Rules of the Kent Archaeological Society

1. The Soci􀇃Ly shall consist· of Ordinary Members and Honorary Members. 2. The funds, securities, and property of the Society shall be held in Trust for the Members by four Trustees, who shall be Members. Any vacancies shc1ll he filled at the next Annual Meeting. The affairs of the Society shall be conducted by a Council consisting of the President of the Society, the Honon1ry Finam,ial Secretary, the Vice-Presidents, the Honorarv Treasurer, the Honorary Secretary, the Honorary Editors, and twenty-four Members elected out of the general body of the Subscribers: one-fourth of the latter shall go out annually in -rotation, but shall nevertheless be re-eligible; and such retiring nnd the new election shall take place at the Annunl Genernl Meeting: but any intermediate vacancy, by death or retirement, among the elected Council, shall he filled up either at the General Meeting or nt the next Council Meeting, whicheve·r shall first happen, and the Member so appointed shall hold office so long 11s he in whose place he shall be Rppointed \\'Ould have held office. Five Members of the Council to constitute a quorum. 3. The Council shall meet to transact the business of the Sociely on the second Thursday in the month of March in Maidstone, in the month of June in London, in the monih of September in Rochester, nud in the month of December in Oanterlmry, and at Rny other time that the Secretary may deem it expedient to call them together. But the Council shall lrn\'e power, if' it shall deem it advisable, at the instance of t,hc .President, to hold its Meetings nt other plRces within the county; and to alter the days of Meeting, or to omit a Quarterly Meeting if it shall he found convenient. 4. The Council shall appoint one of their Members to be the Hon. Treasurer. His duty shall be to keep an account of all Subscriptions and other Re'Ceipts and Payments for the Society, and on the 31 st December in every year to prepare the Balance Sheet for the past year, and, after it has been approved b,v the Auditors, t.o lay it before the next Quarterly Meeting of the Council, accompanied by a Statement of all Subscriptions, etc., in nrrear and due to the Society, and of al,l moneys due from them. And the Council Rre further empowered, at any time when they think it desirnble, to employ and pay a Oharterecl Accountant to assist the Hou. Treasurer in making out such Balance Sheets nnd Account. 5. At every Meeting of the Society or Council, the President, or, in his absence, the Chairman, sball liave a casting vote, independently of his vote as a Member. 6. A General Meeting of the Society sliall be held annually, in July, August, or September, at some place rendered interesting by its antiquities or historical associations, in the ea-stern and western divisions of the county nlternntely, unless the Council, for some cnuse to be by them assigned, agree to vary this arrangement; the day and place of meetiuuto be appointed by the Council, who shall hnve the power, at the instance ;e the President, to elect some Member of the Society connected with the district in which the meeting shall be held, to act a􀇄 Chairman of such Meeting. At the said General Meeting, antiquitie$ shall be eii:hibited1 .RULES AND REGULATIONS. XXl and papers read on subjects of arclu:cological interest. The accotrnts of the Society, having been -previously allowi:d by the Auditors, shall be presented; the Council, through the Secretary, shall make a Report 011 the st􀉋1te of the Society; and the Auditors and the six new Members of the Council for the ensuing year shall be elected. 7. The Annual General :Meeting sl111ll have po1Ver to nrnke such alterations in the Iiules as the majority of Members present may approve: provided that notice of any contemplated alterations be given, in writing, to tbe Honornrv Secretnrv, before ,June Lhe 1st in the then cunent year, to be foicl by l;im before· the Couucil at their next Meeting; provided, also, that the said contemplated alterations be specifically set out in the notices summoning the Meeting, at least one month before the day appointed for it. 8. A Special General Meeting may be summoned, on the written requisition of seven Members, or of the President, or two Vice-l'residents, which must specify the subject intended to be brought forwm·d at such Meeting; and such subject alone can then be considered. 9. C:andidates for admission must be proposed by one Member of the Societ.y, and seconded by nnother, and be balloted for, if required, at any Meeting of the Oou11ci!, or at a General Meeting, one lilack ball in five to exclude. 10. Each Ordinary Member shall pay an Annual Subscription of 'J'en Shillings,>!:' due in advance on the lst of January in each year; or £10 may at any time be paid in lieu of future subscriptions, as a composition for life, provicled that arrears (if any) of Annual Subscriptions are paid up. Any Ordinnr,v Member shnll pay, on election, nn entrnnce fee of Ten Shillings, in n


Local Districts and Honorary Local Secretaries


Abstract of Proceedings 1911-1912