Research and Discoveries

( dix ) RESEARCHES ANIDISOOVERIES IN KENT) ])5-96. BY GEORGE .\.YNE, F.L.S., F.S.A. FoR'l' "Boiis'l'AL,1' 1ioc11Es'1.-0n Decen1ber 3rd, 18H/5, Colonel Sir John C. Ardagh, KC.I, C.B., Commnndaut of the H.M.B., Chatham, kindly informed i of the cliscov01·y of three Homan interments dm:iug Lhe progis of the works coirnoctell with the Fort at Borsta1. A gang ofowicts were cngn,gecl in digging po1-1tholes for a fence between thoutb wall of l􀐽orstal Prison ttml the Fort railway, when they tdhrough three cists which had been excavated in the chalk to a,cipth of 4 feet 8 inches, 3 feet, and 2 feet 10 inches respectivel 1'hese were cleared out, beforo my arrival, of ev017thing but wt remained of the skeletons. No. 1 grave was 7 feet 3 inches le; by 3 feet 2 inches wiclo, the t;keleton lay east and west, heacl tche west. By the skull was a 1>mttll browu vase and a blttck pah. No. 2 grave, 8 foot from No. I, was 7 feet long by 3 feet inches wide; the ske1eioJJ Jay soutliwest by north-east, head toe latter, without relics. No. 3 grave, 7 :feet 4 inches 1011g by 3 it 2 inches wide ; the skele ton lay as before, but with the head the south-west. 111 this case the l>m1cs were not disturbed. The eleton was lying extended, the bones of the hands being fouud un t11e pelvis. 'l'he skull was discovered some years ago when layinlown a water-main whieh passox l,y the head of the cist. At thu,ft shoulder tt i-uutll brown vaxe wi1 h narrow neck witl:l met with.By the feet \\'Cl'(.) two i1·011 nail,i wl1il·h 1ia-Hornan feet long, with armR and legs straight, upper part curved towards south. Au iron dagger-shaped kuifo lay upon the pelvis. Grave 5. Skeleton of a young female, under 5 feet long, in an extended poRitiou. By the neck were t11ree opaque glass beads, two reel and one green ; two reel beads were also found by the left hand. It was interesting to note that the uncut wisdom teeth were visible through a fracture in the lower jaw. Grave G. Skeleton almost entirely decayed. On tlrn left side of the skull an iron eipear-hca


Abstract of Proceedings 1895-1896


Canterbury Cathedral (Appeal)