The Lepers' Hospital at Swainstrey
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The Grey Friars of Canterbury
( 63 ) THE LEPERS' HOSPITAL AT SWAINESTREY. BY RALPH GRIPPIN, P.S.A. This small foundation escaped the attention of Hasted and of our other Kentish historians. The entry in the enlarged Dugdale of 1846 (vol. vi., p. 765) is s. v. Swinestre. " Tanner mentions a grant made 9 Hen. III. to the master of the hospital of the Holy Cross here to have a fair at the Chapel of Swinestre on the eve and day of Holy Cross; but, nevertheless, queries whether this may not be the same with Swingfield near Dover, a house of the Templars." Mr. Hussey (Archceologia Cantiana, Vol. XXIX., p. 255) locates the chapel as in the grounds of Murston Rectory on the east of Sittingbourne and cites a Sittingbourne will of 1525 to shew that the chapel was then in existence. It is interesting therefore that the Rev. H. Salter, Vicar of Dry Sandford, Abingdon, has found among the muniments of New College, Oxford, a series of deeds relating to the endowment of the chapel; and since these documents are all of early date, and have not hitherto been published, they are assuredly well worth printing in extenso. Records of this date are not of everyday occurrence, and the names of the witnesses are often important in other connections. The deeds are printed exactly as copied by Mr. Salter. Only one is dated. He has assigned to some of the others an approximate date, but he desires to make it clear that these dates are attributed merely on the character of the handwriting and on no other ground. The order of the deeds he did not consider of importance and they are printed as numbered by him. He has been good enough to give a reference to a passage in Hearne's Diary (vol. viii., p. 260, Oxford Hist, Soe, edition) wherein Hearoe refers to 64 THE LEPERS' HOSPITAL AT SWAINESTREY. Mr. Allen, rector of Murston, who "told me that by his living of Murston in Kent close by it, as it were, are two farms called Little Heyham and Great Heyham, and that there are there a great number of flint stones which seem to have been the remains of some religious house." Mr. Allen was rector 1710-1732. I t may be surmised that the original foundation of the hospital was due to the piety of the lord of the manor of Murston, for the advowson appears to have been appendant to the manor. Thus by a fine of 28 Edw. III., No. 821, that manor and lands in Murston, Elmley and Herst [in Murston], together with the advowson of the church of the manor and the advowson of the chapel of Swaynestry were settled on Barth. de Morston and his wife Joan for their lives with remainder to his sons Bartholomew and Stephen in tail. In the fine the parties are Bartholomew and his wife on the one side and Wm. de Apuldrefelde on the other. The latter was of Lynsted, and the circumstance suggests some relationship between William and Joan. Possibly he was her father. By another fine of the fiftieth year of the same reign, No. 2187, one third of the same property was sold to Peter de Preston and his wife Alice and the heirs of Peter, a statement being made that it was held for life by Joan de Morston and was of the inheritance of Agnes, wife of Wm. de Staundon, who are the defendants in the fine. Joan was present & did fealty to Peter & Alice. In the next reign by a fine 4 Ric. II., No. 185, another third of the manor is transferred to Ric. Hornyngton, clerk, and his heirs, by John Luttre and his wife Isabel. The property is said to be held for life by Joan, widow of Barth. de Morston, and to be of the inheritance of Isabel. The consideration expressed is £20 and a warranty is given against the heirs of Isabel. By a fine 10 Rich. II., No. 519, a third of the sameproperty is sold by John Kantys and his wife Lucy to Thos. Holbrok, clerk, and Rbt. de Grarton, cleric, the consideration expressed being 200 marks and a warranty being given against the heirs of Lucy, THE LEPERS' HOSPITAL AT SWAINESTREY. 65 A little later in the same reign, by a fine of 14 Rich. II., No. 715, what appears to be the other two-thirds of the property are dealt with and assigned to Sir John Devereux, knt., Mo. Potyn and Mc. Tye aud the heirs of Sir John by Thos. Brokhille and his wife Joan, the consideration expressed being £200 and a warranty being given against the heirs of Thos. Brokhille. Lastly, by a fine of 4 Hen. IV., No. 145, the (? same) two-thirds were assigned to Hubert Thorle, elk., Symon System, elk,, & John Sussan, oik., and the heirs of Hubert by Walter Pitzwalter, chivr., and his wife Joan. The consideration is 200 marks, and a warranty is given against the heirs of Joan. It may be observed here that Joan was daughter of Sir John Devereux and sister and heir to her brother who died s.p. In all these fines the point to be insisted on is that the advowson of the chapel is always treated as appendant to the manor, giving colour for the assumption that the original founder owned the manor. The Rev. T. S. Frampton, who has kindly looked through the charters and furnished valuable notes, has given the reference to the printed Close Roll granting the fair. It was to be held two days, viz., the day of the Invention of the Holy Cross (May 3) and the day before. It is found on p. 13 of the second volume of Rolls, edited by T. D. Hardy in 1844. The entry runs :— An 9" Hen. III., A.D. 1225, m. 14. D'f eria ftnda. D'n's Rex concessit Magro Hospitalis See Crucis de Sweynestre qd1 hat usq, ad etate dfii Regis una f eria singlis annis apud capella See Crucis de Sweynestre p duos dies durafr'am in vigii InvetiSis See Crucis ? ipo die nisi feria ilia ?c, ? manS est Vic Kane qd feria ilia ei hfe fac. T. R(\ ap Dovf xiiij. die Jan. Cora Sarf ? Bathon Epis. A search through other printed Rolls has only disclosed two other entries bearing on the subject. In the Patent Rolls under date 16 Hen. III. is the entry of a grant of protection to the lepers of the hospital of St.> Leonard of vol.. XXXIT. J? 66 THE LEPERS' HOSPITAL AT SWAINESTREY. Sweynestre juxta Sidingburn by letters patent sine termino cum clausula Rogamus, etc. The other entry is in the Close Rolls of the same year, whereby the King being at Faversham on the 7 Sept. 1232, confirms to the lepers of the hospital (name as above) various gifts. 1. Of the gift of Oliver, late rector of Bapchild, confirmed by Reginald de Cherchgate, of 16 acres in Bapchild. 2. Of the gift of Thos. son of Barth. de la Habe of an acre and a half in Sweynstr'. 3. Of the gift of Wm. son of Thos. de Moriston (Murston) of an acre lying by the demesne land of the church of Moriston on the south side in the place called Sutland. 4. Of the gift of Jas. son of Thedwin Luting of 2d. which Jas. Cole used to pay. 5. Of the gift of Thos. son of Bartholomew of an acre and a half and 8 day works at Sweinstr'. I t will be observed that in the King's grants the hospital is called that of St. Leonard, whereas in Tanner and in the charters it is called that of the Holy Cross; except in the 24th, where it is called the chapel of Holy Cross. It can scarcely be that they were quite separate places, and the explanation may be that the hospital was dedicated to St. Leonard and attached to a chapel of the Holy Cross at Swainestrey. I t may be asked, how came these deeds to New College ? To that no certain answer can be given; but it may be suggested that Wykeham, when at Queenborough or when looking about for some further provision for his foundation, may have come across the hospital and found it in a languishing state and obtained its suppression and added its endowments to his college, leaving only the chapel and the chaplain who served it; or it may be that the college owed this bounty in later times to one of its Kentish friends, such as Archbishop Warham is known to have been. Some general remarks may be made about some of the place-names, THE LEPERS' HOSPITAL AT SWAINESTREY. 67 I n No. 1 and Nos. 8 and 24 occurs Serlinges; Serhlinges in No. 4; Serflinges in No. 5. No such name has been found in Hasted or elsewhere. They refer no doubt to the same place and it seems probable it was in Rodmersham. The Deneway [Denewei] is mentioned in Nos. 1 and 3 as well as in No. 8, while La Dene is mentioned in No. 7. La Cumbe is mentioned in Nos. 12, 13 and 20, and the last shews it was in Rodmersham. Leifelde is in Borden No. 10, Siringdune is in Sheppey No. 16, though Hasted, ii., 19, speaks of Sharynden as in Elmley. Holdeburgehamme of No. 22 is probably Oldburham or Oldborough, perhaps so distinguished from Newborough in Tong. 1. Ralph, William and Walter, sons of Hamon Attehelde of Eodmeresham grant to Master Simon de Wenge, proctor of the house of the hospital of Holy Cross of Sweinesti, and his assigns and successors 3 | acres and 7 "daiwerce"* of land at Serlinges, lying next the land which was of Aimer de Denewei on the east, and next the land which was of Polche son of Harding on the south, and by the land which was of Aluord of Serlinges on the north, yielding yearly lOd. For this Simon gives them 12s. Witnesses : Hillary chaplain, Gefrid chaplain of Rodmeresham, Will. de Monasterio,t Walter Boa,J John Boa, Will. Boa, Will, and Robert de Perers,§ Adam de Ruberge, Hamund de Sudlande, Rob. Chalchere, John chaplain of Moriston,|| Simon and Thomas clerks. * As much land as could be ploughed in one day. t Minster. j One or other of this family, whioh appears also as Buho and Bua, is a witness in nearly every one of these charters. § Hugh de Perrires occurs in a Cumbwell Charter (c. 1180, Arch. Cant., VI., 197) about land in Oolred. William is also a witness to No. 18 and both in Nos. 2,12 and 23. Cf. Purere of No. 11, probably the same name. || Murston. 2. c. 1230. A repetition of No. 1. Witnesses: Hillary priest, Q-efrid then priest of Rodmeresham, Will, de Monasterio, John Boa, Walter Boa, William, Stephen Togge-hose, Florence his brother, Robert Chalchere, Hamo de Sudland, Simon clerk, Will- de Perers, Robert his son, Adam de Roberge. 3? 3 6S THE LEPERS' HOSPITAL AT SWAINESTREY. 3. c. 1230. Reginald de Chirchegate in Sidingburne son of Godwin de Chirchegate grants to Master Simon de Wenge, proctor of the house of the hospital of Holy Cross of Sweiuestre, and the servants thereof and their successors, three acres in the field called Hertesfeld next the land which was of Stephen Choc on the south and next Denewei on the east, rendering 3s. 6d. yearly, viz., 21d. at Easter and 21d. at St. Matthew's day, and four hens as a present* at Christmas. For this Master Simon grants 4 marcs to Reginald, 2s. to Cecilia his wife, and one seam of barley to Peter and Henry his sons. Hiis testibus, dom. Bartol. et dom. Will, de Moristone,t Hen. de Bradegar, J Will, de Crof tes, Mori de Moristone, Rad. de Widegate, Waltero Boa, Hillario capellano et Iohanne capellano de Moristone, Rad. clerioo et Benedicto clerico Adam de Ruberge, Waltero filio eius, Wulwardo de Cruce, Ioh. Pabro, Bartol. Chusin, Rad. filio Godebold. One of the three seals remains: green, circular, If in., a fleur de lis SIGIH,' PETEI EIIiII BEGINALDI.g * See No. 13. t Murston. Of this family Adam ocours in a fine No. 132 about land in Shoreham in 1227; William in No.'174 about land in Sittingbourne in 1227; Beatrice, widow of William, arranges for her dower in a fine No. 367 in 1239; and Bartholomew and his wife Maud occur in No. 867 in 1259. X Bredgar. § This appears to be the seal of Peter the son of Reginald de Chirohegate who gets a grant under the oharter. It may be noted that Peter fitz Reginald and his wife Hawise bought property to them and to the heirs of the wife in Borden from Adam de Borden by fine No. 140 in 1227. . 4. c. 1260. Celestria daughter of Ralf de Serhlinges and Hamo her son grant to Master Simon de Moristone, proctor of the house of the hospital of Holy Cross of Suenestre, and the ministers who serve God there and their successors a rent of 8d., which the heirs of Godard carpenter of Rodmeresham paid for 3 virgates* of land with buildings in that parish, and a rent of 3 hens for the next 5 years. Master Simon pays 5s. Witnesses: Alan chaplain of Rodmeresham, Adam chaplain of Bakechild,t Walram chaplain of Roddefeld,J William de Crofte, Henry de Bradegar,§ Ralf de * This measure of land varied. A virgate was at times as much as 40 aorcs but sometimes as little as four acres. f Bapchild, , % Radfield, in Tong parish, is a hamlet lying on the south side of the high road, between Bapchild and Greenstreet. There was a free obapol at Radfield as early as 1190. § Bredgar. In 1252 by fine No. 668 Rph. de Savage transferred all his property in Bredgar to Hen. son of Giles do Bradegare and his wife Sarra and the heirs of Sarra in exchange for property of Sarra's in Bobbing, .THE LEPERS* HOSPITAL AT SWAINESTREY. 60 Wydegate, John his brother, Mori de Moriston, Walter Buho, John and William his brothers, Benedict clerk. 5. c. 1260. John Gnepehalst son of Synose de Rodmeresham grants to Master Simon de Wenge, proctor of the house of the hospital of Holy Cross of Sueynestre, and the ministers thereof and their successors a rent of lSd. and 3 hens which Ailward at Thorn son of Ailwyn owed for the land which he held at Serflinges, rendering Id. yearly within the octave of St. Matthew's day. For this Master Simon gives 10s. and a little pig. Witnesses: Alan chaplain of Rodmeresham, John chaplain of Moristone, Walram deacon, Benedict clerk, William Togehose, Thomas Togehose, Florence Togehose, Stephen Togehose, Adam de Purie, Hamo Capelain, James Cole,* John Buho, Aiword de Serflinges. * His name occurs in the extract from the Close Rolls of 1232 supra, as also in Nos. 8, 9, 11,13,16 infra. 6. Osbert Pranceis son of William Pranceis of Huffetune* grants to Master Simon de Wenge, proctor of the house of the hospital of the Holy Cross of Sweinestre, and the ministers thereof and their successors 13^. of rent and one hen which the heirs of William Parmentar of Sithigburne paid for half an acre which they held in the parish of Sithigburne in the field called Nihenakere, lying between the land of Walter Pranceis his brother and the land of Ailward King of Huffetune. For this Master Simon gave him half a mark. Witnesses: Master David, Simon vicar of Sythingburne, Reginald chaplain of Dunestalle,t Thomas de Dunestalle chaplain, Walter chaplain.of Moristune, John Deacon, Walter my brother, Master Vitalis Wimund clerk, Ralph de SwanetumJ clerk, Sinoth Blench, Walter his son, Adam Long, Bartholomew Cucus, Hamond Bugge, Reginald Withe, Golstan de Peueresham, Henry de Warland. * TJfton in Tunstall. f Tunstall, $ Swanton court is in Bredgar. 7. John Ching son of Algor Ching of Huftune grants to Master Simon de Wenge, proctor of the house of the hospital of Holy Cross of Swainesti, and the ministers thereof and their successors a rent of 18d. which Alan de Huftune son of Wulword owed for I-3- acres and a rood of land at Nikenacre; also a rent of 12M- which Stephen* son of William owed for 3 roods of land at Larede; also * In 1218 by fine No. 5 Stephen son of William sold land in Tong. 70 THE LEPERS' HOSPITAL AT SWAINESTREY. a rent of 5d. and one hen from three roods at La Dene. For this Master Simon gave 19s. . Witnesses: Simon vicar of Sidingburne, Andrew priest, John chaplain of Moristune, Simon and Thomas clerks, dom. Bartholomew of Moristune, Walter Wigod, Bartholomew Cusin, Hosbert de Norchoch,* Roger de Binuene son of Maud, Godebald, Roger Ruffus, Eobert his brother, John Faber, John Atteclive, Adam de Ruheberge. * This may of course be Northoth or Northoch. 8. Ralf, William and Walter sons of Hamon Attehelde of Rodmeresham grant to Master Simon de Wenge proctor of the house of the hospital of Holy Cross of Sweinestre and the ministers thereof and their successors 3 | acres and 7 " daiwerce "* of land at Serlinges, which lie by the land which was of Aluord de Serlinges son of Roger on the north and by the land which was of Ailmer de Denewei on the east and by the land which was of Folche son of Harding on the south; also all the gablefand presentsf which Ailward de Serlinges son of Ailur owed for two acres of land at Smalhamme, and the gable which Robert Chalkere owes for four " daiwercke" of land lying between the land of Katherine and of Hosbern, yielding lOd. yearly. For this Master Simon gave 24s. Witnesses: Alan vicar of Eodmeresham, Hillary of HechstedeJ chaplain, John chaplain of Moristune, Will, de Muster clerk, Walter Bua, John Bua, Will. Bua, Henry de Bradegare, Mori de Moristune, Godebald, Ealf his son, Adam de Ruberge, Walter his son, Will. Toggehose, Stephen Toggeshose, James Cole, Florence Toggehose. * See No. 1. t See No. 13. % Histed (?) on the road from Sittingbourne to Milsted. 9. Ralf Attehelde son of Hamon Attehelde grants to Master Simon proctor of the house of the hospital of Holy Cross of Sweinestre and the ministers thereof and their successors a rent of Qd. and one hen which Hamund Jungwine owed for land at Pistoke.* For this Simon gives him 3s. id. Witnesses: Alan vicar of Rodmeresham, John chaplain of Moristune, Walter Boa, Will. Boa, John Boa, James Cole, Will, de Monasterio, Will. Toggehose, * Hasted identifies Pistock or Pitstock with a manor in Tunstal now called Woodetook, and says that the name was changed only in the 18th century to the more genteel-sounding title it now bears. There is, however, a farm in Rodmersham parish, south of Rodmersham Church and Green, still called Pitstock. THE LEPERS5 HOSPITAL AT SWAINESTREY. 71 Stephen Toggehose, Rob. de Pirie, Mori de Moristune, Adam de Rueberge, Gervase Carpentar, Ralf de Pistoke, Walter de Pistoke. 10. Norman de Widegate son of William de Widegate grants to Master Simon de Wenge proctor of the house of the hospital of Holy Cross of Swainesti and the ministers of the house and their successors the rent he used to receive from Hugh son of Gregory of Sidingburne for land in Leifelde in the parish of Bordene, and also the rent he used to receive for the land which Rob. de Crochirste held in the parish of Bachechilde, viz., 18d. and two hens; also all " landchepp "* and presentsf and pertinences from the said land; rendering Id. on St. Matthew's day. In return Master Simon gives him 8s. Witnesses: John J parson of Tonge, Adam de Bachechilde chaplain, Thomas de Pucheshale§ chaplain, John chaplain of Moristune, Ralph and John his brother, Laurence de Widegate, Gilbert de Cruce and John Faber, Mori and Godebalde and Gervase de Moristone, Adam de Ruberge and Walter his son, Ric. de Scaudeforde|| and Euerard and Adam de Moristune. * See No. 17. t See No. 13. X He was a witness in 1230 or 1231 to a charter by which Rph. Fitz Bernard leased all his land in Thurnham to Osbert, vicar of Thurnham. A copy of this is in L. B. L.'s great Codex of Kent, now happily in Maidstone museum library. It is in the Cartularium de Surrenden, vol. i., p. 8. This reference is due to Mr. Prampton like many more. John, parson of Tong, is also a witness to Nos. 21 and 26, infra. § Puckleshall, the Leper Hospital of St. James at Puokleshall, was on the north side of Bapchild Street, which is within the parish of Tong. See Archceologia Cantiana, XXIX., p. 266. || This of course may be Scandeforde or Standeforde. 11. Robert de Pirie son of William de Pirie grants to Master Simon de Wenge, proctor of the house of the hospital of Holy Cross of Sweinestre, and the ministers of the house and their successors a rent of 2s. and two hens, which was paid by William Purere* and " Turgis " and Eobert his brothers for the houses and the 15 " daiwercke "* of land which they held in the field which is over against the house which was of Edith Toggehose on the other side of the road; rendering id. and one hen on the day of St. Thomas the Apostle. Master Simon gives him one mark. Witnesses : Alan vicar of Rodmeresham, Simon de Pirie chaplain, John chaplain, Adam chaplain, Will, de Pirie, Walter Boa, Will. Boa, John Boa, Will, de Monasterio, Will. Toggehose, James Cole, * See No 1. 7 2 THE LEPERS* HOSPITAL AT SWAINESTREY. Florence and Stephen and Simon Toggehose, Mori de Moristune, Gervase de Moristune and Godebald, Adam de Ruberge, Wulward de Cruce. 12. Florence Toggehose, Stephen Togehose and Simon Togehose, sons of Alan Thogese of Rodmeresham confirm to Master Simon de Wenge, proctor of the house of the hospital of Holy Cross of Sweinestre, and the ministers of the house 7 acres of land in Cumbe (over against the land which was of Aluord Keregrom on the other side of the way towards the west and by the land which was of William de Hecstede on the south), which John Boa had of the gift of Alan Togehose and gave to the said Simon and ministers and their successors, rendering (&e. as in No. 13). Witnesses : Alan vicar of Rodmeresham, John chaplain of Moristune, Will, de Monasterio, Benedict de Herttlepe,* Jordan de Lindestedf clerks, Walter Boa, Will. Boa, Will. Togehose, Ralf Attehelde, Will, and Walter his brothers, Ralf de Widegate, Will, de Perers, Rob. his son, Wlward de Cruce, Aluord de Serlinges. * Hartlip. . t Lynsted. 13. Florence Togehose, Stephen Togehose and Simon Togenose, sons of Alan Togehose, confirm to Master Simon de Wenge, proctor of the house of the hospital of Holy Cross of Swenestre, and the ministers of the house and their successors seven acres of land in Cumbe (lying over against the house which was of Aluord Keregrom on the other side of the road) which John Boa had by the gift of Alan Togehose and gave to Swenestre, the Bons of Alan are to be paid 2d. of forgable yearly on the feast of St. Mathew, and the lords of the fee are to be paid their gable,* viz., 6^. to James Cole, 18d. to the heirs of Bartholomew of Bacheehild and of William Motekin, and 7d. to the heirs of Godwin Cole. Witnesses: Walter Boa, Alan vicar of Rodmeresham, John chaplain of Moristone, Will, de Monasterio, Will. Togehose, Will. Boa, Rph. Attehelde, Benedict the clerk, Jordan de Lindisted clerk, Wulward de * Gable, gavel, or gabol was the rent (including in that term money, labour, and provisions) reserved by the lord paramount when land was let out to a tenant. When it was money it was often called penny-gavel. Of rent in the form of provisions an illustration is the presents mentioned in Nos. 3,8,10 and 24. Porgable was a rent over and above the gavel or rent service due to the Jord paramount. It is almost exactly equivalent to the more common term quit-rent. It was payable to the me»ne lord who made the gift, as will bo noticed here and in Nos. 15,17, 21, 23,26. THE LEPERS* HOSPITAL AT SWAINESTREY. 73 •Cruce, Ralf de Widegate, Aluord de Serlinges, Will, de Perers, Rob. his son. Endorsed vacat and superflua. 14. c. 1265. Roger, son of Eilgar of Wydegate, grants to the house of the hospital of Holy Cross of Sueinestre, and the ministers serving God there, a rent of 3%d. and one hen yearly, which Ralf de Widegate used to pay him. Witnesses: Florence de Widegate, Ioh. de Widegate, Roger de Kaistrete,* Laurence de Keistrete, Richard clerk of Pukeleshale, Wlward de Cruce, Ioh. Faber, Walter son of Gilbert de Cruce, Roger his brother, Will, son of Hugh Paber. * Keystreet, where the Maidstone road joins the high road between Sittingbourne and Newington. 15. c. 1240. Edith, daughter of Ralf de Sweinestri, carpentar, grants to Master Simon de Wenge, proctor of the house of the hospital of Holy Cross of Sweinestri, and the ministers of the house and their successors all her buildings (domos) and her toft of Sweinestri, and all her land in the parish of Moristune, rendering . to the lords of the fee the service due to them, aud to the said Edith one penny yearly of f orgable* on the day of the Exaltation of Holy Cross (14th September). Witnesses : Reginald presbiter of Dunestall,f Walter de Gudmundele chaplain, Walter Bua, William Bua, Mori son of Hamon, Barthol. Cusin, Adam de Ruberthe, Walter his son, Walter son of Osbert, Roger le PreBtre, Leward and Adam his sons, Adam the Miller, Godebald and Gervase of Totentune,J Ralf and Laurence of Widegate, Gilbert de Cruce, Ioh. Paber, Thomas Carpentar, Stephen his son, Ralf de Pistoche carpentar. * See No. 13. t Tunstall. % Doddington (?). There was a Tottinton in Aylesford. 16. o. 1220. Jordan de Rodmeresham son of Alan de Monasterio grants to Master Simon, proctor of the house of Holy Cross of Sweinestre, and the ministers of the said house and their successors a rent of 28c?. to be received from the heirs of Ralf Cole, viz., his daughters Agnes, Alice and Felicia and their heirs, for the land which they held of the said Jordan in Sheppey (Scapeia) in a place called Siringedunet 10£<& on St. Andrew's day, 8%d. at Pente7 4 THE LEPERS* HOSPITAL AT SWAINESTREY. cost, and 9d. on Aug. 1, rendering to Jordan Id. on Sept. 19. Jordan and his heirs will acquit the land and rent of the yearly gable* due therefrom to the King. For this Jordan receives 23s. from Master Simon and Hillary de Hechstede priest, and the said Simon quitclaims half-an-acre which Jordan had mortgaged to him. Testibus, Alexandra de Sconingtunef milite, Ioh. capellano de Moristune, Benedicto clerico, Waltero Boa, Willelmo Boa, Ioh. Boa, Will, de Rodmeresham fil. Leuine, Tom. de Hecstede, Will. Toggehose, Jacobo Cole, Adam de Pugelestune,J Bartol. de Hechstede, Hosberto, Simond et Ricardo filiis Willelmi de Hechstede, Stephano Coch, Rad. Godebold,§ Folche de Moristune et multis aliis. Endorsed Schapeia. * See No. 13. f He was of Sholand or Shulland in Newnham. He bought by fine No. 69 in 1221 from John le Archer and his wife Emma four acres in Bapchild. There is also a witness to No. 20 of the same name, but as he is not described as a knight and as that is a deed c. 1290 it is probably a son. X Pulsion, a manor in Sittingbourne. § Godebald is a witness to No. 7 and other deeds, while Ralph his son is mentioned in Nos. 3, 8, and 22. Probably this witness is the same person. 17. Hawise daughter of Ralf de Sweinestri, carpentar, grants to Master Simon de Wenge, proctor of the house of the hospital of Sweinestri, and the ministers of the house and their successors her house and toft where she abode, and half the land of Sweinestri which she had from her father, rendering to the lord of the fee the service due to him in gable,* in presents and in landchepis,f and in all that pertains to him of right, and to her and her heirs Id. of forgable on St. Mathew's day. Witnesses : Rob. Arsic, J Reginald chaplain of Dunestalle, Simon chaplain of Sithinburne, Henry de Warland, Rph. de Pistoke carpentar, Ric. de Tenet',§ Thomas de Chiltune,|| Roger the Deacon, Walter chaplain of Moristune, Simon the clerk; Adam de Rueberche, Godebald de Moristune, Rph. de Withegate, Walter de Godmundele, Adam de Bakechild chaplain, Thomas de Dunestalle chaplain, Gilbert de Cruce, John de Cruce. * See No. 13. f A customary fine paid at every alienation of land lying within some manor, liberty or borough. X Probably Robert Arsio of Tunstall, a very important person about whom muoh can bo learnt from fines temp. Hen. III. Soo Livers counties Nos. 37 and 193, and Various oonntios No. 17. Ho was dead in 1244, § Thanet, ,|| Chilton, a manor in Sittingbourne THE LEPERS9 HOSPITAL AT SWAINESTREY. 75 18. Hawise daughter of " Randulfus " carpentar of Swainesti quitclaims to Master Simon proctor of the house of the hospital of Holy Cross of Swainesti and the ministers thereof and their successors the land which she had in Moristune at Swainesti, and the land which Edith her sister had in the parish of Moristune and in the parish of Bachechilde. Witnesses: Walter Boa, Will. Boa, John Boa, Will, de Perers, Mori de Moristune, Walter son of Osbert, Godebold, Gilbert de Cruce, John Paber. 19. c. 1270. William King of Hufnnton* confirms to the house of the hospital of Holy Cross of Sueinestree, and the ministers serving God there, a rent of 35d. and one hen which Alan de Huffinton and his partners paid to John le King my brother, who gave them the rent. For this the proctor of the house gave him 12^. Witnesses: Hen. de Bradegare, Will, de Crofte, Adam de Fuclestonef, Alan de Hufnntone, Steph. de Huffintone, Robert clerk of Rodmeresham, Reginald de Cherchegate, Henry his son, Ralf Atehale, Thomas Atehale, Aluoit Tellebene, Robert Somer. * Ufton in Tunstall. t Pulston in Sittingbourne. 20. c. 1290. William Sokeling, son of Peter Sokeling* of Rodmeresham, grants and quitclaims to dom. John de Huking,t rector of the church of Morestone, and dom. Robert, perpetual chaplain of the chapel of Holy Cross of Sweynestri and their successors a rent of 9d., received from land in Rodmeresham which belonged to the said chapel, lying in a spot called La Cumbe. Witnesses: dom. Stephen de Morestone, Alexander de Sconington,J Robert his brother, Master Reginald de Rodmeresham, John Sokeling, Peter Tovi,§ Symon Taverner of Sydingburne, John Liteprud, John de Wydegate, Robert Sokeling, John de Pistocke, Robert de Pistocke clerk. Seal.—Pointed oval, 1 in. by f in., dark green, an ox's head. S' WILIi'l SVCEUTG. * John son ol Peter Sokelyng of Rodmersham ocours in a fine of 1329.— Arch. Cant., xviii., 342. t John de Hukynge was admitted to the benefice of Moristone, while still a sub-deacon, on 5 id. Oot. 1289, on the presentation of Stephen de Moristone, Reg. Peckham, f. 40. In the same Reg., f. 139 b, John, rector of the church of Moriston, is mentioned as being ordained priest on the Ember Saturday of September 1290. X See note to No. 16, supra. § This of course may be Toni. 21. Adam Pictauensis [i.e. of Poitou or of Poitiers] andTurstan sons of Alexander Pictauensis grant to Master Simon de Winge 7 6 THE LEPERS* HOSPITAL AT SWAINESTREY. proctor of the hospital of Holy Cross of Swainestri and the ministers thereof and their successors a rent of lid. which Gilbert de Cruce paid for land at Swainestri, excepting their right in a rent of 20d. and 4 hens which the same Gilbert used to pay to Alexander their father for land which the said Alexander held of the monks of Rochester; rendering to them Id. of forgable* on the feast of the exaltation of Holy Cross (14 Sep.). For this they receive 9s. from Master Simon. Witnesses: John parson of Tang',t Simon vicar of Sidingeburne, Reginald chaplain of Dunstall, Walter chaplain of Moristone, dom. Bartholomew de Moristone, dom. Thomas de Moristone, Mori de Moristone, Wluord de LeisduneJ son of Ric. of the Mill, Walter clerk of Dunstall, Adam de Ruberga, Bartholomew Cusin, Walter Wigod, Walter Buha, John Paber, Benedict clerk. * See No. 13. t Tong. See No. 10. J Leysdown. 22. Walter de Widegate, son of Elmer, grants to Master Simon de Wenge proctor of the house of the hospital of Holy Cross of Sweinestre and the ministers thereof and their successors a rent of 5%d., and one hen to be received from Roger Wrenne de Moristune for land in the field which is called Holdeburgehamme. Witnesses: John chaplain of Moriston, Adam de Bachechilde chaplain, Ralf de Widegate, John his brother, Florence of Widegate, Adam de Rueberge and Walter his son, Mori de Moristone, Bartholomew Cusin, Gervase carpentar, Rob. Ruffus, Godebald, Ralf his son, Roger son of Constance. 23. Stephen son of Alan Toggehose of Rodmeresham grants to Master Simon de Wenge proctor of the house of the hospital of Holy Cross of Swainesti, and the ministers thereof and their successors a rent of 18«!., and 3 hens from the land and houses which Walter Weaver son of Hamfred Geline held, rendering to the lord of the fee the gable* which is due to him, viz., 2d. and one hen, and to the donor Id. of f orgable. For this Master Simon gives 14s. Witnesses: Hillary chaplain, Gefrid chaplain of Rodmeresham, Walter Boa, Will. • Boa, Will, del Muster clerk, Will. Toggehose, Florence my brother, Will, de Perers, Rob. his son, Will, de Norden,t Will, ad Ecclesiam, Gilbert de Cruce, John Paber de Moriston. * See Note 13. f Northdene (see No. 24). Wm. de Northdon and his wife Isabel in 1271 by fine No. 1073 transferred a messuage and land in Sittingbourne to Thos. le Best; it appears to have been her property. The family of Norden was at Rainham, Kent, in Tudor times it not later. THE LEPERS' HOSPITAL AT SWAINESTREY. 77 24. 1243. Thurstan de Northdene (Norden) grants to God and the chapel of Holy Cross of Sueinistre and to Vitalis rector of the church of Moristone and his successors ministering in the said church and chapel a rent of lOd. which he had bought from Will, de la Heelde; this rent had been hitherto paid by the said Vitalis to William, Ralf and Walter de la Hide for 3 | acres of land and seven daywerke* at Serlinges, and for the gablef and presents} which Ailward de Serlinges and Rob. le Chalkere used to pay to the said William, Ralf and Walter. Tuesday after the day of the Invention of Holy Cross at Mistede in the presence of the whole chapter, 27 Hen. III. (3 May 1243). Witnesses: Master Rob. official of the archdeacon, dom. Thomas dean of-the place,§ John vicar of Rodmeresham, John de Bakechild, William Toggehose, John Bouh', Peter Bouh', Geoffrey de la Veruwe,|j and the whole chapter. * See No. 1. t See No. 13. X See No. 13. § Dean of Christianity, equivalent to Rural Dean of to-day. I Cf. Cotgrave's Dictionary s.v. verue. 25. Simon de Wardune* grants to God and the hospital of Holy Cross of Sweinestri and the proctor thereof and the ministers who serve God there and their successors duas hopas-f salis yearly to be received in salinis meis de Leisdune. Witnesses: Rob. de Wardune* chaplain, Thomas chaplain of Hestchirche,J Robert de Sirlande,§ Jacob de Fughelestune, John de Hokeling,|| John de Sirland, Stephen de Ride,^[ Giles my servant, Osbert chaplain of , Middel'tune,** Richard chaplain of Bobbing, Walter chaplain of Moristune, William clerk, Henry de Warland. * Warden in Sheppey. Simon de Warden and his wife Helewise occur in fines Nos. 20, 40 and 196 of Hen. I I I . in connection with property near Dover, which appears to have been the wife's inheritance. t ? " Hosas " = small casks of salt. j Eastohurch (Sheppey). § Shurland. II In Sheppey. Hasted, ii., 802. In fine No. 1113 of 1271 are mentioned all lands, etc., formerly of John son of Wm. de Hokelinge in Leysdown. IT There is a farm named Rides near Eastchuroh to this day. ** Milton. 26. Turstan son of Alexander Pictaueyns grants to Master Simon de Winge proctor of the hospital of Holy Cross of Swainestri and to the ministers of the same house and their successors the annual rent which Gilbert de Cruce paid from the land in Swainestri which he held of the said Turstan, excepting the right of Turstan in a rent of 20^. and four hens which Gillebert used to pay to Alexander father of Turstan for land which he held of the 78 THE LEPERS' HOSPITAL AT SWAINESTREY. monks of Rochester; rendering to Turstan Id. of forgable* on the Feast of the Exaltation of Holy Cross (14 Sep.). For this he receives 9s. from Master Simon. Hiis testibus, Ioh. persona de Tanga,t Simone vicario de Siding', Reginaldo capellano de Dunstall, Waltero capellano de Moristone, dom. Bartholomeo de Moristone, dom. Thoma de Morestone, Waltero Buho, Mori de Moristone, Wluord de Leisdune, Waltero clerico de Dunstall, Ada de Robergo, Barth. Cusin, Waltero Wigod, Ioh. Fabro, Benedicto clerico. Seal.—Green, circular, 1| in., a bird, SIGIM/ TTJBSTANI PILII ALEXANDEI. Endorsed Moriston. * See No. 13. t See No. 10.