Monumental Brasses in Kent

( 131 ) l\l[ONU MEN'l'AL BRASSES IN K􀀜N'l'. BY RALPH GRIFFIN, F.S.A. UP to the present time no paper in Archl), Suoreb.11,m, '11,1ro,vley, '.Vllurnua.m, Willlliu,:too,, Wouldha,m. t E.g., at Uiddendeu tllree are omitted. 136 MONUM.EN'J:'A:.1, BRASSES IN ItEN'l'. cannot be relied on. The illustrations, too, are often cramped by considemtions of space, and shields and other det,n.ils appear where they should not. Another work of the same description is Ancien,t Memorial Brasses, by Mr. E. T. Beaumoot (Humplirey Milford, 1913, Bvo.). Like Mr. Suffiing, the author lacks equipment, and makes many mistakes which shoulu have been avoided. For instance, Mr. Beaumont, :finding '' De bello campo" in an inscription, transla.tes it "From the b,t!itle-field." The ho)k cannot be commended, thoug-h the illustrations are fair. Not many Kentish examples are given. Amongst the shilling manuals issued by the Cambridge University Press is one published in 1912 on Brasses by M:1'. J. S. M. Ward. It is satisfactory so far as it goes, being larg·ely founded on Mr. :Mackliu's book mentioned above. Of the twenty-five illustrations five are from Kent. Our member Mr. Georg·e Clinch is the author of many popular handbooks on antiquarian subjects ,vhich he frequently illustrates from Kentish brass es. In the following· list- Otinch, Chwrches refers to Clinch (G.). Old English ClllWl'ches, 8vo., London. Clinch, Costume refers to Clinch (G.). English Oostume, Bvo., London. Drawings refers to Drawings of B1·asses in sonw Kentish Ohurches, issued privately by Ralph Griffin in 1913. Druitt refers to Druitt (H.}. M􀁱a.nual of Costume, etc., 8vo., London, 1910. Ji'airholt refers to Fairholt (F. W .). Costume in England, London, J 885. Hewitt refers to Hewitt (J.). Ancient Arniour, Oxford, 1855--60. Intlent1J refers to Some Indents of Lost Brasses in Kent, issued privately by Ralph Griffin in 1914,. Jfa,cklin refer" to Macklin (H. W.). The Brasses of England, Bvo., London. Mills rBfers t.o Engravings by I. Mills, issued privately by F. C. Bl'ooke, Esq., in 1874 to illustrate brasses of the Cobhaws. Suffling refers to Suffiing (E. R.). English Church Brc.1,sses, London, 1910. :MONUMEN'l'AL BRASSES IN K.EN'r. 13.'i K.ENTISH BRASSES. A LIST OF SOME lLr,US'.l'RA'l'IONS·.:., NO'!' MEN'l'IONED DY HAINES. ADDINGTON. Rich. Charlis, 1378 . Drawfog Hoo., 1879, No. 6. ASH .NEXl' SANDWICH. Rich. Clitherow and w., c. 1440. Druitt, p. 266. Planche, Corner, etc., Pl. IX. Somenet Lfrch. Soo. Pr., XLIV., ii., 41. .T ane Keriell, 1455. Druitt, l:>· 269. PlancM, Coi·ner, etc., PJ. IX. Somerset ar,,d Dorset N. and Q., IX., p . 301. Wm. Leus, 1525. PlancM, Corner, etc., Pl. XL Ohr. Septvans, 1575. D1·uitt, p. 184. PlancM, Corner, etc., Pl. XI. Walter Septvans, 1642. Druitt, p. 216. PlancM, Corne1-, etc., Pl. XI. ASHFORD. Head of a priest, c. 1320. The Bazcuvr for Oct. 13, 1893. Elizth., Countess of Athol, 1375. Arch. Oant., I., p. 180. Clinch, Olturcltes, pp. 213, 215. Scott's Mem01·ials off amily of Scott, p. 76. Sujfting, pp. 333, 339. * It must not be assumed tha.t these illustrations show the whole brru;s : many of them shew details only. As a rule no references a N given to n umcrous illustrations in the six volumes of the Transactio11.s of' tltc JI![, B. S., us those must be in the hands of every student awl they well indexed. 138 MONUMEN'l'AL .BRASSl!;S !N KEN'l' . .ASHFORD-continued. Sir .J ohu li'ogge, 14fl9. A1·ch. Can. t., II., 103; III., 14:J,. 01inch, Churches, p. 212. Sujfting, 332. Thoii. Fogg, 1512. Arch. Cant., TI., 108. AYLESl◄'()l{D. Ins. P:tlitnp., 1545. S. A . .Proceedings, 2 S., viii., 174. BADLESMERE. Barbara, Wrythe, l.48;3 (lost). Drawin_r1s, p. 1. BAPOHILD. A lady, c. l500 (lost). Drnwin_qs, p. 2. BARHAM. [? ,Johu Digges], c. 1470 and w. (lost or i:ovet·ed). Drawin_r;s, p. 3. BECKENHAM. Sir Humph. Style, 1552. ;}Jacklin, p. 241. Dame Margt. Damsel!, 1568, imd :sister. Drrcw·in,qs, p. ,1,, BEXLEY. Hunting horu and shie1d, 15th century . .t l.1-clt. Cant., XVI II., 373. Clinch, Churches, 2:30. SuJfiing, :-rn7. BIRCHINGTON. John Quelc, 1449. Clinch, .Cltztrches, 225. John Felde, 1454. Ibid., 226. MONU:M:EN'l'AL nn.A.SSF.S IN KEN'l\ 139 B IlWHIN GTO N-continued. Margt. Cryppys, 1;}33. Ibid., 229. BOBBING. Sir Amold Sav,tge, 1-LlO. Dase11t's Speakt1rs, (.i(.i. BORDEN. Wm. Furdmell, 14-90. Tlte Bazaa1foi· Oct. 20, ll:if):-3. BOUGHTON UNDER BLEAN. Indent, Simoue Aboctou. Arch. Cant., XVlll., 242. Im.A.BOURNE. Wm. Scott, 1433. L1..1·clt. Cant., X., 261. Scott, Memorials of fa1nily of Scott, 43. Denis ]finch, 1450. Arch. Cant., X., 262. Scott (ut su,prtt), p. 44•. Sir vV m. Scott, 1524 . .11.rch. Cant., X., 264. Scott (1bt sup1·a), p. 45. Dame Elizth. l,owuyngcs, 1528. Ll.1·cli. Oant., X., 264. Scott (ut supra), p. 46. BROMLEY. Ins. Isabel Lacer, c. 1845. Be1ilzam (0. ]).), Notes on a brass, 1861. J oho Yonge, Bp. of Rochester, 1605. D1·awin,9s, p. 5. CANTERBURY. Cathedral. Some indents are illustrated in Indents. That of Abp. Stafford, 1452, is in Rogers, Strife of tlte Roses, 187, and in Wilts N. and, Q., III., 193. 140 MONUMENTAL BRASSES lN k􀃔lh'. CANTERBURY-continued. St. Alphege. Robt. Goseboume, 1523. Carpenter (R. H.), Hist. eh. of St. A.lpltege, 11. Cooper (J.M.), Reqisters of St. A.lpltege. St. George. John Lovell􀃕, 1-138. The Bazact,-Jo1· Sep. 29, 189:3. St. Mary, Burgate . . JoanL ynde, 1417. Drawings, p. li. St. Martin. Thos. Stoughton, 1591. Clinch, Oluvrcltes, p. 211. Sujff in_q, p. 97. St. Paul. Geo. ·\.\Tyndbourne, 1531, and w. (lost from the church) . .D-rawinqs, p. 7. CHA.RT (LITTLE). John Darell, 1438. Olincli, Ohwrclies, p. 213. CHARTHA.M. Sir Robt. Setvans, c. 1306. Tlte Boys' Own Pape1·, XV., 573. T!te Builder, .Nov. 11, 1899, p. 438. Fairliolt, I., 146. Foster (Joseph), Some Feudal Coats. Macklin, 20. Plm1clie, Costume, I., Pl. II., fig. lO, p. 4. Robt. London, 1416. Olincli, Oostu-me. p. 240. CHERITON. Brasses illustrated iu Arch. Gant., XVIII., 856. i\10NUMENTAL Jnt'ASSES IN KEN'l'. 14.,l CHEVENING. Jobn Lennard, 1556. Hasted, Vol. I., 361. CHI8LEHURST. Abu Porter, 1482. Hist. of OMslehu1·st (Webb, lUiller, and Bed:witlt), p. 62. G1tide by E. A. Webb (1901), p. 27. COBHAM. Dame ,Jone de Kobeham, c. 1320. Bazaa1·, Sep. 8, 1893. Buildinq Wo1·ld, Nov. 1, 1891. Mills, 1. Sujfl,in:q, 129. Sir John de Cobham, 1354. Assoc. A1·clt. Soc. Reports, XVIII., 186. Buildin_q World, Dec. 1, 1891. Mills, 2. Suffiing, 37. John de Cobham, c. 1865 . ..t frclt. Oa11t., XL, 85. Bitilder, Feb. Hi, 1912. Druitt, 160. Foste/''s Feudal Coats. 1Wills, 9. Somerset A1·ch. Soc. P1·oc., XLIV., ii., 28. Sujfl,in,r;, 47. Thos. de Cobham, 1367. Mills, a. Sujflin,q, •:10. Dame Mar􀅜. de Cobeham, 1375. D1·uitt, 250. Mills, 4. Su.filing, 133. Dame Maude de Cobebam, 1880. llfills, 5. SujJUng, 185. 142 MONUMENTAL BRASSl􀀖S IN KENT. CO RI-IAM-continu.ed. Dame iVIargt. de Cobebam, 1395. Arch. Gant., XI., 86. Druitt, 250. Exeter Dioc. Arc. Soc. T-rrins., 2 S., III., 250. Mills, G. Rogers, Sep. Elf. Devon, 100, Pl. XXVIII., 17. Rogers, llfemorials of the West, 340. Somerset (itt su1n·a), XLIV., ii., 29. Suffein_q, 135. Ward, Brasses, ll3. ]{au£. de Cobham, 1402. Su.filing, 46. Sir Reg. Braybro1c, 1405. Arch. Gant., XI., 88. A1·cli. Ass. Sketch Blc., N. S., IX., i. Mills, 7. Some1·set (ttt sup1·a), XLIV., ii., 8G. S·1('/fli,n_q, 51. Xir Nith. Hawberk, 1407. B1n'.lder, Jrm. 19, 1912. Oheste1· Arclt. Soc. '1.hrns., N. S., V., 85. Hewitt, II.L, 364. 'JJiills, 8. Somerset (1,t su1wa), XLIV., ii., a7. Suffein_q, 55. Joan, Lady or Cobham, 1433. Arch. Gant., XI., 100. Druitt, 264. J.llills, 10. Somerset (1,t sup1·a), XLIV., ii., 33. Sujflin_q, 140. Sir .John Broke, 5th Baron Cobham, 1506. Druitt, 278. Mills, 13. Smnerset (ut sup1·a), XLV., ii., 2. Su,jfiing, 151. MONUMEN'l'AL l3RASSF:S IN KENT. 143 CO BRAM-continued. Sir Thos. Brooke, 6th Baron Cobham, 1529. Druitt, 180. Mills, H. Somerset (ut sup1·a), XLV., ii., a, 9. Suffeing, no. CO"WLING. Feyth Brooke, 1508. Somerset Arch. Soc. Fr., XLV., ii., 8. CRANBROOK. Civilian, c. 1520. Lane. and 0/l(lsh. Hist. Soc. 'l'r., 4th St01·., XXVI., :14, No. 82. S1rjfl-in_9, p. 258. CRAY (ST. i\1ARY). Isabell Cossale, c. 1500. Drawin_9s, p. 8. CRAY (ST. PAUL). John Feerby, 1454 (lost). D1·awin_9.􀅕, p. l 0. John Smythe, 1584,. D1·awin,9s, p. l l. DAWl'FOHD. Wchd. Martyn, 1402. Arch. Cant., XVlII., 887. Clinch, Costume, 53. Macklin, 159. Portfolio M.B.S., II., 39. Richd. Burlton, 1496 . .Ll.1·clt. Oa11t., XVIII., 389. DAVINGTON. John Edwards, 1613. Willement's Davington, 104. Lash£ord, 1616. Ibid., 105. 141 MONUMENTAL BRASSES IX KENT. DOVER. Castle Church. Sir Robt. Astone, 1384. 4.rcl1. Cant., I., 178. St. Mary. Wm. Jones, rn:3,q Clinch, Churches, :!a2. Sujflin_q, a36. DOWNE .r acoh Verzelini, 1607. Portfolio M.B.S., I., Pt. IV., Pl. VI. ED ENBRIDGE J. obn Selyard, 1558. 1.11.iscell. Gen. et Jie1·., 2nd Ser., i., 96. ERITH. Roger Sencler, 1425. Harris' Eritlt (1885), 10, Pl. I1 I. ,John Ailemer, 1485. ibid., 10, Pl. V. Emme W oclt', H71. Ibid., 10, Pl. II . • JohnM ylner, l:il 1. lbid., 10, Pl. I. Edw. HawtP, 1537. Ibid., 10, Pl. IV. l!'A VERSHAM. Wm. Thornbury, 1.4,81. A1·clt. Oant., XI., 27. Hen. Hatche, 1538. '.i{aclclin, 282. Portfolio M.B.S., I., Pt. V., Pl. V. MONUMENTAL BRASSES IN KENT. 145 FORDWICH. Aphra Hawkins, 1605. The Bazaai· for Sep . 22, 1893. Olinch, O/iu,rclte.s, 222. Druitt, 290. Su.fftin.'!, 161. GILLINGHAM. Wm. Haward, 1612. A1·cli. Oa.nt., VI., 800. GRA.VENEY. Dame Joan de Feversham, c. 1360. Portfolio M.B.S., IV., Pl. VI. John Mal·tyn, 1436. Bu£lder, Feb. IG, 1912. HALLING (LOWER). Silvester Lambnrde, 1587. A.1·cli. Oant., V., 250. Miscell. Gen. et Her., II., 100. HALSTEAD. W􀃪n. Burys, 1444. The Bazaar Joi· Noi•. 3, 1893. Olinclt, Oliurches, 209. Wm. Petley, 1528. Tlte Bazaar/01· Sep. 22, 1893. HA.RDRES (UPPER). John Strete, 1405. T/"6 Builde1· for Nov. ll, 1899, p. 438. Dntitt, 22. Maclclin, 74. Ward, B1·asses, 98. HARTY. Blizth. Haward, 1610. A.1·cli. Oant., VI., 299. VOL, XX.Xl, 146 MONUMENTAL BllASSl!:S IN KEN'l'. HAYES. Robt. Garrett [1566). Olincli, O1,,u-rcltes, 231. Sutflin.1·awin_q Soc., 18'17, Pl. IX. SUTTON, EAST. Sir Edw. Filmer, 1629. Arcli. Oant., XXV., LVII. Oave Browne, Sutton Valence, 45. Portfolio M.B.S., I., Pt. XI., Pl. VI. Oyler, East Sutton, 41. TEYNHAM. Johu Frogenha.11, 144.4. J..rcli. Oant., I., 89. Robt. Heyward, 1509. Su.f!Ung, 259. WESTERHAM. Wm. Dye, 1567. A.ntiq. Etclting Olub, V., Pl. XXXVIII. Druitt, 116. Hierurgia Anglicana, 1904, III., 143. WESTWELL. Indent of a priest, c. 1330. Oxford Portfolio qf Monumental Brasses, Pt. V., Pl. I. WICKHAM, E. J obn de Bladigdone, c. 1325. A.rt Journal, 1898, p. 119. 154 M:o'.NUMEN'l'AL :BRASSES IN' K'.ENT. WICKHAM, W. Wm. de Thorp, 1407. Bazaar, Sep. 29, 1893. Olinch, Churches, 201. Suffeing, 215. WOODOHUROH. Nichol de Gore, c. 1330. Bazaa1·, Oct. 13, 1893. Macklin, 31. WROTHAM. Thos. Pekham, 1512. Druitt, 278. Fairlwlt, I., 234. Reynold Pekham, 1525. Druitt, 278. Elizth. Orispe, 1615. Druitt, 290.


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