Extracts from the Faversham Archives

( 181 ) EXTRACTS FROM THE EAVERSHAM ARCHIVES. BY E. E. GIRAUD, TOWN CLEBK, JTAVBESHAM. IFSTBUOTIONS TO EVERT SEVERAL TOWNE OB MEMBEB OF THE FIVE POBTES FOB THE CAPTATNE OP THE SELECT BAND AHD COMP ANTE. [1585.] 1. Fyrste that everye bande and company be supplyed after these rates, for one hundreth men and so of more or lesse in like proportion viz. pykes 40 callyvers 40 Bowes 20 whyche proporcion hathe heretofore been sette downe by the lawes of her Majesties moste honorable pryvye Councell. 2. That your sayde bande doe consyste of men of the beste habilitye whoe wythoute entertaynment maye attende the trayninge and be of suche sufficiencye and abilitye to beare their owne chardges in traynynge, savynge that the port towne or member ys to fyend them powder matche and bulletts of their chardges whiche mnste at the leaste be 3 li. for everye severall shotte in one year. 3. That the places of your sayde bande be comyng voyede bye the deathe importurye or departure into the shyer of anye of the Souldyours of the Bande, the rome be supplyed agayne bye you wythe the advyse and consente of the specyall coinmyssioners. That the Tenthe man over everye sorte of weapon be appoyncted of the beste skyll and knowledge in that weapon to the intente he maye exercyse the reste and he to be sette downe in your Eowle bye the name of. Decimer, and that the xxttl or xxvUl man of the sayde bande or companye be sette downe in the Eowle as vintrymer or corporell and do kepe a Eowle of the names of everye Souldyour in hys quarter devysyon or warde whoe shall have a note delyveryd to hym bye the Oaptayne and cheiffe offycer of everye place where and of whoome everye soldyour shall have armoure and furnyture that he maye see them furnyshed, he shall certifye you presentlie of the deathe and departure of anye Soldyour, he shall also take a 182 EXTRACTS EROM THE particuler viewe of the Armour and weapon of everye man in hys charge, and see the owner thereof doe mayneteyne and make yt servyceable from tyme to tyme, and yf anye soldyour shall wilfullye spoyele or hurte the furniture to hym founde he shall certifye hys name to the Captayne to the intente he maye receave punnyshmente for the same, and yf anye man doe refuse to delyver the sayde Armour or weapon at anye tyeme he shall make Certifycat thereof to the Captayne and cheiffe offycer that he maye be moste severelye punyshed for the same, and yf yt be not redressed, then the Captayne shall presentlye certefye the Llieftenant thereof to the intente he maye take further order accordinge to hys martiall Commyssyon and Aucthoritye grauntyd to hym bye her Majestye. Item that you observe and kepe one uniforme order of trayninge of your bands and Companye accordynge to the coursse that you shall receave from the Muster Master as well for the avoydynge of wastfull expences of powder as otherwyse for the redynes and perfection in marche and other myllytarye coursse. Item that everye Towne or lyme provyede one ensigne and drumme for the select band yf they have not one alredye and the same to be blacke and whyete, and where the number in the general bande wyll atnownte wythe the provers to make one hundreth more or upwarde, there to be another ensigne and drumme for the same provyded. Item that the dayes yon shall appoyncte for the trayninge of your selecte number be appoyncted uppon some holydayes and the Sabothe daye in the afternoone for the better ease of your people. [Indorse.] Q-enerall instructions for the fyve ports and their Members. LETTEE FEOM THE EAEL OE LEICESTEB AS TO I?EOHIA3ITING TEANSPOETATION OF HORSES, ETO. After mye hartye commendacions, The complaynte ys so generall and indeade the matter so evydente of the transportation of the beste Geldinges and horses of the Eealme oute of the Creekes and portes that lye next Fraunce and that in a greate parte under the colour of transporfcinge unserviceable horsses Jades Titts and Mares whiche bye Statute are permitted to be transported, That as I am dryven to take specyall and strycte order for restrainte thereof in all other places So in the Countye of Kente and in all the poortes EAVERSHAM ARCHIVES, 18 3 ' and Creekes thereof I doe verye hartelye and earnestlye praye you that you wyll presentlie take order that not anye horsse Greldinge Mare Jade Titt or anye whatsoever permytted bye statute or not permitted be anye tyeme hereafter transported wythoute specyall and expresse lycence bye writynge of the Q. Majestie or of me as Master of her H3 horse, and that to that ende you do also presentlie take order that all Owners and Masters of Shippes and Vessells wythin everye Porte and Creeke of that Countye doe gyve unto you suffycyent bonde to her Majesties use to be of good behavyour in thys behalffe And the same bondes so taken to sende uppe hyther to me soe soone as you convenyentlie maye, Furder prayinge and requirynge you likewyse to causse diligente inquyrye whether anye havynge entryd like bonde heretofore have forfeytyd the same and to sende me their names and bondes, as also from tyeme to tyeme hereafter bye suche under you as you shall thyncke fitte in everye porte & Creeke to have specyall regarde to thys restraynte and to the f orfeytures of suche bondes yf anye shalbe made And to certet'ye me thereof, And lastelye to proceede wythe all offendours eyther nowe to be founde or hereafter as you maye bye lawe not dismissinge theym tyll theye shall have aunswered her Majestie the penaltie of the lawe, And so I bydde yon farewell from the Courte the xviith of September 1585. Tour lovynge Freende, E. LEICESTER.* [Indorse.] To mye verye lovynge "Freendes Sir Thomas Scott Knightef Henry GruildfordeJ Captaine of the forte of Artclife and Stephen Thorneux Esquyres and to everye of theym. * Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, E.G. 1531—1588, one of Queen Elizabeth's earliest favourites, and the only one who succeeded in retaining her favour to the close of his career. In 1585 the Earl of Leicester (so created in 1564) was appointed Lieutenant-General of the Forces sent to assist the Dutch against the Spaniards. Iu 1588 he was placed at the head of the army raised to resist the expected invasion of the Spaniards, and was mentioned by name as ' Lieutenant-General in Queen Elizabeth's famous speech at the review of her troops at Tilbury. t Sheriff of Kent 18 Elizabeth, and in 13th and 28th; Knight of the Shire in Parliament, and in 1588 appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Kentish Forces to oppose the Spanish Armada. He died in 1594, and was buried in Brabourne Churoh. He was thrice married, first to Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John Baker of Sissinghurst, who died in 1583. By her he had seventeen children, of whom Thomas succeeded him at Scott's Hall. J Captain of the Queen's Forces at Artcliffe, was buried in St. Mary's Churoh, Dover, in 1595. The fort of Artcliffe was on the south-west end of Dover Castle. 184 EXTRACTS EROM THE LETTEE PEOM LOBD COBHAM FOB PEOVISION OP MATCH AND POWDEE THBOTJGHOTTT THE CLNQITE POETS AXS THEIE MEMBEES. AAfter mye hartye commendacions unto you I have nowe latelye received order from mye lordes of her Majesties moste honorable privye Councell That amonge other thynges theye fyend yt convenyente That there shoolde be certen quantitye and proportion of Matche and powder had and kepte in a redynes thoroughoute the whole portes and their lymnes accordinge to a Schedule whiche herewythe you shall receave, for the havynge and receavynge of the sayde powder mye Lordes have taken order wythe Henrye Dale Cytyzen of London at whoosse handes theye shall buye the same for x d. or xi d. at the moste, And when their moneye shalbe readye lette them come over thys waye to have mye lettere unto the sayde Dale for the receavinge of their proporcion. I praye lett thys be followed that the same may be donne wythe expedityon. Thus fareyewell. Prom Cobham Hall the xviiith of September 1585. Your lovinge Preende, COBHAJU:.* I praye speake to Symons to sende awaye the Pleminge that woorke at Sandowne Castle for that I woolde willynglie have hym to slate a howsse of myene, [Indorse.] To mye lovynge Preende Mr Eycharde Barryt Esquier mye lieftenaunte of Dovour Castle. [Indorse.] Mye lo. l're of the 18 of September 1585 for the provisyon of matche and powder throughout the Cinque poorts & their membres. THE NAMES OP THE SOLDYEBS WHICH SEBVE IN THE GENEBAL BANDE AND BY WHOM THEY ABE FUENISHED. [1595.] Mushetts. "Willm. Stedde with Mr Nichas. Upton.J John Ball with Thomas Cleve. John Mason with Thomas Cleve. * William Brooke, Lord Cohham. See Archceologia Cantiana, Vol. XII pp. 142—156. t He was also M.P. for Dover 28 Elizabeth. His seat was The Moat, Sevington. % See A.rohcBologia Cantiana, Vol. X., p. 280. EAVERSHAM ARCHIVES. 185 Christopher Overton with Widowe Newes. John Willyamson with Thomas Eye.* Will™ Wrattinge with Willm Kember.t John Bynneon with Mr G-osneil. John "Widdyate with M1' Christopher Pynche4 John "Wyse with M1' Halden. Christopher Bronton with Mr Will"1 Tilman mayer.§ Benjamyn Evans with M1' Anthony Deale.11 Eoger Grene with M1'8 Shrubsole. Thomas Mason with Eob1 Snode. Eichard Pease with his owne. Calyvers. John Hamon with his owne. Edwarde Parker with Mr Nichas. Upton.^f Tho. Okenfolde with his owne. Samuel Warde with Mr John Upton.** Thomas Drayton with his owne. Eaffe Dugglasse with his owne. Willm. Pett with Mp Prancys Gyles. Thomas Steppinge with Mr Prancys Gyles. Willm. Parkyns with Josanne Danyell wid. Thomas Wilcoxe with his owne. Eichard Grenocke with John Willerde. Willm. Dutton with Thomas Bratts. Humfrye Symcockes with his owne. Michael Sole with Humfry Cubytts. Willm. Buckingham with Mr John Caslocke.tt Willm. Segar with Mr John Caslocke.ff Thomas Burwasshe with widow Atkyns. * Commoner of Eaversham from 1572 to 1607, when he died. f William Kember (or Cumber), Commoner of Faversham from 1555 to 1571. % See Archceologia Cantiana, Vol. XIII.. pp. 341-2, 344,346-7. Commoner of Faversham 1573, Jurat 1575 to 1607, four times Mayor. Buried in Faversham Church 1607. § William Tyllman, Commoner of Faversham 1590, Jurat 1592 to 1596, Mayor 1594. || Commoner of Eaversham 1597, Jurat 1597 to 1603, Mayor 1598. Buried in Faversham Church 1604. % See Archceologia Cantiana, Vol. X., p. 230. ** Chamberlain of Faversham 1577, Commoner 1576 to 1584, Ohurohwarden 1579, Jurat 1586 to 1621, Mayor 1589. He died 1625. +t Commoner of Faversham 1572 to 1583, Jurat 1583 to 1613, Mayor 1588. Buried in Faversham Ohuroh 1613. 186 EXTRACTS FROM THE Thomas Hamon with Tho. Waterman.* Edward Bottereil with Eichard Tufton. Barthol. Markes with Eichard Mayeott. Eobte. Oliffe with Willm. Stevens. Willm. Mercer with Mr Mayor Willm. Tillman.t John Dane with Henrye Hudson. Josyas Elfrythe with Thomas Peerse.| Armed Men. James Eeve with Mr Nicbas. Upton.§ Eobt. Coxe with Mr Wichas. Upton.§ Henry e Adey with Mr John Caslocke. J j Stephen Hartroppe with M1' John Caslocke. || John Auibrosse with Mr John Upton.lf Willm. Saxten with his owne.** Willm. Birckett with Mr Willm. Tilman mayor.f Thomas Girdler with Anthony Deale.ft Henrye Palmer with his owne. Edwarde Kerbye with Michael Eeve. Eicharde Umfrey with Michael Eeve. Henrye Lyle with Anthonye Bodle.JJ Eicharde Gibson with John Eoe. George Casson with Mrs Deale. Robt, Honys with M1' Fynche sen. Garders to the Aneyente. John Elfrythe§§ with his owne. John Kendricke with his owne. John Bulvan with his owne. Jeames Lamberde with his owne. Josyas Sparke with his owne. Billes Skulles £[ Redde Oappes. Edwarde Wilson a bill skull


Notes on the Church of St Margaret-at-Cliffe


Ightham Mote House and Church. J. Oldrid