.rrtefltup* (feiiana.
TIME."—Advancement of Learning, ii.
The Oouncil of the Kent Arohcsological Society is not answerable
for any opinions put forward in this Worh. Each Contributor is alone
responsible for his own remarJcs.
Lists of Officers, x—xiii; Rules, xiv; List of Members, xvi—xxxii
Illustration Fund xxxiii
Cash Account for 1898 and 1899 xxxiv—xxxvii
Proceedings, Reports, etc., 1898, 1899, and 1900 xxxix—1
Hope, M.A 1
Payne, F.L.S., F.S.A 86
G. M. Livett 91
4 NORTHBOURNE COURT. By Lord Northbourne 96
5. DEAL AND ITS ENVIRONS. By the late Qeorge Dowker,
F.G.S. 108
BEDS. By W. L. Rutton, F.S.A 122
Philip Norman 139
By A. A. Arnold, F.S.A 160
By thei2et>. G. M. Livett 175
Giraud 181
Scott 189
By the Rev. 0. E. Woodruff, M.A 195
the late George Dowker, F.G.S 201
F.L.S., F.SA 220
KENT. By R. R. Ernest Hill, A.R.I.B.A. ... 227
WITH NOTES. Compiled by F. F. Giraud 237
CANTERBURY, 1486. Edited by Leland L. Duncan,
F.S.A 244
Chas. Cotton, F.R.C.P 253
Garstang , 267
The Architectural History of the Cathedral Church and
Monastery of St. Andrew at Rochester. II. The
Plate V. Plan of the Precincts of Rochester Priory 1
Fig. 39. Doorway from the Cloister into the Church 31
Fig. 40. Lattice Diaper on Ernulf's Work at Canterbury
and Rochester 36
Fig. 41. Elevation of the remaining fragment of the
Chapter-house Wall Arcade 38
Fig. 42. View of the North-east Corner of the Cloister.. 40
Fig. 43. Elevation and Plan of a Respond of the Dorter
Sub-vault 43
Plate VI. Frater Door and remains of Lavatory 46, 47
Plate VII. Plan of the Church and Monastery 84, 85
Plan of Celtic Burial-ground at Ifield-place Farm, Shorne,
Kent 88, 89
Early-Norman Remains of Maidstone 91
Plan of the Northbourne Court Estate, situate in the Parishes
of Northbourne, Great Mongeham, and Sholden, Kent 96,97
Queen Elizabeth's Gateway and Encaustic Tiles 98,99
Sandys' Monument in Northbourne Church 106
Remains of Preceptory of Knights of St. John of Jerusalem,
Hadlow, Kent 128
St. Margaret-at-Cliffe Parish Church 175
North Doorway at St. Margaret's 177
Minutes, Plans, and Sections relating to excavations at Richborough
Plan of Platform and Cross, and View of Saxon Walls at
Richborough , 202,203
Mediaeval Crypts at Rochester -.—
Plate I. Plan and Sections of Mediaeval Crypt below
" George Inn " at Rochester 220,221
Fig. 1. Carved Boss of Vaulting
Fig. 2. „ „
Fig. 3. „ „ V 220,221
Fig. 4. „ „
Fig. 5. „ „ .
Three Vaulting Shafts and Corbels 220, 221
View of Mediaeval Crypt 221
Plate II. Crypt formerly existing beneath the original
" Crown Inn " at Rochester 222
Plate III. Crypt beneath Wallond's Shop, High Street,
Maidstone 224
Portrait of Abraham Hill, F.R.S 227
St. John's, Sutton-at-Hone 228
Monument to Abraham Hill, Sutton-at-Hone Church 231
Excavations at Richborough :—
Plan of Richborough Castle 267
The Western Gateway 268
Sockets for Joists, and Type of Masonry 269
Fragments of White Marble 270
3^ent analogical gwtetp-
OCTOBEE, 1900.
( * )
iunt analogical ^xictetp*
^onoravg ©tutors.
REV. C. E. WOODRUFF, M.A., Otterden Rectory, Faversluim.
i Westcliff Terrace, St. Lawrence, Ramsgate.
f^owovavg gmetarg.
GEORGE PAYNE, ESQ., F.L.S., F.S.A., The Precinct, Rochester.
©IcctcD fflttribm of tf)t Council
G. M. AENOLD, ESQ., J.P., F.S.A Gravesend.
E. F. ASTLEY, ESQ., M.D., J.P Dover.
REV. J. A. BOODLE, M.A Houghton Blean.
REV. T. S. FEAMPTON, M.A., F.S.A Dover.
F. F. GIEAUD, ESQ Faversham.
J. J. HowAED, ESQ., LL.D., F.S.A. (Malts-avers Herald) . Blaokheath.
REV. G. M. LIVETT, B.A Wateringbury.
J. D. NOEWOOD, ESQ Ashford.
REV. A. J. PEAEMAN, M.A Rochester.
0. W. POWELL, ESQ., J .P Speldhurst.
REV. CANON C. F. ROUTLEDGE, M.A., F.S.A Canterbury.
J. F. WADMORE, ESQ., F.E.I.B.A Tonbridge.
REV. C. E. WOODEUFF, M.A Otterden.
Ciwf Curator.
(London Correspondents, Messrs. Smith, Payne, and Smiths.)
(London Correspondents, Messrs. Glyn and Co.)
( XU )
sOforb Blistrit:t.
J. D. NoRwoon, EsQ. . . . • . • Ash,f01·d.
IackOeatO anb i1ebli11bam mi11trict.
w. EssINGTON HUGHES, EsQ. • • • • • • 140 Wa1·dou1· Street, w.
38romley District.
W. AD.A.M WALKER, EsQ. • • • • • • • • Widniore Road, Br01nlC1J.
&ntecbm:y i9istrict.
. . . . . . . . • , Oar1,t(wb1wy.
l!tranbroolt mish:ict.
S.A.CKVILLE CRESSWELL, ESQ. , , . . . • Hole Pa1•k, Rolvende1.
ntartfot:b iJ!Jish:ict.
R. HOLT-WRITE, ESQ. . . . . . , , . . Bexley, Kent,
meal anb •aimer District.
W. H. BURCH ROSHER, EsQ. . . . . . . Wahnei·, Kent.
mober lli!lttict.
ED\VARD WICKENS FnY, EsQ. , , • , , • St. )1la1•tin's House, Dover.
jf abet!lbam ililistrict.
F. F. GIRAUD, EsQ. • • • • • • • • • • Fa;ve1·slUJ,11i.
§0Ute11to11e mistrict.
WM. WIGHTWICK, EsQ. • • • • • • • • Follwstmw.
Ol.tabesenb illish:ict.
G. M. ARNOLD, ESQ. Milton .liali, (J,ravesend.
1f211tOe mi11trict.
G. S. WILKS, EsQ. Hytlw.
w. ESSINGTON HUGHES, ESQ, , • . • 140 Wan·dOW1· St?·eet, w.
Jl!laib11to11e iDistrict.
c. BOYCE, EsQ., M.D. • • • • • • • Maidstone.
$alHnir mistrict.
MISS DUDLOW • • • • • , • , • • West Mall,ing.
;gutacgate il!Jistcict.
WM. JNO. MERCER, EsQ. • • • • • • • 12 Ma1•ine Ten·aee, Man·gate.
Uamsirate llistrict.
C. COTTON, ESQ., F,R,0.P. • . • . • . . , Ra1nsgate.
Uocbestcr llistrict.
G EORGE PAYNE, EsQ. • • , , , , , , Tl,,e P1·eoinot, Roolwste1·.
Uonme» iDistt:ict.
• . • • • . , N01v Ronwwy.
anllblitb llistrict.
• • , • • • , Wo1•tk.
ebenoat11 iBi!lti:ict.
GEORGE F. CARNELL, EsQ. • . • • • • • • SevcnoaltS.
ittingflourne il9i11trfrt.
. • • • . • • • • Bittingbtnti•ne.
Ql:enterben ]District.
Ql:1111flribge iDi11trict.
J. F. W A.DMORl!l, EsQ. • • • • • • • • T1111ib1•iagc.
Ql:unflribge i!lmtells iDilltrfct.
I Sj1eldltu1·st, T1t1ilnid(Jc
CHAil.LES W A.TSON POWELL, ESQ, , , , • • • ) Wells.
mmlr.11terbam iDii,trir.t.
J. BOARD, EsQ. • • • • • • • • • • • • Wcate1'7Ullln.
.For IntercJuinge of Publicaei<>ns, etc.
The Society of Antiquaries, Bm·lington H01U1c, Piccadilly, w.
The Royal Archreological Institute of Great Britain, 20 Hanovm· Squa1•c, W.
The British Archreological Association, 32 &clwillc St1·ect, Piccadilly, w.
The Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, .Etlinb1wgli.
The Architectural Museum, 18 1ifton St1·cct, W<,st1niristc1·, s.w.
The Numismatic Society, 22 Albcma1'1,11 Street, W.
The London and Middlesex Archreological Society, Lo-ntlo-n Instit11tion, Finsbw·y
Cin•us, E.O.
The Historic Society of Cheshire and Lancashire (R. JJ. Radcliffe, M.A., Sec.,
Royal Imtit1tt¼l, Colquitt St1·cet, Live1']}ool).
The Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland (Ro7m·t Cocltra1w, F.S.A., Hon.
Soo., 17 Higkjwld Road, JJublin).
The Lincoln Diocesan Architectural Society (Rev. A. R. ,lfaddiso1l, Vica1·s' Cmvrt,
The Norfolk and Nor1Vich Archreologica.l Society, Nonviclt.
The Suffolk Institute of Archreology, Tlw Atlw-nantm, Bury St. Edmwnds
(V. B. Redstone, Esq., Hon. Soc.).
The Surrey A1·chreologica\ Society, Castle Arclt, Guildfoi·d.
The Sussex Archreological Society, LenJcs Castle.
The Wiltshire Archreological and Natural HiBtory Society, Mus01wi, Devizc.Y.
The Somersetshire Archreological and Natural History Society, Ta1tntZioteca VallicclliaAia, Row.
National Historical Museum, Stoollwlrn (Dr. Anton Bwmbe1·g).
$ale* of tjjt |btt %xt\wb%M S » %
1. The Society shall consist of Ordinary Members and Honorary
2. The affairs of the Society shall be conducted by a Council consisting
of the President of the Society, the Vice-Presidents, the Honorary
Secretaiy, and twenty-four Members elected out of the general body of
the Subscribers: one-fourth of the latter shall go out annually in rotation,
but shall nevertheless be re-eligible; and such retiring and the new election
shall take place at the Annual General Meeting: but any intermediate
vacancy, by death or retirement, among the elected Council, shall be filled
up either at the General Meeting or at the next Council Meeting, whichever
shall first happen. Five Members of the Council to constitute a
3. The Council shall meet to transact the business of the Society on
the second Thursday in the months of March, June, September, and
December, and at any other time that the Secretary may deem it expedient
to call them together. The June Meeting shall always be held in
London; those of March, September, and December at Canterbury and
Maidstone alternately. But the Council shall have power, if it shall
deem it advisable, at the instance of the President, to hold its Meetings
at other places within the county; and to alter the days of Meeting, or to
omit a Quarterly Meeting if it shall be found convenient.
4. At every Meeting of the Society or Council, the President, or, in
his absence, the Chairman, shall have a casting vote, independently of his
vote as a Member.
5. A General Meeting of the Society shall be held annually, in July,
August, or September, at some place rendered interesting by its antiquities
or historical associations, in the eastern and western divisions of the
county alternately, unless the Council, for some cause to be by them
assigned, agree to vary this arrangement; the day and place of meeting
to be appointed by the Council, who shall have the power, at the instance of
the President, to elect some Member of the Society connected with the
district in which the meeting shall be held, to act as Chairman of such
Meeting. At the said General Meeting, antiquities shall be exhibited,
and papers read on subjects of archaeological interest. The accounts of
the Society, having been previously allowed by the Auditors, shall be
presented; the Council, through the Secretary, shall make a Report on
the state of the Society; and the Auditors and the six new Members of
the Council for the ensuing year shall be elected.
6. The Annual General Meeting shall have power to make such
alterations in the Eules as the majority of Members present may approve:
provided that notice of any contemplated alterations be given, in writing,
to the Honorary Secretary, before June the 1st in the then current year,
to be laid by him before the Council at their next Meeting; provided,
also, that the said contemplated alterations be specifically set out in the
notices summoning the Meeting, at least one month before the day
appointed for it.
7. A Special General Meeting may be summoned, on the written
requisition of seven Members, or of the President, or two Vice-Presidents,
which must specify the subject intended to be brought forward at suoh
Meeting; and suoh subject alone can then be considered.
8. Candidates for admission must be proposed by one Member of the
Society, and seconded by another, and be balloted for, if required, at any
Meeting of the Council, or at a General Meeting, one black ball in five to
9. Each Ordinary Member shall pay an Annual Subscription of Ten
Shillings, due in advance on the 1st of January in each year; or JE6 may
at any time be paid in lieu of future subscriptions, as a composition for
life. Any Ordinary Member shall pay, on election, an entrance fee of Ten
Shillings, in addition to his Subscription, whether Annual or Life. Every
Member shall be entitled to a copy of the Society's Transactions; but
none will be issued to any Member whose Subscription is in arrear. The
Council may remove from the List of Subscribers the name of any Member
whose Subscription is two years in arrear, if it be certified to them
that a written application for payment has been made by one of the
Secretaries, and not attended to within a month from the time of application.
10. All Subscriptions and Donations are to be paid to the Bankers of
the Society, or to one of the Secretaries.
11. All Life Compositions shall be vested in Government Securities,
in the names of four Trustees, to be elected by the Council. The interest
only of such funds to be used for the ordinary purposes of the Society.
12. No cheque shall be drawn except by order of the Council, and
every cheque shall be signed by two Members of the Council and the
Honorary Secretary.
13. The President and Secretary, on any vacancy, shall be elected by
a General Meeting of the Subscribers.
14. Members of either House of Parliament, who are landed proprietors
of the county or residents therein, shall, on becoming Members
of the Society, be placed on the list of Vice-Presidents, and with them
such other persons as the Society may elect to that office.
15. The Council shall have power to elect, without ballot, on the
nomination of two Members, any lady who may be desirous of becoming
a Member of the Society.
16. The Council shall have power to appoint as Honorary Member
any person likely to promote the interests of the Society. Such Honorary
Member not to pay any subscription, and not to have the right of voting at
any Meetings of the Society; but to have all the other privileges of
17. The Council shall have power to appoint any Member Honorary
Local Secretary for the town or district wherein he may reside, in order
to facilitate the collection of accurate information as to objects and discoveries
of local interest, and for the receipt of subscriptions.
18. Meetings for the purpose of reading papers, the exhibition of
antiquities, or the discussion of subjects connected therewith, shall be
held at such times and places as the Council may appoint.
19. The Society shall avoid all subjects of religious or political controversy.
20. The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the
Society, to be communicated to the Members at the General Meetings.
( xvi )
M. le GRANDE REULANDT, Membre Honoraire de la Societe d'Histoire de la
Flandre Maritime de France, Membre Correspondant de la Societe Imperiale
des Sciences de Lille, Controleur dans I'Administration des Finances
de Belgique, etc.
Rev. W. W. SKEAT, M.A., LITT.D. (Professor of Anglo-Saxon in the University
of Cambridge), 2 Salisbury Villas, Cambridge.
The BRITISH MUSEUM, Great Russell Street, W.C.
( xvii )
Abell, H. Francis, Esq., Kennington Hall, Ashford.
Abbott, Dr. G. T., 2 Queen's Road, Tunbridge Wells.
*Acworth, Rev. R. William Harrison, Ellora, Rochester.
Adam, James, Esq., West Mailing Place, Maidstone.
Adcock, W., Esq., St. James Street, Dover.
Akers-Douglas, Right Hon. Aretas, M.P., Chilston Park, Maidstone.
Alcock, Rev. John Price, M.A., Crayford Rectory, Kent.
Alexander, Mrs. E. B., Cheveney, Hunton, Maidstone.
Alexander, J. J., Esq., West Malling, Maidstone.
•Alexander, R. H., Esq., Brandfold, Goudhurst, Kent.
*Allchin, Dr. W. H., 5 Chandos Street, Cavendish Square, w.
Allen, John L., Esq., Clover Street House, Chatham.
•Amherst, The Earl, Montreal, Sevenoaks.
*Amherst of Hackney, The Right Hon. Lord, Didlington Hall, Brandon,
Anderson, J. A., Esq., Eaversham.
Apperley, Rev. J. Marling, M.A., Tong Vicarage, Sittingbourne.
Airkcoll, Jno., Esq., Foley House, Maidstone.
Arnold, Augustus A., Esq., F.S.A., Cobhambury, Gravesend.
Arnold, E., Esq.
Arnold, G. M., Esq., F.S.A., Milton Hall, Gravesend.
*Ashcombe, The Right Hon. Lord, Denbies, Dorking.
Ashton-Gwatkin, Rev. W. H. T., M.A., Margate, Kent.
Astley, Edward Ferrand, Esq., M.D., 29 Marine Parade, Dover.
Athenseum Club, The, 107 Pall Mall, s.w.
Athill, Charles H., Esq., F.S.A., Richmond Herald, College of Arms, London, E.C,
and Eltham, Kent.
*Avebury, The Lord, High Elms, Farnborough.
*Badcock, W., Esq., East Court, Detling.
Bailey, G. H., Esq., 26 Widmore Road, Bromley.
Bailey, Rev. Canon Henry, D.D., Canterbury.
Baker, F., Esq., c.E.
Baker, Herbert, Esq., Rondebosch, near Cape Town.
Baker, T. H., Esq., Owletts, Cobham, Gravesend.
Baldook, Rev. William, B.A., Brookland, Folkestone.
Baldwin, A. H., Esq., F.S.A., 212 Eglinton Road, Plumstead, s.E. •
*Ball, William, Esq., Strood, Rochester.
Balston, R. J., Esq., Springfield, Maidstone.
Bancks, Rev. G. W., Durham House, Greenstreet Green, Dartford.
Banning, Rev. C. H., M.A., Christ Church Vicarage, Highbury, N.
*Barrett, F. A., Esq., The Hollies, Mason's Hill, Bromley.
Barrett, J. P., Esq., a St. John's Villas, Margate.
vol.. xxiv. b
*Barron, Edward Jackson, Esq., F.S.A., 10 Endsleigh Street, Tavistock Square, w.c.
Bartleet, H. S., Esq., Severndroog, Shooters' Hill, s.E.
*Bartram, Rev. Canon H., M.A., Vicarage, Ramsgate.
Batten, James, Esq., The High Field, Bickley, Bromley, Kent.
*Baxter, Wynne E., Esq., J.P., D.L., Lewes.
Baynes, Rev. M. C, M.A., Ringwould Rectory, Dover.
Beale, Gordon F. Tracy, Esq., Fowey, Cornwall.
*Beamish, R. J., Esq., The Grove, Gravesend.
*Bean, A. W. T., Esq., 47 Princes Square, w.
*Beaumont, Charles, Esq., Tunbridge Road, Maidstone.
Beck, Rev. Canon E. Josselyn, M.A., Rectory, Rotherhithe, s.E.
Beeman, Neville, Esq., 6 Bell's Buildings, Salisbury Square, E.c.
Belcher, H. T., Esq., Glenwood, Edgar Road, Cliftonville, Margate.
Belcher, W. D., Esq., 28 Harold Street, Camberwell, s.E.
Bell, Matthew, Esq., F.G.S., Bourne Park, Canterbury.
Bensted, Henry Thomas, Esq., Court Lodge, Teynham, Sittingbourne.
Bensted, Hubert, Esq., Bearsted, Maidstone.
*Berridge, Robert, Esq., F.R.G.S., Highlands, Old Park Road, Enfield.
Best, Major M. G., Park House, Boxley, Maidstone.
*Bevan, Arthur T., Esq., Bessels Green, Sevenoaks.
*Bevan, F. L., Esq., Kippington, Sevenoaks.
*Bicknell, A. S., Esq. (Goudhurst), 23 Onslow Gardens, s.w.
Birch, Rev. C. G. R., LL.M., Brancaster Rectory, King's Lynn, Norfolk.
Birkett, D. M., Esq., M.A., School House, Sevenoaks.
Birmingham Central Free Library (Mr. A. Capel Shaw, Librarian), Ratcliff Place,
*Bishop, William W. H., Esq., 8 Prince of Wales Terrace, Kensington, w.
Blades, A., Esq., 23 Abchurch Lane, E.c.
*Blakiston, Rev. R. Milhurn, F.S.A., 7 Dean's Yard, Westminster," s.w.
Bligh, The Honourable Arthur, Cobham Hall, Gravesend.
Bligh, The Honourable Ivo, Cobham Hall, Gravesend.
Bligh, The Lady Isabel, Fatherwell House, West Mailing, Maidstone.
Bliss, Rev. Canon, M.A., Betteshanger Rectory, Dover.
Blogg, Rev. F. Babington, M.A., Great Mongeham Rectory, Deal.
Blomfield, Rev. G. J., M.A., 6 The Boltons, South Kensington, s.w.
Blore, Rev. Canon G. J., D.D., St, Stephen's, Canterbury.
Bloxam, Miss L. T., Eltham Court, Kent.
Board, Major John, Springfield, Westerham, Edenbridge.
Bodleian Library, The, Oxford.
Body, W., Esq., Tenterden, Kent.
Boissier, A. H., Esq., The Grove, Penshurst.
• *Boodle, Rev. John Adolphus, M.A., Boughton Blean Vicarage, Faversham.
Booth, William, Esq., Borstall Court, Rochester.
Borland, W. Dalrymple,Esq., F.e.s., Beacon Lodge, Greenstreet Green, Dartford.
Boseawen, A. G., Esq., Speldhurst, Tunbridge Wells.
Boswell, Dr. Irvine.
Bottle, A., Esq., 4 Godwyne Road, Dover.
Boulter, BL, Esq., " Kent Argus " Office, Ramsgate.
*Bowker, A. P., Esq., F.R.G.S., F.G.S., F.R.M.S.
Boyce, C, Esq., M.D., Maidstone.
*Boys, Rev. H. J., M.A., Layer Marney Rectory, Kelvedon, Essex.
Bramah, Mrs., Davington Priory, Faversham.
Brampton, F. J., Esq., 25 Culverden Park Road, Tunbridge Wells.
Bramston, Rev. William, M.A., Vicar of Minster, Sheerness.
Bramwell, Sir Frederick, Bart., D.C.L., F.S.A., Holmwood, Edenbridge.
*Brent, Algernon, Esq., F.R.G.S., 12 MandeviUe Place, w.
*Brent, Cecil, Esq., F.S.A., 37 Palace Grove, Bromley, Kent.
Brent, Francis, Esq., F.S.A., 6 Tothill Avenue, St. Jude's, Plymouth.
Bridge, J. H., Esq., 6 Brewer Street, Maidstone.
Briggs, C. A., Esq., Rock House, Lynmouth, North Devon,
Brightman, Edward W., Esq., Sheerness.
Brighton Free'Library, Brighton.
Brine, Rev. A. L., Bearsted, Maidstone.
Broad, John, Esq., S Bank Street, Ashford, Kent.
Brockman, A. Drake, Esq., Solicitor, Folkestone.
Brooke, Edward, Esq., Ufford Place, Woodbridge, Suffolk.
Brooke, EL, Esq., 9 Mill Field, Folkestone.
Brooke, John, Esq., Folkestone.
Bros, W. L., Esq., Camera Club, 28 Charing Cross Road, w.c.
Brothers, John, Esq., Glen Mount, Southborough, Tunbridge Wells.
Brown, Alex., Esq., Hothfield, Ashford, Kent.
*Brown, Lieut.-Colonel C. G., 30 Queen's Gardens, Lancaster Gate, w.
•Brown, James Roberts, Esq., F.R.G.S.,44 Tregunter Road, South Kensington, s.w.
•Brown, Robert Ross, Esq., Strood, Rochester.
Browne, Rev. Alfred T., M.A.
Browne, Rev. R. Lathom, Hever, Edenbridge.
Browning, Arthur Giraud, Esq., Spencer Lodge, Wandsworth Common, s.w.
* Bruce, Sir Gainsford, Yewhurst, Bromley, Kent.
Budden, Lieut.-Colonel, The Precinct, Rochester.
Bullard, Thomas, Esq., 158 Burnt Ash Hill, Lee, Kent.
Bunyard, G., Esq., F.E.H.S., Maidstone.
Burden, T. W., Esq., Headcorn, Ashford.
*Burgess, Major C. J.
Burnett, A., Esq., Old Charlton, Kent.
Burra, James S., Esq., Ashford, Kent.
Burrows, A. J., Jun., Esq., Pluckley, Ashford, Kent.
Butler, Mrs. Pierce, Ulcombeden, Hawkhurst.
*Bywater, Witham M., Esq., M.R.INST., Invicta, 33 Telford Avenue, Streatham
Hill, s.W.
•Canterbury, His Grace the Archbishop of, D.D., Lambeth Palace, s.E.
Canterbury, The Very Reverend the Dean of, The Deanery, Canterbury.
Canterbury Municipal Library, The Museum, Canterbury.
Carnell, George F., Esq., Sevenoaks.
Carpenter, Rev. E. W., M.A., Vicarage, Milton-next-Sittingbourne.
Carr, Rev. J. Haslewood, M.A., Adisham Rectory, Wingham.
Carr, Rev. T. A., M.A., Vicarage, Marden, Staplehurst.
Carr, Rev. T. W., M.A., Long Rede, Barming, Maidstone.
Carter, T. James, Esq., Longridge, Buckhurst Hill, Essex.
Caswall, Walter R. Le Hardy, Esq.
Cates, Arthur, Esq., 12 York Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W.
Cato, T. Butler, Esq., 20 Stanley Crescent, Notting Hill, w.
Caught, Miss S., 16 Royal Crescent, Ramsgate.
•Cazalet, W. M., Esq., Fairlawn, Shipborne, Tunbridge.
*Chalmers, David, Esq., F.R.S.E., F.S.A. SCOT., Redhall, Slateford, Midlothian.
Chambers, Miss A. J., 10 Albert Road, Ramsgate.
Chapman, A. D. B., Esq., Wood Street House, Bapehild, Sittingbourne.
•Chapman, H. Mapleton, Esq., St. Martin's Priory, Canterbury.
Charlesworth, F., Esq., East Hill, Bickley, Bromley, Kent.
Charrington, M. S., Esq., The Warren, Hever, Edenbridge.
Cheetham, The Venerable Archdeacon, D.D., F.S.A., The Preoinct, Rochester.
Church, F., Esq., The Elms, Sutton Valence.
Churchill, Rev. W. H., M.A., Stone House, Broadstairs.
Chute, Wm. Maoready, Esq., 3 Burlington Gardens, Chiswick, w.
Clabon, J. Moxon, Esq., Clare Bank, Sevenoaks.
Clapham, F. Dare, Esq., Eltham.
Clark, Rev. E. Travers, M.A.
Clarke, Chas. Harwood, Esq., F.S.A.
Claypole, H. T., Esq., London and County Bank, Sittingbourne.
b 2
Clifford, James, Esq., Maidstone.
Clinch, George, Esq., F.G.S., Clerk to the Society of Antiquaries, London,
22 Nicholson Road, Addiscombe.
Cloke, E., Esq., Sandwich.
•Clout, Richard, Esq., Brome House, West Malling, Maidstone.
Coates, Mrs. Ann, Barsham Rectory, Beccles, Suffolk.
Cobb, F. Marsden, Esq., Bank House, Margate.
Cobb, H. M., Esq., Higham, Rochester.
Cobb, Rev. T., M.A., Stockbury Vicarage, Maidstone.
*Cobham, Charles, Esq., The Shrubbery, Gravesend.
Cobham, W. G., Esq., F.S.I., Gravesend.
Cobham, W. G., Esq., F.8.I., 1 Edwin Street, Gravesend.
*Cock, Dr. F. W., 1 Porchester Houses, Porchester Square, w'.
Cockburn, Edward, Esq., The Croft, Ellington Road, Ramsgate.
Cockcroft, Thomas H., Esq., M.D., Manor Lodge, Chislehurst.
*Cokayne, G. E., Esq., M.A., F.S.A., Norroy King of Arms, College of Arms, Queen
Victoria Street, E.c, and Exeter House, Roehampton.
Coleman, Jos., Esq., 4 Churchfields Place, Margate.
Coleman, William, Esq., The Shrubbery, Buckland, Dover.
Collett, Rev. Anthony, M.A., Bredhurst Vicarage, Chatham.
Collier, Rev. Carus V., B.A., Burton Agnes, Hull, Yorkshire.
*Collins, Brenton H., Esq., Dunorlan, Tunbridge Wells.
Collins, H. O., Esq.
Collis, Rev. Henry, M.A., St. Philip's Vicarage, Maidstone.
Collyer, N. O, Esq., Breakhurst, Beddington, Croydon.
Collyer, T. H., Esq., Redcote, Walmer.
Columbia University Library, New York (per Mr. G. E. Stechert, 2 Star Yard,
Carey Street, Chancery Lane, w.c.).
Congress Library, Washington, U.S.A. (per Mr. Allen, 23 Henrietta Street,
Covent Garden, w.c).
Conyngham, The Marquess, Bifrons Park, Canterbury, and Slane Castle, co.
Meath, Ireland.
Cooke, Richard, Esq., The Croft, Detling, Maidstone.
Copeland, Lieut.-Colonel, F.S.A., 3 Victoria Parade, Ramsgate.
Copland-Griffiths, A. E., Esq., Meadow Bank Grange, Melksham, Wilts.
Copland, John, Esq., Sheerness.
Corke, C. E., Esq., 39 London Road, Sevenoaks.
*Cornwallis, F. S. W., Esq., Linton Park, Maidstone.
Cottew, Alderman —, Deal.
•Cotton, Charles, Esq., F.R.C.P., 42 Spencer Square, Ramsgate.
Couchman, J . B., Esq., Cruiserath, South-Eastern Road, Ramsgate.
Courthope, George, Esq., Hawkhurst.
Courtney, E. R., Esq., East Cliff House, Ramsgate.
•Cowell, George, Esq., F.E.CS., 24 Harrington Gardens, s.w.
Cox, F. G., Esq., Lastleigh, Dorville Road, Lee, s.E.
•Cox, Frederick John, Esq., 7 Osberton Road, Lee, Kent.
Cradock, Mrs. R. W.
Crafer, T. N., Esq., Orsett House, Ewell, Surrey.
Cranbrook, The Earl of, Hemsted, Cranbrook.
Cranbrook Literary Institute, Cranbrook.
Crapper, Rev. P. M., M.A., Grammar School, Faversham.
Cremer, C, Esq., Faversham.
Creswell, Sackville, Esq., Hole Park, Rolvendeu.
Cripps, Wilfred Joseph, Esq., c.B., M.A,, F.S.A., Cirencester.
•Croft, Geo. O, Esq., 5 Green Street, Park Lane, W.
Cronk, E. E., Esq., Sevenoaks.
Cronk, H. H., Esq., Emswick, Tunbridge Wells.
Crook, F., Esq., B.A, Beckley, Overcliff, Gravesend.
Crosse, Rev. T. G., St. Lawrence Vicarage, Ramsgate,
Crundall, Sir W. H., Dover,
Culleton, Leo, Esq., 92 Piccadilly, w.
Curling, Lieut.-Colonel Henry, R.A., Chilton Lodge, Ramsgate.
Curteis, Rev. T. S., M.A., F.S.A., The Rectory, Sevenoaks.
Curtis, .Rev. H. B., M.A., Chapel House, Faversham.
Cust, The Lady Elizabeth, 13 Eccleston Square, s.w.
Cutbill, F. T., Esq., Downswood, The Avenue, Beckenham.
Dadd, Frank, Esq., Wilton House, 78 Hyde Vale, Blackheath, S.E.
Dalison, Max. H., Esq., Hamptons, Tonbridge.
Dampier, H. L., Esq., F.e.s., Strood, Kent.
•Darnley, The Earl of, Cobham Hall, Gravesend.
Davies, Right Hon. Horatio D., M.P., Wateringbury, Kent.
Davies, Rev. J. Sanger, San Remo, Italy.
Davis, Arthur Randall, Esq., Hythe, Kent.
Deedes, Rev. Cecil, 2 Clifton Terrace, Brighton.
Deedes, Mrs., Saltwood Castle, Hythe.
De Mey, Madame, Park House, Eastbourne.
Dence, J., Esq.
Denne, Capt. Alured B., R.A., Royal Military Academy, Woolwich.
Derby, Mary, Countess of, Holwood, Bromley.
Devaynes, Miss, Updown House, Margate.
Dewey, T. O, Esq., South Hill Wood, Bromley.
•Dewick, Rev. E. S., 26 Oxford Square, Hyde Park, W.
Dickenson, Lieut.-Colonel J. Newton, The Precincts, Canterbury.
Dickson, Rev. R. H., M.A., Eastchurch Rectory, Sheerness.
•Dimsdale, John, Esq., 19 Phillimore Gardens, Kensington, w.
Dismorr, J. S., Esq.
Dixon, Lieut.-General, Wood's Gate, Pembury, Tunbridge Wells.
•Dodgson, W. H., Esq., Forest Lodge, Keston, Kent.
Donne, Rev. Charles Edward, M.A., The Vicarage, Faversham.
Down, Capt. W. Thornton, R.N., Spearpoint, Ashford.
Drake, Charles, Esq., Newton Road, Faversham.
Dudlow, Miss, West Mailing, Maidstone.
Duffleld, T. H., Esq., St. Oswald's, Shortlands, Bromley, Kent.
Duncan, Leland L., Esq., F.S.A,, Rosslair, Lingard's Road, Lewisham, s.E.
•Durst, Rev. John, M.A.
Dyke, Rev. John Dixon, M.A., 30 Crowhurst Road, Brixton, s.w.
Eagleton, L. 0,, Esq., Hurst Lodge, Gravel Hill, Bexley Heath.
East, F. J., Esq., 42 St. Kilda's Road, Stoke Newington, N.
Eastes, James S., Esq., Fairlawn, Ashford, Kent.
*Eastgate, Rev. C. E., M.A., St. Paul's Vicarage, Ramsgate.
Ebbs, A. B., Esq., Tuborg, Durham Avenue, Bromley.
Ebsworth, Rev. J. W., M.A., F.S.A., 13 Wellesley Villas, Ashford, Kent.
•Eden, Rev. Arthur, M.A., Ticehurst Vicarage, Hawkhurst.
Eden, T. Duncombe, Esq., Cheveney, Hunton, Maidstone.
Edmeades, Major-General, Nurstead Court, Gravesend.
Edwards, Thos., Esq., Ashford, Kent.
#Elgar, J. F., Esq., Wingham Lodge, Rochester.
Elgar, W. H., Esq., St. Thomas Terrace, Canterbury.
Elliott, Frank, Esq., New Hall, Dymohurch, Folkestone.
Elliott, G. E., Esq., 15 Station Street, Sittingbourne.
Elliott, Robert, Esq., Little Hothfield, Ashford, Kent.
•Ellis, Rev. J. H., M.A., 29 Collingham Gardens, South Kensington, s.w.
Elwes, Valentine E. H. Cary, Esq., F.S.A., Billing Hall, Northampton.
Elyard, S. Herbert, Esq., Holmwood, South Norwood Park, s.E.
Essell, E. W., Esq., 25 Bedford Row, w.c.
Evans, Miss A., Shenstone, Crayford.
•Evans, Sir John, D.C.L., F.R.S., F.S.A., Nash Mills, Hemel Hempstead.
Eyton, Mrs. Wynne, Waldershare, Dover.
Fanshawe, Rev. W. D., Plaxtol Rectory, Sevenoaks.
Earn, A. B., Esq., Mount Nod, Greenhithe.
Faulding, J., Esq., Bexley House, Tenterden.
•Faunthorpe, Rev. John P., Elmfield, Bromley Common, Kent.
•Fergusson, Sir James Ranken, Bart., F.S.A. SCOT., Hever Court, Gravesend.
•Fergusson, Thos. Colyer, Esq., Wombwell Hall, Gravesend.
Field, George Hanbury, Esq., Ashurst Park, Tunbridge Wells.
Fielding, Rev. C. H., M.A., West Mailing.
Finn, Arthur, Esq., Westbrook, Lydd, Folkestone.
Finn, Mrs. Frederick, Sole Street House, Faversham.
Firth, Charles, Esq., M.D., Gravesend.
Fisher, T., Esq., Shoreham, Sevenoaks.
Fitch, Mrs. M. L., 12 High Field Villas, St. Cross Road, Winchester.
Fletcher, The Lady Frances, Kenward, Yalding.
Eletcher, William, Esq., Bycliffe, Gravesend.
•Flower, Rev. Walker, M.A., Worth Vicarage, Dover.
Folkestone Public Library, Folkestone.
Fooks, C. C. S., Esq., South Hall, Farningham.
Fooks, E. J., Esq., Hatton House, Chislehurst.
Forbes, Lieut.-General Wentworth, The Gleanings, Rochester.
Forbes, F. A., Esq., Godden Green, Sevenoaks.
Ford, E. S., Esq., Bridge Place, Bexley.
Foreman, Owen, Esq., Hunton, Maidstone.
Forster, W. Samuel, Esq., 8 Lower Berkeley Street, Portman Square, w.
•Foster, Miss M. H., Oakover, Ticehurst, Sussex.
Fox, T. Hamilton, Esq., Hollydale, Keston, Kent.
•Foyster, Rev. G. Alfred, M.A., All Saints' Rectory, Hastings.
Frampton, Rev. T. Shipden, B.CL., M.A., F.S.A., 8 Town Wall Street, Dover.
Fremlin, R. J., Esq., Heathfield, Maidstone.
French, Rev. H. D., M.A.
•Friend, G., Esq., F.K.I.B.A., Earl Street, Maidstone.
Fry, Edward Wickens, Esq., St. Martin's House, Dover.
Puller, H. T., Esq.
Fuller, Samuel, Esq., 38 Queen Street, Ramsgate.
Fulton, H., Esq., Idehurst, Sevenoaks.
Furley, Miss B. M., 43 Churoh Road, St. Leonards-on-Sea.
Furley, Walter, Esq., Canterbury.
Fynmore, R. J., Esq., Wykeham House, Sandgate.
Gardner, Alfred Henry, Esq., Folkestone.
*Gardner, Saml., Esq., Oakhurst, Mount Park Road, Harrow-on-the-Hill.
Gardner-Watermau, Rev. W., M.A., Loose Vicarage, Maidstone.
Garling, Henry B., Esq., Folkestone.
Gibson, F. G., Esq., Sittingbourne.
Gilby, Rowland H., Esq., 45 Priolo Road, Old Charlton, s.E.
*Gill, J . Haymen, Esq., Hawthornden, Rochester.
Gilling, Rev. J . C, M.A., St. Mark's Vicarage, Rosherville, Gravesend.
Ginger, A., Esq., 45 St. George's Street, Canterbury.
Giraud, F. F., Esq., Town Clerk, Faversham.
•Giraud, Rev. R. E., St. Matthew's Clergy House, Great Peter Street, Westminster,
•Godfrey-Faussett, Capt. Edmund G., E.E., The Old Bells, Bramley, Basingstoke.
Godfrey-Faussett-Osborne, H. B. G., Esq., Hartlip Place, Sittingbourne.
Golding, Mrs. William, Leavers, Hadlow.
Goodwin, Rev. Leslie E., M.A., Aldington Vicarage, Hythe.
Gordon, R., Esq., Chipstead Place, Sevenoaks.
Gow, Miss M. J. G. S., Kemps, Hawkhurst.
Grant, W. L., Esq., Sittingbourne.
*Graves, Robert Edmund, Esq., B.A., Lyndhurst, Grange Park, Ealing, w.
Graves, W. T., Esq.
Gray, Henry, Esq., Goldsmiths' Estate, East Acton, w.
Gray, Mrs., Birohington Hall, Margate.
Grayling, Francis, Esq., Sittingbourne.
Green, Walter, Esq., Margate.
Greensted, Harry, Esq., Tunstall, Sittingbourne.
Greenwood, J., Esq., Durenthale, Shoreham.
Greenwood, Mrs., Durenthale, Shoreham.
Greig, Mrs.
Grinsted, I)„ Esq., Lynton House, Bromley.
•Groom, E. A., Esq.,'Dane Court Lodge, St. Peter's, Thanet.
Ground, E., Esq., B.A., M.B., Gabriel's Hill, Maidstone.
Gwynn, Rev. E. T., M.A.
•Gwynne, Rev. Gorges F. J . G. E., M.A., Faversham.
*HaIe, C. G., Esq., Ivy Hatch, Sevenoaks.
Hale, J. R., Esq., Horton Kirby Vicarage, Dartford.
*Hales, Rev. R. Cox, M.A., 27 Cambridge Road, Brighton.
*Hales, Mrs. Ada Young, 27 Cambridge Road, Brighton.
Hall, A. D., Esq., Wye College, Ashford.
HaU, Miss F. C, Hunton, Yalding.
HaU, Rev. T. G., M.A., Hythe Vicarage, Hythe.
Halloran, Rev. J., M.A., Eastwell Reotory, Ashford.
Hambrook, J., Esq., Dover.
Hammer, G. M., Esq., Whitelands, Edenbridge.
Hammond, William Oxenden, Esq., St. Alban's Court, Wingham.
Handcock, W. G., Esq., Ashford.
Hannam, F., Esq., Blenheim Lodge, Eltham Road, Lee, s-.E.
Hanson, Alderman Sir Reginald, Bart., LL.D., F.S.A., 4 Bryanstone Square, W.
Harnett, Edward, Esq.
•Harris, The Lord, G.CM.G., Belmont, Faversham.
Harris, Dr., Minster, Ramsgate.
Harris, Edwin, Esq., Rochester.
Harris, W. J., Esq., Sittingbourne.
Harrison, Rev. Alban Henry, M.A., The Rectory, Great Chart, Ashford.
Harrison, Rev. T., M.A., Appledore, Ashford.
Harrison, W. H., Esq., Maidstone Road, Rochester.
Harvey, H. Nowell, Esq., Cotmanton, Upper Deal.
Harvey, Mrs. H. Nowell, Cotmanton, Upper Deal.
Harvey, James, Esq., Belgrave Villa, 49 Tufnell Park Road, N.
Harvey, Sidney, Esq., F.e.s., Watling Street, Canterbury.
•Haslewood, Rev. F. G., LL.D., D.C.L., Chislet Vicarage, Canterbury.
Hassell, Lewis, Esq., Clock House, Darenth, Dartford.
*Hatfeild, Capt. Charles T., Hartsdown, Margate.
Hawkes, E. J., Esq., L.R.C.P., West Cliff Road, Ramsgate.
•Hawkesbury, The Right Hon. Lord, 2 Carlton House Terrace, s.w.
Hawley, Rev. C. C, M.A., Leybourne Rectory, Maidstone.
Hayton, Rev. G., Ryarsh, West Malling.
Hayward, Sir William Webb, Rochester.
Heale, Rev. J . N., MA,, Harbledown Vicarage, Canterbury.
Hellicar, Rev. A. G., M.A., Bromley Vicarage, Kent.
Henman, C, Esq., A.R.I.B.A., 38 Friends Road, Croydon.
Hile, D. J"., Esq., Cordwainers' Hall, 7 Cannon Street, E.c
Hill, R. H. E., Esq., St. Keverne, Bromley.
Hills, W., Esq., 43 Grosvenor Place, Margate.
Hills, W. H , Esq., 42 King Street, Ramsgate.
Hinds, Henry, Esq., Queen Street, Ramsgate.
Hirst, Rev. Thomas, M.A., Bishopsbourne Rectory, Canterbury.
Hitchcock, W. M., Esq., Oak Lodge, Hildenborough.
*Hoare, W., Esq., Iden Manor, Staplehurst.
Hoblyn, Richard A., Esq., 30 Abbey Road, St. John's Wood, N.w.
Hodgson, J. B., Esq., 1 Royal Crescent, Ramsgate.
Holland, Bernard, Esq., Harbledown Lodge, Canterbury.
Holmes, Rev. J. li., M.A., Eastry House, near Sandwioh.
*Holt-White, R., Esq,, Warren Wood, Bexley Heath.
Homewood, Chas. E., Esq., Tunstall, Sittingbourne.
Homewood, E. J., Esq., 14 Pelham Road, Gravesend.
Homewood, W. J., Esq., 10 Old Jewry Chambers, E.C.
Honeyball, Jas. F., Esq., New Gardens, Teynham, Sittingbourne.
Hook, Miss Agnes D., The Veles, Snodland, Kent.
Hook, Miss Maude M., The Veles, Snodland, Kent.
Hooker, G. N., Esq., M.A., 2 Riohmond Villas, Ramsgate.
Hooper, Captain Charles F., Harewell House, Sheldwich, Faversham.
Horan, Matthew, Esq., The Mount, Lamberhurst, Sussex.
•Hordern, Herbert, Esq., Throwley House, Faversham.
Horsley, Jno. Calloott, Esq., B.A., 1 High Row, Kensington, w.
Horsley, Victor, Esq., M.B., F.R.S,, 25 Cavendish Square, w.
Horsley, Miss, 28 Pencester Road, Dover.
Hothfield, The Lord, Hothfield, Ashford, Kent.
Houlder, E, S., Esq., Ingress Abbey, Northfleet.
*Hovenden, Robert, Esq., F.S.A., Heatlioote, Park Hill Road, Croydon.
Howard, Joseph Jackson, Esq., LL.D., E.S.A., Maltravers Herald Extraordinary,
Mayfield, Orchard Road, Blackheath, s.E.
Howell, G. 0., Esq., 210 Eglinton Road, Plumstead.
Hoyle, John, Esq., Cliff House, Greenhithe, Kent.
Hughes, C. G., Esq., Albion House, Sittingbourne.
Hughes, Colonel Edwin, M.P., Oaklands, Plumstead Common.
Hughes, W. Essington, Esq., 89 Alexandra Road, South Hampstead, N.W.
Hughes-Hatlett, Rev. James, Higham, Bridge, Kent.
Hulburd, James, Esq., High Street, Sittingbourne.
Humpliery, John, Esq., New Romney, Folkestone.
Hunt, Rev. Canon Robert Shapland, M.A., Mark Beech, Edenbridge.
Hunt, Sir F. Seager, Royal Crescent, Ramsgate.
Hurst, Miss M. J., 7 Chapel Place, Ramsgate.
Hussey, Arthur, Esq., Clare Road, Tankerton-on-Sea, Whitstable.
Igglesden, C, Esq., Oakwood, Canterbury Road, Ashford.
Jackman, F. C, Esq., 12 Market Street, Faversham.
Jackson, Alfred, Esq.
•Jacobs, J. A., Esq., Sandwich.
Jacolette, M. J., Esq., Biggin Street, Dover.
James, J. B., Esq., The Manor House, -Dartmouth, Devon.
James, E. W., Esq., F.S.A., The Museum, Maidstone.
Janson, E., Esq., Etherington, Speldhurst, Tunbridge Wells.
Jarrett, W. J., Esq., Hatton House, Westgate-on-Sea.
Jaye, W. R., Esq., Springwood Lodge, Oakfield Road, Clapton, N.E.
*Jefiery, Counsell, Esq., 30 Tredegar Square, Bow, E .
Jenkinson, F. J. H., Esq., 10 Brooksicle, Cambridge.
Jenkinson, W. W., Esq., Roslin, Roupell Park, s.w.
Jenner, W. M., Esq., Sandgate, Folkestone.
Jennings, C. E. J., Esq., Wanstead, 27 Cedars Road, Beckenham.
Jennings, W. J., Esq.; The Oaks, Westbere, Canterbury.
"Johnson, M. Warton, Esq., 75 The Drive, West Brighton.
Johnston, P. Mainwaring, Esq., 92 Grove Lane, Denmark Hill, S.E.
*Jones, Arthur Goddard, Esq., 3 Talbot Place, Blackheath, s.E.
•Jones, Herbert, Esq., F.S.A., 15 Montpelier Row, Blaokheath, s.E.
Jones, Robert Hesketh, Esq., Dunrobin, Eastbourne.
Joy, Rev. Canon S., M.A., R.D., The Vioarage, Maidstone.
Joyce, Dr. T., Cranbrook.
Joyce, Thomas Heath, Esq., Freshford, South Hill Park, Bromley, Kent.
Keble, Harman, Esq., Wharfedale, Albert Terrace, Margate.
*Kempe, C. E., Esq., Old Place, Lindfield, Sussex.
Kennard, David, Esq., Wester Hill, Linton, Maidstone.
Kennett, John, Esq., Northdene, Hollicondane Road, Ramsgate.
*Keyser, Charles E., Esq., Aldermaster Court, Reading.
Kiddell, John Dawson, Esq., 48 Mark Lane, E.C
Kidson, A. ]?., Esq., Church Street, Folkestone.
*Kidwell, A. E,, Esq., The Banks, Rochester.
King, W. J., Esq., Merton Villas, Gravesend.
Kingsford, Montagu, Esq., 25 Clifton Gardens, Folkestone.
Kirkpatrick, Major John, Horton Park, Hythe.
Kleinwort, H. G., Esq., Wierton Place, Boughton Monohelsea.
*Knill, John, Esq., South Vale House, Blackheath, S.E.
Knocker, Colonel E. W., Castle Hill House, Dover.
•Knyvett, Felix Sumner, Esq., Ashwellthorpe, Watford, Herts.
•Lake, Lieut.-Colonel Benjamin G., The Priory, Orpington, Kent.
Lambard, Multon, Esq., Beechmont, Sevenoaks.
*Lambert, Colonel George, F.S.A., 11 Coventry Street, w.
Lambert, Thomas J., Esq., Inglewood, Sevenoaks.
Langhorne, Rev. J., M.A., Lamberhurst Vicarage, Kent.
Lansdell, Miss Esther H., Oakdene, St. Helen's Down, Hastings.
Latham, Albert, Esq., 15 Cecil Square, Margate.
Latham, F. L., Esq., Gads Hill Place, Higham, Rochester.
Laurence, Miss M. E., Gardenhurst, Park Hill, Bexley.
Laurie, A., Esq., Rockdale, Sevenoaks.
Laurie, J. D., Esq., Rockdale, Sevenoaks.
•Lavers, Nathaniel Wood, Esq., 22 Endell Street, Bloomsbury, w.c.
Layborn, T., Esq.
Layborn, Mrs.
Layton, Captain, Folkestone.
•Layton, Thos., Esq., 22 Kew Bridge Road, Kew Bridge, w.
•Legg, J. Wiokham, Esq., M.D., 47 Green Street, Park Lane, w.
Legg, Rev. Wm., M.A., Hawkinge Rectory, Folkestone.
Lennard, Colonel Sir John Farnaby, Bart., West Wickham Court, Beckenham.
Lepine, Rev. J . Foster, Bleak House, Maidstone.
•Levy, Lewis, Esq.
Lewes, Sir Samuel, 163 Lewisham High Road, S.E.
Lewis, Rev. R. W. M., M.A., 208 Selhurst Road, South Norwood, s.E.
Library of the Dean and Chapter, Canterbury.
Livett, Rev. Grevile M., B.A., Wateringbury Vicarage, Kent.
•Llewellin, W., Esq., Morants Court, Sevenoaks.
Lloyd, Rev. Iorwerth Grey, M.A., F.S.A., Bosherston Rectory, Pembroke.
Lochee, W. A., Esq., Oaten Hill, Canterbury.
Loftie, Rev. W. J., B.A., 3A Sheffield Terrace, Campden Hill, Kensington, W.
London, The Librarian (pro tem.) of the Corporation of the City of, Guildhall, E.C.
London Library, The, 12 St. James's Square, s.w.
Lord, W. Wylie, Esq., Westlea, Upper Walmer.
•Lowndes, G. Alan, Esq., Barrington Hall, Hatfield Broad Oak, Essex.
Lowndes, Mrs., 3 Royal Crescent, Ramsgate.
Lueas, Rev. Arthur, M.A., Parkside, Tonbridge.
Lushington, Rev. T. Godfrey, M.A., Vicarage, Sittingbourne.
McCall, R. A., Esq., cj.c., The Knoll, Walmer.
Mace, J . Ellis, Esq., Tenterden.
McGill, Rev. J. H. Champion, St. Andrew's Rectory, Deal.
Mackinnon, Rev. D. D., Speldhurst Rectory.
McLellan, Wm. Jno., Esq., Rochester.
*Malcolm, John, Esq.
Manser, S., Esq., 26 Blenheim Road, Deal.
Marchant, Robt., Esq., Cedar Lawn, Sutton-at-Hone.
Marcoolyn, W., Esq., 29 King Street, Ramsgate.
•Marsham-Townshend, The Hon. Robert, F.S.A., Frognal, Foots Cray, Kent.
Martin, F. W., Esq., 57 Darnley Road, Gravesend.
•Martin, P. A. B., Esq., Chipstead, Sevenoaks.
*Martin, Richard Biddulph, Esq., 10 Hill Street, Mayfair, w.
Master, Rev. G. S., M.A., Bourton Grange, Flax Bourton, Bristol.
May, William, Esq., Northfield, St. Mary Cray, Kent.
Maylam, Percy, Esq.
Mead way, George, Esq., South Lawn, The Park, Cheltenham.
Melville, V. Beresford, Esq., Ford Manor, Lingfield, Surrey.
Mercer, Cecil J., Esq., Westlea, Walmer.
Mercer, R. M., Esq., Dane John, Canterbury.
Mercer, Richard, Esq., Morhanger Park, Saudy, Beds.
Mercer, Samuel, Esq., Sandling Place. Maidstone.
Mercer, W. F., Esq., Maidstone.
Mercer, W. J., Esq., 12 Marine Terrace, Margate.
Mesham, Colonel Arthur, Pontryffyd, Trefnant, R.S.O., North Wales.
Miall, Mrs. L., Cossington, Canterbury.
Micah, D., Esq., 71 High Street, Dartford.
Millard, Rev. F. M„ Otham Rectory, Maidstone.
Mills, George, Esq., 3 Old Jewry, E.C.
Milne, Alexander, Esq., The Courtyard, Eltham.
Monckton, Herbert,. Esq., Town Clerk, Maidstone.
Monckton, Walter, Esq., Ightham Park, Kent.
Monins, John, Esq., Ringwould House, Dover.
Montmorency, J. E. G. de, Esq., LL.B., 20 Old Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, W.C
Morland, C. W., Esq., EJms Court, West Farleigh, Maidstone.
Morris, J. W., Esq., 5 Market Street, Faversham.
Mostyn, The Lady Augusta, Gloddaeth Hall, Conway.
Mowll, Martin, Esq., Dover.
Mullens, Robert Gordon, Esq., 96 High Street, Bromley.
Muller, Harry, Esq., 12 West Chislehurst Park, Eltham.
Murray, A. E., Esq., St. Clare, Upper Walmer.
Murray, Rev. Canon F. H., M.A., The Rectory, Chislehurst.
Murton, Mrs. Harry, Colkins, Faversham.
Murton, Walter, Esq., c.B., Meadow Croft, Chislehurst.
Mylne, Rev. Townsend W., M.A., Holy Trinity Vioarage, Maidstone.
Nash, Rev. E. J., M.A., Minor Canon Row, Rochester.
Nathan, B., Esq., Lorano, Atkins Road, Clapham Park, s.w.
National Portrait Gallery, The (care of Messrs. Eyre and Spottiswoode, 5 Middle
New Street, E.C).
Neame, Mrs. Erederick, Macknade, Eaversham.
Nevill, The Honourable Ralph, Birling Manor, West Mailing, Maidstone.
Newman, F. T., Esq., 13 Guildhall Street, Folkestone.
Newton, W. M., Esq., Summerhill Road, Dartford.
New York Public Library (care of Messrs. B. F. Stevens and Browne, 4 Trafalgar
Square, w.c).
•Nichols, Wm. J., Esq., Lachine, Chislehurst, Kent.
•Ninnis, Inspector-General Belgrave, M.D., Brockenhurst, Aldrington Road,
Streatham, s.w.
Nisbet, Rev. Canon M. A., M.A., Ickham Rectory, Wingham.
•Noakes, Miss E., Brockley Hall, Brockley, S.E.
Noble, C. Wilson, Esq., Sissinghurst.
•Norman, Gerard, Esq., Oakley, Bromley Common, Kent.
•Norman, Philip, Esq., F.S.A., 45 Evelyn Gardens, South Keusington, s.w.
•Norwood, Edward, Esq., Charing, Ashford, Kent.
Norwood, John Dobree, Esq., Ashford, Kent.
•Nottidge, Albert James, Esq., Dry Hill Park, Tonbridge.
•Nottidge, Miss Katharine, Dry Hill Park, Tunbridge.
Nottidge, T., Esq., Ashford.
*01iver, Edm. Ward, Esq., 1 Corbet Court, Gracechurch Street, E.C.
Oliver, H. C. Hewit, Esq., West Mailing.
Orger, Rev. E. R., M.A., Hougham Vicarage, Dover.
Orsbach, Rev. E. von, Mottingham House, Mottingham, Eltham.
Osborne, A. G., Esq., M.R.CS., 2 St. Martin's Place, Dover.
Oxenham, E. H., Esq., F.R.s.L., Keston Villa, Rushey Green, Catford.
Oyler, T. H , Esq., Langley Lodge, Sutton Valence, Staplehurst.
Oyler, Mrs. T. H., Langley Lodge, Sutton Valence, Staplehurst.
Page, W. Gray, Esq., 2 Queen Street, Ramsgate.
•Paine, Mrs. Dunkley, Cockshot Hill, Reigate.
Palmer, Rev. J. H., M.A., Couiston, Main Road, Sidcup.
Patrick, G., Esq., A.R.I.B.A., 16 Red Lion Square, w.c.
Paxon, Arthur, Esq., 4P Montague Mansions, Portman Square, w.
Payne, Rev. Dr. Bruce, St. George's Vicarage, Deal.
Payne, George, Esq., F.L.S., F.S.A., Honorary Secretary, The Preoinct, Roohester.
Payne, Mrs. George, The Precinct, Rochester.
Peacock, T. F., Esq., F.S.A., Springmead, Sidcup, Kent.
Peake, H., Esq., Dover.
Pearman, Rev. A. J., M.A., The Precinct, Roohester.
Pearne, Thomas, Esq., Carmel Cottage, Loose, Maidstone.
Pearse, Rev. J . T., M.A., Chiddingstone Rectory, Kent.
Peckham, Thomas Gilbert, Esq., Hall Place, Harbledown, Canterbury.
•Pembroke, G. P. Amos, Esq., 16 Featherstone Buildings, Lincoln's Inn, w.c.
*Penfold, Hugh, Esq., M.A., Rustington, Worthing.
Pennsylvania Historical Society, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. (care of Messrs. Stevens
and Browne, 4 Trafalgar Square, W.c).
Pepper, Matthew, Esq., 47 High Street, Dover.
Percy, E. G., Esq., 26 Great Tower Street, E.C.
Perowne, E. S. M., Esq., 13 Warwick Crescent, w.
Perry, Rev, C. R., M.A., Michfield Rectory, Stowmarket.
•Phelps, Rev. L. R., M.A., Oriel College, Oxford.
Phillips, Rev. S. Egerton, M.A.
Philpott, S. G. P., Esq., Tannavalla, Ellington Road, Ramsgate.
Pierson, Mrs., The Haven, Saltwood, Hythe, Kent.
Pittook, Dr., Margate.
Piatt, Captain.
Plowden, Miss, 2 Albion Villas, Folkestone.
Polhill, Rev. Henry W. 0., M.A., Ashurst Rectory, Tunbridge Wells.
Poole, M. J., Esq., 12 Chapel Place, Ramsgate.
•Porter, Frederick W., Esq., Moyle Tower, Hythe, Kent.
Pott, A., Esq., M.A., 1 Bronwen Terrace, Harlech, North Wales.
Powell, Rev. A. H., LL.D., St. Paul's Vicarage, Maidstone.
*Powell, C. Watson, Esq., Speldhurst, Tunbridge Wells.
Powell-Cotton, P. H. G., Esq., Quex Park, Birchington.
Pratt, The Lady Frances, The Grove, Seal, Sevenoaks.
Prentis, Walter, Esq., Rainham, Sittingbourne.
Presoott, F., Esq., Dover.
Price, Major E. A. Uvedale, 4 Sussex Gardens, Westgate.
Pritchard, E., Esq., Ash Lawn, The Glebe, Blackheath, s.E.
Probyn, Colonel Clifford, 55 Grosvenor Street, w.
Prosser, D., Esq., Sheerness.
•Prosser, W. B., Esq., Sittingbourne Road, Maidstone.
Public Record Office (care of Messrs. Eyre and Spottiswoode, 5 Middle New
Street, E.C).
Pulling, Rev. E. H.
Pyne, Lieut.-Colonel E. E., R.M.L.I., Junior United Service Club, 12 Charles
Street, St. James's, S.w.
Radnor, The Earl of, 12 Upper Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, w.
Rammell, Rev. W. H., M.A., Faversham.
Ramsgate Free Library, Ramsgate.
Randolph, Rev. C, M.A., Chartham, Canterbury.
Raphael, Lewis, Esq., Parrock Hall, Gravesend.
Rapkin, J. B., Esq., St. Martin's, Sidcup.
Raven, F., Esq., L.R.C.P., Barfield House, Broadstairs.
Rawes, Mrs., 10 Hyde Park Mansions, Marylebone Road, N.W.
•Rayden, Arthur R., Esq., Birchington.
Reeve, R. Dalby, Esq., 14 Cecil Square, Margate.
Reid, James, Esq., 12 Lower Bridge Street, Canterbury.
Rhodes, A., Esq., 118 Amersham Vale, New Cross, s.E.
Rice, Henry, Esq., Dane Court, Tilmanstone.
Richards, Mrs. E. F., Swansfield Lodge, Stone.
Richardson, Walter R., Esq., Rookwood, Eltham.
Ricketts, Major E. Bengough.
Roberts, Major Atkin, Glassenbury Park, Cranbrook.
Roberts, Colonel Sir Howland, Bart., 31 Argyll Road, Kensington, w.
Robertson, John C, Esq., Prior's, Keston, Beckenham.
Robins, Rev. W. H., D.D., Gillingham Vicarage, Chatham.
Robinson, Geo., Esq., Solicitor, Strood, Rochester.
Robinson, W. P., Esq. (care of Messrs. Stevens and Browne, 4 Trafalgar Square,
Roohester Public Library, Rochester.
Rogers, John Thornton, Esq., Riverhill, Sevenoaks.
•Roget, John L., Esq., 5 Randolph Crescent, Maida Hill, w.
Rolt, Rev. H. G., M.A., Sacombe Lodge, Harbledown, Canterbury.
Romney, The Earl of, 4 Upper Belgrave Street, Belgrave Square, s.w.
•Rosher, Alfred, Esq., The Grange, Roshorville, Gravesend.
•Rosher, W. H. Burch, Esq., Wigmore, Walmer, Kent.
Routledge, Rev. Canon C. ¥., M.A., F.S.A., St. Martin's, Canterbury.
Rowe, Thomas Smith, Esq., M.D., Union Crescent, Margate.
Royal Institution of Great Britain, The Library of, Albemarle Street, W.
Ruck, P. W., Esq., County Surveyor, Maidstone.
Ruck, Walter, Esq., 11 High Street, Maidstone.
Russell, Rev. H. W., Hothfield Rectory, Ashford.
Rust, J. Edden, Esq., Hillcroft, Shawfield Park, Bickley.
Rutton, W. Loftie, Esq., F.S.A., 27 Elgin Avenue, w.
Saokvilte, The Lord, G.O.M.G., Knole, Sevenoaks.
Saint, Miss, Groombridge, Speldhurst.
St. John, Charles D., Esq., 74 Tollington Road, N.
•Salisbury, The Lord Bishop of, The Palace, Salisbury.
•Salisbury, The Most Honourable the Marquess of, K.G., Hatfield.
•Salomons, Sir David Lionel, Bart., Broom Hill, Tunbridge Wells.
Sandercock, T. J. B., Esq., Sidcup College, Sidcup.
Sands, Harold, Esq., Cray thorne, Tenterden.
Sankey, Percy E., Esq., 12 Effingham Street, Ramsgate.
Saunders, Sibert, Esq., The Bank, Whitstable.
Sayer, John, Esq., Pett Place, Charing, Ashford, Kent.
Soienoe and Art Department, South Kensington, s.w.
Scott, Rev. A. O, Vicarage, Headcorn.
Scott, Benj. J., Esq., 101 Addiscombe Road, Croydon.
Scott, Mrs. H., Dartford, Kent.
Scott, J. Oldrid, Esq., F.S.A., Ridgway House, Oxted, Surrey.
Soratton, John, Esq., Shorne, Gravesend.
Seale, Miss F. E., 24 London Road, Sevenoaks.
•Sebag-Montefiore, Sir J., East Cliffe Lodge, Ramsgate.
Sells, A., Esq., Eden Hill, London Road, Tonbridge.
Sewell, Rev. T. J . , M.A., Lynsted Vicarage, Sittingbourne.
Sewell, W. A., Esq.
Sharland, George Edward, Esq., The Laurels, White Hill, Gravesend.
Shawyer, J., Esq., Westerham.
Shepherd, Rev. C. W., M.A., Trottescliffe Rectory, Maidstone.
Shindler, T., Esq., 43 Streathbourne Road, Upper Tooting, s.W.
Shorter, Henry, Esq., 23 Walm Lane, Willesden Green, N.w.
Shrivell, F. W., Esq., F.L.S., Thompson's, Golden Green, Tunbridge.
Sibbald, J. G. E., Esq.
Sikes, Rev. Thomas Burr, M.A., Warbleton Rectory, near Heathfield, Sussex.
Simmons, G., Jun., Esq., Woburn Hill, Addlestone.
Simpson, Mrs. Wm., Milton Court, near Gravesend.
Sittingbourne Literary and Scientific Association, Sittingbourne.
Skarratt, Rev. T. C., Kemsing Vicarage, Sevenoaks.
Skipwith, G. H., Esq., Polytechnic Institute, William Street, Woolwich.
Slater, Frederick, Esq., Dover.
Smallpeice, G. Baker, Esq., 9 and 10 Tokenhouse Yard, E.C.
•Smetham, Henry, Esq., Strood, Roohester.
Smith, F. F., Esq., Watts Avenue, Rochester.
Smith, Haskett, Esq., Trowswell, Goudhurst, Staplehurst.
Smith, W. P. Haskett, Esq., Trowswell, Goudhurst.
Smith, H. W., Esq., The Cottage, Belvedere, Kent.
Smith, Jabez, Esq., Faversham.
Smith, John William, Esq.
Smith, Rev. Robert Cox, M.A., 10 King Square, GoswelJ Road, E.C.
Smyth, R. P., Esq., 12 Maidstone Road, Rochester.
•Soanes, Temple H., Esq.
Solly, P. G., Esq., Clarence House, Sandwich.
Solly, G. C, Esq., Clarence House, Sandwich.
South, Rev. R. M., M.A., New Romney Vicarage, Polkestone.
Southee, A. P., Esq., West Cliff School, Ramsgate.
Sparke, C. E., Esq.
Spencer, Rev. R. E., St. John's, Maidstone.
Speth, G. W., Esq., La Tuya, Edward Road, Bromley.
Springett, Mrs., Ashfield, Hawkhurst, Kent.
Stamford, Dr., Collingwood House, Tunbridge Wells.
Stanford, Joseph, Esq., Stanholme House, Edenbridge.
•Stanhope, The Earl, F.S.A., Chevening Place, Sevenoaks (President).
Stanley, P., Esq., Rokeby, Edgar Road, Margate.
Stapeley, J., Esq., Heartsop, Biddenden.
Statham, Rev. S. P. H., Senior Chaplain to the Forces, Dover.
Stephens, A. P . W., Esq., Chatham.
Stevens, W. R., Esq., Cannon Gate, Hythe, Kent. .
•Stevens, Miss E. J „ The Parsonage, Cobham, Gravesend.
Stokes, C, Esq., New Romney.
Stokes, John, Esq., Apsley House School, Margate.
Stokes, Thomas Stanger, Esq., Cranbrook.
Stokes, Miss, York Villa, Grange Road, Ramsgate.
Stone, Prank W., Esq., Tunbridge Wells.
•Stratton, A., Esq., 10 Cavendish Gardens, Trouville Road, Clapham Park,
Streatfeild, Rev. Wm. Champion, Frant Rectory, Sussex.
•Streeter, E. W., Esq., F.R.G.S., 2 Park Crescent, Portland Place, w.
Strickland, R. A., Esq.
Stringer, Henry, Esq., New Romney, Folkestone.
•Stroud, Rev. J , M.A., South Perrott Rectory, Crewkerne.
•Stubbs, Henry, Esq., Dauby, Ballyshannon, Donegal, Ireland.
Stunt, Walter C, Esq., Lorenden, Faversham.
•Styan, Miss Anne, 72 Oxford Terrace, w.
Style, Miss, Boxley House, Maidstone.
Sutton, John, Esq., Holly House, Hatherley Road, Sidcup.
Swaffield, H., Esq., Cornwall House, Granville Road, Sevenoaks.
Swan, Rev. R., West Peckham, Maidstone,
Swanzy, Frank, Esq., Heathfield, Sevenoaks.
Sweet, H., Esq., Post Office, Strood, Kent.
Swinford, F., Esq., Minster House, Minster, Thanet.
Sydney, Free Public Library (eare of Y. J. Pentland, Esq., 38 West Smithfleld,
Talbot, Right Honourable John Gilbert, M.P., Palconhurst, Edenbridge.
Tancock, Rev. C, D.D., School House, Tonbridge.
Tasker, Henry, Esq., Maidstone.
•Tayler, W. H , Esq., M.D.
•Taylor, E. Reginald, Esq., Medomsley, Sidcup.
Taylor, Henry, Esq., Braeside, Rusthall, Tunbridge Wells.
•Taylor, R. Wright, Esq., M.A., LL.B., F.S.A., 8 Stone Buildings, Lincoln's
Inn, W.c.
•Terry, John, Esq., The Grange, Piatt, Borough Green, Sevenoaks.
Terson, T. A., Esq., Castle Street, Dover.
Thomas, Mrs., Eyhorne House, HoUingbourne, Maidstone.
Thompson, C. W., Esq., Waltham, London Road, Deal.
Thompson, George, Esq., Cranbrook.
Thompson, Gibson, Esq., 24 Bride Lane, Pleet Street, E.C
•Tiarks, H. F., Esq., Foxbury, Chislehurst.
Till, E. D., Esq., The Priory, Eynesford.
Tillard, Rev. J., The Glebe, Penshurst.
Timins, Miss, West Malling, Maidstone.
Tingey, Wm., Jun., Esq., Castle Moat, Rochester.
*Tinne, H. W., Esq., Liddesdale, Molyneux Park, Tunbridge Wells.
Tolputt, J. B., Esq., Polkestone.
Tomlin, E., Esq., Angley Park.
Tomlyn, E. L., Esq.
•Tomson, Martin J. R., Esq., Court Stairs, St. Lawrence, Ramsgate,
Tonbridge Book Society (Miss M. Pattisson, Secretary, Graylings, Tonbridge).
Tooth, Pred., Esq.
Trimmer, Rev. H. E., Holy Trinity Vicarage, Sittingbourne.
Trist, John W., Esq., F.S.A., 3 Great St. Helens, E.C
Trollope, W. T., Esq., High Street, Tunbridge Wells.
Tuffill, C J., Esq., Rochester.
Turner, J. H., Esq., Kentish Bank, Maidstone.
Turner, W. H., Esq., Maidstone.
•Tyssen, Amherst Daniel, Esq., 40 Chancery Lane, E.C.
Underwood, Rev. T. F. K., M.A., Kilndown Vicarage, Goudhurst,
Upton, Rev. Archer, M.A., Stowting Rectory, Hythe, Kent.
Vallance, W. H. Aymer, Esq., F.S.A., 6 Wells Street, Oxford Street, w.
Veasey, Mrs., Massetts, Scaynes Hill, Lindfield.
Vincent, Wm. Thos., Esq., 189 Burrage Road, Plumstead.
Vine, Rev. F. T., M.A., Wymynswold Vicarage, near Canterbury.
Vinten, Henry George, Esq., Elmside, The Elms, Ramsgate.
Vye, G. F., Esq., Rydall House, Ramsgate.
Waddington, John, Esq., Ely Grange, Frant, Sussex.
Wade, H., Esq., Chatham.
•Wadmore, Beauchamp, Esq., 4 Lyons Crescent, Tonbridge.
Wadmore, James Foster, Esq., Dry Hill, Tunbridge.
•Wagner, Henry, Esq., F.S.A., 13 Half Moon Street, Piccadilly, w.
Wakefield, The Lord Bishop of, Bishop Garth, Wakefield.
Walker, Adam, Esq., Clifton House, Widmore Hill, Bromley.
Walker, C. G., Esq., Box Tree Hall, St. Peter's, Thanet.
Walker, Dr. C. R., F.R.G.S., 15 Sackville Road, Hove, Sussex.
Waller, H. W., Esq., St. James's Road, Tunbridge Wells.
Wallis, H. T. M., Esq., Dandelion, Margate.
•Walmisley, W. T., Esq., M.INST.CE., 9 Victoria Street, Westminster, s.w.
Walter, John A., Esq., Berengrave, Rainham.
Ward, Horatio, Esq., Fountain Hotel, Canterbury.
Ward, W., Esq., East Sutton.
*Warde, Miss A., Selwood House, Manor Road, Folkestone.
*Warde, Colonel C. M., Squerryes Court, Westerham.
Waring, A. T., Esq., Farningham Hill, Dartford.
•Warner, Edmond, Esq., Southend House, Eltham.
*Wastall, E. E., Esq., Brooklands, Ramsgate.
Watkin, Mrs., Dunedin Lodge, Folkestone.
Watts, Rev. J., M.A., 79 St. Lawrence Villas, Canterbury.
Webb, E. A., Esq., Cookham Dene, Chislehurst.
Webb, George, Esq., Tunstall House, Sittingbourne.
Webb, H. Lumley, Esq., Newington, Sittingbourne.
•Webb, Sydney, Esq., Maidstone House, Dover.
Welford, John, Esq., Lyleston, Eton Avenue, Hampstead, N.W.
*Welldon, J. T., Esq., Ashford, Kent.
•Wells, E. E., Esq., 4 Mallinson Road, Wandsworth Common, s.W,
•Wells, Edward J., Esq., Sandown House, Mallinson Road, Wandsworth
Common, s.w.
Wheelwright, J., Esq., 7 Nevill Park, Tunbridge Wells.
White, Mrs. J. B., Street End House, Canterbury.
•White, James G., Esq., St. Monica, Micheldever Road., Lee, s.E.
White, Major-General, Restoration House, Roohester.
•White, Mrs. Thomas, 2 Queen's Gate Terrace, South Kensington, s.w.
•White, C. Hamilton, Esq., Solicitor, Maidstone.
White, Rev. J., Bromley College, Kent.
*Whitehead, Charles, Esq., F.S.A., F.E.G.S., Barming House, Maidstone.
•Whitehead, G. H., Esq., Red Bank, Highland Road, Bromley.
Wickham, G., Esq., The Heath, Limpsfield, Surrey.
Wiokins, H. W., Esq., F.E.G.S., Quariers, Thurlow Park Road, Dulwich, S.E.
Wigan, Sir Frederick, Clare Lawn, East Sheen, s.w.
•Wigan, James, Esq., Cromwell House, Mortlake, s.w.
Wigan, Mrs., Luddesdown Rectory, Gravesend.
•Wigan, P. F., Esq., Oakwood, Maidstone.
Wightwick, F. P., Esq., M.D., 14 Bouverie Square, Folkestone.
Wightwick, Miss, Stoneleigh, Canterbury.
Wightwick, William,rEsq., Hilden, Folkestone.
Wightwick, Mrs., Dane John House, Canterbury.
Wildish, William Thomas, Esq., St. Margaret's Bank, Rochester.
Wilkie, Rev. Christopher Hales, M.A., Kingston Rectory, Canterbury.
•Wilkinson, F. Eachus, Esq., M.D., Cropthorne Vicarage, Pershore.
Wilks, G. S., Esq., Hythe.
Wilks, R., Jun., Esq., 3 Wellington Place, Deal.
•Williams, Lieut.-Colonel S. Stanley, Ivy House, Edenbridge.
Williamson, J. J., Esq., 2 Queen Street, Deal.
Williamson, Rev. Joseph, M.A., Parningham Vicarage, Dartford.
Willis, Charles, Esq., Borstal Road, Rochester.
Willmott, J., Esq., 82 King Edward Road, South Hackney, N.E.
Wills, Sir W. H., East Court, Ramsgate.
•Wilmott, Rev. Edward W., M.A., Baulking Vicarage, Faringdon, Berks.
Wilson, Archibald, Esq., Last Lane, Dover.
•Wilson, Cornelius Lea, Esq., The Cedars, Beckenham.
Wilson, H., Esq., Farnborough Lodge, Farnborough.
Wilson, Thomas, Esq., Rivers Lodge, Harpenden, St. Albans.
Wilson, W., Esq., Statenborough, Eastry, Dover.
Winch, W. F., Esq., Baker's Cross, Cranbrook.
Winder, E., Esq., Balmoral House, Heme Bay.
Wingate, R., Esq., Hildenborough, Tonbridge.
Winham, Mrs., Western House, Brighton.
Winton, Edwin W., Esq., Etherton Hill, Speldhurst, Tunbridge Wells.
Wolley, C. B., Esq.
Wolley, Rev. H. P., M.A., Shortlands Vicarage, Bromley, Kent.
Wood* Gilbert, Esq., F.R.G.S., Shawfield, Chislehurst Road, Bickley.
Wood, Humphrey, Esq., F.S.A., Chatham.
Wood, Jas., Esq., Boughton Monchelsea, Maidstone.
Wooder, W. W., Esq., Bank Villa, Archway Road, Upper Holloway, N.
Woodford, Mrs. H. P., The Grove, Gravesend.
• Woodgate, Rev. R., M.A., Pembury, Tunbridge Wells.
*Woodhouse, Rev. R. J., M.A., Merstham Rectory, Surrey.
•Woodruff, Rev. C. E., M.A., Honorary Editor, Otterden Rectory, Faversham.
Woodruff, C. H., Esq., F.S.A., Honorary Editor, 4 Westcliff Terrace, St. Lawrence,
Woods, Sir Albert, c.B., K.C.M.G., Garter King at Arms, College of Arms, Queen
Victoria Street, E.c
Woollett, Capt. W. C.
•Woolley, C. B., Esq., The Ferns, Wilmington, Dartford.
Worger, Miss Louisa, North Street, Ashford.
Worsfold, E. M., Esq., Dover.
•Wright, Charles E. L., Esq., Heathwood Lodge, Bexley, Kent.
Wright, Rev. Charles H., M.A., Keston Rectory, Hayes, Kent.
Youens, E. C, Esq., 17 Tower Road, Dartford.
*%* Should any errors, omissions of honorary distinctions, etc., be found
in this List, it is requested that notice thereof may be given to the Secretary,
GEORGE PAYNE, Esq., The Precinct, Roohester.
£ s. d.
Akers-Douglas, Right Hon. A., M.P 1 10 0
Clifford, Jas., Esq Olio
Cranbrook, Viscount 0 10 0
Hughes, W. E., Esq 0 10 0
Mercer, Samuel, Esq 0 10 0
Northbourne, Lord 0 10 0
Sands, H., Esq 0 10 0
Wadmore, J. P., Esq 100
%frXt Cash Account from the \st oj
1898. £ s. <
Jan. 1. Balance at Bankers :—
Wigan, Mercer, and Co £461 7 11
Hammond and Co 381 9 5
842 17
Dividends on the Society's 2 | per Cent. Stock 33 12
Sale of the Society's Publications 6 1
Subscriptions through the following Local Secretaries and Bankers :—
W. E. Hughes, Esq. (London) ., £72 14 6
R. Holt-White, Esq. (Dartford) 10 10 0
F. F. Giraud, Esq. (Faversliam) 6 19 0
C. Boyce, Esq. {Maidstone) 9 17 6
J. Copland, Esq. (Sheerness) 4 19 0
W. T. Neve, Esq. (Cranbrooh) 9 10 0
Miss Dudlow (Mailing) 6 10 6
J. F. Wadmore, Esq. (Tonbridge) 9 10 0
J. E. Mace, Esq. (Tenterden) 6 10 0
W. J. Mercer, Esq. (Margate) 11 0 0
W. H. Burch Kosher, Esq. (Walmer) 8 10 0
W. Wightwick, Esq. (Folkestone) 13 15 0
G. Payne, Esq. (Roohester, etc.) 30 0 0
a. M. Arnold, Esq. (Gravesend) 10 10 0
J. D. Norwood, Esq. (Ashford) 8 15 0
G. E. Elliott, Esq. (Sittingbourne) -11 0 0
K. W. Wilkie, Esq. (Ramsgate) 14 0 0
O. W. Powell, Esq. (Speldhurst) 8 0 0
H. Stringer, Esq. (New Bomney) 2 10 0
The Bankers :—Wigan, Mercer, and Co 34 10 6
Hammond and Co 18 11 6
308 2
£1190 13 6
January to the 31stf of December, 1898. <£f.
1898. £ s. d.
Mitchell and Hughes, Vol. XXIII 310 9 11
Ditto General Account 11 18 2
C. P. Kell, Lithographer 39 18 6
Typographic Etching Company 24 15 11
Meisenbach Company, Portrait of Canon Scott Robertson 2 8 7
W. Paul, Drawings Rochester Cathedral 17 10 0
L. B. Fleming, Collotype 4 7 6
J. Murray, use of Electros 2 2 0
J. H. Parker and Co., Plates of Tiles 2 9 0
Borough Treasurer, Rent of Rooms 20 0 0
Chief Curator's Grant, 4 quarters SO 0 0
J. Lower, Porter's Fee, 4 quarters 0 12 0
Purchase of Consols 25 0 0
Fordwich Town Trust, Grant towards reparation of Court Hall ... 20 0 0
W. T. Wildish, Printing 2 16 6
Kent Fire Office, Insurance 2 5 0
Subscription to Archieological Congress 10 0
Ditto Pipe Roll Society 2 2 0
W. Keeley, Binding , 14 3
Petty Cash, in addition to balance of £10 10*. M. from 1897 5 0 0
Includes Journey and Expenses, Deal £0 15 0
Journeys and Expenses, Fordwich Court Hall 17 0
Stamps for year, as per Account 1 18 0
Sundries 0 13 6
Balance in hand 10 17 2
£15 10 8
Dec. 31. Balance at Bankers :—
Wigan, Mercer, and Co 41380 13 10
Hammond and Co 258 0 4
638 14 2
£1190 13 C
We have examined the Accounts, compared them with the Vouchers and
Pass Books, and find them correct.
•5B9t". Cash Account from the 1st oj
1899. £ s. d.
Jan. 1. Balance at Bankers :—
Wigan, Mercer, and Co £380 13 10
Hammond and Co 258 0 4
638 14 2
Dividends on the Society's 2-J per Cent. Stock 34 1 8
Sale of the Society's Publications 7 15 8
Subscriptions through the following Local Secretaries and Bankers :—
W. E. Hughes, Esq. (London) £53 18 6
E. W. Fry, Esq. (Dover) 14 0 0
G. E. Elliott, Esq. (Sittingbourne) 13 0 0
C. Boyce, Esq. (Maidstone) 13 13 0
J. D. Norwood, Esq. (Ashford) 10 5 0
F. F. Giraud, Esq. (Faversliam) 7 17 10
J. Copland, Esq. (Slieerness) 3 19 0
(i. M. Arnold, Esq. (Gravesend) 16 0 0
G. Wilks, Esq. (Ilythe) 5 0 0
J. E. Mace, Esq. (Tenterden) 2 10 0
F. M. Dudlow, Esq. (Mailing) 12 0 6
R. Holt-White, Esq. (Dartford) 18 10 0
A. Walker, Esq. (Bromley) 17 0 0
J. F. Wadmore. Esq. (Tonbridge) 7 10 0
Gt. F. Cornell, Esq. (Sevenoaks) 15 13 6
W. J. Mercer, Esq. (Margate) 8 10 0
W. H. Burch Rosher, Esq. (Walmer) 7 10 0
G. Payne, Esq. (Roohester, etc.) 28 0 0
The Bankers:—Wigan, Mercer, and Co 28 11 0
Hammond and Co 39 10 6
322 18 10
£1003 10 4
January to the 'Hst of December, 1899. (£?,
1899. & s. d.
C. F. Kell, Lithographer 57 13 0
J. Parker and Co., Engravings 13 6
George Parker, Transcript of MS 3 3 0
Ditto ditto . 12 0 0
Borough Treasurer, Rent of Rooms 20 0 0
Maidstone Museum, Grant, Purchase of Harrison Collection 25 0 0
Curator's Grant, 4 quarters 50 0 0
J. Lower, Porter's Fee, 4 quarters 6 9 0
900 Copies Index of Archasological Papers, and Subscription to
Archaeological Congress 1899 12 5 0
C. W. English, Zinc Block of Coin 0 13 6
W. Keeley, Binding 0 19 6
W. Ruck, Photo Album, etc 2 4 0
W. T. Wildish, Printing 2 19 6
Kent Fire Office, Insurance 2 5 0
Rev. J. M. Cowper, Canterbury Marriage Licences 1 15 0
Canon C. F. Routledge, Editorial Expenses 3 0 0
Cheque Book (Wigan, Mercer, and Co.) 0 4 0
Petty Cash, in addition to balance of £10 17*, 2d. from 1898 5 0 0
Includes Journeys and Expenses, Bromley £13 0
Journeys and Expenses, Ightham Mote 0 10 6
Ditto Discoveries 0 9 6
Stamps for the year, as per Account 3 1 1
Sundries 10 9
Balance in hand 9 12 4
£15 17 2
Dec. 31. Balance at Bankers :—
Wigan, Mercer, and Co £382 13 0
Hammond and Co 414 3 4
796 16 4
£1003 10 4
Wc have examined the Accounts, compared them with the Vouchers and
Pass Books, and find them correct.
CHAS. F. HOOPER, | A-vdltov*'
THE Council met ou the 28th of December 1898 in Canterbury
Cathedral Library, by permission of the Dean and Chapter. There
were five members present, presided over by Canon C. F. Routledge.
After discussion, it was resolved that the next Annual Meeting
be held at Bromley.
The Rev. Waterman Q-ardner-Waterman, Rector of Bicknor,
and T. Colyer Fergusson, Esq., of Wombwell Hall and Ightham
Mote, Kent, were unanimously elected Members of Council, in
room of the late Rev. J. Oave-Browne and the late Lieut.-Colonel
J. Hartley.
The following new members were elected: F. Church, Esq.,
A. B. Earn, Esq., Harry Muller, Esq., F. A. Barrett, Esq.,
W. Wylie Lord, Esq.
The Council met on the 80th of March 1899 in the Society's Rooms
at Maidstone. There were five members present, J. D.Norwood, Esq.,
occupying the Chair.
Letters were read from the Rev. W. Q-ardner-Waterman and
Mr. Colyer Fergusson, thanking the Council for electing them
members of it.
I t was resolved that the Bromley Meeting take place on the
25th and 26th of July. It was decided to visit Bromley College,
Eltham Palace, Keston, Holwood, High Elms, West Wickham
Church, and Wickham Court.
The following new members were elected : The Archbishop of
Canterbury, the Dean of Canterbury, Rev. J. Halloran, Rev. 0. W.
Bancks, Rev. 0. Tancock, D.D., R. Wingate, Esq., J. J. Alexander,
Esq., W. Ruck, Esq., Dr. 0. R. Walker, T. J. Carter, Esq.
The Council met on the 26th of June 1899 at the house of the
Noble President in Grosvenor Place. Twelve members were present,
presided over by the Earl Stanhope.
The Programme of the Annual Meeting, to be held at Bromley,
was approved.
I t was resolved that the alteration of Rule 9, which was proposed
and adopted at the Annual General Meeting of the Society on
the 10th of July 1862 at Hythe, be from this date made and printed
in all future volumes of the Society's Transactions.
I t was resolved that the Honorary Secretary be requested to
procure a return or lists from the Local Secretaries, the London
Agent, and the Bankers, of all subscriptions due from members
in their respective districts which may be in arrear at the date
of the next annual audit; and that a copy of such return and
of the Balance Sheet, as certified by the auditors, be laid before
the next Meeting of the Council; also that the List of Members,
as published in the volumes, be corrected up to date as far as
The following new members were elected: Rev. W. D. Fanshawe,
F. T. Cutbill, Esq., 0. F. J. Jennings, Esq., Rev. R. Swan,
E. R. Taylor, Esq., C. Igglesden, Esq., Miss S. Caught, A. Blades,
The Annual Meeting commenced at Bromley on Tuesday, the
25th of July 1899. The Business Meeting was held in the Assembly
Room at the " Royal Bell Hotel." A letter was read from the Noble
President, in which he expressed his regret at not being able to be
present in consequence of an acute attack of gout, which was a great
disappointment to all present. In the absence of Lord Stanhope,
J. F. Wadmore, Esq., the senior Member of Council present,
occupied the Chair. The Honorary Secretary was then called upon
to read the Annual Report, which was as follows:—
REPORT, 1899.
The Counoil has much pleasure in presenting the Porty-Second Annual
Report, as the Society still maintains its high position and continues in a
flourishing state. In meeting for the second time at Bromley, after a lapse of
twenty-one years, with a slight change of programme, we may anticipate a very
instructive and pleasant time. It will be noticed that the country immediately
around Bromley has undergone great changes since 1878, but happily building
operations have been carried on with due regard to the retention of trees and
Since the last Annual Meeting we have lost several valued members by death
and other causes, which we all deeply deplore. By the death of Lord Hersohell,
G.C.B., the Sooiety loses one of its most distinguished Vice-Presidents. His
Lordship joined our Sooiety on becoming Captain of Deal Castle, which he kindly
allowed us to inspect last year. The familiar face of Mr. W. T. Neve will, alas,
be no longer seen at our annual gatherings. He joined our ranks iu 1859, and
for the past sixteen years had been a Member of the Counoil and Honorary
Local Secretary for the Cranbrook district. We all remember with pleasure the
kindly help he rendered in 1873 and 1895, when we visited Cranbrook, and the
hospitality he so liberally dispensed on the latter occasion. Another of our
Vice-Presidents has also passed away, namely, Sir Stuart Knill, Bart. He had
been a member for twenty-seven years, and was elected a Vice-President by the
Council as a mark of its high appreciation of his kindly courtesy in inviting the
Sooiety to the Mansion House on the 12tfi of July 1893, when he was Lord Mayor
of London. We have likewise lost a staunch friend and supporter by the death of
Mr. W. Laurence of Maidstone. He was an original member of the Society, and
for forty years he or some member of his family have been present at our Meetings.
Since we last met thirty-four new members have been elected, and others await
election at your hands to-day.
During the past six months the twenty-third Volume of Archaologia
Oantiana has been issued. This is a valuable Volume, and will be greatly prized
as containing Mr. St. John Hope's learned and exhaustive monograph on
Rochester Cathedral. The cost of this Volume has been defrayed, which leaves
us with a balance at our Bankers of £682 Os. 3d.
In the course of the year the Counoil has made a grant from our funds of
£20 towards the much-needed repairs to the ancient Court Hall at Fordwich.
These have been carried out under the superintendence of your Honorary
Secretary to the entire satisfaction of the Fordwich Town Trust.
A grant of £25 has also been made towards the purchase of Mr. Benjamin
Harrison's well-known collection of Flint Implements for the Maidstone Museum.
They are all now in that Institution, and it is hoped that the fund now being
raised will in some degree compensate Mr. Harrison for his indefatigable labours
in the cause of science.
The Council learns with profound regret of the very extensive alterations
which have been in progress for some time past at Hever Castle, and more
especially of the entire demolition of the ancient Guard House. From the
Annual Report (just issued) of the Society for the Protection of Ancient
Buildings it appears that the Society offered to advise the owner as to the best
means of dealing with this precious heritage, bequeathed to us from antiquity,
but that offer was declined.
The Rev. C. E. Woodruff moved the adoption of the Report,
which was seconded by Captain Thornton Downe and carried.
The Rev. F. Haslewood moved that the retiring auditors be
re-elected. This was also seconded and carried.
The Rev. A. G. Hellicar moved that the following retiring
Members of Council be re-elected: J. J. Howard, Esq., LL.D.,
Oanon C. F. Routledge, Henry Stringer, Esq., Kenyon W. Wilkie,
Esq., George Wilks, Esq., and Dr. E. F. Astley. This was likewise
seconded and carried.
The following were then duly elected to membership : Charles
Creiner, Esq., John Waddington, Esq., F. F. Smith, Esq., and
F. J. East, Esq.
The Business Meeting having concluded, the members then
proceeded to the Parish Church, where they were welcomed by the
Vicar, the Rev. A. G. Hellicar, M.A., who described it. An adjournment
was then made for light refreshment, after which the company
xlii PROCEEDINGS, 1899.
proceeded to Bromley College, which the Chaplain, tbe Rev. James
White, M.A., described, and subsequently conducted the party round
the interesting buildings.
Progress was then made to Eltham Palace, which, together with
the charming gardens, were courteously thrown open to the Society
by Mrs. Bloxam. A. G. Milne, Esq., read a very bright and
interesting Paper on its history. After a vote of thanks had been
accorded Mr. Milne, the gardens were inspected and the remains
of the moat, all passing out through the garden of Mrs. Crundwell
by kindly permission.
Eltham Lodge was next visited, and its fine Flemish tapestry
inspected, under the guidance of Mr. Milne, by permission of the
Eltham Golf Club Committee.
After the members had returned to Bromley the Annual Dinner
took place at the "Royal Bell Hotel." Gerard Norman, Esq.,
occupied the Chair, being supported by the Rev. A. G. Hellicar,
Mr. and Mrs. Burch Rosher, Philip Norman, Esq., F.S.A.,
Mrs. Gerard Norman, the Rev. C. E. Woodruff, the Rev. WGardner-
Waterman, the Honorary Secretary aud Mrs. George
Payne, F. T. Cutbiil, Esq., and many others. The usual loyal and
other toasts were in the hands of tlie Chairman, Mr. Burch Rosher,
and Mr. George Payne.
The Evening Meeting was held in the Hotel, when Mr. Philip
Norman read a very interesting Paper on " Recollections of Old
Bromley," illustrated by numerous lantern slides.
Witli a cordial vote of thanks to the lecturer the meeting
On Wednesday the members were conveyed in carriages to West
Wickham Court, the seat of Sir John Farnaby Lennard, Bart. The
Honorary Secretary read a short Paper on the history of tbe house,
abstracted from one already printed in Archceologia Oantiana.
After this Lady Lennard, in the unavoidable absence of ber
husband, personally conducted the company over the more interesting
parts of the house. On the lawn, before leaving, the best
thanks of the company were given, on the proposition of Mr. Burch
Rosher, to Lady Farnaby Lennard for her courteous attention, and
to Sir John for his kindness in allowing the Society to visit Wickham
Court for the second time. After three hearty cheers had been
given the large party adjourned for luncheon, which was served in
a marquee in the Park by permission. During the halt the Church
was inspected, under the guidance of the Vicar, the Rev. H. B.
Roberts. By the kindly sanction of Mary, Countess of Derby, the
great British Camp in Holwood Park was examined, under the
leadership of Sir John Lubbock, Bart, M.P., F.R.S., etc., who
read a short Paper on the earthworks, in which he also referred to
the field near by, known as War Bank, where Roman foundations
exist, and stone sarcophagi and other remains have been found.
PROCEEDINGS, 1899. xliii
High Elms was next visited, where Sir John and Lady Lubbock
hospitably entertained the members with tea and other refreshments.
During the interval Sir John's collections were carefully
examined, the fine series of flint and stone weapons attracting
considerable attention. Before leaving, the Rev. Dr. Haslewood
called for a vote of thanks to Sir John and Lady Lubbock for their
kindness and profuse hospitality, which was cordially given. After
a pleasant drive to Bromley the Annual Meeting of 189!) terminated.
The Council met on the 29th of September in the Society's
Rooms at Maidstone. Eight members were present, presided over
by J. F. Wadmore, Esq. Before the proceedings commenced the
Chairman alluded in feeling terms to the lamented death of George
Dowker, Esq., F.G.S., who had been for several years a Member
of the Council, and one of the Society's most valued and
energetic members. It was unanimously resolved that a vote of
condolence be accorded to Mrs. Dowker and her family in their deep
After due discussion it was agreed to hold the next Annual
Meeting at Ramsgate.
Votes of thanks in connection with the Meeting at Bromley in
July last were passed to the Rev. A. G. Hellicar, the Rev. Jas.
White, Philip Norman, Esq., and the Rev. H. B. Roberts, for reading
Papers and other valuable help; to Mrs. Bloxam for permission to
view Eltham Palace; to Mrs. Crundwell for allowing the party to
pass through her garden at The Moat; and to A. G. Milne, Esq.,
tor kindly describing Eltham Palace and Eltham Lodge; to the
Eltham Golf Club Committee for permission to visit Eltham Lodge;
to Sir John and Lady Farnaby Lennard for allowing the Society to
inspect West Wickham Court; to Mary, Countess of Derby, for
permission to visit the British Camp in Holwood Park; to Sir John
Lubbock for describing it; to Sir John and Lady Lubbock for
their hospitable reception at High Elms; to A. Walker, Esq.,
and Miss Walker for kindly issuing the tickets; to the Eev. W.
Gardner-Waterman for kindly superintending the carriage arrangements.
Other votes of thanks were passed to W. M. Bywater, Esq., for
the valuable gift of a hundred and sixty photographic negatives of
Kentish Churches; to Mrs. A. J. Law for her book entitled The
Parish Ohurch, of St. Andrew's, Shalford; to the National Historical
Museum, Stockholm, for the gift of fifty-four parts and volumes of
its Transactions ; to J. F. Wadmore, Esq., for Manuscript copies of
Exchequer and other documents relating to the Order of the Knight
Templars of St. John of Jerusalem.
The Rev. J. A. Boodle brought forward the subject of completing
the Inventory of Kentish Church Plate, commenced some years ago
by the late Canon Scott-Robertson. It was deemed most necessary
that this should be done. The Honorary Secretary stated that the
xliv PROCEEDINGS, 1899.
whole of Mr. Scott-Robertson's note-books and manuscripts were in
the Society's possession, and he would look up the returns relating
to the matter and send them to Mr. Boodle.
Mr. Boodle proposed " That in future the dates of the Council
Meetings be fixed at each December Meeting for the year ensuing,
except the June Meeting, and that a card of the fixtures be sent
in January to each Member of the Council." This was carried
An application was read from Dr. A. Blomberg, the Librarian
of the National Historical Museum at Stockholm, for an interchange
of publications. The Honorary Secretary strongly recommended
that sanction should be given, as the Swedish Transactions
were well illustrated, and would be invaluable to the student of
antiquities commonly called Anglo-Saxon. The application was
granted accordingly.
I t was resolved that the new Sistory of Ohislehurst, by Webb,
Miller, and Beckwith, be purchased for the Society's Library.
The Honorary Secretary announced that, agreeably to the wishes
of Mr. Oldrid Scott and Mr. Henry Taylor, he had employed a
Surveyor to prepare plans of Ightham Mote, to illustrate the joint
Papers by those gentlemen on the building for the forthcoming
The following were duly elected to membership : T. 0. Dewey,
Esq., D. Grinsted, Esq., C. G. Hughes, Esq., E. E. Wells, Esq.,
and Sidney Harvey, Esq., F.C.S.
The Council met on the 29th of December in Canterbury
Cathedral Library, by permission of the Dean and Chapter. There
were five members present. Canon C. F. Routledge occupied the
The lamented death of Sir John Farnaby Lennard, Bart., one of
the Society's Vice-Presidents, was sympathetically referred to by
Mr. Burch Rosher, who proposed that a letter of condolence be sent
from the Council to Lady Lennard. This was carried unanimously.
The routes for the next Annual Meeting, to be held at Ramsgate,
were discussed and agreed to.
The Honorary Secretary reported that he had sent to the
Rev. J. A. Boodle the notes gathered by the late Canon Scott-
Robertson relating to the Inventory of Kentish Church Plate, but
nothing had been found which seemed to remain unpublished. It
was, however, agreed that steps should be taken to complete this
desirable work, which it was hoped Mr. Boodle and the Rev. 0. E.
Woodruff would jointly undertake.
Canon 0. F. Routledge referred to the very large sum which had
always stood to the Society's credit at the Bankers, and suggested
that some portion of it should be either invested or placed on
deposit. After due discussion, Mr. Burch Rosher proposed " That
the sum of four hundred pounds be forthwith placed on deposit,
PROCEEDINGS, 1900. xlv
namely, two hundred pounds at Messrs. Wigan, Mercer, and Co.,
and a like amount at Messrs. Hammond and Co." This was seconded
by Mr. Giraud, and carried unanimously.
The following were duly elected to membership : E. D. Till, Esq.,
and the Rev. J. H. Palmer.
The Council met on the 30th of April 1900 in the Society's Rooms
at Maidstone. There were seven members present, A. A. Arnold,
Esq., occupying the Chair.
After due discussion it was decided that the Annual Meeting
should be held at Ramsgate on the 24th and 25th of July.
A letter was read from the National Trust for Places of Historic
Interest soliciting the co-operation of the Society. It was resolved
that the Society become a member of the Trust.
The following new members were elected: W. J. Homewood,
Esq., E. J. Homewood, Esq., S. G. P. Philpott, Esq., Rev. C. R.
Perry, Beauchamp Wadmore, Esq., C. B. Wolley, Esq., and the
Rev. F. M. Crapper.
The Council met on the 19th of June at the Metropole Hotel,
London, by the kindly invitation of the Earl Stanhope. Seven
members were present, presided over by the Noble President.
The following elections took place: Sackville Cresswell, Esq.,
Hole Park, Rolvenden, Honorary Local Secretary for the Cranbrook
District, vice W. T. Neve, Esq., deceased; Charles Cotton, Esq.,
F.R.C.P., Ramsgate, Honorary Local Secretary for the Ramsgate
District, vice Kenyon W. Wilkie, Esq., deceased; Dr. Francis
Grayling, Sittingbourne, Honorary Local Secretary for the Sittingbourne
District, vice G. E. Elliott, Esq., deceased; Lieut.-Colonel
Copeland, F.S.A., a Member of Council, vice George Dowker, Esq.,
deceased; Major John Roberts Atkin Roberts, Glassenbury, Cranbrook,
a Member of Council, vice the late Mr. Neve.
A letter was read from Canon C. F. Routledge resigning the
office of Honorary Editor of Archceologia Oantiana.
The Noble President moved the following resolution : " That
while greatly regretting the resignation of Canon Routledge as
Editor of the Arohcsologia Oantiana, which he has conducted for
some years with conspicuous ability, the Council beg to tender him
their best thanks for his past services." This was seconded by the
Rev. J. A. Boodle and carried unanimously.
The Honorary Secretary brought forward the subject of the
forthcoming sale by auction of the ancient College at Maidstone,
and announced that he had interviewed the owners of the property,
and several other persons of importance in Maidstone, in the hope
x l v i PEOCEEDINGS, 1900.
that some steps would be taken to prevent the building from being
acquired for commercial purposes.
The Earl Stanhope suggested that the Society should grant a
sum of twenty-five pounds towards the projected excavations at
Riehborough. The Council agreed to this, subject to his Lordship
enquiring as to the nature of the proposed researches.
The following new members were duly elected : E. S. Ford,
Esq., E. S. Houlder, Esq., W. M. Hitchcock, Esq., F. Marsden
Cobb, Esq., W. Hills, Esq., E. G. Percy, Esq., and Edwin Harris, Esq.
The Annual Meeting was commenced at Ramsgate on Tuesday,
the 24th of July 1900. The Business Meeting took place in the
Technical Schools, by kindly permission of the Mayor aud Corporation.
The Earl Stanhope presided. After the Worshipful the
Mayor (Alderman J. B. Hodgson) had welcomed the Society to the
Isle of Thanet, the Honorary Secretary read the Annual Report
as follows :—
REPORT, 1900.
The Council has much pleasure in submitting its Forty-Third Annual Report
at this second meeting of the Society in the Isle of Thanet, after a lapse of
twenty-three years. Since our last Annual Meeting death has removed from our
ranks several valued members, whose presence with us at these gatherings and
elsewhere was always a source of pleasure and distinct gain to all with whom they
came into contact. Of our Vice-Presidents two have passed away, the Venerable
Archdeacon B. F. Smith and Sir John Farnaby Lennard, Bart., both of whom
were firm supporters of the Sooiety. The former was an original member of it,
while the latter joined in 1861. The late Archdeacon often presided at our
Council Meetings at Canterbury, and hospitably entertained the Council on
many occasions. The courteous owner of West Wickham Court twice received
the Society at his interesting domain, dispensing hospitality and shewing us
every possible kindness. "We have sustained an irreparable loss by the removal
of Mr. George Dowker, F.G.S., from our midst. That indefatigable labourer in
the cause of science had been a member of the Society for forty years, during
fourteen of which he served on the Council. Mr. Dowker was a singularly able
man, and an acknowledged authority on all branches of natural history and
archaeology. He was an excellent draughtsman and an expert microscopist, and
one of the best field geologists known. This Society for a long series of years
reaped great advantage from the valuable help rendered to it by Mr. Dowker in
the pages of its Transactions, in the field, and at the evening meetings. It is
most fitting that we should pay a tribute to the memory of our lost colleague
here in Ramsgate, where his life ebbed out with the tide in the autumn of last
year. George Dowker's knowledge of the Isle of Thanet was unsurpassed, and
at every point of it during our brief sojourn here we shall be reminded of his
absence. Dr. Hicks and Mr. Kenyon Woods Wilkie, both well-known residents
of Ramsgate, and much interested in the local antiquities, have too passed away.
The former had been a member thirty-six years ; the latter joined us in 1874,
acted as Honorary Local Secretary since 1889, and was elected on the Council in
1892. The painfully sudden death of Mr. George E. Elliott deprived the Society
of another valued co-operator. He became a member in 1862 and Local
Secretary for Sittingbourne in 1886, and rarely missed attending these meetings.
Major Heales, F.S.A., who entertained the Society so hospitably at Leesons, near
PROCEEDINGS, 1900. xlvii
Chislehurst, in 1889, has also gone from us; likewise Mr. George Wilks, for
many years Town Clerk of Hythe. He was a staunch supporter of the Society,
which he joined in 1861, becoming Local Secretary in 1892, and a Member of
Council in 1889. Mr. Wilks wrote and published a valuable worlc entitled
The Barons of the Cinque Ports and the Parliamentary representation of Hythe.
He was also instrumental in rescuing from oblivion and decay the ancient
archives of the Borough of Hythe. Mr. Wilks held several prominent public
appointments, which he filled with consummate ability. He took an active
interest in the development of Hythe, and was one of those men of sterling
worth which no Society, town or county, could afford to lose.
During the past year twenty new members have joined our ranks, while
several await election at your hands to-day.
The large sum of money to the credit of our Society has recently prompted
the Council to cause the sum of £400 to be placed on deposit at the bankers.
Besides this amount, the balance at the present moment stands at £318 7s. ld.
The next Volume of our Archceologia is nearly completed and will be ready
for issue in the autumn. It contains much valuable matter, is well illustrated,
and will form a valuable addition to its predecessors. Unfortunately its
publication will bring to a close the editorship of Canon C. F. Routledge, who
finds that he is unable to continue the work, which for the past Ave years he has
conducted with such marked ability. On behalf of the Society, Mr. Routledge
has been cordially thanked by the Council for his valuable services in editing
the last four volumes of Transactions.
The Council has the gratification to announce that the Honorary Editorship
has been jointly accepted by the Rev. 0. E. Woodruff, M.A., Reotor of Otterden,
and his brother, Cumberland H. Woodruff, Esq., M.A., B.C.L., F.S.A., of
St. Lawrence, Thanet. The extensive knowledge of arohajology »nd the
scholarly ability of these gentlemen, are sufficient guarantee that the work which
they have kindly consented to undertake will be efficiently carried out.
During the past few months some extremely interesting revelations have been
made in the keep of Rochester Castle. It has been ascertained that the entire
area of the keep has been filled in, in recent times, to a depth of 14 feet
with loose earth and rubbish. Shafts have been sunk through this debris to the
bottom, which consists of a stone floor 15 inches thick, laid upon the natural
gravel. The floor is composed of large blocks of Kentish rag, grouted with
strong mortar. It is hoped that the authorities will see their way to clear out
the entire area of the keep, so that this basement chamber may be exposed to
view. They have already caused the dungeon, which was also filled up to a depth
of 10 feet, to be cleared, thus shewing the true nature of a Norman dungeon.
A pretty two-light window, looking out over the roof of the fore-building, was
found blocked up "and plastered over. This has been opened and forms an
additional feature of interest in the building. A beautiful half-arch in the east
wall of the uppermost floor, which was filled in during the rebuilding of the
south-east angle by Henry HI., has also been opened, revealing its columns
with their beautifully carved capitals in perfect preservation. Other interesting
chambers and recesses, to which access has not been gained since the floors were
removed, have been entered from the scaffolding during the reparation of the
keep; these have been planned and, together with drawings of the other things
we have mentioned, will in due time be reproduced iu our Archceologia.
One other discovery may be mentioned of peculiar interest, namely, that or
a Celtic burial-place at Shorne-Ifield, near the Rochester and Gravesend roau.
A circular trench 60 feet in diameter was found to contain five skeletons buneo.
in a contracted position, and in the centre of the encircled space another skeleton
was found interred in a neat cist cut in the chalk in a similar manner. J-ue
mound that originally covered this central deposit had been cast back a ^ m . I ? 1 : °
the trench. This exploration was carried out with the kindly consent and at tne
expense of the Earl of Darnley. .
In assembling at Ramsgate this year a pleasant time is anticipated, anci our
enjoyment will be greatly enhanced by the kindness of the Mayor, ot on
members, and of other friends in Thanet,
xlviii PROCEEDINGS, 1900.
The Rev. F. B. Blogg moved, and H. Mapleton Chapman, Esq.,
seconded the first resolution, which was carried unanimously,
" That the Report as read be adopted."
I t was moved by E. J. Wells, Esq., seconded by Dr. Cotton,
and carried unanimously, " That Herbert Hordern, Esq., and
Capt. C. F. Hooper, the retiring Auditors, be re-elected for the
ensuing year."
I t was moved by the Rev. Dr. Haslewood, seconded by W. J.
Mercer, Esq., and carried unanimously, " That the six retiring
Members of Council be re-elected."
The Noble President then proposed that the Rev. C. E.
Woodruff, M.A., and his brother, Cumberland H. Woodruff, M.A.,
B.C.L., F.S.A., be appointed joint Honorary Editors of the Society's
Transactions, viae the Rev. Canon Routledge, resigned; this was
seconded by W. H. Burch Rosher, Esq., and carried unanimously.
The Earl Stanhope, as one of the Trustees of Riehborough
Castle, applied for a grant towards the excavations now going on
there under the direction of Cauon Routledge and others. It was
unanimously agreed that a sum of £25 be forthwith voted. A
cheque for that amount was accordingly drawn and handed to
Mr. Routledge.
The following were duly elected to membership :—Miss M. J.
Hurst, C. G. Walker, Esq., F. Raven, Esq., L.R.C.P., A. F. Kidson,
Esq., F. P. Wightwick, Esq., M.D., Lieut.-Col. E. E. Pyne (Royal
Marines), John Welford, Esq., Mr. and Mrs. Greenwood, Alderman
J. B. Hodgson (Mayor of Ramsgate), and the Ramsgate Free
The Meeting having concluded, progress was made in carriages
to St. Lawrence Church. In the unavoidable absence of the Vicar,
the Rev. T. G. Crosse, M.A., his Curate, tbe Rev. E. S. Burgess,
received the Society. Dr. Charles Cotton read a Paper on the
history of the church. In the vestry the parish registers and church
plate were placed for inspection.
An adjournment was subsequently made to the residence of the
Mayor's son at St. Lawrence, where his Worship hospitably entertained
the company with light refreshments. The Mayoress was
present with other members of her family to meet the Society.
Before leaving the Noble President called for a hearty vote of
thanks to the Mayor for his kindness and hospitality, which was
very cordially given. The Mayor in replying shewed that it had
been a great pleasure to him to entertain the Society.
Ebbs Fleet was next visited, to give the members an opportunity
of seeing the Memorial Cross erected by Earl Granville near the
spot where St. Augustine is believed to have landed. Canon
Routledge read a short and interesting Paper on the supposed site
of the landing-place of the great missionary. Thanks were accorded
Mr. Routledge on the proposition of Mr. Giraud.
Progress was then made to Minster Church, which was described
by the Vicar, the Rev. A. F. Molineux, M.A. The company then
walked down the village to the ancient manor-house of Minster,
PROCEEDINGS, 1900. xl ix
commonly called " Minster Abbey," which was inspected throughout
by kindly permission of F. de B. Collard, Esq. The Honorary
Secretary described the existing buildings which stand on the site
of Edburga's Monastery of Saints Peter and Paul.
Lord Stanhope called for thanks to Mr. Collard for his kindness
in allowing the Society to visit his house, which was heartily
responded to by all present.
The company afterwards partook of tea and other refreshments
in the Vicarage garden by the invitation of the Vicar and Mrs.
Molineux, who were subsequently thanked for their kindly hospitality
by the Noble President.
On returning to Ramsgate those who intended to stay the
night dined together at the " Royal Hotel." The Earl Stanhope
occupied the Chair for a short time, but on leaving to catch the
train his Lordship asked the Mayor to take his place. Supporting
the Chairman were the Vicar of Ramsgate (Canon H. Bartram),
F. F. Giraud, Esq., and Mrs. Giraud, W. H. Burch Rosher, Esq.,
and Mrs. Burch Rosher, Rev. C. E. Woodruff, Cumberland IT.
Woodruff, Esq., Col. and Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. George Payne, the
Honorary Secretary, and others.
The usual loyal and other toasts were proposed or responded to
by the Mayor, Mr. Giraud, Mr. Boulter, and Mr. George Payne.
The Evening Meeting was held in the Town Hall, the Mayor
presiding. The Honorary Secretary delivered a lecture on the
"Archaeology of the District," illustrated by a fine series of lantern
slides, chiefly of objects discovered at Sarre in the Anglo-Saxon
cemetery explored many years since for the Society by the late
Mr. John Brent, F.S.A.
At the conclusion of the address Canon Bartram proposed a vote
of thanks to Mr. George Payne for his interesting lecture, and
spoke in high praise of the beauty of the lantern slides, the work of
Mr. E. C. Touens of Dartford, Honorary Photographer to the
Society. Mr. J. P. Barrett seconded the proposition, which was
carried unanimously.
With a vote of thanks to the Chairman the Evening Meeting
On Wednesday,the 25th of July, carriages were in readiness at the
railway stations and the Technical Schools. After waiting nearly
an hour at the L. C. and D. R. Station for the arrival of the tram,
progress was made to the Parish Church at Margate, which was
described by Dr. Charles Cotton. Luncheon was afterwards
partaken of at Munn's " Terrace Hotel" in the High Street.
Salmestone Grange was next visited, by permission of Captain
Hatfeild, the tenant, Mr. Wm. Orchin, kindly allowing the bouse
portion to be inspected. Mr. George Payne described the various
buildings and conducted the company through them.
It was intended to visit the ancient gateway of Dent de Lion
and Birchington Church, which were to have been described, respectively
by the Rev. C. E. Woodruff, M.A., and the Rev. H- A.
vaii, r$rv, d
Serres, M,A. Unfortunately these had to be cut out of the
programme in consequence of the lateness of the morning train.
After a long drive in tropical heat the Vicarage of St. Nicholas-at-
Wade was reached, where the Vicar, the Rev. F. R. Allfree, M.A.,
and Mrs. Allfree courteously welcomed the members, and in conjunction
with several ladies of the parish entertained the numerous
guests with tea and other refreshments. Before leaving, Mr. P. F.
Giraud, iu behalf of those present, cordially thanked their hospitable
entertainers for such kindly attention, his remarks being endorsed
with hearty applause. The company then proceeded to the Parish
Church, which the Vicar kindly described.
After a pleasant drive to Ramsgate in the cool of a summer
evening, the Annual Meeting of 1900 terminated.
A full account of most of the places visited during the Meeting
may be found in Archceologia Oantiana, Vol. XII.
( H )
GBEEAVSTKEBT GEEEN, DAEEHTH.—On the eastern side of the
road which runs from the Green to Horton Kirby, a man engaged
in planting a row of damson trees' along the fence of the meadows
adjoining Rye Croft Wood came upon a Roman interment
close to the edge of the road. He unearthed a huge amphora
of the globular form, of a red buff colour, with two handles,
containing a very small quantity of calcined human bones. By
its side lay a sinall urn-Vase of Durobrivian ware, and an iron
lamp-stand. In response to a letter from the Rev. G. Bancks
I visited the site, in company with himself, Messrs. Percy and
Lewis Hassell, Dr. Woodruff, and Mr. Samuel Mitton Waterfield,
the owner of the property. On my requesting to have the
grave-space reopened, Mr. Waterfield at once kindly caused this
to be done. When the pit was cleared out it measured 3 feet
4 inches from E. to W., 4 feet 4 inches from N. to S., and 3 feet
in depth. On testing the sides of the grave, which had. been
excavated in gravel, I found the western side very loose, and on
cautiously removing the gravel, discovered a pseudo-Samian patera,
and a goblet with handle of red clay, much to the gratification and
astonishment of the owner and my friends who were present. The
workman who made the first discovery stated t]iat the sepulchral
deposit was packed round with large flints for protection. The
dimensions of the vessels are as follows :—
Amphora.—Height, 21 inches; diameter, 21 inches.
Urn-Vase.—Height, 3-| inches ; diameter, 4 | inches.
Goblet.—Height, 9 inches; diameter of bulge, 6§ inches; mouth,
If inches ; base, 2 | inches.
Patera.—Height, If- inches; diameter, 7 inches.
The use of amphoras as receptacles for cremated bones is very
uncommon in Blent. Two were found in Joy Wood, Boughton
Monchelsea, and are now in the Maidstone Museum ; another, in
the Dover Museum, was discovered at Buckland.
HENLEY Woon, LTJDUESDOWN.—During excavations for gravel
in this wood a labourer met with a-small vase of Durobrivian ware,
which is now in the possession of Mr. Smith-Masters of Camer,
the owner of the property. When inspecting the site I interviewed
an interesting old man named Esau Lott, who was born in 1813,
and in full possession of all his faculties. He informed me that
about fifty years ago an urn containing coins was found in a field
close to Little Buckland, formerly called " Old Lands." It is now
a fruit plantation by the southern side of the Sole Street cutting
of the London, Chatham and Dover Railway. Lott also remembered
several human skeletons being found when a hedge was
grubbed along the road leading from Luddesdown to Meopham.
The bones were re-interred in Luddesdown Churchyard by order of
the Rev. — Shepherd, then Rector of the parish. He further stated
that there was formerly a flour-mill on the hill by Mrs. Wigan's
house, and that it was removed from Peasemarsh in Susses and
re-erected at Luddesdown. The grist used to be carried away by
In Henley Wood there is a rampart, square in form, enclosing
alarge acreage, which attracted my attention. On asking a woodcutter,
who was an intelligent man, if he knew anything about it,
he replied, " Do you mean the cam ?" On enquiring what that was,
he said, " The bank in the wood." My interest was immediately
awakened, remembering that Halliwell, in his Archaic Dictionary,
gives the derivation of " cam " as " an old earthen mound." I have
only once before heard this term made use of in Kent, and then in
reference to a hollow containing a group of Sarsen stones, in a
wood called Swingate Fall, about two miles from Horsted.
As Henley Wood forms a portion of and joins the Gamer
estate, it seems to me that we have here a probable explanation of
the name of Mr. Smith-Masters' property. Within the area
enclosed by the "cam" a Roman vase has been found, and when
other discoveries are made the foregoing remarks may be of
WICKHAM FAEM, MEAE STBOOD.—On the high land to the west
of Messrs. Martin, Earle, and Company's Cement Works, between
the South Eastern and London, Chatham and Dover Railway lines,
a large mound, known to most.people in the locality by the name of
"The Giant's Grave," existed until lately, which was regarded by
some as a long barrow. During tbe spring of 1899 the mound was
entirely demolished, and I was courteously permitted by the Company
to watch the work of demolition, and fully empowered to take any
steps that I deemed necessary should any discovery be made. The
mound measured 209 feet in length, 42 feet in width at the base,
from 6 to 8 feet in height, and was composed entirely of chalk. After
three-fourths of it had been removed, an iron shot, weighing 31£ lbs.,
was met with on the eastern slope near the base, and embedded
about a foot from the surface. Shortly after a shot of 18 lbs. came
to light, and nothing more. This confirms the opinion I had always
held that the mound had been thrown up for some purpose connected
with the defences of the River Medway. These facts are
recorded simply to set at rest the theory that it was of sepulchral
origin. The natural chalk below the mound was carefully tested,
with a negative result.
NUKSTEAU), NEAE MEOPHAM.—Major-General Edmeades kindly
invited me to inspect the entrenchments on his property in Nurstead
Wood. The ramparts extend in a somewhat rectangular form
over the entire area of the wood, which contains about twenty-five
acres. We also visited Cossendou Wood, half-a-mile distant, where
similar remains exist. In each wood is a circular mound, that at
Cossendon being very fine and symmetrical, about fifteen paces over.
Both appear to be barrows, and have been opened, but improperly,
and not down to their bases. In these woods are several of those
circular depressions which are so common and inexplicable.
DAETEOETI.—Mr. B. C. Youens kindly communicated by wire
that interments had been discovered. I went with him to the
Dartford Cement Company's Works, and found that two graves had
been met with at the top of the chalk quarry, between the Works
and the road leading from the eastern end of Dartford High Street
to Joyce Green. The skeletons lay in graves, side by side, 2 feet
6 inches from the surface. Nothing was observed with them but
a second brass of Claudius, which reads thus: Obverse, TI .
ci/AVDivs . CAESAE . AVG . PM . TOP . IMP . ; reverse, a figure with
shield on left arm, poising a weapon in the right hand; in exergue,
so . The skeletons lay north and south, head to the north.
Mr. Hewitt, Manager of the Works, presented me with the coin,
and kindly offered every assistance in the event of future discoveries
being made.
NQETHELEET.—Workmen.employed in excavating chalk in the
vast quarry of the London Portland Cement Company at Northfleet,
when removing the surface soil, accidentally cut through three
or four Jutish graves. Nothing was observed with them but an
iron spear-head, which I secured. The site of these discoveries is
known as Church Field, which lies to the south of Northfleet
Church, and joins the cutting there of the North Kent Railway.
I am indebted to Mr. E. 0. Youens for notice of the discovery, and
to Mr. Jas. Huntley, the Manager of the Works, who kindly
arranged for a more careful supervision in future.
TEYNHAM.—Mr. Herbert Bing informs me that he has removed
the foundations of the Roman building discovered on Buckland
Farm many years ago by the late Mr. William Bland, in order that
fruit-trees might be planted on the site. During the work of
destruction the labourers found several coins, which Mr. Bing
kindly sent to me for identification. They include the following:
Tetricus, 1; Constantine the Great, 1; Arcadius, 2 ; Illegible, 2—
all small brass, and one, illegible, of second brass.
ROCHESTEE.—While digging a cesspool in the garden in rear of
No. 16 Roebuck Road, on the north side of the way, the workmen
came upon a Jutish grave at 3 feet from the surface, cut in the
chalk. The skeleton lay east aud west, head to the west, at full
length. By the skull, on the left side, a fine spear-head, 14 inches in
length, was met with. On receipt of a message kindly sent to me
by Mr. Sills, Assistant-Surveyor to the Corporation of Rochester,
I proceeded to the spot, and cleared out the remaining portion of
the grave, when I found just below the left knee a remarkable iron
ferrule of a lance-shaft, If inches in diameter and length. Inside
is a spike which helped to fix the ferrule to the shaft, and at the
base of the former is a spike 2 inches in length. This is a novelty,
and may be compared with a smaller example found at Kingston
Down, and figured in Inventorium Sepulchrale, p. 72.
On looking over the material thrown out from this grave by the
workmen, I found an iron girdle buckle. While I was at work
another cesspool was being excavated in the garden adjoining
(No. 14), when three more graves were brought to light. These I was
kindly permitted to explore by Mr. John Foord, the tenant. Each
grave contained the remains of a skeleton; one lay north and south,
head to the north; the others north and south, heads to the south. No
relics were found in either grave, all three of which were 4 feet in
depth, 6 feet in length, and 2 feet 8 inches in width. These discoveries
are a continuation of those made hy me at Watts Avenue a few
years ago (see Archceologia Oantiana, Vol. XXI., p. lv; Vol. XXII.,
pp. liv—lviii), and extend the Jutish cemetery much nearer to the
southern boundary of the Roman wall of Durobrivce (Rochester).
STEOOD.—On clearing the ground for laying the foundations
of Messrs. Budden and Biggs' new brewery at Strood, twelve pits
were discovered, both square and round, having an average
diameter of 4 feet, and depth of 10 feet. All of them were filled
with rich dark earth, and yielding towards their bases an abundant
store of Roman remains of a miscellaneous nature, which it will be
convenient to record in catalogue form, as follows :—
Pseudo-'Samian Ware.—Fragment with a gladiator and paws of
a lion upon it, and other pieces with floral patterns.
Several patera?, more or less imperfect, with the following
potters' marks .—
The last name is stamped at the "bottom, on the inside, of a fine
plain bowl, possessing a flange round the bulge which projects an
inch and a quarter. Its height 4f inches, and diameter 8f inches.
Durobrivian Ware.—Two nearly perfect vases and portions of
similar vessels with vertical, indents round the sides. One vase
measures thus: Height 5 | menes, diameter of bulge 5| inches,
mouth 4f inches, base 2 inches. Another, height 4 inches, diameter
of bulge 4 inches, mouth 2-f inches, base If inches.
Fragment with hunting pattern in relief, shewing figure of a stag.
Fragment with yellow pellets enclosed in circles.
TTpdhurck Ware:— Several urn-vases, more or less perfect. One
vase contained some oxidized bronze, which had corroded on to tie
base. These range from 4 to 7 inches in height, and are decorated
with lines disposed vertically, diagonally, or crosswise.
A good urn, plain. Height 6J inches, diameter of bulge 7£ inches,
mouth 8 inches, base 3 inches.
A funnel of thick ware, and well made. Length 9 inches,
diameter of mouth 8f inches, with a rim overlapping an inch,
diameter of spout I J inches. This specimen was certainly made at
the Upchurch potteries, but I have not met with one before. A
similar example, found in a grave at Hardham, Sussex, is figured in
Collectanea Antiqua, vol. vi., p. 254.
Miscellaneous Ware.—Portions of large globular amphorss.
Handle of an amphora with potter's stamp TAFVA
Urn of dull red colour, of a very remarkable type, with three
hollow cylinders attached to the flange of the neck. At the base of
these are holes through the vessel itself, to admit of cords being
passed and fastened with knots inside, by which means it could be
suspended. The vessel is 7f inches in height, 8 inches in diameter
at the bulge, 4 inches at the mouth, and 3J inches at the base.
Fragments of vase of a material resembling alabaster.
A goblet with handle of flesh colour. Height 10 inches,
diameter of bulge 7-^ inches.
A similar vessel. Height 8 inches, diaineter of bulge Qi inches.
Neck of a vase with handle of buff colour. The latter is
decorated with dashes of brown-coloured paint, and the rim is
also painted the same shade.
'• . i
Nails, la knife with bone handle, a knife, an instrument
resembling a spatula, and two keys.
Finger ring set with a green glass bead.
Link of a chain.
Stud with head in the form of a cockleshell.
A ferrule-like object, with holes for rivets, one rivet remaining.
A few were found which appeared to be of Tetricus. The only
one decipherable read thus: Obverse, IMP . o . TETEIOVS . P . E .
AVG ; reverse, VIOTOEIA . AVG .
Pins for the hair, with round and ornamented heads.
Tally or score with notches cut upon it.
Fragments of square vessels.
The neck of a vase 5 inches in length, of a similar type to one
discovered at Bayford. (See Collectanea Oantiana, pi. xv.)
Portions of roof-tiles.
Fragments of a quern of lava.
Oyster shells.
In one of the pits the remains of a skeleton were found of some
unfortunate individual who probably met with a violent death,
subsequently being consigned to a very undignified place of
Ox.—Horn cores, jawbones, teeth.
Pig.—Jawbones, tushes.
Dog.—Skulls and bones.
All the pits at Strood were a few yards apart, and about
150 feet to the north of the Roman road, and the same distance to
the east of the Parish Church. They cannot be regarded as
ordinary rubbish pits, but were probably latrines for the use of
the public approaching the walled town of Rochester. There was
no place for such necessities on the eastern side of the river, because
the western wall of the town was at the foot of the Roman bridge,
while on the Strood side of the water they had to be located clear
of the marsh on which the town now stands, that is, along the line
of the position occupied by Messrs. Budden and Biggs' premises.
These latrines were possibly covered with wooden huts, no trace of
which could be discerned. They may not all have been in existence
at one time, but as one became filled up another pit was sunk to
take its place.
BOBOTTGH GEEEN, NEAE IGHTHAM.—In response to a telegram
kindly sent to me by Mr. Benjamin Harrison, I am enabled to
record the discovery of a Roman cemetery at the great clay and sand
pit just north of the Wrotham Station of the London, Chatham, and
vofc. xxiv, e
Dover Railway, which forms part of the Brickmaking Works of
Messrs. Cooper. It appears that for some years past, when the men
employed there have heen removing the surface soil, they frequently
came upon groups of pottery which they cast aside as worthless.
During October, 1899, the destructive tide turned, when other similar
discoveries were made, and fortunately communicated to Mr. Harrison.
On reaching the spot I was directed to the office, where I
saw the following:—
1. Cinerary urn of red-brown ware containing calcined bones.
Height 12 inches, diameter 8f inches.
2. Ditto. Height ] 2 inches, diameter 10 inches.
3. Ditto. Height 12 inches, diameter 7|~ inches.
4. Ditto (much broken).
5. Patera of pseudo-Samian ware.
6. Ditto with leaf pattern.
7. 8, 9. Paterae of ditto, plain and broken.
10. Vase of Upchurch ware, ornamented with the usual dot
pattern. Height Gf inches, diameter 5 inches.
11. Ditto, with square groups of dots arranged diamond-wise
and repeated six times round the body of the vessel. Height
4§ inches, diameter of bulge 3^- inches, mouth 2 inches, base
1 \ inches.
12. Vase of same ware, in fragments.
13. Ditto.
14. Cup of pseudo-Samian ware.
15. 16. Goblets of red ware, in fragments.
There were also portions of other cinerary urns of a much
ruder description, which evidently belonged to an earlier period.
These, together with the calcined bones found in them, were in the
possession of Mr. Harrison. According to the workmen the
sepulchral deposits occurred in lines about 6 feet apart and 2 feet
from the surface.
This cemetery is by the side of the Roman road which runs
from Maidstone into Surrey, of which we have treated at length
in Collectanea Oantiana, p. 184.
IGHTHAM.—Mr. Harrison informs me that during the construction
of the reservoir on Terry's Lodge Hill, on the ridge of the
chalk hills above the Pilgrim Way to the north of Ightham, small
pot-holes were met with. In one was found a neolithic celt and
burnt matter, together with fragments of Roman pottery, including
the rim of a mortarium,
BBOADSTAIES.—Mr. W. H. Hills kindly favours me by writing,
that, in making a new road to extend the parade at that place
through to Dumpton Gap, the workmen cut into six graves,
exposing portions of skeletons, fragments of pottery, and calcined
bones. The graves were shallow, cut in the chalk, and about
100 feet from the Gap.
RAMSGATE.—Mr. Hills further reports the discovery of a large
bronze fibula with two beads, and a few coins, close to the sea mark
at Northdown.
LOWEB HALSTOW AND UPCHTTBCH.—During recent investigations
at Lower Halstow I learned from a " muddie " (a mud digger) that
some time ago he found an embossed pseudo-Samian bowl, ornamented
with figures of men, stags, and dogs, when digging mud
from Twinney Saltings, which lie between Twinney and Halstow
Creeks. From what he stated it was evident that the Upchurch
Roman potteries extended to these Saltings, as he had continually
met with the usual layers of potsherds and patches of red burnt
clay at the base of the alluvium, similar to what has been seen,
and so often described, nearer Upchurch. It also transpired that
the stumps of trees with their roots are found, in position as they
grew, one large stump being used to moor barges to. This proves
beyond doubt that the land now submerged at high water was once
dry, and not in danger of being flooded. On the western side of
Twinney Creek are the Milford Hope Saltings, which have recently
yielded a pseudo-Samian cup, a small black urn-vase, and two small
goblets of dull red ware. On the occasion of my visit to this
locality I was able to identify the site of a field called " Woodoaks,"
where a Roman interment was met with in 1896, and recorded by
me in Archceologia Oantiana, Vol. XXII. , p. hi. It lies to the west
of Messrs. Wakeley's brickfields near Wetham Green, on the north
side of Poot Lane. As " Woodoaks " is being excavated for gravel
other discoveries will probably be made there.
NEWINGTON.—While excavating water-cress beds at a place
known as "The Bogs," at the foot of Ward Well Wood, an
unusually fine neolithic celt, of grey cherty flint, was found ,• it
had been ground down to a very smooth surface, and has a slight
During the progress of the excavations two horse-shoes, two
iron keys, and an iron sickle-shaped instrument were met with,
which are probably of Roman date. These are in the possession of
Mr. Matthews, the Master of the Board School at Newington,
to whom I am indebted for the above information. He has also
acquired a bronze hair or cloak pin and three Roman coins (one of
Antoninus Pius, the others undecipherable) that were found at
Boxted when the foundations of the Roman building, which I
uncovered in 1883,* were subsequently demolished. The excavations
at " The Bogs " have, unfortunately, deprived us of the once
" boiling springs" which are associated with the " Legend of
Newington." They still flow, but are hidden by water-cress, and
constitute the stream called the " Libbet," which rises at " The
Bogs," finally flowing into Halstow Creek.
* Archceologia Cantiana, Vol, XV., pp. 104-7.