( io ) MSS. RELATING TO GOUDHURST AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. TRANSCRIBED BY R. H. ERNEST HILL, A.R.I.B.A. THE following documents (with the exception of the return, dated 1642, from the Record Office) have been selected from a miscellaneous collection of papers in the possession of D. F. Kennard, Esq., of Maidstone, who has kindly allowed me to look through them and transcribe the most suitable for publication. They are of various dates, the earliest being 1 Edward IV., 1461, but the most interesting are those relating to the rebuilding of Goudhurst Church tower in 1638. DOCUMENTS EELATING TO THE EEBUILDING OF THE CHUECH TOWEE OF GOUDHUEST, 1638. I.—Articles of Agreement indented, made, & sett downe the fowerteenth daie of August in the fowertenth yeare of the Eeign of our Soverign Lord King Charles & Anno d'ni 1638. Between Edmund Kinsman, James Holmes, and John Young, Citizens & ffreemasons of London, of the one p'tie, And John Stringer & James Buuce, Churchwardens of the p'ish church of Gowthurst in the countie of Kent, and S1' William Campion, Kt., Thomas Bobert, esquier, Thomas Bathurst, esquier, Thomas Weldon, gent., John Horsmonden, gent., James Besbech, Alexander Groombridge, John Austen, Eichard Besbech, & George Besbech, parishioners and inhabitants in the said parish, of th'other p'tie. Concerning the reedefying and new building of the steeple to the parish church of Gowthurst aforesaid. 1. Imprimis, the outside of the steeple with the buttresses to be from out to out 31 foote. The walls between the buttresses to be five fbote thick above the water table. The steeple to be seaveuteene foote square within at the lower storie. MESS. RELATING TO GOUDHURST. 11 2. The second storie to be fower foote & 3 inches thicke for the walls, and to continue the outside upright. 3. The third storie, the walls to be three foote & a halfe thick, and the outside to continue upright as afsd. 4. The stayers to be two foote 8 inches treading, besides the nowell & the ende to run into the wall, and 7 inches high. 5. The foundation to be brought upp as high as the ground, and as broad as neede shall require. 6. The buttresses to be wrought all with ashler, and the walls betweene the buttresses to be wrought upp with scapled ashler, and ashler joynt all of them. 7. The hight of the tower from the ground to be threescore & tenn foote to the topp of the battlement, which battlements are to be fower foote high. 8. There is also to be made fower pinacles to be twenty foote high a peece from the battlements, and according to a draught drawne to that purpose, which is intender 8 foote square below and 6 foote square above. 9. The Arch next the Church to be taken downe and the rooffe & arches of the Church to be kept upp, and if it shall happen that any of them fail, fall, or be defective by reason of this worke, they are to be made good at the charge of the said Edmund Kinsman, etc. 10. As litle of the rubbish stone to be used in the filling as may be. 11. There shall be made a faire dore-case at the west end with a faire arch window over it in the first storie, aud in the second storie 2 windows, and in the third storie where the bells are to hang, fower windowes. All which worke to be done before Michaelmas next come two yere, which wilbe Anno d'ni 1640. 12. The seafralding for the worke aforesaid to be provided by the said parties also. 13. There shall be a cornish under the battlements aforesaid of 20 inches or thereabouts. 14. The sum of £730 to be paid to E. Kinsman^ J. Holmes, & J. Young; £50 on 14 Sept. next, £50 on All Saints Day, and the rest as the worke goeth forward. 15. The said Churchwardens & parishioners are to take downe the old steeple, and to digg up the foundation and make it ready to lay, and to provide all materialls, stones, lime, sand, & water 1 2 MSS. RELATING TO OQUDHURST into the Churchyard, aud to fetch the said scaffalding from Maidstone. [Signed at top left margin with paper seals.] Witnesses:— Thomas Parrie. Edm. Kinsman. Thomas Leedes. James Holmes. Hugh Lake. John Young. II.- I I I , -Bond for the due performance of the aforesaid work, dated 14 Aug.' 1638, with same signatures and seals. -Small paper book of thirteen pages. " In this Booke there is an account for the watch and what works I have done towards the Steeple." The warding began the 24th of December 1638 till this 7th of January. Paid to James fowle for 11 daies warding only „ „ Eoyle for 2 nights alone „ „ fowle for 1 night alone „ „ Lurkie & Leafe for 2 nights together „ „ fowle & Polly for 1 night Paid for mending the becon pot Paid Lurkin for 3 dayes warding Paid to Eich: Besbich for coales & pitch . Paid till the 5th of ffeb. paid the same daie to the seaven watchmen 5s 4d a peece for a monthly watching, last part in all . . . . . . . . Paid to the mason for tyles Paid to two souldiers for presse money . . . . 37 5 2 d. 0 4 8 0 6 3 6 8 4 0 0 2 18 3 Other payments to the seven watchmen were made on 4 March 1638, 1 April, 29 April, 27 May, 24 June, and 22 July 1639. " Works don by me toward the Steeple." £ s. d. Imprimis, carried at several times by my boy Hickurst 74 Pipes of water at 6d the pipe . . . 1 17 0 More carried in the winter—24 loades of stone from Smiths quarry, 28 8d .3 4 0 Carried forward 5 1 0 AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. 13 Brought forward Item fetched 2 loades of longe scaffoling poles from Maidstone Item fetched one loade of timber for shores to the great beame from Jo. Stringer . . • . Item for 168 bushells of lime at 7d the bushell Item ..for a great tub . . . . . . . Item for 8 loades of hewed stones from John Smiths quarry Item for 4 load from Tho. Allons IV.—Paper containing four receipts by James Holmes, dated 11 September 1638 for £50, 1 November 1638 for £100, 10 December 1638 for £30, 4 March 1638 for £40. Also a bundle of receipts for small amounts paid him between 21 January 1638 and 28 April 1639. 5 1 1 16 2 4 18 1 0 16 4 13 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 V.-—Paper headed " Money gat 11 churches . 26 „ . . 26 „ . . 9 „ . . Total for 61 breefes I received but riered in London." £ *. . 20 6 . 48 3 . 39 13 16 3 . 204 1 . 103 8 d. 7 H 9 7 s- 2 6 WILLS. YE WYLI OP JOHN HORSMONDEN YE ELDER [1526]. In ye name off god Amen. In the 10 day off September in ye 18 yere off ye rayue of kyng hary ye 8, 1 John Horsmonden ye elder off ye pyshe of goodherst in hole and good mend make my testamentt. Fferat I give to John & Eychard Horsmonden my to sonnes all my movabull goodes Acordyng to yr bargan and myne y' ys to say A honest prest to- syng ffor my sowU a qrt off a here in ye scherche of goodherst, also my to sonnes to do honestly ffor my soil helth, also yey schall be yr bargan paye over to my dowther Jone ys marryd or wt in a resonabull tyme after her marrage 201i, 1 4 MSS. RELATING TO GOUDHURST also my to sonnes schall paye be yr bargan over to elsabeth Horsmonden w' here ffay'es goods yr full off 201i, also I will yt my to sonnes John & Eychard to be myne exhecyuttors to ffull ffell my testamentt. These beryng wetnes—mast' edward Gorden and ys wyff Sere, John Weddroffe, Thomas Horsmonden and ys sone Eychard Horsmonden, Eychard Alyn, and hary John. ABSTRACT OF THE WILL OF JOHN HORSMONDEN OF GOUDHURST, YEOMAN. Dated 1 August 1578. To 20 poor men of Goudhurst who have lived there for 4 years, and 20 poor who have lived there for 5 years, 12d each. To Eichard and Alice, children of John Bishop of Goudhurst, deceased, such money and household stuff as belongs to them according to the inventory of their father's will. To William, son of W™ Merryam of Goudhurst, deceased, £30 at the age of 24, according to his father's will. All testator's household stuff and implements, except cupboards, bedsteads, tables, forms, and stools, to be divided into three parts. Two parts to wife Dennis, and one part to daughters Anne (the eldest, wife of Giles Hovenden) and Elizabeth. To wife the use of all cupboards, etc., two great Leades, brining furnace, stools, etc., for her life, and after her to him who shall dwell in the house. To wife 3 kine, swine, poultry, wheat, malt, and enough hay to find her kine in winter. To daughters Elizabeth, Joane, Dennis, and Alice 1 cow each. To Thomas Horsmonden, parson of Hothfield, testator's best gowne. He to be executor. To Eichard, son of Thomas Horsmonden, 40s. To Eobert Grayham £3 6s 8d. Eesidue of goods to pay debts and legacies. The executors to hold the testator's income in trust until his son John is 30 years of age, and he is then to inherit the same. Witnesses : Tho. Horsmonden and Salomon Were. Proved in the Probate Court at Canterbury 6 October 1578. DEEDS. I . Grant by Thomas Syve to Eichard Haute, Thomas Haute, John Sylly, and John Hewer, vicar of Marden, of a piece of ground called East Marden, containing about 44 acres more or less, in the parish of Marden, adjoining the high road on the east, land of Thos. Eeve's heirs on the west, and land of Eichard Hamond on the uorth. Dated on the Feast of St. Andrew 22 Edward IV. [1482]. AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. 15 I I . Grant by John Burre of Brenchesle to Stephen Clowt of Horsmonden of three parcals of land in the parish of Brenchesle near Searynden, two called Vennegate and Lytlecroft, lying together near the high road (regia strata) called Searyndenstrete to north, the lane leading from the said road to Flyssherte to west, the land of Eobert Barnet to south, and the lane called Kyttelane to east, and the third parcal called Bromycroft, adjoining the said high road to north, the land of Thomas Clerk to east, and the said Kyttelane to west . . . . for a payment of 6s 8'1 down (pre manibus) and 7 marks by instalments thus—13s 4d on the Feast of St. Michael next ensuing, and 20s on every succeeding Feast of St. Michael until payment completed. [Total, £5.] Witnesses: James Hellys, Thomas Clerk, Bartholomew atte Hothe, William Clowt, Eobert Halere, et myitis aliis. Dated : 4 April 1 Edward IV. [1461]. I I I . Grant by Stephen Clowte of Horsmonden to John Bratyll of Brenchesle of two parcels of land lying apart in Brenchesle, one called Vengate* containing 7| acres, adjoining the lands late of Eobert Barnet to south, the high road from Brenchesle to Horsmondenshothe to north, the lane called Kytlane to east, and the lane late of Eobert Barnet to west, and the other called Threcornercrofte, t containing two acres adjoining the said high road to north, the lands of Thomas Clerk to east, and the lane called Kytlane to south and west. Dated : 16 March 14 Henry VII. [1499]. [No witnesses.] IV. Grant by Hugh Willard of Brenchesle to Thomas Elys, Eichard Bratyll and John Aleyn of a piece of land called Kytcrofte, otherwise Threcortlercrofte, adjoining the roadfromBrenchesle to Horsmondennys Hoth to north, the land of Thomas Golde to east, and the lane called Kytlane to south and west. Dated: 16 November 19 Henry VIII. [1527]. [No witnesses.] V. Grant by John Elyce of Brenchesley, only son and heir of Thomas Elyce, to William Younge of Brenchesley of a piece of land called Kytcrofte adjoining the high road leading from Kowden * In an indenture of sale (20 April, 18 Henry VIII.) by Richard Shenfeld to Richard Bratyll, both of Brenchesle, this piece of land is described as " Cloutsfeld alias Vengate jacen' in p'ochia de Brenchesle in tenura our' de Newsted." t Evidently the same piece of land as that called Bromycroft in the previous deed. 1 6 MSS. RELATING TO GOUDHURST Cross to Horsmonden Hoyth to east and south, the land of John Golde to south, and the lane from PJratillys Hill to Sprewers* to west, containing two acres. Dated: 19 January 37 Henry VIII. [1546.] Indorsed : " Witnessith at the enseallyng her of & at the estate delyveryng, Thomas Kyppyng, John Foster & other." Eecorded in the court of Newstyd, 1 October 38 Henry VIII. [1546]. FEET OF FINES. Trinity Term, 30 Henry VIII. [1538]. John Daron and Thomas Adam and wife Joanna plffs. John Gare and wife Alice defts. 150 acres in Lainberhurst and Horsmonden. £26. Hilary Term, 21 Eliz. [1578-9]. Edward Hales, Esq., junior, plff., & Eobert Pierce and wife Marcia defts. I messuage, 1 barn, 1 garden, and 62 acres in Marden. £120. Easter Term, 4 Charles (I.) [1629]. John Browne, gent., plff., and John Brooker and wife Elizabeth defts. 1 messuage, 1 barn, 1 garden, 2 pannarii, and 80 acres in Horsmonden. £60. Trinity Term, 3 Anne [1704]. John Savage, gent., junior, plff., and Katherine Maplesden, widow, deft. 5 messuages, 2 cottages, 3 water-mills, 80 acres of woods and pasture, 40 acres of heath and furze, and 40 acres of marsh in Tenterden and Goudhurst. £400. LAY SUBSIDY. "The Names of all and singuler the p'sons inhabiting wthin the pishe of Gowdherst in the Countie of Kent wch have given money for and towards the releife of the distressed Protestants in Ireland. And the som'es of money wch ev'ie p'ticuler p'son hath given." (Paper, bound in parchment cover, Lay Subsidies 249/9, Public Eecord Office. Dated 1642 on cover.) [This money was collected probably under the " Act of Contribution," passed by the Long Parliament early in 1642, to raise the sum of £400,000, to be principally employed for the purpose stated above. The chief interest of the document lies in the fact that the list * Sprewerys in another deed of the same date. AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. 17 of names forms a directory of the inhabitants of Goudhurst in 1642. The names are here arranged in the order of the various contributions, beginning with the largest. There is no total in the original return, but it works out at £50 2s. 10i.] Edward Bright, Clerke, £5. Henry Campion, k t , and William Campion, Esq., £3 each. Elizabeth Campion, widow, late wife of Sir W. Campion, Edward Battherst, esq., and John Morgan, £2 each. John Horsmonden, gent., 30s. John Austen and his wife, 25s. William Culpeper, Esq., Jeames Wilcocke, vicar, James and George Besbitch, £1 each. Widdowe Weston, 16s. John Porter, gent., & John Hartredge, 15s each. The following gave 10s each. Mrs. Horsmonden, wife of the Eichard Eoade. said John Horsmonden. Thomas Culpey, gent. Thomas Hake, gent., senior. Samuell Austen. Thomas Hake, jun., gent. Stephen Stringer. Mrs. Porter, widdowe. Symon Sabb. Thomas Porter, gent. John Stringar. John Streater, gent. Mrs. Battherst. The following gave 7s each. Alexander Stephens. Eichard Besbitch. The following gave 69 each. Eichard Woodward. Alexander Grombridge. The following gave 5s each. Eichard Porter, gent, Eobert ffuller. Alice yc wife of John Hartredge. Alexander Coulman. John Beale, sen. John Ticknor. Eichard Wood. Thomas Tilden. Eichard Maschall. William Butcher. Attained Smith. William Perren. Alexander Bodes. Thomas Bodes. John Springatt. Thomas Howell. John Smith. Edward Stringer. Mathewe Horden. Henry Poyle. Francis Austen. Eobert Brattle. VQIi. XXVin. 0 1 8 MSS. RELATING TO GOUDHURST John Fuller. Samuell Tirke. Samuell Younge. Jeames Buckland. Edward Eoade. The following gave 4s each. Edward Walter. George Affoard. Thomas Mereson. The following gave 3s each. Alexander Tate. Mary Hammon. The following gave 2s 6d each. William Water. Thomas Brattle. Widdowe Boade. Marie Markeweeke. Thomas Sibley. Anne Eymington. Thomas Stringar. Jacob Bridges. Bobert Mash. Widdowe Coulman. Eichard Battherst. Thomas Johnson. Goodwife Battherst. The following gave 2s each. Margerie ye wife of John Smith. Henry Stephens. Peter Courtbopp. John Tate. Eichard Hope. Elias Bluett. Elizabeth Hartredge. George Baylie. Eichard Bence. Thomas Barland. John Lenham. ye said Elizabeth, wife of Maschall. Samuell Musgrave. William Eoberts. Abraham Athackers. Abraham Walter. Nicholas Dudson. John Horder. Ellen ye wife of Thomas Tate. Thomas Hodgekyn. Thomas Burrowes. Eichard Thomas [Parris. Joyce ye wife of Thomas Perryn gave Is 8d. Morgan Standen gave Is 6d. The following gave I s each. Nicholas Draughton. Abraham Beale. Eichard Ellett. Thomas Wympshurst. John Doube. Henry Wen. John Younge. Peter Weste. Alexander Eymington. William Hodge. Thomas Hodgkyn, John Williams, AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. John Bashocke. Eichard Bashocke. Marie Austen. Thomas Austen. William Butcher. George Wildish. Thomas Earle. Thomas Eone. Henry Crockford. John Peirce. William Wood. George Kingsmell. Mathewe Browne. John Bigg. Thomas Petter. Edward Austin. Thomas Tamplyn. Eobert Philpott. Eichard Bodlye. Ellenor Walter. John Swatford gave 9d. Alexander Gee gave 8d. George Streater. Solomon Walter. Thomns Knabbs. Eychard Haieman. John Bawkham. William Hills. John Springatt. Barnard Meare. George Hiewood. Elias Birch. Edward Quaife. John Eymington. Thomas Eowe. John Garrett. Thomas Gibson. Thomas Standen. Eichard Ballard. Elizabeth Perryn. Marye Perryn. Jeames Marten. Andrew Okell. Mathewe Webb. Marye Hayward. George Stretfeilde. Eichard Ockenden. Eichard Lucke. John Turner. Anne Marchant. John Ployten. John Walter. Edward Woodden. Daniel Castleton. Joseph Candall. Edward Scott. John Bobbens, The following gave 6a each. Thomas Jarvis. Jeames Tourt. William Eelfe. Edward Gower. Nicholas Bunicke. Eichard Bates. Thomas Lampkyn. Samuell Keyne. Thomas Overye. Thomas Clarke. Jeremye Austen. William Austen. Nicholas Eussell. Stephen Allen. William Lewitt. Eichard Watts. 2 0 MSS. RELATING TO GOUDHURST John Musgrave. Nicholas Marchant. William West. William Barber. William Eastland. George Nash. William Sparrowe. James Thatcher. Stephen Beckett. John Parris. Thomas Morris. Eichard Eountree. Thomas Everden. William Austen. Eichard Ockenden. Jeames Waters. John Beckett. William Austen. William Wilson. Frances Hallance. John Brattle gave 5d. The Thomas Lambard. Henry ffane. William Ollieff. Edward Whitton. Eichard Bonnett. Eobert Hiewood. John ffoard. Lewknor ffrancis. Eobert Marchant. The John Skynner. Edward ffayrewaye. John Mims. John Bigg. John Eymington. Thomas Carpenter. John Morgan. Edmund Gibbons, Walter Eeynolds. Thomas Beckett. John Bradd. John Ayme. William Bradd. John Morris. Eobert Goye. Thomas Goaler. John Seton. Joseph Austen. William Austen. Edward Eoade. Stephen Putland. John Austen. John Eymington. Eoger Eastland. Thomas Putland. John Harris. Stephen Bennett. following gave 4a each. George Streater. Edward Wousden. Boger Gouldinge. Boger Stonebridge. John Brightridge. Adam Barber. Alexander Lyndrich. Thomas Morgan. Eoger Baker. following gave 3d each. Henry Musgrave. John Larrance. Alexander Brett. John Andrewes. Stephen Affoarde. Anthony Baker. John Streater. John Wonsden, AND NEIGHBOURHOOD. SI The following gave 2d each. John Willson. Thomas Whitton. Samuell Potter. Eoger Eogers. Andrewe Bobbins. Eichard Stedman. William Waters. William Henberrie. Stephen Bacon. Edward Scott. Thomas Willard. George Beachinge. Mathewe Conye. Mathewe Merrit. [In the Calendar of Domestic State Papers, 1642, mention is made of John Horsmonden of Goudhurst, who had entered into a bond of £200, with his sureties Eichard Baldwin and John Brook, to John Hunt, Serjeant-at-Arms of the House of Commons, for his appearance before the Committee of Examinations on 13 January 1643 at the Inner Court of Wards at Westminster. Hugh Lake of Goudhurst, with his sureties Eobert Harbach and John Wilcocke, is also mentioned as having entered into a similar bond.]
Folkestone Parish Church