). RoB'Tus DowNE, CANT.AR DE HoRTON. Was chantry priest (chantry of B. Mary) in 1517 (Act. Our. Cons. 1513-18, fol. 249a). In the Chantry Certificates Kent 28, art. 105, P.R.O., it is stated that he was the1􀄣 (1547) 46 years old. The chantry was worth 1168 2½d a year, and there were 120 houseling people in the parish. He died 10 April 1549 (Reg. Edm. Gheat Epi., fol. 112h). The will 0£ Sir Robert Downe, sometyme chauntry prest of Horton Kyrkby, dated 13 Jan. 2 Edw. VI., was proved 18 July 1549 (x:i., fol. 68n). He mentions his wife Elizabeth. 296 RENUNCIATION OF THE PAP AL AUTHORITY S1' MATHEW FYSCHER, CUR.A.T OF OHESLIS, Sir Mathew Fyscher, curate, a witness to will 0£ Roger Cheseman 0£ Chesilhurste in 1533 (ix., fol. 108h). RoGER8 GRENHOOD, V ICAR DE ELTH8M. Roger Grenhod instituted 19 November 1529 on the death 0£ Phillip Carrok, on the presentation 0£ Abb. and C. o:f Keynsham (n., fol. 138h), His will, dated 18 March 1547, was proved 12 July following (x., fol. 218h ) ; he there styles himself" Sir Roger Grenwodd, vicar 0£ Eltham." JoH'Es DE.A.NE, RECTOR DE WEST WrnH.A.M. Instituted 6 June 1515 on the death 0£ John Stocton (to whom there is a brass); Sir John Heydon patron (n., fol. 7411). His will was proved 26 September 1556 (xii., fol. 49h). Rrn . OLEMETT, P'SoN OFF RowxL.A.Y, Instituted 23 September 1521 on the death of John Rayno]d; Sir Edward Ponyngs patron (n., fol. 107h), He died 1541. JoH'ES SwETYNGS, RECTOR DE WOLWYCI:I. Collated 25 April 1511 on the resignation 0£ Richard Rostone (n., fol. 55h), His will was proved 22 November 1540 (ix., fol. 312). HENitICus MoRTHING C.A.PELLANUS D'No EDw ARDO BoGHTTON MIL, Remy Morthing was collated 28 August 1534 to the vicarage 0£ Frindsbury on the death 0£ Christopher Browne (n., fol. 175a), John Tysane succeeded him on 24 March 1540 on his death (n., fol. 202b). THOMAS BuRNLAY, CUR.A.T DE WYc.A.' [i.e., East Wickham]. NICOLAUS JHONSON, CURAT DE CHARLTON, DN8 RADULPHE TYLENEY, CUR.A.T DE BROMLEY, At first curate, he was collated to the vicarage of Bromley 28 May 1537 (n., fol. 194a). His will, dated 8 June, was proved 10 October 1548 (xi., fol. 44° ). DN8 RYCHARDE BL.A.GGE, VYCARIU8 DE ERRYTH. Instituted 24 July 1521 on the death of John Rutone. Patrons, P. and C. 0£ the Holy Trinity, London (n., fol. 107a). He died 1542. DN8 WYLLM8 BucKELEY, CURAT DE LEWISHAM, A witness to will of Richard Skipwith, gent., 1522 (P.O.O., 28 Maynwaryng). JOHANNES STYRKE, CUR.A.TT DE FoTYSCREY. BY THE CLERGY OF WEST KEN'!', 1534. 297 EDMU'D8 PARKER, STIPENDARIUS DE DARTFORb. In the Chantry Certificates, Kent 28, art. 104, Edmond Parker, aged 44, was incumbent 0£ a perpetuall salarie, net value £8 8s., founded by Thomas Marten, £or a priest to celebrate for his soul and all Xpen soules for ever. His father was William Parker, inholder, yoman, 0£ Dartford, and he left to "Sir Edmonde my son viij1i" (ix., fol. 1356). [Page 77.J HEW •••• OLYDRO CAPYLLANUS DNY RYCHARDI WALDEN. Sir Hugh Cledero a witness to will 0£ Henry Vitell 0£ Earith 20 December 1528 (viii., fol. 201a). Syr Hew Clydero a witness to will ot Robert Monke 0£ Eryth 17 May 1533 (ix., fol. 101"). Robert Manke names "My Master Syr Richard Walden, Knyght." Sir Richard Walden's will was proved 1539 (P.C.C., 28 Dyngeley). RoBERT8 JONSON, CANTAR DE DARTFORD. Robert .Jonson collated to chantry of Our Lady of Stanpett in Dartford Church 26 May 1517 (n., fo. (:Hh). His successor, William Halle, was collated 3 November 1535 on his death (n., fol. 1848). The Chantry Certificates, Kent 28, art. 104, state that this chantry was worth £7 5s. 5d. a year, and that there were then (1547) 700 houslinge people in the parish. At that date Robert Baker, aged 63, was incumbent. HENRIC8 RYBTON, CURAT8 DE SOUTHEFLEIT. Sir Henry Rybton, curat, ,vitness to will 0£ Richard Swetsyer of Northecraye 13 July 1528 (viii., fol. 177"), of William Vmfray, yoman, 0£ Southflett, 28 September 1531 (ix., fol. 9ti), and 0£ Cristo£er Hoggesson 0£ Southfleet 1 December 1533 (ix., fol. 101 b). Hemy Ribton was instituted vicar 0£ Bexley 12 March 1539 (Reg. Cranmer, fol. 375h), JoH'Es BRUER, VICAR DE DARTFORD, Collated 1533 ( Cant., XVIII., p. 395). His will, dated 8 January 1534, was proved 31 May 1535 (ix., fol. 175). [Page 69.J [STROOD HOSPITAL.] JOHANNES WYLBOR ICONIM8 HOSPITALIS BEATE MARIE NOUI OPERIS DE STROOD, John Wylbor was vicar 0£ Lamberhurst 1515-19, master of Strood Hospital, called "N ework," from 1517 till its suppression, vic!l'r of St. N􀄎cholas, Rochester, 1519-22, of Isleham, Cambridge (a peculiar of the Bishop 0£ Rochester), 1521-23, master 0£ Cobham College 1533-34, and rector of Chislehurst 1523 to 1552. On 1 July 1534 he was appointed chaplain to Henry VIII., being styled" John Wylbore, M.A., 298 RENUNCIATION OF THE PAPAL AUTHORITY clerk 0£ the parish church 0£ Chislehurst, Kent," and was granted licence 0£ non-residence on his benefices (State Papers, Henry VIII., vol. vii., No. 933). His will, dated 20 June 1551, was proved 23 April 1553 (P.C.C., 8 Tashe). He evidently contemplated being buried in the Cathedral Church of Rochester, of which he was a prebendary. JoH'ES STANDENOGTH CONFRAT' EIUSDEM HOSPITAL8• Witness to will of John Feddy of Strode 1527 ( viii., fol. 178b), RICHARDUS WILBOR CONFRATER EIUSDEM ROSPITALs. Was afterwards vicar of .Aylsford, and as such witnessed the wiJI of Andrew Anderson 1539 (ix., fol. 290h), The will of " Sr Richard Wilbore, vicar of the churche 0£ A.ilsforde," dated 10 May, was proved 1 June 1545 (x., fol. 99h). DEO.AN.ATUS DE MALLING. HENRrcus FLETCHER, vrcARrus DE TowNE MALLYNG. Henry Fletcher, S.T.B., instituted 24 October 1524 on the death of ,John Bamborowe, on the presentation 0£ Elizabeth Rede, Abbess, and the 0. of Malling (D., fol. 1148). JACOBs ROBERTS, H,ECTOH, ECCLESIE DE PADELSWORTH. Instituted to the church of Padlesworth with the chapel of Dowde 10 June 1533 on the resignation of ,John Parkyns. Patron, Sir Edward Wotton, Knight (D., fol. 178n). His will was proved 28 September 1540 (ix., fol. 301). RoB'TUS PEELE, VICARI US DE W EST'HAM. Instituted 4 December 1504 on the death of Brian Coltehurste; P. and C. of Christ Church, Canterbury, patrons (n., fol. 40b). His will, dated 25 August, was proved 18 December 1539 (P.C.C., 34 Dyngeley). He was also vicar of Chilham, and wished to be buried .there. J oH'Es SYMSoN, RECTOR DE BARMYNG. A Sir John Symsone, curate, is a witness to will of Thomas At Mere 0£ Mereworth 1528 (viii., fol. 170a). Syr John Symson, parson, is witness to will of William Pake 0£ East Barmyng 8 May 1531 (ix., fol. 5h). He was instituted 24 July 1524 on the resignation 0£ "Wmi A.uren. Epi." Patrons, P. and C. of Leeds (n., fol. 113b). His will was proved 9 June 1563 (xiii., fol. 87°). J OH'ES GREYN, OU RAT DE EDONBREGG. sr John Greyn is witness to will of William Crippes 0£ Etonbreg 1526 (viii., fol. 81b), and of Marget Tycheburn 8 December 1532 (ix., fol. 64"). BY THE CLERGY OF WES'.1.' KEN'.I.', 1534. 299 J oH'Es BRYTTAYNE, VIC.A.RIUS DE LYGHE. Instituted 18 October 1516 on the death of Richard Stodharte. Patrons, P. and 0. of Tunbridge (n., fol. 74h). He was still vicar in 1552. RYOARD8 CH.A.PM.A.', RECTOR DE COWDEN, Richard Chapman instituted to rectory of Cowden 10 December 1515 on the resignation of Nicholas Brussall. Patron, Edward, Duke of Buckingham (n., fol. '73b). He was succeeded on his death by John Grene, who was instituted 13 July 1542 (D., fol. 213b), THOMAS NoRTHERYN, CURAT8 DE BRENCHLEY. Sr Thomas Northeryn witness to will of Bartylmew Tutty of Brenchley 8 May 1532 (ix., fol. 23h). D118 GEORG BRYNLEY, VIC.A.RIUS DE BYRLING. Instituted 28 .A.pril 150'7 on the resignation of William Watsone. Patrons, Ab. and C. of Bermondsey (n., fol. 45h). He was also rector of Luddesdown. His name appears as witness to wills in 1540 and 1545 (x., fol. 94h). D118 RICARD8 TALYOR, RECTOR DE ALYNG'rON, Instituted 20 July 1530 on the resignation of Robert Hedcorne. Patron, Sir Henry Wyat (n., fol. 158h). He was rector in 1554 (Reg. M. Griffith Epi., fol. 55"). D11s GEORG8 LYGHTONE, CURATUS DE 8EALE. Sr George Lighton, curate, witness to will of Thomas Pynden of Seal 13 March 1534 (ix., fol. 134n). D11• THoMns PORTYNGTON, RECTOR ECCLIE DE SPELHYRST, The date of his institution has not been discovered. John Blakdene was instituted 15 December 1534 on the resignation of Thomas Portyngton ( D., fol. 181 b). Dns THOM8S NEwcu', CURAT8 DE WEST7HA.M, Sir Thomas N ucom, curate, a witness to will of J ohaz Chapman, widow, of Westerham, 11 January 1584 (ix., fol. rnon). D11• JoR'ES CROSSE, CURA.T8 DE HADLOW. sr John Crosse, parish priest, a witness to will of ,John Dyne of Shipborne 11 August 15L7 (P.C.C., 35 Holder). S• ,John Crosse, vicar of Hadlow, witness to will of Henry Fane,. Esq., 0£ Hadlo, 12 May 1,533_ (P.C.C., 4 Hogen). At his death Henry Medow was mstituted 12 April 1536 (n., fol. 186n). nns WnL8 V°VHYTEACRE, RECTOR DE OFl!'HA11I. W􀅙lliam Whiteacres collated 21 October 1512 on the death of Richard Wantone (n., fol. 61h). On his death Thomas Dixson was instituted 20 August 1534 (n., fol. 1958). 300 RENUNCIATION OF 'l'HE PAPAL AUTHORI'l'Y nns RoB'TUS BosNELL, CUR.AT8 DE KEMSYNG, nns THOMAS G.AMYLL, CUR.AT DE HoRSMYNDEN. A Sir Thomas Gamyll witness to will of John Salman of Hoo in 1528 (viii., fol. i49h), D118 RoBERT8 O.A.DYE, CUR.AT DE WEST PECH.AM. Syr Robert Oadye, curate, witness to will of Agnes Pacman of West Pecham 1583 (ix., fol. 951>), nns EDW.A.RD8 TUTSH.AM, VIC.A.RIUS DE WEST PECOR.AM. Instituted 23 December 1522 on the death of David Mores. Patrons, P. and C. of Leeds (n., fol. 109n). Syr Edward Tuttysham, curate 0£ Sheborn, witness to will of ,Julyen Bocher 7 May 15:31 (viii., fol. 288h), D118 RwHERD8 WHIT, VICA.RIUS DE RrnRSl:IE. Richard White instituted 23 May 1517 on the resignation 0£ William Walkar. Patrons, P. and 0. 0£ Merton (n., fol. 75n). He was succeeded by Robert Ooverte in 1534. nns MARTINS MoYNA.LL, RECTOR DE AscHERSTE. Instituted 27 October 1520 on the death of Martin Ohristofer. Patron, John Waller, Esq. (n., fol. 131h). His will, dated 25 February 1550, was proved 22 October 1551 (xi., fol. 139). D118 PHILIPPUS MEKli'LET, RECTOR DE BITBOROW. Phillip, A.M., instituted 5 December 1525 on the resignation of John Morley. Patron, William Waller, Esq. (n., fol. 132h ). John Turner was instituted 2 November 1554 on the deprivation of Phillip Mekflet (Reg. M. Griffith Epi., fol. 57n ). nns J A.COB8 GoLDWELL, RECTOR DE ADDYNGTON. James Goldwell, L.Bac., instituted 2 June 1533 on the death of Robert Houghtone, on the presentation of George Wattone (D., fol. 178u). D118 HENRICUS DENTU', CUR.AT DE TROTESLY [ i.e., Trottescli:ffe]. A Sir Henry Denton, chaplen, witness to will 0£ Giles Palmar of St. Mary's Hoo 12 March 1532 (ix., fol. 100a), and of will 0£ Walter Andrewe of Snodland 12 June 1532 (ix., fol. 20). Sir Henry Denton, curate, witness to will 0£ William W olleryge of Troslyff 2 August 1532 (ix., fol. 30). A. Henry Denton, priest, instituted rector 0£ Ridley 1 April 1544, William Sedley, Esq., patron (Reg. Cranmer, fol. 39:l"), and is witness to will of 'J.1homas Averell of Rydley 1556 (xii., fol. 17b), [Page 70.J Dns THOMAS OURWEN, C.ANTA.RJST DE PEPYNGBURY. ·Thomas Curwen instituted to chantry of Pepingbury 13 BY THE CLERGY OF WEST KENT, 1534. 301 June 1528 on the death of Richard Peersone; Sir Edward N evyll patron (n., fol. 1398). At his resignation Richard Hilles was appointed 20 March 1534. At the confiscation of the property in 1549 Richard Hyll was aged 61. The value was 108 9½d yearly. There were 142 houseling people in the parish. (Kent Chantry Certificates, No. 28, art. 59, P.R.O.) A Sir Thomas Curwen, curate, witness to will of Alice Wood. lande of West Malling 1526 (viii., fol. 92n). Dns GEORG08 ATKYS, VIC.A.RIUS DE PEPYNBERYR, Instituted 17 July 1533 on the resignation of William Buckley. Patron, the King (n., :fol. 178"). He was vicar in 154,9 (Chantry Certificates, ut supra). nns WILLms HoGERS DE 8.A.ELLE. nns R.A.DULPHUS A.MYS, CUR.A.T8 DE TOMBRIG. Ralph Amys was chantry priest at Pepingbury 22 December 1509 to 1527, when he resigned (n., fol. 53b), Sir Rauff Ames, priest, witness to will of Robert Edden of Pepingbury 1519 (vii., fol. 164). Sir Raff Amyas witness to will of Thomas Sandyll of Tudley 5 May 1530 (viii., fol. 2408). Sir Rauff Amyes, curate, witness to will of Thomas Mell alias Mylner of Capell 7 December 1530 (viii., fol. 2718). Dns THOMAS EMERE, VIC.A.RIUS DE WESTF.A.RLEY, Instituted November 1527 on the resignation of Richard Croft. Patrons, P. and C. of Leeds (n., fol. 138h). The will of Sir Thomas Emerye, vicar of West Farleighe, dated 24 August, was proved 12 January 1547 (xi., fol. 9). nns E DW.A.RD8 '\V°ETTO' DE TESTON WEC.A.RYUS, Edward Wetton instituted 4 November 1525 on the resignation qf William Madock. Patrons, P. a11d 0. of Leeds (n., fol. 132b). He is witness to will of J ohu Wadman of Testan in 1535 (ix., fol. 180b). uns J OHE'NS LARK DE LEYBORN, RECTOR. John Larke instituted 5 April 1527 on the death of Thomas Sewell. Patrons, Abb. and 0. of Grace, Loudon (n., fol. 136h). On 2 March 1543 Hugh Woodward was instituted on the attainder of John Lark (Reg. Cranmer, fol. 391"). Dns JHO'ES PAOOKE, OUR.A.T DE E.A.LDYNG, sr John Pocok witness to will of John Austen of Ealding 24 July 1532 (ix., fol. Sln), and of John Cooper 1536 (ix., fol. 222b), Dns WYLLM8 CoYN', P'SBIT' DE A.LDYNG. Dns JoB:'Es POMELL, RECTOR DE NETTYLSTED. Instituted 4 February 1523 on the death of Simon Gosfrith (n., fol. 111 "). He died 1548. 302 RENUNCIA1'ION OF THE PAPAL AUTHORITY DoMINUS THOM8S SMITHSON, VICAR DE WATTRINGBUREY. Instituted 8 May 1527 on the death of John Kirfote (n., fol. 137°). He resigned 1541. Dns JoH'Es WODROUE, CUR.AT DE LAMBERHERST. Sur John W oodroff, p'ish preste, witness to will of William Hendley alias Emery of Lamberhurste 28 August 1534 (ix., fol. 161 °), and of will of Gabrel Streter of Lamberherste 7 April 1535 (ix., fol. 162h). Dns WILLms TYSHERST, RECTOR DE HoRSMONDEN. William Tysherst, prothonotarius, sometime Abbot of Lesness, instituted rector 6 October 1525 on the death of John Thwayts. Patron, Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland (D., fol. 1318). His successor, Martin Colyne, was instituted 1 August 1542 (n., fol. 214b). D118 ROBT8 CH.ALSWERTH DE TUNBRYG. Dns THOMAS DYER, CAPALAN8 DE TUMBRYGE. COLLEGIU' DE COBHAM IN DIOCES. ROFFEN. Dns WYLELM8 WHARFF S0CIUS HUIUS CoLLEGII. Dns J OH'Es NORMA' S0CIUS HUIUS CoLLEGII. d. HENRrcus IHosoNus STIPENDEARrcs nurns CoLLEGII. A further declaration, dated 27 October 1535, will be found in Rymer, Fmdera, xiv., p. 555, signed byJohannes Bailye, Magister Collegii de Cobham. Thomas Webster. Willielmus Wharffe. Dominus Johannes Norman, socius. Stephanus Tennand, confratres. [Page 78.J [DEANERY OF ROCHESTER.] RoGERUS WYLD, RECTOR DE MYLTON ET GRAUESEND. Roger Wyld, A.M., instituted to church of Milton 7 December 1531 on the death of John Wylde. Patron, Sir Henry W yot, £or this turn (n., fol. 162h). Instituted rector of Gravesend 22 December 1530 on the death of Henry Redyng (D., fol. rnou). W1LLID8 BARRETT, CUR.AT8 DE GruESEND. Sir William Barrett, curate, witness to will 0£ ,Tohn Veysey of Melton 1528 (viii., fol. 165"), and of Elizabeth Mikilha1£ 0£ Gravesend 1535 (ix., fol. 1788). His will was proved 1543 ( x., fol. 228). WYLLM8 BRODBENT, C.ANTARIST DE MILTON IUXTA GRAUISEND. Sr William Brodbent, chauntrey preste 0£ Melton, overBY THE CLERGY OF WEST KENT, 1534. 303 seer o:f will o:f Sir Thomas N ewsame 21 March 1527 (viii., fol. 151). He was afterwards vicar o:f Wilmington, and bis will, dated 17 July 1552, is in book xi., fol. 256a. RICARDUS TUTS.A.M, CANT.A.RIST DE MILTON IUXT.A. GR.A.UISEND. Sir Richard Tutsame, curate, witness to will of .John Hayton of Milton 1517 (vii., fol. 110b). The will of Sir Richard Tuttisham, preste and Stipendarie of Milton beside Gravesend, dated 22 June, was proved 21 July 1541 (ix., fol. 353b). He mentions "Thissillworth " in Middlesex. D. WILLM8 RYCH.A.RDSON, CUR.A.T DE MYLTON. Syr WiJliam Richardson, curate, witness to will of Robert Broke of Melton next Gravesend 3 January 1532 (ix., fol. 928). d. PHYPLYPUS [sic] NELL, STIPEND.A.RIUS. d. THOMAS HALL, STIPEND.A.RIUS YN GRAVYSSHEND, d. GALFRID5 WYLDMAN, CUR.A.T8 DE SHORN. d. ANDREAS CA.DER, STIPEND.A.RIUS IN ROFF. Syr Andrew Cader, curate o:f St Nicholas, Rochester, witness to the will of John Warner 30 October 1532 (ix., fol. 69a), and of will of Thomas Braibroke of Hoo 1 April 1538 (ix., fol. 259h). D0 • J OH'ES HARROP, RECTOR ECCLIE set CLEME'TS • .J ohn Harrope collated 1 May 1531 on the resignation of Maurice .A.prichard (n., fol. 161 a). He seems to have resigned in 1538 (Reg. Nich. Reath, fol. 8"). Dns GEOROGI8 TYLLOTSON, STIPENDE.A.RI8• George Tilletson was one .of the chantry priests at the Bridge Chapel, Rochester (see Valor Ecclesiastiaus, vol. i., p.110). DoMINUS JoHANEs BERE'GR, STIPEND.A.RIUS IN RocHESTRE. d. RYCH.A.RD8 STEPNEY, STIPEND.A.RIUS, D. THOMAS HARRY, STYP. M. RoBERTus J OHNsoN, R:mcToR DE BToNE. Collated 3 April 1525 on the resignation of Richard Sharpe (D., fol. 129n). He was also Vicar of Yalding and one of the Prebendaries named in the re-foundation charter of Rochester Cathedral Church 1542. M. J OH'E WRIGHT, VIC.A.RIUS gee MARGARETE. Instituted to vicarage of St Margaret's next Rochester 1 March 1503 on the resignation of Thomas Alen. Patrons, P. and 0. of 􀊻ochester (Reg. Warham, fol. 238n). His will, dated 10 April, was proved 13 June 1547 (xi., fol. 1). 304 RENUNCIATION OF THE PAPAL AUTHORITY nns WILL8 HOGESON, RECTOR DE. WoLDHA.M. Syr William Hoggeson, curate, witness to will 0£ Thomas Yeat􀅦 o􀅧 Woldham 3 December 1530 (yjii., £ol. 262h). He was mshtuted rector 28 February 1533 on the resignation of John A.desoue (n., fol. lSOh), and died 1539. -nns THOMAS SHA..w, VIC.A.RIUS S.A.NCTI NYCOLA.S RoFFEN. Collated 20 February 1525 on the resignation 0£ John A.desone, S.T.P. (n., fol. 133"). He resigned in 1534. William Wylbore being instituted 5 December 0£ that year (D., fol. 181 b). Dns ANDREAS N OYTHE, STIPE'D8 IN GR.A.UVYSHN [Pin Gravesend]. DoMrnus J O.A.NNES BuTTYLL, RECTOR DE CoKsToN. "Johannes Bodill, accolitus," collated 1 July 1522 to church 0£ Cokelestone on the resignation of William Barkar (n., fol. l0Sll). He died 3 September 1576 (Reg. Epi. Roff., fol. 146h), nns THOM8 SNYD.A.LL, VIC.A.RIUS DE H.A.LLYNG. Instituted 26 February 1515 on the death 0£ Richd Clarke. Patrons, Master and Brethren of Strood Hospital (n., fol. 73h). Henry Johnson was instituted 24 July 1534 on the death of Thomas Snydall (n., fol. ISP). nns Rrn'us GREYN, CUR.A.TUB DE SNODL.A.ND. Richard Greyn, preste, witness to will of Wm W attes of Snodland 1525 (viii., fol. 15h). Sir Richard Greyn supervisor of will of John Canon of Snodland 25 March 1534 (ix., fol, 1 12h), [Page 79.J nns XPOFER9 BROWNE, VIC.A.RIUS DE FRENDSBERY IUXT.A. RoFFEN • Collated 13 December 1532 on the resignation 0£ Thomas Perone (n., fol. 174h). Henry Morthing was collated to Frindsbury on 28 August 1534 on the death 0£ Ohrist'r Browne (n., fol. 195"). Dns THOMAS PERON, CANT.A.RIST.A. ROFF. Thomas Pern or Perone was instituted to Vicarage of Frindsbury 9 October 1524 on the death of Richard Brawdrib (n., fol. 11411). He resigned as above in 1532. In the Valor Ecclesiasticus, i., p. 110, he appears as one of the incumbents of the Rochester Bridge chantry. His will was proved in 1545 (:x:., fol. 112h). Mr RoBT8 TRUSLOWE, RECTOR DE lliLSTOW ET SNODL.A.NDE. Robert Truslowe, A.M., instituted to Halstow 30 September 1533 on the resignation of Richd Brawdrib (n., fol. 178). He was still rector in 1544. He was collated to the rectory of Snodland l '7 March 1580 on the resignation of John BY THE CLERGY OF WEST KENT, 1534. 305 Adesone (n., fol. 16!8). On 15 March 1530 he was collated to .the Free Chapel of St Laurence in Halling on the death of Richard Sharpe. "ultimi prebendarii" (n., fol. 159a). DnB EDMUNDUS LUNDE, CURAT DE HALSTOWE, S1• Edmund Lunde named to say mass in Denton Church in will of Robert Bromfelde of Milton 26 April 1581 (viii., fol. 276a). Sir Edmonde Londe, curate, witness to will of Nicholas Moysse of Halgstow 18 April 1534 (ix., fol. 125b). uns BA.WDEWINUS, CURATUS DE STOKE, A Sir Baudewyn Sneth witness to will 0£ John Canon of Snodland 25 March 1534 (ix., fol. 112b). nns J oH'ES BYBYLL, CUR.A.TUB DE COWLING. " Sir John Bybyll my gosteley father" witness to will of Richd Longeman of Coullyng 14 October 1584 (ix., fol. 150b), and of will of John Braibroke 10 April 1585 (ix., fol. 184b), nns THOMAS H.A.V.A.TSON, CUR.A.TUB DE HYGH.A.M. A Syr Thomas Huatson witness to will of Jn Fraunces of St. Mary's Hoo 4 April 1530 (viii., fol. 299b). Syr Thos. Hewatson witness to will of W01 Leyston of Ashe 13 April 1532 (ix., fol. 2ia). Thomas Ruetson chantry priest of West Peckham 15R6 (D., fol. 198), but resigned in 1537. nns HE'RICUS BANKE, STYPE'DI.A.RIUS IN li.A.LSTOW. D08 PETRUS MANFELD, STIPENDARIUS Bte MARIE [Hoo J. Syr Peter Manfyld, prest, witness to will of John Love of Halgstowe 14 January 1533 (ix., fol. 107a). nns RoBERTUS FR.A.NCKYSSHE, Vrc.A.RIUS 0MN. Sc.A.NCTOR [Hoo]. Instituted 26 September 1525 on the resignation of John Bayley. Patrons, P. and C. Rochester. John Graver instituted 28 September 1541 on the death of Robert Frankyshe (D., fol. 209a). Dus A.NTONINUS LEPPYNGTON, CURAT DE LuDDISDON, Syr Anthony Lyppyngton witness to will of W01 Williams of Luddesdon 2 May 1533 (ix., fol. 77n). Sir Anthony Lybington witness to will of Richd Monke of "\V" est Peckham 23 January 1588 (ix., fol. 274h). D08 Jon'Es BYRDE, RECTOR DE CowLYNG, Instituted 11 January 1532 on the death of Richd Hewster. Patron, Sir Geo. Broke, Lord Cobham (n., fol. 164a). nns GEORGIUS RYCH.A.RDSON, CUR.A.TUB DE DENTON. A George Rychardson was one of the three c11aplains at Rochester Bridge Chapel in 1549 (Chantry Certificates, Kent No. 29, art. 96). VOL, XXU, X 306 RENUNCIATION OF THE PAPAL AUTHORITY . Dils THOMS WEBSTER, S0CIUS CoLEGII DE CoBII.A.111, See page 302. In his will, dated 22 November 15.38 (ix., fol. 271), he styles himself "lately Submaster 0£ the College, and now Vicar and Curate 0£ Cobham." DllS THOl\18 L.A.NGLEE, CUR.A.TUB DE OHETH.A.M. Thomas Langley, Canon of Leeds, admitted to cure of souls 25 April 1531. Patrons, P. and C. 0£ Leeds (n., fol. 161 •). In Valor Eccl. he is styled" gardiauus et vicarius." Lauucelot Hollingborne, Canon 0£ Ledes-, was admitted " ad o:fficium gardiani ecclesie de Chetham" 11 August 1534 on the death 0£ Thomas Langley. Dns WILLms M.A.LLYNGE, CURA.TUB DE CHETII.A.M, D08 RoBERTUS BL.A.CUS, VIC.A.RIUS DE .A.LYSFORTR. Instituted 24 October 1524 on the resignation of Henry Fleccher. Patrons, Mr and Brethren 0£ Strood (n. , fol. 114°). In Valor Eccl. his name is given as Blake. His will, dated 26 March, was proved 22 June 1535 (ix., fol. 182). D08 ALEXANDER HARISON, STIPENDS IN H YGII.A.M • .A.n "Alisaudre Harrison, prest," witness to will of Richal'd Meller of Capell in 1525 (viii., fol. 20b). nns JoH'Es JoyNr, VIC. DE OHE.A.LKE. John Joyner instituted 10 February 1518 on the death of Roger Gramestone. Patrons, Mr and Brethren of Cobham (n., fol. 7811). Dus RoBERTUS O.A.RT.A.R, STIPEND.A.RIUS DE SOUTHFLET. Sir Robert Cartar witness to will of John Moer 0£ South. fleet 1526 (viii., fol. 68"). Administration of the goods of Sir Robert Carter, clerk, late of Sowthfleet, granted 21 May 1543 to Roger Carter alias Stable, his brother. Dns RICH.A.RD8 LA.WR.A.'cE, STIPEND.A.RIUS DE SoUTHFLET. D08 NICHOL.A.US GERVIS, CURA.T8 DE SwANSCOM. D0 • GREGORIUS KETON, VIC.A.RIUS DE BuRIIAM. Instituted 21 August 1533 on the resignation of John Pierson. Patron, W. Weston, Prior 0£ St John of Jerusalem (n., fol. 178b). [Page 80.J Dns WILLms Hnw, RECTOR DE KYNGSDOWNE. Instituted 13 January 1533 on Anthony Middleton's preferment to another benefice (n., fol. 180b). He resigned in 1542 and went to Fawkham, and his will as "parson 0£ Fawkham" is in book xiii., fol. 423, Rochester Consistory. Dns RICHARDUS EDMO'soN, RECTOR DE FAWCHAM. Richard Edmondson instituted 10 June 1527 on the resignation of Thomas Saunderson (n., fol. 137u). His will, dated 25 October, was proved 24 November 1541 (ix., •fol. 367). He was succeeded by the above William Hyrd. BY THE CLERGY OF WEST KENT, J:534. 307 D08 WYLLJII8 WYELS, RECTOR DE AssHE. Instituted 7 April 1533 on the resignation of Thomas Slater. Patron, Prior of St John of Jerusalem (n., fol. 177b). His will, dated 21 April, was proved 7 June 1555 (xi., fol. 342). Dns J OH'ES SYMSON, OURAT DE STONE, The will of Syr John Symson, curate of Stone, . dated 11 November, was proved 11 February 1547 (xi., fol. 13). He leaves a bequest " to poore in Bisshopsgate Streytt wtout the gate to by them fuell." Dns JoH'ES DEwE, STIPEND.A.RIUS DNI WYLSHERE IN STONE. He was chantry priest of the Wiltshire Chantry in Stone Church. On a brass plate on the floor of the choir of that church is:- " 0 mercyfull Jhesu have mercy on the Soule of Syr John Dew." Dns NYCOLAUS HARYNGTON, CANT.AR. IN MONASTERIO ROFF. Nicholas Haryngton, "p'sbiter, cantarie ,Toh'is Shepey quondam Epi. Roffen." (Valor EcclesiasticzM, 1535, vol. i., p. 108.) Dns EwINUS CARLTON, STIPEND.A.RIUS .A.PUD ROFF. Ewinus Carlton is Rector of Longfield in Valor Eccl., 1535, vol. i., p. ll0. The will of Sir Ewan Charlton, Parson of Longfelde, was proved 1548 (xi., fol. 30"). Dns WILLUS SKELTON, CURAT DE Hoo. Sir William Skelton witness to will of Stephen Charles of Hoo 1520 (vii., fol. 20tn), and of ,John Mott of Hoo 12 September 1534 (ix., fol. 142h). nns JOHANNES MYLLUS, STIPEND.A.RIUS IN Hoo. Sir John Mylles witness to will of John Larke of Hoo 2 May 1535 (ix., fol. 174h). D118 J.A.COBlJS ALLOTT, STIPEND.A.RIUS IN Hoo. Sir James A.llott witness to will of ,John Charles of Hoo 16 November 1531 (ix., fol. 112n). D. STEPHANS TENN.A.ND, CAPELL.ANS DNI DE COBHAM, Se.e p. 302. 4 2 308 RENUNCIATION OF THE PAPAL AUTHORITY [Page 61.J DEUAT08 DE SHORAM IMMEDIAT. IURM E00LIE XPI CANT. [ JJeane-ry qf 8korekam directl11 under Okrist Okurck, Canterbury.] JOHANNES BURGES, VIC. DE SENOK. EDMU'D8 FLATCHr, VICARIUS DE EsT M°ALLYNG, The will of " Edmunde Flatchere, clarke and vicar of Estmawlinge," dated 6 November 1540, was proved 16 May 1541 (P.C.C., 28 Alenger). He left books "to Exeter College in Oxenforde, because I was somtyme of the same house." Dns JOHANNES llORSSEY, VIOA.RIUS DE 8ClIORHAM, Dns JoR'Es BYRDE, VICARIUS DE MEOPHA.M, Sir John Birde, vicar of Meopham, witness to will of John Bogherst of Luddisdon. 1 October 1533 (ix., fol. 105n), and of Richard A.dene, gent., of M:eopham, 3 July 1542 (P.C.C., 13 Spert). D08 xPoFOR8 ScHARP'ROW, RECT, DE HEYS, Sir Christr Sharperow witness to will of W01 Frenche of Seal 1519 (vii., fol. 163n), and of Thomas Beste of Seal 1531 (ix., fol. ma). He is witness to will of Henry Causton of West Wickham in 1532 (ix., fol. 52b). Dns WYLLM8 STERLYNG, RECTOR DE KESTONE. He was buried 20 December 1545 (Hasted's Kent, i., p. 112). D08 JOHANNES LEu'sAGE., CURAT8 DE DowNE. " Sir John Leuersege my gostly father" is left xijd by Elizabeth Brisley alia.􀇙 Bendon of Bromley on 15 Juue 0 1530 to pray for her (ix., fol. 244). p' ME MYLONEM THOLYNSON, VIC. DE BEXLYE. Sir Myles Tomlynsou, vicar of Bexley, is named in the will of Thomas Lamendby alias Sparrowe of Bexley 24 November 1513 (P.0.0., 24 Fetiplace). He is also wit. ness to will of Thomas Hawle of Bexley 4 July 1526 (P.0.0., 20 Porch). Dns WILELM8 SMYTH, VIC.A.RIUS DE GREANE, sr William Smyth, vicar 0£ Greane, is named on 28 February 1540 by Syr Richard Hyll, vicar of Stoke, as his executor (ix., fol. 336h), Dns ADAM HAROSMYTH, CURA.TUB DE HUNTON. S1• Adam Arowsmyth, prest, a witness to will of Tho􀇚 Coveney of West Farlegh 19 April 1515 (P.0.0., 18 Mayuwaryng). BY THE CLERGY OF WEST KENT, 1534. 309 Dns J OH'ES MOORE, CUR.AT8 DE PENSHURST. Dns THOM8 OHYTTES, CUR.A.T8 DE HEU' [HEVER]. Dns D.A.VIT R.A.CHFFORD, CUR.A.TB DE WROTGnM [WROTH.AM]. JoH'Es LIFAN', CUR.A.TB DE OLYFF. Dns WYLLM8 H..A.LLE, CUR.A.TB DE SuNDRYS [SUNDRIDGE]. Dns HUGO GREYN, CURAT8 DE BRASTHE [BRASTED]. A Sir Ilugth Grene, curate, a witness to will 0£ Richard Frenche 0£ Seal 27 March 1536 (ix., fol. 212b), Dns RICHA.RD8 HACSE (?), CURAT8 DE OHEDYNGSTON. Dns RICH.A.RD8 TAYLLER, VIC.A.RIUS DE EsTFARLEY. D118 JoH'ES CoLYNS DE HALSTEYD. Dns JOH.ANES G.A.RLOND DE 0RPYNGTON. A Sir John Garland witness to will 0£ Anne Clements 0£ Lullingstone 11 October 1537. [Pagp, 62.J Dns THOM.AS WODHOUS, CURAT8 ScE MAC CRAY. Dns J OH'ES W OLMER, CUR.A.T8 DE CHEVENYNG. Sir John Wolmer, curate, witness to will 0£ ,John Hacche alias Haccher, yoman, 0£ Chevening, 23 November 1541 (P.0.0., 4 Spert). Dns Hu'FRID8 BARKER, CUR.A.TB DE AYNFORTH. Dns HUGO WARNE, CUR.A.TB DE ST.A.NSTEDE. D08 J OH'ES LEE, CUR.A.TB DE lGHT.A.M. Dns WILLms CULL, CUR.A.T8 DE NoKOLTD. Dns THOMAS BYRKEHED, STIPE'DARIUS DE OTFORTHE. Dns HENRIC' B..A.RLYLL, CURAT8 DE D.A.RNT, D08 HENRIC' BUCHAR, CUR.A.T8 DE OREYFORD, Dns RICH.A.RD8 BL.A.GGE, VIC.A.RIUS. DE ORPYNTON, Admitted 3 April 1525. Died 1541 (Arch. Gant., Vol. XIII., p. 385). Dns PHELIPPUS METCALFE, C.A.PELL.A.NUS DE GYLLYNG.A.'. In a list 0£ pensions dated 1556, printed in Arch. Gant., Vol. II., p. 62, occurs, "Philip Metcalfe, late incumbent at Gillingham, per annum vj11."


Davington Priory


The Manor of Old Sore (sic Soar), near Plaxtol in Kent