Cinque Ports, Faversham: Copy of a Parchment Roll with Corporation Seal attached, containing Orders of Faversham Wardmote for a Cesse for Shipping in 38th year of

( 303 ) CINQUE PORTS, FAVERSHAM. Copr OF A PARCHMENT EOLL WITH CORPORATION SEAL ATTACHED, CONTAINING ORDEKS OP FAVERSHAM WARDMOTE FOR A CESSE FOR SHIPPING IN 38TH TEAR OP EEIGN OF QUEEN ELIZABETH, AND NAMES OP PERSONS CHARGED. BY THE LATE P. P. GIBATJD. Notes from Minute Books of the Corporation are printed in Vol. XXVIII. of Archceologia Cantiana containing references to this Cesse (pp. 40, 41). I t will be seen that the Orders of Wardmote provide for the collection of the Cesse from inhabitants and outdwellers, and ample provision is made for enforcing payment by distress, imprisonment, etc. The names of the persons charged may interest those of their descendants or of the same name who may be collecting genealogical notes. An alphabetical list of names and some notes referring to the Jurats and Commoners are added. Eau'shm. A Cesse made (bye aucthorytye of a wardmothe holden in the Guyldhall of the same Towne bye the maior juratts & Cofhynaltye of the same Towne there assembryd & gathered together upon the xv"' daye of Januarye In the xxxviiith yere of the Eeigne of our Sov'ereigne Lady Quene Elizabeth) Bye John Upton, John Hallett & Eobt. Allen, three of the Juratts of the same Towne and bye John Elfreythe, Cobbe, Anthonye Bodle & Eycharde Pyerce, fower of the Commonaltie or of the cofnon councell of the same Towne (4 words illegible) elected & appoyneted by the aucthorytie of the same Wardmouthe to Cesse & Taxe accordinge to the Auncyent Custome of the same Towne there in lyke casse tyeme out of mynde used & app'ved As well as the Inhabytants & Eescyants within the lib'tye of the same Towne bye All . . . . 304 CINQUE PORTS, PAVEESHAM. Goods & . . . . lands & tents As well within as without the same lifttye And alsoe All the Eorreners with their lands & teiits lyinge w'thin the same libtie for the pvyding fyndinge & furnyshinge of Eortye Tonnes in one Shyppe of Clx Tonnes Imposed uppon Dover & hys members to be put in A rodyne bye the fyrste day of Apryll next coming & to be furnished for fyve monethes then next followinge with vyctuall maryners munytion & other necessarye pvysion & Eurnyture for s'vyce to be done with her mates navye one the Seas or otherwise accordinge to dyrection to be resceyved from her mats moste honorable Councell or from the nowe lorde Admyrall together with other the shipps of the Fyve ports & their members bye the space of the foreseide fyve monythes accordinge to her mats requeste bye her ma'1 moste honorable counsells l'res in thys behalffe dyrected sente & deliv'ryd to the sayde fieve ports & their members And to be gatheryd & levyed aecordinglye by Thomas Waterman, Danyell Gyeles & George Cruttall three of the Corhoners of the same Towne appoyneted bye aucthorytye of the foresayde wardemouthe and Accordinge to a decree order & Agream' made ordeyned & Agreayd uppon bye the foreseide maior Juratts & Comynaltye in the same wardmothe. Abbeye streete & Courte streete. M'' Henry Saker, maior M'' Thomas Men veil Nicholas Bull Thomas Pyerce Edward Wilson Mr Humfrye Clarke, gent. Bobte Stone John Eye iij Nicholas Upton, Juratt Elyas Meade Xpofer Warren er Wyllm Haslewoode Thomas Chartom Eobte Banes, Juratte Eicharde Tyllman Eobert Eye Xpofer Eynche, Juratte Wyllyam Bawcom v i i " j " xl8 iij" ii8 vip yliXS 8 iiijd vjii Xs Xs V8 ij8 Tjii xj8 Xs iiij3 Vs John Powwell M1'8 Deale, wydowe Mrs Shrubsole, wydowe Mr Sparcklinge John Spuddle Lewes Browne Thomas Johnson Thomas Pelham, Juratt John Reve Thomas Waterman Eobte Allen, Juratt John Hampton Wyllm Chrustone Thomas Cobbe Edmunde Cobbe Alexander Ower Wyllyam Wayman Anthonye Longe XXs XXXs XXXs yli ij3 if vj8 viijd iij" xl8 iij" x3 1" iiij9 iij8 iiju l8 ix» l8 ij8 CINQUE PORTS, PAVERSHAM. 305 Henrye Eugler John Haulden Laurance Bynean. Anthonye Bodill M1'3 Beste, wydowe Eycharde Phyllpott iij8 ij3 i]3 l8 XXs XXXs John Castelocke, Juratt v1' x3 M'' Kybett Widdowe Atkines John Lorrance Eichard Gill Thomas Virgoe Eohte Collwell John Swayton Michael Jarman Wyllyam Cadman George Collwell Henrye Somers George Crosse Wyddowe Woode Edwarde Freeman Xpofer Hartrupe Wydowe Hudson Gylbte Dundie John Bulvan Thomas Bratt Edwarde Menefeilde John Doman Gyeles Gorham Thomas Morefeilde Eycharde Hills Stephen Wharffe Matthewe Harte Wyddowe Danyell Josyas Sparche Vyncent Olarckson James Lamberte Eycharde Romneye XXs vjs viijd l8 Xs Vs vjs viija John Freende John Upton, Juratt Symon Wyar Thomas Okenfolde John Hoeman Mr Gosnole Thomas Pott Eichard Drylonde Wyllyam Hunte Wydowe Bugle Wydowe Dyer John Denys Sin Weste Streete. XV8 ij8 l8 ijs iij8 XXs ii9 iij8 XXXs xl8 xl8 iiij" Vs XXs vjs viijd V8 Vs vjs vhjd ij3 X8 XXX8 Xs iij8 iiija Xs iij8 iiijd Wyllyam Hyllton Thomas Eye Wyllyam Eye Wylim Chatbourne Xfofer Hudson itf 1 iiijd VJU -jS iijs iij8 cix" 1 iiij'1 ij8 X8 XXs 1 ii'j'1 i'js i.i8 X3 Vs ijs 1 ihjd V8 iij" XVs iij" x3 Chatbourne shomaker Averye Crofte John Glewe Danyell Gyeles Eycharde Poore Thomas Hudson Eicharde Maycott Wyddowe Newes George Grenestreete Eobto Hyllton George Dixe Humfreye Lowes Thomas Wylcockes John Willarde Henrye Braynes Eicharde Peasse Henrye Clarcke Wyllyam Johnson Wyllyam Stevens George Michell vjs iij3 iij8 vij" iij3 iij" iis xl8 Vjs viij'1 Xs XVs iij1' Vs i.l's iij3 va iiij" iis XXXs iiijd V8 X5 i.i8 VOL. XXXII. . X 306 CINQUE PORTS, EAVERSHAM. Nychas Fyshe xxx3 Arthure Egertoir Vs Rob1 Lame, Juratt • iij" John Gouldthwayte ij8 John Kendrycke vj3 viijd Preston George Bennett George Cruttall Thomas Barminge John Eorwoode Thomas Saunders Wyllyam Manington James Johnson Wyllyam Saxten John Eyppingall Gabriel 1 Mlyvere M, s Smaile Thomas Fynche, Jun1' Nycholas Finener M1' Beere Thomas Goatlye Ealfe Duglas Thomas Cooke Mr Nicholson Eycharde Pearce John Ellfrythe Andrewe Wotton John Adye Israeli Lee Wyllyam Kember Michael Eassett John Hallett, Juratt Xs XXs xl8 ij8 XXXs XXs Vs XXXVs Xs X3 'j3 Vs ij3 XXs XXXs XXs ij8 iiij" xl3 Tafier xl3 vi8 viii'' ij° ij8 XXXs iij3 v''xs Freemen n Symon Greenstreete iij" Wyllyam Tyllman xl8 Thomas Upton xs WyHm Eocherye xxxs Gyeles Ledgegoode xs John Watts xxx8 Sm Ivij" is streete. John Ball Stephen Egleden Mychaell Eeve Thomas Fynche, gent. Humfrye Symcockes Henry Watterman Wyllm Tomlyn John Cooke Thomas Annott George Bespitche Wyllyam Boddell Edwarde Wyllcocke Fran cesse Gyles Walter Throwle Clement Walton Henrye Palmer John Bennett James Thurston Smlx' xva v" viij" v" Xs XXs ii3 V3 XXXs Xs iiij" iij3 Is ix" xl8 XXs i.f i.l8 ijs ' xiiij8 streete. Nychas Catlett Thomas Cleve Wyll"1 Bele Bob4 Snode James Worseter John Lagoe Sm xxxij" vj ' j 8 xvj" iij" XXXs xl8 ijs s yijjd i Inhabitants. John Tye Vs Sm v" xvs CINQUE PORTS, EAVERSHAM. 307 Bachelers. Ingram Woollett, gent. John Woode Thomas Barton Thomas Drayton Anthonye Kyngeslande Nichas Butcher Wylim Harrys v" XXs Xs xl3 XXs ij8 Vs Stephen Hartruppe xs Thomas Stupple xs Thomas Tassell vj3 viijd Henry Adye xs George Hutson xx8 George Eson ij8 Sm xij1' xvs viijd The Cesse of Forreners for their lands w'ch theye have lyinge & beinge w'thin the Towne & libb'ye of Fav'shm. Abbey streete & Courtestreete. Imprimis the lands of Mr Smythe called Thome meadowes the messuage wherein M1' Clarke dwelleth the bowlinge greene the Church meadowe & other the lands belonginge to the saide messuage . The lands of Eobf Streynsham viz. the house wherein Mr Henrye Saker maior nowe dwellethe & for the Abbotts Garden The lands late M'' Bennetts viz. the Saxterye the Pryers garden & washe house crofte . . . . The lands of Eobte Streynsh'm late in the occupac'ou of Edwarde Wyllson & others . . . . . . . . Prowde for a messuage & garden called the signe of the Cocke late John Goodhewes . . . . Woode & . . . : Woode for a messuage & garden in the occupac'on of Elyas Meade The heirs of John Dyxon for a tente & garden in the occupac'on of X'tofer Warr'ener . . . . John Eylkes for a tente & garden late in the occupac'on of Thomas Hodge . . . . Mr Edwarde Fagge for three messuages Gardens & Storehowsses in the tenure of M1' Gosnole & others Theyres of Mr Eychard Tyllinau for three Teiits Gardens Storehousses lofts wharffe & Crane Theyres of John Forreter for a tente & Garden in the occupac'on of the Wyddowe Sellande . Eobte Collwell for a tente late Wylim Atkinsons xl3 xvj9 xls XXs iiij8 iiij8 xvjd XI]" XI]3 xijs xij" xij" 308 CINQUE PORTS, PAVERSHAM. Edwarde Pordage for a messuage Garden Storehouse wharffe & crane in the occupac'on of John Laurence viij8 Mr George Cryspe for a messuage Garden & other the Apptenn'cs in the occupac'on of M73 Shrubsole & Ny'chSs Tuvier xij3 Mr s Phyllpott widowe for a ten'te & Garden in the occupac'on of John Powell iiij8 The sayde Mr s Phyllpott for a messuage & other the Apptenn'cs in the occupac'on of Mr Spracklyn . xx8 The sayde Wydowe Phylpott for a ten'te in the occupacon of Thomas Burwasshe . . . . Mr Clones for a Tente & garden late in the occupacon of John Layman The heyres of Wyllm Phyllpott for a Tente in the occupac'on of John Spuddle Robte Pordage for a messuage wUl the apptenn'cs in the occupac'on of Laurence Byneon . . . ij8 Th'yres of George Wreake clercke for a Tente & Garden in the occupac'on of John Jarvysse . , ij" Th'yres of Wyllm Fynche gent, for ix acres of lande in Cutthorne in the occupac'on of Eobt Pordage . vij8 The lands late S1' Thomas Sonds lyinge in Cutthorne in the occupac'on of Wiilm Tomlyn . . . vij" For one Acre of lande lying in Cutthorne in the occupac'ou of Alexander Ower . . . . Theyres of . . . . Watts for two Acres of lande lyinge next the lane there in the occupac'on of wydowe Watts The sayde heyres for a Teiite & Garden adjoyninge to the sayde lane called Cocke lane . . . . The ms & fellowes of Sl John Colledge in Cambridge for one crofte of lande late in the occupac'on of Mathewe Taylor & for the masendue & the howsses & lands thereto belonginge & for the mill with the Apptenn'cs in the occupac'on of James Wourceter & John Lagoe xv8 The land late Sr Thomas Sonds kynighte called Padbrooke in the occupac'on of Wyllyam Tomlyn Sfh . . vj" xiij Sm to" . iij 0 iiij11 xiij8 . CINQUE PORTS, EAVERSHAM. 309 Faushm ff. Coe Concilium tene ibfh die ven'is videlic' Quinto die march Anno Eegni dfie noe Elizabeth Dei Gra' Anglie Franc et Hib'nie Eegine fidei defefi &c. Tricesimo Octavo p' Henrico Saker Maior' ville p'dce Xroferii Fynche, Nich'um Upton, Eob'tum Lame, Johem Upton, Eob'tum Banes et Thomam Pelham Jurat' eiusdem ville, Humfrm Kybett, Thomam Waterman, Willum Cademan, Edmundu Cobbe, Anthoniu Bodell, Nich'um Bull, Thomam Fynche, Thomam Eye, Georgia Cruttoll, Johem Laurence, Willum Wayman, Willum Tomlyn et Johem Swayton Communitat sive de coi consilio ville pdce. For the better levyinge of the foreseide Cesse & for the better more spedyer pparinge & furnyshing of the same Servyce as yt becometh subjects in all loyaltie fayeth & obedyence to theire Prince & duetye to theire Countrye, and that the Good & Faythefull Servyce of the same Ports, Two Auncyente Townes & theire members may be (as heretofore) done & contynued to theire contynuall & ev'lastinge praysse fame & comendac'on Ft ys agreayd & enacted bye the foreseide maior JurattB & Cofnynaltie here Assemblyd & gathered together That the same Cesse shalbe wl!l All convenyent speede that may be gathered & levyed upon the same sevall Inhabitauncs Eesiyants owners & Inhabitours bye Thomas Waterman, Danyell Gyeles & George Cruttoll three of the Comoners of the same Towne collectours of the same here at the laste wardmoote holden here the xv"' daye of Januarye In the xxxviij"' yere of our foreseide Sov'eigne Ladye Quene Elizabeth nomynated chosen & Appoynted for the collection & resceyvinge of the same, And that the sayde Collectours & evye of them shall have full power & aucthorytie to distreigne All suche pson & psons as be cessyd as contrybutoryes to the foreseide Cesse, that shall refuse to paye the same Cesse & monye uppon them Imposed in & bye the same Cesse bye All their Goods & chattells in anye mann' of wyesse founde or to be founde wthyn the libtye of the same Towne in whosse hands possessyon or custody the same goods & chattels shalbe founde Aud the Dystresse & Dystresses soe taken bye the sayde Collectours or some one of theym, shall bo saffelye kept bye the sayed Collectours that shall soe dystreigne, bye the space of fyve dayes nexte followynge After the taking of the same dystresse or dystresses wthin wcl' space of fyve dayes yf the pson or psons soe dystreyned shall not satysfye & paye to the 310 CINQUE PORTS, PAVERSHAM. same Collectour the Cesse or monye wherefore they shalbe soe dystreyned, That then the sayde Collectours shall cause the dystresse or dystresses so taken to be preysed bye the othes of syxe men of the libtye of the same Towne And after the same Appreysem' made shall sell the same goods & chattels or soe muehe thereof as shall contente satysfye & paye the same hys or theire Cesse or Cesses, And the ov'plus of the monye coniynge of the Sale of the same Goods (yf anye shall happen to be) shalbe bye the sayde Collectours or some one of theym delyv'yd to the p'tye that dyd owe the same Goods. And yt ys alsoe agreayd & enactyd bye the foreseide maior Juratts & Comynaltye That yf there be anye rnanfi of p'son or p'sons Inhabiting & rescying wthin the libtye of the same Towne that ys under age & ys cessyd to the aforeseide contrybuc'on in the same Cesse & ys in the Cusdodye & keepinge of Anye other the Inhabitants & Eescyants wthin the same lib'tye bye reason of hys mynorytie & nonage That then yf suche pson or psons as have the Custodye & keepinge of such psn or psns under age will refusse to paye the cesse or money whereunto he ys cessyd . . . . chargyd in & bye the foreseide Cesse that then such p'son & p'sons as have or shall have the custodye & keepynge of evye suche pson or psons under age shalbe bye the maior of the same Towne for the tyme beyng comytted to the pryson in the same Towne therein remaine untyl he shall have payed to the sayde Collectours the same Cesse or moneye ymposed upon every suche jpson or psons under age as aforeseide. And yt ys also agreayd & enactyd bye theforeseide Maior Juratts & Comynaltye, That yf anye jpson or psons chargyd in & bye the same Cesse shall have noe Goods & chattels wthin the lib'tye of the same Towne Or yf the sayd Collectours shall not fynde to come . . . . anye goods or chattels of the same pson or psons and the same pson or psons shall refusse to paye to the sayde Collectours the same Cesse & monye imposed uppon theym in & bye the same Cesse That then the same pson & psons shalbe bye the Maior of the same Towne for the tyme beinge comytted to the foreseide Pryson of the same Towne thereto remaine until he or theye have payed to the sayde Collectours of the same Cesse or monye Imposed uppon ev'yche of . . . . pson or psons. And yt ys alsoe agreayd & enactyd bye the foreseide maior Juratts & Comynaltie, That yf Anye pson or psons that . . . . . oute of the libtye of the same Towne, whosse lands & teiits lyinge CINQUE PORTS, FAVERSHAM. 31 1 & beinge w'thin the same libtye are cessed & chardgeable in & bye the" same Cesse to the foreseide s'vice, As in righte & of custome theye Are to be chargyd whoe shall refusse to paye the same Cesse or monye Imposed uppon theym in respecte of the same their lands & tefits That then the saide Collectours & ev'ye of them shall enter in & uppon the lands & tefits of such pson or psons As soe shall refusse to paye the same Cesse or monye And there to distreigne the goods & chattells of ev'y suche pson & psons soe refusinge to paye, & the Goods & chattels of ev'ye theire Farmour or Earmours occupier or occupiers of the same their lands & ten'ts & the Dystresse or Distresses soe taken to prysse sell & usse in all respects as ys aforeseide. Brovyded allwayes that yf the foreseide Owners or Inherytours "of the saide lands & ten'8 or anye of them shall refusse to dischardge & paye the same cesse soe imposed & le'yed upon them & ev'ye of them and alsoe to acquyte & dyschardg theire foreseide sev'all farmours & oceupyers of the same Cesse That then the Goods & Chattells of ev'ye suche Owner & Inheryter hereafter at anye tyeme comynge or to be founde w'thin the lihtye of the same Towne shalbe dystreyned taken used & solde by the seide Collectours or some one of theim or by suche other pson or psons as shalbe appoyneted by the maior of the sayed Towne for the tyme beinge As aforeseide to & for the satisfacion & paym4 of ev'ye of their feremours tenfits & oceupyers dystreyned for the same Cesse or monye & . . . . as ys aforeseide. In wyttnes of all & sifigler the p'misses theforeseide maior Juratts & Comynaltye of the foreseide Towne of Fav'shm their Comon Seale of the same Towne hereunto have caussed to be putt. Dated at Eau'shfn aforeseid the daye & yere afore written. (The Common Seal.) Indorsement: A Cesse for Shippinge. LIST OF NAMES IN CESSE. The numbers after names refer to the times they are referred to, Adye, 2 Allen, 2 Amiett, 2 Atkines, 1 Atkinson, 1 Banes, 1 Bawcom, 1 Barmynge, 1 Ball, 2 Barton, 1 Beste, 1 Bennett, 4 Beare, 2 Bele, 1 Bespitch, 3 312 CINQUE PORTS, PAVERSHAM. Bodle "1 Bodell }5 BoddleJ Browne, 1 Bratt, 1 Braynes, 1 Bull, 2 Bui van, 1 Bugle, 1 Butcher, 1 Burwasshe, 1 Bymean, 1 Byneon, 1 Casteloek, 1 Cademan, 2 Catlett, 1 Chartom, 1 Chatbourne, 2 Clarke, 3 Clarkson, 1 Cleve, 1 Clones, 1 Cobb, 4 Colwell, 3 Cooke, 4 Cruttoll, 5 Crustone, 1 Crosse, 1 Crofte, 1 Danyell, 1 Deale, 1 Denys, 1 Dixe, 1 Doman, 1 Drylonde, 1 Drayton, 1 Dundie, 1 Duglas, 2 Dyer, 1 Dyxon, 1 Egerton, 1 Egleden, 2 Elfrythe, 2 Eson, 1 Fagge, 1 Eassett, 1 Finener, 2 Forwood, 2 Forreter, 1 Freende, 1 Freeman, 1 Fugler, 1 Fynche, 7 Fyshe, 1 Fylkes, 1 Gill, 1 Glene, 2 Gosnole, 2 Gorham, 1 Gouldthwayte, 1 Goatlye, 2 Goodhewes, 1 Greenstreet, 2 Gyeles, 4 Hallett, 2 Haslewoode, 1 Hampton, 1 Hartrupe, 2 Harte, 1 Hareys, 1 Hills, 1 Houlden, 1 Holman, 1 Hodge, 1 Hunt, 1 Hudson, 4 Hylton, 2 Jarman, 1 Jarvysse, 1 Johnson, 4 Kendriych, 1 Kember, 1 Kybett, 2 Kyngeslonde, 1 Lambert, 1 Lame, 2 Lagoe, 2 Lee, 1 Ledgegood, 1 Longe, 1 Lorrance, 3 Lowes, 1 Maycott, 1 Manington, 2 Menfield, 2 Meade, 1 Michell, 1 Moreflelde, 1 Mlyvere, 2 Newes, 1 Nicholson, 2 Okenfold, 1 Ower, 2 Palmer, 2 Pelham, 2 Peasse, 1 Phyllpott, 5 Pordage, 3 Powell, 2 Pott, 1 Poore, 1 Prowde, 1 Pyerce, 4 Eeve, 3 Eippingall, 2 Eocherye, 1 Eomney, 1 Eye, 5 Saker, 3 Saunders, 2 Saxten, 2 Sellande, 1 Shrubsole, 2 Smaile, 2 Smythe, 1 Snode, 1 Somers, 1 Sonds, 2 Spracklynge, 2 Spuddle, 2 Sparcke, 1 CINQUE PORTS, PAVERSHAM. 3l3 Stone, 1 Streynsham, 2 Stevens, 1 Stupple, 1 Swayton, 2 Symcockes, 2 Taylor, 1 Tassell, 1 Thurston, 2 Throwle, 2 Tomlyn, 5 Turner, 1 Tyllman, 3 Tye,l Upton, 8 Virgoe, 1 Waterman, 5 Wnrrener, 2 Wayman, 2 Watts, 3 Walton, 2 Wharffe, 1 Wilson, 1 Willard, 1 Woode, 4 Wotton, 1 Worseter, 3 Woollett, 1 Wreake, 1 Wyar, 1 Wylcockes, 2 C, Commoner. J., Jurat, M., Mayor. Allen, Eobert, C. 1584 to 1613, J. 1595 to 1613, M. 1601. Adye, John, C. 1607 to 1616. Bodle, Antony, C. 1590 to 1621. Banes, Eobert, J. 1591 to 1600, M. 1592. Bawcomb, William, C. 1603 to 1605. Beste, John, J. 1544 to 1591, M. 1567. Barmynge, Thomas, J. 1580 to 1599, M. 1579. Bull, Nicholas, C. 1584 to 1602. Bespitch, John, C. 1597 to 1605, Bele, William, C. 1598 to 1603, J. 1604 to 1616, M. 1608. Cobbe, Edmund, C. 1597 to 1600. Castelocke, John, J. 1583 to 1627, M. 1603, 1612. Cademan, William, C. 1585 to 1605 (died). Chatbourne, William, C. 1580 to 1611. Cruse, George, C. 1613 to 1626. Cruttall, George, C. 1587 to 1600. Ellfrythe, John, C. 1573 to 1604 (died). Fynche, Christopher, J. 1575 to 1607, M. 1577, 1607. Fynche, Thomas (gent.), 0. 1590 to 1597 (left Town). Gyles, Daniel, C. 1592 to 1599 (retired). Hallett, John, C. 1584 to 1592, J. 1593 to 1598, M. 1596. Kybett, Humfrey, C. and Town Clerk 1571 to 1602. Lame, Eobert, J. 1574 to 1598, M. 1586. Lawrance, John, C. 1592 to 1607, J. 1607 to 1626, M. 1611. Lee, Israel, C. 1605 to 1607. 314 CINQUE PORTS, PAVERSHAM. Menfield (Medvall), Thos., J. 1603 to , M. 1613, d. 1614. • Meade, Elias. Ower, Alex., C. 1598 to 1600. Philpott, Eichd., C. 1584 to 1600. Pelham, Thos., J. 1593 to 1598. Pyerse, Thos., C. 1601, 1602. Eye, Thos., C. 1572 to 1607. Eeve, John, C. 1592 to 1596 (left Town). Saxten, Wm., C. 1592 to 1607. Spracklinge, Isay, J. 1599 to 1618, M. 1600, 1614. Tomlyn, Wm., C. 1592 to 1614. Tyllman, Wm., J. 1592 to 1596, M. 1594. Upton, John, J. 1586 to 1627, M. 1589, 1604. Upton, Nicholas, J. 1584 to 1595, M. 1587,1592. Waterman, Thos., C. 1570 to 1575. Warrener, Christopher, C. 1604 to 1617. Wayman, William, C. 1594 to 1610. Worceter, Jas., C. 1605 to 1607 (died). ALPHABETICAL LIST OF NAMES. Adye, John, Henry Allen, Eobert Annett, Tho8 Atkines, W° Atkinson, Wm. Ball, John Banes, Robert Barmynge, Tho8 Barton, Thomas Bawcomb, Wm Bele, Wm Bennett (Mr ), George, John Bere (Mr ) Bespitch, George Beste (W°) Bodle, Antony, William Bratt, Thomas Braynes, Henry Browne, Lewis Bugle (W°) Bull, Nicholas Bulvan, John Burwasshe, Tho8 Butcher, Nicholas Byneon, Lawrance Cadman, Wm Castelocke, John Catlett, Nicholas Chartom, Tho8 Chatbourne, Wm Clarke (Gent.) (Mr), Humfrey Clarkson, Vincent Cleve, Tho8 Clones (M'') Cobb, Edmond, Tho8 Colwell, Eobert, George Cooke, Thomas, John Crispe, George Crofte, Avery Crosse, George Crustone, Wm Cruttall, George, Danyell (W°) Deale (W°) Denys (John) Dixe, George Doman, John Drayton, Tho8 Drylonde, Eichd CINQUE PORTS, PAVERSHAM. 3l 5 Duglas, Ealfe Dundie, Gilbert Dyer (W°) Dyxon, John Egerton, Arthur Egleden, Stephen Ellfrith, John Eson, George Fagge, Edward • Fassett, Michael Finener, Nicholas Forreter, John Forwood, John Freeman, Edward Freende, John Fugler, Henry Fylkes, John Fynche, Christopher, Thomas (Gent.), Thomas (Jun1), William Fyshe, Nicholas Gill, Eichard Glewe, John Goatlye, Tho8 Goodhewes, John Gorham, Giles Gosnole (Mr) Gouldthwayte, John Greenstreet, George, Simon Gyles, Daniel, Frances Hallett, John Hampton, John Harrys, William Harte, Matthew Hartrupe, Christopher, Stephen Haslewoode, W ' ILiulden, John Hills, Rich", George Hodge, Tho8 Holm an, John Hudson, Christopher, George, Thomas, W° Hunt, Wm Hylton, Eobert, Wm Jarman, Michael Jarvisse, John Johnson, Tho3 , Wm, Jaa Kember, W1" Ken dry eke, John Kybett (M.r ) Kyngeslonde, Antony Lagoe, John Lambert, Jas Lame, Eobert Laurance, John Layman, John Ledgegood, Giles Lee, Israel Longe, Antony Lowes, Humfrey Manington, W ' Maycott, Richd Meade, Elias Medvall, Tho3 Menfield, Edw" Michell, George Mlyvere, Gabriel Morefield, Tho8 Neve, Michael Newea (W°) Nicholson (Mr ) Okenfold, Tho8 Ower, Alexander Palmer, Henry Peasse, Eich" Pelham, Thomas Phyllpott (W°), Rich", Wm Poore, Eich" Pordage, Edwd, Rob1 Pott, Thomas Powell, John Pyerse, Eich", Tho3 Eeve, John, Michael Eippingall, John Eocherye, Will"' Eomneye, Rich" Rye, John, Robert, Tho8, Wm Saker, Henry Saunders, Tho3 Saxten, Wm Sellande (W°) Shrubsole (M's) Smaile (M1'3) Smythe (Mr) Snode, Bob' Somers, Henry Sonds (Sir), Tho8 Sparcke, Josias Spracklinge (Mr ) Spuddle, John Stevens, Wm Stone, Bob' Streynsham, Eobert Stupple, Thos Swayton, John Symcockes, Humphrey Tassell, Thos Taylor, Matthew Throwle (W»), Walter Thurston, J a8 Tomlyn, Wm Tuvier, Nics Tye, John Tyllman, Eich", AVm 316 CINQUE PORTS, PAVERSAAM. Upton, John, Nichs , Tho8 Virgoe, Tho8 Walton, Clement Warriner, Christopher Waterman, Tho8, Henry Watts (heirs), W°, John Wayman, Wm Wharffe, Stephen Willard, John Wilson, Edwd Woode (W°), John Woollett, Ingram (Gent.) Worseter, Ja3 Wotton, Andrew Wreake, George Wyar, Simon Wylcockes, Edw., Thos.


Municipal Records of Tenterden: Part I


The Nevill Heaume at Birling: The Helmet in Addington Church, Near Wrotham