Ash Wills

( 47 ) ASH WILLS. BY ARTHUR HUSSEY. The abstracts of the wills of the parishioners of Ash next Sandwich now printed are mostly from Book Wingham, with a few from the other volumes in the Probate Office at Canterbury. Book Wingham contains many of the wills, from 1470 to 1545, of the parishioners of Ash, Goodneston, Nonington, Wingham and Wymlingswold, which comprise the Manor (and also the Hundred) of Wingham, that formerly belonged to the Archbishop of Canterbury. When compiling the East Kent part of Testamenta Cantiana (issued in 1907) very few wills of the large parish of Ash were found in the other volumes, which is explained by their being in this Book Wingham. JOHN ALDAYE. 19 Oct. 1485. To be buried in the church of Ash, in the grave where Joan, formerly my wife, is buried. To the vicar to pray for. my soul 40s., and to the reparation of the church 40s. Thomas Alday to have two salts gilt; and residue of plate to Nicholas Alday. Ex'ors : my sons Thomas and Nicholas, and have residue. Son Thomas have all my possessions in Sandwich, except Nicholas to have the sellar with the loft against the town sellars. Nicholas to pay yearly to Alice my wife 10 marcs (£6 13s. 4^.).* Probate 5 August 1486. (Con. Vol. IV., fol. 73.) * The Alday family was of Cheker in Ash, a'so of Sandwich. A John Alday was Mayor of Sandwich for the official year 1468-9 and again 1476-7. Thomas Alday of the parish of St. Peter in Sandwich, in which church he was buried in 1518 beside his wife Joan. Left a wife Margery, sons Nicholas, Alexander and John, two daughters Alice, wife of liobert Taylor, and Elisabeth. Son Alexander to havo my lands at Eiohborovve which Thomas Gold hath to farm. (Con. Vol. XII., fol. 118.) Probably the Mayor of Sandwich 1490-1, 1493-4, 1505-6,1506-7, 1507-8. Alexander Alday, gentleman, of St. Peter's in Sandwich, died in 1532. Prom the tenement wherein he lived in Sandwich and his messuage at Plete in Ash his wife Elisabeth was to have the income for her life, then to his son, if one, or daughters Joan and Alice. (A., Vol. XIX., fol. 207.) Another Alexander Alday was Mayor of Sandwich 1530-1. 48 ASH WILLS. ALICE, widow of JOHN ALDAT. 23 October 1496. Buried in the churchyard of Wingham on the south side, beside Thomas Eusch sometime my husband. To the church of Wingham a gilt cup with a cover, which cup my brother John Billes hath in his keeping, that the value of the cup should make a chalice for the church of Wingham. To the church of Ash the value of the same cup to make a chalice. John Eoger, goldsmith, dwelling in London, have two pairs of sheets. My sister Billes a pair of coral beads gauded with silver gilt, also two pairs of sheets. Eesidue to my ex'ors, John Saunder, vicar of Ash, and Master Walter Shirborne, chantry priest of Ash. Feoffees: William Berton of Ickham and Sir Stephen Eeynolds of Bekesbourne. My manor called Twitham with arable land, pasture, etc., in Whigham and G-oodneston, which my father John Billes* gave me, to my feoffees for a chantryf in Wingham, but if not sufficient for that purpose to be sold and the money to the churches of Wingham and Ash, in masses and other ornaments of the church, and charitable deeds. [No probate date.] (W., fol. 7.) NICHOLAS ALDAY. 19 Dee. 1520. Buried in the churchyard under the yewe tree and under my father's stone. High altar 3s. 4a!.; of Our Lady church in Dover 20d.; of Deal 20d. To the Light of St. Mary in Ash church 12d.; to the reparation of the church 3s. 4td.; and the repair of bad roads between Ash and Sandwich 20s. A priest sing for me for half a. year and have £3 6s. Sd. Wife have ail things she had before our espowsage, also four horses at Ash—a gray, black ballyd,J sorell ballyd and a black with a cut tail—and four kine at Dover, and-50 ewes at the next Feast of St. John Baptist and 10s. for their ferme. Wife have all my corn at Dover and her wedding * John Billes was of Wingham and died in 1475 desiring to be buried in the church of St. Peter in Stowmarket, Suffolk. His lands in Ash, Staple, Wingham, Wodnesbergh and town of Sandwich to his wife Denis for life, then the Manor of Twithaai to his daughter Alice and her heirs and assigns, His son John was young, and to be provided at school by Denis. (W., fol. 65.) John Billes the son was of Sandwich, where he died in 1511 desiring to be buried in the church of Wingham, and left a wife Grysill. (A., Vol. XII., fol. 26.) t This chantry was not founded, and her brother, John Billes of the parish of St. Mary in Sandwich, evidently bought the manor, for at his death in 1511 he left " my Manor of Twitham " to his wife Grysill. (A., Vol. XII., fol. 26.) % This possibly denotes the markings on the horse—e.g., pie-bald or skewbald ; or it might even mean " white-faced " as in the case of a " bald-faced " stag. ASH WILLS. 49 ring by her other husband, but all moveable goods at Dover to my three sons. My sons Thomas and Jerome have 12 silver spoons, a nott (nut) with a cover after my wife's death. Residue of goods after paying debts, etc., at the end of a year next after my death, equally between my three sons Thomas, Jerome and James. Ex'ors: sons Thomas and Jerome, with my brother Boys* overseer. The 20 years (sic) remaining in the hands of Raymund Cheker, to the church of Ash yearly 3s. 4d. for an Obit, and the residue to the reparation of the church. Son Thomas have my Manor of Cheker with all rents, etc., and all lands aud tenements called Wellfeld, Wilvell, Moland, Hooke, the Cheker field, 5 acres in Weddinton field, seven acres next Chilton, etc., but if Thomas die without male issue, then to Jerome my son. Son Jerome have my tenement called Hylls churchgate, four acres at Barnmill, land called the Hart, Holecombe, Dresgetts, Hillesdowne, Nashe, Peddiug and Hoolebake in Goodneston and Wodensborough, and a marsh called Causey marsh, and to his heirs, etc., but if no male issue, then to my son James. Son James have a house in Sandwich in the fish, market, a house in Dover and a piece of land at the Briggs, [No probate.] (W., fol. 51.) EDMOKDE AMYE, yeoman. 2 Oct. 1542. Buried in the churchyard near my ancestors. To the high altar 20d. After my death, among poor people in Ash, 10s. by penny dole, and John Broke of Richborough with John Broke of Hills shall see the same done. Agnes Amye, my maiden servant, have a cow called Joan, six ewes, a quarter of wheat and barley at her marriage. Laurence Coll, my boy, have six ewes when he is 21 years old. Residue after payiug debts to wife Margery and Thomas Stonard my ex'ors, with my well-beloved friend Thomas G-oodbarn, butcher, of Sandwich, overseer. That my tenement wherein Stephen Parre, baker, dwelleth with a garden in the parish of St. Mary, Sandwich, to my wife for her life, then to Thomas Stonard on condition he pay to the children of my daughter Joan- Elam—Andrew, William and Thomas Elam—and to Laurence Cole, son of John Elam of Stourmouth, when 21 years old, £10. Witnesses: Thomas Gates of Faversham, merchant, John Broke of Richborough, John Sarys, brorder, of Sandwich. * 'According to the Boys Pedigree John Boys of Fredville in Nonington, who died in 1533, married first Elisabeth, daughter of Nicholas Alday of Checker in Ash, by whom three sons and four daughters. VOL. XXXIV. E 50 ASH WILLS. Codicil.—Wife Margery have my house in Ash street called Neames during her life, then to my daughter Joan Elam and her children. Probate 18 July 1543. (W., fol. 231.) EDMUND BAYLY. 30 March 1514. Buried in churchyard of St. Nicholas. Son William have two ewes, pair of sheets, great kettle of 30 gallons, on condition he give 3s. 4td. to my wife. Ex'or: wife Joan, and have residue. Witnesses: Thomas Bood, William Pett, William Lewes, Edmund Hochen. Probate 19 Oct. 1514. (W., fol. 126.) NICHOLAS BAKEB. 30 August 1474. Buried in churchyard. To the Tabernacle of St. Nicholas 10s. Wife Isabella have £10; son John 10 marcs (£6 13s. 4rf.), son Simon 5 marcs, and each daughter 4 marcs (53s. id.). Ex'ors: wife Isabelle, Robert Porde and Henry Upton. Wife have residue, also a messuage in Ash until son John is 18, then to John. Probate 20 Feb. 1474-5. (W., fol. 65.) RICHARD BELLE. 8 June 1513. Buried iu the churchyard. To the high altar M.; Light of St. Nicholas 4td.; the Hooke Light 4ed.; and towards a cross cloth there 3s. 4id. The churchwardens have a cow and six ewes for a yearly obit of 20d. for evermore iu the church, by the oversight of the churchwardens for the time being. Wife Isabell have the instuff she brought at her marriage; Alice Cristemesse and Isabell Twypoole, my daughters, have half my instuff between them. Margaret Ancell, the daughter of my wife, have 8s. Ex'or : wife Isabel], and have the residue. Feoffees: Richard Mayhew and Laurence Omer. Alice Cristemesse and Isabell Twypool have a messuage with three acres of land at Nelle, and to their heirs for ever. Witnesses: Sir Thomas Boode, Richard Mayhew, John Omer. Probate 28 Oct. 1513. (W., fol. 140.) RlOHAED A BERE. 1 March 1518-14, To be buried afore St, Thomas altar in the church, High altar 40d.; of ChisletAOd. To a new pair of organs for Ash church 20s. A priest sing for my soul for half a year and ASH WILLS. 51 have £3 6s. 8d. As much gravel or chalk to the value of 20s. to be layed between the Wallend and Sarre where most need is, this coming summer. Rose and Joan, my daughters, each have 20 marcs (£13 6s. 8d.) when 18 years of age, or, if they marry before then, at their marriage. A bullock of three years of age to be killed against Easter next and given to poor people of the parish. Bennett, my wife, have all instuff of household "in the hall, chambres and kechyn," also at Michaelmas in corn, cattle or money £40. Residue of goods to my three sons equally—John, Roger and Thomas. Wife Bennett have all my lands in Cheselet for life, then to my three sons. Margery, the widow of Thomas Estewell, late of Sturrey, have 40s. yearly. Witnesses: Sir Thomas Boode, curate (sic) of Ash, John Sethe of Heme, John Peny. Probate 18 March 1515-16. (W., fol. 132.) THOMAS BODE, Vicar of Ash.* 1 July 1519. " To be buried in the church of Whitechapel, if it please God I depart my life there." High altar of Whitechapel 6s. Sd. To the Light of Our Lady in Ash church 3s. 4>d., and to every other Light (5d. A priest sing for my soul in Ash church for .j, half a year and have £3 6s. 8d. To buy a canopy for the sacrament in Ash church 6s. 8d.; to the high altar of Wingham 6s. 8d.; the reparation of the church of Elmston 20s.; to the church of Pevinton 13s. id.; to Sir James and Sir Robert, priests of Ash, 12d. each; to the Priarf that singeth at Richborough 8d. Raymond Harfleet and William Wren each have 20s. That mine ooste (host) William Wren and his wife be contented for all my costs laid out for me in the time of my sickness. Ex'ors: Master Robert Woodward, Commissary of Canterbury, and John Williams, Rector of St. George's in Canterbury, to distribute the residue for my soul. Witnesses: Sir John Roger, William Wren, Raymond Harfiette. [No probate date.] (Con. Vol. 12, fol. 164.) JOHN BOWNDE. 21 January 1528-9. Buried iu the churchyard. High altar 20d. Wife Isabelle have 20s., my brother William 5s., and my mother 6s. 8d. Ex'ors: wife Isabelle and my brother William * Eev. Thomas Bode io called vicar in hie will, but " parish-chaplain" in Sept, 1511 at the Visitation of Archbishop Warham, t Priar Christopher of Sandwioh wns the parish ohaplain at tho Visitation pf Archbishop Warham in 15J.1, 35 2 52 ASH WILLS. Bownde, and have residue. Witnesses: William Trewell, Stephen Joly, Robert Cokk, John Cristemas. Probate 28 January 1528-9. (W„ fol. 162.) WILLIAM ATTE BKEGGE. 20 Feb. 1471-2. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 12d. To repair of the bad way in Ware street, 25 loads of gravel. Residue to wife Isabel and Simon Gason, my Ex'ors. Wife have the tenement in which we dwell, with six acres of land, for her life, then to son William. My other place and the lands thereto to my ASH WILLS. 57 wife uutil son William is 21 years old, then to William, paying to 'Cisle my daughter, 20s., and to Clemens my daughter, 10s. [No probate.] (W., fol. 9.) PETER CARPENTER. . . . . 1521. Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas. Son Edmund when he is of lawful age, have two acres of land, and until then, Joan my wife. Ex'or: Wife Joan, and have the residue to keep my small children. Witnesses: Sir Thomas Clappam, John Colman. Probate 21 January 1522-3. (W., fol. 172.) NICHOLAS CHAPELEYN. 24 July 1464. Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas. High altar for tithes 20^. To works (operibus) of the same church 3s. id. Residue of goods after paying debts, etc., to wife Isabella and my children, by direction of my Ex'ors—wife Isabella, John Lynde, Robert Bregge. Wife have during her life my lands and tenements, except two acres of arable land at Ware Down to be sold to pay debts, etc. After the death of my wife that son William have one garden and acre of land, also half an acre of land at Well bregge and two acres at Felcall. After the death of my wife that daughters Agnes and Juliana each have one acre of arable land at Felcall. If all children die without issue, then to be sold, and money disposed for our souls. [No probate date.] (A, Vol. I., fol. 87.) HENRY CHAPELEYN. 23 January 1471-2. Buried in the church yard. High altar 3s. id.; and to the church for a Porifor to be bought 20s. To the altar of St. John Baptist 20s. To repair bad roads 20s. Wife Margaret have two of the best horses, two cows, two pigs and all the grain upon twelve acres of land of Hens Levyk this year. Daughter* Isabella have a chest; and daughter Joan a brass pot. Residue to wife. Ex'ors : Thomas Chapeleyn my brother, aud Henry Mosred. Feoffees : Edward Collard and John Lynde. Wife Margaret have two acres of arable land at Wearedowne, during her life, then to daughters Isabella aud Joan. Four acres of land at Brokks to wife Margaret until my daughters are of lawful age. Probate 13 Feb. 1471-2. (W., fol. 61.) 58 ASH WILLS. THOMAS CHAPLEYN. 22 January 1476-7. Buried in churchyard. High altar 3s. id. Wife Joan have all household goods; Richard Chapeleyn 6s. 8d.; my sister Isabella Pery 6s. 8d., and to Richard and Gervase Pery 6s. 8^. each ; Nicholas Page five marcs, and to his son Geoffrey Page five marcs (33s. id.). After my death the tenement in which we dwell situate against (juxta) the churchyard, to be sold. Wife Joan have a small house next my tenement at Ware ; also my messuage at Hardmanstreet during her life, then to be sold, and from the money £10 to buy a messuage to serve the church of Ash on condition the wardens of the church with the parishioners redeem the I2d. from my messuage adjoining the churchyard. Ex'ors: Wife Joan, Nicholas Page, Edmund Peny. Witnesses : John Aldy, Thomas Joyner, Geoffrey Kent, Thomas Omer, Richard Browne. Probate 26 January 1476-7. (W., fol. 67.) RIOHARD CHAPMAN. 1 Sept. 1488. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 20d. To the Light of the Street called Hoclight 12d. Residue to wife Isabella, my Ex'or, with Sir William Saunders, vicar of Ash, William Lent, and Eichard Hele, overseers. Wife have my dwelling place with the hemphawe* for her life, and a croft of two acres in the villa (sic) of Peddynge called Wyeos, and at her death to be sold, and the money to the Worshipful Master of the Hospital of St. James in Coventre, praying him and his brethren and sisters with the poor people in the fermery to pray for my soul. [No probate.] (W., fol. 78.) ROGER CLYDEROW,! esquire. 7 March 1454-5. Buried in the choir of the Church of St. Nicholas of Esshe, near Joan my daughter. To the high altar for tithes 20s., also to the same altar one missal for ever, and for one chalice or other necessaries to be bought for the altar 10 marcs (£6 13s. 4^.). To the fabric (fabrice) of the same church 10 marcs. That John Noryes, Thomas Haryes, Thomas Berwin, Richard Well * Haw is a small yard or enclosure, and Chaucer has it for a churchyard,— Dictionary Kent. Dialect. t See Comer of Kent, pp. 71, 207. ASH WILLS. 59 and Baldewin Eulysoolye, each have 40s. Residue of goods to wife Matilda, who with Thomas Hardes and John Oxinden, my ex'ors. Feoffees: Henry Oldcastell, Thomas Hardes and John Oxinden. That a chaplain receive all the profits coming from my Manor of Nelmys, also a certain yearly rent of 15s. from one tenement iu the parish of St. Peter, next the Cornmarket in the town of Sandwich, to celebrate in the choir, or chapel of St. Mary in the church of Ash, for my soul, wife Matilda, and our parents, etc., during twenty years, and after the twenty years the Manor of Nelmys and rent of 15s. to my daughter Elianore and her heirs. That my tenement in Sandwich called the Houe, formerly the Swan, after the death of John Kyryell, remain to Elianore my daughter and her heirs for ever, but if she interfere in this my Will, then my Manor of Nelmys and tenement in Sandwich be sold, and the money in works of charity by my Ex'ors. That John Noryes have two messuages in the parish of St. Mary, Sandwich, and to his issue for ever, but if he die without issue, then to my right heirs. All debts, etc., to be paid with the money in the hands of John Noryes my son [in law], to be received by my Ex'ors. [No probate.] (Con. Vol. I., fol. 71.) MATILDA, relict of ROGER CLYDEROW. 8 Oct. 1457. Buried in the choir of the church, near the body of the said Roger. To the use of ornaments specially necessary at the high altar 5 marcs. To the fabric of the nave (corpus) of the same church 5 marcs. That John, the son of John Norys and Alianore his wife, have one cloak of crimson furred with martens, a dagger, sword, pair of brigandines, and all armour for the body of Roger my husband. To Katherine Brome 40s.; and the Nuns of Sheppey to pray for my soul and parents 40s.; to Dom. William Wynchepe, monk of Christ Church, Canterbury, 20s.; Benedict Pawcherst 20s. and a kirtle of murrey, pair of blankets and sheets, and a coverlet; Alice Septvans have all the fine linen (flammeole) called paris kerehieffs. Thomas Symson my godson have 20s. yearly for seven years. To the White Priars at Sandwich 20s. To Ash church a chalice, and a cloak of red damask for a vestment to be made for the high altar. Thomas Derwent and his wife Margerie have a pair of blankets and sheets, a coverlet, and 20s. Ex'ors: John Norreyes of Ash and John Westcliff* of Sandwich * Mayor of Sandwich, 1464-5. 60 ASH WILLS. have residue of goods after paying debts, etc., to dispose in works of charity. Probate 4 November 1457. (Con. Vol. IL, fol. 103.) JOHN COOK. 18 January 1487. Buried in the church yard of St. Nicholas. High altar 12d. Sons Robert, Roger, Thomas and daughter Agnes each have six ewes. That two loads of gravel be placed at Pownfee sole [pond], also two loads near Boundys where most necessary. Wife Isabella have all goods during her life, then to my children, except two acres of land at Nelle Wey be sold, and money in alms for my soul. Residue after paying debts, etc., to wife Isabella and Thomas Sentnicholas my Ex'ors. [No probate date.] (W., fol. 86.) THOMAS COK. 10 Sept. 1516. Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas. High altar 12c?. Son Robert, when he is seventeen years of age, have 8 ewes. Daughter Alice, at her marriage or when 18 years old, have a cow. Elyn Johnson, 4 ewes. Ex'ors: Wife Parnell and John Paygh. Witnesses : William Ford, Stephen Saverey, Probate 28 Sept. 1516. (W., fol. 134.) ROBERT COKKE. 27 January 1535-6. Buried in the churchyard of St. Nicholas. High altar 8d., and the High Cross Light a bushel of barley. That son Stephen have certain implements (sic) that belong to my house as tables, forms, a cupbord, certain chests, the cart, court (sic) and plough, harrows, with the harness thereto and my best horse. Ex'or: wife Isabella, and have the residue of moveables. My wife, if she keep a widow, have my lands, houses and tenements until my son Stephen marry, then to him, but if he die without issue, then to my daughters. Witnesses : Sir Edward Swynbanke, priest, Nicholas Soly. Probate 15 March 1536-7. (W., fol. 202.) WILLIAM COLLARD. 3 November 1479. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 12d., and to the reparation of the church 16^. To the Light called Bardingstrete* iu the church a bushel of barley. Margery, my * Barding or Bereling street is some distance north of the ohuroh.—Corner of Kent, p. 142. ASH WILLS. 61 mother, have 20s. and 12 ewes; wife Joan six ewes, a cow and two calves: Isabella, my sister, a cow. To Roger, son of Thomas Collard of Preston, one ewe. Wife Joan have one low room (bassa camera) on the north side of my tenement, with free coming and going during her life, after her death all to Thomas and John Collard, my Ex'ors. Probate 21 Dec. 1479. (W., fol. 69.) JOHN COLLARD. 20 April 1483. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 6s. 8d. ; and to the maintenance of the Light of Blessed Mary of Pity £4. To repair the bad road at Weryshawthorne* 3s. id. Daughters Cristine and Joan each have 5 marcs at their marriage. To a priest to sing for my soul, William Collard, my brother, etc., 10 marcs. Ex'or: Wife Cecilie, and have the residue. Two acres of arable land in the parish of Preston in Chekerfield next Sawynton to be sold by Thomas Collard, my feoffee, and money to pay debts, etc. Wife have for her life all my lands and tenements, then to Cristine and Joan, my daughters equally, and their heirs, but if none to William, son of Richard Collard, my brother. Probate 14 July 1483. (W., fol. 77.) RICHARD COOKE. 10 January 1535-6. Buried in the churchyard beside my aunt Sowthowsand. High altar 2s.; and to all the Lights that hath a stock of corn 2d. each. Residue of goods to wife Elisabeth my ex'or. Wife have a messuage that my mother in law dwelleth in with 8 acres of land, the land called Teldens, and the land called Lokefeld, during her life. Also 15 acres of land and woodland in Bethersden, paying to John Cooke my brother of Smarden £12. Wife Elisabeth to sell my part of the laud called Whetefeld to Nicholas Cooke of Wye. After the death of my wife, that son William have all my lands in Smarden, if my brother John will not receive the £12. The land called Teldens, after the death of my wife, to John Ricard, and to John Michell the land called Lokefield. That William Michell my son pay £5 to each of my daughters, Agnes and Joan. Witnesses : William Synkley, William Kenton, Nicholas Pleusse, Andrew Snoddowne. Probate 24 May 1536. (W., fol. 201.) * Archbishop Warham on 1 July 1523 leased to Eobert Toke for 15 years the Manor of Wingham Barton in Ash parish, with all arable lands, marshes, pastures, and grazing in divers fields, among them being " the field oalled Warehawtborne,"—Register T, fol. 217, Cathedral Library. 62 ASH WILLS. JOHN COPPAR. 31 August 1483. Buried in the churchyard. High altar Qd. Daughters Elianore and Alice have all household things, and 20s. from Robert and Thomas my sons. Feoffees: William Paramor and John Neme. Son Robert have my chief messuage at Nelle with its lands; son Thomas my messuage at Nelle with one acre and half of land; son Stephen have two tenements in the village of Ash. Probate 18 Sept. 1483. (W., fol. 77.) THOMAS COPPEB. . . . . 1517. Buried in the churchyard. High altar 6d. Son John have my best gown, a bonett and 6s. 8d. Agnes and Constance Copper each have a brass pot and 3s. id. John Copper have a cupboard, table, pair of quernes, after the death of my wife. Ex'ors : Wife Cecilie and Lambert Sawner. Wife have a house at Nelle for her life, then to son John, but if he die without heirs then, at the death of my wife, to all my children alive. The house in Ash street to be sold to pay debts, etc. Witnesses: Thomas Alisbery aud Thomas Copper. Probate 23 Oct. 1517. (W., fol. 145.)


Churchwardens' Accounts of the Parish of St Andrew, Canterbury, 1483 to 1625:- Part III., 1524-1557


The Lepers' Hospital at Swainstrey