Pedigree of the Family of De Fynes

^etrijjree of tfje Jamtlg of Be dfgneg. A Pedigree illustrating the early ancestry of the House of De Eynes, and shewing the close kinship of three Kentish families who were prominent actors in Jack Cade's Rebellion, viz. of De Eiennes, Cromer, and Iden, and how a descent from the latter, through two Kentish yeoman families, viz. of Plane and Henham, has perpetuated the name of Iden down to the present time. W. L. KING, 1906. - Slflutfe of Be JWBC. William de Saye,^=Agnes de Grentesmaisnil, companion of the Conqueror. Geoffrey: de Saye. William^ de Saye. Geoffrey=j de Saye, ob.1215. dau. of Hugh. the celebrated Sjuu<>e al S3e $}mt&. John, Baron Eiennes, kinsman of the Conqueror; Hereditary1 Constable of Dover and Warden of the Cinque Ports. (See Diet. Be la Noblesse, par De la Chenaye-Desbois et Badier. Paris, 1866.) :Hawise, dau. of . . . . De Clare. :Beatrice,dau.of W"1 Mandeville, sister of Godfrey, Earl of Essex; ob. 1201. ^Lettice, dau. of Wakelyn Maminot, sister of Aubrey de Vere, Earl of Oxford. Pharamus, de Boulogne, son of Wm, son of Galfred, son of Eustace, Count of Boulogne ;- mentioned in a charter of King Stephen, whose Household he managed; called a nephew of Queen Maud, King Stephen's wife. (See the Duchess of Cleveland's Battle Abbey Roll, vol. ii., p. 19, and vol. i., p. 28.) Descended from Charlemayne. James de^= Fiennes. John de-r- Eiennes. Sybyl, called De Tyngrie, " Lady of Clapham, Surrey."= (See Dugdale, Monast., vol. i., p. 583.) pSir Ingelram de Eiennes, slain at the Battle of Aeon 1190. Sir Will"1 de Fiennes, Pd 200 marks for the manor of Wendover, Bucks, obtained King's mandate to the Sheriff of Somerset to deliver to him the manor of Martock, Somerset, whereunto his mother Sybyl had quited her claim in open court, which manor was formerly part of the Honour of Eustace, sometime Earl of Boulogne, and which W™ of Boulogne (son of King Stephen) gave to Pharamus in fee. (See Collinson's Somerset for tenure of manor, vol. iii., p. 2, but pedigree incorrect [?].) B the=rAgnes de Danmartin, sister of Eaynold and Simon Danmartin, Counts of Boulogne and Ponthieu. (See Notes and Queries, 4th S., vol. vii., p. 438, also L'art de Verifier les Bates, vol. xi., p. 437.) tef a M' H tef o W H > Hi f 1 KT o U ter CO


MSS. Relating to Goudhurst and Neighbourhood


Notes from Minute Books of the Corporation of Faversham