Abstract of Proceedings 1918
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Rules of the Kent Archaeological Society
Accounts and Balance Sheet
( xxx ) — + — ABSTRACT OE PROCEEDINGS, 1918. REPORT OE THE COUNCIL EOR THE TEAR 1918. The Council of the Kent Arehseological Society has the pleasure to present its Report and Statement of Accounts for the year ending 31 December 1918. Although during the past year Archaeological work has been carried on with difficulty, yet the Reports of our Local Secretaries shew that it has not been altogether in abeyance. These include the discovery of Roman cinerary urns, etc., at Eolkestone; foundations unearthed near Richborough Castle; old arches uncovered at Sandwich; vaults or graves at Greenwich, and coins in Sheppey. The latest report to hand informs us that the plaster of the interior of Lydd Church is being stripped, and that important remains of the original Saxon Church, embodied in the north aisle, have already been brought to light. Our colleague, Mr. Einn, is in charge of the work, and his detailed account of the discoveries will be awaited with interest. Members may possibly have been disappointed with the small bulk of the last Volume, XXXIII., of Archceologia Cantiana as compared with previous issues, but the enhanced cost of paper and the enormous (and it is to be feared permanent) increase in the cost of printing and block-making absolutely precluded the production of a volume of the like scale with former volumes. At the same time the desirability of producing an annual volume was being urged upon the Council as the surest means, in the absence of yearly excursions, of maintaining the interest of Members in the REPORT OP THE COUNCIL. „ XXxi objects of the Society. It is certain, however, that if volumes are to appear in the future at shorter intervals than hitherto, they must of necessity be of diminished bulk, though it is hoped that the importance and high standard of such articles as are published therein may compensate for the inevitable decrease in quantity. Special efforts are being taken to insure the best possible results in the printing of the illustrations. The Annual Summer Meeting held at Canterbury in July, though necessarily restricted to a half-day, was well attended, and the occasion will be memorable for the presentation of a Congratulatory Address to our President and Lady Northbourne on the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding day. The Castle and the remains of the houses of the Grey and Black Eriars were visited, and described respectively by Sir W. H. St. John Hope and Mr. E. H. Little, both gentlemen giving addresses of exceptional interest and value. The site of the Eranciscan house has lately been acquired by Captain James, who is a Member of our Society and is anxious not only to preserve what time has spared of this ancient institution, but to elucidate the complete ground plan of its demolished buildings. With regard to future work, useful suggestions from various Members have been received by the Hon. Secretary, amongst which the following appear to be the most noteworthy:— (1) The formation of a collection of County Place Names, together with their meanings. The Council will welcome contributions to such a collection, and those interested in the subject should send their lists to the Hon. Secretary. The Council ventures to suggest that workers should follow the lines adopted by Mr. R. Gr. Roberts in his Sussex Place J¥ames, published by the Cambridge Antiquarian Society. (2) The completion of the Catalogue of Church Plate in Kent, commenced by the late W. A. Scott Robertson and continued by the Rev. C. Eveleigh Woodruff and others. (3) Eurther elucidation of the so-called " Pilgrim's Road," especially in the light which the records of Manorial Courts may throw upon the subject. (4) The Study of Eolklore—a subject which hitherto has been almost entirely neglected by our Society. XXxli KENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY. The Council would commend these matters to the attention of Members. The Hon. Secretary regrets that during the war it proved impossible to arrange for the Annual Meeting of the Hon. Local Secretaries, since he believes that these gatherings were both pleasant and profitable, but he trusts that they may be resumed at no distant date. With the advent of peace the Council hopes that the work and publications of the Kent Archseological Society may be resumed, so far as circumstances allow, on their pre-war basis. The Members of Council who retire by rotation in 1919 are:—' C. J. Phillips, Esq., F.S.A. John Churchill, Esq. Dr. Randall Davis. Dr. E. W. Cock, E.S.A. C. W. Morland, Esq. W. Bruce Bannerman, F.S.A. Membership of the Society, 31st December 1918 :— Life Members . . . . 126 Ordinary Members . . . 497 Honorary Members . . . 3 020 New Members . . . .32 Deaths 7 Resignations . . . . 9 Net gain from 1st January 1918 to 31st December 1918, 16. By order of the Council, RIOHARD COOKK, lion. Sec.