An Unpublished Record of Archbishop Parker's Visitation 1573

( 270 ) AN UNPUBLISHED RECORD OE AROHBISHOP PARKER'S VISITATION IN 1573. WHILE going through a mass of miscellaneous documents in the course of the alterations recently undertaken for the greater security of the Manuscript Room at Lambeth, I was fortunate enough to light upon the Return of " Comperta & Detecta" in Parker's metropolitical visitation of 1573, which is printed below. It bears no catalogue mark, but is clearly the one to which Canon R. C. Jenkins makes numerous references in his Diocesan History: Canterbury (1880), pp. 307—10, 313. The MS. consists of 38 folia (76 pages, of which five are blank). It is of paper, foolscap size, with parchment tabs to facilitate reference to the several deaneries, and is headed " Metropolitice visitacionis detecta, 1573," in a hand different from that in the body of the document, but probably contemporary. The cover, if one ever existed, has disappeared. The return summarizes no doubt the result of the labours of Richard Rogers, Bishop Suffragan of Dover, Bartholomew Clerk, LL.D., Official Principal of the Arches Court, George Acworth, LL.D., Andrew Pearson, B.D., John Cooke, B.D., and John Bowngey, to whom a commission, bearing date 29 September 1573, was issued by Archbishop Parker, with instructions to report to the Archbishop himself or his Vicar-General {cf. Parker Register, vol. ii., fol. 20 a b). Reference to one of these commissioners is made by name PARSER'S VISITATION OE 1573. 271 under Goodherst {infra, p. 305). The answers to the separate visitation of the Cathedral are contained in Parker's Register, but the. present document, which relates entirely to parishes (230 in number) in the diocese, appears to be one of those referred to in the following memorandum (Register, ii., 21 b), which Strype instances as " shewing the Archbishop's great exactness in his doings ": " Memorandum that all the rest of the recordes of this visitacon as well of the Cathedrall churche of Canturburie as of the whole Dioces were by my L. grace his commanndement delivered to Mr. Aldredge, register of the Cons[istory] of Canturbury, to be kept amongs other the recordes of his office for the ease of the subieotes of the Dioces havinge occasion to search for any thinge conteyned in the same Recordes." It is with the same laudable end in view that I venture, with the present Archbishop's permission, to offer a transcript of the MS. to the members of the Kentish Archseological Society. While the disciplinary portions of the Return are, if not of ephemeral, at best of statistical value, a great deal of the remainder seems to be of considerable historical interest and importance. It was only three weeks after the issue of the commission, and we must suppose before its labours were completed, that Queen Elizabeth issued the proclamation (20 October 1573) in which she reflected severely upon the neglect of the bishops to keep all the churches in their dioceses "in one uniform & godly order." The condition was certainly far from satisfactory, whether we regard the maintenance of the fabrics or the conduct and upkeep of the services; and it is probable that the diocese of Canterbury may be considered as in a better condition than some others. The fact that in more than one-third of the parishes in the Return, some part of the fabric or churchyard needed 272 PARKER'S VISITATION OE 1573. repair is doubtless not unconnected with the fact that in one out of every six the " parson " was non-resident. The references to the use of " common bread" or of wafer bread in the communion, to the use of the surplice, the disposal of painted windows and of images, of vestments and of organs, seem worthy of special examination. No attempt has been made in the transcript to introduce a uniformity in spelling, which would unnaturally destroy the delightful freedom enjoyed by the writer of the original document. CLAUDE JENKINS. ( 273 ) DETECTA IN VISITATIONE REVERENDISSIMI PRIS. DNI. ARCHIEPI CANTUR ANNO DNI. 1573. DECANATUS CANT. ST. MART Bredman in Canturbury. Compertum est that Mr. Swetynge there Mynister kepeth the Booke of Christenings, Burialls and Marriags in his howse, and whether he wryte in the names of suche as are christened, Buried and maried they knowe not.* Item there is no surplesse for the Mynister. ST. ALPHE&JE. Compertum est that Willmus Swanne, James ffells, Mr. Knell clerke and his wiefe, and Thomas Kydd, for not Receavinge the coion at Easter Last past nor synce in theire churche. Also Mrs. Lovelace hath not receaved the coion in the parishe church, as it is- alleged she hath been absente for the most parte owte of the towne and contynually sycke. Item there is one Clemence Warde who hath heretofore ben detected uppon suspition of Incontinencie and thereof faylinge of her purgaeon was convicted and did open penannce; Sithens which tyme she Lyveth verie suspiciouslie of her Loose Liefe and offensively to her next Neighbors. Item WiUelmus Ovingdon Refuseth to geve and contribute to the poore, beinge seassed but at a peny a weke. STI PAULI, Cantur. Compertum est that John Wikinges for committinge Adultery with a woman that he shulde have maried withall. Item a servante of goodman Rannards of St. Larances for that she lately had a chylde and there is no father knowen. * Against this is written in a minute hand: " To remaine in the vestry and |o be shone (?) owte." yOL. XXIX, -g 274 PARKER'S VISITATION OF 1573. Sx. MAEGAKETS at North gate. Compertum est that Willm LoveU clerke doth not Reade the service orderly, but that he taketh the service for the day paste for the day to comme and cannot rede distinctly that the people may understande hym. Item the Byble is tome and Rente, for that the said Willmus LoveU Leaveth the said Bible open and teacheth chyldren in the churche. Item the channcell is not deeentlye kepte, for that the walles be not made uppe wheare the alter stode, and the glase windowes broken, and that there is in the Sealinge eertayne superstitious payntings, and that our church yarde is not decently kepte. Neyther canne they Burie in hit oneles the[y] pay ijd. for an olde body and a peny for a chylde. Item Mr. LoveU aforesaid kepeth not Residens uppon hys benifice, neyther releveth the poore as far as they knowe. Item the said Mr. LoveU goeth not decently in his apparrell, for hys gownes be of channgeable coUors not decent for a minister to weare. Also he hath two Cures, North gate and St. Jonnes, and serveth them both, and when syck folke have neade of hym he cannot comme because he is Lockd in St. Jones gatts. Item the said Willm LoveU is verye unquiett and a greate disturber of the parisheners, and doth not minister the holy commonion quietly but chydeth with the coinonicants, and receveth some that cannot say the X. comanndements, the articles of beleveth, nor the Lords prayer. Item the said Mr. Lovell is suspected in Religion, for that he goeth suspiciouslye momblinge undecent prayers to hym selfe and goeth aboute to make noe agreemente amonge his parisheoners, But rather soweth discorde in so muche as his parisheoners cannot with safe condenses receyve the commonion of hym, But rather forsake the parishe. Item they thynke hym not able to discharge suche a greate parishe wheare is above xij. skore communicans besyds St. James [sie] wheare is threskore at the Leaste. Item Jone Hunte, Margarett Martine have not Receved the commonion accordinge to the Quenes Matys Iniunctions. Item Willms Alee, fEords widowe and her dawghter for fettinge of wood on sondaies and absentinge them selves from church. Item John Harrisons wiefe and John Yongs wiefe for scoldinge with there Neyghbours, P A R K E R ' S VISITATION ' OE 1573. 275 Item Willmus churche, for that he was church warden and havinge commpted with the parishe, and there Rested in his hands of the churches money xxs. theis twoe yeres, and hit cannot be gott. MACKYNGTON. Compertum est that they Lacke the Paraphases of Erasmus. Item the parsonage howse and channcell is like to fall downe. Item the parson is not Residente. Item they have had but two Sermons this yere, and they knowe not who is there parson, for the parsonag is owte by Lease. ST. ANDREWES, CANTT/E. Compertum est that they have a Byble beinge an olde one, wch is torne and Rente, and is not of the Largestes volume. Item the Booke of Comon prayer is also toren and soyled with Longe oceupyinge, also the Book of Homilies we had and other Books, and since the departure of our Laste parson they are conveyed awaye. Item the parsonage howse is not sufficiently repayred. Item Thomas Longe hath not receved the holy Commonion this twelvemoneth and more. And also John Erench, for that he hath Receved the holy commonion and is not in'Love and charitie with Thomas Longe, wch is the cause that the said Thomas Longe hath not Receved. ALL HALLOWBS in Cantur. Compertum est that they Lacke the Paraprass of Erasmus. Item the Vicaridge is Vacant and have ben of Longe tyme, and they knowe not who is patrone thereof. Item Nicholas Trulove and [blank] Casey the coller maker comme very syldome to the churche. Item Richarde Hooke, for that he kepeth a woman in his howse greate with chylde TJnmaried, and the said Richard Hooke hath promised often tymes to marry with her and doth it not. ST. PAULES nere-Cantur. Compertum est that the Vicar doth not Reade the homilies accordinge unto the Quenes Matys Iniunctions. Item the channcell windowes are unglased in def alte of the Masters of Christs churche. V 2 276 PARKER'S VISITATION OE 1573. Item our Vicar doth not teache the Cathechisme, nor doth he exhorte the parisheners to bringe there youthe to be taughte therein. Item Mr. Vyncent, Robert Collens and John Wharfe come not to the church. ST. MTLDEEDES in Canturbury. Compertum est that Robert White, Mr. Roberts, Roger Burges, John Dale, Rafe Carter, John Raynolde, Marks Kynge come negligently to the church. Item John Raynolds, John Wells, Peerse and his wiefe, Thomas Bartylmewe and his wiefe, Peele and his wiefe, CoUisons sonne, Saneers Man and his Mayden, Thomas Geere, Widowe Everndens dawghter and Culpecks sonne in Lawe, have not Receved the holy Commonion accordinge to the Quenes Iniunctions. ST. MAET Magdalens in Cantur. Compertum est that the parsonage howse is in decaye and Ruyne, and nowe promised to be amended by the nexte parson that is to comme. Item John Bashe, for not comynge to the churche and for a Brawler and one that is not quiett with his honeste neyghbours, and for usinge his occupacon on the sondaies in the service tyme commonly. Item there dothe belonge to the parsonage howse a pece of grounde called Maudelen crofte, wch is and hath been wrongfully detayned by Mr. Hyde Auditor of Christs church to the greate impouorishinge of the said parsonage. ST. PETEI, CANT. Compertum est that Nicholas ffynche dothe mysuse the churcheyarde with Layinge therin wood and Tymbre and suche Lyke. Item Willms Phynis for not commynge to the churche, and hath not Receved the holy Commonion this ij yeres at Easter Last. BLEAKE. Compertum est that the church windowes Lacke glasinge. THANNTNGTOH. Compertum est that the[y] Lacke the Paraphrases of Erasmus. Item the Steple is in greate decay, wch cannot be repayred withowte a greate cessement. Item Thomas Holton beinge owte of the office of chupphewarden- Bhippe hath not m^de his Accompte to the parishe, PARKER'S VISITATION OF 1S73. 277 HACKINGTON. Compertum est that there Steple and churche is at Reparacon. ST. MARY Breddeyn. Compertum est that they Lacke the Paraphrases of Erasmus. Item the Vicaridge is not Repayred, And also theire churche is at Repayringe. Item one [blank] Baker hath not Receved the Commonion this yeare and this halfe. Item the Vicar Receved a woman wch hath had a chylde, and the father thereof they knowe not. Item Robert Binge and Nicholas Berrye Refuse to pay to the poore. NETHER Hardes. Compertum est that the Byble is unperfecte, but they intende to have hit amended. Item the minister doth not weare a Surples But when he doth mynister the sacraments and at weddings, churchings and Burialls. Item the Channcell Lacketh glasinge and is Lyke to fawle downe by reason of a chappell that yoineth to hytt, because the gutter is gone. Mr. Jamys Hales and Mr. Thomas Hales are owners of the chappell. EEORDEWICHE. Compertum est that the churche yarde is not well ffenoed, And also the parsonage Barne to be in greate Ruyne and in greate decay. Item Edward Lewes hath not geven accompte of the pooremens money. Item the churche and channcell is in Ruyne and decay. STURREY. Compertum est that the Vicar hath Receved somme to Receve the holy commonion that were not in charitie, as we suppose. Item Ehzabeth Saundere is fautie in the xvii article. Item the Vicar doth not call the youthe to be instructed nor yet doth nothinge conteyned in the xth article. ST. MARGARETTS, CANTUR. Compertum est that the churche yarde is not well enclosed in the defaulte of Mr. Curthoppe, wch hath byn divers tymes presented and yet not reformed. 278 PARKER'S VISITATION OF 1573. Item the parson is not Resident nor geveth any thinge to the poore of the parishe to theire knowledge. Item John Nicholson hath not Receved the holy coion accordiuge to the Queues Matys Iniunctions at Easter Last nor synce. WESTGATE. Compertum est that Thomas Lowe, farmer of the parsonage, who hath not sufficiently repayred the channcell, But the parishe at his Requeste haue Repayred the same, and he hath not payed them therefore accordinge to his promise. Item John Manser for wilfull absentinge of hymselfe from the churche, And at suche tymes as he is admonished of his wilfulnes then unreverently he behaveth hym selfe with raginge wordes and Blasphemynge of gods holy name. ST. DONSTONS. Compertum est that the minister ministreth the Commonion in Common breade, And for the reparacons of his howse hath cutte downe an ashe. Item there is a Blasphemous windowe in the Chappell of Mr. Roper. Item Thomas Massingberge and Elizabeth his servaunte for committinge of fornicacon. Item Mr. Roper for wheate dewe unto the churche, that is to say, ij Busshells by the yeare, and hath ben unpaid many yeres. ST. GEORGES. Compertum est that the commonion is ministred with common Breade. Item Richard Onderdowne for not Reseavinge the commonion in one Yere and a halfe. Item Arthur Boyer for workinge on the sabothe day. Item Thomas Kynge for Lyvinge in vement suspicion of Adulterye and fornicacon of a Longe tyme. Item Laurence Apelgate and John Bedell for not commynge to the church on the saboth daye. Item Richard Edmons and Stephen Olfyldes wiefe for not comminge to the churche on the Saboth daye. ST. MARTINS. Compertum est that John Bell commeth nether to the churche, nor hath Receved the communion this ij or iij Yeres, P A R K E R ' S VISITATION' OF 1573. 279 DECANATUS BRIDGE. WYE. Compertum est that Mrs. Clyfton doth not comme to the churche to here the devine service, nor yet doth not Receve the commonion as by the Lawe is appointed. Item Nicholas Arden is a common Dronkarde and one that dothe Lyve with his wiefe unorderly. Item Thomas Marks for a cryme of Incest with his dowghter, and dwelleth in one of the Almese howses, not beinge Lame, not ympotent, but is able to worke for his Lyvinge. Item Mr. Anthony Sammes of Throwley for withholdinge of a tenement and Lands called Ilendens wch was geven by Mrs. Marten of Throwley to the Releefe of the poore. Item Mrs. Martin for a Sute of Copes wch she confessed she had in her kepinge, and as she saith she hath delivered them to one of Sir Thomas Kempes men. Item the churchwardens have not geven there accompte accordinge to the costome. Item Willmus Swayne for cuttynge downe of sertene wood from a tree in the churche yarde. Item the Curat commeth not downe to reade the Byble in the mydds of the churche accordinge to the Iniunctions. Item Willmus Pantry, Bartelmewe Glover and Davy Hylls for that they comme not to churche on the sondayes to here diuine seruice. Item Thomas Blactun for a common drunkard and a greate sower of discorde and a sclaunder of the parishe. Item Chesmans widowe for that she dothe Refuse to Receve the holy Communion. Item Thomas Cocke, a smyth, Late servaunte to Willms Payne, for an insestios person, for committinge fornicacon with two of his Masters Maydens, thone named MUdrede ffilpott,- who is nowe at Godmersam as we Lerne, And thother Alice Poyner, and dwelleth nowe at Estewell, as the crime goeth with an other man. Item Thomas Assen for kepinge of Evell Rule and an evell Lyver, contrary to the Lawes of god, in entisinge mens dawghters and other servaunts prively to do evyU. And also for a cryme one Harrise wiefe of Wytherson within the parishe. Item Mary Kocheman, wch made a precontracte with the said Thomas Assen, who nowe is maried to Anthony Stevens. Item the Quier is not decent as hit owghte to be. 280 PARKER'S VISITATION OF 1573. Item the said Mary Kocheman is a fornicatrix. Item George Egorden for not kepinge company with his wiefe. Item Margarett Whiler for fornication. KYNGSTON. Compertum est that the parson is not Resident uppon his benifice and kepeth no hospitalitie there. WALTHAM. Compertum est that they lacke a Paraphrass of Erasmus. STELLINGE. Compertum est that they [have] not the Paraphrass of Erasmus, Wch is in the defaulte of the parson. Item the channcell is uncovered in the defaulte of the parson. And that the churche Porche is owte of reparacons in the parishe defaulte. Item Leonard Sprye keepeth the goods of Mary Sprye withowte Administracon. WYNGHAM. Compartum [sic] est that the churche yarde is not sufficiently Repayred, the waUes thereof beinge downe. Lyeth in controversie betwene Mr. Palmer and the parishe who shall do the same. Item Alexander Horden hath not Receved the commonion at Easter, Thomas Hodgescyne hath not Receved the commonion, Edwarde Asshen in Lyke manner hath not Receved the communion at Easter ne at any tyme since, and also Willms Halowell hath not Receved the commonion. STUDMERSHE. Compertum est that they have a Byble beinge olde and somewhatt unbounde, but not of the Largest volume. Item the Channcell is distituted of Pewes and seates, bothe for the minister and precher. Item the parsonage is very ruinos, howebe hit nowe it his somewhat amended. Item they have had but two sermonds this yere in defaulte of ther parson or his farmer. Item John Keymishe, a poore Lahoringe man, hath a wiefe wch is somewhat slack in commynge to the church. P A R K E R ' S VISITATION OF 1573. 281 CHAETHAM. Compertum est that the commonion is ministred in common Brede. Item our parson is some tymes Resident and sometymes not. BEKESBORNE. Compertum est that they Lacke the Paraphrases of Erasmus and the poore mens Boxe, wch were stolen owte of the church. Item abowte July last past there were a couple owte of the welde maried in our churche withowte Banes askinge. ELMESTONE. Compertum est that they Lacke Byble in the Largest Volume. Item the coion is ministred in common Brede. PETHAM. Compertum est that the Sowthe syde of the churche yarde is in decay, but he to whom the fence belongeth hath promised to amende the same. WIOKHAM BROUX. Compertum est that the coion is ministred in common Breade. GODMERSHAM. Compertum est that they have not theire ordinary Sermons. Item Edwarde Wells, Willms Chapman do Refuse to pay the money to the poore wch they are ceassed at. CHALLOCKE. Compertum est that whereas the Vicaridge of Chalworth is annexed to Godmersham, whereby the minister dothe abyde and dwell at Godmersham so that he cannot also be Resident with us, wch is also a chappeU with cure, and heretofore hath had a preest allowed that did dwell amongeste them, they desyre to haue Redresse therin and that he may be compelled to ffynde a Curatt, or that they may have the proffects of the Vicaridge towards the fyndinge of one, for the distance Betwene the ij parishes is so greate that one cannot withowte greate trowble dischardge his dewtie in Both parishes. BAEHAM. Compertum est that the churche Yarde ys not fensed. Item Mr. Barham wUl not pay the money to the poore but is behynde this twoo or three yeres, and the Collectors are Lyke to be arrested for the money that he doth withholde from the parties. 282 PARKER*S VISITATION OF 1573. GOODNESTON. Compertum est that Henry Christian and Agnis Saire the wiefe of .Willmus Saire, by the reporte of goodwiefe Offelde of that parishe, are suspected of whoredome. Item our church is Ruynouse and very motche decayed, to the repayringe whereof the parishe have made a Lande Sesse, and they whiche dwell in other parishes and have Lande in our parishe refuse to pay as they are reasonably Seased, whereby we offer [sic] our selves are not able to repayre the same. Item Mr. John Robins of Dover enioyinge certen goods of the parishe defferreth paymente from day to day. BROKE. Compertum est that the church yarde Lyeth open, whereby swyne and other eattell come in and digg uppe the graves: the faulte is in the dean aud chapiter of Christs church and theire ffarmer. It hath ben presented divers tymes and no Reformacon had. WYMYNGEWOLD. Compertum est that they Lacke a minister. Item there churche and channcell are in decay for Lacke of tylinge. NlTNNZNGTON. Compertum est that our Curat dothe were no Surples when he sayth service. Item the commonion is ministred in common Brede. Item the Vicaridge is sore decayed and the wode felled from the ' grounde, and no reparacons donne. Item they have no vicar, but it is served by the vicar of Goodmistone. Item one Hollands wiefe whose husband is gone from her, but where he is neyther she nor we do knowe. CHILLINGDEN. Compertum est that Harry Norton wolde not pay accordinge to the sease made for the reparacons of the church. CRONDALL. Compertum est that the channcell and parsonage be in greate decay and have ben Longe so, and but Lyttle amendement althoughe often presented, . . . P A R K E R ' S VISITATION OF 1573. 283 Item they have not theire Ordinary Sermons, althowge the faulte have ben often presented, Item Mr. Allen did graunte towards the Releef of the poore yerely to be paid vjs. viijd,, whereof he payd but vs. fowre yeres past, and hath had the Benifice in farme viij yeres. BuSSHOPPESBOENE. Compertum est that they have had no Curatt this moneth and more, but one wch our parson Mr. Willoweby doth sende we knowe not whether he be Licensed or not, by my L[ord's] grace. Item the churche is in greate decay and the steple also. MOLASHE. Compertum est that all the parisheners have not Receved the coion fowre tymes a yere accordinge unto the Quenes Iniunctions, for that they are withowte a minister. Item we have a minister, but he is but a deacon. BEIDGE. Compertum est that one Thomas Owtlawe for begettinge one Mary Bell with chylde dwellinge with her father in Lawe Simon Parramor. Item Mr. Hevysede our curatt, for he doth not say the devyne service every sonday. MAGNA HARDS. Compertum est that they Lacke the Paraphrases of Erasmus, wch our parson shulde pay for thone halfe. And the parson is not Resident and hathe more benefices, but we knowe them not. BOUGHTON ALUPHE. Compertum est that our churche walle is some' what at reparacons, and it shalbe amended. ICKHAM. Compertum est that they are served with a Reader, and the parson not Resident. Item they have no ordinary sermons. PRESTON. Compertum est that the commonion is sometyme ministred in comon Bred and sometyme in wafer cakes. 284 PARKERS VISITATION OF 1S73. CHILHAM. Compertum est that John ffowler and John Cooke for not commynge to the churche at tymes appointed. Item WUlmus Payne hath not Receved the Coion. Item Andrewe Videan and his wiefe for Lyvinge at seperacon withowte order of Lawe. Item Raffe Mepam and [blank] Ames, collectors, for not makinge there Accommpte, and not partinge with the money. ASHE. Compertum est that John Arrowsmyth, Matthewe Hughe, Roberte Wyliington, John Oliver, and John Upayce Lyve from theire wieves, we knowe not where. STAPLE. Compertum est that one Roberte Payne of the parish of Gonnestone withholdeth one kowe and fyve yeres farme for the same kowe comme St. Georgs day nexte, and differreth to pay the same. STUEMOUGH. Compertum est that John Harflet refuseth to pay the Seasement that he was Seassed at by the Justice to pay to the poore. DEC AN AT SANDWICI. SUTTON. Compertum est that they Lacke the Paraphrass of Erasmus. Item our parson is not Resident, named George Burden, and that he hath Lett owte his parsonage to one Nicholas May. NOEBORNE. Compertum est that they Lacke a Byble of the Largest Volume, and our Byble doth Lacke from the xvj of St. Matthewe to the forth of St. Marke. Item the minister dothe for the moste parte minister the coion in common Breade, for lacke of wafer breade. Item there is no particon betwene the churche and chancell synce it was Brent. Item there chauncell is in decay, the windowes are broken and Lacketh glasinge, and the chauncell Lacketh pavinge and whitinge, and Lacketh a dore, in the defaulte of my Lords grace or his farmer. , , , , P A R K E R ' S VISITATION OF 1573. 285 Item Nicholas Cooper of St. Barthelmeus in Sandwich for that he oweth xvs. to the use of our churche, and deferreth the payment thereof. Item Robert Pyttocke, executor of John Veryers will, for that he oweth fortye shillings geven to the repayringe of there Steple by the said John Veryer, our Steple is begonne to be repayred and stayeth for Lacke of money, and the said Robert Pyttocke deferreth to paye the said xls. for that the said Steple is not all redy amended.. BETSANGER. Compertum est that our service is donne so rare that we cannot comme to hyt because he goeth to an other church to serve the same day. Item the parson is not Resident. ESTELANGDON. Compertum est that theyr Byble is torne. Item Walter Sharpeldy cometh not to churche but seldome. WESTE LANGDON. Compertum est that the chauncell is in grete decay for wante of glase windowes. RTNGWOD. Compertum est that our churche is somewhat in decay. Item theire parson is not Residente. TELMESTON. Compertum est that they wante the paraphraces of Erasmus, wch is iu the def alte of my L. grace and the farmer. Item the wyndowes in the chauncell are in greate decaye, in the defalte of the Archebissoppe. Item there is a kowe in Vyncent Nethersolls hande deteyned from the churche. Item they have had but iij sermons sithens the Last Visitacon. HAM. Compertum est that Mr. Pawson is there parson who serveth at St. Maries in Sandwiche. Item the colon is mynister in common Breade, 286 PARKER'S VISITATION OF 1573. WlNSEBOROWE. Compertum est that the coion is ministred in common Breade. CHEPERISWELD. Compertum est that the vicar hath Coldred in Cure and they have had but ij Sermons. Item Rafe Dryland and his wiefe and ij doche wemen be negligent in commynge to the churche. COLDRED. Compertum est that Thomas Piler of Colered solde a Seame of Barly of the churche goods and gave his Lands and goods to one Roger Grys of Dover and afterwards drownynge hym selfe in a well. And so the said Roger Grys denyeth to paye the church suche somes of money as the said Thomas Pylter [sic] did owe. Item theire vicar hath Sheperiswelde and Culdred in Cure, and they have had but ij quarter sermons. WOORTH. Compertum est that theire vicar is also parson of Graves ende and they have had no sermons theis ij yeres. EYTHOEN. Compertum est that the commonion is ministred sometymes in common Breade. Item theire parson is also parson of Waldershare and Letteth his benefice to farme. WALDERSHARE. Compertum est that the coion is ministred sometyme in comon Breade. Item theire parson is not Residente, but uppon his other benifice of Eythorne. EASTRY. Compertum est that Ingram Hugbone denyeth to paye the colleccon for the poore Seassed by the Commissioners. BAESTON. Compertum est that the chauncell is unpaved and there vicar hath also the parsonage of St.-Maries in the Marshe, PARKER'S VISITATION OF 1573. 287 DEALE. Compertum est that the coion is ministred sometyme in common Breade. Item one Julian Paratt who hath committed fornication, and is with chylde by whome we knowe not. MONNGHAM. Compertum est that the glase wyndowes in theire churche are owte of reparaeons in the defaulte of the parisheners. Item Willmus Sherewood, late churche warden, hath not made accommpte for his tyme. ST. PETERS in Sandwiche. Compertum est that the coion is ministred in Common Breade. Item Elizabeth Bronde hath had a chylde, But they knowe not who is the father thereof, but she is abydinge in the parishe aforesaid with one Jeffery Hale. Item one Willms Ladbe hath in his kepinge vij li. wch perteyneth unto the churche, and hath had it ever in his hands sence he was churchewarden and will not departe from hit. Item Christopher Kempe is a common dronekarde and sclanderer, and Peter Knyght a dronekarde. DEC AN AT DE WESTBEARE. WESTBEARE. Compertum est that they Lacke the laste Tome of Homiles, and that they do entende to provide one shortly. Item Willmus Gibbes, gentleman, for detayni[n]ge certeyne tythes belonginge of Longe tyme to the parsonage. Item our parson is not Resident with us. Item Robert Morley, Nicholas Lewett and his wiefe, Martin Gage, Arthure Eyre, Willmus Hayward and John Coke, for not commynge to churche. Item Willmus Lowes for denyinge as he is ceassed to the poore mans Box, and for not paying the clarke his wages. ST. PETERS in Thannett. Compertum est that the commonion is ministred in common Breade. Item theire vicar is not Resident, and they have had But two germmons this yere, and the parson payth not tp" the poore. 288 PARKER'S VISITATION OF 1573. RECULVER. Compertum nihil. ST. LAWRENS in Thanett. Compertum est that they wante a surples and theire minister wereth none, And he ministereth the coion in common Breade for wante of wafer Breade. Item our churche wanteth reparacons in Tylinge, our vicaridge howses are in decay. Item there minister hath ij cures. Item one Mary [blank] to be greate with chylde owte of wedlock. ST. NICHOLAS At Wade in Thanett. Compertum est there Chauncell is in decay in tylinge, glasinge and pavinge, they knowe not certenly in whose defalte, for the farmer of the parsonage which is Mr. Parmore of Sar in thanett sayth the Vicar shulde do it, and the vicar sayth he shulde do it. SEA SALTER. Compertum est theire channcell is in decay in the defaulte of the patrone. Item the Vicar is not Resident uppon his benifice. Item they have no sermons by the space of this twelvemonth. ST. JOANS in Thanett. Compertum est they Lacke the Paraphrases of Erasmus, and the coion is ministred in common Breade. HOTHE. Compertum est that there is one Annis May, a single woman, that hath a chylde. ST. CLEMENTS. Compertum est the coion is mynistred in Common Breade. HEARNE. Compertum est that Thomas Wetherall and Valentynes widowe of Hearne, for Lyvinge to gether in adultery. Item Jone Tanner als. Dod, for that she hath a chylde in Adultery, by whom we knowe not, but she hath named one [blank] Mason, a Butcher, to be the fathe? thereof. .PARKER'S VISITATION OF 1573. 289 Item George Tofts of Thannyngton nere Canturbery for deteyning certen money geven to the use of there churche by one Willms Raynolds, deceased, and it hath ben with holden xv yeres past or there abowts. Item Julian Carter, widowe, suspected of Witcrafte, she hathe ben presented before my L. gracs commissary for the same and before hym convented for not doinge of penannce, she standeth excoicated and seketh not to be reconsyled, and hath stande excoicated almost xij monthes. CHISLETT. Compertum est that the churche Tarde is unpaled by Ambrose Rose. BURTCHINTON. Compertum est that the Parsonage howse is in greate decay and Ruyne, and that our parson is not Resident. Item ffrauncys Rowse was founde in an Alehowse in service tyme, whereuppon, he beinge admonished for the same by the sids men, he bade them scornefully go shake theire eares. Item John Abbeare hath viij sheepe in stocke of the churche, and he doth denye to pay the Rente there of. Item one widdowe Jhonson is greatly suspected of Sorcerie and witche crafte. SWALOLIEPE. Compertum est that the churchewindos are to be repayred. Item there is a strange woman wch we knowe not, wch Lyeth at Thomas Williams, her name is Thomasine Hearwood, wch hath had a chylde, no man as yett knowinge the father, but as she sayth one Willms Higens was the father. WHYTSTABLE. Compertum est that they have had no quarter sermons this yere, Neyther is the fortie parte of the benifice distributed to the Poore accordinge to Quenes Maties Iniunctions. Item John Hatcher, Gregory Mylles, John Smell the yonger, for that they comme very syldome to the churche. Item Margarett Hemmynge, Thomas Grene, to be greate Swerers and cursers. VOL, xxix, x 290 PARKER'S VISITATION OF 1573. Item James Duckett for a common ale haunter and swerer, and cometh syldome to churche. Item John Hacker aud his wiefe for to be swerers and his wiefe a scolde. Item John Hacker and John Savor for beinge cessed to pay jd. a moneth to the pore refuse to pay the same. Item John Savage, Thomas Stybbinge, Jone tull [sic] the wiefe of Nicholas Lull, for that they have not Receved the holy Coion at easter at Laste. DECANAT: DOVER. ST. MARY, DOVEE. Compertum est that they Lacke the Paraphrases of Erasmus. Item the minister doth not weare a surples at divine service savinge at the coion and at the christeninge and Burings. Item the commonion is ministred in common Breade. Item theire Curat is also curat of Bucland. HAWKINS. Compertum est they Lacke a Paraphrases of Erasmus in the churchewardens only defaulte, for theire parson hath one of his owne and is contented to yelde his parte thereof to the use of the churche. Item the commonion is ministred in common Breade. Item they have Lacked one of theire quarter Sermons in the defalte of theire parson. WESTCLIEFE. Compertum est that the minister doth weare a Surples never but when he doth minister the commonion. Item the churche yarde is not well fenced. Item they have had no Sermons this yere. ST. MARGARETTS at Cliffe. Compertum est that theire Vicar is Curatt of an other parishe besyds theirs. EWELL. Compertum est that theire Channcell and churche is in Ruyne and decay. PAUKER'S VISITATION OF 1573. 291 Item Willmus Clement for sellinge certen churche goods and kepeth the money in his hands. Item theire churche is served with a Reader who is a servaunte, is name his Henry, they knowe no more of his name, and they have but prayers every other sonday. Item theire parson is not Resident uppon his Benifice. Item there Vicar hath iij Benefices in Kente, viz., Ewell, Lidinge and River. Item the wiefe of Henry ffoode suspected of incantacon or witchecrafte. Item they have had but one Sermon this twelvemonth in the defaulte of the Vicar. GUSTON. Compertum est that theire parishe is a poore parishe, the Lyvinge whereof amounteth but to fortie shillings a yere And no more. But in tymes past hit had a pencon of iiij li. by the yere comynge owte of the priory of Dover, the wch Priory with a greate many of other parsonages, Benifices, fermes and Landes was Leased owt by my Lorde of Canturbury to one Byngham, who beinge dede Lefte the same Lease to an other Byngham who is Lyvinge, who hathe with holded the said Pencon of iiij li. by the yere, by the space of theis xvj yeres, And nowe one Bargrave hath the said Lease, And they wiche have the said Lease owghte to pay the pencon, the said Byngham, nowe Lyvinge, paid the same pencon one yere. Item they have had no Sermons because the Lyvinge is so smale, but homelies on sondaies. ALKEHAM. Compertum est that the commonion is ministred sometymes in common Brede. Item there chauncell is at Reparacons and hath ben often presented and no Redresse. Item the vicar serveth ffolkestone besydes there cure. Item Agnes Hollway, single woman, is with chylde as the Mydwief'e saith. Item Willms Jolle hath not proved his fathers will. EEOLKESTON. Compertum est that the windowe in the chauncell Lacketh Reparacons, 292 PARKER'S VISITATION OF 1573. BEASFYLDE. Compertum est that they Lacke the Paraphrases of Erasmus. Item the commonion is ministred in common Breade. Item Mr. Watts, Vicar, hath pulled downe a tree and is not Resident on the benifice and they [have] not theire quarter Sermons. Item Thomas Binge hath a Seame of Barly accordinge as is specified (?) in the xxij article. ST. JAMES in Dover. Compertum est that the comonion is ministred in common Breade. Item theire Benifice is vacant and the Archebisshoppe is patron. Item the channcell is in decay. Item John Askue commeth to the church very syldome. Item Thomas Parker for that he ref useth to come to church. Item Robert Rowland for that he Lyveth from his wiefe. Item Christian Rowland for that she hath had a chylde in fornicacon by whome they can not Lerne, neyther will she confesse. Item Mr. Thomas Watson, Jurat, for that beinge Seased at ijd. a weke, he will pay but a jd. a weeke: Matthewe Jonson beinge Seassed to pay jd. a weeke he will pay but ob. [sc. %d.]. CHERETON. Compertum est that theire is a certen pease of money wch was geven to the Releefe of the pore of the parishe, and was payd yerely untill within this ij yeres, and his in thands of Richarde Coucson, Ge[ntleman], beinge a noble by the yere. Item there was sometyme one Agnes Baker dwellinge in one Thomas Taylors howse beinge with chylde, went from the said Taylors howse to St. Maries and theire broughte to bede: But who is the father thereof we knowe not. LYDDEN. Compertum est that theyre chauncell is in greate decay in defaulte of my L. grace, it hath ben ofte presented, yf it be not amended it will fawlle downe. Item they have had no quarter sermons. Item the vicar is not Resident with them, he hath iij Benifices, viz., Lydden, Ewell and River. Item there Vicar dothe not serve them every sonday, but hath placed a Reader there whose name they knowe [not] otherwise then Henry, P A R K E R ' S VISITATION OF 1573. 293 CHARLTON. Compertum est that they have no coion cuppe, the parisheners are very poore, and our curatt Mr. Ingram doth bringe a coion cuppe with hym from Dover, when there is a commonion, he dothe minister in common Brede. And they have no Sermons in the churche because the churche is so Ruinose, the people here Sermonds at St. James in Dover. Item the churche chauncell and windowes are in greate decay. RYVER. Compertum est that theire Curat serveth three Cures. Item there is one Sara dwellinge with one Randall yoman, who is brought to bedde of a chylde, and she will not be knowen who is the father thereof. EEERNE. Compertum est that they have had but one Sermon this yere. Item Richarde Turrall and his wiefe have not Receved the commonion this twelvemoneth. NEWINGTON iuxta Hythe. Compertum est that the coion is ministred sometyme in Common Breade. DECANAT ELEHAM. HYTHE. Compertum est that John EUys and his wiefe and Alice Wreke the wiefe of Richarde Wreke have not Receved the coion synce Ester Laste was Twelvemoneth. Item the hospitaU of St, Bartilmewe nere Hith is not used accordiuge unto the fundacon, for where the poore of that howse shulde all savinge one be of the towne of Hith, such as have the order of that howse do place therein foriners for money and suche as are able of them selves to Lyve otherwise. And further there is an Almes Howse within the Towne of Hith called Sainte Johns wch is not used and ordered accordinge to the foundacon, for suche as are feoffors of that howse do convey the Lands belonginge to hyt by Lease to there owne uses, and the goods of the same almes howse is bestowed uppon Roges and Beggers contrary to Lawe. The names of the ffeofners are these, Willmus Dalmyngton and WiUms Carden of Hythe, and whereas there shulde be vj or viij [sic] feoffees there is but one. Item one Jones teacheth with owte Licens. 294 PARKER* S VISITATION OF 1573. SALTWOOD. Compertum est that the parson is not Resident and dothe not Releve poore. Item they have not theire Quarter Sermons. DENTON. Compertum est that the commonion is ministred in common Breade. Item the parson is not Resident and kepeth not Residens. Item John Broke of Chartham doth with holde a Kowe from the churche, and so hath done a Longe tyme and Ref useth to pay the same. Item they have had But ij Sermons this Twelvemonth. WOTTON. Compertum est that one John Enephers wiefe doth not frequente the churche as a Christian man owghte to do. Item Alice Pilcher, a wolde woman of iiijxx yere olde hath not Receved the coion this yere and halfe. Item the curat doth not ordinarilie rede the iniunctions as by the Quenes Maties Iniunctions. Item they have had but two Sermons this yere and more. POSTLINGE. Compertum est that the vicar doth not weare his surplise in tyme of devine servise, But he wereth it at the communion and Burringe. Item the paraphrases of Erasmus ys Lackinge in their church. Item the commonion is most comonly ministred with comon Brede. LYMYNGE. Compertum est the commonion is ministred in common Breade. Item Cicely Mounte for that she hath had a chylde in fornicacon by whome we cannot Lerne. ELMESTED. Compertum est that the vicar wereth not a surples. Item the churche yarde is not well inclosed and fensed, the parsonage howse is fallen downe, and the vicaridge howse Lacketh some reparacons. Item [blank] Manior and his wiefe have not Receved the commonion this twelvemonth and more. P A R K E R ' S VISITATION OF 1573. 295 Item Tuttles wiffe, Richarde ffage and his wiefe, and Willms ffoode are very slacke in comyng to the church, and they have gathered no forfitures for the same. Item one Jone Kingsnoth who is with childe by one Christopher Hills and are not maried and nowe they are departed our parishe. BYECHOLT. Compertum est that they have no churche, neyther churchewardens, neyther any stocke, they go to Smets to churche, and theire they do as other parisheners theire do. And the[y] saye that they have a parson who is not Resident, but serveth at St. James church in Dover, his name is Mr. Morgan, and sayth there is but iij howsholds in the parishe, wch all to there knoledge Lyve well, and as they oughte to do, and there is no parsonage howse. HORTON. Compertum est that they have not the Paraphrases. ELHAM. Compertum est that the commonion is ministred with Common Brede. Item the churcheyarde and the chaunceU is not Well. STANDEORD. Compertum est they lacke the paraphrases of Erasmus. Item the commonion is ministred in common breade. Item they have had but one Sermon this twelvemoneth. Item the parson is not Resident and doth not Releve the poore. STOWTINGE. Compertum est that theire Byble is not of the Larges[t] Volume, and they Lacke the Boke of homyles. Item theire church Lacketh some pavinge and theire Parsonage howses are in decaye. Item they have had but one Sermon this twelvemonth. Item there is one Denys White who ranne a waye with one Peter Lednor and committed fornicacon with hym, she is nowe in Braborn parishe, and her Mother Benett White is suspected to be a Baude that Way. Item Willmus Collins of Aswell doth with holde from the parishe xxiijs. viijd. due to the churche for x Ewes, wch money he Receved of one Davy Gyhbes. 298 PARKER'S VISITATION OF 1573. Item Roberte White and Benett his wiefe, Peter Lednor and Benett his wiefe for that they have not Receved the commonion this twelve month and more. BRABORNE. Compertum est that the vicaridge is in decay. Item the vicaridge is vacant and my L. grace the patron. Item Dennys White is suspected of Lyvinge for that she ranne a way with a maried man. PADLESWORTH. Compertum est the commonion is ministred in common Breade. Item there Steple is in decay, but they have provided stuffe to have hit shortly amended. Item they have had but one Sermon this twelve moneth in the defaulte of Mr. John Aucher, farmer there. DECANAT SYTTYNGBORNE. IWADE. Compertum est that they Lacke a curat in the defalte of Mr. Clifforde, the farmer of the parsonage, and have Lacked one ever sithens Michalmas, and before that they had a curatt wch served but every other sonday whose name is Mr. Jonson, vicar of Bobbynge. Item they Lacke the quarter Sermons and have done of Longe tyme in the defaulte of the farmer. RODMERSHAM. Compertum est that theyr Vicaridge is in greate decay. Item they have hade hut ij Sermonds this yere. RAYNEHAM. Compertum est that they have no surples and the coion is ministred in common Brede. Item the servaunts of Willmus Roche go to Carte on the Saboth day and carry Beare to the victelinge howses. UPCHURCHE. Compertum est that Thomas Bothe oweth unto the churche xxxs., and hath ben dewe theis iij yeres at xs. the yere. PARKER'S VISITATION OF 1573. 297 Item Thomas Blessenden oweth for xl shepe dewe unto the churche, wch hath ben dewe theis iiij yeres. Item the churche is owte of Reparacons. HARTLIPPE. Compertum est that theire churche is owte of Reparacons in tyleinge in the defaulte of the parisheners. Item Sampson Phillippes hath deteyned viij Busshells of whete unaccommpted for. LEISDOWNE. Compertum est that they have had but one Sermond this xij month. Item thende of chauncell Lacketh Reparacons. BAPOHILDE. Compertum est that they have Lacked one of the Quarter Sermons. EASTEOHUROH IN SHEPE YE. Compertum est that John Segar and Willms Segar, for the will of Robert Segar theire father.* Item Water Sutton for the will of Willms Sutton his ffather. KYNGESDOUN. Compertum est that the chauncell windowes be unglased in the defaulte of the parson. Item there parson dothe minister the coion but once in the yere. Item they have no Sermons all the yere. Item they are served by a reader only. HALSTOWE. Compertum est that they have a byble, but not of the Largest Volume. ., SYTTINGBORNE. Compertum est that the Vicar doth not weare a Surples on the Saboth daye accordinge unto the Quenes Iniunctions. Item the Vicar doth not Reade the Quenes Matis Iniunctions and homiles. Item John ffynche, gentleman, havinge the parsonage and Lettinge the chaunceU fall into decay. * A note is added: " Not proved." 298 PARKER'S VISITATION OF 1573. Item Raffe Ewernden for a comon dronkarde. Item Willms Gyn, taylor, and Agnes his wiefe because they kepe not company togethers as man and wiefe. Item Agnes Dousse for not Recevinge the Comonion this whole yere. Item the Vicar was Seassed to pay iijd. a weke to the poore, and he dothe refuse and say he will geve not hinge. MYNSTEE in Shepey. Compertum est that the moste parte of the parisheners have Receved the commonion but once in the yere. BOBINGE. Compertum est that there was in there parishe a minister that contracted hym selfe unto a widowe there called Anne Becketts widowe, and uppon hope of mariage she solde that wch she had and went with hym, and nowe he hath Lefte her, and she is comme to there parishe againe, confessinge that in hope of mariage she Laye with hym. Item they have had but one sermonde this yere. NEWINGTON. Compertum est that Thomas Rogers who is excomunicated, and he answereth that he will not be absolved, but he sayth he that putt hym in shall featche hym owte, and so he Leveth and will nether seake Reformacon, absentinge hym selfe from the churche and from the holy commonion. STOCKEBURY. Compertum est that they have had but one Sermon this yere. Item John Boycok and his wiefe were not at churche this halfe yere, Henry Croude and Edwarde Ryme [or Ryve ?] two sondayes from churche. MYDDELTON als. Mylton. Compertum est that ye Vicar will not allowe in theire churche any siuginge of Salmes or other things, nor he will not suffer us to singe or saye with hym, as before he was wonte to do, wch is a greate hynderance to our yowthe and other, who beinge putt from the singinge and sayinge with hym, they spende theyre tyme in service Lewdly and evell. P A R K E R ' S VISITATION OF 1573. 299 Item the vicar doth not weare the Surples, and doth minister the coion in common Breade. Item theire vicar hath felled downe serteyne greate Asshes and topped certen other to the valewe of vj Lodes. Item Edmunde Gay, gentleman, of the parishe of fEettam, for that he dothe with holde from there parishe uppon his Accommpte xxxjs. viijd. Item Richarde Lucke of Syttingeborne, for he doth owe to the parishe for the bequeste of Richarde Bedforde, his predecessor, xxs. Item the vicar for marryinge of sertayne persons owte of the churche in theire howses. MYLSTYDE. Compertum est that Willms Pernige for not comynge to the churche. DECANAT OSPRINGE. NEWNAM. Compertum est that they Lacke the Paraphrass of Erasmus. And also they Lacke a frame for there commonion table. Item the channcell is in Ruyne and decay. Mr. Sergante Lovelace is the patrone. Item George Grimstrete of Duddingeton doth kepe Backe one Annuitie of xxs. by the yere to be paid to theire parishe. Item a Reporte of a suspicion of evill Lyffe concerninge fornication to be betwene Willms More and the wiefe of George Wood. LUDDENHAM. Compertum est the Boke of common prayer is toren, but a nother shalbe provided with Speade. The poore mens boxe is not in all Respects well. Item the churche and churche yarde is not well ffenced. Item Alice Cadman of Stone and Margarett Smede of Luddenham are suspected to be with chylde. Item divers howsholds of Stone are appointed to comme to there churche and comme not. TENHAM. Compertum est that the churche Yarde is not fenced, But Lyeth openly farre undecently, throughe the ffarmer of the courtledge his defaulte. 300 PARKER'S VISITATION OF 1573. Item the channcell and parsonage are not sufficiently repayred, the vicar hath felled an elme for to repayre the vicaridge. Item they had one whose name is George Lyminge that used often tymes to be dronke. Item there was wonte to be geven owte of the parsonage unto the poore certeyne corne, wch is not nowe distributed as hit was wonte to be. SELLINGE. Compertum est that Christopher Sowthosen and Thomas Goodeare, churchewardens, abowte two yeres past solde a cope unto Anthony Braydam, gent, price xxs., wch is yet unpaid. Item Roger Bowther and Thomas Pye have not receved the commonion by the space of this xij moneth to there knowledge. Item Julian Goddarde, wiefe of Richarde Goddarde, is very sclaunderous of her tonge towards her neyghbours undeserved. NOETON. Compertum est that the churche yarde is unfensed by the Removinge of Mr. G. ffynche his Barne, but he sayth he will repayre hit as sone as he may. Item theire churche porche is decayed. OTTRINGDEN. Compertum est that theire churcheyarde is not fensed as it oughte and that there church windoes are partely unglased. Item they have no Sermons. DAVINGTON. Compertum est that the commonion is ministred in common Breade of the fyneste that may be had. DODINGTON. Compertum est they Lacke the Paraphrass of Erasmus. Item the chauncell is in greate decaye. Item there ministers Letters testimoniall they, are indowhte of: he came to them of Late and is suspected of divers Crymes. Item there vicaridge howse Lacketh reparacons throughe the Vicar his falte, for he hath burned uppe the pales, Rayles and postes. Item-theire minister is suspected of a notable cryme nowe dependinge before the Commissary. P A R S E R ' S VISITATION OF 1573. 301 Item they have presented heretofore certen corne wch shulde be geven to the poore yerely by the parson, the L. of Rochester, weh is not paid. HAENE HILL. Compertum est that theire chauncell is in decay towchinge tylinge. Item theire vicaridge is in greate decay and a Stable belonginge to the same fallen downe. Item Mr. Allen our vicar is not Resident, and diverse tymes they have no servis uppon sondaies, and Richarde ffowler hath theire vicaridge in farme. Item Richarde ffowler hath bene a waye from churche uppon sondaies divers tymes. Item Thomas Saunders was not at churche, not passinge once or twise this quarter of the yere. Item Thomas Wed was not at churche this quarter of the yere, And Thomas Smyth is divers tymes from churche. GRAVENEY. Compertum est the vicar dothe minister the coion in common Breade. Item theire parson for negleetinge of payment of twoo kylderkins of Drynke yerely to the poore. And the vicar for not payinge Brede yerely or a Busshell of whete to the poore. Item Robert Shrubsall doth with holde the paraphrass of Erasmus from the churche. BUCKLAND. Compertum est that the channcell is downe. Item they have no Sermons but homiles. GOODNESTON. Compertum est that some Sondayes they Lacke Service and the coion is ministred in common Brede, and the curat doth not reade the Quenes Iniunctions and the homiles. Item the[y] Lacke there Sermons. LYNSTED. Compertum est that the channcell is not well and sufficiently kepte, for defaulte of mendinge the stones in the said channcell and for the reparations'of the glasse windowes, 302 PARKER'S VISITATION OF 1573. Item the Archedeacon dothe Refuse to pay iiij busshells of wheate and vjs. viijd. of the parsonage dewe to the parishe churche, and hath defferred the same of a Longe tyme beinge demaunded. Item Mrs. Bacon, widowe, and her chaplen Sir Thomas, for not comyng to the churche. Item Thomas Hawks and his wiefe, the goodwiefe Hovvtinge, and Downnerdefs] wife, and Alice Vidynge, for not comminge to the church. STALEYLDE. Compertum est they Lacke the Paraphrass wch the parson shulde pay for halfe, and they have often presented the same and can have no reformacon thereof. Item Thomas Jeffery hath not Receved the commonion. BADESMAR. Compertum est theire parsonage is vacant and Syr Humfrey Gylborne is patron. Item they have had but one sermonde within the hole yere. THROWLY. Compertum est that they have not the Byble in the Largest Volume. OSPRINGE. Compertum est that one Michell, a Taylor, was absente from the churche the Laste sonday, and John Grestrete two sondaies, and Edwarde Sowgalle one Sonday, John Whitlocke two sondaies, Thomas Woodd two sondaies, Thomas Dane was absente one sonday, Clement Spratt two sondaies. Item Thomas Eason is suspected that he laye with his wiefs dawghter. Item Wares wiefe, Hawking3 widowe and Grindselds wiefe cannot agree, but Lyve disquietly to gethers. Item Willms Daniell and Thomas Eson have not made there accommpte of the churche goods this ij yeres. Item Goodwife Jonson is suspected to be a witche. Item the churche and chauncell Lacketh tylinge and grasinge [sie], Item theire parsonage is fallen to decay for Lacke of one to 4 well in hyt, P A R K E R ' S VISITATION OF 1573. 303 PEESTON. Compertum est that the commonion table is not decent, But the[y] have one in makinge wch shalbe shortly ffynished. Item theire channcell Lacketh reparacons, and it is to be repayred by the Dean and chapitor of Christs churche in Canturbury. Item theire churche wanteth reparacons. Item Willmus Asherst for Recevinge the commonion But once this yere. SHELDWICH. Compertum est the commonion is ministred in common Breade for wante of Wafer Breade. Item they have hud hut one Sermonde this Twelve month. EEEVERSHAM. Compertum-est that Raynolds widowe hath committed Adultery and his with chylde by one Stephen Syms, accordinge to the common Reporte, the said Stephen Symmes is deade. Item it is reported that Michaell the Myller hath a Wenche in his howse with chylde whose name we knowe not. HAETEY. Compertum est that our churche is in Ruyne and decay, but they intende to repayre hit with speade. Item they have had but iij Sermonds this whole yere. Item for Lacke of a mancion howse for there curatt they be ofte tymes destitute of a minister. Item there are certen the wch holdeth Lands, goods and cattail within theire parishe, they wch are not contributary to our cessements, for Lacke of wch the[y] are not able to repayre theire decayed churche. ORE. Compertum est that the commonion is ministred in comon Breade. Item John Grave and [blank] Grave his brother and one Wyly, for that they comme syldome to the churche. Item Wilies wiefe is vehemently suspected of Adultery. Item Thomas Hodges wiefe to be a very contentious woman and a Sower of discorde and a fyghter, namely with Wyles wiefe, beinge her husbands dawghter, 304 PARKER'S VISITATION OF 1573. Item Thomas Hodgs wiefe for admittinge resorte to her howse in tyme of common prayer. EASTLINGE. Compertum est that Lewys at lese, Anne his wiefe, Thomas Godle, John Eyle and Anne his wiefe, for that they have not Receved the coion accordinge to the Quenes Iniuncions. BOUGHTON. Compertum est that they lacke the paraphrass of Erasmus. Item the churche yarde is not well ffenced, and theire chauncell is owte of Reparacons and redy to fawle. DECANAT DE SUTTON. MAIDSTON. Compertum est that John May for that he his vehemently suspected to Lyve in that order with his dawghter that he did Live Before he was ponished, aud continueth styll with her in his howse. Item John ffremlyne suspected of Lyvinge in whordom with the wiefe of Richarde Rowe, and for that Thomas Wandyne, one of the churche wardens, and Thomas Smyth and John Harper for spekinge of the same, he hath them in suete in the Arches to there greate disquietnes. Item Agnys Gellyte for that she is vehemently suspected to be a harlott. LEDES. Compertum est that Mr. Day hath an other benefice called Allington nere Maydstone, and sayth evensonge never a saterday throughe the yere nor somme sondaies. Item Henry Questonburie hath not bynne at churche above fowre tymes this yere. Item Thomas Austen of there parishe kepeth one in his howse unto whome yt is thought he is contracted and three tymes asked aboute a quarterne of a yere agoe and do not marrye. DETLINGE. Compertum est that their Chauncell is not sufficiently repayred in the deftdte of my L. of Cartfurburyes grace, PARKER'S VISITATION OF 1573. 305 Item there Vicar is not Resident uppon his Cure, but holdeth it by Sequestracon. Item they have had no Sermons this twelve moneth. LOUSE. Compertum est that the minister doth minister the commonion in Common Breade. GOODHERST. Compertum est that the sowth and est quarters of the churche yarde is fallen into decay. Mr. Bougey hath geven them day for the repayringe of the same tyll mydsomer. BAESTEDE. Compertum est that they have not had theire quarter sermons never sithens my L. graces last Visitacon. Item there vicar hath the vicaridge of detling, and when he serveth there they are served with a reder. Item Hughe Pulforde, fermer of the parsonage, doth owe to the collectors of the poore for one whole yere viijd. or xd. THURNHAM. Compertum est that the wales in the churche yarde are nedefull to be repayred. LENAM. Compertum est that there vicar wereth no Surples. Item Johan Garnarde for kepinge of Johane Garnards goods thelder deceased ij yeres past withowt auctoritie. WOEMSELL. Compertum est that one Johane Busbridge, wiefe of Martyn Burbridge [sic], Lyveth sclanderously a parte from her husbande in her defaulte. HOLLYNGBORNE. Compertum est that John Stenehowse and his wiefe be a sonder, uppon what occacon they knowe not. OTHAM. Compertum est that the Steple of the church Lacketh reparacons. VOL. XXIX. T 306 PARKER'S VISITATION OF 1573. Item the channcell glase windowes be in greate Ruyne for Lacke of mendinge, and in some places the channcell is uncovered, whereby hit rayneth in. Item the wale of the churche yarde is in decay, and the parsonage howse is to be repayred in divers places. CHARTE iuxta Sutton Vallance. Compertum est that the wales of the churche yarde are to be repayred. LYNTON. Compertum est that there vicar is not Resident, but serveth ij Benifices. Item Erancis Weldyshe for that he cometh not to Receve the commonion. Item Richarde Startam hath not made his Accommpte of his churchewardenshippe. HARRIETSHAM. Compertum est that the Channcell is in decay for faulte of coveringe, And the parson is not Resident. MARDEN. Compertum est that the commonionis ministred in commonBreade aud in a glasse for Lacke of a commonion cujipe, and in the churche for Lacke of a Channcell, and the minister cannot conveniently comme to mynister to the communicants for Lacke of Rowme. Item there Channcell was Burned in the 2 and 3 yere of Quene Mary, and yerely hath ben presented, but reformacon as yet they have had none, wch yf they cannot have they must be dryven to sewe to the Councell, for the parisheners are so anuoyed for Lacke of Rowme that many therefore comme not to the church as they shulde. Item they have sermons, but not at the appointement of there vicar, but by the procurement of the parisheners, there vicar is absente and hath Lett his benifice to a Curat. Item Richarde Lambe, gentleman, and his wiefe for not comynge to churche on sondaies and holidayes. Item the Wiefe of Stephen Blusshe for suspicion of witehecrafte, and also Christopher Day for sekinge to a witch e by the procure-, ment of the ssud Stephen Blusshe, • • PARKER'S VISITATION OF 1573: 307 SUTTON. Compertum est that Lettes Hilton is vehemently suspected of witchecrafte. Item they have had no quarter Sermons. BRODEHURST. Compertum est that they have had no Sermons this three quarters of the yere. BOXLEY. Compertum est that they have had no Sermons this halfe yere and more. Item there is one Warborowe stone- in there parishe that was with chylde and went owte of there parishe and is nowe comme agayne. PERAMSTEDE. Compertum est that Johane Lurkyn, widowe, offended in Adultery. EAST SUTTON. Compertum est that they have service but euery seconde Sonday or holiday. Item the Commonion is sometyme ministred with common Breade and some tyme with wafer breade. STAPLEHERSTE. Compertum est that the ymages stande in the glasse windowes to thoffence of godds people and contrary to the Quenes Iniunctions : hit hath ben ofte presented and no Reformacon therin had. Item the chauncell wanteth certen Pavinge in the defaulte of Mr. Beseley theire parson. Item the Late churche wardens with the consente of the parisheners solde the Organ pipes to a peauterer of Maydstone, and the money thereof applied to the reparacon of our churche and churcheyarde. Item there parson is not Resident, but a precher of Cantur.; he is behinde certen yeres inpayinge the xlth parte of the proffecte of his" Benifice to tbuse of the poore accordinge to the Quenes Iniunctions, • Y % 308 PARKER'S, VISITATION OF 1573. Item John Porrgge als. Podage for committinge fornicacon with his servannte, who was once presented to thordinari and sithens to the commissioners, But what is donne in that behalfe they know not. ULCOMBE. . . . , . . " .. Compertum est that one Richarde Pyne and his wiefe have not Receved the commonion at Easter Last past nor at any other tyme sithens. • • Item Thomas Jonson doth Reporte that there be dyvers in there parishe that do use wicherye and inchanntment as the said Thomas Johnson doth Reporte to be true. HOKYNGE. Compertum est that they are served with a Reader. BUCTON Munchelsey. Compertum est they Lacke a Booke of common Prayer, A Byble in the Largest Volume, a Carpett for the communion table. Item theire minister doth use to say the common prayer in the Body of the church. Item theire fonte Lacketh a good coveringe. Item the ohauncels windowes are at some reparacons, theire churche yarde is not kepte very well according to tharticle. Item a certen Asshe in the churche yarde ridd uppe by the Rotes, wch Ashe Mr. Rudstone had of the Vicar by exchange for other wood, there church is to be repayred, and the'[y] Lacke the table of the tenne Commanndements. LANGLEY. Compertum est that they Lacke the Paraphrass of Erasmus, and Lacke a carpett for the coion table, and wante the table of tenne conimanndments. DECANAT DE CHARINGE. ASHEEORDE. Compertum est that Edward ffoggs,, Esquier, is vehemently suspected of fornicacon with one Mary ffynche, late his servaunte. Item the said Edward ffoggs for not payinge to the Collectors for the poore accordinge to the Statute. Item Roberte Dewarde for Lyvinge a parte from his wiefe. Item Hughe Morris for defylinge hym selfe with dronkennes, P A R K E R ' S VISITATION OF 1573. 309 CHARTE Magna. Compertum est that Mr. Knellthroppe cometh not to his parishe churche, nor hath not Reseved the communion with in his parishe as he owghte to do. Item John Sede for that he cannot say the Lordes prayer, the Articles of his belefe and the tenne Commanndements, nor hath not Receved the commonion as a Christian man owghte to do. Item Rose Day for that she hath committed ffornicacon and hath a chylde and is not maried. HEDCOENE. Compertum est that the commonion is ministred in common Brede. Item the churche yarde is owte of reparacons. Item Mr. Hodson that was there minister hath topped certen Asshes in the churche yarde. HOTHEELD. Compertum est that theire minister doth use to minister the Sacrament of Baptisme in Basons, And he wereth no surples, and ministreth in common Breade. Item Davy Matthewe and Ellen Wide, fornicators, who have ben before presented to the Commissary. WESTWELL. Compertum est that theire churche is in decay And also theire chaunceU, in the defalte of the farmer Mr. Tufton. KENYNGTON. Coinpertum est that Richarde Denice had the glasse of a windowe on the sowth syde of the churche, wch was viij foote, and hath glased his owne windowe with hit, and sayth that he boughte hyt of the churche warden, but it appereth not so in his Accommpte. Item Richarde Denice is vehemently suspected of Adultery with a yonge woman being a manes servaunte at hyde, and that was avowched to his face by one John Mayle, servaunte to Richarde Sylver. The wordes be theis amongeste other; the[y] said : John [sic] Denice was not very well occupied at hyde, . . . .* and this was spoken in the presence of the vicar and most of the parishe. *-1 have omitted 28 words of the aoousation.—^0. J . 310 PARKER'S VISITATION OF 1573. EBENY. Compertum est that they lacke paraphrases of Erasmus. Item the Vicar is not resident and the vicaridge howse is decayed. Item they have not had there quarter sermons this two yeres. CHARINGE. Compertum est that John Anthonie kepeth a woman as his wiefe to the greate offence of his Neyghbours, his fyrste wiefe beinge a Lyve, they have ben presented a yere a goe, but they have broughte no certificate of ther discharge, they comme not to church, nor have not Receved the coion this yere. CHART Parva. Compertum est that the commonion is ministred in fyne Breade. TENTERDEN. Compertum est that the coion is ministred in common Brede. Item they have a chappell were is a Reader, whether he be Licensed or not they knowe not. BETHERSDEN. Compertum est that the chauncell is in greate decay in stoneworke and very lyke to fall downe, by the defalte of the parson, who are the heyres of Mr. Isacke, Late deceased. Item Christopher Soil hath committed fornication with his mayd servante. BYDDENDEN. Compertum est that they wante a convenient Booke of common prayer, wch shalbe shortely provided. Item theire minister that nowe is hath served theire one Sonday, he used not the surples because hit is not comly nor convenyent to be worne. Item there was an albe and a payre of organnos solde and aplyed to the repayringe of the churche, beinge ruinos. Item theire parson is not resident. Item John Allard for recevinge into hym his dawghter, his dawghter Avis AUarde with chylde by Smyth of Halden, she hath donne penance alredy. Item Thomas thecher Lyveth a parte from his wiefe. Item Thomas Hylls of Halden with holdinge certen money geven by Matthewe Moncke, decessed, to the use of the poore. P A R K E R ' S - V I S I T A T I O N OF 1573. 311 HYGH HALDEN. Compertum est the coion is ministred in common Breade and sometyme in wafer Breade as they can gett it. Item Thomas Smyth hath committed fornication with one Avyes AUarde his servannte, and hath begotten her with chylde and yet hath done no pennannce. Item Alice Bosse is suspected to be Lyght of conversation, and they cannot iustlie prove yt, But as she hath confessed her selfe with John Parkins of hygh halden, Bocher.- Item Robert Adams is suspected to use the company of Willms Monnes wiefe: he hath ben presented before and hath donne peuannce, But we see no reformacon thereof. BENENDEN. Compertum est Margarett Rodes the wiefe of Richarde Rodes for that she Lyveth from her husbande in goodherste or there abouts. NEWYNDEN. Compertum est there Steple is at Reparacons and they are nowe a mendinge of hytt, and the parsonage Barne is also at Reparacons, But our parson is not yett able to repayre the same. Item they have not theire ordinary Sermons and our parson sayth he can gett non to preache. Item Lawrence Smyth theire Laste parson did fell downe one Ewe tree, whiche was a defence unto there churche and chauncell. Also they felde yewe to the Reparacons of the churche, one John Newman hath strypped of wood thereof when he was churche warden, and will not comme to Accommpte therefore. Item Mary Raynsforth the wiefe of one Willmus Raynsforth for that she is a Raylor and scolde and a Sower of discorde betwene her neyghbours. Item John a Ry, a Lyterman, doth Lyve a parte from his wiefe. Item John Braintforth is vehemently suspected with one Ursula Davyer the wiefe of Hughe Davyer, whiche one Isacke Pellam of the parishe of Stone hath kept In his howse suspeciusly, And hath kepte suspicius Rule in his howse with one Anne stone with kepinge of her in his howse. '312 PARKER'S VISITATION OF 1573. SMARDEN. Compertum est theire parson doth not Repayer the chauncell as he owghte to do, for that it is not paved, and the steppes taken a waye goinge uppe to the alter; the churche yarde is not clenly kepte throughe the defaulte of the parson. Item theire parson is not Resident, neyther distributeth the fortie parte of his Benifice to theire knowledge, and further he hath bene demaunded divers tymes, and he answereth he will geve it to whome he Lysteth. ESTWELL. Compertum est that they have had there service sayd but by theire Clarke or a Reader. Item they have no parson as yet inducted. ROWINGDON. Compertum est that Roberte Crowe and Thomas thestun for not recevinge the holy Communion accordinge to the Quenes Iniunctions. SANDAEST. Compertum est that theire church yarde is in decay for wante of Rayles. Item the churche porche at the sowthe side of theire churche is decayed and muste be amended or els yt will goe downe. CRANBROKE. Compertum est that the commonion is ministred in common Breade. Item James Whyte for not commynge to churche. DECANAT LYME. WARHORNE. Compertum est that George ffockett is suspected with one Ellen fowle, whom he calleth Syster, of incontinency, because she bereth more Rule in the howse then the good wiefe. WlLESBOROWE. Compertum est that John Norden and Willmus Norden, Executors to John Northen [sic] there ffather, for not bestowinge of certen money to hyghe waies. P A R K E R ' S VISITATION OF 1573. 313 DYMCHURCH. Compertum est that there parson doth not Reade the Quenes Matis iniunctions once a yere. Item the cover of the fonte is not semely. Item theire churche and Chauncell is not well Repayred, And in the churche yarde our parson hath sett hys haye stake, and there churche yarde is unclosed by reason that the parsons cattell come in to the churche yarde to be fedd. Item theire parson hath felled wood and tymbre in the churche yarde. Item theire parson goeth not comely nor decent, neyther yett commely to be knowen for a parson or mynister in his apparrell as other do. Item the parson hath geven but viijd. to the poore of the parishe this yere to there knowledge, and by that meanes other withdrawe there benevolence from the poore. Item the parson doth not call uppon the parisheners to bringe uppe there youthe &c, And he his a peace breaker rather then a pece make[r], for he hath done one of the parishe wronge, and did strycke hym. MEARSHAM. Compertum est that the commonion is some tyme ministred in comon breade for want of wafer breade. Item Henry Page for that he hath committed fornication with one Annes Burforth, and was presented above iij yeares past and was not then founde in the dioces, but nowe the said Henry is is [sc. in] our parishe as yett unponished to our knowledg. Item Henry Adams hath Lefte in there parishe his Lawfull wiefe and hath maried another. APPULDORE. Compertum est the commonion is ministred in common Breade. Item theire vicar hath not ben Resident this ij yeres, and doth Lett his benifice to farme to Lay men. Harry Bennett hath not Receved this two yeres and they knowe,not the cause wye he will not. Item Margarett Rypton the wiefe of Thomas Rypton hath not ben at churche this quarter of the yere. 314 PARKER'S VISITATION OF 1573. ST. MARIES. Compertum est that they have no minister, and when they have service hit is said withowte the chauncell, with the ministers face towards the people. Item there parson is not Resident, nor doth not distribute to the poore. Item Symon Rueke hath committed fornication with his maid Elizabeth Pottyn, and the voyce is she is with chylde. Item the parsonage howse is owte of Reparacons and the chauncell wanteth tylinge. WITTESAM. Compertum est that theire parson is not Resident and they never sawe hym, and he geveth not to the poor accordinge to the Quenes Iniunctions. Item they presente Johane Davy uppon a hopen cryme with one Willms Hogs. Item Willms Robyns for because he will not pay his scotte to the collectors for the poore. SMETH. Compertum est that Thomas Castell, late deceased, gave to the pore of the parishe for the space of iiij yeres xs. a yere yerely to be paid, and there hath ben but xs. as yet paid and the iiij yeres expired, one James Castell of the parishe of Knotton is thexecutor. Item the commonion is minister[ed] with common Breade. Item theire churche is not sufficiently repayred. WOODCHURCH. Compertum est that the commonion is ministred in comon Breade. Item theire Chauncell doth Lacke Reparacons and theire parson is not Resident. Item John Carre and Thomasyne Welles are vehemently suspected of Adultery, And also Thomas Usmur and the wiefe of Thomas Andrewe are of the same faulte suspected, And also Robert Iden and Agnes Edwards, who dwelleth in the parishe of Brenchly with one Mrs. Vayne, are of the Lyke faulte suspected. Item Robert Master doth holde errors and Ironius opinions contrary to christian Religion, for that he denyeth that god made .the.Suiie^the Mone,, the earth, the water, and that he denyeth the Resurreccon of the deade..-.•: ., . ' . , , P A R K E R ' S VISITATION OF 1573. 315 HINXHILL. Compertum est that theire parson doth not weare a Surples. Item they have not had theire quarter Sermons. SELLENGE. Compertum est that they Lacke the Paraphrases of Erasmus. Item Richarde Wryghte doth not Lyve with his wiefe as a man owghte to do. RUCICYNGE. Compertum est that they have had no Sermonds but one sithens May Day was twelvemonth. BROKELAND. Compertum est that they Lacke the Paraphrases of Erasmus and a decent commonion table. Item the Channcell windowes are Broken so as the doves comme in, in defalte of our parson or his farmer. Item there vicar is not Residente. BYLSINGTON. Compertum est that theire churche is in marvelos Ruyne, and hath bene at Leaste three Visitacons presented and no reparations as yet there unto done; the occacon is for that the owte dwellers have all the occupyings, and they makinge a Sease accordinge unto [blank] Officials appointed, they will pay nothinge, and the parisheners are very pore. SEABYNGTON. Compertum est nihil. NEWE ROMNEV. Compertum est that theire Byble torne in divers places and wanteth fowre or fyve chapters of St. Mattheus Chapter [sic]. Item theire Vicar is not Resident. Item one Richard Waller died abowte vij yeres past and made Willms Sowthlande of the-parishe of Hope, deceased, his Executor, and Thomas Starre of Newe Romney his overseer, wch Willms Sowthlande did sell the said Wallers goods withowte auctoritie from the ordinary, And sithens his sonnes beinge his Administrators Willmus. and John, have not nor will not be accommptable for the same. 316 PARKER'S VISITATION OF 1573. HOPE. Compertum est that theire churche is in decay for Lacke [of] reparacons. SHADDOCKESHURST. Compertum est that the commonion is ministred in common Breade. BURMKESHE. Compertum est that the Commonion is ministred in Common Breade. Item theire churche yarde is unclosed. STONE. Compertum est that theire Vicar hath not Redde the Queues Mats Iniunctions this twelvemonth. Item they have Lacked theire quarter Sermons this twelve moneth in the defaulte of theire vicar. Item theire churche Lacketh Reparacons and the churche yarde waUes, and the channcell is in decay, wch chauncell Mr. Lovelace shulde Repayre. Item Thomas Lydden of Stone and Jone Judge for that beinge thrise Asked in the churche do not procede to the Solemnizacon of matrimony, But kepe to gether in howse suspiciously, to thoffence of the congregacon. Item John Potte of Stone, who hath in his hands ixs. of the churche goods, viz., for stones and skotts, and hath byn required to pay it, and doth delay the payment thereof. Item Robert Water, nowe of Pladen, Late of Stone, for that he oweth ijs. for a scott made to the reparacons of the churche; he hath ben required to pay it, but he deferreth the same. ALDYNGTON. . Compertum est that theire parson is not Resident. Item one Stephen Taylors wiefe and Mother Dale be in theire parishe from there husbands, and where ther husbands are the[y] knowe not. SMETH. .. Compertum est that they lacke the lacke [sic] Byble of the Largest Volume. PARKER'S VISITATION OF 1573. 317 Item one Thomas Castell did Beqiieth unto the poore of the parishe xls., whereof is paid xs., and the Reste of the said xls. is remayninge in thands of one James Castell, Executor to the foresaid Thomas Castell, wch money they can not gett hit by no meanes. SNARGATE. Compertum est that John Broke hath gotten a mayden with chylde whose name is Margarett. Item John Pattendon for a Scolde and a Rayler, neyter can they gett any thinge of hym towards the Reparacons of theire churche. Item Hughe Smyth doth owe vjs. viijd. to the churche. OLDE RUMNEY. Compertum est that theire parson some tyme dothe say service in a Surples and some tyme in none. Item John Wheler is a dronkard and a Raylor. Item one Barton gave a Legacie of xlvijs. viija!., halfe to the churche and halfe to the poore of the parishe, and John Baker is Administrator unto his father, who was executor to the said Barton. BRENSET. Compertum est that theire vicar is not Resident, neyther kepeth hospitalitie. Item they have had but iij sermons this yere paste. Item one Jone Overington, wiefe unto Robarte Overington, is a Sower of discorde betwene neyghbours and a Scoulde. Item one Roger Tomlynson is a common Rayler, and hath rayled in the churche yarde of Late. LYDD. Compertum est that theire Vicar is not Resident. Item Willms Tuppenden is necligente in commynge to the churche. ORLASTON. Compertum est that Willmus Mylls, the churche warden, cometh very syldome to the churche, and the books were carryed owte of the churche, and were Lackinge there one Sonday, in the defalte of the said Willms Mylls the churche warden. Item Thomas Wigmore for that he commeth very syldom to the churche, 318 PARKER'S VISITATION OF 1573. EEEAREELD. Compertum est that they have a mynister But when neade is. MYDLAY. Compertum est that theire Churche Yarde is unfenced and Lyeth open to the fylds. Item, theire churche greatly decayed, the windowes altogether unglased, aud so colde and unseamlye that it is not meate for the service of god or Administracon of his sacramentes. Item they Lacke all necessarye Bookes and other thinges mete for the same. Item there have bene certeyne churche goodes solde by John Maye of Denne courte, who never yett hath made any Accommpte of the same.


Medieval Hospitals in Kent


Notes from the Parish Registers of Maidstone