Some Kentish Charities, 1594

( 189 ) SOME KENTISH OHARITITIS, 1594. BY }IAJOR F. LAMBARDE. THE following is transcribed from the original among the Lambarde papers at Sevenoaks. The paper is, in places, much decayed, and the writing indecipherable. It is endorsed in the handwriting of William Lambarde :- Presentment for the Lower division of Sutton at hone 25 Maii 1594 for Hospjtalls Collected. Sevenocke. The Answer of Thomas :Browne of Chiict, VOL, :lU:Kt, 0 194 SOME KEN'l'lSH CHARI'l'rnS, 1594. Item ix acars 0£ earrable land at 3s. 4d. 30s. Item 2 acars dimd 0£ earable 8s. 4d; Item 1 near di. of salt marshe at xs. the acar 15s . .A.II the which premises the provits wherof the powe􀆴 have had and now have. The gifte bath all wayes benne in the patron ( 01· founder) then beinge and allso the placing of the power in the sayd house is at the descrecion of the sayd patron, the admytaunce 0£ the guyder now is by Nicholas Bere, esquier, patron therof at this tyme. Item John Hmlock guyder Impotent aud lame of the age of 34 yers, Barbarrn Hurlock his wife 36 yers, Robt. Kynde of the age of 27 yers an impotent lame and dum, Gyllian Tomlyn of the age 0£ 24 Impotent and lame, Richard Bold ane innocent of the age of 30 yers : not resident ther bnt bycause he has a strong abell boclye and the house but pooer he is placed with Sur Thomas Scott by the descresion of the patron. The Visitacou therof dothe belonge to the patron then beinge or £or defalt of his visitacion to the bisbopp 0£ the diouse then beinge. To this Article is given by John Bere of Darford Esquier deacesed fower tenements or Allmeshouses with 4 gardens in darford and to every of the sayd howses vis. viiid. quarterly to be payd for ever by the heyers 0£ the sayd John Beer to 4 pooer aged women the which is and hath been by his heyers hetberto conntinued, the names of the pooer w􀆵men nowe ther beinge widdow lowds, wyddow Bright, wyddow thatcher and mother margret, the yongest 0£ them beinge i.t the least threscore and tenn yers old. "\Vee thinke the heyers of the sayd John Beer batl1 the evedinces of the sayd premises. A messuage or tenement with a garden sett in the high streat 0£ darford given by W n1. Vaughan one 0£ the yomeo 0£ the Chamber of our sovereigne Lady Queene Elizabeth the twentyth daye 0£ September in the eleventh yere of the reigne 0£ our sovereigne Ladie to John Bear and heonry .A.ppolltun Esquiers, Nicholas Beer, John Rogers, frauncis Rogers and Wm. Death gent. and other £eo£ ees to the use 0£ the pooer in Darford .. The Rennt of xxvis. viiid. reserved quarterly to be payd to the collectors for the Rele£ of th'e power for the tyme beinge, which is accordingly employed [?]. Three tenements or cotages and three gm·dens annexecl to the same tenements with ther appurtenaunces set lyinge and beinge in tl. certayne street called hiye at1·eet in dartford gyven by John SOME KEN'rISH CHARITIES, 1594. 195 Rogers of Darford gent. dencesed the xiiiith day of Decembet• in the third yere of the Reigne of our sovereigne Lady Queene Elizabeth to John Beer esquier, henry Beer, Nicholas Beere, V{m. Death gent. and other fefees to the use and intent that the sayd John Beer, henry Beer, Nicholas Bt>er a.nd the other feo:ffees nnd thcr heyers should stand seaced of the sayd tenements and gardenes with ther appurtenances to the entent that as well ·wm. Gayller and Steven Tordox then chmchwarJens of the prwishc 0£ Drwfo1·d as allso all other churchwardens of the sam parishe Church for the tyme beinge should demise and to ferme lett the sayd three tenc-ments and gnrdeynes with ther appnrtenn.unces to whome they would and the Rents a,nd profit􀊅 of the same tcnemt>nts and gnrdenes with the ap1rnrlenaunces therof comynge and growinge ovn and above the Rent arnl services therof dew to the Cheef lord or lords of tho fee to be payd and allso over and above the Charges of the Repem· ciou of the 􀊆nyd tenements and other the premises to be kepte nncl sustn.yned the Churchwarclens there and all other Ohnrrl1- warclens nftcr them suceedyngc of the parishe C'hureh of Darfonl aforesayd should lfoceave and take the Rcuts and provits of the sam tenements and gardens and the same Receved and taken to bestowe yerely uppon the pooerest Inhahitaunce of the parishe of DarforK• Item the moytie or one half of a mesuage or tenement with a garden sett in a certeyne street in Darford called up􀊇tret alias Spittell strett gil'en by hierom Warren Surgion deceased the third daye of December 1570,t the rent of x.􀊈. yerly recewd by the church "·ardens and given to the pooer of Dnrforcl allwayes upon St 'l'homas daye before Orismas which i11 and benuc continewede ever synce the gy£t therof n,nd shall remayuc for ever by the last will and testament of the sayd Hierom \Varren. 1593. Chiddingston, KeuL Allso wee present thntt ,John Ashdowne of Chi


Extracts from some Lost Kent Registers


A Wealden Charter of A.D. 814