Municipal Records of Tenterden: Part I

( 28& ) THE MUNICIPAL RECORDS OE TENTERDEN. PAET I. BY A. H. TAYLOR. THE Borough of Tenterden—the only corporate town in the Weald of Kent—is situated eighteen miles south-east of Maidstone and ten miles north of Eye. It may be said to have derived its importance as such owing to the fact that it was in the fifteenth century called in to the aid and help of Eye, that port having been selected by the King's enemies as the object of many violent attacks and burnings, insomuch that the town being in great decay and ruin, Henry VI., by Letters Patent issued under the Privy Seal, decreed that Tenterden should be separated from being one of the " Seven Hundreds " in the Weald, and united to the most ancient town of Eye, and so annexed to the Cinque Ports under the title of "Bailiff and Commonalty of the Town and Hundred of Tenterden," to be a body corporate of themselves, and to have perpetual corporate succession with power to elect a bailiff on the day of the decollation of St. John the Baptist, being the 29th of August, for ever, etc. This is the earliest date of incorporation of the town that I have met with, although Kilburne* states that before the time of this charter it was incorporated by the name of " Barons of the Town and Hundred of Tenterden." These Letters Patent were issued at Winchester, 1st August, * Topographic of Kent (1659), p. 2?0. 2 8 4 THE MUNICIPAL RECORDS OF TENTERDE^. 27 Hen. VI., 1449, and were confirmed* by Edward IV. in the third year of his reign—at Westminster, 24 June 1463— " For forty shillings paid into the hanaper." By this charter Tenterden was governed until the 42nd year of Queen Elizabeth, although, as the town increased in prosperity and importance during that Queen's reign, efforts appear to have been made to obtain a new charter and to raise the status of the Corporation. This is confirmed by a note found in the Eye Corporation MSS. under the date 1589. The Mayor of that town, Henry Gaymer, being in London on business, he heard " news," and accordingly wrote home to the Deputy Mayor, William Tolken, that "Tenterden is taking a new charter, how far we may be prejudiced therein I pray you think upon and send me your minds." Nothing, however, appears to have been decided definitely till 1600, when Queen Elizabeth granted a new charter "at the humble supplication of the now Bayliffe and Commons of the Town and Hundred," which changed the style of the Corporation to that of "Mayor, Juratts and Commons of the Town and Hundred of Tenterden." In this charter the then bailiff, John Hales, Esq., was appointed to continue in office as the first mayor, and twelve jurats were appointed by name, nine of whom succeeded and served as mayor in the order in which they are named. This charter was dated at Westminster the 16th day of August in the two and fortieth year of Q. Eliz., 1600, and from the records of the proceedings at the * It would appear that there was some uncertainty as to bringing into operation the charter of Henry VI., the following items being recorded in the Rye Chamberlains' Acoounts :— A.D. 1449. Paid the expenses of the Common Clerk to go to Tenterden to tell them that one of us and of them should go to London to labour for the saving of the franchise of Tenterden vjd. Paid for three felt caps (caleptris) given to Younge of Bristow and to Lacon and Elara that they might the sooner be friends to us and to the franchise of Tenterden ij" vjd. 1451. Paid for a stook of fish for Richard Witherton, Lieutenant of Dover, to be a good man to us in the matter of Tenterden, by John Tregoos iij". (Royal Commission on Hist. MSS., 5th report, 1876.) THE MUNICIPAL RECORDS OF TENTERDEN. 285 Common Hall held on the 29th August yearly, it was handed to the newly-elected mayor to be kept in his custody. Whether it was so kept in 1661 is open to question, for in that year, on the 19th March, the Court Hall was burnt down and the charter and other records were destroyed. This was a loss to the' town of the day, and a greater loss to posterity, for there is no doubt that much interesting material thereby perished which would have been of great service in compiling a history of the town. The destruction of the charter appears to have placed the Corporation occasionally in an awkward position, for as in these days, so in times gone by, there were those who delighted in litigation, and one Eobert Gibbon of Beckley, co. Sussex, was one of these, judging by his numerous actions against the Corporation. Eventually, in 1664, it became necessary to take some steps to get the charter exemplified "for the better enabling us to make our defence at the trial of Eobert Gibbon his action against this Corporation in the Court at Faversham," but the efforts made and the furnishing of moneys by the Chamberlain do not appear to have succeeded, and it was not till 1700 that William TIL, in the twelfth year of his reign, granted the exemplification of Elizabeth's charter. To go back a few years, it should be mentioned that, on Tenterden being constituted a member of the Cinque Ports, it became naturally a necessity to have some agreement in black aud white so that both head port and member should know exactly their position and the privileges which Tenterden was to share, as well as the pains and penalties. Accordingly an elaborate agreement was drawn up in 1493, termed the "Composition between Eye and Tenterden," in which the articles agreed upon were set forth at length. This occupies ten pages in the oldest record book in the possession of the Corporation, and a recital in these pages, although perhaps interesting, would be tedious owing to the numerous legal repetitions, etc. It will therefore suffice to give a few of the more important clauses, and the whole may be seen in Jeake's Charters of the Cinque Ports. The 286 THE MUNICIPAL RECORDS OF TENTERDEN. composition notwithstanding, as time rolled on, many questions and debates for and against the annual payments and contributions arose, and in 1655 especially this was the case. Among a bundle of detached documents and papers is the actual letter addressed by the Mayor of Eye to his brother of Tenterden attempting a settlement of the dispute; this will be given further on. Having thus given a brief outline of the principal matters of historical interest, I will endeavour to give some account of the records which still exist. The principal MS. volume at present in the possession of the Corporation is an old record book, which was apparently commenced, and a great part written, in the time of Q. Mary during the years that Stephen Cowper was bailiff, 1557-58, as his name occurs in many instances in which the draft of an ordinance or decree is given. It is unfortunately in a tattered and mutilated condition, the leather binding being torn, and many leaves have been wantonly abstracted; it has also been rebound on some remote occasion and many of the leaves cut rather closely. This, however, was done at some period prior to the year 1842, as the book was carefully examined in that year by Mr. William Grisbrook, Mayor in 1842-3, and his notes shew that the missing leaves had been abstracted before that date. Some of the earliest entries are very finely illuminated, and include the Arms of England and France, Tudor roses, crowns, human faces, and ornamental details drawn by the pen of a skilful and clever artist. It commences with the fragment of an index having reference to folios xiiii to lvii. The first nine folios (eighteen pages) are filled with the copy of a charter to the Cinque Ports granted by Ed ward IV., commencing:— "Eddvvarde, be the grace of god kinge of Englondeand Lorde of Irelonde. Unto all and singuler Admiralls, etc., and unto all other oure Ministers and subiects whatsoever they be as well w'in or liberties as without, greatinge, etc. Wittenesseth oure selfe at Westemester the xxxju daye of Marche, anno primo," (1461) THE MUNICIPAL RECOBDS OF TEKTEBDEN. 287 Folios x, xi, xii are torn out. Folios xiij to xvja contain the first charter granted to Tenterden, beginning thus:— " Henrye by the grace of god kinge of Bnglonde and ffraunee : and lorde of Irelonde to all and singuler unto whome theis oure l'res shall come, greatinge:— to th'enhabitans & tennents resident & not resident, and unto th'other resident in the towne and hundred of Tenterden in the Countie of Kente, that from the feaste of seinte John the baptiste nexte cominge, thafforsayde towne and hundred of Tenterden be of one Bayley and Bayleywicke and Com'inaltie of the same Towne and hundred of Tenterden for euer, and corporat for euer. In wittenesse whereof we haue caused theis oure l'res to be made patteut, wittenesse oure selfe at Westmester* the firste daye of Auguste in the xxvii yere of our Eeigne." At folio xvij commences the " Composition," but the copyist has used nearly the whole page to form the initial letter 2T:— " This indenture made the xxi daye of the moneth of September in the eighte yere of the Eeigne of Kinge Henrye the seaven after the conquest of Englonde. BETWENE Henry Swane of the Forte and Towne of Eie, Mayo1', and the Commons of the same Towne of th'one pertye. And Hugh Parker, Bayleye of the Towne and hundred of Tenterden and the Commons of the same Towne and hundred of th'other ptye. WII'TENESSITH, etc. That is to sajr e yf or as often when o1' soverayne lorde the Kinge of Englonde shalbe disposed to passe over the seas . . . . that then the Maio1' and Commons of the seide Porte and Towne of Eie shall within three dayes next after the receipte of the same (writ) wryte unto the seid Bayley and Commons of the Towne and Hundred of Tenterden. And the seid Bayley and Commons shall and oughte to prepare and fynde one shipp and men in the same shipp accordinge unto the number afforsayd of their owne proper costes and charges and expenses . . . ." * This is "a mistake of the copyist. It should be Winchester. See also Cal. Pat. Bolls, Heu. VI., 1446—52, p. 276. 288 THE MUNICIPAL RECORDS OE TENTERDEN. At fol. xxij is the conclusion :— In wittenesse whereof to one pte of theis Indentures remayninge with th'afforseid Maio1' and Commons of the Porte and Towne of Eie, th'afforsaid Bayley and Commons of the Towne and Hundred of Tenterden afforsayd have sette their common Seale. And unto th'other p'te of tbeis Indentures reuiayninge with the seid Bayley and Commons of the Towne and Hundred of Tenterden, th'afforsaide Maio1 ' and Commons of th'afforseid porte & Towne of Eie have putte their common Seale. Geaven at Eye the daye and yere above wrytten. Fol. xxiija is filled with decorative work and this heading:— Here followeth the liberties & frainchises & also the coustomes & usages of the five Portes in the seid period of tyme whereof no mynde remayneth, used, ratiefied, confirmed, and graunted to the Bayleue & Comminaltie of the Towne and Hundred of Tenterden, and. by oure soueraine Lorde the Kinge Henrye the sixte at Westmester, the firste daye of Auguste in the xxvii yere of his reigne as bi his l'res pattens thereof by him made playnelye appeareth. Folios xxiiij to lvi contain the decrees and ordinances, of which the following is the commencement:— Firste by the seide ires they haue graunted emonge other liberties and fraynchices to the Indwellers and Househoulders residentes & their heiers and successors in the Towne and hundred of Tenterden dwellinge euery yere in the daye of the decollacon of seinte John the Baptiste maye chose of themselues one able and sufficient person within the seide Fraincheise dwelling euery yere for to be Bayley of the seide Towne & hundred for the gouernaunce and safegarde of the same which Baylei so chosen hath power for to hould a courte before bimselfe or his sufficient Deputie within the seide Towne & Hundred of Tenterden . . . . Fol. xxiva. Electiou daye. . . . . the seide Barons of Tenterden by vertue of the same graunte have used for to make the eleccon of thei1' Bayley after the usages and coustoumes in other places of the five portes of time whereof no minde remayneth used in the mafier folowenge. That is, on the Sondaye nexte before the daye of eleccon of the seide Baylei, proclamacon by the Common Sergiaunte in the THE MUNICIPAL RECORDS OF TENTERDEN. 289 churche yearde of the seide Towne betwene mattens and masse of the same daye shalbe made to all the cofnons freemen resiante's of the seide Towne & Hundred. Then shall assemble at the seide daye of elleccon at the nienth hower before none for to make theire eleccon of the seide Baylei for the good governance of the fraynchices of the same Towne and Hundred . . . . Fol. xxv. The othe of the Bayley:— I, Stephen Cowper, Bayley chosen, shalbe faithfull and trewe to the Kinge of Englande and to his heires Kinges of this lande, and trulye kepe the peace and ma'ntayne the fraynchise coustomes and usages of the five Portes graunted to this Towne and Hundreth of Tenterden. And equall righte and Justice do to riche and power, as god me helpe and all sayntes, and kyse the booke. Fol. xxviii. Fines uppon Jurats and Com'ons that comythe not to the Baylei by summoninge. Fol. xxxiiij. Of a man founde deade. Fol. xxxv. " The Frecept " for holding an inquest:— Stephen Cowper, bayley of the Libertie Towne & hundred of Tenterden, and Cfoner of our soueraine lorde the Kinge within the seide Towne and hundreth beinge of the libertyes of the fiue Portes; to Robert Ruddoll his Sergiaunte to the masee (sic) within the same Libertie sendeth greatinge. la the behalfe of oure soueraine lorde the Kinge I straightlye commaunde and iniune* the, that thou doest cause to come and appeare before me this present Mondaye at Bursile.t eightine good and lawfull men of the boroughe of Casteweasell,t by whome the trewth best maye be knowne and enquired uppon diuerse artikles towechinge & concerninge our Souerayne lorde the Kinge. And furthermore receaue & do that which in the behalfe of oure soueraine lorde the Kinge to them there than sbalbe enioyned and that there y° haue the names of them y4 be sommoned and this precept also. G-even at Tenterden. The artist, in drawing the initial letter for the foregoing precept, has embellished the " S " with three forms of * A note in the margin reads: Iniune standeth for oharge. t The Hundred of Tenterden is divided into six " boroughs": Town, Boresile, Castweasle, Shruboote, Reading, and Dumborne. VOL, XXXII. U 290 THE MUNICIPAL RECORDS OF TENTERDEN. violent death, for which an inquest would undoubtedly be necessary. One figure in an upright position has a sword thrust upwards and through his body, the point appearing above the right shoulder; another lies at his feet pierced with arrows; while the third is in a recumbent position with the head lying at a different angle some distance from the body. Fol. xlvi. The abjuracion of a fellon :— " Christopher W. Hosier the xxlh daye of Julye in the ij yere of the reigne of King H. did flye to ye Churche of Seint Mildred for the defence of th'afforseide churche for felony. And desiereth ye Coron1 ', and uppo this S. C. Baylei and Coron1' of o1' Soueraine lorde yc Kinge in yis parte went to y° aforeseide place before whome at the day and place aforesayde he knowleged himselfe to be a fellon of o1' Soueraine lorde the Kinge and confesseth that on Sondaye beinge the fouerthe day of June in the yere aforeseide he feloniouslye stole one horse of the price of xxxs of Thomas Gerveis of Tenterden af oreseid. And he asked accordinge unto ye lawe & coustome of this Eealme of Englond y' from ye accon he may be deliv'ed. And uppo this he was led to the Churche gates before ye same Coron1' at yc daye af oreseid & forswore the Eealme of Englond which Coron1' appointed him his porte for passage at Dover." Fol. xlv describes the manner in which "fleers to the Churche for felonye " were to make their abjuration:— And at the eande of fourtie dayes he shalbe leade to the Churche gate of the churche yearde withe a crosse of woode in his hondes, discharged and stripped, and his heade bare, and for to go in his cote yf he have enny . . . . Folios lvii to lixa contain the decrees, a set of bye-laws founded on the Customal of the town under the following heading :*— Memoranda that the fouerth daye of Maye, in the sixte yere of ye reigne of Kinge Edwarde the sixte, etc. Will'am Gerueis baylei of the Towne and Hundred of Tenterden . . . . Jurats free men and comminers of the seide Towne and hundred . . . . did A photograph of this page is here given, THE MUNICIPAL RECORDS OE TENTERDEN. 291 assemble and come together in the MOTE HALLE at Tenterden afforsayde for the reformacon of certayne articles and poyntes conteyned in the Custimall of the seide Towne to be reformed and amended for a good uniforme order and rule from henseforthe to be had and used w'in the seide Towne and Hundred One of the articles of the Customal thus amended or reformed follows:— Fol. lxi. The Assise of breade :— Also it used to haue Assise of breade within the ffraunchis; and when it shall liste and please ye Bayley for to waye the breade he shall sende his two sergiaunts of the ffraunchis to theire howses for to featche their breade : the which sergiaunts oughte to entre and take a breade of euery inan'er of breade, and that shall beare to the baylei or to his deputie into the courte haule, and the bakers shoude be warned to followe for theire breade. And fouer or two men at the leaste shoulde be warned for to be at the Courte haule for to present the assise of the breade. And he that is somned, come not he shalbe amearsed sixe pence. And when the bayley or his deputie w4 two of the Jurats be come in the Courte he shall charge them that were sofhned for to make the presentment; and for to go lekewise to gether aud by the othe that thei haue made for to certifie the Courte of the greatest price, and the middell price, and the lesse price of the sale of the Cornes at the laste daye of the markett. And when they haue satisfied the Courte the bread shalbe wayed by the middell price, after the assise of the statute thereof made and that bi one true balance. And yf the breade of him that is a freman and resciant way lesse then the assise by two shillings, be he amersed twelue pence, and his breade forfet. And the seconde time be he amersed two shillinges and his breade forfet, and at the thrid time he shall be amersed three shillinges"and his breade forfett. And yf he be no freman be he euerie time amersed doble. And yf eny baker be f autie more then three times he shall make a fine with the bayley at his discression or his oven shalbe drawne downe and he shall forswere the crafte for a yere and a daye.* * The Customals of some of the Cinque Ports towns are given in Lyon's History of Dover, vol. ii., but in only one instance, the Customal of Romney, p. 337, is the assize of bread mentioned, and it would be interesting to compare the two ordinances. V 2 292 THE MUNICIPAL RECORDS OF TENTERDEN. Fol. lxv has another quaint ordinance, " The Courte of Pepouders," followed by " Of plees Eeall . . . -and matters of nouell desseyson . . . ." to fol. 67, when folios 68 to 74 have been cut out. At fol. 75 commence new ordinances and constitutions as follows :— Villa et hundred de Tenterden in Comitat' Kance. Ordinances and Constitutions for the better gouer'ment of the said Towne and hundred and the Inhabitants there, made by the Mayor, Jurats and Cofnunaltie of the sayde Towne and hundred as namelie : Anthony Whetenhall, gent. Maior (nine jurats and fortynine commoners named) all beinge freemen of the sayde Towne and Hundred. At an assemblie the ffourteenth day of July in the Three and fortieth yeare of the Eeigne of our most gratyous Souereigne Lady Elizabeth the Queene's MatIe that now is (whom God longe preserue) beinge therunto aucthorised by her. MatlM letters patents of new incorporation; Dated the sixteenth day of August in the Two and fortith yeare of her highnes reigne as ensueth . . . . The oaths to be taken by each member of the Corporation are set forth in detail : the Mayor; John Tylden, Jurat; William Curtis, Justice of Peace; Humphery Wightwicke, Towne Clerk; Thomas Hatch, Chamb'len; Peter Glover, the first Serjant; Amos Collyer, the 2 Serjant; Freeman, Borsholder, etc. Fol. 89. A further set of new ordinances* was enacted on the 30th March, 16 Jac. I., 1618, the second of which reads thus:— Item itt is decreed and ordayned, That whereas all the Jurats of the said Towne and hundred are Justices of peace by the Charter of the Kinge's Matie that now is bearinge date at Westme'ster the thirtyth day of January in the second yeare of his highnes' Eaigne of England, that every of the now Jurates as also every other Jurate hereafter to be elected shall for the better execucon of his Office of Justice of Peace take such an Oathe as followeth : And if any of them shall refuse to take the same; That then hee shall forfayte to the Maior, Juratts, & Co'ialty of the saide Towne & * See photograph facing this page. CORPORATION t«« ion i »< * .ut. UOmtfr^ „V//fU...«.,., - \%ci,.^ ^V'.tS |6"' - rk;,<""'9< : A u >•;/• I l 2 * « 'Wfe*=* j W i * * ^(.•^Vtfcfc- ,-**.'.'. "t4"VpWt> Jf * # (1) JW. 116. FBEEMEN OF TENTEEDEN. 152y. 1) BOOK, TENTERDEN. toyt tftfTLyir mtltfhrttqfrc rfj ttumrpf faii\« 6hWutt'T^/fjrttr> . toillm tJfniciii^ivln ^filieofe .nri5l7uii4rfb'opfi:ttn#^n.:g •{-?. butibrci) ii £*ttniuVu.riitfciniti)iHftm-iitrJaiiSnommm^i b}> aT%fiiMTrprora ail? rtR^f fiftf Cobiir s Ipuifa.-ft.'frib.'rtlftniUt mi* taint .togitijii wtljf 'rnottty-iait w Sftttrt'iVnafim-rflf^^ rfc rrfmtnAtoh of ccrtnvnc flrflrW ,Yiii> prt-irtt?, mrfryncft xa TITI* ifufiiiiiiflll i* ibc>: [niK CJ\pnci,ft)tr vcfrnhcfrjtir* niurn^.fw mr^^<%'* m< ovfe AttJi ttitc-fwmslieti&fotiijjto'bf fyt*anbVAto,. fu'Sit Bir [h& &u-iu' «tM)u^*fcjra{. nV tmtBnr.ArfWjnr «fttftSavf, ru Csrini poTnlt^ft^firk p^ctttt^ub tn ni t ; cBg>m««y tmiti-HWtvB fln&(mii&(iA'.vifert;nn»i)r$<>c '-•^rftflt kniq)' trttctw pmu-m tfl riii'i-' topmw: .-mfSici; tnniibtw Ijrmofhvr Yfv.nmtT* Au*nnmrmt*w't^ji rrift*toylri ano^ Juvsttf.j'&onmut'jiimiv* nwfrft robe toriWn &t>;f t>r*fumlut'7suS ftrnA* i^1?riMftr?fi#iwi,-*W *£tw*. ism»&ol)crtfi&ffi|ir'iitoMft tteftfmtft?frf*^c\tnvcan&1iun>i-Qi> w nit wrtiitg^vic1:^ }'• •"•-..—~^ • ••• ; "'•• •• " twill" (i) Jb/. 57. EEVISIOS OF THE CUSTOMAL. 1552. THE MUNICIPAL RECORDS OF TENTERDEN. 2913 hundred the some of twenty pounds- to be levied also in such manner as other penalties and forfaytures are by former Constitucons appointed to bee levied, the tenor of wo1' oath is as insueth, viz Fol. 90 has only one item complete, three-quarters of the page baring' been cut out, likewise folios 91 to 95. Folios 96 to 112 are rilled with a copy of the Charter granted by Queen Elizabeth. Fol. 113" contains an interesting resolution passed at the Court Hall shewing an early desire to preserve carefully the records of the town:— Att an assembly att the Corte Hall of the Maior, Juratts, and Corhons of the Towne & Hundred of Tenterden aforesaid, the xxixth day of August, In the second yeare of the reigne of our Sov'eigne Lord James, By the grace of G-od, of England, ffrance and Irelande Kinge, defender of the ffaieth, And in the xxxviij*11 yeare of his Maties reigne of Scotland, 1604. I t t is att this assembly decreed and ordered that all the Records and munimta of the Towne & hundred of Tenterden shalbe p'sently removed and laid in the presse p'vided for that purpose; Except ye Charters and customall which shall remayne in the custody of the Maior for the time being. And except all such Books and Eecords which the Towne Clerke for the time being shall dailie use or have use of. And the fowre keyes of the said presse shalbe kept in mann1 ' and forme following (vizt) : the firste key by the Maior for the time being, the second key by suche Jurate as shalbe the succeeding Maior, the thirde key by the Towne Clerke, And the 4th key by the Chamberlayne for the time being. And that it shall and may be lawfull for ev'ry ffreeman of this Towne and hundred, ev'y colt day holden in the after noone of the same day, the Covt being ended, to goe and see ev'y Eeccord, decree, or other matter whatsoever wch shall concerne himselfe freely. And everie stranger therefore to pay his ordinary ffee to the Towne Clerke. Fol. 115" being left blank, a later hand has inserted " The names of the Maior, Juratts & Corhons of the Towne and Hundred of Tenterden, August 29th, 1655." !J94 THE taHNIClPAl/ RECORDS OP TENTERDEN. Fol. 116 commences a list* of the Freemen of Tenterden from the 20th Hen. VIII., 1529. 124 names are given, twenty of which have the word " Bayleff " added to their names, signifying that they had "passed the chair." This list contains many well-known names in the history of the town, including John Lomas, who was one of the Marian Martyrs, suffering for his faith at Canterbury, 31 Jan. 1556. The list, which is signed " per me Eichardu Homan "—probably the then Town Clerk—ends at the year 1558, Stephen Cowper, the last one shewn as a " Bayleff," then holding office. Folios 118 to 131 are filled with decrees and ordinances of various dates, some bearing date 4 November, 6 Jas. I., 1608, are made "wt h the consent of the right hoble Henry, Barle of Northampton, Baron of Marnehill, then and nowe Lord Warden of the Ciuqz Po'ts." At fol. 132 is the copy of a letter addressed "To the right wor11 our very loving Brethren Combarons & ffriends, the Maior & Juratts of Tenterden," ending on fol. 133, "And even soe wee leave you to the p'tection of th'almighty. Dated at Eie aforesaid under the Seale of office of Maiorallty there, the firste day of ffebruary In the yeare of the reigne of our Sov'eigne Lord Charles, Kinge of England, Scotland, ffranee and Ireland, defendor of the ffaieth, the sixte, 1630. Yor very loving Brethren, Combarons, and ffriends the Maior and Juratts of Eie." Folios 134 and 135 have bye-laws made at a " Corte " or " Assembly " held on 21st December 1632, but the action of the ink has rendered many words illegible, the paper being completely eaten away. Folios 136 and 140 each contain the names of the bailiffs from 1449 onwards. The list on fol. 140 is the oldest, and was made out in 1558, the names up to that year being in the same handwriting, after which they were entered in various hands from time to time. In 1632, the pages beginning to get somewhat dilapidated, a new list was * See photograph facing page 290. CORPORATION '•^T>r ' . .^jNrn!»•/ tf:rtirtiVn jl' n^arit :»f il ; Ji-,vVivV.n..- • | M& ltifi:>ri-> tl.eec ^T-Alt.* d.V*..'n. ,»Ht ,'f' «.. frCC'ii.n J[ • Ihi | a rV *>»,»». , i< „ A,<> Su(jft,,«lL ,„> t < ,i > v. ; ~; itf«.. ?tH>,i„1h;f.xVio_«.tc,i.-„- fi-.,i(„«k I US t.l.''r>.-vncS .ill'!) pivn. i^> ttrMSvfcir. j - . . ' " ? |«).-«: >n' ..S »<«3.r .Art.* »H;M»J "• m ?i .'»» m.*t,n 4 ) i (•* w ii (r.i'< i. |<*« *.i/» t *.«£ : b.:p.itic ne-.iHli vii». tvmifclj,; •"• ci«:rv ..'floa: ,'i • ' . ^,;rir-J ! ;Wp- - ' '^' ' ^ •'« -t'tcj.u^lk'n. A\?C1: i W "i>..,- .-. ( > ^tv 1 •> • .. V t.f.-s, ,l..-n-..£ . u..»n4 »»i«$V' :••• •••.•:.•.'•. »'•'. 'v'J* ,V I " ih, ion CI . . • I... J.-'i..^ .!«">«» |J jartv .•1'il.i \i*\>,«. It- |A-r>*'« Ch.«w. wi(>'»' « • Xii'hi ..,...„;.?' ;hJ:<.'i'*."-.-<5 <>*$'"'>"/'''"' 'k* ' 4 [ ..."I.I*.' . „S .it'll .a- *rtJ'.»I'^ ' ..r^,..i>Mi«. (3) Jo/. 81. CONSTITUTIONS ENACTED. 14 Jul y lfiOl. BOOK, TENTERDEN. ' (/{....Vt,...,* .Cii//,:.t....ii. / „ „ . . . , ; . , , . , . v . , , . * ; „ w f t , / , , , , . ; : - „ - A t ; . \ < ~ , , / « • ; , . , c . . \ ;^.tvrfA.,9.^.J<',„.»Z„0;..(,, .« (..,,, sJ',.,L\./l/i^-, JflJvWW^X^u U. fw. , — Jty-Mf.yl^tU,.;U,1 .,.,1/ ,Xfr "*f"^ «'--"-y/r-^7 ^^,,r...^.i'> ^.fi^n U^M-f^ (4) Jo/. 89. ORDINANCES AND CONSTITUTIONS. 1618 THE MUNICIPAL RECORDS OP TENTERDEN. 295 made according to the following note: " This being much torne I thoughtgood to take out and newe wr i te—E. B . " This was Edward Boys, a freeman of the town for many years, and Churchwarden in 1657-8. He deserves our thanks for his laudable work in preserving the civic roll, as, al though the old list yet remains, in some places the names are illegible owing to the edges of the paper being worn and cut. Those responsible for keeping the list up to date also thought it well to record notable events in chronological order; some are of local, others are of national interest, and a transcript of the whole may be considered interesting. The heading is as follows:— The names of the Bayles of the Towne and hundred of Tenterden from the beginninge of the libertie, begone in the twentie & seauenthe yeres of the reigne of Kinge Henry the sixte. undecimo duodeci' ™£ xiiij0 xv° xxvrj0 Thomas Petlesden1 xxviij0 Thomas Petlesden xxix0 William Hilles xxx° John Davye xxxj0 Robert Brikinden xxxij0 Thomas Heynes3 xxxiij0 Eobert Donne xxxiirj0 John Harwarthinge8 xxxv0 "William Harenden xxxvj0 Thomas Petlesden xxxvij0 John Davye5 [This yere Sharley Blore brake owte.] The firste yere of Edwarde the fouerthe. primo John Davy secundo Eobert Brickenden tertio Thomas Harye quarto "William Preston quinto Henry G-erveis sexto Thomas Whitehed septimo John Hales octavo John Hales died & Thomas "Whitehed s'ved nono "William Preston decimo John Harwarthinge John Harwarthinge Thomas Pette* Thomas Harry "William Pers6 Henry Q-erves dieth & William Pers s'veth Thomas Strekinbolde Thomas Pette Thomas Carpenter7 William Preston William ffoughill Thomas Strekenbolde xvj° xvij0 xviij0 xix0 xx° xxj° [Tis yere Isak Cade did ryse.] xxij0 Thomas Pette The first yere of the reigne of Eicharde 3. primo secundo Laurence Haffenden Thomas Blackbourn The yere of the reige of Henry the seuenth. Thomas Strekenbold yere the frenchemen primo [This came to San'wiche & there laye one night and a daye.] 296 THE MUNICIPAL RECORDS OP TENTERDEN. secundo William Preston tertio Thomas Pette quarto Thomas Carpenter quinto Thomas Pette sexto William Deye (Davy) septimo Eobert Bricke'nden octavo Hughe Parker nono Hughe Parker decimo Robert Davy dieth & Hughe Parker serveth undecimo Thomas Carpenter xij° John Brickenden xiij0 John Eogers xiiij0 William Browning xv° Eichard Widerden dieth & William Browning s'veth xvj° Moyses Pette xvij0 Moyses Pette xviij0 John Hoigges xix0 John Hoigges vicesimo John Hales xxj° John Eoger xxij0 William Brickenden xxiij0 Henry Adam xxiiij0 Edward ffelipp The yere of the reigne of Kinge Henrye VIII. primo John Gage, esqre8 [Sharley More made.] ?3° ii]° iiij0 v° vj° John Gage, esquier John Donett John Hoigges9 John Hoigges Barthelmewe ffowle [The which yere Smalithe was burnte on the last day of Julye.] vijo octavo nono deci' x,f xij" xiij" xiiij" Barthel' ffowle William Brickenden Eobert Brickenden Robert Brickenden Thomas Woodd Edward ffelipj; Edward ffelipp John Parker" 10 xv° John Parker xvj° George ffowle xvij0 Thomas Woodd dieth & George ffowle s'ved xviij0 John Parker xix0 Thomas Asherenden xx° Thomas Iselande dieth & Thomas Asherinden s'ved xxj° Thomas Austen . xxij0 John Baker12 xxi'ij0 John Austen xxiiij0 John Parker xxv° John Woode xxvj0 William Brikenden xxvij0 JohnFowle theyong1' xxviij0 John Brickenden, junior xxix0 John Austen th'elder [This yere y° xxviij of Auguste Kinge Henry viij came to Tenterden.] xxx° Edward ffelippe xxxj0 John ffowle ye yongger xxxij" John Austen th'elder dieth&JohnEowle s'ved xxxiij0. John Parker xxxiiij0 George ffelipp xxxv0 Eichard Alcock13 [This yeare Bolen won.] xxxvj0 Edward Hales xxxvij0 Edward Hales xxxviij0 George ffelipp The yere of Kinge Edwarde VI. primo Edward Hales ij° John Brickenden iij0 William Gerveis iiij0 William Gerveis v° John Woodd sexto Thomas Austen vij" Peter Shorte Tempore Marise. primo Peter Shorte [Hoc anno surraxit Wyatt.] TH5B MUNICIPAL RECORDS OP TENTERDEN". 297 secundo Thomas Austen iij0 John Whitefield iiij0 Thomas Austen [Qui'ta s won (sic).]f quinto Stephen Cowper14 [This yeare Callis was loste.] primo secundo tertio quarto quinto sexto septimo octavo nono decimo undecimo xxij0 Edward Hales xxiij0 Peter Short xxiiij0 Peter Short xxv° Edward Short xxvj0 William Austen xxvij0 William Austen xxviij0 John Tilden xxix0 Edward Gervis [This yeare the Spauyshe fleete came for Ingland aboute Saint James tide, 1588.] xxx° Eobert Bygge xxxj0 Eobert Stace xxxij0 William Curtis xxxiij0 William Austen xxxiiij0 ThomasBrownedyed William Austen served xxxv0 John fEunell xxxvj0 John Short xxxvij0 John Short xxxviij0 George Phillips xxxix0 Thomas Curtis xl° John Hales xii John Hales, esquier, baliffe&firstMaior by o1' new Charte1' xiii Anthonie Whetenhall, maior xiiii John Tilden xliiii Edward Gerveis [Queen Elyzabeth dyeth thursdaye mornyng the xxiiij of Marche 1603. Kynge James proclaymed Kynge the sayde daye.] The yere of the Eaygne of Kynge James, primo William Curtis 2 George Phillips 3 John ffunnell A Thomas Curtis 5 George Shortt [*This yeare was the great Frost.] t This expression is rendered as " Quintain was won " by the late Mr. H. T. Riley, who reported on the Corporation records in 1877, but with no explanatory remark. May it not refer to the battle of St. Quentin which was fought in Prance in 1557, a few months before Calais was lost? sexto Stephen Cowper Tempore Elizabeth Eegine. • Edward Hales, gent. Edward Hales William Gerveis John Crotholl John Whytfyld Stephen fforde died & Edward Hales, esq., s'ved Edward Hales Peter Shorte George Cast! en Edward Hales Edward Hales duodecimo Edward Phillips decimo t'cio Thomas Stace xiiij0 Edward Hales [This yeare aboute Barthilmewe tide the Queene's Mat'0 was at Eie, Hempsted, and Sussynghurste.] xv° George Castlen xvj° Peter Shorte xvij0 Stephen Cowper xviij0 Edward Hales xix0 Eobert Ashenden [This yeare was a biasing starr in November in the evening towards the west.] xx° Thomas Slace xxj° George Castlen [This yeare was a gret earth quake the vjt h day of Aprell about v or vj a clok at afternoone.] 298 THE MUNICIPAL RECORDS OP TEINTERDEN. 6 Erasmus Giles 7 Percival Brett 8 Simon Girdler 9 William Brickenden 10 Thomas Shortt 11 Robert Crotholl 12 William ffinche 13 Eobert Woolball 14 James Skeets 15 Daniel Shortt 16 John AVitherden [This yeere in November and decemb' was seene a biasing star riesinge towarde the East in the mornyng stremynge forwarde.] 17 ffreegift Stace 18 Thomas Shortt 19 Stephen Curtis 20 Nathaniel Tilden15 21 John Tilden 22 John Eeade [Kinge James died the 27th daye of Marche 1625, & Kinge Charles p'claymed Kinge the same daye beinge Sundaye.] Caroli primo. primo William Curtis [*This year was the great Plague.] 1626 William ffinche 1627 Samuel Curtis 1628 James Skeets 1629 Daniel Shortte 1630 Eobert Woolball 1631 John Austen 1632 Eobert Curtis 1633 William Plummer 1634 John Austen 1635 John Witherden 1636 George Curteis 1637 Samuel Curteis 1638 John Edwards 1639 Thomas Short 1640 Eobert Pope [*In December, St. John's Day at night was a very great Wind and Tempest and much hurt done.] 1641 Thomas Huckstepp 1642 Thomas Brett 1643 James Skeets 1644 William Stretton 1645 Joel Burges 1646 ffreegift Stace 1647 John Edwards 1648 Samuel Curtis [January 30th 1649. The Governm' changed into A Common Wealthe.] 1649 Thomas Plummer 1650 Peter Short 1651 John ffinche 1652 Daniel Shorte 1653 Stephen Curtis [The Lord Protector, Oliver Cromwell sworne Decemb' 16"'.] [Stephen Curtis Dyed Aug. 12th & ffreegift Stace served till Aug. 29th.] 1654 Eichard Haffenden 1655 William Stretton 1656 John Sharpe 1657 John Edwards 1658 George Curteis dyed and Eobert Pope served [Sept. 3d Oliver Ld Protector Dyeth & Eichard his eldest son p'claymed.] [1659 May 16. The sayd Eichard Deposed & the latter part of the long pari' called togethr agayne.] 1659 Thomas Stace [May 25, 1660. K. Ch. 2a landed at Dover. May 29,1660, came to London.] 1660 Eichard King [March 19 (1661). Our Cort Hall was burnt down.] 1661 John Plummer THE MUNICIPAL RECORDS OP TENTERDEN. 299 [King Charles 2a Crowned.] [ffeb. 17 (1662). A greate & fierce Wind.] [July 20. Anoth1 ' greate & fierce wind.] 1662 Anthony Bodle, mayorelect [Aug. 28, 1662._ Were removed by the Comissionrs for Eegulating Corporacons from being Juratts, Eichard Haffenden, William Stretton, Anthony Bodle (next day to have beene chosen maior) and William Curteis. And plac'd in their places Mr Wm Short (but hee would not stand), MrEdward Short, George Tilden and Robert Stace.] 1662 Edward Curteis, Maior 1663 Samuel Stace 1664 Edward Short 1665 George Tilden [The greate Plague.] 1666 Eobert Stace [Sept. 2d begun the greate fire in London and continued 5 dayes.] [Julyl667. TheDutchsunke, fired, & tooke divers of o1' ships in our harbours.] 1667 John Plummer 1608 Edward Curteis 1669 John Plummer 1670 John Plummer [*The first President of a Mayor two years successively in this Corporation.] 1671 George Tilden [*In September a great flood and storm of wind which Destroyed some houses and people and much catle at Divers places. Doing very great Damage to the Nation by Sea and Land.] 1672 Thomas Stace [Dee. 29th. Benenden Steeple & Church and 5 houses burnt, set first on fire by lightening.] [ffeb. 17 (1673). A greate & fierce wind when Staplehurst Spire was blowne downe & many barnes about y° country.] 1673 Walter Pemble [Wm Stretton agayne chosen Jur.] 1674 Henry Barnes 1675 Edward Short 1676 Eobert Stace 1677 Walter Pemble 1678 Edward Curteis 1679 John Plummer 1680 John Plummer. He died during his Mayoralty and Thomas Stace serv'd ye yeare out 1681 Walter Pemble 1682 Walter Pemble 1683 Samuel Curteis [*A violent frost from the middle of Decemb. (1683) to the beginning of February. Destroy'd about a Third Part of Sheep; this Spring an extream Drought, Little Eain from the great frost to September following. Pasture ana Meadow much Dryed and Burnt up. The winter following hay sold for 3, 4 and 5 shillings per hundred. Beefe 6 shillings p. score.] 1684 John Mantell [ffeb. 6 (1685). King Charles y° 2nA died & his Brother King James ye 2d succeeded.] 1685 James Whitfield [July 14, ye Iiebell Monmouth Beheaded.] 800 THE MUNICIPAL RECORDS OP TENTERDEtt. 1686 Eobert Stace 1687 Eobert Stace 1688 John Mantell [Nov.5. ThePrinceof Orange wth his Army landed in Devonshire. Decemb. 13.* The Prince of Orange's Declaration read at Tenterden with Solemnity. ffeb. 13 (1689). The Prince of Orange & the Princess were proclaimed King and Queen.] 1689 Walter Pemble 1690 Eobert Haffenden 1691 George Curteis 1692 Eobert Stace 1693 John Mantell 1694 John Pemble died and Eobert Stace served out his yeare [Decemb. ye 28th Quene Mary ye 2d died of ye small Pox.] 1695 Eobert Stace 1696 Jeremiah Curteis 1697 Jeremiah Curteis 1698 John Mantell chosen maior but Jere1' Curteis served the office yf yeare for him, he refusing 1699 George Curteis 1700 Eobert Stace 1701 Robert Haffenden who died, & Eobert Stace serv'd out his yeare [1702 March y° 8 day, King William died; aud Princess Ann of D-nmark Proclaimed Quene that day.] The next three folios have been abstracted, but the list of Mayors is continued in other records, and is complete to the present time. A few notes on some- of the early civic rulers may not be uninteresting:— (1) Thomas Petlesden, the first holder of that office, was a munificent benefactor to the building of the church tower, which was then in course of erection, f (2) Thomas Heynes was one of a number who took the oath not to maintain peace breakers.^ (3) John Harwarthinge and (4) Thomas Pette were each concerned in the Lancastrian rising under Ealconbridge, the object of which was to release Henry VI., then in the Tower. They, with others, having made " fine and ransom to the King of all offences committed by them before the 7th of July last," received a general pardon. § (5) John Davy died in 1467. He was a large owner of land in Tenterden and neighbourhood; according to his will|| he appor- * Events in the foregoing list marked with an asterisk * are taken from a list of the Bailiffs and Mayors preserved in an old MSS. in the possession of Mrs. Peel of Heronden in Tenterden, who has kindly permitted extraots to be made. f Arch. Cant, XXXI., 268. j Cal. Pat. Rolls, Henry VI., May 1434. § Cal. Pat. Rolls, Edw. IV. and Hen. VI., Nov. 1471. || P.C.C. Will, 25, Godyn. THE MUNICIPAL RECORDS OP TENTERDEN. 801 tioned nearly all Smallhythe between his four sons, two of whom also held office, William (1490) and Eobert (1494). (6) William Pers. In the early part of the reign of Henry VI. there was a small colony of aliens living at Smallhythe who, having taken an oath of fealty, were permitted to inhabit the realm peaceably and enjoy their goods. One of these was William Pers, born in Issilstayne in Holland.* (7) Thomas Carpenter. A Commission was issued to the King's kinsman, Richard, Earl of Warwick and Salisbury, Constable of Dover Castle and Warden of the Cinque Ports, or his lieutenant, to arrest Thomas Carpenter of Tenterden and bring him before the King in Chancery. His offence is not, however, stated.f (8) John Gage. A King's Court of the Vill et Hund. of Tenterden was held before John Gage, the Bailiff, and Jurats there, 18 August 1511, concerning land in Tenterden which formed part of the endowment of a chantry in old St. Paul's.^ (9) John Hoigges and (10) Edward Phillips each received a warrant from the Constable of Dover Castle for levying the subsidy in the Cinque Ports and their members.§ (11) John Parker. Grant to John Parker of Tenterden, clothmaker, forproteetion, going in the retinue of Arthur Plantagenet, Viscount Lyle, Deputy of Calais. || Westminster, 12 July 1535. (12) John Baker. His son Peter Baker, M.A., was Vicar of TenterdenTF 1539—1544. (10) Edward Phillip. The timber used in building Sandgate Castle included oak trees from the lands of Edward Pbylyps of Thenderden.** (13) Eichard Alcock. Sir John Dudley, Kt, granted to Eichard Alcock the office of under-steward of his manors in Kent and Sussex, together with an annuity issuing out of land in Tenterden and Ebony .ft (14) Stephen Cowper, writing from Tenterden 18 April 1540 to Cromwell (Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex), sent him seven * Cal. Pat. Rolls, Hen. VI., April 1436. t Cal. Pat. Rolls, Edw. IV, May 1465. % Queen Anne's Bounty Records, Hist. MSS. Com. Report 1881,1., 634. § Cal. State Papers, Hen. VIII., 1514. || Cal. State Papers, Hen. VIII., 1535. fl Arch. Cant., XXXI., 218. ** Arch. Cant., XX., 238. ft Deorees of the Court of Augmentation, 1541. 802 THE MUNICIPAL BECOBDS OP TENTEBDEN. couple of " herynshawes" (young herons), and desired to know if he should send the rest of the herynshawes and young " shovelers " (ducks) when ready. He also requested to have the rangership of Halden Park granted to him.* (15) Nathaniel Tilden was born in 1583. Chamberlain to the Corporation 1614-15. Emigrated to New England in 1635 and settled at Scituate in Massachusetts^ where, having been Town Officer and Euling Elder, he died in 1641. The salaries of the principal members of the Corporation during the seventeenth century were fixed a t : the Mayor £4, Town Clerk £3 6s. 8d., Chamberlain 20s. The first or eldest Sergeant 46s. 8d., the second Sergeant 20s. The fee for the Counsel of the Town and Hundred was 40s., and the same was also allowed for Mayor's Counsel. The Town Clerk and Chamberlain also received fees. In 1693 the Town Clerk's salary was raised to £6. Occasionally the Mayoral salary was found to be inadequate, as the following entry in the Chamberlain's account for 1639 testifies:— Itm. to Mr Samuell Curteis wch hee was out of pursse the laste yere, beinge Maior . . . 10 8 3 (To be continued.) * Letters and Papers of Henry VIII., vol. xv., 1540. t New England Hist, and Qeneal. Reg., vol. lxv., Oct. 1911.


Extracts from the Letter-Book of a Dover Merchant, 1737-1741


Cinque Ports, Faversham: Copy of a Parchment Roll with Corporation Seal attached, containing Orders of Faversham Wardmote for a Cesse for Shipping in 38th year of