Churchwardens' Accounts of the Parish of St Andrew, Canterbury, 1483 to 1625: - Introduction. Part I 1485-1509

( 181 ) CHURCHWARDENS' AOOOUNTS OP THE PARISH OF ST. ANDREW, CANTERBURY, EROM A.D. 1485 TO A.D. 1625. BY CHARLES COTTON, P.R.C.P.E., M.R.C.S. ENG-. LNTEODTJCTION. THESE Accounts of the Churchwardens of the Church of St. Andrew in the city of Canterbury are contained in a folio volume of 215 paper leaves, bound in boards covered with leather, ornamented with an elaborate panelled design of a contemporary pattern embossed upon it, and with the words "Time Deum" occurring continuously around the centre panel; the clasps are of brass and have but slight ornamentation. The volume has been rebacked* at a later period, has four raised bands, is 12£ inches high by 9 inches broad and 2-| inches thick. The volume consists, as above stated, of 215 paper leaves. Of these the first 190 are original, as are the last three, numbered 213, 214 and 215; they measure 8£ inches by 12 inches, are of good paper with a water-mark consisting of a gauntleted hand in the erect position, from the second finger of which is poised a crown. The remaining 21 folios are a later addition, being probably bound up in the volume when the book was re-bound the first time. These pages are of good paper with watered edges and shew a water-mark of nine faint perpendicular lines caused by the wires in the making, and in the centre a vase or cup on a raised base with the handle to one side and a highly decorated and arched cover set with knobs or * Mended, resewed, rebacked and repaired in March 1846 by Henry Gough at a cost of 10s. on the order of the Rev. S. R. Maitland, Librarian to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Lambeth Palace. 182 CHURCHWARDENS^ ACCOUNTS. pearls supporting a crescent, and in the centre of the cup are the letters I. B. These pages are slightly smaller in breadth, measuring only 7-f inches. There is a page inserted at the beginning entitled " The Subject Matter/' which, in a nineteenth-century hand, gives a very brief account of the contents, not free from errors; but the most impudent and presumptuous circumstance in connection with the volume is the way in which some ignorant person has scribbled over many of the pages, not only defacing them in a most disgraceful manner, but in the attempt to elucidate the contents has displayed much blind ignorance. All the scribbling appears to be in an eighteenthcentury hand and to have been done by one and the same person. On the second fly-leaf is written, probably in the nineteenth century, "Parish of St. Andrew, Canterbury. No. 4." The writing down to the year 1600 is excellent, and is evidently the work of a succession of good clerks writing a fair and clerkly hand; after that date it degenerates, and in places during the last decade in the volume it is very difficult to decipher some of the words and especially some of the surnames. There are but few attempts at decoration: some of the earlier years have the titles written in a heavy and larger script, and towards the middle of the volume some of the capitals are ornamented with flourishes, and with such ejaculations as " conserva me domine" and " graz be wl me," etc. I t will now be necessary to give a short account of the church to which the volume belonged, which from the period of its foundation till the year 1763 (when it was taken down and rebuilt on a site near by towards the south) stood at the west end of what was known as " The Middle Eow " ; this was the centre of that part of the main street now called the Parade, the street here bifurcating into narrow lanes passing along the north and south sides of the church from between the church of St. Mary Bredman and the Chequers' Inn at the west to where the Parade now converges, about twentyINTRODUCTION. isS five paces from the top of Through Hall, now Iron Bar Lane, at the east. The west door of the church was at the crossing between Mercery Lane and St. Margaret's Street. It must have been quite on the road as constant reference is made in the Accounts to the payment for its cleaning. At the west of the crossing were the two shops belonging to the church and frequently mentioned in these same Accounts. Beyond the church to the east was Archbishop Abbott'sconduit, removed in 1754; this stood opposite the opening to Angel, now Butchery, Lane. Opposite to the entrance of Pillory, now Eose, Lane stood the Billory, and again still further to the east were the " Shambles," hucksters' stalls, etc., cleared away in 1740. The only view of the mediaeval church of St. Andrew that I have been able to discover is that depicted in the plan of the city of Canterbury given in Gostling's Walk, 1st edition, 1774, and repeated in the 2nd edition, 1777. This plan was also used by Hasted in his Hist, of Kent, vol. iv., p. 389*, and was originally published by William and Henry Doidge in 1752, but altered for G-ostling's book. It shews a cut of this old church in the middle of the street, as well as a representation of Archbishop Abbott's conduit. The church is drawn as viewed from the west, and exhibits the west door in the Pointed style, ornamented with tracery, within a shallow porch, the entrance of which has a pointed arch and a plain tympanum; within is seen a seat on either side. Above the porch is a gallery built on a level with the sill of the west window of the nave, and on either side an arcade in the west wall of four pointed arches springing from shafts with moulded capitals, resting on a plain stringcourse, placed within a subarcuated and shallow recess. There is a stringcourse also above the arcade. The west window is shewn as having three lights, the apex being covered by the face of the clock frequently mentioned in these Accounts. On either side of this window are two circular openings—they appear to be blind—and above them is a battlemented parapet built on a stringcourse, 184 CHURCHWARDENS* ACCOUNTS. Springing from the west end of the roof, which appears to have been flat, is a dwarf octagonal tower of wood with a balcony, and above rises an octagonal steeple surmounted by a vane. The small door leading from the tower on to the roof can be seen, and several windows on the south side of the church. The rebuilt Church of St. Andrew is now used as a parish room for parochial meetings, Sunday School, etc., of the united parishes of St. Margaret, St. Andrew and St. Mary Bredman. We will now turn our attention to the Accounts themselves, and must first note that they cover a period of close upon 140 years, these being some of the most interesting as well as momentous in the history of our country and people. The Accounts open in the first year of the reign of Henry VII., just six weeks after the battle which ended the Wars of the Eoses, and close at the end of the reign of James I. There is a break of seven years following the entries of the first year 1485, and unfortunately a break of ten years in the reign of Henry VIII. The last missing accounts are from the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel 1528 to the same Feast in 1538, and it is much to be regretted—especially by the citizens of Canterbury—that these possibly most illuminating local accounts are missing, seeing that this city was much affected by the unscrupulous actions of the King and his servile parliament during this period. I t will be remembered that the chief events during these years were the repudiation by the King of Queen Katherine, the fall of Thomas Wolsey, Cardinal, the rise of his viperish menial servant Thomas Cromwell, the finding of Thomas Cranmer, afterwards made Archbishop of Canterbury as a reward for his subserviency, and the attempted exploitation of Thomas More, the most brilliant scholar and most honourable man of his time, all four of whom received their Christian names in memory of Thomas Beeket, "the holy blissful martyr," whose shrine was despoiled and himself by this same King arraigned for treason 360 years after his martyrdom. Then there followed the tragedy of Elizabeth INTRODUCTION. 185 Barton of St. Sepulchre's Priory and of her friends in the city, the suppression of this and the other smaller monasteries, to be followed shortly afterwards by the larger, including the great Benedictine Abbey of St. Austin and the Priory of Christchurch. The Pilgrimage of Grace occurred in the interval between these two suppressions, and the whole country stood aghast at the doings of their Catholic Sovereign, who had just had " his soul publicly delivered over to the Devil and his dominions to the first invader " by his Holiness the Pope. The Accounts proper begin on the recto page of folio 7, the earlier folios being used for the setting out of an Inventory of the Books, Vestments, " Catalls and Jewells " belonging to the Parishioners, preceded by short abstracts of certain wills of deceased parishioners relating to obits. I t is fairly evident that this is not the first volume of Accounts pertaining to this parish, as will be seen from the indenture* and inventory above mentioned and from the entries in the Accounts themselves, e.g., the sum of 3s. Ad. received in 1485 for the land in Ivy Lane, which had been in the possession of the parish since about 1463. On the inside paper lining of the front cover of the volume is set out memoranda of the dates when the various Obits of Benefactors to the Church fell due in the course of the Church's year, the one occurring first being for the soul of Edmund Mynot on the Eve of St. Edmund, K. and M., that is, on the 19th day of November, though his willt was not proved till March 8, 1487-8, over two years after these Accounts begin. Edmund Mynot was the Common or Town Clerk of the Corporation of Canterbury, and was a man of considerable wealth; he was admitted a freeman in 1467, and was a benefactor to the city, being one of three citizens who * This indenture and inventory was "made the vith day of Ootober" 1485, when John "Wattys and Eichard Wellys, late wardens, were succeeded by Edmund Mynot and Robert Bone, the new wardens. t Abstracts from the wills of certain parishioners mentioned in the following pages will be found in the Appendix. Por these and for other interesting notes I am indebted to my friend Mr. Arthur Hussey of Wingham. 186 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS. rebuilt the Burgate in 1475. It is possible that Simon Mynot, cook, who was a freeman in 1398, was Edmund's grandfather, but we know that his father was Eichard Mynot, who died in 1475; he was a supporter of Jack Cade, and was pardoned in 1450; he lived twenty-five years after this rebellion, and when he died was buried before the Altar of St. Mary and St. Nicholas in Bishopsbourne Church, where his wife Joan, who died in 1476, was also buried. Eichard appears to have had a younger son WilHam, who left a daughter Anne. Edmund was Common Clerk of Canterbury in 1474-5 ; he married Anne White, formerly the wife of Henry Simmons, a vintner, who had been admitted a freeman in 1451. By Henry Simmons Anne had a son John Simmons, a grocer, admitted a freeman by birth in 1480, but who was dead in 1489, and a daughter Thomasine Simmons, who married John Fishe, grocer, a freeman in 1486, who died in 1515. They left one son John Fishe the younger, also a grocer, admitted a freeman in 1515. Edmund Mynot died in 1487, and by his will, dated 13th October 1487 and proved the following March, he leaves directions that he is to be buried in the nave of the Church of Bishopsbourne near the grave of Joan his mother. He leaves various benefactions to that church and also to St. Andrew's, Canterbury, to [?] Eodeli, to the Priory of St. Martin at Dover, and to the daughter Anne of his brother William on her marriage. He appoints feoffees of his lands and tenements in eight parishes in East Kent and Thanet; leaves his wife the tenement in which he lives in St. Andrew's* parish for her life, and after her death to be sold and the money used for masses to be sung in St. Andrew's, to the repair of foul ways and lanes in the city of Canterbury, to poor people bedrede and others, to the Lazar Houses in Kent, to the marriages of poor maidens, and to the building of the new steeple at St. Augustine's Monastery. The money produced by the sale of his lands and tenements he directs to be spent in masses at Bishopsbourne, to the reparation of the churches and houses of the INTRODUCTION. 187 Friars Austen and Friars Preachers and Minors, Canterbury; to St. Nicholas at Wade, Stourmouth, and St. Giles, Thanet; to the hospital of Harbledown and of Maynard's Spittle, Canterbury; for masses to be sung in St. John's Church, Canterbury; for ornaments for the churches of JSTetherhardes, St. Margaret beside Canterbury, JSTatyndon, Cosmos and Damin in the Blean, and other poor churches. I t appears that Thomas Abell, the " surgeon or leeche " who attended his father, Eichard Mynot, "by senestre means and with untruths " caused the yearly obit of one Michael Shalrewey to be discontinued in the church of Barham, so he directs that his lands there shall remain for this to be continued. After his wife's death the money derived from his messuage, stable, and garden in the parish of St. Andrew, Canterbury, is to remain for ever for the reparation of the " forechurch "* of that church, except that the parson, the parish clerk, and the wardens to have 6d., Ad., and 8d. respectively yearly, on condition of a yearly obit being performed ; if this is not so kept then his next heirs to have the messuage, etc., and keep the obit. His tenement in the parish of St. George he directs to be sold and the proceeds to be given to Ms wife's daughter by her first husband, or in certain contingencies part to go in masses for the soul of her son who was now dead. He leaves his wife all his silver plate except one piece, which is to be sold. His executors are directed to keep his obit for twenty years to the sum of 20s. yearly, and are to buy a " tabylle of alabaster" for the high altar of the parish church of Bishopsbourne to depict the Birth of our Lady—first, the meeting of Joachim and St. Anne at the Gyldengate, and so from thenceforth the stories to be made to the Assumption of our Lady. This to be done after the advice of Sir William Haute, knight, and his executors. Truly the munificent testament of a righteous man ! Before turning to consider the next entry, the obit of * i.e., the nave. 188 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS. William Benet, we may as well note what may be gathered from the will of the widow of Edmund Mynot. This lady was Anne Whythe, and, as already stated, she had previously been the wife of Henry Simonds, the vintner; this marriage probably took place between 1451 and 1458. Anne makes her will about a year (1488-9) after the loss of her second husband Edmund Mynot; curiously she describes herself as Ann Whythe, now the wife "of Edmund Mynot." Her daughter's husband, John Fishe the elder, is one of her executors, as is Eobert Bone, whose obit will be considered later, and one of the witnesses is Didier Barker or Barger, the " Persone " of St. Andrew's mentioned in the Inventory on fols. 3 vo. and 4 ro., where he is described as late parson of St. Andrew's; he died in 1504. Ann Mynot directs her burial to take place in the churchyard of St. Augustine's Monastery, and makes bequest to the lights of the church of St. Andrew; her plate to her grandson John Fishe the younger and to her son-in-law John Fishe the elder. To Sir Thomas Fuller, one of the Brethren of the Masyn Dew (Maison Dieu) at Dover, a Parys piece of silver to pray for her soul; and to William, the younger brother of Sir Thomas, articles for his bedroom and 6s. 8d. " to find him to scole." Various articles of domestic use to relatives and friends, amongst which is 12d. to Anne, daughter of William Mynot; and "twenty parcels of 46-8a, in the hands of Mr Dygon (Abbot of St. Augustine's in 1497) to the makyng of the new Steeple of Sl Augustine in consideration that I be rung in at the time of my burying"; and 8 marks (£5 6s. 8d.) is to be paid to Friar Paret if he is alive and can be found to sing for her soul and others in the church of St. Andrew for one year; and in the same church twenty masses are to be said at her forthfare (i.e., burial), at her month's mind and anniversary, and Ad. to be given " to each of the men that bare me to my burying." She died in 1492. The next obit mentioned is that of William Benet, and was to be performed on the 21st day of November, being the morrow after St. Edmund, K. and M. INTRODUCTION. 189 William Benet was the son of Eobert Benet of Stour Street, who had been bailiff of the city in 1370, 1378, and 1390-5. Both he and his wife Cristine (who died in 1419) were buried in the chancel of St. John in the church of St. Mildred. William Benet was admitted a freeman of the city in 1406 by birth; he was one of the two bailiffs in 1416, 1419, 1421, 1430, 1434, and 1443, and was mayor in 1450, being the second after such officials were appointed by the charter of Henry VI. From the chronicle of John Stone we learn that he died in 1463, but there is no date appended to his will or of its probate. He married four wives : first, Isabella, who is mentioned in the will of Cristine his mother in 1419; secondly, Alice, who was buried in St. Augustine's; thirdly, Elene; and fourthly, Geraldine, who was living in 1463. In his will he desires to be buried in the church of St. Augustine beside Alice his second wife, and leaves 20s. for a pittance to that monastery, a maser with the image of Our Lady engraved on it to the Fraytor, and 20s. to " the painting of the Image of Our Lady where the Abbot lyeth." To Christchurch he leaves 20s. for a pittance, 13s. Ad. towards the building of the Angel Steeple, and a " Bekyr to the Fraytor, and his name to be written upon the same to be had the more in mind." He leaves various sums to St. Andrew's, St. Mildred's, Friars Preachers, Friars Minors, Friars Augustine, St. John's, Northgate, St. Nicholas, Harbledown, Maynors Spetyll, Nuns of Holy Sepulchre, the Hospitals of St. James and St. Laurence, and to the Priory of St. Gregory. He desires that "A Sauter* (Psalter) that I use in mine hall" and 10 marcs (£6 13s. Ad.) be given to a good priest to sing in the chapel of St. John in the church of St. Mildred for a year to pray for the souls of his parents, his own, his wives and several of his friends. He directs that within a month of his death priests shall sing dirige with the laudys and 400 masses, and every priest to have 2d. * This appears to have been given to St, Andrew's. See Pol. 3 ro. 190 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS. He leaves his best piece of silver weighing 52 ozs. to St. Clement's, Sandwich, to make a chalice weighing 52 ozs. and his name to be graven at the foot of the chalice, as it was graved upon the one that he gave to St. Andrew's. Bis wife Geraldine is to have his crofts with two tenements in St. John's Lane; and after the death of his wife, the place where he lives to be sold with the two shops and the money to be used in masses to be said at St. Andrew's for his soul, his four wives, and others, and also £20 to buy a vestment of cloth of gold there, and 3s. Ad. to sustain and keep the clock there for evermore. Several suits of vestments given by William Benet will be found in the Inventory, Fol. 3 vo. As the wardens of St. Andrew's have no goods in hand as other churches have, he leaves 5 marcs (66s. 8d.) to be put to "enquese" (lend out) for the welfare of the said church. Also he directs that 300 feet of Ashlar stone (Folkestone) be bought to make a wharf at the King's Mill at Kingsbridge; and £10 to repair the Shambles east of the Pillory, and to pave the street from St. Andrew's to the Pillory " that the people may go clean." Money is left to buy linen cloth for shirts and smocks for poor people of God, principally for the Hospitals of Harbledown, Northgate,- Mayners Spital, and the prisoners of Westgate and the Castle. After the death of his wife Geraldine he appoints 21 men, mostly of well-known families of repute in the city, to be trustees of his tenements in the parish of St. Mary Bredman, beside Jewry Lane (two stone houses, the " Tigre " and the " White Horse "—Somner), to the city for evermore, except 10s. to be paid yearly to the parson of St. Andrew and the wardens for his year's mind. This* 10s. is the money received from the Chamberlain of Canterbury for the obit on the morrow of St. Edmund's day. These houses still belonged to the city in Somner's time. * The Rent charge payable from the City for Benet's obit in St. Andrew's Church was, in the year IMtf, demanded by and paid to the King's Receiver. The diamberlain's Accounts of the City of Canterbury. INTRODUCTION. 191 He established a lamp to burn day and night before the High Cross in the church of St. Andrew and also a quit-rent of 6s. 8d. from a garden in the parish of St. Mary's, Sandwich, and 3s. Ad. from another garden in Chantry Lane in St. Paul's parish. Both these rents can be traced for many years through the Accounts, that from Chantry Lane garden down to 1623. His chief place in Stour Street, where his father dwelt, and the garden there was to go to Eichard Wells and Joan his wife. A priest was to sing masses for him and his wives, his parents and certain other people in the church of St. Mildred, and in the Hospital at Northgate ; and to the fraternity of St. Thomas's chapel he gave 20s. • This chapel, or rather the ruin of it, was standing in 1.640; Somner describes it as lying in the Canon's orchard or garden to the south of the Priory of St. Gregory, and then used as a barn. It was dedicated to St. Thomas of Canterbury, and described in the will of William Harry of St. Martin's in 1461 as the chapel of the Brotherhood of St. Thomas the Martyr, situate in the garden of St. Gregory's. The next entry refers to the obit of Mesteres Swann, and was to be kept on the 11th day of February. This lady was the daughter of John Bulling, a freeman of Canterbury and chandler. She appears to have married, first, Thomas Levyns, a mercer (who obtained the freedom of the city by this marriage in 1464), by whom there was a son, William Levyns, gent., who was a freeman by birth in 1486. After the death of Thomas Levyns, Joan married, secondly, John Fremingham, a butcher and a freeman in 1442. He was mayor in 1461-2, and again in 1467-8; he also represented the city in Parliament in 1461. He was one of the three benefactors of the city, who rebuilt the Burgate in 1475, and died in 1475. He lived in St. Andrew's parish and was buried in Christchurch Cathedral next those of his wives who had predeceased him. His widow Joan soon after remarried, thirdly, with John Shute, some time before 1481. He was yeoman of the crown, and was given the freedom of the city in 1482 " because he gave a Buck, and in wine to 192 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS. the value of 6s. 8d." After his death Joan married, fourthly, John Swann, senior, yeoman of Canterbury. He was formerly of " Westgatestreete by Canterbury in the Hundred of Westgate," who having made fine and ransom to the king of all offences committed by him before July 7th last, received a general pardon on 3rd November 1471. (Cal. of Patent Eolls, 11 Edward IV., vol. 1467—77). He was mayor of the city in 1491-2, and died in 1498, leaving a son John Swann, junior,* by a former wife. His will, made 12th Sept. 1498 and proved 31st December in the same year, will be found in the Appendix. Joan, who appears to have had only one husband less than Chaucer's celebrated Wife of Bath, was munificent in her bequests. She made her will the 4th Feb. 1504-5, and probatet was granted at Lambeth the 20th June following. She desires to be buried in the church of the monastery of St. Augustine near the grave of John Swann, her last husband. (He was buried in the nave before the Image of the Holy Cross). She leaves bequests to the rector of the church of St. Andrew and to the light of Holy Cross there, and £5 for mass, alms, etc., to poor householders and pz-isoners within the liberty of the city on the day of her burial, and £10 on the day of her anniversary. She leaves 5 marcs (66s. 8d.) to the repair of the church of St. Augustine and for her burial there, and the same sum for the glazing of one window in the said church. Small bequests to Maynard's Hospital, St. John's at Northgate, and to Harbledown; the Leper Hospitals at Sandwich, Ospringe, Chesterwood, and at Whiteditch near Eochester. To John, the son of William Levyne, when 21 years of age, she leaves the three tenements in St. Andrew's parish in Burgate ward, and four tenements in the parish of St. Mary Magdalene, and all her lands and tenements at Wat'ham in the parish of Wickham Breux, and the said * He was a grocer and received the freedom of the city in 1497 at the instance of John Swann, Alderman (his father), and with the consent of Thomas Compton and William Levyne. f The abstract of this will was kindly made by A. H. Taylor, Esq., 6 Clement's Eoad, East Ham, INTRODUCTION. 193 John and his heirs are- to find a yearly obit for 20 years after he comes into the property, to be done yearly for her soul, her parents and- husbands, etc., to the value of 40s. by the year, to be done by the Observant (Grey) Friars. To Christopher Levyne* she leaves her lands and tenements in the paiishes of Herne and Eeculver, and his heirs are to find a yearly obit for 20 years, after he comes into possession, yearly to be done by the Friars Preachers (Black Friars) for the same souls. To Thomas Levyne, when he arrives at the age of 21 years, she leaves her lands and tenements at Highfield, and he and his heirs are to find a yearly obit for 20 years in the Friars Austens (Whitefriars) for the same souls. If any of the above should die, then the properties to be sold and the money to be used to find a priest to sing for her soul in St. Andrew's Church for six years, and £20 to the repair of bad roads about Canterbury. Then follows a long list of conditional bequests if any of the legatees should die: repairs of the churches of Chislet, Westbere, Sturrey, Herne, Eeculver, St. Paul and St. Mary Magdalene Canterbury, and Wickhambreux ; repair of the Burgate, bad roads, etc. Lastly, that the issues and.profits from a piece of land at the Crabere (or Crabece) in the ward of Eedyngate in Milfield above the yearly charge thereof be bestowed yearly for an obit to be done in the Church of St. Andrew in Canterbury by the wardens there for the time being, to be kept on the anniversary of the day of her burying, or else on the day following. The parson of the church, or his deputy, with another priest, and the parish clerk, with another clerk, are to sing dirige by note on the even, and two masses on the morrow by note, whereof the last mass was to be a requiem; and five other masses were to be said without note. The parson, or his deputy, was to have for his labour and bederoll yearly, 8d., and the other priest * Christopher Levyne, gent., son of Christopher Levyne, genfc., was admitted a freeman by birth in 1555, VOIi, XXXII. 0 194 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS. singing mass and dirige, Ad.; the parish clerk was to have for his labour, 6d., and the other clerk for singing dirige and masses, Ad.; the five other priests singing mass, 2d. each ; for the offering Id., for wax 8d., and to be spent in drinking after the dirige, in bread 12d., in ale Id., and in wine Ad.; to each of the wardens for seeing that the obit was properly performed, 8d.; to the prisoners of the castle in alms and bread, 2d.; and to those in Westgate in alms and bread, 3i. ; and any residue was to go to the keeping in repair of the clock of St. Andrew's, or spent on the church as the wardens might consider most necessary. The wardens were to make a true declaration yearly before the parson of the church, or his deputy, and other persons of the parish as to the disposing of this bequest, and if the wardens were remiss or negligent in not carrying out the obit for six days after the day it was appointed to be done by the executors, then her next of kin was to enter the said piece of land and retake possession. The next and last obit on the list refers to that of Eobert Bone. He was the benefactor to the church who gave the property in Pillory (now Eose) Lane, the rent of which is entered in these Accounts right down to the year 1625, when this MS. comes to a close. Eobert Bone was a barber and a freeman in 1472. It is probable that he was either a son of William Bone, a cardmaker and freeman in 1427, or of Thomas Bone, a mercer who was admitted a freeman in 1423. Eobert made his will on the 21st of May 1506, and died within a few weeks afterwards. He desired to be buried in the churchyard of the monastery of St. Augustine's. He bequeathed to his son John when he came of age £10, two masers, a silver piece of plate, a silver salt, and a dozen silver spoons; a feather bed, a traunser and sheets and blankets. To his daughter Agnes on her marriage £10, a maser, six silver spoons, feather bed, traunser, sheets and blankets, and a green coverlet. Half a garnish of pewter vessels, six candlesticks and four brass vessels for domestic use. He leaves 6s. 8d. to Joan Allen, his wife's daughter by a former marriage, and the same to INTRODUCTION. 19 5 Eobert Eedhode and to William Eedhode. He desires a dirige and thirty masses at his burying, and the same at his month's mind and year's mind. The residue of his goods to his wife Agnes and to John Fisshe, his executors. His lands and tenements in the parishes of St. Margaret, St. Mildred, St. Andrew, St. George, and St. Mary Magdalene in the city of Canterbury, and those in Wickhambreux, Preston next Wingham, and Elmyston to his wife for life, except three messuages in the parish of St. Andrew's in Pillory Lane, and after her death to his son John and his heirs for ever with contingencies, except the three messuages, the yearly profit of which is to be given to St. Andrew's for the reparation of the body of that church, on condition that the churchwardens there keep a yearly obit in the church for ever for his soul and for all christian souls in the time of Lent, a dirige and four masses, every priest to have Ad., and each warden Ad., to see the obit kept. The wardens to make a new feoffment by the advice of six or eight of the best and most discreet persons of the same church of the three messuages as often as may be necessary. These obit lands are mentioned in the Eeport of the Survey of the Commissioners taken in the second year of King Edward VI., but apparently, because the income was devoted to the fabric of the church, the property in Pillory Lane was not confiscated when the obit was done away with. An examination of folios 3 to 6 of this MS. will shew how extremely rich this church was in plate, vestments for the clergy and for the altars, and in books, the aggregate value of which must have represented a large sum of money, all of which by the act of the Council of London in 1127 was placed in the care of the churchwardens—an office, as will be discovered by a perusal of these pages, which was no sinecure either before, or for many years after, the Eeforrnation. A complete list of the names of the churchwardens, many of the clergy in charge of the parish, as well as those of the principal inhabitants resident in the parish during the years covered by the MS., will also be found. o 2 196 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS. For purposes of comparison, a reference to the Introduction to the Churchwardens'Accounts of St. Duntan's, Canterbury, by the late J. M. Cowper in Archceologia Cantiana, Vol. XVIL, p. 140, is recommended; and for detailed articles on Mediaeval Church Ornaments and usages in connection with daily worship in the Church in England the pages of Dr. J. C. Cox's Churchwardens' Accounts should be consulted. To gain some idea of the prominent position and importance given to " Lights " in pre-Eeformation times and in explanation of much which has reference thereto in this MS., the abstracts from the wills of many parishioners of St. Andrew's given in Testamenta Cantiana, East Kent, p. 44, should be read, and it will be noted that there were altars dedicated to the Holy Trinity, St. Ninian, and St. Tronyon, in addition to the high altar, and fifteen images about the church besides the rood, where it was customary to burn candles. Inside the cover of this MS. at the end is a very rough sketch, apparently of some object of ecclesiastical furniture, which cannot be identified. As, however, the drawing is contemporary, and may depict some one of the items mentioned in these Accounts or in the wills of the period (Testamenta Cantiana, p. 44), a reproduction of it is given. Sir William St. John Hope and Mr. Aymer Vallance agree that it cannot represent a screen, since the openings have no wainscot, but are continued down to the ground; and they conjecture that it may possibly be the temporary structure of an Easter Sepulchre. The Accounts open in the first year of King Henry VII. The churchwardens for the year were Edmund Mynot and Eobert Bone, and the year is fi'om Michaelmas to the Michaelmas following, one whole year, and as will be seen the official year was not always begun at Michaelmas, but was dated from various festivals at different times, though generally the accounts were made up for one whole year. The items forming the Accounts are usually set out in order, first the receipts from various sources, and then follow the disbursements. In the year first dealt with (1485-6) the receipts consisted of sums received from the waste of FACSIMILE OF A DBAWING IN HED CHALK ON THE INSIDE PAPEB LINING OF THE BACK COVEB OF THE BOOK. • INTRODUCTION. 197 mortuary tapers (i.e., the estimated price of the candles used at the offices of the burial of the dead), rents from the garden ground belonging to the parish in Ivy Lane in St. Paul's parish, from the tenements in the parish of the "Blessed Mary of Northgate," and from the garden in Sandwich. Then there were the alms of the parishioners, Easter offerings, Hocktide money (i.e., money gathered by authorized persons, both men and women, during the Monday and Tuesday after Low Sunday), special donations (as for the repair of the church clock), and, as they fell in, certain legacies from pious persons. The total receipts this year amounted to £4 4s. 8\d. The disbursements consisted of payments for the strekyng (i.e., the making of the candles, or their re-making, by adding additional wax when they had burnt low) of the various lights and mortuary tapers, including the Pascal and the font tapers; to the carpenter for making a chest to keep the vestments and books in; for mending surplices and vestments, and for making new surplices; for the washing- of the surplices, albes, and the rest of the church linen; for keeping the church clock; for binding the book which these Accounts are written up in; and the sum of IQd. was expended for the lock, keys, hinges and staples for the before-mentioned church chest. A fee of 3d. was paid to the " Eegister " at the visitation held in St. George's Church, and several sums occur, as a new rope for the clock and for iron work for the clock. A " redskynne " and a " bukskynne " are bought for binding one of the church books, and the second and third mass books also had to be mended and bound. A certain "Maister Hickson" was employed to write out the service of the visitation of St. Elizabeth, and John Kemsyn, who bound the above-mentioned mass books, was paid for binding it up in the second mass book; Maister Hickson was also paid for writing out the whole of the "Sequences" which were bound in the third mass book. Then, lastly, there was a payment for lamp oil, making the total disbursements amount to £5 Os. 8§c£., shewing a deficit of 16s. Q\d. 198 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS. At the end of this first Account is set out the sums expended on a suit in the spiritual court against the widow f£ en kill for the recovery of certain chantry fees as follows : lSd. on sundry accounts was paid to the summoner to cite her to the ecclesiastical court in the parish church of St. Andrew aforesaid; 5s. on sundry accounts was paid to the proctor " Maister John " ; 16d. was paid for expenditure for various sums expended; 2s. 8$. was paid for making a presentation presented before the Prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, the see being vacant, and for other expenses; Ad. was paid to William a Dane, the summoner of the said Prior, to summon the aforesaid widow to appear before the aforesaid Prior to answer concerning the said presentation— a total of 10s. Ad. Then there was expended in common law in the matter of the aforesaid widow for the recovery of the aforesaid chantry fees: first, given to John ffyneux,* sergeant-at-law, and to John Nethersole for his opinion in common law, upon the premisses on behalf of the aforesaid, namely, to each of them AOd., total 6s. 8d.; and finally 2s. was paid for expenses for attending on Thomas att Wode, esquire, the next heir of William Stockbery, and for other and sundry expenses, total 8s. 8d., making a grand total for the whole account of £5 19s. 9%d., which compared with the entry on fol. 8 vo.. shews that the mediseval scribe made an error in his casting up of Id. Thereafter follow the names of the auditors, as having audited the aforesaid Accounts made on the Feast of St. Edward, King and Confessor (Oct. 13th), in the second year of the reign of the aforesaid King (Henry VII.). The names of the auditors are .on the verso of fol. 8. On the recto of fol. 9 begin the Accounts for the ninth year of Henry VII. (1493). It is therefore probable that the intervening Accounts were kept, but were lost or destroyed when the volume was finally re-bound. * John Pineux later in this reign (Henry VII.) was knighted and became Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas. He was a considerable benefactor to the House of Austin Priars in Canterbury, known as the White Eriars, and situated in St. George's Street. INTRODUCTION. 199 These Accounts are, as the years pass by, more than interesting. They are full of the religious life of the parish, and will well repay the closest study, not only because they shew the development of the church system at its height at the close of the fifteenth and beginning of the sixteenth century, but because the pages teem with information which cannot fail to be of the utmost value both to the religious and domestic historian as to the genealogist, all the changes made in the church services being shewn by the' alterations made in the ornaments and fittings of the church; and occasionally a long list of the parishioners is given, as in 1505 when a " cess " was made for pewing the church, when the names of fifty-five heads of families are given as attending the church. A matter of interest in post-Eeformation times is the fact that the great-grandfather and the great-great-grandfather of the celebrated Dean of St. Patrick's were successive rectors of this church, where the monuments to their memory may still be seen. The signature of the former, William Swift, will be found in the facsimile of fol. 187 vo., under date 1597, opposite page 204. Dean Swift, possibly because he was born and bred in Ireland, knew so little of his family that he in his sketch of his own life styles him a " Prebendary of Canterbury." The Eev. Thos. Swift (great-great-grandfather of the Dean) was collated to St. Andrew's in 1569 (11 Eliz.), where he continued for the space of 22 years, and was buried when he died, at the age of 57 years, in 1592 in that church. His wife Margaret was buried in the Cathedral churchyard near the south door, together with nine of her children. His son William (who was also Eector of Harbledown for 22 years) was Eector of St. Andrew's from 1592 to 1624. He died at the age of 58 years. His wife was Mary Philpott. They were married at Kingston near Canterbury on 5 October 1592. She died 5 March 1626, aged 58 years, and was buried in St. Andrew's Church in the grave of her husband. Their son, the Eev. Thomas Swift, was Vicar of Goodriche and Bridstowe, Herefordshire ; he was mar200 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS. ried to Elizabeth Dryden, and they had ten sons and four daughters. Thomas Swift died in 1658, aged 63. One of his sons, Jonathan Swift, who married Abigail Erick of Leicester, was of the King's Inns, Dublin ; and his son Jonathan, born 1667 and died 1745, was Dean of St. Patrick's. As these Accounts cover so long a period, it has been thought well to divide them into parts. The First Part, therefore, covers the years 1485 to 1509, and includes the period under the reign of Henry VII. An Appendix will be found at the end giving abstracts of wills of certain of the -parishioners, and also some notes and abstracts from the presentments at the Visitation of the Archdeacon of Canterbury referring to the.parish of St. Andrew. These have been kindly supplied by Mr. Arthur Hussey of Wingham. My grateful thanks are due to the Eev. W. Grylls Watson, Eector of the combined parishes of St. Andrew, St. Margaret and St. Mary Bredman, for kindly allowing me facilities for transcribing the MS.; and to the Eev. C. E. Woodruff, Hon. Librarian of Christ Church, Canterbury, for constant and continuous help in overcoming the difficulties attendant on the transcription of this work, and for much other assistance. CHAELES COTTON. { 201 ) CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS. FAET I. 1485—1509. [Inside the paper lining on the front cover of the volume is written the following :—] Be it known unto all men— The day for the obeyt beyng* [to be kept] on f£or the sowle off Edmond Mynot ys on the xix day off november on Sent Edmonds evyn Kyng and Myrtyr as yt aperyth by this boke yn parcels to the sum ijs yerly. The obeyt off Wyll'm benet ys the xxi day off november the morow after Sent Edmond kyng and Martyr as aperyth yn parcels summa x8. The obeyt off mesteres Swann to be kept the xi day of ffebruar as yt a peryth yn sarfcen parcels f urthemor vij3 viia. The obeyt of Eobert bone to be kept w'yn the tyme of lent as yt a peryth yn his will to the sum ijs viija. Md. delyveredf to Thomas ffrench and John Copyn, wardens, the xiiii day of novemher xvc xviiij the xth yere of Kyng Hary the viii, xxix evydens and a wyll of wylf benet. ressyd of John ffysch vii Evydens so delyvered be the hands of Thomas ffrench to John Kopyn xxxvi Evydens. [Next follows an inserted leaf of modern date describing the subject matter oontamed in this volume, followed by two blank leaves of the original paper book.] Fol. 1 ro. This is a parte of the Will§ of Bob4 Bone as folowith, Item I will and ordeign that the yerely profetts and revenuez of iij litill mesuags w* ther appartenancs sett and beyng in the parisshe of seynt Andrewe and in a lane callid pillaris lane after * Pen through, and words in brackets inserted above. f See fol. 73 vo. I 1518. § See abstract in Appendix. 202 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS myn discesce shall remaign to the reparac'one of the body of the seide ehirge of seynt Andrewe in Caunterbury aforesaid forever undre this condicion that the chirche wardens of the same Chirche of Seynt Andrewe for the tyme beyng shall kepe an yerely obite in the saide chirche for ever for my saule and all cristen saules w'yn the tyme of lent that is to sey a dirige and iiij Masses every prest to have for his labour beyng at dirige and Masse iiijd and to the parisshe Clarke of the same parisshe chirche iiijd. And every of the same wardens to have yerely for their labours to se[e] the same obite yerely in maner and forme aforeseid to be kept iiija . And for offering at four masses iiij'1. And I will that it shalbe lefull* to the wardens of the same chirche of sent Andrewe aforeseid for the tyme beyng to make newe feoffeis by the advice of vi or viii of the best and diserets parsonys of the same parisshe of the seide iij litell mesuags as ought [=oft ] as nede shall requyre. Summa in chargys of thys "Wylle ij8 viijd. Fol. 1 vo. This is the part of the "Will of Johanne Swannef that is to say an obite to be kept for ever from the day of her burieng or else the next day folowyng that is the xi day of ffebruary. ffirst I will and ordeign that the parson of seynt Andrewe or his depute for the tyme beyng w' a nothei- preste and the parisshe dark ther w* a nother dark syng dirige be note on the evyn and fj Masses on the morowe be note wherof the last Masse to be of requyem And v other Masses w' out note the seide parson or his depute to have for his labour and bedroll| yerly viiia and to thother preste syngyn masse and dirige iiijd. The parisshe Clark to have for his labour and herire vjd . to that other dark for dirige and masse syngyng iiijd . to fyve other prests syngyng Masse [and dirige§] to every of theyra [iiijd§] ija . And for offeryngs vijd for waiges viijd . Also I will ther be bestowed in drynkyng [and brede||] after dirige in brede xiid in ale vijd and in wyne iiijd. And to every of the wardens yerely to se[e] the seide obite deligently to be kept for ther labour viijd. To the prisonars of the Castell in brede ijd and the prisonarrs of "Westgate in brede iijd. And the residue of thissuez therof comyng yerely goe to the ffyndyng of the reparacon and kepyng of the Clokk of Seynt Andrewe or to * Lawful. f See abstract in Appendix, aud also for abstract of will of John Swann, her husband. J The list of persons to be specially prayed for. § Pen through. || Inserted above the line and pen through. .- OE ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 20S other behoffs of the seide Chirche as it shalbe thought most necessary by the wardens of the seide Chirche and that the seide wardens yerely shall make a trewe declarac'on before the parson of the seide Chirche or his depute and other worshipfull men of the seid parisshe for the tyme beyng of the disposicions of the seide issuez.. And I will that Stephyn lyndregge* and other my ffeoffeys in the seide land immedyatly after my dissceace make a state unto x or xii parsonys suehe as shalbe thought most necessarye. Summa in chargys of this wylle ys vijs vijd. Fol. 2 ro. Mynot.t Thys ys part of the laste wyll of Edmund Mynot of Caunterbery. Allso I wyll that Anne my wyffe shall have the mesuage stabyll and gardeyne in ye parychse of seynt Andrews the whyche y late purchased of ye wedowe of Eychard brems for terme of her lyffe and after her decesse the yerly yssues and proffetts theroff, comyng to remayne for ever to ye reparac'on of ye forchyrche of seint Andrews aforseyd exceptete ye parsone of the same Chyrche yerly to have vjd the paryshe Clerke the yerly iiijd. The wardeyns ther for the tyme beyng yerly viiid w' condicon that the seyd parson and clerk of ye seid parychs shall yerly for ever more say deryge and masse of requiem w' owt note for my sowle and that the sayd wardeyns to be at the sayd deryge and masse. And also of the same yssues and profetts the sayd wardeyns to offer yerly at ye sayd Masse a j d . And to have yerly aftyr deryge for ever in brede and alle vd. And yff defaute be made in fyndyng and kepyng of ye seyd obyte than y wyll that the next heyr of me the seyd Edmunde shall have to hyme and to hys heyres the seyd Mesuage gardeyn and stabyll w4 thappartenance so that he hys heyres and assyngnes shall yerly for ever more kepe and holde the seyd obet in maner and forme aforseyd and that the seyd obet be holden the clay of my beryng or the eve afore or the morne affter etc. The day for the obet to be kept on ys ye xixth day of November on Seynt Edmuuds Eve Kyng and Martyr. Sma of thys wylle in chargys amount ij8. Fol. 2 vo. The obet of Wyllam benetej on hoeys sowlle J'hu have mercy ys ye xxjlh day off November ye mornin affter on Seynt Edmund^ * Stephyn Lyndregge, yeoman, freeman of Cant. 1453 by redemption, f See abstract of will in Appendix, also for the abstraot of the will of Ann Whythe, his widow. J See abstraot of the will of William Benet in Appendix. 20A CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS day kyng and Marter And ye Chirch Warddens of seynt Andrews shall reseyve of ye Chamberleyns of Caunterbery to do the obet w4 xs. And for deffaut that the seyd Chamberleyns will not depart w4 the seyd xs to ye seyd wardens of seynt Andrews shall Fnter,* the seyd wardens shall enter into sertayn laudds and tenements the whyche was gev to ye seyd chamber be ye seid "Wyiim benet as hit aperyth more pleynly be evydens y* lyeth in ye seid Chyrchef in ye seid Chyrche of seynt Andrewe. ffyi'st, v prests deryge and mase The parsone or the curate The Clerke The oferyng bred and Chese Alle Wyne The wardens for theyre labor In obit bred to pore pepyle xxd. viijd. vjd. vjd. iiijd. vjd. iii'jd. .xijd. iiijs yjd. Summa xs. Fol. 3 ro. [L485.] This indenture made the vj day of Octobr the ffirat yer of the reigne of Kyng Harry the vijUl after the Conquest of Englond betwene John Wattys and Eichard Wellys late Wardeynes of the goods and Catalls of the parissheners of the parshe chirche of seint andrew of the cite of Oaunterbury as on their partis and Edmund Mynot and Robert Bone now wardeynes of the seid goods and catalls on th'other partis Witnessitb that the seid late wardeynes have delivered to the seid new wardeynes the goods catalls and Jewells to the seid parissheners and Chirche pertaynyng and belongyng underwriten. libri et nomina eorum. ffrst the best masse boke the secunde leff therof begynnyth SIHWLOS CXERICOS. Item, the ij mafs boke the ij leff therof begynnyth MISERER'. Item, the iij mass boke the ij lef£ therof begynnyth NOSTRA SALUS. %ltem, the iiij [litell olde§] Mass boke the secunde leff therof begynnyth [?] MARIA [vespere seu Marie§]. * Words in italics crossed out. f Words in italics crossed out, but cf. note inside front cover and fol. 73 vo. j Caret. , § Above the line in a later hand. \ f nifl/K l 118 Jr p 0 *-l [4*t>* r i l s >*J f ^ 1 ^ •MI^?'¥NJ ?!C tK-to^# * V ^: ^ £?<". T. ^ <&* 13 4 M ? * i .>vl ® •- 5 | \ 1 1 y OE ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 205 Item, j graiell the ij leff therof begynnyth CREDO IN UNUM DEUM. Item, the ij graiell the ij leff therof begynnyth NOTAS EAC MICHI. Item, the iij graielle the secunde left therof begynnyth KIRIE EONS BON'. Item, the iii j graellthe thyrd (sie) leff begnneth TESTAMENTUM EJUS. Item, a gret Antyfener the secunde leff therof begynnyth NOSTRUM. Item, the ij antyfener the secunde leff therof begynnyth HAC DIE NUDDA. Item, the iij antyfener the secunde leff therof begynnyth EDEGIT EAM DEITS. Item, the iiij antyfener the secunde leff therof begynnyth PREPARAVERE SAGITTAS. Item, agret portues the thyrde (sic) leff therof begynnyth RESPONDEAT CHORUS. Item, the ij olde portues the secunde leff therof begynnyth POSSIMUS UT SOLIDA. Item, a temperall legende olde the secunde leff theroff begynnyth IN IECTO UNO. Item, a nother legende. . . . (? vyle) the secunde leff therof begynnyth VEEITATIS ET OPERACIONIS. EX DONO MLAGISTRI DE DA BARRE NUPER EECTOKIS DICTE ECCDESIE CONSANGUINII DESIDERII NUNC EECTORIS EJUSDEM ECCLESIE. Item, another legendi sanctorum, the ij leffe VESTIGIA EJUS. Item, a manuell of the gyfte of ffrere Stephin the ij leff begynnyth VIVIT ES REGNAT [? with Venites]. Fol. 3 vo. Item, an Imner the ij leff SPIRITU IN SEMPITERNUM. *Item, a sawter of the gyfte of Will Benet, the ij leff BENDNED JUSTO. Item, another sawter boke the ij leff begynnyth MEUS ET DEUS MEUS. Item, a processener the ij leff begynnythe DISOEDANT. Item, another processener of the gyfte of Pers Tonger the ij leffs JUSTIOIA. Item, another processener the ij leff begynnythe MISEREBITUR. Item, a dirge boke the ij leff begynnythe TE NEQUE DUNA. Item, an ordinall the ij leff VESPERES STARE. Item, a Boke of vij Psalmys with Placebo and Dyryge the ij leff TU ES REEUGIUM. * Caret. 206 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Item, a manuell the ij lefe beginnithe IN AGNARUM. *Item, a boke of Coletts of the Persone gyfft Dider Barger ye seconde leff ALTERNATIM.! Item, a grayll queer of Jesus Mass notyd the seconde leff begynnyth PATER A DEXTERA. *Item a quayer of Jesus Mass withowt notte the seconde leffe begynnyth JAM CORONA. Item a boke of seyntts lyvys tyyd wt a Cheyn, In the quer; the secund leffe begynnyth IN OMNIBUS AMIS. Item, ij queers of Velome notyd with prikyd song, the second leff begynnyth DEUS CREATOR. Item, a new Processonar of the gyft of Thomas Bak ij leff ASPERCIONE. *Item, a quayer in paper notyd of Jesus Masse ij leff begynnyth SUB PEDIBUS. Item, ij new grayles of the geft of John ffyshe of the goodes of Eychard ADowne the fyrst grayle of them the ij leff begynnyth PRIMO JUSTIEICA. And the other grayle of them the iijd lef begynneth CONFIDO NON ERUBESCAM. Item, a proeessioner of the gyft of Desidererf Barger late parson of Seynt Andrewes the ij leff begynneth SUBSTANOIA CONDIDISTI. Item, a Masse boke of the gyft of Thomas Petyt ye ij lef begynneth PELLATUR ET PRESENTIAM. Item, a quayer of pryncypall fests the ijd lefe begynneth NOLITE TIMBRE. Item, a Antyffenar ij leffe JERUSALEM. Fol. A ro. Yestimenta et alia. ffirst a hole sute of white damaske embroudered with half roses ex dono Willelmi Bryan. Item ij copys of white damaske with watry-flowres pro rectoribus cori. Item j hole sute of crymsyn velvet ex dono Willelmi Benet. Item ij red vestementes of baudekyn ex dono Dn. Willelmi Benet. * Caret. f Didier Bargier, rector, was buried in the choir of St. Andrew's, beside the parson's seat, 1504. OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 207 Item j hole sute of blewcloth of baudekyn ex dono Jobannis Harnett. Item j vestement olde* of redde, eallid the Sunday vestement and a cope to the same. Item another olde* vestement of Eedde with a crosse of blew baudekyn. Item j chesible of cloth of golde. Item j olde* vestment of grene. Item j olde* vestement of bordalyxaunder. Item j olde* vestement of white embrawdered with blew gerters. Item j canape of red sarsenet with letters of golde in the border. Item iij frunteletts of Eed velvet for auters ex dono Dn. Willelmi Benet. Item j fruntelett of blak for the high auter. Item j cope of yelew cloth of golde. Item ij auter clods of red damask werk steyned uppon one of them the salutacon of our lady uppon the seconde and the iij the trinite seint George and Seint Christofer. Item j autercloth of white damaske werk steyned with the cor'onacon of our lady hyt ys a lynyng to the gren damaske and Eed. Item j fruntelet of Eed selke (caret). Item ij curteyns steyned with angeles for the high auter. Item j cloth of Rayne for the lectron* and j cloth of diaper brokyn for the lectron. Item j staff for the best crosse part covered with latyn and over gilt with bosses and j casse of canevas for the same, fltem a auter cloth of the gyfft of the parsone Dider Barger of gren and Red* damaske werk with frontlet of blake velvet and cloth of gold, fltem ij Auter Clothys for Saint Katherines [Bartholomew's ?] auter of red damaske werke with ij curtens with ij angells of the same werke of the [gyfftj] of . . . . Fol. A vo. fltem a westement of Eede of the gyft of Maister wytloke. fltem a westement of blew of the gyft of Thomas Petyt w4 Arcanglys. fltem a vestment of whyt of the gyft of Syr Deder Barger sumtyme parson. Item j crosse of latan and overgilt aud one staff for the same w4 booses overgilt. * Written above the line in a later hand. f Added in a later hand. % Illegible in MS. 208 CHURCHWAKDENS' ACCOUNTS Item ij banerclods for the crosse one of grene and thether redd and grene rayed. Item j fote of coper and overgilt for the crosse to be settyn to stande uppon herses. Item v surplicis broken and ij rogetts broken. Item iiij bare banerclods of selke one of theym signed cum ymagine beate Marie of lynnyncloth. Item v iiij* other olde banerclods. Item ij I at en canstylclcys for our lady's auter.* Item ij laten candelstykes for seint Tronyon's auter. Item j sensure and j ship of laten. Item iiij curteynes of lynnyngcloth for the ij syde auters. Item ij laten candelstykes for the- hygh auter. Item iiij gret laten candelstykes to stonde aboute herses. Item iiij tapers called Mortuaries. Item j lentyncloth callyd a curteyn vayle.* Item j autercloth for the hygh auter tempore xlme (quadragesime) W4 the crucenx payntid and ij curteyns to the same, ij curtens rayd wl whyte and blyw.* Item ij auter clods for the ij syde auters tempore xlmc (quadragesime) w' j curteyns for the same. Item j candelstyke to stonde afore chilclwyfes. Item j tuell signed w' letter M w4 blakselke and j crosse. Item j tuell of iiij yerdes of lenght w4 iij blew strypes. shere at ye yndes* Item j hoselyng tuell ofviii yerdes yn lengthe of dyaper.* Item j kerchyf of piesaunce lawne* w' iiij knoppys selver and overgilt bangyng about the coupe pyx* over the hygh auter. Item j lynnyngcloth to hang afore the crosse in the forechirchef tempore xlme. Item ij shouej of silver fixed to the fete of the rode. Item j steyned cloth hangyng afore the rodeloft wl the byrth of cry st* Item j basyn & i laver of laten. Item ij clods of blewe bokeram to cover the ij awters in the forechirch. Item a awter cloth of ye gyft of Eychard Down. Item a awter Cloth of dyaper* ye gyft of Colet Arnolde w' a gret cross in ye myddyl. * Written above the line in a later hand. f Nave. % Shoes for the feet of the figure on the rood. OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 209 Fol: 5 ro. *Item, ij good corperes casys for the hye awter of clothe a golde, one redde, & the odyr whyte. *Item iij odyr corse corperes casys dayly usyd. *Item one olde crysmatory of coper gilt to be borne yn the nyte season. Item, j Kerchyff of raynezf marlcyd wf$ of red selke w* John Jh'c% in the ende. Item, j tuell of selke to bere yn the cresementere to the funt. Item, j tuell auter cloth% of raynez browderid w4 the ymage of seint Andrew crosse in the myddell, plyn Clothe.% Item, v auterclods of raynez fyne lenyn clothe.% Item, j cloth of diaper to hang afore Seint Andrewe,/wZZ of holys.% Item, xviij xvi xv% auterclods of diaper andplayn brolcyn andhole.% Item ij auter clothys of reynys makyd w4 a I in iiij places of John Watts gyfft. Item a auter Cloth of ye gyfft off Master Parmytory w4 hys name. It'm a Auter Cloth playne\ of ye gyfft of Maget (sic) \a.x\ewthername.$ Item vij good worn% surples and vij bad iiij brolcyndf and is xiiij in ye hole and j Eochet. Item a Eochet for ye (obliterated) parsons. Item ij newe surples made in ye wardens dayes Thomas Chadborne John ffychse. Item a frmitlet of Eed Cloth of tyssew w4 fllowrs of gold to hang affor Seyntt Andrew frengyd.% Item a howslyng towell of diaper of ye gefft of Kykbyys wyff. Item vij towells diaper and playn cloth. Item ij corteyns off lawne fryngyd w4 sylk. Item a deske cloth of Eeynys lawne for the pyx. Item v yerdds of gren towl for ye sepuclker. Item ij pelowys of blyw sylke for the hye auter one byggar then another. Item a herse cloth of blak w* a whyt. Fol. 5 vo. These parcellys folowyng pertayne to Sent Tronyous Auter. Comprising the beste masboke wl ij clapsys of silver^ begynynge yn the ij leffe Xpe expia gevyn be John Balsar w* ij Claspys of silver cf gylt.% * Added in a later hand. f Reunes, a town in Brittany, a textile made there. j Written above the line in a later hand. VOL. XXXII. P 210 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS It. a nother masboke begynynge yn the ij leffe saper' in Altercutium (sic) gevyn be Syr Dedyer Barger. It. a vestment of purpull brygges saten w4 branchys & the Crosse of coper golde. It. ij Corperes casys one of redde sateu of bryggs browdyrde w4 a vyne and ij twnnys of sent Dedyar yn the myddys, and the odyr ys of red* clothe of golde of the one syde, the odyr syde of yelow sylke. It. a fruntell of blyw & redde sylke made of a cote armer of the Kyngs Armys. It. an awter clothe w4 cur ten wyngs to hange a bove the awter w4 Sent Tronyon yn the Myddys and a curten of the same worke. It. a pax of Ivory gravyn w4 the byrthe of ower Lorde and bownde yn w4 Sylver parcellis gylte weyng all to gedyr iij uncs j qrter & di qrter. It. a chalys parcyllys gylt weyng X uncs and di. It. a lytyll pelow of horde alysawadyr to lay the masboke on. It. a crusyfyx browdyrd w' Mary & John w4 venys golde uppon blyw sylke. It. ij Canstykkys of laten pertaynyng to the same auter. It. a super altare ther remaynyng. It. iij playne towellys. It. iij awter clothys plain* the beste inarkyd at every ynd w4 crossys, & the odyr ij on mar'kyd. It. a massboke paper & prynt quarto* of the gyfft of G-yvers wedow of London w' a red coveryng w4 the trynite at the begynnyng. Jocalia argent'. Fol. 6 ro. ffyrst j crosse of selvyr and gylte weyng iijxx xj unc & di. It. j chaleys of sylver and over gilte weyng xxxiiij une 8{ di [pen through] xxxv unc. It. j chaleys of sylver and over gilte weyng xvj unc & di. It. j chaleys of sylver and parcell gilte weyng xv unc et di. [In the margin: It. a gylt chalys of ye gyfte of John fernyngam weyng xx unc.'] It. ij candylstykks of sylver weyng iijxx x unc & di. It. ij Basyns of sylver weyng xxxix unc and di. It. ij Cruettes of sylver weyng xiij unc and di. * Written above the line in a later hand, OE ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 21 1 It. j pax of sylver and overgilte weyng viii unc Sf wt the blode of sent Antony.* It. j Munstron'f of server, to bere .in the sacrament on Corpus Christi day weyng xvii unc. It. j Ship and j spone to the same of sylver weyng xiii unc and di. It. j sensour of selver and parcell gylte weyng xxxvii unc and di w4 ye panne and the pot or bote weyng ij oes di. It. j cowpe of sylver and overgilte weyng xiv unc et di et di quart. It. j crysmatory of sylver weyng xxvj uuc et di. It. j chalys of silver parcell gilte weyng xix unc et di et ultra. Md. that the seid crosse in the moneth of June the ffirst yer of Kyng Herry the vij at the eostis of Thomas Petyt is put to amende and to repeaer to John Shyngwell Goldsmyth the seid John for the suer makyng of the seid Crosse heth made in the same ij pypys of latyn wyng viij unc and xij penytoeyght [pen through] iij grotys of selver the seid crosse after it was repayred weyng in all LXXX unc the seid crosse was weyd in the seid forme in the presence of the seid Thomas and of Edmund Mynot & Robert Bone and other. Jit. a goblet weyng ij unc & i q' gevyn be Eychard Downe. Jit. Eelyc juell* of sylver and gylt w4 parte of the sculle of sent george . . . . ocs di. Jit. a crowne of s . . . . yn the body of [obliterated by damp]. Fol. 6 vo. Md. To pray for the solle§ of Henry Alee the whych hath gevyn unto ther Hye Alter a dyaper tabull cloth contenyng iij elys and a q1' in length and a nel (sic) and a q1' in brede recevyd be the hand' off S1' John G-oldryng hys executer than beyng parysh prest. Md. to pray ffor the sowlle§ of Mesteres Whyttloke the w4 gave to the reparacion of the Cherch vja viijd. Md to pray for the sowle of Thomas petyt the whyche gave on to thys Chyrche a coope of blyk velvet w4 ij tynywkyls (tunicles) powdyrd w4 arcangelys and watry flowers. Fol. 7 ro. 1485. Comp' Edmundi Mynot et Eobti Bone Grardiaui bonoruui operum et catallorum parochianorum ecclie parochial Snti Andr. civitatis Cantuar. a festo Snti Michis Archi Anno regni Regis * Written over the line in a later hand. f Monstranoo. % In a later hand, § Soul. 212 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Henrici Septimi post conqm Angl primo usque festum Snti Michis Arch Anno proximo sequentem videlt per unum annum integrum. Primo comp' recepere pro vasto iiij cer Mortuar Divers vie' xxviiid. Et r' de Johe Berkevile pro firma unius pasture in paroch sancti paule in et venell voc' Ivy lane pro dicto festo Snti Michis dicto A0 primo iij3 iiijd. Item r' de elimosinis perpetrat' divers' vie' per tempus predict' xiii8 id. Itm. r' de Relict' Willi Golesmyth ex legat' ejusdem Willi vjs viiia. Itm. r' de relict' Jacobi Wilieim' pro j ru unius ten' in parocii be Marie de Northgate Civitatis Cantuar' ad diet, fin [festum] snt Micnis dicto a0 primo ijs vjd. Itm. r' de Eobto fferaff pro j ru arrerag' ejusdem a dicto fm pro ten' in Northgate debit iijs iiijd. Itm. r' de Eicardo G-rene pro ru unius ten' in Northgate predict' ad diet' fm Sn. Michis debit xiiijd. It. receper de diversis personis pro reparacione de le clokke xvijd . It. r' de parochianis ad f m sn. Mich'is [pen through] pasche xxs vjd. It. r' die de Hokemunday* per manus mulier (sic) ixa vjd. It. r' die de Hoketuysday de mulieribus iij8 ivd. It. r' de reddit' in Sandwico ad diet, fm sn. Michis dicto anno primo debit vjs viijd. It. r' de arr. j ru [Nicholao] Durbourne pro ten' in paroch. be' Marie de Northgate ad diet' fm sn. Michis dicto a0 primo debit ijs vjd. It. r' de Johe Kent pro arr' unius gardini in paroch sn. pauli Cant. ijs ivd. It. r' de parcell unius pec' argent' ponderaut' obolus ob. It. r' de uno anuf argent' dat' ponder' ij denar! ijd. It. r' de quad' mulier dat in denar' vjs viijd. Sm' tot' iiij" iiij8 viijd et ob. Solucoes fac't, per dcos G-ardian' per tempus predict' divers' vie' prout particulariter inferius patet. ffirst, paidd to Bob4 Martyn Wexchanndeler for strekyng of the stokke of seint Andreweys lyght and for iiju and j quarter of wex put to the same stokke ijs ijd et ob. Hocktide, the second Monday and Tuesday after Easter Day. 0 5 ST. ANDREW^, CANTERBURY. 21 3 It. paidd to the same Eobert for newestrekyng of iiij mortuaries and for iij11 wex put to the same xxviii4 oft. Fol. 7 vo. It. paidd to John Curteys, carpenter for makyng of the cheste stondyng before Seint Andrewe in the Quyor for vestements and boks to be shett theryn vij3. It. paidd for broods, nailes and rydes and Keys for the same xxd . It. paidd for mendyng of surplices and vestements and for . . . . of abys and frunteletts after wesshyng iij8 ijd. It. paidd for makyng of a new surplice ijs. It. paidd for a supplice bought of the wyff of Petre Brawderer xvjd. It. paidd to Thomas Cook for kepyng of the Clok per totum annum predict™ preter unum quarterium anni iiij3. It. paidd to the same Thomas for makyng and strekyng of iij tapers and for wast of wexe brennyng afore the crosse xjd. It. paidd to John Kemsyn for byndyng of this boke for the Inventorie of the Chirche goods to be wreten therm xvj3 . It. paidd to the loker for j paier rydez i lok j Key and ij staplys for a cheste of the Chirche xd. "it. paidd to John Martyne wexchandeler for strekyng of the iij tapers afore the Crosse and for weste of wexe erga fm Sci Mathei ixd ob. It. paidd for wesshyng of surpplices, abys, auterclodys, tuellys, and other napry ware of the Chirche divers' vie' per tempus predict xviijd. It. paidd to Eobert Martyn wexchandeler for strekyng of xxxiij11 iij qrs. of wexe of the crosse light agenst the f este of Easter xvjd ob. qn. It. paidd to the seid Eobert for xii li and j qrt of newe wexe put to the seid crosse light precium le li ixd suinma ix8 ijd . It. paidd to the same Eobert for strkeyng of the pascall weyng viii11 iiijd. It. paidd for j li. of wex put to the same pascall ixd. It. paidd for the funt taper weyng j lb. & di precium xiijd ob. It. paidd to the Eegester at the visitacon at Seint George's Chirche in Oaunterbury iijd. It. paid for iij tapers afore the Crosse erga fm Snt Georgii xiiid . It, paidd for j rope for the cloke vd. It. paidd for a redskynne for the boke eallid le graiell iiijd. 214 CHURCHWARDENS'' ACCOUNT^ Fol. 8 ro. It. paidd for a bukskynne for the same boke and for byndyng thereof iiij3. It. paidd for a new torche bought of Eobert Martyne waying xxij li & di precium vij8 iiijd. It. paidd for another torch bought of Clement Hamon weyng xx li vj8 viijd. It. paidd to Nicholas Bekelys for mendyng of the yerne werk of the Clok xxjd. It. paidd to Thomas Cook for iij new tapers afore the Crosse erga fm nativit' sn' Johis Bapt' xijd. It. paidd to Jhn Kemsyn for mendyng of the secunde masseboke and for byndyng of the same and for settyng inne of the hole service of the visitacon of Seint Elizabeth iij8 viiia. It. paidd to Maister Hikson for wrytyng of the same service vij8 viiid. It. paidd for a reddskynne for the iij Masse boke iiijd. It. paidd for the writyng of the hole sequences for the seid iij Masse boke vj8 viijd. It. paidd to John Kemsyn for mendyng and byndyng of the same iij Masse boke ij3. It. paidd for a redskyn for the boke iiijd. It. to Nicholas Bekelys for kepyng of the seid Clok pro j qurt ann. xxd. It. paidd to the wedue of Will'm Golesmyth for lamp oile ij8 viijd. It. paidd to Thomas Betyt for lamp oile scilt pro vij lagenis* & iij quartuor x3. It. paidd to John Martyn for iij tapers afore the Crosse erga xijd . It. paidd to the seid Martyn for iij tapers afore the seid Crosse alia vice xija. Sm" C8 viijd ob qns. Expen. pro cantaria recuperand versus Belief ffenkill in curia spiritual. ffirst paidd to the summone to a cite her to appere before Maister Officiall in the parisshe churce of Seint Andrew afbreseid divers' vie' • xiijd. It. paidd to the procurator Maister John pro divers' vie' v3. It. paidd for expen, divers' vie' for the premisses xvjd. Lagena=a flagon. O'E ST. ANDREWSS, CANTERBURY. &15 Fol. 8 vo. It. for makyng of a presentacon presented coram Brioz-e ecchsie Christi Cantuar. in ecclesie Sci Georgii Dicte Civitatis sede vacante et aliis expen' ij8 viijd. It. paidd to WiUm a Dane sumnore dieti Prion's ad summon predict' relict' ad comparand coram prefato Priore, ad respond de et (sic) super diet presentac' iiijd. Summa Xs iiijd. Expii in lege communi versus predict' Relict' pro cantaria predict' recuperandi (sic). Primo dat. Johi ffyneux servienti ad legem et Johi Nethersole pro consilio suo habendo in lege communi super premissis pro cantar' predict' scilicet utrique eorum xld summa vj3 viijd. It. paidd for expenc' pro communicatione habit' pro cantaria thoma at Wode armigero proximo herede Willi' Stokbery et al expend, diversis vicibus ij8. Summa viii3 viii11. Summa totalis cxix8 viiid ob. qns. Et sic super8 xxxv8 qns. Nomina auditorum comp' predict' fact' in festo Sci. Edwardi Eegis et Confessoris Ao. ij Eegis predicti. Eector dicte ecclesie. Thomas Petyt. Thomas Sare. Thomas Compton. Jones Balser. Jones Golesmith. Johes Shyngwer. Jones Breeford. Fol. 9 ro. 1493. M.d a comptu s made be Thomas Chadborne and John ffyche Warddens off goodds and cattelles off ye paryche chyrche of Seynt Andrews in Caunterbery, fro ye ffest off Seynt Mychell ye Arcangell in ye yere aud reygne off Kyng Henry ye YU4 h ye ixth yer on to ye seid ffest ye nexte ffolowyng. Thes ben ye parcels off Bent, ffyrst Ed off John Cutborowe of Sandwyche for Bent per an. vj8 viijd. 216 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Itm Ed off Nycolas Dorborne off Northgate for Bent per an. i j 3 vjd . It™ Ed off Eoberd fferduffe for Eent per am. for ij yere iij3 iiijd. It™ Ed off ye wedowe off Jamys Wyllm for Eent pro. an. ij8 vjd. It™ Ed off Eychard Grene for Eent per an. xiiiid. Itm Ed off Wyllm Dane for a croft in Seynt Powly's paryche iij8 ivd. Itm ye Eent off a tenement sumtyme Wyllm Goldis at Northgate at ye corner nowe Wyllm Bryce by yere vijd ob. Itm Ed of John Kent for a garden besyde Dogys* per an. xvjd . Itm Ed of John ffychche ffor a stabyll & garden In Petere lane per an. vj8 viiid. Itm Ed off Nycolas Dunborne y4 awas behynd of Eent ij8 ixd. Summa CCC8. Eeseytts hopmunday and hoptuysday and Ester. Itm Ed at Estere of bredern and hallff brederne and all ye parychs xxii8 viiid. Itm Ed on hopmunday and tuysday xxviii8 ivd. Itm Ed of Ballsare wyff for wast of torchys & mortuaryys iij8 ivd. It™ Ed of ye bequeth of Ballsar to the eroslygt vjd. ltra Ed of Master Whytloke viij8. Summa iij11 ij8 xd. Fol. 9 vo. It™ payd to Bekells for ij new lokkys to ye aumery behynd ye hy auter and ye Keyes xd. It™ payd for Key to ye lytyll Chest standyng beffore ye aumery and mendyng of ye loke iiijd. It™ payd for mendyng of ij lokkys off ye Aumereys y4 our bokis lyyth yn and for ij Keys to ye same vd. It™ for a roode off yarne to hange ye Cloth affore Seynt Andrewe vd. It™ payd for ye obbet off Edmund Mynote ij8. It"1 payd for ye mendyng of ye ij whyt westmentts for ye Ohaunters xxd. It™ payd for v yerdds off blew bokeram to ye same prec(ium) a yerd iiijd ob summa xxiid ob. It™ payd for v yerds and hallff off rybane to ye same vd ob. It™ for makyng clene of ye iiij gret canstykkys xvid. * Doge's Chantry situated on the east side of Chantry Lane. It was founded by Hamo Doge, Eector of St. Paul's, in 1264. OE ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 2l ? Itm for makyng clen of ye bollys of ye Croslygt and ye bollys off Seynt Andrew's lyght iijd. It1™ payd for makyng clen of ye lamps and mendyng of hit xiii(1. It™ payd for makyng of ij deskys besyd ye organs iiijd. It™ payd to Balser wyff for mendyng of v surples and coleryng of a nothyr surples xd. It™ payd for ye lampe lyght betwen seynt Edward day and Ester in new waxe iiij ii quarter p'c' le li vjd ob. ij8 iijd ob. It™ for strykyn of ye tapers iijd ob. It™ payd for ye Croslyght ye olid stoke xxix ii quarter put thereto of newe waxe xiiii ii iij quarters p'c' le ii vjd ob. Summa viij3. It™ payd for strykyng of ye same xxijd. Summa xxiiii8 iijd. Fol. 10 ro. It™ for strykynd of Seynt Andrew's lyght ye olid stoke Weyyug v ii put yorto of new waxe iiij ii iij quarters p'c' le ii vjd ob. Summa strykyng and waxe [crossed out] ij3 vjd. ob qrs. It™ payd for strykyng of ye same vd. It™ for sowyng of on[e] of ye ffrontlets and xii ellys and for ye ffrynches of ye deske cloth and ye lawn corteyns vjd. It™ for bollys and chaptowrs to ye Croslyght and bollys and fflorychsyng to Seynt Andrews lyght ye olid waxe ij ii iij quarters put yerto of new wax iij ii p'c' le ii viijd. Summa ij8. It™ for ye makyng of ye florychsyng iijd. It™ for ye pascall ye old stoke weyyng x ii quarter put yerto of newe waxe ij ii iij quarters p'c' le li vjd ob. Summa xvijd ob. qrs. Itm for strykyng of ye same vjd ob. Itm for ye ffunt [font] tapers a ii di p'c' le li vjd ob. Summa ixd ob qrs. It™ for strykyng of ye same ob qrs. Itm for vj hallff pound tapers to ye lampe p'c' le ii vjd ob. Summa xixd ob. It™ for strykyng of ye same jd ob. Itm for sandwyche lyne for ye Cloth drawne beffore ye roode and ye Cloth* afore ye hy Awter jd ob. It™ payd for a torche to Clement Barbor weyyng xxi ii quarter vij3 jJ . * This was the Lenten Vail. 2l& CHURCHWARDENS1' ACCOUNTS It™ payd to Glosetter for a torch weyyng xx ii vj8 xd. It™ payd to ye wax Chaundler of Seynt Jorggs for ij torchys weyyng xlij ii di. xiiij8 ijd. Itm payd for xvi small staunchyns viijd. It™ payd for makyng of a whell to ye lampe xxa. It™ payd ffor oylle to ye lampe for ye yer vjs viija. It™ payd for waysshyng of ye ornamentts of ye chyrche ij8. It™ payd for iij belltoppys weyyng x li xva. It™ payd to Balser's wyffe for makyng of a new surples xxa. Itm payd to Hyllys for ye overseyng of our evydens ijd. Summa vj3 viijd. Fol. 10 vo. It™ for gret stanchius and guysborde for ye chyrch* reparaschon of ye chyrichf xiiij3. It™ for payntyng of ye heme y4 seynt Andrew's lyght standyth one vjd It™ for a quart pot for ye oylle for ye lampe ob Itm for caryyng away of ffylth of ye Chyrche j It™ for a lampe afore ye roode ja It™ for ye settyng on of ffryngys and ffronttys off obbysj vja It™ for strykyng off ye mortuarijs ye olid stoke weyyng vij li iij quarters put ye)'to of new waxe iiij li quarter p' c' le ii vja ob summa strykyng and waxe ij8 ixd ob. Summa iiij Ii xxm ij8 j d . §Summa v8 ija. Summa iiija ija* Fol. 11 ro. [1494-5.] Md a comp4u3 made be Thomas Chadborne and John ffychs wardens of ye gooddys and catells of ye parychs Chyrche of Seynt Andrews in Caunterbery fro ye ffest of Seynt Mychaerl ye Archangeff in ye yer and regne of Kyng Henry ye vij4h ye x4h yer unto ye ffest next ffolowyng. The Eeseytts of the Eentts. Itm Eeseyvyd of John Cutborows of Sandwychs per an vj8 viijd. It™ Eeseyvyd of John Lomerst of Northgate per an ij3 vjd. It™ Eeseyvyd of Paramowr for a te&t per afi ij8 vjd. * Crossed out. f Written above the line. t ? albs. § At bottom of page. OE ST. ANDREWSS, CANTERBURY. 2l § It™ Eeseyvyd of Eychard Gren[s] wedowe per afi xiiijd. It™ Reseyvyd of Roberd fferoff xxd. It™ Reseyvyd of Wyllm Dane for a yer and iij quarters v8 xd. It™ Eeseyvyd of John Kent for a gardeyn xvja. It™ Reseyvyd of John ffychse for the stabyll per afi vj3 viijd. *It. the owyng for the rent of the tenement sumtyme Wyiim Golds, at Northegate, now W. Brice vijd ob. Summa xxviijs iiijd. The Eeseytts of Ester, Hopmunday, and Hopetuysday. ffyrst Eeseyvyd of brothern and hallff brothern and all ye parychs xxii3. It™ Eeseyvyd at Hopetyde of men and women xvij8 vid. It™ Eeseyvyd of ye sektowrsf of Kirkbyy's wyff for wast of torchys ij8 vjd. It™ Eeseyvyd of John Sperkwell for wast of torchys viijd. It™ Eeseyvyd of Thomas Comtoon for wast of Torchys iiijd. Itm Reseyvyd of Bokynggam[s] wyff for wast of Torchys ijd . It™ Reseyvyd off Bokynggam's wyff for wast of mortuariis viijd . It™ Eeseyvyd of all ye holle parychs to ye makyng of ye cloke vj3. Itm Eeseyvyd of Stevyn Horton for wast of torches viijd. Summa L3 vjd. Fol. 11 vo. Itm payd for ye obbet off Edmund Myliote It™ payd for mendyng of ye stabyll in Peter lane for ij dayes It™ for nayllys It™ for mendyng of ye loke to ye stabyll It™ for a c of hart lath It™ for prygs It™ for half a c of iij-peny nay 11 It™ for ij semys of lyme Itm for a lood off lombe It™ for a c and iij quarters of tyle It™ for x corner tyle Itm for ij ffestewes [?] Itm for iij days' worke to Samson ye tyler a carpenter xijd. id ob. ijd- viijd. iijd idob. xiiijd. iiijd. viija ob. ' ija - .!?• xviijd. * In a different hand. t Exeoutors. 220 CHURCHWARDENS'' ACCOUNTS I tm payd to Schort ye carpenter and hys man for mendyng of ye bellys in ye stepyli a dayes worke xiiijd. It™ for nayllys ijd. It™ payd for a ffrenge to a ffrontlet affore Seynt Andrewe xxd . Itm for ye makyng of ye ffrontlet iiija. It™ for yrne worke to ye bellys to Bekyls for claspys and stapylls viija. It™ payd for payntyng of ye dyall ij3. It™ payd to Bekylls for makyng of ye clok vj8. It™ payd for lede to ye dyall to Kennyt Rowndabowte xijd. It™ payd for strykyng of Seynt Andrew's lyght ye olid stoke weyyng v K put yerto of newe waxe iiij li iij q uarters p' c' le Ii vjd ob summa strykyng and waxe ij8 xja ob. *Itm payd to Bekyls for makyng of owr clok vi8. Itm payd for mendyng of iiij surples and ij obbysf vijd. Itm payd to Bekylls for kepyng from Crystmas to owr ladyday xxd. It™ payd to Bekylls for kepyng of ye cloke from owr ladyday to mydsomer xxd. Summa xxviii8 iija. xxvi8 iija.J xxxii8 iijd.J Fol. 12 ro. Itm payd at Ester for ye croslyght ye olid stoke weyyng xxix ii put yerto off newe waxe xv ii p' c' le li vjd ob summa strykyng and waxe xs ob. Itm for strykyng of iiij ii and a half of fflorychssyng to ye same ijd. It™ payd for ye Pascall ye olid stoke yndys§ and all weyyng xv ii iij quarters put yei'to of newe waxe ij Ii quarter p' c' le li vjd ob summa strykyng and waxe xxiiid ob. It™ payd for a ffunt taper Ii and a half p' c' le li vjd ob summa strykyng and waxe xd ob. It™ for xii lampe tapers betwen mychelmas and Holycrose ye newe weyyng vi ii p' c' le Ii vjd ob Summa iij8 iijd. It™ for ye strykyng iiijd. It™ for strykyng of iij lamp tapers of over obove waxe ob quad1'8. It™ payd for iij torches xvij8 viijd. This item is crossed out. f ? albs. % Crossed out. § Ends. O F ST. ANDREW'S, CANTEEBURY. 22 1 Itm for ij pynnys of sylver to ye best -grayll weyyng xd ffasthon and all xiiija. It™ for iiij buttons of la ton to ye same iiijd. It™ payd to a carpenter and ys man for a day and hallff In ye stepyll to renneue ye fframe xiiija. It™ payd to Bekels for clamppys of yern to ye bellys va. It™ for nayllys ja ob. It™ for iiij botons of laton and a pyn to ye small antefonare iiijd . Itm payd to a screvener ayenst fynkyll for a suplycasthon to ye offyshall for ye chauntre ijd. It™ for mendyng of ye lampe afore ye Eoode xvjd. It™ for waychsyng of ye chyrche clothys ij3. It™ for seuyng on of ffrynggys aud ffrontts of obbs* vja. It™ we alovvyd Cutborowe for reparaschon ij3. It™ payd to John ffychs for oyll to ye lampe ix8. It™ payd for ye strykyng off mortuaryys ye olid stoke vii Ii and a half put yerto of newe waxe iiij ii and a half p' c' le fi vjd ob summa strykyn and waxe ij8 xjd qrs. Summa iiij Ii iiij8. Summa LY3 ixd.f Fol. 12 vo. Jit"1 owyng for the rent of the tenement sumtyme Wyiim Golds' at Northgate now Wyllm Brise by yere vijd ob. Fol. 13 ro. 1495-6. Md a countys made be Thomas Chadborne and John ffychss, wardens of ye goodys and cattellys of ye parychs chyrchs of Seynt Andrewes in Caunterbery ffro ye ffest off Seynt Mycheil ye Archangel! in ye yere Eeyne of Kyng Henry ye vii43* ye xifll on to ye seyd fest next ffolowyng. The Eeseyt off ye Eentts. Eeseyvyd of John Cutborowe of Sandwyche per annum v8. Reseyvyd of John Lamberherst of Northgat per annum ij3 vjd. Eeseyvyd of Paramowr for a ten[ement] per annum ij8 vjd. Eeseyvyd of Gren wedowe ffor a ten[ement] per annum xiiijd . * Albs. t A* bottom of page. X At the lower part of a blank page. 222 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Eeseyvyd of Eoberd fferoff for a ten[ement] per annum xxd. Eeseyvyd off Wyflm Dane for a crofft per annum iij8 iiijd. Eeseyvyd of John Kent for a garden per annum xvjd. Eeseyvyd of John ffychs for a ten[ement] per annum vj8 viijd. Eeseyvyd on Seynt Andrew's Day of strangers for stockyns y4 we gadyrd vj3 j d . Summa xxxi8 iijd. The Eeseytts at Ester, Hopemunday, aud Hoptuysday and all the yer affter. Eeseyvyd of brethern and hallff brethern and all ye parych8 at Ester xxij3 ijd. Eeseyvyd Hopmunday and Hoptuysday xvij8 ixd. Eeseyvyd of Bokynggam's wyff for wast of torchys and mortuaryys viiid. Eeseyvyd of Thomas ffoxe for wast of torchys and mortuaryys xxiid. Fol. 13 vo. Eeseyvyd of Harman's wyff for wast of torchys iiij4. Eeseyvyd of Hewe Eeyner for wast of torchys ijd. Eeseyvyd of Hoberd's wyS for wast off torchys and mortuaryys vid. Eeseyvyd of Eoberd Sare for wast of torchys ihjd. Eeseyvyd of Eychard Coky's wyff in y° Mersere for wast of torchys iiij4- Eeseyvyd of Hew Bredbery of ye bequeth of Thomas Lokynggham to ye Croslygth iij8 ivd. Summa xlvii8 vd. Itm. Payd for obet off Edmund Mynott ij8. Itm. Payd fo[r] Seynt Andrews lyrhgt (sic) ye olid stoke weyyng v ii put yerto off new waxe viii ii iij quarters p' e' le ii vjd. ob summa strykyng and waxe v3 iiid qns. Itm. payd for ye Pastall ye olid stok weyyng xi ii put ycrto off newe waxe iij ii [and a] quarter p' c' le ii vjd. ob summa strykyng and waxe ij8 iiijd. Itm. payd for ye croslyght ye olid stok weyyng xxix11 ii and a half put yei'to off newe waxe xiiij ii and a half p' c' le ii vjd. ob. summa strykyng and waxe ix8 vid qns. Itm. for strykyng of iiii ii iij quarters of fflorychsyng ijd. qns. Itm. payd for ye ffunt taper weyyng i ii and a half p' c' le ii vjd. ob. summa for strykyng and wax xd ob. OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 223 Itm. for xviii lamp tapers betwene Myhellmasse and Myhellmas ye new wax vi ii and a half p' c' le Ii vjd. ob summa strykyng and waxe iij3 xd ob qns. xxiv8 id.* Fol. 14 ro. Itm. for iij torchys weyyng iij-vx ij Ii iij quarters p' c' le ii iijd. ob Summa xviii8 iiid ob. Itm. payd for makyng clen ayenst Ester of v gret canstykys and xxii bollys for ye croslyght ij8. Itm. payd to Clysston for scochynsf xd. Itm. payd for pynnys id ob. Itm. for mendyng of ye ij fete of ye crysmatory and burnychsyng xiid. Itm, for mendyng of ye sensowr put yer a oz. and a quarter of sylver p' c' ye once iij8 iiiid Summa iiii8 ija. Itm. for ye makyng xvid. Itm. for payntyng of ye dychs to ye Pastall vid. Itm. for a key to ye queor dore ijd . Itm. payd to ye smyth ye Dochmau for mendyng of ye ij rolls of ye cloke and ye wynche iiijd. Itm. payd to Bekkels for mendyng of ye cloke viiid. Itm. payd for iij bellroppes weyyng ix Ii xiiid ob. Itm. payd to ye Clerk for kepyng of ye cloke xa. Itm. payd for ye mese of ye Transffygrasyon to ye organs xd. Itm. for ye wachsyng off ornamentts of ye chyrche ij8. Itm. for mendyng of on[e] of ye laun corteyns was etyn w4 Eatts and waychsyng of ye ij corteyns and settyng on of ye ffrynge iijd. Itm. for lampe oyH xi3 viiia. Itm. payd to Kyemsyn for mendyng of ye second ateffoner setyng on of v newe queers xvjd. Summa iij ii xi8 vjd ob. xlvii8 vd ob. Fol. 14 vo. [1496-7 and 1497-8.] Ma A count made be ye chyrche wardens of Seynt Andrewys Thomas Chadborne aud John ffyche for ye terme of iij yer as hit aperyth more playnly before in y18 same boke be ye whyche a count as hit shewyth ye seyd wardens hath * At bottom of page. f Badges (scutcheons) worn by certain of the parishioners to shew that they were the authorized persons to collect money. 224 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Eeseyvyd xii Ii x8 iiiid and be ye same A count as hit aperyth before in ye same a boke ye have payd cj ii xvii3 viid ob and so remaynyth to ye chyrche xii8 viiid ob. The Audyto" Master Bolney Master Swane ffor ye whyche money ye Thomas Sare seyd John ffyches and Thomas Petyte Thomas Chadborne bath Thomas Comton delyverd ye seyd wardens Clyement Hamund Thomas ffoxe and Eobd John Goldsmyth Sare in payment off waxe Eoberd Bone xxviii ii p' c' le ii vd. ob in Thomas Foxe ffuff payment. John West Wyftm Semere Wyiftn Borell John A Teynt Eychard Coke John Burges John Buklond. Fol. 15 ro. I.H.S. [1504-5 and 1505-6.] Memorandum : A cowntys made be Wilim Eutlaud* and John Burges of the goodys and catellys of the Paryche Chyrche of Seynt Andrewys yn Cawnterbery fro the ffeste of the Natyvyte of ower lorde the xx yere of the Eeyng of Kyng Harry the viith on to sayd feste beyng yn the xxij yere. Enpriinis : Eessayvyd for a plater and a dyshe and a canstyk that was gevyid by WyHm Barker to the reparacion of Sent Andrewys Chyrche xiiiid. It™ Eessayvyd the viii day of Janyvr of Mastres Alys Whytlokke by the handys of Thomas ffokys xx8. It™ Eessayvyd of Thomas ffokys the same day yn redy mony iij ii vj8 vd. Eessayvyd in olde torchys yndysf yn weyte j°. Eessayvyd xii tapers of the Eode lyte weyng xxi Ii. It™ Eessayvyd of Mastyr Compton and Mastyr Pesmeth iiii ii. It"1 Eessayvyd of Mastyr Compton and Mastyr Pesmeth towards pywys xx stanchyns and yn cotyle horde j c lxxix fete and a halfe. * See his will in Appendix, dated 1532. f ends. OE ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 225 It™ yn playne bords iiij0 Iiij fete and waynescotte x Eegallys and viii waynscotte. Summa viii li vii8 viid. Fol. 15 vo. [Left plain.] Fol. 16 ro. Here ffolowes the sesse for pywes. Enprimis Be of Mastyr Bowlney Eessayvyd of Mastyr Sare Be of Mastyr ffyshe Ee of Eobrt Boone Be of John Knyte Ee of John Alkokke Be of Eobrt Sare Be of Nycholas Symonds Ef of John Tylly Ef of Wyllm Lawrans Ee of Antony Johnson Ef of Syr Stevyn Ee of Thomas fookys Ee of Wyllm Eutland Ef of John Burges Ee of John Jakys Be of Eaffe Preston Ee of Wylim Burmychain Ee of Wylim Somar Ee of John Atent Ee of Eychard Harte XXs. Xs . xii3. XXs. Xs . Xs . vj8 viiid. X8. Vs . V8. xiiii3. vi8 viiid. Xs. Xs . vj8 viiid. vj3 viiid. Vs . iiij3. iiij3. iij3 iiijd. iij3 iiii(l. Summa ix Ii ijs iiija. Fol. 16 vo. Ee of Wylim Plane Ee of Peter Lokear Ee of Arnolde Lokear Ee of Peter Cappar Ee of Wylim. Eygdon Ee of the coi-dner* sarys tenant Ee of John Donde vjs viii1'. ij8- xxd. ij3 iiiia. ijs viiid. xii'1. xiia. * P Cordwainei4. VOL. XXXII. Q 226 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS. Ee of Barnard ija. Ee of John Weste xxa. Ee of Harry At Well xiid. Ee of Eychard Wyspar iij3 ihid- Ee of Harry At Le xiia. Ee of John Goldsmyth xiid. Be of Wylim ffyshe iiiid. Ee of Eaffe Hopkyn xxa. Ee of John Eychardson iiijd. Ee of Fowle ij8. Ee of John Ale viiid. Ee of Hywe Samson xiid. Be of Jone Petokke ijd. Ee of Lowlain v8. Ee of Smethys love* iiijd. Ee of Hywe Bryte xiid. Summa xxxviii8. Fol. 17 ro. Ee of Xpofor [Christopher] Breche xiid. Ee of Eldyngate iij8 iiiid. Ee of Gerys wyfe xiid. Ee of Nycholas Sadelar xvia. Ee of Peter Dank, cappar viiid. Be of Cavellys loove* iiijd. Ee of Kembar iiijd. Be of Dolfyn xxd. Ee of Hammonds viiid. Ee of Eabethe TJndyrwoode iijd ob. Ee of Mastyr Hywet for Mastres Swannys Sesse xx8. Summa xxx8 viid ob. Fol. 17 vo. Here ffolowys dyvers Eeseyts off dyvers parsons be syde the sesse off the pywys. Enprimis: Ee of Hyw Samson for offerynge after the olde parsons desese xxid ob. Ee of the wyvys for the bowlts of the pywes ij8 vd. Ee of My lordef of Seynt Austens x". * Widow. f John Dygon was Abbot of St. Austin's Abbey at this date. OE ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 227 Ee of Mr. ffyshe for the bequest of Eychard Adowne vi3 viiid. Ee of M1' ffyshe for the same bequest for a maser sowld vii3 viiia. Ee of The bequest of Thomas Chadborn iij8 ivd. Ee of The brethern of the Crosse lyte yn the xx yere xix3 iijd ob. Be of the wyvys for Hokke Monday yn the same yere xiiii3 ixa ob. Ee of John Atent for the bequest of Syr Harry iij3 iiija. Ee of Mr. Bolney for the bequest of hys olde man to sarten lygtys xxija. Ee of Arnolde Lokear for naylys lefte ij3. Ee of Arnolde Lokear for olde yrne xjd. Ee of Mr. ffyshe of the goods of Eyeard Adowne towards a belle xx8. Ee of Syr John Pesmeth for vi torchys and iiij herse tapurs for the olde parson ij3 viiid. Ee of Mastyr Wainflet and of John Burges for a torch for Corpus Xpi presessyon vid. Summa iiij Ii xvii8 ijd ob. Fol. 18 ro. Be of Mastyr Treserars for a waynescotte Ee of Xpofor Breche for the waste of ij torches Ee of Hyw Bryte['s] loove* for her husbands bequest Ee of Chadbornys loove* for waste of ij torchys xvd. iijd. iiijd. viiid. Ee of Mr. fyshe towards ye pavyng of ye godys of E. Adowne v3 vd. Ee of the Crosselyte and the Paskall yn the xxi yerer Be of Hokke monday folowyng Ee of Kokkys wyfe towards the bellys Ee of Antony towards the bellys Ee of John Atent for the bellys Ee of Eychard Wyspar for the bellys Ee of John Tylleyf for the bellys Ee of Wyllm Lawrens for the bellys Ee of John Alkok| for the bellys Ee of Peter Lokear for the bellys Ee of Wylim Burmycham for the bellys Ee of Paro Capper for the bellys Ee of Eychard Harte for the bellys Be of Dynns Stranger viis va ob. xvi3 ijd. iiij". viid. xiid. xiid. viiid. vij". vjd . xvjd. xij". iij3. iv3 viiid. * Widow. f See his will in Appendix, made in 1519. X For notes on John Aloock see Appendix. 0 2 228 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Ee of Dunde for the bellys vd. Ee of John Knygte for the bellys iij8 iiiid. Ee of Nycholas Symond for the bellys ij8. Ee of Eldyngate for the bellys iiijd. Be of Eaffe Sherman for the bellys iiijd. Ee of Eobard Bone for the bellys xx3. Summa iiij Ii v8 vd ob. Fol. 18 vo. [This page is blank.] Fol. 19 ro. Ee of Arnowlde Lokear for the bells viiid. Ee for a pesse of brokyn sylver that pertaynyd to the crosse ixd . Ee for the waste of iiij torchys for Eutlandy's child viiid. Ee of Arnolde Lokear towards the pavyng iiiid. Ee of John Atente towards the pavyng iiijd. Ee for olde pavyng tyle xii3 j d . *Ee of Eobrt Sare for mony that wasse yn hys handys whan he wasse wardon xxd. Ee of John Jakys towards the benyvolens iij8. Ee of Syr Eychard of Hern for the benyvolens iiija. Ee of Xpofyr Hamond for the benyvolens iiijd. Ee of John Bradford benyvolens iiij8. Ee of John Goldsmyth to the benyvolens xxijd. Ee of Tomson's lovef to the olde sesse xd. Ee of John Aman for Mastyr Nedyrsalys bequest xx8. Ee of Mastyr Sheffelde for a gowne xxvi3 viiid. Ee of John Atentys wyfe for offeryng at Sent Tronyons awter xijd . Ee for olde plankys that lefte of the pywes ij3 ija. Ee of Wyflm Geere for the benyvolens xxiiid. Ee of the box at the church dore xiid. Be of Eobard Barnard for the benyvolens ijd. Ee of Hyw Samson for the olde benyvolens vid. Summa iij ii ix3 ija. Fol. 19 vo. [This page is blank.] Fol. 20 ro. Ee of Mr. Trobylfyld iiija. Ee of Becham v3. * The defaoer of this vol. has rendered this entry as Eobt. Sare, mass warden ! f Widow, bE ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 22 9 Be of John Knygte towards the pavyng iiijd. Ee of John Swanne for the olde benyvolens xviiid. Ee of John Atentes nyse towards the makyng of the pywys viid ob. Ee of Eychard Bryehe for the olde dette of the landys at Sandwyche v3. Ee of Wylim May towards the benyvolens iiijd. Ee of Gootleys wedow iiija. Ee of Chadbornnys wedow for the bequest of her husband iij8 iiiid. Ee of the same wedow towards the lygte of the Hye Auter xxd . Ee to the crosse lygte xiid. Ee of Carpenters loove* for the olde sesse ij8 iiha. Ee of modyr ffyshe iiijd. Ee of Hywe Brytes wedow iiijd. Ee for every sonday towards the v bell contaynyng a hole yere v li xiii3 xid ob. Summa vi Ii xi8 viid. Fol. 20 vo. [This page is blank.] Fol. 21 ro. [1505-6.] Here ffolowye the resayte of the tenementys and rentys perteynyng to the paryche of Sent Andrewys yn Cawnterbery the xxi yere. Enprimis ressaydye of the landys late Mastres Swannys for a yere xiiii8. Ee of Wiiim Lambe for farme iij8 iiijd. Ee of John Lambyrherste for rente v8. Ee of John a Tente for rente of a garden xvid. Ee of Grene for rente xiiiia. Ee of Kendall for rente xxd. Ee of Mr. ffyshe for farme vi3 viiid. Ee of Coppyn for the rent of a garden yn Sandwyche iij3 iiiid. Summa xxxvi8 vid. Ee of Mr. Hywet and of Mr. ffyshe yn mony that was lefte of a cuppe, the overplus v8 iiijd. Ee of mony that was gadyrd on sent Andrews day xiij8 via ob. Ee of the excecutors of Eychard Wyspar for iiij torches viiid . Summa lvi3 ob. * Widow. 2&0 CH U R C HWA R D E N S ' ACCOUNTS Fol. 21 vo. Ee of Syr John Pesmeth and of Mr. Compton of the godys of Syr Dodyar Berger late parson iij11 v3 viiid. Ee of John Burges for the bequest of Eose Foster xx8. Ee ffor iiij herse tapers for Mastres Swannys viiid. Ee ffor iiij herse tapers abowte Jalys viijd. Ee of Mastres Knygte for the crosse lygte vja. Ee of Eaffe Preston for a man of London that dyde w4 hym for iiij torchys xiia. Ee of Bradfordys loove* for iiij herb (sic) tapers vja. Be of Jamis Clowlman for a bargen made of sarten landys late Mastres Swannys jd . payng by yere all charge borne x shelyngys. Ee of Mr. Hywet for the bequest of Mastres Swannys xiid. Ee of Syr John Pesmethe for iiij herse tapers viiid. Ee of Mastyr ffyshe for iiij herse tapers for Eychard Adowne viiid . Ee of Lenard ffynkell for iiij torchys viiid. Ee of Eobert Boony's love* for hys beryall and the monthys day for herb (sic) tapers and torchys ij8. Summa iiij li xvs j d . Fol. 22 ro. Ee of Bradford's love for the olde sesse ij8. Ee for iiij herse tapers for ffynkelly's wyfe viiid. Ee of Master Knygte for iiij torchys for hys modyr xvjd. Ee for a man that dyssessyd yn Eldyrgat House iiijd. Ee of Chadborny's love id. Ee of Eygdon for ij torchys iiija. Ee of Mr. ffysthe for torchys and hers tapers xvjd. Summa vj8 j( 1 . Fol. 22 vo. [This page is blank.] Fol. 23 ro. [1506-7.] Here ffolowys the Beceytys off the fforsayde Eentys and tenementys yn the xxii yere. Ee of Mr. ffyshe for farme vj8 viiid. Ee of Wylim Lambe for rent iij8 iiud. Ee of John Lamberarste for rent vs. * Widow. OE ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 2e$l Ee of Grene for rent xiiiid. • Ee of Kendall for rent xxd. Summa xvii8 xd. Summa gross of all the hole ressayts for ij yere amownts to the somme off xlviij1' xvj3 xd. Fol. 23 vo. [This page is blank.] Fol. 24 ro. [1504-5, 1505-6, and 1506-7.] Here ffolowys alle the payments that hath bene payde for the chyrche of Sent Andrewys from the xx yere off the Kyng [Harry the vijth in the margin] unto the xxii yere. Emprimis payd to Arnolde Lokear the x day of Janvyer yn the xx yere for a stapull and padlokke for a gret chyste yn the loffte iiijd. It, payd to the same Arnolde for clensyng of a padlok and for a boz for the same iiija. It. payd to the sayd Arnold for a pynne of yene for the cownt paygs of the lamps iiijd. It. payd to the sayde Arnold for ij lytyll keyes for the almery yn the quare hjd. It. payd to the carpenter for makyng of the payse for the lampe vjd. It. payd to Bryche for makyng of the trimmer and seelyng of the wyndow iij3 viiid. It. payd for sawyng of waynscotts to the lyntellys ij3 xd. Summa viii3 iija. Fol. 24 vo. It. payd to a mason for removing of ij branchys xvja . It. payd to Godfrey for makyng of iij crests iij8 iiiid. It. payd on to Bryche iij8 ihid. It. payd for serchyng of ffremynghamys Will xviiid. It. payd to Arnold Lokear for nayle hija. It. payd to Eychard Bryche vjs viiid. It. payd to Verlay en party of payment for coloryng of forefronte of the chyrche xiid. It. payd to Mr ffyshe en party of payment of olde dette xl8. It. payd to Bryche juner v8. It. payd for lvine to wbyte the chyrche w4 va. It. payd to Verley xiid. 232 CHURCHWARDENS> ACCOUNTS It. payd to a laberer for washyng of the chyrche walls xvid, It. payd to Yerley xiia It. payd to Byrche xxis viiid It. payd to Gery's wyfe for makyng of sorples* iij3 vj8 It. payd for ij penny nayle ijd Summa iiij1' xj8 vijd. Fol. 25 ro. It. payd to John Browne carpenter yn party of payment of a more summe liii8 hija . It. payd for di c waynscotte xl8. It. payd for the caryage of the same waynscotte from the stelyard by water to Dyss Keye xvjd. It. payd for the caryage by water and by lande from London to Cawnterbery xiii8 ixa. It. payd to M1' Cowlman for caryeng of a tonne of tymbyr from Pettam xiia. It. payd to Wylkynson for tymbyr xii8. It. payd to ij carpenters for hewyng of same tymbyr xiid. It. payd for sawyng of the same tymbyr v8 xia. It. payd for a tone of tymbyr and more to Thomas Fryth vs xd. It. payd to a carpentar to go to Narbardowne to se tymbyr ijd . It. payd to a laberar for baryng of waynscotte to the ffrears jd . It. payd to John Tayler for caryeng of tymber from Westgate to the ffrears ij8 viiid. It. payd for stanchyns ijjd. It. payd for wode to fethe tymbyr w4 all iiij3. It. payd for beryng of tymbyr from crechyrche to the ffrears xvd . It. payd un to the carpentars v8. It. payd to Hokman for tymber iij8. It. payd for caryeng of a lode of tymbyr.from Westgate vd. Summa vj11 xis. Fol. 25 vo. It. for sawyng of borde viiid. It. payd for a pese of tymber to Kecherell xiiid ob. It. payd for a mannys labur yn to the welde for workmen xvid . It. payd to Eychard Byrche for makyng of iiij popys x8. It. payd to Mr ffyshe for tymber and borde vij8 viid ob. * Surplices. OP ST. ANDREWYS, CANTERBURY. 23 3 It. payd to Edmonde Godfrey for xi pecs tymbre iij8. It. payd for sawyng of borde iij8 ijd. . It. for sawyng of waynscotte iiijd. It. payd to Edmond Godfrey and John Browne on party of payment of a moer sum Iiij3 iiijd. It. payd to Thomas Starke for sethyng of tymbre xiiiid. It. payd to John Browne for tymbre iij3 via. It. payd to a laberar for a dayes work vjd. It. payd to Harry Okman for tymbre ij8 iiijd. It. payd to a somner viiid. It. payd to W. Semar for a c herynggys gevyn to the Austen ffrears xiiid ob. It. payd for a pese of ffyggs and a pese of raysyns gevyn to the same ffrears iiij3 xa. It. payd to Symon Carver xvjd. It. payd to the sawear ij3 viiid. It. payd to John Browne for tymbre xvjd. It. payd to a laberar iiijd. It. payd to a joyner xxiiid. It. payd to a carpentar xxiiid. It, payd to John Browne and to Godfrey xx3. Summa vju iiij8 ijd ob. Fol. 26 ro. It. payd to a laborer for iiij dayes for undyrpynnyng xxa. It. payd for ij semys of lyme xa ob. It. payd to a tyler for undyrpynnyng ij8 xa. It. payd to iij joyneres for a wekys labur x8. It. payd to Janays carpentar and to hys man iiij8 iiija. It. payd to John Joyner iiij8 xa. I t . payd Godfrey and Browne xvi3 viiid. It. payd to Burgawnt for m1* iiij peny nayle iii8. It. payd to Arnolde Lokear for charnellsf for the pywes xv3. It. payd to the sad Arnolde for trussyng of the bellys x8. It. payd to Harry Okman for dyvers thyngs wrowte yn was as yt shall apere more playnly by a byll viii3. It. payd for oyle to M1' ffysthe iiij8 iijd. It. payd to Harry Okman for tapers for the lamps xiiid. * One thousand. f Charnells = hinges. 234 CHURCH WARDENS' ACCOUNTS It. payd to Wylim Lambe for strekyng of the crosse lygte and the wast iij3 ijd ob. Summa iiij11 xiii8 ixd. Summa iij11 xj3 iiijd ob xii8 ija ob.* xK 3 d ob* Ma the summe above is to moche by ij8. Fol. 26 vo. It. payd for a patrykf for the bell ijd. It. payd for hangyng of the bell and makyng of the whele and the stokke vj3 iiiid. It. payd to the belfowndar yn bargenyng of a bell for a yrneste peny iiijd. I t . payd for careyng of the bell iiijd. It. payd for the clarper of the bell iij3 xa ob. It. payd to the belfownder en party of payment ffor the bell xiii8 iiiia. It. payd to Arnolde Lokear for yrne worke for the bell iij8 iiiid. It. payd to Godfrey for makyng of a bell whele xiid. It. payd to Arnolde Lokear for naylys iija ob. It. payd to John Cleresmyth for yrne worke for the bellys xii3 xid ob. I t . payd to Godfrey for lesnyng of the frame for iij bellys yn party of payment x8 viiid. It. payd to Mr Comesary vj8 viiid. It. payd for a denerj made to M1' Comesary at the sonne iij8 iiiid. It. payd to the sawear viid. It. payd for naylys ijd. §It. payd to [fayther Malone] yn. mony that he layde owte of hys owne purrse to the yewse of the chyrche xxxiij8 vijd ob. It. payd to Godfrey iij8 iiijd. It. payd for vj peny naylys iiijd. Summa v11 #d|| iij11 vis viiid ob. Fol. 27 ro. It. payd to Mr Butler for sywte of Mastres Swanny's landys iiijd . It. payd to Verley v8 xd ob. It. payd to Wylim Lambe for strekyng of the crosse lygte xixa . It. payd to the same W. Lambe for makyng of iiij nyw torchys wayng Iiiij lb iiij8 vid. * Obliterated. f Baudrick. % Dinner given. § The whole of this item is obliterated. || Crossed out. OE ST. ANDREW^, CANTERBURY. 23B It. payd for pvyggs and sandwych corde and ij peny nayle xxiiid . It. payd to Mr ffyshe for a fuH payment of the olde dette xlvii3 ijd ob. It. payd for the stayer uppe to the Rode lofte and for canvas and nayles xviiv iii'd It. payd to Arnolde Lokear for yrne worke iiii3 ixa. It. payd for caryeng of sande to the pavyng of the chyrche vjd . It. payd for pavyng of the chyrche for iij dayes workyng to ij men ij3 viid. It. payd to Arnolde Lokear for xxiii yrnys to sette candyls on for the pywes xxd. It. payd to a laberar for makyng clene of Sent Cateryns Hawle at frear Austens iiijd. It. payd to a vestment maker for mendyng of the Redde velvet cope and the whyte damaske sute xxiid. It. payd for hys borde for ij dayes iiijd. It. payd for weshyng of xii surples iijd. It. payd to the belfownder xl3. It. payd to Godfrey en party of payment of the pulpyt iiij3 iiijd. Summa v11 xviii3 vjd. Fol. 27 vo. It. payd to Godfrey for vij dayes worke to the makyng of the pulpyt iiij8 ijd. It. payd to hys ladde for vii dayes viiid. It. payd to John Carvar vj dayes iij8. It. payd to a mason for settyng of the pulpyt xxa. It. payd to Godfrey for a planke borde iiijd. It. payd to a tyler ijd. It. payd for a keye to Arnolde ijd . It. payd to a laberar for clensyng of the batylment iiijd. It. payd for Eyshys to Sent Cateryns Hawle vjd. It. payd to pety John for iij dayes workyng for the pulpyt xviiid . It. payd for v C pavyng stone vii3 vid. It. spente at Adsam* for sute of M1' ffrenynghana and Mr Swanny's bequeste xvia. It. payd to Arnolde for yrne worke for the pulpyt ij8 vid. It. spent at Adsam* at a nodyr coorte vjd. It. payd to dyvers somnCres ij8. It, payd for the steppys of the pulpyt vja. * P Addisham. 236 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS It. payd for a galon wyne that wasse gevyn to Mastyr Comesary viiia. It. payd to Arnolde Lokear xvia. It. payd to semar for lyme viiid. It. payd for a potell of wyne gevyn to M1' Comyssary iiijd. It. payd to war a frame makyng for the bellys xx8. Summa xlix8 xd. Fol. 28 ro. It. payd for mendyng of ij surples and makyng of ij rochetts' vjd . It. payd to Burges for divers thyngs xiid ob. It. payd to Arnolde Lokear iij8 iiijd. It. payd to Godfrey ij8 viiid. It. payd to the belfownder xx8. It. payd for iiij peny nayle ijd. It. payd for wesbyng of the surples at dyvers tymys xiia. It. payd for makyng clene of the chyrche ija . It. payd to Harry Okman for the crosse lygte and the paske for wax and workmanchyppe vi8 viiid ob. It. payd for the carpentar bord/or a slcafold* for mete and drynke to Eobert Bony's wyffe whyle they wrowte of the frarns for the bellys x8 vid. It. payd to the sayde carpentar for ther labur xxiiii3 vjd. It. payd for nayle for the same frame xiid. It. payd to the belfownder for the gret bell xx8. It. payd for the obet of Edmund Mynotte ij8. It. payd for a corde ob. It. payd for candyrl for the carpentars ijd dh. It. payd for lede for the wyndows iij3 ijd. It. payd for a corde for the wakreltf ija . It. payd to a tyler ja ob. It. payd to Walkar for ledyng of the wyndows vj3 viiid. Summa v11 iij8 ixd ob. Fol. 28 vo. It. payd for tymber to M1' ffyshe iiij8 xd. It. payd for Sent Andrewys lygte puttyng therto iiij lb. wax iij3 iiijd ob. It. payd for chanchyng of mony that wasse klyppyd xd ob. * Crossed out. t Sacring bell. OE ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 237 It. payd to John Clere for gogyns and odyr smale gere ij3. It. payd to Arnolde Lokear for nayle iiij11 ob. It. payd to Mastyr fyshe for lede ffor the wyndows iiij3 ija . It. payd to Mr ffyshe for bord xxia ob. It. payd to M1' ffyshe for oyle for the lampe iiij3 viia ob. It. payd to the belfowndar on owre Lady yn lent for the gret bell xl8. It. payd for nayles i. Itm. in pryk* for the sepulture ob. Itm. for a padlok for the fonte jd . Itm. for vi Ii new wax for the crosse light le li viid and for strikyng of xxix Ii of olde wax for the same light vs iijd ob. Itm. for strikyng of iij lampe tapers and for new wax xija. Itm. for the ffonte taper viid. Itm. for ij ii and a half of new wax for the iiij mortuary tapers and the strikyng therof and of ix li and a half of the old stoke xxiid. Itm. for ij torchis weyng x li le li iijd ob. Summa xi3 xid ob. Itm. paied to a dark to play on the organs uppon Sent Fraunces Day iiijd. Itm. paied to a carpenter for mendyng of the belle whilesf ijs viiid. Itm. for their borde to Bonys wydowe Itm. in nayle jd . Fol. 33 ro. Itm. paied to seman for oyle for the lampe by all the yer v8 iijd. Itm. for the obyte of Wilim Benet _ x8. * Nails. f ? Wheels. OE ST. .ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 24 1 Itm. for the obyte of Edmunde Mynot ij3. Itm. for a bawdryk for the grete bell vd. Itm. to Pet1' Lokyer for ij lokks for the tenements in Pyllory Lane viiid. Itm. to Henry Glaiser for mendyng of the wyndow before the clok xiid. Itm. for mendyng of the frame of yron for the aulter jd . *Itm. paied to John Coppyn for kepyng of the clok the span of a yer vj8 viiid. Itm. for ij belle ropys viiid. Itm. for repayryng of the stabill that WiHm Bygdon oceupyeth vja. Itm. lost in clippyd grots xvid. Itm. for a key for oon of the tenements in Pyllory Lane ija . Itm. to Byrche for framyng of the clok x8. Itm. in nayle jd . Itm. for carieng home of the clok from seint Gregories vjd. Itm. to Arnold Lokyer for yron werk for the clok and the rode lofte ij8 vd ob. Itm. for drynk at John a Tents for birche ijd. Itm. paied to Birche for settyng up of the clok by the space of iij daies and a half iij3 vid. Itm. paied to the Chanon of Seint Gregories for makyng of the same clok xvij3. Itm. for whipcorde ja . Itm. for payntyng of the Dyall iiijd. Itm. paied to a joynour for makyng of the coffynnys xijd. Itm. for iij quarters of borde xixd. Itm. di c of iijd nayle jd ob. Itm. for a stanchion jd. Itm. for corde for the clok jd. Itm. for nayle for the belle whilef jd . Itm. for strikyng of xix Ii of olde wex and for iiij Hand a half newe wax le li vd ob for the pascall and for strikyng of the same newe wax iijs ixd. JItm. to Henry Okeman for strikyng of the pascall weyng xxvi Ii aud for iij ii and iij quarters of newe wex for the seid pascall le Ii of the newe wax viid summa w4 the strikyng iij8 ijd. * This item is crossed out. f Wheel. $ The whole of this item is struck out. VOL. XXXII. E 242 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Fol. 34 ro. Itm. for writyng of this present accompt xiid. Itm. paied to Byrche in party of payment of. a more summe for makyng of the rode loofte xiij Ii vi8 viiia. Itm. in the hande of . . . .* Coppyn for rent of a garden in Sandewych parcell of vi8 viiid iiij3 viiid. Itm. paied to Wilim Lambe for strikyngf Summa totalis soluc' et expen' hujus anni v Ii vi8 ijd ob. Et sic iidem computant habent supplus hoc anno xs ixd. Fol. 34 vo. [This page is blank.] Fol. 35 ro. [1508-9.] Th'accompte of Nicholas Symon and John Alcok chirchewardeyns of the parisshe chirche of seint Andrewe th'appostall of the Cetie of Oaunterbury from the fest of the Epiphany of our lorde A0 [xx]iij H. vii unto the same fest next ensuyng that is to sey oon hole yer. Eecepc : ffirst rd of Jamys Col man for rent of . . . . * acres of lande besides . . . . * by yer x8. Itm. of Edward Watson for ferme of a stabill in Pillory Lane by yer ij8 viiid. Itm. of Wilim Eygdon for ferme of a nother stabill in the same lane by yer iij8 iiiid. Itm. of Hugh Clark for a garden and a tenement in Pillory Lane by yer iij8 iiii'1. Itm. of Grenys wydowe for rent of a tenement w4out Northgate xiiiid. Itm. of Kendalls wydowe for rent, etc. xxd. Itm. of . . . . * Eamsey for rent of a garden in Sandewiche by the yer vj3 viiid. Summa xv8 vid. Fol. 35 vo. Itm. of John Lamberherst for rent, etc., w4out Northgate v8. Itm. of Wilim Rutland Chamberlayn of the Cetie of Oaunterbury for the obyte of Wiilm Benet x8. Itm. of Antonyes wyf for mortuary tapers xvjd. Itm. of her husbonds bequeth vi8 viiia. Itm. of Eaff Cooke for wast of torchis viii*. * Blank. t No sum set out. OE ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 243 Itm. of Wiilm Eutlande for herse tapers viiid. Itm. of the same Wilim Eutlande for the wast of viii torchis xvia . Itm. of the same Wilim Eutlande toward the byeng of the bolls for the rode lofte ij.8 vjd. Itm. of Syr John parisshe prest of Seint Andrew to the same use iiijd- Itm. of Eobert Sare for wast of torchis viiid. Itm. rd at Easter for the crosse light xii8 ixd ob. Itm. rd uppon Hokmonday and Hoktuysday xiiii3 vjd. Itm. of Birmyngehams wydowe of her husbonds bequeth ij3. Itm. of John Burges for wast of torchys and mortuary tapers xxd . Summa iij li j d ob. Fol. 36 ro. Itm. of Maistres Sare for mortuary tapers xvid. Itm. of Mr. John Huett of the bequeth of Maistres Swanne iiij Ii x3. Itm. of Nicholas Symon for the wast of mortuary tapers xvid . Itm. of Nicholas Sadeler for the ferme of a stabill in Pillory Lane by yer ij8 viiid. Itm. of Wilim Lambe for the rent of a garden in Seint Pawlvs Parisshe iij3 iiijd. Itm. of Wilim Eoose for rent and ferme of the garden in Seint Alphegs parisshe ij3. Itm. of . . . .* Eobson for the ferme of a garden in Seint Pawlys parisshe xvid. Summa viii ii xv8 iiijd. Fol. 36 vo. The Sesse. 1. Itm. ra of the parisshons by reason of a sesse made for makyng of the rode lofte as particularly foloweth :— ffirst of M1' Bolney in party of payment of xxxiii8 iiiid xvs viiid. Itm. of Mr Sare xx3. Itm. of Mr Wainflet xx8. Itm. of Mr ffyshe ij ii. Itm. of M1' Eutland xx8. Itm. of M1' ffoke xiii3 iiiia. Itm. of John Knight xviii3. Itm. of John Alcok xvi3 iiiia. * Blank. B 2 244 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Itm. of Nicholas Symon Itm. of Eobert Sare Itm. of John Walker Itm. of Anthony Johnson Itm. of John Burges Itm. of W. Seinan Itm. of John Tent Itm. of John Tilly Fol. 37 ro. Itm. of Wilim Laurense Itm. of John West Itm. of Wilim Birmyngeham Itm. of Eaaf Preston Itm. of Eichard Harte Itm. of Eobert Lewes Itm, of Petir Lokyer Itm. of Symon Baxster Itm. of Arnold Lokyer Itm. of Petir Capper Itm. of Wilim Eygdon Itm. of Edward Watson Itm. of John Cuttel in party Itm. of Barnards whiche was Itm. of Henry at Well Itm. of Wilim Chapman Itm. of John Dundy of Summa x ii vi payment of xiid set at Itm. of Clement Hamon whiche Itm. of John Davell Itm. of Henry a Legh was xiid sessid at xiid Summa iij xiii8 iiijd. X3. XXs. X8. X8. viii3. Vs, vi8 viiid. 8 viiid. X8. xiid. vi3 viiid. iij8 iiija. xxd. vi8 viiid. vi3 viiid. xiid. iij8 iiiid, Vs . iij8 iiiid. xiid. iiij'1- ij ii. xiid. vj8 viiid. xiid. ij li. iij8 iiija. xiid. ii iij3. Fol. 37 vo. Itm. of Nicholas Lynche Briaunt Itm. of Andrewe Bruer Itm. of Wilim ffysshe Itm. of John Goldesmyth Itm, of Eaaff Hopkyn Itm. of John Eichardson xnu xiid xiia. xxd. viiid. OE ST. A-NDREW^S, CANTERBURY. 24B Itm. of John a Legh xiia. Itm. of Hugh Sampson viiid. Itm. of Lolland in party of payment of ij3 xiid. Itm. of Wilim Terys wyf xiid. Itm. of Nicholas Sadeler whiche was sect at xiia ij ii. Itm. of Kember xiia. Summa x3 viiid. Summa of the Asses™1'8. Summa totalis rec. hujus anni tam fratrum et aliorum et quam assess, predict xxiii ii xv8 ob. Fol. 38 ro. Wherof the seid accomptaunts aske to be allowed ffirst for Maistres Swannys obite vii8 viid. Itm. paied for Eybonds to bynde the coopys and vestements xvd . Itm. for iij yards of canvas ixd. Itm. paied for mendyng of coopys and vestments iij8. Itm. for ij yards and iij quarters of Bokeram xid. Itm. for a yard and di. and iij nayles of Bokeram viiid. Itm. for sowyng on of the velvett on the obys iiijd. Itm. in threde iiijd ob. Itm. for makyng of vi stoolys and v fannans xxd. Itm. paied for Eobert Bonys obyte ij8 viiid. Itm. to Burges for nayle to the Eode lofte xixd. Itm. paied to the Clark for wacchyng of the sepulture vja. Itm. for a belle rope va. Itm. paied to M1' Man for makyng of the indentures of the steyres xvid. Itm. for a bel rope vd. Itm. to Seman weydowe for oyle for the lamps vi8. Itm. for pak threde ob. Itm. for a bell rope vd. Itm. for vii ii and di. of wex for the crosse light and strikyng thereof and of xxviii ii and di. of the wex for the same light v3 vijd. Summa xxxvs vid. Fol. 38 vo. Itm. for v tymes strikyng of the lampe tapers di. ii a pece from Cristmas unto the natyvyto of our lady iiij8 vd, 246 CHURCHWARDENS* ACCOUNTS. Itm. paied to Henry Okeman for ij torchys weyeng xxvi Ii le Ii iijd ob. Summa vii8 viid. Itm. to John Coppyn for kepyng of the clok by all the yer vi8 viiid. Itm. for wesshyng of the chirche clothis all the same yer xd. Itm. paied to ij laborers the space of ij daies laboryng aboute the rode lofte viia ob- Itm. to a mason iiijd- Itm. paied to Pott for carieng of ij lode of robryssh viiid. Itm. to the same Pott for a lode of saude via. Itm. for C of bryke vid. Itm. to Eoger Barons and his man werkyng aboute the seid Eode lofte by the space of ij daies xxd. Itm. for a quarter of lyme vid. Itm. to Bekills for *eharnells for the rode lofte dore iij8. Itm. to Gilbert Stayner for payntyng of the same rode lofte xiid . Itm. paied to Comptons wyf for xiii quarts of ayle iij8 iijd. Itm. for strikyng of viii ii of wex for the mortuary tapers and for iiij Ii of newe wex for the same tapers ij8 viiid. Itm. for the obyte of Wilim Benet xs. Summa xliiii8 ij'1 ob. Fol. 39 ro. •Itm. for the obyte of Edmunde Mynot ij8. Itm. of their surplusage of their last accompt as it apperith in the f ote of the same xii3 ixd. Itm. for writyng of this present accompte xiid. Itm. for drawyng of a dyke and thacchyng of the wallys abowte the garden in Sandewiche iiij8 iiijd. Summa totalis alii' expen' et supplus' hujus anni' iiij ii xiiii8 vjd ob. Et sic iidem comput' reman' in debo parocbianis predict' xviii11 vi" xa. Summa debi. Fol. 39 vo. [Blank.] (To be continued.) * Hinges.


Some Early Visitation Rolls preserved at Canterbury


Extracts from the Letter-Book of a Dover Merchant, 1737-1741