General Index
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Review.-"A Saunter through Kent with Pen and Pencil," vol. xiii
Frontispiece 1918
General Index
( 165 ) WNK A a Bere, Bennett, 51 (2) ; Joan, 51; John, 51; Richard, will of, 50; Roger, 51; Rose, 51 ; Thomas, 51, a Downe, Simon, 56. a Foord, William, 54. a Goore, Thomas, ], 8, 9; see also Goore. Alcock (Alcok, Alkoo). John, 18, 24 ; Mr., 2, 8, 7, 12, 35 (2). Alday (Aldey, Aldy), Alexander, 47 (4) ; Alice, 47 (3), will of, 48 ; Elizabeth, 47 (2), 41); Harry, 39, 42, 44 ; James, 49 (8) ; Jerome, 49 (5) ; Joan, 47 (3) ; John, 48, 53, 58, will of. 47 ; Margery, 47 ; Mr., 46 ; Nicholas, 47 (5), 49, will of, 4S ; Thomas, 47, 49. Alisbery, Thomas, 62. Aluord of Serlinges, 67. Amiiey, John, licence to collect money for the Grey Eriars, 89. Amye, Agnes, 49 ; Edmond, will of, 49 ; Margery, 49, 50. Ancell, Margaret, 50. Appleford, Edward, 103. Apuldrefelde, Wm. de, 64. Archer, Emma, 74 ; John le, 7-1. Arden of Feversham, by Lionel Oust, 101; author of, 122—126, Arden (Ardern), Alioe, 103, 110, 112 ; Margaret, 102 ; Mary, 112 ; Thomas, 102, 104, 112, 127, grant of abbey lands at Faversham to, 102, murder of, 108—111. Arsio, Rob., 74. Arthur, Grey Friar of Canterbury, 88. Arthur, John, Warden of Grey Friars, Canterbury, 88. Ash (Eohe), Ash Street, 49,50, 55,62 ; Cheker in, 47, 54 ; ohuvoh of, 49— 53, 58, 59 ; Eascstreet, 53, 54 ; Flete in, 47 ; House of Lazares, 56 ; St. Mary's Church, 52,59 ; St. Nioholas INDEX. I Church and Churchyard, 50,52, 53, | 55, 57, 58, CO. ! Ash, lands and tenements in. called Boundys, 60 ; Chekerfield, 49 ; Ferdyng, 52 ; Grenedrove, 52 ; Hooke, 49 ; flopedeye croft, 52 ; Hylls Churchgate, 49 ; Lokefeld, 61 ; Moland, 49 ; Pownfeesole, 60 ; Teldens, 61 ; Wallysend,52 ; Warohawthorne, 61 ; Weddington, 49 ; Wellfleld, 49; Welting, 52 ; Wilvell, 49. Ash Wills, hy Arthur Hussey, 47. a Tent, John, 19, 20 ; Jone, 3. Atteclive, John, 70. Attehelde (Atehale), Hamon, 67, 70 ; Ralph, 67, 70, 72, 75 ; Thomas, 75 ; Walter, 67,70, 72 ; Wm., 67, 70, 72. Aucher, Sir Anthony, 101, 106. Audley, Sir Thos., 101. B Bacon, Roger, 81, 84. Baker, Isabella, 50 ; John, 50 ; Nicholas, will of, 50 ; Simon, 50. Ball, Beokford, 15S. Bapchild (Bachechild, Bakechild), Bartholomew, 72 ; John de, 77, Bapchild (Bachechild, Bakechild), chaplain of, 68,71, 74, 76 ; land in, 71; rector of, 66. Barcullmew, —, 20. Barnmill in Ash, 49. Barnns, Wyllyam, 28. Barrawaye (Beraway), Walter, 33, 34, 39. Barrey, Rich., 103. Barton. Eliz., the nun of Kent, 86 ; —. 97. Bathherst, John, 90 ; —, 90. Bayly, Edmund, will of, 50; Joan, 50 ; William, 50. Beer, Mr., 40. 166 GENERAL INDEi. Bekesbourne, 48. Belle, Isabelle,- 50 (2) ; Richard, will of, 50. Bennet (Benet, Benett), Wm., 2, 4, 9, 10, 14, 15, 19, 20, 24, 25, 27, 30, 32, 34, 36, 39, 40. Berton, Nicholas de la, 143 ; William, 48. Berwin, Thomas, 5S. Best, Thos. le, 14. Betaummys, —, 2, 8,13, 19. Bethersden, land in, 61. Biden, 1. M., 153. Billes, Alice, 48 ; Denis, 4S ; Grysell, 48 ; John, 48. Binuene. Maud, 70 ; Roger de, 70. Bishop (Bysshop), —•. 22. 31. Blackboume, Wm., 106. Blair, Robert, 156; gift of old documents to the Mayor and Corporation of Dover. 93. Blench, Sinoth, 69 ; Walter, 69. Blindstone, Henry, mayor of Dover, 100. Boa (Bua, Buho), John, 67, 69—72, 74, 75, 77 ; Peter, 77 ; Walter, 67— 76, 7S ; Wm., 67, 69—76. Bobbing, 68 ; chaplain, 77. Boleyn, Anne, 85 ; books against the King's marriage with, 86. Bollney, Mistress, 29, 36. Bolls, meaning of, 7. Boode (Bode), Thomas, 50, will of, 51 ; Sir Thomas, 50, 51. Boone (Bone, Bonne), Robert, 4, 10, 14, 20, 25, 30, 36, 40. Borden, Adam de, 68. Borden, Leifelde in, 67, 71. Bowles, John, mayor of Dover, 97. Bownde, Isabelle, 51; John, will of, 51; Wm., 51. Boys, Eliz.. 49 ; John, 49. Bradborne, John, 102,103 ; Margaret, 102, 103 ; Nicholas, 103. Bradegar, Giles de, 68 ; Henry de, 68, 75 ; Sarra de, 68. Bradshaw, George, 106, 111. Brigadine or Brockendon, Alice, 102 ; John, 102. Brigge (Brige, atte Bregge), Agnes, 52 ; Alice, 52,53; Edmund, 53; Fridiswide, 52 ; Geoffrey, 52 ; George, 52 ; Henry, 52 ; Joan, 52 ; John, 52 ; Margaret, 52 : Maude, 52 ; Richard, 52 ; Robert, 57 ; Stephen. 52 ; Thomas, will of, 52; William,will of, 52. Brodd, Robert, 24. Brods, meaning of, 30. Broke (a Broke), Beatrice, 53 ; Bennet, 53, 54 ; Eliz., 53; Henry, 53 (5); Joan, 53 (3) ; John, 49 (3), 54, will of, 53; Margaret. 54 (2) ; Raymund, 54 ; Richard, 53 : Thomas, 53, 54 ; Walter, 54. Broke Street, 54. Brokhille, Joan, 65 ; Thos., 6.*;. Brokks, land at, 57. Brome. Katherine, 59 ; Robert. 23. 27. Brooke. Sir David, 102; Lady Margaret, 102. Browne (Brown). Alice. 5-1 ; Benett, 54 ; David, will of, 54 : Edward, 54 ; George, prior of tho Augustinian Hermits, 87 ; John. 52. will of, 54 ; Margaret, will of. 54 ; Eichard, 58 ; Robert, 34 ; Simon, 54 : Walter, 54 ; Wm., 97. Bryght, John, 6. Buckland, Dover, deed relating to a grant of land at. 96. Bugge, Hamond, 69. Bugley, Thomas, 40. Burgea (Bourges, Bowrges, Burgys), John, 9, 12, 14,19, 23; Thomas, 24, 29, 30. Burgrowe, Wm., 41, Burham, walls of Roman building found at, 155. Burton (Boorton), Benet, 55 : John, will of, 54; Margaret, 55 : Margery, 54, will of, 55 ; Robert, 54. will of, 55 ; Thomas, 54, will of, 55. Busch, Alice, 48 ; Thomas, 48. Butler, Margaret, 102. Byggerstafe, Robert, 29. 0 Cacherell (Chacherell, Kacherell), Edmund, 20, 21, 22 ; Edward, 31. 32; —.5, 10, 11, 15, 16. Callow (Calo, Calowe), Thomas, 4, 5, 24, 31, 32, 3S, 42. Canani, John, 27, 28. Canterbury, Binnewiht island, S3; Capuchin Friars, 85 ; Chantry Lane, 8, 13, 18; Christ Church, 59 ; King's Head, 17 ; mission to hop pickers, 85 ; Observant Friars, 85, number of their houses, 87 ; Pikenot Lane, 3 ; Pillory Lane, 1, 2,6,8,11,13,17,18,24, 26,33,43; St. Andrew's Church, 18, 33, St. Tronyun's loft in, 22 ; St. Elpheys, 2, 6, 8, 13; St. George's, 51; St. John Baptist Hospital, 56 ; St. Laurence, 1, 2, 8, 9, 18, 24, 82, 33, 38, 39 ; St. Margaret's Church, patronage of. given to Hospital of Poor Priests,' 144 ; St. Paul, 2, S, 19, 27, 33, 39; Stains Place, 3. .. GENERAL INDEI. 167 Canterbury, Grey Priars, A note on the, by Miss Churchill, 85; arrival of at Dover, 82 ; date of consecration of their church, 84 ; MSS. of. 81: property of, 83; schools of, 81.82 ; site of the house of, 83 ; social reform; of, 84. Canterbury, St. Andrsw, Churchwarden's Accounts of, by Charles Cotton, l ; gifts, 7; lights, 4, 5, 10, 15 ; obits, 4, 9, 15, 2(i. 27. 30, 40 ; waste of torches and mortuaries, 3, U, 10, 20, 28, 29, 39, 40. Canterbury, St. Austin Abbey, Abbot Eoger IL, by Rev. JR. U. Potts, 139; bounds of jurisdiction, 143 ; chantry founded, 143 ; inscription plates from coffins of abbots, 144, 145 ; lay-barbers, 143 ; St. Mildred, removal of body of, 142, shrine of, 142 ; struggle for independence of, 141. Capelain, Hamo, 69. Carder (Cander), Symon, 9, 14. Carpenter, Alice, 55, 56 ; Cisle, 57 ; Clemens, 57 ; Cristine, 55, 56 ; Edith, 75 ; Edmund, 57 ; Edward, 3 ; Gervase, 71, 76 ; Harry, 56 ; Hawise, 75 ; Henry, will of, 55 ; Isabella, 56 (3) ; Joan, 55, 56, 57 ; John, wi l l of, 56 ; Peter, 54, 56, will of, 57 ; Randulf, 75 ; Richard, 56 (2) ; liobert, will of, 56 ; Roger, 56 ; Stephen, 73 ; Thomas, 73, will of, 56 ; Wm., 56, 57. Cass, meaning of, 12. Castlocke, John, 127; Wm., 127. Causey Marsh in Ash, 49. Cavendish, Sir Eichard, 106. Chalchere (Chalkere), Rob. le, 67, 77.' Chapeleyn, Agnes, 57 ; Henry, will of, 57 ; Isabella, 57 ; Joan, 57, 58; Juliana, 57 ; Margaret, 57 ; Nicholas, will of, 57 ; Richard, 58 ; Thos., will of, 58; Wm., 57. Chapman, Isabella, 58 ; Eichard, will of, 58. Charnells, meaning of, 7. Chatham, coins of the third and fourth century found at, 159. Cheker, Raymund, 49. Cheker in Ash, 47, 54 ; manor of, 49. Chekerfield next Sawynton, land at, 61. Cheney, Sir Thomas, 101. 102, 107. Chilton, land in, 49. Chiltune, Thomas de, 74, Ching, Algor, 69 ; John, 69. Chirchegate(G'herchg.ite),Godwin de, 68 ; Henry. 08, 75 ; Peter, 68 ; Reginald de. 66, 08, 75. .Chislet, land in, 51, 52, 53. Choc. Stephen, 68. Cbolmley, Richard, 126. Chrisom, meaning of, 28. Churchill, Miss. 138. Chusin (Cusin), Barthol., 68, 70, 73 76, 7S. Cinque Ports, Catalog of the lord Wardens of the, excised from Holinshed's Chronicle, 112. Clappam, Sir Thomas, 57. Clark, Willis, 150. Clinch. George, 138. Clyderow, Elianore, 59 ; Joan, 58 : Matilda, will of, 59 ; JKojrer, 59, will • of, 58. Cobham, Lord. 89 ; Thomas, 89. Cobham, A trratiw on tlie LoriU, excised from Holinshed's Chronicle, 112. Coch, Stephen, 74. Cock (Clok, Coke, Cokke), Agnes, 60 ; Alice, 00 ; Isabella, 60 ; John. 53, will of, 00 ; Parnell, 00; Robert, 52, will of. HO ; Eoger, 00 ; Stephen, 60 ; Thomas, will of, 60. Cocks, Dr., 7 ; see also Koccys. Codex of Kent, 71. Coke, John, clerk to the Merchant Adventurers at Antwerp, 85. Cokking, Ash, 55. Oolbrand, Nicholas. 41. Cole (Coll), Agnes, 73 ; Alice, 73 ; Felicia, 73 ; Godwin, 72 ; Jacob, 74 ; James, 66, 69—72 ; Laurence, 49 ; Ealf, 73 ; —, 109. Collard, Cecile, 61 ; Cristine, 61 ; Henry, 57; Isabella, 61 ; Joan, 61 ; John, will of, 61; Margery, 00 ; Richard. 61; Roger, 61 ; Thomas, 61 ; William, 61 (2), will of, 60. Colly, Sir Thomas, 53, 54. Colman. James, 1, 8, 13, IS; John, 57. Colred. land in, 67. Colyns', Mr., 29, 36, 40. Cooke, Agnes, 61 ; Eliz., 61 ; Joan. 61 ; John, 61 (2) ; Nicholas, 61 ; Eichard, will of, 61 ; Thomas, 2 ; Wm., 61. Copland, John, report on discoveries in Sheppey by, ) 55. Coppen (Coppyng, Copyn). John, 4, 11,12,10,18,21,23. Copper (Coppar), Agnes, 62 ; Alice, 62 ; Cecile, 62 ; Constance, 62 ; Elianore, 62 ; John, 62, will of, 62 ; 168 GENERAL INl)E<£. Robert, 62 ; Stephen, 62 ; Thomas, 62 will of, 62. Coppley, widow. 2 ; —, 8. Cornhull, G. de. 142 ; R. de, 142. Coventry, St. James' Hospital, gift to, 58. Covert, Father Bernardine, Warden of Canterbury, 88. Cristemas, Alice, 50 ; John, 52. Crochirste. Rob. de. 71. Crofte, Wm. de. 68, 75. Crompton, Sir Robert, 54. Crosseley, Richard, 55. Croylstone, Alexandre, 24. Cruce, Gilbert de, 71, 73—77 ; John de, 74 ; Roger, 73 ; Walter, 73 ; Wulward. OS, 71. 73. Cucus. liartholomew, 69. Carse on property taken from the Church, 103. 104. Cursor, Lord, 4. Cust, Lionel, on Arden of Faversham, 101. D Dale, Thomas, 42, 45. Danyell, —, 25. Dartnowll, Master, 19. Davis, A. Randall, on cinerary urns, etc.. found at Folkestone, 150. Davys, John, '.16. Deacon, John, 69. Deal, 48. Deneway (Denewei, La Dene), 67, 03. Denewei, Aimer de, 07. Derwent, Margerie, 59 ; Thomas, 59. Devell, widow, 2, 8, 13, 19. Devereux, Sir John, 05. Doctor, Mr., 26. Doge, Hamo, Rector of St. Paul's, Canterbury, foundation of chantry by, 143. Donet, —, 27. Dorney Court, Bucks, linen-fold panelling from Faversham Abbey removed to, 134. Dover, 48, 49 ; Almshouses, 98, 99 ; grant of plot of land of the Dover Barony to any Freeman and his wife, 99 ; Lepers' Hospital, 97 ; Market Hall and Place, 08, 99 ; pottery, tiles, etc., found at, IBB; St. Martin's lo Grand Church, 98 ; St, Peter's Church, 09 ; sculptural head of Roman figure found at Queen Street, 156. Dover Documents, iw; land charter, 09 ; grant of aoro of land at Buckland, 96 ; letter of Attorney to receive possession and seisin of tho Court Hall, etc., its ; lioenco to raiso money towards improving tho Harbour, 97 ; Shipping regulation, 93. Drewe, William, 53, 51. Dryland, Rich., 1113. Drv Sandfoid, Abingdon, 03. Dunkyn, Thos.. lol. 127. Dunstalle, *rv Tunstall. Dye. John, 30. Dyokson, John, 40, 45. Dydyers, Mr., 33. Dygg, John, alderman :md liniliff of Canterbury, 83 ; —, 2T. 39. Dygon, John, nW>ot of SI. Austin's Abbey, inscription plate on coffin, 146. E Eastchurch (Hestchirche), chaplain of, 77. Edmonds, John, 103. Elam. Andrew, 49 ; Joan, 49, 50 ; John, 49 ; Thomiis, 49 ; Wm., 49. Elles (Ells, Ellys), John, 12. 13. 21, 26. 27, 29,34—36. Elmston, Church of, 51, Englisshe. Riohard, 53. Estewell, Margery, 51 ; Thomas, 51. Eulysoolye, Baldewin, 50. Eyre, Robert, 103. F Faber, Hugh, 73 ; John, f>», 70—73, 75, 76, 78 ; Wm., 73. Fagg, Robert, 103. Faversham, 40 ; abbey, 101, 130 ; Abbey Green, 103 : Abbey Street, 103 ; Anchor Inn. 137 ; annual fair, 107; Churohmead, 103; Flower de Luce Inn, 110 ; Globe Inn. 137 ; indenture of sale 1545 of lands, etc., in. 127 ; the Sextry, 103 ; 'The Thornehouse, 103 : Upper Green, 127 ; Washhouse Croft, 103. Faversham Abbey, Topographical Note on, by the Editor, iao; Note on, by C. H. Drake, i«7. FiivoTHliam Abboy, oulvwti of. 13" ; date of foundation, HUM ilutti o muTMulM', 130 ; (loni)i'lption of ImildlugH, 130, 11)7 ; nu'orcmt!!! to onjrriiviniJH of, IIII j llroplaow, 131; gateways 1SU—13!) ; Unou-i'old GENERAL INIJES. 169 panelling 134 ; panels, 134 ; refectory. 130 ; walls of, 137. Felcall, Ash, 57. Fenkyll, —. 10.27,33,39. Feversham. Golstan de, 69. Finch (I"ynoh\ Erasmus, 91 ; John, 103 ; Sir Wm., 28 ; W. Coles, 158. Finnys. Lord, 20. Fitz-Bi'rnard, Ralph, 71. Fitawaltpr, Joan, 05 ; Walter, 65. Flensso. Nicholas, 01. Folche so'i of Harding, 07. Folkestone, coins unearthed on Terlingham Farm and Capel Farm, 150 ; description of Roman cinerary urn, etc., found in Radnor Park. 156. Foiks (Fock-0. Mr.. 18 ; Thomas. 12. Forde (Foorde), Rolier;, 50 ; Wm., 00 ; Wm. atte. 55. Fourme, Anthony. 3. Fowle, Adam. 110. Fowler, Canon J. T.. 150. Foxe, Thomas, 23. Frampton. Rev. T. S., notes by, 65. Franceis, Osbert, 09 ; Wm., 09. Franciscan Province of England, SI. Fraunces, Sir Thomas, 54. Fraunch. Sir Thomas, 53. Frenche(Frenshe,Frensshe. Frynohe), John, 34, 40 ; Mr., 26. 35, 44, 46; Thomas, 1, 8, 13, IS. 23, 24, 33, 39, 42. Fngelestoue (Fuclestone, Fughelstune), Adam de. 74, 75 ; Jacob de, 77. Fuller, John, 23. Fullerton, Myrrha, 152. Fulston manor in Sittingbourne, 74. Fyndon, Thomas, abbot of St. Austin's Abbey, 140. Fyshe (Fysshe). John. 9. 12 (2), 14, 18, 20 ; Mr., 46 j Nicholas, 26, 33, 39, 41. G Gable, gavel or gabol, explanation of, 72. Garfcon, Robert de, 64. Gnsou (Gauson), Simon, 05, 56. Gate, Reynold, 2, 3, 8, 13. Gates, Thomas, 49. flawyn, —, 33. Clowe (Gore), Homy, 42, 43, 40 ; Mr., 4 1; William, 42. Qolino, Hamfred, 70 ; Walter, 76. (leorgo, Sir, SI. Gibbys (Uybbs), John, 2, 5, 8, 18, 19 (2). Giles, William, 53. Gnepehalst, John. 73. Goddard, —, 3. Godebold. Bad., 70, 74, 70 ; Ralph, OS, 70, 70. Godmundele. Walter de, 74. Godolphin. Sir Wm., 111. Gold, Thomas, 47. Goodbarn. Thomas, 40. Goodneston, 47 ; land at, called Dresgetts, 49 ; Hart, 49 ; Hilles- ' downe, 49 ; Holecombe, 40 ; Hoolebake, 49 ; Nashe, 49 ; Pedding, 49. Goore (Goere), Thomas, 9, 12, 14; snalso a Goore. Gorsend, one of the Dover Thauet Liberties, 94. Goshall, Brooke Street, 53, 54. Green (Greene, Grene). Henry, 2. 8. 13, 10; John, 100: Sir John, 55; Eobert. attack on Shakespeare by, I 120. Greenwich, vaults or graves cut into at, 153. J Gregory of Rokesley, mayor of London, bequest to Grey Friars by, 84. ! Grey Friars of Canterbury, by A. G. Little, 79. Griffin, Ralph, on The Lepers' Hospital, Swainestrey, G3. Guysborde, meaning of, 6. (tyests and giests. meaning of. 6. Gyllam, Mary. 29 ; Thomas, 1, 0, 10 23, 29. Gylnott, John, 3. II Habe, Barth. de la, 66 ; Thomas. 66. Hal, Christofer, 6. Hales, Sir Christopher, S9. Halkoce, John, 23. Halle, Sargent, 31,32, 3S. Hamons, —, 19. Hampton, Thomas, 147. Hardes, Thomas, 59 (2). Harfleet, Raymond, 51 (2) ; Thomas. 63. Harrison. Benjamin, 157; Wm., 112. Hart, John, 30; —, 21. Harvy, Bryan, 29. Haryes, Thomas, 58. Iiearno's Diary, reforence to remains of religious house in Murston in, 04. Hoestedo, Barthol. de, 7-1 ; Hosbert, 74 ; Richard, 74 : Simon, 74 ; Tom. do, 74 ; Wm. do, 72, 74. Heolde, Wm. de la, 77. Hole, Richard, 58. 176 GENERAL INDEX. Henry III., death of, 144. Herne, 51. Herttlepe, Benedict de, 72. Hide, Ralf, 77 ; Walter, 77 ; Wm., 77. Hills, 49. Hilsey, John, Provincial of the Order of Friars Preachers, S7. Hobbs (Hobs), John, 14, 18, 23, 30. 34,35,40; —,13. Hocken (Hockyn), Edmund, 50, 53. Hokeling, John de, 77 ; Wm. de, 77. Holbrok, Thos., 64. Holinshed, Raphael, 111, 112. Holinshed's Chronicle, reference to Arden's murder in, 106, 111; editors and publishers of, 111, 112 ; matter excised from, 112. Holyngborrie, William, 147. Hooker alias Vowell, John, 112. Hoorne, —, IS. Hone, Sir Wm, St. John, In Memoriam, 149 ; Mary, 152 ; Myrrha, 152 ; William, 149. Hornyngton, Ric, 64. Hosas (hopas), meaning of, 77. Hougham, pottery with piece of embossed pseudo - Samian ware found at Farthingloe Farm at, 156 ; Eoman interments at, 156. Hougham, Bennet, 63 ; Stephen, 53. Hows, John, 55. Hubbard, Wm., 28. Huett, —, 3. Huffinton (Huftune), Alan de, 09, 75 ; Stephen de, 75 ; Wulward, 69. Hugesson, James, deed of gift to Dover by, 9S, 99. Huking, John de, 75. Hunt (Huntt), Wm., 18, 19. 23, 28, 33,34,39,42,44,46; —, 5.' Hussey, Arthur, on Ash Wills, I Ickham, 48. Ightham, fragments of sixty urns found at, 157; Patchgrove Woods, fragments of urns, etc., found in, 157. J Jacobs, History of Pavarsham, reference to, 114. Jamys, John, 28. Jansun, John, 20. Jefferies, Mary, 152. Jenkyn, John, 33. Jenkynson, John, 39 ; —, 20. Johnson, Elyn, 60. Joly, Stephen, 52. Jones, J. Bavington, 93. Jonnys, Lewys, 35. Jonson, —, 43. Joyner, Thomas, 58. Joys, —, 37. Jungwine, Hamund, 70. K Kacherell, see Cacherell. Kaistrete, Laurence de, 73 ; Roger de 73. Kantys, John, 64 ; Lucy, 64. Karver, Harry, 29. Kelsam (Kellsam), Mistress, 35 ; Peter. 27, 41. Kelsey (Kelsy), Wm., 3, 6. Ken. Thomas, 30. Kendall, Wm., 2 ; —, 8, 13. Kennet, —, 34. Kent, Geoffrey, 58. Kenton, William, 61. Keregrom, Aluord, 72. Keystreet, 73. King (Kyng), Ailward, 69 ; Henry, 43, 45 ; John, 75 ; Mistress, 44 ; Wm., 75. ' Kingesnoth. Adam de, Chamberlain of St. Austin's, benefactions to the monastery, 143. Kingsdown, church of, built by Abbot Roger IL, 142. Kirtling, 102. Knocker, Edward, 98, 99. Knoll, 52. Knyght (Knyt), Antony, 4, 11,12,16, 33 ; Mr., 27, 35, 39. Koccys, Sir John, 29. Kyryell, John, 59. L Larede, land at, 69. Laurence (Lawrence), Dorothy, 3, 4, 7 ; John, reference to letter to Crumwell about Nun of Kent, 87 ; Eobert, 7 ; —-. 3. Layton, Dr., 10l'. Le Bas, Rev. E. 0., 155. Lees Court near Faversham, 104. Leisdune. Eie., 70 ; Uluord de, 76, 78. Lent, Williamj 58. Lerwyke. Eobert, 14. Levyke, Hen., 57. Lewes (Lewies, Lewys, Lewysse), | John, 53 ; Mr., IS, 19, 24, 42, 44 GENERAL INDEX. lH 46 ; Nicholas, 24 ; Philippe. 4-6 ; Robert, alderman and Chamberlayn of Canterbury, 9, 12, 14, 19, 23 ; Wm., 50. Ley, Mother, 34. Leysted, John, 30. Leyston, Mother, 35 (2). Lil'lo, George, the dramatist, 122. Linsted, 04, 98. Linsted (Lynsted), Francis, 28.29, 34, 35 ; James, 29 ; Jordan de, 72 ; —, 24, 28, 29. Lisle, Lady, reference to letter to, 88 ; Lord, reference to Grey Friars of Canterbury. 85, 88. Liteprud, John, 75. Lien of the Archbishops of Canterbury, excised from Holinshed's Chronicle, 112. Lomeherst (Loneherst), John, 8, 13, 33 : John, jun., 2. London, Peter, 26, 30, 33, 37. 43, 44. 46. London, 20, 48. Long, Adam, 69. Lovelace, Wm., 91. Luting, James, 00 ; Thedwin, 66. Luttre, Isabel, 64 ; John, 64, Lyer, meaning of, 6. Lyman, Richard, 54. Lynde, John, 57. M Machyn, Henry, 111. Manser, Stephen, notes on Sandwich district by, 154. Marlowe, Christopher,and the authorship of Arden of Faversham, 124. Marteyn, Wm., 5. May (Maye), George, 30, 36, 42, 43, 44 ; Mr., 45 ; Richard. 50. Merser, Thomas, 34. Michell, John, 61; William, 61. Milton (Middetune), chaplain of, 77. Milton by Sittingbourne, Roman tiles, etc., found at, 157 ; fourteenthcentury windows opened ap in Church, 158. Minster, silver coil of Alexander II. of Scotland found at, 154. Mirfyn, Alice, 102 (2) ; Edward, 103. Moland. Nicholas, 53. More, Sir Thomas, reference to letter to Crumwell about the Nun of Kent, 87. Morston (Moristone),. Adam, OS, 71 ; Barthol. de, 64, 6S, 70, 76, 78 ; Beatrice, 68 ; Everard, 71 ; Gervase, 71; Godebalde, 71; Joan de, 04 ; Maud, 08; Mori de, 08, 71, 75, 76, 78 ; Reginald, 75 ; Simon, 08 ; Stephen, 64, 75; Thomas, 70, 78; Wm., 08 : see also Murston. Mosby or Morsby, Cecily, 100—111 ; George or Thomas. 104—110; John, 111. Mosred. Henry, 57. Motekin, Wm.. 72. Moyle, Sir Thomas, 101. Murston (Moriston), Thos. do, 60 ; Wm. de, 60 ; see also Morston. Murston, chaplain of, 67, Oil, 70—72, 74—78 ; Elmley in, 03 ; farms called Great Heyham and Little Heyham in. 63 ; field called Hertesfeld in, 08 ; field called Holdeburgehamme in, 07, 76 ; Herat in, 63 ; manor of, 03 ; rector of, 04, 75 ; Sutland in, 00. Mylls (Mylles), John, 40 ; —, 39. Mynott. Edmund, 4, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 36, 40. N Nayler. Mr., 29, 32, 34. 35 ; Mistress, 35. Nolle. Ash, land at, 50, 62 ; Nelle Way, 60. Nelmys, manor of, 59. Neme, John, 62. Nicholls (Nyoalls, Nycolls). George, 24, 26, 33, 39 ; S., 157. Nonington. 47 ; Fredville in, 49. Norchoch, Hosbert de, 70. Norden (Northden), Isabel, 70 ; Thurstan, 77 ; Wm. de, 76. North, Lady Alice, 102 : Christian, 102 ; Edward, 103 ; Sir Edward, 101, 102, 104; Mary, 102; Lady Mary, 102 ; Roger, 102; Sir Thomas, 102, 103, 113. Noryes, Alianore, 59 ; John, 58, 59 (5). O Odinden, John, 59. Oldfield, Thomas, 103. Omer, John, 50 ; Laurence, 50 ; Thomas, 58. Ophosen in Ash, land at, 56. Overland, chapel of, 52, 54, 50. Oxford, New College, deeds relating to Lepers' Hospital, Swainefitrey, at, GO. Oxinbridge (Oxinbregge, Oxynbrygge), Jerora, 9, 18, 43, 44, 45 ; Thomas, 1, S, 13, 18. I1?2 GENERAL INDEX. Page, Geoffrey, 58 ; Nicholas, 58. Paramor, William, 02. Paramor Grange, near Ash, mural paintings on walls found in, 153. Pargrave, Wm., 13. Parmentar, Wm., 69. Parre, Stephen, 49. Parrett, Richard, 103. Parson, Mr., 27, 28. Paryng yeron, meaning of, 17. Pavyour, John, 17. l'awcherst, Benedict, 59. Paygh, John, 60. Payne, George, on Researches and Discoveries in Kent, 155. Payns, —, 22 Peckham, Friar John. 81. Peddynge. land called Wyeos in. 58. 1'embyell' (Pemble), Peter, 2, 8, 13. 19. Peny, John, 51 ; Nicholas, 58 ; William, 56. Percy, Thomas, 9. Perrires (Perers, Purero), Hugh de, 07 ; Eobert de, 67, 71—73. 76 ; Wm. de, 67, 71—73, 75, 76. Pery, Gervase, 58 ; Isabella, 58 ; Eichard, 58. Pett, William, 50. Pevinton, church of. 51. Pikenot, John, builder of the frater on north side of Gt. Cloister, Canterbury, 3. Pirie, Rob. de, 71 ; Simon de, 71 ; Wm. de, 71. Pistoke, land in, 70. Pistoke, John de, 75 ; Ealf de, 71, 73. 74 ; Eobert de, 75 ; Walter de, 71. ' Play entitled The Lamentable and True Traf/edie of M. Arden of Feversham in Kent, 113; author of, 124 ; description of the play, 114—122; various editors of, 113. Poitou, Adam, 75 ; Alex., 75, 77 ; Turstan. 75, 77. Pope, Sir Thos., 101. Potell of Oil, measure of, 30. Potter (Potyar), Daniel, 7, 9, 22. Potyn, Nic, 65. Pounder, Cecily, 106. Preston, Alice, 64 ; Peter de, 64. Prestre, Adam, 73 ; Leward, 73 ; Eoger le, 73. Prowde, James, 3, 9. Prune, —-, 109. Puckleshall, chaplain of, 71 ; Leper Hospital of St. James, 71. Purie, Adam de, 69. Pyllebyre Coots, meaning of, 7. R Radfield (Roddefeld), in Tong, chaplain of, 68 ; free chapel at, 68. Eagget, Mr., 154. Researches and Discoveries in Kent, 1915—1919,153. Review, A Saunter through Kent with Pen avid Pencil, vol. xiii., by Charles Igglesden, 103. Reymyshe. John, 24. Reynolds (Eaynolds), John, 2 ; Sir Stephen, 48. Ricard. John, 61. Rich, Hugh, warden of Grey Friars, 85. 86 ; Sir Richard, 101. Riohard, Bishop of Dover, Commission to visit the friaries in England to receive their seals, printed in Wilkins' Concilia, S9. Richborough, 49, 51 ; some foundations of. discovered, 154. Ride, Stephen de, 77. Rigden. William, 54. Risby, Father Eichard, S6. Robert of Battle, abbot of St. Austin's Abbey, 140 ; struggle of, for independence of Abbey and note on the privileges granted by the Eoman pontiHs, 140, 141. Eochetts, meaning of, 28. Rockingham Castle, Northants, deeds relating to property at Faversham, 101, 103, 127. Eodmeresham, Alan de, 73 ; John Gnepehalst de, 69 ; Jordan de, 73 ; Levine, 74 ; Synose de, 69 ; Wm. de, 74. Eodmersham, chaplain of, 67—69, 75, 76; farm, called Pitstock in, 70 ; land called La Cumbe, 67, 72, 75; vicar of, 71,72, 77. Eoger, John, 4S ; Sir John, 51. Roger II., abbot of St. Austin's Abbey, Canterbury, 139 ; building by, 142 ; death of, 144 ; inscription plate on coffin, 140, 146 ; particulars of his life, 140,141 ; tomb of, 139. Rolf, Mary, 91; Thomas, purchaser of Grey Friars, 91. Eoose, Wm., 2. Rose, Gregory, 27, 29. Rotlan, Francis, 23. Euberge (Roberge), Adam de, 67, OS, 71, 73, 74, 76 ; Walter de, 08, 71,73, 70. RufEus, Robert, 70, 76 ; Roger, 70. Ruheberge (Robergo), Adam de, 70, 78. Russell, John, 36. GENERAL INDEX. 173 Rutland, Francis, 18 ; Mr., 9, 10, 11, 14. Rydle, James, 39. Eytohemond, Paul, 3, 12. S St. Austin's Abbey, Canterbury, 141, see Canterbury; refusal of archbishop to give benediction to abbot-elect in his own monastery, 141. St. Francis of Assisi, some particulars of, 79. Salmon, John, 13 ; —, 17, Salter, Bev. H., 63. Sandwich, 2, 8, 13, 17, 24, 27, 33. 39, 47—49, 51, 56, 59 ; Cornmarket, 59 ; Old House at oorner of Quay Lane, 154 ; pointed arches found under house between Pillory Gate and Barbican, 133 ; St. Mary's, 49, 53, 59 ; St. Peter's, 52, 59; tenements and land called The Hove (formerly Swan), in, 59. Sare (Sarre, Sayre), John, 49; Mr., 29 ; Stephen, 24, 27, 44, 45. Saunder, John, 48. Saunderson, Michael, 107, 110, 111 ; Sir William, 58. Savage. Ralph de, 68. Saverey, Stephen, 60. Sawner, Lambert, 62. Scaudeforde, Ric. de, 71. Soonnington, Alex, de, 74,75 ; Robert de, 75. Scotland, abbot of St. Austin's Abbey, inscription plate on coffin of, 145. Scott (Scotte, Skot), Christopher, 42, 40 ; Thomas, 6. Scotus, Duns, 81. Serope, Henry. Lord, 102; Mary, Lady, 102. Soyetts of gold paper, meaning of, 16. Sentnieholas; Thomas, 60. Septvans, Alice, 59. Serlinges (Serflinges, Serhlinges). Aluord, 72, 73, 77 ; Celestria, 68; Hamo, 6S ; Ralf de, OS. Sethe, John, 51. Shakebag (Loosebag), George, 107. Shakespeare, William, some particulars of, 112. Sheppey, 59 ; coins found at, 154 ; Siringdune in, 07. Shirborne, Walter, 48. Sirlande, John de, 77 ; Rob. de, 77. Sittingbourne, 63 ; field called Nikenacre. in. 69 ; vicar of, 09, 70, 74, 76,78. ' Skore, Mr., 42. Smarden, 01. Smythe, Patryoke, 43, 46. Snelson, —, 27.- Snoddowne (Snowdowa), Andrew, 55, 61. Sokeling, John, 75 ; Peter, 75; Robert, 75 ; Wm., 75. Soly, Nicholas, 60. Somer, Robert, 75. Sondes, Earl, 101, 104 ; Sir George, 130 ; George,Earlof Feversham, 104. Sowthosand, —, 61. Spensar, —, 22. Spert, Gregory, 24. Spilman, Thomas, grant of lands of Grey Friars to, 85, 89, 90. Sprockett, meaning of, 6. Squire (Squyer). Alice, 102 ; Wm., 3. Stafford, Eliz,, 110,111. Stafford in Chislet, land in, 52. Stalling, moaning of, 0. Stanihurst, Riohard, 112. Staple, 48. Staundon, Agnes, 04 ; Wm. de, 04. Stocke, John, 41. Stonard, Thomas, 49. Stourmouth, 49. Stow, John, 112. Stowmarket, Suffolk, St. Peter, 48. Strensham, Robt., 103 ; Tho., 103. Strood, 52 ; grave of a Jut e found in Woodstock Eoad, 158. Sturrey, 51. Sudlande, Hamund de, 07. Sussan, John, 65. Swainestrey, The Lepers' Hospital at, by Ralph Griffin, 63; chapel of, 63, 64 ; Deeds relating to, 03 ; grant of Fair to, 63, 65 ; Fines relating to, 64, 05; grant of protection, 65 ; proctors of, 67—73. Swanetun, Ralph de, 09. Swann (Swan), John. 33, 35 ; Master, 24. 28 ; Mistress, 4, 10, 14, 15. 20, 25, 30, 32, 36, 38. 40, 41; Thomas, 9 : —, 3. Sweinestri, Edith, 73 ; Hawise, 74 ; Ralf de, 73, 74. S wingfield near Dover, 03. Swynbanke, Sir Edward, CO. Symson, Thomas, 59. Synkley, William, 61. System, Symon, 65. T Tavemer, Symon, 75. Taylor, Alice, 47 ; Robert, 47. Tellebene, Aluoit, 75. 174 GENERAL INDEX. Tenet', Rioh. de, 74. Tewkysbury, Wm., 7, 9. Thacher, John, 32. Tharangell, Mygheli, 26. Thomas, Prior of Christ Ohuroh, Canterbury, reference to letter to Crumwell, 86. Thompson, A. Hamilton, 147. Thorle, Hubert, 65. Thorn, Ailward at, 69 ; Ailwyn, 69. Thorae, Nicholas, abbot of St. Austin's Abbey, 140. Thornton, Henry, 97. Thurnham, land in, 71; vicar of, 71. Thynne, Francis, 112, 125 ; Sir John, 125 ; Wm., 112. Toggehose, Alan, 72, 76 ; Edith, 71; Florence, 07, 69,70. 72, 70 ; Simon, 72 ; Stephen, 07, 09—72, 76 ; Thomas, 09 ; Wm., 09—72, 74, 76, 77. Toke, Robert, 61. Tomson. Dydyer, 20, 33. Tong (Tang), parson of, 76 ; vioar of, 71. Tovi (Toni), Peter, 75. Tramell, Sir William, 55. Trewell, William, 52. Tuke, Sir Bryan, 101. Tunstall (Dunstall), chaplain of, 69, 71,76,78 ; manor called Woodstook and Pitstock in, 70. Twitham manor in Wingham, 48. Twypoole, Isabell, 50. Tye, Nic, 65. IT Hnderdown, George, 29, 35, 40. Upton, Henry, 50. Hsborne, Hamon, 41. V Veruwe, Geoffrey de la, 77. Vincett, S., note on the Friary of Grey Friars, Canterbury, 79. Virgate of land, measure of, 68. Vydean, James, 1, 7, 8, 12, 13, IS, 28, 42 ; Simon, 7, 13. Vyllers (Vyllowre), Stephen, 14 ; —, •14. W Wainfleet (Wanflett), Thomas, 11,28, 35 ; - , 40. Walker, Thomas, 30, 33, 42, 44. Waller (Waler), Richard, 24, 26. 40 ; - , 2 4 . I Wallsend, 52, 53, 56. Warde, John, 35. Warden, silver coin of Henry III. found at, 155. Wardune, Helewise, 77 ; Robt. de, 77 ; Simon de, 77. Ware, land in, 52, 55, 58. Waredown, 52, 57 ; Ferdyng in, 52. Warefield, 55. Warham, Archbishop, 51, 01. Warland, Henry de, 69, 74, 77. Water, Gilbert, 55. Waterfleld, Gilbert, 51. Watson, Cristofer, 54 ; Rev. Wentworth, 137, Weaver, Walter, 76. Webb. Mr., 2S, 42, 46. Weddington in Ash, 49, 53. Well, Eichard, 5S. Wellbreg-ge, land at, 57. Wells, Roger, 27, 28, 35. Wenge, Simon de, 67—73. 'Westcliffe, John, 59. Westmarsh, messuage and land called Poyndes in, 56. Whetefield, land called, 61. White, Edward, 113. Whitechapel church, 51. Whitley, T. W., 155. Widegate, Eilgar de. 73 ; Elmer de, 76 ; Florence de, 73, 76 ; John de, 69, 73, 75, 76; Laurence, 71, 73; Norman, 71 ; Ralph, 68, 69, 72, 73, 74, 76 ; Eoger de, 73 ; Walter de, 76 ; Wm., 71. Wigod, Walter, 70, 76, 78. William of Occam, 81. Williams, John, 51. Wimund, Vitalis, 09. Winchester, St. Swithin, agreement with St. Austin's Abbey, 142. Wingham, 47, 48, 5 1 ; chantry in, 48 ; Twitham manor in, 4S ; Wingham Barton manor in, 61. Withe. Reginald, 69. Wolf, Reginald, printer and publisher of Holinshed's Chronicle, 111,112. Wood, Agnes, 29 ; George, 29 ; Richard, 29, 34, 35, 40. Woodnesborough (Wodensborough),' 48 ; land at, 49. Woodward, Robert, 51, Worcester, Christian, Countess of, 102 ; Wm. Somerset, Earl of, 102. Wren (Wrenne), Eoger, 76 ; Wm., 51. Wrotham, skeletons of Jutisb. settlers found at, 15S ; iron spearhead and ornaments found at, 15S. Wryght, Sir John, 34, 36, GENERAL INDEX. 175 Wulfric I., abbot of St. Austin's Abbey, inscription on. coffin plate of. 145. Wulfric IL, abbot of St. Abbey, 145. Wye, 61. Wygmore, Mr., 39. Wymlingswold, 47. Wynchepe, Wm,, 59. Wynters, —-, 27. Wyston, —, 37. y York, Hem'y, Duke of, Constable of the Castle of Dover, 94. Youngson, Robert, 06.