Churchwardens' Accounts of the Parish of St Andrew, Canterbury, 1483 to 1625:- Part II., 1509-1523

^Mtfawrtajjia Cantiana. • CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS OF THE PARISH OE ST. ANDREW, CANTERBURY, EROM A.D. 1485 TO A.D. 1625. BY CHARLES COTTON, F.R.C.P.E., M.R.C.S. ENG. PAET II. 1509—1523. Fol. 40 ro. [1509-10.] Th'accompt of Nicholas Symon and Jonn Alcok chirche wardeyns of the Parisshe Chirche of Seint Andrew th'appostell of the Cetie of Caunterbury from the fest of the Epiphany of Our Lorde A0 [xxiv0] Henr' usque idem festum extunc proxim' sequ' videft pro unum annum integrum. Drrs. ffirst in the hands of the seid accomptaunts xviii11 vis xd. Summa arr'. Eecepc. ffirst item of Jamys Colman for ferme of . . . .* acres of lande lieng besides . . . .* by yer xs. Itm. Edward Sadille for ferme of a stabill in Pilloryf Lane xvid . Itm. of Petir Spauceon for the ferme of a nother stabiH in the same lane by a grt xd. Itm. of Nicholas Sadiller ij3 viii11. Summa xix ii xxd. Fol. 40 vo. Itm. of Kendalls wydowe for rent xxd. Itm. of Hugh Clark for rent of a stabill in Pillory Lane by yer iijs iiijd. Itm. of Lamberherst for rent of . . . .* w'out Northgate vs. Itm. of Lollam for xviii olde taper disshes of pewter weyeng xvii ii and di. le ii iijd. Summa iiij3 iiijd. Itm. of Henry Legh for wast of torchis viiid. * Blank. t Now Rose Lane. NOTE.—References to the New English Dictionary are expressed N.E.D. VOL, XXXIII, B 2 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Itm. of Wilim Laurence for wast of torchis xvid. Itm. of Eaaf Coks wydowe for wast of torchis and mortuary tapers xxd. Itm. of M1' Huett for mortuary tapers viiid. Itm. of Henry Legh for wast of tapers viiid. Itm. at Easter of the crosse light xv9 vd. Itm. uppon Hokmonday and Hoktuysday xiiii8 xd. Itm. of Mr Parson for Mr. Eoos for rent ijs. Itm. of Eaaf Sherman wyf for wast of torchis xiid. Itm. of Walter Sale for a garden in Seint Paulis Paryshe for a quarter iiijd. Itm. of Eobson for the ferme of the seid garden A0 xvid. Summa liiij8 iijd. Fol. 41 ro. Itm. of Eaaf Sherman wyf for the hers* viiid. Itm. of Syr John the parisshe prest for the wast of v torchis xd. Itm. of John Burges for mortuary tapers viiid. Itm. of Maistres Sares for the hers* viiid. Itm. of Devells wydowe for wast of torchis xvid. Itm. of . . . .f Chambleyn of the cetie of Caunterbury for thobbyte of Wfflm Benet xs. Itm. of Grenys wydowe for rent of her tenement w'out Northgate xiiiid. Itm. of Wiilm Lambe for the rent of a garden in Seint Paulis iij,3 iiijd- Itm. of Mr. ffyshe for tharreragiers of the sesse of Mr. Knight ijd. Summa totalis rec' hujus annis iiij" iiij3 vd. Summa tam arr' quam recepc' etcet. xxii ii xii3 ijd. Fol. 41 vo. Wherof the seid accomptaunts aske to be allowed first Mcr Swannys obyte vii8 viid. Itm. paied to Mr. Man for makyng of a letter of Attorney . viiid. Itm. for Eobert Bonys obyte ij3 viiid. Itm. paied to Antonyes wyf for nayle for the Eode lofte xiiid . Itm. paied to the Chanon of Seint Gregories for mendyng of the clok xijd. Itm. paied Coppyn for kepyng of the same clok per annum vj8 viiid. Itm. to Arnold Lokyer for a barre of yron for the rode lofte iiijd . * A herse, not to be confounded with hearse in tho modern sense, is a frame for the pall or the candles about a corpse at funereal services. t Blank. OF ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 3 Itm. to a carpenter for makyng of the Judesses* for the bollsf xa. Itm. for settyng up of the Eode xxd. Itm. for a bell rope iiij'1. Itm. paied to Arnold Lokyer for yron werk for the rode lofte v3 xid. Itm. paied to the Clarke for watchyng of the Sepulture iijd. „.;-«J Summa xxix'. Fol. 42 ro. Itm. for a lode of canellj stone ij8 iiijd. Itm. paid to Mr. ffysshe for nayle for the rode lofte iij8 ijd ob. Itm. to John Pavyer for pavyng vj8 viiid. Itm. to the same John for sande xixd. Itm. to the same John in mony a nother tyme ijs viiid. Itm. to the same John for v lodes of sande ij8 jd . Itm. for carieng of a lode of Eobrisshe iiijd. Itm. for iij yards of lynen cloth for amyses le yarde vjd. and the makyng of them xxid. Itm. to Eobert Sares wyf for tymber ij8 viiid. Itm. paied to a laborer the space of a day laboryng aboute et cet. iiij'1. Itm. for nayle ijd. Itm. to a nother laborer for beryng the robrisshe out of the Chirche and beryng home of the bords et cet. iiijd. Itm. to Eichard Laystone for mendyng of the grete belle while§ viiid. Itm. for a bawdryk|| for the same belle iiijd. Itm. for mendyng of the sepulture tymber ijd. Itm. to John Tulle for makyng of the steyrs goyng up to the [stepell^f] Eod Lofte iiij ii xvid. Itm. to John a Tent for iiij yards of cloth for Birchis gowne xvis . Summa vj ii ij8 vijd. Fol. 42 vo. Itm. for makyng of a hegge to the garden of [at] Seint Paule viiid . Itm. to John Pavyer for a lode of sande vjd. Itm. to the same John for makyng of ij posts and pavyng viiid . Itm. paied for a torch weyng xxiii ii le ii iijd ob. Summa vj3 viiid. Itm. for mendyng of the organs iiijd. Itm. to Tempill for carieng of a lode of robrisshe ijd. Itm. for di. ml of priggs** iijd ob. * Candlestioks or holders into which the candles were fixed, t Bowls of the candlesticks. J Stone from the Channel. § 'Wheel. || Obsolete form of Baldric=the leather gear by which the clapper of the church bell was suspended.—N.B.D. IT Crossed out. ** Another form of sprig=a nail or brad,—N.E.D. 3? 2 • 4 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Itm. for C of lathe vd. Itm. to a tyler and hys man per diem xd. Itm. paied to Birche for makyng of the Eode lofte xi ii. Itm. spent on sute in the officialls courte annenst Mr. Knygh* ij9- Itm. paied to Mr. Eoos for makyng of an acquytaunce of Mr. Huett viiid. Itm. to Pott for a lode of lome iiijd. Itm. paied for the obyte of Edmunde Mynot ij8. Itm. for the obyte of Wilim Benet xs. Itm. paied to John Egan for makyng of a dede of feoffement xiiiid . Summa xxii ii vi8 viiid ob. Fol. 43 ro. Itm. paied to Hugh Eannsfelds wyf for mendyng of iiij surplesses xd. Itm. to Tempill for a lode of sande Itm. to hym for carieng of brike Itm. for a quarter of lyme Itm. for mendyng of iiij other supplesses Itm. for a quarter of lyme Itm. to a mason for makyng of the aulters Itm. to a laborer helpyng hym by the space of a day Itm. paied to John Stulpe for v plankys for the steyrs Itm. paied for wesshyng of the Chirche clothes xd. Itm. paied to Henry Okeman for strikyng of xxiiii ii of wex for the crosse light and for xi li and iij quarters of new wex le ii vjd summa vii8 xd ob. Itm. for a torche weyng xvi li iij quarters le li iijd ob. summa iiij8 xd. Itm. to the same Henry Okeman for strikyng viii ii and di. of wex for mortuary tapers and for iij ii i quarter and di. quarter of newe wex summa ij3 iijd ob. Summa xxvj3 ob. Fol. 43 vo. Summa totalis recepc. saluc. et expen. hujus anni xxi11 iiij8 iiij*1 ob. Et sic iidem computant adhuc reman' in debo' predictis parochianis in xxvii3 ixd ob. Fol. 44 ro. [Blank.] Fol 44 vo. [1510-11.] Thaccompt of Nicholas Symon and John Alcok Chirche wardeyns of the Parisshe Chirche of Seint Andrew© vjd. ia ofe- ' vjd . ixd. vjd. iiij" iiijd. iiij*. ij8 iiijd 0$ St. ANDREWYS, CANTERBURY. 5 Thappostell of the cetie of Caunterbury from the fest of the Epiphany of our Lorde anno [ii°] H. viii usque idem festu extunc proxim' sequ' stil pro unutn annum integrum. .Arr' ff first the seid accomptaunts yelde accompt of certen mony remaynyng in their hands arr8 of their last accompt ut patet in pede ejusdem xxvii8 ixd ob. Summa arr8 xxvii3 ixd ob. Eecepc. ff Itm. rd of Jamys Colman for ferme of vii acres of lande x8. Itm. of Edwarde Wattson, sadeler for ferme of a stabill iD Pillory Lane per di. annum xvjd. Itm. of Petir Capper for ferme of a nother stabill in the same lane by v quarters annum iiij9 ijd. Itm. of Kendall's wydowe for rent xxA. Summa xviii8 xid ob. Fol. 45 ro. Itm. of Hugh Clark for the ferme of a stabill in the same lane by yer iiij8 iiijd. Itm. of John Lamberherst for rent of . . . .* w'out Northgate Vs. Itm. of Nicholas Sadeler for the ferme of a nother stabill in Pillory Lane ij3 viiid. Itm. of Mr Broker for Wiilm Benett's obyte x". Itm. of Wilim Eose for the ferme of a garden in Seint Alphe Parisshe ij8. Itm. for wast of Torchis iiijd. Itm. for wast of Torchis a nother tyme iiijd. Itm. of Mr ffyshe for mortuary tapers viiid. Itm. of Greny's wydowe for rent of, etc. xiiiid. Itm. of M1' Bolney for the crosse light for iiij yer. iiij3. Itm. of the Brethers and sisters of the crosse light at Easter xiiii8 vd ob, Itm. for the wast of the hersef tapers viiid. Itm. uppon Hokmonday and Hoktuysday xii8 iijd. Itm. of . . . .* Sermour of the garden in Sandewych by the space of a yer vjs viiid. Itm. of Sevell's wydowe for wast of tapers viiid. Itm. of John Chapman for the ferme of a garden in Seint Paules xvid. Summa iij ri vj8 ixd ob, * Blank. t See footnote page 2, 6 • CHURCHWARDENS'' ACCOUNTS' Fol. 45 vo. Itm. of Johu Alcok for olde glasse to hym sold ij8 iiijd- Itm. of John Dundy for the wast of torches iiijd. Itm. of Petir Cooper for hey* xxd. fltm for writyng of the present accompt xiid. Itm. of the bequeth of of [sic] Mr PropchauntJ iijs iiijd. Itm. of WiHm Lambe for the ferme of a garden in Seint Paules iij8 iiijd. Summa totalis rec' hujus annis iiij li ix3 id. Summa tam arr' quam recepc' hujus annis v li xvi3 id. Fol. 46 ro. Allocat' ff wherof the seid wardeyns arske to be allowed ffyrst for threde to sowe on the amyes ob. Itm. to Hugh Clark for watchyng of the sepulture rid. Itm. to Wynston carpenter for mendyng of the pewe in the chirch xiid. It. to Arnold Lokyer for ij hooks and spykyngs and barres for the rode loft viijd. It. for xxj quarts of oyle v8 iijd. It. to Arnold Lokyer's man for mendyng of the clok iij8 iiijd. It. for ij keys iiijd. It. paied for ij bell ropys xxd. It. paied for a lode of stone for the chirch ij". It. for byndyng of vi bookys and newe clapsys iij8 iiijd. It. for mendyng of the holy water stoppe§ ijd. It. for roopys xiid. It. for a lampe glasse id. It. to M1 ffysshe for tymber viid. Summa xxv" ijd oft. Fol. 46 vo. It. to a carpenter for repayryng of the tenements in Pillory Lane viiid. It. for byndyng of iiij books ij8. It. for ij calve skynnys to bynde the same books xid. It. for ij rammyskynnes vid. It. for the obyte of Edmunde Mynot ij8. It. for the obyte of Benett x8. It. for a holy water styk|| ijd ob. * Hay. f This item has a pen through. I ? Alan Propchaunt, will dated 5 Deo. 1509. § i.e., holy water stock or stoup. || i.e., Sprinkler. OP ST. ANDREW^, CANTERBURY. f< *It. for Mer. Swanny's obite • tiis viiaJ It. for an yron pynne for the clok vjd. It. to John Pavyer for pavyng afore the chirche dore x'1. It. for a lode of sond vid. It. paied to Eichard glover for a skynne and mendyng of cusshyns xij". fit. paied for Eobt. Bony's obyte ij8 iiijd. It. paied to Helde for Bolder xvid. It. to MarlowJ for iiij bell ropys xvid. It. to Mr. ffysshe for a quart of oyle iijd. Summa xxxi8 xid ob. Fol. 47 ro. It. for ccxl tyles xxiid ( It. for a lode of lome i.iijd. It. a lode of sand vid. It. for ij quarters of lyme xiid. It. to a tyler by grete for tylyng and dawbyng of iiij3 xid. It. for pryggs§ ' iijd. I t for c of tylyng lath viid. It. a quart of oyle ijd ob. It. paied to Arnold Lokyer for rails of yron for the rode loft iiijd . It. paied to John Coppyn for kepyng of the clok per annum vi3 viii'1, It. for mendyng of olde torchis ij8. It. to Syr Wiilm for warshyng of corporas|| ijd. It. for ij stapills for the clok iijd. It. for writyng of a bill at the visitacon ijd. It. for a quart of oyle ijd. Summa xix8 xd ob. Fol. 47 vo. . • It. for a nother quart of oyle ijd. It. for wesshyng of the chirche clothes iij8 ixd ob. It. for wesshyng of supplesses iiijd. It. for a lok and a key to a stabill dore in Pillory Lane iiijd. It. for a potell of ayle iiijd. It. for vi candilstykks for the quyer . xijd. It. for wesshyng of vi obys^T iiijd ob. It. paied to Henry Okeman for strikyng of the lampe tapers iiij times and for newe wex ij8 iiija. - * This item has a pen through, and in margin is "It™ pa'." t This item has a pen through. t Thomas Marlow, roper, Ereeman of Canterbury 1478. §. Brads.—N.E.D. - J Corporas=the fine linen cloth. ^Albs-. 8 CHURCHWARDENS* ACCOUNTS It. paied to the seid Henry for xiiii li of newe wex for the crosse light le ii viid and for strikyng of xxvi Ii and di. for the same light ix3 iijd. It. for strikyng of the lampe tapers twyse and for iij ii of newe wex xxf. It. to the seid Henry for a torche weyng xvii ii le Ii iijd ob. Summa iiij8 xid ob. It. paied for the obyte of Maistres Swannys vii8 viid. It. for th'obite of Eobert Bone ij3 iiijd. It. paied to John Coke at the tyme of rekignyng* of hym to le dark of seint Andrew^ iiijd. Summa xxxv8 ob. Fol. 48 ro. It. for girdills for the obysj iiijd. It. for writyng of this present accompt xiid. Summa totalis saluc' et expen* hujus annis v li xi8 vijd. Et sic iidem computantes computate computand' alloc' allocand' adhuc rest' in debo parochianis predict' in xi8. Fol. 48 vo. [Blank.] Fol. 49 ro. [Blank.] Fol. 49 vo. [1511-12.] Seynt Andrewe. Th'accompts of Nicolas Symon and John Burges ehirchewardeyns of Seint Andrewe th'appostell of the cetie of Caunterbury from the fest of the Epiphany of our Lord A0 iij0 H[enry] viii. unto the same fest then next ensuyng that is to say by a hole yer. Arr'. ff. Eecepc' ff. ffyrst the seid accomptaunts yelde accompte for the ferme of the lands of late of Maistres Swan in the hands of Jamys Colman x8. It. for the ferme of a tenement in Pillory lane that late was of Eobert Bone now in the hands of . . . .§ wydowe ij8 viiid. It. of Nicholas Stephyn sadiller for the ferme of a stable in Pillory lane by a yer ij8 viiid. It. of the wydowe of Hugh Clark for the ferme of a garden in Pillory Lane iij5 iiijd. It. of John Lamberherst for rent of ij tenements w'out Northgate by yer vB. *. ReoKoning. t Above the line. % Albs. § Blank. OP ST. ANDREWYS, CANTERBURY. § *It. of Wilim Lambe for the ferme of a garden in seint Paulys parisshe iij8 iiiid. Summa xxiii8 viiid. Fol. 50 ro. [This fol. is an insertion.] [1512-13.] Th'assese made in the seid parisshe towarde the byeng of a payr of organs in the iiij'11 yer of the reign of kyng Henry the viii"1 and resceyved by the seid chirche wardens as particulerly folowith. ffyrst of John Alcok and John a'Tent gaderers of the seid sesse Is iijd quadrans. It. of Paule Eychemonde and Wilim Laurence other gaderers of the seid sesse It. of John Broke and Thomas Talas other gaderers It. of Mr. Doctor toward the seid organs It. of hym that made the seid organs It. of John Tylly It. of Mr. Thomas Wainflet It. of Mr. John ffysshe It. of Mr. Thomas ffooks It. of Wilim Eutlande It. of Nicholas Symon It. of Mr. Bulman Stolemaiss It. of John Alcok It. of John Burges It. of Paule Eychmonde It. of Bob4 Lowe It. of John a'Tent It. of John Elys It. of John Broke It. of Arnold ffremer It. of Wilim Eygdon It. of Hopkyns wydowe It. of John Myldemay It. of Thomas Bamborugh It. of Wiilm Laurence It. of Edmund Wylcok It. of Petr Sponceon It. of Wilim Chapman xlvj8 ijd ob. of the same iiij9 viiid. Xs . ij*- ij;. vi8. vi8 vid. vi" vid. iiij9 iiijd. iiij8 iiij* iij9 iiijd. iiij8 iiijd. iiij8 iiijd. iiij8 iiijd. iiij" iiijd. ij9 ijd. ij8 ijd- iij8 iijd. xxd. xiiid. vjd. ij8 ija- iiijd. iij8 iijd. iij9 iijd. xiid ob. ijs ijd. * This item is struok out. 1 0 CHUR CKWAR B ENS * ACCOUNTS It. of Jamys Vydean xiiid. It. of Thomas Talas xiiid. It. of Thomas Gyllam xiiid. Summa totalis recep' hujus sesse ix li ixs ixd. Fol. 50 vo. [Blank.] Fol. 51 ro. It. of the wydowe of . . . .* Grene for the rent of a nother tenement ther by yer xxd. It. of the wydowe of . . . .* Kendall for rent of her tenement ther by yer xiiiid. It. receyved of the wymen of the seid parisshe towards the makyng of the pues iij3 xid. It. of the parisshons af oreseyd towards the sustentacon of the crosse light xvi8 xid ob. It. uppon Hokmonday and Hoktuysday of the wyvysf xvii8 ijd. It. of Mr. Bolney for wast of ij torchys ijd. It. uppon Seint Andrewes day for scochynsj vii". It. of WiHm Lambe for ferme of a parcell of lande at Seint Paulys iij9 iiijd. §It. of Maistres Propchaunt of the bequeth of her husbond to the seid chirch iij8 iiijd. I t for r' of for wast of tapers at Maistres Swannys obite viii4 . It. receyved of the parisshones of the seid parisshe by reason of a sesse made towarde the byeng of a peyr of organs as particularly apperith in a scrowe|| to this leaff annexyd. It. of the ferme of a garden in Sandewithe vj8 viiid. t i t . for the ferme of a garden in seint Paulys xiia. It. of the ferme of a garden in seint Paulys xvid. Summa totalis recep' sesse except' iij Ii xviii8 xid. Summa totalis rec' una cum assess' predict' xiij ii xiii9 va ob qns. Summa iii ii ijs ob. Fol. 51 vo. Allocat' wherof the seid accomptaunts aske to be allowyd ffyrst for wasshyng of surplessys and other clothys vjd. Itm. for mendyng of supplossys ija , * Blank. f Wivoa. % Scutcheons, i.e., badges.—Parish and Shaw, Kentish Dialect, 1888, p. 1371 see also N.E.D. j> This item is orossed but. || Sorap, OP-ST-. ANDREWYS, CANTERBURY. 11 Itm. to the clarke for watchyng aboute the sepulture vid. Itm. for a key to the olde house that the pues were made ijd. Itm. paied to G-odfrey for makyng of the pues xxiii8 vd. It. in nayle id. It. in lyme iij'1. It. in borde viid. It. for wesshyng of surplesses vi'1. It. paied to a laborer for leyeng of morter over the pues viid. It. for borde and tymber to John Stulpe vi8 xid. It. to Mr. ffyshe for borde iiijd. It. to a man and his servaunt for makyng of the wyndowe ayenst the pues xid. It. for lyme iiijd ob. It. to John Stulpe for borde xxiid. It. for nayle iijd. It. for makyng of barres of yron to Arnold Lokyer for the wyndowes ij8 viid ob. Summa xxxii9. Fol. 52 ro. It. for a lok and ij keys to the quyre dore viiid. It. for makyng of a while* steroppys and bridl xiiiid ob. It. for glasyng of the newe wyndowe xvid. It. for makyng clene of the gutter ob. It. for a bawdrik vid. It. for a key to the padlock to the chirche dore , iiijd . It. to John Coke for kepyng of the clok by half a yer iij8 iiiid. It. for wesshyng of surplesses and aulter clothys xd. It. for makyng and repayryng of the laten senser viiid. It. for makyng of a dore to the organs vid. It. in nayle to the same dore ijd. It. for a lok and a key rydysf and hokys for the same dore ixd . It. to a mesyn for settyng in of the same hokys ijd . It. for makyng of stochyns ayenst seint Andrewes day xxid. It. for wesshyng of surplesses ijd. It. to Mr. ffyshe for glewe ijd . It. to the same Mr. ffysshe for ij quarts of oyle vid. It. to Mr. Eutland for viii quarts of oyle xxd. It. to John Broke for iij quarts of oyle ixd. Summa xv8 vid. * Wheel stirrup and bridle for the bells. -- • t The band or strap of a hinge for a door fitting on to a hook;—N.EJ). 12 CHURCHWARDENS* ACCOUNTS Fol. 52 vo. It. paied to John Coke dark of seynt parisshe (sic) over and above his wage gaderyd the fyrst quarter xviid ob. It. to hym the ijde quarter over and above his wage gaderid xvd . It. to hym the iijde quarter over and above his wage gaderid ij8 . It. to Wilim. Lambe for iij li and iij quarters of new wex and for strikyng of xx ii and a quarter of olde waxe for the Pascall and the fonte taper iij8 iiijd. It. to the same Wilim for iiij ii and iij quarters of newe wex and for the strikyng of ix ii and di. of olde wax for xiii tapers for seynt Andr[ews] lyght iij3 ijd ob. It. to Henry Okeman for x ii and a quarter of newe wax and for* le ii viid and for the strikyng of xxviii li of olde wax for the crosse light vij9 id ob. qna. It. to the same Henry for ij torchys weyng xxxii ii and di. le ii iijd ob viiis cod ob'.* ix8 vd ob qns. It. to hym for iij tapers ayenst Easter of di. ii a pece xd ob. It. to the same Henry for vi ii wartf of iij torchys berolledj of hym ayenst Easter xviiid. It. for makyng of v torchys of olde stuffe x8 xd. It. for makyng of ix tapers to the lampe ij8 viid ob. Summa xiiij8 xd qns. Fol. 53 ro. It. for the obyte of Edmunde Mynot ij8. It. for a lanterne vd. It. for ij yarde of canvas gevyn to Eichard Petyt ixd. It. for makyng of this present accompte xiid. It. paied for the obyte of Maistres Swanue vii8 viid. It. pd to Mr. ffysshe of the seid parisshe for leade iij8 iiiid. It. payd for a peyr of organs to the seid chirche xiii li. It. for the cariage and conveyeng of the seid organs by water and by lande via. It. for makyng of a peyr of indenturs of covenaunts for makyng and delyveryng of the seid organs viiia. It. paied to the maker of the seid organs in yernest§ iiij*. * Pen through. + Weight. J Rolled over.—-N.E.D. § Earnest money. OE ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 13 *It. of* for that the garden in Sandewiche stode voyde per an iii viiid. *It. for that the garden late of Mr. Eoss was voyde per a" iH ij8 . *It. for that the garden in Seint Paulys was voyde xvid. *Sum tot1 soluc' et exp' iiij li xix3 vd qna. Summa soluc' et expen' xviii li xix8 viiid qrns. Summa xiiii ii ij8 id. Fol. 53 vo. Allowauncs of fermys. ff Itm. The seid accomptaunts aske to be allowed for that the garden in sandewieh stode voyde unherdef by all the seid yer vj8 viiid. JItm. for that the garden in seint paulys parisshe that Mr. Eobert herd§ was voyde by the saide yer vj8. It. for that the garden in seint paulys that Aunsell late herdj was voyde by all the seid yer xvid. Summa of the all8 x3 viiid. Summa of all the payments, expen' and the all8. xix ii vii8 viiid qr. And so the seid parisshons owe unto the seid wardens Summa v li xiiii8 ijd ob. Wherof remanyth of the seid sume to John Burges iij li ixs ijd ob. Fol. 54 ro. [Blank.] Fol. 54 vo. a) 1514[-15], The accoinpts off Paule Eycchemond and John Tylley chirchwardens off the parysshe chirche of Seynt Andrewe in Canterbury from the ffest off Seynt Mygheii th'Archaungeii in the vit h yere off the reign off Kyng Henry the viiit h unto the fest off Seynt Mygheft th'archaungeK then nexte ensuyng be the space off an hole yere. Eeceyts. ffarmes. ffyrst, the seid accomptaunts charge them for the ferme off vij acres off land lyeng be syds seynt laurencs by yere x8. It. receyved of Agnes Undrewod for the yere ferme of a hows in Pillory Lane ij8 viiid. * Pen through all these items. + Unhired. | This item js orossed out. § Hired, ]4 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS . It. of John Bogar for ferme of a stable in the seid lane ij9 viiid. It. of Wilim Lambe for ferme off a pece off land lying in Seynt Paulis parysshe iij9 iiijd. It. of John Chapman for the ferme off a garden lyeng in Seynt Paulis parysshe xvid. It. off John Vanzeele for the farme off a stabyll w' a gardyn in Pillory Lane for a yere vi9 viiid. It. off Nicholas Saddlar for the ferme off a stabyll in Pillory Lane be yere ij8 viiid. It. off X°fer* Coopar in Sandwyche for the ferme off a gardeyn there by yere vi3 viiid. Summa of the fermes xxxvi8 et cetera. Fol. 55 ro. Eent. Itm. primus receyvyd off John Lomeherst for the rent off tenements in the parysshe off Northgatte v8. It. off Kendalls wyddow for rent off here hows in the seyd paryshe be yere xxd. It. off John Eaynold for the rent off the corner howsse in the seyd parysshe whyche late was Wilim Bryce be yere viid ob. It. off Henry Grene for rent off a tenement in the same parysshe whych late was hys moders xiiiid. Summa of the rent viii8 viid ob. It. receyvyd off Mr Doct1' owre parsone towards the payment off John Burgesse to hym awardyd iiij8 vid. It. receyvyd in money gadderyd on Seynt Andrewes Bay be the meanes off stochensf viii8 vid. It. receyvyd off the money off the parysshons at Ester towards the pascall v8 iijd, It. receyvyd off the money gadderyd be the paryshons aswell be the men as by the women att hoctyde xx8 iiiid. It. receyvyd off the brotherne off the crosse lyght in money xiiii3 viiid ob. It. receyvyd off off [sic'] Mr. ffyshe then chamberlayn for the obyte off Wilim. Benett xB. 55 vo. It. of Mestres Bulman for wast off ye hers tapers tiiid. It. off Wilim. Laurens for the wast of ij torchesse iiijd. t Christopher. f See footnote page 10, OE ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 15 It. off Arnollds wyddowe ffor wast of ij torches iiijd. It. off Paule Eychmond for wast off ye herse tapars viiid. It. off Broks wyddowe for ye wast off herse tapars viiid. It. off Wilim fyches wyddow for wast off the herse tapars xvid . It. off the seid wyddowe ffor the wast off iiij tapars viiid. It. off Eobert Sare for the wast of iiij tapars viiid. It. for the wast off the hers tapar abowte Mestres Swannys obyte viii'1. It. off Jamys Vydean for wast' off the herse tapars and for the wast of ij torches xiid. It. off the executours of Mr. fyshe for the wast of vi torches xiid . It. off Mestres Wainflete for the wast off viii torches xvid. It. off Mr. Wainilette for wast off on[e] torche lente to hym on Corpus Xpi* day iiijd. It. off Johu ffysshe for the wast off the herse tapars viiid. Summa iij ii xiii8 viid ob. • Fol. 56 ro. . Also the seid accomptaunts charge themselse w< a benyvolence geven be serten women in the makyng off the coveryngf as partycularly apperythe undrewryten. a!, ffyrst off Joohan Copyn iiijd. It. off ffrenchys wyffe vjd. It. off Nicholas Harryes wyffe iiijd. It. off Mystres ffoks xiid. It. off Wilcocks wyffe xijd. It. off Jane Harlesey iiijd. It. off Broks wyddowe viid. It. off Mystres Alcock xijd. It. off Mestres Eutland iiijd. It. off Mestres Sare ijd. It. off Levvys wyffe viijd. It. off Gerys wyffe , ijd. It. off Laurens wyffe iiijd. It. off Burgesse wyffe iiijd. It. off her mother ob. It. off Joane Hatter • ia. It. off Mestres Symon iirja. Summa vii8vaob. . * The feast of Corpus Christi, always observed on the first Thursday after Trinity Sunday. • fEdr the font. 16 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Fol. 57 vo. Summa off all the receyts aswell fferms, rent, wast of tapars and torchys, benyvolens to the foute aud obyts as other thys yere vi Ii v8 via ob. Allocacons. Wherof the seid wardens aske to be allowyd for the obyte off Edmond Mynott ij8. It. for the obyte off W. Benett x8. It. for the obyte off Mestres Swannys vii8 viid. Summa off the obytes xxii8 iijd. Solucons. In primis payid for a c et di. off Scochefis* bowght fSr Seint Andrew's day xxijd. I t . payid for iij li et di. off new wexe bowght for the pascall prece le Ii vjd. Summa xxjd. I t . for strekyng off the seid pascall weyieng xxvi Ii. Summa xiiid. It. payid for xiiii li off new wax bowght for the crosse lyght prece le pownd vjd Summa vii8. It. for strekyng off the seid lyght weyng xiij ii le Ii ob xxjd. Itm. payid for vi ii iij quartr off new wax bowght for Seynt Andrew's lyght prece le Ii vjd iij8 iiijd ob. Itm. payid for strekyng off the seid lyght weyng xiiii Ii. Summa viid. Fol. 57 ro. Itm. payid for strykyng the lampe tapars ayenst alhallowen day and for iij quartr and a unc' off newe wax after viid le li. Summa vd ob. Itm. for strekyng off the seyid tapars ayenst crystemas and for iij quartr off newe wax for thatt same tapars after vid le ii. Summa vd quad. Itm. payid for strekyng off the lampe tapars ayenst myghelmasse and for a Iii off newe wax viid. It. payid for strekyng the lampe tapars ayenst Seynt Gregors day and for iij quartr et di. new wax vjd. It. for strekyng the lampe tapar ayenst ascencon day and for xv unc' of new wax for the seid tapars vja ob. It. for strekyng the lampe tapars ayenst Seynt Laurens day and for xv unc' off new wax vjd ob. Itm, for a pynt off tranef for the lampe ia ofe. * See footnote page 10, f Oil, OE ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 17 It. for a quart off oyle for the seid lampe iiijd ob. Itm. for a potell off oyle for the seid lampe viiid. Itm. for a quart off oyle for the seid lampe iiijd. Itm. for a pottell oyle sett over seynt Laurens evyn viiid. Itm. for a quart off oyle for the seid lampe iiijd. Verte folium. Fol. 57 vo. In primis payid to the clarke ffor wasshyng crystemas quarter xii". Itm. payid to the clarke for crystemas quarter more then was leveable emong the parysshons xviiid ob. It. for owre lady quartr xvid. It. for mydsomer quartir xvd. It. for myghelmasse quartr xiiiid ob. It. for wacchyng off the sepulcre iijd. It. payid for ij bell ropys weyeng x Ii prece xd. It. for iiij boxis for the bell ropis iiijd. It. for a pynt off oyle for the seid bells ijd ob. It. payid for mendyDg off the Bawderyk of ye vthe bell ijd. It. payid for kepyng off the clock for the yere vi3 viii'1, It. payid to a plumer be the space off a day mendyng the leade over the clock vid. It. payed for mendyng off the waithe* off the clock ijd. Summa xxxviii8 iiiid ob qua. Empcons. In primis payid for ij newe torches weyeng xxxvii ii prece le ii iijd Summa ix8 iiijd. Summa ix8 iiiid. Fol. 58 ro. Eeparacons. In primis payid for half a tonne off tymbre to make planks for a stable in Pyllory Lane xvi". It. payid for the sawyng off a c et xv fotte in planks for the seid stabyll xii(l. It. payid to a carpenter for a day leyeng ye planks vid. It. payed for a new key for the awmeryt in ye quier ijd. It. payid for mendyng off ye charnell% off ye Bere ijd. It. payid for a new key for the chest in the loft and for mendyng off the lock iiijd. It. payid for a key for the doore atthe end off the hyghe awter and for mendyng off the same doore iijd. It. for vylyng§ away off ij stubbs of yeron uppon the fonte ijd . Summa iij8 ixd. * Weight. f Aumbry. % Hinge of the bier. § Piling. VOL. XXXIII. c 18 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Arrerag'. Itm. payid to John Burgesse in money accordyng to award made be Mr. Doctor in full contentacon off suche dette as he askyd uppon ye font off hys accompt xxxvi8 viii4. Summa xxxvi8 viiid. S. Itm. payid for the wrytyng off thys accompt bothe in thys booke and also in the dogge* xvia. Summa xvia. Fol. 58 vo. It. payid for makyng off the coveryng off the font in the hole xx8 whereoff by a benyvolence gevyn be serten women [a]s apperythe before in the charge in particularr vii3 va ob and be the Chirche Wardens over and above the same in cotentacon off the on[e] halfe ij3 via ob the other x3 residue off the only gyfte off Paule Eychmond. Summa x8. a). It. the seid Churche wardeys aske allowaunce for the yers ferme off vii acres off land the whiche Jamys Colman hathe to farme, before in there charge, as apperythe in the same for as myche as M1' John ffysshe receyvyd the same ferm ij in on[e] yere. Summa x8. It. for the rent of a howsse in the paryshe off Northgate nowe in the hands off Herry Grene not levyable for as myche as the seid wardens cowde cum be no dysstres. Summa xiiijd. Summa off all solucons, allocacons, paymentts and reparaeons vj li. xiii8 ob. quad. Fol. 59 ro. And soo the seid parysshens owe unto the seid wardens all thyngs rekenye and accomptye uppon the aceompte made the xxit!l [1516.] day off ffebruari in the viith yere off the reign of the foreseid Kyng Herry the viii"1 in the presence off Mr. Doctor our parson, Mr. ffooks, Mr. Symone, Mr. Eutland, Mr. Alkock, John Tylley, W. Chapman, John Burgesse, WiHam Laurence, clerely vj8 vid quad. It. att the day off makyng off thys aceompte in the presence off the parson and parysshens the seid John ffysshe hathe delivered to the hands off Paule Eyehemond and William Laurens then churche wardens part of the evedencs off the seid Churche to the numbre off xxij"1. Notum fao finein meum Dfie, Fol. 59 vo. [Blank.] * ? Docket. OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 19 Fol. 60 ro. [1515-16.] Thaccompt off Paule Eychmoud and Wiilm Laurence wardens off the Paryshe Churche off Seynt Andrewes in Caunterbury from the ffest off Seynt Mygheli in the viithyere off the reign off Kyng Henry the viii"1 unto the ffeste off Seynt Mygheli then next ensuyng in the viii"1 yere off ye seid Kyng by ye space of an hole yere. Eeceyts. ffarmys. ffyrst the seid Accomptaunts charge themselse for the ferme off vii acres off lande lyeng be syde Seint Laurence in the hands off Jamys Colman by the yere x8. It. off Agnes TJnderwod for the yers ferme off an howsse in Pyllory Lane ij8 viijd. It. off Thomas ffrenche for the ferme of a stable in Pyllory Lane be yere ij8 viiid. It. off Nicholas Sadelar for the ferme off stable in Pyllory Lane be yere ij8 viiid. It. off John Vauzele for the ferm off a stable w' a garden in Pyllory Lane be yere vi8 viiid. It. off WiHm Lambe for the ferme of a pece off land in Seynt Pauls paryshe for a yere iij8 iiijd. Fol. 60 vo. It. off John Chapman for the farm off a Garden in Seynt Paulys paryshe be yere xvid. It. off Xpofer Co[o]par in Sandwyche for the ferm off a garden there by yere vj8 viiid. Summa off the ffermes xxxvi3. Eent. It. off John Lomeherst for rent off ij tenements in the paryshe off Northgate for a yere v3. It. off Kendalls wyddowe for the rent off here hows in the sseid paryshe for a yere xxd. It. off John Eaynold for the rent off the corner howse in the seid paryshe by yere vijd ob. It. -off Harry Grene for rent off a tenement in the seid paryshe whiche was hys mothers by yere xiiiid. Summa off the rent viii8 vd ob. Eeceyts. It. rec* in money gaderyd on seynt Andrews day be skocheuns* vij3 ixd. * See footnote page 10, C 2 20 CH U R C HWA R D E N S ' ACCOUNTS It. rec' off the Brothern off the Crosse Lyght aud in Pascall money att Easter xxi3 xid. It. rec' in money gaderyd as well be the men as the women att hooktyd* xviii8 id quad. It. rec' of Mr. Notte for the obyte off Wilim Benet x8. Fol. 61 ro. It. rec' off Mr. Simon for wast off ye hers tapars viijd. It. off Mr. Mann ffor the wast off iiij torches iiijd. It. rec' off Mr. Symon for wast off ye mortuary tapars xvid. It. rec' off Mr. Symon for ye wast off viii torches xvid. It. rec' for wast off ye hers tapars for Mr. ffysshes obyte viiid . It. rec' off Nicholas Harryes wydowe for the wast off torches and hers tapars xxd. It. for wast off hers tapars abowte M. Swannys obyte viiid. Summa lxiiii3 vd quad. Arrerag. M. rec' off John ffysshe for suche arrerag' as hys father owyd uppon hys accompt as apperyth in the foote off the same accompt vj8 viiid. Summa off all the receyts aswell ferm, rent, wasts off tapars and torches as arrerag' as ys a boveseid v li xv8 vjd ob quad. Surplusage. Wheroff the seid accomptaunts wardens aske allowance off a serten surplusage to them due in the last accompt as playnly apperythe in the foot off the same accompt that ys to sey vij8 id quad. Summa vij8 j d quad. Fol. 61 vo. Obyts. Itm. they aske allowaunce for the obyte off Edmund Mynott thyB yere ij8, It. for the obyte off Wilim Benet x8. It. for the obyte off Eobert Bone ij8 viiid. It. for M. Swannys obyte vii8 viid. Summa of the obytts xxij8 iijd. The tapars for the lampe. It. payed for iij halffe ft tapars ayenst seynt Andrews day for the lampe prec' viiid. It. payed iij halffe II tapars for the lampe ayenst the xii"10 day prec' le ft viiia. Summa xiid. * Hooktide, OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 21 It. payed for iij halffe 11 tapars for the lampe ayenst Seynt George. Summa gross' xia ob. It. payed for strekyng off the lampe tapar ayenst ye fest off seynt John Baptyst for iij quartrs of newe wexe to the same tapars prec' in gross' viid. It. for strekyng the lampe tapars ayenst the nativite off our Lady and for a II and iij unc' off newe wex for the same prec' in gross' xid ob. Scocheons. It. payed for cc scocheons ayenst Seynt Andrews Day xxiid. Fol. 62 ro. The crosse lyght. It. payed for strekyng off the crosse lyght weyng in old wex xl H prec' le ft strekyng ob xxd. It. payed for viii ft off newe wax for the same lyght prec' le li viid. Summa iiij8 viiid. Pascall and fonte tapars. It. payed for iij li and iij quarters off newe wex for the Pascall and the fonte tapars prec' le ii viid ij8 if- It. payed for strykyng off the seid pascall and fontte tapars weyeng xxv 11 iij quarters prec' li ob xiid ob. Summa xv8 vid ob. Seynt Andrews lyght. In primis for vi ii off newe wex for Seynt Andrews lyght prec' le ii vijd. Summa iij8 vid. It. payed for strekyng the same lyght weyeng xiii 11 prec' le II strekyng ob vid ob. Summa iiijs ob. Torches bowght. It. for a new torche weyeng xvii ii et di. II prec' le il iijd ob. Summa v3. It. payed for ij other new torches weyeng xxxiiij it prec' le ft iijd quad, w' iijd more in the hole summa more over and above iijd quad. y° ft. Summa ix9 vd ob. Summa xiiii9 v'1 ob. It. payed for a quart off oyle for the lampe ayenst Seynt Fauncs* Day iiijd. It. for ij quarts off oyle for the same lampe viiid, Fol. 62 vo. Oyle for the lampe. It. for a quarte off oyle for the same lampe ayenst concepcon off our lady iiijd„ It. for a quart off oyle ayenst the circumcision hijd, * St. Pranois's Day, Oot. 4. 22 CHURCHWARDENS* ACCOUNTS It. for a quart ayenst Seynt Antons day m.l • It. for a quart ayenst Seynt Mathie day iiijd- It. for a quart ayenst a Candelmesse day mj • It. for a quart ayenst Passion Sonday m.l • It. for a quart ayenst Seynt Gregory* Georgs Dfie iiij • It. payed for ij galans potell off oyle sett att x tymes that ys to say ayenst the Fest off the Assencon, Corps X'pi, Seynt Barnare, Seynt John Baptyst, Seynt Mergaret, Seyt Thomas Martyr, Lammasse, Seyt Bartylmewe, the Nativite off our Lady and ayenst the Fest off Seynt Mygheli. Summa in gross' iij8 iiij*. Summa vi3 viiia. Mortuari tapars. It. payed for stekyng off iiij mortuary tapars weyng xii ft every tapar iij ft wheroff in old wex ix ft di. ft et di. quarter and in newe wex ij ft j quarter et di. quarter prec' le ft off newe wex viii*. Summa xxiiid ob. Fol. 63 ro. Wagsf for the Clerke. It. payed to the clerk for kepyng off the Clock for every quarter xxd. Summa for the yere vi8 viiid. It. to the Clerk for hys wagsj more then was levyable for crystmasse quarter xid ob. It. to the Clerk for hys wagsf in every quarter more then was levyable among the parysshons, for our Lady quarter, Mydsomer quarter and Mighelmasse quarter iij8 iiijd. Summa iiij8 iiid ob. Eeperacons in the churche. It. for new slevyng off an awbe and for di. an ell off new clothe for the same albe vjd. It. to a plumer for mendyng the pyps of the steple ijd- It. for an Iron for the peyse off the fonte id- It. for ij pulleys for the corner off the fonte vjd. It. for hangyng for the Eood loft Dore iiij*. It. to Peter Lokear for the . , . .% off the fonte vjd. I t , to M* Laurence for wasshyng the Churche Clods§ for an hole yere iija. Summa v» j d . * Lined out and oorreoted above. t Wagos. X Blank. § Clothes. OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 23 Owt reparacon. It. payed to a carpenter for plankyng off a stable in Pillory Lane viid. It. payed to the farmers off Seynt Se [sic] Laurence for ij lods off thorn for a garden in Seynt Pauls ij8 iiijd. Fol. 63 vo. It. for di. C. borde for a stable in Pillory Lane xiid. I t for ij stancheons in to the seyd land ijd. It. payed to pavyor for a lode off pavyng stone ij8 iiijd. It. for a lode off sand vd. It. for pavyng off ix yerds square before the Churche Porch le yerd ijd ob. Summa xxd. Summa viij8 vid. A Eelyff. It. payed to Mr. Butlar for relyff and ffewty* for Mestres Swannys lands that ys to say for fewty* via and for Eelyff id. Summa vijd. fSumma off all solvcons, Allocacons, Eeparacons, Eelyff and paymentts iiij ii vii8 id ob quad. And so remaynethe in the hands off the seid wardens clerly unto the paryshe xviii8 vd. [1516-17]. Uppon there accompt made ye xix day off Aprill in the viii yere off the reign off Kyng Henry the viiith in the presence off Doctor Berwyk our Parson, Mr foks, M1' Symon, Mr Eutlande, John Burgesse, and other mo, etc. Wheroff payed for writyng off thys accompt and yc eng[ro]ssyng off yt into thys boke off accompts xvid. al. And so remaynethe in ye hands off yc seid Comptaunts clerly xvii8 j d . Fol. 64 ro. [Blank.] Fol. 64 vo. [1516-17.] a). Thaccompt off Wilim Laurence and Eobert Lewys wardens off the Paryshe Churche off Seynt Andrews in Canterbury ffrom the ffest off Seynt Migheft in the viii"1 yere off the reign off Kyng Henry the viii"1 unto the fest off Seynt Migeft then nex ensueng in the ix yere off the reign off the seid kyng by ye space off an hole yere. * Pewtye—obsolete form of Pealty. t This letter is elaborated and contains the words "Notum fao finem raeum D'ne." 2 1 CHURCHWARDENS11 ACCOUNTS Arreragies. ffyrst the seid accomptaunts charge them seise w* the arreragies due unto the seid Paryshe delyveryd unto them by the hands off Paule Eychmond late warden as hyt apperythe in hys accompt xvij8 id. Farmys. It. the same accomptaunts charge themselse w* y" farm off vii acres off land lyeng besyds Seynt Laurence be the yere x3. It. off Agnes Underwod for the yers farm off an howse in Pillory Lane ij8 viiid. It. off Thomas ffrenche for the ferm off a stable in the seid lane ijs viiid. It. of Nicholas Sadelar for the farm off a stable in the seid lane ija viiid. It. of John Vanzeele for the ferm off a stable w' a garden in the seid Pillory Lane vi8 viiid. Fol. 65 ro. It. off Wiftm Lambe for the farm off a pece off lond lyeing in Seynt Paul's Paryshe iij9 iiijd. It. off Xofer Co[o]par off Sandwyche for a pece of land there be yere vj8 viiia. It. off Wiftm Chapman for the farm off a garden lyeng in Seynt Pall's Paryshe by yere xvia. Summa off the farmys xxxvi8. Eent. ffyrst rec' off John Lomeherst for ye rent off ij tenements in Northgate Paryshe be yere v8. It. off Kendall's wyddow for the rent off her howsse in the seid paryshe be yere xxa. It. off John Eaynole for rent off the corner howsse in ye seid paryshe be yere vija ob. It. off Harry Grene for rent off tenement in the seid paryshe be yere xiiii*. Summa off the rents viii9 va ob. It. rec' off Mr Noott for the obyte off W. Benett x8. Eeceyts. ffyrst rec' in money gaderyd be scochehs on Seynt Andrew's Day vij3 ob. It. rec' off the Brothern off the crosse lyght and in Pascal! money att Easter xxii8 iiijd ob. Fol. 65 vo. It. rec' in money gaderyd att Hocktyd xviii8 nil*. OP S1*. ANDREWES, CANTERBURY. 2o It. for the wast off y" mortuaiy tapars for the wyddow off Harry Attweft xvid. I t . for wast off the mortuary tapars for Mestres Swanny's obyte viiid. It. off W. Chapman for the wast of hers tapars xvi'1. It. off ye seyd Wiftm for ye wast of iiij torches viiid. It. rec' off Eo. Sares wyddow for wast of vii torches xiiii'1. It. off the same wydow for wast off hers tapars viiid. It. off John fyshe for wast off mortuary tapars xvj'1. It. for the wast off mortuari tapars for mother Baker -viij"*. It. for wast off iiij torches for the seid mother Baker viii'1. It. rec' for wast off ij torches for Watr Dale iiij'1. It. for mortuari tapars for Jamys Jamson viiid. Summa lvij8 ij'1. ffyrst rec' off the bequethe off Mr fyshe to the crose lyght xxd . It. off the bequethe off the seid fyshe unto Seynt Andrew's lyght be the hands off Paule Eychmond xiid. It. rec' off the bequethe off the seid Mr. ffyshe unto Seynt Johnis lyght xiid. Summa off bequethes iij8 viiid. Fol. 66 ro. It. rec' by the seid accomptaunts off John Bayly bellfownder for a bell sold unto hym be the seid wardens weyeng v c. a quarter off a c. and xxii II et di. prec' le c. xviii8. Summa iiij ii xviii8 id ob. Summa patet. Summa off all the receytts aswell ffarrne, rent, wasts for tapars and torches, arreragies, bequethes as for the sale off the beft as ys before notyd xi li x9 via. Wheroff the seid accomptaunts aske allowance payed for Edmond Mynotts obytte ij8. It. for the obytte off W. Benet x9. It. for the obyte off Eobert Bone ij8 viiid. It. for the obyte off Mestres Sswan vii9 viid. Summa of the obytts xxii8 iijd. Fol. 66 vo. In primis for iij halffe pound tapars ayenst Seynt Andrew xiiid ob. It. payed for iij halfe pound tapars ayenst the xiia e day wheroff in new wex iij quarter prec' via and for the strekyng ob vid ob quad. 26 CHURCHWARDENS* ACCOUNTS It. payed for a ft and an unc. et di. off new wex for the lampe tapars ayenst Palme Sonday prec' ixd and for the strekyng ob. quad. ixa ob quad. It. payed for xv unc. off new wex and for the strekyng off hyt ayenst Trenite Sonday viiid quad. It. payed for iij di. ft tapars for the lampe ayenst the Assumpcon off or lady xiid. It. for iij unc. off new wex for the lampe tapars ayenst myghelmas ijd ob. Summa off the charge off the lampe tapars iiij8 iiijd ob. It. payed for x quarts off oyle for the lampe from Ser Myghelmasse to Ester prec' le quart iiijd iij8 iiijd. It. payed atthe ffest off Migheft in the end off the yere for xii quarts off oyle for the lamp unto Ester iij8 iiijd. Summa vii8. It. payed for mendyng and makyng clene off the lampe xvid. It. payed for a roppe for the lampe ijd. It. payed for a new glassre for the seid lamp ja . Summa xixd. It. for scocheons ayenst seynt Andrews day in numb re iij c and a quarter ij8 iiijd. Summa ij8 iiijd. Fol. 67 ro. It. payed to the clerk for kepyng the clocke for the hole yere vi8 viiid. It. payed Unto the clerke for hys wags more then was levyable emong the parysshons in the hole yere iiij8 ob. Summa x8 viiid ob. It. payed for a nelle off canvas for the autr cloth iiijd. It. payed for mendyng of the same clothe iiija. It. payed for mendyng the glasse wyndow in ye loff viid. It. for reparacons a bowt the befts xvid. It. for brodds for the same jd . It. for mendyng off the quoir dore jd . It. for the makyng off the whylle for the wacrell* xa. It. for yrou worke for the same whylle iijd. It. payed for a paryng yron vja. It. for a key for the crysmatory ijd. * The wheel of the saoring bell. OP ST. ANDREWES, CANTERBURY. 27 It. payed for a knappe* for the sacrament xiiiid It. for makyng clene the croniclesf for the knapp vjd It. for mendyng off ij locks and for a key iijd It. for a small rope jd ob It. for wacchyng off the sepulture vjd It. payed for wasshyng and repayeryng off the chirche clods for an hole yere iij8. Summa x8 ob. Fol. 67 vo. ffyrst payed for vii ft off new wex for seynt Andrews lyght prec' le ft viiid ob. Summa iiij8 xid ob. It. payed for strekyng off the seid lyght weyeng in the hole xv ft. Summa vjd ob. Summa v3 vjd. It. for x ft and iij quarters off new wex for the crosse lyght prec' le ft viiid ob. Summa vij8 viid. It. for strekyng off the seid lyght weyeng in the hole xxxix ft and iij quarters xxd. Summa ix8 iijd. It. for iij ft et di. off new wex for the pascall and for the fonte tapars prec' le ft viiid. Summa ij3 iiijd. It. for strekyng off the pascall and fonte tapars weyeng in the hole xxv ft et di. ft. Summa xiiid. Summa iij3 vd. It, the seid accomptaunts aske allowance for a garden in Seynt Pauls then lyeng unocupied all the hole yere xvid. It. payed to a clerke for wrytyng thys or accompt xiid. Summa off all sollvcons, reparacons, and allocacons iij Ii xviii3 ixd ob. And so remayneth in the hands off the seid wardens clerely due unto the parysshons uppon there accompt made the viiilhe [1517-18.] day off Novembre in ye ix"'e yere off the reign off Kyng Henry ye viiitlle in the presence off Mr. Parson and the parysshons vij ii xi8 ixd ob. Notum fac finem meum Domine. a). Wheroff in the hands off Eobert Lewes w4 vi8 vid ob behynd in dette in the hands off Nicholas Stevens ciiii3 viiid. It. in the hands off Wiftm Laurence the residue xlvii8 id ob. * A frame or lunette to hold the sacrament. f Coronets. 28 CH U R C HWA R D E N S ' ACCOUNTS Fol. 68 ro. [Blank.] Fol. 68 vo. Jhs. [1517-18, Henry VIII.] al. Thaceompt of Eoberd Lewys and Thomas ffrenche wardens of the Paryshe of Seynt Andrew in Cawnterbery ffrom the feste of Seynt Mygheli tharchaungeft in the ixtbc yere of the reign of Kyng Henry the viiith unto the feste of Seynt Myheft tharchaungeft the next ensuyng in the xth yere of the reygn of the forsayed Kyng by the space of oon hole yere. Arreragies. ffyrst the seyed accomtaunts charge theymselff w' the arreragies due unto the seyed parysche delyveryd unto theym by the hands of Wyllm Lawrence late warden as aperyth in the foote of hys laste aceompte. Summa vii ii xi9 ixd ob. ffermis. Itm. The same accouctaunts charge themselff w* the fermes of vii acr' off lands lyeng beside sent Lawrence in the hands of Jamis Colman by the yere x\ Itm. of Agnes TJnderwod for the ferme of an howse in Pillory Lane by the yere ij3 viiia. Itm. of Thomas ffrench ffor the fferm of a stabyll yn the seide Pillory Lane by the yere ij8 vm d Itm. of Nicholas Sadelar for the ferm of a noder stabyll in the forsayed Pyllory Lane by yere ij8 viiid. Itm. of John Vanseele for the ferm of a nother stabyll in the same Pyllory Lane w* a garden to ye same vj9 viiid. Fol. 69 ro. Itm. of Wyim Clerke for the ferm of a pese of lande in seynt Pawlys parysche callyd a garden to letts ferm for vii yeris by the yere iij8 iiij*. Itm. of John Copley in Sandewyche for the ferme of a gardeyn there by the yere vj9 viiid. Itm. of John Chapmau for the farme of a garden in Sent Paul's parysche by the yere xvja. Summa xxxvj8. Eents. Itm. receyvyd of John Lomeherst for the rent of ij tenements in the parysche of ouer Lady of Norgate for a yere v8. Itm. Kendall's wydowe for the rent of her howse in the seyed parysch for a yere xxa. OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 29 Itm. of John Eayenold for rent of the corner howse in the seyed parysch the whych iate wras Wylm Brics by ye yere vii8 ob. Itm. of Henri Grene for the rent of a tenement in the same parysch of Norgate whyche was his Moders by the yere xiiii'1. Summa of the Eents apperteyenyng unto the seyed church viij8 vd ob. Obyte money. Itm. Eesceyvie of Mr. Wylm Notte, Chamberleyen, for the obyte of Wylm Benett x3. Summa patett. Eeceytis casualls. ffyrst receyved in money gaderyd by reason of scochyns on Seynt Andrewys day ix8. ijd. Itm. receyvid off the Bredern of the kross lyght and paskall mony at Ester xxiii8 iiij*1 ob. Eesseyvid yn mony gaderid by the paryschons aswell by men as by the wymen at Hoptyde xviii8 viiid ob. Fol. 69 vo. Itm. recceyved of the wydowe of Eoberd Sare ffor the wast off the mortuary tapars viijd. Itm. rec' of John Burges for the wast of iiij torchis for the buryeng of hys chyide viiid. It. rec' of the wydowe of Wylm Chapman for the wast of* the mortuary tapers viiid. It. rec' of Westis wydowe for the wast of iij torchis vjd. Itm. rec' of John ffyshe for the wast of ye mortuary tapers viiid . Itm. rec' of John Myldemay for the wast of ij torchis iiijd. It. rec' of the wydowe of Thomas Bery for the mortuary tapars viiid. It. of John Broks' wydow for the wast of ij torchis iiijd. Itm. rec' of the wydowe of Thomas Bery for the wast of the mortuary tapars for his monthis mynd viii'1. Itm. of the wydow of Joyes for ye wast of ij torchis iiijd. Itm. rec' of the wast of iiij torches att the buryeng of Edmond Wylkokk viijd. Itm. for the mortuary tapar for ye same Edmond viijd. Itm. rec' of Wylkoks for the wast of ij torchis iiijd. It. rec' of the same wydowe for the wast of the mortuary tapars for hys monthys mynde viiid. Summa lix8 j d . 30 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Bequethes unto the cherch. ffyrst recceyvid of Pawle Eychemond of the bequethe of Mayster ffysche to the payntyng of the roodeloft xl8. Itm. recceyvid of Madam Stabyllgate of the bequeth of mesteres Whytloks vj8 viij". Summa xlvi8 viiid. Fol. 70 ro. A benivolence. Itm. recceyved of a benivolens gevyn by the parysschons of the ffrewyll unto the makyng of ij stolis* of iron ffor the Eectours as apperith by a byll schewyd nppon this accoffipt ix3 vid ob. Summa patett. A brokyn Chales. Also the seyed accomtauntes chargyth them w' a brokyn Chales recceyvid of Mr. Symon whych he kept for suche dett as was owyng unto hym in the ffoote of his aceompte. Summa of all the Eecceyts, as well fferme, Eent, wast of tapars and torchis, arreragis, bequethis, Benyvolens and others and a brokyn chalis of silver xvj li xviii11 ob. Wheroff Obetts. The seyed accorhptans aske a lowaunee payed ffor the obyte of Edmonde Mynott this yere ij8. Itm, for the obyte of Wylim Benett x8. Itm. for the obyte of Eoberd Bone ij8 viiid. Itm. for the obyte of Mesteres Swannys the xiith day of ffebruary vii8 viid. Summa of the obetts xxii8 iijd. The tapars for the lamp, ffyrst payed for iij halff pownde tapars ffor the lamp a yenst All Halen in new wex all saff ij uncs prese xid and ffor the strykyng ob quad. Summa xia ob quad. Fol. 70 vo. Itm. ffor ij halff lb tapars for the lampe a yenst the Twelff evyn in new wax xv uncs prese viijd ob and for the strekyng ob quad. ixd quad. Itm. payed ffor iij halff ii tapars for the lampe ayenst Easter in new wex and strykyng xija ob quad. Itm. for the strykyng of the lamp tapars ayenst Mydsomer in new wex X uncs prese vd and for strykyng ob quad. vd ob quad, * Stools. OF ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 31 Itm. for iij halff Ii tapars for the lamp ayenst the viii"1 day of Septembr in new wex xvii uncs prese viiid ob and ffor strekyng ob quad. Summa ix'1 quad. Summa off the charge of the lampe Tapers iiij9 ob quad. Oyle for the lamp. Itm. payed for xxviii quarts of oyle for ye lamp ffor ye hole yere prece of every quart iiijd Summa ix3 iiijd. Summa patett. Scochyns. Itm. payed for iiij levis off gold paper for scochyns a yenst Seint Andrew Day iiijd Itm. payed for for cc scochyng makyng xiid. Summa xvid. Kepyng of ye clok. Itm. payed to the clerke kepyug the clok for the hole yere for cristmas quarter thanunciacion of our lady the nativyte of seint John Baptyst and Mihelmas quarter xxd Summa vj8 viii'1. Summa vj8 viiid. Fo. 71 ro. Wagis for the clerke. Itm. payed unto the clerke for hys wagis for kristmas quarter alone that was leveable emong ye parysschons xjd. Itm. to make the ffull of his wagis at our lady day for the same quarter vid. 'Itm. to make full his wagis at mydsomr for the same quarter xiijd ob. Itm. to make full his wagis a yenst Myheft Mas quarter xvd. Summa iij8 ixd ob, The lyght of seynt Andrew, ffyrst payed to Thomas Calowe for v li iij quarters of new wex for Seynt Andrewis lyght prece le ii viid summa iij3 iiijd quad, and for strekyng of the seyed lyght viid ob Summa of the hoole lyght iij8 xid ob quad. Summa iij8 xid ob quad. The crosse lyght. ffyrst payed to Thomas Kalowe for xiii ii off new wex for the crosse lyght prece le li viiid Summa viii8 viiid, Itm. payed for the strikyng of the same lyght weyng in the hoole xl ii and di. wher of in new wex as is above seyed (xiii Ii) and in old wex xxvii ii di. xxd quad. Summa x8 iiiid quad. Paskall and font tapars. Itm. delyvered unto Thomas Calowe the old paskall w' the Judas weyng xxi Ii and a quarter. 32 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Itm. lowyth in new wex for the seyed paskall and for the font tapar iiij ft prece le li viiid Summa ij8 viiid. It. payed for the strekyng of the seyed paskall and font tapars weyng in the hole xxv ft and a quarter prece xiid ob. Summa iij8 viiid ob. Fol. 71 vo. Eepacions of necesser' belongyng unto ye Cherche. ffyrst payed to Thomas ffrenche for iii ells of lynen clothe prece xxid . It. payed for the slevyng of iiij awbys* and mendyng the same iiijd . It. payed for the mendyng of iiii surpleses viijd. It. payed for the mendyng of the ffyre pann vjd. It. payed for a key for the chest yn ye lofft ijd. It. payed for a loke makyng for the krysmatory ijd. It. payed for a key for ye chest in seynt Troman'sf loft iijd. It. payed to a tynker mendyng the grete candylstyks makyng clene of the same mendyng aud makyng clene the sensur schyp and ij awter candylstyks at ij tymes iiij8. It. payed for iij H of leede for the sakermentj id ob. It. payed for a linej for the same id. It. payed for the vysef makyng iiijd. It. payed for a lok for the stepyll dore vd. It. payed for ij halters for the draganys§ id. It, payed for mendyng of the thyrd bell and for nayelis for the same Bell xvid. It. payed for the wachyng of the sepulkre vjd. It. payed for wessyng and Eepayeryng of the churche clothis for an hole yere iij8. It. payed for coolis|| in washyng ye sepultyr ija. Summa xiii8 xd ob. Fol. 72 ro. It. payed to a power man makyng clene a stabyll in Pyllory Lane id ob. fforin reparacions. It. for settyng on a lok on ye store hows dore id. It. in Eeparacions duon in a stabyll in Pillory Lane ffyrst vii planks conteyenyng xxxviii foote et di. prece xiiiid. It. payed for tiler for the porche wyndow vjd. * Albes. f St. Tronyon. X The Pix was suspended by a cord, weighted its other end, and let up and down by means of a vice. § ? Dragons. || Coals. op ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 33 It. in nayelis for the seyed reparacone iija ob. It. iij c prig for the same ijd. It. in lathe id ob. It. in lyme iijd. It. cc new tyle xd. It. v ffestnys* prece „ iiijd. It. payed for the wagis of ij carpentyrs a day wyth mete and drynk xiid. It. payed for ij Tylarrs ij dayes werkyng there xvid. Summa vi8 iia. Eeparacons don at Sandwych. ffyrst for a quartern of a c Bord for a gate for the gardyn in Sandwych whyche Copelay occupyeth viid. It. halff a c of iiii peny nayele ijd . It. for a looke and a key vjd. It. for a carpentyre halff a day iijd. It. iij c thache for the same gardyn iij8. It. for a looke for the howse iiijd. It. payed to a man cartyng the dyke for ij dayes xd. It. payed for a man dawbyngf a bowte the howse for a day vd. It. ffor ij lods of clay vid. It. for ij c EoddsJ for the wall vd. Summa vii8. Fol. 72 vo. The makyng of yron stolis. It. payed for ij stoolis of Iron for the Eectours weyng lv ft in Iron prece le li ijd ob. Summa xi8 vd ob. It. a ft of redd leede for the payntyng of ye same ijd. It. a Ii of vomelome§ for the same xiiiid. It. xiiii yerds of gertweb for the same vijd. It. a nell of dornyks|| for the same vd. Summa xiii8 ixd ob. The payntyng of ye Imagis in the roodeloft. Itm. the seyed accomptaunts aske alowance for the payntyng of ij Imagis w* ther howsyng in the roodloft of the bequeth of Mr. ffysche xl8. Summa xl8. A newe antyphonar. Itm. payed for a new Brevyatt*|[ antyfoner bought the xxiiii day of September for the fforseyed chyrch prece iiii Ii xiii8 viiid. * Fastenings, t Plastering with dawb, i.e., clay and chopped straw.—Wright's English Dialect Dictionary. % i.e., Lathes. §? Vermillion. || The name of a town in Hainault (in French called Tournay) applied to fabrics manufactured there. ^ Abbreviated.—N.E.D. VOL, XXXIII. D 34 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS The mortuary tapar. Itm. payed unto Wylm Martyn wexchanlar for iiij ft and di. of new wex for the mortuary tapars prece le Ii viiid Summa iij3. Itm. payed for the strekyng of the seyed tapars weyng xii II prece le li ob Summa vid. „ Summa iij8 vid. Fol. 73 ro. Vacacons. Itm. the seyed accomptaunts aske alowanc for a gardyn in the cownty of Sandwych now let to ferme unto oon John Copley for . . . . yers beyng voyed unocupyed by halff a yere iij9 iiijd. It. for a gardeyn in sent Poulis parysche beyng unocupyed w'oute a ffermor by the space of iij quarters of a yere xiid. It. for a stabyll yn Pyllorilane late Eobard Boonys beyng w'owte a ffermor and unocupyed by the space of the hole yere ij8 viiid. Summa vii8. Solucons. ffyrst, payed unto Mr Nycolas Symon in dett and unto hym in the foote of his accompt for the whyche dett he w'held a Brokyn Chales that he hathe now dely veryd ix8 ixd. It. payed for a potell of Malsey for the syngers yn the quyer vd. It. payed to a sergent for his fees for to a rest Thomas Krox iiijd . It. payed to a dark for drawyng and wrytyng off this accompt xxa . Summa xii8 ija . Fol. 73 vo. Summa of all solucons, reparacoins, allowauncs and payements xiii Ii ij9 ixa ob quad. And so the seyed accomptaunts ow lviii8 viiid ob quad. When off they aske to be alowyd payed unto Joyes orgayehmakyr in parte of payement for a new payer of smale organes eallid portatyfs* besydo the stuff off the olde organes to hym delyvyd xxiii9 vd. And so remayenyth clerly in the hands of the seyed accomptannts all thyng rekenyed and countyd clerly dew unto the seyd parysche uppon ther accompt made the v day of Januar the xi yere of Kyng Henry the viii xxxv8 ixa ob. quad. In the presenc of Master Thomas ffoox, Alderman, John a tent, * " Portative," especially applied to a ki nd of small organ whioh could be played in procession. Murray. " New English Dictionary." 1909. OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 35 John Tyle, John Burges, John Elys, Antony Knygth, Thomas frenche, Thomas .Tore, John Kopyn, Wylm Tewxbery and others. Fol. 74 ro. [1518-19, Henry VIII.] Thaceofript of Thomas ffrenffhe and John Copyn Wardens of the parysshe churche of Seint Andrew Thappostell in Caunterbury from the fest of Seint Migheft tharchaungeft in the xth yere of the reign of Kyng Henry the viii"1 unto the feste of Seint Migheft tharchangeft then nexte ensuyng in the xith yere of the foreseid Kyng by the space of an hole yere.—J.S.* Arrerag. ffirst the seid wardens charge themself w1 certeyn money receyved of Eobert Lewes late warden due unto the seid churche as apperyth in the foot of the same accompt. Summa xxxv8 ixd ob quad. Summa patet xxxv8 ixa ob quad. ffarmys. Itm. the seide accomptaunts charge them self for the ffarms of vii acres of lande lyeng beside Seint Lawrence in the hands of Jamys Colman by the yere x8. Itm. of Agnes Undrewode for the yers fferme of an house in Pyllorylane ij8 viiia. Itm. of Thomas ffrensshe for the fferme of a Stabyll in Pyllory Lane for an hole yere ij8 viiia. Itm. of Eaynold Gate for the. fferme of an other Stabyft in Pyllory Lane for an hoole yere ij9 viiid. Itm. of John Vangeld for the ffarme of a Stabyft w* a Gardeyn in Pyllory Lane for a yere vi8 viiid. Itm. of Wiftm Clark for the fferme of a pece of lande in Seiut Pauls parysshe iij3 iiijd. Itm. of Eobert Gray for the ffarme of a gardeyn in Seint Paul's parysshe by the yere xvid. Itm. of John Copley of Sandwyche for the ffarme of a gardeyn there in Sandwyche for oon hole yere vi9 viiid. Summa of the ffermys xxxvi9. Fol. 74 vo. Itm. Eeceyved of John Lomeherst the yonger for rent of ij tenements in the Parysshe of our Lady of Northgate for a yere v8. Itm. of Kendalls wydowe for the rent of her house in the seide parysshe for a yere xxd. * Probably initials of the scribe. » 2 36 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Itm. of John Eaynold for the rent of the corner house in the seide Parysshe whiche was Wiftm Bries for a year vijd ob. Itm. of Henry Grene for the rent of a tenement in the same parysshe whiche was his Moderrs by the yere xiiiid. Summa of the Eents viii9 va ob. Casuall receyts. Itm. Eeceyved in money gadered on Seint Andrews day by meanes of scocheons ix8 viia. Itm. receyved of the Brethern of the Crosse lyght and pascall money att Easter . xxi8 ixd ob. Itm. receyved in money gadered by the parysshons aswell by men as by women att hoktyde xxi3 xid. Itm. receyved for the waste of the herse tapers for Mr. ffysshe att his obyte viiid. Itm. for the waste of the hersse tapers for the obyte of Thomas Bery viijd. Itm. receyved of John a Tent for the waste of vi torchys xiid . Itm. receyved of John ffysshe for the wast of ij torchys iiijd Itm. of Thomas Gore for the waste of ij torchys iiij'1. Itm. receyved for the waste of the herse tapers for Mrs. Swannys obyte viiid. Itm. of Huetts wydowe for the waste of ij Torchys iiija. Summa lvij8 vd ob. Fol. 75 ro. Obite. Itm. Eeceyved of Maister Noote Alderman and Chamberlayn of Caunterbury for the obite of Wiftm Benett x8. Summa patet x9. A bequeth. Itm. Eeceyved of the wydowe of Eobert Sare executor of the testament of Wiftm Petyte of the bequethe of the same Wiftm Petytt to the byeng of a new sate of Coopys* as in the same testament playnly appefyth xx Ii. Summa patet. Summa of all Eeceyts, farmys, Eents, waste of tapars and torchys, arrerags, obytes and bequethes as is above wryten xxvii ii vii9 viiid ob quad. Wherof: The seid accomptaunts aske to be allowed for the obyte of Edmond Mynott this yere ij3. Obytts. Itm. for the obyte of Wiilm Benett x8. Itm. for the obyte of Eobert Boone ij9 viiid, Itm. for .the obyte of Mrs, Swann vii8-viid. Summa of the obytts xxij8 iijd. # Set of copes,. OP $T. ANDREW'S; CANTERBURY. 3? Oyle for the lampe. Itm. paied to Eobert Lews for xxxiiii quarts of oyle for the lampe for the hoole yere prece le quart iiijd Summa xi8 iiiid. Summa xj3 iiiid. Fol. 75 vo. . .• Itm. paied for iij half pownd tapers for the lamp the viiith day of Octobr wl the olde wex strykyng xd. Itm. for iij half lb tapers for the lampe ayenst Crystemas w* the old stock strykyng xd ob. Itm. for the lampe tapers renewyng ayenst seint Mathews day viiia. The lampe tapers. Itm. iij half lb. tapers for the lampe ayenst the iiij"1 day of Maii w* the old wex xd. Itm. paied for renewyng of the foreseid lampe tapers ayenst Seint Peturs day xd» Itm. for. strykyng and renewyng of the seide lampe tapers ayenst seint Bartilmews day xiid. Summa of the charge of the lampe tapers v8 ob. Scocheons. Itm. paied for ec and an half c scocheons bought ayenst seint Andrews day prece jn gross ij8 ijd. Summa patet. The. lyght of seint Andrew. Itm, paied for vu lb and a quarter of new wex bought for seint Andrews lyght prece le lb vijd ob quad. Summa iiij5 viijd quad. Itm. paied for strykyng of the same lyght weyeng xiii lb prece le lb. strykyng ob Summa via ob. Summa of the hoole lyght v8 ijd ob quad. Torchys bought. Itm. paied for iiij newe torchys bought weyeng lvij lb. prece le lb. iijd ob Summa xvi8 vijd ob. Fol. 76 ro. Summa patet. The cross lyght. Itm. paied for strykyng of the crosse lyght weyeng in olde wex xl lb. and di. every lb. ob. . . . • • • Summa xxd quad. Itm. paied for xi lb. and di. of new wex bought for the same lyght prece le lb. vija quad. - Summa-vij8 via ob quad, - Summa of the hoole lyght ix8 iiijd. Pascal! and-ffonte taper. Itm. paied for iij lb. and di. of new wex bought for the PascaS and fonte taper prece le lb. viiia quad. Summa i;j?-iiijd ob quad. 38 CHURCHWARDENS ' ' ACCOUNTS Itm. paied for strykyng of the same pascaft and fonte taper weyeng xxv lb. iij quarters prece in gross xijd ob. Summa of the hole lyght iij3 va quad. Itm. paied to the clerk for kepyng of the clock for the hoole yere that is to say Cristemas quarter, Th'annuficiacon of our lady, the nativite of seint John Baptist and seint Migheft tharchaungeft every quarter xx"d, Summa vj8. viijd. Summa patet. Wags for the clerk. Itm. paied unto the dark for his wags for Cristemas quarter, more then was le veabl e e m ongs the parysshons xvia. Itm. for our lady quarter more then was leveable xiiid. Itm. for Mydsomer quarter more than was leveable ij8 ob. Itm. for Mighelmas quarter in lyke maner ijd. Summa iiij8 viid ob. Fol. 76 vo. Surplesses. Itm. paied for xii Ells and iij quarteres of clothe for to make ij surplesses prece le Ell viiid. Summa viii8 vid, Itm. paied for xii Ells and a quarter of clothe for to make ij other eupplesses price le ell viid ob quad. Summa vii8 xia. Itm. paied for makyng of the same iiij surplesses every surplesse xija. Summa iiij8. Summa xxs va. A newe sute of Blewe Itm. paied for a new blewe sute bought att london by the seide wardens fforth w4 the helpe of Paule Eycchemond beyng at the byeng of the same by thassent and nominacon of all the heade parysshons of the seid parysshe w* suche money as the same wardens receyved of the wydowe of Eobert Sare xx11 li. Itm. in Eeward gevyn unto the seide wardens and to the seide Paule Eicchmond towards there costs in Eydyng to London for the byeng of the seide sute iij8 iirja. Itm. gevyn unto my lorde* of seint Gregorys for the halowyng of the seide sute for a cup of wyne iiija. Summa xxu Ii iij8 viiid. Acquietancs. Itm. paied for makyng and wrytyng of ij acquietauncs for the wydowe of Eobert Sare oon for thexx" Ii whiche wee the seide wardens late receyved and the other for vi ii xiii8 and iiij* whiche was delyvered to Mr. ffoote and Mr. Eutteland vid . * Tho Prior of St. Gregory's Priory in Northgate Street. It stood on the opposite side of the way to St. John's Hospital, and its entrance was opposite that of the hospital. It was a house of Austin Canons, founded by Arohbishop Lanfrane in 1084. OP ST. ANDREw'Sj CANTERBURY. 3& Fol. 77 ro. Summa patet. Itm. paied for the wasshyng of the clothes belongyng unto the Chirche for the hole yere iij8. Itm. paied to a ffryour* for wasshyng of iiij corporassys ija . Itm. paied for a bell roope for oon of the bells iiijd. Itm. for a newe glasse for the lampe ia. Itm. paied to John Copyn for nayle and pynnys for the sepulcure id. Itm. paied for girdylls for the Awbys jd . Itm. for Cake for the chyldren on Palme Sunday jd . Wesshyng w* other Eeparacons don in the Church. Itm. paied to John Copyn for a lock and a key for the stepyll dore iiijd . Itm. paied to John Copyn for nayle to mende the Clock ia. Itm. paied for a matte to ley in the Quyre va. Itm. paied for cools for them that wacchyd the sepulture and for brede and drynk iijd. Itm. paied for a poteft for the syngarrs in the Quyre on Cristemas day and on Palme Sunday via. Summa v8 vd. Vacacons. Itm. the seide wardens aske alowaunce for a gardeyn in Seint Pauls parisshe beyng voyed by the space of half a yere viiid. Itm. for a stabyll in Pyllory Lane the whiche Mr Doctor late had to fferme nowe in the hands of Eaynold Gate beyng voied by the space of iij quarterrs of a yere ij8. Summa ij8 viiid. Fol. 77 vo. Itm. paied to a carpenter for mendyng of the steirs in the house wherin Agnes Underwods dwellyth in Pyllory lane for his labour and stuff . viiid. Itm. paied to Henry Glasyar for mendyng and glasyng the wyndowes in the loft and iu the body of the churche iij8 iiijd. Eeparacons. Itm. paied to John Vangeld for a key and mendyng of his lock to the stabyll dore iijd. Itm. paied to Wiftm att Weft for mendyng of all the sats in our church ij9. Summa vj9 iijd. Summa of all solucons, allocacons, Eeparacons, and paiements xxvi Ii v9 vid ob. And soo the seide wardens owe xxij8 ijd quad. * Friar. 40 CH U R C HWA R D E N S ' ACCOUNTS Whereof paied unto the clerk for wrytyng of thys accompt xii*. And soo Eemayneth in the hands of the seide Thomas ffrenshe accomptaunte clerely due uppon this his accompt made and yelden the xx11 day of Maii in the xiith yere of the reign of Kyng Henry the viiith. The whiche xxi8 ijd quad, the seid Thomas ffrensshe hethe delyvered and paied unto the foreseid John Copyn his ffelowe, and soo the seid Thomas ffrensshe is even and quyte. Md. Also delyvered unto the foreseid John Copyn then and there in the presence of all the cheyf personys of the parysshe by the foreseid Thomas ffrensshe a Brokyn Chalice. Fol. 78 ro. [1519-20, Hen? VI I I . ] Thaccofript of John Copyn and Antony Kuyght wardeyns of the Parysshe Churche of Seint Andrews thappostell in Caunterbury from the feste of Seint Migheft tharchaungeft in the xith yere of the reign of Kyng Henry the viiith unto the feste of Seint Migheft tharchaungeft then nexte ensuyng in the xijth yere of the foreseid Kyng by the space of oon hole yere J. S. Arrerags. ffirst the seid wardens charge theymself w* certeyn money receyved of Thomas ffrensshe late warden due unto the seid Churche as apperith in the foote of his accompt. Summa xxi8 ijd quad. Summa patet. ffarmys. Itm. the seide accomptaunts charge themself w* the ffarme of vii acrs of lande lieng beside seint Laurence in the handys of Jamys Coleman by the yere xB. I t , of Agnes Undrewode for the fferme of an house in Pyllory lane for iij quarterrs and of Thomas'Oxennbregge for oon quarter. Summa ij8 viija . Itm. of Thomas ffrensshe for the fferme of a stabyft in Pyllory Lane by the yere ij 8 viiid. I t . of Eaynold Gate for the ffarme of a stabyft in the seide Pyllory Lane by the yere ij* viiia. " I t . of John Vangele for the fferme of a nother stabyft wf a gardeyn in theseide Pyllory Lane, by the yere vj* viiia. I t . Eeceyved of Wiftm Clerk for ffarme of a pece of lande callyd a gardeyn in the parysshe of seint Pauls by the yere iij9 iiijd. I t , receyved of Eichard Copley of Sandwiche for the fferme of a gardeyn in. the yere vja viiia . OF ST. ANDREWES, CANTERBURY. 41 It. of Wiftm Gray for the fferme of a gardeyn in Seint Pauls parysshe to hym lette fferme wl all reparacons on his cost yerely to be born, by the yere xiid. Summa xxxv8 viiid. Fol. 78 vo. Eents. Itm. receyved of John Lomehurst the younger for rent of ij tenements in the parysshe of Our Lady of Northgate for a yere v8. It. of Kendalls wydowe for the rent of her house in the seide parysshe for a yere xxd. It. of John Eaynold for rent of the corner house in the same parysshe the whiche late Wiftm Bries for a yere vijd ob. It. of Henry Grene for rent of a tenement in the same parysshe whiche was his moderrs by the yere xiiiid. Summa of the rents viii8 vd ob. Obyte. Itm. Eeceyved of Maister Nutt, Chambleyn and Alderman of Caunterbury for the obyte of Wiftm Benett x8. Summa patet. Casuall Eeceyts. Itm. receyved in money gadered by meanes of skocheons on seint Andrews day iij8 vd ob. It. receyved of the brothern of the Crosse lyght And in Pascall money att Easter xxiij8 iijd. It. in money gadered by the parysshons on Hok Munday and Tewysday aswell by men as by women xiiii9 viiid ob. It. rec' for the waste of the mortuary tapers for Mr. ffysshe viijd . It. for the waste of the mortuary tapers for Mestres Swannys obyte viijd. It. for the waste of the mortuary tapers for John Tylley for his buryeng and Monethye Day by the hands of Wiftm Lawrence xvjd. It. of Wiftm Lawrance for the waste of iiij torchis att the buryeng of John Tylley viijd. It. of Eobert Lews for the waste of ij torchys for his doughter iiijd . It. receyved of John Johnson for the waste of ij torchys for his chyld iiijd. It. of the wardens of the Grocerrs pajeaunte for vij lb. and a half in torches wasted aboute there pajeaunte prece le lb. iiijd. Summa ij8 vid. Fol. 79 ro. Summa of the casualls xlvij8 xid. 4£ CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS A bequethe. Itm. receyved of Wiftm Laurance of the bequethe of John Tylley to the Crosse lyght and to seint Andrews lyght iij8. Summa iij8. A Benyvolence. Itm. receyved of the Prioresse of seint Laurance* towards the fyndyng of a lampe, due yerely out of ffenkylls housys whiche she and her susterrs have nowe knowlegyd that they should pay a peny yerely and soo to contynewr In knowlegge whereof they have putt us in possession for vi yeres past every yere id. Summa vjd. Itm. receyved for a quarter of a C. of leade sold, whiche was gevyn by the parysshons unto the ffonte, over and above a quarter of a 0. delyvered unto Mr. Thomas ffooks whiche he lent unto the greate organys xiijd- Summa xixa. Summa of All Eeceyts, ffarmys, Eents, wast of Tapers and Torchys, Arrerag', Obytes, bequethes and Benyvolences as is a boveseid vi11 vii8 ixd ob. Whereof: The seide accomptaunts aske to be alowyd for the obyte of Edmond Mynot for this yere ij8. Itm. for the obyte of Wiftm Benett Xs. Itm. for the obyte of Eobert Boone ij8 viiid. Itm. for the obyte of Mestres Swannys vii9 viid. Summa xxij9 iijd. Fol. 79 vo. The lyght of Seint Andrewe. Itm. paied for v lb. of newe wex for Seint Andrews lyght prece le lb. ixa ob. Summa iij8 xia ob. Itm. paied for strykyng of the lyght weyeng in the hole bothe in olde and in newe wex xiiii lb. prece viid. Summa iiij8 via ob. The lampe tapers. Itm. paied for a lb. and a half lb. of newe wex for the lampe tapers ayenst Seint ffrauncs day prece le lb. ixd ob. and for strykyng of the same iij tapers ob. quad. Summa xvd. Itm. paied for a lb. and a half lb. newe wex prece le lb. ixa ob. for the lampe tapers aud for strykyng of the same ayenst Cristemasse xva. Itm. paied for iij half lb. tapers for the lampe ayenst Seint Mathey wb the strykyng xva. * St. Laurence Hospital in the Old Dover Road, Canterbury, founded by Abbot Hugh II. of St. Austin's Abbey for leprous monks and their relations in 1187. It was endowed with seven aores of land around it, and was provided with a oh'aplain and a clerk. OP ST. ANDREWES, CANTERBURY. 43 Itm. paied for iij half lb. tapers for the lampe ayenst the feste of Easter w* the strykyng prece xva. Itm. paied for iij half tapers for the lampe ayenst Trynyte Sunday of the old stocks of the lampe lefte at tymys and kepte to gydder ob. quad. Itm. paied for the strykyng of iij half lb. tapers ayenst seint laurence day of olde wex perteynyng to the lampe lefte at tymys ob. quad. Summa v3 id ob. Oyle for the lampe. Itm. paied for xxviii'1 quarts of oyle for the lampe for the hole yere, prece le quarte iiijd. Summa ix8 iiiid. Summa ix3 iiiid. Skocheons. Itm. paied for iiij levys of gold papers to make the skocheons w' ayenst seint Andrews day prece the leve id. Summa iiiid. Itm. paied to the payntor for makyng of CC. Skocheons xiiid . Summa xviid. The Crosse lyght. Itm. paied to Eobert Lews for vii lb. of new wex for the Crosse lyght prece le lb. ixd ob. Summa v9 vid ob. Fol, 80 ro. Itm. paied for strykyng of the same lyght weyeng in the hole xxxviii lb. wherof in new wex as is aboveseid vij lb. and in olde wex xxxi lb. prece le lb. strykyng ob. Summa xixd. The Pascall and ffonte Tapers. Itm. paied for iij lb. of newe wax for the Pascall and ffont tapers weyeng in the hole xxvi lb. prece le lb. ob. Summa xiiid. Kepyng of the clock. Itm. paied to Edward Brooke our Clerk for Kepyng of the Clock for half ayere endyiDg att the feste of the annunciacon of our lady iij9 iiijd. And to me John Copyng for the kepyng of the Clock the other half yere endyng at Seint Migheft iij9 iiijd. Summa vi" viiid. Bell Eoopys and Bawdarykks. Itm. paied to Wiftm Nasshe for iij Bell roopys weyeng xiii lb, prece le lb. j d . quad. Summa xvid. Itm. paied to Wiftm Stephyn for mendyng of iij Bawderykks for the bells • viid . Summa xxiiia. Pavage, Itm. paied to John Pavyour for pavyng of iiij yerds and an half in length and oon yerde in bredyth before the Churche dore viiid Summa viiia* 44 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Eeparacons. ffyrst paied to John Crosby for mendyng the waithe of the clock ija. Itm. paied to Wiftm Hunte mason for mendyng of the churche wall ayenst Nicholas Sadelerrs iiija. Itm. paied for iiij quarterrs of lyme to white the Church wall with, prece le quarter vjd. Summa ij8. Itm. paied to Wiftm Chapman tylar for castyng of the churche walls and whiting of the same by covenaunte in bargeyn agreed vs ixd. Fol. 80 vo. Itm. paied for a loade of sande vid. Itm. paied to Thomas Chapman, tylar for havyng oute the greate Chest that Thomas Petyte bequethed and for cloysyng down the tyles ageyn iiijd. Itm. paied to Savyell, smyth, for ij keyes makyng to sett the clock w* iiija. Itm. paied to the seid Savyell for mendyng of a certeyn spryng longyng unto the clock iiija. Itm. paied to Danyell for mendyng of a lock and makyng of a newe key iiijd. Itm. paied to Danyell for shettyng togyder the clapper of the greate bell iiijd. Itm. paied to Wiftm Heryson joyner for mendyng ij Desks in the Quyre iiijd. Itm. paied to the seide Wiftm joyner for settyng togyder of a pece of weynscott for the organ pypes to rest unto and for a daywerk more then Mr. Wodenysborughe dyd pay ijd. Itm. paied for wyer to amend the clock w1 jd . Itm. paied to Wiftm Huntte mason abatyng the wall ayenst the newe organys ijd. Itm. paied to John Champnesse for makyng clere of vj greate candylstykks and settyng fast ij lyons unto the ffeete of the same candylstykks ayenst Easter ij8. Itm. paied to John Champnes for mendyng our lady Branche in the churche ijd. Itm. paied for a potell of malsey for the syngarrs in the Quyer on Crystemasse day and on Palme Sunday vja. Itm. paied to Danyell Smyth for mendyng of the sookett of our whele and for mendyng of a small nutt for the dyall • iiij'1 . Itm. paied to George Sutton for mendyng of the west wyndowe iija. op ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 45 Itm, paied for Wesshyng, mendyng and rapairyng of the churche clothys thys yere iij8. Itm. paied to a Glover for ij new skynnes and for the makyng of the cusshens in the Quyre viijd. Fol. 81 ro. Itm. paied to Danyell Smyth for mendyng all parts of the Vaans and makyng a newe poynte for the same vid. Itm. paied for nayle to make the chest in the botom of the newe organys id ob. Itm. paied for iiij01' corner plats for the chest that Petet gave iiijd . Itm. paied to George joyner for makyng of a dore for to shett before the bellovvys of the organys viiid. Summa xix8 viiid ob. . Summa of all Solucons, Allocacons, Eeparacons, and paiements iiij11 ij8 ijd ob. And so the seide wardens owe xlv3 vijd quad. Wherof paied by thassent of the hedds of the parysshe to Symon Gyllert for a bargayne made w' Joyce, organ maker that was due to the seid Symon xx3. Also leyed oute by the seide John Coppyng and delyvered unto the hands of the newe Churche Wardens the ijde day of July iu the xiiii1'1 yere of the reign of Kyng Henry the viiith toward the mendyng of the greate organys vi8 viid. And paied for wrytyng of this accompt xijd. And soo remayneth in the hands of the seide accomptaunts thereby due uppon there accompt made and yelden the xijth day of Novembr in the xiiiilh yere of the reign of Kyng Henry the viiith in the presence of Wiftm Eutland, John Alcock, Alderman liobert Lews, Sheref of Caunterbury, Paule Eitchemond, John Burges, Antony Knyght, Thomas ffrensshe, Thomas Gylland, Thomas Goer and Wiftm Laurence xvii8 xjd quad. Whiche summa of money w' a brokyn Chalice also then beyng in the kepyng of the seide John Copyn was then and there delyvered by the same John Copyn unto Antony Knyght beyng warden. Fol. 81 vo. [ [1520-21, Henry VIII.*] Thaccompts of Anthony Knyght and Wiftm Holte wardens of the Parisshe Churche of Seynt Andrewe . * A more modem style of spelling begins about this time. 46 CHUR CHWARDENS ' ACCOUNTS thappostell iu Caunterbury frome the feast of Seynt Migheft tharchangeft in the xiit,,c yere of the Eeigne of Kyng Henry the viiithe unto the same feast of Seynt Migheft in the xiiithc yere of the seid Kyng that is to say by one hoole yere. Arrerag'. ffurst the wardens yeld accompt of xvii8 xid quad, receyvid of John Copyn late warden, of tharrerags of his last accompts as yt apperith in the ffote of the same. Summa xvii8 xid quad. Summa patet. Fermys. Itm. the same accomptaunts yeldith accompt of x8 receyvid of Jamys Coleman for ferme of vij acres of lond lyeng besyde Saynt Laurance. Summa xs. Itm. of ij8 viiid for the ferme of ane house in Pyllory Lane in the hands of Agnes Andrewe by the yere ij8 viiid. Itm. of Thomas ffrenche for the ferme of a Stable in Pyllory lane for one yere ij8 viiid. Fol. 82 ro. Itm. of Eaynold Gate for the ferme of ane other stable in Pyllory Lane for this yere ij8 viiid. Itm. of John Vangele for ferme of ane other Stable w1 a Garden in the seid lane by yere vj3 viiid. Itm. of John Tyllys for ferme of a pece of land in Seynt Paules parysshe iij8 iiijd. Itm. for the ferme of a garden in the parysshe of Seynt Paulys late in the hands of Eobert Tray, bocher by the yere xvia . Itm. of John Copley of Sandwiche for the ferme of a garden in Sandwiche by the yere vi3 viiid. Summa of the fermys xxxvi8. Eentys. Itm. rec' of John Lomeherst the younger for rent of ij Tenements in the parisshe of our Lady of Northgate for one hole yere v8, Itm. of Kendalls wydowe for rent of her house in the seid Parisshe for one yere xxa, Itm. of John Eaynold for rent of the corner house late Wiftm Brice in the seid parisshe by yere vija ob. Itm. of Harry Grene for rent of a tenement in the same parisshe by the yere xiiii3. Summa of the Eentys viii8 vd ob. OF ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 47 Fol. 82 vo. Casuall Eeceyts. Itm. rec' in money gathred upon Sayut Andrewys Day by meanys of scochons iiij8 viiid. Itm. rec' of Brothren of the Crosse lyght and in pascall money at Easter this yere xviii8 xa ob. Itm. rec' in money gathered aswell by men as by women at hoktyd this yere xv8 j d ob. Itm. rec' of for the wast of the herse tapers for Mr. John ffysshe for his obyte viiia. Itm. rec' for wast of the herse tapers for the obyt of Mastres Swannys viiid. Itm. for the wast of the herse tapers for the obyt of John Tylle viiid. Itm. rec' of John Hobbys for the wast of iiij torches for his servants - viiid . Itm. rec' of Mastres Symon for wast of the Mortuary tapers at the buryeng and Monthesmynd* of her husbond xvid. Itm. rec' of her for the wast of ij torches iiijd. Summa xiiii3. Obyte. Itm. rec' of Mr. Wiftm Nutte, Chamberlen of the Citie of Caunterbury for the obyte of Wiftm Benet x9. Summa x8. Fol. 83 ro. Summa of all receyts of fermys, rentys, wast of torches and tapers, arrerags, obytts this yere ys v11 xvs iiiid ob quad. Whereof:— Obytts. The seyd accomptaunts asketh to be allowed for the obyt of Edmund Mynot for this yere ij9. Itm. for the obyt of Wiftm Benet x8. Itm. for the obyt of Eobert Boone ij8 viiid. Itm. for the obyt of Mastres Swan vii8 viid. Summa of the obytts xxii8 iijd. Oyle for the lampe. Itm. paid for xxiiii quarts and a pynte of ooyle for the lampe for the hoole yere price the quarte iiijd. Summa viii8 ijd. Summa viii3 ijd. Fol. 83 vo. The Lampe Tapers. Itm. paid for iij half pownde tapers for the lampe ayenst Seynt Andrewes Day w1 new wax i Ii and i ownce prece the Ii ixd ob. Summa totalis w' strykyng xid. *. Monthesmynd, pen through. 48 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Itm. for iij half pownde tapers ayenst xijthe tyde w1 strykyng of the old stok xd ob. Itm. for iij half pownde tapers ayenst Palme Sonday wl the old wax strykyng xiid quad. Itm. for iij half pownde tapers ayenst Whitsontyd w' the strykyng of the old wax ixd. Itm. for iij half pownde tapers ayenst Saynt Thomas tyme w* y° strykyng of the old wax xid. Itm. for iij half pownde tapers ayenst Saynt Laurence Day with strykyng of the old wax xijd. Summa of the charges of the Lampe tapers this yere v8 va ob quad. The Lyght of Saynt Andrewe. Itm. paid for v li iij quartrons of newe wax for Saynt Andrewes lyght price the li ixd ob. Summa iiij8 via ob. Itm. paid for strykyng of the same light wayeng xiiii li iij quartrons prece the li strykyng ob. Summa viia ob. Summa v9 ijd. Fol. 84 ro. The Crosse Lyght. Itm. paid for xi li and di. of new wax for the Crosse lyght prece the li ixd ob. Summa ixd ob quad. Itm. paid for strykyng of the seid lyght wayeng xii li and di le li strykyng ob. Summa xxid ob quad. Summa xs xd ob. The Pascall and fonte taper. Itm. paid for vj li di. of newe wax for the pascall and fonte taper price the li ixd ob. Summa v8 id. Itm. paid for strykyng of the seid light wayeng xxix li di. the li strykyng ob. Summa xiiiid ob. Summa of that hole lyght vj8 iijd ob. Kepyng of the Clok. Itm. paid to John Copyn quarterly for kepyng the Clock for every quarter xxd . Summa of the hole yere vj8 viiid. Summa vj8 viiid. Fol. 84 vo. Mortuary tapers. Itm. paid for iiij li and di. of newe wax for the Mortuary tapers price le li ixd ob. Summa iij8 vjd ob quad, Itm, for strykyng of the seid tapers wayeng xij li prece le li strykyng ob. Summa vja. Summa iiij9 ob quad. OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 49 Wasshyng w* other reparacons Done in the Churche. Itm. paid for wasshyng of the Clothes belongyng to the Church for the hole yere iij3. Itm. paied to a tyler and his servant tylyng abowte the churche and makyng of a seete in the quire of bryk for ij dayes xxd Itm. paid for C. of tyle vd Itm. paid for C. of bryk vd Itm. paid for ij semes of lyme xjd Itm. paid for j basket to cary owt rubbyshe ijd Itm. paid to a man for watchyng the sepultur ijd Itm. paid for a quarte of Mawesy for the syngers in the Eoodlofte one Palme Sonday iiijd. Itm. paid to Danyeft Smyth for ij doble ryds for the levys* of the orgaynes, and for a bolt of Iron w1 ij Staples for the fonte ij8 vid. Fol. 85 ro. Itm. paid to Morkyn for payntyng of the crosse staff xiid. Itm. paid to Symon Glasyer for mendyng of the glase wyndowe in the west ende of the churche iiij'1. Itm. paid toward the mendyng of the orgaynes in the Eoode loft to Authonyt the orgayn maker of London vjs viiid. Itm. paid for mendyng of dyvers albes and surplices this yere xd. Summa xviii3 vd. Vacacons. Itm. The seid accomptaunts asketh to be allowed for a Garden in Saynt Paulys parisshe bicause yt stode voyde and not hyred this yere xvi'1. Itm. they aske allowance of ij9 viiid paid to John Copley of Sandwich for viii busshells of saferon lieds whiche y1 was agreed he shuld have at the takyng of the garden of Robert Lewes then beyng warden ij3 viijd. Summa iiij8. Fol. 85 vo. Eeparacones of Tenements etc. Itm. paid to May for a newe betne and a rafter for the house that John Vangeld late occupyed in Pyllory Lane xi*. Itm. paid to the seid May for vi fote of tymber more for posts to kepe of[f] carts ixd. Itm. paid for C of tyle lath viiid. * Folding-doors. t Early organ maker of London. YOh. XXXIII. E 50 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Itm. for di. C of dobyngs lath ijd ob. Itm. paid for M1 of tyle iiij9. Itm. paid for M1 priggs viiid. Itm. paid for ij lods of lome viiid. Itm. paid for iij semes of lyme price the seme vjd. Summa xviiid. Itm. paid for xi festowys* and vj corner tyles xjd ob. Itm. to ij Carpynters for ij dayes mendyng of the houses in Pyllory Lane ij9. Itm. paid for spykyns and other nayles vijd Itm. paid to a tyler and his man for vj dayes tylyng and doubyng about the Churche houses takyng by the day for them both w1 mete and wags xd Summa v9. Itm. paid for C of tyle more vd. Itm. paid to a tyler and his man for a day more in the seid work xd. Itm. paid for a lood of sande vi'1. Itm. paid for v festewetyles* more iiij*1. Summa Eeparacons of tenements xix8 vjd. Fol. 86 ro. Summa of all the solucons, allocacons, reparaeons, and payments this yere vu xi9 iijd ob. Wherof:— Payd for writyng of this accompts and entryng the same in this booke of accompts xijd. So remayneth in the hands of these accomptants iij8 j d quad. Whiche iij8 j d quad, with a brokyn chales also then beyng in the hands of Anthony Knyght was delyvered by the seid Anthony unto the hands of Wiftm Holte, warden the xiiii1'10 day of Novembre in the xiiij"10 yere of the reigne of Kyng Henry the viiithc in the presence of Wiilm Eutland, John Alcok, Alderman Eobert Lewer, Sheref of Caunterbury, Paule Eicchemond, John Burges, John Copyn, Thomas ffrensshe, Thomas Gillam, Thomas Goer and Wiilm Laurence. Fol. 86 vo. [This page is blank.] Fol. 87 ro. [1521-22, Henry VIII.] Thaccompts of Wiftm Holt and Thomas Gylham, Wardens of the Parisshe Churche of Seynt Andrewe thappostell in Caunterbury frome tha feaisfc of Seynt Mighell * Fostier=ridgo lilo.—Murray's N.E.D, OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 51 tharchangeft in the xiijthe yere of the reigne of Kyng Henry the viii"10 unto the same feast of Seynt Mighell in the xiiii"10 yere of the seid Kyng that ys to say by one hole yere. farmys. Itm. the same accomptants yeldyth accompt of x3 receyvid of Jamys Colman for ferme of vii acres of land lyeng besyde Saynt laurance x8. Itm. of ij8 viijd for the ferme of ane house in Pyllory Lane in the handys of Thomas Oxinbrige by the yere ij8 viiid. Itm. of Thomas ffrienche for the fferme of a stabyll in Pyllory Lane for one yere ij8 viiid. Itm. of Eaynolde Gate for the ferme of ane other stabyll in Pyllory Lane for thys yer ij3 viiid. Fol. 87 vo. Itm. of John Vanegele for ferme of ane other stabyll in Pyllory Lane for thys yer vj8 viijd. Itm. of John Gybbys for ferme of a pece of lande in Saiut Paulys parisshe iij8 iiijd. Itm. for the ferme of a garden in the Parisshe of Saint Pauls in the hands of Deffells wydowe be the yere xiid Itm. of John Copley widowe of Sandwich ffor the fferme of a Garden in Sandwich vjs viiid. Summa of the ffermys xxxv3 viiid. Eentys. Itm. Eec' of John Lomeherst for rent of ij tenements in the parisshe of our lady of Northgate ffor one hole yere vs. Itm. of Kendalls wydowe for rent of her howse in the seid parisshe for one yere xxd. It. of John Eaynold for rent of the corner howse in the said parisshe by yere vijd ob. It. of my lorde Prior of Saint Gregoreys for the rent of the tenement wasse Herre Grene in the same parisshe by the yere xiiiid. Summa of the Eentys viii8 vd ob. Fol. 88 ro. Casuall receyts. Itm. rec' in money gatherd upon Saynt Andrewes Day by means of scochons vs viiid. It. rec' of Brothren of the Crosse lyght and in Pascall Money at Easter this yere xxj3 vd. It. rec' in money gathered aswell by meu as by women at hoktyd this yere xviij8 vi'1. 52 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS It. rec' for the wast of the herse tapers for Mr John ffysshe for his obyte viii". It. rec' for wast of the herse tapers ffor the obyt of Mastres Swannys viiid. It. rec' of John Copyn for wast of iiij torches at the bereyng of ys wyffe ™jd- It. rec' of hym for wast of the herse taperys viijd. It. rec' of Wiftm Holt for wast of iiij torches at the bereyng of ys wyffe viija. It. rec' of hym for wast of the herse taperys at the bereyng and monthesmynd xvi . It. rec' of Eobert Lewys for wast of the mortuary tapers for hys wyffe monytmynd viijd. Summa of the Casual Eeceytys Is xid. Obyte. It. rec' of Mastr. John Allecoke, Chamberlein of the Citie of Caunterbury for the obyt of Wiftm Benet x9. Summa xs. Fol. 88 vo. Casuall Eeceyts. It. rec' of John ffranklyng for wast of ij torchys at the bereyng of ys chylde iiija. It. rec' of Mestres Symond for wast of the mortuary taperis at xij monthe mynd of her hosbon Mr Nycolas Symond viijd It. rec' of John Byschope for wast of ij torchys iiijd It. rec' of Thomas Gylhm for wast of ij torchys iiijd It. rec' of John Stephyn of Berne for ij torchys ijd It. rec' of Eoberte Tonbrigge pavevre for olde stofe lefte of the pavyng afore the Churche xd. Summa ij8 viijd. Summa of all Eeceyts of fermys, Eentys, and wast of Thorches and tapers, arrerags and obytts thys yere ys v11 xs ix'1 ob. Obytts. Theseyd accomptants asketh to be allowed for the obyt of Edmund Mynot for this yere ijs. Itm. for the obyte of Wyftm Benet x8. Itm. for the obyte of Eobert Boone ij" viiid. Itm. for the obyte of Mestres Swan vij8 viia. Summa of the obytts xxij9 iijd. Oyle for the lamps. Itm. paid for xxiii quartys of ooyle for the lampe for the hoole yere price the qarte iiijd vj9 vjd, OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 53 Fol. 89 ro. The lampe tapers. Itm. paid for iij halfe pownde tapers for the lampe ayenst AH Halon in newe wax i li prec ixd the strekyng id ob. Summa xd ob. It. for iij halfe pownde tapers ayenst Crestmes wythe strykyng of the olde stoke xd ob. It. for iij halfe powne tapers ayenst Candelmes wythe strekyng of the olde stoke ixd. It. for iij halfe powne tapers ayenst Palme Sonday wythe strekyng of the olde stoke xd. It. for iij halfe powne tapers ayenst Whitsontythe wyth the strekyng of the olde stoke xd. It. for iij halfe pownde tapers ayenste Assumpcion of our Lady with the strekyng the stoke xid. Summa of the lampe taperis v8 j d . The lyght of Saynt Andrew. Itm. payd for vi lb iij quarters of newe wax for saint Andrewes lyght price the Ii ix . . . . Summa v3 iij quad. Itm. payd for strykyng of the same light wayng xv lb. di. pryce the ii strykyng ob. d. Summa vijd ob. Summa vs viiid. quad. The Crose lyght. Itm. payd for xiiii lb i quarter of new wax for the crosse lyght prise le li viiid ob. Summa x8 j d . It. payd for strykyng of the sayd lyght wayng xxxviii lb. iij quarters the strekyng j lb. ob. d. xxd. Fol. 89 vo. The Pascall and fonte taper. Itm. paid for vj lb. of newe wax for the Pascall and fonte taper the j lb. vjd ob. iiij8 iijd. It. paid for strykyng of the same lyght wayng xxv lb. d. the strekyng of i lb. ob. d. xxijd iij quad. Summa v8 iijd iij quad. Torchys. It. payd to Thomas Calowe for ij Torchys weyng xxiii lb. di. ayenst Corpes Cresty prce i lb. iijd ob. vj' xd. Kepyng the Cloke. It. payd to John Copyn for kepyn of the cloke for the hole yere vj9 viiid. Summa xiii8 vjd. Eeparacons done in the Churche, and wasshyng. It. payd to Mr Eortlande the money he layd owte ffor the Parissche to Antoney, orgen maker of London ffor mendyng of the orgens in Eode lofte - vj8 viijd. 54 CHURCHWARDENS* ACCOUNTS It. payd to Paule Eycchemond for leyng owte at the same tym for the same organs to the sayd iij9 iiijd- It. payd to Danyveft Smytht for ffylyng of the Knopys schorter and for seutyng ane on the stolys for the Eectors Core and mendyng the syde xiiiid. It. payd to tho same Danyell for a key to the Chirche dor and key and stapyll to the case for torchs vjd. Itm. payed to Edward Broke Clarke for a key to qu(ir)e dor ijd . It. payd to John sonys wyffe for makyng a sorples of the clothe Mr. Symon gave to Churche after ys seys xxd. Fol. 90 ro. Itm. payd John Morkyn paynter for i e skocheons of Seint Andrew ayenst thedy xa. It. payd for a Coler of rede ffermelond for the beme afore Seint Andrew and the yren for pascall viija. It. payd for a potell of Malsey for the for the [sic'] syngerrs in the quyer on Crystemasse day Palme Sonday viiid. It. payd to a plomer for sawder aud mendyng of the olde holey water stope w'owte the churche dore viiid. It. payd to Eobert Tonbrege paffeyer for paveyng afore the churche dore ffurst iij lotheys* of ston iiij8 and for ij lothes of watter sande xijd for hym and hys servants pavyng of serten yardys vii9 [viii8] xij8. It. payd for a basket to bere in robyse ijd and to a laberer havyng wey the ssoyl [out of] the of churche vd. It. payd for wachyng the sepulkere ij nytys kepyng the lyte and colys to weche w' and haloyng fe xd. It. payd for wesschyng at divers tymys the surplesys and author clotheys, hobysf w' oder dyvers thyngs iij8 j d ob. It. payd unto the clarke for hys wagys more then wasse leveabyll emongs perysshons the hole yer ij8. Summa Beparac' in the Church xxxiiii8 vijd ob. Summa of all the Solycons, allocacons, Eeparacons and payments thys yer v" vj3 j d ob. So remaynet in the hands of thys Accomptantys this yer iiii8 viijd ob. Fol. 90 vo. Whiche iiij8 viija ob withe a Brokyn Chalys then beng in the handys of Wiftm Holt wase delyverd by the sayd Wiftm unto the * Loads. t Alhes. OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 55 handys of Thomas Gylbm warden the xxv daye of Octobr in the xv yer of the Eeigne of Kyng Henry the viii111 in the presence of Master Docter Cokys Parson of the Churche and Mr. Thomas Foxe, Mr John Halcoke M1' Lewer, John Borges, Antoney Knythe, John Copyn, Thomas Gylhm. Fol. 91 ro. [1522-28, Henry VIII.] Thaccompt of Thomas Gullam and Tliomas a Gore Wardens of the Parysshe Churche of Seint Andreas th'appostell in Caunterbury from the feste of Seint Migheft tharchaungell in the xiiii"1 yere of the reign of Kyng Heury the viii"1 unto the feste of Seint Migheft tharchaungeft then next ensuyng in the xvth yere of the foreseid Kyng, by the space of oon hole yere. Arrerags. ffyrst the seide wardens charge theym self w1 certeyn money receyved of Wiftm Holtte late warden due unto the foreseide CI urche as apperyth in the ffoote of his accornpt. Summa iiij8 viiid ob. Summa patet. Itm. the seide wardens yeld accornpt for the ffarme of vii acrs of lande lyeng beside seint Laurence letto fferme to Jamys Colman by yere x8. Itm. rec' of Thomas ffrensshe for fferme of a stabyft w1 a gardeyn in Pyllory Lane, whiche John Vanzele occupyed by the yere vj8 viiid. Itm. rec' of Eaynold Gate for fferme of a stabyft in Pyllory Lane for oon yere ij8 viijd. Itm. rec' of Thomas Oxenbregge for fferme of a lytyll tenement in Pyllory Lane for a yere ij8 viiid. It. rec' of Coppleys wydowe of Sandwiche for the fferme of a gardeyn in Sandwyche for a yere vj8 viijd. Itm. receyved of John Gybbys for the fferme of a garden in the parysshe of Seint Pauls in Caunterbury for a yere iij8 iiijd. Fol. 91 vo. It. receyved of Devells wydowe for the ffarme of a gardeyn in seint Pauls parysshe by yere xiid. It. receyved of Betuaumys wyf for the fferme of a gardeyn annexed unto her house whiche late M1' fioosys in the parysshe of seint Elpheys in Caunterbury for a yere and a quarter iijsiirjd. 56 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS It. they yeld accompt of a stabyll in Pyllory Lane whiche Thomas ffrensshe late had to fferme by yere ij8 viiid. Summa xxxix8. Bents. Itm. receyved of Petur Pembyll for the rente of ij howsys in the parysshe of Northgate oon beyng a corner house whiche late was John Eaynolds by yere viid ob and thother house lyeth nexte adjoyuyng to the foreseid corner house the whiche was late Henry Greenys and reutyth by yere xiiij4. Summa of bothe xxid ob. It. receyved of Wiftm Kendalls wydowe for the rent of a tenement in the seid parysshe of Northgate for thys yere xxd. It. receyved of John Lomeherst for his ij tenements in the parysshe of Northgate for rent for oon yere va. It. receyved of the susterrs of seint Laurence for the Quyte rent of ffrenkylls houses for iij yers by the yere id. Summa iija. Summa of the Eents vii3 viiia ob. Obyte. It. receyved of Mr Alcock, Chamberleyn of the Citie of Caunterbury for the obyte of Wiftm Benett for this yere xa. Summa Patet. Fol. 92 ro. Casuall Eeceyts. ffyrst, receyved on Seint Andreas day gadered by skocheons the same day ix8 viiid. Itm. receyved of the Brothern of the Crosse lyght and in pascall money at Easter xxiij8 vijd ob. Itm. rec' in money gadered by the parysshons on hockmunday and tewysday aswell by men as women xxi8 vid. Itm. of Eeynold Gate for waste of the mortuaries for his wyff att her buryeng vijd. It. of the same Eeynold for waste of torchis the same tyme xiiijd . It. of the same Eeynold for the herse tapers att the monethis mynde viid. It. of Eobert Barbour for ij torchis att the buryeng of his man iiijd. It. rec' for the waste of the mortuaryes att the obyte of M. Swannys vijd. It. of Wiftm Holtt for the mortuaryes att his wifs yers mynde vija. It. of John a Tent for the waste of the mortuaris att his wifs buryeng viiid. It. rec' for the waste of vj torchis the same tyme xiia. It. rec' of ffraukelyns wyfe for the mortuaryes att her moderrs buryeng viiid. OP ST. ANDREWES, CANTERBUKY. 57 It. for the waste of vi torchis the same tyme xiid. It. for the mortuarys att the monethis mynde of Wests wydowe viiid. It. of ffrankelyns wydowe for the mortuaries att her husbonds buryeng viiia. It. of her for the waste of vij Torchys the same tyme xiiiia. It. rec' of Mr. Lewes for the mortuaryes for his wyfs yers mynde viija. It. rec' of ffranklyns wydowe for iiij torchis for her chyld viiid . Fol. 92 vo. It. of her for the mortuaryes att her hussbonds monethys mynde viiid. It. of John Crosse for ij torchis iiijd. It. of Jerom Oxinbregg for ij torchis for his chyld iiijd. It. rec' of John ffysshe for the mortuaryes for his ffaderrs obyte viiid. It. rec' of the wydowe of Wiftm Laurence for the mortuaryes att the buryeng of her husbonde and the monethys mynde xvjd . It. for the waste of ij torchis for the same Wiftm Laurence iiija . It. receyved of Antony Knyght for the Clerks wags for the corner shopp of the Kyngs Hedd beyng behynde xiiiia. It. receyved of Wiftm Holtte in the Quyre of Seint Andrews before Mr. Doctor and others of the parysshe viijd. Summa lxxj8 vij'1 ob. It. receyved of oon Wiftm Davy servante unto the Kyng of his gift unto the Churche iij8 iiijd. Bequeths. It. rec' of ffrankelyns wydowe of the bequest of Johanne West unto seint Andrews lyght iiijd. It. rec' of her husbonds bequeth unto the Crosse lyght ™ja- It. rec' of the wydowe of Wiftm Laurence for her husbonds bequethe to the Crosse lyght xijd. It. of her bequethye by her husbond unto Seint Andrews lyght xijd. It. receyved of my lord Curson for the loone of a chalys and a vestment of his rewarde iiijd. Summa vi8 viiid. Fol. 93 ro. Summa of all Eeceyts, ffarmys, Eents, Waste of Tapers and Torchis, Arrerag, Obetts, Gyfts and Bequethis vij11 viijd ob. Whereof:— Obytes. The seide accomptaunts ask to be allowed paied for the obyte of Edmond Mynott for this yere ij3. 58 CHURCHWARDENS* ACCOUNTS It. for the obyte of Wiftm Benett x8. It. for the obyte of Mestres Swannys vii8 viid- It. for the obyte of Eobert Boone ij8 viiid. Summa xxii8 iijd. Seint Andreas lyght. It. paied to Thomas Calowe for Seint Andrews lyght makyng wyeng in the hoole xiiii lb. and a half lb. wherof in newe wex iiij lb. and di. prece le lb. xd. Summa w1 the strykyng iiij9 iiijd. Summa iiij9 iiijd. Oyle. Itm. paied to Antony Knyght for oyle for the lampe for the hoole yere vidett for xl quarts prece in gross xii9. Summa patet. Kepyng of the Clock. Itm. payed to John Copyn for kepyn of the clock for the hoole yere for his stipend vj9 viijd. Summa patet. Fol. 93 vo. Lampe tapers. It. paied for strykyng iij half pownde tapers for the lampe ayenst Seint Edmonds Day the Confessour havyng in newe wex i lb. and i quarter prece le lb. xd. Summa xiiid. It. for iij half pownde tapers for the lampe ayenst Cristemasse day for newe wex and strykyng xd. It. for wex and strykyng of iij di. pownde tapers ayenst Shrove Sunday xd ob. It. for a lb. and quarter newe wex for the lampe tapers ayenst Easter day w' the strykyng xiid ob. It. for renewyng the lampe tapers ayenst Whitson Sonday in newe wax and strykyng xd. It. for renewyng the seide tapers ayenst Seint Thomas day in newe wex aud strykyng xid ob. It. in renewyng the seid tapers ayenst the Assumpcon of our Lady in newe wex and strykyng xid. Itm. in the seide lampe tapers renewyng ayenst Mighelmas day newe wex i lb. ij uncs and strykyng xd. Summa vii8 iiija ob. Skosheons. Itm. payed for iij gold skynnys of paper to make skocheons ayenst Seint Andrews day iijd. It. payed for makyng of a c and half a c skocheons prece xa. It. paied for pynnys jd ob Summa xiiii* ob. OP ST. ANDREWES, CANTERBURY. 59 The Mortuary Tapers. It. paied to Thomas Calowe for strykyng the mortuary tapers weyeng in the hoole xii lb. wherof in olde wex viii lb. and di. lb. and in newe wex iij lb. and di. prece le lb. ixd ob. Summa w* the strykyng iij9 iijd. Summa iij8 iijd. Fol. 94 ro. The Crosse lyght, pascall and ffonte tapers. It. paied to Thomas Calowe for strykyng of the Crosse lyght weyeng in the hoole xii lb. and i quarter wherof in old wex xxvii lb. and di. lb. prece le lb. ob. summa xiiiid and in newe wex xiii lb. iij quarters prece le lb. wrought xd summa xi9 vd ob. Summa of the hole lyght xii9 viid ob. It. paied for strykyng of the pascall and ffontte tapers weyeng in the hoole xxv lb. wherof in the old stock xxi lb. and di. lb. prece le lb. ob and in newe wex iij lb. and di. lb. prece le lb. wrought xd. Summa in the hole iij8 ixd ob. Summa of the charge of the Crosse lyght, Pascall and ffonte tapers xvi8 vd. Eeparacons of the smale organes. It. paied to Wiilm, orgayn maker, for mendyng of the smale organes in the Quyer vi8 . It. payed to Danyell Lokyar for the makyng of iij stoppys of iron for the same organes xiid. Summa vii8. Wasshyng. It. payed for wasshyng of ix surplessys and vi Curteyns ayenst all halowys day vd. It. for wassyng of iiij01' supplesses and iiij01' awter clothys ayenst Cristemas day iijd. It. for wasshyng of surplesses and awlter clothys ayenst Candylmas vjd. It. for wasshyng of awbys, awlter clothys and Surplessys ayenst Easter ixd. It. for wassyng of surplessys ayenst Whinsontide vid. It. for wasshyng ayenst thassumpcon of our Lady vd. It. for wasshyng of albys aud awlter clothis ayenst Mighelmasse iijd. Summa iij8 jd . 60 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Fol. 94 vo. Newe torchis. Itm. paied to Thomas Calowe for ij newe torchys weyeng xxx lb. and di. ayensste Corpus Xpi day prece in gross viii9 ixd. Summa petet [sic], Mendyng of the Clock. It. paied to Danyell Smyth for makyng of ij newe whelys and ij newe mitts w* other smale thyngs belongyng unto the clock xs. It. paied for platyng of the dial! ffor a newe nedyll for the diall and a nutte for the same aud for mendyng of the barr that runnyth thoroughe hit viiid. It. paied for payntyng of the diall xiid. Summa xi8 viiid. Nedef'ull Eeparacons. It. paied for cord for the Bellouse of the greate organes ob. It. paied for a Bawderyk for the wakerell jd . It. paied for a quarte of swete wyne on Cristemas day in the mornyng for the priksong syngarrs vd. It. paied to the Clerk for to make upp his wags for Cristemas quarter ij8. It. paied to Amies Eeade for mendyng of viii surplessys, makyng of vi smale towells for the awlterrs and for iiij01' awlter clothis for the syde awlterrs iiijd. It. paied to Wiftm att Weft for mendyng of ij ffruntells of redd velvett for the syde awterrs and a nother old ffruntell w* Seint Andrews Crossys viiid. It. paied for a newe baskett for the churche ijd. It. paied unto my lord of Seint Grygoryes Chapeleyn for a rewarde for halowyng of vii corporassys and iij awlter clothis ijd . Fol. 95 ro. It. paied for skowryng of v greate candylstykks in the Quyer, and for ii smale candylstykks stondyng uppon the awlter ixd . It. paied for a lynk of sylver for the sensour ijd. It. paied for ij men watchyng the sepulcre viid. It. paied for cools jd . It. paied for a quarte of swete wyne on Easter day in the roodeloft for pryksong syngarrs vd. It. paied to the clerk to make upp his wags for our Lady quarter . endyng att the AnnunSiacon xxd. OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 61 It. paied for nayle to amende the chest that the vestements lye in id. It. paied to the clerk to make upp his wags att Mydsomer Quarter xxi''. It. paied for a key to the Quyre doore ijd. It. paied for makyng clene of the lampe iiijd. It. paied for mendyng of the glasse wyndows in the body of the churche too oon Symon Gylhert iiij3. It. paied to the bookebyndar for mendyng of oon of the greate antiphonarrs ijs. It. paied unto the clerk to make upp his full wags for Mighelmnsse quarter ijd. It. paied to Symon Gylberd payntor for payntyng of ij awlter clothys for the syde awlterrs callyd pendells* iija. It. paied to Maister Alcock for mendyng of the sylver crosse iiij8 . It. paied to Daynell Lokyar for makyng of ij iron casys for the glasse wyndowes in the body of the churche ij8 iiiid. It. paied to Symon Gylberd for makyng ffytt of the glasse to the cassys of the same wyndowes xijd. Fol. 95 vo. It. paied to a mason for settyng in the hooke and hewyng the wyndowe ffytt to the casses iiij". It. paied to Symon Gylbert for payntyng of the tabyllf before Johns awlter in the body of the churche ij8. It. paied to a joyner for mendyng of the same tabyll iiijd. Summa xxix8 ob. Summa of all solucons, Allocacons, Eeparacons and payments vi1' xiii8 ob. And so they owe vj8 viiid. Whereof they aske to be allowed for a stabyft in Pillory Lane lyeng voyed of a tenaunte and vacante by the space of half a yere and half a quarter after the yerely ffarme of ij8 viiid by yere xxd. It. for the wrytyng of this accornpt xijd. And so the seid accomptaunts owe clerely upon there accompt determyned the xxviii" day of Marche in the yere of our * Pendle, a soreen hanging in front of an altar.—Murray's "New Eng. Diot.," 1905. Here prohahly an altar-cloth on a frame, t Tabula—here the altar-front, 62 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS. Lord God MBXXIIII11 in the presence of Doctor Cocks, curate, Mr. Thomas ffooks, Mr. Wiftm Eutland, Mr. John Alcock, Mr. Eobert Lews, Paule Eitchmond, Wilim Holtte, John a Tent, John Burges, Antony Knyght, John Copyn, Jamys Vydean, Thomas ffrensshe, and John Hobbys and Wiftm Huntte, w1 other v3. Whiche v8 the foreseid Thomas Gyllam hathe delyvered to Thomas a Gore ffor the w1 a broken Chales weyeng xv owncs and iij quarters of an ownee in the presence of the persones before named Et Equat. (To be continued.)


Abstract of Proceedings 1916-17


Round Naved Churches in England and their connection with the Orders of the Temple and of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem