
KENT ARCH^IOLOGICAL %frXt Cash Account from the \st oj 1898. £ s. < Jan. 1. Balance at Bankers :— Wigan, Mercer, and Co £461 7 11 Hammond and Co 381 9 5 842 17 Dividends on the Society's 2 | per Cent. Stock 33 12 Sale of the Society's Publications 6 1 Subscriptions through the following Local Secretaries and Bankers :— W. E. Hughes, Esq. (London) ., £72 14 6 R. Holt-White, Esq. (Dartford) 10 10 0 F. F. Giraud, Esq. (Faversliam) 6 19 0 C. Boyce, Esq. {Maidstone) 9 17 6 J. Copland, Esq. (Sheerness) 4 19 0 W. T. Neve, Esq. (Cranbrooh) 9 10 0 Miss Dudlow (Mailing) 6 10 6 J. F. Wadmore, Esq. (Tonbridge) 9 10 0 J. E. Mace, Esq. (Tenterden) 6 10 0 W. J. Mercer, Esq. (Margate) 11 0 0 W. H. Burch Kosher, Esq. (Walmer) 8 10 0 W. Wightwick, Esq. (Folkestone) 13 15 0 G. Payne, Esq. (Roohester, etc.) 30 0 0 a. M. Arnold, Esq. (Gravesend) 10 10 0 J. D. Norwood, Esq. (Ashford) 8 15 0 G. E. Elliott, Esq. (Sittingbourne) -11 0 0 K. W. Wilkie, Esq. (Ramsgate) 14 0 0 O. W. Powell, Esq. (Speldhurst) 8 0 0 H. Stringer, Esq. (New Bomney) 2 10 0 The Bankers :—Wigan, Mercer, and Co 34 10 6 Hammond and Co 18 11 6 308 2 £1190 13 6 SOCIETY. January to the 31stf of December, 1898. <£f. 1898. £ s. d. Mitchell and Hughes, Vol. XXIII 310 9 11 Ditto General Account 11 18 2 C. P. Kell, Lithographer 39 18 6 Typographic Etching Company 24 15 11 Meisenbach Company, Portrait of Canon Scott Robertson 2 8 7 W. Paul, Drawings Rochester Cathedral 17 10 0 L. B. Fleming, Collotype 4 7 6 J. Murray, use of Electros 2 2 0 J. H. Parker and Co., Plates of Tiles 2 9 0 Borough Treasurer, Rent of Rooms 20 0 0 Chief Curator's Grant, 4 quarters SO 0 0 J. Lower, Porter's Fee, 4 quarters 0 12 0 Purchase of Consols 25 0 0 Fordwich Town Trust, Grant towards reparation of Court Hall ... 20 0 0 W. T. Wildish, Printing 2 16 6 Kent Fire Office, Insurance 2 5 0 Subscription to Archieological Congress 10 0 Ditto Pipe Roll Society 2 2 0 W. Keeley, Binding , 14 3 Petty Cash, in addition to balance of £10 10*. M. from 1897 5 0 0 Includes Journey and Expenses, Deal £0 15 0 Journeys and Expenses, Fordwich Court Hall 17 0 Stamps for year, as per Account 1 18 0 Sundries 0 13 6 Balance in hand 10 17 2 £15 10 8 Dec. 31. Balance at Bankers :— Wigan, Mercer, and Co 41380 13 10 Hammond and Co 258 0 4 638 14 2 £1190 13 C We have examined the Accounts, compared them with the Vouchers and Pass Books, and find them correct. HERBERT HOEDBEN, I rf CHAS. F. HOOPER, > KENT ARCH^OLOGICAL •5B9t". Cash Account from the 1st oj 1899. £ s. d. Jan. 1. Balance at Bankers :— Wigan, Mercer, and Co £380 13 10 Hammond and Co 258 0 4 638 14 2 Dividends on the Society's 2-J per Cent. Stock 34 1 8 Sale of the Society's Publications 7 15 8 Subscriptions through the following Local Secretaries and Bankers :— W. E. Hughes, Esq. (London) £53 18 6 E. W. Fry, Esq. (Dover) 14 0 0 G. E. Elliott, Esq. (Sittingbourne) 13 0 0 C. Boyce, Esq. (Maidstone) 13 13 0 J. D. Norwood, Esq. (Ashford) 10 5 0 F. F. Giraud, Esq. (Faversliam) 7 17 10 J. Copland, Esq. (Slieerness) 3 19 0 (i. M. Arnold, Esq. (Gravesend) 16 0 0 G. Wilks, Esq. (Ilythe) 5 0 0 J. E. Mace, Esq. (Tenterden) 2 10 0 F. M. Dudlow, Esq. (Mailing) 12 0 6 R. Holt-White, Esq. (Dartford) 18 10 0 A. Walker, Esq. (Bromley) 17 0 0 J. F. Wadmore. Esq. (Tonbridge) 7 10 0 Gt. F. Cornell, Esq. (Sevenoaks) 15 13 6 W. J. Mercer, Esq. (Margate) 8 10 0 W. H. Burch Rosher, Esq. (Walmer) 7 10 0 G. Payne, Esq. (Roohester, etc.) 28 0 0 The Bankers:—Wigan, Mercer, and Co 28 11 0 Hammond and Co 39 10 6 322 18 10 £1003 10 4 SOCIETY. January to the 'Hst of December, 1899. (£?, 1899. & s. d. C. F. Kell, Lithographer 57 13 0 J. Parker and Co., Engravings 13 6 George Parker, Transcript of MS 3 3 0 Ditto ditto . 12 0 0 Borough Treasurer, Rent of Rooms 20 0 0 Maidstone Museum, Grant, Purchase of Harrison Collection 25 0 0 Curator's Grant, 4 quarters 50 0 0 J. Lower, Porter's Fee, 4 quarters 6 9 0 900 Copies Index of Archasological Papers, and Subscription to Archaeological Congress 1899 12 5 0 C. W. English, Zinc Block of Coin 0 13 6 W. Keeley, Binding 0 19 6 W. Ruck, Photo Album, etc 2 4 0 W. T. Wildish, Printing 2 19 6 Kent Fire Office, Insurance 2 5 0 Rev. J. M. Cowper, Canterbury Marriage Licences 1 15 0 Canon C. F. Routledge, Editorial Expenses 3 0 0 Cheque Book (Wigan, Mercer, and Co.) 0 4 0 Petty Cash, in addition to balance of £10 17*, 2d. from 1898 5 0 0 Includes Journeys and Expenses, Bromley £13 0 Journeys and Expenses, Ightham Mote 0 10 6 Ditto Discoveries 0 9 6 Stamps for the year, as per Account 3 1 1 Sundries 10 9 Balance in hand 9 12 4 £15 17 2 Dec. 31. Balance at Bankers :— Wigan, Mercer, and Co £382 13 0 Hammond and Co 414 3 4 796 16 4 £1003 10 4 Wc have examined the Accounts, compared them with the Vouchers and Pass Books, and find them correct. HERBERT HORDERN, I CHAS. F. HOOPER, | A-vdltov*'


Honorary Local Secretaries


Abstract of Proceedings 1898 - 1900