Obituary Notices

OBITUARY. lxi ®bituarp 􀀎otict5 • .EARL STANHOPE, F.S.A.* Lord Stanhope, the genial President of our Society for nearly fifteen years, passed away on Wednesday, .April 19th, deeply regretted by all who had been brought into contact with him during his useful and strenuous li£e. • Arthur Philip Stanhope was boru in 1888, the eldest son of tbe 5th Earl, the distinguished historian and sometime President of the Society of Antiquaries. After serving £or some years in the Grenadier Guards he entered the House of Commons in 1869 as one of the representatives £o1· Leominster. He subsequently sat for .East Suffolk, and was one of the Junior Lords of the Treasury from 18'14 to 1876. "In this office" (says the "Times") "as in his public services in other directions in after life, his courtesy and sound good sense were seen to great advantage, and commanded the respect of friends and opponents alike." As Lord-Lieutenant of Kent since 1890 he waa always ready to bring the influence of his position to the assistance of every good work throughout the county, and £or many years be took an important part in the work of the Ecclesiastical Commission, to which he acted as First Estates Commissioner since 1878. Notwithstandiug the manifold calls upon his time and energy in other directions, our late President took a very active interest in the proceedings of the Kent Archreological Society ; he was scarcely ever absent from the Annual Excursions, and for many years the hospitality of his London house was open to the Members of Council during their June Meeting. • The portrait is from a photograph lent by Messrs. Elliott and Fry of 66 Baker Street. 1.xii 013ITt1ARY. CUMBERLAND HENRY WOODRUFF, B:C .. L., RS.A.* · Cumberland Woodruff, one of the Hon. Editors of A.rch


Abstract of Proceedings 1903-1905


Ightham Mote