Churchwardens' Accounts of the Parish of St Andrew, Canterbury, 1483 to 1625:- Part III., 1524-1557
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Churchwardens' Accounts of the Parish of St Andrew, Canterbury, 1483 to 1625:- Part III., 1524-1557
^wftawtojjia (Cantiana. CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS OF THE PARISH OF ST. ANDREW, CANTERBURY, FROM A.D. 1485 TO A.D. 1625. BY CHARLES COTTON, P.B.C.P.E., M.K.C.S. ENG. PAET III. 1524—1557. Fol. 96 ro. [1524-5, Henry VIII.] Thaccompt of Thomas a Goore and Jamys Vydean, wardens of the parysshe churche of Seint Andrewes thappostell in Caunterbury ffrom the ffeste of Seint Mighell tharchaungell in the xv"' yere of the reign of Kyng Henry the viii"1 unto the feste of Seint Mighell tharchaungell then next ensuyng in the xvi"' yere of the foreseid Kyng by the space of oon hoole yere. Arreragies. ffyrst, the seid wardens charge theymself w' certeyn money receyved of Thomas G-yllam late warden due unto the seid churche as apperyth in the ffoote of his accompt. Summa va. Itm. receyved also of the same Thomas Gyllam accordyng to the ffoote of his accompt. a broken chalys of sylver weyeng xv uncs and iij quarters of an unce. Summa patet. ffarinys. It. the seide wardens yeld accompt for the ffarme of vii acres of lande lyeng beside Seint Laurence letto ffarme unto Jamys Colman he the yere for xs. . It. rec' of Thomas ffrensshe for ffarme of a stabyll w* a gardeyn in Pyllory Lane for thys yere vi* viii"1. Itm. rec' of Thomas Oxenbregge for fferme of a lytell tenement in Pyllory Lane and for fferme of a stabyll in the same lane for this yere v3 iiijd» vol.. xxxiv. B 2 CHURCHWARDENS* ACCOUNTS I t . Eeceyved of Devell's wydowe for fferme of a gardeyn in Seint Pauls parysshe for this yere xu<]- I t . rec' of John Gybbys for the fferme of a gardeyn in the parysshe of Seint Pauls for the yere " j " ui;r;a I t . rec' of Coppleys wydowe of Sandwyche for the fferme of a gardeyn in Sandwyche by yere vi8 viijd. Pol. 96 vo. I t . receyved of Betaummys wyf for fferme of a gardeyn annexed unto her house whiche sometyme was Wiftm Eoosys beyng in the parysshe of Seinfc Elpheys in Caunterbury for oon yere ij s viijd . I t . receyved of the same Betuammys wyfe for fferme of the same gardeyn of arreragies beyng behynde iijs iiiid. I t . rec' of Eeynold Gate for fferme of a stabyll in Pyllory Lane for this yere < ij 3 viiia. Summa xlia viiia. I t . rec' of John Lomeherst the younger for rent of his ij tenements in the parry she of Our Lady of Northgate for this oon yere vs. Eentys. It. rec' of Petur Pembyll for rent of ij tenements in Northgate whiche late were John Eaynolds and Henry Grenys thon of theym by yere viid on and the other by yere xiiii* Summa xxia ob. I t . rec' of Thomas Cooke for rent of a tenement in Northgate som tyme Wiilm Kendalls by yere xxd. I t : rec1 of the susters of seint Lawrence for rent of ffenkylls house by the yere id. Summa viii8 vid ob. Obyte. It. receyved of Mr. Alcock, Chamberleyn of Caunterbury, for the obyte of Wiftm Benett for this yere xs. • Summa patet. Casuall receyts. It. receyved on Seint Andrews day in money gadered by skocheons the same clay ix8 iiiid ob. . I t . rec' of the Brothern of the crosse lyghts and of pascall money at Easter xxii]'8. Pol. 97 ro. I t . receyved in money gadered by the paryshons om hockmunday and tewysday as well by the men as by the women xxi8 viiid. Summa liiii8 ob. OF ST. ANB-REw's, CANTERBURY. 3 Waste of Torchis and Mortuaryes. It. receyved of Wiftm Squyer for waste of ij torchis iiijd. It. of Antony ffourme for waste of ij torchis iiijd. It. rec' for the waste of the mortuaryes for John Gylnott att his buryeng viiid. It. rec' for the waste of vi torchis for the same John Gylnott xiid . It. rec' for the waste of the mortuaryes for Jamys Prowde att his buryeng viii*1. It. for the waste of vii torchis for the same Jamys xiiii'1. It. for the waste of the mortuaryes for the seid Jamys Prowde att his monethys day viiid. It. rec' for the waste of the mortuaryes for Laurence wydowe viiid . It. for the waste of vi torchis for the same wyddowe xiid. It. for waste of the mortuaryes for Laurence wydowe at her monethys mynde viiid. It. rec' of Hobbys for the waste of iiij torchis viiid. It. rec' for the waste of vi torchis at the buryeng of Huett's wife xiid. It. rec' of Edward Carpenter for the waste of ij torchis iiij4. It. rec' of Eeynold Gate for waste of ij torchis iiijd. It. rec' of *Paule Eytchemond for waste of vii torchis xiiiid. It. rec' of Edward Carpenter for the waste of iiij torchis viiid . It. rec' of Jone a Tent for the waste of ij torchis iiijd. It. of Wiftm Kelsey for waste of ij torchis iiijd. It. of Mr. Alcock for the waste of the mortuaryes for Mr. Goddard's doughter viii'1. It. rec' of hym for waste of vi torchys for the same chyld xiid . It. rec' for the waste of the mortuaryes for M(estres) Swannys obyte • viiid. Summa xiiii3 iiiid. Pol. 97 vo. Bequethis. It. rec' of the bequethe of Jamys Prowde unto the crosse lyght viiid. It. rec' of the bequethe of Dorothy Lawrence unto the crosse lyght vid. * Paule Rytchemond lived in Pikenot Lane, formerly extending from the north wall of St. Margaret's Church Behind the Pish Market, and opening into the High Street hetween the Bank and the house next towards the west, long closed at its upper end. It is now called Stain's Place, and the name Pikenot was derived from a family of that name, one of whom, John Pikenot, was a monk of Christ Church in 1226, and was the huilder of the f rater on the north Mde of the Great Cloister, part of whose early English work still remains. B a 4 CHURCHWARDENS* ACCOUNTS It. rec' of the gyft of my lorde Cursor for lenyng of a vestement and a chalys for his preste to syng w* all xiid. It. rec' oi the bequethe of Dorothy Lawrence for iiij awlterrs in the churche, iiij awlter clothys Summa ij8 ijd . Brokyn Sylvyr. It. the seide accomptaunts charge theymself wl halff an unce of sylver parcell of the brokyn chalys by reason that the olde chalys weyed xv uncs and j quarter, and nowe the newe weyeth butt xv uncs Summa after the rate of iiij3 iiijd the unce xxd. Summa patet. Summa of all the hole Eeceyts, ffarmys, Eents, wast of Tapers, Torchys, Arrerags, Obetts, Bequethys and Gyfts vi11 xviis vd. Whereof:— Obytes The seid accomptaunts aske to be allowed ffirst paied for for the obyte of Edmunde Mynott ij8. It. for the obyte of Wiftm Benett xs. It. for the obyte of Mestres Swannys vii3 viid. It. for the obyte of Eobert Boone ij8 viiid. Summa xxii3 iijd. Pol. 98 ro. Skocheons and pynnys. Itm. paied for iiij gold skynnes papers for to make the skocheons w4 iiijd. Itm. paied for makyng cc. & di. c. skocheons prece xvid. Itm. paied for pynnys id. Summa xxid. Seynt Andrew's lyght. Itm. paied to Thomas Calowe for the strykyng of Seint Andrew's lyght weyeng in the hoole xiiii lb. and an half. Whereof in olde wex viii lb. prece le lb. strykyng ob summa iiijd, and in newe wex vi lb. and a half prece w' the strykyng iiij8 ixd Summa of the hoole lyght vs iijd. Summa patet. Oyle. Itm. paied to Antony Knyght for oyle for the lampe for the hole yere in gross viii8 xd. Summa patet. Kepyng of the clock. Itm. paied to John Copyn for kepyng of the clock for the hoole yere for his wags as is in other yers vi" viiid. OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 5 Summa patet. Newe torchis. Itm. paied to Wiftm Marteyn for ij newe torchis weyeng xxviii lb. prece le lb. iijd ob. Summa viii3 ijd Summa patet. Wasshyng. Itm. paied to Hunts wyfe for wasshyng of the surplesses, awterclothis, and other necessaryes for the Churche this hole yere iij3. Summa patet iii8. Pol. 98 vo. The lampe tapers. Itm. paied for iij halff lb. tapers for tho lampe ayenst Alhalowyn havyng in newe wex 1 lb. and j quarter \vl the strykyng xiiid ob. Itm. i'or iij half lb. tapers for the lampe ayenst Cristemas newe wex aud strykyng xiii" ob. Itm. for iij lb. and a half lb. of wex for the lampe tapers ayenst Candylmas and our lady the annunciacon prece w' the strykyng ijs vid. It. paied for iij half lb. tapers for the lampe ayenst Whitsontyde xii'1 It. for iij lb. of newe wex for the lampe tapers at ij tymes paied to Thomas Callow prece ij8 j d ob. It. for iij half lb. tapers for the lampe bought of Kachercll wexchaundeler prece xiid It. paied to the same Kacherell for renewyng of the lampe tapers att a nother tyme iij". Summa x8 j d ob. The crosse lyght, pascall and ffonte tapers. Itm. paied to Thomas Calowe for strykyng of the crosse lyght weyeng in the hoole xl lb. and di. ib. whereof iu olde wex xxvii lb. iij quarters, and in newe wex xii lb. iij quarters, prece le lb. w' the strykyng viiid ob. Summa of the hoole lyght x3 ijd quad. It. paied for strykyng of the pascall and the ffonte taper weyeng in the hoole xxviii" lb. and di. quarter. Whereof in the olde stock xxv lb. and in newe wex iij lb. di. quarter prece le lb. w* the strykyng viiid ob. Summa of the hoole lyght iij3 iijd ob. Summa xiiis vd ob. quad. Pol. 99 ro. Evydence makyng and expensis about lernyd couusell. It. paied to John Gybbys for ij newe deds makyng and ij letterrs of 6 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS attorney for the lande belongyng unto the churche of Seint Andrews xxiid. It. paied to the Towne Clerk of Sandwyche for making of a relesse of the gardeyn in Sandwyche and for sealyng of the same of all suche ryght as he claymed in the same iiij'1. It. paied to Thomas Scott, Mr. Christofer Hal's servaunte, for his payne, labour, and councell in the seide mater betwene the Towne Clerk and us for the same gardeyn ij3. It. paied in expensis there amongs the company that went thyther xxii'1. It. paied for a quarte of wyne gevyn to the ffenkylls when the relesse of the lands was gevyn iijd. It. for a byll makyng of complaynts to be layed in at the vysytacon iijd. Summa vi8 vid. Eeparacons of the tenements. It. paied for tymber for the reparacons of the wall of the gardeyn att Seint Elpheys xvi'1 . It. paied to ij Carpenterrs mendying of the same wall mete and drynke xiiiid. It. paied to Jolin Bryght, Tylar for *guysborde, fsprockett, tymber, tyle, lome, lyme, sand and workmanshyjip of the same wall in gross ij8 vid. It. paied for repara£Sns doon in oon of the stabylls in Pyllory Lane ffirst for planks xxiid. It. for Jgyests for the same stabyll viii4. It. for a carpenters wags layeng the same planks and Jgiests xiid . Summa viii3 vid. Pol. 99 vo. Necessaryes. in the churche. ffirst, payed to Wiftm Kelsy for §stallyng of ij crestylls for the herse ijd. It. payntyng of the clothe hanging before the roode iij8. It. payed for ||lyer for the same clothe ij'1. It. payed for halowyng of an awlter clothe ijd. It. payed for i quarte of wyne for thepryksong syngarrs on crvstemasse day in the mornyng iiij'1. * A board to secure or steady anythiny. N.E.D. 101C. t A projecting piece often put on at the bottom or foot of a rafter to throw the water off. Diet. Kentish Dialect, p, 150, % Joists. § Stale, to put stales or rungs into a ladder. Diet. Kentish Dialect, 1888. || Tapo, binding for Iho edges of a fabriult, N.E.I). 1905. OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 7 It. payed for i quarte of wyne for the syngarrs on Easter time iiijd. It. payed for skowryng of the *bolls in the Eoodeloft and the candylstykks ayenst Easter iijd. It. payed to ij men watchyng the sepulture and for coolys viii'1 . It. payed to Eobert Lawrence for ij pewe dorys makyng iij3. It. payed to Danyell Potyar for iiij fcharnells and for nayls for the seide pewe doorys ijs vd. It. payed to Eobert Lawrence for makyng of a newe beere ij3 . Summa xiis vi'1. The chalyce makynge. It. payed to Mr. Alcock for makyng newe of the brokyn chalyce viii3 iiii'1. Summa patet. Summa of all the solucons, allocacons, reparacons and payments v1' xv3 iiijd quad. And soo the seid accomptaunts owe xxii3 ob quad. Pol. 100 ro. [1525] Whereof the seid accomptaunts aske to be allowyd for wrytyng and drawyng of thys accompt xiid. And soo the seid accomptaunts owytli clerely all thyngs allowed uppon thys there accompt determynyd the xviii"1 day of June in the yere of our lord god M.D. xxv" xxi3 ob. quad. And a newe chales fforthw' iiij awlter clothys of the gyft of Dorothy Lawrence as is before in this accompt expressyd, whiche money, chales, and awlter clothes the same accomptaunts hath delyvered the day and yere before wryten unto Jamys Vydean nowe remaynyng warden in the presence of Doctor Cocks, curate. Md. also thai the foreseid accomptaunte hathe delyvered unto the foreseid Jamys Vydean suche goods as the foreseid Dorothye Laurance bequethed unto thuse of the powr women beryng children dwellyng w'in the precynte of the parysshe to be in tho custody of the wardens for the time beyng accordyng unto her testament, that is to say, iij shets and ij pyllows w' coots callyd Jpyllebyre coots, etc. Pol. 100 vo. [1525-26, Henry Y I IL] Thaccompt of Symon Videan and Wiftm Tewkysbury wardens of the parysshe churche of seint Andrewe * Bowls. t Hinges. $ Pillow oases. N.E.D, 1905. 8 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS thappostell in Caunterbury from the feste of Seint Mighell tharchaungell in the xvi"' yere of the reign of Kyng Henry the viii"1 unto the feste of seint mighell tharchaungell then next ensuying in the xvii"' yere of the foreseid Kyng by the space of oon hoole yere. Arreragies. ffyrst the seid wardens charge theym self w* certeyn money receyved of Thomas a Goore late warden due unto the seid church as apparyth in the ffoote of hys accompt Summa xxj8 id, Summa patet. Itm. the seid wardens yeld accompt for the ffarme of a stabyll in Pillory Lane letto fferme to Jamys Vydean for oon yere ij8 viiid. It. for the ffarme of a nother stabyll in Pyllory Lane letto ffarme to Eeynold Gate by yere ij3 viiid. ffarmys. It. receyved of Thomas ffrensshe for the ffarme of a stabyll and a gardeyn in Pyllory Lane vi3 viiid. It. of Thomas Oxinbregge for ffarme of a stabyll in Pyllory Lane this yere ij3 viii4. It. of Jamys Colman for the ffarme of vij acres of lande lyeng besides Seint Lawrence thys yere x8. Itm, of Coppleys wydowe of Sandwyche for fferme of a gardeyn in Sandwyche by yere vi8 viiid. Pol. 101 ro. It. recevyed of John Gybbes for ffarme of a gardeyn in *Chauntery Lane in Seint Pauls parysshe iij8 iiijd. It. of Betuammys wyfe i'or fferme of a gardeyn in Seint Elpheys parysshe 0 ij3 viijd. It. of Devells wydowe for ffarme of a gardeyn in Seint Pauls parysshe xiid. Summa of the ffarmys xxxviii3 iiijd. It. receyved of John Loneherst for rent of ii tenements in Northgate parysshe for thys yere v'1. It. of Wiftni Kendalls wydowe for the Eent of a tenement in the seid parysshe of Northgate xxd. Eentys. It. of Petur Pembyll for the rent of ij houses in the Parysshe of Northgate oon beyng a corner house paieng by yere vijd ob. and the other house late beyng Henry Greenys * This is the first lime this name occurs in this volume. OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 9 and lyeth nexte adjoynyng unto the foreseid corner house and renryth by yere xiiiid. Summa of bothe houses xxid ob. It, of the susters of Seint Laurence for the rent of ffenkyll's house unto the lampe lyght for oon yere id. Summa viii3 vid ob. Obyte. Itm. receyved of Maister Eobert Lewys, Alderman and Chamberlayn of Caunterbury, for the obytte of Wiftm Benett for thys yere s3. Pol. 101 vo. Summa patet. Casuall receyts. Itm. receyved on Seint Andrews day gadered by skocheons the same day vii8 vi'1 ob. It. receyved of the Brothern of the crosse lyght and in pascall money att Easter xxii3 viid ob. It. receyved in money gadered by the parysshons on hokmunday and tuysday aswell by men as by women xxvii8 ijd ob. It. receyved the wedenysday after hokmunday of the Bocherrs and Eyppars xviid ob. It. receyved of Thomas Goore for waste of iiij torchys for Thomas Swans viiid. It. of Thomas Percy for waste of ij torchys iiijd. It. of Symon Carders wydow for vi torchys xiid. It. of her for the waste of the mortuary tapers at ij tymes xvid . It. of Mr. Eutland for the waste of vi torchys for hys wyfe xii'1 . It. of hym for the waste of the mortuaryes viiid. It. of Thomas a Goore for waste of iiii torchys for hys ffather iiijd. It. of Wiftm Tewkysbery for vi torchys for hys wyfe xii''. It. for the waste of the mortuaryes for her viiid. It. of Jamys Prowds wydowe for the waste of the mortuaryes for his yers mynde viiid. It. of Thomas Gyllam for ij torchys for hys chyld iiijd. It. of Jerom Oxinbregg for viii torchys for his wyf xvjd. It. of hym for the mortuaryes for ii tymes xvid. It. of John Burges for ij torchys for his chyld iiijd. It. of Danyell Potter for ij torchys for hys chyld iiijd. Pol. 102 ro, It. receyved of John ffysshe for the mortuary tapers for hys ffathers mynde viiid. ] 0 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS It. of Thomas Gyllam for ij torchys for oon other of hys chyldren iii}d. Summa Ixxj8 ijd. Torche ends sold. Itm. receyved for iij ends of torches sold by the seid warden iij8. Summa patet. Summa of all the hoole Eeceyts, ffarmys, Eents, waste of Tapers and Torchys, arrerag and obetts vij" xij8 id ob. Whereof:— Obetts. The seid accomptaunts askyth to be allowed paied for the obytt of Edmond Mynott ij8. It. for the obyte of Wiftm Benett x8. It. for the obyte of Eobert Bone ij3 viiid. It. for the obyte of M(estres) Swannys vii8 iiid. Summa xxi8 xid. The mortuary tapers. It. paied for strykyng of the mortuary tapers weyeng in the hoole xii lb. whereof in olde wex vi lb. and a half and in new wex v lb. and a half, prece of the hoole w' the strykyng iij8 viiid. Summa iij8 viii4. Pol. 102 vo. A new taper bought. It. paied for a lb. taper to stonde uppon the herse for M. Eutlands by reason oon of the mortuary tapers was att that same tyme brokyn viiid. Summa patet. Seint Andrews lyght. It. paied to Kacherell for the makyng of seint Andrews "lyght, weyeng in the hoole xiiii lb. and iii quarters whereof in new wex vi lb. and iij quarters prece le lb. strykyn viid Summa iiij3 vid. Summa iiij3 vid. The Lampe tapers. It. paied for x lb. and an half of new wex bought thys same yere to renewe the lampe tapers vii tymes prece le lb. strykyng viii4 Summa vii3. Summa vii3. The crosse lyght. It. paied to Kacherell for strykyng of the crosse lyght weyeng in the hole xl lb. iij quarters and ij uncs whereof in ollde wex xxvii lb. iij quarters prece le lb. strykyng ob. and in new wex xiii lb. ij uncs prece le lb. strykyng viii4 Summa ix3 xid. Summa ix3 xid. OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 11 Pascall and ffonte taper. Itm. paied to Kacherell for strykyng of the pascall and ffonte taper weyeng in the hole xxxii lb. whereof in olde wex in the olde stock and wl thends of the lamp tapers and also wl the lb. taper bought for M. Eutlands herse as is expressyd in the charge prece le lb. strykyng ob. xiiiid and in newe wex iiij lb. prece le lb. strykyng viii'1, ij3 viii4 Summa of the hole lyght iij8 xd. Summa iii8 xd. Pol. 103 ro. Skocheons and pynnys. It. paied for iiii gold shets of paper to make the skocheons ayenst seint Andrews Day, and for makyng of the same skocheons ayenst Seint Andrewes Day and for pynnys Summa in the hole xxd. Summa xxd. Newe torchys. It. paied for iiii newe torchys weyeng in the hoole lxi lb. prece le lb. iijd ob. Summa xvii8 ixd ob. It. paied for ij newe torchys bought for the Churche att a nother tyme weyeng in the hoole xxxii lb. prece le lb. iijd ob Summa ix3 iii4. Summa of the hoole torchys xxvii8 ob. Oyle for the lampe. It. paied to Antony Knyght for oyle for the lampe for the hoole yere as by a Tayle thereof made playnly shewyth to the summa of xii3 Summa xii8. Kepyng of the clock. Itm. paied to John Copyn for kepyng of the clock for the hole yere for hys stypende as is accustomed in yeres before vj3 viii4. Summa vi3 viii4. Newe surplessys. It. paied for xiiii ells of clothe to make ij new surplysses prece le ell vii4 Summa viii8 ijd. It. paied for the makyng of the same ij surplessys ij3. Summa Wasshyng. It. paied for wasshyng and mendyng of awlter clothys, surplessys and other ornaments of the churche thys yere iij8. Summa iijs. Pol. 103 vo. Eeparacons of the tenements. It. paied for certeyn reparacons made and don in the tenements in Pyllory Lane thys yere as apperyth particularly iu the same tenements viii3 ix4 ob. Summa viii3 ix4 obs. 1 2 CHUR CHWARDENS ' ACCOUNTS Casuall Eeparacons. ffirst, for a new key and for mendyng of the lock of the storehouse dore iij'1. It. for beryng oute of the dust oute of the churche ob. It. paied for a baskett to here oute the seide dusst ij4. It. paied for scowryng of iiii graate candylstykks vid. It. paied for mendyng of the candylstykks iiii4. It. paied for a new roope for the wakerell jd ob. It. paied for mendyng of the sylver sensour iij4. It. for ij hooks for our lady awlter ij4. It. paied to jj men for watchyng of the sepulture viii'1. It. in brede and drynk ij 4 ob. It. ij bushells of cools ijd. It. paied for mendyng of the seets id ob. It. paied for mendyng of the laton sensor vid. It. paied for a lb. of ffrankencense iiij4. It. paied for mendyng of the clock ij4. It. paied for a newe *cass for oon of the chalys iij4. Summa iiii3 iii4. Summa of all Solucons, Eeparacons, Allocacons and payments vjli. v3 j d . Pol. 104 ro. And so they owe xxvii8 iiij4 ob. Whereof they aske to be allowed paied for drawyng of thys accompt xiid. And so the seid accomptaunts owe clerely uppon thys there accompt determyned the x11' day of Auguste in the yere of [10 Aug. 1526.] our lorde god M.D. XXVI xxvi8 iiii'1 ob. Whiche xxvi3 iiii4 ob the foreseid Jamys Vydean hathe delyvered and paied unto John ffysshe in the presence of Mr. Alcock then beyng Mayor, Mr. Thomas ffooks, Mr. Eobert Lewys, John Burges, Shereff, Paule Eytchemond, Antony Knyght, Thomas Goore, John Copyn, John ffysshe, John Elys & others. Et equat. Fol. 104 vo. [ 1526-27, Henry VIII. ] The aceompte off John Fysche warden of the parryshe churche of seynt andrewys yn Cawntonburye ffrome the feste of sayut michaille tharchangelle yn the 17 yere * Case, OP ST. ANDREW^, CANTERBURY. 13 off the raynge of Kynge henry the viii"1 unto the feste of saynt mychaelle tharchangelle next ensuyng yn the 18 yere off the foresayde Kyng by the space off one holle yere. Arreragys. ffyrst the sayd wardens charge themselsse wl certayn monys reCevyd of Symon Vydean late wardayne dew unto the sayd churche as yt apperythe yn the fote off his aceompte. Summa xxvi8 iiii4 ob. Summa patet. ffarmys. Itm. the seyd wardens yeld accompt for the farme of a stable yn Pyllorye Lane w' a gardyn let to farme to Thomas ffrenche by the yere vj8 viii4. It. for the farme of a howse yn the sayd Lane let to farm© to Jamys Vydean by the yere ij8 viii4. It. recevyd of Thomas Oxenbrege for the farme of a stable yn the sayd Lane by the yere ij3 viii4. It. for the farme of a stable yn the sayd Lane let to Eaynold Gat by the yere ij3 viii'1. It. recevyd of John Ellys for the farme of a garden yn Chauntreye Lane yn the paryshe of saynt Powlls by the yere iij8 iiij4. It. recevyd of Devell's wedow for farme of a gardyn yn the paryshe of seynt Powlls by the yere xii4. It. recevyd of Bettuamys wedow for farme of a garden yn Saynt Elphes paryshe by the yere ij3 viii'1. Pol. 105 ro. It. recevyd of Jamys Colman for the farme of certayne lands caullyd vii acres lyeng besydes Saynt Laurence by the yere x3. It. the sayd wardens charge them selffe wythe the farme of a garden yn Sandwyche let to farme to John Salmon vjs viiid. Summa of the farmys xxxviii8 iiii4. It. the sayd wardens yeld acompt recevyd of the wedow of John Lomherste for rent of ij tenements yn the paryshe off nor the gat for thys yere vs. It. recevyd of the wedow of Wyftm Kendalls for the rent of atenemen't yn the sayd paryshe of Northgat by the yere now yn the honds of Wyftm Par grave xxd. It. of Petur Pemble for the rent of ij tenements yn the paryshe [of North] gat(e) one beyng a corner howse paying be the yere viid ob. and the other tenement late beyng Henrye Greens 1 4 CHURCHWARDENS* ACCOUNTS and lyethe next adgoynyng unto the foresayd corner howse and rentythe by the yere xiiii4. Summa xxi4 ob. It. recevyd of the systers of Saynt Laurence for the rent of Penckles howse unto the lamp lyght for thys yere i'1. Summa viiis vi4 ob. Obyte. It. recevyd of Mr. Eobert Lewys Alderman and Chamberlayne of the Cytte of Cawntorburrye for obyte of Wyllm. Bennet for this yere x3. Summa j>atet. A benevolence. It. recevyd of dyvers paryshehons of tlieyr benevolence towards the makyng of anew vane for the stcple xvid . Pol. 105 vo. Summa patet. Casualle rents, ffyrste recevyd uppon saynt Andrewys daye gaderyd by stochens vii8 vii'1. It. recevyd of the brethern of the crosse lyght and in pascalle monye at Easter xviii3. It. in monye gaderyd by the parysheons on hocke mundaye and tewysday as well bye men as bye wemen xvii8 ix4. It. recevyd of Master Eutland for the wast of the mortuarye tapers viii4. It. of Symon Canders wedow for the waste of tho mortuarye tapers viii'1. It. recevyd of Stepheu Vyllers wedow for the wast of the mortuarye tapers viii4. It. for the waste of the mortuarye tapers at John fyshes fathers myend viii4. It. recevyd of Mr. Eutland for the wast of fowre torches viii4 . It. recevyd of Thomas Goere for the wast of vj torches xii4. It. of the wedow of Stephen Vyllowre for the wast of vj torches xii4. It. of Eoberd Lerwyke for ij torches wast iiij4. It. of John Hobbys for ij torches wast iiij4. It. of John Bowrges for ij torches wast iiij4. It. of Thomas Wainflet for iiij torches wast viij4. It. the wast of the mortuary tapers for M(estres) Swannys obytte viii4. Summa li8. A bequethe. It. recevyd of tho bequotho of Steplion Vyllowre unto the crosse lyght xiid. OP ST. ANDREW^, CANTERBURY. 15 Summa ut patet. Summa, of all the holle receyts, farmys, rents, waste of tapers and torches, arrerags and obbytts vi11 xvi3. viid. Whereof:— Pol. 106 ro. Obyts. The sayde accomptaunte askythe to be allowyd payd for the obyt of Edmund Mynott ij3. It. payd for the obyt of Wyllm Bennet x3. It. for the obyt of Eobert Boone ij8 viii'1. It. for the obytt of Mastres Swannys vii3 vii4. Summa xxij3 iij'1. Mortuary tapers. It. payde for the stryckyng of the mortuary tapers wayng yn the hole xij li. whereof yn old waxe viij li. prece le lb. stryckyng ob, summa iiij'1; and in new wax iiij li. prece le lb. w* stryckyng vijd, summa ij3 iiij4. Summa of the mortuaryes ijs viiid. Summa ij3. viiid. Saynt Andrews lyght. It. payde to Kacherelle waxchaundler for stryckyng of Saynt Andrews lyght wayng yn the hole xiiii li. and i quarter, whereof yn olde waxe ix li. and a half prece the li. stryckyng ob., summa iiij4 ob. quad.; and yn new waxe iiij lb. iij [quarters] prece le lb. w' stryckyng vii4 , summa ij8 ixd quad. Summa of the hole lyght iij3 ij'1. Summa iij3 ijd. The crosse lyght. It. payde to the foresayd Kacherelle for stryckyng uf the crosse lyght wayng yn the hole xxxix lb. whereof yn old waxe xxvi lb. iij quarters, prece le lb. stryckyng ob, summa xiiiid; and yn new waxe xii lb. and halffe, prece le lb. stryckyng vii4. Summa viii3 v4 ob. Summa of the hole lyght viii8 v4 ob. Pascalle and font tapers. It. payde to Kacherelle for stryckyng of ye pascalle and the font tapers wayng yn the hole xxxii lb. whereof yn olde waxe xx\ii lb. iij quarters, prece le lb. stryckyng ob., xiiii'1; and in new waxe iiij lb. j quarter, prece le lb. w' the stryckyng viid, summa ij3 v4 ob quad. Summa of the hole lyght iij8 viid ob quad. Summa iij8 vij'1 ob. quad. '^ol 106 vo. Tho lamp tapers. It. payd for the stryckyng iij lb. of old waxe beyng "the stocke of the lamp tapers at tymys i4 ob. and for 1 6 CHURCHWARDENS* ACCOUNTS xii lb. of new waxe bought to renew the sayd lamp tapers ix tymys yn the sayd yere that ys to saye ayenst All hallowen, saynt Andrew, Crystmas, Saynt John Baptest, Saint Jamys and Saynt Barttelmew, prece le lb. wl the stryckyng vii4. Summa of the hole lyght vii3 i4. ob. Summa vii8 id ob. Scochens and pynnys. It. payd for iiij *scyetts of gold paper to make the scochens ayenst saynt andrewys daye and for makyng of the same ynto scochens and for pynnys, pryce yn the holle xx4. Summa xx4. Oyle for the lamp. It. payd to Antonye Knyght for xxix quarts of oyle bowght of hym for the hole yere as by atayle thereof made playnly sehew' prece le quart iijd. Summa vij8 iij4. Summa vij3 iij4. Waschyng. Itm. payd for wascheng and mendyng of awlther clothes and other ornamentys of the churche thys yere Summa iij". Summa iij8. Kepyng of the clocke. It. payd to John Coppen for kepyng of the clocke for the hole yere as yn the other yeres before Summa vj5 viii4. Summa vi8 viii4. Pol. 107 ro. New awbys. Itm. payd for x ells of whit clothe for ij awbys to be new made prece le ell vj4 ob Summa v3 v4. It. for makyng of the same awbbys viii4. It. for coleryng and mendyng of ix surplessys ij8 iiij4- Summa viii3 v4. New torchey. Itm. payd to Kacherelle for ij new torches wayng yn the holle xxx lb pryce the pownde iij4 ob. Summa viii3 ixd. Summa viii8 ixd. A new vane. Itm. the sayd wardens aske the alowans payde to the makyng of anew vane for the staple Summa iiij8 ij4. Summa iiij3 ij4. Casuall reparacyons. Itm. payd for abell rope for one of the bells vi4. Itm. for mendying of a seate yn the churche ijd« Itm. payd for makyng of ij deskys for the quyre viii4. * Soyte=sheet,—Murray's New English Diet. OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 17 Itm. payd for tymber to make anew Judas for the pascalle and for makyng of the same viid. Itm. payd for a new keye for the quyre dore iiij4. Itm. payd for gryndyng of the *paryng yeron i4. Itm. payd for wachyng of the sepulcwre and for bred and drynke for the wachers xd. Itm. payd to the clerke for crystmas quarter more than cowd be gadered yn the paryshe to make uppe his wayges viii4 . Itm. for mendyng of the sylver sensowre viii'1. Itm. payde to the clerke to make uppe hys wayges agaynst the anuncyacyon of our lady vj4, verto Pol. 107 vo. It. payd for ij bawdrycks one for the gret bell and other for the wackerelle x4. It. payd for apottell of wyne for a ij tymys for the Quyre men viii'1. It. payd to John pavyowr for pavyng of the gutter agaynste the Kyng's Hed xii4. It. payd to make uppe the clarks waygs agaynst mydsomer more then cowde be gaddryd xd. It. payd for mendyng of the hollywatter yn the Quyre id. It. payd for mendyng of aboke yn the quyre xd. It. payd for mendyng of a stabyl doore yn Pillory Lane iijd. It. payd to make uppe the clarcks wagys mychellraas more then was levyd yn the parishe viiid. It. payd for aracke of one of the stapbylls yn Pyllory Lane viii4 . Summa x3 xd. Allocations. It. the sayd wardens askythe to be alowyd for the farme of a garden yn sandwhiche yn the honds of one . . . . Salmon by reason that he kepythe yt schet and closse and not straynable and the sayde accomptts by no means can come to payment, prece vs viiid. Summa vi8 viiid. Summa of all solucyons, reparacyons and allocacyons ciiij9 viii4 ob quad. Pol. 108 ro. And so the sayd accompts owe xxxi8 xd quad. * Paring-iron for pruning, etc. VOI.. XXXIV. c 18 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Whereof the(y) aske to be allowyd payd for the drawght of thys accompt xii4. And so they ow cleare uppon this aceompte made and delivyd the xxvii day of October yn the yere of oT lord god MDXXVII" yn the presence of Mr. focks, Mr. lewys, John bourges, Thomas frenshe, John Coppen, ffrawncs Eutland, Jamys Vydean, John Alcoke the younger, and so delyveryd to honds of Wyftm Hont, warden xxx3 x4. Pol. 108 vo. [1527-28, Henry VIII.] Thaccom^t of wyllm. Huntt and John Hobbys wardens of the churche of seint Andrew Thappostell in Caunterbery from the fest of seint mygheli tharchaungell in the xviii"1 yere of the Reign of kyng Henry the viiith on to the feste of seint mygheli tharchaungell then nexte ensuyng in the xix"' yere of the foresayd kyng Be the space of oon hoole yere. Arreragies. ffyst the seide wardens charge theymself w4 certeyn money Eeceyved of John fyshe lat warden due unto the seyd churche as apperyth in the foote of hys accompt Summa xxx8 x'1. Summa patet. ffarmys. It. the seyde wardens yeld accompt for the farme of vii acres of lande lyeng beside seint Laurence letto fferme unto Jamys Colman be the yere for x8. It. Eec' of Thomas ffrensshe for ffarme of a stabyll w' a gardeyn in Pyllory Lane for thys yere vi8 viii4. It. Eec' of Jamys Vydean for farme of a stabyl in Pyllory Lane for oon yere ij8 viii4. It. Eec' of Jaram Oxinbregge for farm of a nothur stabyl in Pyllory Lane for oon yere ij8 viii4. It. Eec' of Thomas Oxinbregge for farm of a stabyl in Pillory Lane for oon yere ij8 viii4. Pol. 109 ro. It. Eec' of Hoome of Sandwyche for farme of a gardeyn in Sandwyche by yere vj3 viii4. It. Eec' of John Gybbes for farme of a gardeyn in Chaunterylane in Seint Pauls parysshe iij8 un4. OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 19 It. Eec' of Betunamys wyffe for ferme of a gardeyn in seint elpheys parysshe ij3 viii4. It. Eec' of Devells wydowe for farme of a gardeyn in sint Pauls parysshe xiid. Summa of the ffarmys xxxviii8 iiijd. Eents. It. Eeceved of Hainons wydowe for rent of ij tenements in Northgat Parysshe for thys yere v8. It. Eec' of the barbar wl owte Northgat for rent of a tellement [tenement] in the seide parysshe of Northgat xx'1. It. Eec' of Petur Pembyll for the rent of ij houses in the parisshe of Northegat oon being a corner house paieng by yere viid ob and the other house late beyng Herry Greenys and lyeth nexte adjoynyng un to the foreseid corner house and rentyth by yere xiiiid. Summa of bothe houses xxid ob. It. Eec' of the susters of seint Laurence for the Eent of ffenkylls house un to the lampe lyght for oon yere. i4- Summa viii8 vid ob. Obyte. It. Eeceyved of Maister Eobert Lewys alderman and chamberlayn of caunterbury for the obytte of Wyllm Benett for thys yere x8. Summa patet. Fol. 109 vo. Casuall receyts. It. Eeceyved on seint andrews day in money gadered by skockeons the same day viii3 ixd. ob. It. Eec' of the Brothurn of the Crosselyght and of the Pascall money at Easter xix8 vii4. It. Eec' in money gaderred by the parysshons on hockmunday and tewysday as well by the men as by the women xvii' vid. It. Eec' of Master Dartnowll for wast of vi torchys for heys chyld xiid. It. Eec' of John Gybbys for wast of vi torchys for hys wiyffs dowtter xii4. It. for wast of the mortuaryes for John Gybbys dowtter at the moneths mynde viii4. It. Eec' of Wiftm Huntt for wast of viii torchys for ij of heys chyldurn xvi4. It, Eec' of Master Lewysse, chamberlayn for wast of to [sic] torchys for heys chylde iiii4. It. Eec' for John a tent for wast of xii torchys at heys bereing ij8 . c 2 20 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS It. Eec' for wast of the mortuaryes tapers at ij tymes for the forseyd John xvi4. I t . Eec' of John Jansun for wast of ij torchys for hys chyld iiij4 . It. Eec' for the wast oon torche for a power man that deyd in the street ijd. It. Eec' of John fysshe for the mortuary tapers for heys ffathers mynde viii4. Summa Iiiij8 viiid ob. Pol. 110 ro. Bequethis. Itm. Eeceyved of the bequethe of John a tent unto the crosse lyght iiij4. Itm. Eec' of the bequethe of my lord finnys, to the church of sint andrew a vessment of Eeed damaske all thy'ng cordyng therto. Itm. Eec' of the Bequethe of Barcullmew of Lundun to the same churche a torche. Summa patet. Summa of all the hole Eeceyts, ffarmys, Eents, wast of tapers, torchys, arrerage, obetts, Bequethys and Gyfts vii li. ij3 ix4. whereof:— Obytes. The seide accomptaunts aske to be allowed first paied for the obyte of Edmunde Mynott ij8. It. for the obyte of Wyftm Benett x3. It. for the obyte of Mestres Swannys vii8 vii4. It. for the obyte of Eobert Boone ij8 viii4. Summa xxii3 iij4. Skocheons and pynnys. It. paied for iiij gold skynnes papers for to make the skocheons w* iiij4. It. paied for makyng of co and dc quarter of skocheons prece xii4 . It. paied for pynnys i4 ob. Summa xvii4 ob. Pol. 110 vo. Seynt Andrews lyght. It, paied to Edmund Cacherell for the strykyng of Seint Andrews lyght weyeng in the hoole xiiii lb. and an halff whereof in olde wex viii lb. prece le lb. strykyng ob. summa iiij4 and in new wex vi lb. and a hallf prece at vid quad w4 the strykyng iij8 vi4 ob. summa of the hoole lyght iij8 xd ob. OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 21 Summa patet. Newe torchis. It. paied Edmund Cacherel for ij newe torcheis weyeng Ixxxvii lb. prece le lb. iijd ob. Summa x3 ixd ob. Summa patet. Oyle. It. paied to John Elles for xxviii quarts of oyle for the lampe prece be the quarte iij4 the hoole summa vii8. Summa patet. Kepyng the clock. Itm. paied to John Coppyng for kepyng of ye clock for ye hoole yere for his wags as is in other yers vj3 viii4. Summa patet. Wasshyng. It. paied to Hartts wyfe for wasshyng of the surplesses, awter clothis, and other necessaryes for the churche this hoole yere iij8. Pol. I l l ro. Summa patet. The crosse lyght. Itm. paied to Edmund Cacherel for strykyng of the crosse lyght weyeng in ye hoole xiii lb. and di. lb. and di. quarters, wherof in olde wex xxiiii lb. and iij quarters and in newe wex xvii lb. and di. lb. and quarter and di. quarter, prece le lb. w' the strykyng vi4 ob. quad summa of the hoole lyght xi8 i4. Summa patet. Pascall and ffonte tapers. It. paied for strykyng of the Pascall and fonte tapers weyeng in the hoole xxxii lb. aud di. lb. whereof in olde wex xxvii lb. and in newe wex v lb. and di. lb. prece Be lb. w' the strykyng vi4 ob. quad, summa of the hoole lyght iiij8 ij4 ob. Summa patet iiij3 ijd ob. The Lampe tapers. It. paied for iij halff lb. tapers for the lampe ayenst alhalowyyn of new wex w* the strykyng xd. It. paied for iij halff lb. tapers for the lampe ayenst crystmas of new wex w4 the strykyng xd ob. It. paied for iij halff lb. tapers for the lampe ayenst candylmas of new wex w' the strykyng x". It. paied for iij halff lb. tapers for the lamp ayenst the annunciacio of our lady of new wex w' ye strykyng x4. 22 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS It. paied for iij half lb. tapers for the lampe ayenst hooly cross day of new wex w4 the strykyng xd. It. paied for iij half lb. tapers for the lampe ayenst corpus crysty day of new wex w4 ye strykyng xd. It. paied to the same Kacherel for renewyng of the lampe tapers at ij oother tymes iij4. Summa v3 iij4 ob. It. paied to Harry glaser for mendyng of the west wyndo xvi4 . Pol. I l l vo. It. paied to the same Harry for trymyng of ij kasses of to [stc] wyndois in saint Tronyuns *lowht xvid. It. paied to Danyell potyar for makyng of that ij kasse of yievrn ij*. And that same ij8 was gaderred of the fparissuns in saint Troniuns *lowht and so that is pade. Necessaryes in the churche. It. paied to ij men wacheyng the sepulcre viii4. It. paied for collys ijd. It. paied for Bred and Drynke for that ij men i4 ob. It. paied for skowryng of the lampe agayn crystmas to Bysschops wyffe ijd. It. paied for sowderyng of oon of the Bools of the lampe i4. It. paied for v gret candylstykks and ij lytul candylstykks for skowyryng of them ayenst Easter to Payns wyffe xiii4 . It. paied to the Boke bynddir for ij new claspe and mendyng the coverryng of the antefennar and for a new clasp and mendyng and mendyng of the covarryng and glewyng and fastenyng of ij quaryrs of the legent for thys ij Books xii4 . It. paied to Spensar the joynar for boords and worke manchep of it for seint Tronyuns lowht alouggs the awter ijs . It. paied for a barrel turnyng for the cloke iiij4. It. paied to Danyel Potyar for makyng of a newe keye and mendyng of the loke of the chest in Seint Tronyuns lofte iiij4. Pol. 112 ro. It. paied for naylls to nayle the stols iu the lofte ob. It. paied for mendyng of the cloke xx4. It. for mendyng ij bars in Saint Tronyuns lofft hijd- * Loft. t Parishioners. DP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 23 It. paied for trymyng the paskall *and evrn to hang it to Eood loft xd. It. paied for a f casse for the west wendo beseyd the cloke for to go owt and in xii4. It. paied for mendyng of the keye for the quiur door ij4. Summa xii3 viiid. Summa of all the solucons, allocacons, Eeparacons and payments iiij" viii8 iij4 ob. And so the seide accomptaunts owe liiii8 v4 ob. Wherof the seyd Wyftm Huntt hathe paied delyvered by the assent of the hedds of ye parysshe to the newe churche wardens to ward the beyyng of a new anteffynar Summa xxiii8 iiij4. Pol. 112 vo. And soo the seyd accomptaunts owe clerely uppon ther accompt [15 April 1528] the xv41' day of aprilis in the yere of our lord God MDXXVIII xxxi3 id ob. The wyche xxxi3 i4 ob. then being in the hands of Wyftm Hunte wasse delyvered by the sayd Wyftm unto the handis of ffrannssys JEotlan then being warden and gevyng accomptaunt for John Hobbs warden the xv"1 day of Aprilis in the xix4h yere of the Eeigne of Kyng Henry the viii"' in the presence of Master Thomas foxe, Mr. John §Halkoce, Mr. Eobard Lewesse, John Borges, Thomas ffrynche, John Coppyng, Thomas Gyllim, John §Halkoce, w' oothur moor. [The next 10 years of the reign of Henry VIII. appear to be missing. Pol. 113 ro. is blank, fol. 113 vo. being occupied with the year 1544.-5; but on passing to fol. 148 we find that and fol. 149 occupied with the accounts for the year 1538-1539, which here follow:—] Pol. 148 ro. [1538-39, Henry VIII.] The aceompte off Eobert brome and John ffuller yn the yere of our lord 1539 beyng churchewardens ffrome ye feaste of Saynt Mychaell the arckangel 1538 unto the feast of Saynt Mychaell the arckaugell 1539 ut patet. Arreragys. Nichill. ffarmys. Imprimis the wardens yeld acompt ffor the farme of vii * Pen through. f Casement. J Rutland. § Alcook. 24 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS ackres of lande byeng besydys Saynt Lawrens letto fferme to lyonyll by the yere xnS. Itm. rec' of waller for a stable in Pillory Lane be yere iiij8. Eenttys. In primis of Thomas Burges ffor a stable in Pillory Lane by yere iiijs- Itm. receyvyd of Thomas ffrenshe ffor ij tenements yn Pillory Lane by yere vii8 viii4. It. recevyd of Gregorye Spert of Sawndwiche ffor rent of a garden vj8 viii4. Itm. receyvyd of George Nycoll the 13th October ffor farm of a pice of londe be longing to Saint Androys churche iij8 iiij4. Obbytts. In primis receyvyd of Mr. John Alcok le Junyor alderman and chamberlayne of the Cyttye of Cawntorburry ffor the obbyt of Wiftm Bennett ffor this yere Summa xs. Casualle Eeceyttys. Itm. reacyvyd of John Eeymyshe ffor the wast of ij torchis iiij4. It. rec' of Eychard Waller for ij torchis iiij4- It. rec' of Eobt. Brodd ffor a torche ij4. It. rec' for iiij mortuary tapers ffor Mastres Swannys viii4. It. rec' of Stephen Sare ffor ij torchis iiijd. It. rec' of Alexandre Orvylstone ffor ij torchs iiij4. It. rec' of Nycholas Lewys ij torchis iiij4. It. rec' of Lynsted for iiij torchis viij4. It. rec' of of Waller for ij torchis iiij4. It. rec' of of Mr. Lewys for iij torchis It. rec' of the brothoren of the Crosse light at Easter xii8 iiij4. It. rec' at hoctyde althings gadderyd the ij days and at supper xvii8 xd. Summa of casuall receytts xxxiii8 viii4. Summa istius paginse in receyts iij fi xvii8 iiij4. Pol. 148 vo. Necessary expensys. Lampe tapers. Itm. payd to Thomas Callow ffor stryckyng of xv li waxe the which waxe was hadde in the churche of Saynt Jamys light and of other lyghtys in the churche Summa viid ob. Summa patet. The crosse lyghte. Itm. delyveryd agaynst crystmas v tapers waying viii ii and rec' v tapers waying xii ii di. and so was new waxe iiij ii di. prece le li vid ob summa ij8 v4 ob and for the stryckyng vid . ij8 xi4 ob. OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 25 It. agaynst Easter ffor stryckyng of the hole crosse waying xxx ii. summa xvd. Summa patet. Paskall and font taper. Itm. delyvering the paskall waying xxix ii di. rec' w4 the ffont taper xxxv ii di. so ys yn new waxe vi ii prece iij8 iij4. and ffor the stryckyng xvii4 ob. summa iiij8 viii4 ob. Summa patet. Oyle ffor the lampe. Itm. spent yn oyle ffor the lampe ut patet by the clarke f (or) oyle ffor thys hole year that ys past. summa ix5 viii4. Itm. ffor washinge of the surplissys withe aulter clothes and other ornaments partaynyng unto the churche the were washng vi tymys yn this yere. summa iij8 iiij4. Summa iij3 iiijd. *Summa of necessary exspensys xxii8 v4 ob. Itm. for ij surplecys and makyng of them. summa xiii3 iiijd. Summa xxxv8 x4 ob. Fol. 149 ro. Casuall Expensys. Allowed ffor obbits. In primis ffor the obyt of Edmunde Mynot ij8. It. ffor the obyt of Wyllyam benet x8. It. ffor the obyt of Eobert boone ij3 viii4. It. ffor the obyt of Mestres Swanne vii8 viid. It. uppon crystmas day in wyne iiijd. It. paide to the clarke ffor crystmas quarter more than I gadderyd in the paryshe xiiiid. It. paide to Danyell at Crystmas ffor mendyng and kepyng of the clocke ffor thys yere and so ys bownd by worde to kepe yt yerlye w4 all reparatyons of ieron worke and he to have ffor his keping w4 the chargys every yere the summa of syxe shillings viiid vj5 viii4. It. paide ffor mendyng of the gutters that be yn the upper steple It. paide to barns and his sonne ffor ij nyghts watcheyng abowte the sepulture viii4. It. yn bred and drynk ffor them ij4. * This entry is crossed out. 26 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS It. ij bothellys of charre coolys prece iij4. It. layde owte in expensys ffor the supper made at hoctyde vii8 . It. ffor the bylle x3 of the whiche Mr. Doctor hathe payde v8 and the parishe other v8. summa v3. It. a bawderyke ffor the wackarell ij4. It. a wodden *whele ffor the organs j4 - It. ffor shettyng of the gret bell clap iiij4- It. ffor paveyng the space and mendyng be fore Jhus aulter and ffor a quarter C pavyng tyle v4. It. a hamper ffor candelstycks viii4. It. payde to the clarke ffor mychelmas.more then was gatherdd in the parishe xxii4. Summa of casuall expensys xlvi8 ix4. "fxlvii8 ijd. Summa istius exspensis iiij ii ij8 viii4 ob, Fol. 149 vo. [Blank.] [So pass back to fol. 113 vo.] Fol. 113 vo. [1545-46, Henry VIII.] Thaccompt of Eychard Waler and Nycholas fysshe wardens of the parisshe churche of sent andrews thapostyll in Canturbury from the fest of sent Mygheli Tharangell in the xxxvi yere of the reign of Kyng Henry the viii0' unto the fest of sent Mighell Tharchaungell next ensuyng in the xxxvii"' yere of the forseyd Kyng by the space of oon holle yere. Arreargis. ffyrst the sayd wardens charg themseife w4 certayn money of John Ellys late warden due unto the sayd church xvi3 ij4. Summa xvi8 ij4. ffarmys. Itm. the sayd wardens yeld accompt for the ferme of vii acres of land lyeng besyd sent laurance let to ferme unto Dydyer Tomson by the yere for xx8. Itm. Eecevyd of Peter Londun for farm of a stabyll in Pyllary Lane iiij8. Itm. Eecevyd of Jynkynson for farm of a stabyll in Pyllary Lane iiij8. Itm. Eec' of Mr. Prenche now beyng Mayer for ferme of a stabyll and a garden in Pyllary Lane vii8 viii4. Itm. Eec' of George Nycalls for ferme iij8 "iiij4. * Wheel. + In another hand. OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 27 Itm. Eec' for ferme of a garden in Synt Paulis xii'1. Itm. Eec' of wynters wedowe of Sandwych for the ferm a garden in Sandwych by yere vi8 viii4. Itm. of Mr. Dygs for a stable nihil for he saithe y4 he hathe paid John Ellys. summa xlvi3 viii4. Summa iij li. ij8 x4. Pol. 114 ro. Eents. Itm. Eec' of the wedo of Eger Wells for a howse that she hath to farm of the Cyte for rent of the howsys at norgate iij" iiij4. It. Eec' of the systers of sent Laurance for rent of fynkylls howse by yere i4. Summa iij8 v4. Obyte. Itm. Eec' of Mr. Knyt, Chamberlayn of Canturbury for the obyt of Wyllyam Benett for thys yere x3. Summa patet. Casuall recetts. Itm. Eec' at Ester of the parisshoners in paschall money gadaryd at Ester x8 iij4. It. Eec' at hoctyd gadyryd as well be ye men as the women viii3 i4. Summa xviii3 iiij4. Wast of Torchys and Motuarys. Itm. Eec' of Peter Kellsam for the wast of ij torchys for the beryng of hys son iiij4. Itm. Eec' of Snelson for the wast of vj torchys at ye beryall of iij of hys chyldren xiid. Itm. Eec' of Gregory Eose for the wast of ij torchys at the beryall of hys son iiijd. Itm. Eec' of the wedo of Eobert Broine for the wast the mortuary tapers and ij torchys at hys beryall xiid. Itm. Eec' of John Canam for the wast of vj torchys at the beryall of Donets wedo xiid. And for the wast of ye mortuary tapers viiid. Itm. Eec' of Mr. Parson of hys gyfft to thys chyrch xiid. Itm. Eec' of the wedo of Eoberd Broine for the wast of the mortuary tapers at the month day viiid. xxxvii8 ixd. Pol. 114 vo. Itm. Eec' of Stevyn Sarre for the wast of y° mortuary tapers for the yerys mynd of hys moder viiid. 28 CHURCHWARDENS* ACCOUNTS Wast of Torchys and Mortuaryes. It. Eec' of Eeger Wells wedo for the wast of vi torchys at ye beryall of her husband xiid . Aud for the wast of ye mortuary tapers viiid. Itm. Eec' of ye wedo of Eeger Wells for the wast of the mortuary tapers at ye monyth day xii4. Itm. Eec' of John Canam for ye wast of iiij torchys and the wast of ye iiij mortuary tapers at ye beryng of hys wyffe xvi4 . It. Eec' of John Jamys for the wast of iiij torchys at ye beryall of John Cannaam viii4. Itm. Eec' of Mr. Webb for ye wast of the iiij mortuary tapers viii4. Itm. Eec' of Syr Wyllyam fynchys servant for ye wast of iiij torchys and for ye wast of ye iiij mortuary tapers at ye beryng of hys son xvi4. Itm. Eec' for the wast of iiij mortuary tapers for the obyt of Mystres Swanne viii4. It. Eec' of Mr. Parson vj *crysumys y4 he dyd gyfe to the church to mak ij new frochetts. Itm. Eec' of ye wedo of Thomas Wanflett for the wast of iiij torchys and for ye wast of iiij mortuary tapers at ye beryall of her husband xvi4. Itm. Eec' of the wedo of Thomas Wanflett for the wast of iiij mortuary tapers at the monyth day of her husbannd viii4 . It. Eec' of Wyllyam Barnns for ye wast of iiij torchys and for ye wast of iiij mortuary tapers at the beryng of hys wyffe xvi4 . Summa xi3 iiii4. Pol. 115 ro. Itm. Eec' of Lynsteds wedo for the wast of vi torchys and for the wast of iiij mortuary tapers at ye beryng of Prauncys Lynsted xx4. Itm. Eec' of Jamys Vydian for the wast of vi torchys and for the wast of iiij mortuary'tapers at the beryng of Wyllyam Hubbard xx4. Itm. Eec' of Wyllyam Barnns for ye wast of iiij mortuary tapers at ye moynyth day of hys wyffe viii4. It. Eec' of Wyllyam Hunt for the wast of iiij torchys at the beryng of hys chyld viii4. * Chrisom, a white robe put on a child at baptism. t A garment of linen made like a surplice with tight sleeves and worn by a bishop or abbot, and also by other persons. OP ST. ANDREW S, CANTERBURY. 29 It. Eec' of Lynsteds wedo for ye wast of iiij mortuary tapers att the monyth day off Francys Lynsted viiid. It. Eec' of Lynsteds wedo for the wast of vi torchys at the beryall of Jamys Lynsted xii4. It. Eec' of Thomas Gyllam for the wast of vi torchys at ye berall of Mary hys doughter xii4. It. Eec' of Mr. Nayler for the wast of viii torchys at the beryall of hys father xvi4. It. Eec' of Gregory Eose for ye wast of ij torchys at the beryng of hys chyld iiijd. It. Eec' of the wedo of Harry Karver for the wast of ij torchys at ye beryng of her chyld iiijd. It. Eec' of Mr. Nayler the wast of iiij mortuary tapers at the monyth day of hys father viii4. It. Eec' of Gregory Eose for the wast of ij torchys at the beryall of hys chyld iiij4. It. Eec' of Mr. Sayre i'or the wast of vii torchis at the beryall of hys brother xiiii4. *It. Eec' of Eychard Wood for the wast of iiij torchys at the beryng of George Wood hys son viiid. Summa xii3 ij4. Pol. 115 vo. Wast of Torchys and Mortuaries. It. Eec' of Eychard Wood for ye wast of ij torchys at ye beryall of Angnes Wood iiij4 . It. Eec' of Gregory Eosse for ye wast of ij torchys at ye beryall of hys mayd iiij4. It. Eec' of Mr. Colyns for the wast of iiij mortuary tapers for Mystres Bolneys obyt viii4. It. Eec' of Eobert Byggerstafe for ye wast of iiij mortuary tapers at the xii montys mynd of Syr John Koccys sum time parson of thys chyrche viiid. Itm. Eec' of George TJnderdown for ye wast of iiij torchys and for ye wast of iiij mortuary at ye beryall of Bryau Harvy xvid . Itm. Eec' of John Ellys for ye wast of ij torchys at ye beryall of hys servant iiijd. Itm. Eec' of Tomas Burgys for ye wast of ij torchys at ye beryall of hys dowgter iiij4. . * This last item is repeated and then obliterated. 30 CH U R C HWA R D E N S ' ACCOUNTS Itm. Eec' of Tomas Burges for ye wast of ij torchys at ye beryall of hys sone iiij4. It. Eec' of Thomas Walker for the wast of iiij torchys at ye beryall of hys chyld viii4. It. Eec' of John Leysted for ye wast of ij torchys at ye beryall of hys chyld iiij4. It. Eec' of Thomas Burgys wedo for ye wast of vj torchys at ye beryall of her husband xii4. It. Eec' of John Hobbs for the wast iiij torchys and the wast of iiij mortuary tapers at ye beryall of hys wyffe xvi4. Summa vi8 viii4. Summa xxxvii8 ijd. Pol. 116 ro. Summa of all the Eeceyts, farmys, Eents, wast of tapers, torchis, arrerags, obyts, Bequethys and Gyfts vi li. xii8 ix4. vi li. xii8 ixd xviid* Obytts. Wherof the sayd accomptants askyth to be alowyd ffyrst for ye obyt of Edmund Mynot ij3. For the obyt of Wyllyam Benet x8. Itm. for the obyt of Mystres Swannys vii8 vii4. Itm. for the obyt of Eobert Bonne ij8, viii4. Summa xxii8 iij4. Oyle. Itm. payd to George May for a galon of oyle xvi4. It. payd to the same George for a fpotell of oyle xiid. It. payd to John Hart for a galon of oyle xvi'1. It. payd to Peter London for iij pyntys of oyle ixd. It. payd to George May for a galon and a pynt of oyle ij8 iijd. Summa vi3 viii4. Eeparacons of ye Bell. It. payd to a carpynter and hys man for mendyng of ye stoks of ye bells xvid. And for Jbrods to same bells v4 ob. Summa xxid ob. Organs. It. payd for makyng of a new payer of bellowys for the organys and for makyng clene of the same organys viii8 iiiid. Summa viii8 iiijd. Summa xxxix8 ob. * Pen through xvii'1. \ Two quarts.—Murray's New Eng. Diet. % A round-headed nail made by blacksmiths.—New Eng. Diet. OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. SI Pol. 116 vo. It. payd for enteryng of all the accompts thet was behynd iiijd . It. payd to Mr. Sargent Halle for ther pennyng of a boke betwext Mr. Mayer and the comen cowsell and ye parisshoners of sent andrwys for the rent at nor[th]gate xxd. It. payd for a quart of mamesy a pon crystmes day in ye mornyng for ye quyre iiijd. It. payd for makyng clene of ye chyrche dore ijd. It. payd for rysshys for ye lampe id. It. pay for mendyng of a paime [sic] of glas and settyng in of new quarrells iiiid. It. payd for ye byndyng of a nantyfener for the Eectorys of the chory to ye parson of omnium sanctorum ij3. It. payd to Bysshops wyff for medyng of albys whan they were wassyhed iijd. It. payd for makyn of ij new rochetts viid. It. payd to ij men for wachyng of ye sepulture viiid. Payd for bred and drynk for them ijd. It. payd for colys iiijd. It. payd for wasshyng of ye chyrche clothys for the hole yere iiijs . It. payd for to *Syr Georg for iij quarters to kepe the clok vi3 viii4. It. payd for mendyng of ye bawdryk of ye gret bell ijd. It. payd for a new bawdryk for ye lytyll bell vj4. It. payd for mendyng of a bawdryk of the thorde bell ijd. Summa xvii8 v4. Fol. 117 ro. Crosselyght, paschall and font tapers. It. delyverd to Edward Chacherell v tapers of ye croslyght weyng vii li. Eeceavyd agayne xv li. di. and for strykyng of vii li. prece le li. ob. iiij4. ob. and for vij li. di. of new wax prece le li. vd ob. w* ye strykyng iiij8 ij4 ob. quad. It. delyverd the same Kacherell iiij mortuary tapers wayng ix lb. and rec' agayne xi lb. iij quarters fer strykyng of ix lb. prece le pownd ob. summa iiii4 ob. and for ij li. iij quarters of new wax prece ye li. v4 ob. w4 ye strykyng the wast of ye croslyght and the mortuary tapers one li. xviii4 quad. It. delyvered to Thomas Calo the croslyght wayng xxiiii li. Eec' * Apparently one of the cauons of St, Gregory's Priory. 32 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS xxxviii li. for strykyng of xxxviii li. prece ye li. ob. summa xix4. payd for xiii lb. of new wax prece the pownd vd summa v8 x4 vii8 v4. It. delyvered to Thomas Callo the sacrament lyght xii tapers wayng xiiii li. Eec' xxvi li. quarter payd for strykyng of xxvi li. quarter prece ye li. ob. summa xiiii4 payd for xii li. quarter prece ye li. vd. summa v8 id quad. It. delyvered to John Thacher the paschall wayng xxxii li. for strykyng prece le li. ob. summa xvi4 payd for iiii li. quarter of new wex prece li. v. xxi'1. iij3 j 4 , Summa xxii8 v4 quad. Torchys. It. payd to Thomas Callo for ij new torchis wayng xxx li. prece ye li. iij4 summa viii3. It. payd to Edward Cacherell for ij new torchys wayng xxviii li. prece ye li. iij4 ob. summa viii3 ij4. Summa xvi3 ij4 . xxxviii8 vii4 quad. Pol. 117 vo. It. payd to Mr. Sargent Halle for the rent of Mystres Swannys land conteynyg vii akers lyyng besyd Sent Laurance vs. It. payd to the parisshe dark for mydsomer quarter more yan cowde be levyd xid. It. delyverd Edward Kacherell ye mortuary tapers wayng xii li. prece ye li. ob. strykyng payd for iiij li. a quarter of new wax prece li vd ij8 iii4 ob. Thys tapers were strykyn ageynst Mr. Naylers month day at mydsomer fayer last past. It. payd for a pendentt for the hygh auctor viii8. It. payd for wrytyng of thys accomp xii4. It. payd to the somner iiij4. It. payd to the parishe dark for myghhellmes quarter more than cowd be levyd xvi4. It. payd ffor iiij new torchys to Edward Cacherell weyng Ixii li. di. prysse ye li. iij4. ob. xviii8 ij4 ob. Summa xxxvii8 i4- Summa totalys vj li. xi8 xi4. [Polio 118 is misplaced. It contains the Eents, Eeceipt for obit of Wm. Benett, casuall receipts and the beginning of the account for wast of Torches; it should follow fol. 119, instead of preceding it, and is so placed in this work.] OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 33 Pol. 119 ro. [1546-47, Henry VIII.] The accompt of Nycholas fyshe and Wyllyam Hunt, wardens of ye parishe church of Sent Andruis the postyll in ye cytye of Canturburyy from the fest of Sent Mygheli tharcangell in ye xxxvii"1 yere of raygne of Kyng Henry ye viii"' unto the fest of Sent Mighell tharcangell next ensuyng to the xxxviii"1 yere of ye kyng for the space of one holle yerre. Arreags. ffyrst the seyd wardens do not charge themsellffs w4 areagys for because ther was nothyng in stoke, ffarmys. Itm. the seyd wardens yeld accompt for the farme of vii acres of land lyeng besyd sent Laurens let to fferme to Dydyer Tomson by yere xx8. It. Eec' of Peter London for ffarme of a stable in' Pylery Lane for one holle yere iiij3. It. Rec' of Jhon Jenkyn for ferme off a stabyll in Pyllary Lane for one holle yere iiij8. Pol. 119 vo. ffarmys. Itm. Eec' of Mr. Thomas ffrenche for ij tenaments and one garden in Pylary Lane ffor one hole yere vii3 viii4. It. Eec' of George Nycolls ffor a pec of land lyyng in Sent Paulis parishe for one hole yere iij8 iiij4. It. Eec' of ferme of a garden lyyng in Sent Paulis parishe of one Gawyn for a hole yers ferme xii4. It. Eec' of Water Beraway of Saudwyth for ferme of a garden in Sandwyth for one hole yere vj8 viiid. It. Eec' of Mr. Dydyers wedo att Myghellmas xxs for vii acers of land lyyng besyd Sent Laurance caulyd John Swans land toward the reparacious of the stabylls in Pyllary Lane. Pol. 118 ro. [Pol. 118 appears to follow here.] Eents. Itm. Eec' of Thomas Wallker for the rent of that howse that he now dwellyth in the wyche he hayth in ferme of the cyty for the redmyng of a sertayne rent that the churche sholld have had owt of ij howssys at Norgat sum tyme were one Johfie Lomeherst houssys iij8 iiij4. It. Eec' of the sexten of Sent Laurene for rent of Pynkylls howse by yere i4- Summa of farmys and rents iij li. x8 i4. Obyt. Itm. Eec' of Mr. Antony Knyght Chamberleyne of the VOL. XXXIY. ° » 34 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Cytte of Canterbury for the obyt of Wyllyam Benett be yere x• Causuall recetts. It. Eec' at Ester of the parishners in pascall money gadyryd. [MS. torn.] It. Eec' at that tyme of divers of the perissoners toward the mayntynancs of the sacrament lyght at Ester. [MS. torn.] Fol. 118 vo. Casuall recetts. It. Eec' of Eychard Wood for ye bequeth of ffrancs Lynsted towards ye mayntenancs of ye sacrament lyght xii4. It. Eec' at hoctyd as well be ye men as be the women vii8 i4. It. Eec' of Syr John Wryght for leyng of ij lods of wood in the stabel howse mydsomer to myghelmas viii4. Summa of caswall Eec4 xix8 xd. Wast of torchys and mortuari tapers. It. Eec' of Wyllyam Hunt for ye wast of ij torchys for the beryng of hys mayd iiijd . It. Eec' of Mr. Nayler for the wast of iiij torchys for ye beryng of hys chyld viii4. It. Eec' of Eychard Wood of ij torchys for the beryng of Mother Ley iiij4. It. Eec' of John frenche for the wast of ij torchys for the beryng of hys syster iiij4. It. Eec' of Kenne[t] for the wast of ij torchys for the beryng of hys chyld iiij4. It. Eec' of Thomas Merser for ye wast of ij torchys iiijd. It. Eec' of Thomas Merser for ye wast of ij torchchys iiij4. Pol. 120 ro. [Pol. 120 ro. should follow here.] It. Eec' of John Hobs for the wast of iiij mortuary tapers at ye monyth mynd of hys wyffe viii4. *It. Eec' for ye wast of iiij mortuary tapers at the monthys mynd of hys wyffe viii4. It. Eec' for the wast of iiij mortuary tapers for ye twellmonthys mynd of Eobert Brown viii4. It. Eec' of Wtei' Baraway for the wast of ij torchys iiij4. It. Eec' of John Elis of the wast of vj torchys for ye beriall of hys wyffe xii4. * This item is marked through with a pen in the MS. OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 35 It. Eec' (of John*) of hym for the wast iiij mortuary tapers at ye beryng of hys wyffe viii4. It. Eec' ffor ye wast of ij torchys at the beryng of John Warde iiij4. It. Eec' of Mr. Knyght for ye wast of vi torchys for the beryall of Mr. Nayler xii4. It. Eec' of Mr. Alkoc for the beriall of mother Leyston for ye wast of vi torchys " xii4 . It. Eec' of hym for iiij mortuary tapers viii4. It. Eec' of George TFnderdown for the wast of vi torchys at the beryng of hys wyffe and' for the wast of iiij mortuary tapers xxd. It. Eec' of Eychard Wood for the wast of vi torchys at the beryall of hys wyffe and for the wast of iiij mortuary tapers at the sam tyme xxd. It. Eec' of Eeger Wells wedo for the wast off. iiij mortuary tapers viii4. It. Eec' of Mystres Nayler for the wast of iiij mortuari tapers at ye month mynd of her husband viii4, Pol. 120 vo. It. Eec' of Mr. Alkoc for the wast of iiij mortuary tapers at the monythys mynd of Mother Leyston viii4. It. Eec' of Mr. frenche then beyng Mayer for ye wast of iiij mortuary tapers for the obyt done for all benefactors viii4 . It. Eec' for the wast of iiij mortuary tapers for the obyt of Johnne Swane viii4. It. Eec' for the wast of viii torchys for the beryng of Mystres Kelsam xvj4. And for the wast of iiij mortuary tapers at the same tyme viiid . It. Eec' of the wedoo of John Hobs for ye wast of iiij torchys at hys beriall viiid. It. Eec' of the wedow of Thomas Wanflet for ye wast off iiij mortuary tapers viii11. It. Eec' of Eychard Woode for the wast of iiij mortuary tapers for Praucys Lynsted viii4. It. Eec' of Lewys Jonnys baker for the wast of ij torchys iiijd . It. Eec' for the wast of vi torchys for the beryng of John Ells xii'1. # Above line. » 2 36 . CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS And for the wast of iiij "mortuary tapers at the same" tyme ' viiid . I t Eec' at the monytbys mynd of John Ellys wedow for ye wast of iiij mortuary tapers viiid. It. Eec' of Mr. Colyns for the wast of iiij mortuary tapers for ye obyt of Mystres Bollney viii4.- Fol. 121 ro. It. Eec' of Thomas Ken glayser for ye wast of iiij torchys for the beryng of hys wyffe viii4. It. Eec' of John Dye for the wast of one torch for ye beryng of hys chyld ij4. It. Eec' of Syr John Wryght for the wast of ij torchys at the beryng of hys kynsman iiij4. Somma totalys for wast of torchys and mortuary tapers xxiii8 vi4. Some of all the Eecetts, farmys, Eents, wast off torchys and tapers, areragys, obyts, Bequeythys and gyfts x li. xiiii8 i4. Obyts. Whereof the sayd accomptants a'skyth to be alowyd for the obyt of Edmund Mynot ij8. It. for the obyt of Wyllyam Benett x8. It. for the obyt of Mystres Swannys vii8 vii4. It. for the obyt of Eobard Bone ij3 viii4. Oyle. It. p4 to George May for oyle iiij3 ij4. It. payd to Jhon Eussells wyght owt Westgat for ij galonds of oyle iiij8 viii4. Somma viii3 ix4. Pol. 121 vo. Necesarii reparacions for the church, ffyrst payd for v fadome of lyne for the *sacrament j4 . It. payd for makyng clene of the church dorre for all the yere iiij4. It. payd a botyll to putt in the oyll . id. It. payd for a quartt of mamsey for the quyer one Cristmas day in the mornyng iiij4. It. p4 for a new rope for the second bell vi4. It. payd to ye clarke for Cristmes quarter mor than I recevyd ij8 . It. payd to the clarke for Ester quarter more than cowde be levyd xv4 ob. * Probably for raising and loworing a hanging pyx. OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. '3? It. payd to the clarke for mydsomer quarter more than cowd be levyd ij8 viid ob. It. p4 to the dark for myghellmes quarter more than cowd be levyd xviii4 ob. It. payd to Joys the carver for a newe whyll for the thurd bell iiij8 viiid. It. pd for mendyDg of the clok iij8 iiijd. It. payd for kepyng of the clok for iij quarters of the yere v8. It. p4 to Wyston for mendyng of the bawdrik for the gret bell ij4 . Pol. 122 ro. It. payd to ij women for skowryng agenst *daster the iiij gret candellstyks and the bowlls in the Eode loufte and ij candellstyks for the hyghe auctor for met and drynk and wagys It. p4 for a new pulley for the clok It. p4 for a rope for the clok It. p4 to a carpenter for a dayse work for mendyn Londous stable for mette and drynk and wagys It. payd for a new stanchyon for the same stable It. payd for a rope for the Belos of ye organs It. payd for a lyne for the sacrament It. payd for a lok and a key for Peter Londons stable It. payd for ij thowsand tylle It. payd for a hundryd lats It. payd for a lode of sand It. payd for a thowsand pryg It. payd for ij lods of lome It. p'1 for ij stanchyns and for settyng of them It. payd for xii Busshells of Lyme xii4. iiij4. iij4. ig of Peter viii4. ijd- i". ob. viii4. xi8 viiid. viii4. vi4. vi4. xd. iiij4. ij8- I t payd to a workman for xvi days work and hys laborar for met and drynk and wagys XVlll8 XV1U4. It. payd to a turner for a whylle and for a polly for the clok i]d . It. p4 for naylls ij4- Fol. 122 vo. It. payd for new sowyng of the albys affter they were wasshed iiij4. It. payd to ij men for wachyn of the sepulture viii4. And for bred and drynk for them • ijd» * Easter. 38 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS It. for colys iiijd. It. payd for wasehyng of the churche clothys and for mendyng of the surples for all the yere iiij8. It. payd to Mr. Sargant Halls for ye rent of Mystres Swanns land conteynyng vii akers besyd Sent Laurence v8. It. payd for wrytyng of yi8 accompt xiid. It. payd for a casse for the best chalys vid. Summa of all paments v li. iij8 ixd. And *Eecetts iiij li. xiii3 iij4 ob. The cros lyght. • It. delyvered to Thomas Calow v tapers of the croslyght ageynst Crystmas weyng ix li. quarter Eec' of hym v tapers wayng xiiii li. in new wax iiij li. iij quarters prece the pound vi4 unwroght and for strykyng of the pownd ob. summa for new and strykyng ij3 xi4 ob. It. delyvered to Thomas Calow ageynst Ester the hole stok of the croslyght xxiiii li. Eec' of hym ageyne xiii tapers w4 the Bolls xxxvi li. quarter in new wax xii li. quarter prece the pound vi4 ob. unwrowght and for strykyng of the pound i4. summa for new wax and strykyng ix8 viii4. Pol. 123 ro. The sacrament lyght. It. delyvered to Thomas Calow the olde stok of the sacrament lyght wayng xvii li. Eec' of hym xiii tapers w4 the Bolls wayng xxviii li. quarter in newe wax xi li. quarter and di. prece ye pound vi4 ob. un wrawght and for strykyng of ye pound i4 summa for wax and strykyng viii3 vi4 ob. Passcall and ffont taper. It. delyvered to Thomas Calow the olde stok of the pascall and font taper xxiii li. di. Eec' of hym the pascall and font taper wayng xxxi li. quarter in new wax vii li. iij quarters prece the pound vi4 ob. un wrowght and for strykyng of ye pound i4 for wax and strykyng vi8 ixd ob. The mortuari tapers. It. delyvered to Thomas Calow the mortuari wayng vii li. di. Eec' of hym iiij mortuari tapers of iij li. a pece in new wax iiij li. di. prece ye pound vi4. ob. un wroght and for strykyng of a pound id in new wax and strykyng iij8 v4 ob. Summa of new wex and makyng and sstrykyng xxxi8 vd. Summa totalis fvi li. xv8 ij4 ob. * This line crossed out.« f vi li. iiij' viiid ob. is struck out. OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 39 Fol. 123 vo. is blank. Fol. 124 ro. [Henry VIII. 1547-48—Edward VI.] The accompt of Wyllam Hunt and Henry Aldan wardens of _the parysh of Seint Andrewe the Apostle within the Cytye of Caunterburye ffrom the ffeast of Saynt Mygheli tharchaungell in the xxxviii"1 yere of the reigne of Kynge Henry the eyght unto the said ffeast of Seynt Mygheli tharchaungell next enseuynge in the ffirst yere of Kynge Edward the Syxt ffor one hole yere. ffarme of Lands, ffyrst recevyd of James Eydle ffor the ffarme of vii acres of land at Sayent Laurence xx8. It. of George Nycolls ffor a pec of land in Sayent Paules parish iij8 iiiij4. It. of Mr. Thomas ffrenche ffor a tenement of a stable vii3 viii4. It. of Nycolas ffyshe ffor the ffarme of a stable iiij3. It. of John Jenkynson ffor the ffarme of a stable iiij3. It. of Walter Barrawaye ffor a garden at Sandwych vi3 viii4. It. of Mr. Wygmore ffor the ffarme of a garden in Sayent Paules xiid. It. of . . . . Mylls of Sayent Laurence ffor the rent of ffynkells howsses jd . It. of Mr. Dyggs ffor a stable nyhill. Somme of ffarmes and rents xlvi8 ixd. Fol. 124 vo. Obyts. It. recevyd of Mr. Knyght, Chamberlayne of the Cytye of Canterbury iij3 iiijd. Eecevyd of the sayde Mr. Chamberleyn ffor the obyte of Wyllam Benet x8. Somma xiii8 iiij4. Cassuall receyts. It. recevyd of money gatheryd at hoktyde and at the suppar in the corne markett viii8 viii4. It. at Easter of the paryshe towarde the makyng of the pascall x8. It. towares the mayteinence of the sacrament lyght xxid. It. for the old orgayens w4 the pypes of tynne xvi li. at iijd a li. iiij3. It. pypes of lede iiijxx li. at ob. the pound iij3 iiijd. It. for xxxvi li. of wax at iij4 the li. viii8 vi4. It. ffor the bolles of the Eoode lofte and the lamp wayng di. C and iiij li. at xvi8 the C. viii3 vid. Somme of casuall recets xliiij3 ixd. 4*0 • CHURCHWARDENS* ACCOUNTS Pol. 125 ro. Wast of torches and mortuarye tapers, ffyrst recevyd of John Dyckson ffor the wast of iiij torches at the buryeng of hya wyff viii4. It. of John Hobbes ffor the wast of ffyve torches at the buryng of hys wyff ld- It. of Eychard Wood ffor the wast of iiij mortuarye tapers at the xii montb.es mynd of hys wyff viiid. It. of George TJnderdown ffor the wast of iiij mortuarye tapers at the xii monthes mye of hys wyf viii4. It. for the wast of ij torches at the burynge of Thomas Bugleys chyld iiij4- It. of Eychard Wallar ffor the wast of vi torches and iiij tapers at the yeres mynd of hys wyff xx' d It. of Eychard Wood ffor the wast of iiij tapers at the yere3 mynd of hys {father Claplomd viiid. It. of Eychard Wood ffor the wast of iiij tapers at the monthes mynd of hys wyff viiid. It. of Wainiflets wydow ffor the wast of iiij tapers at the yeres mynd of her husband viiid. It. of Georg TJnderdown ffor the wast ij torches at the buryng of Kynge hys servant iiij4. Pol. 125 vo. It. of the prest of Crystechurch ffor the wast of iiij tapers viii4 . It. of Mr. Beer ffor the wast of vi torches at the buryng of hys wyff xiid. It. of Mr. Colens ffor the wast of iiij tapers viiid. It. of John ffrench ffor the wast of ij torches at the buryng of hys chyle iiij4. Somma of wast of torches and mortuarye tapers ix8 xd. Somma of all the recetts of ffarmes, rents, wast of torches and tapers v H. xiiii8 viii4. Wher of the sayed accomptaunts askythe to be allowed Obytes. ffyrst ffor the obite of Edmund Mynot ij8. It. for the obite of Wyllam Benet x8. It. for the obite of Mystres Swannes vii8 vii4. It. for the obite of Eobert Bone ij3 viiid. Somma of the obytes xxii8 iijd. OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 11 Pol. 126 ro. Necessaryes to the church. It. payed ffor a lampe glasse id. It. ffor a quart of Malmesey at Xpmas daye in mornynge iiijd . It. to Hamon IJsborne ffor a quarter kepyng of the clocke at xpmas xxd. It. to John Stocke ffor a rope ffor the thyrd bell vii4. It. to the clarke more then cold be getheryd at Xpmas quarter xiiii'1. It. ffor a new amys ffor the parson vid. It. ffor ij-lampe glassys ij4. It. ffor scoryng of the lampe ij'1. It. pd to ij men ffor watchynge of the sepulcre and for bred dryng [sic] and coles xiiii11. It. to Hamon IJsborne ffor a quarter kepyng of the clock at owv lady daye xxd. It. to the clarke more then cold be gaderyd at owr lady quarter xii4. It. ffor a staffe ffor the clock iiij4. It. ffor v gallons of oyle and a quart at xx4 the galon viii8. It. p4 ffor a Bible of the largiest volume xiiii8. It. pd to Nycolas ffysh ffor arrerayes dewe to hym uppon his aceompte xxi8. It. more to the sayed ffysh that he pd to Sir George ffor kepyng the clock xxd. Pol. 126 vo. It. pd to the dark at Mydsomer quarter more then cold be getheryd iiij". It. to the clarke at Mygellmas quarter more then cold be gatheryd It. ffor wasshynge of the church clothes and mendyng of surplecys all the yere i"js- It. ffor sowynge of the albes after the wasshynge iiij4. It. ffor makyng clene of the church dore all the yere iiij4. It. to Peter Kebsam ffor the rent of Mystres Swannes lande v3. It. to Nycolas Colbrand ffor rent of the same lande ixd. It. to Wyllam Burgrowe ffor whyt lyminge of the church ij3 iiij4. It. to the paver ffor pavynge of xvi yerds beffore the church dore and carynge away of the rubbysh vi3. Somme of all iij.li. xiii8 vii4. 42 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Pol. 127 ro. Waxe. Itm. delyvered to Thomas Calowe at Xpmas v tapers of the crosst lyght wayyng ix li. recevyd of hym v tapers wayyng xiiii li. di. in newe waxe v li. at vi4 ob. the li. and for strykyng ob. the li. iiij8 vid ob. It. delyvered to Thomas Calowe the old stocke of the paskall and ffonte taper xxvi li. recevyd of hym the paskall and ffonte taper wayng xxxii li. and di. at vid ob. the li. in new waxe vi li. di. iiij8 vi4 ob. It. delyvered to Thomas Calowe agenst Ester the hole stock of the crosste lyght wayynge xx li. recevyd of him xiii tapers wayynge w' the bolls xxxviii li. in newe waxe xviii li. at vi4 ob. the li. strykyng ob. the li. xi3 viii4. It. ffor wryttyng thys aceompte xii4. Somme of the waxe xx3 v4. Pol. 127 vo. Somme of all the payments by me payed v li. xv8 vii4. Soe the church is in debets to thes accomptaunts xiii4. Wyttnes at delyverynge of thes accomptaunts. Mr. Skore, parson of Saynt Androwes. Mr. Lewes. Mr. Webbe. Jamys Vydyan. Hary Gere. Hary Alday. George Maye. Crystoffer Skot. Thomas Dale. Wyllam Hunt. w4 other. Fol. 128 ro. [1549-50.] The aceompte of Thomas Walker and *Wyllyam fHenri Gere wardynes of ye pariche chyrche of Sent Andruys that appostylus in the Cytty of Cauntorbery from the feste of Sent Mychaelle that arcangel in ye ij yere of the Eayne of Kyng Edward ye VI. unto the fest of Sent Mighell next insuyng to the iij yere of the Kyng for the space of one hole yere. Eecevyd of Mr. Thomas frenche iiij8 iij4. * Pen through. f Above line. OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 43 Itm. payd to ye smythe for ij lokes and a kaye viii4. Itm. payd for takyng doune of ye cloke vjd. Itm. payd for a pynt of wyne jd . Itm. payd to a pore man for carryug owt of ye ymagys out of the chyrche ijd. Itm. payd for the Parafras of Erasymus vs vid. Itm. payd for iij lods of stone ij8. Itm. payd at ye vysytacyn for an oferyng at the curte iijd. Itm. payd for a lode of stone and carryng xii4. It. payd for viii lods of sand iiij3. It. payd for carryng of iij lods of stone vid. It. payd for carryng away of ye robbys iiijd. Itm. payd to the paver xi8. It. payd for a kaye for ye quere dore and for mendyng of the loke and for a kaye for the pore manes chyste viiid. Itm. payd for the sarvys boke v8. xxxi8 viiid. Fol. 128 vo. [Blank.] Pol. 129 ro. [1550-51.] The accountts of Henri Geer and Gorge May chyrch wardens of the parrysse of Sent Andrewe in the cette of Canturbery from the fest of Sent Mykyll in the therd yere of your sufferyn lord Kyng Edward the VI. unto the fest of Sent Mykyll in the iiij yere of the forshayd Kyng by the spayse of oon hool yere. ffurst receid of Peter London for C and iiijxx lead xvi li. of latyn xlvij8. Also receid of a prest that chain from Londone for the gwylt tabernakylsse that whare on the Eoidloft vii8 viiid. Also receid of Hary Kyng for a gerden in the parysse of Sent Polsse xiid. Also receid of Peter London for ij crosstayse wayng x ii ij3 viii4. Eeceid of Jaram Ocsonbryg for a stable in Pellary Ian for iij yere viii8. • The sum of the recetts iij ii vi5 iiij4. Pol. 129 vo. The chergsse foloyng. Payed unto Jonson for pantynge of the *cloit before the roit loft vj8 viii4. * Cloth. 44 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS Payed for swoyng thogeder of the samcloit* ii]d. Payed unto the glasyer for glasyng of a lytylwyndoe in the chyrch xviii4. Payed for a by ell roppe for the greit by ell xd. Payed for ij yeres wassyng and mendyng for the chych viii8. Payed for viii thymys markyng clene and caryyng away of the meyre from the chyrch dore and a bouit the chyrch xiid . Also for enteryng of the acountt in the chyrch bocke xiid. The sum of the chergsse xix8 iij4 and so remaynynge unto the chyrch . . . 4. Wyttnes at delyveryng of thes acountts Mr. lewys, mayer, Mr. frenche, harry aldey, Thomas Walker, Wyllyam hunt, Peter london. Whereof payed at that tyme to thomas Walker uppon hys accounte xxxi8 viii4 and so remaynythe yn the hands of George Maye chyrche warden xv3 iiij4. Pol. 130 ro. [1551-52.] The accownts of George Maye and Stevyn Sare chyrchewardens of the paryshe of Saynt Andrewys w4yn the cytye of Cantorbery from the feast of Saynt Mychaell the archangell yn the fourthe yere of Kynge Edwarde the vi41' unto the feast of Saynt Mychaell yn the fyfte yere of owr soferand lorde Kynge Edwarde the vi"1 for one holle yere. Inprimis. Eeceyvyde of Jeram Oxynbrygge for a stabull ij8 viii4. Item of Mystres Kynge for a gardayne xii4. Item Eeceyvyde of Mr. Geere when he made hys accowte of the mony that was lefte xv8 iiii4. Sum of the receyts xix8. Item layde owte for iiij songe books iiij8 viii4. Item for iiij salters viii3. Item for iiij mattys iiij8. Item for whyte lymiynge of the churche and mendynge of iij or iiij holys yn the chansell and for ij busshells of lyme iij8. Item for makyng clean of the chyrche and rubbynge of the pewys xiid. Item for a new bawderyke for the gret bell xd. Item for makynge clean of the chyvohe dore ij tymys ijd. * Cloth. OP ST. ANDREW'S, CANTERBURY. 45 Item for makynge of a new dapper for the great bell iiij3. Item layd owte at the vysytacyon iijd. Item for wasshynge of the chyrche gere ij3 viii4. Item for the transposyng of a cope xviii4. Pol. 130 vo. Item for enterynge of the cownt yn the chyrche boke xii4. Summa layd owt xxxi3 i4. Wherof Ee xix8 rest to me xii8 i4. Pol. 131 ro. [1552-53.] Thaccomptes of Stephine Sare and Thomas Dale Churchewardons of the parishe of S4 Androwe within the citie of Cantorbury from the feaste of Saynte Michaell tharchangell in the fyfte yere of the Eeigne of Kyng Edwarde the syxthe unto the feaste of Saynt Mychaell in the syxthe yere of the Eeigne of our sayd soveraygne lorde for one holle yeare. Eeceiptes. ffyrste recevyd of Mr. May in money x li. Itm. of Jerome Oxenbridge for the ferine of a stable ij8 viii4. Itm. of henry Kyng for the ferme of a garden in S4 Paules parishe xiid. Summa recept x li. iij8 viiid. Wherof Payments, ffyrste payd to John Dyckeson for a key for the churche doar iiijd. Itm. for makyng cleane of all the pues in the churche iiijd. Itm. for makyng cleane the churche dore id. Itm. for nayles for the plomer ijd. Itm. for makyng of iiij01' newe pipes of leade and sawderyng of the gutters and the steple xxiiii8. Itm. for wodde to make hoate his yrons xiid. Pol. 131 vo. Itm. for makyng of a boke of the names of all poore people within our paryshe . ijd. Itm. to the clerke for maicyng cleane the gutters befoi'e the plommer beganne his worke ijd. Itm. for a loade and half of lyme ix3. Itm. for iij10 loades of sande " ij». Itm. to Patrycke Smythe for ernest of his worke xii4. Itm. for a m. prigg xiid. Itm. for ij c of harte lathe . , ' . . ' ) ii8 iiiid. 46 CHURCHWARDENS' ACCOUNTS. Itm. di. m. of prigge via. Itm. for ij m. and a half of tyles xxv". Itm. for a fastne bought of faunt [Faunt] iij4. Itm. to Patrick Smythe for tylyng of the churche and mendyng of the Batlements aboute the churche taken by hym by greate xxi8. Itm. for a rope for the seconde belle x4. Itm. to the clerke for makyng cleaue of the gutters at dyverse tymes x4. Itm. for caryeng away all the rubbyshe xii4. Itm. to the towneclerke for makyng of a boke of all the churche goods v8. Itm. for a boke of the last service sette oute in the latter tyme of Kyng Edward the sixthe vj3. Itm. for breade and wyne for the commuiiyon vi4. Itm. for mendyng of iiij01' surplices xi 4 . Pol. 132 ro. Itm. for wasshyng of the churche stuffe ij8 viii4. Itm. to the glasier for a cxxiiii fotes of newe glasse at viii4 the fOote iij ii xvii8 iiii4. Itm. for takyng downe and tryeng of iiij** and xi4 fotes of olde glasse at i4 ob. the fote xi9 iiii4 ob. Itm. for leaddyng of xii' fotes of olde glasse at ij4 ob. the fote ij8 vi4. Itm. for fillyng of xii4 holes of newe glasse that were broken oute at ijd the pece ij8. Itm. for newe leadyng and *semetyng [sic] of xlviii4 fote of glasse at iijd the fote xiis. Itm. for ij other lytle holes of newe glasse amendyd about besydes the belfrey iiij4. Itm. for makyng of thies accompt xii4. Sum leyd out x li vii8 viii4 oh. And so the churche owythe me iiij8 OD. Beyng presente at the makyng of thies accomptes, Mr lewes, Mr frenche, Mr Webbe, Mr fyshe, Mr Alday, Aldermen, Peter London and John Mylles, churchewardens, Henry Geere, Wilim hunte, Xpopher Scotte and Philippe lewes, w4 other. # Cementing. {To be continued.)